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tv   Barbara Bush Funeral  CSPAN  April 22, 2018 6:30pm-8:01pm EDT

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coming up mun morning, roll call bennett and john erica warner discuss the week ahead in washington. then michael sergeant looks at the f.a.a. next the funeral for barbara bush who died this past week at the age of 92. her service was held at st. martins episcopal church in included eulogies from jeb bush and the historian and bush family friend susan baker.
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♪ he walks with me and he talks to me ♪ ♪ we carry
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he speaks and the sound of his voice ♪ is the sweet the birds are singing ♪ ♪ and the man that he gave to me ♪ will leave my heart ♪ ♪ and he walks with me ♪ and he talks with me me i am his one ♪
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♪ no one has ever known ♪ i'd stay in the garden with him ♪ me be calling ♪ but he feeds me through the life ♪ ♪ for me is calling ♪
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and he walks with me ♪ and he talks with me ♪ and he tells me ♪ ♪ i am his one as we ♪e garden ♪ none other ♪ has ever known >> auto a reading from proverbs.
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can find.wife who she is far more precious than jewels. heart of her husband trusts in her and he will have no lack of gain. good and not harm all the days of her life. seeks flax and works with willing hands. >> she is like the ships of the merchant. she brings her food from far away and rises while it's still ight and provides food for her household and tasks for her servant girls. she considers a field and buys of her hands,uits she plants the vineyard. >> she guards herself with strength and makes her arms strong. she perceives that her merchandise is profitable. her lamp does not go out at night. and her her hands to hands hold the spindle.
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she opens her hands to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy. >> she is not afraid. her household when it snows for all her household are crimson.n she makes herself covering. her clothing is fine linen and purple. husband is known in the city ates taking a seat among the elders of the land. >> she makes linen garments and sells them. she supplies the merchant with sashes. are her and dignity clothing. and she laughs at the time to come. she opens her mouth with wisdom. and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. she looks well to the ways of household. and does not eat the bread of
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idleness. her children rise up and call her happy. her husband, too. and he praises her. many women have done excellently but you surpassed them all. >> beauty is vain. a woman who fears the lord is to be praised. ive her the fruit of her hands and let her works praise the gates.
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>> about a decade ago, i was on the ashington mall for national book festival on my way to give a talk about a book i'd written. when a woman ran up to me which doesn't happen enough, believe me. and she said, oh, my god. it's you! i said well, yes. you know? hard to argue with. she said i just admire you so much. i just love your books, you've meant a lot to me and really to my family. would you wait right here? i want to go buy your new book and have you sign it. and i said yes, ma'am. us i stood there, and let confess in this setting, i was feeling kind of full of myself. when she came back with john grisham's latest novel. it gets worse. that is then on a saturday in september. and i was on my way to maine to
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41st president of the i ted states mrs. bush and was feeling rather sorry for myself. and mrs. this story bush looked across the table, looked me in the eye and i was thinking, here comes some motherly sympathy. that's called telegraphing. it comes. and she said, well, how do you grisham would n feel? you know, he's a very handsome man. so i was 0 for 2. but it was a fair and funny point. as were so many of the points bush made inpierce her long and consequential life. bar, as barbara, as
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ganny, as ther, as silver fox and as the enforcer, comforting, d and steadfast and straight forward. honest and loving. barbara bush was the first lady of the greatest generation. as the fiancee and this then the of a world war ii naval aviator, she waited and prayed in the watches of the night. during the war, she worked at a nuts and bolts factory in portchester, new york. and she joined george h.w. bush adventure of post war texas. odessa in 1948, 70 summers ago. from rye, mrs. bush's mother ould send boxes of soap and detergent to her daughter on the grounds that they probably didn't have that kind of thing in west texas.
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raised a family. endured the loss of a daughter to leukemia. and kept everything and everyone together. the wife of one president and the mother of another, she that the distinction belongs to only one other american in the long history of the republic. abigail adams who is present at creation. from the white house to camp david to walkers point, in hours and of peace, the bushes overned in a spirit of congeniality, civility and of grace. instinctively generous. george bush put country above party. he common good above political gains and service to others above the settling of scores. the couple had met at a
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hristmas dance in greenwich in 1941. not quite three weeks after pearl harbor. she was wearing a red and green holiday dress. he endeavored to get introduced. she was 16. he was 17. he was the only boy she ever kissed. her children, she remarked, wanted to throw up when they heard that. in a letter to barbara during h.w. bush wrote "i love you, precious, with all my heart. know that you love me means my life. often i have thought about will measurable joy that be ours some day. how lucky our children will be mother like you." and if you ask them, they'll be
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the first to say they were. asked president bush if he had known even in the beginning how resilient mrs. bush would be. no, he said, tears coming to his eyes. and he went on. she's the rock of the family. the leader of the family. i kind of float above it all. but she's always there. always there for me and for the kids. amazing. debutante from rye, willing to ake our own way, have adventures, wasn't always easy for her but never a word of complaint. just love and strength. opinions, too, of course. lots of those. she was strength itself. if her tongue were sometimes sharp, she was as honest with herself as she was with all of us. wisely described a
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female opponent as a word that with rich, she reported begun r family had alling her the poet laureate and she loved the story when her eldest son, the 43rd president took up ited states painting. his instructor asked him if he burnt r used the color umber. no, 43 replied. that from remember his mother's cooking. brings down the house, she would say, approvingly. mother and son needle each other the end. in her final days while the 43rd president was visiting, mrs. asked one of her doctors if she'd like to know why george w. had turned out the way he had. and then she announced i smoked
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and drank while i was pregnant. she was a point of light. n 1989, when many americans lived in ignorance about h.i.v./aids, mrs. bush went to a infants and cted hugged the children there. as well as an adult male patient. the images sent a powerful message. of compassion, of love and of acceptance. literacy, a fundamental civil and human right. and gave the cause her all. at a televised event, bicentennial the of the constitution, mrs. bush a man named j.t. pace, the former old son of a sharecropper. recently ho had only become literate was scheduled to
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read the constitution's preamble aloud. backstage, he was nervous. mrs. bush asked if it would help if they read it together on the broadcast. mr. pace agreed. two of them stood on stage reading in unison. mr. pace grew comfortable, voice and owered her lowered it again and then again. last, j.t. pace was reading entirely on his own. he wept and he read. by barbara bush who silent. his side now her work was done. spoke of the unending search for a more perfect union. j.t. pace had found his voice.
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least because barbara bush had lent him her heart. just last summer, on a sunny day porch in maine, -- world to warld ar ii and that terrible saturday when lieutenant george herbert walker bush was shot raid.n a bombing two of his crewmates didn't make of casualties lieutenant bush parachuted out plunged into the sea. came up to the surface, flopped to a life raft and waited scared and retching. had young bush been captured by the japanese, he would have been that aptive on an island was home to horrific war crimes. including cannibalism. bar, he'd say in later years, i
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have been an hors d'oeuvres. truth, it had been the closest of calls. george, mrs. bush said, in maine their great old age, lost in reminiscence. been saved for a reason. i know there had to be a reason. president bush sat silently for moments, then f raised that big left hand and finger across the table at his wife. you, he said hoarsely, you were the reason.
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>> a reading from the second letter of paul to the corinthians. we do not lose heart. even though our outer nature is away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day. for this slight momentary affliction is preparing us for of glory beyond all measure, because we look not what t can be seen but at cannot be seen. for what can be seen is temporary. cannot be seen is eternal. or we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from god, a hems, ot made with eternal in the heavens. groan, his tent, we longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling. we have taken it off, we will not be found naked. still in this e ebt, we groan under our burden
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because we wish not to be unclothed but to be further clothed so that what is mortal swallowed up by life. he who has prepared us for this very thing is god. who has given us the spirit as a guarantee. so we are always confident even though we know that while we are awayme in the body, we are from the lord for we walk by faith, not by sight. yes, we do have confidence and would rather be away from the at home with the lord. so whether we are at home or we make it our aim to please him. the word of the lord. >> thanks be to god. >> would you please stand and 11,ether let us sing on page the verses from "amazing grace."
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♪ amazing grace sweet the sound ♪ saved a wretch like me ♪ ♪ i once was lost but now am found ♪ ♪ was blind but now i see ♪ ♪' twas grace that taught my heart to fear ♪ ♪ and grace my fears relieved
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did that grace appear ♪ ♪ the hour i first believed the holy gospel of our lord jesus christ according to john. to the lord. >> jesus said, everything that will come toves me me and anyone who comes to me, i i havever drive away for come down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me. the will of him who
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sent me. lose nothing of all that he has given me. on the last up day. will of my ed the father that all who see the sun and believe in him may have eternal life. and i will raise them up on the last day. the gospel of the lord. >> praise to you, lord, jesus christ. the loamazing grace ♪
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>> it's hard to think about life ithout that force of nature that was our special friend was barbara bush. she was smart, strong, fun and feisty. even sometimes making the headlines she regretted. the world saw that and like we did, they admired and loved her for it. a remarkable and selfless companion to her beloved husband george. it was extraordinary how she rambunctious household in 29 different homes in 17 cities.
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at the same time, she fully amazing ted in his career including too many political campaigns to count. from time he was head of the harris county republican becoming president of the united states. houston, they continued their dedication to olunteerism and exhausting rounds of good works. rather than bemoan their many barbara just laughed and said -- "one thing i can say he may not be able to keep a job but he certainly is not boring." compassionate but strict mother who inspired er children with tender love and firm lessons and when needed, the fear of god.
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when we saw her and george together with their five their 17 with grandchildren and seven great representednew they the very best. as we watched their brood wisecrack with one another or volunteer er on a we thought ampaign, how wonderful it would be if ore families could be so cohesive. barbara, the tough enforcer was this cret sauce of extraordinary family. the world respects barbara bush's deep passion and great in equipping those who cannot read with the skill to do so. we all celebrate her vision and tenacious dedication to literacy. seen rse, the world has
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barbara's many public contributions, but what the an d may not have seen is mazing, caring, and beautiful friend that bar was to so many of us. i first arrived in ashington in 1975, i was overwhelmed trying to manage our family of seven children and an intimidating environment. fortunately, bar took me under her wing. encouraged me. she offered suggestions, and she invited us to lunch almost every sunday. hose hamburger lunches that always ended with an incredible included famous personalities, as well as many unknowns whom they loved and this really helped us become part of the washington world.
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when we returned to washington 1981, george was vice president and jim was white house chief of staff. bar encouraged me to use jim's reagan in the administration to promote the about. that i cared this really pushed me out of my comfort zone but i followed her wise lead. efforts to help the homeless by holding meetings in the vice president's house. what a blessing! his meant that many came who otherwise would not have given our group the time of day. also hosted controversial advocates so we could help people understand about the plight of those who live on the street. even though that was not a position in the
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administration. who aught us volumes about our neighbors are and how to love them. because of their own tragic loss knew ghter robin, barbara how to comfort those who were suffering. was among them as she helped him during his first wife's losing battle with cancer.
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>> the child sent frequent updates on the bovine barbara bush, which competed in the houston rodeo and livestock show one year and finished in eighth place. [laughter] >> i was sorry for my little friend, barbara said later, but was slightly relieved as i am not sure i could have stood the headlines, barbara bush wins the stock show. [laughter] >> about friendship, she said,
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the most important yardstick of your success will be how you treat other people, your family, your friends, and coworkers, and even strangers you meet along the way. she was the gold standard of what it meant to be a friend because she was motivated by the desire to show god's love to each and every one of his children that she met. cs lewis once defined friendship as the instrument by which god reveals to each of us the beauties of others. bar's beauty was evident in every day of her life. saying goodbye to our special friend is painful, but it is a great comfort in knowing that we will see this good and faithful servant again one day. thank you, dear lord, for bringing barbara pierce bush this vibrantly beautiful human being into the world and especially for bringing her friendship into our life. amen.
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jeb bush: as i stand here today to share a few words about my mom, i feel her looming presence behind me. i know exactly what she is thinking right now. keep it short, do not drag this out, people have already heard enough remarks already, and most
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of all, do not get weepy. remember, i spent decades laughing and living a life with these people and that is true. barbara bush filled our lives with laughter and joy and in the case of her family, she was our teacher and role model on how to live a life of purpose and meaning. on behalf of our family, we want to thank the thousands and thousands of expressions of condolence and love for our precious mother. we want to thank mom's caregivers for their compassion and care in the last months of their life. i want to thank neil and maria for their next-door family love of our parents and john and susan for their eloquent worlds -- words. it may have been long, but it was beautiful. [laughter] we want to thank russ and laura for their friendship and care of our parents and we want to thank all who are gathered here to celebrate the life of barbara bush. it is appropriate to express gratitude because we want to do that at an early age. you see, our mom was our first
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and most important teacher. sit up, look people in the eye, say please and thank you, do your homework, quit whining, and stop complaining, eat your broccoli, yes, dad, she said that. [laughter] the little things we learned became habits and they lead to bigger things like be kind, always tell the truth, never disparage anyone, serve others, treat everyone as you would want to be treated, and love your god with your heart and soul. what a blessing to have a teacher like that 24/7. to be clear, her students were not perfect. [laughter] that is an understatement. mom got us through difficult times with consistent, take it to the bank, unconditional, but tough love.
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she called her style the benevolent dictatorship, but honestly, it wasn't always benevolent. [laughter] when our children got older, they would spend more time visiting their grandparents. all it would take would the one week and when they came home, all of a sudden, they were pitching and around the house. they didn't fight as much and they were actually nice to be with. [laughter] i attribute this to the unbridled fear of the ganny lecture and the habit or mean effects of better behavior taking hold. even in her 90's, mom could strike fear into her grandchildren, nephews, nieces and children if someone did not behave. there were no safe spaces or micro aggressions allowed with barbara pierce bush. [laughter] but in the end, every grandchild new she loves them. we learned not to take ourselves too seriously and we learn that humor is a joy that should be shared.
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some of my greatest memories are participating in our family dinners and when mom would get into it, most of the time with george w., and have us all back -- laughing to tears. we learned to be authentic by the best role model in the world. her authentic plastic pearls, her authentic hair. she was beautiful until the day she died. her hugging of an hiv patient when her own mother wouldn't do it. standing by her man with a little rhyming poetry in the 1984 election. and a thousand other ways are barbara pierce bush was real. finally, the most amazing love story, from new haven, edessa, ventura to bakersfield, the compton, to houston, to d.c., to new york, back to houston, phew,
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their love was a constant in our lives. my dad is a phenomenal letter writer and would write mom on their wedding anniversary, which totaled an amazing 73 years. here is one written on january 6, 1994. will you marry me? oops, i forgot we did that 49 years ago. [laughter] i was very happy on that day in 1945, but i'm even happier today. you have given me joy that few men know. you have made our boys into men by balling them out and then right away by loving them. you helped our daughter be the sweetest in the world and i climbed perhaps the highest mountain in the world but even that cannot hold a candle to being barbara's husband. mom used to tell me, george, do not walk ahead, little did she know, i was only trying to keep up with barbara pierce from new york. i love you.
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the last time my mom went into the hospital, i think dad got sick on purpose so he could be with her. that is my theory. literally, a day later, he showed up with an illness. he came into her room and when she was sleeping, held her hand. his hair was standing straight up. he had on a mask to improve his breathing. he was wearing a hospital gown. in other words, he looked like hell. [laughter] mom opened her eyes and said, my, god, george. you are devastatingly handsome. [laughter] every nurse, doctor and staffer had to run to the hallway because they started crying. i hope you can see why we thank our teachers and models, our mom and dad, in our family. the last time i was with her i asked her about dying, was she ready to go? was she sad? without missing a beat, she said, i believe in jesus and he is my savior.
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i do not want to leave your dad but i know i will be in a beautiful place. mom, we look forward to being with you, robin, and all of god's children. i love you. >> bow your heads in prayer for just a moment. almighty god, the source of all comfort be close to us in our grief. the source of all gifts give us grateful hearts. and the source of new life. celebrate barbara's new life with you, this i pray in christ's name, amen. ok, so i begin with an apology.
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i realize this is an historic moment and i messed up a minute ago. it is good for a priest to apologize from time to time. i announced the hymn a little too early. thank you for going along with the hymn. we planned this service carefully about three weeks ago. barbara said to me, and this is not in my remarks, russ, i do not know if i want to sing amazing grace. everybody sings that. i said, bar, everybody knows that. and then i messed it up. [laughter] so it is like, bar got the last laugh on me on that one. [laughter] thanks, again. despite this distinguished gathering today, i have to tell you i think there are only two who can fill this place the way it is filled today. the first is jesus christ. the second is barbara bush.
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so we are grateful for your gathering here today. the word offering came to mind and then i heard barbara say, do not even think about it. [laughter] ganny's garden, given by friends and loved ones of barbara pierce bush, is a lovely spot to rest and reflect near downtown. there you will find on the sculpted bench a wide rimmed sun shekaunda -- hat, the kind wore in her garden, and an open copy, based jane austen's pride and prejudice. jane austen used one of her characters in that book to utter a wonderful truth.
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"i declare, there is no enjoyment like reading. how much sooner when tires of anything then of a book." reading, literacy, for all, was barbara bush's great passion. every great book has a good beginning. but also a wonderful end, so the life story of barbara bush is best described as a consummate good read. we gather today in this holy space that has been the worship and community of president george h.w. bush and first lady barbara bush for more than 50 years. it is a humbling privilege to speak as her pastor, her friend, her priest and her confidant. what an interesting thing to be a confidant to a woman who has no secrets. what you saw was what you got and came out. the author of our lesson in proverbs muses on the gifts of a loving wife and mother, a godly woman, all of which barbara had.
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she believed in and practiced the principles of honesty, tolerance, decency, courage, and strength. and perhaps above all, humility. she lived according to the mantra of the bush family for many years. do not get caught up in the big me. one day we were walking together on the beach in kennebunkport and barbara was washing up her own shoes and the fellow said to her, hey, you look a lot like barbara bush. without missing a beat, she said, yes, i hear that a lot. [laughter] she was a friend to people of every political persuasion and race and religion. her generosity of spirit did not draw lines that kept others out.
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hers was a life of circles that sought to bring others in. here in houston, we saw her at major galas, behind home plate at the astros games, praying here in the pews, and at walgreens, pushing her own buggy. and her humor, we have heard so much. hundreds of stories we could tell. one day after sharing prayers and communion with the president and bar, my wife leaned over to kiss the president on the cheek. at which point, bb, one of her beloved dogs next my wife on the calf. this is a badge of honor. apologies came but the next morning on our doorstep was a beautiful orchid with a handwritten note. dear laura, i am so sorry about the bite. you just looked good enough to
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eat. [laughter] my word, we could talk endlessly about how great this woman is. but we are reminded in the lesson from ecclesiastes that there comes a time for everything, even the end of a great story. the least of barbara's virtues i think was patience. if you are sharing a meal or waiting on her favorite drink, bourbon and water, by the way, and we have done a great deal of evangelism for my church today, thank you, and i mean that sincerely. if things were slowing up, barbara would say, why the holdup? she liked to see things move along and i think that is why we are here today. i think barbara was becoming impatient.
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she was tired of waiting on the next chapter, so she welcomed it. on april 17. but perhaps it will help all of us who are left behind. jesus was barbara's pathway to god. she honored and believed others found god in their own way, but for her, being a christian mattered. we were talking a few days ago when she looked me in the eye and said, i am a christian. i do believe. and then she said, i went to be confirmed. then she said, do i have to take a class? i said, take one? bar, you could teach one. so in may of 2015, she and some family gathered in our chapel as she confirmed her faith in christ. not something she wore on her shoulder but something very personal and very real. she simply confirmed what we believed, what we read in the
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lesson from second corinthians, that we live not by what we see but by our faith, and those things that we do not see, so as paul wrote, even on days like today, we do not lose heart. yes, barbara's health declined, but as we heard, though our outward nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed every day. for what is mortal, paul writes, by the grace and mercy of god, is swallowed up by life. we find barbara's jesus and the gospel lesson. a jesus who says all, all who come to me will be welcomed. her jesus offers the hope that life here when it comes to its natural close. it is changed, not ended. some books have no true ending. some offer an epilogue. a hint to imagine what rests
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beyond the closing chapter. can we imagine this day? the reunion with her parents. with your parents, sir. and with your dear robin. together again. my guess is she has already hunted down jane austen and has said, how did things turn out with mr. darcy and elizabeth bennett? or knowing her like we all do, she may be telling jane how things should have turned out. [laughter] in the meantime, until each of our time comes, she would want us to carry on. to live as she lived fully and deeply. to laugh and laugh often. to love all that god sends our way and to serve one another,
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the common good, and especially the purposes of god. so leave here today not to grieve but to rejoice as we leave. we will sing by barbara's choice, joyful, joyful, we adore thee. barbara would want us to celebrate her great next chapter. she has been raised to new for in this story, you never turn the page and see the two words, the end. barbara bush's story has just begun again, and the best is yet to come, as she lives in that holy city of god. amen. >> amen. ♪
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[singing] ♪ >> please, stand.
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it is the tradition in the past -- in the episcopal church that we stand to affirm the things we believe, so in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection to life, we invite you to turn to the top of page six and reaffirm the faith we share with our dear barbara bush by saying the creed. i believe in god, the father, almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and in jesus christ, his only son, our lord, who was conceived by the holy ghost,
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born of the virgin mary, suffered under pontious pilot, was crucified, died and was buried, he descended into hell, on the third day, he rose again and ascended into heaven and sitteth on the right hand of god, the almighty father. he will come to judge the quick and the dead. i believe in the holy ghost, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. amen. let us pray together in the words of jesus, saying our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, that kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
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lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever, amen. >> praise the lord, almighty god who has knit together in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of thy son, christ, our lord. grant you beseech me to our home church in paradise and on earth, thy life and by piece. -- they peace. >> amen. >> grant that all who have been baptized into christ's death and resurrection may die, defend and rise to newness of life, and through the grave of death, we may pass with him to our joyful resolution. >> amen. >> grant to us who are still in our pilgrimage and who walk as yet by faith that thy holy
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spirit may lead us in holiness and righteousness all our days. >> amen. >> grant to the faithful people pardon and peace that we may be cleansed from all of our sins and serve thee with a quiet mind. >> amen. mourn a surell who confidence that casting all their grief on thee they may know the consolation of thy love. >> amen. >> give courage and faith to those who are believed that they may have strength to meet the days ahead in the comfort of a reasonable and holy hope, in the joyful expectation of eternal life with those they love. >> amen. >> help us, we pray, in the midst of things we cannot understand, to believe and trust in the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, and the resurrection to life everlasting. >> amen.
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>> grant increasing knowledge and love of thee. barbara may go from strength to strength in the life of perfect service in the heavenly kingdom. >> amen. >> grant us with all who have died in the hope of a resurrection to have our consummation and bliss in thy paternal and everlasting glory. and with all thy saints to receive the crown of life, which thou dost promise to all who share in the victory of thy son, jesus christ, who live with and raineth with the in the name of the holy spirit, one god, forever and ever. >> amen. >> please, be seated. >> and when she shall die, take her and cut her out in little stars, and she will make the
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face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with the night and pay no worship to the garish sun. >> please stand. >> our service continues with a commendation in the middle of page eight.
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give rest, oh christ, to your servant with your saints, where sorrow and pain are no more, neither sighing but life everlasting. you only are immortal, the creator and maker of mankind, and we are mortal, formed of the earth and the earth shall we return or so you did ordain when you created me saying, you are dust, and to dust you shall return. all of us go down to the dust. yet, even at the grave, we make our song, all of you, alleluia, alleluia. >> give rest are cries to your service, your sorrow and pain are no more.
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>> in your hands oh merciful savior, we commend and humbly beseech you the sheep of your own fold, the lamb of your own flock, a sinner of your own redeeming, receive bar into the arms of your own mercy and to the blessed rest of everlasting peace and into the glorious company of the saints. >> amen. >> we are about to receive a blessing from the bishop of the great episcopal diocese of the state of texas. before that blessing, and then i will offer a dismissal, and then by direction of barbara bush, we "joyful,e as we sang joyful, we adore thee." as the family and clergy to part -- depart during the conclusion of the hymn, i would ask everyone please be seated and do not leave until directed to do so by the ushers. bishop. >> unto god's gracious mercy and protection, we commit you.
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the lord bless you and keep you. the lord makes a space to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. the lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you and give you peace. and may the blessing of god almighty, the father, the son, and the holy ghost, be amongst you and remain with you always. >> amen. >> let us go forth. in the name of christ. >> thanks be to god. ♪ ["joyful, joyful, we adore, thee"] ♪ ♪
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>> c-span, where history unfolds daily. in 1979, c-span was created as a public service by america's .able television companies today, we continue to bring you unfiltered coverage of congress, the white house, the supreme court, and public policy events in washington, d.c., and around the country. c-span is brought to you by your cable or satellite provider. c-span, q&a with former professional best ballplayer etan thomas.
8:00 pm
then prime minister theresa may taking questions from the house of commons. then students and the first amendment rights today. this week on q&a, former professional basketball player thomas discusses his book "we matter: athletes and activism." brian: tell us the story of a guy named bill bland and the impact he had on your life. etan: he had a big impact on my


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