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tv   David Redl Elaine Duke  CSPAN  February 4, 2018 1:35am-2:08am EST

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to somebody else's, is that it usually happens at the intersection of two railroad tracks. it is at intersection of two railroad tracks because he knew he had to get out after he committed his crime. he had to get out of town before don. he did not want to be stranded there waiting for a train to come through that he could top on. being at the intersection of multiple railroad tracks gave him more opportunities to get out of town before the crime was discovered. >> sunday night at 8:00 eastern. the internet education foundation held its annual state of the net conference this week in washington. , david radelakers and deputy homeland security secretary elaine duke. they discussed cyber security and ways to help the public better understand potential threats. this is 30 minutes.
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hello, everyone. it is my pleasure and my privilege to be up here at this podium at the internet education foundation's 14th annual state of the net conference. my name is emery rone, a fellow at the internet law frame work for early career professionals, started by our parent organization and i'm hereto interview-- right, i'm in the other room next to c-span we'll be pulling down panelists throughout the day and talking about what is the most important issues facing the state of the net. i hope to speak with as many of you as possible that sit on all the panels. as you know, we have fascinating topics and incredible speakers and the state of the net has never been more important than it is right now. with that in mind, i'd like to bring to the stage the astandpoint secretary, and david rhettle. [applause]
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>> well, thanks for that introduction and it's great to be here again at the state of the net. and especially thank you for inviteing me and congratulations on the exciting program you've put together again this year. i'd like to two items on the agenda quick, that stands out to me. the excellent cyber security panel, and a discussion between rob mcdowell and my former boss chairman greg walton. both things i'm looking forward to later in the day. for my time i'd like to lay out early international priorities in the new administration. we plan to be aggressive in advocating interest in values in ourengagement across the globe at i can, itu and others.
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and discuss the department of commercial cyber security work toimprove the security net of things and administration's plan to counter the threat of bot nets. the internet has become what it is today in part because of a longstanding bipartisan concensus of multi-stakeholder policy making and development. the idea that all should participate in transparent decision makingprocess. we must continue to fight for this principle and for an internet that's golf vens between collaboration between all stake holders. right now, ntia has two priorities. the preservation of the who is service, one of the pressing issues related to icahn the last several months. if you don't know much about the service, it's a valuable actual for governments, businesses, intellectual property rights holders and internet users around the world. put simply, who is it the serviceprovides easily accessible information about entities that purchase and
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manage domain names. this information is often the starting point for law enforcement agencies when investigating malicious on-line activity and for private sector and government actors seeking to protect critical systems from dangerous cyber attacks, which are becoming more frequent all the time. bot nets, we know those rely on who is to do their work effectively. who is, valuable is information for safe have i internet consumers making sure the website they're using is legitimate. it's a simple service, but it's the cornerstone of trust and accountability on the internet. those of you who participate in ican know who is is under constant review for years and essential character has not changed much since its inception in the early '80s. the utility remains critically important for those who rely upon it. the last few months the service of essential character has been threatened. in response to the european
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union's general data protection regulation,ican assessed the rule and given limited personal information for users who register internet doemains. many european officials have noted only limited changes to who is would be necessary to achieve gdpr compliance. still there are some who are trying to take advantage of the situation by arguing that we should erect barriers to the quickly and easily accessible who is information. and some have argued the service must go dark and become a relic of the internet history. today i'd like to be clear, the who is service can and should retain its essential character while complying with national security laws. for anyone in the u.s. who may be persuaded by those calling for drasstic change.
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the second area is the itu's treaty making conference, the plenty pod as we love to call it, scheduled for this october. i believe the united states needs to press for change in the itu, including establishing effective membership oversight over the finances. this is particularly important given the united states is currently one of the two largest donors to the union, an and we need to fight against efforts to an i -- aggressive effort tomove it beyond and know cyber security matters. we need an itu in the area of radio communications and fosters, rather than hinders policies for telecom, particularly in developing countries. as many of you know, the itu has five positions. fosters, rather than hinders
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it brings connectivity to parts of the world that has societal benefits. martin is a veteran of the process and i'm certain that doreen would make an outstanding director of the sector. there are four areas where we think are especially important. flow oft is the free information, second is the multi-stakeholder approach to internet governance, third is privacy and security, force is emerging technology. the free flow of information online is a bedrock american principle. to information and freedom of expression are basic human rights. governments around the world are increasingly blocking access to websites and content, curtailing online freedoms are even shutting down the internet entirely.
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governments are imposing top-down, heavy-handed intergovernmental regulation of the internet. we have seen court rulings that have forced american companies to remove information that would have been considered protected speech in the united states. these restrictions threaten economic growth and societal education benefits of the internet. the second focus area, how can we continue to support and promote the multi-stakeholder approach to internet governments? are there any other domain name system related activities that we should pursue? these are the kinds of questions we want to hear from our stakeholders. we plan to continue our long-standing engagement in the internet governance forum at united nations. there is always room for improvement. he will seek input on the opportunities that we face. awareness.e national
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we want to know what we can do to help lower barriers to participation. third, we want to know how to leverage our references to sure up on my privacy. i will talk about private secret work in a moment. areas wheredentify the department can be impactful. and tia as -- commerce has led the u.s. government when it comes to new and emerging technologies. that leadership requires continued engagement from american industry and from all of you. order to ensure that american entrepreneurs are able to take risks and find global markets for the digital products and services, we need to make to that we're treading the. on such issues of artificial we are looking for industry to help us make the right choices. as many of you
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know, the president issued an executive order on strengthening the cyber security of federal networks and critical infrastructure. it sought to promote action against botnets. botnet attack can be extremely damaging and put the broader internet at risk. wereepartment of commerce asked to identify actions i can be taken by stakeholders, recognizing that we cannot solve this problem through government regulation. the departments issued a draft report on enhancing resilience against botnets. we relied on an open process to generate ideas in the report. i want to thank those of you who participated. the report outlines the positive vision for the future, as well as five, trickles that would improve the resilience of the internet. activities to be taken by government and private users. are a global problem. no cigar government can solve it in isolation. any solution will require the entire ecosystem.
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we are not starting from scratch. there are tools available today that can mitigate this. they are not widely is. jing jing -- changing this will require market incentive that will find the street spot -- sweet spot between marketing and convenience. we now know that there is a common understanding of how low we need to do and where we need to go to make this positive future a reality. if you have not already come i encourage you to read the report and please provide feedback. you can find it on our website. there will be a workshop hosted by the department of commerce's month. we will incorporate all of the comments received in the report for delivering it to the president in may. i would like to express how proud i am of the work that everyone has done on this report. it was an effort that took a lot of doing by folks across all
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agencies. as the one who is now getting to see the fruits of their labor, i'm incredibly proud of the hard work they have done in putting together a quality product. commerce has been working to foster a more secure internet environment. developed a series of documents on iot security and patching. two great products and out of the process, including a high-level specification and suggestions for how manufacturers can communicate -- punch ability to communicate -- consumers. this year we will be working on software component transparency with a particular eye towards third-party components used in iot devices. most modern software is not written from scratch but includes existing components, modules, and libraries from the open source.
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products are being developed quickly and in a genetic marketplace. it can be a challenge to track the use of all of the separate components. the growth of the internet makes this challenge all the more difficult. in addition to the increased number of devices, or traditional vendors are assuming the role of software developers to add smart features to existing products. of librariesority and components do not have known for abilities, some do. the sheer quantity of software means that products will ship with vulnerabilities. can be a very important tool here. a camerawork vendors that demonstrate a secure development process and help defenders know how to respond and prioritize during an incident. you cannot protect if you do not know about it. with respect to 5g, the president made it clear that five g network security is a critical element of her national security. the networkn --
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itself will be important to ensuring our national leadership in wireless but also to ensuring access to a vital part of our national economy. we will continue to work with our colleagues across the federal government to coordinate a national spectrum access. today's conference is a good opportunity to reflect on what issues matter to you most. everyone here today has perspectives that can enrich the work that we're doing to get urge you to reach out to our staff. will be here throughout the day. have conversations about the things we should be working on. we want to hear from you. we want to know what you think is important. we want to be able to help the industry thrive. they queue for your time. -- thank you for your time. [applause]
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>> good morning. my name is rachel. i am the director of the ap it encourages kids to learn how to code and create apps. 8000ve inspired over students in a 42 states to learn to code. we are building the pipeline of domestic coders for the -- they will be equipped with the skills required for the jobs of the future. i'm here to introduce homeland elainey deputy secretary
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duke. she was previously acting secretary of homeland security from july-december of last year. she is an accomplished public servant with over three decades of experience. as member ofd homeland security advisory council and strategic advisor to government tech and services coalition. please welcome secretary -- deputy secretary duke. [applause] good morning everyone. it is an honor to be here. it is a little funny for me. i think about being here, speaking in front of this group that are here for this state of the net conference. likes grandmother who jane austen novels and just got
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a twitter account last week. [laughter] we will see what i can do to give you some information about vhs and where we are the state of the neck. hopefully it will be useful to those of you here in the room today. everyone points out, everyone at the internet stakeholder -- is an internet stakeholder even if they do not know it yet. that is what brings me your today. is the internet has an -- increasingly connecting us with our threats. specifically, terrorists are using the internet to recruit and radicalize and share information for do-it-yourself mass murderer. werly every terrorist plot uncovered today has a digital dimension. to give you a sense of the scale of that problem, the fbi has said that there were currently 1000 home grown terrorist investigations across the 50
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states. and 1000 isis related investigations. some of these overlap. the scale is alarming. those are just at the suspect we know about. it is like living among potential landmines. recent terrorist attack in new york, the attempted port authority bomber, and the halloween attack with a rental truck, the attackers were appearing to be inspired in part by online terrorist propaganda. it is becoming a very, very common tale. we reviewed their electronics and social media and find radical learning, jihadist connections, beheading videos, and more. to be clear, the internet itself is not the problem. terrorists use social media for the same reason anyone uses it. it is an easy way to get connected. the technology that is helping businesses thrive and family
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stay in touch is the same technology that is helping inspire at broadband speeds. you can think of it like fire. , it can cook your dinner can also engulf communities and leave lifelong scars like it just recently did in california. that theortant to note internet itself does not cause a radicalization. it does appear to serve as a catalyst. internet and mobile communications technology just makes the radicalization process faster and easier and can accelerate the path to violence. first ors is not the only terrorist group to have a presence online, their groundbreaking use of open social media platforms has forced all of us to confront the challenging issues with clear eyes. there are a lot of issues with combining violent -- combating violent radicalism online.
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issues surrounding the terms of theice, content removal, role of private companies, and the role of the government in challenging terrorist narratives. these issues are for the collocated as terrorists move from open channels to encrypted or closed once. before we think about all he can do to combat terrorist use of the internet, we have to knowledge three facts. the first is the legal framework of the united states and the constitution that we come in the federal government, have sworn to protect and defend. states, regardless of the cause it is for, it is protected by the first amendment. congress shall make no law abridging the freedom's of speech or of that of the press. in practice, that means that merely advocating political or
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, strongositions rhetoric, or the philosophic embrace of violent tactics may be protected by the constitution. propagandag at isis or visiting a neo-nazi website does not constitute a legal -- andand illegal activity -- illegal activity. this is not preclude social media companies from taking action. current removal is a short-term and difficult system to automate. when your target proliferates at high volume and constantly changing media and feet -- speed. internet users upload more than 400 hours of content every minute. that is a lot to sift through for our companies. two thirds of the terrorist content is re-shared within the
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first two hours of its lifecycle. the good news here is that the government and technologies are developing tools that automatically detect and black terrorist content. there are indications that technical solutions be among the most effective ways to manage the volume. toextremist groups migrate encrypted messaging platforms, monitoring becomes more difficult. removal is anent important part of the response, it cannot be the entire response. the third fact is that any long-term response must acknowledge that there are various audiences at play. each have different information needs. some individuals are already mobilized to violence. some are radicalized but have not yet taken steps towards violence. other people want to actively refute terrorist propaganda. then there are the majority of
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people who just want to go about their daily lives without the threat of terrorism. there is no one answer. there is no one silver bullet. we are surgically focused on the terrorism prevention, trying to prevent and intervene in the process of radicalization. because so much of it is tied to the internet, because the internet knows no border, we are actively trying to prevent those international and domestic terrorists from radicalizing and people to violence through social media, social science research, and the whole body of knowledge. we know it is not a linear process. there are a number of root causes. we have approached terrorism a range of ways. i'm here to tell you a little bit about how we are trying to challenge terrorist narratives and catalyze government solutions. the response entails either
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challenging narratives directly or providing alternative options. through the international recognized private-public partnership known as peer-to-peer, countering program, we have engaged with young people internationally. teams from colleges and universities develop an internet social media programs targeting the narrative and online marketers of violent extremism. we recognize the need for more of the space. department of homeland security 26 grants grants -- to community-based organizations. half a dozen of the awardees will have a robust online presence, including pushing back against the messages of isis and other terrorist recruiters and radicalized. for
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-- this will let add to the peer-to-peer work i mentioned earlier. is anring narratives important part of our terrorist prevention strategy. i am pleased to say the grantee move their ideas into action and monitoring the results. pieces information system. dhs has done a lot of work in this race. we want to understand violent radicalism and terrorist recruitment so more people can
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identify it and prevent it. this includes tools such as developing social media and briefing on how the community has become aware online. it includes conferences such as the digital form on terrorism -- dhsion that dss sponsored. many of you, startups, organizations gathered together to showcase technology end techniques to counter the use of terrorist social media. across the government, dhs houses an interagency task force to increase information sharing with other agencies, including the national counterterrorism center, the fbi, and the department of justice.
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the wide range of stakeholders bring me to the third category, nongovernment solutions. i want to perforation or motto " everyone is a terrorism prevention stakeholder, even if they do not know it yet," and we believe that. we can drive nongovernmental responses to terrorism recruitment that are more scalable and sustainable. have counter narratives and alternative narratives. the government does not have much credibility in the online space. big, tooo old, too square. we need credible voices, especially from our community partners. -- toimportant or partner.
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fight dh or the u.s. government can win on its own. our enemies are diverse and crowdsourcing. fortunately, our allies are fighting with us in the same space. in the pasture there has been tremendous progress in terrorism prevention. homejuly, united kingdom secretary and myself traveled to silicon valley to meet with the newly launched global forum on international terrorism. by facebook, microsoft, youtube, and twitter, is the first time major companies have come together to work on research and tech knowledge he tech meeks in this -- techniques in this area. moreover, they are dedicated to tackle small companies this online. i am very encouraged by their
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work to counter this dangerous problem. we help more problems will be solved by engaging against this problem here and abroad because terrorist radicalization makes the world more dangerous ways for each of us. other countries share our concern. , a tie theminister prime minister, and the french resident addressed world leaders deputy topic along with secretary claire brady. i joined my international counterpart in italy to discuss how to prevent terrorism on the internet with the participation of the private sector and interestingly enough, this was a private industry collaboration in countering terrorism on the internet.
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secretary nielsen is continuing this and will be traveling to silicon valley for our secretary -- second meeting. to the seconds digital form on terrorism prevention in silicon valley in february. some topics will be counter takedown, and online-off-line intervention. but not enough, to push back against terrorist messaging. with to make sure they are developing off ramps. need to beps developed in partnership with local organizations mirroring methods proven and related fields like domestic violence and suicide prevention. we the government cannot do this alone.
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i am prodded the role dhs has anded so far but our work your work is not yet done. preventing terrorism will remain a priority and we are interested in working with partners from all over the world. help us, please work with us. i know there are members of my , they are today raising their hand here, and they are interested in hearing from you throughout the conference. brown is here from the cba task force. i don't mean to frighten you, but this is urgent. each morning we sit through the intelligence briefing and i'm here today with urgency and purpose. right now in the dark corners of the internet there are step-by-step instructions on how to build a bomb with items you
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can pick up in any hardware store. right now, i terrorist recruiter with hate and his heart is feeding lies to a confused teenager he found earlier. right now, someone in the country is deciding, do they become as soldier for the caliphate or turn away? we can change the outcome and change lives. we are all terrorist prevention stakeholders, even if we do not know it yet. thank you. [applause] condenser: now, a look at technology trends with amy west. security policy. this is from the state of the net conference. it


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