tv Conservative Political Action Conference CSPAN February 23, 2018 11:54am-2:37pm EST
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it in the long run using best science. we are great people. everyone loves our park system. , everyoneoves the blm loves to be able recreate and use public lands. but the wealth of those public , sos should be accessible communities across your country, minerals and oil and gas and wind, all those type of things generate an economy here, and lastly, if you don't have an economy, the rest of it doesn't matter. because you can't afford a strong military if you can't afford to pay for it. amen. [applause] ryan zinke: i can tell you, jobs matter. look back a year ago what we have today, the wealth that has been generated through this president, the wealth that the generated from energy, the
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wealth that is generated from our tax plan, and standby. because i think we're just getting started. i think you are too. [applause] >> secretary perry, we are about of time. i would be remiss i didn't ask you another question. president trump -- >> [inaudible] >> and a time that donald trump comes -- that was not scripted. we were at the teleprompter and
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90% of that was just from his heart. that's a great thing about this president. was a great speech. year, taxes are lower, up economy is not, -- is [indiscernible] in our district, i wish everything will american can spend some time with the president. when you do, you see how much he cares about this great country, our military, our law enforcement, hard-working people, he genuinely -- you can see them. i think everyone here got to see some of that. >> conservatives have a lot of reasons to be excited right now. i have an ally in the white house, they control all three branches of government. in the last year, republicans
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failed to reveal obamacare, many of them voted for a budget deal that busted through the spending caps the conservatives fought to secure. at least in the senate, other immigration talks of extended what we charge rises to nearly 2 million people. so what is the argument that she would make to conservative voters to turn out in november to put more republicans in washington if these the kinds of results you see? >> i think it's going to take more republicans than actually are willing to do what they promise the american people they would do when they campaigned. this place -- jim says it best. it never hurts to do what you told the american people you would do. i think the other thing is when you get back to work. three days a week in the senate is not -- in north carolina, we would call that a vacation. they call it a work week. it's time that we eventually get some things done. and go to 51 votes in the senate.
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-- enough with this 60 vote deal. on what wecampaign have accomplished, but there's more work that needs to be done. we were peeled the individual mandate obamacare but there's more than we have to do to give our work with the american people and when it comes immigration, we have to do what we told the american people we were going to do. with the mandate of the 2016 election was all about, and that is poor security wall first, then chain migration, stop the visa lottery, get rid of century city is, do all those things. that's got to be the kind of immigration focus we have. the president as they are, let's focus on those things that we told him we were going to do, they gave us the privilege of going to serve them, let's get those things done. >> let's talk about immigration. getting closer and closer to the expiration date for daca and you see talks in the center and i really progressing with immigration, why don't we see the house moving on immigration talks? >> i think we need to.
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we have been very supportive of a more conservative bill in the house, that generally the way that it should be, is the people house, it's closer to the people. ours really have is is is those things jim was just talking migration,ng chain dealing with century cities, making sure that the rule of law is upheld. people realize right now you have someone come across your southern border, they can be apprehended by border security agents, and many of them get a free pass. what they do is they get deferred adjudication, they get a work permit, they come in, and they're going to show up before a judge later. i think we need to go ahead and do that. i'm calling our leadership, jim and i both called on our leadership to pass a conservative bill in the, to paa conservative bill in the house. and make them come to us and the president if they really want to deal with it. >> is there any -- that that could only get republican
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support in the house and also meet the 60 vote threshold in the senate? >> i am much more concerned about doing what the american people elected us to do then trying to satisfy a 60 vote threshold. that is why mark said earlier, we have to get rid of the 60 vote rule. we make this job too complicated. what did you tell the people you were going to do when you ran for the job? what today elect you to do, and what was the 2016 election? it is not the graham bill, it is tte bill that chairman goodla proposed. border security wall, visa lottery -- the american people will say, ok, now we are willing to deal with this daca situation. but it has to be done in that prioritizing fashion or it is not consistent with the mandate of the election. >> chairman meadows, you said
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immigration was a defining moment for the speaker. >> you were supposed to go for easy questions, not hard ones. it is a defining moment. when you have our leadership -- and i use that plural. it is not just the speaker or the leader. it is leadership in the house. at this point, what we've got to do is show real leadership. if we -- the american people will remember it in november, and you should. i am tired of the talk. it is time we get things done. that was my call on leadership to actually make sure we put it on the floor and vote on it. the national conversation is turning a lot to guns in the wake of the tragedy in parkland. president trump has been talking about this issue quite a bit, and republicans seem more open to the possibility of doing some sort of gun control compromise
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than any time in recent memory. what do you think of the direction the president is steering the conversation? >> i am open to what the president talked about. that coach who gave his life for his students. if he had a firearm to protect himself and those kids he gave his life for -- the president spoke very clearly and eloquently about this a few minutes ago. every single church that i know of has that same kind of policy. parishioners each sunday to have the training. retired law enforcement, retired military. certain people carrying concealed firearms to protect people. i think that makes sense for schools, too. i think the president can articulate that in a way no one else can. >> and i think that at this point, all of us are in the information-gathering mode. i can say that when you start to fundamentally look at removing
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our constitutionally protected liberty, that is not a good starting place. there were a whole lot of people that notified the health and human services group in that particular area that this individual allegedly had some real trouble. government agency. then they notified the fbi that there was a problem. that was a government agency. then we have a school resource officer that did not engage. that was a government agency. three government agencies, and we still had that tragedy. to suggest that more government is the answer is not a good starting point. >> both of you have obviously performed a lot of congressional in your committees. there has been some oversight of thatbi and doj lately could be described as an effort to undermine the fbi, whether we are talking about the handling of the dossier, text messages
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between agents. >> the only undermining has been of the constitution of the united states applause -- [applause] have -- the fbi taking salacious and unverified documents -- those are james comey's words -- take it to get a warrant, it does not work that way. not thelem is rank-and-file fbi agents, it is the people at the top. jim comey is gone, lisa page has been reassigned and demoted. peter should truck -- peter stzr -- that is where the problem is. we are trying to get to the bottom of these kinds of questions, to get answers for the american people.
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what needs to happen is something that mark and i called months ago. a second special counsel. we need one to get to the bottom of this matter in a weight that gets the good folks of this country the answers they deserve. part ofnk the other that, this whole collusion narrative. we've had months and months, probably more investigation into the collusion between this president and the russians. what we are finding is that the narrative is starting to change. if there is collusion, it is not with donald trump and the russians. by the way, how many of you got russians to get you here today? what we are looking at, what we are talking about -- if there is collusion to be found and there is some evidence to suggest that, it is with the hillary campaign and the russians, not the other way around. [applause] >> senator cotton asked the great question when fbi director
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wray was -- asked him if he had heard of oleg -- asked him whether christopher steele was employed by him. the fbi director's response was "i can't talk about that in this setting, we would have to talk about it later." if that were the case, the theon being paid for dossier was being paid for clinton for america, the democratic national committee, and maybe a russian oligarch? that is scary. that is why we are doing oversight and need a second special counsel. me jump in on one thing. we talked about gun control, law enforcement. jim and i love our law enforcement. the vast majority of the fbi are wonderful serving individuals who love the rule of law. what happened in the white house fundamentally, on this whole gun
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debate, is what distinguishes us as a nation. china or some other place had a problem with the way their government operated, they would push back. .hey would say things actually, in another foreign area, you might be sent to jail. what happens in america is you get an invitation to the white house for an honest dialogue. that is what makes america great and that is what we need to support. moving towards the midterms. president trump mentioned in his speech that there is a possibility that republicans could get clobbered in november. many of your colleagues are choosing not to run again, or hats out of fear that they would soon be in the minority. you think that is the reason we are seeing a historic number of republicans step down? >> i think this is going to be a fine year for republicans. we just have to go out and
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campaign hard. this year, we need to do what we told the voters we would do. sarah,ss, other than mark and i tell our colleagues all the time. if the press is not saying something bad about you, you are probably not doing anything good. about those tax cuts, the progress we are making, and continue to do good things. >> and i think it depends on the people here. the truth of the matter is, it is the voice of the people that make the biggest difference. the next generation, a lot of the young folks. the next generation of conservatives. if they truly show up and get engaged, and actually support conservatives, we've found that conservative policy -- well, it puts more crumbs back in your pocket. crumb here.
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it is all about making sure conservative policy works. if the midterms don't go well, with that suggest the need for a change in republican leadership and congress, perhaps a push from house freedom caucus members such as yourself? do you have designs on leadership? [applause] >> we've never been afraid of pushing, but we think the midterms will go well. >> i am not as worried about who the speaker of the house is as i am about the house leading. the truth of the matter is you need to make sure that if your member of congress does not see the light, they need to feel the heat. get on those phones and make sure they do that. god bless you. and i believe you are doing it. thank you, god bless you. >> thank you. >> it is great to be with you.
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>> our next segment is "we a set of be suckers." four curated speeches. please welcome your master of ceremonies, sander gerber. >> hello, everyone. gentlemen, one of the most difficult jobs in the world is to follow donald trump as a speaker. although no one can quite say it like the president, especially with the snake story, i would
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like to humbly offer my opinion as to why he has been so successful. i call it the trump doctrine. i believe that it not only ,owered him to the white house it is empowering american domestic and foreign policy. the words to sum up his ideals are that we, the american people, deserve a common sense declarent and proudly that we refuse to be suckers. we are tired of being taken advantage of by the entrenched, dogmatic, political elites who take us for granted and use the .edia to take us as fools we refuse to be suckers.
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our message to the country is that since we support them with our taxpayer money, when they fail to support us, and proceed to condemn us in international forums like the united nations. suckers.use to be our message to those who support youorism is, we will defeat , because we refuse to be suckers. has foughtest prosecutor, a battled the overreaching obama administration, and serves as chairwoman of the republican attorney general's association. the firstcome republican and first female to be collected attorney general of arkansas, attorney general
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leslie rutledge. >> good afternoon. .t is good to be back at cpac as the only elected official in arkansas who is a trump delegate in 2016, it is really good to be standing on the same stage as our president, donald j trump. i am honored to be described as the chief law enforcement officer at arkansas. i also want you to know i was raised on a cattle farm. farmer,d a road crop and i may christian, pro-life, gun carrying, conservative woman.
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the first republican and the first woman ever collected attorney general of arkansas. the famed office that bill clinton held when those two began their careers of corruption. politicians like hillary clinton, barack obama, nancy pelosi, and rahm emanuel have a very different vision for the united states than those of us who are god-fearing, flag-waving conservative americans. the liberal left wants to provide sanctuary cities of refuge and protection for illegal immigrants without regard for u.s. citizens. friends, illegal is not a gender. it is not a race, not a
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disability, not a faith, creed, or religion. illegal is when someone breaks the law. [applause] right now, we have liberal lawmakers aiding and abetting lawbreakers. why would rahm emanuel want more crime in chicago? why did kate steinle have to die at the hands of a repeat ,riminal illegal immigrant living in pelosi's sanctuary state? why does california's democratic attorney general threaten to prosecute patriotic businesses instead of predators? and why is the deadly gang ms13 flourishing across our community? by putting political agendas over public safety, the liberal left aims to ignite disorder in our streets and distrust among
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our law enforcement by tying the hands of local officers, rather than handcuffing the criminals they catch. patriots have not laid down their lives on foreign soil only to have their family and friends be harmed by policies of public officials who harbor hustlers, hooligans, and hoodlums in their hometowns. america is a multipart of many cultures, traditions, creeds, and ideas. cesspoolt, however, a for criminals from other countries to hide among our masses. let me be clear. as conservatives, we are not anti-immigrant.
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opposite, actually. we want people to come to this great country in accordance with our laws, and in the light of day rather than running through the dark of night. and we want immigrants to love, honor, and respect americans just as we do. the united states is the greatest sanctuary the world has ever known. the united states has been and always will be a sanctuary from tyranny. the united states has been and always will be a sanctuary for those huddled masses hungry for freedom. the united states has been and always will be a sanctuary for citizens to exercise their not given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. states is not and
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never will be a sanctuary for those who do not honor our laws, do not respect our individual rights and freedoms, and who seek to destroy our way of life. , there is no shortcut to the american dream. the american dream is the freedom to follow your heart, to succeed or fail on your own merit and hard work. the american dream is only possible because we are a country of laws and we respect the rule of law and those charged to enforce it. adherence to the rule of law is sewn into the fabric of our nation. we must support our law enforcement officers. we must have cooperation among our men and women in blue to
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protect us from harm. for theust do this american families wanting to raise their children in a safe , in good schools, and for the disabled veterans struggling to pay their bills. the freedomsht for we love by defending the rule of law. lady liberty stands tall in our waters. the intimate of freedom. ,s president reagan said america is the shining city on the hill. , just as the story of nehemiah in the good book, he was called to build the wall to protect his city. he had name sayers -- he had couldn't who said he
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build the wall. he looked at them and said no, i can, because god told me to build this wall. we are all here for a reason. god called each and every one of us to do something. today, let us commit to answering the call, and to fight cabalt the liberal left of unconstitutional chaos and corruption in our communities. let's commit to working together to make america safe again, make america prosper again, and make america great again. god bless each and everyone of you and god bless america. thank you.
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>> next, we have bill walton -- significantly, he led president trump's transition team for all of the economic agencies, including treasury, irs, , fcc, social security, sbc, and the independent financial agencies. welcome, bill. a when matt asked me to give talk today about foreign trade, i didn't realize we would be talking after donald trump. what a tough act to follow. isn't he doing a great job? [cheers, applause]
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i also didn't realize, because this is not my specialty, he threw me into the complex and treacherous ocean called foreign trade. if you are here, thanks, matt. president trump is changing america's trade policy. we are no longer globalists. instead, we are putting america and americans first. this is the right thing to do. but let us do it in a way that is smart and strategic. tradee are doing in the area does not seem that focused on the big things. steel from hong kong, venezuela, turkey, vietnam. who is targeting little guys? why are we targeting little guys who can't hurt us? it is not getting us jobs. people employed in industries that produce steel than those that make it.
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when bush proposed tariffs on steel in 2002, americans lost 200,000 jobs. president trump is right the trade deficits matter. a nations trade is primarily based on his productive capacity. warren buffett has warned that america's net worth is being sent abroad at alarming rates and trade deficits, paying for them by going ever deeper into debt. .hat was in 2003 will unclear whether -- help or hurt our deficit problem, but it is clear we are not focused enough on our biggest trade program -- biggest trade problem. president trump brought up the elephant in the room. in one word: china. i learned the value of focusing on one big thing, that if
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accomplished, most of the small things don't matter. for thehe one big thing united states is getting our strategy right to deal with the economic and territorial ambitions of china. how we engage china is the critical issue of our time. i thought it was 375 billion, donald trump told me it is 500 billion. he should know. the trade deficit with china doesn't matter. we should live in this big, happy free-trade zone. us countriestells are not in any degree in competition with each other. but the chinese, they are not spending much time crawled up with david ricardo's 1817 sa on amparative advantage, at country should only export and produce things that it can
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produce more efficiently than other countries, and everything else it should import. this is the one theory that most western economists agree upon. but the chinese don't. or if they do, they don't wait for comparative advantage to happen spontaneously. they have been making it happen. decades, chinese trade has been meant to serve the chinese global agenda. they see it as a form of warfare , a zero sum game with winners and losers. is aetter or worse, it worldview that is not in sync with our western experience or understanding. china has made it clear it seeks global dominance in a wide range of advanced its -- advanced industries. 2025, seven years from now, their strategy aims at every advanced industry that the west is in.
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biotech,uters, pharmaceuticals, electrical cars, robots, drones, the internet of things, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence. heiser -- lightheizer says the chinese ability to subsidize, create national champions, disturbed markets and china and markets in around the world, it is a threat that is unprecedented. for conservatives, how does allowing china to constantly rig trade in its favor advance the core conservative goal of making markets more efficient? and it is the communist party cannabis -- the economists who run chinese trade policy.
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-- diplomacy, trade, economics, cultural interests. they had been treated as separate things. state department has seen advancing american economic and business centers. have our own fair share of special interests in the united states, nevertheless, we have largely trusted the market to advance our interests. i am emphatically not recommending we engage in a trade war or any kind of war with china. what i do believe is we need to recognize this issue and develop strategies to deal with chinese capitalism. of creating more government agencies as a libertarian. this is not an issue the public or private sector can address alone. we need to create an office of strategic engagement with china,
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include start, would representatives from state, treasury, commerce, and trade representatives. engage with our free trading allies, particularly in europe, to join us in this fight against chinese capitalism -- chinese merc antilism. [applause] >> thank you. next, it is my pleasure to e, theuce david clark former sheriff of milwaukee county and author of the best-selling book which i saw , cop under fire. he is the spokesman and senior adviser for america first action
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pac. welcome. [applause] ride.t a forfolks at cpac are great taking me in. you've made me feel welcome amongst you in light of the fact that some of the discouraging names i get called by people on the left. i know who you are. you are good people. thank you very much. as was indicated in my introduction, i wear a number of hats these days. this happens to be my favorite one. you dress, why do like this? did you get the memo on what the uniform of the day was? i said, maybe you don't know me,
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but this is how i roll. -- i wearother reason boots and hats for another reason. it pisses off the left. anytime i get the chance to tweak them, i will. now i will talk about something that is near and dear to this country. this country is under siege because of our broken immigration system. the only people who don't seem to know that our immigration system is broken seem to be the people on the left, democrats and congress. . you heard about the president staying away from the word reform because people don't know what it means. i'm here to talk to you about immigration reform -- he did not say that. he said i'm here to talk about our broken immigration system.
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something i want to talk about in the time i have here. the first is the rule of law. that is a little thing that too many people, especially in the prior administration, seem to kick to the curb, to make up ,hings as they go along trampling the united states constitution. the united states constitution, says thene, section 8 congress has the authority to form rules on naturalization. not an executive order by president barack obama. congress. so president trump comes along and puts that executive order to puts the authority to form rules on naturalization and immigration where it belongs, the constitution says, in the congress. the problem in the congress is that too many in the congress -- not everybody, but too many see
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-- issue of our broken broken immigration system as toxic. they look at it like a lightning rod that they don't want to touch, because of its potential for them, the way they see it, not thinking of the security of the united states. they are thinking of it in terms of their electoral possibilities in the next election cycle. that is not why these constituents sent them to congress. it is to protect the constitution and the american people, and president donald trump made that a highlight of to make america .afe again lot, sheriffs, on the issue of our broken immigration system, what should we do first? should we seal the border? what should we do first, should
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we -- we should seal the border. y, z?bout x, to which i go, seal the damn bor der. fixeding what needs to be , if you don't seal the border, it's not going to matter how many people you deport. the member the report from not too long ago that said the guy who holds the record for being deported out of the united states and returning 45 times? does that sound like a border? the next guy was deported and returned 40 times. how do i know the border is not sealed? have you ever heard of the debacle from the obama department of justice called fast and furious? where someone came up with the
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neat idea, or so they thought, to run guns into the hands of togerous mexican drug lords try to attack the second amendment and nra. one of those guns made it back to the border and killed a border patrol agent, brian terry. off morewhat pisses me than anything? no one from the department of justice was held accountable. [applause] so, what is going to work along the border? a wall. and people say to me, sheriff, what about the use of technology ? build the wall. sheriff, what about some fencing with barb wire? build a wall. sheriff, what about -- build the damn wall. president trump is right.
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we need a wall along our southern border, and the wall will work. who are we being suckered by? we are being suckered by sanctuary cities and sanctuary states. that is a violation of u.s. sovereignty. we are being suckered by these catch and release programs that you heard president trump talk about. we are being suckered by, again, the democrats in congress and media that is being used as a vehicle to propagate the broken issue of system.gration it is broken, and it needs to be fixed now. this conference, time for action. what do we need you to do? you've got to put the heat on your elected members of congress . money makes them dance, but
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constituent pressure makes them feel the heat. i was talking to a congressman not long ago on the hill about the issue of criminal justice reform. he said you know what, sheriff, we rarely hear from people back home. and when we hear from people back home and it only takes a know itonstituents, we is important back home. that is why they need to hear from you. those are your marching orders out of here. call your members of congress and let them know, fix this broken immigration system now. it is killing america. and gentlemen, thank you and may god bless the united states of america. >> thank you, sir. now it is my great pleasure to introduce my family's good
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kforce, who will address the misuse of our tax dollars -- stuart and robbie are the courageous parents of the american hero, captain taylor force. they have stood up and committed themselves to transforming their tragic loss into positive policy action. namely, the taylor force act that will stop american taxpayers from subsidizing the palestinian authorities pay to play program. welcome, stuart. >> good afternoon, everybody. the remarks i would like to make our personal.
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on march 8, 2016, a parent's worst nightmare became our reality in an unexpected and truly horrific manner. that tuesday afternoon, i received a call on my cell phone as i walked near my car. the caller identified herself as chaplain gretchen from vanderbilt university. she said she was on speakerphone with the university chancellor and dean of the business school. i knew this was not going to be good. our son taylor was a first-year mba student on an educational trip to israel sponsored by the university. he was an eagle scout, a west point graduate. as an army officer, he had completed combat deployments to iraq and afghanistan, accomplishing a mission and bringing the men under his command safely back home. chaplain gretchen said there had been a terrorist rampage in
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israel. palestinian man stabbed people walking on the boardwalk near the waterfront. he was the only one attacked, taylor. he was stabbed viciously from behind in the neck, back, and lungs. ambulanceaway in the on route to the hospital. i asked chaplain gretchen if she had spoken to my wife. she said no. i quickly told her, please don't call home. i will call you back later. theove to the house and did hardest thing i've ever done or ever will do. , that my wife of 35 years our wonderful son had been murdered. after crying and hugging, we realized we needed to --
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lived and worked in new york city. that was the second hardest thing, telling our daughter she lost her brother. her best friend in the world. shared hislater, -- condolences and two links, one to a video and one to a pdf file. the video showed people in palestine celebrating the cowardly murder of our son and the proclamation of his killer as a martyr. the pdf was a translation of the palestinian law detailing payments for terrorist acts committed in israel by palestinians. aipends for life were on sliding scale. the worst the crime, the higher the reward. up to three times the average monthly palestinian income. we were appalled and disgusted.
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two days later, sander connected ,s with senator lindsey graham which resulted in us being here in bc when senator graham introduced the taylor force act legislation. foreign aidholds that americans generously give to the palestinian authority until it can be certified to the secretary of state that the money, $350 million in 2017, is debt tog used to fund a fund such a program. thatso funds -- palestinian law stop encouraging these acts of terror. palestinian authority and leadership tells the world these payments are simply social welfare payments. suckers.e not we know these are u.s. taxpayer dollars being used to incentivize and fund terror.
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been an emotional and distressing to relive the loss of our son over the past two years. we have come to realize there are so many more good people in the world then there are evil ones. evil ones seem to get all the attention online and in the media. the good people of the world deserve better. passing the taylor force act and passing the terror funding is a great place to start the process. the house has passed its version isthe act, and the next step -- for the senate to pass its version, reconcile them, and send them to president trump for his signature. with believeseak this is not a partisan issue, it is an anti-terrorism issue. this is a right versus wrong issue. we look forward to being in the senate gallery when the act passes with unanimous bipartisan
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fist bump,d we can hug, and cry like we did in the house gallery. from the force family and the many people positively impacted by taylor in his all too short life. thank you for your encouragement and support now and in the future. thank you. >> thank you, stuart. for aa great tragedy parent to go through. it is time we implement the trust doctrine, stop giving our tax money to palestinian authorities. to sum up the panel, attorney general rutledge said we refuse to be suckers. we have to support the rule of
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law, support our law enforcement. bill walton said trade is not fair. we have to stop being suckers with the chinese. trade is not fair. saidff david clark congress needs to pass the four pillars of immigration reform. we need to stop being suckers with our borders. stuart and robbie force asked that their son taylor not die in , but that congress honor his exemplary life by passing the taylor force act. -- palestinian authorities we refuse to fund their program with our taxpayer dollars. the time to act is now. thank you. [applause]
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>> the american inventor. protected by the united states toent, and exclusive right one's ideas, inventions, and intellectual property. from inspiration to innovation, america led the world. until now. >> today, i'm burning my patent with my colleagues. >> it is a broken promise. >> u.s. patent protection strength is under attack. our leadership position in the world has dropped from first place to 12th place. can be anything, except an inventor. this is in the base constitution, protecting the rights of inventors. longer trust our patent system. big tech companies are lobbying to make it easier to steal. >> it is cheaper for them to steal your idea then develop it themselves.
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>> the administrative state is overriding our constitution >>. > congress created an out of control, administrative tribunal. >> inventors are speaking out in a new film on how our weakened pack and -- weakened patent liberty notestroy just for the inventor, but for you and me as well. unprotected. the shredding of the united states patent system. >> if our patent system dies, our country dies. >> -- decimated by cheap steal from china. american shipbuilding wiped out by subsidized companies in asia. now the u.s. airline industry is under threat. middle eastern carriers are getting billions in illegal subsidies violating our trade agreements and putting jobs at risk. entire industries wiped out.
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>> this is a conversation -- from the white house, the honorable kellyanne conway. the honorable linda mcmahon. posted by acu communications -- ianr, in walters walters. >> how about it, cpac? two of the most important officials from the trump administration, kellyanne conway serving as counselor to
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issident, and linda mcmahon the administrator of a small business administration. many of the accomplishments that conservatives can cheer from , one of the most historic was the passage and signing of the tax cut and jobs bill. audience]m >> we are already seeing the impact it is happening on the economy. record stock market numbers. because of these, and i will start with you administrator mcmahon, you think we are on the verge of a rebirth of american entrepreneurship? >> you're leaping thing i can tell you now is the time. even if you want to come to guide states to start a business, or if you are already here. to grow or transition your business? optimism could not be higher. the opportunity over
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the last few months to travel all around the country. i've been to 32 states and have visited with small businesses, had roundtables, gone to many factories and all that. the enthusiasm is so high. they were first hoping for tax cuts. now that it is a reality, they are saying that -- i'm going to produce more goods and services, and really move to another location. it is positive momentum. >> the opportunities for growth are out there is what you're saying. administrator mcmahon for a long time was in charge of a -- of a very modests small business and grew into world wrestling entertainment. quick thought on what it was like to start a small business, and how you grew it and the satisfaction you felt as you watched it grow?
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>> one of the things president trump said to me when he was then president-elect. he asked me to take on this job. he said he wants someone who has actually built a business and knows what it is like to struggle and have success and failure. my husband and i were even bankrupt at one point and lost everything and had to rebuild. i told the president, i get it. -- walk in your shoes in the shoes of some any entrepreneurs. i think it is incredibly important that we feel what they feel, share their passions, understand their ability and desire to take a risk. when you can tap into that, the sky is the limit. [applause] you are someone i've known for a long time and have exhibited that entrepreneurial spirit as well. you've had your own company for several years. >> 22 years.
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>> 22 years as the ceo. why was it so important after eight years of president obama's economic policies to get this passed in the first year of president trump's administration? >> first of all, thank you and thank you to see cap -- the cpac for having us. for your enthusiasm and for welcoming the president two hours ago. we are trying to follow that act. i became a small business owner and fully recovered attorney at the same time -- for many reasons that people across the country did. i think my story is common. you are looking to convert a hobby or skill set into a profitable is less -- profitable business, and at the same time, trying to build a parallel track to the traditional workforce
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that you think does not or may not work for you long-term. i wanted to be a wife and mother at some point. i enjoyed what i was doing outside the law in public opinion research at the time. most of the struggles were about complying with taxation and regulation and forms. most small business owners in the country and aspiring entrepreneurs believe they can do it. they don't lack for desire, don't lack for will or moxie. they don't want for self-awareness or self-respect. or even access to capital for many of them. lookthey wonder is, if you around the corner a few years, what will be tax burden and regulatory burden look like # that is why, in anticipation of significant regulatory reform,
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it gives such a boost to existing and inspiring entrepreneurs, which is why you see this growth and explosion now that the tax cuts are real. i would say that to a small business owner, just like anyone who owns a home or is not married and lives alone, or has children, anyone in this country has thought in the past how they would spend a little extra money. that is the importance of this tax cut. as a very basic civil, it is freedom. you can hold on to more of your hard earned money. the fact that this president and congress passed a tax cut that means many more americans will the firsttaxes -- point $4000 for a married couple is exempt completely at 0%. $24,000ns -- the first for a married couple. doubling the child care tax
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popularretention of the and relied upon deductions like the mortgage interest. there are so many aspects of it that speak to immediate growth and relief, like bonuses and wages. one thing we have not talked about yet is what the capital investment from these companies is going to mean to your communities. $482 billion in promised capital investment. billion, as i say investmentrwork -- projects that have been committed. that is going to have ripple effects across the economy. i think it is a shame that people thought it would benefit the wealthy and well-connected more than the previous code. and we couldn't get a single it.crat to vote for that's regrettable. we want these to be bipartisan.
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i don't know how many senators and members of congress are going to go home and explain to constituents why they would vote -- why they would benefit from the tax cut. applause -- tax cut impact individual americans? you talked about the mere , and the capital investment it would create. we see it with corporations giving their employees bonuses. nancy pelosi called them crumbs recently. what is the big picture, as we look at business growth, growth, creation, wage job creation? what is your sense of how all these things are connected and what it will kickstart over 2018? >> i will briefly say, these are not crumbs. this is real bread. i think people are seeing that already. this is some real serious dough.
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it directlying through wage increases and , wages that people have received. paychecks, i it in was always skeptical. also, when people see how much simpler and lester coney and an burden some their tax bill will less- simpler and draconian their tax bill would the independence type of tax credit. i think the administrator is the best person to talk about the effect on small business. acan tell you as small-business owner for several decades, the attractiveness of the tax code and tax cut for small business owners, you have the exempting, the ability to
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have anyone else with a lower tax bracket. and it is 8 -- of the wealth. something we don't understand yet. trillions of dollars illegally parked overseas will come back, billions and repatriation. if you voted against the tax cut, you voted against the 20,000 jobs and repatriation. >> clearly, what grows up around a big company that comes in, it is all of the support services and small businesses. communities will continue, but we will grow unbelievably. so, it is really good to see the money that is going to be repatriated. the tax cut and jobs act, i'm sitting with small businesses, and they are talking about how they get a 20% deduction.
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then they participated in reduced tax brackets. then, as was mentioned, they can 100%.expense that it is incredible. i was at a bakery in boston, in providence, a huge bakery, they bake all of the bread for trader joe's and a fellow told me this is so great, that of an you see cost $1.5 million. i want to be able to get a new one. i am going to get a new one and we are going to bake even more bread and support meet -- support more people with it. he said i am going to be able to expand and this is going to be a shot in the arm for the growth of my business. it is tangible, we are seeing it. one of the differences
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between conservatives approach and liberals approach is how these things are somewhat interconnected, whether it is wage growth, job creation, liberals like to say that minimum wage should be standardized, you see in minneapolis, $15 an hour and higher taxes will not constrictive businesses ability to reinvest in itself. explain how he business goes from -- explain how a business morefrom five employees to employees by lowering its tax rate. what is that people factor and how you can hire more people, how does that work? >> it is common sense. if you have more money in your pocket and you want to grow you have more money to hire the next person. instead of paying it to the government, you're going to hire a person to do a job or a different job or a new location.
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know of a single business person i have met or talked to that does not talk about growth. they are not content to sit still. i counsel thaty is a small business owner, there is no such thing as the status quo. you're going to grow or fall behind. how do they grow? -- they grow by hiring people, they open a new location, it is with money in their pocket. when regulations are high, when taxes are high, it stunts that growth. this is a boon and this is the most optimism in the country for , to reagan and before reagan that can be measured. for some -- the stats are there. --you are one of the cop can
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you are one of the top communicators in america. liberals will say that corporations are bad, greedy, that they should be taxed at a high rate, president obama's famous you did not build that statement. why, for so long, have conservatives not been winning on this issue in the culture? for our lives it was always about 4% growth and selling 4% growth to the american people. now we have a chance of hitting 4% growth but we are not talking about it. what is the difference president trump has made this year from a communication aspect? >> president trump is president trump. you elected a builder.
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elected a successful businessman who understands free markets and understands the of, as he says, projects that come in under budget and on time. the other thing about people and businesses is you have to have a product. building aitted to building, you have to have a building at the end of the process. a tasknot just have force, you need to produce a tangible. that has made a big difference to have somebody who understands markets and whose judgment is unclouded and unconnected from so many of the special interests ideas and a man's. -- ideas and demands. nothing in the trump economy operates in isolation. jewelx cuts was the crown
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but it was preceded by the regulatory framework being reduced. the bowl for this president was two regulations out for every new one in. and agency innt this task force is doing that for their respective regulations . he has on -- he has unleashed energy. everyone says he has more things made in america. energy is on our shores. decades, and this president, to go into and more for us tonto anwar, develop energy sources in this country. aboutwhen he talks confidence numbers that administrator mcmahon just talked about, manufacturing, small business, it is there, another thing that is present -- another thing this president has
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done is to talk about workforce development and skills training and dignifying every type of work. this has all worked in concert in one year, renegotiating trade deals that are unbalanced and unfair to america. , a lot of arrogant people on both sides of the aisle used to say a legal immigrants are here to do the jobs americans do not want to do. you have many americans saying i would like to do that job, give me a chance. he has taken all of these issues and it leads to an economic policy that has made us more prosperous and more safe. you cannot have national security without economic security and it all works together. if you go back to the september 2016 speech at the new york economic club, you look at that plan and you see many elements at work that continue to be
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implemented. tax was a full plan with cuts as the crown jewel that had many other aspects to it. >> when we were planning the schedule for cpac, to try to show exactly how these different government agencies are connected. we heard from the secretary of labor acosta yesterday, this morning secretary perry to talk about not just energy independence but how we become energy dominant. kellyannetor mcmahon, mentioned the regulatory burden that small businesses face. that is often what we call the tape. what is it like outside the swamp as a small business owner to have to navigate the paperwork that can sometimes not just construct an ability to , butd and hire more people
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it is just a pain to go through. yep to hire a person just to go through a stack of paperwork. how can businesses make sure that it remains easy to deal with taxes in addition to keeping them low? >> for every moment that an entrepreneur is spending in compliance with paperwork, there is opportunity cost that they are not devoting that time to growing and running their business. i come withld, and i've been because talking to small business owners around the country and what they have told me is it is such a relief to have these burdens off. tell me, what regulation specifically has been good to have rolled back? they cannot point to one. it is that suddenly they do not have this massive amount of compliance and paperwork.
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most of them cannot afford to hire accountants or lawyers so they try to get through it, sometimes they miss it and then they are fine because they are not in compliance. that is an actual cost for their business. this is much simpler. they are able to spend more time on their business doing the things that will grow their business and make them be more successful. the regulatory environment has been oppressive. they willem disagree, all say, look, we know we need regulations, we cannot just run amok, but it is the regulations that are unnecessary. yep to do it on a yellow page and then the blue page and do not forget to send the pink page. that is just what happens. often ceos,s are janitors, bookkeepers, and receptionists all in one and we need to give them to time to grow and focus their business.
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small businesses are the glue in their communities and they are supported. if businesses are strong, the communities are strong, the economy continues to grow. >> a streamlined process. the theme of this years cpac is a time for action which goes off ronald reagan speech in 1964, a time for choosing. we chose a time for action this year because we have a rare in american history where we have the president and both branches of congress. we recognize this is a window of opportunity for real policy change. administrator mcmahon, i will go to you. what is on the horizon for 2018 economically speaking? we know americans will have more money in their pockets. that is going to make them feel confident. we know national security gains will make them feel safe. i would -- how will we continue this growth? president trump campaigned on
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a program of the economy and he is delivering. that is what we will continue to see throughout 2018. i can already tell you that quarter, the percentage of growth in loans, we are ahead. that shows that optimism. that is will the rubber meets the road. accessingore people capital to start businesses because they have confidence in this economy. when these jobs are created in these businesses grow, we have nothing but continued economic growth. that enthusiasm is going to continue. >> i will two metrics. for 2017 we had settled for 2% or less and it was said to folks that that was the best we could do, we need to settle for that. that is not true. this president reached 3% or better in his first year when we
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had necessarily hurricane relief spending and thank god we did. the administrator is modest, she had a big hand in the hurricane recovery efforts in our hurricane stricken areas. it is the growth numbers. you do not need to settle. [applause] this is what this president is doing. a lot of nonpartisan economists have predicted we can get to 4% or better. two, it is a measurement where the president -- where people are being asked, do you feel more prosperous, do you feel the tax cuts are helping you? those numbers are steadily creeping up in polling and the reason they have been so low as people were being told this will not help you, they will -- they were being lied to.
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i do not fault americans for believing something the government would do would not benefit them. that is a legitimate believed to have had. they do see whether it is them directly or friends and families who work at these companies that have been given the bonuses and wages and capital investments. the third measure, we are focused on small business, is to bring our corporate tax rate high in thee --eloped world, to 21% [applause] >> that is the gift that will keep on giving to our competitive economy. aresee what these employers doing, they are investing that money right back into the workplace and the workforce. if they do not, and those workers will walk because we are becoming a nation of jobs in search of labor.
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while i appreciate is what the small business administrator is doing, secretary acosta, the president, the white -- the vice president. nobody feels like the only path to success is through a four year college. that is wonderful for many people but it is not for everyone. if you can graduate high school or community college and go be a carbon door or a welder the next day, -- go be a carpenter or a welder, most of the people i grew up with in south jersey are wonderful people and happy people and that would describe so much of the backbone of our economy. the most popular thing mike his expansionas of vocational, technical educational opportunities and the president is doing it at the federal level now where we are telling all americans there will be more job creation and also job security.
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thepeople who do not tell truth about what a corporate tax cut means to everyday americans, now you know. this you think administration has us on the right path economically? [applause] administrator of the small business administration, linda mcmahon, kellyanne conway. think with their leadership we are looking toward a pretty good 2018. do you guys? [applause] >> thanks so much.
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is in courtch against politicians who want to break the rules to protect illegal aliens. we want to protect the rule of law and we want to protect you. we have not forgotten hillary clinton, judicial watch exposed the hillary clinton you mail scandal and we are in court holding her accountable to the same laws the rest of us are expected to follow. follow us on facebook. we are coming together at a crucial time in our nations history. america is making great strides toward freedom and liberty but she also confronts determined foes and faces enormous challenges. challenges that strike directly at the principles that all of us hold so dear. free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional values and national security. across america and the world, we see where liberalism has left its devastating mark.
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in homes, in schools, in communities and in capitals. that is why our work is so important. it is what the heritage foundation is all about. at heritage, we are not just able work against the left, we are a battleship of liberty. we are determined to guide america to renewed greatness and to take the fight to liberalism. that is why i am so proud to serve as the heritage and why i's president am so honored to join with you at cpac in the fight for the greatest nation on earth. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage the american conservative union's executive director, dan schneider.
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>> the chairman of the federal communications division thought he was going to deliver a speech today. probably are a no, he saved the internet. he spent a lot of hours preparing a wonderful speech that he is not going to deliver now. the federal communications division is a bipartisan board got appointed to it by none other than president barack obama because the senate republicans insisted ajit pai be put on their. chairman ajit pai then thought to preserve your free-speech rights. time during that
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obama administration, he fought and won against all odds. througha administration some curveballs and they implemented these regulations to take over the internet. as soon as president trump came into office, president trump asked ajit pai to liberate the internet and give it back to you. [applause] is the most courageous, horrific person that i know. he has written -- the most courageous person that i know. his property is been invaded by the george soros crowd, he has a family and his family has been abused in different ways. , thank you sopai much for everything you have done. i'm going to be joined on stage by the chairman of the american conservative union and the second vice president of the
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national rifle association. we have something we would like to tell you about. the second vice president of the national rifle association. [applause] >> hello cpac. the purge under fire award is sponsored by the rifle association in honor of legendary humanitarian extraordinary actor and beloved past president of the nra, charlton heston. [applause] this award, which is not given every year, only when someone has stood up under pressure with grace and dignity and principled discipline.
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ees have included people like rush limbaugh, vice president mike pence, and sheriff david clark. asare honored to have you part of this distinguished pantheon. [applause] >> you're going to be joined on stage now by your two republican commissioners and by duke university's michelle connolly. youe remarks you prepared, can share on a panel with your
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fellow commissioners. are you not done? pai, finish this, chairman we were giving you a great award today, we cannot bring it on nra, but being from the your gift will be housed in our museum with a plaque to you where you can receive it, we will give it to you. it is a kentucky handmade long gone and you will love it. let's come down this way.
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>> it is not every day you get a musket. i was not expecting it. i would like to deliver the speech i had prepared. >> i had thought that ajit pai was going to introduce issues before i got on so maybe i will start with the big picture. how many here have heard of wardrobe malfunctions? how many have heard of the fcc? you are currently on the internet using a cell phone.
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. guess it is still working fcc oversees the communications industry in the united states. this is an enormous sector. it has been responsible for a great part of our productivity and growth and a large section of our innovation that has been occurring. it is a tremendously important industry. i thought maybe i would first throw out a question. how would you explain to your grandmother what the fcc does and i will let anyone answer. thanks to the american conservative union for inviting me to cpac. thanks for the award. thanks to my colleagues for serving alongside me in the fcc. servingthe privilege in
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one of the most agencies in the entire night united states government. the communications sector represents about 1/6 of america's economic output and it fcc is out its best when unleashes the entrepreneurial spirit of market as opposed to the all-knowing vortex of government to make people's lives better. that means getting internet access to rural areas, empowering entrepreneurs and all kinds of places to pursue their dreams and give people the ability to educate their kids and do all the things technology allows you to do. ther our fcc, we believe wisdom resides not with unelected bureaucrats but with all the entrepreneur citizens across this great country. that is what we tried to do. michelle: in 2018, what you see as our largest societal goal for now? i i think it is closing what
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call the digital divide, the gap between those who have access to the internet and those who do not. that is not just an academic talking point. i grew up in a small town in southeast kansas. which all too often finds itself on the long side of the digital divide. overe current job i spent 4 thousand rd miles visiting places in west virginia and understandingnd for myself the struggles people have being unable to use technology. those are the unsung communities in this country. they do not often make the front page of the newspapers but if our country is going to recognize the human capital that resides in every single one of our hearts, we need to empower americans to take advantage of this technology. that is why we focus on the digital divide. it will unleash economic benefits and social benefits. [applause]
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>> i'm happy to jump in on that question as well. kudos to the chairman for his award. willnk one of the things i add to that is that our job at the commission is to remove government from the entrepreneurs that are trying to get communication technology into your hands. that is what we spend a great deal of time is taking those burdens off the books. it monopolizes our time as it should. the fcc has imposed burdens on , some vision they have had from washington, d.c., rather than let free-market take the direction. the consumers benefit. i think that is something we spent so much time doing and rightfully so. [applause] >> congratulations to the chairman.
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it is great to be at cpac this year. when i look at my job, the stuff we do can get into the technical weeds. myn you step back, i think job is to put policies in place that are going to create jobs and spur investment and help grow the economy for the benefit of all americans. when you get outside of d.c., when people care about telecom one of the things they're passionate about is getting better faster and cheaper broadband. fcc was few years the imposing more regulations, more paperwork burdens which was putting the u.s. in the wrong direction. we have a number of large providers in this country, comcast, at&t, verizon, they can with stand the regulatory onslaught but there are smaller providers you have never heard of that are competing to be the first internet service provider in a rural community, or the first competitive provider, those have been unable to withstand the regulatory
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onslaught from d.c. and for the past year we have been removing unnecessary regulations and that is going to spur more investments and employment and help connect more americans to digital opportunity. [applause] michelle: as was mentioned when you are receiving your award, and maybe this is the true reason you have done all this because you have anticipated such a lovely award, you have gone through a very tumultuous time with a lot of vitriol directed at you. anddid you stick with it how does that fit in with the larger picture of what you are ?rying to accomplish at the fcc iata choice to make when i found that i would be tapped by president trump to be the chairman. summer urged me to go for
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andifice once and singles make minor changes. i do not play small ball. i decided i wanted to make a fundamental change in the way the agency operates. i think it is important for us to set rules of the road that allow the american people to take control of their own lives instead of having it run out of a washington bureaucracy. that is why we decided after a long process that to get rid of government regulation of the internet, the internet was not broken in 2015. [applause] ande with memory intellectual honesty will remember we were not living in some digital dystopia before washington bureaucracy saved us and we decided the best way to encourage more investment and innovation in terms of the internet getting better and faster and cheaper is to get rid of these regulations and let the market, act up by consumer
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protection rules, decide how the internet is regulated. the results are going to speak for themselves just as they did from the 1990's all the way to 2015. in terms of the vitriol, it has not been a pleasant time but as gandalf said, so to all who live to see such times but all that is left to choose is what to do with the time that is given to you. so long as i have the privilege of serving at this position, i will keep swinging for the fences and let the chips fall where they may. politicalsonous culture continues, i will keep speaking out about that. from mynot deter me mission of delivering values for the american people and choosing that over a nice headline in the newspaper. [applause] michelle: as an economist, one
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of the things i've been happiest to hear about the fcc is the development of the office of economics and analytics. i think this was very important. let me ask you, why did this need to occur in such a formal fashion and what is the reason behind it? chairman pai: i think most americans would be shocked to know that in some regulatory agencies, including the fcc, we can adopt a regulation, we can tell the american people you shall abide by this rule without ever determining whether the benefits are greater than the cost. we never made a formal analysis of that and that is putting the cart before the horse. the predicate for any governmental agency should be is this producing more benefits for the american people than it imposes in terms of cost. ofcreated this office economics and analytics to make sure we had a process in place.
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it is not just the lawyers and the technologists and others who are deciding the policy. the economists have a seat at the table. this is consistent of what the other agencies have done. the benefits are going to speak for themselves. it is important to make sure we have a process in place, it is not just a politician sticking his finger into the wind, it is a economist looking at the facts. michelle: one of the things we have been noticing is how, in different election cycles, the fcc can very quickly swing and change policy. casessfully, and in this legitimately should have done this. how do we know that cannot swing back again? what can we do to avoid this regulatory ping-pong every time there is a new election cycle?
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>> i appreciate the question. what we can do is make sure as conservatives that we elect good people to the house and senate and make sure president trump gets reelected. there's another thing you can do. we are going to have a fight over the obama internet rules in the next couple of months. that will matter and then vote matters and making sure people take the right course on that affects what policies we are able to keep in place going forward. could use everyone's help on those lines. it, we are moving quickly, we are adopting actions that will deregulate and .e-institutionalized something are out of control majorities at the fcc, that office will continue.
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if we instituted this idea that you cannot pass regulation without economic analysis, that will have a lasting impact. chairman pai: the other thing we can do is change the process of how the agency works. until 2017, the fcc voted on a number of different proposals theover -- and only after vote happened didn't let the american people see what we were voting on. that is crazy. these are decisions that affect the entire economy and the agency refused to make them public until after the vote. in my second week in office, i said no to all the chicken little's that said it is dangerous to do this and illegal to do this. three weeks before our monthly meetings i'm going to publish the text of what we propose to ,o so that every american regardless of whether they can hire a washington lawyer or lobbyist to figure out what is in this document, that is one of the simple process changes that will benefit the people.
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i do not know who my successor is going to be, what i can tell you is he or she will face a big fight if they decide to go back to making these decisions behind closed doors. let's make sure unelected bureaucrats in d.c. and some of the few lucky lobbyists to get the scoop, let's make sure we are the ones making the decisions. if we make these process reforms, we can ensure that the agency is opened and transparent and it is a people's agency and not the lobbyist agency. [applause] i thought we could think about what are some big topics people are talking about within telecommunications. commissioner o'rielly, would you like to talk about 5g? about 5g and you do not know exactly what it is,
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we do not know what is going to become. news the opportunity for wireless technology in the next couple of years to supplement what already exists as a world leader in our communication sector. that is going to bring higher capacity, a more defense to service than you have in your pocket. that is a great opportunity but we are going to need this sector going forward in the united states, opposed to what our own else is trying to take our lead from japan and china and south korea, they'll want to be ahead of where we are today and the truth is 5g is the next step we need to take and what we need to do is make sure -- there are a couple things, and my good colleague has been leading the effort on wireless infrastructure, making sure we can get the network out, and the thend is making sure spectrum -- that gets into the weeds, make sure there's enough
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spectrum and resources for our network to continue to operate. 2018,k when you look at 2019, the near future, we are at hopeful point in telecom law. the technology is starting to express -- is starting to progress at an accelerated rate. we are going to a thing that is called 5g which will mean better internet and it will enable a lot of this interesting technology, whether it is a economist driving, virtual reality, that is going to be enabled by this transition to 5g. we do have a problem. infrastructure deployment regime is not tailored to support a massive new deployment we need to make 5g in reality, to make sure the united states leads the world in 5g. if we get the right framework in place, this transition could be to $75 billion in network investment, 3 million new jobs billion in network
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investment. streamlining the permit process that right now threatens to hold us back. we have the votes and the ability to get that done this year and that will be a big result of the american people. [applause] michelle: we have been talking about what is happening within the united states and what the f cc is doing for the environment. is there a role for the fcc internationally that is important to work with? chairman pai: there is. one part of it is international leadership. , we are nots to 5g acting alone. other countries want to take the lead. they want to win five g because they perceive we one 4g. it is important what we go in the multilateral forums to say
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the american policy is this, we want to be forward thinking, we do not want to benefit any particular company or sector, and that is an important message to convey. even beyond 5g, we have an important role in coordinating with our fellow agencies and around the world. the biggest complaint we get is about robo calls. i am sure many of you get them all the time. it drives me crazy. for a lot of years this issue sat on the shelf because the previous agency was focused on more politically salient things that would benefit their referred constituencies. ofad to speak with the chair the various agencies from india to other countries and tell them this is an important priority for the united states. we would like your cooperation. the agency working in sending a message with the other agencies goes along way. american leadership still matters a lot. i realize this is not the biggest issue compared to national defense.
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it is american leadership and that is important to show. thinkle: how should we about the impact of telecommunications on the average american? how does it impact our society and our economy? where i started from, it is about participating in the new digital economy. where you live should not be the determining factor. you should be able to do decide to stay in your home community, launch an online business, and succeed. broadband is going to be key to that going forward. that is what we are keeping in mind. >> i would agree with that comment. i think the benefit you see from the three of us is we work hard to make sure it is not about the government that makes decisions, it is about the providers to make sure they serve consumers, the people in this room, to make
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sure the service they get is the best it can be. new technology is employed. chairman pai: i would add one thing. one of the great things about technology, and we tend to discount it is how incredible it is we are able to be connected. people are able to speak and hear and to learn and to listen in ways that were unthinkable just a generation ago. to me, one of the great things about the internet is that voices that might have been marginalized because they do not have access to the people who were running the media or two other gatekeepers, they simply never saw themselves or heard their stories told. values that ise great about america is the culture of free speech and free expression. anyone is able to speak his or her mind. [applause] i would hope that going forward, as the spectrum comes online, those are important but they are not ends of themselves.
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what is important is to give all of your voice and i encourage you to use it. [applause] parting, what would be the information we want to give to the audience, the activists, in terms of what issues they should be looking at, what they should be doing, how they should remain involved? >> follow the fcc at go to our twitter feeds. learn for yourself what exactly the fcc is doing. the details are exceedingly boring, but there is no substitute for the facts and when you see what we are doing in terms of closing the digital divide, restoring the wisdom of the market, deregulating to get the government out of businesses, you will understand that we are delivering something that is unique in regulatory
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history, which is an unleashed marketplace that will benefit all of the american people. [applause] i think the chairman rightfully was credited for all the good work he did to make sure the internet is free from regulation going forward and the old rules for the past administration are thrown away and we do not go back toward that in the future. what i'm saying to you is if you like what we have done, let it not be undermined by those who believe in the old administration, the obama folks who want to impose those burdens want to reimpose those and we have to make sure what we have decided stays as a matter of law. [applause] add that tech and telecom policy matters to everyone, it matters to you, the debates we are having our ones you need to participate in, we are in the process of moving the fcc in a different correction than where was headed under the obama administration, moving
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[video clip] >> you can be told to run or you can choose to run. both get you moving but one just goes through the motions. the other has purpose and freedom. what about your health care? are you being told, going , or are youmotions hoosing something better? liberty health share has something better, it unites people to share in the burden of health care. a true community that cares for you in your time of need, free from interference and restraint. it is time to exercise your yourse, time to exercise freedom.
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liberty health share. the american steel industry, decimated. american shipbuilding wiped out by companies in asia. now the u.s. airline industry is under threat. illegal government subsidies violate our trade agreements and put 1.2 million jobs at risk. it has happened before, it can happen again. >> judicial watch once to protect the rule of law and the constitution. follow us on youtube now. >> the politicians do not want you to know what they're up to. judicial watch is your watchdog
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in washington, d.c., shining the light of transparency on our nations capital. follow us on social media for the latest updates. agree we need voter id and election laws? here at judicial watch, we are in federal court fighting to make sure your elections are fair and honest. follow us on instagram. to youuld like to talk this evening about what we can do together to make tomorrow's america happy and prosperous at home. strong and respected abroad and .t peace in the world we will restore the freedom of all men and women to excel and create. create the centers to
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take it of the genius of our economic system. is news tonight of another threat to america's economy and security, cyber attacks. is stealing intellectual property by hacking into the computer networks of u.s. companies. >> chinese hackers are also working on -- china releasing its full firepower on the american grids and manufacturing. reliable estimates put the loss of more than $100 billion a year. isladies and gentlemen, it
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time for china's existential challenge to america and the world. please welcome your master of ceremonies, gordon chang from the daily beast. gordon: thank you cpac and good afternoon to you all. before in the history of our republic have we been threatened by such a large adversary. threat been so pervasive and never before have we been so ill-prepared to defend ourselves. defend ourselves we must, defend ourselves we well. we have no choice but to defend ourselves because now the struggle is existential. ladies and gentlemen, we are in the fight of our lives with the people's republic of china.
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china challenges us across all domains and on every continent. we have to understand the breath of this challenge. china not only once to rule the thed, they want to upend rules-based order and replace it with their own imperial system. in that system, the chinese recognized there was only one legitimate ruler in the world, their emperor. everyone else had to pay tribute. it is the fashion in washington to say china is revisionist. let us be clear. china is more than just revisionist. china is revolutionary. today in four presentations we are going to hear about china's challenge to our economy, to our military, to our domestic security, and finally to our society. we turn first to the economy and
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i now have the privilege and the honor to introduce to you, america's most influential economist, the heritage foundation's steve moore. stephen: hello everyone. it is wonderful to see so many deplorable people out there. it is fun to be winning, isn't it? i have news for you. report came a new out that the u.s. economy, for the first quarter of 2018, is growing at 3.5%. had growth like that in a long time. , i work with donald trump as an advisor and saw him a week ago, we are predicting 4% growth for the second half of this year. we have not had 4% growth in
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this country and almost 25 years. i was asked on cnn, is this the obama affect? can you believe liberals? i said yes, this is the obama of fact, it is the effect that barack obama is no longer president. [applause] let me talk for a minute about china because i will go one step further than gordon did. he was saying that china is a revolutionary. i'm going to say this. ally, china is an adversary of the united states. china is an adversary and they're playing a different game than we are. if we are going to continue to succeed as the world's economic iperpower, and i believe when am asked by high school and college kids what is the greatest challenge to our country over the next 50 years, it is not global warming or income inequality or these other things, it is will this great
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country of ours continue to be the world economic superpower. we have been the world economic superpower since the end of world war ii. there was a stretch where people thought the soviet union was catching up with the united states. ronald reagan wiped that away. in the 1980's people thought the japan was wiping that'll -- was catching up with the united states and that never happened. now we do have a genuine challenge and that is china. we cannot allow china to overtake the united states. we have to continue to be the hub of the world economy. by oneans -- i was asked of the chinese economic ministers a couple of years ago whether he thought china would speed past us. i said that is not going to happen in my lifetime. i said the reason that is not going to happen is because our chinese are smarter than your chinese. here's what we need to do.
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stealing from the united states. we are an information age technology,produce we produce all sorts of patents and copyrights. the latest estimate is that billion stealing 500 dollars or almost half $1 trillion of technology by stealing our patents and copyrights. that cannot happen anymore. here is my take on this. i do not believe that donald trump can possibly be tough enough in negotiating with china. i believe that donald trump should start getting very serious with china. and saying if you're going to be a member of the civilized society and you're going to have access to american markets, because here is a key point that donald trump should play with the chinese. it is simple. china needs us more than we need them.
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china needs us more than we need them and we should use that leverage. not have free trade with china if they're going to continue to steal $500 billion a year from us. we cannot of trade with a country that is stealing from us. number two, you will hear from the experts on national security. i know what everyone in this room knows. one of the greatest dangers in this world is the lunatic in north korea has a nuclear weapon. that cannot stand. what country has enabled and allow that to happen? everyone in this room knows that it is china that has allow that to happen. there is what i want donald trump to say. until you shut down the north korea nuclear program, you're not going to have access to american --. shut that system down because it is a threat to american prosperity.
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i'm extremely optimistic about the u.s. economy. donald trump, you heard them this morning and one of the most amazing speeches i've ever heard . he is right about how he has rebuilt the u.s. economy. i love the energy story. china, to compete with you have seen the latest statistics. that end of this year, the united states of america, thanks in no small part to donald trump's leadership on energy and also the people around this country who are developing energy, for the first time in 50 years, the united states will surpass saudi arabia as the number one producer of oil and gas in the world and is that great news or what? we are winning and we have to continue to win, and the way we have to beat china is simple. free market,ur capitalist ideas to make sure that china does not overtake us. one thing on my way out. don't you think it is time that
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china, if they want to be a free society and they want to be a member of the civilized world, that they take mao off of their currency? he was one of the greatest butchers of the 20th century. the fact that china continues to celebrate mao suggest they do not get the freedom thing. let's make sure america remains number one and america remains great again. thank you so much. [applause] >> our chinese are much better than theirs. is china's threat to our military and to our national security. here to speak about this is america's most incisive foreign-policy thinker, our former ambassador to the u.n., john bolton. [applause]
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>> good afternoon. good afternoon. it is great to be here this is the issue for the united states in the 21st century. a i think it's very important as we look at this question that we single, short, clear message. you will never prevail over the united states. doing is engaging in one of the most massive and rapid military buildups in international history. it is expanding its nuclear weapons capability, it's expanding its ballistic missiles , it is modernizing its sense of conventional forces, it's building its first blue water navy in china's history in the
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last 600 years, it has one of the world's most expensive cyber warfare programs, one of the most vast anti-satellite programs to knock out our intelligence gathering equipment out of the sigh that out of the sky. -- out of the sky. it has anti-access weaponry to push the united states navy back from the shore in the western pacific. it has an indoor miss investment the people's liberation arm. we don't know the exact side of the budget because if they don't release those figures conveniently the way we do, but make no mistake they are determined to achieve superiority over us and our friends in the east and southeast asian region. they are acting belligerently already in the east china sea, threatening our friends and allies in taiwan. they have japan and south korea worried.
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the are creating a chinese province in the south china sea, they are building naval bases on rocks and reefs that, on a good day, our three inches out in the water. i would give them the ability to turn these international waters cut a chinese -- they would off oil that flows into south korea and taiwan and establish dominance there. today china is mapping the seabed in the indian ocean. why: not because they are looking for fish, i can tell you that. because they are prepared to challenge india in their own neighborhood. they are building up a capability to build ballistic missile submarines out there and hide them from a spirit they have engaged in the strategic thinking we can only dream about and have probably heard, the one wrote initiative, which is an plan to link all the countries in eurasia to
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china. the maritime silk road, as they call it. and communications and transportation infrastructure in asia. this is a massive undertaking. proceeding on or ahead of schedule. they have done any number of things to undercut the united states and its allies in asia. the north korea nuclear weapons program would end tomorrow if china wanted it to. for 25 years they have been deceiving the united states, saying they want to eliminate that program. they haven't done much of anything. existentialkind of threat that gives new meaning to the word existential trade it is one reason why the president needs, not just a missile defense system -- why the president needs -- not just a missile defense system in the united states. kinded the kind of the --
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of missile defense system ronald reagan proposed in the strategic needed position, and we to now. we also need a massive military buildup. we need to increase the number of ships in the navy, upwards to 350. we need massive new capabilities in the air and for our land forces. the president has taken important steps with his military budget. i agree with everybody in this room, we don't want the budget deficit to go up. there are plenty of wasteful programs. we need a comprehensive national --ate on something all on americans should commit to. let's hear the democrats explain why they disagree with that.
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let's hear the democrats explain how they think they are going to deal with china. the way barack obama dealt with china? how was that for a -- for an example? the way elizabeth warren would deal with china if she were elected. i understand during these three days we are going to talk about a lot of very important domestic issues. the stateo question of the economy is top in mind and any other issues you are familiar with. i would put to you this one thesis. if the united states is not safe, all the other issues are secondary. all the other issues are secondary. and if there is one glue that tells the conservative -- that holds the conservative movement together, ever since the days of barry goldwater, we believe in
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peace through strength. we want a strong america, we it. donald trump to give >> thank you. i now have the pleasure to bring to the stage, to talk about china's challenge to our domestic security, the founder and the president for the center of security policy, my friend -- the one and only frank everybody says it's great to be back at cpac, but nobody means it like i do. i wanted to talk about one other piece of this story about the
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chinese communists that complements and brings home the threat we are facing. to go throughry this by reading a couple of things to you in the space of four or five minutes i have left to tell you about all of the things that china is doing to threaten you, threaten all of us. let me start by making an observation. for 20 years now, communist china has been implementing a thetegy of its own toward united states. it was described in a book published in 1999 by two the people of the liberation army. when my friend talks about us having an adversary in china and john describes the military activity they have been engaged in, let me say something -- let
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me put some thing straight, we are dealing with an enemy that is at war with this country. unrestricted warfare. are manipulating their currency, they are seeking to take down hours as the reserve currency of the world. the're trying to buy into chicago stock exchange so they can more effectively manipulate our financial sector. they are engaged in cyber warfare. companies,ainst our though heaven's nose that is happening -- no heavens knows that is happening. much of which you paid for to is beingotect us ripped off. they are putting into place, ladies and gentlemen, all of the ingredients they need to basically supplant the financial
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institutions we built in the media post-world war ii. -- world war ii period. you've heard of quantum computing. the chinese are considered to be advanced than us in that respect. codes that cannot be broken and the ability to break hours. they are cornering the market, if they haven't already, on things like rare earth minerals. and the source of products that are essential to our , these arel system things that are absolutely to our supply of food. many of them are induced to
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engage in espionage, and a norm is force multiplier that is doing it for their government. about 80% of the u.s. electronics market is supplied by china. imagine that. things,ns, among other cameras that we use for all kinds of home monitoring and other surveillance, official government state, even national security. they are supplied to us by china. you don't think they're taking advantage of that? of course they are. talk about the internet of things. are in a position to exploit all of the information flows that will operate on that on the most internet dependent wireless communications, everything from your refrigerator to your car.
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be able to operate against them. perhaps even be able to use that to kill us. are buying up our technologies, they are not just stealing their intellectual property. committee on the foreign investment in the united states are pretty much asleep at the switch. pulse is one of the instruments of warfare that the chinese are prepared to engage against us. they are working on choke points around the world to make sure they can influence if not simply use theour ability to world for trade. ordly an inclusive exhaustive list, but a sample of what unrestricted warfare means to you.
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let me give three calls to action the government must do about this. areware that the chinese enemies, that they are at war with us. have been almost 20 years at least. and respond appropriately. john alluded to president ronald reagan, who had the privilege of -- a strategy of the soviet union. debts of destroying the soviet union, we need one mic it. implemented to regime change in china. and last, but hardly least, the president of the united states and fire h.r. mcmaster higher john bolton. bolton.ire john
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>> thank you for all you've done. and now we will talk about china's challenge to our society. and i will speak about two ways that beijing is subverting america. we start in anne arundel county, in the state of maryland, just a few miles from here. at the end of last year a friend of mine said that he had seen teenage girls and boys walk off of front step -- front steps the local funeral parlor all dressed in black. the girls were crying, all hanging onto each other. the boys had their hands in their pockets, they were looking blankly outwards. and then the parents came out. dismayed, completely in shock. to me, my friend, said
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"you and i know what happened. today, somebody is burying their child, and somebody else, some of the in china is making money." yes, the chinese are making money while americans died. the anne arundel police a billboard,s showing the number of opioid deaths in the year so far. as the middle of this month, the 15th, 26 people had died. year, if thatthis rate continues, there'll be 226 residents of that one county who were alive on january 1 who will not see the first day of 2019. arundel aren anne not in appellation, they are not desperate, they are not beaten down. in anne arundel are under attack. they are under attack from people in china. thatt is the labs in china
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are killing them. this opioid crisis was made in their country. , one ofon is fentanyl the 50 compounds that the chinese make in their laboratories. the compound comes into the u.s. directly from china, and also smuggled across the border from mexico. now the chinese gangs are moving to canada to make it there. what matters is that fentanyl is synthetic. it is being manufactured by the chinese to be even more addictive. chinese are constantly changing that compound so they cannot be detected as it floods across our borders. as my friend told me, and i'm quoting, "nobody i know in the law enforcement immunity doubts for one moment that the chinese law enforcement services know exactly -- law enforcement momentty doubts for one
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of the chinese services know exactly what is going on. they approve it and profit from what is going on." many people in this country talk about the opioid crisis, but they can't bring themselves to say these words, that china's ruling party is profiting from the killing of americans. cpac is ae theme of time for action, here is my call for action, we must criminalize the deportation -- the importation from china fentanyl and all related compounds. and to enforce that we must have the strict this -- the strictest inspection of goods coming in from beijing. containers sohose that none of this poison gets into our country.
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we must do the same thing from chinese goods that come from both canada and mexico. president said this morning, for far too long the chinese have been taking advantage of us. use americanme we power to protect americans. the second thing we must do, the communist party is active on our campuses and in our schools. there are the confucius institutes, on the grounds of 105 institutes of higher learning. these institutes are part of a global influence operation run by the communist parties united front work department. that is the same organization that is in charge of what the chinese call "political warfare."
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there are also 500 confucius classrooms in our secondary school. by the way, you will not find an american institute in china, you will not find an american classroom. and inr on our campuses our universities and colleges, there is the chinese students and scholars association. it is also another front organization. this is now on the campuses of 150 in the united states. is itat it does surveillance chinese students while they are in the united states so they don't say anything beijing doesn't like. they also collect information for china, they disseminate propaganda, and they organize chinese students to demonstrate on american soil. again, there is no comparable american institute in china. -- institution in china. what we must do is we must remove every confusion institute.
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we must remove every confusion classroom, and we have to disband every chapter of the chinese students association. this as we allow the chinese to freely operate on their soil as they try to take down our democracy, and we cannot operate in theirs. yes we want to chinese students father in this country, but we want them to go back to china to demand what we have, which is liberty. we will defend ourselves, we will defend ourselves today and we will defend ourselves every day going toward. we will do this not just for ourselves but also for our children. we are in a struggle that defines not only us, but our nation.
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>> take a bow. take a bow. we are delighted to welcome the chair of the republican national to her first cpac. >> yes, my very first. >> as many of you know, ronna mcdaniel served as the chair of the michigan republican party. i hear all those wolverine state .ans they are excited to see you. she had prescient insight into the 2016 campaign i understanding that michigan, like ohio and pennsylvania, were and that inside streak would deliver the presidency to donald j. trump. on seeingulations
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what few others saw. she is the second woman to be elected the chairman of the rnc, and has been a foot soldier in the republican ranks and the conservative army for many years. it is great to have you here. i wanted to ask you about michigan and what you saw in 2016 that few others saw. >> let me say thank you so much for having me, we love you cpac. hello, everyone. we love michigan. part of my passion for taking was stillhat michigan in play in the presidential election.
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if we had the right candidate -- president trump, then candidate new flame in our state and created a coalition of voters we haven't seen since ronald reagan. to see him come and talk about fair trade, to talk about putting america first, to say things like every time we look at this country is leaders in surecountry we need to be it is affecting american jobs. with the rnc and the state party, and our ground game and our ability to recognize what is happening with the voters and to turn them out, we won for the first time since 1988. >> such an important win in 2016, and now we going to the midterms. as you know the president was
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here this morning, told us about the history of midterm elections and how they haven't worked out so well for the party that controls the white house. 2018, whatlooking at are the key factors for republican victories? >> how much did you love the president today? messenger fortter our party who gets that enthusiasm going and who relates to the voters that we need them. -- moremore republicans. in 100 years the party that has held the white house has only kept the majority in the house three times. three times in that first midterm. we need republicans energized and engaged. they were arrogant in 2016, they were complacent.
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that is not the case in 2018. we have to recognize that as a party and everybody has to recognize that has to wake up with that sense of urgency. our country is on a come back. --s are coming back, and the unemployment is at a record low. this is a country worth fighting for. my call to all of you is to stay engaged, we are going to need you in 2018. >> i want to ask about the keyword you used. the media said there has been an energy gap, and enthusiasm gap. if you do what can be done about that too?
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>> opposition is very uniting. the democrats have found this opposition with resist and obstruct. as theirusing that rally call. sometimes when things are going well you sit back and go, everything is ok, i don't need to work as hard, the country is doing great, jobs are coming back, we are fine. that is not what we should be thinking. as quickly as we have gained in this one your turnaround we can lose it. complacency is our worst enemy going into a midterm. if the democrats have the energy, we need to ramp up -- the democrats have the energy, we need to wrap up and have that same energy. >> you mentioned another keyword, and that is the resistance. what should be the republican response to frankly the hatred and venom that spewed forth by the left constantly? >> let's look at what they are resisting. nancy pelosi and chuck schumer are resisting more jobs.
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recorde resisting unemployment, they are resisting a stronger military, resisting a better america. they are rooting against these tax cuts. calls 1000 dollar bonuses crumbs. see thisot want to country go further and they are resisting it. we are the party of a vision, the party of the average american family. and we are seeing we want you to do better, we want your country to rise and it is happening under president trump and republican leadership. don't keep that energy -- and i know you have it here at cpac. and i will to you what, so encouraging as the rnc chair. if we had 500,000 new small dollar donors -- we have had 500,000 new smaller dollar donors since president trump took office. we have to make sure we can fight against the negativity of
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the democrats. who wants to go back to the dark ages of pelosi and schumer? are already to protect america's come back, are you with me? >> here we are. you and i are both from the northeast of our great nation, the rust belt. i want to lock into the weeds for a moment to talk about something particular to the keystone state, and that is the fact that the democrats weren't very happy that republicans and donald trump in particular carried our states. and the supreme court of pennsylvania has stepped in now to redraw the congressional district map for 2018. how dangerous do you see that as being? hast is so dangerous what happened in pennsylvania, it is complete judicial overreach. they have completely thrown out the will of the voters, who have elected their legislatures to draw the map, and the judiciary has come back and said, forget what the voters want, forget
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constitutionally what the legislature is supposed to do, we are going to draw the map. it is frightening, every american should pay attention. -- underlinesies why president trump is so important. not only did he give us neil gorsuch, who we love, to replace justice scalia, but we also put in more circuit court judges in this first year than any other first year of a presidency. so critical. everybody should be paying attention to these judicial races, and especially pennsylvania. extreme judicial overreach, it is judicial gerrymandering. i hope the supreme court looks at it and rejects it. >> you took office, or i believe were let to the chairmanship of the day donald trump was sworn in as president. what has been the greatest ?ccomplishment of the rnc
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>> i love traveling the country and seeing the enthusiasm and meeting with so many grassroots activists who care so much about our country and give their time. of the great accomplishments as we have raised the most money of any political party in history in an off year election in the rnc. $132 million. [applause] we have $40 million cash on hand, we have $23 million more -- 23 times more than the democrats. we doubled them in fund raising. we are in 22 states. we are the most prepared we have ever been going into a midterm election. we have trained volunteers, and we are ready to keep our majority in the senate and house and governorships across this country. >> quickly come as we conclude here. with this room of conservative activists, 10,000 strong, what is the thing you would like them
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, going home with enthusiasm, education, and the vicar to get involved, what are the specific things you would like to see moredo in 2018 to be involved than they already are and be more effective. >> first i want to say thank you, thanks to every person here who helped us win the white house in 2016. we couldn't have done it without you. and now on going to ask you again to help keep these majorities. this is a country worth fighting for, i love this country so much., sign-up, ba volunteer. we need you knocking on doors, we need you to have a rally every day in your neighborhood, talking to your neighbors, talking to your family, talking to your friends about the good things happening in this country, because we cannot go back. we have to fight for our future and we are going to need each and every one of you to win in november. if so please, go and support the gop and support our president, and help keep these majorities.
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ladies and gentlemen, the chairman of the republican national committee, ron mcdaniel. onna mcdaniel. ♪ >> we are not afraid of the irs. irscial laws fighting the in court, held accountable over the rule of law over targeting of americans for their political beliefs. be sure to follow us on twitter. >> we need to follow the rule of law of law and immigration pitted judicial law in court --
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we want to protect the rule of law and we want to protect you. follow us on youtube now. >> we haven't forgotten hillary clinton. judicial watch exposed the clinton gmail scandal and we are in court right now holding her accountable for the same laws and rules the rest of us are expected to follow. follow us on facebook. can be told to run, or you can choose to run. yet to oneu moving, just goes through the motion. the other has purpose, meaning, freedom. what about your health care? , going being told through the motion, or are you choosing something better? liberty health share has a purpose. it unites people to share in the burden of health care.
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a true community that cares for you in your time of need. and from interference constraints. exercise your purpose, time to exercise your meaning. it's time to exercise your freedom. liberty health share. ♪ >> the american inventor, protected by the united states right tond exclusive one's ideas, inventions, and intellectual property. from inspiration to innovation, america led the world -- until now. >> the patent right is a broken promise, it's a useless piece of paper. leadership position in
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