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tv   Public Affairs Events  CSPAN  June 11, 2018 7:28pm-8:00pm EDT

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in your comments on the u.s.-north korea summit. watch live on c-span or or listen live using the free c-span radio app. ate return for work today on the $716 billion defense authorization bill. it is expected that lawmakers will work on amendments to rub week. the house is back tomorrow at noon eastern to begin work on a slate of anti-opioid legislation, including cracking down on synthetic opioids, and giving pharmacists guidance on issuing prescriptions. watch live coverage on c-span and see the senate on c-span2. filmmakersn q&a, discuss their domear hit and stay, a history of faith and resistance about the actions of the kingsville nine and other catholic protesters who
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protested the vietnam war. >> the antiwar movement was seen as scruffy haired, college aged protesters. here were middle age clergy. itbe i should reconsider myself and that was a turning point for the antiwar movement. >> their action clearly did not and the vietnam war but i don't see how you could argue it did not help in the draft -- end the draft. the head of the public service said publicly they felt like they were under attack. clearly, you could draw a line whathey did to the draft ending in 1973. >> was one ofsenator the speakers at the conference in washington. he spoke about national debt changes to the law.
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this is just over 10 minutes. ♪ >> thank you. it is such an honor for me to be here again year. -- again this year. thank you for what you have done for my home state of georgia and around the world. i heard there were a few georgia folks here today. is that right? [applause] >> president trump's agenda is working. last year he said job one was growing the economy. we worked on regulation, energy and taxes. we passed a dodd frank reform bill. it will have an earth shattering impact on local communities.
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all of this is freeing up some $6 trillion of capital back into our economy. this agenda is working. million newhalf jobs have been created since president trump took office. consumer and ceo confidence is at a 20 year high and i am proud to stand here before you today and tell you because of a bipartisan bill we passed, people have been fired at the ba for nottaking -- v.a. taking care of our veterans. another statistic i am proud of is that african-american unemployment is at the lowest level it has been in u.s. history. [applause] >> probably most important of all is that when the great recession hit us in 2008 and 2009, people lost their jobs and
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hope. agenda, 9000e people have found work, regain self-confidence and we joined the workforce. there is no question that we have turned the tide. would have ever believed we would have a presidential candidate who had the gall? after all the socialism makes airmen failed, who would believe that we would have a presidential candidate talking about it? we can never take that for granted. about a different threat, one we cannot ignore. we are facing another challenge. for the next 50 years, it is not going away. it will be between self-determination, which is what we stand for and state control. -- mark one country actually built, paid
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for and ships a huge statue of karl marx in germany. that country was the people's republic of china. this underscores how dedicated they are to continued principles of communism around the world. china is the world's second-largest economy at $12 trillion. it has built up its military and plans for economic dominance. it poses a threat to american leadership and all other endeavors. this is real. is the largeste investment since the marshall plan after world war ii. the chinese government's commitment to total control its people is strengthening at an ever-increasing rate today. i was just over there. in march of this year, president xi jinping consolidated power.
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governmenthe chinese continued its crackdown on christianitybainall my bible sales. today the bible is t o religious text that you cannot by commercially -- buy commercially in the people's republic of china. listen to this. i do not think you have seen this in the western media. this is real. they are developing a social credit score on every individual in china. it is based on how well they can conform to state standards. when hundred 76 cameras to monitor their citizens. using computerized racial recognition and intelligence, they can detain people for reeducation. think about that. within two years, wanted of the population of the world -- they
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happen to be chinese -- they will have an arbitrary government score that restricts their freedom. that is terrifying. generations of foreign-policy experts have thought that giving china more access to our markets and increasing standing in the world would make the country more free, more capitalistic and a lean towards our values. we have all been very wrong. china's leaders today off" proverbs -- quote proverbs -- 400 400 bc and 480 a.d. confucius once said there cannot sunso sons in the sky --
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in the sky. still the largest economy in the world. we still have the strongest military. we are still the innovating engine of humankind history. america is stl the model of freedom around the world. today, president donald j. trump is in the white house and not hillary rodham clinton. [applause] >> i think god for a lot of things, but i think god every day for that -- i think god for a lot of things, but i think god god for a lot of god everyday thank for that. they are fighting for their freedom.
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hope is rebuilding our economy, military and local alliances. he understands the future of our republic is that state. donald trump understands that republic is that state. i hope to deliver that message to you today. nose of you from georgia that this is not a new message. i fully believe -- thank you. eftt china's th of our intellectual property. we need to pray for him this weekend as he goes to singapore. [applause] freedoms and our to deal with china, washington
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has got to start thinking long-term. in 1789, when george washington took office as our first has the largest economy in the world at that time. not many americans know that. now they are aiming to claim what they believe is their rightful place in the world order. if we want to protect our freedoms, we cannot ignore this any longer. we also need to change the way washington does business, including solving one of our most insidious and dangerous issues, and that is our debt crisis. have a plan will and develop a plan long-term to give us financial security again. [applause] >> i think the time has come. this is my third speech here since i have been elected and i am not giving up on this one. term bb&t to bring
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the united states congress. leniency to the united states congress. -- no longer take our position for granted. we know god is the source of our freedom. you know that self-determination is always state-controlled. for self-determination around the world, it has to win at home first. we are the bastion of strength for the world. people around the world watch what you do here. they are encouraged by what we do here everyday. president trump is determined to defend our rights. [applause] we just cannot become complacent. america has been on a slow slide
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towards liberal, progressive politics. bigger government, more government spending and less personal freedom. when a judge tries to ask a pastor for his sermon notes before he gives his sermon, we have a problem. in america, we believe in our founding principles. the our founding principles that give us the freedoms we have today. economic opportunity, fiscal responsibility, limited government and individual liberty. four miles from where we sit today, carved into stone of one of our most cherished memorials are what -- are the following words. "god gave us life gave us liberty."
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those liberties are the gift of god. those words cannot be true today. challenges around the world and at home. our liberties are a blessing, but history has shown that they must be fought for, protected and passed on to other generations. the u.s. is definitely the leader of the free world, thanks to you. if we are committed to self-determination and freedom, we can help unleash a new era of opportunity, security and prosperity around the world, not just here at home. we did not choose this responsibility. i think it is our destiny. we can ensure that our best days are ahead. it not now, when? if not us, who? thank you for all that you do. god bless you and god bless the united states of america. ♪
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>> thank you very much. thank you so much. great to be here. i appreciate very much the , whoation from ralph reed has worked for decades to bring some civil discourse and faith into our capital here. faith without intolerance and tierney. -- tyranny.
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faith is the thing that really makes us concentrate on doing the right thing. faith is also the thing that gives us our freedom. career.about my own i think back to a case where a young man, four years old, was diagnosed with an inoperable brainstem tumor. .e ended up at johns hopkins i looked at the studies and i said this is inoperable. i agree with everybody else. everybody agreed it was inoperable. the fate of that family was just overwhelming. they said, dr., the board is going to heal our son and he is wrong to use you to do it. i said yeah right.
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persistent, i finally agreed to do a biopsy. up, went down and there was a horrible tumor, it came back high grade. ", told him the bad news. i said it is what everybody said it was her yard unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about that. only god understands why a person is here and how long they need to be here. lord isd, dr., the going to heal our son. i must admit i never saw anybody who had that degree of faith. fully expecting him to deteriorate and die, he started getting better. -- lookingre certain in the same direction. he was able to handle the secretions. i said let's do another scan.
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tissue ina ribbon of the corner. i said maybe we should go back in and look. away layer byumor layer. there was the brainstem. smashed and displaced, but intact. long story short, that little boy walked out of the house will and today is a minister. -- t hl antoday is a minister. [applause] oncologisthe involved in that case said i have always been an atheist, but now i am a believer. it was moving for me because i thought i was this incredible surgeon who is doing all this great stuff. i realized at that point that it was god. it was gone all along. i said god coming to be the
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neurosurgeon and i will be the hands. that is where the gift of hands came from. it was a gift from him. to takee me the freedom on all kinds of cases. i would not have had that freedom without the faith that he gave me through that particular endeavor. that is the thing that makes difference. i would have never thought that i would end up in government. i would have told you you were nuts. guides in the lord different ways. i was asked to be the keynote speaker for the national prayer breakfast and i thought that was strange. i had been asked in 1997 and i was not sure anybody had ever done it twice. there was one person that did it twice and that was billy graham.
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i said that is pretty good company. i decided to do it. i did not know what i was going to say until the day of this beach, but it resonated with so many people. they said you should run for president. i said give me a break. if i ignore it, it will go away. everywhere i went, there were people with signs. i said, lord, this is ridiculous. i said, how can i run for president? i do not have all the things that people who role -- run for president have. you cannot run for president out of the blue. i said if you really want me to run for president, you need to supply all those things. nothing i do, i had an organization. we were pulling in more money. it was amazing. when i finally dropped out and
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i had todonald trump, beg people to stop sending money. that was never an issue. upturned out that i ended where i believe the lord wanted me because when i was a neurosurgeon, i was also on the kellogg, costco. i had a lot of other experiences that are used to question. neurosurgeons do not do this kind of stuff, why am i doing this? fully, endingood up head of the large government agency because you need all of those skills in terms of management of people, in terms of understanding financials and things of that nature. the lord never asked you to do anything that he does not prepare you for and give you the
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resources for. [applause] days, we get accused of many things. the subject of fake story, written in such aay that venom the pages. off of there is so much hate out there. i find a lot of this stuff i'm using, like this furniture stuff. there is probably no person on earth that cares less about future -- furniture than i do. the people in this room really should play no part in getting caught up in all of the partisan hatred. somebody has to be the adults. i think that should be the christians out there. [applause] >> i will tell you where i am
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coming from. i am thinking about all those individuals and the many families out there that are struggling. we must be able to look at them in a compassionand yet very responsible way. i have been traveling around the country, listening to lots of different groups. , a young lady stood up. she was very angry. it had taken the housing authority so long to find her a five bedroom apartment. she had all these children. she was even more angry because haddining room that -- set a scratch on the table. as i was thinking about that, i said this young woman probably has never known any other life. -- she doesrobably
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not understand what is out there. what the american dream is all about. that is one of the reasons that emphasis on such an self-sufficiency. [applause] >> i think that is real compassion is getting people out of poverty and helping them to find the right path. because eache win person you get out of that situation, that is one less person you have to pay for at one more contributing member of the 90. -- and one more contribute in member of society.
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we are now engaging in discussions and putting in policies that actually work. for instance, in that of assessing a person's income annually, assessing it every three years because their rent is based on the amount of money you make. the system has all these incentives. if you're working a job and offered a raise, you may well not take it because neither income goes up and your rent goes up. you are not going to want to get married to somebody who has an income because now your rent goes way up or you lose your apartment altogether. incentivesind of that we've built into the system. i believe a lot of people who are stagnant in the systems, if we create the right environment, they would be happy to get a job
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and use the talent that god has given them. we had to provide that to provide- have that opportunity for them. that is one of the reasons that we have come up with the envision center concept. we were in detroit opening the first envision centers. where did that come from? from the bible. 29:18. at first we called it vision center, but we got everybody would think they were going to get glasses. we turned it into envision centers. we have a lot of resources in our country and we have a lot of generous, compassionate people who would love to help. we do not have a good mechanism
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for marrying those two things. now we do. that is what the whole process is about. we are already beginning to see results. we will be measuring the metrics very carefully. and doingin data things based on things that we know that actually work. [applause] things thate other i have seen that really works around the country are part -- public-private partnerships. the government does not have enough money to do everything that needs to be done, but the private sector does. it was never the government's job to do a lot of things that we are doing now. inn the government acts conjunction with the private sector, it is amazing what can be done.
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look how responsive the economy is to correct philosophies. there are those who say that the economy is naturallyoing up and down. i do not believe that. what is cyclical is the type of leadership that we have. have people who understand how it works and people who do not know how it works. rit now we have people who do understand how it works. look at some of the opportunities that presents for as with the new tax cut plan and jobs plan. opportunity zones are going to be created where investment will be able to go into some of these economically deprived areas. when we combine those with the , we can now begin to
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build the right kind of communities. worst crime, worst poverty, through public and have it partnerships, a completely redone neighborhood. nursing with all the -- flourishing with all the things that you need. those are the things that we have the opportunity to do. i think you will he a lot of it being done over the next two years. isn't that what it is all about? that is what can happen when we are willing to work together, when we do not allow ourselves and if you waited.
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we are not enemies. the people who are enemies are those trying to manipulate and divide us. one of the reasons we accelerated so quick way to the pinnacle of the world is beca we were people who had faith. we were people who had believed and principles. godly principles are in no way -- to government. [applause] foundingok at our documents, the declaration of independence. our rights given to us by our creator. the pledge of allegiance says we are one nation under god. in the courtrooms, it says in god we trust. it is in our courts and in our
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money. you're not supposed to talk about it. we need to make sure that everybody knows it is ok to live by godly principles. loving your fellow man, caring about your neighbor so that you become valuable to the people around you. if we do that, not only will we , but werica great again will have one nation under god. indivisible with liberty and justice for all. thank you so much. ♪ >> c-span's washington journal
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is live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. tuesday morning that will bring you the latest from u.s. north korea summit in singapore. more not -- more analysis on the summit from the white house for nader. on northyl kimball korea's nuclear capabilities. be sure to watch washington journal live at 7:00 eastern tuesday morning. join the discussion. c-span, where history unfolds daily. in 1979, c-span was created as a public service by america's cable television companies. today, we continue to bring you unfiltered coverage of congress, the white house, the supreme court and public policy event in washington dc and around the country.
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c-span is brought to you by your cable or satellite provider. >> good evening from washington where it is in :00 east coast time. tuesday morning in singapore. these are pictures of the island where the meeting will take place in singare. a historic meeting. only the third time that can on -- kim jong-un has traveled outside the country as the leader. president trump spent the day meeting with leaders in singapore. the white house issuing a statement on a beat out of a conversation that the president had with the south korean president. are on this historic and important meeting. towill give you the chance watch the events as we get them and as they unfold. the president tweeting meetings are going well


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