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tv   Virginia Senate Debate  CSPAN  July 24, 2018 5:25am-7:00am EDT

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c-span3. wednesday, secretary of state mike pompeo was on capitol hill talking about north korea. the president's recent trip to the nato summit, and the president's meeting with russian president pickup tin. live coverage from the senate foreign relations committee beginning at 2:30 p.m. eastern n c-span3. >> supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh continues to meet with senators on capitol hill. follow the confirmation process on c-span leading up to the senate confirmation hearings and the vote. watch life on c-span. live any time on or listen with the free c-span radio app. >> virginia incumbent senator tim kaine is running for re-election against republican challenger cory stewart. they debated over the weekend. it was hosted by the virginia bar association and moderated by judy woodruff of the pbsnews hour." news pbs
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hour. >> now let's move to this morning's event which features two individuals wanting to serve as one of virginia's two senators in the united states senate. first to join us is senator tim kaine, a democrat. mr. kaine obtained his degree from the university of missouri and harvard law school. after law school he moved to richmond, and for 17 years served as a civil rights attorney. he was elected to the richmond city council in 1994 and then mayor of richmond. elected as lieutenant governor and subsequently elected and served as virginia's governor in 2006. he has represented virginia and the u.s. senate cents 2012. please welcome senator tim kaine to the stage. [applause]
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applause]d host: next is mr. cory stewart, a republican. he received his degree from the ingin's goal of law minnesota. he works as an international trade attorney in his own .ractice he currently serves as the at-large chairman of the board of county supervisors in prince william county. during his tenure, prince william country was rated number one in virginia and number three in the nation. please welcome mr. cory stewart.
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[cheers and applause] we are pleased this debate will moderated by judy woodruff, who also moderated the debates in 2013, 2014, and 2017. she is anchor and managing editor of the pbs newshour. she has covered politics and other news from more than or decades at cnn, nbc, and pbs. she is the recipient of more than 25 honorary degrees and numerous awards. most recently the radcliffe for lifetime achievement and journalism, a press freedom award, and the cronkite award for excellence in journalism.
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she is a graduate of duke university, where she has a trusty emeriti. please welcome this judy woodruff to the stage. [applause] judy: thank you very much. it is great to be back with the virginia bar association. it is great to be back in hot springs at the homestead. i'm honored to have been invited to moderate another one of your debates. i agree wholeheartedly that hearing from the candidates on the issues, on their records, in a civil discussion is vital to our democracy. let's get underway with questions. i want to point out the order of questions. theas decided through
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debate through a series of coin tosses. the first question -- i'm sorry the first opening statement which is part of the plan will go to mr. stewart. >> good morning. i would like to begin by thanking the virginia bar association and the beautiful thert here for hosting debate. i would also like to thank my wife of 24 years, maria, and my two boys isaac and luke who are on a well-deserved fishing trip right now. for the last 12 years i have govern one of the largest, most dynamic, and one of the most diverse localities and virginia. during that time, as others have talked i have delivered. spending millions of dollars of new local funds in roadways, parks, new police, new firefighters. i have also led a very common
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sense crackdown on illegal aliens. the results speak for themselves. lower crime. the lowest tax bills in virginia and some of the highest economics growth rates in the country. that is what we need in washington. we don't have it right now. senator tim kaine is a nice guy but he is too liberal. he is too weak. he is done too little for the citizens of the commonwealth of virginia. we need a strong united states senator, a senator who will stand strongly with president trump as we rebuild the military, as we protect our custom to she will rights, as we and force our nation's immigration laws, and as we protect our families. i will do as your u.s. senator and that is what we will all do together as virginians. thank you very much. want to thank i
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the virginia bar association for this tradition. judy, thank you for artistic painting is moderated. my campaign for the senate is based on my life work that i've done together with my wife. i want to build a virginia and the all. it is about three things. first, it is about virginia. i don't represent d.c. to virginia, i represent virginia two d.c. i listen to virginians and i either solve their problems or take their solutions and try to get washington to do more of them. a family came to me and told me their daughter had died of cancer at age 11 and told me we's and less than 1% of research money in this country on pediatric conditions, i worked with republicans and democrats to pass an act and we have put more than $50 million to the cause of pediatric research.
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solutions. i stood in bath county yesterday with stakeholders who had worked diligently to try to preserve artions of a park as wilderness. i introduced a bill to help with their stakeholder work. it passed as part of the senate farm bill. we will save 6000 acres. virginia solutions are an international model. one veteran stole made their higher than national average, i worked every day since to bring down the veterans unemployment rate and veterans espouse unemployment rate. to start an education caucus to produce shipbuilders to grow our navy to 355 ships. it is about helping people were, and jobs. lastly, the pledge of allegiance has to work for all. it should not matter your language, religion, who you love. it has to work for all.
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we are in a time that has a president who is too divisive. he is picking fights with the press, with the media. we need leaders who know how to pull us together and work for all. we saw the pain of division last year in charlottesville. been there, done that, got the scar tissue. we don't want to go back there. judy: thank you senator kaine. [applause] judy: i want to remind everybody a plaza takes time away. i know you want to apply for your candidate but it takes time away from their opportunity to speak. goes to senator kaine. in 2016, you said a trump presidency would be a disaster for the u.s. economy but in 1.5 years the country has added over 3 million jobs, the unemployment rate has fallen to 4%, corporate profits are soaring, the virginia economy is booming. what would you do differently?
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would you raise taxes? sen. kaine: the virginia economy was strong before president trump came to congress. the national economy was strong before president trump came to office. and yes, it has continued to be strong but there are warning signs. for one, i would not engage in the bullish trade war this country is waging which is also against american workers and farmers. these tariffs the president is imposing is leading to retaliation and it will gain americans jobs in certain sectors but they will cost in other 430,000 jobs sectors. i was at a farmers market a week ago and farmers were complaining about the effect on their soybeans. i talked that workers had an auto plant in dublin making volvo trucks and they were complaining about raised costs
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on steel and aluminum hurting their sit -- sales. we need to stop the trade war that is hurting american farmers and hurting american workers. filing cases against china for their violation of intellectual property, that is good. i think the president is right to focus on china as an issue but using sanctions against canada, europe? using national security waivers against nations whose troops are fighting side-by-side with hours is painful. our economy would be better if we stop this trade war against american workers and farmers. judy: could you address the fact that so much of this corporate tax cut is going into profits and stock ibex rather than higher wages? thinkor kaine seems to everything was fine before president trump came to office. i go to danville, boarded up
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shops. i see places where young people have left. the people who remain are struggling. out ofate addiction control. i see suicide rates jumping up. why? fundamentally it is because we have so little economic growth when the democrats were in charge under president obama. we have lost 5 million manufacturing jobs in this country under the trade agreements that senator trump is for -- senator kaine is for. we've lost all those jobs. they are not coming back unless we open foreign markets to american made goods. i believe in free trade but free trade must be free of both directions. for too many years, free trade has meant that products are coming to the united states and flooding our markets but when we want to export u.s.-made
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products abroad, they cannot get in. president trump has done the right thing. this economic we are in the first seven months of the economic growth due to the tax cut that senator kaine voted against. that is not what we need in the united states senate. let's talk about taxes. kaine: here's what americans got and what a missed opportunity. these permanent tax cuts for , temporary,, tiny expiring tax cuts for people. their priorities were completely wrong. we should have had a tax bill that prioritize a tax break for real or people. i propose an amendment on the floor. 25, make theo individual tax cuts permanent and come up with a few other
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moves, you can help individuals and reduce the deficit by a trillion dollars. 34 democrats voted for this. we wanted to do tax reform. but what did the republican majority in the resident were more interested in where deep tax cuts for corporations and tiny, temporary tax cuts for ordinary people. we have to put people first good -- first. we have to make sure the tax code is good for individuals and not just a giveaway to corporations. judy: the next question goes to mr. stewart. conservatives traditionally hate take budget deficits. the federal deficit today, after dropping during the obama years, is exploding again. it is expected to exceed $1 trillion by 2020, the national debt soaring to $33 trillion in a deck did -- in a decade. senator, whatcted
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if any cuts would you make in entitlements, which are the biggest expenditures, in military spending or what revenues? senator kaine has been spending too much time talking to elites in washington when he says this tax cut was just crumbs for virginia citizens. the average couple in the united states, according to the irs, will receive annually to thousand $617 in tax cuts. cuts.17 in tax when you couple that with the fact that we are doubling the size of child tax credit, that means even more money in the pockets of virginia families. that's not crumbs, senator. that is real tax recent test actually for virginia citizens and businesses. by the way, the only way we will
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solve our problems, to begin to pay down our deficit and reduce the deficit that he jacked up in his six years in the united states senate with $8 trillion worth of deficit funding, deficit spending that gave us almost nothing -- we never even broached the 3% growth rate when he was together with barack obama running this economy. now we have a growth rate of 4%. as the economy continues to grow, we will have even more revenues eventually for the federal government and state governments. we can reduce the other problems that we have in this country. we can address education, transportation, and rebuild our military. sen. kaine: cory stewart supported the biggest deficit busting bill we have our past, which was the tax bill in december 2017. 1.5 join dollars additional debt -- $1.5 trillion additional that. when i propose an amendment to reduce that debt, he and others
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were against that. we can bring our debt under control, but not by a massive giveaway to corporations. he talks about benefits of people receive. he is right. but they were temporary. they are small. they are expiring. we let corporations completely deduct state and local taxes but, for the first time, eliminate the ability of individuals to completely deduct that? the way to deal with the deficit is not to pass deficit busting tax bills. the way is to grapple with expenses and try to manage our money the right way to when i came into the -- the right way. when i came into the senate, the pentagon was the only agency without audited financial statements. we passed a provision that requires them to do that yet for the first time, the department of defense will have audited statement so we can manage those expenditures. our programsore up
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like medicaid, medicare, and social security. corey stewart wants to eliminate medicaid. we shouldn't repeal the formal care act. we should do meaningful things cut -- the affordable care act. we should do meaningful things. judy: mr. stewart. mr. stewart: not only are you an extreme liberal, but you have a selective memory. when you were governor, one of the things -- when i first became governor, here's someone with local background. let's fix our transportation problems. you know what is the first thing he became decimated when he thing he didor -- when he became governor? a $4 billion tax increase. he also proposed to additional
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tax increases in the state of virginia. the last tax increase that he opposed was so liberal that not even he got a single member, not even a single democrat to vote for his tax proposed increase. and he never fixed transportation. all we got out of governor kaine, out of a senator kaine was increased taxes and fixing no problems. y: what is your position on cutting entitlements? mr. stewart: at the end of the packed.ial security is are about to retire have paid into social security and medicaid their entire working lives. we cannot cut those benefits. i do think we need to reform a cade, but no cuts whatsoever to ever to either medicare or
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social security. judy: this is turning to health care. skyrocketing prescription drug prices are a top concern for americans, for virginians. you favor medicare being able to negotiate drug prices. but would you impose federal price controls on essential drugs? sen. kaine: health care is a huge and important issue. i supported the affordable care act better. it expanded the ability for people to have insurance. i supported medicaid expansion in virginia. my opponent opposed to the affordable care act, wants to repeal it, wants to repeal medicaid, did not want to do medicaid expansion, wants to the fun and paired heard -- planned parenthood. rise controls, we should negotiate for
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prescription drug pricing under medicare part d. when that was passed under the bush administration, congress gave a use you to the pharmaceutical industry, that we would accept their price and not negotiate. we should use the same free-market commercial tools to negotiate as anybody else. of course, we should negotiate for restriction drug prices. secondly, his another free market tool. we could try to get best prices for drugs. this is standard in commercial contracts. a drug that treats leukemia, i why doester that says my family have to pay $150,000 for this drug and, in the u.k., it is $60,000. i asked our hhs secretary. look at the manufacturer and say we will pay you whatever the best price is that you give to any other nation. we are a big market. you will make a big money here. he said he would take it under advisement. we should be using normal commercial tools to negotiate like anybody else will.
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we can bring health care costs down. mr. stewart: once again, senator kaine is hanging out with the nancy pelosi,tes, chuck schumer, hillary clinton, too much in here can honestly say that the quality and the price of the health care has improved since obamacare was put in place by the democrats? in the real world, we have had skyrocketing premiums, skyrocketing deductibles, the quality of health care has gone down, people waiting in longer and longer lines to get the health care they need and deserve. inn in california, even liberal california, the state of california has estimated, by 2021, the cumulative increase in premiums for all americans under obamacare will have increased by 90%. 90%. yes, it is about to get worse. the commonwealth of virginia, every single health insurance company in the
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commonwealth has already announced, with the exception of one, that they will be increasing premiums on virginians for health care by a the 64%. senator kaine thinks that's a victory. senator kaine thinks that's getting done. all that he has done for a and health care is make it worse. the only way we will fix this stopem is to make sure we rejecting the insurance companies, make them computer ross state lines, making the pharmaceutical companies, hold them accountable. they are his buddies. kaine: the hundreds of thousands of people who had pre-existing conditions who were getting kicked around by insurance companies before it passed, women who were getting charged different premiums than men because of their gender, kids who could not stay on family policies until age 26 as they do now before it was passed
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, they are benefiting. those who did not have insurance -- the uninsured rate fell to the lowest level for the past 50 years o. that does not mean anything to my opponent. he wants to repeal the affordable care act. he wants to defund planned parenthood, a health care safe the provider -- safety net provider. public health and othery 35% as tb diseases were going up. we don't need a wrecking crew through health care in the united states. judy: the next question is related to the affordable care act. you have said you would like to repeal the aca. do you support the
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trump administration and congressional republicans in efforts to eliminate the prevents that companies from discriminating against individuals? mr. stewart: the affordable care act has been a disaster. but there are good things about it. keeping your children under the age of 26 under your health care plan. i also support covering pre-existing conditions. that is common sense. to a vastare has led increase the cost of health care. is every person he can say now covered under obamacare that did not have insurance pay for, the vast majority of people have in their remains skyrocket, so much that so many small business people in this state and across the country and smart -- and individuals who can no longer afford insurance in the first place. he is under this cadillac plan in the united states senate.
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he is completely out of touch with what is going on. let me say this, there is a difference between having health care insurance and having access to health care. obamacare doesn't work. it has increased the cost. it skyrocketed the premiums. it skyrocketed that deductibles. . and it is about to get a whole lot worse and he is not about to do anything about it because he thinks it is perfect very sen. kaine: i'm talking to virginians every day about health -- perfect. sen. kaine: i'm talking to virginians every day about health care . you should have seen the virginians they came to my office. the most powerful were the little lobbyists, mothers who brought disabled children, children who would have been victimized forever by pre-existing conditions come victimized forever by lifetime caps on insurance.
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the republicans did what corey wanted them to do. they did not just want to eliminate the affordable care diminish medicaid. my opponent was rooting on the destruction of health, which is critical to the lives of these virginians. it is virginians to tell me don't destroy what we have. they are telling me build on what we have heard i have for those they bill that will -- proposed a bill that will direct so that an services individual can buy itt. they don't have to run a marketing campaign. they don't have to pay fancy salaries. the medicare act will be the next step forward. let people to buy a
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medicare-like policy. it won't increase the deficit by a penny or touch them medicare trust fund. senator kaine seems to think that all the solutions belong in washington. washington bureaucrats know better than you how to run our state, our government, and our health care system. in place sinceen 1965, virtually unchanged. it is vastly inefficient. it does not work for people who are on it. it is too expensive for the states and bad for taxpayers. it is better for all of you. if they doubled the number of people on medicaid, what they did not do is double the number of physicians serving medicaid nation. he wants to give -- medicaid nations. it's nott understand
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the same thing as providing access to health care. medicaid is failing. it needs to be brought back to the states. the states can do it more efficiently and a better job for the citizens they serve your duty: -- they serve. judy: the first question for senator kaine. before you ran for vice president, you supported drilling off the virginia coast. you supported restrictions on lake -- on late-term abortions. you supported a whole lot of things. you supported the transpacific partnership. true that,sn't it when you joined the hillary clinton campaign after hillary told you to change your positions, you changed all those positions and others? sen. kaine: no. not at all. , when corey got into the
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ray said it would be ruthless and vicious. is make iteans nasty, make it personal or make it and sometimes do all three. this is an exact -- or make it up and sometimes do all three. this is an example. inon't know if you remember 2010, the bp oil spill, massive. 1.6 million people who supported offshore drilling changed their positions. communities in hampton road and eastern shore are against offshore drilling. the dod came out against it. the biggest pillar of the hand and roads economy came out in march of 2016. out against came it, i had pentagon officials in my office. when they said they were against it, i said we shouldn't do it. there's no reason to risk the economic health or the military
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security of hampton roads for a speculative adventure that poses an eight -- and environmental risk. judy: the next question to mr. stewart. you want to respond? sen. kaine: i thought that was the rule. mr. stewart: we all want to play by the rules. we all want to play by the truth. in 2008, you appeared on "the charlie rose show" and said it was a moral imperative there be restrictions on late-term abortions. those abortions occurring through the ninth month. this is my time -- in january of this year, you opposinginst a bill, restrictions on abortion, even up to the moment of her -- of birth. you won't even impose restrictions up to the moment of birth in the ninth month of the
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10 years when, just ago, in 2008, you told charlie rose that you supported those restrictions. haven't you effectively abandoned your morals? sen. kaine: make it nasty, make it personal or make it up. i support many of the virginia reasonable rules on abortion. haveill recently would restricted any abortion after 20 weeks because it is unconstitutional. i took a note to uphold the constitution. numerous courts have held that it is unconstitutional. you want to repeal roe versus wade, that is fine. you want to go back to the day where a woman would be subject to be an arrested, prosecuted, and jailed. we would use criminal law against women for making their own reproductive health care decisions. i live by my churches teachings -- my church's teaches, but my job is not criminalizing women
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for exercising their own reproductive choices. that is where i stand. that has not changed. somewhat on the topic, the next question does go to mr. stewart. on the supreme court, president trump's nomination of judge kavanagh, you have said use support judge kavanagh. you said you would like to see roe versus wade overturned. forsaid you would not vote any nominee that did not pledge to overturn roe. what other specific litmus test would you have for a supreme in -- for a supreme court nominee? mr. stewart: first of all, judge kavanagh is eminently qualified, as stated by the dean of yale university law school. he is also supported by many of those at harvard university law school, where he teaches. but you can bet your bottom -- that senator
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kaine, who is an ultraliberal, orders from chuck schumer and nancy pelosi and hillary clinton, that he will be voting against judge kavanagh. he will be coy about it and say that he is considering it. very openr has been that he is opposed to it. but senator kaine will vote against him. why? because he is against any ring that president trump does. he will automatically vote against anything the president does. he will automatically vote against anything that president does to revive the economy, against even the most eminent judge in the united states for the supreme court. he will do that because he is and also liberal who is controlled by the ultra liberal liberalg -- the ultra left-wing of his party. there's only one real qualification. you need to interpret the constitution as amended, as
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written. that is the only qualification. that is what i will do when i confirm judges to the supreme court. mccain -- senator kaine. sen. kaine: make it nasty, make it personal, make it up. so many ofd for president trump's nominees and i work with them everyday. i have voted for many of his judicial remedies. president trump and i have worked together to make a commitment for this nation that 270 shipgrow from a navy to a 355 ship navy. row, ivanka trump was in the front row. president trump hold a bill that i wrote with rob portman for his infrastructure plan.
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this guy is a 100% for president trump, family separately -- president trump your family separation, that's ok. the horrible helsinki summit with vladimir putin, he's fine. he is a 100% pro-trumper. i'm independent. when the president is right, i back him up. when he is wrong for the commonwealth, i stand up against it. on judge kavanagh, i am reading his opinions, scheduling a meeting with him and meet with him. that is something the republicans refuse to do when judge garland was nominated to after i have the opportunity -- nominated. after i have the opportunity to personally ask him about things that are important, i will wait for the hearing and make my -- make up my mind. virginiaple on the supreme court did i know how important this is. you push the supreme
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court to ban all abortions? would it worry you that women with no financial means would have struggle to have access? wasstewart: roe versus wade wrongly decided. it goes back to the states. folks.e full, he opposes everything president trump does. he has done a lot of great things and i support those things. but he opposes everything automatically. he voted against judge gorsuch, didn't even have a good reason to why? because he opposed -- good reason. why? because he opposes everything president trump does. voted against giving
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more money to our men and women in the military service and housing allowance. why? because he opposes everything that president trump proposes. sen. kaine: as a proud member of the armed services committee, i support the armed services with my own flesh and blood. idea for theastic military this year, a great budget deal in march that i worked on as a member of the armed services committee. women in thehe military that i visited around the world know that i have their back. battling toam reduce the veterans and employment rate, to reduce the military spouse unemployment rate. the great thing for virginia, the bill that we wrote to expand the navy to 355 ships will mean thousands and thousands of jobs for virginia workers in the
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hampton roads area and communities all over this commonwealth. mr. stewart: so why did you vote against it? he voted against it. sen. kaine: that is another make it up. mr. stewart: this year, he voted a dance the 355-ship navy. he voted against the $7.1 billion for the v.a. done.t he voted against the salary military men our and women who are serving in harm's way. he voted against the housing allowance. he voted against all these things, not just because he is a left wing, radical liberal. but because he opposes everything that president trump does. no.s an automatic whether it is good for virginia are bad for virginia, he opposes everything that president trump does. sen. kaine: make it nasty, make it personal, make it up.
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appropriations bill that i helped work on in march that funded all of the things that we needed to find to back up -- to fund to back up our military. votevery proud of that because it is not only right for the security of the nation but right for virginia. counsel robertl mueller's investigation into russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election, from what you know, do you think it collusionthere was with americans, including the trump campaign, to assist a very sophisticated operation? sen. kaine: i do not want to judge the investigation before it is done. it is looking into some of the most serious charges that can be alleged. it has to be protected. i am talking to an audience that includes many lawyers.
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the virginia bar association believes in the rule of law. the virginia bar association does not meet -- does not be leaving the meeting our intelligence and security professionals. we have to let the molar investigation get to its and point. there have -- its end point. there have already been 30 indictments and five guilty pleas. these are not minor functionaries. president trump's campaign manager is sitting in virginia based on charges connected to this investigation. what we are to do as congress, all of us, democrat and republican, commit that the investigation be protected, that we get to the bottom of it. at the end of the day, it is not just criminal culpability of people who do things wrong. it is about knowing the whole story so we can protect our so that thetems, mayors and board chairs and
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governors to run elections can protect themselves against the proven cyber attack by russians against our democracy in 2016. so what i say to this is protected the investigation. i know my colleague says he wants to eat six it -- deep six it. that would be grievous for our country. mr. stewart: senator mccain seems to -- senator kaine seems to be surprised that russians are behaving like russians. they have been spying for years. he was noticeably silent when russians shot down a malaysian airline when obama was in office. he was notably silent when russians invaded crimea when obama was in office. we have a president who is standing up to the russians. and now, senator kaine -- [laughter] kaine -- nowenator we have senator kaine who wants to declare the russians our enemies. he wants he
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wants to jeopardize one of the most important bilateral relationships this country has, and that is frightening given that he is in the foreign relationships -- foreign relations committee. have amportant, we geopolitical issues we have to work out with the russians, containment of weapons of mass destruction, fixing the north korean issue and security on the korean peninsula and battling international terrorism, those are all things were we have things in common with russia. we need to continue to work with them. we have to acknowledge the russians are always going to be meddling, spying, etc., but you do not deep-sixed that relationship and all of those important national security interests we have where we have to cooperate with the russians based upon that a legend meddling. respond, i want to ask you what your view is efforts by
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some republican embers of congress including whoesentative bob goodlatte represents the district where we are to focus instead on alleged fbi abuse. >> i will begin an answer and he did not say a word about it. went he is not in this room he says it should he terminated. a president trump act alike and takes the president trump line in calling for the termination of the investigation. that would be a disaster. if there's anything that illustrates the difference between us, it is corey stewart saying that president trump is standing up to the russians area president trump is caving to the russians. president trump went over and picked a fight with allies, butda, the u.k., germany that money was on a stage and next to vladimir putin, the --
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attackeds concluded our elections, he went all soft and he believed vladimir putin who has -- over americans who have concluded russia was elections.ur your statement that the president is standing up to vladimir putin is an example of firsting a 100% trump guy. respond, you believe it is a witch hunt >> i think it is. i think that everything the president does is an automatic no. he and chuck schumer who he ,akes orders from, you can tell take a look at c-span some time, he is always looking to chuck schumer. he is not answering to virginians, he is answering to they areumer and all
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trying to do is undermine the president who has been incredibly successful, at reviving this economy, a 4% growth rate where we are rebuilding our military and bringing pride back to our country. we are our veterans. he opposes it every step of the way. navy andagainst the against the military pay increase and against the military holiday allowance. he voted against the tax cut that has led to this economic growth, and he wants to undo it, we cannot let that happen, we cannot let the senator from virginia go up to washington and repeal your tax cut. next and now we have another candidate, the other candidate question and that is senator kaine from mr. stewart. >> in december the board of supervisors had a meeting and there were important topics on the agenda, zoning matters that
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were important. a discussion about opioid funding, opioids affect every part of virginia. you skipped that to campaign for roy moore. at the time you skip the meeting to campaign for roy moore, he had been outed as someone who had a long history of preying on teenage girls. why was it so important to skip your job in prince william county and go campaign for someone who was such a bad apple? >> why is it that you skipped your entire four years when your governor of virginia? four years. tim kaine gets elected in 2005 on what promise? that he was going to fix the roadways in virginia. he proposed tax increases three i was one of those times declared unconstitutional. talk about things that were
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unconstitutional, he was a lawyer, it is unanimous, his proposed fix was unconstitutional. he did not fix the road. that is why we had $40 one-way tolls and i-66 today because he could not fix the roads. all he does is increase taxes, he gets nothing done, folks. think back. he was question, when four years as governor, what did he get done? six years in the u.s. senate, what did he get done? we cannot afford to have a u.s. senator gets nothing done. not look you could this audience in the face and say the word roy moore. it was disgraceful. you knew who he was and you did that. what did i do? i was governor for four years, it every year, forbes magazine named virginia the best state to do business with and cnbc did the same. we were aaa bond rated. education week named us the best
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84 child to be raised in america. and the best managed state. in the worst recession since the 1930's, we had one of the 10 lowest unemployment rates and one of the 10 highest median incomes. you say i have done nothing in the senate, that says you think things are not important. for the parents who depend on pediatric research, you think that is important and you do not. for people who want a 355 ship think -- you do not think that is much, i do. for eight tribes who have tried for generations to be recognized by the federal government and now -- you do not think that is much that virginians think those are accomplishments that really matter. >> question now for mr. stewart. values and beliefs, both of you. you have had public appearances or been endorsed by in the past
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richard hinds and jason kessler, all of whom have espoused white supremacy or anti-semitism. you said you disavowed both. but the national republican senatorial committee has refused to support you and other republicans who ask why this pattern of associating at all with people who promote hate? not moreon is why did republicans associate themselves with these men at the time you did? >> i grew up to believe all people are equal, all people are born equal, my father was a line sherman, i grew up in a working-class family. there is not a racist bone in my body. i'm an eagle scout, i believe in a equal opportunity for all. came out, i did not know at the time, i meet hundreds of people. you should know that.
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i disavowed them. everyone of them. every single time we have come across someone like that but you know what? he has not. the same standard has not been held, you in the media have failed, you have not held them accountable for the people who are anti-semitic and bigoted. you have an open racist. there have been congressman, a democratic nominee for congress in the fifth district who wrote a book where she believes and stated that somehow, jewish people in this country have taken over america's foreign-policy. she said that jewish people were a menace, israelis were a menace, she congratulated saddam hussein for attacking israel with scud missiles and killing israeli children. and yet, not only has he endorsed her, not only does he continue to appear with her but
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he shares an office with her where i presume the share views as well in charlottesville. senator kaine: i would never whock people for people support him but when corey chooses to associate with someone-- himself with else, that is on cori. jason kessler, it was obvious that people knew who he was and towas not he -- corey went jason's events. the architect of that horrible tragedy in charlottesville that led to the death of a paralegal and to street -- two straight troopers -- state troopers, it was corey who sought out jason kessler, not the other way around. neyland.ght out paul you have to search to find him.
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he is a notorious anti-semite, anti-islamic, violent language and corey did not just seek him out, corey went and appeared with him and called him one of his personal heroes. he paid paul to get his supporter list because he thought those are my kind of people, i want to reach out to them. corey went and campaigned for roy moore who had been outed as a predator on teenage girls, it was not moore coming to corey's events, it was corey going to roy moore's events. he knows who these people are. he knows what they stand for. and he has decided to try to use whatever it is about them he finds attractive to gain support . that is not what we need representing virginia in the u.s. senate or anywhere. >> i have disavowed this people. why have you not yet disavowed leslie cockburn? an open anti-semi, someone who
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claims that somehow jewish people in this country have taken over the foreign-policy establishment in the united states? the one who congratulated saddam hussein for attacking israel with scud missiles, why have you ?ot disavowed yourself from her i disavowed myself from everybody who has been identified as an anti-semite or a bigot or racist but the press has not held accountable. you still have not disavowed people, arom these double standard. every time you find a conservative, anyone who supports president trump or wants to protect our monuments, want --- any time you [indiscernible] that is why president trump defeated you and hillary. kaine: make it nasty, make
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it personal, make it up. i know the truth hurts. you can look through the record, i have not called you a racist, i do not call people racists unless they are white supremacists. did not disavow yourself. you knew they were when you went and hung out with them, when you paid them for their fundraising said they were your personal hero. only when you were caught and it got hot for you, you knew who they were. on when you're cut did you disavow. you have not disavowed roy moore's name yet. you would not say his name when i brought him up and ask why you skipped prince william business to support someone who praise on teenage girls. on teenage girls. thee are thing about israeli foreign-policy i like
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and dislike. i am the chief democrat on the foreign relations committee, i more times iael have been to any other country, but you can be critical of someone's foreign policy. >> you do not inc. what she said in that book was anti-semitic? >> i forget was critical of foreign policy. >> i do not dig it was opposed to jews. -- think it was opposed to jews. fair.othing it was >> how come you have not disavowed her? bigot andowed every anti-semitic. >> let's have one response. nextll move onto the question. >> i do not have to agree with all of her foreign-policy views. there are not necessarily mine but to say her views make her an anti-semi, it is a scurrilous charge and not true. >> you said you would disavow all these individuals, does that
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include roy moore? >> we have 40-year-old allegations, what bothered me about that was that everyone assumed, we are presumed innocent until proven guilty and what happened is the left-wing and media present he was guilty. imagine if someone went back to you and 40 years later said you they said you need to prove that you are innocent 40 years later. i think that is wrong. >> next question. i have been incorporating questions from virginia bar association members throughout, there were a number of suggested questions on immigration. critical of the president's immigration policies, your opponent says what you are for is open borders which would unleash more terrorism from gangs like ms 13.
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>> again making it up. he recently got fact checked for saying that and it was pants on fire, ally. -- a lie. pants on fire for what he is saying. i'm leave our nation's rate because immigration, proud woman certainly breakfast and said she had become a u.s. citizen from jamaica and the staff letterhead read a letter -- my staff had read a letter, farmers tell me this, oyster men on the eastern shore tell me this so coming to the senate i believe incompetence of immigration reform. one of the first bills we worked on was a bill that passed the senate with bipartisan support. comprehensive reform. billions of dollars for border security, helping employers determined immigration and bona
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fides for employees. a long and arduous path -- and after 13 years, get in line for citizenship. this is what i support, reforms, i have voted for border security and increases. withfted a bipartisan bill 16 senators to put on the president's desk, let's trade protecting dreamers with $25 billion in border security and every penny you asked for, can you take yes for an answer and he turned it down. what we need is comprehensive immigration reform. >> earlier this year president trump and republicans proposed legislation for 355 ship navy, including another seven point $1 billion in veterans care and legislation that would have increased the salaries for military personnel and an increase in the housing allowance. he voted against all of it area and why the summer because he
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wanted amnesty for illegal aliens. democrats like to talk about the dreams of people come here illegally but what about the dreams of people who are here legally, what about the dreams of people who came here legally like my wife? of u.s.ut the dreams citizens who because of illegal immigration are forced to take wages lower than they otherwise would be. what about the dreams of u.s. citizens have had their lives taken by illegal aliens? anee weeks ago features on abolish isa rally. you know when ice does? ice works with local law enforcement jurisdictions to root out criminal illegal aliens including ms 13 gang members who are preying on our young people in this country, who are working to root out those who are doing sex trafficking coming across the border and you want to eliminate that agency that is
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doing all that important law enforcement work to keep our families safe all in the name of political correctness because you are too weak to stand up to nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. >> senator kaine. >> please notice the answer was all about getting immigrants against citizens. we are a nation of immigrants, we are a nation of immigrants, it was in the declaration of independence. we need comprehensive immigration reform. the president is undertaking activities not only against folks who are here undocumented, he wants to eliminate or reduce family migration which is legal immigration. he is slowing down these approvals which is hurting our businesses. he is making it hard for students to come here, for investors and emmett -- and .nnovators, for tourists that is just wrong.
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we have to have competence of policy. he says i went to an abolish isa rally. that is a lie. i went to a rally that was against president trump's heartless policies of taking kids out of their families' arms at the border. it was a family unification rally, and overwhelmingly, americans, even republicans, even those who supported president trump when they saw president trump do that it hit their moral reflex. that is new -- not who we are. you want to respond? >> absolutely. it is on the record. he goes to an of knowledge -- an abolish i.c.e. rally. democrats stood up for the .iddle -- the little man but not anymore. it has been taken over by the radical left that he supports and he takes attention, he takes
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orders from the radical left. that is why he went there. an abolishere with i.c.e. rally. you have not been accountable for the fact that you want to remove the protection from american citizens all in the name of putting illegal aliens first even if they have criminal backgrounds. >> i want to ask each one of you a very brief follow-up to this, there was an editorial in the runoff times a few days ago asking why shouldn't role parts of virginia have a policy of wherearts of rural canada they are losing population but where they are pushing their federal government to send immigrants their way to make up for the loss.
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>> the needs of world virginia are important. my wife's family is from rona. that is why i fought so hard when president trump wanted to eliminate funding for the appalachian commission. we have to maintain these tools to help all parts of the state. hard wars are hitting ag in rural virginia. i do not know if the canadian policy or why they might want to direct able to serve in areas so i could not support it without knowing more. go tomorrow virginia, you will find a lot of immigrants. going to hospitals and look who the health care providers are. talk to farmers, i was talking to dairy farmers and i thought they would talk about taxes and regulation and they wanted to talk about immigration reform. they wanted to talk about reforms. that is part of the reform bill that we did in 2013. the votes are still there in the senate. we could get some houseboats and we could put a bill on the
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president desk. up on the follow question of family separation. one of my colleagues at the news hour reported not to exceed go a 14 month old had been separated at the border from his mother, held for 85 days, and when he was returned he had not been based and was covered with lice. toot of people say we need monitor the borders, but is that sort of treatment worth holding a tough line on immigration? >> everybody's hearts are torn out by seeing children separated from their families, no one wants to see that. tim kaine would like to believe that because we do not agree with his ultraliberal policy of letting everybody into this country even if they have criminal backgrounds that we do not have hearts, it is not true. -- and started underneath the obama administration, not under president trump. president trump is the one who ended that holocene.
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of 12,000 children who are in federal custody, 10,000 were voluntarily separated by their parents. you know why? because the democrats in congress, the ultraleft who do not want any border security gave the impression that if you came here with your children or center children across the border without you that eventually your family could come over. you know what happens? i humanitarian crisis because people dead. many millions of poor people tried to get into this country, trying to look for a better living and what they were met with was chaos and a humanitarian crisis. what president trump is trying to do is bring order, to make sure if we have immigration, but it must be legal and based upon merit and you cannot have a criminal act ground and you have to be able to support yourself and your families and you have place, america a better
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not an unsafe place. that is the kind of immigration i am for. >> next question for mr. stewart. turning to energy area at the has beengasoline rising steadily in the country, the average was $2.88 a gallon. the expectation is a will rise a lot more. what should the trump administration and congress do? >> what we have to do is not to do what tim kaine and the ultraleft have done, to try to restrict the pipeline, the keystone pipeline and restrict our energy resources. now theow, the u.s. is largest combined supplier of oil and gas resources on the planet. 2022, the u.s. will become a net exporter of oil and gas. that is what needs to be our policy. when you do that and we're happy
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resources is that we are bringing down not only the price of gasoline for consumers, but it is important to our national security. we no longer need to be reliant upon oil from the mideast which has caused so many of these unnecessary wars we have been involved in. i support the president's policy of continuing to explore for oil and natural gas resources here in the u.s. >> i support many aspects of the president energy policy but not all of them. i joined with democrats and republicans to and the moratorium on the export of petroleum. that had been put in place in the 1970's and it was no longer necessary because of the tremendous american domestic production which i support. onupported ending that and exporting and that has been good for energy exploration, for
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energy jobs in the u.s., and has helped our allies. whatl tell you what ice -- i do not support. i do not support offshore drilling. this is an area where we differ. i was open to the explanation of it in 2007 but after the bp oil spill and hampton roads, 1.6 million evil, the center of naval operations in the u.s., the second most effective -- affected population, they switched their position and now that region is rocksolid opposed to offshore drilling, it would hurt military, tourism, nasa operations, it would hurt the chesapeake a. a critical difference. lowher area, i promote carbon energy. the president made a huge mistake by pulling out of the paris climate accord area the
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good news is innovation will continue to race forward and we are moving toward a no and low carbon future. it is not that the u.s. will be in the lead position we should be an and we would have been an had we stayed in that accord. thing and does another, he wants greater oil and gas production but he voted against every attempt to do so. it was under president trump that we are becoming the largest producer of oil and gas resources. it is critical to our economy, to national security. if you truly believe and you keep doing this, he says he is for these things but then he votes against them like when he said he is for the military am a -- military, and votes against it and votes against a pay increase for our military servicemen and servicewomen. he votes against their housing allowance. he says one thing but does another. he is -- has accomplished
6:36 am in six years of his senate, not a single major accomplishment in the entire time has represented virginia and the u.s. senate. >> you do not think pediatric research matters, tribal recognition matters, you do not -- 355 ship50 barney -- army matters. it matters to virginians. >> staying on energy, the commonwealth bought back a limited version of a tax credit to help some of the states coal producers. the governor said part of the reason was to boost southwest virginia's economy. critics have seized on a report that suggests that a previous version of this tax credit failed to stem the virginia coal industries decline. is it better federal policy to anp up, to keep alive
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industry that is declining, or to work to retrain and retool workers and companies? >> you have to do both. you always need to be focused on training and new skills, but i do think that there is research that we should be doing at the federal level to determine whether there is a way to make the existing coal plants cleaner every day. my attitude is cleaner tomorrow than today. i was proud to work to get the permit and open the coal city plant. it reduces water usage and reduces mercury. it is build in a way that if we ever can develop carbon capture sequestration, it can be done on-site. i am crowd of my role on that as governor and it created a lot of jobs. i would support and have supported federal research to to make to look at ways
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coal cleaner. we are dramatically to a new energy economy. virginialmost as much: but we do it with 1/10 the workers. it is heavily automated. even if coal comes roaring back, a lot of it will be done by machines, not people. we have to focus on training. as a member of the education and labor committee i have been focused on career and technical education. training high school and college kids, even folks who dropped out of school. >> he will not stand up for you, he is too weak. what is disgusting is in 2005 when he was campaigning for governor he went down to southwest virginia and told people, he said he would support them and then when he gets into office as governor and as u.s. senator, he votes against their interest and goes along with chuck schumer and president obama when they
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inundated the coal industry with all of these unnecessary regulations. regulations which shut down the coal industry, regulations that put so many families out of work , regulations that cause so many people to leave southwest virginia and that is all because of you, it is all because of you and chuck schumer and president obama and anybody else who you take orders from from the washington elites. you betrayed the very people from whom you ask their support. and now we have a president of the u.s. has promised to do something about it and he has by relieving the unnecessary call regulations and what we have seen is an increase in the price of metallurgical coal. where the business is booming once again, jobs are coming back, hope is coming back to southwest virginia and to the coal industry. we have a president who is willing to keep his promises and stand up for the people who are burdened instead of taking orders from nancy pelosi and
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chuck schumer. you also betrayed the people in danville. you said you would support the textile industry and you agreed with these agreements that hurt them and then lectured them like you are lecturing the people of west virginia on coal. a >> make it nasty, make it up. go visit the ikea plant. go visit other advanced manufacturing facilities that i worked on. i know that you have not. go see the virginia city coal plant in wise county on the border down there between wise and russell that is employing people and doing it in a way that is state-of-the-art. go see that. you have not gotten around very much. when you talk about me and southwest virginia, you do not know that much about southwest virginia or you would not make those claims. the me go on to the other, how about this, how about a president who wants to eliminate the appalachian regional commission, he got elected with heavy votes from southwest virginia but in the first budget
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he sent in april, and southwest virginia they put these in the newspaper alphabetically, what are the agencies that are proposed to be eliminated, the a lap it -- the appalachian agency was at the top. we supported him and he is cutting the one economic tool to grow our economies. that is not what we need from this administration or from you. >> i have been to danville. we are talking about two different places. when you became governor, danville had its issues but peoplet is boarded up, have left. young people have left. the old crisis is out of control, the murder rate is up, suicides are up, it is sad. i am not done. said is you trashing danville. >> pardon me while i am
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interrupting. after you voted against their interest, after you voted in support of the transpacific heart and a ship, against all these trade agreements meeting all these goods coming in but we cannot export our goods to foreign markets because they are keeping them out and you continue to support that and you and the elites think that is fine but it is not to the people in danville, not to the people in southwest virginia, not for the people in the rest of virginia who have been struggling after we blocked 5 million manufacturing jobs in this country. when a candidate stands appear in trashes danville, i think we know who the elite is on the stage. you need to go visit and talk to local leaders. ande have to more questions the next one comes to you and i want to pick up on trade, you have been talking about it. we have talked about the president's policies. the recent -- we know the president imposed tariffs and
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their most recent singled out soybeans which make up a major part of the export's nest, $361 million last year. we know you support the president's policy but what would you do about virginia farmers affected by this? >> you've got to get tough. if you say you are going to do something but you never do it, no one believes you anymore. it is not just democratic presidents, republican as well who have said you have to open up your markets. you have to take our manufacturing goods but no president up until now has put down the hammer and said we are serious and that has brought them to the bargaining table. i am an international trade attorney, i can tell you about this. if you want to import of foreign car, there is a tariff on that automobile. if you want to export it to the or they slap a 10% tariff
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export it to china, there is a 25 percent tariff on the u.s. made automobile. is there any doubt that that is why our manufacturing bases has been wiped out under the so-called leadership of senator -- kaineenator cain and barack obama? it needs to be a level playing field in that goes with regard to agricultural products as well. inside the eu, they do everything to protect their farmers including keeping out american produced agricultural products. they come up with every possible excuse. what has he done about it? the agricultural sector is three and 50,000 jobs in the state, nothing, he has done nothing to support the president and break open the european market to accept american goods. >> your answer is virginia. >> you have to bust open foreign markets especially the eu to
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accept our agricultural products including soybeans. >> you have to be tough on trade but you cannot be foolish. is an answer saw is 100% president right. that is term first. i am a junior first. it is important to go after china. they are stealing our intellectual property. in casesed twice before the international trade court when chinese firms dumped tires hurting our workers in danville or roanoke. you bring trade cases against them, you take tough action but with the president is doing is hurting our farmers and workers and his notion of you just have to be tough and hope it will work out, that does not help the soybean farmer who is losing enormous value every day. that does not help the workers inthe plants and the -- dublin who are seeing prices go
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up. the assessment of what this president is doing just on aluminum and steel and the retaliation, 30,000 jobs will be created in certain industries and we will lose 430,000 jobs. the president is waging a trade war against americans, against american workers and farmers. the president is using a national security waiver not just against china, we use a waiver in the past against nations like iran and libya, he is using it against canada, europe, nations that have fought with us side-by-side in every war since the war of 1812. this president is the first and these are nations we are relying on to help us beat isis, nations twore supposed to work with defeat russian aggression. >> what is his answer? do nothing. the only thing he has done is a vote against the president. he is against the president. he does not want to do anything about it. we have these unfair trade
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agreements that are gutting american manufacturing in danville, gutting the coal industry in southwest virginia, that are gutting our farmers soybeang sort been -- producers, what does he want to do about it? nothing. he is weak, he cannot stand up to our foreign trade partners. when it comes to nato, the idea was that the u.s. would participate in helping with european security. under article three they are supposed to take care of their own security. that is part of the agreement. what do the germans do? 1.2% of gdp on their own defense. american taxpayers are picking nato, protecting them, finally we have a president who is willing to stand up to them. >> we are almost at the end. i will break protocol because we did not get to, you brought up
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russia but we did not get time for a question. is vladimir putin a competitor, a sometime ally tomahawk or an enemy and is the eu and ally or a foe of the u.s.? as the president said the other day. >> russia, the head of the joint chiefs of staff joad on for ted russia is the rentable adversary of the u.s. right now. that does not mean we should not have dealings. john f. kennedy and the kid kristi of talked during the missile crisis. no one should mistake them for a friend. it betrays tremendous weakness for this president to go stand on stage with vladimir and take his side over the american security professionals who work hard to protect this country. europe is an ally. of europe came to our aid, nato, the only time self -- has five,
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been triggered is after america was attacked on 9/11 and our european allies came to our aid. on -- i go to afghanistan and i go to iraq and visit our troops and i see european troops side-by-side with them. my oldest son was deployed on the border of russia during 2016 and nato exercises side-by-side with troops from nato. the president is right to challenge nato nations to do more, make no mistake, it is one thing to ask for more and that youhing to say are our principal foe and to call them a national security threat when you are talking about trade issues. >> there he goes again, he opposes everything that president trump is trying to do. everything president trump is trying to that you are our principal foe and to call them a national security do, senator kaine opposes. what do you want to do, absolutely nothing. he thinks that everything is fine, just the way it is. it is interesting that liberals like you like the russians a lot
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more when they were communists. that russia is a competitor. our major threat economically and militarily is china. it is not the russians. we have many common interests with russia today. we have common interests and combating international terrorism and containing weapons of mass distraction. we have common interests with the russians in doing something productive about the north korean peninsula. senator kaine, against all of that. he would summer in that relationship, all those national security interests because he does not like vladimir putin. no one likes vladimir putin but -- taint anhange a entire relationship because of that. they need to start acting like our allies and pick up and not expecting american taxpayers to pay for their own security.
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meanwhile, as you have, we have had our manufacturing sector guided by the europeans and unfair trade partners, the , 1.2%, they have beenturing running a 67 trade surplus -- 67% trade surplus. you are picking up the tap. >> this is the final question before we go to the closing statements. both of you are transplanted virginie ends. .- virginians you were born in st. paul, minnesota and mr. stewart, you were born in duluth, minnesota. , 1.2%, they have been runningthey are 150 miles apartu ended up in the commonwealth. this is a state with an extra ordinary heritage, the home of george washington, thomas jefferson, james madison. in modern times since world war ii, which one or two virginians have you most admired?
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tell you something, i love the state. i moved to the state because i wanted to be a virginian. i am longer -- no longer a minnesota in. -- minnesotan. for one singleok virginian who i love the most and admire the most, i love for ginny and, i love the attitude, i love the history, the fact he want to stand up for that. i love the fact that virginians thatroud to be virginians, this is the state of george washington, thomas jefferson, and james madison. i love all that and respect all that but we have on the far left here who are trying to remove our history, to take down historical monuments that have set their police -- peacefully for a hundred years. taking down those monuments does not solve a single problem. it does not increase our economic growth, it does not
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feed children, it does not improve our education, it does not build roads. all it does is give talking points to the far left liberal democrats like tim kaine. >> is there one virginian you admire? >> there is one. that would be my wife. i do not have a hard time answering the question. my political hero and my moral hero is my father-in-law, my wife's dead. he was born in the 1920's in big stone gap and came of age during the depression. at that point, an awful lot of people looked down on people from big stone gap, on people from appalachia, consider them hillbillies and said bad things about them. that part of the state was not politically powerful. he grew up and as a young man observing the fact that some
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might look down from where he came from, he dedicated himself never looking down on anyone. he went to the pacific and fought as a summary in her and when he came back there was a one-party state, franklin was controlled by too few people. years since20 plus he was elected as the first governor in the history of the commonwealth. the first major thing he did as he integrated the public schools of virginia. he integrated the public schools, they had been kept separate because virginia didn't embrace the equality ideal. a guy fromtook appalachia to say we should all be at the table together. we should he for all people, it should not matter where you look your religion,, whether you have money, whether people respect you are not. my father-in-law who is a 94-year-old and is going strong
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as my hero because he has lived out his values that we have to be a nation and a commonwealth for all. [applause] >> it is time now, we have come to the conclusion of the debate. it is time for your closing statements. >> thanks you -- thank you, i appreciate you moderating this debate. to think senator kaine for participating in this and we have met in times past, iowa's thought he was a nice guy and he is. i do believe that. -- i always thought he was a nice guy and he is and i do believe that. he is too weak, he is too liberal, he has got nothing done, not only in the senate but as governor. he accomplished nothing. he came in saying he would fix transportation, not a single nickel, that is why we continue to have these high tolls and problems. who will stande
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with president trump. this tax cut that we passed in 2017 is in its infancy, it has led to the lowest and implement rate in 50 years, the highest growth rate for wages in 20 years, and we are at the beginning. he wants to undo it, he voted against it, he wants to take away your tax cut. we need this economic growth to continue. that is what i will do as your u.s. senator. [applause] >> to judy and guests and cory, thanks for doing this, thanks for kicking off this season and i think the choice is clear, is it going to be trump first or virginia first in the u.s. senate? i have a record of working with president trump and to his team on all kinds of things but let there be no mistake. i will stand up against this
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president when he is wrong for the country. when he said there is good people on both sides of a white supremacy rally in charlottesville, i will stand up against it. when he is working -- hurting our farmers and workers i will stand up against him. on an independent check against this president. it is why we were the best date for business, why we were the best managed state and the best state to raise a child, high median income and low unemployment. my focus is how we have been able to bring down veterans' unemployment, do smart things like allow exports of crude petroleum. i will work with this president when he is right that i will stand up against him when he is wrong for virginia or wrong for the country, compare that with a 100% trump guy who said president trump was standing up to vladimir putin when everybody who watched that knew he was bowing down to him. thank you. >> thank you.
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we're going to let stuart thomas , the president of the vba say farewell. for participating >> the houses in at 10:00 for speeches and that legislative work at noon. measure taking up a that would eliminate the medical device taxpayer it on c-span2, the senate debates financial spending issues. on c-span3, the house oversight committee looks at election security at 10:00 eastern. president trump delivers remarks at the veterans of foreign war convention in kansas city.
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they will testify on changes to try and protect amateur athletes from sexual abuse. that begins at 230 p.m. eastern. >> >> c-span, where history unfolds daily. in 1979, cspan was created as a public service of the american cable television companies and is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. we bring you unfiltered coverage of congress, the white house, public policy events around the country. >> we are having technical problems with washington journal which we are working on it.


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