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tv   QA Monica Norton  CSPAN  February 17, 2019 8:00pm-9:01pm EST

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secretary for foreign trade talks about the u.s.-mexico-canada agreement. ♪ monica week on "q&a," norton, deputy editor from the washington post talks about james baldwin's "if beale street could talk," and the impact the book had on her as a teenager. brian: monica norton of the "washington post," you wrote a column back in december with the headline i devoured james baldwin's "if beale street 13.d talk," when i was it changed my life. how? monica: up until then i was
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always an avid reader. and two older brother older sisters. i was reading their books when i was far too young. there was a wonderful public library in my neighborhood where i spent pretty much every day after school going there and grabbing every book. there was something about andwin that was so raw passionate. i think it had to do with me being 13. everything is passionate to you at that point. there were these two young lovers. i could identify with them and identify with the language and the beauty. columnwhen you wrote the you wrote you had not seen the movie. monica: i had not. brian: have you seen it now? monica: i have. i was impressed. i was really moved by it. young to read too baldwin at 13. brian: why are you saying that?
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monica: i didn't understand that this was not simply a love story. there is romantic love. i did not really register -- i don't think i did at 13, the broader subjects of mass incarceration and how that impacts a family, community, society. i reread the book in advance of the movie coming out. it has been a long time since i was 13. it was a whole different experience. seeing it on screen, it was as beautiful as i remember and as heartbreaking as i would learn after rereading the book as an adult. brian: what is the story about? monica: i think it is the story of america in a lot of ways. you have these two young people who are working class, trying to make a go of it in a society
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that does not often recognize their value. characters isn wrongly charged with rape and incarcerated. the entire family is working to get him out of jail. we still see that happening in a so many cases today. incarcerated to be for the entire family and for the society. brian: i want to run some video. it is about a minute. it is from 1960 in an interview. so everyone can see him and hear him talk. he was the architect really. education will, not make us different.
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all things social, we can be as one. that was the idea of segregation, not only by the south. the south was supposed to groes withe nee the facilities at the north did? >> education really began in the south and is still largely located there. there are more universities in the south. few negrovery universities in the north. brian: the first thing you see is he is smoking. the second thing is the word negro. growing up, what was that? brotheri had an older
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and sisters, they were in college when i was in elementary school. it was the era of lack is beautiful. arm of them playing james brown and saying it loud, i am black and i am proud. -- myception was that in parents were a little bit older. when i was born, my father was 45, my mother was already six. 36. my father was born during the depression and had hardships. i know the evolution of terms used to describe black people. he told me them and what he meant to him and how they impacted him. watching that video, you see the evolution of where we are today. i was black. that was the terminology used. brian: how much of james baldwin -- and he wrote the novel we
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talked about in 1974. i have a whole list. how much did you read of him? monica: when i devoured that, i started on my education of james baldwin. i am not certain of the exact order but i think another country was the second book. it was one of my favorites i read of his. essays,'s room, and his i think i read go tell it on the mountain twice. i think one was for an assignment in college. again, i wanted to read about this. could find. anything i could find of his. i'm excited because they are releasing a children's book he wrote for i think his nephew that will be released. i will grab a copy of that as well. brian: you talk about you love
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words. what would you say is the theme of baldwin's writing? monica: i think his writing really does deal with love. whether it is universal love, loving one's self, love between people and society. i really think that is sort of the overarching theme. i think a lot of people see him -- because he was so passionate and fighting for the rights of african-americans. sometimes i think people mistake that for anger. angry but was not forceful in his denunciation of racism. i don't have a problem with being angry, there were lots of things to be angry about. i think it was his passion because of his love for his people. that comes across in all of his interviews and writing. brian: he was born in 1924 and
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died in 1987. what is the story of you going to see him? had justn 1987, i started working. i was a young reporter for the evening sun in baltimore. i think it was baltimore city community college or something of that nature. i was so excited by this. and i wasing winter planning to leave work and head across town. i was still living at home. my family lived in eastern baltimore county. this was in west baltimore, where he was speaking. vaguely remember a close childhood friend saying it is snowing. you should try to get home. i said i am fine, i have something to do. i packed up my books and had them in the car beside me. fiat spider. 1978
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i had purchased it from one of my older sisters. it was probably a decade old when i purchased it from her. drive.rearwheel if you know anything about that, they do not function well in the snow. i was determined and i got in and i was trudging along. i should say i was inching along. i got to a point where i was 15-maybe 20 minutes away from where he was speaking. slow going so through the snow. i started sliding. i started sliding towards this telephone pole. i stopped really short of it and i said you have to go home. this is ridiculous. you must go home. i turned around and i think a couple days later i am at work. there was a reporter there and he made it.
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i remember him going on and on about their only being five or six of us. nobody could leave so he had a great time and told stories. i was heartbroken and then several months later he passed away. now if there somebody i want to see, i find a way to see them. brian: here he is in 1965 at the society. union he is debating a conservative. here is james baldwin. x attorney general, mr. robert kennedy said it was conceivable that in 40 years in a negrowe might have president. i was in harlem when the
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statement was first heard. in a harlem barber shop he only got here yesterday. now he is already on his way. he tells us that maybe in 40 we mayif you are good, let you become president. robert kennedy missed it by a few years. what are you seeing there? calling oute him america for hypocrisy. i think that is what he tried to do and a lot of his work. whether it was about sex, race, how the government functions, i think that is what he was sort of pointing. how absurd is that, 40 years as ifhat point, it is not
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there were not qualified african-americans before barack obama who could have been president. there are always people who are more than qualified. seenact is that was not for a role for african-americans. i think he was very pointedly saying what do you mean by this. brian: what is your current job? monica: i am the deputy local editor for the "washington post ." i hope supervise our coverage of the region. we cover religion from around the country. we cover immigration around the country. broader, but we cover around the world as well. brian: what evolves in your own head about the whole race issue in your life as you kept reading him and getting older and into the work world? inica: i think particularly am not sure at 13 i was fully
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aware. i think it was sort of reading him over time that i began to recognize -- reading him i saw myself really for the first time. it was not that i hadn't read other works by black authors. it was the first time i said i could have been that 19-year-old. i did not live in harlem. i did not have that set of circumstances that i could see myself. it was the first time i thought about writing. magnificentis was writing and that i was there. when he wrote a scene that i was there. i felt their pain and aggravation, love, frustration. i thought this is what i would want to do. him and byreading reading about black lives that were very similar to mine it made me aware of my role in
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america. brian: we need to take a look at the trailer for the movie. the movie came out in december. you wrote about it then. some golden globe awards. when this was recorded the oscars have not happen. let's watch a little bit of the trailer so people who have not seen "if beale street could talk ," could get a little flavor. ♪ >> you ready for this? ♪ i've never been more ready for anything in my whole life. ♪ >> are you sure about that?
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♪ >> you are not by yourself. ♪ brian: when we see the kids in the bathtub together -- when you saw the movie, how close was it to the novel? monica: very similar. the ending is different. i don't want to give anything away. the book does not sort of resolve what happens. it sticks very closely to the book. i remember certain phrases and dialogue that really didn't resonate that came straight from
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the books. then: what is happened to movies and black actors in your lifetime? monica: i remember being a kid and i remember when roots debuted on tv. i was in elementary school. had the scholastic magazines used to come out and there is a special edition. it was the first time i had seen pretty much a majority black cast on television daily. remember -- and there were other shows that i watched, .omedies like the jeffersons this was the first time i could .ecall drama a story that resonated and told the story of america as well.
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since then, i memory was discussing i was in college entered member spike lee's first movie. we were also excited by this. to get to the point where you have -- i thought the film was visually beautiful. the thing that really sticks with you is just how loving and lovely the film is, despite its deep, deep, deep heavy topics. brian: the main characters were twentysomething? monica: they were 19 and 22 if i am remembering correctly. brian: as i was researching james baldwin, these kind of things popped up. harlem, where he was born. racism,red, scars of homosexuality, how much of any of that penetrated with you when you were reading him? monica: in the early days i was
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telling someone -- it may s ound very sheltered. where ii was in college was reflecting back and i was like those characters were gay. it did not really resonate at that point. it was another love story and friction and attention in the book. it did not seem to resonate that this was about two men. it was not until i was much older that that registered. there. race was always particularly with one book because it took place in a church and i grew up in a black church. i didn't grow up in harlem but i grew up in a majority black neighborhood. these were places that were reflective of what i was seeing around me. brian: what was your neighborhood? monica: i grew up in eastern
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baltimore county. it was probably 100% black when i was growing up. i think it has changed a little bit since then. it was working class. worked at bethlehem steel like a lot of men did. we had a diversity of people. one man across the street was an architect. a blue cross executive, a lunch lady, a teacher, a principal. it was a diversity. i have extraordinary fond ofories of the kind neighborhood where everybody sort of looked out for you. far, you would go around the block or ride your somethingou did wrong the neighbor would call your mom and tell. it was a close knit neighborhood . it is sad to say because the way
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our lives have changed, i probably know one of my neighbors by name. blocks have gone for 10 and known everybody in my neighborhood. brian: how segregated was your early life and when did you have contact with white people? monica: from elementary school on. in the sense that my neighborhood was all black. the school i went to was in a neighborhood that was majority white. i was post integration so my siblings -- i remember my sister in 1967 i remember her talking about moving from an all-black school to a white school. on, my from kindergarten classes were always integrated. frequently i was one of two or three black students. there was integration. i reflect now, one of my middle
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school teachers recently passed away. i was telling my sister about going to the funeral and seeing other teachers. she said i didn't know you had all of those black teachers. i was fortunate. my elementary school, i personally did not have a black teacher. our vice principal was african-american. in middle school, i had several. let me correct myself, i did have a black teacher in fifth grade. fewiddle school i had a more. there were people who looked like me and were looking out for students. 65% orol was probably 70% majority white in that era. we sort of grew up together. brian: here's more james baldwin. he died infrance, france, lived most of his life in france. before i go to this, what do you think of that? he romanticized france
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for me. i had grown up reading about the harlem renaissance, langston hughes, james baldwin, their travels around the world and going to france. , heve a vague recollection needed to leave america because he felt like he could not be himself. he felt he had to get away. , i completely understand that you are in such a segregated society. even though we are sort of moving towards two separate societies again, it is not nearly as heinous as it was for him. brian: i am not going to use the clip i was going to. i will go to 1986 because it fits the conversation. he spoke at the national press club. james baldwin talking about why he moved to france. to france in 1948.
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i was quite young. in other words, i was getting out of here. parrotst so much go to as a leave new york. the reason i left new york somebody would call me a name too often and somebody was going to die. i didn't know what would happen to me in paris but i knew what would happen to me here. brian: did you ever feel this way? monica: not that i wanted to leave america. it made me think about my parents. they were part of the big migration. they left south carolina in the late 50's. recently, i was talking to an older cousin of mine who said my grandfather was the one who sort of pushed my father to leave.
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his older brother have come and did not like it. one of his sisters moved to new and my grandfather, who i think died when i was an infant or so, he told my father you have to leave here, there is nothing here for you in this small town. my father who was remarkably -- a remarkable gentleman, i remember him telling me heinous tales about any hint of anger. he was always proud of how far african-americans had come in this country. iowing what he endured, suspect he sort of felt a lot like baldwin did. he had to leave south carolina and come north to seek something better. i never felt the need to flee america other than for vacations and to see the world.
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i have been to paris a couple times. i wanted to see where baldwin lived and i never got the chance to do it. after i wrote the piece i got a lovely note from a gentleman who had written a piece for the "new yorker" he spent some time with baldwin at his house in paris. he was describing it to me and bookme the link to the review. he said if you are ever in paris. monica: i said be careful. i might show up on your doorstep. i feel very strongly that i am america. people fromtion of all around the world who came here -- whether they came here willingly or unwillingly, who created this country. i frequently reflect on langston
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hughes' poem. i feel very strongly about that. i can't imagine fleeing. reasons --of the when i read your column i understand this idea of books and the printed word. who got you interested? monica: i have always read. i don't remember a time not reading. alphabetr my dr. seuss book. i think part of it was my parents didn't have the same opportunities for education that i did. my father had to quit school when he was in the sixth grade to go to work. my mother got through high school but married my father when she was 19. always -- my mother read the newspaper from cover to cover every day. growing up we got three newspapers in the household.
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i remember my father going off to work with a paperback in his back pocket. he was a huge proponent of encyclopedias. he always made sure we had encyclopedias in the house. he was like i bought you a set of encyclopedias, have you read them all? because my siblings were in college, i was grabbing books when they were not looking. when they moved out of the house when i was about 10, their books were there and i would frequently go and grab them. we had this public library that was in my mind, it was huge. i realize now it was probably very small. it was about three blocks from my household. i spent a lot of time going there. our memory getting off the bus and going straight to the library. this wonderful library in the library and would sometimes have a books waiting for me. i don't remember a time not
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reading. brian: here is james baldwin in theywith a yale professor, are discussing -- arguing. it does emphasize something which is here but it emphasize or exaggerates it. it puts people together in groups that they want to be in. i have more in common with a black scholar then i have with a white man who is against scholarship. you have more in common with a white author. why must we always concentrate on color, or religion? >> i will tell you this. when i left this country in 1948, i did so for one reason only. i didn't care where i landed. i ended up in paris. nothing worse could happen to me
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there then already happened to me here. -- once yoube able turn your back on the society, you may die. brian: reaction? monica: i think it is a nice to have people talk about a colorblind society. i think we have proven that. i think we all make assumptions based on color, gender, sexuality, and all of those things. i think that is what baldwin was alluding to. it does not matter whether or or i amve 16 degrees undereducated. the first thing someone sees about me is i am a black woman and they will make an assumption based on stereotypes they have grown up with. whether he matter
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says he might have more in common with an author. yes, i have more in common with an author, but if i am in an area where there aren't a lot of black people, they will see me first and foremost as a black woman, not as a journalist from the "washington post." momentwhat is an awkward you could remember in your life where you thought the only thing they are looking at is my skin is black? there were multiple episodes in the sense that i can in both being in school high school and college. i got an a and someone would say "oh." as if it was a surprise or shock. they would say you speak so well. incident when i was in college. i took a women's studies class.
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there was a young black woman in the class. i think we were the only two black women in the class. she grew up in rhode island, not around a lot of black people. would always say i would educator to the black world. she was sitting next to a woman who had returned to college. n. older white womanrep. hoyer the woman asked her where she grew up, she was premed at the time. the woman said to her, where did you learn to speak english? she was like i am from rhode island. i looked at her and i was like welcome to my world. you sound shocked and surprised by that. i said most people are shocked and surprised. i cannot tell you the number of times as a young reporter that i would call someone on the phone and they did not know i was black.
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i would show up at their house and they would be like hmm. older people would be like how did you get that job? there were many instances throughout my life where you tend to brush them off. cannotthem until you ignore them and then deal with them. brian: where did you get your university education? monica: i went to the university of maryland at college park. i studied journalism. i had fallen in love with the idea of being a writer. i told people i wanted to be james baldwin and i quickly realized i did not have that talent. i started working for my high school newspaper and i was very fortunate the baltimore sun had a minority scholarship. i started working at the "baltimore sun" after high school. i worked my way up through internships. i have worked at a number of papers since then. brian: why do you say you cannot
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write like james baldwin? monica: there are few people who can write with that kind of eloquence and insight. like to think i could. i dream of someday being able to but i think there is only one james baldwin. brian: where would you put him in all of the people you have read in your lifetime? is he up there at the top? monica: it is one of those things where it is like choosing your favorite child in a sense. i don't know i could choose a favorite author. they each mean something different to me. at different points of my life. toni morrison is a goddess in my estimation. i love the poetry of langston hughes. i don't know that i could choose just one. baldwin was the one who sparked my love. brian: can you feel a difference
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when you are reading a white author versus a black author? monica: that is a very challenging question. when i am difference think isomeone -- i feel more the difference in socioeconomic. there isnce, i think some insight when i am reading southern writers as opposed to those in the north. particularly those dealing with more rural areas and places that are more working class. i think i can pick them out when they are genuine. i think there is a difference. maybe that is cultural and what i am seeing. i can remember when angela's ashes came out. i was living in new york and reading it with my book club. it was majority white. people were sort of shocked by that type of poverty.
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this is the same thing my ancestors dealt with. i remember my father talking about putting the sears catalog on the wall to keep the air out and getting an orange and sweet potato for christmas. i think there are some cultural differences. brian: here's james baldwin on the way white people view black people and in turn the world. this was from the press club speech. the reason that is important ecause wehheng is b the same white man looks around yhe world, he sees onl what he wants to see. that is morally dangerous.
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for the future of this country. the world is full of all kinds who live beyond the signs of the american imagination. and who have never been able to vision of the world that controls so much of our and paralyzesing very nearly our moral sense. monica: i think the rest of the black stereotypes based on what we presented. i remember years ago reading a about cubans in miami. one person saying he didn't
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realize he was black until he came to the united states. i think in talking to some cubans when i was there, they do see color. there is a sort of a hierarchy there. based theirle assumptions on the stereotype america has created. i think that's why there is this flight in certain places over blackface. you have the dolls that are very prominent in certain cultures. i can'te in asia, recall exactly where but they had a commercial where a black person went into a washing machine and they came out with their skin clear. that didn't come in a vacuum. that came because of stereotypes that we had perpetuated for centuries in america.
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n-word.e used the in 2016, they came out with a documentary about his life. in this case i said i am not your negro. n-word versus negro any sensitivity. that i it is not a word use and i will tell you why. my father used to tell the story and it used to anger me whenever he told it. he talked about being a young black man in south carolina. this would have been probably in the 40's or so. before he married my mother. hitchhiking from town to town to get work. he's too paint and do other small jobs. someone picked him up and was
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gracious enough to let him sit in the front of the truck. he addressed him with the n-word the entire time. he kept saying it over and over again. myt is how he referred to father. i was horrified by this. using thever see word. i understand the argument about reclaiming it. i come from people who came from ep south who were terrorized by the word. it is not a word i like to hear use. ed. i will not dispute if someone wants to reclaim it but that is not my view. i know how it was used to terrorize people. brian: here is a trailer from the documentary. it is from 2016. white man in the world says give me liberty or give me
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death, the entire white world applauds. when a black man does exactly the same thing, he is just a criminal and treated like one. everything is done to make a bad example. >> it is not a pretty story. >> that is really not the question. ♪ only freeica, i was in battle. >> we need to take any kind of action by any means necessary. brian: what do you think james baldwin would think if you were around today?
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monica: there are many people wishing he was around to get his take on how it seems we have devolved in a sense. we seem to have been moving forward. i think he would have chastise us for believing that we were moving forward. there was a lot of talk when obama was elected that we were sort of a post-racial world. i think a lot of people sort of turned their nose up at that. i think baldwin would have been the first one to say wait a second. this means absolutely nothing. peoplel have a lot of who are judging folks based on the color of their skin. who still are not comfortable with and this truly equal society. i think you would be the first person to call us all out for hypocrisy in thinking -- not ignoring the strides we had made but thinking we had solved something that is really almost
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impossible to solve. brian: what is it in your opinion about the color black and as you know, there are all different shades and colors. dice amongreju the black race, what is that about? were pitted against each other. i hope that there has been an evolution. i think there has been. we are at a point in society where folks realize that it does -- how mucho much you have, if you have any it could make you a target. it could make you the focus of racism, prejudice, discrimination. from the facttems that they were pitted against each other and told everything
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from the beginning of time. not just in america. you see it in india, asia, south america, where they are trying ban bleaching creams. they were told to be fair skinned is beauty. that is around the world, with every sort of culture where they have been told. this is what is beautiful and everything that is not like that is not beautiful. brian: we can come back to james baldwin. i want to divert a moment. you have been involved in something that got an award on the "washington post," website called the four days in 1968. what is this? , this was theear 50th anniversary of the rioting and uprisings that took place in washington, d.c. and around the
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country. following the assassination of martin luther king. embark on the behind to tell the story sort of the rioting. to show the chaos that corrupted. the misinformation that was coming about during the rioting. to explain why the rioting happened. one of the things we found out when we first started to look into this was the post had done a remarkable job of remarking the anniversary every 10 years or so. they wrote a book, we did anniversaries on the 10th, 20th, 25th, 40th. we had interviewed a number of people. one of the things we wanted to do this year because it was the 50th anniversary. recognizing this is a totally different place than it was. it was majority black then. it is now just about split
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evenly. there are a lot of people who live in the corridor where it happened who were not born and know nothing of the history and we wanted to explain to people, this place you are walking by now, this is what happened and this is why it happened. fortunate that when we started this project we were contacted by a professor whose documented all ofou the places they received calls. not all of the calls were accurate. a lot of this was in the midst of a big news event, people call in and say there is a gunman here or there. most of it is not true. it showed the chaos that was occurring at that time. when i came to town there were 800,000 people in the district. now it down to 550,000,
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is at about 700,000, but it has changed. monica: it is much younger, much whiter and wealthier for a certain segment of the population. other folks have been pushed aside and pushed out because of the rising cost. one of the things we wanted to show was the disparities that existed in 1968 exist today. a huge gap in terms of economic disparity. one of the questions i asked when we first started this was could the rioting happen again. problems thatof existed then exist now. there is a tremendous amount of frustration among people who have lived here for generations. all of a sudden, they cannot afford the home that their parents or grandparents owned. member a few years ago we
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did a story about a woman, she had a hair salon on rhode island avenue. she put up a sign as she was closing, forced out because of gentrification. there is a lot of tension. i said i don't think that same kind of rioting could occur again. i know the underlying tension still exists. online andle can get see this. there is a little clip, clint hill, the famous secret service agent talks in your presentation about what it was like with lyndon johnson back then in the 1968 riots. said ipresident then want to see how much damage the rioters have done. do that islace to from the air. we arranged for him to fly on the helicopter over the city. i was on the helicopter.
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it was quite a sight to behold. it was unbelievable. a major portion of the city had burned. it was something i will never forget. brian: this happened after martin luther king was assassinated. did this work in any way? things i tell the people. often when riots occur, they said why would they do this to their own neighborhood? i always say it is not their own neighborhood. they do not have any ownership -- i am note justifying the burning or looting or anything like that. i understand the frustration. you look at a point at that time where there were stores that black people could not go in. if they went in they could not try on clothes. they are being charged higher prices. frustration built up.
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i tell people, they did not feel ownership because they were being displaced then and there. worked inow that it terms of looking at it in that sense except it brought attention to the inner cities. you got the reports that came out and showed just how unequal the school systems were. just how severe the housing crisis was. what kind of condition the people were living in. it brought attention to just how in both physical and emotional levels people were living in. are the different organizations you work for? monica: i work for the baltimore evening sun, then i work gannet newspapers. brian: how did you get your job at the post? monica: i was at newsday in the
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washington bureau by this point. they were consolidating the washington office. i figured i will have a job back in new york but i knew there was not going to be a role for me in washington. my father had passed away by then. my mother was getting older. i wasn't sure i wanted to go back to new york at that stage. i truly thought i might leave journalism because i was not sure there would be a world here. everyone in my office was calling the post except me. they a call from them and said would you come in for an interview. i said sure. i was kind of surprised by it. it was one of those things where i was at a crossroads in my life. i had just come off the 2004 election. i was kind of burnt out. i thought do i really want to do this? it is the washington post. you don't say no to them. it has been a great ride. from: this is another clip
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his press club appearance. that is the latest thing we have from him in the 1986. he died one year later. here he is talking about the myth that white people have about themselves. this country is buried in the myth that white people have in themselves. excavateds have to be . they can only be excavated by white people. in other words, the history of thancountry better whatever teachers trying to teach my child. you have to understand it to be liberated from it. most americans cling to the idea of being white because they don't want to find out what else they might be. i have black ancestors, so do
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you. -- i have black-and-white ancestors and so do you. i am not trying to glorify black people or denigrate white people. we are, whether we like it or not, connected. that should be our triumph and our glory, instead of our shame. monica: i think he is accurate. a whole another level, i was having a discussion and beingne considered the other in this country, we are expected to know all of american history. including our own. whereas to be white, it is just assumed that it is white history in the sense the revolution. it does not include the role of african-americans. i think that is sort of the myth we were all created with.
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joking when i tell people there is a part of historywished black month was something we looked at as american history. since it is part of america. i look back on my own education and i never learned about hispanics, or the role of the chinese or japanese. it does a disservice to everyone. i think week for -- hispanic heritage month as a whole month now. i did not have that. want a universal thing to to know your place in the world. i think because the dominant ,ulture to white america everything else is sort of
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marginalized in the road took to create the united states. brian: it was many years ago when you are on your way to meet james baldwin and you did not get there. if you had gotten there, what would you have wanted to ask him? monica: i don't know that i would've had the confidence to ask him anything. i was so in awe. i think i would have wanted to process and what his actual dream was. did he hope to accomplish in writing these books? was it simply to tell the story of that particular story or was it something much larger he was trying to do in illustrating these lies? i think had i had the confidence, i'm not sure i would have, that is what i would have wanted to know. what was his ultimate goal? beauty andeflect the
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the levels and layers of the lives of african-americans and their role in the world? brian: i don't want to ramble on "goi have the first book tell it to the mountain." then there is giovanni's room. another country as you mentioned, the fire next time in 1963, mr. charlie was the black term for white men. have you read all these? monica: i think i read everything except one. "if beale street could talk," was 1974. which one of those books would
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you want somebody who wanted to find out about james baldwin, which would you recommend? monica: i think his essays. i personally love the novels. i think his essays are so of the storyelling of america. it is the perfect place to start. a letter to off as his nephew. i think those are where you start. has america given him the kind of attention and memory that they should? monica: i think the movie was a great way to start. i love the documentary. i think "if beale street could " is visually a beautiful film. i hope it brings more attention. one of the things i have been pleasantly surprised with since i wrote that piece, was my own
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personal level, i did not think much of it. it was the number of people who mee contacted me to tell about reading baldwin themselves and what it meant to them. i'm hoping it sparks some resurgence. i hope more of his work becomes more widely known. brian: if someone wants to read you the same way they would online. what is the best way to find you at the post. ? piece backon wrote a in december about james baldwin. we appreciate very much you talking with us today. thank you. monica: thank you.
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history discusses the of presidential relations with congress. independent institute senior federal discusses president trump's use of executive power in the border wall debate and how presidents have used executive power in the past. "washingtonatch journal" live at 7:00 eastern on monday morning. join the discussion. ♪ >> the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. >> ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. >> the people who knocked these buildings down -- [applause] book, thes newest presidents, notice historians rank america's best and worst chief executives. they provide insight into the lives of the 44 american
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negotiations during question time. she also talked about mental health awareness, equal pay for soccer athletes, and rules concerning dog and cat meat in the u.k. this is 45 minutes. the uk and i know african producers will benefit from those areas in years to come. >> order. questions for the prime minister. helen whately. >> first one, mister speaker. >> thank you. later today this house will have an opportunity to pay tribute to david -- may i take this opportunity to add my own, david served the house for 40 years with dedication and tireless devotion. his support and advice on parliamentary procedure and business has been invaluable and i know the members of


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