tv U.S House of Representatives CSPAN April 26, 2018 5:59pm-8:18pm EDT
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participated in the 2018 global youth day of service. and with that, mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from south carolina seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the body and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. alan newman, 64, received his reward in heaven on february 15, 2018, after a brief illness. he was a loving husband for 4 years of lieu sillia. he was born on february 24, 1953, in sumpter, and was a son of the late lonnie newman sr. and francis newman. alan attended bethesda church of god where he was the bass player. he played in the band known as chief complaint. hal was administrator of northwood senior living with people with chronic or similar illness. he spent his life in ministry serving others.
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he graduated from southern methodist college. mr. norman: he graduated from wilson hall in 1971. he worked with the visually handicap, mentally challenged and underprivileged trying to make a difference in their lives. join me in welcoming alan newman into heaven. i'll yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the entlewoman from ohio seek recognition? the gentlelady is recognized. >> whether it's purchasing your first car, starting a famloir saving for retirement it is imperative that americans of all ages have the capacity to make sound financial decisions. that is precisely why i've been fighting for the last two decades, fighting at the ohio
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state house, making sure that all public school high school students have financial literacy. mrs. beatty: now i'm proud to continue this important work in the halls of congress, working with the jumpstart coalition, serving as the co-chair of the house financial economic literacy council. i had the opportunity to recently host and honor students during financial literacy day on the heal. mr. speaker, i'm asking all our colleague, democrats and republicans, to join us in financial literacy month. hank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker, as a member of the small business committee i'm proud to stand with owners and entrepreneurs in bucks county, pennsylvania who embody the
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spirit of american enterprise. as such, and in honor of small business beginning on sunday, i'm proud to recognize two small businesses in my district who have recently achieved significant milestones in their respective industries. crossings vineyards and winery, washington crossing, pennsylvania, was named a top 50 irish-owned small business and will be honored next month at the irish 50 awards in philadelphia. mr. fitzpatrick: additionally, ber systems of warrenton was contracted by the u.s. military to develop an antenna that will be difficult to detect. i'm proud of these local small businesses and so many others in our district, mr. speaker. we must do our part as elected officials to enable them to thrive and succeed in our diverse and global economy. mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from new mexico seek recognition?
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without objection the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker, i rise today to honor mrs. jennifer reardon, who tragically lost her life on southwest airlines flight 1380 on april 17. ms. reardon was an incredible leader and advocate in our community who loved out loud. i joined her family and loved ones in celebrating her life and her commitment to building strong and loving communities. through her work at wells fargo and her philanthropic efforts she was able to reflect the positivity of her beaming smile onto every community she touched. her devotion to serving others made our city a better place and as both her lasting legacy and -- and is beth her lasting legacy and an example for to the all of us. our hearts break for her family and for the good fortune of
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everyone who had the good fortune of being in her presence. i want to extend our condolences to her husband michael and her two children, avery and joshua. i hope we honor her memory by embodying her personal philosophy, be kind, loving, caring rks and sharing. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. april 28 is national prescription drug takeback day. this is an opportunity to dispose of those expired or excess drugs that you may have in your home so that they are properly disposed of instead of ending up in a landfill or waterway or more importantly in the hands of children or other dangers that could affect people's health negatively.
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mr. lamalfa: for information about that, check with the u.s. department of justice, the drug enforcement agency or your local police or pharmacies to look for information on where you should take your excess expired prescription drugs so we don't have the health risk, so we don't have endangerment of our children or going into the wrong place environment. again, april 28, national prescription drug takeback day. please participate. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> while serving our country, many of our brave men and women were exposed to large plumes of black smoke and cancer-causing toxins from the burning of waste chemicals and plastics in burn pits. now veterans from across the country who have no other risk
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factors are developing terminal cancer leaving their families to wonder why. families of heroes like jen kept for the, a 35-year-old wife and mother who difed pancreatic cancer late last year. that's why i'm proud to announce the bipartisan congressional burn pits caucus to help seek answers for our heroes exposed to burn pits. representative brad wenstrup and i started this caucus because bureaucratic red tape at the d.o.d. and vmpt a. is denying the answerses they deserve and the care they need. we can't afford to wait. i urge every democrat and republican alike to join the con -- congressional burn pits caucus and start getting -- fighting for our veterans to get he care they need and deserve. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition?
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without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker, i rise today to commemorate pastor b.r. daniels jr. 25th pastoral anniversary at the first greater new hope baptist church in fort worth, texas. mr. veasey: a native of fworts , he attended -- of fort worth, he attended oscar dean white high school. he enlisted in the u.s. army where he faithfully served his country for eight years. pastor daniels was honorably discharged in 1992 at the rank of sergeant e-5. in early 1993 when the first greater new hope baptist church was in search of a new pastor he was called to occupy the pulpit. the congress regation knew right away they had the right man for the job. after 25 years, he's certainly left his mark not only on the church but he is very much closely works with so many different groups and with the
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city of fort worth on different commissions and does a great job. his passion an love for the ministry explain why so many follow his vision of hope. mr. speaker, i yield back the alance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from california seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. ms. lee: i want to comment very briefly on the federal aviation re-authorization act which provides long-term stability for our nation's aviation community and critical investigation. s in u.s. airports. i have many, many issues in my district that this bill hopefully will address. airplane noise is an issue that directly affects my constituents in the east bay. i've convened meet wgs federal and local stake holders to come up with a regional solution to airport noise in the bay area. this bill will help us make
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progress to address noise pollution and ensure that my constituents can live under quiet skies. it would establish a pilot program for the department of transportation to give grants up to $2.5 million to six airports for noise mitigation projects and that is so important. also i'm pleased to see that the bill includes language that would require the f.a.a. to partner with higher education institutions to assess the health effects of flight noise. while these changes may in the reduce airplane noise immediately, we are moving in the right direction. i look forward to working more closely with the f.a.a. to ensure the concerns of my constituents who are affected by airplane noise and that they are addressed in a timely fashion. this legislation is critical legislation to help support america's innovation and aviation technology and will nsure quieter skies for all. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the
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gentlewoman from ohio seek recognition? ms. cap purr: i ask unanimous con -- ms. kaptur: i ask unanimous consent to to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. kaptur: i rise to recognize precipitation take back day on april 28. while opioids may be good for pain management, misuse and addiction can become a a side effect and extremely common unfortunately. ohio is second in our nation in overdose deaths per capita and 6.4 million americans have used controlled prescription drugs in 2015 and about half of the people over the age of 12 who misuse prescription pain relievers in the past year obtained the drugs from a friend or relative. americans of sound mind and bdy must do more to reduce this number and mitigate misuse by taking action. please join your fellow citizens in participating in national
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prescription drug takeback day this saturday, april 28. proper disposal of unused prescription drugs can save lives. remember, you can go to a select site any day of the year to deposit unused and extra pills. get rid of them. you can find a collection site near you by visiting takebackday -- your vigilance matters. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from nevada seek recognition? without objection the gentleman s recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. today i rise to remember me life of adrian marfit who went to lave for the route 51 festival. mr. kihuen: he lowed to fish, he
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would spend months on a commercial fishing boat. when it was not fishing season he would tinker on cars, repair appliances. he was a hard worker and decided to reward himself for a successful fishing season by traveling to las vegas he loved to listen and sing country music with a voice a friend described as a very beautiful voice he adored his two dogs and made sure to spend time with them. he had many friends who remember him as being silly and goofy and wanting to make people laugh no matter what. i would like to extend my condolences to adrian's family and friends. please note that the city of las vegas, the state of nevada and the whole country grieve with you. i yield back the remaining alance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from new york seek recognition? without objection the gentlewoman is recognized for ne minute.
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>> thank you, mr. speaker, i rise to join mr. ellison and other members of the progressive caucus to say health care should be a right for everyone in the united states of america. i have proudly co-sponsored the medicare for all legislation for many years because i don't believe a person's economic status should have any bearing whatsoever on their ability to access quality and affordable health care. mrs. maloney: the affordable care act took us a long way toward that goal and i'm so proud of that vote. i'm proud to join all of the members here that are supporting it to fight back against the tax -- against attacks from the republican majority and the white house to dismaventle it. but we don't, can't just play defense. we have to move toward ensuring greater access to coverage, greater affordability, stronger consumer protections, and higher quality health care services. that's why this bill is so important and i think it's -- i
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think its time has come. what medicare for all would provide is universal coverage for everyone. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman's time has expired. ms. ma low knee: this is something we should be taking up now. i'm proud to join my colleagues who are supporting it and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to recognize the life of and service of a longtime ant oklahoma, california, resident and friend, ms. teak lee call. she was a single mother, attended classes at laney college and served as a volunteer with habitat for humanity. she was a trail blazer and a woman who wore many hats. she also sat on multiple boards including totes pastors and black women organized for political action. she was a true stalwart of our community, active with volunteers in many efforts.
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she enjoyed supporting others in their personal transformation and goal attainment. mother of five beautiful children, successful realtor, teak was a shining light until the very end. she will be sincerely missed by her family, friends, everyone with knew her in our community. hank you, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from rhode island seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. cicilline: two years ago, donald trump said we are going to win so much you are going to get tired of winning. it has been 16 months and the only people who are winning are the wealthy and well-connected. the republicans have failed to make health care more affordable and failed to invest in our crumbling infrastructure and
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failed to drain the swamp sm the rigid system they promised to tear done down is wealthier. they are making out like bandits. it doesn't have to be this way. democrats are offering a better deal, a better deal to deliver better jobs, better wages and lower the cost of living and for sure the economy works all. let's give the american people the better deal. and with that, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair lays before the house the following personal requests. the clerk: leaves of absence requested for mr. lewis of georgia for today and tomorrow. the speaker pro tempore: without objection the request is granted. under the speaker's announced policy of january 3, 2017, the
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gentleman from minnesota, mr. ellis son is recognized for 60 minutes. mr. ellsworth: our topic over the next hour, i would like to kick off our discussion, the who eman from california justice andeader on i yield to the gentleman. mr. khanna: i thank the gentleman from minnesota for his leadership on so many issues and particularly on health care and the fight for medicare for all. i rise today to share a heartbreaking story that we understand what's at stake in
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this fight. sarah broughton was a young women in san jose, california and going to work with special needs kids. at the age of 20, he she came down with a simple sign us condition. such a condition is managed by a primary care physician and sarah did not receive treatment because she could not afford health insurance. six months before she fell ill, she applied for california's medicaid system, but her paperwork kept getting lost. her family went through three different case workers trying to get medical coverage but each time they were told to start over. like 28 million americans without health care, for sarah, collectors and
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ignored the pain going to the emergency room when it became too much bear. the simple sign us infection spread to her brain, swelling it and causing irreversible damage. it was simply too late. on the day sarah passed away, her family received a letter that her medicaid coverage had been approved. she was doing everything right, but the system failed her. her life was cut short because the wealthiest country in the world has not yet prioritized health care. the question is, should a young oman who is 20 years old die from a simple sign us infection in the united states of america? if we care about the lives of people like sarah, if we believe
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that health care is a basic right and it's long past time to have medicare for all. every american should be guaranteed decent basic health care from the day they're born. this is not a political issue. this is a moral issue. it's an issue of human decency and make sure we have people who have simple conditions like sarah be denied the care they deserve. i'm so proud of my colleague, keith ellison, for leading the call for medicare for all. i'm proud to serve on the task force and encourage my colleagues to join him and peter welch and other voices in bringing to this country medicare for all. mr. ellsworth: i thank the gentleman -- else mr. ellison:. we can talk about the way the
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program is going to work. but there's nothing that can replace the life of this pressure youse young woman. she had people who loved her and had everything to look forward to, she needed her community to step forward for her and help her. and because we don't have the kind of health care system we could have, we weren't there for her, but in her memory, we have to be able to make it right for the young people and the people who are still with us. in her memory, we will fight for medicare for all. any final comments you want to make? >> i had a conversation with her mother and with the community and people just feel what a tragic loss. and if there are things we can do here under your leadership and as elected representatives,
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i hope we will take seriously about the consequences. mr. ellison: i would like to nvite a few remarks from the the gentleman from vermont. have tremendous diverse diversity, california, vermont, we need a health care system that works for everybody. i yield to peter welch from vermont. well well we have -- we are the wealthiest country in the world and have the health care system that is the most extensive in the world and more costs and more people not covered than is all necessary. and the fact is, we have had as a goal in this country since the presidency of harry truman, a goal that all our citizens be covered and have access to health care.
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and that dream made a solid step forward when president johnson was the president and congress, on a bipartisan basis, passed medicare, which provided health care protection for all americans 65 and older and provided medicaid for low-income children and families. we made a second step forward, unfortunately not on a bipartisan basis, with the passage during the obama administration of the affordable care act and that extended coverage to millions of americans that otherwise would not have had access to care and made improvements in how we deliver care. we are continuing with that battle. those are two solid steps forward, medicare and medicaid passed in the johnson administration and the affordable care act during the obama administration. yet we are still spending the
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st on health care with outcomes that are not the best and in many cases are not even in the top 10. we are spending the most and getting the least. the program for health care that has the most popularity in this country among republicans and democrats and independents is medicare. the reason is because all of tuesday pay into the medicare fund and when we are eligible at 65, we are covered. it's simple. it's not a government-run program. it's financed by taxpayers and the taxpayers are the beneficiaries of that program itself. it makes sense. it has the confidence of the american people. it also puts us in a position to try to control costs not at the expense of throwing 24 million people off of the health care rolls which would have happened
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had the affordable care act been passed, but by bringing down, for instance, the cost of prescription drugs, where something that was costing $7.50 suddenly cost $1,500 per pill because the owner had a monopoly power and stuck it to the consumers. so medicare for all, i believe, is the way that we should strive to get medicare for every single citizen in this country. are there hard questions we have to address? sure, there are. there are young girls, who because they don't have access to health care, because the bureaucracy takes so much time to see if she is eligible for medicaid or medi-cal, they don't get access and the tragedy is that young woman lost her life.
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and had that been health care where the parents weren't terrified where the bill might be or take out a second mortgage or burying the burden of escaping the clutches of bill collectors, that person would have been able to get to a doctor in time to get limited care that would have been teab care of a limited challenge. my colleague, mr. ellison, i thank you for convening us tonight. and the goal we should have in this country is to have a health care system where everybody is covered and everybody helps pay for that system and it's about affordable, quality care where the emphasis is on the patient and on the taxpayer. and by the way, some folks, this is not about privatizing, this is not about making government run the health care. that's the important thing to remember. if you are on medicare or
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medicaid or obamacare, you get to pick your doctor and hospital. this is about having the security of a system that works for you regardless of your income, regardless of your job status, regardless of your medical situation. it works in all of the other industrialized countries of the world. it can work here. and by the way, the costs are starting to killing us, doesn't matter if it is the employer who is footing the bill or the individual trying to reach into his or her pocket to pay. we have to bring these costs down and organized system without a broken market is the way to go. i applaud you for your work. mr. ellison: let me thank you. before i leave, if i could ask you a quick question. if we're already paying the moist in the world per capita, why aren't we getting the best
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health care outcomes? well well that is a good question. at pill costing from $750 to $1,500 means the owner of that pill and was able to able to corner the market and then just make absolutely who have to have that medication pay through the nose and more than they can afford. that's an example. we have all of these stops along the way where private profit is the motive. the motive is about profit and not about a system that is going to work and be affordable. mr. ellison: let's keep working on this. i just want to say we are talking about medicare for all tonight. h.r. 676. i thank mr. john conyers who
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carried the bill all these years but we are carrying the bill forward. it's important to note, the progressive caucus recognizes that the affordable care act made critical steps to get more people covered and we must continue to fight. we have to protect the affordable care act and do what we can to defend it. there are people in our congress who just want to get rid of it. but the truth is, it actually helps many people. and helped bring coverage to people who hadn't had it. and brought real answers. we can look further down the line and think about a system in which everybody pays and everybody benefits and look forward to a system like that. we can look for a medicare for all-styled system where health care is a right for everyone. education is guaranteed for everyone. every school kid in america can go to a public school in the
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united states. fire services. you don't have to pay a separate contract to get the fire department to put out your fire. if there is a fire, you call tchem and they will help you. and police department, public works, we have systems in our society now that we pay for it through our taxes and other sorts of things that we do to afford these services. health care, i believe is a service that we should look like in a similar light. medicare for all would decrease health care costs and it will allow the government to negotiate decreases in the costs of care with service providers. . i think my good friend peter welch had an excellent example
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with prescription drugs. there's a company, core pharma, that hiked the price of a pill from $1 to $13.50. and watched revenues climbed. in 2015, they sold the rights to that pill to turing which raised the price to $750. and so in a system like that, of course, you know, whatever somebody can make more money doing they're going to do we don't have any real controls to make sure they don't do it. it's the kind of thing that we have to step forward and address. in 2012, for example, the average cost of coronary bypass surgery was more than $73,000 in the united states. but it was less than $23,000 in france. france has good health care.
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the world doesn't deny that. $73,000 for a coronary bypass surgery in the united states, $23,000 in france. medicare for all single payer system with lower administrative cost and nearly eliminate spending for competitive advertising. which doesn't really bring health to anyone. the u.s. spends about 18% of its g.d.p. on health care while canada spends about 11.5% on health care. the united kingdom, britain, england, scotland, ireland, wales, the u.k. spends about 9% of its g.d.p. on health care. germany and france spend about 11%. we spend substantially more and yet we do not have the best outcomes in the world. we have to look at the system and whether it's working for the american people. i'm just -- i just make this point because we realy could join the rest of the world and
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have more affordable, more effective health care. it's not only countries like germany, france, canada that spend less and get better outcomes than the united states. it's also new zealand, norway, denmark, sweden, all have systems that are similar in style and they cover more people and the people benefit from that. our systems like medicaid and medicare are some of the most popular systems out there. people tend to like it. i'm not sitting there trouble-free. anybody who thinks there's some program made by human beings that's going to be absolutely perfect all the time of course they're going to be wrong. i guarantee you, i spent plenty of time in montreal, canada, calgary, and i tell you, for all the americans down south of the border who complain about canadian health care, canadians like their health care. they don't want to switch with us. neither do the people in england.
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we need a better deal. and we can have one if we were to move forward. taiwan has a health care system that also is similar to canada, new zealand, norway, denmark. we can do better than we're doing right now and we should. as i mentioned before, medicare and medicaid are popular. these are programs where people get the benefit of a health care system that is a system that we benefit from as a government of, by, and for the people and millions of our constituents from birth until death benefit and they support people with disabilities, having children, pregnant women, and seniors. they're wildly popular. and they actually have pretty low administrative costs. the essential -- they are essential to the stability of our country. it also makes sense that americans must also support medicare for all or single payer. both a harvard harris poll from
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2007 and a 2018 kaiser family foundation poll found that the majority of americans support a single payer health care system funded by the government. yet some folks in this body want to actually cut medicaid. they want to cut -- they want to drain funds from the medicare trust fund. the fact is, americans all over this country, they think that many of our programs, whether it be the v.a. or medicare, or medicaid, actually help a lot of people. these programs are popular. yet we continue to have to fight to protect them every day. what if we just moved forward and said that more people could nefit from a program like -- from a medicare style program. an expanded medicare for all would create millions of good jobs. it's a program that would bring more people in and therefore we'd need more health care professionals to cover folk. more nurses, more doctors, more
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nurse anesthetists, even more exercise professionals because we know that in a good, solid, single-payer system we would put an emphasis on preventive care. try to make sure people stayed well. tayed healthy. let me just say that cost savings for individuals is an important factor here. medicare for all isn't just a fringe idea that will help very few people. medicare for all is good for business and good for people. a single payer system would lift a significant financial burden from businesses that currently fund health care insurance for their employees and would largely eliminate the financial burden of illness, a leading cause of bankruptcy and debt sent into collection. even with the affordable care act which substantially helped, 28 million people or about 9% of the nation remains uninsured. i am grateful for the affordable care act. it made substantial advances,
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but we still can do better. a single payer system is not just about ensuring that no person is uninsured, it's also about making sure that no one is underinsured. many people are underinsured. they face costs associated with their insurance that they just can't afford to handle. and that is also a substantial problem. underinsured individuals are less likely to obtain health care when they need it. they skip doctors visits. they avoid filling prescriptions and they're more likely to end up in medical debt. we can have a system that can help us avoid these problems. medical debt is one of the leading causes of personal bankruptcy in the united states. if we were to set up a system that was focused more on health and wellness, where we all could pay and then we can all benefit, it would make our society stronger, better financially and physically.
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medicare for all would actually help reduce income inequality. one of the problems of the society we live in now is that we have really historic record inequality. the rich and the top 1% are far more wealthy relative to the rest of their country men and women than has been the case since the great depression. since the guilded age. -- the dileded age. ou have to go back to the time of the great gasby to see what we're seeing. in a time when we're facing record levels of inequality, a single payer system can also help level the playing field and help working people make a better go at this economy. medicare for all would make sure that everyone would have the same access, level of care,ardless of their income, their job, or the community that
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they live in. medicare for all system would mean that people would be able to cover their medications, cover their bills, it would mean they would be able to get what they need. if you compare this, what if we did health care the way we do education? you got to have a private, it's a private system and you couldn't go unless you could pay. the bottom line is that what we'd end up is a system where there would be very unequeal educationally system. it would undermine productivity, weaken our society. if we were to have a medicare for all system. that would help make sure that everybody had a basic health benefit and it didn't matter whether you had a job at the moment or not. didn't matter whether -- where you lived. then it would provide a platform for economic prosperity in the marketplace. where people would work. this would also make our society more equal when it comes to
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opportunity for people of color and racial minorities. black and his uponic americans are more likely to be uninsured than others, studies show a direct link between being uninsured and a higher mortality rate. and by the way when people have died with a higher mortality rate they don't just die. often they end up in the e.r. which is one of the most expensive places to treat somebody. but what if they actually had the treatment they needed? they had a regular doctor. they had the treatments they needed. they had ways to keep themselves healthy. african-americans and indigenous people tend to have lower life expectancies than white americans, experiencing higher rates of most major causes of death, infant mortality, trauma, heart disease and diabetes. much of this is just related to the fact that health care access is not evenly distributed and therefore the disproportionate impact son people with the lower income. rates of unemployment are higher
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among african-american men and women than their non-hispanic white counterparts and job loss is more prevalent among minority groups. getting employer-based coverage is not easy if you work a few part-time jobs you have to piece together rather than a solid full-time job. so what do people do when they happen -- when that happens? you go without health care or have gaps in health care coverage. especially if you live in a state where things like expanding medicaid are not preferred. if your governon -- governor and your state legislature don't want to expand medicaid then the chances that you are going to experience these gaps in coverage and be uninsured are higher. and consequently people's health outcomes are worse. the u.s. health care system is ranked, when we look at it, among the worst among countries with advanced economies, despite the fact that we are among the
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ones that spend the most on health care. if we want to have more equality based on people's different racial backgrounds. if we want more opportunity for all regardless of their race but based on income and we want to make sure this is a country where a middle class person a working class person, can do better, then the fact stands true that we have got to move to a medicare for all style system. now medicare for all style system and drug pricing, very important topic to take up. we are one of the only countries in the world that doesn't in some way regulate the cost of prescription drugs. we talk a little bit about this before using the examples of derapr himbings m but it seems to me if we were to move to a system a more medicare for all style system, an expanded, better system, we can find ourselveses in a situation where americans could actually start
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affording their drugs. while prescription drugs are not goifered canada's system, there are price controls for med cases so prescription drugs are often cheaper than in the u.s. we have a drug pricing crisis in this country. american people know it. they live it every day. and the worried parents, struggling to pay their kids insulin, senior living on a fixed income who takes arthritis medication, millions of working people who have to take med case at some point or another in their life they know we have a system that is uncriminal -- uncontrolled and out of control. in a recent kaiser family foundation poll, every 50% of the people said that addressing this med case crisis would be one -- should be one of the president's and congress' top priorities. this should come as no surprise to us. a majority of americans are using prescription medication.
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for too many folks, people have to choose between paying their bills and getting the medicine their family needs. in fact, 92% of americans support the federal government negotiating lower drug prices for folks on medicare part d. medicare part d is a very unfortunate program where it's written into the law that we cannot negotiate drug prices. this is an outrageous thing and for people dedicated to free market principles, the fact that you couldn't negotiate a price seems extremely ironic to me. it seems more like crony capitalism than free market. 86% of the americans support requiring drug companies to release information on how they make their drug prices. i think while that is certainly something that we should know it's not particularly difficult to figure out. they price based on as much as they can get. and 78% surveyed of americans support lifting what the drug
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corporations can charge for drugs for illnesses like cancer. we must continue to fight to protect the a.c.a. and fight for medicare for all as a solution. we should and we could begin to tackle so many of our nation's problems if we had a shot at good health and stable health care. there is proof from our fellow -- from our fellow nations, fellow wealthy nations, that you can have a free market economy and you can have a national health insurance program that works. they're doing it in canada, they're doing it in the u.k., they're doing it in new zealand, in taiwan, they're doing it in norway, denmark, sweden. they're doing it all over the world. and there's no reason why we can't do it here other than some people want a benefit of -- while want to benefit while other people actually suffer. a number of --
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there is an important debate going on in our country. there is an important conversation that we're having in communities all over. i hope that all across the united states in church basements, synagogue basements, mosques and quaker meeting rooms and v.f.w. halls and in lodges and coffee shops, wherever people gather, folks will get together and discuss our health care future as americans. there is a better way. there is a better way. and i think that it's right in front of us. i was speaking about this issue who told me, well, keith, how are we going to pay for this? and i thought that was an interesting question given we just passed a republican tax bill that carved $1.5 trillion out of the federal revenue over the next 10 years. some people have estimated it is
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even higher than that. nobody was particularly worried about how we were going to pay for that. but the question is still a legitimate question. we do have to pay for things. if we look at the fact that out 2/3 of all the federal spending is -- health care spending is federal spending, we they are w, and seeing the health care expenditures that they are already making, being able to pay a part of this. but the other part is a legitimate question. we can set out a system of tax on tax or perhaps a wall street trades. there are a number of things that we can do. and we also can squeeze costs out of the system. we know that simply because you
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have multiple insurance companies and multiple payers, there is rampant waste in the system and squeeze it out and get efficiencies, we would be able to lower costs in the system. if we could control costs in the system, we would have a world-class system with excellent health care outcomes and still pay for it. it's not beyond our reach. it's often u that been said that single-payer systems have long waiting lines. well not according to the data. one from the commonwealth fund doctor's e same-day appointment like canada and united kingdom and the rest and the fact is that in new zealand,
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inmany, australia, you know, the united kingdom, people can get same-day doctor visits at a higher rates. it's not that you have long lines or wait. we will design it for our own purposes. but it simply is not true that a single-pair system will have lines. aiting people say this, but it's just not true. we need to have the debate and need to have the discussion. we need businesses to say, what would it mean to me if i didn't have to pay health insurance out of my business expenses, what would it mean if they didn't have to pay for co-pays and deductibles if they could get eyes and ears. what would it mean if these
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things were possible? would it allow people, free them and allow them to be more creative and innovative? we have seen a tchine in small business development. is this because they are locked in indeed-end jobs. there is a possibility. we have got to have a dialogue to serve the american people and other countries around the world are doing it and it's time for us to move forward in that direction, too. so i will yield back the balance of my time and thank the speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the jear yields. under the speaker's announced policy of january 3, 2017, the gentleman from texas, mr. culberson, is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the majority leader. mr. culberson: it's my privilege to pay tribute to the life of a
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great american barbara bush. and i would ask unanimous consent, mr. speaker, that all members participating may have five legislative days to include extraneous material on the topic of this special order. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. culberson: if i may yield to my colleague, dr. burgess for as much time as he may consume. mr. burgess: i thank the gentleman for yielding. i thank the gentleman for calling this special order hour to honor the life and legacy of his constituent barbara bush. i'm proud to stand and honor the life and legacy of our former first lady barbara bush, from new york to west texas to the west wing, she served her family and country with integrity strength and grace.
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she was a member of the greatest generation and spent her life in service to others. you know it's incredible to reflect, she was the only second woman in our nation's history to be the wife and mother of a united states president. e joined abigail adams who advised our nation's chief executives long before they reached the oval office. she used her influence to enact positive change. although her name was never on a ballot, the american people chose mrs. bush as a leader and as a role model. just yesterday, the energy and commerce offered bills offering solutions to what is a significant crisis in our country dealing with deaths caused by opioidses. the epidemic that has touched
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every community. combatting this crisis requires not only legislation but compassion and understanding. but years ago in her work to help the most vulnerable, mrs. bush epitomized such compassion. i mentioned this yesterday. a significant part of her legacy will always be her simple embrace of a child with hiv-aids at a clinic at a time when the illness was not well understood and i dare say the illness was feared by most people in the country. this simple act, this simple embrace to reach out and pick up a child at an aids clinic destigma advertised hiv-aids. it was a small but powerful gesture in 1989 and then she paved the way for patients with hiv-aids, their families and
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they were moved out of the shadows and could begin to look at treatment options. the world is vastly different today for a patient with hiv-aids because of that simple act of compassion evidenced by mrs. bush. and how congress is trying to combat opioids crisis, i hope we can find her dedication and do what is right. i'm joined to join my fellow colleague from houston in expressing our condolences on the wonderful life of former first lady barbara pierce bush, and i yield back. mr. culberson: bash rarl bush, george h.w. bush do exemplify all of the greatest character
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traits what made this country what it is. it's been a privilege to represent the bush family and succeed george h.w. bush and followed by bill archer and i followed bill archer, he succeeded george h.w. bush. and they are admired and revered by all of us in texas and i'm joined by my colleague from dallas and i would like to yield to my colleague frrl dallas to onor the life of barbara bush. ms. johnson: mr. speaker, i want to express my appreciation for leadership of representative culberson for setting this special time to give recognition to mrs. bush. we honor her life and legacy of the first lady, barbara pierce
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bush, a great texan and a great first lady, a remarkable woman. for her 92 years on this earth until taking her last breath on april 17, she demonstrated constant examples of radiant elegance, abundant courage and brilliant intellect. when the news of her death was announced, people from every political party, religious faith, background, color and creed mourned her with the bush family. she transcended the differences that are all too often exploited and gave us a living example of goodness that can bring people together as human beings. during times of trouble in the
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administration of both her husband and son in washington, she remained a beacon of hope, standing firm against the most horrific of storms, even those who disagreed with the policies of both presidents found comfort in the wisdom of mrs. bush. i always admired her charisma, true patriotism and the leadership she demonstrated in advocating for stronger literacy programs. she made sure our young people are better off through her commitment through charitable causes and passion for service. she was a strong advocate for civil and women's rights and policies during her husband's administration, which spoke volumes to her character and legacy she leaves behind.
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our living presidents paid whomage to barbara bush at the memorial service that celebrated her life and legacy. 1,500 members came to say good-bye to a woman who befriended after them. hours after the service concluded, she was laid to rest n a grave located in the library. she was buried next to her daughter robin who passed away from cancer when she was three years old. e are blessed to vrl witness a woman. those who have blessed with those assist those. there are many whose lives were enhanced by of the service,
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graciousousness and the love that barbara bush carried. mrs. bush took pride in her family and taught them to love and serve others. i hope her family can take sole ace in knowing she is a better place in watching all of them. all of us will miss barbara bush, her truthfulness, her fairness and her passion. the nation and the world is a better place because she lived mongst us giving all she could without animosity. i yield back. mr. culberson: all of america is better because barbara bush has lived and all of us are better people to have known and admired barbara bush. she has been a source of inspiration to me and the millions of americans. people from all over the world powered into houston to pay
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tribute to her as she laid in repose. people from all walks of life, dr. burgess said, she in a very simple gesture with a patient who was ill with hiv-aids broke down the stigma that the fear people felt. barbara bush acted instincttively with courage and compassion and hugging that young man and demonstrated to the world, people who were ill with hi and now that disease has been contained and rolled back, it is a treatable condition and she devoted her life to, as my colleague from dallas said, helping those who were less fortunate. . barbara was born in 1925, she was one of only two women in
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american history who was both a wife to and a mother to a united states president. she was the wife of the 41st president of the united states, george h.w. bush and mother of the 43rd president, george w. bush. barbara was only 18 years old when she is married george herbert walker bush in 1945. they had six children together over the course of their marriage and as first lady she's best remembered for her untiring advocacy for universal literacy and founded the barbara bush foundation for family literacy. she first met george at a christmas dance in connecticut in 1941 when she was 16 and he was 17. george bush asked a fend if he knew barbara and the two were officially introduced. when the waltz began to play they sat out the dance because he did not know how to waltz so they spent their time getting to know each other. as they spent more and more time together and fell in love,
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shortly after george's 18th birthday they both became each other's first kiss. their engagement was officially announced in the newspaper in december of 1943. george was on leave during christmas as a navy pilot and they were reunited over that christmas in 1943. and two weeks later, on january 6, 1945, george and barbara were married. barbara bush told "time" magazine in 1989 that, quote, i married the first man i ever kissed and when i tell this to my children they just about throw up. while george was away at war, the two wrote letters to each other as their only means of communication. they were deeply and passionately in love and she helicopter -- she kept her sense of humor right to the very end. in a letter to barbara george wrote, i have climbed perhaps the highest mountain in the world but epidemic that cannot hold a candle to being barbara's husband. in another letter dated december
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12, 1943, george wrote to his darling bar about his happiness at reading their engagement announcement in the newspaper. quote, i love you precious work all my heart, and to know you love me mean mislife. how often i have thought about the immeasurable joy that will be ours someday how much lucky our children will be to have a mother like you. this letter was released shortly after her passing. she was an extraordinary woman and an inspiration to all of us. i'm pleased to be joined tonight by my colleague from the 22nd district of texas, congressman pete olson, and i will yield to im such time heas may consume. mr. olson: thank you my dear
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friend from texas 7, john culberson, for hosting this special order. and that's a special word, special order because this is a very special lady. barbara bush. her husband, george h.w. bush, and barbara bush were not native texans. but they got there as fast as they could. the president embraced texas right off the bat. he became involved in the oil and gas industry, black gold, texas tea. in those days. his wife, barbara, became the epitome of a texas woman. a straight shooter. hat you see is what you get. black, white, no gray. family, family, family, love,
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ove, love. i'll share two stories about her and her husband that show how much they love life and how great -- and how great a sense of humor they both had. rst of all, in 2000, their oldest son george w. bush was elected to become our 43rd president. when two families in -- only two families in our country's history had a mother who had a husband and a son elected to the white house. the adams family and the bush family. reporters came to mrs. bush, remember all this controversy, hanging chads, florida, florida, florida. they persevered and george bush
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was elected our president. naturally, reporters were excite. they approached our first laity and said, mrs. bush, in your heart of hearts, in your wildest dreams, did you think one of your sons could become our president? hold the same office that your husband had for four years? and barbara, being straight-talking barbara, said, i'm paraphrasing, yes, sir. my boys watched their dad achieve the highest office in the world. they knew what it took. it took determination. focus. friends.
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faith. my sons saw that in their father. they knew what it would take. and so yes, i thought one of my sons could become our president. of course then she gave the coup de grace, the classic barbara bush, she said, i had -- i have to be honest with you, though, i thought it would be my smart son. eaning jeb bush, not george w. that comment was true love and that's what barbara bush was all about. one other story about the president and the family, president bush as he got older loved to skydive. bush 41. skydived in ken bungport.
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he had -- he had pretty bad parkinsons, couldn't walk. when he landed he kind of fell over and did what's called a face plant. friends up there told me that there days before the jump saying, d not do this. you are 90 years old, don't jump out of a plane. but president bush said, when he turned 85, he'd do it when he was 90. he kept his word. you see the video, barbara came down there, hugged him, kissed him, picked him up, loved him. back at the house it wasn't quite the same. apparently she said over and over, you old man, i told you not to jump out of a plane. look at your face. your face is all cut up.
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never, ever do this again. it won't happen. of course the president smiled and said i love you. and they moved on. next story about their love, true love, came from their photographer back home in houston, texas. this man has been with the family for at least 40 years. the bushes come in there every year for a big camera shoot. the photographer said it's getting kind of tough, the president has bad parkinsons. he can no longer stand. that means for these shots, i have to have him sit in his wheelchair. and he hates that chair. if that chair pops up in a picture, he tears the picture apart. so how does he deal with that
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fact of the attitude with his wheelchair? he turns to the first lady who is 90 years old, and works her hard. they have to have the same height differential. he's about 6'0". she's somewhere around 5'7", 5'8". he's above her. so the shots with him in a chair she has to be below him. that means she is squatting down. she's 91 years old and squatting down for a picture. in picture after picture. photographer told me, moved her up left, had her squat down, back, left, over and over and over. a true workout. for any human being. but especially a woman who is 90 years old.
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and then he started laughing. and said our president and his wife are still in love. how do i know that? at least 10 times during the course of that shoot as our first lady walked in front of our president she stopped and said stop that, george. stop that. stop that, george. we all know what president bush is doing with his beloved wife. he was saying i love you in the way that only naval aviators can say. resulted in marriage of 73 years. while barbara left us last week, that love is still going strong.
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barbara bush, president george h.w. bush, and the entire bush family on behalf of the 850,000 texans i work for in texas 22, thank you, thank you, thank you. for your example, your life, your patriotism, your las vegas, an your family. the world is a better place because of barbara bush. god bless her. thank you my friend. eye elled back. -- i yield back. mr. culberson: america is a far better place because barbara bush lived. she's been an inspiration to all of us. george h.w. bush has been a lead for the texas. he started out his career as a harris county republican party chairman and was elected to congress in 1966 and a new district was created on the west side, the seventh district, and when george bush came into this house chamber, he was assigned
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to the ways and means committee. he served on the ways and means committee for two terms and when he ran for the united states senate in 1970 and then he ran against lloyd bentsen in that race and then he moved on to become united nations ambassador. george bush's successor in congress, bill archer, went on to become chairman of the ways and means committee. chairman archer served there from 1970 to 2001 when it was my privilege to succeed bill archer. i joined the appropriations committee. right now i chair a subcommittee. but the united states is very, very fortunate and that another texan has stepped up to serve as chairman of the ways and means committee, congressman kevin brady who joins us here tonight who represents the woodlands and congressional district eight, as chairman of the ways and means committee successfully passed the largest tax cut in american history which is already doing remarkable things to rejuvenate the american economy and restore
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immense prosperity to this nation coast to coast, something i know george and barbara bush are immensely proud of and we're honored to have you join us here tonight, chairman brady, in celebrating the life of barbara bush. mr. brady: thank you, congressman culberson, thank you for your leadership not just of this special order tribute to barbara bush, but for keeping the legacy of george bush alive in the district he represented, now that you've worked your way up to a key position for our region, our state, and our country, advancing the world in my view and leading the effort for hurricane harvey relief. a record $146 billion for hurricanes harvey and maria and irma and some of the wildfires in california. all of which are the largest
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amount of disaster recovery and really the first prevention funds to help rebuild the levees and dams and all that can prevent these funds. -- floods. thank you for your leadership. mr. speaker, i rise today to honor the life of barbara bush. our country mourns the loss of a truly incomparable first lady. for many of us, barbara pierce bush is the original thousand points of light. by her urging, her applauding an at samesist insist -- insisting we should all live up to higher standards when it comes to family, honor and duty. she deserves to be honored because of her dedication to making our world a better place. specifically through her work as an advocate for adult and child literacy. the barbara bush foundation for family literacy, the leading advocate for family literacy in america will continue her great work to give children and
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parents skills they need for brighter future. i had the honor of representing texas a&m at college station when the george h.w. presidential library was dedicated. it is a it is a remarkable library in so many ways, as is president bush and the first lady. but it was, to me, remarkable how much time and access the president and barbara busch gave to the young people -- bush gave to the young people at college station and the region. bringing in leaders throughout the country and the world, having deep discussions about freedom, about faith, family, about leadership and service. all the things that made the bush family so special. one time i was, early on a saturday morning, congressman, i was driving up to college station to interview our applicants for west point and the naval academy and the air
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force and merchant marine. we were doing it at the corps cadet center at texas a&m. so we're on 290 and i'm not really paying attention. i look up and see this green -- bluish-green car just up ahead of me and i notice the license plate says read 1. i thought, read 1. that's amazing. as we drive past her, i may have been pushing the speed limit a bit. i noticed that famous whitehair and it was mrs. bush driving -- white hair and it was mrs. bush driving up to the library on saturday morning for some work or the other. probably focused on family literacy. they are, the bush family is simply adored in texas and especially in the houston region, for so many reasons. i had a chance, as congressman culberson talked about, you know, to be able to follow on the ways and means committee, the seat that president bush
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once held, that chairman archer once held, and that i now have the privilege to hold. so i always feel like i have a duty to uphold his standards, his legacy, his commitment to honor and duty on our committee as well. and when i won the seat on ways and means committee, president bush reached out to say congratulations, come down and visit. then when i was fortunate enough to succeed, now speaker paul ryan, to chair the committee, his office called again and said, come down, the president wants to visit about ways and means issues. so i got a chance to visit with mrs. bush and the president. my good friend, chase, and others. we talked about tax reform and trade issues and social security and medicare. mrs. bush was in the thick of things in those discussions and it was -- that is my last memory of being able to visit with her in person. anyone who didn't leave a
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conversation with herbert than when you started probably wasn't paying attention to the conversation. so we're blessed. it's a remarkable legacy. she -- legacy she leaves for her family, for texas, for the united states and really for the whole world. so surely heaven rejoiced when mrs. bush joined her savior, pearls and all. thank you, mr. speaker, for blessing us with such a remarkable woman, with a remarkable life and a remarkable family. with that, mr. speaker, i yield back. mr. culberson: kevin, thank you. as george h.w. bush's successor, representing the seventh district, as i said, succeeded bill archer, i'm keenly aware as well, every day that i have the privilege of representing the seventh district, that i have an especially high standard to live up to. the bush standard of absolutely impeccable integrity and honor. and consistency. the proverbs tell us that our greatest possession on earth is our good name. worth more than all the gold and
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silver in the world. and by that measure the bush family, barbara bush, george bush, the entire bush family are the wealthiest people on earth. in a memoir that barbara wrote in 1994 looking back on their 50 years-plus of marriage, she wrote that george and she were the two luckiest people in the world. she said, when all the dust is settled and all the crowd are gone, the things that matter most are family, faith and friends. george and i have been in ordernantly blessed and we know that. -- inor the nanltly blessed and we know that. according to jenna bush, they gave thanks every night in their prayers. george h.w. still said, i love you, barbie, to his wife, according to jenna. when the bushes first came to texas, they settled in west texas and went into the oil bills. and were privileged -- we're privileged tonight to be joined by the chairman of the agriculture committee, the
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congressman from -- representing midland, odessa, the gentleman from west texas, mike conaway, we're delighted to have you with us tonight. would like to yield to you such time as you may consume. mr. conaway: i thank the gentleman. mr. speaker, i thank you very much. it is an honor to come down here tonight to speak about barbara bush and the bush family. as my colleagues said, i represent midland and odessa. two communities that are linked to the bush legacy through them living in odessa for a while, then moving to midland. george w. bush and i were business partners in the oil business for about five years. and so while i had limited or no direct contact with his mom, i got to see the product of her child rearing by working with him on a daily basis for five years. mrs. bush brought to the table that incredibly terrific blend strong a woman who is
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but compassionate, loved her family, stunningly protective of her family. but yet steel-willed when she needed to be. didn't suffer fools well. when they were doing things that she didn't like. but did it with grace and dignity and ways that all of us should try to aspire to do it. they do leave a legacy in midland. they still consider -- midland still considers them their first family. we have a museum in odessa, commemorating their home from when they lived in odessa. we also have the bush home in midland that has been turned into a museum, working hard to get that moved over to the parks department so that can be properly maintained and is a good example. but i don't have a lot of to -- a lot to say tonight that's not already been said, other than the fact that i'm honored to be able to say these things. and to just say that all of us
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should aspire to have the kind of legacy that barbara bush has left. she was a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a great-grandmother. all of those things she did with incredible excellence and style. but she was also her own woman. and leaves that legacy as well, of what strong women can do, what they mean to the strength of a family, what they even in a community that she lived in, whether it's midland or houston or here in washington, d.c., as first lady. she did it the right way every time. and our nation is better for having had her. i suspect abigail adams is -- has welcomed her with open arms, as being the only two women to be the husband of one president and the mother of another. and that's a pretty select group that mrs. bush and abigail adams, both of whom have had great impacts on the legacy of this country. thank you again, barbara bush, for all that you did. i know her family grieves but
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it's a bittersweet grief and knowing that a life lived really well for 92 years is something responsible he -- to be very proud of. with that, i yield back, mr. speaker. mr. culberson: thank you very much. when barbara and george lived in the midland, odessa area, early in their marriage is when they ost their daughter, robin. it of course is an unimaginable and unbearable loss to lose a child. but robin was carried away but leukemia. and the bushes devoted much of for lives to raise money leukemia research, to defeat that terrible disease, to raise awareness of the disease, to give hope to others. because when they lost robin in 1953, there wasn't really anything the doctors could do. and it is a great tribute to them both that they were so heavily involved in helping to raise money for cancer research,
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to fight leukemia, through the texas medical center. m.d. anderson, one of the greatest cancer hospitals in the world, is located in the texas medical center on the edge of my district. and it's been my privilege as a chairman of the subcommittee on appropriations to spear head record increases in funding for the national institutes of health, to help fight childhood cancers like leukemia. and the bushes were an integral part of that. they have done immeasurable good in so many ways and touched so many lives. and inspired so many people all over the united states and throughout texas. and i know that all of us in the texas delegation, all of us across the country are praying for the bush family and share in their grief, but we also have the sure knowledge that barbara bush is in a better place, that she's been reunited with her daughter, robin, and that she was at peace.
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and we're honored tonight to be joined by my colleague from houston, congresswoman sheila jackson lee, who joins us here tonight to pay tribute to the life of this remarkable and extraordinary first lady, barbara bush. i would yield to my colleague such time as she may consume. ms. jackson lee: i thank my colleague from houston. and i'd like to address all of us on the floor tonight, as my fellow texans. that was a favorite of george w. bush, the son of barbara bush, when he would greet us during his presidency. which i had the privilege of being here in the united states congress. and he would always greet me as his fellow texan. and how proud we are to be able to call president h.w. bush and the extended family and his wonderful first lady, the matriarch, the first girlfriend, if you will, and as has been told over and over during the time of her memorial, the first
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man that she kissed. how proud we are to call both of them our fellow texans. and now we are standing here today to mourn barbara bush. and as i do that, let me first of all acknowledge president h.w. bush and wish him a speedy recovery, for him to regain his strength, for all of us watched of her t in the viewing repose on that friday, as he came and sat and remained for a period of time to greet the many people that came to honor her during that viewing. i was one of those who had the privilege to go and to pay my respects on that day. but, again, they are one of america's greatest families,
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although barbara bush would never acknowledge that by her attitude or the way she addressed people. she was just mrs. barbara bush, a very humble but firm and straightforward first lady. she was a descendent of the 14th president of the united states, franklin pierce, the wife of the 41st, george herbert walker bush, and the mother of the 43rd, george w. bush. of course, she finds her place in history for many, many reasons, but of course we take note of the fact there was only one other woman who was both the wife and the mother of a president of the united states, abe gale adams -- abigail adams. so that is a very high ranking and honorable place to be. barbara bush, the widely admired and fiercely loyal wife, mother and grandmother, was born in new york, but she got to texas as soon as she could. she met a dashing young george herbert walker bush in connecticut at a school dance when she was 16 and he was a
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year older. what an amazing story. in fact, what an amazing love story. three years later, barbara bush married her sweetheart and their love lasted for 73 years. i remember as we mourned her last weekend, over and over again the commentators would say, 73 years of marriage. that alone is a historic tribute to the integrity and the beauty and the love of both of them. and of course they were married until she departed in death. george and barbara raised their family from west texas to houston. of course we know that he was a set ofo and a remarkable action that he saw in world war ii, and miraculous recovery from when his plane fell and as well miraculous in the fact that he survived, but more importantly, the actions that took place as
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he pursued the enemy. he truly was a hero as well. barbara bush was plain-spoken but she had that wonderful whitehair, pearl necklace and earrings. so many in houston, on the day of both her funeral and as well the day that we viewed her lied in repose, she was there, we were wearing pearl necklaces and earrings, just to be able to say she is someone that we admired, not for those external things, but for the goodness of her heart. she was an early proponent of the equal rights moment and we repeated over and over again of her going to an aids clinic and picking up a baby and hugging and touching those individuals who were h.i.v. infected.
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so let the world know that they needed the love and comfort and we needed to fight for the cure and to recognize the humanity of those who were suffering from hiv-aids. she loved literacy. that became one of her major, major efforts. and that's where during her time in houston i would see her often with her son neal bush, efforts dealing with literacy. her work and dollars came to places way beyond where she might expect and certainly a lot of work on literacy was done in my congressional district chef raised, barbara bush, raised more than $1 billion for literacy and cancer charities and as my colleague has indicated, it was both in tribute and in recognition of the devastation of childhood cancer, leukemia, which she lost her first born to. barbara bush recognized that education was the key that unlocked the door of human
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potential and so her foundation, again, as i indicated focused on family literacy. i have met people who through her literacy program were able to restore their lives and secure employment because they were then able to move forward because they learned to read. unfortunately, they learned to read after they finished all their education. she understood the value of that. as they came back to houston we were delighted to call them houstonians and as well we recognized what a valuable couple they were to us and anything you asked them to do from being at the texans work the texans and supporting them and rooting them on and being with the astros or the rockets or any of our teams, or any of our universities or anything that was needed, they were there. and so i'm always amazed at the breadth and depth of barbara bush, how many people she touched, how many people loved her, how many people stood in
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line to pay their aren'ts. we know of her book with her dog millie and her puppies, written during her white house years, was a bestseller as were her other books. all of it was donated to charity. we also realize that as she and her husband ended their time, their service, and by the way they was by his side from being the representative in china, for being the c.i.a. director, for being the congressperson that previously overlapped the 18th congressional district, many of my constituents were his constituents. and so we've had a full circle of their wonderful service to this nation. on a personal note i want to offer my tribute from my husband, dr. elwin c. lee because as a young man growing up it was the bush family that helped him go to andover and opened his eyes to go to the same school that mr. bush, h.w. bush, went to and his -- in his years of finishing wheesm know
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when we got married, we received a gift from the bushes. couldn't even imagine it that they would even remember us. we sent them an invitation they remembered and they provided with us a very special gift. they are very, very special people and i speak in present tense because her spirit continues to thrive and we're reminded of the charity the love and the standard bearer she was for what is great about america. we know she's survived by her husband, their children, george, jeb, neal, marvin, and dorothy and as has always been said she'll join her first-born robin at her final resting place. it is important to pay tribute to such a wonderful american, such a wonderful woman, and to be able to thank her for teaching us and to remind us what is important in life and it is family, friends, and faith. thank you, mrs. barbara pierce bush.
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may you rest in peace but let it be known we'll never forget your spirit you strength, and what you did for america and you gave it to us straight. fa i will -- family, friends, and faith. i thank the gentleman for yielding to me and i yield back. mr. culberson: i thank my colleague from houston for joining us to honor the life of this great woman, barbara pierce bush. who as my colleague mentioned was a national leader in literacy, focused her efforts as first lady on building literacy in the united states and in fact in a televised event, an event that really i think symbolized who barbara bush was and how big her heart was, than eway she treated everyone that she met, it was an event celebrating the bisen ten dwhreefl constitution where barbara bushed me a man named j.t. pace a 63-year-old son of a sharecropper who had
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only recently become literate and able to read. he was scheduled to read the constitution's preamble out loud in front of a large audience. barbara bush instinctively understood that he was very, very nervous and she quietly slipped up alongside him and asked him if she cowl help him read it out loud while standing next to him. mr. pace was very grateful and said yes, of course. soon they went up on stage together and began reading out loud the preamble of the constitution. as barbara bush detected that mr. pace became more comfortable in reading in public, she continued to lower her voice until only his voice could be heard. and he suddenly realized he was reading the preamble to the constitution in front of this huge audience on his own. it brought tears to his eyes cause barbara bush had stood
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alongside him, understood his fear and anxiety, had lifted him up and given him the confidence that he needed to complete the task and allowed mr. pace to find his own voice. she was an extraordinary woman and i am -- i feel humbled every day to represent the bushes, to be their conditioningman, to follow in his footsteps, to follow in her footsteps and 20 do my very best to live up to the very high standards that they set for all of us as americans and especially as publicer is vabts. -- servants. every day i have this privilege, i remember the standard she set for all of us. the standards she set for her family, her granddaughter, jenna bush-hager, explained why her granny was given the nickname "the enforcers." jenna explained there were a few simple rules that her
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grandmother followed. treat everyone equally. don't look down on anyone. use your voice for good. and read all the great books. barbara loved her family more than anything else on earth. she liked to tell people repeatedly, in the end, when all the dust is settled, all the crowds are gone, the thing that matters most are faith, family, and friends. she was a abundant pli blessed. in fact, i think it became her most prized possession was a painted cow because when her husband george saw that barbara had swooned over the painted cow statues installed around houston in 2001 , he decided to surprise her with one but as the former president paced a warehouse full of colorful works of cows pained by local artists with his longtime chief of staff gene beg becker , he couldn't decide which one his wife would like
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best so he bought a blank one. and as he expected, mrs. bush turned it into a family art project. they had the white cow place odd then lawn of the flame's seaside home in kennebunkport, maine, and in the years since, they had each of their five children, 17 grandchildren, and eight and counts great grandchildren decorate the cow with hand prints and autofwraffs. and it became her most prized possession because it symbolized their entire family and their deep bond of love and afeck for each other. barbara bush taught that humor, wit, and grace were the best accessories a woman could wear. jenna bush-hager shared that her granny embodied uniqueness and authenticity from her mismatched keds, pearl earrings and snow-white hair, she stressed the importance of internal beauty because as she said, your looks will fade but your kind
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words and the way you make people feel will be remembered by people forever. and your -- you're measured by the love of those around you and how you have loved them. her family members stated she was the glue that held them all together. in a eulogy by her son jeb, he stated that his mom was his first and most important teacher. she taught him to, quote, sit up, look people in the eye, say please an thank you. quit whining and stop complaining and eat your broccoli. the little things that she taught turned into bigger life lessons. quote, be kind. always tell the truth. never discourage anyone. serve others. treat everyone as you would want to be treated. and love your god with all your heart and all your soul. at barbara ears -- at barbara's
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funeral, jeb bush told a story of the last time his mother was in the hospital he said his father probably got sick on purpose just to go visit bar brafment when george went into her room he had a breathing mask over his face a hospital gown, his hair was unkemmed, in fact, standing straight up, as he walked into barbara's hospital room and held her hand, barbara opened her eyes, took one look at him and said, my god, george, you are devastatingly handsome. she kept her sense of humor and her perspective and her joy and love for her family right to the end. when jeb asked her how she felt about dying, barbara stated that she knew that jesus was her lord and savior. she said she did not want to leave her husband but she knew she would be in a beautiful place. we know that barbara is now reunited with her daughter robin who passed away when she was 3
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due to leukemia. and as george w. bush said, at the end of his mother's life, although, quote, laura, barbara, jenna, and i are sad, our souls are settled because we know hers was. we are all blessed as americans, we're certainly blessed as texans, as houstonians, to be neighbors, to be friends, to have known this great good woman and this extraordinary family. the bush family that has exemplified everything that made america great. integrity. duty. courage. commitment. self-reliance. religious faith. devotion to family. the benefits of hard work and remembers that your good name is your most valuable possession
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worth more than all the gold and silver in the world. truly by that measure the bushes are the most wealthy people on earth and we are so very fortunate to have known them, to have learned from them, to be inspired by them. as i continue to be every day as the congressman from the seventh district of texas. every day that i represent this extraordinary district and these amazing people in houston who all stepped up and helped each other in hurricane harvey and the bushes were right there helping their neighbors and friends. every day that i have the privilege to represent this great city and this amazing place, the congress of the united states of america, i will always remember the standard of integrity that the bush family left for me and for all of us and i'll work very, very hard to continue to make barbara and george bush proud of my work on their behalf. we're all abundantly blessed to have had barbara bush as first lady, as a role model and
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mentor. but we know that she's in a better place and is reunited with her daughter robin and as george b. said, we will -- we are all sad for the less, but our souls are settled because we know hers was. mr. speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. under the speaker's announced policy of january 3, 2017, the chair recognizes the gentleman from florida, mr. yoho, for 30 minutes. for what purpose does the gentleman seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent -- for a unanimous consent request. if i may enter into the record the statement of my colleague from dallas, congressman jeb hensarling, a statement on the life of barbara bush. the speaker pro tempore: that
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will be covered under general leave. the chair recognizes the gentleman from florida, mr. oho, for 30 minutes. mr. yoho: thank you, madam speaker. i rise this evening with a saddened heart to honor sergeant noel ramirez and deputy taylor lindsey who tragically lost their lives in the line of duty on april 19, 2018. in a senseless, evil and cowardly act with complete disregard and respect for law enforcement officers and life itself. while i no longer represent gilchrest county here in
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congress, my wife and i operated two of our veterinarian business s there. it's the eits -- businesses there. it's the epitome of an american town that espouses god, country and family. our thoughts are with the entire community as they recover from this tragedy. sergeant ramirez was born on june 3, -- june 30, 1988, in brooklyn, new york. after gragg high school in puerto rico with honors, he began his career in law enforcement. during his service to the people of gilchrest county, he played an active role in recruiting new members to the gilchrest team to grow what he liked to call the family in the gilchrest county sheriff's department. he was a medalist in the first responders game in both basketball and weight lifting, but more importantly than that, he was a loving and dedicated father and husband. he is survived by his wife, gigi, and their two children, knollito and joey.
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along -- noelito and joey. along with his parents and family. deputy taylor lindsey was born on june 30, 1992, in gainesville, florida, and graduated from gainesville, high school. deputy lindsey joined gilchrest county sheriff's office in 2013 where he began his life-long dream to be a law enforcement officer. from a little age, he wanted to be a law enforcement officer and he couldn't say patrol so he called it pee-trol. he went on to fulfill that dream and worked there for three years. while quiet at first, he was quick to laugh and those who worked with him can tell you a favorite taylor lindsey story. deputy lindsey is survived by his parents, his family and his girlfriend, kristen. the bible reminds us, there is no greater love than to lie down
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one's life for their friends. both officers gave the ultimate sacrifice and epitomizes the meaning of service before self. our lives and our community and our state, in fact our nation, are better because of their service. rest easy, gentlemen. we now have your watch. madam speaker, i yield back. and thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. under the speaker's announced policy of january 3, 2017, the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. thompson, or 30 minutes. mr. thompson: thank you, madam speaker. madam speaker, last week the house agriculture committee marked up and approved h.r. 2,
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the agriculture nutrition act of 2018. along with the critical farm supports, the farm bill also authorizes and provides funding for the supplemental nutrition assistance program, also known as snap. and formerly called food stamps. snap is the primary federal nutrition assistance program for those in need and ensures that no american goes hungry. as a young married man, i saw the value and the importance that federal nutrition programs such as snap provided when times got tough. coming from central pennsylvania, i always say that the worst part of growing up in a rural area is that everyone knows your business. by the same toning, the best thing about growing up -- token, the best thing about growing up in a rural area is that everyone knows your business. and when times get tough, neighbors all always help neighbors in need. -- always help neighbors in need. and that is how i think about snap. no matter if you lived in the most -- down the longest rural
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country lane, or in the middle of new york city, snap is about neighbors helping neighbors. despite the rhetoric that has been espoused by some over the past few weeks and months about the nutrition title, i'd like to discuss this important legislation, what h.r. 2 actually proposes to do to improve snap. over the past three years the agriculture committee has held 21 bipartisan hearings on snap, while hearing from 81 witnesses. we've done our homework. we've heard directly from those who are impacted the most. we also had not one amendment from my democrat colleagues to the nutrition title during the committee markup. it's a sad legislative process when not only do critics dismiss the 21 hearings, but they also
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fail to engage in constructive amendment process to improve the bill, where they see shortcummings. republican members -- shortcummings. republican members acted to im-- shortcomings. republican members acted to imlove in bill by adding 21 amendments in committee. let me address work rirmentes and job training. we can all agree that -- job training.nd we can all agree that skills-based education is the best way to assist an individual, to assist a family to achieve food security. i'm hard-pressed to find anyone that would disagree with that. much has been made by some about work requirements, though. these work requirements have been on the books as a part of snap and previously food stamps since 1971.
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even though some states chose to waive them for many able-bodied adults that did not have dependents at home. in other words, some states have been circumventing work requirements, i like to say it as circumventing as providing access to opportunity for people -- for the people who are the most vulnerable, the people that need it most, the people who are living under financial stress. and some states have been circumventing those work requirements for adults who are work-capable and don't have children for years. h.r. 2 strengthens and streamlines these work requirements for able-bodied adults. these folks are -- work -- are work-capable. this bill also makes a historic investment into snap employment and training, and also in existing law, the work force innovation opportunity act, that this body in a bipartisan manner a number of years ago passed as
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a re-authorization to the work innovation act. by coupling these work requirements with job training activities, we can encourage a pathway out of poverty and, quite frankly, a pathway to long-term self-reliance. while education and training and the work force innovation act already exists, h.r. 2 provides states with a significant investment, options to move people forward. to provide people an opportunity for upward mobility. upward mobility really is the american dream. it's the dream of opportunity. and for too long, many have not had those tolls within reach. h.r. 2 does some tremendous improvements to be able to restore that pathway to opportunity.
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for some people, it may be for the first time in their lifetime . this isn't about burdening the states. it's about helping snap recipients, those are people, our neighbors, our friends, our relatives, they're living in difficult financial challenging times. some of it's long term. maybe living in poverty for generations. intergenerational poverty. but many, -- but for many it's short term. as a result of whether it's bad luck or bad planning, you know, whether it's unemployment or underemployment, these individuals deserve an opportunity to move forward and to move upwards. it's about helping snap recipients climb the economic ladder, and closing the skills gap. we know that the skills gap, mr. speaker, or madam speaker, is many real for so
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americans. who wake up in the morning and are wondering how they're going to make ends meet, how we're going to pay bills, and they see the job openings that are there, estimated to be close to six million today and growing. the number of jocks. and these are jobs -- i'm not -- jobs. and these are jobs, i'm not talking about jobs that require bachelor's degrees. these are jobs that largely require skills-based education. it may be a matter of supportive employment. which by the way h.r. 2 supports. where you can actually start earning a paycheck by going to work to be trained. and through apprenticeships. support of employment -- supportive employment. these are jobs that require maybe a certification, some experience, on-the-job training, all of that can lead to pathways o greater opportunity. it's about giving the
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opportunity to poor people, the people who are living in challenging financial circumstances, folks that would you consider poor, give -- it gives them the opportunity they deserve to achieve not just food security, but economic prosperity. these new changes only apply to able-bodied adults who do not have children or dependents with disabilities, for children, it's for those under the age of 6. therefore the vast majority of snap recipients, children, the elderly, the disabled, the pregnant women or individuals with young children will not be impacted by these qing -- by these changes. people ages 18 to 59 who were able-beau -- able-bodied deserve a pathway to upward mobility, madam speaker. we don't provide them that today. but with these changes, with the farm bill, with h.r. 2, we give
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them that hope. and we give them a pathway to upward mobility. and there are challenges to different groups. we're talking about able-bodied folks age 18 to 19. we all know folks that fall -- 59. we all know folks that fall into that category. they may be family and friends, neighbors, certainly as members of congress we all have constituents that fall -- that have folks in those age groups hat have fallen on hard times. are struggling financially. and they need food security. and we provide that with h.r. 2. the farm bill, 2018. but more importantly we provide them that pathway to opportunity through providing better access to more effective education. training. and we recognize the challenges, for those that are 18 to 29 and especially depending on their life circumstances, you're just
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working into the -- working your way into the work force, it is extremely challenging. and there are issues out there that may have to do with transportation, may -- that's a fairly frequent one with younger individuals. certainly the lack of work experience, of being able to leverage what skills they have and unfortunately impacted by what skills they don't have, that skills gap. with what we do with this farm bill, we actually guarantee a training slot for each one of these individuals across the country. and we require case management. and it's case management that can be provided, those case managers, to help deal with those barriers that may be out there involving or making the most benefit out of the job training opportunities, the educational opportunities that will be provided. we're not talking about creating any new bureaucracies. it's about working with any
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willing and able partner, many that are in this business today, all those agencies called one stops or career links under the work force innovation and opportunity act, that can help with this, could be nonprofits. one of my favorite nonprofits does tremendous work force development is goodwill. they provide case management and they help -- i think the last number i looked at in 2016, they assisted over 300,000 people. many of them, some of them with special needs, to be able to get the skills to be able to fill that skills gap. so we recognize the challenges of 18 to 29. but also, you know, let's look at the other end of the spectrum of folks who we consider more capable, 50 to 59. it is very difficult, if you lose your job during that age group, for many reasons, to be
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title of the bill break back into the work force -- to be able to break back into the work force. sometimes employers are looking to hire folks a little young that are they can pay a lower rate. unable to pay for the wisdom and the experience, unfortunately. i think investing in that wisdom and experience is a good investment for employers, but many can be reluctant to do that. we know those individuals need extra help breaking into the work force and this bill provides them the opportunity for taking up to 20 hours of training a week and you don't have to -- you wouldn't do the job training. but for so many, helping them to get retooling in that age group to find a new opportunity to be able to able to take all the
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experience that you've developed and break into that work force, that group would benefit. about ker, let me talk category eligibility. some have questioned the proposed changes to what is known as broad based eligibility. snap recipients are deemed eligibility for a noncatch or state-funded benefit. what does that mean? well, that means if i hand you literally, today, no matter what your income is, if i happened you a brochure about snap benefits and you take that from me that makes you snapple gibble even thundershower supporting the needs of your family and you
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call an 800 hotline, that makes u eligible for snap benefits despite what your benefits well above the income requirements to be snapple gibble. why is that a problem? every problem that is utilized inappropriately and that is what happens under those scenarios takes food out of the mouth who we feed truly hungry, to dedicate ourselves that every dollar is used appropriately. -- we don't 't take the efficiencies out of the snap program. we actually retain two other categories, one is based on cash assistance but the bottom line,
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we truly -- those other two calt goers, those two application processes, which are more at cient, absolutely, but the same time we know the folks they are snapple gibble and expense infood insecurity. and so under this bill, category lgibblet will remain for households andon going services such as child care, transit, still in place. snap recipients will continue do benefits as long as they meet the test limits in the bill. those are modernized and brought into the 21st century and they
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have been prevented truly hunger people from being able to get snap benefits. we have changed that that the most vulnerable will have some money and not going to punish them. that is a big change. and if your assets were $3,000, you were eligible for snap. we are going to take that to $ 7,000 and those folks who have a rson that is an elderly or disabled person in the household, we are going to take t from $3,000 and take it to $12,000, from $5,000 to 12,000 for people who are struggling
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paycheck to paycheck, right now what our government does, if you have a vehicle that is worth $4,650 or less, you are eligible. it is $4,651, you are ineligible. we take that to a $12,000 value. madam speaker, i'm proud of what we have done for the first time since the great society created these poverty cliffs where we have fixed those and created opportunity and indexed to the increases so they reflect the realities. without this farm bill, those poverty cliffs will continue. it is time to ent the poverty cliffs. reporting, let me deal with the
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reporting issues. it has never been about mung. we never talked about the costs. we looked at good policy. and we know that rather than providing good policy that provides the best food security, that has been our goal and that is what we have achieved. the nutrition title has an overall budget impact is neutral. you hear these claims and i don't know where this political speak is coming. it's election time is bearing upon us because there are some this chamber where it's all politics now and they'll throw good policy and throw hungry people under the bus for the purpose of politics. shouldn't do it, madam expire.
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this is work we need to be serious about. and i recognize that every bill can be improved. i was disappointed that some of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle offered no amendments on the amendment process. and i would hope they would work with us because we will ref.b.i. fine this. and there was a farm bill markup in committee and better put forward as serious amendments a number of them we would have supported. that said, to help with program integrity, there are a number of proposals that will combat waste and fraud. is is in the neighborhood of $700 million. do you know how many hungry
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children we could feed with that $700 million that is used by folks who aren't eligible for the program? the impacts we could have with he $700 million would be amazing and the amount of folks who are experiencing food insecurity and find debater opportunity as a result of that. the nutrition title does work to help adults who are food insecure by making improvements o prevent fraud and abuse as possible. h.r. 2 addresses that. it incentivizes states as they
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administer the snap program to deal with. l savings are re-invested in nutrition title programs. it's a win-win. where states identify fraud and abuse, states will be able to retain 50% of the savings that they secure. let me be clear, we expect them to invest within the snap program in order to further address the needs of their citizens in their states experiencing food insecurity. we heard details about alarming fraud that occurred in florida. unacceptable. i'm so thankful law enforcement in florida have identified that and made those arrests and are
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prosecuting. between 2012 and 2017 there were ome 22,000 fraudulent snap transactions, totalled $$3.7 million. hat is $. million that if used appropriately and without fraud would be able to meet the food insecurity needs of our citizens, that are truly in need and in risk of hunger. these individuals created nonexist ant businesses and accepted payments. 198 individuals have been accused of selling benefits those are the electronic benefit cards that we use with the snap cards today and involved with the purchase. as a strong supporter and helping those in need this is
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unacceptable. we incentivize states to identify, stop, and recover that waste, fraud and abuse and we asked them and have them retain 50% of what they are able to do but require them to to make sure food insecure people, hen, women and children do not go hungry. this kind of activity is entirely unacceptable and underscores the need for more accountable and moderate reforms to the law. madam speaker, there is if i could inquire how much time remains? the eaker pro tempore: gentleman has 6 1/2 minutes remaining. mr. thompson: let me just deal
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with some of the rumor mongering that is happening in this chamber. and one of the things that i hear is the farm bill resolves individuals frerl receiving snap. that is absolutely false. without this change, a significant number of families receiving food insecurity will not be eligible for the nutrition they have. 2018 farm bill and nutrition title that prevented families. in fact, madam speaker, in of these asset values have not been changed from the 1970's. this asset test to allow individuals to experience more in savings and without affecting their snapple gict.
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active duty, snap income determination will for the first time will have monthly of their basic housing alouges. we have a number of folks serving active duty and military that joined late in life and they are not able to -- it's very difficult for them to live on the salary would be of an entry-level of our military and this is the first time that we address this farm bill that will be on the house floor in a few weeks. there is a criticism out there the title creates new government bureaucracy to implement that. that is false. the it grants states to best meet the needs of their states
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and provides an education and training slot for everyone who ants one and has this in and state programs and under this proposal, states are granted the flexibility needed to provide services that best meet the needs of their states. there is no one size fits all. we are willing and able partners. i mentioned that this evening. ommunity colleges, state resources and national and state. someone who is living in poverty would have the access. they could go to work and be rained through this program. it has been said that more than a million people will come off
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of snap the next 10 years but we are not talking -- we are talking about folks who achieved greater opportunity. we are talking about folks who are on there because they took a snap pamphlet. if those folks are eligible. they show the income and they'll have snap. those families will not come of off of snap. they will have that nutrition assistance program. part of those are folks who have a higher income that they are not eligible for this program and those folks will come off if they choose not to fill out the application and not eligible. . it's because they've gotten good jobs, it's because they've taken advantage of the education and training programs that we're now providing greater access to
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under this 2018 farm bill, and specifically the nutrition title. helping our fellow citizens to be able to achieve greater opportunity, to achieve the american dream, to prosper, to have a living wage, that's not a bad thing. that's something that we should celebrate. madam speaker, we're going to bring this farm bill to the floor here in a couple of weeks. i hope all of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle will take the opportunity to read it, to actually see what's in. it i look forward to working with them -- in it. i look forward to working with them to help in any way in terms of helping them with that process. and i look forward to successfully passing farm bill 2018. out of the house of representatives. in the weeks to come. thank you, madam speaker. and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the
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balance of his time. does the gentleman have a otion? do you have a motion to adjourn? mr. thompson: i do, madam speaker. i move that we adjourn. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the motion to adjourn. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. the motion is adopted. accordingly, the house stands
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