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tv   Washington Journal Julie Kohler  CSPAN  August 3, 2018 5:27pm-5:56pm EDT

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senate confirmation hearings before brett kavanaugh to be a supreme court justice are expected in september and senators are likely to question him about roe v. wade, the 1973 decision that struck down many restrictions on abortion. on tuesday at 8:00 p.m., c-span's landmark cases provides an in-depth look at roe v. wade. we will also hear from david savage discussing judge kavanagh's nomination and the abortion issue. here's a look at congress over the next two weeks. the senate is in a state work period with four brief pro forma sessions scheduled. lawmakers return to washington on wednesday, august 15 to continue work on judicial dominations and federal spending. the house remains in a summer recess and returns on tuesday, september 4. follow the house live on c-span, see the senate on c-span2. at our table, julie koehler,
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senior vice president for strategy and planning with democracy live and contributor to the nation magazine. remind our viewers what is democracy alliance and the mission. we are an alliance of progressive donors so we can have a more just and equitable nation. host: who are the donors? guest: individual and institutional donors per people of wealth who want to create a more equal and just society, and labor unions. host: what are the big donors? members that want to be public are some of our board members listed on a website. host: you go to the website and people can find it there. , contributed to them, can white women help build a progressive future? let's take a look at the numbers.
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2016 female vote. when you break down the female vote, 94% voted for hillary clinton. -- 24% of black woman voted for hillary clinton. voted forte women donald trump. why is that statistic matter? is an interesting way of analyzing what is driving what we have typically referred to as the gender gap in electoral politics. we have a race gap in electoral politics of the norma's margins and a gender gap of margins. what is driving the gender gap, women of color vote overwhelmingly democratic. driving social change in our country. what i am interested in, can comparing those statistics of
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how white women voted in 2016 but for the better part of the last several decades, this is a trend that is consistent, what i wanted to see is with his -- with this way that activism, is this changing? there is some data from the special election in alabama that suggests it might be. that is what is the interesting question to me. are we on the brink of a more fundamental political realignment? what is the trend -- host: what is the trend? guest: we are seeing and have seen these special elections, a shift in how white women voters have voted. back and saystep the reason white women voters are interesting to examine is because they are the largest voting block in this country.
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theof women voters, 39% of total electorate. a shift of a few points and how white women vote can be determinative for election outcomes. that is why it is important and relevant. what we saw in alabama in virginia was a swinging. .n alabama, a 13 point swing in virginia, a three point swing. both which had an impact on those elections. obviously there were special factors in the lms senate race. the allegations of sexual misconduct by roy moore played a role in that. what i'm interested in seeing as how this plays out more generally into the midterm elections this fall. vote why did white women for president trump in those numbers? guest: the other thing important
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to look at, white women are not monolithic. the way they vote, their voting pattern seems to be highly correlated with three factors. education level, marital status, and religious preference. subou print down those factors, different groups of white women you see different patterns. the gap between college educated and noncollege educated white women, there was a 20 point discrepancy with college educated white women voting for secretary clinton. within those categories you see a 30 point split between evangelical white women and not evangelical white women. about a 10 point split or divide on marital status with unmarried white women voting more democratic than married white women. taken july 19
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through the 22nd, the job approval among women, 30% approved. 60% disapproved. what do those numbers tell you? guest: they reaffirm what we have seen with this wave of activism that has been present ever since the election with the women's march is, that went into unprecedented levels of congressional advocacy around issues like the affordable care act. now a wave of women running for office this cycle. 36,000 women had reach out to them and express interest in running for office. 40 times more than they saw in the last cycle. women are not standing on the sidelines. i think we are seeing a president whose policies and personal behavior is rather unpopular with women.
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we are seeing nominations of brett kavanaugh to the supreme safe, saying the right to and legal abortion be eliminated in this country. 20 states could criminalize abortion if he is confirmed. the stakes for women are high and it is fueling the activism and reassessments of voting interests. are dividing the line this way. women who voted for president trump in 2016. women who voted for hillary clinton, we dial in. get to yourwe will calls here in just a minute. what is the plan from democracy alliance and others to attract female white voters to vote for
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the democratic candidates? guest: we are seeing interesting issues coming from many candidates, including the weight of women candidates this cycle. i think they are leaning in on many issues that are of importance to women. health care issues, economic security issues, issues of paid leave and the supports for families with young children, education. they are of incredible importance to women. it is not surprising we are seeing women candidates in particular put those front and center. abby respond to this ad by whose running for a seat in iowa's first congressional republican.inst the a series of ads to show our are as because they
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different way that all of them are running. let's take a look at this one. [video clip] >> you want to know what tough is? bring the sweat out of your belt. for your third shift. stretching it further than you thought it could go. tough is my dad on a 16 hour shift. top is my mom holding got a job and holding it together back home. rushing intondpa burning buildings to save lives. tough is cows need feeding it for the morning. bigh is small tile in, heart. tough is eastern iowa. tough is who we are. wouldaid the state house
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be too tough for young ladies. then they said a girl paying off her student loans was tough enough to beat a millionaire for congress. i say watch me. host: she is not running on progressive ideas. she is not talking about progressive ideas. guest: i think she is talking about the economic constraints of the people in her district. those are progressive ideas. host: but not how she would solve them with progressive. guest: what she is doing is showing she understands the nature of her district and the ofnomic issues and struggles her friends and family members. she is showing she is a fresh voice to address those. i think it is a brilliant ad. the other thing that is
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interesting about her ad, she is not shying away from the fact she is a young woman. she is presenting herself in a very authentic way. she is from that community, she understands the issues that are most resident in that community, she is poised to address them. and she's going to bring fresh perspectives into her role in office. host: is that the advice, be the you are? guest: that is one of the revelations this cycle and i hope it continues in the future. for so long we had campaign consultants that would give women and people of color in particular advice saying try to make yourself look like this. so often the candidate notion that we had was older middle-aged white male. people are running and feeling
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more empowered to run as their full selves. and show who they are. authenticity is being both appreciated and rewarded five voters. host: we will go to an in michigan. voted for president trump. caller: thank you. for the woman that voted for hillary, 63%, i don't understand why they want to continue the corruption factor that is in the politics. if i would have done a third of what that woman has done i would be in jail. i don't understand what is so attractive about having someone like that in the political system. host: what about hillary clinton as a candidate? did women particular not vote
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for donald trump, but voted against hillary clinton? there was some of that. people cast a ballot enthusiastically in favor of their preferred candidate. some in opposition to the other. and is corruption andis corrupt? is. i think it i think the message donald trump had on the campaign trail was resident for many. thought progressives a word respond to our his policies are not in line with that rhetoric. draining the swap and cleaning up government corruption, that is resident to many americans of having a fresh to manydutch resident
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americans. i think having a fresh crop of candidates -- that is to the advantage of all americans. host: where are you looking to put your donors' money? is to support organizations building a more equitable and just nation, like whitenings addressing widening economic inequality in this country. taking action on behalf of issues most resonant in their lives. some of this is done through the political process. a lot of this is done through just advocacy. we support many of those organizations doing that support. maryland, you voted for hillary clinton. you are on the air.
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caller: good morning. i was an independent. i have been an independent since i was able to vote 18 years ago. affiliation party to republican because there are far right people on the republican side i am trying to ofe out of -- keep out office. we have racists, pedophiles running for congress. reason i am republican. i changed to republican. the reason that i voted for clinton, hillary clinton was because i could see there was a clear difference between clinton and bump. when they talk about the lesser clear evils there was a lesser of two evils. bigton was more inclusive, tent for everyone.
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all minorities, all groups, , i could and trump was see it. he was very clear what he was doing, trying to divide the country. gaining more might for the democratic party, my advice to you -- if you need to focus on keeping the african-american who are a very loyal the democratic party. there are a lot of issues, including criminal justice reform, that need to be addressed that still have not been addressed and worked on. host: ok. guest: i appreciate the call in the comments. i could not agree more. i think candidates like amy abrams working to expand the base of the democratic party -- there are so many, especially in
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communities of color, who have not gone to the polls, erotic voters. what she has embraced actualizing in georgia is finding ways to encourage every voter to participate. i absolutely agree. nothing will change the fact in the near-term future at communities of color, in particular women of color, will remain the face of the democratic party. we have to first put communities of color at the forefront. the question is whether we can avest in ways that are frosting on the top of the cake, so to speak, whether there will be enough of a swing to have a progressive majority in this country. the candidateave who defeated joe crowley. take a look at the ad she ran.
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[video clip] women like me are not supposed to vote for office. i was not born to a wealthy family. i was born in a place where your zip code determines your destiny. my name is alexandria a casio cortez. --ocasio- i'm organizer. i have worked with expectant mothers. i have tables. intogoing in -- and going politics was not part of the plant. but after 20 years of the same we have to ask -- who has new york been changing for? host: julie kohler? guest: again, i think it is a fantastic ad. it was very resonant with the voters in her district. even though it is very different
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than the previous ad, many of the qualities are similar. she shows her whole self, how and line she is with members of the district and reflects that she understands the issues they are grappling with. they are very, very similar. host: in touching on the economic concerns of district, are you concerned that the economy is doing well? the labor numbers in july, 157,000 jobs added. to unemployment rate fell 3.9%. how can democrats say the economy is not going well? we can have overall good economic numbers, but unless that well the economy -- that wealthy economy is creating is shared equitably and everyone is reaping the benefits of a strong economy, we have a problem. what we have seen over the last are moons is stagnant wages
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americans. even though we have a good overall economic picture that looks positive in some aspects, it is not helping people's pocketbooks and that is what we need to be addressing. host: michigan, good morning. caller: good morning,greta. kohler.ning, ms. used to have expression. women can run faster with their skirt up then men with pants men with pants down. [laughter] i heard a billion dollars was being invested in these candidates. they talk tough. they get amendment to win it. this don't go anywhere until their second, third, or fourth time. i would rather live like milani
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of the hillary clinton. i like her lifestyle. i wish i had it. i think donald trump treats his wife pretty good. you can still say no, and all the glitz in the ad is not covering up for the lack of experience they have. in today's world, you sure need it. that is all i have to say. host: we take that point. thanks for the call. guest: when you come into washington, it takes a while to move up in seniority and all that, but i really think, 19 92, we called that the year of the woman, right? we saw an incredible gain in women's representation, all over the country. women andelect enough have another wave, not just an 2018, but for many cycles to come, i think we can create change. officialsg elected
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that more reputation only -- y represent the population at large, it matters. it really does make a difference. in silver springs. voted president trump. you are on the air. in silver springs. caller: hi. i voted president trump his agenda. was the economy, national security and i proudly campaign for him. in july of 2015, i listened to all 17 candidates, the mcgrath and republicans because that's how i am. i work in new york. -- democrats and republicans because that is how i am. i worked in new york. i listened to every single one of them.
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i am an independent, have always been an independent since the 1970's. i come from a family of black republicans, ok? that always -- but always independent. , but i didrepublican not think about it. i voted on the issues. the reason i voted for trump is -- while he was campaigning, i will never forget, and this is when i got on the trump train -- when he was going to chicago and from desk the outrage i think it was the university of chicago, i'm not sure. notoutrage there, he could even land his plane. he had to turn it back. i watched inside where they had the rallies, and people taking tryingcrophones and to prevent people from speaking. i watched it all. he never did show up.
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that was the day -- i believe it was in september -- i jumped on the trump train. i jumped on because why can't he speak with all the other ones i am listening to? i had not decided yet. i listened like everybody else. but i jumped on. and then i started focusing on his agenda and i stayed on his agenda and listened to what other people said. so, if you want to know why i voted for trump, that is why i jumped on the trump train, and that is why i am still on it. i am still on it. thing i wanted to say, that incident that happened at i happened tol, come down there that day -- , i have to leave it there. we have other people waiting. we will take your previous point. says: what the caller
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resonates with president trump's base. he remains very, very popular. but there is the rest of the electorate. we see he is overwhelmingly with other populations beyond his space. host: democrats voted for him as well. there are some democrats that voted for him, but he was really elected because of the surge in republican turnout, rather than democrats that switch party lines to vote president trump. host: seattle. caller: hello, julie, hello,, greta.-- -- hello, greta.
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you are pushing for the democracy alliance? guest: yes. caller: people need to understand, the president is not the main goal who to lacked. we need to push senators, governors, state representatives. there is so much gentrification going on. the america first thing, for me, i am a big history buff. me.s all right with you see what i am saying? people wouldma, look at him, and they would think the commonality is he is more middle-class and people can relate. averagee is the caucasian person. people can just relate to him. he made it.
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an african-american be like, obama made it. but until that happens where our young people -- myself, i am 30 years old -- get back to the notion the president is just a mascot, you see what i am saying? people, theress people that hold the keys and the buttons that get pushed -- that all right, let's take point. guest: that is a great point. are we have seen, not only people motivated in opposition to president trump but they are taking a fresh look at politics altogether and they're really seeing how important all of down thees are up and ballot. and the well of engagement we have seen not only around the provincial election leading up to 2020, but in congressional races and state legislative races, local elections, that is
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an encouraging sign. i think what the caller is reflecting >> coming up, stars and stripes reporter, faces topics discussing the new veteran secretary. and house senator wasserman talks about his outlook for the upcoming midterm election. watch c-span's washington journal. join the discussion. t.v. our cities tour visits alaska to learn more about its unique life.y and literary for seven years now, we've traveled to u.s. cities, the book scene to our viewers. watch more of our visits at


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