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tv   Washington Journal Joseph Lawler  CSPAN  December 15, 2017 5:35pm-5:48pm EST

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of complications. sen. rubio: has concerns over the child tax credit. sen. corker:'s concerns about the impact on the debt and deficit. and the illness of senator john mccain. sen. cochran: in dealing with melanoma. where is this today? guest: you summed it up. there are a handful of votes in the senate. 52 republican senators. they can lose to instill new -- and still pass with just republican votes. bob corker voted against the bill when it left from the senate. he is likely a no vote. marco rubio of florida came out yesterday and said i am a no on the bill unless they expand child tax credit to apply to low income families. they are at the margin and the have a few undecideds. one is mike lee of utah
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for thatng judgment same reason, and then we don't know where susan collins of maine is. we don't know what she intends to do. she did vote for a coming out of the senate. you never know if there is a wildcard in play. that all said, they are pretty close. votes, heee these no has made a specific ask. if they can meet that he will vote yes and then they will have the votes. to costat ask is going money. tens of billions. where do they come up with the money? guest: they will have to move things around. they have do in that -- they have done that already. they did that by raising corporate tax rate when percent from 20% to 21% and shifting other things around. we don't know what exactly they did to raise that revenue but
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you are right. they are going to have to make concessions elsewhere. host: the house will be in session. does that mean we will get more details of the bill? that is right. we are going to see the conference agreement today. it should be signed. that is the plan. later tonight we will see the detailed provisions of the bill. over the weekend they will be tightening the legislative language to have it ready for the house and senate to vote on next week. >> our phone lines are open for republicans. we have a line for independence. you can send us a tweet or join us on facebook. hasalso the vice president scrapped plans to go to the middle east. why? guest: he could be the 51st vote.
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against, he 54 and could cast the deciding vote. host: walk us through the highlights. what is in the republican bill, and what will it mean for typical family of four making $75,000 a year? guest: the centerpiece of this is lowering the corporate tax rate. it is the compromise deal. it is going to wind up at 21%. republicans believe that is going to allow more companies to stay here in the u.s. rather than being pressured to move overseas. then you have another big tax partnershipsesses, , etc.. aroundet a tax rate of 30%. on the individual side there's a lot of provisions that will
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affect families everywhere including lowering tax rates. we will see where that inset but it looks like 37%. the brackets below will probably go lower as well. that doubles standard deductions. rather than having to itemize , things likections that, people are going to get a bigger standard deduction. it is going to affect a lot of people with simplification. credit, fromtax $1000 to $2000. that is one of the subjects of debate. under the hood there are many more provisions that will shape the u.s. economy and affect nearly every family. me follow up, where this is going in regards to
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senator rubio. is he just trying to negotiate this? do you think he is going to support the bill? guest: we have seen in the past when they bring up a specific ask like this, that is the first step toward them dealing with leadership to get what they want. we see this exact same thing from ron johnson. he said i am a no unless the bill
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>> we have filed the bill on jobbooks -- tax cuts and growth in the house. this new tax reform bill will become public, and the american people will be able to assess the impact


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