tv Washington Journal 03242018 CSPAN March 24, 2018 7:00am-7:31am EDT
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scheduled to start at noon eastern. we will be taking your calls and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. "washington journal," is next. ♪ host: good morning. 2018 saturday, march 24, to more than half a million people from all over the country are expected to come to capitol hill here in washington today for the march of our lives in protest of school gun violence. 800 are similarly planned in cities across the world, aimed at action critics complain that the message and the tone of some of the students ff,anizers have been o and they accuse the funders of trying to mount a partisan
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effort to attack a gun rights. our line for viewers under 25 only, what do you think of the march? do you agree or disagree with the march organizers? if you are in the eastern or central time zone, and you're under 25, you can call (202) 748-8000. young people in the mountain and pacific time zone can call (202) 748-8001. you can also reach us on social media, on twitter @cspanwj and on facebook at -- at on the front page of today's focuses on thet" issue behind the march for our lives. it talks about people, students who have been it posed to gun violence at their schools since columbine in 1999. 100rings the number two
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87,000 students, pointing out you often hear about those who are slaves but not those who witnessed it. over the past two decades from a handful of massacres that have come to define school shootings in this country are always membe remembered for the studens and educators slain. what those figures fail to capture, though, is the collateral damage of this uniquely american crisis. beginning with columbine in 1999, more than 180,000 students 193ending at least primary or secular schools have expressed a shooting on campus. that is according to a "washington post" analysis. the march today is instructed to draw a half a million people cared in cities across the country, including parkland, florida, where the shooting that took thee last month lives of 17 people.
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we are talking to our young people today, getting your views about these protests of l violence in schools. we have christian calling in college station, texas. are you a student now? caller: yes, ma'am. host: what level of students are you? caller: i am doing undergrad at texas a&m university. host: what do you think about these protests today? caller: i think the protestscaller: are very good. i am majoring in history, and i that bringsnything awareness to the situation regarding the school shootings and other gun violence in the protestsi think that are certainly a good thing. host: what would you like to see happen in response to these protests, christian?
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would you like to see changes to gun laws? would you like to see more security? next?o you think comes caller: i think that it is such a complex issue. i feel like there does need to at schools.rity additionally, i do think we need to take a second look at the right to bear arms and what .xactly does that mean your callk you for today, christian. "time magazine" has more specifics about today's march. over 600,000 people are expected to join the march of marjory .toneman douglas high school the idea for the march came shortly after the every 14th shooting at the parkland,
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florida high school, where 17 people were allegedly killed by a former student, 19-year-old nikolas cruz, who was armed with an ar-15 rifle that had been legally purchased, authorities said. d.c.,day in washington, they will arrive on capitol hill. thousands of people are expected me and join the students, who have also traveled here, student organizers from florida and elsewhere, who have joined us -- who have come to washington to join into that march. let's take a look at the day after the shooting at columbine back in 1999. then-president bill clinton spoke about the event. clinton: in littleton, we saw and continue to see our and horror and agony.
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we also see in that harbor and agony the times that brings community.e national the police officers rushing toward the sound of gunfire with bravery and professionalism. the students risking their own lives for their friends. the doctors and paramedics summoning all of their skills under astonishing pressure. the parents and neighbors whose love and concern sustain their children for that last, long night, and who will be called upon to do much more in the days and weeks to come. agony, in a moment of where it is best in our community and in our country. particularly struck by the story of mrs. miller, the teacher who heard the gunfire in lead students to safety
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the choir room, who worked to keep them quiet and calm for hours, while the students remove ceiling tiles to let in more air. doubtless we will learn more stories of quick thinking and grace under pressure as the stories unfold. all of us are struggling to understand exactly what happened and why. there is a deep desire to come for the grieving and counsel the children. we must also focus on what we are going to do. agents from the atf and the fbi already are on the ground, providing technical assistance to local authorities. highly trained crisis workers are ready to help people cope with their loss. fortunately, one of the most outstanding senators in the nation -- centers for this
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nation for this sort of work is in denver. perhaps the most important thing all of us can do right now is to reach out to each other and to families and their young children. it is very important to explain to children all over america what has happened and to reassure our own children that they are safe. we also have to take this moment once again to hammer home to all the children of america that violence is wrong. and parents should take this moment to ask what else they can do to shield our children from violent images and experiences that warp young perceptions and obscure the consequences of violence. to show our children by the
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power of our own example how to resolve conflicts peacefully, and as we learned at the white house conference on school safety, and as is reflected in the handbook that the secretary of education and the attorney general sent to all of our schools, we must all do more to recognize and look for the early warning signals that deeply troubled young people send often before they explode into violence. surely more of them can be saved and more innocent victims and tragedies can be avoided. host: that was president clinton speaking back in 1999. , we are later now watching his people to send together on capitol hill here in the nation's capital for the march for our lives, organized
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in part by students at a florida school that experienced gun violence last month. we are talking to our young viewers today, those under 25. ?o you believe in this march are you planning to demonstrate? did you participate in the school walkout that took place earlier this month? if you are in the eastern or central time zones, call (202) 748-8000. in the mountain or pacific time zones, you can call (202) 748-8001. we have some other statistics about today's march and the planning. these marches will theket in conjunction with florida students' never again march in d.c. it covers 387 congressional districts in all 50 states security marches will be held in the biggest cities -- new york, l.a., chicago, denver, and i
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atlanta, and also small towns. the latest count is 819 marches , 94 abroad.he u.s. those marches have already taken place in cities across the world as students push for the attention of lawmakers and others to aggress -- address this issue of school violence in the wake of recent gun violence. president trump is at mar-a-lago today, just 30 or so miles away from parkland, florida. let's take a look at what he had to say after that shooting at parkland. [video clip] pres. trump: no child, no should ever be in danger in an american school. no parent should ever have to fear for their sons and daughters when they kiss them
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goodbye in the morning. each person who was stolen from us yesterday had a full life ahead of them, a life filled with wondrous beauty and unlimited potential and promise. each one had dreams to pursue, love to give, and talents to share with the world, and each one had a family to whom they meant everything in the world. today, we mourn for all of those who lost their lives. we comfort the grieving and the wounded. and we hurt for the entire community of parkland, florida, that is now in shock and pain, and searching for answers. to law enforcement, first responders, and teachers who responded so bravely in the face of danger, we thank you for your courage.
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soon after the shooting, i spoke with governor scott to convey our deepest sympathies to the people of florida, and our determination to assist in any way that we can. i also spoke with florida attorney general pam bondi and broward county sheriff scott israel. i am making plans to visit parkland and continue coordinating the federal response. in these moments of heartache and darkness, we hold on to god's word in scripture, i have heard your prayer and seen your tears, i will heal you. we trust in that promise, then we hold fast to our fellow americans in their time of sorrow.
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i want to speak directly to america's children, especially those who feel lost, alone, confused, or even scared. i want you to know that you are never alone, and you never will be. you have people who care about you, who love you, and who will do anything at all to protect you. if you need help, turn to a teacher, a family member, a local police officer, or a faith leader. answer hate with love, answer cruelty with kindness. we must also work together to create a culture in our country that embraces the dignity of life that creates deep and meaningful human connections, and that turns classmates and colleagues into friends and neighbors. host: dorothy is going from
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hollenberg, ohio. thank you for joining us today. are you still in school? so, what level? caller: no, i am not in school. host: what do you think of the protests? what do you think of the students who are marching? are you going to take part? caller: no. i do not think that kids should be allowed to take guns in school. for one reason -- they will get mad. they can get mad at a teacher, mma will shoot them. -- and then they will shoot them. turn down your tv and listen through your phone, if you can. done?ou think should be
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do you think laws should be changed to make it harder for kids to get access to guns? what do you think should happen? i think it should be kid -- very hard -- for a to have a gun in school, because of they get mad at a teacher, what are they going to? they are going to shoot that teacher. host: ok, john is calling it from rochester, michigan. hi, john. caller: good morning. host: what you think about the school protests? caller: i think it is sad. the former lawmaker was talking ,bout some ohio lawmaker something about bringing long rifles to school to protect themselves. the you know, i grew up in 1980's, and there was the post
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.ffice shootings mn columbine started. -- and then columbine started. i just do not think gun control is the answer. host: what do you think is the answer, john? should the government consider fortifying schools? what is the answer? caller: i am not really sure. host: all right. magazine has more about who is funding the protests we will see today. organizers started in march for our lives action fund, which allows for the expenses associated with the washington, d.c. march, use to fight for comprehensive gun safety legislation at the local, state, and federal level, and will also include voter education, ballot
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initiatives, and lobbying state legislatures and congress to protect america's kids, according to their frequently asked questions. the organizers have artie raised more than $3 million on gofundme , and also some celebrities have contributed to the cause, including george and amal clooney, who gave half $1 for ourto march lives. it was matched by oprah winfrey, steven spielberg, and kate cap show, and producer jeffrey katzenberg and marilyn sieg el. ellen degeneres and shutterfly announced making a joint donation of $50,000, increasing tikhon and john legend pledged $25,000, also josh kushner, brother of jared kushner, donated $50,000. if you are a young person, we would love to hear from you. (202) 748-8000. all others can call (202) .48-8001
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james is calling from pittsburgh. what do you think of the march today? caller: i support them to its 100%. you go, kids are you stand up for a country. i support them kiss, and i hope everybody some were slim. we have got a president right now who is trying to build ships, he is trying to build tanks, he is trying to build airplanes to kill people. do you think he is going to have gun control? no. he will be replaced in 2020. host: what would you like to see the president and lawmakers do? are actions do you think ?ecessary death should i think he retire. these are children. these are assault rifles. what do you need an assault weapon for? i do not even like police having them.
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cannot even make it in the military, they cannot cut it on the football field, so they come into the military, and they shoot people. these police officers are kids themselves. they should not even be police. they cannot become rangers, navy seals, so they come out and become police officers, and they have an attitude, and they should not even have a gun! host: all right, anne is next. what do you think about the protests? caller: i think it is wonderful for your they are doing this for their lives and for their generation. see: what would you like to happen after this, i mean, once the marches are over today, is there anything specifically that you would like to see lawmakers do? should they restrict gun sales, should they reduce background checks? caller: well, i think it is an urban/rural divide rather than a
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political divide. i use weapons, my sons use weapons occasionally for sports or recreation, but they do not carry it around the street to kill people. i think it should be regulated, similar to a vehicle. they should be registered, you should go through training, there should be periodic retesting to make sure that you are still good to do it. i think that would be an easier way to have the lawmakers involved. host: all right. breitbart is also covering the march. it says left wing funded teams dissented on d.c. for anti-gun arch for our lives march, march 1 announced by students who attended the florida high school where 17 people of were shot and killed by a man with a history of the illness -- of mental illness issues.
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it has march into a worldwide anti-gun, anti-second amendment, promoted and funded by left-wing adults and adult-led organizations. according to the march for our website, hundreds of cities across the country and even roman world be protesting a gunrday in favor of restrictions, including banning certain types of guns, age restrictions for purchases. .e have sarah on the line from charleston, west virginia. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. i support the kids of america having a voice them in particular when it comes to safety and school, and to the community at large, we live at a time when there is a lot of , i wouldin our country
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think it would be hard to find any use or adult who would not agree that we have a problem. we have a problem when it comes to mental illness in our country. adequate screening. there is not adequate counseling , and there are very few facilities that help to deal with the crisis that our country is in with mental health. as far as the gun control issue is concerned, i have always been a very strong believer in the constitution. i understand the need for our country -- for our citizens to be armed. why they arestand selling guns that cause such devastation. so i am in support of some measures that would increase the screening of sales of those
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arms, and i also believe that we need to stay strong with our rights to bear arms. a lesson that was learned in history class early in my life, and it stuck. ii,ather was in world war and he did not talk about the war. experience must have been tragic. -- i livethat we live in an area where we rely upon our natural resources for conservinglso for our natural resources as far as hunting. my father was an avid hunter when he was a young man. when he came back from the war, he did not hunt anymore. host: right, but you said this is a different matter than hunting, sarah, right?
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caller: yes. it is a totally different matter. "ost: as the "washington post talks about today, the fact that students who have experienced gun violence, who have witnessed it, often face the same trauma that you see in people who have been in the military at wartime. sentys everyday threats classrooms into lockdowns that can frighten students, even when they turn out to be false alarms. conductf schools ca active shooter drills in which kids as young as four hide in darkened closets and bathrooms from imaginary murderers. it is no longer the default that going to school is going to make you feel safe, said bruce parry, a psychiatrist and one of the country's leading experts on childhood trauma. even kids who come from middle class and upper middle-class communities literally do not feel safe in schools. joe is next. caller: i think it is a good idea.
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they have to get their stuff together. they have to figure out what they want exactly. they are going to keep improving. they have to be regulated, special permits, a class three license, you need a pistol permit. they are not the types we had 50 years ago. military weapons -- people did years ago.have them nowadays, everybody can have them, and there are a lot of crazy people i knew that had these ar-15's. that is the first thing they wanted to get. host: joe, what do you want lawmakers to do? caller: they have to stop selling them to these people. i need to have special permits. certain people that go through channels that will have background checks. maybe i should make it so that you cannot buy them like that until you're 27 or something like that. there are way too many guns, and
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there are some really crazy people out there. host: all right, norman is on the line. you are under 25. what do you think about these protests, and are you taking part in one where you are in south carolina? caller: uh, no. host: and why not? i just do not know that it is doing that good. i think we need the gun control. stockould not buy a bump or a 30-round clip for your done, but my biggest question is, if they cannot control illegal drugs, health can make control the guns? how can you stop people from wanting to hurt people with guns? i do not think the government can fix this, i think the people have to fix this . thi: and how do people fix
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what do people needs? quitr: maybe they should hating each other so much. one of the big problems we have is with the mainstream media for you have news outlets are just reading hey, dividing the country. is one of the biggest problems. you can outlaw all the guns you want, you can write all the laws you want, but if you cannot stop cocaine, you cannot stop heroin, how do you stop guns? a lot of guns crossed the border. that? you stop let's take a look at what lauren haus am a freshman at marjory stoneman douglas high school in parkland, florida, said at an yesterday,shington recounting the moment that a shooting there occurred. [video clip] lauren: as we sat him the darkness and research reports
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coming in about my friends being on the floor and teachers being dead on the floor, we were scared. we heard reports of their multiple shooters. there were so many rumors going on as we sat there. we heard someone come down our hallway. we did not know who it was some of it in that moment, all i could think about was my family. people say that your life flashes before your lives, but it really does. we did not know who it was. kids crowded behind the tv set and started trampling all over us. as i said there -- i just -- i am 14! i should not have to think about getting shot in my school, a sanctuary that should be safe or every child in america. ikept thinking about things have not said to my family. having to text your loved ones that you love them is the worst thing imaginable. after hours of waiting in the
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darkness, not knowing what is going on, we heard our door get kicked open. was, butt know who it thankfully it was the swat team coming to save us. when they came to get us, they made us lineup in a row, and as we walked out, we had so many police officers and swat members around us, and having to hold my hands above my head in my own school and knowing that something was wrong, that have been building right next to us, it was horrific -- that happened in the building right next to us, it was horrific. telling us to run for our lives without hands above our heads -- and one host: we're joined -- above our heads -- host: and we're joined now by winter hennessy. she is the national student , whor for women's march will put this thing today's march for our lives in washington, d.c.
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