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tv   Election Night Results  CSPAN  November 6, 2018 9:59pm-12:00am EST

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jasper, indiana, what works in warsaw, indiana. what works in this great state where we lead by our performance, just like we did in tackling infrastructure. and i a state that works, thank my lucky stars, that i was born in the state and in my hometown, and that it has worked out. i really do. and we have a narrow window. we have got two years to show that if conservatives, if we can make things work, we need to get our president reelected -- yeah -- and what we are going to do is we are going to get more people from the real world that have had to do things that can fix things in a dysfunctional
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system. they are going to find that other people across this country are going to stick their neck out and take the risk and try to fix things in washington so the system works for everyone. that is my goal. never in my wildest dreams did i imagine when we made the decision to move back after serving on a school board for 10 years, after being in our statehouse for three years, passing an amazing infrastructure bill, i was not going to run for a third term. i was going to come back to jasper and do what the founders intended, you know, serve, get back to where you came from. i viewed it as a unique opportunity, and i will share
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some special moments with president trump. i have been with him four times. and i have been on the limo four times within -- yeah. unplugged for 20 rides, you are going to learn a lot of stuff. and i will never forget when todd young was with me, the second subject that came up, you remember when he said, you think we ought to bring bobby knight into your campaign? promises kept. i told maureen, it could only happen in america and in indiana, when you are with the president, the vice president, and bobby knight all in the same night on the same stage.
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this journey has been 15 months, and, you know, it is get up early, six days a week, 14 to 18 hours each day. when i started this, not many people believed it appeared many thought it was a full's --error errand.- fool's tohave a rare opportunity make things happen in d.c., and i cannot wait to be a part of it. my campaign team, my family, everybody that was with me from the beginning, thank you so much him and all i can tell you, i am not going to let you down, i am
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going to go there to represent hoosiers and hopefully make you proud of me as your next senator from indiana. thank you so much. >> you want to get your family behind you? >> and from senator-elect mike tennessee,ake it to marsha blackburn, congresswoman, successful in her bid. blackburn: and one person does not win a campaign. it takes a host of volunteers. so many of you have done that. [indiscernible] 3 million phone calls.
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all for all those prayers -- [indiscernible] and we have had the most -- grassroots effort that we have ever seen, so we thought you all -- thank you all for that. i want to say thank you to my step. a have stayed focused, committed, and i want to say a thank you to our campaign leadership team -- [indiscernible] i thank each of you for the good work you have done. to -- to say thank you
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they are truly -- and they had been great leaders for our campaign, and a special thank you to the entire -- family, and to the governor of this state. 2 -- and maria. we have so enjoyed campaigning in bill and maria. maria taught our son and was our daughter's discipleship group leader. well fore known them years. to my family and my brother and sister are here. my mother is here. of course, we have chad and
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-- and ofd paul, mary course you have the stars of our show. chuck, and --, he has been our most ardent kampeter, and we have an anniversary coming up on friday -- ardent campaigner, and we have an anniversary coming up on friday. he will enjoy that this is behind us. i want to say thank-you also to each and every one of you who is , text support our family messages, words of encouragement, we thank you. congratulate them on the hard-fought race. that hope that they know
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-- i hope they know that my door is always open and that to their supporters, i hope that they will work with us on better tomorrows for our children and grandchildren. now you do not have to worry if you are going to call congressladyman or -- now senator will do.
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thank you, john. yes, that is great. gretchen, on "entertainment tonight," i love this, i was coming to the hallways, and i saw gretchen. that is one of my favorites, so here we go. and walter is here, darrell -- so many of you said they love that commercial. you know -- to couple more things that i do want to say. let me tell you this -- i think one of the things we learned from this campaign is what to make
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certain they have leaders who are not going to kick a can down the road on the issues that affect our nation, that affect our children. they want leaders who are going to tackle the big problems, and they want leaders who are going to be there to work with the president and keep this nation on the path to prosperity that we are on today. and i want you to know, i am going to be one of those leaders. and i want to say a special thank-you to the president and to the vice president for -- their interest in this campaign, this support. to vicelready talked
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president pence and mrs. pence, and they are really excited. they are excited for our family. they are excited for their state. they are excited for our country. and just as i said on day one of this campaign, i was running to take those values that we share and to work in d.c., all the things that you want to see done, more constitutional judges, lower taxes, less regulation, making certain that we protect life, that we defend , getecond amendment federal spending under control, and that we support our troops and our veterans at fort campbell, and to make certain that we build the wall.
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i know a lot about law enforcement who are here tonight, and they have been so supportive of me. i thank them for the fraternal order of police endorsement, and i got to tell you, they remind me regularlu if we do not secure that southern border, it makes every southern state into a border state, every southern town into a border town. we want to make certain that you know we are going to continue to do what we do, work every day as i say. i get up and i fight for what i ,all the big 5 -- faith hope, anreedom, opportunity. i asked you in this campaign to stand with me.
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tonight is no different. i ask that you stand with me as we work on this issues, for our state, for our nation. we know we are going to be going to work early tomorrow on these issues. the transition begins. i look forward to being your senator. god bless tennessee. god bless -- thank you. thank you, all ♪ >> let's move from marsha blackburn to the person she --eated, governor phil
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>> the kind of energy and idealism people have. i have some words for you, and that is please do not be discouraged. your idealism is amazing. keep on going. .eep on working had a like i have wonderful time in politics. i had a great run as mayor. i want them to remember when i became mayor of nashville, that was the fourth race i ran it until i won one. and i just really want these young people to know how important it is the future of our country that you not get discouraged, that you stay engaged, and you never give up.
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and finally, on behalf of the staff of both andrea and myself, just to say again what an incredible privilege it has been to serve the people of tennessee, and what an incredible privilege it has been to have been considered for this opportunity. so god speak to each and every one of you. i love my state of tennessee and my country, and i thank you all for everything you have done. thank you. [cheers] that his democratic candidate redesen who lost his bid to be u.s. senator. we will look at the balance of power in the senate. 14 races still to be called. 47 republican seats and 39 for the democrats it stantec. lindsey graham of south carolina , pleaded if the gop maintains control, the conservative
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judicial train will keep running. fox news expecting the senate will stay in republican hands, but the house expected to flip for democrats. it's go to some of the senate races, beginning with indiana. this was a republican pickup, defeating joe donnelly who served one term. mike braun, the republican candidates, and president trump was in indianapolis, fort wayne, the campaign with this candidate, and with 67% of the vote in, mike braun the winner with over 53 and a half percent of the vote in. joe manchin has been declared the winner in a competitive race, but he would go back to washington, keeping that seat in democratic hands. he said it is the first time in history a president of a different party won by 40% and he came back to defeat the republican candidate. so some history in west virginia as well. moving to some of the other
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races, marsha blackburn, the representative, who will go to the senate. we just heard from phil bred esen in. the race is getting so much attention in texas, you can see how close it is with ted cruz moving ahead with 23% of the vote in. over 50% appeared to 49% for congressman beto o'rourke. in the florida senate race, 90% in, this to be a significant pickup for republicans if the numbers hold. unseat lt vying to nelson in the florida senate race. and in new jersey, where republicans had hoped to make this a flip, senator bob menendez has been declared a winner. i also want to point out in florida's 26th district, the
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is a democrat, a republican loss. the results of that race and all other races are on our website at, and as we get more of the speeches, c-span is the only place where you can see so many of them. they are posted at the website and you can view it on the man. >> to put a cap on the west virginia race, and while the the attorney general, republican, was in martinsburg to deliver his concession remarks to his supporters. mr. morrisey: i want to start
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off by thanking everyone who came here tonight. i hope you are enjoying this beautiful home, and this is great to be back in the eastern panhandle. guys, many of you were with me in 2017 when i took on a mighty >> to go after -- quest to go after a lot of the political institutions, the liberal media, the people that were running roughshod over west virginia. we for the last 16 months, have been taking on that fight every single day. now, as your attorney general the last six years, i have been very motivated. toughe gone after the
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fight. a lot of people go to office want to do the things that are political posturing. i want to go from the heart, tell people how things work him and i think that is the right approach, and i am never going to change. we have been able to get so much good done for west virginia over the last six years. we have been able to go after federal overage, all of jobs, i fought back. i went to the u.s. supreme court and i won. on the opioid fight, you may not have heard this, but the $25 of ads that came in against me, but we have a great record fighting opioids, and we will continue to do that during the remainder of my term as
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attorney general. the fact is that every west virginia has been touched -- west virginia and has been terribley the epidemic. we have to do more to fight the ravages of this epidemic that is causing so many senseless deaths. and we will. we will. a lot was at stake in this election tonight. i think core values that are impacting the future of our country. part of the reason i ran for attorney general is the cause i thought i could make a difference, taking on federal overreach -- i know, we did. and asserting west virginia's will to fight back against the federal government, yeah. i thought we should make a difference. when i became attorney general, there were no laws on the books
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protecting innocent life. i said that should not stand, and we fought. and now there are multiple rules in place, providing protection for innocent life. i stood for your second amendment rights. we have 38 states where we have gone reciprocity and recognition. that is important. and we have -- conservative values. west virginia is a constructed of -- conservative state. they deserve good representation. we took on those fight in the senate race, and our voice was heard in all 55 counties. we may have fallen a little bit short in our battle in the senate race. just a few minutes ago i left a message with senator manchin, and i congratulated him on his victory tonight.
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and i am looking forward to talking with senator manchin and trying to do everything imaginable to help the great people of west virginia out, because we have a phenomenal future. that lovesresident west virginia with all of his heart and soul. and i love west virginia with all my heart and soul. we ran a hard campaign. we ran to the finish line. we got to the place where we fell a little bit short. right now i am not sure what we will finish behind. i do not regret this campaign. i think we are lifting up the spirits of west virginia, and when i go back to the office and i resume as your attorney general, you will see a lot of activity and activism as i keep fighting for west virginia's
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goals. guys, i have some of my wonderful friends and family here. who has put up, with a lot. my sister came down from new jersey, and i have my nieces here. thank you, guys, for coming. and i have so many great friends, who spent a lot of time fighting in the trenches. your blood, sweat, and tears mean a lot to me. and we ran a strong race. but i will tell you what -- we are not done fighting. we will keep going. and together west virginia cannot lose. guys, thank you very much for coming tonight. i appreciate it very much.
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[applause] west virginia's attorney general making his bid for the senate, unsuccessfully, and his concession speech. except we will take you to the white house. sarah huckabee sanders has some comments about how the night is unfolding. i cannot see anything. >> how is the president feeling about florida now? ms. sanders: we are keeping a close eye on that race. we feel good. it has been a good night for the president up until this point. senate race in indiana, a huge moment for the president, somebody he did an event for just yesterday. obviously, a candidate that has embraced the president and his policies and he has worked for four. we are seeing that pay off.
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a good place, but a long night to go. >> can you talk about the has -- house democrats gaining two seats. can you talk about the house. barbara comstock lost? ms. sanders: most of the candidates the president went in and campaign for and who embrace the president, they did well. a long night to go. a lot of races left. at the end of the day, the president will work with whoever comes into office. we have a lot of things on our agenda. we look forward to getting them done. >> [indiscernible] ms. sanders: we feel good where we are now. still a lot of evening left to go. a be some early morning as well. i think mike braun is a perfect example of a candidate that went through an extremely tough primary, and unify the party,
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and we saw that come through tonight. >> looking over the whole landscape of the country are we seeing the blue way that perhaps had been anticipated by some? carville saidames anybody participating in a blue wave tonight is not getting it. maybe you will get a ripple. >> patrick morrissey did not win tonight. the president went into west virginia and campaigned against manchin? you have to look at the fact that joe manchin is the only difficult that voted for brett kavanaugh. i think that is the moment that has helped them in some cases. people that are embracing the president, embracing his policies are doing well. pumpkins lose control -- if republicans lose control of the house, how does that affect the president's agenda going forward? ms. sanders: the president's
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agenda is not going to change. we will still be an administration focused on lowering taxes, defeating isis, remaking the judiciary, fixing the tremendous opioid crisis we have. i think we can work with democrats on that. we still want to do something on infrastructure, and immigration is a place where we have to spend sometime, and hopefully democrats will be able to do the job they were elected to do and work with the president and solve some problems. >> will the president reach out to nancy pelosi tonight, after attacking run a campaign? ms. sanders: i am not sure why he would call nancy pelosi. if democrats win tonight, we will have to wait and see who their speaker is. thanks, guys. >> watching with family and friends -- >> the loss of attention is
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being focused on the governor's race in georgia, and apparently the polls were scheduled to close several hours ago, but in certain hours voting hours have been extended and decision made anyone in line at that point could in fact vote. and tasty abram's team is encouraging people by social media to people to stay in line. the senate, 13 races still to be called, and send at 48 republicans and 39 democrats, including one independent who won reelection. telephone calls as we wait for more speeches. next up is a call from anthony in fort lauderdale. thanks for waiting. which raises on your mind in your state? caller: hi. good evening.
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davie.'m asked me from 's race between -- the governor's race between santos and gillum -- >> which is still very close. >> i'm watching it and right now and we are waiting to see what happens. i voted for desantis. i'm a libertarian, but i ended up having to vote for republican, with their libertarian on the ballot this year. policies were economically impossible in the state of florida. you are talking about $15 minimum wage is where you are going to eliminate jobs and not
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necessarily nationalize, but centralize health care within the state, which is going to taxe taxes based upon sales and property tax, because we cannot necessarily to a state income tax at a very massive level. it is going to make it economically impossible for people to live within the live e state. you are talking about a state within thember one 50 states as the freest state in the u.s. ourt of that has to do with , ourty to economically economic freedom. running on a base that just isn't plausible within
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this state. host: in the senate race, were you supporting the governor? caller: i did vote for scott over nelson. wantwas more of, i permanence, i want people to be out of the senate after a certain amount of time. honestly, at your fourth term, you need to go. that was more a belief in term limits then it was on scott versus nelson. host: thank you very much. some ofh more results, these races are really starting to come in. steve? 14 as thet gain of democrats try to recapture control of the house, republicans will main train -- maintain control.
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you read that tweet earlier from lindsey graham. the appointment of more conservative judges in the next year by bezos -- by president .rump senator ted cruz is returning for a second term after an extensive campaign with compass minerals work, who raised in excess of $70 million, one of the top three or four most expensive senate races in the country with 32% of the vote now 51% of the cruz with vote compared with 48.5% of the vote from over. statewide races in the senate race. 99% of the vote is in with governor scott holding his leave. the governor's race is also very nearly behind with 90% of
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the vote now in, 2000 most between the republican and a democrat. the kansas governor's race is also getting so much attention to her kelly, the democrat, appears to be the victor in that race. the associated press has not yet called it. the republican secretary of state is trailing behind with 63% of the race. senator claire mccaskill is holding on to the scent -- to the lead. -- 51% compared to 46%. the attorney general in missouri. republicans are holding onto a hundred 22 seats and to house rates -- races to bring to the attention -- to
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your attention, scott wallace is holding onto a narrow lead. this will be potentially a democratic pickup over cogs mint brian fitzpatrick, the republican incumbent. finally, in virginia's's seventh congressional district in the the incumbent republican with 99% of the votes reporting in the seventh conjectural -- congressional district. the two candidates have a bit on -- in common. one year apart in age, both left texas and then came back for a run -- two run for office to one in the house and one in the senate for six years. in that race besides the money being spent, overwork was really was ato o'rourke
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favorite. do you think you would be hearing more from him? steve: probably will. one of the announcements is george h.w. bush lost the texas race in 1970 and would come back in the nixon and ford were -- white house. think about the money he raised in the last course. $31 million, 70 million overall spent. president trump went to houston, texas, for a campaign rally. a bitter primary between president trump and senator cruz back in 2016. they buried the hatchet and it might have been a key factor in for the victory. senator cruz has his eyes on a potential white house bid down the road. a big win for the republicans. my guess is we will hear more from beto o'rourke in years ahead. the: we talk about money,
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florida senate race, governor scott contributed $16 million of his own self -- his own funds. potential of a a recount, potentially in the florida governor's race. what happened in the governor's race was an indication of what may happen in the senate race now. it looks like the republicans will keep the state house. the flip from incumbent democrat nelson, who spent a boatload of money in the race. we will keep coming back to you. keep your eyes on them. let's go back to telephone calls p are next up is michael, another hoosier in indiana, a republican. talk about your senate race there. caller: thanks for having me. as a republican and a hoosier, i do not appreciate with senator donnelly has done. he claims to use common sense hoosier values in the senate and i do not appreciate what he
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things are commonsense values. voting against kavanaugh is not common sense. voting against tax cuts, all of these things. but also, i am not really pleased that we had to choose mike to go against him. he would be a voice for hoosiers, someone to bring what we have to the table. i feel a sense of incompetence with him. he is playing the part of a businessman, but i do not feel secure with -- with him as my senator. i do not know what to believe from him. host: thanks for your call. blake is up next in williamsburg, virginia. an independent there. that secondr eye on district house race. hi. >> thanks for having me on. i'm sitting here with a group of friends.
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we are having an ambivalent night. and ilooking at virginia think i heard you say, independent. we're democrats. to see that what extent took her seat. it looks like the second district where we are, super happy where we are. at the same time, we're watching the national happen. midterm, wave, every both the house and the senate are held by the same, you know, the same party as the president, that there would be a wave. we aret from where sitting, we are not seeing that happen across the country.
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us a little concerned and a little disappointed. it is that sort of ambivalence, feeling, glad to see virginia the latest. disappointed to watch the wave across the country. we are hoping that at the very least, they can push back a little on the president's is more extreme policies. republican leaders like paul ryan and mitch mcconnell talk about defunding social security and medicare to pay for the short walls -- shortfalls. but really, if they can, some republicanrward
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commerce has refused to push forward. host: thanks for making c-span part of your election watching that we appreciate your call. next up is mike. caller in new york, republican party you are on the air. some key house races going on. caller: good evening. i am a resident of new york 18. --m hoping jameel donnell jameel donnell. the larger point i wanted to make was i think if the democrats do make out, they will overplay their hands in terms of how they acted during the kavanaugh hearings. like i said, if they take the house, their behavior,
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especially people like maxine waters, in the two years preceding the 2020 per -- presidential election, i think they will overdo it and it will backfire against them in the 2020 election. next up is a phone call from josh in alabama. an independent to there. yes.r: i cannot for the life of me say i will vote democrat. i really don't. the democrats want to take your guns. waters, the circus that will be going on in the financial thing, remember obama's death tax? you know how many people in rural america lost farms because of the unjust tax? that is all right to the democrats because half of them don't pay no taxes. i don't know, ma'am. there is such a disconnect on rural america and the cities. are so many more in the
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city than there are here. all i am saying, ma'am, is, i don't know. it ain't going nowhere. we just have to get through it but i cannot for the life of me understand why anybody would vote for a democrat here at a vote for democrats is a vote for communism and socialism. you all have a great day. thank you, josh. , let's listen to nancy pelosi and remarks from the democratic congressional campaign earlier. nancy pelosi: greeting, election nights -- greetings, election night watchers.
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you seized the opportunity of the election. great leadership. it will be a victory for our country. honoring the victims of our founders. the majority of american seniors and hard-working families. we have shown the key contrast between republican special interest records and the democratic record for the people.
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for seniors and families across america. we will continue their coolies -- cool assault for people with pre-existing conditions. democrats with strong economic growth, instead, further against working men and women -- big corporations and the wealthiest 1%. democrats will clean up correction to make washington work for the american people. republicans will only continue the toxic gop culture of cronyism and confidence and corruption that grows more brazen and more destructive every day. we have seen republican -- washington republicans work relentlessly to distract, divide, and cover up anything to shift the focus from the gop tax scam to the rich and the cool
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campaign to take away americans health care. we do not agonize. we organize. many of you and across the country, our volunteers and politics. vip. women and men mobilize in historic numbers. as congress was refusing what we're doing and they refused to stand silent. i tell them and tell you, every step you take, every door you knock, every conversation you had, it makes the difference between winning and losing in this election. the ground thanks to you. the volunteers and you are inspired by an incredible generation,a new americanues with their
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constituents. democrats win, and they will win tonight, we will have a congress that is open, transparent, and accountable to the american people. forill strive bipartisanship, seeking common ground as we are responsible to do. when we cannot find that, standing our ground. for the boldest --, denominator. the boldest, denominator. evening, we will strive for unity because we must of ourhe guidance founders. they did so much in our declaration. life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. they gave us guidance, from many, one. they did not know how many we would be or how different we would be from each other.
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but they knew that we had to strive for unity and oneness. that is what we intend to do, in a nonpartisan way. republicans had dark money in the dark message of division. an extraordinary generation. let's hear from our candidates. the energy of the grass roots, and under the leadership -- determination, to win. across the country, volunteers, and politics, our vip, must continue to get out the vote. get out the vote. keep it going. make the calls and text those messages. get out the vote. youk all of you here, are ready to take back the house? for working men and women?
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are you ready to help more democratic candidates win? are you ready for a great democratic victory? i thought so. onward to victory. god bless you and god less america. thank you all very much. ♪ ["beautiful day" by u2 playing] host: the house of representatives work called for the democrats tonight. we learned the united states remain control with heidi in north dakota. congressman cramer was successful in his bid and he had -- he announced it on twitter. he said thank you for representing and the united states senate, it will be the
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honor of a lifetime. that is his tweet announcing his victory in the race. steve scully with more results. steve: the networks have also declared mike the winner in the ohio governor's race. that would be significant because -- because richard cordray was ahead and son -- in some polls. it would be key in 2020 in the buckeye state. let's focus on senate races and republican pickups. in montana, senator john is believeonto a sizable in the small state over matt rosen dale, the republican candidate. vote in that state. in missouri, they have been going back and forth over the course of the evening. moving ahead with about half of now, with claire mccaskill seeking a third term. she was elected years ago. republican challenger six years
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ago, beating the republican challenger back then. right now, josh is ahead. is a republican pickups were congressman kevin cramer has been leading in most of the polling. defeating senator heidi hyde -- finally, arizona, senate race, early now, market make sally with a narrow lead. have house results in a couple of minutes. john, republican. you are on. i wanted to say i was really happy with the turnout, early voting, first time ever for early voting, straight republican ticket. on who was going this better here or there,
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time, it was plain to see. a lot of texans voted early. 4.1 million of your fellow tech and's went to the is early. -- to the polls early this year. is that your standard going forward? caller: well, it was actually a shorter line and easier in and out, early voting. i did go early in the morning. voting theerent than way i always had. i was enthused. not going to live. the kavanaugh hearing did it. thank you p next up is a call from kelsey. an independent. yes.r: thank you for having me on tonight. i wanted to call and make a point to say the other i am aion of america,
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young voter p or i'm a college student. the republican ticket this time, the way the republicans have things structured for the future, it will make a better future for the country in a more prosperous nation for us to thrive in. host: thank you. a young voter in tennessee. , available tol tell us what his take is so far. >> it has become a tradition on election night to check in with bob cusick, the hill newspaper in the >> it started out as far as the house looking pretty good for house republicans. doing quite well in florida. a lot of seats were going in
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their direction. as the night has gone on, it has shifted back to the democrats. that is why the networks are projecting the democrats will win back the house. we will see how many seats they win. at the incumbents, number of incumbents behind. a lot of them have already lost. constant comstock, dan, who voted against both the obamacare repeal effort and the task of in new york. he lost. also, a big role in formula in the tax bill, he lost. something as far as the house that was expected. in the senate, it has been less of a roller coaster and pretty they didn't win every race. bob menendez one -- won. they won the key races. that race expected to be a lot
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closer with the polls. certainly, it is a big deal for the white house because another supreme court is opening, republicans should be able to unify behind another justice. a big deal for not only supreme court justices but judicial nominations. both sides with the house flipping in all and the senate staying republican, both sides are saying we won. will be think that grounds for bipartisanship. an unusual election when one house flips and the other does not. especially senate republicans will pick up a seat or two or three. >> how real has the brett kavanaugh affect been in the midterm election? op: i think it has been real and effective for senate republicans. that does not mean it was great
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for house republicans. they want to talk about the economy, they didn't want to talk about brett kavanaugh that much or immigration. it will be fascinating to see where some of the swing races in california go. i would imagine turnout anecdotally looks to be quite high. for senate republicans, it did it reallyir majority put red state democrats obviously, he ended up winning. but it was a difficult thing for the democrats running in states in 2016.p won big steve: i want four house races and show the results and get your snapshot. we talk about pennsylvania redistricting by the
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pennsylvania supreme court. district,ongressional ron has been holding on much of is evening, mike kelly, this you look at the results, what do you think? : mike kelly embraced this and trump won in 2016. it looks like it is an indication of how well things not in every state, in every race.
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deal and it is why in all likelihood the house would be flipping. democraticy, the candidate defeating weber. pickup in amocratic seat. bob: it is always rough terrain for republicans in new jersey. steve: we will be back to you in a moment. >> our beaches and shores, i still believe we ought to have the economy where people are able to work one job instead of two or three jobs to make ends meet -- meat. i am extremely proud the voters of florida decided to ask the amendment forward. i am proud about that.
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that is one step closer to getting us where it is we need to be as a state. y'all, i want to encourage you not to give up. -- ithough i will not have still plan to be on the frontlines long side every single one of you when it comes to standing for what we believe in. as i said, policy is nothing without a demand. it never has and never will. we still have to be willing to every day and demand our seat of the table. we have got to be willing inside and outside of elections to say the voices still matter and we still have reveled -- relevance.
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i still believe and i trust the voters. we may not have all shown up in and hopedat we saw it we would, but i still believe there are more of us who believe in what is common and what is decent and what is right, and i believe in the long run, good always wins out over evil. i still believe that. of you are along the trail and heard me talk repeatedly about my grandmother. someone pointed out she was the real winner of the governors race. my grandmother who poured so much into us, because my mother and father, as i would often share, have to get up early in the morning to go off to work. they would lotus up in the car, where we would sleep in little longer. grandmother would have a two-step ritual. the first phase of that is she would grab -- grab her bottle of
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olive oil and sometimes cooking oil, whatever she could get her hands on. she would have that refrain. bring it home for the little boy down the street, that you play with, god knows where he will end up. bring it home for your mother day,our daddy every single roof, bringkeep a it home.
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what she was saying is it isn't just about me. i'm reminded this evening that it is not about me. it is not about my wife. it is about all of us. the collective and we all do that if good, we can do good people he can do good by doing good. we all put the wars in the water and role in the same direction, we can all get further than by ourselves. i still believe that to be true this evening. even in defeat, i believe it to be true. we have a choice tomorrow morning. are we going to wake up and bask in sorrow and defeat, or are we going to get up at the mission at hand? are we going to fight for the things we believe in, and are we going to get up and say we still
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deserve a seat at the table? i said before, we will have a and wideg enough enough and deep enough to fit all of us. we will have to do a little more to make our way to it. know weke sure people plan to have a seat at this thing and we will not be ignored. we will not be pushed aside. be pushed into the shadows anymore. that we are here to stay. i am blown away by you. beginning andhe
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extremely difficult task. i truly regret i couldn't bring it home for you. [applause] you!nce: we love [cheering] [applause] but... guarantee you. i'm not going anywhere. we are going to fight. [applause] we are going to keep fighting and keep working. we will keep believing. they are so appreciative and thankful for you. we will lifto know
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our great state in prayers, our great nation in prayers, and we believe at the end of the day, that we, not us, but we will still have the victory. god bless you. god keep you. god bless the state of florida and the great country that we get this home. take care, everybody. thank you. thank you. steve: from houston, texas, senator ted cruz on his way to a second term in the senate. >> 2000 people coming out. what was truly amazing, at many of these events, we would ask how many of you here are former democrats? we would see hands throughout the room as we are seeing hands now. togetherexas came
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ofind a commonsense agenda low taxes, low regulations, and a lot of jobs. border ande defending the constitution and is -- itof rights that was your heart work. the way we go up because of the economy booming. that the united states is the world posse top producer of oil, this is a victory for all the kids seeing their parents in the last two years, 4 million people , have come off of food stamps.
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people depend on government for basic food needs now have jobs and get to come home. home and say i am providing for my family and their kids get to look up at mom and dad and see the hope. hope,as an election about we want a future with more jobs moreore security and freedom. i want to also thank my wife heidi.
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juggling 1000 balls backwards on a unicycle. [cheering] and i want to thank our girls, caroline and catherine. it is hard having dad on the road all the time and mom on the road, all the time. it is hard and these girls pay a price and girls, mommy and i love you with all of our hearts. i could not possibly be prouder of the two of you. i also want to thank my mom and my dad. both of whom poured their hearts into this. i want to also take a moment to
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congratulate beto o'rourke p or deport is harder to the campaign. he works entirely. listen, it is important to he worked tirelessly. he is a dad and he took time away from his kids. i want to also say, millions across the state were inspired by his campaign. they did not prevail and i am grateful the people of texas chose a different path. let me say to all of those who worked on the campaign, i am , to senator as well represent every texan. i give you my word, i will always fight for your jobs, for your security, i
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will fight to defend your constitutional right. that applies to everyone in the great state of texas. we saw an assault that was unprecedented. race with100 million hollywood coming in against the state with the national media all the money in the world for people the hard-working of the state. i am so incredibly proud each andevery day it stands up they have been delivering results. , more jobs andgo
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the security more freedom bitterness and division we see nationally, texas can be a model with stability and respecting each other's decency and i hope texans can help -- for people of texas and the people of america, we love you, thank you for every hour, every word, every step, every bit of passion. god bless you. [applause]
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[indistinct conversations] steve cohen that is a republican holds we are rejoined by bob q zack -- cusack. a reaction to that win? cruz andwin for ted republicans have to spend a lot of money. beto o'rourke raised a record amount of money, they raised $8 million, really unheard of.
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democrats were hopeful maybe they could hold off the upset. certainly, over at had a chance -- beto o'rourke had a chance. matchup,heavyweight the most compelling senate matchup of the cycle and it -- take route -- ted cruz ended up winning. going on the senate side going republican, that is why republicans are going to retain the majority in the chamber. steve cohen the networks have called the race. it will be a republican pickup with claire mccaskill losing in her bid for a third term. we look at the numbers from missouri, the state attorney
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general with nearly 54% of the vote compared to 43% for senator mccaskill. thoughts on that? you talk to republicans early in the election cycle, aey thought bob holly got mccaskill was slated to win. incumbents, when the president was going to texas and missouri -- steve: i hate to do this but i have to jump and again p or for being with us and hopefully we can check in with you later in the evening. the governor elect. >> i spoke with andrew gillum and he graciously conceded the election. he was a very formidable and i'll -- opponent and i wish him well.
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the opportunity to serve as the 46th governor of the great state is the greatest professional honor of my life, other than serving in uniform. thank you, the people of florida, for your faith, your support, and your trust. that you have placed in me. not bad for starting out making six dollars an hour. the only thing i can fully control is how hard i work. knowing as hard abrahamsibly could, lincoln told the soldiers assembled -- assembled before
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him, the governments for which they were fighting provided everyone the enterprise and he was living soldiers there fighting for were worth the sacrifice. election as governor, the third-largest state was further proof that regardless of where you start out in life, if you work hard, you do it for the right reasons, you can succeed in the united sits america. eager to write my obituary. years, people have one day in november where the
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elites don't call the shots. they don't get to set the agenda. we will hold people in government accountable and we will protect taxpayer dollars have ae sure floridians fair chance of realizing their dreams. that we will remain open for business. and we will save you a lot in taxes if you bring your investment to florida.
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there are a lot of people i have to thank. i unfortunately cannot thank everyone. i tell you this, my most significant and valued supporter , in spite of what the media may say, is standing next to me, my wife. we met by chance years ago. the best life anyone could ever and here i very much hope think i will be a great governor, but i can guarantee you, florida will have the best first lady in the country. i would like to thank my mother, a retired nurse. when you're running for governor in a massive space, always going in and out, it is really helped
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that she has been there helping i'm putting out the idea and the leadership but you guys are the ones that made the victory .appen truth be told, one of the reasons i've worked so hard in because i did not want to let you down. want the campaign staff to work very hard on the process starting with campaign chairman suzy. really the best.
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i want to thank our wonderful lieutenant governor elect. when we started the campaign and jeanette got on the ticket, she was our secret weapon. now, her presence has been witnessed by the entire state. people know we are getting a special woman to be our lieutenant governor. she will be, when she takes office, the highest-ranking hispanic female in history of the state of florida. i would also like to thank governor rick scott for his leadership.
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we have an awful lot of opportunities in florida for building a stronger economy in rick scott forto eight years focusing on bringing florida's's economy back. it has never been better. governor scott has done a great job for people of the state of florida. finally, i would like to thank our president for standing by me -- [applause] >> for standing by me when it was not necessarily the smart thing to do. president, i look forward to working with you to advance 40's priorities. you will get tired of me calling you asking for things for florida. i think we will have a great partnership.
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i'm excited for the opera student -- i'm excited for the opportunity for florida. when i was in iraq, it didn't matter where the fellow servicemembers came from. about whichught folks we were fighting for. fight for democrats, republicans, no, political campaigns are rough as this and often about highlighting our differences. unfortunately, they often spiral into outright demagoguery. governing is different. it is about getting things done on behalf of the people of florida. keeping the economy going, improving water quality and environment, extending educational opportunities. we need to build a cleaner and safer and stronger florida and that will be my guiding light as
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governor here you can count on me if you are a low income family and you are relying on a step up for student scholarships, for your child to have education opportunities, you can count on me to keep it going. are something -- algae, and restore the everglades. [applause] floridians can count on me to keep taxes low and use our low , we can have real significant gains for technology, a broader economic race, higher-paying jobs, and you and up raising more money for a government with a low tax rate, so you can do things for environment and education and public safety.
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law enforcement can count on me to stand by them. [applause] i was honored to have the support for most every law-enforcement agency group in florida, and there was not a single campaign stop i didn't go ith someone in the uniform -- -- just understand i appreciate the job you do to keep floridians safety or we will stand by you 100%. veteran, floridians will count on me to stand up for our active duty military in the state of florida and the great veterans who have done so much. floridians can also count on me to cap -- to appoint solid constitutionalists for the state supreme court and other courts. we can and judicial activism and restore the
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constitutional order. we have a lot to do, a lot of opportunities. i believe you have to turn the page on a political campaign and have to be willing to work with floridians from all walks of life. i do not care if you are against me in the campaign. i want to work with you to advance common priorities. if we think that way, i don't think there will be limits to the amount of good we can do. it is an honor to be here tonight as the governor elect of the state of florida. forward toing getting going very quickly as we juggle two kids under two and all that goes with it. as governor, i will fight the good fight here and i will finish the race. i will keep the faith on behalf of the great state of florida and wonderful people we have here. thank you. god bless you guys. ♪ journey you want it" by
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playing] ♪ steve: the governor-elect in we go to northa, dakota or heidi heitkamp is in herprocess of conceding race. proud of enormously the team she put together. i cannotwith people, tell you how incredibly important it was that they represent me on the ground the way i wanted to be represented. they were enormously energetic and enthusiastic and so
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grateful, so grateful for the they were given by north dakota and's in every corner of the state. to thank my incredible staff. on to big and better things here they have learned a lot. they have learned a lot about north dakota. aboutave learned a lot our incredible people. i think they have been honored to serve people of north dakota, whether it is getting veterans their benefits or looking at social security or making sure people aren't tighter -- entitled to benefits in social security and medicare and medicaid. you, i will tell
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you, they are an incredible group of people and they are incredibly talented people. i hope many of them especially north dakota and'sill dig deeper and find a path forward for political leadership here they really deserve that. the people of north dakota really absurd -- deserve political leadership. incredible. absolutely incredible. they have served this state so well. i finally want to thank my husband, who has been with me. [cheering] who has been with me for a lot of years. and he puts up with me on a and has, for an
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introvert, married a wife who has a pretty extroverted career. [laughter] and that has been really tough. this has been the honor of a lifetime. serving as north dakota's senator. [applause] i have met so many great and good people. i have fought for these people and for my state in a way that i hope makes all of the proud, but most important lee makes the state of north dakota proud. so elections are won and lost and the world revolves again tomorrow. what i really want to leave you with is for so many young people who got engaged, it seems like a
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bitter thing to lose the race, but the worst thing would be to never run at all, to not ever try. to simply say that is too hard or the state is too red. there is always an excuse to not drive. what i like to believe in this race, regardless of the outcome, that because we put the protections on the table, they will never take away your pre-existing condition protections. and because we exposed i think a plan to reduce the social security and medicare and they had to say we will never do that that they will live up to the promise of never doing that. and finally, finally, we took a
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areas,g in the rural and i understand that. but i do want to sound a warning. times are tough on the farmers. when times are tough on the farms, they eventually become tough in our country. what i will tell you is we have to have a policy that works for the farmers in our state. and that may not always be following one political party. it may not always be making sure that you're supporting a political idea as opposed to the right idea. that theainly hope president in particular will not take this defeat as an example ariff policy is a good idea. it is wrong.
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it is wrong for north dakota. and so we live to fight on. and sometimes the older generation takes an exit. we have had an incredible experience in north dakota. i have been so proud to represent the state and i'm so gratified for the six years of opportunity i had to do the work of the people. i'm so glad for the six years of opportunity i've had to really tell the people that there is a different path. but i also remember all the times we touched human lives. whether it was handing out a medal, giving a benefit, taking the worry away from a family member who was worried about pre-existing conditions or their medicaid. that was really, really important work. and because of that, there are a lot of people better off today, and i'm in or mostly proud of that.
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[cheers] remember, we to may have lost an election, but we have not lost our enthusiasm for the state of north dakota. we have not lost our enthusiasm for the future of our state. we have not lost our enthusiasm for political activism and presenting a different point of view. that is incredibly important in this democracy. [applause] whenhere will come a time someone will stand on this podium representing this political party and declare ,ictory as the next governor declare victory as the next united states senator, declare victory as the next attorney general. [cheers] we will not give up. we will not give up.
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we will not give up. we will not give up. we will not give up. we will not give up. i love you all. god bless you and god bless the united states of america and this great state. thank you. ♪ that was freshman democratic senator heidi heitkamp who lost in her bid for reelection. we will show you a couple of tweets. a virginia seven, washington post reporter says that dave brat is not appearing in his own party. it looks like we are going into overtime, still fighting very hard. maybe not tonight. trump,sident donald tremendous success tonight,
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thank you to all. that is from the president. and here is nancy pelosi live at congressional campaign headquarters in washington. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2018] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> how you feeling? [cheers] i'm going to ask my colleagues to join us here. chanting] thank you all very much. thank you all very much. chair of theour democratic national committee, chairman perez. [cheers] where did he go? and i also want to salute the chair of the democratic
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congressional campaign committee. aren't we proud? [cheers] and i want to acknowledge my two asndsonss, thomas and paul, they await their other cousins in california who are still campaigning until the last minute in california, because it's all about the children. before i thank you all more fully, i want to thank my colleagues and acknowledge their leadership and presence here. [cheers] fromistinguished rep maryland, steny hoyer. [cheers] the assistant leader, mr. clyburn of north carolina. south carolina. [applause] let's assume they are all
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distant wished. bobby scott from virginia. [applause] tk butterfield of north carolina. california.of karen from california. virginia.from boyle ofan pennsylvania. we all join in thanking all of you. many of you are vip's, real vip's volunteers in politics who have mobilized in large numbers, who saw with this gop congress is doing, and refused to stand
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still. every conversation you had, text you sent, made the difference between winning and losing this election. thanks to you, we owned the ground. thanks to you. thank's to you, tomorrow will be a new day in america. [cheers and applause] remember this feeling. the power to win. withongratulations those dynamic, diverse coming credible candidates who have taken back the house for the american house. let a salute all of our candidates, all of our candidates. [cheers and applause] today is more than about democrats and republicans. it is about restoring the constitution, checks and balances to the trump administration. [cheers and applause] ,t is about stopping the gop
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medicare, medicaid, the affordable care act, and health care for 130 million americans living with pre-existing medical conditions. let's hear it more for pre-existing medical conditions. [cheers] winning over free reign of washington. but more than anything, it is about with the new democratic majority will mean in the lives of hard-working americans. [applause] that's what it's about. democrats work for the people, for the people. lower the cost of health care by lowering the cost of prescription drugs, raise wages and strong economic growth by rebuilding the infrastructure of america. clean up corruption to make washington work for all americans.
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real, very, very strong legislative actions to legislate, to negotiate down the price of prescription drugs for families across america. we will deliver a transformational investment in america's infrastructure to create more good paying jobs because our roads, bridges, schools, water systems, broadband networks, housing and beyond the print we will drain the swamp. because when we do, americans have greater confidence in congress works on, from health care to taxes, clean air, clean water for children, when they know that the people's interest will prevail, not the dark special interests. [cheers and applause] gop, ak contrast to the democratic congress will be led with transparency and openness.
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so that the public can see what is happening and how it affects them, and that they can weigh in with the members of congress and with the president of the united states. we will have accountability and we will strive for bipartisanship. with fairness on all sides. we will have response ability to find our common ground, stand ground where we cannot, but we must try. we will have a bipartisan marketplace of ideas that makes our democracy strong. a democratic congress will work for solutions that bring us together, because we have all had enough of division. [cheers and applause] people want results. they want us to work for positive results for their lives. our founders believed in a
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principal that they knew must guide our nation. in the declaration they promised life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. but they give us guidance, e pluribus unum, from many one. the founders could never have realized how different would be, how fast we would be from each other, but they knew we had to be one. unity. unity for our country. [applause] and that today the american people have spoken to restore that mission. with the new democratic majority, we will honor the vision of our founders for a country, having a legitimate debate, but remembering we are one country. sacrifices ofthe our men and women in uniform and their families who have made us the land of the free and the home of the brave. [applause]
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to build a better future worthy of their sacrifice. and we must honor and respect the aspirations of our children. elections are about the future, of what we do for her children's future. so thank you all for making the future better for all of america's children. god bless you. god bless america. thank you all very much. [cheers and applause] ♪
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best" plays] ♪ theancy pelosi at democratic congressional campaign headquarters in washington, d.c., with some of the senior membership of
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congress, hoping to reclaim the speaker's gavel in january after the democratic victory tonight. we will take you now to springfield, missouri. the attorney general, the republican victor in the race. >> and had a very nice call with the president of the united states. thank you, mr. president, for your leadership. thank you for believing in missouri tonight. the people of missouri have delivered a. the people have said they want a senator who stands with the who will missouri, fight for us in washington, d.c. -- and i will. [applause] you know, i have to say this, as i travel around the state, we have heard a lot about how divided the country is and how divided the state is, and i just have to say, as erin and i have
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been all over the state, i don't know that that is true. as we have gone from every corner of this state, northwest and central missouri, we have found a people incredibly united and the things we hold most dear. the selection has been about our way of life it has been about the heartland way of life. it has been about the way of life that built this country, that sustains this state, built around our churches and faith, neighborhoods, families, and schools. i said from the beginning this was about defending our way of life. it was about renewing it for a new day. and tonight the people of missouri said we believe in that way of life. it is not the past come it is the future. it represents the best of america, and tonight the people way ofouri have said our life and our values will renew this country, and that is what we are about. and that is what we are for. and that is what this race has been for.
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[cheers and applause] now it is time to roll up our sleeves and get to work. the hard work begins, of going to washington in standing up for a values. i said i would fight to secure our bill order -- our border and i will. i said i would be an advocate and fight for pro-constitution, pro-america judges on our courts, and i will. i said i would fight to continue to bring back jobs from overseas, to get wages growing, and i will. stand that i would always for our farmers and our small businessman, the people who have built this state, and i will.
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throughout this campaign, i've thought many times of the line prime minister winston churchill said during world war ii, why is it that we think of history is something that is in the past and forget we are making it? well, we stand tonight at a critical moment in our history. we stand at a critical moment in our nations history. the people of missouri have said we are up for the chalice, we are ready to answer the call at this hour, to the people of missouri have said we believe in america, we believe our best days are ahead, we believe in our future, and we are ready to fight for it, and i am ready to go to washington and fight for you. [cheers and applause] tonight. say thank you thank you first and most important way to my wife, erin, who is here with me. she is the love of my life. [applause]
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she is the love of my life. she is the lord's greatest gift to me in this life, who has done this every day for the last year with her has been an incredible privilege, and to live my life with her is an incredible privilege and i look forward to this journey together. i love you, sweetheart. [applause] i've got some other special guests with me tonight. my grandmother is here tonight. thank you, grandma. [applause] right there. she is here tonight. my grandma is here tonight on behalf of all of our grandparents. thank you, grandma, for who you are and the example you have set it i have never known a stronger woman that my grandmother, and it's incredible to have known her. she growth on a farm in central kansas. the value should grew up with were passed down to us and will be with us always, and grandma, i hope i make you proud in the
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u.s. senate. , who are to my parents my heroes. my mom and dad behind me here. thank you to my uncles, aunts, and cousins here. little boys are supposed to be in bed, but when we left, elijah was still awake. if you are watching tv, buddy, we love you. thank you to my terrific team. we have the best team in politics. they have delivered tonight for the people of missouri. and finally thank you to you. thank you for the work you have done, the doors you have no knocked. thank you for knocking doors of the rain, calling your friends, thank you for believing in this campaign. but more portly, thank you for believing in america. thank you for believing in our future. thank you for believing in what we could yet achieve. congratulations! this is your victory tonight! you've earned it!
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you've earned it! god bless you, god bless missouri, and god bless the united states of america. good night. [cheers and applause] "usa"]ce chanting and we will go to claire mccaskill, who has been speaking for while. we will listen in. >> i will be out there fighting with you. i am not going away. i love this state. i will continue to serve. [applause] i look forward. theres audience tonight, are candidates who will stand for election in the state and win, and i look forward to helping you, helping nurture the next leaders, for the values we care about.
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and for now, it is good night, but it is not goodbye. i love you guys to death. thank you so much for all you have done. thank you, thank you. [cheers and applause] thanks, guys. thank you. "claire"] chanting >> and from claire mccaskill, the speeches are coming in quickly now. we will go to florida and rick scott. [cheers and applause]
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she has been by my side for and our year in office, great campaign team has worked day and night. jackie and the entire team. [cheers] brad. want to thank brad is my chief of staff. not sure where he is. brad is my chief of staff and he has done a great job. i want to thank my entire team. they have done a great job in making this a place for everybody, that everybody wants to live. there are a lot of people who have helped in this race. i want to thank president trump. [cheers] i want to thank vice president
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pence. i want to thank former president george w. bush. i want to thank former governor jeb bush. there's a lot of people who came down to make sure we got the vote out. i want to thank senator lindsey graham. senator cory gardner. i want to thank everybody from puerto rico who came. [cheers] thank congresswoman jennifer gonzalez. and a want to thank the lieutenant governor. i want to thank senator marco rubio.
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and my lieutenant governor, quintera.pez ca [cheers] [speaking spanish] you know, there are going to be a lot of pundits who analyze this race. a lot of people will pore all over the inaccurate polls. [cheers] but i have no interest in looking back towards. -- backwards. i'm looking to the future, and we have a bright future in front of us. our national economy is growing, wages are up, and every country would love to have the economy
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of the usa. we are the envy of the world, and florida is the envy of the united states. [cheers and applause] success,see all the it's shocking to see people suggesting we embrace socialism. socialism will not happen in our nation, and it's not going to happen under my watch. [cheers] tallahassee to eight years ago to be everybody's friend. i'm not going to d.c. to when a popularity contest. i'm going to d.c. to get something done. i put out a 10 point plan that i believe in. i press corps decided not to read it or spend any time on it.
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that change is never popular, especially when you talk about how you're going to change government. but i brought a business perspective to tallahassee eight years ago and i try to use every thing i could to change the direction of the state of florida, and together we did it. [cheers] together we reinvented the government of florida, and we are going to do the same thing in d.c. the federal government is frustrating, it is outdated, it is wasteful and inefficient. all the states that have dealt with state government can tell you story after story after story. i'm just one individual, but there are lots of other individuals in d.c. who want to do the same thing, and i'm going to work with them and we will change, like we did in florida, the direction of washington, d.c. [cheers]
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governmentaccept incompetence in tallahassee, and we are not going to accept it in d.c.. i will not accept it as your new u.s. senator. [cheers] ago, we had as hurricane hit our state, hurricane imike. 150 mile per hour unbelievable devastation. but people came together. people from all over this country came here to help us. people did not say are you republican or democrat? they said do you need water, food , atarp, what can we do to help, and they did. from all over the state and all over the country, people came together. we can do the exact same thing in washington. [cheers]
11:59 pm
we all want this to be a better place for each of our families. we can make change. we did it the last eight years in tallahassee. we can do it in washington, d.c. i'm never going to give up on this country. i was blessed to have the family i did growing up, and i will never give up. god bless every one of you, god bless our great country. let's get to work! [cheers and applause] ♪


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