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tv   White House Briefing  CSPAN  June 5, 2018 1:33am-1:55am EDT

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tuesday. the house is in net new eastern from ember speeches -- member speeches. there will also work on a number of measures on trails, monuments, and heritage areas. on c-span to the senate will continue debate on judicial nominations. on c-span3, education secretary betsy devos testifies on a senate hearing about the 2019 budget request for department. in the afternoon, a congressional panel investigates sexual abuse of athletes. former usa gymnastics president and former michigan state university presintillon capitol hill. watch that at 3:00 p.m. eastern. white house press secretary sarah sanders took questions regarding the presidents tweet about the right to pardon himself.
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she also provided schedule information on the upcoming u.s.-north korea summit at monday's white house briefing. >> we are acknowledging president trump fifth hundred day inoffice -- 500th office. when president trump talked about economic growth, mand not taken seriously. the economy has now grown by 2.8% during the first four full quarters of this admistratio our way towe are on
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reaching the level of growth that the president predicted. just as he promised, president trumbelieves in the american people and is putting them first in every decision. on north korea, we are actively preparing for the june 12 summit betweee esent and the north korean leader. singapore is finalizing logistical operations and will remain in place until the summit begins. mz, the u.s. ambassador's delegation continues talks with the north korean delegation. significant progress has been made. y my husband's birthday, as a happy birthday, brian. with that, i will take your questions. >> there was a short time ago that the president said i have an absolute right to pardon myself. why does he think that? also agree with rudy giuliani that a pardon for himself would be --?
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>> thankfully, the president has not done anything wrong, and would not have anything -- need for a pardon -- any need for a pardon. he --?seat -- does >> the president has not done anything wrong and therefore would not need them. >> the president has yet to respond to his critics about - tariffs.ists s protectng the tariff and aluminum industry. for months the u.s. has had discussions with canada, mexico, and the eu to find alternatives. with no alternatives available, these tariffs will continue. >> what was the contents of the
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kim jong-un letter to the president that he received last week? what did the president take away from that? is he more encouraged based on receiving that letter? >> i will not get into the specifics that letter. they were interesting and we feel like things are continuing to move forward. good progress has been made and we are continuing to prepare for the president some -- president's summit. the president has been receiving weekly -- daily briefings. the sche ftentative first meeting will be at june 12 at 9:00 a.m. singapore time and take place june 11 not a caucasian east coast time- 9:00 a.m. east coast time. our focus is on the presidents meeting with kim jong-un.
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the president will make his views known directly to him when we are in singapore. our focus will continue to be on denuclearizeation. >> the president tweeted that the special counsel is totally unconstitutional. why is he allowing the justice department to abide by it? >> the president has made his views about the special counsel very clear. the president knows that the special counsel is not needed, because once again, he has not done anything wrong. there was no obstruction, no collusion, and no wrongdoing. however, we continue to cooperate. >> how can he allow his own justice department to participate in something that is unconstitutional? >> once again, i address this. the scholars have raised a number of questions on this and the president has made his concerns clear. >> i want to follow up on that.
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what is the basis for the president's claims that it is unconstitutional? pruittinistrator scott has been accused of enlisting white house staffers to shop for a used mattress. i want to know if any of that gives the president pause at this point, or causes his nfiden in scott pruitt to waver? >> i cannot comment on the specifics of the furniture use in his apart. had -- john gole ahead. >> you said that significant progre is being made in the diplomatic talks between the u.s. and north korean officials. the big issue here is denuclearization. the president would like it to happen all at once.
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he said it could also be a phased in process. does it look like it will be all at once or is it phase in more likely? >> i am not going to go ahead and predict a meeting that has not taken place yet. i cannot get into the ongoing diplomatic talks. i can tell you that they have been positive. we're looking forward to the meeting in singapore. >> no matter what you callis m e policy of the united states towards north korea? >> our policy has not changed. we have sanctions on them that are very powerful and we will not take those sanctions off unless north korea denuclearize es. >> does the president believe he is above the law? >> certainly not. the president has not done anything wrong. >> does the president envision a system where the president can pardon himself? >> clearly the constitution lays
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out the law. the president has not been anything wrong. >> just a moment ago you said it is not that clear. >> does the president believe he is above the law? >> certainly nobody is above the law. >> i want to ask another question. >> peter, where to keep moving -- we are going to keep moving. i want to continue. >> i think this is important, i want to ask. >> what is the status of the tariffs on china? two administrators to plan to move ahead with the deadline? >> president trump is taking reform thentinue to dysfunctional trade system that currently harms american workers and businesses. the president is taking steps to protect u.s. technology and intellectual property from china's practices. will continue on those negotiations.
1:42 am to keep >> i have asked this before. is there any chance we could see the president come out here and take questions from us? has anyone in this administration ever asked the president? last week on your agenda you had more jobs -- lower unemployment coming out and had second chance act. we had to respond to residential tweets -- presidential tweets. does anybody in this administration asked him tbacka? >> on the first question, certainly you would be the first to know if the president comes out here. thankfully, he does address the press and a number of ways and a number of venues. in terms of twitter, the president uses twitter to communicate directly to the american people. frankly, you have the ability to choose what you want to write about. to write about
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things that the american people do not care about day in and day out. that it it -- is a decision that you guys make, and i believe is the wrong one. >> can we at least get an opportunity to answer at -- tweets?y question about >> you said last august that the prident did noak statement aboutrp tower. tweets? what is the reason for the discrepancy? >> like you said, this is from a letter. i direct you to them to answer that question. you are referencing a letter that came directly from outside counsel. i would refer you to them to answer that question. deborah? visit,r kim kardashian's is president trump considering -- for alice johnson? >> the president is considering a number of different commutations. will certainly let you know when
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we have an announcement on that. >> since robert mueller was named special counsel over when you're ago, the president's team has never challenged the constitutionality of the special counsel. yet the president today was doing just that. why hasn't either the justice department or the president challenged the constitutionality? they have the right to do so in federal court and have not done so? >> again, scholars have raised a number of questions about legality. >> those entities have not done it. the president's own lawyers have not done it and they can do so. >> you have to ask them. i am not here to speak on behalf of the special counsel. >> can you speak on behalf of the justice department? >> they would be happy to answer those questions. >> i'm wondering if the white house stands by the comments that were made by u.s. ambassador in germany who said he was backing antiestablishment
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conservatives to take power in europe. it seems like a very unusual saing for a u.s. diplomat to >> i don't have any updates on that at this point. >> let me turn your attention back to trade. for the farmers out there who care less about the politics and have to run a business every day , there was a farmer in iowa who told us it is hard to know which theto jump right now, as in do not know what decisions they should make for their business because of what is playing out in washington, china, nafta negotiations as well. what would you tell those folks out there who are tried unsissen on which way to jump right now? >> certainly the president is trying to do everything that he can to protect american farmers, american businesses. he is negotiating with a number of countries. the president wants to make sure we're ending unfair trade practices.
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the president has said he wants to help protect farmers. we are looking at a number of different ways to do that. we are to continue that throughout this process. peter? i'm going to keep going. --in august you said certainly did not dictate the statement. do that statement still stand or do you retract it. it is pertaining to a letter from the president outsi unsel, and therefore i cannot answer. >> what was your basis for send it in august -- saying it in august? >> i am not going to get into a back a forth and i would direct you to the outside counsel. i don't know how you can indict while he is in office. that the appropriate a
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language coming from the president's --? talking about the president shootiim comey in that fashion? ask rudyuld have to giuliani about the specific comments, but they fully the president has not done anything wrong. >> can i ask a follow-up question? >> not today. go ahead, josh. loup questions.for theueions how are we supposed to know what to believe? hoare we supposed to believe what you are saying on the podium? >> i cannot comment on a letter from the president's outside counsel. i direct you to them to answer. >> you said he did not dictate. now you say he did. what is it? >> i cannot respond about a
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letter from the president outside counsel. >> the question about pardons. 11 days ago the president issued the posthumous pardon for boxing great jack johnson. senator john mccain he senate, a big boxing fan. he tweeted his support for the pardon. with the president use this opportunity to call senator mccain -- will the president uses opportunity to call senator mccain and try to patch things up? >> i am not aware of a scheduled call. at.ould not get ahead of th the -- the tariffs that were imposed against canada, what in that reinforced the u.s. national security?
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in what form does the u.s. feel more secure now that canada has been targeted by tariffs. >> the president feels strongly that the steel and aluminum industries are critical to national security and our ability to protect herself. that would be the reference point in the 232. >> the special counsel did not the unconstitutional when president called on it to investigate his political opponent in the campaign. is it only unconstitutional when the president does not like it? >> the president has made his position clear. >> the president on friday said he is open to bilateral deals with mexico and canada. is he still leaning toward bilateral deals? if the thinking that he would naftao state nafta -- in -- stay in nafta? >> these are ongoing negotiations. >> did president trump or
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anybody at the white house ever reach out to encourage them to step down? >> i am not aware of any conversations directly with the president or with anyone at the white house. >> why not, considering he is >> we were aware of the issue and felt this was a decision to be made by the people of missouri, and a local issue. april? did -- he tweeted that he has the right to pardon himself. does he assume that the special counsel will find him guilty of something? >> no, because he has not done anything wrong. >> it seems to be an assumption that the special counsel will find something. >> it seems like it would be a completely wrong assumption. the president has not done anything wrong. i'm not sure how often i can answer that question. our assumptions about whether
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the president is still fielding those traditional pardon eecommendations from the justi 3 department. looks at eachnt case individually to see if something wrong has been done. or where mercy should be given. that is what he has done and will continue to do in the future. he has the authority to make that decision, and he has. >> has he asked for a new opinion on the pardon power? >> i am not aware of the recommendation, but certainly would reiterate that the president has done nothing wrong. what are president trump's foreign-policy achievement in his first 500 days?
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>> the strengthening of relationships with a number of four liters. n think that the -- foreig leaders. i think that the conversation that we will have in the next week is a step in the right direction. moving the embassy in israel would be on the list, then tough -- being tough on russia, on trade. i think the list is quite lengthy. >> can you give us a little bit more background on the part of process -- pardon process? of who cany a matter get the president's ear in order to get the part of process? is there an attorney in the white house that these requests are followed through? >> certainly there are a number of attorneys at the white house.
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they review these matters, but ultimately the president looks at each of these cases individually, and makes that decision. >> i will take one last question . sterf great britain, said that the president's tariffs on the eu were unjustified and deeply disappointed. that is what she said. how does the president responded that -- respond to that? >> the president feels very confident in his decision and will continue to unsure -- ensure that the unfair trade practices that have gone on for decades when i continue -- will not continue. thanks, guys. >> the supreme court sided with the colorado baker who refused to make a cake for a same-sex wedding in a narrow ruling on monday. we will bring you those supreme court arguments coming up on her schedule. and then, a discussion on the case from the constitution
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center. up next, a conversation on u.s. foreign-policy since the cold war with former state and defense department officials. ♪ s "washington journal ," live every day with news and policy impact -- issues that impact you. coming up, randall cunningham would discuss the latest in the special counsel investigation. an author and filmmaker talks about his recent pardon from president trump after pleading guilty to illegal campaign solutions. be sure to watch "washington journal," live at 7:00 eastern tuesday morning. join the discussion. >> here is what is live on tuesday. the house is in at noon eastern for member speeches. they will also work on a number of interior department measures
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on national historic trails, monuments, and heritage areas. that is on c-span. on c-span2, the senate will continue debate on judicial nominations. on c-span3, education secretary tsy devos testifies at a senate hearing about the 2019 budget request for her department. that get started at 10:15 eastern. in the afternoon, a panel investigates sexual abuse of athletes. former usa gymnastics president and michigan state university president will be on capitol hill. watch the at three clock p.m. eastern -- 3:00 p.m. eastern. up next, a look at u.s. foreign-policy since the cold war. hear from former state and defense department officials from the george w. bush and obama administrations, as well as washington post columnist. organized, which was by harvard university's radcliffe institute,


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