tv Washington Journal 09032018 CSPAN September 3, 2018 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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and also hear from various radio talkshow host from around the country sharing their thoughts on the upcoming midterms. ♪ host: good morning. we are just over two months before the midterm elections prayed64 -- elections. 64 days to be exact breed of the house said to be in a total of legislativetive -- days in september. the hearing for brett kavanaugh to serve on the u.s. supreme court. we will be live from the senate judiciary committee. a traditional start of the political season, we want to take a look at the issues driving this election. the confirmation of brett kavanaugh is one of those issues. what will motivate you to vote?
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how should each party frame the november 6th elections? we will be hearing from opinion makers and we want to hear from you. our phone lines are open at 202-748-8000, that is our line for democrats. 202-748-8001 if you are a republican prefer independents, 202-748-8002. join us on social media. send us a tweet. we will read it @cspanwj. thank you for spending part of your labor day with us. front page of the washington times has the confirmation of brett kavanaugh front and center . front page of the washington times, this is what it looks like and it's also available online. nbc news has this headline ahead of the midterms. the democrats lead in cash and votes. we heard it yesterday from chuck todd on "meet the press," one of the five sunday programs we carry and nbc news reporting the
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following, the number of voters participating in arizona's primary was up more than 146,000. almost 17 percentage points compared to 2014. in florida, the numbers were even more remarkable. moreay's vote total was up than one million. democrats led the way, votes cast in the gubernatorial primary were up 80% compared to 2014 and in 2018, the democratic house candidates have raised $620 million. that is $150 million more than the $470 million republican house candidates raised. in the senate, democratic candidates have raised 300 $68 million compared to 250 $8 million for republican candidates so far. congressional 4
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districts where democrats will not have a ballot this fall compared to 39 districts where republicans are not running a candidate. that is available on the nbc news website. we will also be showing some of the ads in the most hotly contested races and ads from political parties. this is from the national senate republican campaign committee. >> several republicans past the largest -- passed the largest change to the tax code in 30 years. from day one, to recognize the need to a college great things for the american people. >> we made a promise we would get the american economy back on track. >> we believe this is what we need to get the country going again. >> this is a great achievement and something that will help millions and millions of people in our society. >> there are a lot of people living paycheck to paycheck. this allows them to keep more of their hard-earned money in their pocket. >> this is geared toward a low
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income and middle income wage earners. >> the impact we are having on middle income americans and single moms cannot be over stated. >> this is a bill that helps working families. a bill that helps our economy and will make the american comity -- a comedy -- we are bringing jobs back into america. >> i am proud of the fact this generation stepped up and other countries are improving their economic environment and we have done the same thing. >> tackling the tax code like we did is a big lift. this is a noteworthy achievement and i think it showed great unity and purpose to try to change america for the better. >> i think this is maybe one of the most important things. this is about americans keeping our promise -- republicans keeping our promise to the american people. that is in part how
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republicans are going to frame this midterm election. there is this from the democratic party. [video clip] ♪ >> premiums would spike about 20%. a many seniors could face significant increase in health care premiums. if that is even more dire for people with pre-existing conditions and senior citizens. >> wealthier americans win big. many get sizable tax cuts. ♪ host: what is this midterm election about and what will motivate you to go to the polls on november 6th? c-span will be your primary source for debates. a couple more primaries scheduled, including the new .ork gubernatorial primary we will have coverage of all of that in the next two months and on our website at
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our phone lines are open at 202-748-8000. that is our life for democrats. 202-748-8001 for republicans. there is this headline from fox news and sarah chamberlain, the gop can do well in the midterms if voters hear about these things. she writes the following. the house of representatives passed more than several hundred bills. these solutions, reforms, and pro-american policies are responsible for our booming economy and low unemployment rate. there are currently job -- more job openings than jobseekers in the united states families have felt a positive effects of our economic growth and increased opportunity for all. should be doubling down on policies that delivered lower taxes, growing economy, and near record low unemployment. resultsre expecting from representatives.
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republicans have delivered and keeping majorities in the house and senate depends on showcasing this success to the american people. you can read the full essay at linda on the democrats line from mississippi. good morning. caller: good morning. democrats are raising more money. democrats are more fired up than republicans because republicans walk like step, the same old message, the same old mine, not producing anything, riding off of barack obama's economy and throwing the tax camp -- scam into people's face and calling it progress. i live where farming is alive and well. that money he is throwing at farmers is because he wakes up
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in a whim and decides to destroy the economy. the economy was doing great until he stepped in and he steps right on barack obama's coattail. will go to jack in virginia on the democrats line. caller: hello. host: good morning, go ahead. aller: i want to give you couple anecdotes. i have been going out in the neighboring congressional district where jennifer weck's and is running against barbara comstock and one man told me he has never voted for a democrat before, but he will this time and he told me the reason is the nra. barbara comstock had an a plus rating with nra and jennifer waxed and, she is the state senator in virginia, i think she has an f. barbara is one of the biggest recipients of nra contributions and there's a younger lady, 21
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and she said it was the environment for her, why she was n and afor jennifer wexto third person said the big thing for her was health care, that barbara comstock voted against tonlth care and jennifer wex got medicaid approved while she was in the virginia senate. there are three issues i think are very important that will keep coming up in this election, certainly in the one in the washington suburbs, very important. 10th that is the congressional district and probably one of the most hotly contested and closely watched house races to determine whether or not the house stays republican or flips the democrats. caller: that is right. that is like one of the bellwethers. if it does not flip, we are in trouble -- democrats are in trouble. i think it will. i hope it will. i am working hard to make sure it does.
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host: thank you from the call from arlington, virginia. of lies andths false attacks on my tv screen until we can settle back to trump's lies and false attacks as usual. whoever votes gop hates democracy. this from richard, putin's control of trump will send me to the polls. we will be looking at many of the campaign ads on the air across the country, including missouri, the senate race in which claire mccaskill is seeking a third term. she is the democratic candidate in that race. [video clip] >> the nonpartisan independent fact checkers have spoken, the dark money ads on claire mccaskill's family are not true and smears. says they have no evidence and are not -- propping sp josh holly -- hawley'
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special interest campaign. claire mccaskill is a worker for missourians. >> i am claire mccaskill and i approve this message. ,ost: the republican candidate one of the top 10 or 12 senate races that will determine control of the senate. here is an ad now in that state. [video clip] >> they are not getting claire mccaskill on this. >> she is up for reelection. >> she is going with her base. >> not the red state, missouri feel. there is a desire in the base of our party to take a step. i completely get hit. i am very comfortable voting against him. >> not the red state, missouri feel. the ads in the air in the senate missouri race. this tweet saying i am going to
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vote republican so i can protect my country, my president, and my children. democrats work every day to destroy the usa they want to bring socialism to the usa. that is a total failure plan. mike on the democrats mine, crofton, maryland. also a governor's race in your state. good morning. caller: i actually thought i called independents line. in any event, thanks for having me. based on issue by issue. i don't vote across party lines, generally. i think, as citizens, we should take a careful look at what the issues are and which candidates support the issues which we are in favor of and vote in that sense rather than -- you hear a lot of rhetoric, just the
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commercials we just heard. somethingas done negative. blah, blah, blah is going to get things done pretty get things done. it is broad and rhetorical and that is why i looked deep into the issues and vote in that fashion. host: governor larry hogan is seeking a second term. who are you going to vote for? mike hung up. we will go next to david in california. the line for independents. caller: good morning. how are you? host: we are fine, thank you. caller: i wanted to bring to light a couple of quick things. my undergraduate was hunter college in new york city and then the university of san diego. i have a bachelors degree in clinical science breed i am the ceo of a mortgage brokerage and
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i consider myself to be a centrist and independent. i voted -- i have voted democrat, republican, independent, libertarian in the past. i think the mueller investigation needs to be resolved as soon as possible. mueller is a republican, but the majority of the people on his committee are democratic. if they find trump to not have collusion or orchestrated -- orchestration, he is off the hook. if there is some impropriety, so be it. to serve the american people, they need to wrap this up as soon as possible and i don't know what taking the investigation so long. they are dragging it out. it has been well over a year. you. let me ask as somebody who voted for president trump, almost two years into his presidency, how is he doing? caller: i think he is doing well and i will give him a grade of a-. as a trump supporter, some of
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his discretions are questionable. when he mentioned, pardon me, when he mentioned it in jersey city, i am a new jersey resident, that prior to the election there were people dancing in the streets with 911 and thousands of people -- there is no video evidence whatsoever about that taking place. there are some exaggerations and trump is a show person. he is an entertainer. it is an interesting hybrid of what he represents as a composite. if i were one of his advisers, i would say, donald, listen, ratchet it back on the tweets. the factual in your tweets and don't go off the deep end so much. i am coming at it from not only a logical standpoint or pragmatic point of view, but in terms of just not alienating people.
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i heard a great comment the other day on the news that trump is doing a great job, the economy and so forth and so on, but in terms of acting presidential, some of these things tend to derail or detract him and i think a lot of trump supporters, if you got them in a room one on one and said, listen, do you like trump? they would say, basically, i do. do you like what he has done with the economy? they would say, yes, i do. what about some of these antagonistic things and so forth? the last thing i want to focus on is the mccain funeral. either way, you lose. he was not invited, that was clear to governor christie being over the weekend -- interviewed over the weekend and it would be inappropriate for anyone to go to a funeral when they were not invited, but disinvited. there was strong rhetoric, please do not come. vanka came.i
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if trump showed up, he would have been the bull in a china shop. the flip side, by not going up, the left wing, which is deranged. it really does exist. -- he could not win either way. what he should have done was he should have reached out to the mccain camp and publicly, huckabeeis heiress sanders, she should have said this to trump reached out to the mccains. there were severe differences, mr. trump expressed interest of attending the funeral and the mccain family said no thank you. oft: as you well know, one the big issues was it was 48 hours before john mccain issued a statement -- he did not issue a tweet by all accounts was almost forced into a statement 48 hours after his death. caller: and we don't know really
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what the back story is because there could have been lobbyists, representatives, attorneys within the mccain family, people within the trump organization. nobody really knows what happened. host: we know they did not get along. that was pretty obvious. caller: when he made the comment about he only likes winners and losers and mccain got captured, going back to the jersey city example and 911 and 3000 muslims dancing in the streets, you have got to sit him down and say, don , listen, you might not want to come out with that comment. i heard another interesting comment six months from now it will be blown over and if the economy is doing well, you will look in the history books and say senator mccain and donald did not really get along. host: we have got to move on, but thank you for the call. we appreciate it. this is the headline from politico, trump allies fume at
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mccain memorial, addressing and urging a counter attack. this headline is from the washington times and includes services on what is known as the yard, the campus of the u.s. naval academy in annapolis, maryland, and the home of the naval academy, john mccain's final journey. in the foreground is the chapel where the memorial service took place, followed by the burial on the grounds of the cemetery located along the severn river. his final resting place, where he began as a plea at the u.s. naval academy -- plebe at the u.s. naval academy and graduated as an aviator. good morning from fayetteville, arkansas. caller: i have a comment and a question and by comment is that if i were advising the democrats, i would say to hearken back to 10 years this
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month with the collapse of lehman brothers and the terrible financial crisis that came to a head just two years ago. watch.ident bush's president bush was still in office for several months after the beginning -- the terrible .eginning president obama was left with this terrible inheritance to try -- we had almost the great depression again, but president obama cleaned it up. a lot of people don't remember this started under president play that --uld
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republicans are somewhat wild and woolly about financial matters. host: thank you for the call from fayetteville, arkansas. joining us from new hampshire is wnh radio.gram is on guest: it's a beautiful labor day. of key races in new hampshire, including a governor's race and house races that will get a lot of attention. tell us what is happening. guest: i want to remind everyone we don't have a primary until a week or so. it will be a very late september primary and for the governor's race, it is very interesting, only two states in the country that elect governors every two years. guess what, folks? new hampshire and vermont are
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the two states and not only do we elect governors every two years, but new hampshire i believe may you the only state in the nation where we only have one statewide elected official. we don't even have a lieutenant governor. council, aexecutive throwback to jolly old england and we don't elect an attorney general. you kind of blow your wad with the governor. chris sununu is very conservative and a big donald trump supporter. he is the guy who created the rationale for the voter integrity commission because he lied to how we car in 2016 on a radio talk show about all the millions of voters that got -- from massachusetts and came to new hampshire to vote illegally. it turned out to be a bogus lie, -kobach the pence commission. chris sununu is charming, but he really is sort of -- as sort of
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conservative as his dad. it is very hard to unelected a first-term governor. the democrats right now have two candidates running in the mode of hillary clinton and bernie sanders, but those two are very liked, not necessarily strong candidates. it will be interesting. the big race in new hampshire is the congressional race. there's a conga line of people running like a nine or 10 on the democratic side. a couple on the republican side. carol porter is the most progressive member of the federal delegation from new hampshire. she has decided to retire, which is understandable, who would want to be there? now it will be interesting to see what happens and whether it -- whether there is a huge push from the bottom that will not only get a democrat elected to replace carol porter, but if chris sununu has a problem, it's not from the top, it's from the bottom. there's a tremendous amount of
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unhappiness and unrest and we have 40% of our electorate are independent and independents i don't think are totally swayed by donald trump. try and make a comment because i am talking to democrats about what they should run on and i want to thank aretha franklin's funeral and john mccain's funeral because they have taken the need to talk about impeachment off the table. may i read you a really quick tweet? john walsh right something amazing. she wrote, the word impeached has multiple meanings. donald trump is being impeached today. of course, she is watching the huge funeral and i tweeted it this way. i said, it was a two day event beginning with aretha? funeral.'s i think what they did on friday and saturday took the need to
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talk about impeachment off the table. they impeached donald trump. now it is time to talk about the issues whether it is health care, stagnant wages, what is happening as a result of climate change. we have to talk about the trade wars. talk to soybean farmers in iowa and they get a tiny check from the federal government. last week there was a big sale of soybeans and normally china walks away with billions and billions of dollars of soybeans from the united states. they bought none. they bought none. whether it is soybeans or lobsters, now with canada, trade wars, i think people are unhappy. the base is a place that grows on the democratic side, but is shrinking on the republican side. to the want to go back issue of impeachment because it was a topic of conversation on the sunday programs yesterday. is it not a double-edged sword because it may motivate
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democrats, but also republicans to keep majority and is it an issue that resonates with voters in those so-called red states? guest: believe it or not, that is why i talked about that tweet. they did the impeachment for me. it happened with aretha's funeral and john mccain, especially meghan mccain that is the wallpaper, the backdrop. i don't even need to talk about donald trump. he is the lies, falsehood, division, aid and abet the wealthy wallpaper. important, if you are going to have a conversation, democrats know all that. what you need to do is look at those voters quasi-in the middle who may have voted with -- for donald trump, but weren't really sure. maybe had a history of voted for barack obama. are lowertheir wages this year than last year despite the tax cuts, despite the fact that we have low unemployment.
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we have seen stagnant wages where the cost of living has gone up. look what is happening with student debt. if that isn't immoral. i keep telling everyone we are eating our seed corn when we see what is happening with student debt. you keep telling people get more information, you pay for it. don't have me be an intention servant. anti-dowry.t as the young people are postponing getting married, buying houses, buying a car, trying to figure out how to juggle a job they are good at and a job to pay the student debt. we don't need to talk about impeachment. it is on the back of the burner. meghan mccain, i love you because you impeached donald trump. i can now be relieved of that burden and talk to people about the issues that change their lives. host: new hampshire is home to the first of the nation primary.
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you have been hearing and seeing some democrats travel through your state, who do you like? guest: i am not sure i met them yet. let me tell you what i want and i am not sure that person has emerged. i want a mayor to run for president. it,rs of congress, forget they are all in this bubble of washington, no offense. governors are ok. the reason why i love mayors is that is where the buck stops. ayers have to be practical and deal with the real consequences of climate change. look at the mayor of detroit, they have to deal with the fact that children in destroyed -- detroit can't drink the water. look at the mayor of houston, he knows there are 600,000 undocumented immigrants in houston. he has to deal with them. they are real lives and make a huge impact on houston.
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mayors understand what happens with infrastructure. bey get it, they have to practical and direct their energy to answering problems. now, america has problems and those problems need to be resolved or it i think the best person to do that is someone who has actually done it, proven it, and understands it's not about red or blue, it is about the quality of your life and whether it is the quality of life in your city or your country, they can get it done. host: it sounds like you are endorsing mitch landrieu, the former mayor of new orleans. saying that.ody is remember i said i have not met them yet? he did the veteran statutes, i get that. that may be because he is an easy person and has name recognition and was one of the first people to speak. there are a lot of really competent mayors. i want them to hear my voice. they about running, take that talent to the table. host: we should point out alec
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baldwin will be in new hampshire in mid-october and we will cover it live on november the 14th at the new hampshire democratic party dinner. what is that all about? guest: that is a pun. that is a royal on. that is shocking to me. this shows in a big deal what cowards they are. they are afraid to -- afraid to invite everyone. there is that hillary-bernie divide. this is a state where bernie sanders beat hillary clinton by double digits in the primary. rather than look like they are favoring someone who comes in a more progressive wing or centrist wing, they are taking alec baldwin. i think that is a mistake, but their mistake to make. ust: arnie arneson joining from concord, new hampshire. how can people follow you on social media? guest: i am on twitter. look at my facebook page, i am a news aggregator. it is 98% news and information.
7:31 am live at wnh i am on from 12:00 to 1:00 every day. my biggest audience, is houston, texas. your we always appreciate time. thank you for joining us on c-span. stephen green who says everyone in america is concerned with the future of health care payments, yet trump never mentions health care or tweets about it. at least hillary and barack tried. robert is joining us on the democrats line, 64 days until midterm elections, what are the race is all about? most seriouse, the thing is national security and republicans in the house to accept the problems of national security, especially devon nuñez and his eagerness to paper over
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the apparent -- it's not disloyalty, certainly a carelessness with regard to national security and if we have devin nunes continue as chairman of the house intelligence -- i fear for our country. i really do. when oversight of your president with an overly close relationship with russia needs the continuation of the republican majority on that committee really represents a danger for our national security. the callnk you for from new york. send us a tweet and we will read it. he writes "the radio lady referring to -- the radio lady is correct, impeachment will naturally evolve if necessary.
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time to claw back and spend money smartly." next is vivian on the line for independence in tennessee -- independents in tennessee. there's a big senate race, what do you think will happen? caller: i remember that little incident with marsha blackburn and her family. the people here in tennessee must have forgot when she made campaign money to go on a trip with her family. they sort of put it under the rug. i remember that and i don't believe a word she say. she is a female trumper. she is not speaking up for the workers here. in tennessee, they are murdering people every day in memphis. marsha blackburn hasn't said a word. they are trying to cut out medicare for old people, trying to take that away. fromschool lunches children and about the economy,
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it was going strong. barack obama left this economy in good shape. jobs were coming back. everything and then with student loans -- i think they are in with the mafia, just like some people saying. that young lady who was on their talking now, we need somebody like her in congress and the senate. have a nice day. host: vivian from tennessee, let's stay in the tennessee senate race and one of the ads on the air for marsha blackburn. she is the republican candidate. this is an open seat after retirement of bob corker of tennessee. operated in over 97 countries, billions of dollars, trafficking human beings, even our children. , it is immoral, and why i thought to shut them down. human trafficking is a tragedy that must be stopped.
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i am marsha blackburn. i approve this message because i will always fight those who prey on our most vulnerable. >> marsha blackburn for tennessee. host: tennessee is the state donald trump won and a state democrats hope to pick up. aboutweet from john says all i see democrats can run on is hate. .our tweet at @cspanwj here is more from tennessee and the democratic candidate. [video clip] >> i said before, if president trump proposes something good for tennessee, i will be with him. that is why i am fine with his outreach to north korea, you have got to try. if he proposes something that hurts tennessee, i will oppose it and these new tariffs will hurt us. they hurt our auto industry, our farmers, even tennessee exports like jack daniels. in the senate, i will do what is right for tennessee. host: let me remind you the
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debates in these key senate races along with governor and house races will be airing on the c-span network. we want to thank the local tv stations that allow us to partner and give you those debates in the coming months. if you are joining us on c-span radio, we are focused on the midterm elections and we will be hearing from more opinion makers and we are hearing from you. joe in new york, republican line. good morning. caller: finally republican caller, i think your lines are broken. host: we have had a few, we just had that gentleman praising donald trump about 10 minutes ago. caller: i thought you were unbiased. that arnie arneson, i tell you, that man does not know what he is talking about. host: woman, you mean. she. and you hung up. we will go to dallas, democrats line. good morning, dallas, from pennsylvania. caller: that gentleman from
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california is a little bit off on his facts. i don't get where he -- got the idea mr. mueller -- that his committee is all democrats. it's the same fbi busting democrats all over the country doing a fine job. i am in favor of democrats being arrested. they are investigating the tallahassee situation in florida. the same fbi that is after trump. when they take office, they leave politics outside the door. some people won't believe that. this is not a witchhunt and people will be stopped. one more thing i would like to add since that man had so much time, i have a neighbor in pennsylvania who drives to canada to get his drugs. dallas?w much,
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are you with us? up, he was going to go on to talk about. let me share you this from -- democrats have stupid, clueless leadership, no fighters at all. you have to make republicans scared of you otherwise. another caller from pennsylvania, michael is next on the republican line from new kensington. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you, c-span. thank you for taking my call. i wanted to comment on the impeachment. arnie arneson's comment that the funeral would lead to a virtual impeachment of trump in the ballot box and i do not think that.
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excuse me, i broke a rib the other day. it is hard to talk. john mccain -- john mccain was not impeached -- will not be impeached through the ballot box. i think trump did the right thing by not speaking out, tweets his tongue in his through the funeral yesterday. there was nothing else he could do. and yet he still got backhanded and back slapped by the democrats at both things. not take that seriously and they understand there are a lot of things that trump was mad about that mccain had done to him and the republican party and there was that --mmunition
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anyway, i also thought the guy from california had a very good call and it was factual and the mueller investigation is nothing but a witchhunt. -- people should be afraid of themselves. ken -- beat bob casey? so, buti certainly hope i am in western pennsylvania and eastern pennsylvania is the republican party is very much in favor of casey, i would think. host: the republican party? no, not the republican party, but the voters are very much -- even republicans are squishy in eastern pennsylvania and i hope they come out and vote for barletta. he's a good man and casey has done nothing. i think it's time for him to go and a lot of people feel that way. i hope that is the case -- you never know what will happen in
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the upcoming election. host: how did you break your rib, by the way? caller: i fell in my office. host: you fell in your office? caller: i slipped -- my leg fell out from under me on some water -- there was water on the floor and-- i was wearing crocs my legs throughout from under me and came down on my back and did not bother me for four or five days and i did not think anything happened and all of a sudden that fifth day, i coughed or sneezed and my rib displaced. awful pain. host: get well. thank you for weighing in. let's stay in the pennsylvania senate race. some of the ads on the air. we will begin with this ad from the bomb kit -- bob casey campaign. the governor seeking another term in that state. [video clip] >> i am a democrat, he is a republican. >> it has its ups and downs.
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>> we admire how bob casey works with both sides. >> casey worked with democrats and republicans to restore health care benefits to minors. >> he passed bipartisan plans to rebuild roads and bridges and supports trade tariffs to get tough on china. >> republicans and democrats really can work together. >> sometimes. >> i am bob casey and all three of us approve this message. host: there are two scheduled debates, one in pittsburgh and one in philadelphia and we will cover both of them. our thanks to stations putting that debate together. the weekly standard of the -- the cover story, senator casey will be a key vote in the kavanaugh confirmation. beginsfirmation hearing tomorrow morning, 9:30 eastern time live on c-span. the senate judiciary committee will be opening statements followed by rounds of questioning wednesday, thursday, and potentially friday.
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you can listen to the entire hearing on the free c-span radio app and online at the republican candidate is lou barletta, and this is one of the ads on the air. [video clip] >> i am embarrassed the level of security numbers of congress have when our children and teachers go to school every day and not protected. we have men with machine guns how is theus and life of a congressman important -- more important than a son or daughter? we should send every metal detector we have around washington to schools around the country. if we cannot put children before congress, shame on us. host: let's go back to your phone calls. rob,attsburgh, new york, you are next on the republican line. good monday morning. go ahead. caller: the lady from concord, new hampshire, that is the
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problem with democrats -- they have people like her going around saying about the president and republicans and that is why -- we are starting to go against the government and the government is corrupt, the fbi is corrupt. it is people like her. they need to get their act together. brett kavanaugh is going to be our next judge and the witchhunt is bogus. we needed to get our act together and get this over and done with because it is only making things worse in the united states. if we don't strain that out and get democrats back on track and start thinking like senators and governors and all that, we are going to be sorry. they are the ones making all this trouble and they keep adding fuel to the file. host: can i ask -- i know you are republican and i want you to ask -- i want to ask you a question about the democratic primary?
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there's a primary that is not on september 11 because of the significance of that day. the gubernatorial primary cynthia nixon and andrew cuomo, does cynthia nixon have a chance to defeat andrew cuomo, from your standpoint? caller: yes, she does and he needs to go. he is like his father, corrupt. i remember his father being governor and all the things he ripped off from the new york people and i am glad we got some but he like her because she really put it to him the other night. i watched that from start to finish and i was proud of her and i am going to vote for her and cuomo needs to go because he thinks more about puerto rico and all this stuff instead of doing the jobs of new york and have a bridge named after his father, that is totally wrong. host: thanks for the call from new york. we aired that debate on wcbs and a re-aired last night at 7:00
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p.m. it's available on the wcbs website. in florida, a key governor's race and as karen wrote in the washington post last week, it is a petri dish to study the two different aspects of the political parties in the florida's governor's race. twomayor of tallahassee -- headlines from the washington post, the corruption investigation looms over the andrew gillum run. this is an investigation into his associates by the fbi in tallahassee and congressman ron desantis says gillam wants to turn florida into venezuela. the gubernatorial race showing no signs of cooling off. middletown, new jersey. go ahead, please. you are next. caller: good morning, c-span, the best channel on television. host: good morning, dave. caller: hello?
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host: yes, good morning, we can hear from you. good to hear from you my friend. caller: i listen to the call this morning and very, very unhappy. is polarized. they are all talking like .emocrats and republicans two american icons, senator john show, and the queen of aretha -- queen of soul, aretha franklin, passed away. stop thinking in terms of being republicans and democrats. we have to think in terms of being americans and we have to do what is best for america.
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i am hopeful this coming november that the young people of our great country will lead and selected people who will be first and foremost about the american people. the party,ves, not and not the special interests. host: david, it is always good to hear from you. youow i ask this often when call in, you are 94 years old now? caller: yes, steve, and i am looking forward, like i have said before, to be 100 years young and become what is known as a golden citizen. i hope when i am 100 years old we will have an america, one nation, under god, with liberty and justice for all.
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host: that means at least 6 more years of you phoning into this program. we are going to count on that, ok? caller: i look forward to it and i wish you and your family and all the listeners a very happy, happy labor day. host: david from new jersey, a regular prop -- caller on this program and he has been calling in for 40 years. we appreciate hearing from you from middletown, new jersey. bobby says the hate the democratic party should run on is the hate spewing from donald trump. i want to go through these numbers to give you a sense of where the two parties are in -- thef fundraising headline at nbc news -- the number of voters dissipating in arizona's primary tuesday -- participating in arizona's
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primary tuesday was almost 17 percentage points compared to 2014. tuesday's vote total tally was up more than one million. that is a 50% spike from the 2014 numbers. votesats led the way into cast. up more than 80% compared to 2014 and so far in 2018, democratic house candidates have million, a 150. -- $150 million more than the $750 million house republicans raised. in the senate, democratic candidates -- candidates raised a difference of $110 million. there are only four congressional districts where democrats will not have a candidate on the ballot compared to 39 where republicans are not running a candidate. on the democrats line from gatland, tennessee, we will go to larry next. good morning. caller: good morning.
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yes, sir? host: we can hear from you, larry. caller: i can hear you, can you hear me? host: we sure can. caller: ok, thank you. election isis next going to be crucial to keeping the constitution and what it .tands for in place the attack from the executive media, theur news news media are the public's eyes and ears and to label them as the enemy from the executive -- you take our eyes and ears and we don't know where to
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turn. trump and his choices on his tiedion committee, being to russia and more and more and people in his committees and around him are being tied to russia. convicted are pleading guilty of charges that can put attack jail and to mueller who works through the legal system to bring the facts toward the jury to make a him whenand to vilify
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we should be following and listening to what goes on in these trials. host: larry from tennessee, thank you for the call. we are checking in with opinion makers around the country and joining us from north carolina is a senior political analyst for the carolina journal. he is joining us from raleigh. i want to begin -- i know this is going to be in the weeds for some people, to what is happening with congressional redistricting and potentially what we could see on election day and maybe after election day? really got our loop -- a loop thrown in our system when we had a ruling from a three-judge panel that throughout our congressional districts as cases of overly partisan gerrymandering. you might remember the big supreme court case out of wisconsin in which the supreme court justices basically punted
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on the idea of whether you could have over -- overly partisan gerrymandering and told the plaintiffs they were concerned they did not have standing and waste on that ruling they took north carolina's partisan gerrymandering case and threw it back to the three-judge panel and said, ok, look at your north carolina has overly partisan gerrymandering and the three-judge panel here and said,the case yes, we still think north carolina had overly partisan districts and in about a 300 page ruling that came out as we are getting closer and closer to election day, the three-judge -- northed that the carolina has overly partisan districts and that they should be redrawn. the ruling did not decide definitively what will happen, but the judges in that case
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asked for the plaintiffs, the critics of north carolina's maps and the leaders of the general assembly who drew the maps, to come up with ideas about what to do next. among those that were floated were the idea of throwing out the maps we already used for primary elections, under which people are campaigning for the november general election, coming up with new maps and potentially have a no primary election, just a free-for-all in the districts yesterday, or perhaps having a primary in november with the general election sometime afterward, december or january. basically, there's a lot of confusion about what is going to happen. one thing that does portend that we might ends running in 2018 under the maps we already have is that the plaintiffs in the case, the people who are challenging north carolina's congressional districts say they think throwing out the maps at this point in the process would cause too much chaos -- we
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should run the elections under the current maps and redraw maps for 2020. the court has not yet decided on that issue. the decision should come soon and until we know that, the idea of how we will run our congressional elections is still up in the air. host: with regard to the congressional elections, you are calling this a blue moon election in north carolina, why? guest: this is one of those rare cases in north carolina, it happens every dozen years or so where you have no presidential election or gubernatorial election because we elect a same year as the president. there is no real key statewide matchup that would bring people to the polls.
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willongressional elections be legislative elections in the case of some big, local election like someone voting for sheriff or county commissioner. those will be the things that drive people to the poll and in north carolina this year because we don't have that big statewide marquee matchup, a couple of the others attracting a lot of attention are one seat on our state supreme court, which has asinteresting -- as well constitutional amendments on the ballot and if you want to get beyondgal issues redistricting, that is one of the big stories right now, whether all 6 proposed constitutional amendments that would be on the ballot will actually be on the ballot. host: in 2016, north carolina was one of the states democrats thought they could flip potentially for hillary clinton. can you give us a sense of the ?emographics of the state is it more purple, still leaning republican? guest: we are very purple and we
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have been. even in the cases -- there were a number of years in presidential elections where people voted for republicans and barack obama broke that string the first time around. he did not win in his reelection, but he did win north carolina the first year -- time around. in our statewide races, democrats were very strong and remain strong. i think republicans now hold super majorities of our general assembly, but democrats really y to break those super majorities, perhaps even if they ended up getting a blue wave, they could end up taking over one of the chambers of our general assembly. this has been a very purple state for a number of years. it will remain so. our urban areas are coming more and more democratic.
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when it comes to the election maps we talked about before, with the redistricting, one of the challenges democrats have is geographical distribution. they are highly concentrated in urban areas, which means they can win urban district's, but republicans are more well distributed around the state, the example being that donald trump, in a head-to-head matchup with hillary clinton, won about 52%-40 8%, but he also won more than 70 of our 100 counties, which shows republicans have an edge when you have something like an election map that has people vote not just on a statewide basis but on a district by district basis. that is one of the reasons why north carolina being very purple favors republicans when it comes to district races, because of the geographical distribution between democrats and republicans. hypothetical a
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question, but jesse helms, is his brand of politics, would it still win in north carolina today? guest: it depends. it depends on the type of place you are running. some of the statewide races, depending on who would be against him, he could still win. one of the things people on both side of the fence like about him was whether you agreed with him or not, you knew where he stood. there were a lot of people who thought jesse helms was a major defender of north carolina and where north carolina stood on particular issues, even if they did not necessarily like his brand of politics. and he always won squeaker elections. he served in the senate 30 years. the elections were always very close. it would be interesting to see, lms-like candidate came
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in, if he could win. with of our senators right now are republicans. neither one would be characterized as a jesse republican. those who are dyed in the wool for -- willll vote not vote for either richard burr or thom tillis. host: we are talking with mitch kokai. who was john locke? guest: he was a 17th century english philosopher, and one of the things that sometimes people will call and ask to speak to john locke, and we say it we cannot really help, because he has been dead 300 years. he was a philosopher very influential on the american founders to much of what you read in the decoration of independence or the writings of
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jefferson and others was based on political theory developed by john locke. one of the things that ties john locke to this area and one of the reasons why we are the john locke foundation is in his role as a person working alongside the early shots very -- earl of shaftsbury, one of the proprietors of north carolina, john locke had a role in writing what was the first constitution of the carolinas. when the john locke foundation started 30 years ago, people said ok, and influence on the founders, who believed in life, andrew had a role in the constitution, what a person to name our foundation after. host: before we go, the president in north carolina last friday -- how much medical capital does he have? some. he has
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it will remain to be seen if we have the real congressional elections taking place in november -- the two candidates he was helping raise money for vulnerable most candidates in north carolina this time around. running to replace the ninth district's robert pittenger. and the one second-most likely to flip would be the 13th district, where you have a first-term incumbent, ted budd, who won a wild race the first time around. it was a new district the way it was drawn, because we had new 2016 election maps. a bunch of candidates ran on the republican side. ted budd won the primary with something like 20% of the vote. this is one in which kathy manning on the other side is
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really hoping to win some plaudits and help from the democrats in trying to flip that race. that will be interesting to see. those two would be the most likely, if any, of the seats that would flip. right now, north carolina has 10 republicans, three democrats. the democrats would like to pick up a couple. peopleitch kokai, if want to follow you on social media, how can they do so? @mitchkokai.tter, certainly if they want to see what i write, they can go to that will tell people all about what is happening in the north carolina elections during the course of the next few me -- few weeks and months. host: we appreciate you joining us from north carolina via skype. back to your tweets. watched jesse helms
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commentary during the 1960's. quite the firebrand. john -- democrats in north carolina running in numbers in a blue moon election -- not happening. from my lindbergh, if the democrats take control of the house, democrat -- republicans will cry russian interference. our republican line, good morning. david, are you with us? caller: thank you for c-span. you have been on a long time. and this david has also been calling in for a pretty long time. talking right now about oneonta's interview, one thing she said, which is totally demagogic -- he talks about how the democrats want to have an infrastructure program. but isn't it interesting -- the
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laws they passed make infrastructure building so difficult. it is these environmental laws that they passed that have really harmed the infrastructure building in this country for decades. they get these judges, who will stop the construction of infrastructure projects. for example, the west side of manhattan, the westway was stopped by these judges, democrat judges, who listened to the arguments of democratic party lawyers, and we could not have a westway when i lived in new york. they do the same thing here. we have to diverge highways -- divert highways miles beyond where they need to be divergent, and as a result, we have big
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gasoline bills to get to and from work. why? lawyers andcrat their allies make infrastructure construction so difficult in this country. and yet the democrats talk about how they want to build infrastructure. democrats impede infrastructure. host: david from florida, thank you. this is an ap story -- beto gets national attention, lifting him in the texas race. the president tweeted he plans to stage a major rally for senator ted cruz. help from the president was long on the couple in a race that looked like a cruz cakewalk. powering overne pilesourke has brought in
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of excitement nationally. but it also brings eventual backlash. voters have often punish candidates for getting too big for their political bridges, especially -- political britches, especially if they have not one -- won anything yet. one of the issues in that race, kneeling for the national anthem by players in the nfl. congressman from texas, democrat, was asked about that. [video clip] >> peaceful, nonviolent protest, including taking a knee at a football game, points out that black men, unarmed, black teenagers, unarmed, and lack children -- black children, unarmed, are being killed at a frightening level right now, including by members of law enforcement, without a cabability or justice. this problem, as grave as it is,
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will not fix itself. and they are frustrated with people like me and those in positions of public trust and powerful have been unable to bring justice to what has been done and to stop it from continuing to happen in this country. so nonviolently, peacefully, while the eyes of this country are watching these games, they take a need to bring our attention and focus to this problem to ensure they fix it. writers why they are doing it. i can think of nothing more american than to peacefully stand up or take a knee for your rights. host: that moment getting a lot of attention. in a moment, we will show you one of the ads airing by senator ted cruz. the first, we go to iris independent line. caller: good morning. love c-span. my number one, is i will never vote republican again until donald trump is out of office.
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he made a couple weeks ago a statement that if people in america, all of us, was to get him out of office, we would be poor. in my opinion, that is a terrorist threat. goingu don't keep me, i'm to kill you." what is a difference -- that is like isis. this was disgusting to me. and what he said about john mccain -- john mccain is my hero. by voting down to repeal obamacare, saved my life. host: what about attorney general jeff sessions? caller: no. something is not right there. something is going on. mueller's investigation is not a witch hunt. how in the world can you say that is a witch hunt when you
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look at all of the people indicted, going to prison for things that, under the law, he was allowed to investigate? so, no. i don't know what has happened to this congress. are they afraid they will dig up something on them? i do not understand it. they are not standing up. they are not standing up for the american people. they are not standing up for what is right. i do not know what is happening. host: thank you for the call. this is a tweet from edward. so the potus will campaign for #lionted? of course, we will have live coverage of that rally. to president saying he wants go to the largest stadium in texas. senator ted cruz responding to the comments of congressman beto
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o'rourke. here is the ad. [video clip] >> i am ted cruz, and i approve this message. >> i wanted to know how you personally felt about how disrespectful it is when you have nfl players kneeling during the national anthem? i wanted to know if you found that disrespect will -- disrespectful to our country and veterans? i find it frustrating people seem to be ok with that. >> my short answer is no, i do not think it is vicious cycle -- i do not think it is disrespectful. i cannot think of anything more american than peacefully standing up, taking a knee -- >> nothing more american? liberal hollywood was thrilled. but do texans agree? >> whoever thought we would have issues about whether you would stand during the national anthem or not? >> tim lee, and texan, served in vietnam. he stepped on a landmine. x for thisp two
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country. i cannot stand, but i expect you to stand for me one that national anthem is being played. >> in november, where will you stand? host: some of the ads in the texas senate race. ted cruz seeking a second term. denis joins us from williamsport, pennsylvania, democrat line. caller: thanks for taking my call. theke the common on governor and senate race in pennsylvania. bob casey and tom wolfe both hold over double-digit leads -- hold overoth double-digit leads to they will win easily. i will also comment, you just had from north carolina, the howblicans bragged about they gerrymandered the district that 10 republicans would win in north carolina. they also bragged that had they --n able to draw the maps,
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now they are crying they had been caught and have to change the district did i hope they do it before the next election. anotherthey will have gerrymandered election where they will have disenfranchised the voters. pennsylvania had something like that happen. host: the state supreme court ruled on something like that. caller: yesterday they changed it. the house and senate in pennsylvania has 70% republicans, and its opinion is not a 70% republican state. , so have gerrymandered it they have large majorities. even in the state house and senate in pennsylvania. recently, i heard virginia have the same problem, and they were ordered to change their state legislature. one more thing.
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i heard this morning that some of the states, affordable care act rates are going down this november. and had it not been for the sabotage by the republican administration and trump, all of the states would be going down with prices from the afford will care act this year. appreciate the call. in florida, one of the most, if not the most, excessive races. "newsmakers" last week that campaigns could spend up to $150 million. also another $180 million by scott nelson. this is one of the ads in the nelson campaign. [video clip] >> talking about debris removal, and the bills are due. >> the mayor of munro county saying the governor was doing
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the price cap change. additionalpayers an 28 million dollars -- rick scott responded by issuing a statement saying that if he had to do it all over again, he would not change a thing. the governor was doing the price gouging. amazing. host: negative ads on the air in florida. senator bill nelson seeking another term. he is the democratic candidate. [video clip] medicare your entire year. your parents paid into medicare their entire lives. but washington is letting medicare crumble. >> the government says medicare will become insolvent in 2026, 3 years earlier than expected. fromll nelson voted to cut medicare. no wonder it is going bankrupt. stealing from medicare is
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unfair. and ill nelsont in the florida senate race. sandy is joining us, independent line. caller: good morning. about the person who called in about wanting to save the cost of two ship, so he was going to vote democrat? the democrats are the one who want to do away with the constitution, with open borders, , doinging i.c.e. everything to destroy the country, because they will not be able to pay for it. and about that woman who said that donald trump said everyone was going to be poor, what he meant was if he loses, the democrats have already said they would raise our taxes. that is what he meant. democrats are really stupid. that is all i got to say. we will live in a
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socialist-communist country if they do not wake up. the hoax going on with the russian-mueller thing is paid for by hillary clinton, because she did not snatch off the election. and they do not want capitalism to can tune you -- to continue. they wanted socialism to continue under barack obama and her. host: the representative from the youngstown area is congressman tim ryan. this headline -- congressman tim ryan things democrats have a chance to take control of the house of representatives. laura joins us from windsor heights, iowa. she is on on ble a lot of attention on the house races in iowa. give us a sense of what is happening. guest: we have three pretty competitive congressional
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districts. iowa is a state without gerrymandering. it means almost every cycle, we have competitive congressional races 10 republicans control three of the districts. two of them are heavily targeted. the first district in northeast iowa, which is rod blum, and the third district on including the des moines area and the southwest part of the state, that is representative david young. are two of the most endangered house republicans in the country. that alone would give democrats about 10% of what they need to take control of the house. host: someone not on the ballot formery branstad, the governor. how many years was he governor? guest: he was governor about 24 years. he set a record -- he did not make it -- he did not quite make it through his sixth term, but he set a record for u.s. history
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for being the longest-serving governor before he stepped down. i had a feeling he would not serve out his term. he had talked for a long time about wanting his lieutenant governor to try to be the next governor. i had a feeling he would try to give her a leg up by stepping down so she would be the incumbent. of course, i did not anticipate that he would get a job like becoming ambassador to china. but it does not surprise me that once he hit the record of serving as governor for more than 23 years that he hung it up. host: let me ask you about one of the more tragic stories this summer, the murder of mollie tibbetts. the statement from her father saying do not turn this into a political issue on immigration. give us a sense of how this story, as horrific as it is, is playing out in the clinical arena of iowa. guest: it is devastating to think about. were-- so many islands
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following the case of hoping against hope that mollie tibbetts would be found. as a parent, i cannot imagine what the family went through. i think it is outrageous that a grieving father has to make a statement like that. wereay mollie's remains found, authorities had a press conference at 4:00 p.m. p.m., our governor was already out with a statement saying we needed to solve the immigration problem. then, our two senators were out with a statement echoing what the governor said and trying to tie mollie tibbetts' tragic murder to immigration policy. i thought that was grossly inappropriate. and her father, as you mentioned, wrote this column in the "des moines register." familyeral other of her members had already spoken out on social media. it is disappointing that we have
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politicians ready to capitalize on a tragedy like that. host: as you look at this picture of the university of iowa student who was murdered this past summer, will it be an issue in these house races? guest: i do not really know. i do not think it will be the top issue. i think health care and education and how the economy is doing, those are going to be more important issues. but i am not surprised that some republican politicians -- you probably saw newt gingrich sent and even out to a washington reporter, wanting to make sure he would post about this murder and saying that if they could make mollie tibbetts a household name nationally, that republicans could hold onto the house. it is gross that this is the time we live in. the early television ads in the first and third districts have not focused on immigration. they have focused on other issues -- health care, taxes.
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i have a feeling those will be the main issues for voters. the real question is which party's core supporters are more motivated to turn out. clearly, some republicans feel this is an issue, a button they can push, to get their voters out. host: do you think it is? guest: i really do not think so. it was a big news story, but i do not think in november this will be the issue people will vote on. i feel the domestic issues are more important, national questions of health care. in 2014, in september, the ebola virus became a huge national story. about every competitive u.s. senate race shifted away from democratic candidates in that time. it is hard to tell will be -- what will be on people's minds.
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it looks like health care and education and taxes will be more important issues. host: we are talking with laura bellin, -- belin, the editor of bleeding heartland, which is what? iowa stateocuses on legislative politics. governor,ce, the past terry branstad, privatized our medicaid system. that has been a disaster. current governor kim reynolds is standing behind that. that is the kind of issue we cover. we also cover social issues, reproductive rights, environmental issues, mostly with a focus on iowa. host: and we talked about what is happening in north new hampshire. with theit begins caucuses. on the democratic side, who has been traveling to the state?
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guest: lots of people. weekend, we had martin o'malley, former governor of maryland. senator from oregon is here, campaigning and helping local democratic candidates. representative john delaney of maryland already had campaign stops in all 99 iowa counties, something people try to do before the caucuses. there was a big event called the democratic wing-ding, and there were two democratic candidates who might run for president. representative tim ryan was at that event. michael abernathy, -- michael avenatti, best known as stormy daniels' lawyer, was there. we have had a lot of visits
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already. i am sure there will be many more. host: thank you for joining us. onpeople want to follow you social media, how can they do so? guest: on twitter, @desmoinedem. and also on facebook. we appreciate you joining us. back to your phone calls. independent line. we are 64 days until the midterm elections. we are spending this labor day monday hearing from you. caller: good morning. happy labor day. i enjoy c-span. i have not been watching you all that long, but you are one of the better news options we have. tibbetts mollie
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killing and everything, it is a shame that -- but you do wonder how people get in here. it seems like he was working here for a long time, and they checked his record. that is amazing anyway. that it is a shame it happen. what i wanted to comment about was the democrats, the republicans, both of them -- you just have to go by the person. i think the democrats are upset about trump winning so badly that they do not cooperate and go across the aisle. it is really a big issue. it is so unfortunate, because our country is thriving and doing better. trump is doing the best he can. c-span, i love you guys, but you disappointed me this weekend because of the over coverage of the mccain funeral. it was a little overkill. if every senator were to pass away, we are in big trouble, because we will watch mile after
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mile of coverage of funeral. it is just too much. it is overkill. thank you and have a great labor day. the open events and the private burial that took place yesterday for senator john mccain. this is from michael saying no discussion on tariffs? that's odd. we should point out no agreement on nafta as negotiations continue. fiscal liberal. only 64 days until #bluetsunami. bye-bye cult 44. from pennsylvania, bill, you are next. how are you? caller: fine. how are you? host: we are fine, thanks. -- thismy point is this is the best thing we have to do
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to save our country. we have donald trump, one of the best presidents we have had in our life. is this -- io do want term limits. lobbyists, abolish them. build the wall. stop this craziness. and americans have to stick together with the president, because if we do not, we open a greater hell. europe, andfrom they have nothing but trouble. people are starving over there with the open borders. thank you for the call. we will go to dallas, texas. good morning. caller: how are you doing? host: doing fine. theer: nobody ever said
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midterm elections are coming up -- midterm elections are coming up, but no one ever said that everything has happened and the economy is good and unemployment is good -- all of that happened under obama's administration. anotherpresident stays four years, the bottom will fall out, and everyone will see he does not how did do this. he has never been a politician. i think everybody should know that everything that is happening now happened under the obama administration. host: thank you for the call. clay in north carolina, republican line. good morning. caller: how are you doing? first time caller. i love your tv show and so forth. i feel kind of sad for the person in iowa. any american, legal american, that gets killed by an illegal
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american that comes across the border is unacceptable. i do not understand why republicans or democrats or whoever cannot understand that. it should never happen. anybody that goes across this country and can see the last two yearshe missing the i'm not a rich man, but this life is changing in front of our eyes. it asjust accept americans, grab it, and go for it -- host: you are happy with the leadership and the administration of donald trump? caller: yes. and i hope everybody gets that happy. politics is politics. so i pray that everybody can see
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a change. just look at the unemployment. look at the job opportunities. to changes every day and go, but i am loyal and one to stay with my company, because they stayed with me through hard times. today is a better day than it was four years ago. that is all i know. to say --thing i want if you do not think republicans are going to turn out in november, wait and see. host: we go to joann in minnesota, independent line. caller: good morning. thank you for c-span. i watch you quite a bit. i have been fortunate to be able to call in a couple of times. i have three quick comments. first of all, everybody thinks independently, or we have our own views.
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what i would like to say to the people is we decide who we are going to vote for in the take the time to research the facts. don't just listen to what you hear on the tv or read in the newspapers. actually search the facts and see what pertains to you. and i would like to say that if you would look back over the last eight years, and you would look back at the cities of chicago, detroit, baltimore, , the towns that seem to have a very high rate of crime that have very poor schools and very poor communities that have not been dealt with, those mayors and many of the governors of those towns and those states have been
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run by the democrats for the last 15 or 20 years. and they have not been able to make a change, to make things positive. so look at what you think would help you. also, i got a letter from my foreign student and also some of my friends in europe. they said to me -- they have also called me -- and said it is not russia. it is not china. it is not korea that is going to take your democracy down. it is your media. we need to have media, we need to have coverage. but the first amendment says we have freedom of speech. but we also need honest speech. doesour current president lie or exaggerate on certain things.
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but the media also does. we need facts. we do not need opinions. you watch some of the cable channels, and it is "i think," thinks" -- no one knows what is in his head. host: does the press not have the responsibility to hold him accountable when he lies? caller: they do, as long as it is a true light, that it is not just what they are thinking. they need to hold him accountable, but they also need to hold themselves accountable. i will tape programs or speeches. i have watched was that his speeches. and then i will listen to the various channels -- i do watch fox, cnn, msnbc-- when i can stand to -- i will listen to
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what they say. then i will go back to the taped speech. often times, the two do not coincide. there is a big difference. so they need to make sure they have the facts and not just what they think. in my last point, everybody talks about our country being so divisive. yes, we are. and it is on both sides. but everybody likes to blame trump. he is responding. i do not approve of how he responds and how mean he can get sometimes, but the democrats and the liberals are the ones that often start things. and he responds. and they're the ones that did the boycott, that do the of section -- obstruction. they said we will not pass
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anything that he does. we need to start working together. it does not matter who is in power, which president in power. host: i will stop you there. thank you for making your three points. we are getting your comments 64 days before the midterm elections. this tweet says why not vote republican in november? stock market highs, unemployment very low, less people on food stamps, and welfare participation rates growing. if the dems take the house, all of this stops. in of the key races is nevada. dean heller -- this is one of the ads. [video clip] >> we served our country proudly. when we needed help, we were forgotten until dean heller sto od up for us. benefits were delivered, on or restored. i know because dean was there
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for me. >> and me. >> and me. >> dean heller was our voice when we needed it. i will vote for him until i die. carolina,t from north steve, democrats line. caller: i wanted to say something about the guy you had from the john locke foundation. he was pretty straightforward, however he did not really say anything about these constitutional amendments. what the gop is trying to do is totally strip all power from the governor. the reason is because roy cooper, a democrat, got elected. it is insane. two republicans and
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three democrats have altogether and put out a statement saying do not change the constitution. just a power grab by the gop to take away the rights of the governor. have a good day. host: thank you. this is from jodey -- if it is better for you now rather than four years ago, i suspect you hit the lottery. this from d.j. the caller earlier was delusional. getting minimum wage jobs from temporary agencies. no new benefits. republican from ohio, linda. thank you for waiting. caller: good morning. i like c-span. i just started watching in the last year. i am really kind of scared for our country. maybe you can straighten me out on this. i do not understand -- the hate for this president will destroy
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the country. hate very sad, because will destroy. he will not be in there forever. i was a democrat for a lot of years. i loved my democratic party. they left me. i am 73. i do not understand why a lot of --democratic friends this investigation just cost taxpayers money. they cannot run the -- host: thank you. on "face the nation," former secretary of state john kerry, the democratic nominee in 2004 not ruling out a 2020 presidential bid. dave is next, also from ohio, on the democrat line. [video clip] -- caller: good morning.
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first time caller. trump is so worried about building this wall, they have to remember mexicans and southern countries are pretty good at digging tunnels. how will they stop the tunnels after they spend aliens on a wall and they build tunnels to get everybody through? host: thank you. on the democratic side, jacky rosen is the democratic senate candidate in nevada, and here is one of the ads. [video clip] >> i come home every night and an envelope have for utility or whatever, that is how i paid my bills. it is important we remember that behind every tax dollar is someone who has sacrificed to make that money. what of the reason i am running is to stop the wasteful use of tax dollars. i want to tell you that last
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year, our office was able to return to hundred $50,000 of taxpayer dollars -- able to return to hundred $50,000 of taxpayer dollars -- return $ 250,000 of taxpayer dollars. --t: in georgia james is joining us from west virginia. big senate race in your state. caller: yes. want to talk that the people who get elected need to keep what trump is doing as far deal.ta, the trade steel across the country from the docks in maryland, charleston, other cities with docks on the east
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coast. these people need to realize that steel they are importing from foreign countries is not good steel, because their cars are rusting out from under them. they need to understand what is going on with the u.s. and the trade system. we need people who are, when elect it, will fight for the people. host: thanks for the call. we go to randy, joining us from michigan, on the democrats line. caller: good morning. i would like to start by thanking you and all of the men in this great program. thanks for working this holiday. , senatore candidate i am not so sure how
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she is going to convince -- i voted for this lady from the first time she ran for this thing. but i am not sure how well she is going to do this year. she pulled a couple of stunts that i am not sure settled so well. when is bernie sanders, when the state voted for bernie, before hillary had the nomination. stabenow stayed with hillary instead of going with the voters of her state. that is something i do not agree with. you never go against the voter. the other thing with senator al franken and running him out with the mob movement. we have procedures. you have to follow it. i have heard others talk about it. that is just something that bothered me. host: and there are now two senate candidates on the ballot
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in minnesota because of al --nken we go to tammy, democrats line. caller: good morning. thank you for letting me voice my opinion. basically, i want the whole world to know that america was made great a long time ago off the backs of slaves and immigrants coming in. they also, and we also, helped make america great. reluctantly. the african-americans did not have a choice, you know. so i am saying democrat, republican, independent, whoever, this world is not belong to one group of people. it belongs to all of us. refuge should be given to anyone who needs it, as long as they come here and do -- we have americans who commit crime. the justice system goes in and out like a revolving door.
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you use that against others, but we are blind to our own justice. we all need to store of our treasures where they matter most. trump is not god. no political person is god. have a great day. host: thank you. from north carolina -- a lot of north carolina callers today. we go to pete in michigan, independent line. caller: hi. i just wanted to say that the communists, which are trying to take over our country, said they would get at us from within. that is exactly what has happened. host: thank you for the call. melinda from arizona. caller: good morning. john brennan is the one who fabricated the collusion, the russia collusion rant. because seth rich exposed the
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dnc. theft of bernie's election. brennan, comey, rosenstein, mueller -- it is a cover-up and sellout of this country. host: joining us from charlottesville, virginia, our conversation with joe thomas, radio.n wchv thank you for being with us. guest: thank you for having us. host: we are glad to be with you are program, joe thomas in the morning? guest: yeah, i did not pay for it the name. [laughter] thanks for having us and thanks for having charlottesville coverage other than riots. the: we have to talk about
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congressman -- guest: we had to figure he is low hanging fruit, because so much of his district covers more of richmond, which tends to evoke more democrat leading. but the last 10 elections, the republicans carried that district by a good margin. is as inknow if dave danger as polls say he is. but he is wearing the shoe leather out. every time he is not on the house floor, he is holding an event, house meetings with constituents and campaign events. he is working the shoe leather for sure. host: surprising many people, defeating eric cantor several years ago. guest: that is how he did it. he wore the shoe leather out. eric cantor did not come to the district, feeling he was a lot for the primary.
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it is a lesson for anyone who office, from dogcatcher on up -- although a dock after is an important job. meeting the people is so important. i heard a joke years ago. a fellow was campaigning and met a voter, and asked will you vote for me? and the voters that i do not know, i have only met you twice to her that is how voters are. the more you meet them, the more likely they are to throw the switch for you. host: to republicans leaving, including bob goodlatte, leaving an open seat in the sixth district, and tom garrett in the fifth district. sixth district is where we are, and the fifth district is in the shenandoah valley.
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cline was on goodlatte's staff, so he has a pretty good run of it. and the fifth district, a surprise to many of us when tom garrett pulled out of his reelection bid amid controversy. denver riggleman has been an incredible business owner. he is perhaps more qualified to do the work in congress than anyone. he has been a private businessman and has worked in the defense industry. he has been an air force intel officer. he is the kind of person who knows where all the skeletons are, knows which closets they are hidden in. i think he would be an incredible representative. host: how competitive du think the senate race will be as tim kaine seeks a second term? guest: it depends on voter turnout. much of what republicans have been finding is republican on
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republican electoral violence, although now we are seeing this walk away movement amongst democrats -- #walkaway, where they will leave the party. i do not know if that will impact tim kaine. corey stewart is trying to make the case. his unknowns are through the roof. as we get into the real campaigning time past labor day, that will be the key. have no idea who he is yet. he is making the case that tim kaine has complained about how bad the economy is, yet he has been in the senate six years and was governor before that town mayor of richmond before that, so he has certainly had a long career to do something about the economy, if that is his chief campaign plank. stewart just outside of washington, d.c., part of that vote rich area.
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how critical is that for candidates? guest: it is very critical. one of the interesting pieces about corey stewart's election is he continually gets elected countywide in a district that voted barack obama, barack obama, and hillary clinton in the last three elections. there's something he does in prince william county that they all like. he has to get that message to the rest of the commonwealth if he wants to unseat tim kaine. host: as you look beyond the commonwealth of virginia, what races are you paying the most attention to? guest: some of the interesting ones, from a talk radio standpoint, is the new york governor's primary. you have to folks who have just gone scorched earth on each other -- cynthia nixon, who has suggested legalizing marijuana, but only giving marijuana plantation licenses to
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african-americans. she has some ideas. and governor cuomo with his america was never great in the first place. ironically, the cuomo's and trump's all lived in queens. that is an interesting race from an analysis of policy and what does the democratic party stand for. you are certainly seeing races that make you look and see what does the republican party stand for? as you walk past the very touching memorial to senator mccain, you will see more of that, about -- come about. what does it mean to be a republican? what does it mean to be a democrat? we had an event in northern virginia were the northern virginia tea party got together with the northern virginia walk away movement, and they held this huge banquet with speakers and things are back, so that
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could be a compelling wildcard. host: if people want to follow you on social media, how can they do so? cvillejoethomas on facebook. @joethomaswchv on twitter. host: thanks for adding your voice to our conversation this labor day monday. enjoy the rest of your weekend. guest: enjoy the rest of your holiday. host: we go to diane in georgia, democrats line. caller: good morning. thanks for taking my call. concerning people that are protecting and saying that democrats are hating trump and hitting different things that i just wanted to say that ,ntolerance, in and of itself is not intolerant.
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host: thank you. gene, from new orleans, independent line. caller: good morning. i would like to speak on taxes and the building of the wall. whoe, it seems like people americans are interested in having good education and good roads and better quality of life. [indiscernible] host: i apologize. we only heard part of what you said. thanks for the call. we will try again later. let's go to ron intexas. good morning. caller: how're you doing? i want to thank c-span for
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exposing the ignorance of so many people. they can hear the evidence coming from the cia, fbi, yet they lean toward conspiracy. keep up the good work, c-span. you. thank we have been showing some of the ads in the key senate races, including north dakota. the president will travel there later this week and also south dakota as he campaigns for them. heidi heitkamp is the democratic candidate. [video clip] >> this is the niece. she has a pre-existing condition. that used to mean no health insurance. for me, it is breast cancer. for denise, it is heart disease. she has something to say to -- >> i do not know what you voted against covering pre-existing conditions.
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-- host: heidi heitkamp in the north dakota race. kevin cramer is the republican candidate. [video clip] >> my mom is still here where i grew up. cutot tell anyone that i health care and social security. seniors like my mom to depend on it. i am working to make sure that you did generations have health care and social security. that is a big part of my job. i am kevin cramer, candidate for senate, and i approve of this message. host: the senate race in north dakota. keith joins us from chicago, democrat line. caller: hello. thented to thing -- thank callers and thank, is it c-span -- for this transmission.
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i want people to make their own minds. a nationalist versus eight patriot. and nationalist as someone who identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations. to separate itself from the world makes you weaker. stands up for the interests of the nation, even if it hurts their own values. host: we go to larry next in memphis. good morning. democrats line. caller: good morning. if republicans want to know the lied aboutey live --
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keeping processing conditions and health care. you cannot believe anything these people say. everybody knows least 40 to 50t times a day. host: from new york magazine -- welcome to the brett kavanaugh show. the piece says other than political journalists and the good folks at c-span, no sane human being has the patient's, let alone desire, to keep up with the 30 plus hours of testimony on capitol hill. a look at the brett kavanaugh nomination -- we will of course provide gavel to gavel coverage of the proceedings, beginning 9:30 eastern time tomorrow, live here on c-span, online on, the free c-span radio at. we will have it all for you here on c-span. bruce joins us next from
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indianapolis. caller: good morning. how arei'm just fine. to give a comment about the tax thing as to what the comment was. in the top 10 manufacturing companies in the world. we don't make that good of money. i got a dollar raise because they can't keep anybody. they come in, they get trained. six weeks later, they leave. they get better pay, better jobs. thing,uff about the tax it's really a joke. i mean, i got a one dollar raise and i make six dollars difference in my paycheck from one year ago. so, it really is a tax scam. and the republicans want to stand up for it, hey, you go
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ahead and stand up. but the truth is the truth. it isn't anything for the people who actually work for a living. that's all i've got to say. host: thank you. facing a september scramble on spending, the story at the -- as it returns to washington ahead of an end of month deadline, lawmakers take back the capital on tuesday giving them just a matter of weeks to clear spending legislation while also juggling other high-profile things like the confirmation of supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh. by the way, the house only scheduled to be in session a total of 11 legislative days before the end of the month and then they are off for the midterm elections to campaign. from michigan, todd is next, independent line. caller: i just wanted to talk , iut our friends in canada
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talked to a lot of people i know over there and in canada, they have a different view of what's going on with this country. they view trump as causing bad relations with canada and i don't understand what's going on. they are our best trading partner, our best allies. what is wrong with this man? seriously? host: thank you for the call. race whichsenate republicans hope to take back is the democrat seeking a second term. vice president mike pence, the former governor spending a lot of time campaigning for the republican candidate but also his brother who is running for the house of representatives. in indiana, joe donnelly. >> i'm joe donnelly and i approve this message. foreign network of
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auto parts suppliers. uses foreign workers in mexico, taiwan, all across china. in a debate, he tried to hide it. >> come on mike, this is your company website. click here. it's even in chinese. he lists more than 200 foreign suppliers. >> i don't know where they get it made. >> china, mike. and you and pulling anyone in indiana -- and you are fooling anyone in indiana. >> you can't build a company alone. we did it by treating folks like family. paying nearly double the minimum wage. leading the industry in workplace safety and not raising health care premiums for 10 years. we are proud to be made in america and unlike senator donnelly, we never send jobs to mexico. people keep attacking us but we will keep telling than our american story. i approve this message. politics in the indiana senate race, mike is
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joining us from new york, democrat line. good morning. happy labor day. caller: you, too. on that last add, i have to make a comment. first of all, whenever they mention china taking our business away, it was the corporate leaders that sent the businesses to china. and how they did it was they went to the chamber of commerce who had a fast-track for people to move to china and make more money. but my call is more about the fbi and why they are not that in people properly -- not vetting people properly who work for the white house or pence. were and the white house both working with white supremacists. and i would like to leave it there. thank you. host: very good.
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.ne hour remaining, (202) 748-8000 is the line for democrats. (202) 748-8001 is the line for republicans. we are just over two months before the midterm election. the issues that will motivate you to go to the polls across the country, bill is next from austin, texas. republican line. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for having me on c-span. i would like to address the mueller investigation. i think this is one of the reasons the american public has such low confidence in the government. this man has been working on this investigation for over a year. myave been a businessman total life. i think if i had a problem in my company and i called mr. mueller in and said we have a problem, let's get this solved.
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jobs orimagine if steve a year and aok half and you still do not have an answer? you would be gone. that's the problem with the government with their investigations. there is no sense of urgency and there is no sense of fiscal responsibility. who knows how many millions mueller has spent? and i think that is one of the reasons people have absolutely no confidence in our government anymore. host: from texas, we will go to west virginia and the senate race. , a former governor democratic race. he is currently ahead in the polls and is being challenged by the morsi. we will begin with one of the senate campaign ads. >> one and three west virginians have some sort of pre-existing condition and i'm one of them. i had a kidney transplant. i don't know how patrick
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morrissey doesn't understand diabetes, high blood pressure. we are all affected in the same way. >> it's wrong for patrick morrissey to want to take away coverage from west virginians like me. we need someone on our side. i approve this message from all less virginians. is a patrick morrissey republican candidate and the west virginia senate race. >> we expect our senators to represent our state's pro-life values. but senator joe manchin is trying to have it both ways. because himself pro-life but he has repeatedly voted to spend more of your tax dollars to fund planned parenthood, largest abortion business in the country. and he voted against legislation giving states the authority to defund planned parenthood. remind him that in west virginia, we want to stop taxpayer funding for abortion. the west virginia senate race and our next caller is from
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florida area thank you for waiting period independent line, good morning. caller: good morning. i have a remark -- i'm originally from michigan and i would like to remind those people in michigan because i am a general motors retiree and that's why i'm in florida. they've got to remember who saved their jobs up there when they were all going to go bankrupt. oh,as mitt romney that said let us go bankrupt. but it was barack obama that said no, let's save the auto companies and that's michigan, ohio, illinois, and indiana. they did forget their thinking caps on and vote for the right people up there. unless as the republicans that save their jobs, it was the democrats. host: thank you. bill from connecticut also on the democrats line. good morning. caller: yet, this is sort of nonpolitical. i just want to pay a democrat
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tribute to john mccain. and my way oftor saying fly, navy. navy and marine pilots are the best in the world. that's it. thank you. host: no doubt about that, thanks very much for the call. of course, the ceremony yesterday outside the chapel on the grounds of the u.s. naval academy referred to as "the yard" for those familiar with the naval academy in annapolis, maryland. the final journey as they carried the body of john mccain with a full military salute by the midshipmen to the burial site. these are some of the images right outside the chapel in the washington area. naval academy is open to the general public, you might want to check it out. bill from connecticut, democrats line. good morning.
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we will go next to wayne, joining us from new york. good morning. republican line. caller: good morning. i would like to submit a comment in terms of my frustration with all the leadership in the country. currently right now, we have andty much an impasse one-party demonizing the other continually. and i never see any of them seem to submit any original ideas that might remedy the issues we are facing today. i would offer that our country needs to consider financial transactions. understand, we fund health care, medicare, the deficit, and many other things. again, it's something that would be hugely beneficial because we are always going to have poor and the elderly and vulnerable populations and we can't leave anybody behind. that to anyld offer elected officials and ask them
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put the partisan ideas in their pockets. that's all i have to say. host: another senate seat the democrats hope to keep in democratic hands is sherrod brown and ohio which is a key state in presidential elections. this is one of the ads on the air in ohio for sherrod brown. >> a crooked businessmen looking for help. a congressman looking for donations. days later, suarez sent him $100,000. he claims they did not have a close relationship, but court records now show they exchanged more than 40 calls surrounding the donation. he has always looked out for himself. >> i'm sherrod brown and i approve this message. is the a public in candidate and ohio. >> have you seen these phony
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attack ads are sherrod brown? you are going to hear a lot of him because a lifelong politician who raises our taxes will say anything to stay in washington. and next time you want to spread your bowl around, look at the camera and do-it-yourself. i'm a businessman, not a career politician, and i approve this message. host: back to phone calls from pennsylvania. bill, independent line. caller: thank you for taking my call. just disgusted by all of these attack ads by both parties. brown, howherrod long has he been in office? joe manchin. just a democrat hack. i mean, this is ridiculous.
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mccain beingohn buried. he has asked for this country to and we are going right back to the same craft. we are already talking about russia today, which i knew would not take long. what is going on in this country? something has got to change. we need term limits for these do nothings in washington. let's get on with this country. let's get rid of the trash. host: thank you for the call. montana, another state that president trump will be campaigning in. he campaigned for republican that roosevelt. a democrat seeking a second term. >> voters across montana are standing up for jon tester because john is fighting everyday for the care montana has earned. >> john is fighting for accountability. >> more doctors and nurses.
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giving veterans features of a local doctor. >> we stand with john as he takes on everyone back in washington. >> john has got her back. >> i'm jon tester and i approve this message. host: the montana senate race, anyone who is not wealthy is unwittingly voting against his or her own interest. in montana, met roosevelt, the republican candidate. >> you have seen the news. liberals from california to washington fighting trump on labor immigration. a push for amnesty. protecting sanctuary cities. jon tester had a chance to stop sanctuary cities. i will stand with president trump. we will get tough and we will bill that wall. i met roosevelt and i approve
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this message -- i'm matt rosen dale and i approve this message. good morning and thank you for taking my call. host: thank you for your service. caller: this present leader and my commander-in-chief, he is using the same strategy that has been used for ages. it's called european ideology. you attack the person with the policy relentlessly until he becomes your enemy and then you destroy him. if you destroy him or her, you destroy the message. donald stood, our president, my commander-in-chief, stood before the whole nation and said if i go and stand on the streets, of new york city and
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evangelicals,, you would still vote for me. man, a supposedly wealthy man, he would never, never, never would be seen at the highest position the world has ever seen unless the -- host: thank you very much for the call from florida on the democrats line. city,g us from new york the gop has one big problem in november. thank you for being with us. what's the problem? first of all, you should get an award for not responding to calls on either side. you staynow how
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stonefaced. host: you don't want to play poker with a c-span host. caller: you are remarkable. the idea that donald trump, i think most republicans would ask questions -- and i feel like donald trump himself attacked hillary clinton. clinton's that bill wrongs with women should have an answer to that. it's going to be very interesting how it plays out. i'm amazed at the detail of some of the comments. a lot of the talking points which are not true. it upsets me because it shows that -- i have more respect for
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trump supporters than donald trump because he lies to his base and tells them that we want open borders. there no democrat that once open borders. there's misleading by donald trump as leader of the gop and i wish they could be as insulted by him as i am insulted by him lying to them. host: when and where can people listened you on serious xm? caller: five nights per week, monday through friday on channel 27. one of the few national progressive radio stations out there because conservative talk radio is everywhere and there is not that much progressive talk. i feel a great privilege to be able to be on a national radio show that reaches progresses around the nation. host: one of the issues driving the week is the confirmation
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hearing for brett kavanaugh and a number of democrats critical of the senate democratic leader chuck schumer working on a deal on some other nominees. how would you view is handling so far of the nomination? caller: i think brett kavanaugh is going to be the big thing. making a deal to get to some other judges. kavanaugh -- i cannot express strongly enough how the progressive base is so concerned about brett kavanaugh. a man we believe would take women's rights away to choose. he would side with the corporations against workers day in and day out. man -- he is the number one issue for progressives in the near term. the bigger question is getting out there to vote.
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i do not mean in any way to diminish the enthusiasm of the left, but i can tell you, the guy on the left is off the chart. i have never talked to as many enthusiastic people. even people who have not voted in years or knocked on doors in years are out there doing all of this and it is in response to donald trump. host: but right now, the democrats don't have the votes in the senate. what more can they do? caller: appeal to red state senators. on the issue of roe v. wade. courtice on the supreme who might take away a woman's right to choose, might overturn roe v. wade, take us back to the dark ages where it was state-by-state or you can have a right to choose or not, meaning there are women in deep red states who will have to drive hours and hours to get an women died before
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roe v. wade. you are right, they have the numbers. democrats can't defeat justice capital. -- justice brett kavanaugh. host: i want to share with you this headline from bloomberg news opinion. be careful what you wish for, democratic rebels, because the democrats need a strong leader and he is praising the house democratic leader nancy pelosi. let me just read to you part of what he is writing at "a few veteran washington democrats are having this recurring nightmare. first, they capture control of the house of representatives on november 6 and then they celebrate. then, chaos ensues. the odds are very strongly in favor of a democratic house triumph in the midterm elections. that's why a dozen or so current members of the party already are angling for a leadership post in the next congress the current top democrat, nancy pelosi, has been an effective leader but seems to have also become a
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political albatross as more and more democrats under pressure from republicans and their own left-wing pledge to vote against her as house speaker. if her support continues to wane, the consequences for democrats could be serious. it's hard to exaggerate the importance of leadership of a democratic caucus filled with members who have never been in the majority are shown as travis -- legislative prowess. the trump administration offers sony targets for rough and investigations that there will be in visual appetite for an origin of probes -- orgy of probes. the democrats will make a mistake if they emulate the partisan witchhunt that republicans like nunez would impose. -- a strong leadership would impose needed restraint." caller: to be honest, we are not having conversations about who is leader of the democratic caucus going to be in the house. i have to be honest with you. the focus is the passion of progressives right now is 2018,
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which i call judgment day. our election day. his judgment day for the nation and the issues of this country. for those who reject from, those who want to check on his corruption, and his bigotry, his racism and sexism, there is only one way to do that. if theyernal interview win the house will happen on november 7 through the swearing in of that new congress. right now i can assure you when i talk to democrat candidates, they do not care about this issue. this is not the focus. all they do not want his nancy pelosi or chuck schumer taking any action that would diminish enthusiasm on our side. forget impeachment, donald trump should be indicted. he hired a lawyer who says there should be nothing in the constitution about indicting a sitting president.
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doj regulations -- the only things standing in the way of robert mueller actually pulling back on the indictment as opposed to impeachment, letting go in the judiciary. you are in new york. governer andrew cuomo or cynthia nixon? caller: every poll shows governor cuomo up by 25 or 30 points. cynthia nixon had a good debate. it's not like governor cuomo is not out in the state doing things and he is not a dislike human being, it's not the situation where someone is out governor cuomo is doing things here. he had a broad base of support. i think the attorney general -- the twolly just main candidates are women running for attorney general. you might see them go after president trump as well using
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the new york attorney general office. host: joining us from new york, the name of your program is? caller: -- host: a reminder for the audience, you are available on sirius xm. where can they follow you? caller: facebook and tywieetter. host: what kind of a name is open -- obidalla? caller: i'm half palestinian. the democratic party in 2018 looks like america. the gop looks like donald trump, sounds like donald trump. -- i'mocratic party really proud to be a democrat, have never been more proud of 2018. host: thank you for being with us.
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the next colors from new york. mike, good morning. independent line. caller: thank you so much for having. i am a true independent from new york city. i know i'm going to sound like a republican, but i don't play my violin.-- file lynn -- i will cut you one thing about donald trump. we have never heard sexism or , he has been out in the front, he has been on the demagoguerythe keeps going on. the fact is that he is not owned by lobbyists and that's the one thing i do like about him. he has not gotten into office by owing people money to get to where he is. so what did he do? he went out there, and he is trying to do that. comprehensive immigration
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reform, they have been talking about that for 30 years. rich republicans don't want it because it's cheap labor and the say oh, we not want to open borders, globalization is -- anyways. thank you so much. i just wanted to say that, thank you for your time. host: you might agree with mike from new york, this is a comment about the new leader of the democratic socialist party. they are running on impeaching donald trump, abolishing ice and you're raising taxes. republican line, good morning. caller: good morning. i am 78 years old and i started as soons a republican as i could vote in the state of texas. i was 21 then. my family has a history and a heritage of founding.
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a founding family of the republican party in the state of texas. however, the republican party has been taken over by the term that people don't want to hear, the russian racists. ofis no longer a party lincoln, it is no longer a party of anything other than hate and when i hear donald trump talk about immigration, these people need to go back and review how his father and grandfather lied on their applications to get into the united states. claiming they were from sweden. zit bringing forth their na ties. and also his father, trying to orchestrate the ku klux klan rally and attack on the new york city police. host: samantha? caller: and then he doesn't want
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change. tell me what melania did to get in this country and how her parents quietly got citizenship and the father was part of the secret police in yugoslavia. host: samantha, do you have a source for all of this? those are some very serious charges. caller: i have been researching. says, buthat history those issues came out relative to his father with the new york city police reports that you can get. you can go online and see this about the riots. host: this is the headline from the new york times where women wield power, a new test. defending their record as a record number of women run for public office in this midterm election. campaign where fewer than 1000 degrees were regarding to running for office.
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receiving more than 40,000. mark is joining us from new york, independent line. good morning. caller: i would like to share a perspective with regard to the political letter today and then suggest what the long-term applications are that my concern me. ideologies -- the it is profound that that is the discussion, the political discussion and debate. issues and ideologies without context. what i mean by that is that we live in a country where we have, for decades with few exceptions, had a congress on both sides of the aisle that spends more money than it takes in. it essentially puts spending this year and next year and for decades on the credit card and
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on the backs of future generations. and the result of these annual deficits is annual excess of credit card charges meaning we have enormous debt in this country. way -- caller: $22 trillion. it is unsustainable to the point where it's a national security risk. it weakens us because of the other countries around the world. and nobody is talking about this, but the social progressives want to have health care as a right. to me, health care is not a right, it's a privilege based on economic wealth and welfare. but when you have a government that's $22 trillion in debt, here is the equivalent. ok, i want to help my fellow man and make sure my fellow man has -- my fellow neighbor has insurance. and i going to go out and make a donation to help them, or am i going to take a $53,000 loan
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that i'm responsible for in order to do that? and when you look at the government debt, that's exactly what we are doing. we are forcing taxpaying $53,000 in incur debt and then they want to load on these excessive benefits. social welfare is fine but it has to be in the context of responsible fiscal policy. as this.utcome of this when you look around, when we talk about social progressivism, when i look at greece and what happened with socialism there, when the government in those countries admit that they are virtually bankrupt, the citizens don't unite and say let's work hard and get ourselves out of this hole. they double down and say they want more from the government. host: we have to move on, but thank you very much for the call. this is a tweet saying that the
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democratic policies and 2018 are the same policies that they have been recycling since the society of the 60's that have not worked for the last 80 plus years. we have less than a half hour left. as we look at the midterm elections, we also want to share ine of the ads on the air key senate races including wisconsin. tammy baldwin, democrat seeking another term. >> i'm tammy baldwin and i approve this message. >> it's called alex, a shadowy organization were lovers -- lobbyists and big corporations get legislators to introduce prepackaged bills on the national board. she has taken tens of thousands alec members,m letting the phone companies jack up your rates. fighting against paid sick leave. she is not for us. host: and the republican candidate in wisconsin senate race on the air runs the set. >> i work with scott walker to take on the big labor bosses.
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we made these guys work for the taxpayers. not the other way around. now i'm running percent it to stand with president trump. we can finally drain the swamp. it's about time we may washington do an honest day's work. i approve this message. host: ads on the air in the wisconsin senate race. cj is next, republican line. caller: good morning to you and thank you for taking my call. good morning, america and god was america. most of these as they are running are the same old. they are talking about it but they are not really talking about any solutions. when are we going to come together for our children in these ads? we need to have some kind of rules when they put these ads up
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because people are not showing you what they are really doing behind closed doors. host: thank you for the call. from pittsburgh, eric, you're next. the last caller about the national debt. problem, when the earth runs out of oil -- host: ok, they show the call. diana from indianapolis. good morning. caller: good morning. i was calling, i was interested in -- well, there's not really a topic this morning. host: well, we are talking about the midterm elections. we have donnelly here and i hope and that he wins. i have a question for you. a democratenever calls in, you immediately put
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your hand on that button. you keep your hand on that button so you can click the democrat on. just as soon as they get in. and i noticed that this morning, i heard like two or three republican callers and you just engage them in conversation. i mean, one stayed on for 10 minutes. do you think that's fair? you pick up the same paper at least 10 times. if that was a republican you were doing that to, they would be out in front of your office demonstrating. host: there's a lot of papers here. what we are trying to do is try to pick up the next article we may be talking about or go on the website for the next article from the web or reviewing a tweet so we are trying to keep a handle on it. it's just me. we engage both democrats and republicans. i want to go back to the
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donnelly senate race. can he win reelection? i don't know. he did with the first election. i'm hoping that people will get out and vote. i'm kind of optimistic. i'm going to try to stay that way. i don't have a lot to say about the current president. i don't particularly care for him, i don't like his style. and i don't like it when people call in and say oh, you hate trump. and he's just fighting back. trump creates all of this. he creates it. i never did it for president bush, i don't understand why they think everybody would hate this person if he would act like a decent person should act. i don't understand it. i mean, i don't have time to hate anybody. i don't have that much time. he says things, he does things. he never talks about what he wants to do.
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he is constantly bringing up stuff about hillary clinton. i don't understand him. the people that voted for him, you do know he said on the campaign trail that he likes uneducated people. i would be ashamed. i really would be ashamed to even call in and tell somebody i voted for someone that said they liked me because i'm stupid. ok, have a great day. host: i'm going to pick up the paper because we have another guest so i know who is coming up next area thank you very much for being with us. caller: have a good one. host: we appreciate it. joining us from iowa, a talkshow host who looks at where the conservatives are moving into the midterm election. thanks for being with us from des moines. how do house republicans maintained the majority in 2018? guest: where i live here in des moines, we have a congressman here, david young who is basically a 50-50 district. viewers around the country are sort of wondering, where the
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house could trend about 60 days from now. i would look at our district as an archetype for that. you have a republican who is not really conservative but preferred over a far more liberal democrat. we have a woman he is running against and the democrats have done a great job as recruiting women specifically because they see weaknesses in the issues with trump as your previous color addressed. the other hand, she is a pretty far left candidate. these things are going to clash in november. david young is going to try to run on a strong economy but the problem with that is rural america is coming out of a recession at a slower rate than the rest of the country is. you have 33 counties in iowa that from won, that barack obama won twice. it doesn't take a lot of voters to get ticked off and switch back and that would change the balance of power in iowa statewide and donald trump is the first candidate, a
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republican to win a majority of the popular vote in presidential election in 35 years and it's because a lot of farmers decided culturally, democrats were just too far left and trump is testing the loyalty to see with these tariffs. i think a $12 billion bailout will not be good enough. he will have to come up with something a lot more dramatic because this indicates were a lot of iowans are at. the price of gas is up 100% where it was 20 years ago. the price of corn is almost exactly where it was. host: how big will it be in iowa in the midterms? guest: with a candidate like david young, if he's not willing to draw the cultural issues -- we have a republican governor, may the best pro-life legislation in the history since pennsylvania 25 years ago. she never mentioned it.
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or bulletins running away from the issues that they care about. meanwhile, they are still going to get calls, everything you can imagine from the other side anyways. they can all of the backlash and none of the benefit. you throw in those trade issues and they are doing a really good job driving out democratic turnout in my home state, much like you are seeing them do across the country. and i think that will be fascinating. i think you are going to see maybe a group of somebodys come forth in the next few weeks and say if you want us to vote for you again, we need something a little bit more dramatic than letting china and canada and mexico and the rest of these countries target rural america further response to your tariffs. you need to give us something more because world america is the reason donald trump is present today more than anything else. host: i want to asking the same question because it's a national issue and an issue in iowa, the
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horrific and tragic death of mollie tibbetts and the statement from her father saying not to turn this into a political issue. give us a sense of how this is playing out, if at all, and iowa. guest: i think there was a real fear of it -- still going to be a political issue and the reason why is based on what we know. we have seen enough fake news from both sides that i am really hesitant about trump with any breaking news stories because we find out too often it's not true. remember, he is a standard key partyer that shot of the aurora movie dinner and that wasn't the case. i remember when fox put a picture of the orlando nightclub sugar and it was not even him. have done this song and dance before but based on what we know now, the reality is that we have forced immigration laws, mollie tibbetts killer would not be here to murder her. we might find out that he was here legally or was adopted or something.
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equation,part of the here is the problem with politicizing that. the company that kept him in this country with a job is owned by dominant members of the republican party. turns out, they didn't use the verifying after all. if anything, this shows a political debate within the republican party on the issue. we have a lot of republicans who are just fine with immigration provided they can pay wages and treat people like indentured servants and when they get injured on the job, pay no benefits and kick them to the curb like cattle and import the next round of workers. and then you have the everyday american part of the republican base that likes to have those jobs and before you give in to illegals, we can make a good living working on a farm or in a meatpacking plant. we can't feed a family on that. you have this battle in the republican party between what the chamber of commerce wants and what a lot of everyday americans in places like rural iowa want and i think if
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anything, this is going to politicize that battle is more. host: let me ask you about the senior senator from iowa. he will be front and center beginning tomorrow with the senate judiciary committee. the confirmation hearing of brett kavanaugh. so far, how has he performed? islands, -- iowans if they like you, it almost doesn't matter where you stand on the issue. likability matters more to islands than even ideology. as long as he remains somebody that iowans like and respect, it really doesn't matter where he stands on the issue. i work in national media as you know, and we were literally doing candlelight vigils waiting for the white smoke of who trump was going to name. and it just seems like this isn't even a nomination. this was another attempt where,
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by nominating somebody like michael lee, the republicans could have really fired up their base and wanted to have a real ideological battle. but instead they went with a black robe and the base was like, whatever. the democrats can't even really find anything to argue about except the typical talking points because he is basically a version of anthony kennedy, maybe a little bit better. this is the storyline of this election. every chance that the democrats have had to energize their base, they have taken advantage of it. every chance they were publicans have had to urinate in the cheerios, they have taken advantage of it. and they are running out of time to close that energy down. host: how can people follow you on social media question mark guest: the best way to follow me @stevedeaceshow. ode and youmote c
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will get an outstanding team of conservative personalities. host: thanks very much for joining us from des moines, iowa. we appreciate it. i noticed that republicans and democrats think you shortchange them and it's always when they are on the air. thank you for that. actually, that's not the right one. come on people, our friends on the washington journal are fair to all callers. honestly i cannot even get how many of them don't. you must be doing your job today if you have someone say you are biased to the left and bias to the right. republican line, good morning. caller: happy labor day. and labor is important. i'm a black american woman. i voted for democrats all my life of this last time i voted for trump. people call in and they say well, black americans call in. black democrats call in and they say oh, they talk about trumps
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personality. they think talking about a person's personality is political analysis. talking about a person's personality is not political analysis. tocolm x asked black america be politically sophisticated. democrats have lied to block america for decades. they played lbj's commencement speech in 1965. we had 66%. 1965 andt families in we were in crisis mode. to 25%we are down two-parent families and everyone acts like it is normal. the family is the cornerstone of the society. the other issue. we have had open borders in california and los angeles since
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the 1960's immigration act. immigrants illegal in los angeles. black americans in los angeles are 40% of the homeless. we are only 9% of the population but we are 40% of the homeless. immigration,ase in black america loses one half of 1%. slavery, we have one half of 1% of the rest of america and there are only 200,000 black americans. today, we have that same percentage. one half of 1%. host: i have to stop you really have a few minutes left. where can people here you? 87, salemm on a.m. radio. i played it -- host: are you with us? caller: yes.
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i played lbj's speech before howard university's commencement in 1965. at that point, we had 60 62-parent families. host: you just went through that but thank you for the call. oregon, democrat line. caller: hi there, i just wanted to make a big shout out to the workers in this country and happy labor day. with this democrat discussion, i see myself as a then anf faith first, american, and then a democrat. when we are talking about values, we really need to look at the values as human beings, not as republicans and immigrants. also, as a person of faith, i have been involved in nonviolent
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, peaceful vigils at the local headquarters. friday, we had 200 people led us and clergy supported us. and it was nonviolent. coming up end of this month is going to be a seven-day march from sheridan which is one of the detention facilities. again, that is going to be nonviolent, peaceful, and moral pressure. thank you and have a great day. host: thank you from oregon. michigan, republican line. pat. good morning. caller: morning. i am calling because of a caller you had from california back in your first hour from la jolla.
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host: loya? caller: california, not sure of the city i was listening to television. maybe it was the second day but i can't be sure. cnn orts were either on fox, can't remember that either. but they said that reports had come in from across the river that there was partying going on in the muslim community. that is what they said. ok, many years later, somebody don'tt up -- and again, i know, it was probably fox but i can't be sure. but somebody wanted to follow-up on this. so they had gone to the police station whose jurisdiction was that area across the river.
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now, i'm not familiar with the area, so i don't know what that means. host: the jersey area, reportedly. caller: ok. all right. they said the police station could only tell them that on that day, they had received calls of this partying going on over there. now, i just wanted to call -- of the caller to know that because when i heard trump say that during the campaign season i thought my gosh, somebody else heard it. because they kept saying he made it up or whatever. thank you very much. host: we appreciate that. joining us from north carolina on the democrats line, good morning. caller: thank you. i have two requests to make. can you hear me? host: we sure can. caller: you've got these
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republicans to come on here and talk about the deficit, deficit. right? what do you think health care is? health care is part of the national productivity of the society. i'veu have health care, got blue cross, i use my jobs health care. if we apply the money, we have a healthy society. -- talking about marriage and family. who told the african-american folks not to be married? nobody does that. the men before they turn 18,
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it's not no one's fault. the reason i do that is because republicans are angry against immigrants. i don't like abortion but i don't want to control a woman. just like i don't want a woman to control my production. in big trouble with this donald trump guy. wants tou think he have rallies? house. the white he don't know what to do. spent --dollars he host: we are short on time.
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sounds like you have a baby next to you, and infant. caller: yes, that's my son. host: how old is he? caller: these three years old. and i make and watch c-span. host: good, we appreciate that. lewis, we have about one minute left. caller: good morning. good morning, america. happy labor day. look. i was just thinking about those tariffs. those tariffs, to me, looked just like the replay sanctions on another country. i believe that this is just whater way to break down is going good in america. job is to destroy everything that obama did and the way that the jobs are
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dropping and the way that rings are moving up in america, trump is putting a monkeywrench into our economy by calling them tariffs. host: thanks for the call and all of you for your calls and comments. can follow our coverage of campaign 2018 on our website. this headline from the washington post, issues for brett kavanaugh. the president who chosen and the supreme court he would change. the reporting of robert barnes who covers the supreme court for the washington post is joining us on the phone. thanks for being with us the day before the hearing. what do you expect not necessarily tomorrow, but with the questioning that will begin wednesday and thursday by members of the senate judiciary committee? i think that there are two main areas of questioning. one, they want to know what he thinks about executive power and whether or not he thinks that
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the president could be subpoenaed or indicted while in office. the investigation of mueller will be something on the minds of democrats and republicans. i'm not sure we will get a very specific answer on that from brett kavanaugh but he will be pushed about some of the writings that he has done in the past where he has indicated that civil suits and legal, criminal investigations of the president should wait until after the president has left office. so, i think that will be one line of questioning. and the other, this is a real ideological change for the court. was though brett kavanaugh a clerk for justice anthony kennedy, the man he would replace, he is much closer to a more conservative members of the court. his views could change the
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court's position on issues like abortion and affirmative action and a host of other issues. host: back in 2013 when the democrats had the majority, the had a democratic leader nuclear option on a number of president obama's judicial nominees and then the senate republican leader taking a step further with supreme court nominees. is that something right now that democrats regret? guest: i think they do. i think the senator said the other day that it was probably not a good idea because it meant, in the past, that you would need to get 60 votes. even though it was rarely, everyone knew that getting 60 hearing to nominee move forward for the nomination to move forward -- it produced a different kind of nominee. right now, all you have to do is control the senate, find a
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nominee that all of the republicans will vote for and if you don't lose a republican member, it really doesn't matter what the democrats think. host: we are talking with robert barnes, he covers the supreme court. his work available online and certainly his byline will be front and center as hearings get underway tomorrow before the senate judiciary committee. we have in hearing from senate democrats asking for more documents and more information. the trump administration blocking 100,000 pages of documents. is this significant? do we have any ideas what is in this document that democrats are looking for, or are they simply trying to stall the confirmation process? guest: probably a little bit of both. democrats would like to hold this up past the midterms. they say that they need to see everything that he was involved in because kavanaugh -- besides having a very lengthy record as
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a judge, he has been a judge since 2006, he also worked for five years in the george w. bush white house. those other documents that democrats would like to see. issues such as the same-sex marriage, policy involving terrorism, detainees, all of those things could be in those records. republicans have drawn a very hard line on that. while they say they have turned over hundreds of thousands of he hasthe truth is that a very extensive record the cousin of all that time in the white house. the senators are seeing only a fraction of those documents. go back tot to something you wrote about the significance of this nomination because of the men he is replacing, anthony kennedy. you have followed the court, you are inside the courtroom, how significant has his presence been since the l19
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