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tv   Future of Syria  CSPAN  December 23, 2017 4:52pm-5:49pm EST

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him p.m.t it -- aycock eastern, lin-manuel miranda accepts the u.s. capital historical society's 2017 freedom award. -- theatera freak kid, you make fresh from different rates and social groups, you learn to work hard to create something bigger than the sum of your part and just for the sake of making something rates you learn to trust your passion and light amid the way. >> watch on monday, christmas day on the c-span network. >>, next, a look at the challenges facing serious and the middle east. this is the first cousin and opponent of syrian president bashar al-assad. he talks about russian influence in the region. the fight against isis and what he sees as the most likely outcome to serious civil war. this is the founder of the organization for democracy and freedom in syria.
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>> thank you very much. they can for inviting me and i would like to thank them for of theazing opportunity , i have with a warning some positive things to say about president donald trump. i appreciate that he is not passionate in many parts of the word right now but you're president of the force in terms of his first term. for election that is entirely democratic, this is for my country and for the children who have yet to see their father's homeland.
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-- as not so long ago people of different faiths lived together in an atmosphere of tolerant and harmony. we gird for those times to return to the democracy question dictatorship. and how we should celebrate a democratic elections. however, to understand this is no longer simple, it has become the heart of extremism and the producing a proxy wars. even the press is beginning to understand. to truly understand what is happening there and what must be done to solve it, we'll take a high-level view and see the common nation of three levels of trouble.
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issues, thosenal of the wider region and the cold war. what began on the streets of syria is part of the forgotten arab spring's with peace love and syrians calling for freedom in general western-style democracy became a haunting crown. turkey including iran, and saudi arabia. this is russia, china and the west and they have added more situations in syria. as a result, the crisis crepe like a forest fire, sparks flying across borders and uniting across provinces, you have heard about harry reid who announced his resignation on a visit to saudi arabia. this prompted the u.s. secretary states award, this is in the
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middle is to stop using lebanon as a proxy battlefield. region,outheast of the you'll know about the horrific civil war in yemen. this is for the secretary and bloodshed. was -- resident solid she was looking to gain greater has many in the region. this is largely thanks to the huge areas of the middle east that exist in a political vacuum to attract the disillusionment, train them quite openly and then send them off with instruction to kill. this is across the internet and fleming individuals to act in areas that are apparently safe and secure. these incidents in the west from brussels and paris to london and
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also here in the united states received the majority of courage almost daily across the middle east and africa and it is causing mass casualty and every casualty is more division, animosity and dry wood on that fire of conflict. this is to get a global intervention. i have climate change but when it comes to the global phenomenon of islamist extremism, they're either going to help or divided on how best to do so. while this indecision has rained, the crisis has been leading to the greatest humanitarian crisis of the modern age. i spoke about this for many years in vain but on our new -- renewed rav4 hope, this is the arrival of president trump. and in the previous administration here, it was the
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complete lack of understanding of the syrian conflict, secretaries of state public is supported what they describe as the moderate opposition to the regime, sadly that is what it meant, these days when the book is love and syrians were wearing the flies at the government and running for peaceful democratic kit -- change is long gone. is a supposedly moderate opposition that is made up of groups fighting alongside which is actually al qaeda's branch in syria. remember them? that fact is stranger than fiction. they say that the west was sending money and equipment to be used by the group that was directly responsible for 9/11. the bbc found that taxpayers money in the u.k. has been diverted to extremists in syria. known in this room should be surprised, general petraeus openly said that the u.s. should support isis but the twin towers were brought down by al qaeda
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and not isis. fortunately, that bizarre support has ceased. isr new administration trying to speak about the need to not pick and choose the islamic troops to fight but to destroy all extremists who share the same perverted ideology and desire to bring death upon others. including the muslim brotherhood whose sinister modus operandi has been ignored for so long. the u.s. now has a simple strategy, to unite forces with other global powers in the red fight against islamic state. trump's administration has also benefited from president obama's the structure to the pentagon in almost his final act of the ofte house to target readers the syrian authority of al qaeda. whichike so many of you obama well and so i will give him the benefit of the doubt that late was
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better than never. athough the middle east is distant prospect, at least we have prioritized our enemy. as we look to bring security to the world, we don't stand three crucial the simple truths, number one, islamic extremism is not a local issue. it threatens every citizen of this planet from new delhi to new york. there may be many brands of , with a single objective to establish a single caliphate under sharia law. to that end, they will commit atrocities not only in the region, as we have witnessed in russia and china, as well as europe and the united states. we have seen this again and again. there is no point in the global superpowers arguing about other
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issues when they share this existential threat. there may be characters in russia and beyond we find it hard to empathize with, but at least we can understand the are rational players with clear interests and room for compromise. radical islam is have no rational agenda -- radical islamists have no rational agenda. they have no diplomatic network, no measurable army to contain, and no interest in peace. focusing our defense against traditional enemies in this environment is like sending message via carrier pigeon in the internet age. don't take my word for it. you the words of former u.k. chief of defense staff lord , "it is nonstate actors like isis that are the biggest threat to our security. it the lack of understanding and empathy with each other as big power players that is a risk to us all at the moment." yet there are many reasons to
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syria, russia in including her plan to decide the outcome of the conflict by creating a number of opposition groups working solely in the interest of the regime and in moscow's. but i argue she would have had no need to do so had the west always approached islamism with its current sharp focus. -- u.s. and russia tak russia taking a different stance has allowed the flames to burn stronger in the finds of each other rather than working together to throw water. that coordinated effort is finally happening, and the results on the ground have been swift and positive. the superpowers must prioritize and continue to work as one, but that is only our first issue. the second is to encourage a genuinely secular, democratic opposition movement in syria.
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and yet the middle east is in crisis. the superpowers of not just been disagreeing on the best way to deal with the problem. they have contributed and continued to clash elsewhere, with russia and china threatened by what they see as u.s. encirclement. in south korea, evidence further north looking increasingly dangerous becomes strategically more significant. my theory is that the extraordinary pace of north korean missil ascendancy could not have happened without support of another major power. a member of the russian military general staff referenced this. "if one of the gladiators takes up his shield, it will give him a modest advantage. what would another gladiator to? naturally he also would pick up a shield, and a longer and
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stronger sword. this is what is happening now as a relic -- as a result of the u.s. missile deployment." 50% of the u.s. navy is now based in the north pacific. admiral john richardson, chief , says thaterations that coastline will no longer be respected. the aggression is, of course, not one-sided. japan joined in patrols and china responded as recently as november by sending a fleet of fighter jets and bombers close to japan's okinawa island. russia is increasingly explicit in its support. agreed -- was aggrieved, yet another step to
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rock international security and start a new arms race. no surprise that earlier this year, russert deployed -- russia deployed nuclear capabilities on the border, including three submarines, and their only aircraft character -- aircraft carrier. russia is also following the u.s. by increasing its presence across the world. just last month, the head of the russian upper house fence and security committee best defense and security committee suggested a natural response to u.s. aggression would be to reopen bases in cuba and vietnam. they do not see syria as a separate event from the ukraine to the pacific. cease to treat these issues differently.
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ofre is an increasing chance being misinterpreted and of a potentially disastrous preemptive strike. it is no exaggeration to speak in terms of a new cornwall -- new cold war. quite the opposite. it is a fallacy to think -- until the recent collaboration over policy in syria, there were moments, including direct threats of action against the syrian regime, when things became almost instantly hot. my second suggestion for a syrian democracy focuses on events elsewhere in the world, and this is the reality. we can all talk a good game, but there is no hope for anyone inside syria until the global powers start to work together. i asked any of you, if it is possible to develop strategy for syrian peace and harmony in one region when sabres are being rattled increasingly loudly in
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many other areas. i believe ever more strongly that the west should take a escalating tensions and talking to the russians and others about how to make progress. the third and final thing we must do is to understand why things are developing as they are in syria on the ground, not just from our perspective, but from that of the people inside the region who must understand the vested interest of all global powers who wish to redraw the map of the middle east. each has sphere of influence is to consolidate, the people of the region must take possibility for determining their own future. let's turn the clock back to the end of the first iraq war, where maps were drawn back in countries divided into smaller states on ethnic, sectarian, and religious grounds along greater kurdistan. even though part of their own nations were divided, turkey and iran are both happy with this. they believed they could control the outcome, with iran becoming the leader of the shared -- of
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andshe has -- of the shia turkey the leader of the sunnis. it was a specific arrangement to get iran access to the mediterranean and turkey access southward to the gulf to form a sort of new ottoman empire in sunni eastern syria and iraq. but it was never actually considered a partner by its western allies. just a tool to bring it about. they did not understand until recently that the new kurdistan not only be in iraq and has become apparent more recently in syria, but would also include part of turkey, which would mean losing territory and having a hostile neighbor. this is why we have begun to see the kurds as an existential stretch -- this is why they have begun to see the kurds as an
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existential threat they must fight beyond their borders. erdogan may speak to president assad, as they are both fighting the same enemy. as he pursues outside his own borders and warned the iraqi prime minister that turkey had arrived take the fight wherever they must, at the start of the syrian conflict, despite the shooting down of a russian jet following hard-hitting sanctions from russia, president erdogan demonstrated realpolitik in action. turkey was given permission to enter syrian territory to fight the kurds to keep the u.s. in check. they also signed a deal to meal -- to build a major gas pipeline under the boxee and -- under the black sea and helped erdogan
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avoid a coup just last year. a turkish chief prosecutor administered a warrant for attending to overthrow turkey's government. it has been lined up from a version of the european union, president erdogan originally said that lined up for membership in the european union, and president erdogan -- lined up for membership in the european union, and president erdogan said this is not the end. the leader of the turkish opposition in the people's democratic party's has criticized turkey's dealing with the islamic state. israeli defense mentor -- minister is on the record saying that turkey has paid isis for
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oil. but why should we be surprised? president erdogan stems from the muslim brotherhood, which it continues to support. don't be full by erdogan turning ooled by-- don't be f erdogan turning on isis. he has said that democracy is a train we ride to reach our destination. he was jailed for saying the mosques are our barracks. hardly the words of an elected leader of the western world. under his leadership, liberals have been peace acute it -- persecuted. many returned under the guise of refugees to spread back home. this been recognized from key like obama, and
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aplaining to the u.s. -- british cabinet minister currently leading negotiations to leave the eu quoted the islamic brotherhood as seeing of the peaceful conquest west taking place to the eu. two weeks ago in washington, lawmakers crafted a letter calling on rex tillerson to designate the muslim brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization. this comes on the back of a bill introduced by senator ted cruz proposing the very same. president erdogan has of course objected. just last summer, he published information detailing the position of all u.s. military positions in northern syria in which has angered the u.s. and directly leading the pentagon to admit it has 1500 more troops on
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the ground than the 500 had previously declared. erdogan remains a danger to any potential peace. he cannot be trusted. but there are others within his regime who offer some optimism. they include the high minister who seems to act as a catalyst in bringing together the u.s., russia, turkey, and iran to bring to an end the bloodshed in syria. wherever you look, russia is involved. she has benefited from the vacuum of clear strategy and prioritization of enemies. moscow has recognize and learn from her past mistakes. what were these? there is no rocket science involved in defining them. the first was supporting the wrong allies in syria.
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months clinton took 18 to realize the so-called syrian national council did not represent the syrian people. front forrkish backed a muslim brotherhood. it is 18 months, it transformed into rivers of blood. lessons learned? sadly not. se west transferred its upport to add more islamic groups to please the saudis. it is now four years since eric holden confirmed that the army was led by an spreading the , and wasy of al qaeda chillingly accurate in his forecast that left in check, the andad of violence terrorist activity in syria can result in a long and drawnout
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conflict that extends from beirut to baghdad to yemen. happened -- mistake two, branding. if you wish to save the world and discover the magic solution is to be found in banning sugar drinks, you'll get very far if you only ban pepsi and have the rest continue that as they did before, particularly if you fund some of their competitors. absurd, but that is what the west did for too long in syria when it was only fighting islamic state. meanwhile, other equally were allowed to operate as before, and in some cases were even given u.s. backing. be defeatingear to
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the group called isis, but they are the effect, not the cause. extremism is rife. we cannot defeat it by targeting anyone group or brand. we must defeat the entire ideology. first on the ground, and then more significantly in the longer term, we must win the battle for the hearts and minds of the poor , the disadvantaged, and afflicted. if we can't produce a positive alternative, the a laura linney islamism -- the a lower -- the will bef any islamism hard to contain. let's go back three years. revealedwhen wikileaks , "nd i quote hillary clinton
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donors in a saudi contributed the most significant sources of funding for terrorist groups worldwide." vice president biden explained that our allies in the region were our largest problem in syria. he explained they had started a proxy sunni war to bring down the syrian regime by funding and arming groups like the muslim brotherhood and the islamic state. the second in command of the most powerful country in the world apologized for telling the and thehen in fact he in ministration should have been acting on it. qatar president of i directly -- come uptified directly with its role in terrorism and insisting that qatar must choose their friends or live with the consequences. saudi arabia poses a more complex problem. ed millions ofur
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dollars into support for global terrorism. saudi intelligence has supported extremist groups from afghanistan to syria to egypt and mali. explains thei regular news reported of stoning's and the headings -- and beheadings. this is positioned as opposing the syrian regime, but humanitarian aid to syria is it is notped, and present that weapons are falling into the hands of terrorists. russia actually challenged that, not least because the groups
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told them to carry on fighting. in 2014 the u.s. government invested $500,000 to create a new rebel force in syria, beneficiaries ended up fighting .p alongside soldier, quiter an apprenticeship program. imagine the impact of that money had been directed towards schools and hospitals in syria. fast forward to 2017. worryingly, the bbc published a how inlast week about the ruins, hundreds of isis fighters and the families were allowed to escape under the gaze of british led coalitions. this came only a month after the guardian newspaper reported
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something identical on the syrian border with lebanon, where the lebanese government and hezbollah allowed isis fighters to return to syria. onre are pictures of them posters in the likeness of a football team. president trump has had a clear change in strategic direction. humana -- he may not indicate in a subtle way, but he gets to the point fast and he understands that choosing between islamist groups is akin to choosing -- saudi arabia has promised to
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tackle extremism in the country and abroad. this is a truly uplifting out comments of hers at times. much commend these visionary leaders -- we must commend these visionary leaders. in early september, king salman couldd the authority to -- just a week ago in riyadh, the crown prince gathered defense ministers from across the region to say that we will not allow terrorists to disturb our peaceful religion. just a few days ago, president mccrone -- french president ron --
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from a personal perspective, this has made nature medicine proud. asking for the u.s. and saudi to take this stance for many years, and to deal with qatar. your president has done just that, calling the country out for supporting terror and applauding the sanctions of saudi. qatar is desperate in need for partners. is meant preparations with iran. this creates protection in the short term from the saudi alliance. turkey deploy 5000 troops at its own military station in qatar. france is trying to get their sanctions lifted. rex tillerson has pointed out the logistical problems the blockade has caused. but trump and saudi must hold firm. the egyptian foreign minister has described qatari funding for islamist groups in war-torn
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, accusing qatar supporting terrorist groups in libya by financing mercenaries and extremist groups, remaining a severe threat to international security. i appreciate that my focus has been on islamism. this is not a mistake. i truly believe this is where lurks the greatest danger to syria, the middle east, and the world. but does not make me a supporter of the regime, despite my surname. far from it. iraq and libya have demonstrated it may be easy for the west topple the regime, but it is much more difficult to control what happens afterward. we must plan a viable excitetive that does not the current war between the polar opposites come but that represents the silent majority of syrians i referred to earlier, the unique group of -- which iswho want ,hy i found it the organization
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because we must be democratic , to commit be free to equality under the rule of conveniently would pull in other islamist groups. there are genuine reasons for optimism. russia succeeded in the region by often pointing out hypocrisy in dealing with states and groups who support the thing we fear most. had i spoken to you a year ago, i would have also included saudi arabia, who in does the muslim brotherhood leaders to take up arms and kill. but the recent events presents an alternative.
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the u.s. president is prepared to stand up to extremism, who has also been clear that extremists provide a great threat for global security. let us not but russia on too high a pedestal. they have no intentions of paying for the reconstruction of syria and it will not let the national unity government form unless they have a say in the formation of the opposition. this is our next challenge. the question of what next looms ever closer. and trump have driven isis from the battlefield, there will be an opportunity to form a unity government. this is already become a game of charades. the russians are pulling the strings. first they announced they would hold a so-called syrian conference at the end of november. this was intended to gather the regime, the proxy opposition groups, and those fetid by russia -- those vetted by russia. were to motivations pressure the syrian national coalition and the eu backers to
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accept the new deal of russia with agreement by the u.s., iran, and turkey. it would refuse to contribute financially to syrian reconstruction. simultaneously, russia and saudi gathered all opposition groups, excluding all elements of the qatari backed muslim brotherhood. the turks agreed as long as the kurds were not invited. the outcome was a proposed group of 36, on the eight of whom represented the interests of the previous opposition come in the form of the syrian national coalition, and this newly formed the location is the one now sitting in geneva have a dialogue with the blessing of the eu. feels they have not been completely marginalized.
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two crucial actions are andpresented -- the kurds -- it most likely outcome right now is a coalition that includes the regime and its president assad, backed by iran and russia, and it has not been invited by the government. this would bring back northern syria under the control of the regime. as president trump has a short of president everyone does assured -- assured president erdogan that they would not be armed. this is clearly wrong. the kurds should we be -- should be represented as equal citizens of syria. this is a wonderful opportunity to create a representative
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opposition the group as long as it is committed to the equality of all citizens under the rule of law. that must be our only goal it is end. this goal is to my aim is to prove that there is inarguable substance behind them, that the west has been capable of many mistakes in the middle east that i had ghastly impacts on syria, but there is alternative. after years of making speeches to government think tanks and democracy groups, i think that events are taking a turn for the better within a context of global aggression that needs to be tempered, at least until the biggest war of them all is won by the middle east and surround areas. we must believe that we can resolve the issues -- we must cane to believe that we resolve the issues by deposing tyrants and hoping for the best.
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we are gathered within the greatest federal solution of them all, and your democracy has stood the test of time. whatever happens, we are new time in the middle east. doing ittely, they are on sectarian, religious, and ethnic grounds. but they cannot blame the consequences on conspiracies and foreign interventions. they can only blame themselves. ofre has been no shortage more stable, wealthier, bigger powers looking to use their involvement in syria to further their own interest. often in the mistaken belief that they will be left to carve out their own future influence. in fact, there is another tier of interest bigger, wealthier, more powerful -- more powerful looking out for their own interests.
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the u.s. and russia must ultimately answer to their own public bath home -- public back home. although i implore the u.s. to act in a certain way, i do not ask you to take responsibility for our future. which is why although i implore the us to act in a certain way, not ask you to take responsibility for the future. people of the he middle east to take advantage of our open destiny. it's bloody and catastrophic, each other. cing and standing up to those that a l not do so can we create better way. much you very
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rush judgsians, buts, of cours been terror attack from lied group andal that have done terror attack groups. it's kind of a ectarian war where groups are fighting on ethnic lines in syria. your nk you for comprehensive discussions on issues. you didn't mention you israel very much. the question. unitede your view on the
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states... >> yes, i think that every meeting of the world process council, wherever i went, i had this question. people say you didn't mention israel. i don't think with all the problems i mentioned, that i mention israel. i think they have no, no issues. mean, with what is going on with, you know - they have had i mean, years , with what has been joining on in middle east, since arab springs. theink the palestinians are ones to decide - if that is the best solution for them. i heard that recently there's a time of agreement between, you president donald trump, his son-in-law kushner and the saudi crown prince to solution. r a if you can look at everything
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that has happened in the past kind of ere's a international agreement between - not so much europe, i and russia have bypassed europe. agreement between the us, russia, saudi arabia, resolve regional issues, as you have seen in the killing of the former president yemen, yesterday. hich, i think, is - it's the beginning of an understanding saudi arabia nd resolved inhould be exchange for allowing bashar al-assad regime and others to power. >> since any negotiations must be between russia and the united region, is there a permanent football in the area. believe... >> yes, but that's due to your former administration that foothold in syria.
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before the russians entered a great chancead to support democratic groups in syria, and have been called for years, many left have been toura. mr demize i don't know how many genevas we are out to fix. many failing so genevas. after so many years of conflict. we can't present to the syrian imaginoity with too meanwhiling alternatives -- many alternatives, the ones uprising, for the and the extremists on the other side. andine you lost everything, you who wanted a genuine democracy, looking west to democracy, a lot of knowe tell you arabs don't about democracy. that's not true. it's true there's a tiny
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islamic e of syrian extremists who want syrian law. peaceful majority want syria to be diplomatic. choice.t over them the me, myself, if you asked me, someone asked me he i don't an saying it seems that you were once an opponent of your now you are pro-regime. regime, but ith the if you give me a choice between that will kill me anyway because i'm a saudi alawite, and will let me live if i keep my mouth shut. let me he one that will live. people want is to be dash if you re against, you have to be against, no matter what. you have to join forces with usm whoever. i do not accept that. most syrian people do not accept that. do you think the sunnis,
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- do you ia assist think one side it more involved other.errorism than the >> no, i don't believe any side is more involved than the other. both guilty, they are fighting for a stupid notion. few thousand years ago who should have been the caliphate. even - we are t in 2017 and people are - i am more important things to discuss and argue to t than who is supposed have taken the place after jesus christ was gone. silly. honestly. it's silly. it's something - i think it's cultural. of lack of education in ll of the middle east region, because of authoritarianism. not just in syria, but the middle east. gets people, you know.
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uneducated people to follow leaders. and those religious, uneducated in ers wait for the people the mosque, and brainwash them. ideology that, ou know, any normal person, if he has not lost everything in his life would not adhere too. tell people, culture has a lot to play with. feel of people in the west suicidal. some guys fight with their feel iends and wives and the need it commit suicide. psychiatrists, g to the s, and going getting better. in the middle east seeing a psychiatrist is taboo. learns you have a daughter in your family that saw a psychiatrist. no one will marry anyone from your family, they'll say crazy people.
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diseases iser's and seen as craziness. if they have alzhiemer's, they no, no, there's other issues. regime authoritarian you can't come plain, if they are hungy, they can't complain to the government. if they need to send sick children to hospital they don't have the money to do that. the end of the day they pray for god. here do they seek refuge, a mosque. in a mosque you have the extremist people sitting there, know, my eople, you son, you don't have to commit suicide. hell. to ut if you die and kill infidels, you'll go to heaven, and have a palace and virgins. nothing to lose on earth. it. try > is there a real chance of getting iran out of syria, and
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how do we do it? getting iran out of syria? >> yes. >> that's a difficult one. the only one able to get iran out of syria is the still very t it's difficult. wanted for theve past six years. dragged the region main minorities, the jews, the shi'ites, the alawites and others wanted the protection, and they have not. able to find the protection with the united states, with france, with the and, you know, in - when there was - i mean, colonialism. colonialism.british minorities were protected. the only that were t provided iranians, before the russians went in, the only people for the the support
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minor sis was the iranians. people on the ground - they will tell you, you know, including not shias in lebanon are with hezbollah, but tell you if hezbollah gives up their arms, will protect us from extremists sunnis for example. majority of sunnis, of majority e not - the are peaceful sunnis, who have extremism. o with actually, i myself believe it's to divide between people, christian, jews, and muslims. organization, the imam n foundation to promote and inter faith which is important. it's silly in this day and age islam.k about christian, judaism and buddhists - who cares, we are human being. when i meet you the first
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question i ask is not where you religion and at sect are you. i don't care. meet you because you are a human being, i want to make friend. it doesn't matter the background. differences make us stronger, when we unite. this is why this country, is the strongest country in the world. all the people uniting together, working together for and, you know, not sectarian, and that's the most important thing. creates trends. not by creating divisions. are there any people in syria that... the it all coming from other side. >> the one that is have my views carry arms.t it's difficult for them to fight he syrian regime and the
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islamists. from the rian regime beginning let the islamic groups target the people. o make them run out of the syria, they want the international community in two or the extremists. it looks like the international chose the regime. >> if return cut through... landscape. syria...d you envisage is there a possibility of country?c rule in this is it possible? >> it's difficult. it's very difficult. most people who are left inside are the poor regime armse, who are holding the on this side. others.islamists on the
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most people left and they paid leave. they are - you know, 5 million credited, and there are 2-3 million that left. register. did not there's 7 million internally isplaced people in syria and live in the regime controlled area. they ask them where do live better. they prefer damascus than other sharia law, it's difficult. possibility. but not by doing what they are doing today. russians think they won. they are the ones who will lead negotiations the in syria. the russians, what they do, now i.s.i.s., efeated that's a win for the russians and president donald trump. down in a short time what the previous administration is not able to do. there's a vacuum.
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he regime cannot say we leave the dialogue until we have extremism. now we have defeated them. step is to bring the opposition on board. how to bring it. remember, there was a syrian coalition, recognised by 120 counties. coalition was the main one with the dialogue syrian regime. today russia put pressure to say come, know what, if you you come without conditions, if you don't come we make a platform, and they will recreate a syrian government. opposition, and you will be out, you'll be left out. werenow, and the europeans scared of that. that means there'll never be a foothold. they rushed in and said okay, from a group that was mainly recognised even didn't t didn't - it deserve that recognition to be the representative of the syrian
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eople, even though they are individuals to a group among 36 people. seats. e eight so tomorrow the russians will be okay, you come back to syria. bashar al-assad will give up powers, he'll keep the military, others. and and leave the economic ministries and others that need don't f money, if you have the money, you'll be out soon. the regime knows that. their money on that. opposition hatever comes, they'll come without enough funds. the syrian people look at bashar know, we nd say, you were better seven years ago. for you people calling democracy bought for us, you are the us, europe, salledy, where is the mun -- $300 billion is the we need for construction. that'll be the difficult start. thank you so much. >> thank you very much.
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you.k [ clapping ] tonight on c-span we hear women who this past year address the issue of sexual abuse by sharing their stories. grechan x news anger carlson and ms burke who are yet starting the me had tie movement. >> take us back inside that day. what happened? >> so sunday morning. it. re sunday morning, i started having the notifications on my phone. lot. there was just a few going on. i checked one, and a friend sent a message saying did something happen on twitter. what are you doing.
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i the nothing in particular. go online, need to there are people talking about "me too." i said okay. i had videos out. doing the work. i went to look on twitter, viral. ike - it wasn't but it was a lot of polls. at first i panicked. i do the work in a specific way, audience, and that was not the audience i was seeing. tackled like, sexual harassment in the workplace, sexual street harassment, yes, and in schools, yes. of o i went through a wave emotions. i think by the late afternoon i of panic gh the idea disclosure as mass in a public way. was about people telling a story, i was worried
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eople didn't have a way to process. social media is the world. once it's out there, it is in the world. like, what are the people going to do. there's a wave of emotions that after you disclose something so personal. i was i need to figure out how in the t myself conversation to give concept to this. it's a just two words, declaration and a disclosure that has impact, right. use it, there's a theory of empower. empathy. >> you can watch the rest of ta spoke view, women out about sexual harassment and c-span.30 on >> more than 200 young people accepted in the annual youth debate at the british house of commons. one of this year's topics, rights. this is 35 minutes. >> t


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