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tv   Washington Journal 04022018  CSPAN  April 2, 2018 9:32am-10:03am EDT

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pledge of after lo -- allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] >> the house stands adjourned until april 5th, 2018. host: a pro forma session for the house of representatives and gain, the house and senate essentially in recess for the easter passover break. returning for full legislative session, we bring gavel coverage of pro ouse and senate, this forma session lasted just under three minutes. this is from the palm beach post, the president spent the
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weekend, he's back at the white house. "no more daca deal, the president saying on twitter and other comments. this from the arkansas democrat gazette. trump presses for tougher border law. get your reaction to what the president is saying, it's time deal. the daca phone lines are open, 202-748-8001 is the line for republicans. 202-748-8000 for democrats. you can send us a tweet at c-spanwj, or join us on facebook headline, trump signals a daca deal.end to the "president trump, who vowed to catch-and-release,ed to end catch and release, tweeted republicans g that need to take the nuclear option when passing tougher immigration laws. given congressad six months to come up with a
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solution for the beneficiaries daca. the president threatening to pull out of free-trade agreement with mexico unless the country to stop the flow of illegal immigration entering the u.s. that story from republicans. for 202-748-8000 for democrats. this, story ll of front page. eager refugees courted for job market.t story from patricia cohen reports as following. forecasters expecting unemployment rate to sink further, course of complaint shortages from prodigy to computer has swelled. ray wily tend to have tough jobs they offer are in out f the way places, work is low paid and disagreeable. and white men, generally are not interested. story available at ny times
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dot com. tweeting, saying, funny to watch fake news etworks, dishonest groups of people i have dealt with for being inclair anbc, , superior to cnn, which is a total joke. th anniversary of the first easter egg roll which began rutherford d. hayes 1878.n good republican line, morning. caller: good morning to you. how are you this morning? we're fine, how are you, sir? this : pretty good o. immigration deal, i don't know why this country and congress oesn't realize, these immigrants, illegals, whatever, even the kids l,
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that's here. as far as the constitution goes back at it was done, even in the civil war, the anchor babies, as they call them, i same thing, e the anchor babies were set up for after ldren of slaves civil war and as far as back to that to the people nowdays is not so. they are still illegal. i believe in letting them become doing the right way to come. this country can't survive, borders, just can't do it. host: john, from the arizona president tweeting "no more daca deal," headlines the -- joining us from menden, michigan, good morning. good morning. begin daca daca and amending, how many people are in foreigners?t are we don't actually have a way to determine who snuck in and who there is no forms
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that get filled out. we actually need to do another of census to have our overnment determine and actually create a database of whowe are and who we are -- is here legally and who is here not legally. that is what needs to get done. thanks, c-span. host: thank you for the call. "wall street journal," trump signals that he won't deal on easter-day tweet. warning of caravans. front page of "washington post," reading as follows with of philip president trump spending easter orning here in palm beach, florida, west palm beach, on anti-immigrant tirade, declaring would be no deal to legalize undocumented dreamers , known as and threatening to exit the pre-trade agreement, unless
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mexico increases security. millions of undocumented were brought to the u.s., by promising "no more daca deal," and directed to pass legislation. an hour after he wished americans happy easter, he fired tweets, vented, sometimes all caps about called ion laws he ridiculous and dumb and border -- fox immigrants en eling through mexico route to the united states, carried headline, caravan of immigrants headed to the united states. next up is cindy joining from joseph, minnesota. caller: thank you for letting me on. host: sure. pulled up pugh it looks like 1952
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is when we started to mess with doors for all kinds of things. i think they need to go back to 1940 and use the -- they check the health, they check the check, you cally know, if they believe in our constitution to begin with, you of our e creator constitution is what they need to believe in. i think if you look at the 1940s and even the president, i could just say because of the emergency situation, we're just going to frame. to that year and base our immigration policy because, you know, 1990 was an act, it was still pending. 1996, a woman that was in charge of it died and as far as i know, believe, was one that
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executive atever, power to change things. so i really think people should it, but we need to verify the people coming in, we need to we need to health, check to see if they really do believe in our institution. god, the creator that formed laws for constitution. thank you. cindy.hank you, trump, a h of tiffany law student here in washington at georgetown university law easter nd attending services yesterday. next to that from the palm beach ost, "no more daca deal," and the president in a series of tweets yesterday and the president again tweeting about that today. we'll read them in just a moment, first,any from fairfax, independent line. good morning. caller: good morning. weak that s pretty he's doing, saying these things on easter. supporter, but i
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kids shouldthat the be picked on, i wish they would are ss other issues that important to people like abortion and that kind of thing, rather than picking on people are kind of in a defenseless situation. thank you. next up, viewer from new york city, democrat's line, welcome conversation. caller: good morning. thank you for your program. i'm calling regarding i think daca situation, these ids came here actually with their parents and i think they should stay here. the other thing, regarding when we get down to the definition of "illegal," i would that everyone who came here, parents your fore would be considered illegal because the only people here and everybody s else came illegally, if you want to use that expression, go back to ould
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where they came from, you came here and tried to claim america your own. you shouldn't do that. either let everybody come here prospect or let nobody come here and prosper. being so righteous and holy you are actually with god and you care for people and opposite.o the thank you for letting me speak. host: thank you. couple of tweets. liberty, no daca deal or sensible deal, hinted at doing, give some people hope, he squashed. saying, sometimes i wonder, is fox news punking trump? say stuff just to get reaction? from james ard, what do want to do with
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hondurans.ravan of maybe mexico is tired of being responsible for revolving problems caused in part by the united states. short while ago, president mexico making fortune on nafta. borderlaws, rong ours are pathetic. top people from coming from their country to ours unless changes our ichard from mauldin, massachusetts, good morning. caller: good morning. i think they should be sent law, and law is the what really gets me, when poor children the but they don't care about babies lling their
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inside them, but they worry about people bringing their kids over. they're a bunch of hypocrites. you got to uphold the law, period. father came over here from ireland, he went the right way, island o through ellis and he -- they told him three things. have to support yourself. if your spouse don't support you, we deport you back to ireland. hat was three questions they just im and that is -- don't cross the line. thank you very much for listening to me. going after amazon amazon, he is writing again regard to t ith -- money-losing post office makes money with amazon. a fortune and this
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will be changed. our fulling texting retailers all over the ores country, not a level playing field. more from the president on been tweeting about since mid-week last week. silver spring, maryland, good morning, welcome to the program. doing, sir?, how you how you doing? host: good, how are you, sir? kauk caller: not too bad. amazon thing, he work for amazon, they don't give a damn about anybody. it is not amazon, it is people with, they ntracting are the ones who are paying employees and stuff like that. eastener k yesterday on easter and didn't get holiday pay. trump, his father is a german national, isn't he? america, thatrt of
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is part of europe. you know what i mean, everybody has a right to this is a free country. everyone talking about the constitution, if you look into it, they haven't been paying constitution in a long time, especially when you go to courts with the whole and white thing. not just part of the christian code, actually. but, pretty much black, when they say black and white, take nash nashlt. blak /* /- nation attality. black people are part of the arriving.le it is actually really one of those things them trying to keep control of this country when it is pretty much supposed to be a everybody.for host: von, from silver spring,
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maryland. and another tweet, what does do with people not already here? ounds like misguided knee-jerk reaction, we're asking about the daca because the president's daca is dead e because the democrats didn't out and now everyone he -- exclamation mark. reporting in an opinion on daca is -- ge sending message of goodwill then all americans and taking break from politics. not our president, just hours easter to ing happy 49 million twitter followers, about trump was venting
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illegal immigration, so much for the spirit of holy week. president displayed ignorance of immigration laws, including those governing the program. his outburst was uninformed and misleading tantly unpridential. welcome to the conversation. go ahead, mary, you are next. caller: pardon me. next, go ahead, mary. caller: okay. i'm glad you took my call, i taking my call. i was thinking about the lady who called talking about going parties and i disagree with that completely. parties, there was a lot going on in the united states that shouldn't be going on and still is. as illegals coming over americansright, native were here and the only other nes brought in were african americans, they were brought in
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as slaves. ow can you say who could and couldn't come. these are god's people, this is world. thank you. host: thank you. heather from las vegas, good morning. democrat's line. hi there. yes, i live in las vegas and i want to talk about trump's about daca. t is not helping anything, believe me. las vegas, what is happening in las vegas is just like what happened in california. i lived in california after reagan declared amnesty and with rnia filled up illegals like crazy. the same thing is happening here las vegas, so many illegals going to if trump is do something, he better do it quick and stop talking about it. that s all i have to say, is probably not a democratic point of view, but i'm just seeing the united
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states get run over like it is and seeing all these dope here is just horrible. it's really horrible and i hope going to do something quick because talk doesn't do anything. adding your ou for voice. hill newspaper, trump demands nuclear option, the story online at reads in part, the president democrats of failing to agree on a deal, he could sign, they just don't care. refusing to sign several bipartisan deals, president called for a fix that would include border wall unding and other causes, democrats do not want to support. even under simple majority vote. available at mary joining us from florida. good morning, welcome to the conversation. good morning.
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i'm just calling because -- are you there? are.: we sure go ahead. caller: i'm calling on -- nobody eems to be saying anything about anchor babies. i haven't heard that too much. babies, you know, i think people not ll those illegal -- better word for me. okay. so i think most kids, most of benefits et all the from the state or wherever it is alled and like all those daca people, the people talking say, not kids. are some of them are already adults, think.w, most of them, i how do we know those people just whenin a couple of months, 16, ere already 15 or -- one thing i haven't heard,
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anything about the anchor babies. where i live, okay -- host: thank you. mary. from president trump. tweets on daca issue. "congress must immediately pass legislation, use the nuclear option, if necessary, to inflow of drugs and people, border patrol agents and are great, but weak laws don't allow them to do our job. our country ress, is being stolen." and mexico to let large caravans enter their country, top them at the northern border, they can do, not allowing them to pass through has no effective border laws and went on to say -- we lost that part. i can pull it back up. that is from this morning, that was from yesterday. to bring up the other tweet in a moment. ryan in line.apolis, democrat's
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caller: good morning. thank you for letting me weigh in. there. i just wanted to, my only was shocked the hearing about illegal immigrants, that has been a part of living in las and -- anybody the -- the elevator, cleaning slot machines that sort that is missing from the conversation, there is -- come to this country. native-born s that americans don't want to do and missing from this conversation all together. you.k host: last part of the tweet we lost a moment ago from president trump. dead because democrats
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didn't care or act and now veryone wants on the daca band wagon. no longer works, build the wall s secure borders with proper border legislation. democrats want no borders, hence drug and crime. rump demands senate to use nuclear option, no more daca deal. shoals, om muscle alabama. republican line, good morning. caller: good morning. marj e /* /- margie. trump.sappointed in mr. i am a registered republican, i vote for donald trump. he calls them illegal immigrants. trying to immigrate somewhere, including donald trump and that is to our lord in heaven. but, you know, some of these, here is drugs all around,
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here's crime all around, there are a few mexicans and all that has done that, but most of it our caucasian and not coming mexico. are a few drugs from mexico are people with a lot of money, their own.are making our country is dying, not so but from illegal drugs, from prescription drugs. i wish that donald trump would people are these human beings and many of them are decent. agree with that man fthey don't want to let the chicken work at the houses and all that, let them pluck their own chickens. you.k host: thank you, margie. from the advertiser in your v.a.? can anyone heal the the president prepares for the hearing of dr. jackson, who has been asked o replace outgoing v.a.
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secretary, shulkin, who made the rounds yesterday on the sunday programs. edward from springfield, massachusetts, independent line. good morning. caller: good morning. host: go ahead, edward. caller: good morning. i just wanted to say that as far as trump, he couldn't get good morning. caller: a for the daca program. he doesn't care about anything. is donald trump knows he's going down. e's going to make as much trouble as he can in the united states with other countries, our people here. he knows. he's going to go down. so someone needs to take him out. okay. johnstown, ll in pennsylvania, independent line. caller: good morning. my call.r taking first, hear about people saying, a wall and end the drug problem. ell, that's not going to deter
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the problem, only thing that nds the problem is the demand for it. people quit wanting drugs, there no drugs. anybody that thinks that is a moron, disgusts me to say that. folks, just don't believe everything you hear, especially from the white house. thank you. pennsylvania, from the a section of the "new ork times," refugee caravan heads north, trump rails against president trump blaming democrats and mexican government for flow of illegal immigrants, unleashed series of fiery tweets on sunday, vowing and threatenedal to walk away from the northern and free-trade agreement after wishing happy easter he said were preventing agents from doing the jobs and should use
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nuclear option in the senate and tough new laws now it was unclear whether the president's tweets represented change in his immigration policy or venting, as he's known to do after eading a newspaper article or seeing a television program. next chris from milwaukee, line.rat's good morning. caller: thanks for taking my call. comment on daca circumstances many persons in this country are facing. i want to show my support for it and state that immigrants are are educated, they hard-working and friendly people. e should be more considerate toward their plight. hypocrisy of state mr. trump. he's married to an immigrant, immigrant ife was an and his family actually immigrated to this country, named the drumps, after he changed his name, took lot of great
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things about our country, good for him, but i feel like a lot approximates in a amily are portraying degree of hypocrisy when it comes to immigration. in addition, he was the one that program, refused to read bipartisan options to ursue legislation that would have helped alleviate the tension with daca recipients. those down. i'm hoping many in the republican party are able to something out, more ethical and thank you for taking my call. west palm beach, florida, james from belton, texas, good morning. morning.ood my comment on daca is, yes, we issue.o address that however, i'm concerned about immigration. doing about the countries that these people are from?ng what is our state department
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doing about that and trying to home and notlks at come to the united states? and i mean, if we can address issue, we would stop the flow of immigrants coming into the united states. my comment and that's all i have to say. host: we'll leave it at that. you get the last word. on this monday edition of "washington journal," thanks for being with us. full list of coverage on our website at, including t.v. on c-span2 and american history t.v. on c-span3. the house and senate in recess for one more week, back next week. thousands nt hosting of children for the annual easter egg roll. here on e you being monday.
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1:30 p.m. eastern here on c-span. coming up tonight, wells fargo following the twitty 17 scandal. he comments on the -- here he comments. >> sony business people who are wondering the reputation wells fargo had, how can this have .appened to you what was the biggest lesson you learned over the last 18 months about what paul was dropped? -- what ball was dropped? how was the best how were the signals missed? >> part of the reason the signals were missed, a few years
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ago we were organized differently. on a business line by business line basis. each of the business lines had its own finance department and risk department and hr department and compliance and so forth. when it was a problem and what of our businesses, the business leader and the business worked hard to try to fix it. in this case, retail banking business, they did not move fast asugh, did not escalate it quickly as we could and it got out of control unfortunately. that's one of the reasons we fundamentally reorganize the business so we have better checks and balances. two is that when we had a problem at wells fargo, sometimes we looked at it based on the percentage of mistakes we might make. , i'm going toou get something right 99.95% of th


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