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tv   Washington Journal 08252018  CSPAN  August 25, 2018 9:40am-10:00am EDT

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en ofview with neera tand center for american progress, she is president and ceo, on " at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, with a repeat at 6:00 p.m. eastern time. as mentioned, we will take you to the dnc meeting in chicago. the president tweeting this morning. but first, we will take some calls. stephanie in pennsylvania, independent caller. hi there. caller: i have never heard on the news any place about the tax scam and the overseas tax. half of the 20% that they will pay in this country, if they get their earnings overseas, they are only taxed at 10.5%. another thing is about the immigration.
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the mexican workers, according to nafta, are only paid five dollars a day. now, we wonder why the jobs are going to mexico? so to me, trump supporters are lt, and they mostly support -- because they are under educated. i invite them to emigrate to russia if they want to support president trump so well. he is a man of two faces. his cultys supporters, even though he is screwing them with what he is actually doing, and the overseas tax and the five dollars a day for mexican workers are prime examples of that. thank you. host: one of the president's tweets this morning says "jeff sessions says he does not allow politics to influence him, only
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because he does not understand what is happening underneath his command position. highly conflicted bob mueller 17 angryain of democrats are having a field day as real corruption goes untouched. no collusion!" caller: thank you for taking my call. i want to say i feel good about america today. make nood didn't mistakes when he brought them in an office, because he brought the country together. we have been divided for a long time, because we do not understand it. but now white, black, brown, all of the muslims, are coming together. people who believe in our god and our nation know that we can survive. we are less than 5% of the world's population. if we do not come together as a nation, we will be destroyed.
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he is talking about building a wall. that is crazy. you cannot isolate yourself from the world, because the world -- they need us, and we need the world. 5% of the population, we are a powerful country, but there are not that many of us. i see us going far with everybody coming together. i believe that is why trump got in office, because it made us realize our mistakes, and now we are able to go forward and come together as one nation, one nation under god. thank you for taking my call. host: thank you for calling. mary on the line, louisiana, republican line. thank you for calling. caller: do i start talking now? host: you are on the air, mary. go ahead. caller: ok. i want to say a few things. i used to be a democrat. obama ran for president, i started hearing something that
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i had never heard before, and i went to the library, and i started looking at books, and i went all the way back to 1619, when the first slave ship landed in jamestown, virginia. but i also learned this year -- martin luther king was not a democrat. martin luther king was a republican, and his dad was, too. but i found out that the democrats will do anything, say anything t o win or to keep our. to all of to say this the white people -- you all are too scared to be a called a racist. there is a response when you are called a racist. you kill that person they do not get to define who you are. they did not create you. -- i will tellem you this, if the democrats ever get the white house, the senate,
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and the house again, they are going to destroy this country. the country is going to collapse, ok. then, where we going to go? who is going to take us in? beat donaldld not trump at the ballot box, so now they are what to try to steal the election from us. host: all right, mary. mike from oak grove, missouri, independent caller. hey, mike. good morning. caller: good morning. gradet to speak on the that trump gave himself. if youair, you can see, want water, it is polluted, if you want an outline turned against us, if you want a tax cut that adds $1 trillion to the deficit, if you want divisiveness, if you like being lied to, if you want
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intelligence agencies broken weakened, if you want people sick and suffering because their health care was taken from them, then i think trump is your man. myself, i give trump a d-, only because i do believe he has tried to help this country's veterans. i think if the republican people would listen to truth and see things the way they are, they would know exactly what i just said. thank you. host: mike from missouri, referencing an interview that the president did with "fox and friends" the other day. we talked about this for an hour earlier today come in case you missed it. he gave himself an a plus grace of our, but here is more what he had to say. [video clip] pres. trump: i give myself an a+ . i do not think any president has done what i have done. soon to be two years.
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soon to be two unbelievable supreme court justice. i am sure judge kavanaugh will be approved. justice gorsuch has been a star. the economy is doing better than ever in history. the only thing is that the press is not cover me fairly. they killed me during the campaign, just killed me. i said "one good thing about winning, i have shown them, so now i will get fair press." guess what? it is worth. i would honestly give myself an a+. host: a+ the president gave himself in that fox interview. this is the president writing, michael cohen's attorney clarified the record, saying he did not know about the trump tower meeting, out of which came nothing. the answer that i did not -- not
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in capital letters -- know about the meeting, just another phony story by the fake news media. james is next. caller: i live in newark, new jersey. i plan on joining christian united, the organization. i am republican. trump to say this year -- is doing a good job. think the democrats are going to try to railroad this man. they are going to try to make it look -- make him look like he is the bad guy, which he is not, you know. he has been good for our military and keeping it strong and everything. 2020 is going to be coming up, and i think the
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christians united should pull thether and make sure that democrats don't take over the house, so they won't destroy our faith, our police, and what this story -- our beliefs, and what this country stood for. the country is run by the people, for the people, and by the people, and we are the people that are called christian united that are going to stand we won'tke sure that have another hillary clinton coming in or swaying our faith. that won't be stand for, you know. host: joe, you have been waiting patiently from michigan, democratic caller. hey, joe. caller: good morning. i cannot believe some of your callers.
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i cannot believe the status of some of my fellow citizens and their total and complete ignorance. host: what are you talking about, joe? caller: ugh. republicans, like your last caller, christian united -- i think religion and politics do not mix. the founding fathers thought that. i view trump right now as a man on death row. he has gotten a few stays, but it is inexorable. the people will speak in november. there will not just be a blue wave, there will be a loser not me. roosevelt took over -- a blue tsunami. roosevelt took over, and the democrats stayed in power for 20 years, the g.i. bill, world war ii successfully, 20 years the democrats stayed in. i give trump an f-. democrats, independents, we can
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speak in november and rid this country of the swamp, period. thank you. host: thanks for calling. more of the news, "washington post" writing that the u.s. is cutting aid for palestinians, syrians in the western bank. said the department decision friday is in accord with the u.s. interests and provide value to the u.s. taxpayer. david, good morning. caller: like the other person before me, i am sitting back here totally flabbergasted by the stupidity and the ignorance of some of your callers. on the other hand, trump said he did love his ignorant supporters. i would like to take us back to your guests on the weakness of congress. would submit that
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-- he did notd mention that, and none of these callers mentioned it, either -- i think congress works well for those whom they work for, right? and i think congress are actually doing the business of big-money interests, without a doubt, so they are functioning for multinational corporations and special interests, right? but they are not working on behalf of the regular citizens because of citizens united, right? because if you have that kind of to our elected officials, and it takes all of these money to get people then where are
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their energies and efforts going to be put forth? it is going to be put forth towards those who enabled them to get reelected. so citizens united -- i am amazed that he did not bring that up as one of the major contributors to the rottening of the political system here in these united states. host: all right, david, thank you for calling. to get a few other calls in before go to chicago and that dnc meeting. this is from alaska, the "daily sentinel."itka "murkowski, nominee for high court meet." those are the latest
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pieces of information from alaska. startvanaugh hearings september 4. you can watch them live on c-span3,, or listen with our free c-span radio app. here is the front page of the "tribune herald" out of hawaii, the big island specifically. all of the weather they are getting, the rain is raising. swell streams, rivers into monstrous torrents, cause damage, evacuations." you can see the woman there. lead."akes its they show damage in one of the neighborhoods in hilo, which is on the big island of hawaii. this is from the "arizona republic," talking about john mccain, senator, ending his cancer treatment. a statement came from his family, who thanks supporters.
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no more treatment for john mccain at his and his family's request. the "new york times" for a minute talk a little bit about the fact that mr. mclean made clear he does -- mr. mccain made clear he doesn't tend to remain a senator -- does intend to remain a senator until his death.
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host: just part of the writing in the "new york times" as tributes and well wishes coming for senator mccain, who has decided no longer to get treatment for his brain cancer. angelica, edgewater, maryland, independent caller. hi, angelica. caller: hi. i want to say your previous caller brings up a good point in regards to big-money interests being represented. number two, i also do pray for mr. mccain's family and him as well. this is a very difficult time for the family, and he is in my prayers. having said that, i am very critical of the u.s. policy in yemen. we are supporting saudi arabia in the bombing of yemen, and there is a systematic extermination, going on with the
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people in yemen, the civilians. i am very critical of the. i am very concerned about it. i just do not know how saudi arabia can be considered an ally considering that saudi arabia had almost all of the 9/11 bombers came from saudi arabia. saudi arabia is the big problem in the middle east, because it abism,es in thrah which is the most extreme form of radicalism, where they believe no other culture, no other religion, no other people, and must they are like them, are accepted. they are preaching the hatred, they are spreading it, and the killing of people in yemen, and we are providing support, it is all about money. it is all about special interests.
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and i do believe, as a religious and spiritual person, that if we do believe in a god that condemns every single terrorist for the killing of innocent life, i question whether or not the innocent killing or the life that we are taking in these bombing campaigns, whether or not it is through starvation or the bombing of people -- you think god does not look at that, either? athink god takes a good look that is well, and we will all be held accountable for our actions or even the actions that we did not take, even though we could. i think we need to ask some more questions about these policies, because what it festers is hatred. you know, we are not doing these people in yemen a favor by killing innocent life. host: angelica, you got the last word for the program.
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we want to get onto chicago. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2018] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] host: thank everybody for calling in on this edition of the "washington journal." our guests tomorrow include a look at the trump presidency with white house correspondent linda feldmann of the christian science monitor and correspondent john gizzi with newsmax. we will also speak with rebecca zimmerman of rand corporation. "washington journal" starts tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. this headline from npr about the role of the dnc meeting. they are meeting now in chicago. we take you there live. it started out just a short while ago, and we will be with them until they are done debating and voting on the superdelegates. have a great day. >> >> this next


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