tv Washington Journal 02102019 CSPAN February 10, 2019 7:00am-10:01am EST
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talks about the trouble administrations strategy and the fight against isis. as always, we will take your calls and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter as well. "washington journal" is next. declare that i am a candidate for president of the united states of america. ♪ massachusetts senator elizabeth warren, becoming the latest entry into the 2020 democratic residential base and another president -- another itator, amy klobuchar, makes official in minneapolis. we begin this sunday morning with a look at where the democratic party is and where it's going. by the way, congress returns this week with a friday deadline to reach a spending agreement. still an option for the
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another government shutdown appears unlikely. all through this week, the senate is expected to confirm william barr as the next attorney general. we begin with the state of the democratic party and your calls and comments on a week when two senators announced their intentions to seek the presidential nomination. we want to hear from democrats only and whether you think a party is heading in a more liberal direction and needs to be more moderate. that is how we have been dividing the phone lines. for those supporting a more liberal agenda, (202) 748-8000, and those more moderate, (202) 748-8001. join the conversation on facebook at or send us a tweet, we will read it @cspanwj. a will get your calls in just moment. this is from the sunday business section of "the new york times." "soaking the rich."
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the new green deal, we will get your calls and comments on all of this. this from michael bloomberg, the former mayor of new york city, who dispatched from the hampshire talking about the need for the party to be a little bit more moderate. we will hear from him in just a moment. a story involving virginia politics, virginia leaders pulling the democrats into a nightmare as ralph northam delivers his first interview with "the washington post," saying he has no intention of staying down -- stepping down from the governorship. again, do you think the party needs to be more liberal? call (202) 748-8000. (202) 748-8001 if you think the cup -- the party needs to be more moderate. "from dividing the democrats." have muchent did not success dividing democrats until he found a word that would
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host: again, that is from "the hill newspaper." let's get your phone calls. devon joins us from newport, rhode island. good morning. caller: morning. host: go ahead. caller: yeah i'm, yeah. host: you're on the air. opinion is that the democrats should definitely be more liberal. i mean, like, if you look at the polling for stuff like medicare for all, free college and stuff, overwhelmingly supported. even republicans support those policies. you look at bernie sanders, he's the most popular politician in the country. do you think a liberal agenda can win middle america? swing voters? caller: bernie sanders did in 2016. he did well in the midwest, the planes states and the mountain
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states. so yeah, i do think that. i think is one of the reasons why trump won, actually. steelworkersal to and stuff about how like these trade deals have taken our jobs and shipped them over to china and stuff. that is what bernie was campaigning on. trump was the winner in the midwest. opinion, he actually was the winner because he adopted a more populist policy. host: thank you for the call. this is from inside of "the new york times." yesterday,it live from just outside boston at noon eastern time. ,ive coverage this afternoon , she becomesl time -- with amy klobuchar becoming the next senator to join the race.
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going to diane, next. good morning. caller: good morning. i think that trying to divide democrats with a so-called dirty word socialism is not going to work this time. people and young even the old people, like myself, i'm not that old, 59, but we are on to how our government is just overrun by money and how the billionaires with their influence over these we can need politicians who accept all the money have made the wars where it's just making corporations and the rich get richer. for instance, i have a headline here where netflix -- with the madeop tax law or, they millions of profits and paid zero in taxes. the gop turns around with
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foreign policies for multinationals to make new money in china and india and all over the world. yet they will be taxed on their foreign profits when they want their headquarters here. they take advantage of our intellectual property laws and time patent laws and any their companies are in trouble, our state department doesn't go to rescue those employees and businesses. with the medical bills making people go into bankruptcy with health insurance, it's time to just have a whole new outlook. elizabeth warren is not against capitalism. she loves capitalism if you have ever read anything -- there is a good piece in the atlantic about her views on capitalism and how she just wants to make a level playing field in the competition , to make it more competitive. with amazon and the big four, they just buy out a company. lesshire less and
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employees. with the future of automation, how will we replace the tax base? these are not radical ideas, like c-span is trying to make it. i think that people are not on for this division of trying to divide us with the word socialism because we already have social policies that ebola like social security and medicare. and our whole system of trade. i think it's not going to work this time. thank you. host: thanks for the call. busy weekend, the mayor of south bend, indiana, in iowa, we covered him on friday. we covered that yesterday. it is all on our website as we 20r up for the 20 presidential race. we are asking you the direction of the mi craddock party and want to hear in the first hour from democrats only. should it be a more liberal agenda or moderate agenda?
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ofcaught up with the mayor new york -- former mayor of new york city, michael bloomberg, who talked about where he sees the party going and the concerns he has about a more liberal progressive agenda. [video clip] people have embraced the green new deal. it's become fashionable to do so, that's great. but it's time is a party that we started putting some meat on the bone and laying out exactly how a green new deal, what it should include. i believe the plan should be bold, ambitious, and most importantly achievable. i'm tired of listening to things that are pie in the sky that are never going to pass, that we will never afford it. i think it's disingenuous to promote those things, you've got to promote something practical.
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host: we have the following, "republican party has a secret weapon for 2020 -- the gop needn't lift a finger for it to work. all republicans have to do is sit act and watch alexandria because io cortez exist. host: back to your phone calls from north carolina. you say the party needs to be more liberal? explain. caller: not more, but liberal,
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of course. progressive is the key word here. capitalism is over, at least capitalism in the u.s. and any where else in the world is capitalism on steroids eerie let's get this straight. our neighbor from the north, canada, is a social democracy. take that away, rip it out of your mind. it's social democracy, which we don't have here anymore. canada has been ranked number one for best quality of life by bab study.and r and canada is a social democracy with gun control and universal health care. so, take that, put it in your mind, think about that.
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we have gun control in canada and universal health care. and we are ranked best quality of life. host: mark, joining us from north carolina. caller: having called in from a while, but i've got my favorite moderator right now. fellow pennsylvanian. host: different part of the state. [laughter] caller: unfortunately. i definitely think the party should become more moderate. home town erield pennsylvania, could not believe it went red. erie froze over as usual. a cautionary tale. as a party we can't move too far to the left, the we are going to lose the white working-class
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voters. best who do you think represents that in 2020? some refer to joe biden as the candidate that refers best to that part of the electorate. caller: i like him, but i think he's just too old. i've been seeing him lately, he doesn't seem as robust as he used to be. biden's time was 2016 unfortunately he set out. like kamalai harris. she is law and order. she can get the african-american vote out in pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan. 46 electoral college votes that were beat -- will be lost -- that we lost in 2016. yeah. that's what we need. i just think she is the person. ticket.e her top of the
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maybe beto is vp. host:, harris ran into joe biden on amtrak, now people want them to be running mates in this sistertaken by, harris's , something the joe biden took almost every day when he was in the u.s. senate. muchmark, thank you very for the call, we appreciate it from philadelphia. this is from ghost eagle. send us a tweet, we will read it, this says -- host: next up is mary, joining us from muskegon, michigan. good morning, mary. good morning, how are you today? host: -- host: i'm fine, how are
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you? caller: i'm fine. i like what elizabeth warren said. she came from a humble background about working-class. she wasn't from a rich family, she didn't get a lot of money, they didn't have it. she worked herself up through the years and i think that's a real good thing. we don't need more millionaires in the white house. we don't need people like trump, excuse me. i feel like the republicans are getting brainwashed by him. they don't even know what he's saying. he said before about abortions, he said to abolish late-term abortions. what about when they first get pregnant? they have abortion then? i don't believe in abortion. i know the democrats are a different than that on me. but that's the only thing i
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disagree with with democrats. capitalism at work, flesh and blood robots with amazon, they sell it online for a profit. the story can be found online this morning. the president did this in a tweet on saturday, saying that it was important for them to "press forward with the idea." so here is the tweet. "it is important for the democratic party to press forward with their green new deal. host: back here phone calls. christopher is joining us from oklahoma. where do you see the party heading, chris?
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caller: i think that in the same way that donald trump theoretically shook things up in we needervative world, a liberal equivalent of that in 2020. i don't know if that balances or make things more stressful. i don't understand how people -- get a bad rap. a reaction based on the norms of hereditary privilege and absolute monarchies to the kings.
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going all the way back to the age of enlightenment. why liberalsstand get a bad rap. even the word radical. we are trapped in this language where we choose to use different types of words that mean different types of things to different types of people. host: thank you for the call. let's go back to this piece, "the socialist that could," he writes the following -- "buried in the details, the green new deal promises governmental control of the .iggest aspects of private life it doesn't account for banning fossil fuels or zero emissions across the economy at first -- host: back here phone calls,
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ralph is next joining us from online when, new york. party needs to be more progressive, can you explain? yes, i'm a uaw worker and we are seeing the pendulum swinging back towards working families in this country. when you consider 2010 to 2018, a labor policy in this country that favored the rich. like the tax cuts and job app, favoring the rich with a child tax credit. we have got to push the administration and raise the minimum wage law that is 7:25 per hour. this is the russian in the best this is the progression of the country.
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-- this is the progression of the country. host: this tweet -- george, you are next, good morning, from westville, indiana. caller: good morning, sir. i'm following up with that gentleman and lady talking prior to the democracy that we should have. i'm part of the building trade union and there has been a definite wage stagnation i have been experiencing since the reagan era. like the lady stated, that first caller, saying that we have socialist programs within the united states.
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canada has a socialist mockers he in canada. as insurance, we are being squeezed out. currently i'm about ready to file bankruptcy with cadillac insurance. there definitely needs to be a fix within the insurance industry. as far as taxes go, gun legislation? we put them together because i believe that republicans and democrats, whatever party, whatever your party's name, can come together with sensible things. stay within the guard for crying out loud. thank you, america. god bless. host: sharon, next, you are next. caller: good morning.
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host: how are you, sharon? caller: doing good, how are you this morning? host: doing good, thank you. itler: on being more matter -- more moderate, perhaps that is wishful thinking on my part, we have been swung so far to the right, i'd like to see us move more to the middle, we are getting whiplash. everyone just take a route -- deep breath. yes, we need some changes, but this jerking the country from one side to the other is not benefiting anyone. we are upset with each other and we don't seem to have a course of action that everyone can agree upon. i would like to see some moderation. i'm a joe biden fan. i would like to see him as the moderate, i would like to see the country go with joe, get let's back on track areas
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take it easy. let's not do the whiplash of left to right. let's get back to the center, know what i'm saying? host: thank you for the call. -- from online, host: so, send us your comments. we will read them, @cspanwj. a lot of you weighing in on facebook, elizabeth warren announcing officially yesterday in lawrence, massachusetts, a midst of the ancestry fallout, new questions about forms from the 1980's, we covered the speech in
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its entirety with an endorsement from democratic lawmakers, including ed markey. more from lawrence, massachusetts yesterday. [video clip] >> when government works only for though wealthy and the well-connected, its corruption plain and simple and we need to call it out. [cheers and applause] >> corruption is a cancer on our democracy and we will get rid of it only with strong medicine, with real structural reform. our fight is to change the rules. so that our government, our economy, and our democracy work for everyone. [cheers and applause] i want to be crystal clear about exactly what i mean when i say that.
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first, we need to change the rules to clean up washington and end the corruption. that the trump administration is the most corrupt in living memory. but even after trump is gone, it won't do just to do a better job of running a broken system. we need to take power in washington away from the wealthy and the well-connected. in the hands of the people where it belongs. senator elizabeth warren, making it official yesterday, joining the democratic presidential race. we are one year away from the iowa caucuses. conversation, our with the chairs of the democratic party from those two states. it's also available on the free
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c-span radio app. from michigan, dave, you are next. are from estate the democrats need to win again if they want to win the white house. how do they do it? caller: thanks her take my call. i have called before. wisheory behind this is i that we would come up with some type, like a ventilation system, where people call in and ventilate their statements. that automation has played out. especially what we see in the auto industry and throughout the country. i think that what we need to do is come back to come back to a metering system.
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everyone has meters. auto companies have meters. why don't we have meters on the tax meters that, out for automations? when they turn those machines on, when they start manufacturing a product, it ought to have a tax. with these people's futures, their health care, their ability to bypass the workforce. i think it's only fair that it gets put into education and health care products as a slush fund and they go from there. whether they should work hand-in-hand, i don't see a problem with it, it's bipartisan. just one more thing that we could do. why it understand wouldn't work. i'd like to know some other thoughts on that. for the call, we
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should point out, from michigan. mourning the loss of an individual who is the longest-serving member of the house of representatives. essay isell, his last available this morning inside the op-ed page of the washington post, john dingell's last words for america. he writes that one of the event -- advantages to knowing your demise is imminent and reports of it wilma be greatly exaggerated is you have a few moments to compose some parting thoughts. in the market -- modern political age dedicated to selling division, often in the most irrelevant and infantile political terms, the opposition. as much as i have found twitter to be a useful means of expression, some individual set that sometimes you need more than 280 characters. we observed motto comes of respect even as we fought often
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bitterly and savagely over issues that were literally life-and-death to a degree that, unfortunately, we see much less of today. think about it. the full essay is available online at the washington post as john dingell says goodbye one last time in "the washington post." he passed away last week, 92 years old, suffering from prostate cancer. first elected house of representatives in 1955, he stepped down in 2015, serving under every president from dwight eisenhower to barack obama. flags at can see the half staff for john dingell. back to your phone calls. barry, island heights, new jersey. good morning. caller: good morning. all of the democratic candidates that are today either worn out or unexciting, what they need is a strong woman candidate they can beat donald trump and that is allison lund accrued and grimes.
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the secretary of state of the state of kentucky. thank you. thank you. john, good morning to you from the book -- from liverpool. >> i definitely think they have got to become more moderate. the republican side is painting the democrats as the party of the gays and the blacks. so i'm labor, you know? with labor and they generally endorse the democratic party and that's what i vote for. pocketbook issues. so to me, i would like to see -- i want to see a woman, but i just don't think it's time yet. black president for eight years and we just ran a woman. the democrats haven't put up a white guy in my 20 years. idling it's time to go up against a white guy because you are running against a white guy with donald trump.
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to me i like sharad brown. joe biden is good. but a liberal woman from massachusetts? why not just concede defeat? way too liberal, way too liberal. it guarantees a loss. host: thank you for the lot -- the call. sherrod brown, he calls at the dignity of work to her. that is also on our website. we are tracking all the candidates and as i said, we will have all those at 2:30 eastern time. amy klobuchar, officially entering the race, we expect to hear from other potential candidates, including terran mccullough, who has announced that he will make his decision one way or the other by the end of march. speaking of virginia politics, the front page of the new york times, the first interview, that news conference eight days ago, the picture service showing the blackface and the kkk robe, governor northam bowing to focus on race, saying that he is going to stay in the job and new
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questions for the lieutenant governor with an editorial in the washington post saying that he must answer the question and if he doesn't resign there must be a full investigation by the virginia house of delegates looking at the possibility of impeachment. let's turn to another issue, the deadline this friday to reach an agreement to avoid yet another government shutdown. "the washington post" is that congressional negotiators are optimistic based on an interview with steny hoyer, the house lear. saying yesterday that republican and democratic negotiators were optimistic about reaching a border security deal that would avert another government shutdown. he said "i think there is an occasion that they may yet an agreement and if they do, as early as monday we might hear with the agreement is. that from the maryland democrat. negotiators on friday were closing in on a bipartisan deal that would rebuff the president's demand for $5.7 billion for his wall on the u.s.
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mexico border. instead lawmakers were focusing on a compromise that would provide no more than $2 billion for the barriers. days to finalize legislation that can pass the house and the senate, getting it to the president before the friday, february 15 deadline. more details at the welcome to those on the bbc parliament channel in great britain. we want to hear from democrats to get a sense on where the party is and where you as members of the democratic party see it heading. kenosha, wisconsin. good morning, bob. basically, moderation blows. nobody gets out and gets a pizza and asks for a moderate pizza. i grew up in kenosha. we have the progressive wisconsin ideal. put everything in the locker, maybe we are going to show people that it was a fluke.
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aoc is all right with me. i didn't grow up watching moderates win my battles. i went to a high school named for walter luther. i guess i'm a little steeped in it. so i'm ready. i think waiting to appeal to the white voter is -- that's where we are at. let's be honest. we are a dying breed. agree with this headline, that more democrats call themselves shameless liberals and it's no longer a dirty word? caller: i will take socialist, i will take anything they want to call me, i guessed. because, you know -- [laughter] i guess i'm one of the people that feels more like the opposition. republicans can calmly what they want. as long as i'm not one of them i guess i will feel all right. host: thank you for the call.
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this from burke -- "st: regarding mr. fairfax, the state should investigate allegations against him. suitability for office is beferent, they should not expected to tolerate a high-ranking official credibly accused of rape and sexual assault, so if you defies the calls for resignation, a full investigation is essential." next is ron, michigan. good morning. caller: good morning, steve. front page of new york times, joe biden took $200,000 from
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prosperity for america and gave a speech three weeks before the .lection against upton for 200 thousand dollars, he sold out the democratic party. he should no longer call himself a democrat. he's working for the republicans, plain and simple. when rachel likins word -- use the word socialism, you can back with -- you want fascism? lose --xt, from batten baton rouge, good morning. good morning. i'm one find democrat, sir. i just have a feeling that we won the house the last time and in the houseoney will by the senate this time and it will be over because the congress will control the country and make the laws that we need. no matter what the president
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the congress will override them and we will have a socialist country, the way we need it to be for all these folks. host: thank you for the call. diana with this tweet -- host: alexandria because you are cortez in her second month as a freshman democrat from queens, new york, part of the green new deal with senator ed markey, democrat of massachusetts, covering the news conference this last week. here's part of what she said. [video clip] comprehensive, thoughtful, compassionate, and economically strategic. today is also the day that we
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choose to assert ourselves as a global leader in transitioning to 100% renewable energy and charging that path. that means that we are not going to peggy ourselves by the lowest standards of other nations. it doesn't mean that we are going to say -- what about them, they are not doing it. what about them, they are not doing it, why should we? we should do it because we should lead. because that is what this nation is about. a should do because we are country founded on ideals of a culture that is innovative. the care is for our brothers and sisters across this country. we should do it because we are an example to the world. that is why we should do it. we need to save ourselves and we can save the rest of the world with us. that from alexandria because io cortez. the green new deal that nancy pelosi says will be part of the agenda for the new congress. -- from the new congress.
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from brookings, "what is happening to the democratic party? the best case scenario for progressives in the short-term term is they become a minority within a highly populated democratic caucus, but looking beyond, if the new progressive activists and first-time candidates stay involved, it could presage a more liberal democratic party -- host: that essay is available at du.okings.e the question, "what's happening to the democratic party." morning from woodmere, new york. good morning, lynn. caller: good morning. you know, if you look back at the campaign that hillary ran, the dumbest thing possibly that she did was go into west
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virginia and tell all the people there, working in coal mines that she wanted to end their jobs. and then she went on saying she wanted to get you out of the dirty coal mines and out into the bright sun with solar panels and so on. so that she can create a better economy and better environment for everyone. at the articlek showing the top three online donors, bernie sanders is number one, beto o'rourke's number two, and elizabeth moran is number three. if you eliminate the fact that beto o'rourke is not necessarily a flash in the pan, but new to the field, you have the top two has pretty literal. some say they have to be more progressive, others say they are more honest.
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i think everyone is yearning for honesty now, you know, if they don't need money from pharmacy companies and wall street, but can get them selling t-shirts america cannets how change directions and create movements for itself. not for any particular party. thanks. host: thanks very much for the call. either way, we will get live coverage of senator amy klobuchar this afternoon. we were live last month in oakland, california for the announcement by senator, harris. she will be back in new hampshire according to her campaign and next sunday and monday, another programming from live coverage friday new hampshire, for the state democratic party dinner that will include a keynote address by senator warren. all of the coverage is on our website. here's more from, harris. [video clip]
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>> when bankers craft the economy to get bonuses but the workers that brought the country back can even get a raise, that's not our america. [cheers and applause] and when american families are barely living, paycheck-to-paycheck, what does this administration respond with? to takesponse is to try health care away from millions of families. their response is to give away $1 trillion to the biggest corporations in this country. and their response is to blame immigrants as the source of all of our problems. and guys, let's understand what's happening here. people in power are trying to
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convince us that the villains in our american story is each other. but that is not our story. that is not who we are. that is not our america. [applause] senator harris, looking for the presidential nomination. this from peggy, -- host: richmond, virginia, fred, you are next. toler: going quickly back the just and fair, as an african-american among many african-american leaders in northern virginia, in this time
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-- our word, our advocation is due process. due process. respect both of these young ladies and frankly anybody else who might popout of wherever. we respect them and it should be due process on both sides. many, many, many people voted for northam, justin fairfax, as well as herring. the votes of the people should not be cast aside nor discounted without due process. northam admitted what he did. haring admitted what he did. on dueour focus is process when it comes down to it , with justin fairfax. one last point. host: "the washington post" is calling for him to resign. well, again, due
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process. due process. that was afforded to kavanaugh. to manyn afforded others in the past and it would be sad to see many african-americans, because of the situation just deciding to sit out the primaries in virginia, in june, and sit out the november elections. part of the conversation that has started in virginia at this point. why we would be involved in the process when there is no due process. thank you for a much. host: a lot to talk about on a busy sunday morning. jacksonville, texas, you say the party needs to be more liberal. want to explain? you, c-span,thank and especially thanks for you, you are just a great model -- moderator. i'm a little nervous -- host: well don't be nervous. caller: i just can't remember
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everything out want to say, but let me try to make it quick. host: sure. caller: i guess i liberal. i think, harris would make a good president. elizabeth warren, too. but i wanted to say something about the socialist thing. in my opinion, socialists -- this is what i understand -- a it's -- it's when you take money from one group of people to find another. that makes all government employees socialist. it, may not want to admit but they are, they are participating in a socialist program. which is not all bad. there's a whole lot that's good. a lot of waste and abuse in government. that's where the problem is.
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anyway, so much for that. harris,u mentioned, the we automation to make sure we are pronouncing it properly. she even made a point on twitter, saying that it's,. questions of her heritage, will that be an issue that will dog her in the course of this campaign? or she can get the on that? caller: i don't think so. it's not a problem for me. she made a mistake, but my god, who hasn't. they crucify thee a live person that's never made a mistake. but anyway, i want to say something about the entitlements. for years i have heard nothing but entitlements are social medicaid,medicare and
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-- well entitlements, the way i understand it, it's any program written into law -- that includes a whole lot of things, you know? retirements, pensions, health care for all government employees. i'm not talking about just federal. i'm talking about state and local, you know? government covers a lot of people. host: we saw that during the shutdown, didn't we. yes, we sure did. those are things that i wanted to get off my mind. let me thank you again. i really appreciate c-span. you didn't sound that nervous, you sounded good, bob. [laughter] caller: i'm down here in east texas, i will be 84 this week. host: the happy birthday. caller: thank you, thank you.
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i will be 84 on valentine's day. host: happy birthday, what a day to celebrate. bob, don't be a stranger, don't be nervous. this is from the cover story of time magazine -- "time magazine." people who change the world." outside des moines, yesterday, cory booker, talking about his agenda as he seeks a 2020 democratic presidential bid. i'm running for president because people's faith is shaking and the ability of the country to solve problems. their faith is shaken as they start to believe that maybe the forces tearing us apart as a country are stronger than the forces of binding us together. of politics cannot be one pitting each other against each other. they can't be one of trash talking, controlling, demeaning, and degrading our fellow
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americans. patriotism is love of country and you can't love your country and was you love your fellow countrymen and women. host: that is from cory booker. the first primary in new hampshire is slated for them 11th of 2020. david joins us from burbank. good morning, where do you see your party heading? it'sr: well, hopefully heading a little bit both ways. i'm somewhat liberal and a democrat. but to go to some of the callers , you have to address some of the democratic issues and on a more moderate note, i have heard -- i like biden, i like this. i don't know who is the best candidate. it certainly too early for me. but i'm from the midwest and i have always leaned a little bit to the left, but not too much. rememberalloff, but i a guy who came out with a very , a verynessman conservative area. he sat down with a bunch of
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other very conservative gentleman and said -- we have got to get into a little socialism here. and everyone almost fell off their chair and said -- are you kidding me? we don't even use that word around here. well, let's speeded up a few years. they are all billionaires now because they agreed with this vieweman about sharing a utilizinglication and .ome of the socialist ideas it's called the nfl. it's called revenue-sharing. type peopleative going to these nfl games. talk to them from their base. they don't want to hear about some woman up there talking. they are going to attack a woman about her ancestry, if she blew it. of course.
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with 20 lawyers behind them, the buster bills, they have guys coming up with some goofy thing, like they did with carrie and a few other things to throw people off. , we useto remember stories like benjamin franklin, we talk to the crowd on their level. i was taught to talk to your crowd on their level. host: thank you very much for the call. "cq weekly," "directed spending," you can read it online. howard schultz, who was at purdue university, outlining his agenda as he seeks a potential 2020 independent presidential bid. the former ceo of starbucks spoke this last week and we covered it. [video clip] haveis last year we i traveled the country, heard and learned so many new things. among them is that the american people are longing for more honesty.
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authentic and real leadership in washington, d.c. that is finally working for them. our political class in washington, d.c. is not solving the problems that we need to solve. in order to make the future of america brighter and better for your generation. our politicians seem mired, every single day, in revenge politics. the american people are exhausted by it. they want and deserve something new and something better. almost two thirds of american voters agree that a two-party system, our tubing party system itbroken at his time -- and is time for a centrist candidate not affiliated with either party to be president. host: that's howard schultz with a speech at purdue university with a look at some of the priorities of 2019, including health care, education, and security.
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down to view how americans view their party ideology. joseph, lansdowne, you are next. forer: thank you very much taking my call. good morning, sir. before i get into the question of what kind of a democratic party we want, whether it's social or liberal or so on, let me just make a quick comment about the situation in venezuela. i think it is a very dangerous thing that we are trying to do here and that could result in a major upheaval in that country. it seems to me, i don't know the entire story, but it seems to me that we could have done better. we, americans, could have done better to keep venezuela to getting as off the rails as it has today.
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by engaging them, by inviting maduro over here and telling exactly how we think you should operate so that we could cooperate with him. in other words, instead of sanctioning him and causing the kind of poverty that has resulted, we could have had negotiations or discussions, at least, with the government down there. as a result of not doing that, we now have a situation where there is likely to be a major upheaval. i just wanted to touch on that. being ation of america socialist country, i think that semantics can be just as dangerous, too. we are not talking about communism, here. would like toica turn this country into a communist country. socialism is just to say that our capital way of operating
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business continues, but there will be certain responsibilities that the government would undertake, including making sure that people get their education, that people get their pension, that people get their health care. a number of things that people understand. you can't just leave it up to capital and the capitalism of our society to take care of the socialism of the society. host: thank you for the call. i want to move on, some other people are waiting as well. this is from the pew research study, there is now a great deal of research between the republican and democratic parties, dating back to the 1980's how the parties have diverged, the democratic party becoming more progressive and liberal, the republican party more conservative. countries with the highest standard of living as polled by social progress imperative, showing all of them being
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socialist, usa coming in at number 14. jim, you are next in erie, pennsylvania. good morning. i think it's about time for the revolution. we could have had bernie sanders last time had it not been for the elitists inside of the democratic party that pulled the rug out. it's time that we rise up. i got a community here outside older.5 and all rich people. it's about time that we go up there and start rating these houses, taking what we want. they feed their pets better than i can feed my kids. i believe that aoc is going to be the leader of this revolution. god bless that lady. it's about time. the democrats are going to take over this country and once we do , we will take all the money from the rich people. pennsylvania,
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thank you for the call. jonathan is next. caller: i say that socialism is according to do finds it and the government should do for the people what collectively they cannot do for themselves. i believe in universal health care. i believe in social security. mitch mcconnell and the republicans want to cut it back. but we paid for it. appeal topublicans the middle class tax cut. but that's not what it was. it was a giveaway to the corporations and the wealthy. the deficit and the debt has risen over $1 trillion under trump. the middle class is going to be stuck paying for it.
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better get used to the fact that there is going to be technological displacement. so there's a need in our education system to change. our system hasn't changed since the early 1950's, when they went from 10 grades to 12 grades. it's time for a change. what good is having the greatest health care system in the world when you don't have access to it and it breaks you? ocassiio,i oh -- whatever her name is, that's the model sweden uses. that's which is basing her ideas on and it's been very successful. as you have been saying about countries, thel united states of america ranks 14th. a lot of these people need to stop getting their information from fox news and, and, those conspiracy and
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go and get some real news. host: we're going to stop you there. for all of your calls, comments and tweets, the conversation continues online. and deals with-1 voting rights and voting legislation. that is our topic as we continue c-span's "washington journal." joining us from the heritage foundation is hans von spakovsky and allegra chapman from common cause. c-span's newsmakers follows "washington journal," and this week we turn our attention to iowa and new hampshire and the democratic party chair. [video clip]
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that -- the importance of the early states when it could be up to 15, 16 candidates in this race? >> if there are only 16 serious candidates, i will be surprised. i think it is going to be a lot more than that. folks, aa history of few will drop out after iowa, a few after new hampshire. i think this is just really exciting. i would hope that none of the candidates drop out and that they would give as many states as -- give as many states an opportunity to vote on them as possible. we don't want to be the deciders candidate, but we are making a recommendation on who we think the top three or four or the top dozen. >> i have talked to democratic
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operatives who believe there was a chance this nomination will not be decided even when all the primaries and caucuses have taken place. how much of a risk is that for democrats, where we could have a convention where we don't know the nomination? >> that is the fantasy of most political reporters. nearly every democratic insider, the idea of being able to live through that experience, i am on the reverse side. i think we are going to have this wrapped up by easter. the sheer size of the delegates being decided early on, you will see great movement and we are not going to get anywhere near the convention where the super gel -- where the superdelegates would have an impact. >> monday night on the communicators, from the state of the net conference in washington, d.c., we will discuss internet regulations and monitoring.
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the senior research fellow at the charles koch and institute. -- charles koch institute. say to the industry, here are the rules of the road, here is how you have to treat traffic over the internet, privacy. we just don't have the ability to do that across the board when it comes to consumer protection issues. we have a much more limited rulemaking authority and now we have sector specific laws which will protect some data some of the time but data is not housed in sector specific silos anymore. >> people mean so many different things when they talk about privacy, that it is hard to see how congress does anything specific. people haven't agreed on what the problem is. there is a lot of areas where people could agree on, that injuries the types of we are trying to stop consumers
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from suffering and i think we could get there, but right now the conversation is very vague and talks about privacy as a general idea and people mean different things about privacy. >> watch the communicators monday night on c-span2. to be happening just about every week, that somebody, either a famous person or an ordinary man on the street was getting subjected to social media condemnation. they just found themselves in the middle of a shame tornado for some kind of misbehavior, either genuine or perceived and s had kyl--- these pile-on been much bigger than they had ever been in human history because of the internet. >> helen andrews, editing manager of the washington -- washington examiner magazine speaks on online shaming as our guest on q&a at 8:00 p.m.
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eastern. >> it was tough to write this essay because it brought back what was a very troubling and almost traumatic experience in my life. was a headline i read in the washington times about a man who committed suicide and had not been found for seven days. , the worstellow moment of his life was when he threw a sandwich at a server at mcdonald's for giving him the wrong order. she turned out to be pregnant. this funny little story made local newspapers, but it was at the top of his google search for the rest of his life after it happened in 2013. he could not get a job. googled hisit he name, this came up so any prospective employer thought i do not want this guy and it ruined his life. >> helen andrews on online shaming, tonight at 8:00 eastern
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on c-span's q&a. "> "washington journal continues. host: our sunday roundtable focusing on hr-1 and joining us at the table is allegra chapman, director of voting for common cause and senior fellow for the heritage foundation hans von spakovsky. hr-onebegin with what is 20 include the following, making election day a national holiday, expanding automatic voter registration, increasing access to early voting and vote by mail and restores the voting rights act. what is wrong with this? guest: there were a lot of provisions that are unconstitutional. there were a lot that are redundant that cover areas of laws already covered and in many ways, the federal eyes is an micro manages the election administration process, taking the of -- taking away the ability of the state to make
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their own decisions on how elections will be administered and how they are going to make choices on things like redistricting and otherwise. host: would a uniform system for a national election like the president be suitable? hans: i don't think so. the framers of the constitution put together a system in which they in essence allowed election administration to the state and there is good reason. a lot of people should think about the fact that, do you really want to federalize the election process so that the party in the white house controls federal elections? i don't think that is a good idea. host: allegra chapman, your view on this bill. allegra: i disagree. i think we have to remember that this is a very constitutional bill. the election clause article of the constitution grants congress huge powers when it comes to how elections are going to be run.
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when it comes to whether portions of this bill are in other parts of the law, redundancy when it comes to democracy reform is not our problem. what is our problem is the fact that we don't have a strong enough democracy now and that is why this for the people act is important to remind people what this bill is. it will do just that, save our democracy, and it does it by several different ways. it ensures that every eligible american can show up and vote, have his or her vote count and will make government accountable to the people in a way that has not been the case for a long time. it will restore ethics to the government and ensure transparency across the board. it will get rid of the corrupting influence of money in politics and americans are desperate for this kind of change. host: the idea of making election day a national holiday. what are the benefits and what are the downsides? allegra: i just see benefits.
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i was working on an election protection hotline for the midterms. we got calls from all across the country from people waiting in lines for hours, in states where people are permitted a couple hours of work time in order to go and vote. people were standing in line for hours. there was a big resurgence for this midterm. we had some of the highest turnouts since world war i. that is an exciting prospect. people want to participate in this democracy. yet when we see long lines or people having to encounter broken machines, worrying influences,ide russian interference is going to mess with the system, not showing up and realizing that even though they registered to vote earlier, now they have been axed off of the list because some of the states were taking
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part in purging practices. making election day a holiday and ensuring everyone can show up is the right thing to do. host: we welcome our listeners on c-span radio and sirius xm. i'm going to guess you disagree. hans: i disagree with a lot. the idea that this entire bill is constitutional, there were numerous provisions that are not. there is a provision that says that all states will have to restore the rights of felons to vote the moment they are out of prison, regardless of whether they have paid a court-ordered restitution to the victims, regardless of what kind of crime they committed. the problem with that is that that is a decision that the constitution specifically gives to the states to make. the 14th amendment says the state can decide when and how to restore the rights of felons to vote. if the folks of a particular state like florida, if they want to make the decision about that,
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that is up to them. congress can't override the constitutional provision with a statute. host: but the idea of a national holiday, saying half the day -- have the day off as it is your right to vote, is that a bad idea? hans: it is not going to have the effect people think it will. take think it will have higher turnout. that has not been what has happened in europe. surveysyou can look at that the census bureau does after elections. the biggest reason people say they don't vote is not because they don't have time to get to thepolls, particularly in -- in two thirds of the states. the reason they don't go as they are not interested in elections, they don't don't -- they don't think it will make a difference. the thought that it will somehow increase turnout is just not going to happen. is including this
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from maryland democrat elijah cummins. tier is what he said about the legislation. -- here is what he said about the legislation. [video clip] >> one of the things that is me chills whenve i read it was the 2016 opinion of the fourth circuit court of appeals. acting notund here, like it is an inalienable right , and it isto vote something that he said that is can argue back and forth all we want. he talked about the legislature down there in north carolina. this is a quote from the fourth
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circuit, federal judges. --y said before acting before enacting that law, the legislature requested data on the use by race of a number of voting practices. upon receipt of the race data, the general assembly enacted , youlation that restricted are talking about inalienable rights? they restricted voting and registration in five different ways. all of which disproportionately affected african-americans. the fourthn to say, circuit, the federal court said it, said in response to claims that intentional racial discrimination animated its
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action, the state offered only meager justifications. the new provisions target african-americans with almost surgical precision, they constitute inept remedies for the problems assertively justifying them and in fact -- cures for problems that did not exist. host: that was congressman elijah cummings. allegra chapman, your reaction. allegra: i am glad you played that clip because it is chilling what is going on in this country today. since 2010, 25 states have put more measures on the books when it comes to voting acts including some of these id provisions that aim to restrict the vote from black voters and tino voters and also absolutely
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have the disenfranchising effect the representative was talking about. the shelbyand decision eviscerated a lot of the protections we have in the voting rights act, we have seen states across the country unleash these photo id bills that have the aim of discriminating and we also have seen strong election reforms being cut from the books because legislators know that these laws do have an impact on getting people to come out and vote. what this hr-1 would do is ensure that we are bringing back the full protection of the voting rights act, that we are starting -- stopping states from participating in this kind of discrimination. host: i want to get your reaction to what the senate republican leader, mitch mcconnell had to say about this bill on the floor. [video clip] >> their bill would make election day a new paid holiday for government workers.
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and create an additional brand-new paid leave benefit for up to six days for any federal bureaucrat who decides they would like to hang out at the polls during any election. just what america needs, another paid holiday and a bunch of government workers being paid to go out. i assume our colleagues on the other side, on their other -- on their campaign. this is the democrat plan to restore democracy? a brand-new week of paid vacation for every federal employee who would like to hover around while you cast her ballot? a washington-based taxpayer subsidized clearinghouse for political campaign funding? grab.r this is smelling more and more exactly like what it is. host: is the senate republican
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leader correct in what he said? hans: what he said was about it being a holiday, yes, and it would give admiral employees the ability to go work in local polls for six days. could i respond to allegra on voter id? that is just a myth propagated by the left that voter ids keeps people out of the polls. we know that is not true. there have been voter id laws in states like georgia and indiana for more than a decade. we have a decade's worth of turnout data showing that is not true. with regard to that fourth circuit opinion, it is important to point out that it was a three-judge panel and that opinion was actually out of line with other federal courts of appeals. very quickly, the north carolina voter id law had a big exemption in it. the exemption said if you showed up at your polling place without an id, as long as you filled out and signed a simple form that
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said you had a reasonable impediment that kept you from getting an id, you could vote. south carolina has that exact same law. that was upheld by a three-judge court and has been in place since 2012 without any problems. a different panel of the fourth circuit upheld virginia's voter id law which did not have that kind of exemption. , two obama judges and a clinton judge, did not reflect the actual facts and the evidence in the case. host: i want to come back to the issue of redistricting and let our audience know that common cause and the heritage foundation are represented at the table. first up is don from wisconsin. good morning. caller: good morning. i happen to be a farmer in the midwest, and so elections are the first tuesday of november. we are in the middle of corn harvest.
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who is going to come out and do my work so i can plan today's to be will to go off and vote and be able to do the things you think everyone should have is the result of a holiday? the left movement is an effort to grab resources. money is just an exchange. , have worked on this farm growing up since i was six years , doing all the things that it took to be able to generate and you think you are going to come and take the resources that i sacrificed my whole life -- my kids did not go do all the fancy things that everyone else took off, wearing fancy clothes to school because we reinvested back in the farm. if you come over my land it will be over my dead potty. host: allegra chapman. i don't think this is a left or right issue and has nothing to do with taking resources from anybody.
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to farming,s americans are appreciative of everything they are putting into this country. this bill is not going to require anybody to leave their work. it ensuress do is that every american in this country has the eligibility to participate and it undoes a lot of corrupting influences that we have in this country. americans are desperate for this. 70% say they have little to no faith in government. over 80%, americans of all political stripes. they want to get rid of the corrupting influence of money in politics. that is what this bill does. it addresses the concerns that americans have across-the-board. why are americans so upset? look at the political state of play. states across this country trying to cut access to the ballot box. we see ethical violations, we
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see failure for campaigns to be transparent about where their money is coming from. g toee politicians cowin make industry, big pharma, to build up their coffers so that they can run a campaign. where does that leave the rest of americans, including farmers and people across the country who are engaging in everyday work? it leaves us on the sidelines. hr-1 is a way, a comprehensive package to make sure that everybody is going to be included in this democracy and that government is finally going to be held accountable to the people. host: allegra chapman, the director of voting and elections at common cause and hans von spakovsky of the heritage foundation, serving as a senior legal fellow and also is the counting?""who's books to tom in richmond,
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virginia -- let's go to tom in richmond, virginia. caller: -- i believe the schools are closed for that reason. my question is, why don't we have election day on a saturday? host: how about just holding elections on columbus day, that is pretty close, maybe move it back a week to a saturday vote or columbus day. hans: if people think that is a good idea, i don't have a problem with that. i am just saying i don't think it needs to be a holiday. folder open for 12 hours in most states. for those who can't make it to the polls on election day, every state has absentee ballots. allegra paints this picture of voting as if it is, all of these terrible barriers across the country. that is not true. it is easier to register and vote in this country today than
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ever before. , you canstering register when you get your drivers license or applying for welfare, or schools or libraries. you can simply download a one-page form off the internet, fill it out and mail it in. the idea that it is difficult to register or vote is just not the case. host: the other part of the bill , i want to go to redistricting because this is from npr, to settle the controversy over redistricting, the bill would take away the power of state legislatures to draw congressional districts and have an independent commission do it instead. way, presumably, local politicians could no longer gerrymandered districts to help their party -- gerrymander districts to help their party. allegra: california and arizona are doing it. we should set up these independent redistricting commissions so the politicians cannot rig the system to secure their vote. politicians have to earn american votes, no matter where
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they are. they have to go down and meet with americans and figure out exactly what it is they want and respond to that. once elected, they cannot just rig the system so they can retain their seat. being see gerrymanders committed by both republicans and democrats. on march 25, the supreme court is going to take up this issue. in north carolina, it involves republican gerrymandering. whoever is doing it, it is not right and it rigs the system. hr-1's right to include that in this bill. i also want to make a point hans aboutesponse to registration in this country. the fact remains that registration was a barrier at the beginning. the jimto ever that in crow days, the purpose of registration was to keep certain people from participating in this country.
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there is still a registration barrier between people of high income and low income, between people of color and white people. what we do know about some of the registration forms -- reforms that states have passed across the country and i am happy to say that a lot of red, purple and blue states are doing this is once you automatically , you see those participation barriers break down. you see people showing up, and it has an effect across the board, including for voters of color who for so long were kept out of the process. host: wind you disagree? hans: i did -- why do you disagree? you register people automatically from different state databases, you are not only going to have duplicative
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registrations but if you register folks from the dmv, you are probably going to be accidentally registering noncitizens. canada has had automatic voter registration for a long time and if you read articles in canada, you will read articles about how they worry about their turnout declining. registration is not the issue for turnout. if the people, that provision in this bill is very antidemocratic. decidepeople of arizona that they would rather have an independent redistricting commission rather than the legislature doing it, they can make that decision and in fact that is what they did. this bill takes that choice away from the residence of each state.
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it says that every state in the country, the legislatures can no longer do redistricting. the folks of other states may not want to do that. why is congress taking that choice away from the residence ?nd forcing them this bill down to the smallest details tells states how they do that. , buty likes gerrymandering there are ways of trying to fix that, short of establishing a commission made up of appointed unanswerable to voters. legislators can be voted out. members of a redistricting commission cannot be voted out. host: this is what the old congressional district map looked like in pennsylvania.
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you can see there was clearly gerrymandering involved and how it was carved out, down to neighborhoods. one of the problems that has come up is that there is less incentive for parties, members of congress to compromise. they are more worried about a primary. if you had more competitive districts, with that help our system? allegra: absolutely. hans: perhaps it would, but congress does not have the authority to force each state to say this is how you're going to do redistricting. use a resident of that state don't have a choice. this is the only method you have , rather than allowing the residents of the state to decide how they want redistricting done, what the parameters of that will be, how that will be accomplished. this takes that ability away. that is why i say it is antidemocratic. allegra: the problem with that is that the residents of the state don't get a say.
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once politicians are gerrymandering, they don't get a say. the legislature did not want them to do it. the legislature went to court and it went all the way to the u.s. supreme court. the folks there did it through the referendum process. yes the residents of the state do have the ability. has aa: to legislature vested interest in not having one of those institutions. this is antidemocratic because congress is forcing the residents of the state to do it this way. allegra: once we do have these independent redistricting commissions in place, think about how this opens up the political field. youou know that chances are may win or lose this election by a razor thin margin, no matter your party, are you going to sit back comfortably and just expect that you are going to win your seat or are you going to go out and meet with people, no matter
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whether they are democrat or republican? you are going to go out and meet with people in order to get that vote. the problem is that a lot of politicians, especially in these heavily gerrymandered districts are not doing that. as a result, they don't know what their constituents want. instead they are responding to whoever the big pocket donor is that happens to ensure their state is theirs. arguing inu are favor of redistricting commissions, that is fine. you are avoiding the issues which is that this bill has washington, d.c. taking the choice away from the residence of a particular state. they can't make their own decisions on this. you are forcing them to go on the path you think is right. host: let's go to pennsylvania on our republican line. caller: good morning. host: go ahead. caller: can you hear me?
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host: we can, please go ahead. caller: what i am going to talk -- t is [indiscernible] host: we will move on to dennis joining us from williamsport, pennsylvania. caller: i would like to comment. i'm glad you showed pennsylvania. with the first or second most gerrymandered state in the nation -- we are the first or second most gerrymandered state in the nation. we had three congressional
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13-5, 13-5, 13-5. the supreme court finally had enough of it and changed the districts. it is now nine and nine in a state that republicans very seldom get 50% of the vote in. they also rigged local elections through the state legislature and hold a huge advantage and again in the state, they very seldom get 50% of the vote. i would like to comment on your voterest that just said id laws don't cut down on participation. this date passed a voter id law in 2012 which was later overruled unconstitutional by the state supreme court. 890he state's own figures, 5000 registered voters in the state would not have been able to vote under that legislation.
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the speaker of the pennsylvania house, a republican, was caught on tape gloating to his friends how they passed this law so republicans can win elections in the state. host: we will get a response. hans: those numbers were not correct and the state had a whole provision put in that provided a free id for anyone who did not have the. you can look at the experience of almost a dozen other states. georgia, indiana, tennessee, south carolina, all of whom have had voter id laws in place for quite a long time. we have the actual statistical turnout data from those states including georgia which breaks it down by race, and it does not prevent individuals from voting. the pennsylvania id law was found unconstitutional by a state court. that is not the case in those other states and those other
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states, common cause actually filed a lawsuit against it and lost in both federal and state court. those laws have been in place for more than a decade and the evidence is that turnout went up, including of racial minorities. in the last election in georgia, they reached a record high in voter registration in the state and they had record turnout. allegra: let me reply to this. there are some inaccuracies here. most of the states that have voter id laws do not have this exception that will say we will grant you a free id. wisconsin did do that but as we saw the 2016 election, they did not make good on that promise. of thousands of voters were precluded from voting. that has puttate in an id law has put in a provision providing a free id.
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you can check that. allegra: that is like saying the sky is green in cincinnati. hans: every state provides a free id in the states that have one. allegra: they don't. hans: yes they do. allegra: for those who don't have access to photo id, which research shows 11% of the country. that is a shocking statistic for a lot of people because most of us have our ids. we use them day today. i had to show my to get into the c-span building. the fact that 11% does not have access to the documents in order theet the id, these are people who are the lowest income in our society, disproportionally represented. [talking over each other] allegra: because republicans across the country and unfortunately it is republicans who are doing this, because i will say that during the 1980's
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and 90's, i think both republicans and democrats agreed that the vote was sacristan -- sacrosanct. they authorize the voting rights act that guaranteed a lot of these protections. seenis why we have republicans up until 50 years ago saying that yes, the vote should be accessible to all -- 15 years ago saying that yes, the vote should be accessible to all. because the republican party has this fear and this worry that because of the change of demographics, there is going to be a shift in power, they are doing whatever they can to create the electorate of their choosing. that is what these voter id laws do. they keep people from showing up. way, republicans and state legislatures can create the electorate of their choosing and secure their seats.
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host: i will come back to you in a moment. i want to share what congressman jim jordan said. [video clip] >> professor smith, does hr-1 require states to offer early voting? >> yes. >> does hr-1 require states to offer no excuse absentee voting? >> yes. paid leave1 require for paul -- for government workers to be poll workers? >> yes. require taxpayers to finance campaigns? >> definitely. >> does hr-1 require taxpayers to pay for the campaigns of candidates they oppose? for example if i were contribute $10 to the reelection campaign of the president, the folks on the other side of the aisle would collectively contribute six dollars or something like that.
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require states to have same-day registration for voters? >> i believe it does. >> does hr-1 require automatic registration? >> i believe it does. >> does hr-1 require states to register 16-year-olds? >> i don't know. >> it does. does hr-1 require election day be a federal holiday if you work for the federal government? >> it does. >> does hr-1 require outing of donors? if you give to a campaign, you permit that through disclosure, you will be outed to the public. >> a great many provisions require a tremendous amount of outing. >> does hr-1 make -- a partisan organization? >> yes. it will take -- let's say mitch mcconnell and ted cruz are the republicans and independents is
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bernie sanders. that is supposed to be balanced and that is how it would work. that is what the majority intends for it to be in 2021, something like that. and bradleyrdan smith is a former republican member of the federal election commission. a quick comment. of thehe partisanship federal election commission they are talking about is true. right now, the fec has six members and for folks who don't know, the fec is the federal agency that enforces our federal campaign finance laws. ofre are three commissioners the republican party, three commissioners of the democratic party. it takes for commissioners to vote to approve -- it takes four commissioners devote to improve -- to approve actions. both parties have to agree to go after someone who is violating the law and that prevents that agency from engaging in partisan
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enforcement actions. this bill would change it to a five-member commission, three votes to take any action, which means that one political party, whichever party is in the white house, if they have those three seeds, can use the agency as a partisan enforcement tool to go after members of the opposing party. i am a former member of the fec and i think it is important that you have a bipartisan agreement in these kinds of enforcement actions because campaign-finance law is an area where your enforcing the law in a first amendment area and political speech and political activity is a very protected right. friend has been waiting patiently in new york. caller: good morning c-span. i think you and your guest very much and always -- as always, i
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think the people behind the scenes who keep c-span on every single day. i would like to comment on that silly word inalienable. say, 42 years ago was a very good day, when i and six others were delivered from a plane crash coming out from from a harvard-cornell hockey game and we crashed a half-mile before the airport. i am thankful every single day.
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on this issue, sir, i can't see you because i'm on the radio but i just want to say i have been working on this for 50 years. i went to occupied ireland and you could not vote unless you own property and it was against the law to own property. cameat time, my relatives from a minority and they said you are irish just because the british are in charge does not make you less of who you are. inalienable means human rights. fromve our human rights our first breath out of the mothers will to our last breath before the two. we are talking about a system -- before the tomb.
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we are talking about a system that is almost looking like 50 franchises plus and i mean puerto rico and the virgin islands and guam. we are not looking at the 21st century. host: we are going to stop you there because we are short on time. thank you for your story and your call. allegra: and i make a quick response? if we had bipartisan agreement that would be great but we have not. it has been gridlocked for years. hans: that is not true. allegra: the commissioners cannot agree. hans: i was on the fec as a commissioner. that is simply not true. allegra: there is nobody there to enforce the law. we need a functioning fec. hans: you can look at the votes on the fec. in enforcement matters, there is virtual unanimity. enforcement matter votes are
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6-0, occasionally 5-0. we did hundreds of votes while i was there. allegra: how long ago was that? hans: almost unanimity on enforcement action. the places where they would have split votes was not on enforcement actions. the split votes were own interpretations of regulation. that was because a lot of the fec, a lot of the law that the fec enforces is frankly confusing and ambiguous. the way it would divide down and the reason there would be a conflict was because when a regulation was confusing or ambiguous, democratic commissioners tended to vote in favor of the government, and so the public would lose or the lose.ate would republican said of the law is not clear, we cannot enforce it, so the vote for the republicans
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would be if it was a confusing regulation, the government loses. anyone can look at the actual numbers of votes and anyone who doubts me can do that and you will find that a fast majority of cases, -- that in a fast majority of cases -- in a vast majority of cases, it is often unanimity. host: -- allegra: i agree with that. congress has the power of do -- the power to do this. but congress has used this power in the past before. people agreed that the right to vote was sacrosanct and we had to protect it across the country and that law worked for decades. we saw improvements across the country until we saw in 2013, the gutting of a lot of those protections. we are in a state where our democracy is floundering.
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people across the country matter the party feel that way and congress needs to take bold action. it needs to take this kind of reform right now. in the 2018 the terms, we saw a new wave of individuals, some people of color, more women, people of different faiths and backgrounds, representing their constituents in congress. they wrote a letter to their future colleagues saying once we get here, we need to do something about democracy. i am hearing from people in my state, saying i don't feel as though my voice counts, i don't feel as though my voice is heard by people in congress, i feel as though special interests are trumping the rest of us and it is absolutely true. unless we take this bold move to restore american democracy, to ensure that every voice counts
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and that every eligible merit -- eligible american is participating, to make sure that those in office are abiding by ethics laws and make sure we are getting rid of this corrupting influence of money in politics that keeps politicians and elected officials beholden to special interests and not the people that they are supposed to be representing, then this country is going to go down the tubes. we have this opportunity. the watergate babies did it in the 70's, and we can do it again. every member of congress should be behind this. host: allegra chapman with common cause and hans von spakovsky with heritage, this tweet from senator chuck schumer saying why are republicans always afraid of making it easier for americans to vote? darrell is joining us in tennessee, democrats line. caller: how are you doing? host: good morning, we are fine. once you register to
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vote, you are basically registered to life -- register for life. my experiences -- when i went to vote at local elections, they asked for my id. the number of the top did not match the numbers -- i asked the , why is why is this there a voting right of my voter card does not match -- the numbers are different. make a quicki point about the registration issue? when this gentleman says that when you are registered, you are if life, that could be true you continued to live where you always have lived. here is one of the problems that we see some states engaging and. people have been registered but then they have been unfairly purged from the registration
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rolls if they miss one or two elections. and other secretaries of state are doing is that if an individual who is registered to vote happens to miss one or two elections for whatever reason, then they become targeted, they get placed on a list that the state will then take steps to purge from that list. in some instances, some people are not getting noticed that they have been purged. they believe that once they are registered, they are registered and will show up at polling places and realize even though they have been registered in the past and even though they voted before and want to participate, they feel that is both their right and their duty, they are being told you can't because the secretary of state engaged in a practice to keep you from showing up. unfortunately the supreme court did not see it that
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way, it did not prevent the congress from putting in hr-1 language that says once states are automatically registering individuals to vote, they cannot then engage in the unfair purging practices. congress has a right to do it. host: another tweet from the senate republican leader. effort tofar left rewrite the rules of american politics to benefit the democrats and their friends. hans: i am afraid that is correct. the intent of these rules is to manipulate election rules from washington to benefit one particular book -- political party and make our system more insecure. i have to disagree with allegra on something. the idea that states are just removing people is just not
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true. there are strict rules, with notice requirements under both the national voter registration act and the help america vote act. to states are following those to the letter. -- states dot if make mistakes and if by error somebody has been removed or , tod to the inactive roles say they are unable to vote is not true. the help america vote act put in a provision into federal law that if you show up to a polling place and you are not on the registration, but you assert that you are eligible to vote and you registered, you get to vote with a provisional ballot. election officials are tasked under federal law, after election day, to investigate that. i was a local election official,
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we would occasionally have problems with that. notntimes it was dmv properly forwarding voter registration to election officials. andould investigate those if in fact it turned out there was administrative error, that person's vote was counted. the idea that people are not going to be able to vote through administrative error is not true. states are following that law because in the entire eight years of the obama administration, the only filed one lawsuit anywhere across the country against a local jurisdiction that was not following that provisional ballot. host: let me go to gail in georgia. republican line. caller: good morning. i have been listening to the program and i am very upset as to the young lady that is apparently a democrat and a liberal the claims she is so concerned about voter suppression. the point i want to make is that
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everyone is required to have a valid id if they go to the doctor, if they have any banking. any type of business you have to have a valid id. our is only protecting process to make sure that people are legitimate citizens, that they are not dead and it is disturbing that people just want to accept someone's word without any proof of id. point aboutthat most people using voter id in their daily transactions, -- photo id in their daily transactions, i understand that. i get why people feel initially that you should also have to show an id when you vote. here is the problem. the right to vote is a constitutional guarantee. anything that infringes upon that including if you are requiring someone to show id which they don't have is not going to fly.
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secondly, what we know to be true is that the sort of fraud that people are concerned about, that photo id would prevent from happening simply does not occur. bush's department of justice look into this issue. they did not find a problem. the department of justice under president obama look into this. they did not find a problem. but we do know to be the problem is that id laws have a disenfranchising affect. hans was talking about the decision coming down from north carolina and it is true. what the fourth circuit court of appeals found was that legislators in the state got information to find out which races had access to which ids.
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,hen they learned what they did then they put into the laws a requirement that ids be produced by the ones the whites had greater access to. when you have a disenfranchising thousandsndreds of were precluded from showing up and participating in elections because of that put her id law that had a disenfranchising affect. the same thing happened in texas with the fifth circuit court of appeals. arguably one of the most conservative courts in the land found that the texas id law, with permitted citizens gun registration to vote but not students with student ids from state universities, it precluded 600,000 registered eligible voters from participating in elections. the courts are finding what we know to be true, that these laws in fact keep people from showing
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up. host: just a few minutes left. you will each have time to respond. let's go to randall in stevensville, independent line. the first thing i would do is get that thing out of november. that is in the middle of flu season. let's get it back to labor day and make it three days. where going to bring up president's day and make it the day after labor day. let's take four days and go back and fish out columbus day. let's have us a party. they take 30 days off in europe. let's take four days off. vatuld reach into a big
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like when they did lottery numbers with president next and. i can call anywhere in america in six months and say how was that vote turned in? host: thanks for the call. do you want to respond? hans: there were a lot of folks that over the past few years pushed the idea of internet voting or voting over the phone. the problem with all kinds of ideas like that is that everyone who is studied this including the national science foundation has warned against it because they say that the internet and that whole process is so vulnerable and is such a security risk that it is a bad idea. everybody on both sides agree on
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that. host: you agree on something, breaking news. [laughter] forcethe very first task that looked at this was in california and on the task force were all of these computer scientists from silicon valley. they thought going into this, this would be a great idea. ,he scientists themselves experts on computers and the internet came out and said this is a very bad idea because of the security vulnerabilities. host: i am going to give each of you a minute, why you support this bill and why you oppose it. the people-1, for act, this is what we need to restore the democracy that america deserves. americans feel disconnected from their politics. -- they feelthose as if those in power are not listening.
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if we can pass this bold initiative, and it is one of the boldest democracy reform proposals we have seen in decades, then we can restore faith in american government. we can get people participating from across the board, all political stripes, and make sure that they are the ones who are dictating how this country is run, that they are the ones putting people into power, accountable to their needs and we can see a thriving democracy that is guaranteed to us on paper. it will not be signed and -- it will not be passed in the senate or signed by the president. is this more about 2021? hans: i think it is important we are talking -- allegra: i think it is important that we are talking about it now. it is disappointing to hear that it is almost a foregone conclusion that this is not going to go through the senate. i would think that every member, every senator would be in favor of ensuring that every american can show up and participate.
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host: we will give you the last word. hans: there are some bills proposed by members of congress that are unconstitutional. there are some that are bad there are some better back policy, and there are others that are redundant and other areas. moreover, it is a way of trying nationalized and elections to get washington, d.c. and the federal government power over the writing of elections. we have the most decentralized election system of any that isy, and delivering it i think that was a it keeps theo then party in control of the white house from controlling the elections and potentially manipulating them. it would make our elections more insecure, and it is antidemocratic, as i have said before. it takes away the ability of the
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states to make decisions. host: to both of you, thank you for joining us. guest 2: thank you for having us. guest 1: thank you. we turn our attention now to syria and joining us over the phone is gayle tzemach lemmon . she is the author of the best-selling book "ashle's war." we will be talking all of that when "washington journal" continues on this sunday morning, february 10. we are back in a moment. ♪ >> monday night on "the communicators," from the state
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of the next conference in washington, d.c., we will discuss internet really gilly should and monitoring -- regulations and monitoring with neilca slaughter and t chilson. rebecca: they can say here are the rules of the road. here is how you can treat traffic, and we just do not have the ability to do that across the board when it comes to consumer protection issues. we have a much more limited rulemaking authority. right now, we have sector-specific laws that will help protect some of the data some of the times, but data is not housed in sector-specific warehouses anymore. people talk about data, and it is hard to see how congress does something that is specific, because people have not agreed on what the problem
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is. i think there are a lot of areas people can agree on, because there are a lot of industries that we want to stop consumers from suffering, and i think we can get there, but right now, the conversation is very vague, and it talks about privacy is a general idea. people mean very different things about privacy. >> watch "the communicators" monday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span2. >> c-span, where history unfolds daily. in 1979, c-span was created as a public service by america's cable television companies. today, we continue to bring you unfiltered coverage of congress, the white house, the supreme court, and public policy events in washington, d.c. and around the country. c-span is brought to you by your cable or satellite provider. it seemed to be happening
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just about every week, where somebody, either a famous person or an ordinary man on the street, was getting subjected to social media condemnation, a shame tornado for some kind of misbehavior, either legitimate misbehavior or perceived misbehavior, and the pylons were much bigger than it had ever been at any time in human history because of the internet. managingandrews, editor of the "washington examiner" magazine, experienced online shaming. she is our guest tonight on "q&a " at 8:00 p.m. eastern. was a tough decision to write this essay, because it brought back what was a very troubling and almost traumatic incident and my life, but the event was actually a headline that i wrote in the "new york times," about a man who had committed suicide in a parked car in the west village had not been found for seven days.
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and that is poor fellow had, well i'm at his worst moment of his life was when he threw a sandwich at a server at mcdonald's for giving him the wrong order, and she turned out to be pregnant, and this funny little story made the local newspapers, but it was at the top of his google search for the rest of his life from then on, after it happened in 2013. he could not get a job, because anytime anyone googles his name, the story came up. people were like "i do not want to hire this guy, throwing sandwiches at a pregnant server." on onlinendrews shaming tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span's "q&a." state's lives coverage of political events continues as we traveled to el paso, texas 48 make america great again again rally.
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the c-span bus recently traveled to louisiana, asking folks what does it mean to be american. >> to be an american means that you are part of a community that is innately able to overcome obstacles that are diverse in many ways. american is to have the mantra that you can do anything that you put your mind to no matter where you are from, you can live and do anything. do not let it get to you. you can do it. you can achieve everything. that is what it is like to be an american. >> to me, being american means you love this country, and i mean truly love this country. maybe it will become broken, also thinkn't, but i that being american means that you stand for the constitution,
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the bill of rights, and you wish to uphold those. and if you don't know them, if you don't uphold them, or you them,that we don't need those are the formations of our country. that is what we are built upon. so it would be un-american to not give credence to those. >> i think to be american means that we get to stand up and express ourselves, that we have the right to express our voice, ar actions, and to quote 1915: by emma wheeler wilcox, "to stand by silence and we should protest makes cowards out of men." to behink what it means an american means having a right over your own future, choosing where you want to live, taking whatever it job you want, spending money however you want it. that is truly what it means to be american. >> voices from the road on c-span.
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>> "washington journal" continues. host: joining us from los angeles is gayle tzemach lemmon , a fellow on the council on foreign relations, and the author of several books. just how strong or weak is isis in syria and iraq? guest: what we have seen now is an ice is that has lost its territory, basically figuring out how to reemerge and has been a turn from a force that was considered a capital that held territory the size of portugal and now is through a pocket, in terms of the physical territory it holds, but what it continues to have is the ability to launch insurgencies and the ability to capture people's imaginations. sayingith the president essentially that we have won the
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war in syria, is very concerned that these isis forces moved to another country, perhaps africa or in the middle east? guest: the first is reemergence, what its figures out has always known from its very origins, which is how to do insurgency, and how you undermine some of the very fragile stability that has taken hold in the wake of losing its territory and u.s.-backed sources coming in. that hasd thing is caused problems both for iraq and in syria in terms of launching attacks that are aimed at civilians and and at the fact muscle.can exert you have been in the country, and i want to remind people that we spend time with you in washington, our podcast "the weekly."
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i want to share with our audience some of the themes that you saw in syria. you have been there on how many occasions? guest: i have been there five times since august 2017. host: what stands out? what did you see? what should our audience know about this country and its people? what stands out to me is the incredible moms, dads that i have met who are fighting everything they on the very front lines of extremism, and the mothers i have met who risked everything to take care of their children during isis times. one mother i met who walked out of the city eight and a half pregnant, left her entire family as the u.s. fought to get the-- to get isis out of so-called capital. gave birth to a three-pound baby and has spent a year really reserving her life and has all
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of her children in school, is supporting her family with a job at the ngo, and wants me to tell all of you we are willing to do the work, but what we need is the international community to help us as we fight extremism. that is the message that so often gets lost is the spirit of people just pushing forward amid an incredibly fragile stability, and really doing the best they thato have a life does not see the hangings, the beheadings of ice is going forward. host: one of the most compelling stories you told us as about a 16-year-old girl that you met. can you share that story? guest: sure. in the summer of 2017, there were a lot of people who fled their homes during the isis fight that we had the pleasure of meeting. one was a family of about 15 people who were living in a
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bombed out building, and it was absolutely uninhabitable from any standard that we have. there were no windows, no doors. much of it had really collapsed under an airstrike doe designed to route isis. in the family was a 16-year-old girl who had a two and a half year old and probably a six month old or so baby. and she said all of my hopes now or for my children. i was in school when the war started, and every girl i know with either kidnapped, this aired in a way we do not know, their parents to protect them, and i am incredibly fortunate, because at least i like my husband. the i wantdreams are to be a flight attendant, having this whole career arc on. daughter tos for my be a teacher and my son to the
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an engineer. what a 16-year-old talks about the next generation, i think that is what sticks with you. the president says all 2000 troops will be leaving syria. we also heard from secretary of state mike pompeo this week. my question is -- what happens than? if we are out of the area, does this create a vacuum? does russia or somebody else said? -- step in? guest: this is been the central question, and it has been since the start of the war -- and then what? there is not a ton of coverage coming out, and there is so much vyin for people's attentiong. while it is very challenged in the situation is incredibly fragile, the u.s. has largely achieved its objective. there are local forces on the ground who are doing much of the who are really
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fighting for stability, and young people, who are very much engaged in rebuilding their own community. it is a question of -- to whom do we leave it,? and to what? it is not that the u.s. needs to stay forever, but that there are so many games that the u.s. presence has achieved, a great amid many challenges and a great fragility. i had the pleasure of seeing them last year, one hairdresser, and i think we were talking about this, when we met her in april, she said my dream is to rae the best lonsalon in this headache, that is what i want. when we found her in december, we found she could barely talk to us, because she had saved up enough money, and she was opening up her own hair salon. i grill push toward stability, and the question is, if it gets handed over, to whom, and then what?
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internationally monitored zone, or is there another way, that the u.s. can really help to keep the fragile stability it has made possible. host: gayle lemmon joining us from los angeles and more here in washington from secretary of state mike pompeo. [video clip] pompeo: we are entering an era of destabilized jihad, so we must be careful in our approach. we all need to bolster our ability of intelligence, share information with each other. in this new era, local law enforcement and information will be crucial, and our fight will not necessarily always be military-led. that is why president trump's announcement, that u.s. troops are withdrawn from syria, is not the end of america's fight. the fight is one that we will continue to wage alongside of you. the drawdown of troops is essentially a tactical change. it is not a change in the
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mission. it does not change the structure, design, or authority on which the campaign has been based. it simply represents a new stage in an old life. the drawdown will be well coordinated. so essentially, is a different type of battlefield? guest: you know, where the secretary i think would be echoed by everyone on the ground in northeast area is the nature of the fight is shifting. this is a force that was holding a territory the size of russia, and now it is back into the pocket. but that does not mean, and the secretary has said this on occasion, that the fight can be because whatded, happens now is what a lot of u.s. military officials have been talking about, which is the concern about reemergence, concerned that they will shift shapes and be able to launch an
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insurgency that will undermine people's progress. what we are talking about her young people, moms, that's, entrepreneurs, who are living on the frontlines of extremism. so it is really important to keep the pressure on as they work to regroup, because any vacuum will really be seen as a vast opportunity by isis. and i think the second piece of that is services. one teacher we met in april and then at the end of december, she has these incredible stories, talking about young people when they first came back in raqqa, they would pray at the beheadings and pray at hangings because they had seen so much bloodshed. they would watch videos of beheadings on loops that they had been forced to watch, they had seen people hung on their streets, they had people so
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concerned about -- what is going to happen to our children after this?ave seen all of we try to give them love, we try to show them that now is a different time. even in december, she said they had 1500 students coming just to this one school every single day. but the teachers were also talking about not enough water, very little electricity. giving people an alternative i think is going to be very important, and we are not talking about nationbuilding, which is a 14 letter word that has become a four letter word. we are really talking about basic services to help these people that are fighting every single day, and the same fight that the united states has undertaken, which is to fight extremism, and to help them to do it. host: (202) 748-8001, that is our line for republicans. (202) 748-8000 for democrats. we also have a line for independents. is ouronth mocgayle tzemach len
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guest. she is the author of the best-selling book "ashley's war ." ofant to bring the attention ken, aagedy of shannon naval officer involved in information technology. ,er service was in annapolis maryland at the u.s. naval academy. and in death, the "new york times" saying, had a significant military.the the american people being aware and having to utilize to a great extent the talent that all kinds of people brought to the andlict, including women, so much of the work of the special operations community does obviously is in a shadow in nature, but her death really threw into the spotlight just how much work women in uniform have been doing for 18 years, which is why the whole
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discussion about what roles should and should not women play have been quite far removed from what they have actually been doing on the battlefield, and i think her valor, her grip, her example is something that so many young women who come after her will really be standing upon her shoulders. has also changed come in part, how the military is looking into rules of promotions in the military, correct? guest: yes, and i think that has already changed, and her family have had a dialogue with the navy on that. host: good morning. caller: yes, good morning. of this before. first, my heart goes out to that woman who died in syria. america in syria, the same old story, and make you saying again we are making progress. donald trump, bring our troops
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home from syria, iraq, and afghanistan. -- i heard, iraq leaders say iraq we were making progress. but when isis came to town, they ran and scattered. as soon as we leave those countries, it will be back to the status quo. host: thank you for the call, ken. guest: i very much take ken's point. this is what you hear over and over, that the american public is exhausted. i also think public a officials -- and this is not a partisan statement -- that officials have not wanted to talk about this for decades, because it has gone on for so long, and less than 1% of this country has fought 100% of its wars for 18 years. everyone else has gone wider and wider and wider. one point to ken's discussion, oftenis i think what is
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lost in syria looks very different than iraq and afghanistan, both of which i have had the privilege of seeing firsthand, in that there is a partner force on the ground in syria . so if you go through to towns, you will see row after row after of white marble tombstones for the young people, the thousands of young people who have given their lives to the isis fight. when you talk to u.s. special operations folks who had been , they will say that syria is very different, because there is a partner force that has actually been in the lead, and the u.s. has, notwithstanding, the incredibly tragic loss of the creation of three gold star families and the family of a contractor who was working with u.s. forces in december, notwithstanding that tragic loss. there are people in the u.s. special operations forces that , but theyto at length
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would love to be more toward the front, but they cannot be because they are an advise and assist role. this is a very different conflict than the one in afghanistan or iraq, and that americans are not on the front lines. they are assisting those who are. host: approximately how many people still live in syria, and how many have fled? guest: the numbers are difficult. roughly 28 million or so. u.n. reports and others would say about half the country has either flat or become internally displaced. idp's, theygees, kind of mask the truth of what it is to lose your home, and they have been uprooted, more than half a million killed. that is why it is so important to talk about the individuals whose lives have been uprooted by this conflict. is partly why folks on the ground, especially northeast syria, what say we can look at other parts of syria. we do not want to become that.
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we want to keep our restaurants open, keep our shops open, and have a shot for our kids to have something different. host: if you are active duty or retired military, (202) 748-8003 . lawrence is joining us, montgomery, alabama. good morning. caller: good morning. let me complement your speaker on her knowledge and insight on this issue. let me back up for one moment. here is a parameter question. i am assuming there are about 300 million arabs in the world. half of them are male. let's take the fighting age of those arabs. let's assume there are 100,000 fighting age arbas -- males -- world. is that enough manpower, one way 20,000her, to quash totalitarian maniacs called isis? and if it is sufficient, then to
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you see my point regarding a trump doctrine to eventually extract the united states and our men and blood and women and treasure from this nightmare? thank you. this point about how do you get local forces, how do you get it to be a locally-owned conflict, right, and how do you get the americans out? this has been going on for a number of years, and it is so important. what is the u.s. role? under the obama administration, there was a big discussion about the policy in syria. i think that has continued, and i think the challenge is -- how do you keep a war ended? right now, what i think is so come up with,by and through. we always hear about a local force, local people fighting this fight with the u.s. in the background. worked.ctually largely
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it has largely delivered a very fragile but real stability. how do you keep that fight ended? how do you figure out away for the americans to go even further into the background while local forces come even further into the foreground? make sure that the americans are not there forever? who comes in if the americans there? one thing that has been fascinating and challenging to watch his for years, russia, iran have been chasing on the ground, wholehearted support for the regime. that i do see no sign of a goal. host: our guest a graduate from the university of missouri, earning her masters in business harvard, a member of the council on foreign relations. ,lizabeth in st. paul paul
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missouri, good morning -- st. paul, minnesota, good morning. caller: good morning. what happened to the beautiful -- and i never heard about chevalier, a beautiful fortress in the plains. i am wondering if both of those two have been destroyed in the war. my husband and i were there quite a few years ago, and it was a glorious, wonderful land, souks were just wonderful, beautiful. guest: how do you preserve cultural heritage in the middle of conflict? a lot of my friends have the same stories about being in this beautiful country of syria and just being so incredibly impressed and moved, humbled by
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the cultural heritage of a country that now so many people just know for war. i think if people are going in, they are figuring out what is still standing, what isn't, what is still there. a lot of people are returning to aleppo. there is rebuilding going on. but i think altra heritage continues to be something that a lot of people who knew syria much longer than our attention span has been. from woodbridge, virginia, our line for active and retired military, good morning. caller: good morning. your introduction of shannon you introduced her as an officer who is in the information technology field. she was a petty officer, a chief in the navy. she actually applied to the officer program, but because she
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had beaten cancer, she was disqualified from that program, but not disqualified from the frontline to go fight for the country. her husband continued on that fight to try to change that regulation for enlisted soldiers , serving their country as an officer when they are still qualified to go fight and die for them. you: on that point, too, make a very important point, there is a story in the "new york times" this morning that delves into that very topic. did you know shannon kent or know about her? caller: i cannot disclose any of that. the second point i would like to make with syria, one of the things that has frustrated me over the last 10 years, and there are two ways, you can either destroy their buildings or you can destroy their will to fight. destroying their
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capability. 16 years of war in multiple different conflicts. what we have not done is gone after the intent, the will, the decision to fight. that is what is missing in our discussion, what our policy is going forward. individualsentify that are able to convince people to go to war for a cause that is so antithetical to our liberal values? once we have that figured out, and we are back in the systems, that is an incredibly difficult thing to accuse people of, but that is the essential aspect, trying to figure how to solve these conflicts. on both fronts, thank you for calling, thank you for listening on c-span radio. guest: i certainly did not know shannon kent, but i have friends who just talked about this
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incredibly remarkable person, her lossknow, to me, and the fact that we now know about her work i think just years,ou that for 18 women have been serving in all kinds of roles, in all kinds of places, and doing work that is really just motivated by a desire to serve, a desire to make a difference, and it really has nothing to do with being female or wanting to break new ground. it was really about serving your country to the utmost, and i think in some ways, the country is just catching up to all that women have been doing, and really the special operations forces and how much they have been asked to do in this past decade, a married of decades in this conflict, and to the second point about intent, to me, the question of will, the question of how do you keep a war ended, how do you keep extremists at bay is answered by schools,
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shopkeepers, entrepreneurs, it is answered by young people. i met an entrepreneur in raqqa, this young man who could not learn during isis, and he opened up a perfume shop. when the city was liberated, he reopened his shop, and he posted on facebook that he was open, and has 50 to 60 customers a day. he said he did not want to be photographed, because he was concerned about what would happen if they come back, what would happen if these extremists are in charge again. he did say all we want is a shot at keeping this going, and normalcy, keeping our shops open, being able to support our families, go to restaurants in the evening, not having anybody tell you what to wear, what to do, the way isis forces did. those are the people who every single they are fighting the fight and do need the support. the war just ended. point,wo
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shannon kent was a special operations officer involved in information technology, promoted to chief petty officer posthumously, given five medals, and more than 1000 people attending her funeral services, memorial services, that took place at the u.s. naval academy on friday. let's go to jeremy and washington, d.c. good morning. caller: good morning. hello. thank you, c-span. thank you for "washington journal." it is a perfect show. you have to listen to them. i assume most folks would not realize, and your guest would elaborate on that, isis is not a formidable threat that is won, no, it is not even a group. isis is an ideology, a thought that has been produced, legitimized, spread, preached,
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and defended by an ally called the kingdom of saudi arabia. same people, they cut off hands, the real islamic state, saudi arabia. they have made it. yesterday, a six-year-old boy named khalil joubert was beheaded in front of his mom, screaming. he was only six years old. hasn't, but it was not touched here in the u.s. why? i am ashamed, but that our administration shakes hands with a murderous kingdom that have given rise to this men, not to mention a conflict that has devastated the country and killed about 90,000 children, and millions are on
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the verge of starvation, not to mention butchering an american journalist, jamal khashoggi. why don't we do something about that? why don't we deal with this madness once and for all? because the saudis are our allies? it does not make sense. as i said, isis is an ideology. and stop declaring isis for your side of politics. it has got to stop. host: thank you, jeremy. we will get a response. guest: to jeremy's point, it is much easier to kill a terrorist that it is to slay an ideology. point, to keep all of this ended, there has to be an alternative. this is young people's lives, young people who are on the very what to decide, whose mothers i mean, who say we do for our this future
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children. one woman i met, who is now at the all women security or since, another story that has come out, in northeastd syria over the last several years is women, not just kurdish women but also eric women who are out on the street, taking all kinds of roles out in the certainly not under isis times, but one young woman we met, her brother joined isis, forced her to marry and isis fighter, and she was brutalized by him. she ended up being brutalized by a number of devices fighters, and finally years later getting and to her home in raqqa, she was given a choice to go home or go where ever she wanted in northeast syria, and she said i want to go be part of this women scored. i looked at her, and i was stunned. all that you survived, all that you lived through, all of that brutality, what possibly gives you the courage to be here today
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in this all women's force. as you looked at me is that "those guys took everything from me. they took everything from me. and i don't want the next generation to have to deal with this, too. we have to stop it." brought up aler six-year-old boy here you can get information on the "daily mail's" website. good morning. caller: good morning. i want to thank you for the program. i am 80 years old. i am a social activist and a civil rights activist. i am an american with jewish faith. earth would jared kushner, who is an orthodox jew, once you have a relationship with saudi arabia, which does not allow any church, catholic, protestant, or jewish, they are the most oppressive regime and the arab world, and we continue
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to kowtow to them. why in god's name are we with saudi arabia? offering -- is not whatever their religion is, because they are really creating a problem in the middle east. it since thee formation of saudi arabia dating back to the 1930's. thank you. host: gary, thank you. guest: the saudi question, and our previous caller touched upon it, this is something that has come up over and over again. the 9/11 report, it has ebbs and and the u.s. of maceration has always come to the conclusion that saudi arabia is an ally, a strategic ally need in the region, but i have never seen the relationship tested publicly. as much as the public and gates in the last decade as we are seeing now, that have influenced discussions.
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it is important to see where it goes in terms of whether this public engagement continues and whether that starts to go up to people's elected representatives and actually affect the policy discussions. host: our guest with tales ahmad lamo -- with gayle tzemach lemmon. our next call is from florida. good morning. caller: good morning, everybody. my question is toward the authority, the jurisdiction for the united states to be anywhere over there. it seems to me that syria, venezuela, and i ran are unique in that they do not have a central bank, and it seems to me that regardless of the carnage that is taking place, the whole purpose of these conflicts is to install the imf and take over the currency and install central banks. host: is that a factor? i actually would say
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that in this case, it is much less of a factor in terms of where the economic piece is. there is a question about the authorization that your caller brings up, that has come up in congress several times, what is the authorization of u.s. force within this conflict with syria. that is one that i think will continue to come up senator kaine from virginia has vocal in what is the authorization for the use of force now at 18 years after the horrible attacks on the world ,rade center at the pentagon what is the authorization for the use of force in places like northeast syria? host: any sense that president bashar al-assad is losing his grip on power, or does he remain firmly in control? guest: there is no sense that he is losing his grip on power. folks in the obama administration would talk about
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how to use of or people who -- what started out as student protests, and people wanted more democracy. quickly morphed into a very different looking conflict that presencey led to isis' on the battlefield. since 2015, 2016 says the russians have made air power a factor, the russians and the iranians are truly on the side of the syrian regime. as towas never a question their loyalty, their allegiance, or to their willingness to commit resources to the fight. over the last several years, while u.s. policy officially have spent the time has come for assad to step aside, president obama 2011, i do not think anybody they see as going anywhere except perhaps to tehran or moscow for a visit. ,ost: gayle tzemach lemmon author of the best selling book "ashley's war," turning into a
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movie, and she also joins us on c-span podcasts "the weekly." twice in one week we have you. guest: great to join you. always a pleasure on c-span. host: great to have you back again. guest: thank you. tot: we turn our attention presidential politics, the road to the white house, 2020. our phone lines are open. (202) 748-8001 for republicans, (202) 748-8000 for democrats, and (202) 748-8002 f ir independents. you are watching and listening to c-span's "washington journal" on this sunday morning. ♪ >> it seemed to be happening just about every week, that either a famous person or even an ordinary man on the street was getting pslf subjected to social media foundsationc,on that
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themselves in the middle of a shaming tornado for some kind of misbehavior, either general misbehavior or perceived misbehavior, and that these pylons were much bigger than it they had ever been at any time in human history because of the internet. >> helen andrews, managing editor of the "washington examiner" magazine, experienced online shaming. she is our guest tonight on "q&a" at 8:00 p.m. eastern. helen: while it was a tough decision to write this essay, because it brought back what was a very troubling and almost traumatic incident in my own life, but the event was actually a headline that i read in the "new york times," about a man who had committed suicide in a parked car in the west village and had not been found for seven days. and that this poor fellow had,
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well, at his worst moment of his life was when he threw a sandwich at a server at mcdonald's for giving him the wrong order, and she turned out to be pregnant, and this funny little story made the local newspapers, but it was at the top of his google search for the rest of his life from then on, after it happened in 2013. he could not get a job, because anytime anyone googles his name, the story came up. so people were like "i do not want to hire this guy, throwing sandwiches at a pregnant server." and it ruined his life. >> helen andrews on online shaming tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span's "q&a." >> "washington journal" continues. host: a second announcement today, amy klobuchar, democratic senator, is entering the race, followed by yesterday, elizabeth warren, who officially jumped into the race, and following all of this is mark, from minnesota public radio. good sunday morning.
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thank you for being with us. guest: absolutely. great to be with you. host: what is the path for amy klobuchar to get the nomination? guest: you waste no time. i think the argument is that she wins very handily in minnesota. it is considered to be a democratic place, and president trump lost by 20,000 votes, yet senator klobuchar wins with 60% of the vote. clearly she attract support from natalie democrats but also some independents and republicans, and i think that will be the core of her argument to democrats, that she can bring in other people they will need if they want to win in 2020. host: one of the stories that have been circulated the last couple of days, and huffington post has at this morning, a memo and meeting by then democratic reid, amyharry
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klobuchar, stories of mistreatment of her staff. can you elaborate on this? guest: well, this is not a story that we have reported on significantly because we have had a difficult time sourcing it, frankly. the initial huffington post story, which was no surprise, she does have a reputation as someone who is difficult to work or, demanding, she will say, she expects a lot out of her staff. pull her on that as well, that she has two personas, one is a folksy midwestern reasonable, moderate person, and the other is a fairly intense boss. this is not good news for her, but i'm sure that she expected it. they can play this in a couple of different ways as well. they can also make the case that this is sort of sexist, that she is a tough woman boss, so
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somehow she is bad, and would this be said of a demanding male employer, a male boss? this is something she has been having to deal with. this is not something she did not anticipate, i will guarantee that. host: what will the announcement look like today? what will she say? be alongll, it will the mississippi river across from downtown thi minneapolis. . right we got a fresh dusting overnight. it should look very nice. the club which as thousands of people will be there. we will hear -- the clover saysklobuchar camp thousands of people will be there. we will hear from them. there will be hot chocolate, warming tents, and that sort of thing.
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she we use the mississippi asked her background. excerpts,e and she talks about needing to repair the country and renewed commitment to common good. she will say the community is fractured because of petty, ambitions politics, and she is going to kind of wrap up saying she is not a product of the political machines, that she does not come from big money, but that she has grit, and she will point to all of the people there, her friends, as evidence of the people that she knows. who isark zdechlik, following all of this, is a correspondent for minnesota public radio. thank you. guest: absolutely. thank you. host: and we will be live, a front row seat here on the c-span networks, amy klobuchar, the latest entry into what is becoming a very crowded democratic race. jonathan,ne call,
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democratic line. what do you think? caller: good morning. go, amy, go. i am sick and tired of people tearing people down just because you are a tough woman. this woman does not take anything from anybody. she is the only one who will put him in his place, thanks to nancy pelosi or warren. come on, people, get it together. . it is time for him to go. host: thank you, jonathan. by the way, elizabeth warren announced in massachusetts. this is on our website at ,eborah from burlington independent line. wrote to 2020 it is under way. what do you think? caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. i know it is a little early, but i think it does not matter on the democratic side who is going
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to run against donald trump, donald trump is going to win in 2020, and the reason is right what is going on in virginia. it is disgraceful, despicable what is going on, and how can the governor, lieutenant general --ttorney if they stay in power, if they stay in virginia, they are going to destroy the democratic party in 2020, not only in the hopes of presidential, but all the way down the line to the congress. i mean, this is going to spread like a wildfire. i cannot believe -- this is black history week. ok, this is going on, and these ,eople did this in blackface and they are staying in power in virginia? and you don't think that black america is not going to hold the democratic party accountable for this?
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they need to resign now, they need to get up, and i am shocked -- shocked -- by the silence of black hollywood, black athletes. where is colin kaepernick? where is lebron james? i think every celebrity, if you're holding a conference in virginia, pull it. protests all were over in north carolina for our bathroom bill. people refused to take concert and everything here, but in virginia, it is ok? no. host: deborah, thank you for the call. from page of the "washington post," governor ralph northam in virginia valley to stay on the job work on race relations. again calling for the governor and the lieutenant governor to resign. you can read online at joining us now is rudy from chevy chase. are you with us? caller: yes. host: good morning.
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caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. whoever is running for president, what is your goal? who are you representing? you cannot just say "i represent native americans, because i am native american," if you are not, you cannot represent them. host: we will go to daryl next. a couple of minutes left in our phone segment your good morning, carol, juneau, alaska. think the lady had her facts wrong, because those are all democrats in virginia, and donald trump did not have anything to do with it. [laughs] host: all right, we go to brett in kentucky. good morning, brad. caller: i think democrats are positioning themselves, they are in between a rock and a hard place, between having to dismiss
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the entire leadership delegation of virginia for racist blackface and sexual assault. they have a couple new members support forlling to ,oice our allies with israel and then they have a socialist movement that the corporate giverats are not going to any ground to, so i think they are constantly chopping at themselves. i do not think this is a winning combination here. host: ok, thank you for the call. this is a photograph from the " san francisco chronicle," taken from harris' sisters. who is on board? joe brydon. -- joe biden. "can't take amtrak without running into its most frequent
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traveler, joe biden." good morning. caller: good morning. two points, one, i think despite whatham, may have happened in 1984, should be given a fair shake based upon what he has done as a positionth and as a politician within his state, to advance equality and the condition of the african-american population. two, i would like to see somebody from the never trump portion, the republican classic of the republican party, to give a primarytrump challenge from a significant primary challenge, because i believe it is important for those republicans who do not despotich the trumpian takeover of the republican party to stand up and organize and
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show that it is not the entire population of the republican party. derek, thank you for the call. let's go to jackie next in florida. good morning. caller: good morning. first off, i would like to say socialism = muniz of, and we had better -- equals colleen is a, and we had better -- equals communism, and we had better get that straight. my parents coming over here legally, and definitely donald trump will win again. there is no doubt in my mind, absolutely not. the democrats are a total disaster, starting with pocahontas going to spartacus, crazy maxine waters, lying hillary clinton. i mean, we can go down the line. this is nuts on parade in america. it is a disgrace to my country. and people going after each other as they are doing, even me as a republican, give these
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people a chance to prove whether they did these things are not, and stop with this baloney. this is america, and please do not forget what we all came from. just like the man said, we all lead one blood. have a great day. host: thank you, jackie. by the way, the president will be in texas. a busy week in washington. look for a senate vote for william barr to be the next attorney general. friday as the deadline to reach an agreement on a spending plan. according to the "washington post" and steny hoyer, a vote could come as early as tomorrow. we are following all of it for you on the c-span network. rory on the independent line. good morning. caller: good morning. i do not have a lot to say. put out there that it is time for those people running and those people in politics and in power to start
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putting the people first. is a qualified male, female, whatever the race a nationality, nobody has perfect pass, but somebody that really cares about the people, and that is why i have gone to become an independent. somebody to represent the country well and wants to do right by the people. host: lori, one of those candidates is howard schultz. would he be a candidate that you would support? caller: um, you know, i am going to be honest with you, i have not really investigated that much into him, but i am in that process. host: the speech is available on her website, you can check it out at rudy from tulsa, oklahoma, good morning. caller: good morning. to bringd of early
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support for the democrats, but they are going to be tough -- host: we are getting some feedback, but i heard the first part, that it is hard to decide. we are eight year away from the first caucuses and primaries. a lot can happen before the debates. our coverage is extended as it continues to crisscross the country. we go to debbie in new mexico. good morning, debbie. caller: listening to everybody talk, it is to socialist, too , but yet when you talk about the doctrine of christianity it when jesus is going to come back and make it equal for everybody, isn't that true socialism? are we going to complain that? wem just saying because socially construct everything,
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and it is quite a thing to watch everybody biting at each other for really know reason at all. i am just saying. thank you for letting me speak. host: we are glad to hear from you. let's go to don in michigan. good morning. caller: i agree with the caller talking about the democratic party going to heck. they need to change course, or they're going to lose again. that is all i have to say. host: who did you vote for in the 2016 race? caller: actually republican. i had been a democrat all my life, voted democrat most of my life. i just could not role along with hillary lying and all of the crock the democrats have pulled. it just makes me sick. party has changed so much, i do not know if i can ever vote democratic again. they have got to change. they have got to stop what they are doing. thanks for the call. tomorrow morning, like we said, a busy week. we take it off on the "washington journal," with john
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bennett, he covers cq "roll the hill's mike miller as well as mark discussing the future of social security. "newsmakers" is next. american history tv on c-span3. thanks for being with us on the sunday. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> here is a look at the schedule. newsmakers is next with the democratic party chairs of iowa and new hampshire, two
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