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tv   Washington Journal 02222019  CSPAN  February 22, 2019 6:59am-9:00am EST

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finger at the justice department. to get your take. these are the phone numbers to call.
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chicago reverence -- residents have a separate line. we look forward to hearing from you. you can post a comment on facebook. pages to thefront chicago tribune. he goes from victim to charged. the actor could face three years. this is the sun-times this morning. he is charged with disorderly conduct. two of the front pages there. editorial pages at the tribune. they are critical of him as well. we will read an editorial. this is a at the tribune news
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right up on this. it was a cook county judge with charges that he staged an attack on himself. they great place to do surround his neck and beat him last month in downtown chicago. vile part is the the judge is black. we have some sound from the police superintendent. the person had the this received national attention for weeks. they weighed in on something that was choreographed.
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force -- false letter that relied on racial, homophobic and political language. he paid $3500 to stage the attack and drag chicago's reputation through the mud. we have problems. we know that. the put the national spotlight on chicago is something egregious is shameful. i am concerned about what this means moving forward for hate crimes. the chicago police department
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will investigate all reports of these events with the same amount of vigor we did with this one. my concern is hate crimes will be met with a level of skepticism. your calls in just a second. says he is a young man of impeccable character and integrity who maintains his innocence and feels betrayed by a system that wants to skip due process and go directly to sentencing. witnessed a law-enforcement spectacle that has no place in the american legal statement. it was trampled on. on the eve of a mayoral election.
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that put more political edge into a sharply political affair. lots more writing on this. let's get to the calls. fromr: good morning motown. what he was't know thinking when he concocted all of this. is this ise effect more ammunition to racist white ideae who dismissed the that white people still hate black people. sense, the white conservatives will be on this for quite some time. it's red meat out there for
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racists who tend to dismiss the notion that white people still hate black people out there. i want to make one other comment. when i watch washington journal when the issue comes up, i listen to white collars on the republican line, they always deny that racism still exists. recall anow if you white woman from nevada named donna. tired of being called a racist. if they don't like being called racist, how can they think like racists? host: thanks for the points. we want to get on to other callers. i am mixed on this.
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if he is charged and he'd didn't do what he's accused of, the chips should fall where they may. host: you are up now. your thoughts on the story. caller: hello there. ok. sorry about that. good morning. i am calling it from the united states of america. i agree with the last caller. racists,n in the white the people that want to deny that racism exist. the woman who reported emmett , accused him of offending her. served no prison time.
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white person after white person falsely reports black people for just existing. arrested. get i'm not saying it's ok when he did it. it's a double standard.
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scene. >> you have any comments? host: the media approached her after eating with al sharpton. cory booker is from new jersey. he sent this tweet. >> i'm glad he is safe. to those in congress and don't feel the anti-lynching bill.
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i urge you to pay attention. yesterday is holding the actor, he is being charged. we will see what happens with us particular case. go ahead. what is the story meaning to the city? caller: it's an embarrassment. i never believed the story to begin with. it happened that 2:00 in the morning. the temperature was -29. it's a black eye on the city of chicago. what isr thing i use that many resources solving crimes?
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only 16% of murders are resolved. there is a problem as far as resources. the guy needs to spend some time in jail. tell us about the mayor's race. that was alluded to. do you think this issue will play a role in the race? caller: i don't think so. not at all. host: mark is calling from indiana. caller: this is a singular incident about fake crimes being hoaxes. the greatest one is something that president trump, it was the first thing he talked about. was theed states anti-semi tourism attacks
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happening in the country. it turned out to be a hoax. he phoned in all of these threats, over 200 of them. never any
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>> we go back to phone calls on the jussie smollett story. what does this mean for race relations in the country? and reactions from news around the country. san diego, thank you for waiting . jussie smollett did a really foolish thing. he has run his life, clearly, he will be prosecuted and he should be. as far as the democratic candidate, they culminated on the story, too soon. i see something very different also. president trump faked a national
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emergency for a racist reason, , you know, to get more money, billions of american taxpayer dollars. i think it is very similar to what smollett did. a fake national emergency played on the racist fears, and of dollars,llions thousands of millions of dollars from american people. it was exactly the same m.o that. smollett used. >> keith waiting in the detroit, good morning. >> good morning. what was really disappointing about this, in defense of those of us who bought into the jussie smollett story, i think whether you are talking about the media for those of us were everyday citizens, it was so outlandish that we couldn't help but
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believe that it must be true. having said that, i think the media has a responsibility, and we all have a responsibility to simply let the facts play out and see what ends up occurring. what disappointed me, and i am a democrat, when senator harris was so quick to come out when the attack was first reported, to offer her opinion, but then when some more details came out, ligament details that cannot like the details that cannot yesterday, she had no comment. it diminishes her credibility in terms of wanting to get to the truth. that said, even though it was a horrendous act on the part of jussie smollett, it should not diminish our concern about the racist attacks that occur in this country, the attacks that occur upon the gay and lesbian
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community. it does not diminish it. it is an issue we must address. but what smollett did certainly does change any future accusations that may come up that may be legitimate, when crimes like this take place. >> thank you for calling. sandra is coming from bishop bill in maryland. hello, sandra. hello. i'm calling because you are asking for a reaction to the jussie smollett story. i think we still live in this nation called america. governed by law. my understanding, what i'm want to understand is that how is everyone jumping on the bandwagon before or after? he hasn't even gone to trial. this has not been finished or fully investigated. so why should there be any storyline except that he made a
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charge, they are investigating it, and then we see what plays out in a court of law? that is the court of law, not the court of the public. host: thank you for calling. someone writes on twitter, these people are being charged, these people making up stuff on the police. headline saying -- jussie smollett did not give brett kavanaugh the presumption of innocence, but asks for it now. . the wall street journal the saying -- jussie smollett knew his audience, the elite media would elevate him to political did.r to them and they with comintern and now this, a falsity of these countries values. mr. smollett deserves to be punished for his hoax. the video punishment will be his
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the media loss -- wil 's punishment will be its continuing loss of credibility. police in chicago, where the murder rate is out of control, had to waste time on a goose chase. even worse, the next victim of a hate crime may not be believed. by feigning injury, smollett grievously injured others. let's go to our next caller. caller: i was born in gary, indiana. i am a white guy. . i know that is hard for a lot of people to believe. what really hurts me is that, being a white person with all this bias in the media, racist, racist, racist can miami not a racist. we are not racist, we are out here because we support the president. we love america.
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we love people. . have many black friends matter of fact, the other night, i met a friend at the bus stop, and i said, don't i know you? he laughed, we talked, his car was broke down, and he was a black guy. write down the street. and i helped him. we worked on his car, got it fixed. why do people think about all the way people out there that support trump are just haters? we are not haters. isn't it all about love? we love america. we love america, we don't hate black people for crying out loud. why can't people get off that? host: thanks for calling. next caller from lancaster, ohio, good morning. caller: good morning. i never believed him in the first place, i don't know why i felt that way.
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it,more i talked about anyway, i know i will get off track, but this is really interesting, but the pledge of allegiance, i think it 1872 they started that. you know a distorted the pledge of allegiance? it was to welcome the immigrants. i don't know that should do you know why they started the pledge you know why -- they started the pledge of allegiance? it was to welcome immigrants. my daughter is married to a woman, and this is what is going on. things going on with the otherwise, and the sad thing is her own family on both sides cannot prove anything because every time children services they go out there, they get an excuse, because of they are a end they are married, and that is what the problem is. but that is not what the problem is.
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she has two children and the reason we are shocked, first of , went towas pregnant jail at eight months pregnant and instead of giving up the baby to other people, she was allowed. she was told that they would figure things out and everything would be fine. ok, i don't like it, ok? no, i don't. and i have a right to say that. but that is not the problem. to see that they can keep telling the police and the children's services because it is all about that they are gay and they are married, that is bad, too . hater as these hi crimes, they have been going on forever. oh, and about pledge of allegiance, it was written to
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welcome the immigrants. then have these people that will not pledge of allegiance to the flag because of this and that, that and this, and they want us to open the borders and have everyone come in. they want to attack a donald trump, but you know what? the democrats don't want him to succeed. host: we will let you go and get other voices in. we have a lot more folks on the lines. more columns on this. this is from the chicago tribune -- sorry, bigots. .ut i am not sorry for once trusting jussie smollett she writes, bigots are acting as though their lottery number finally came in and they are walking away with a big job. but. it would be in their best -- they are walking away with a jackpot. americaating groups in reached a high last year according to the southern
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. and would suit them just fine if everyone is not the fact that there has been a three-year decline in the group's since trump launched his presidential bid, hate groups have grown. they want us to believe that the so-called trump effect is a conspiracy. tal -- orchestrated by trumpls to portray supporters as idiots. she goes on to say, over time, small that will become a distant myth like that south carolina woman who murdered her children and then allied and said an african-american man had killed them. we will keep on talking about every racist and bigoted attack that occurs under trump. he has done in office. we will keep shining a spotlight.
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those are from a column in the chicago tribune today. richard from nashville is hanging on. good morning. >> good morning. i am 63 years old and a couple of weeks. alabama, indiana. all around thea, country. i have seen racism firsthand, but i have also seen it from the blacks to the whites, from the whites to the blacks. it is everywhere and it is not just on blacks, it is on whites, on foreigners, everywhere. i work around african-americans. when i say african-americans, i mean people who come from africa. when i work around blacks in america, and white. there are white racists in this country, and i have found more of them to be in the west coast and the northern states than i
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have ever found in the southern states. and alabama,p, then moved to tennessee years later, the integrated here and started the bus in. when government got involved between the blacks and whites. not to take anything away from the black race, they have been hurt in this country. went after him was 300 years since the civil war and the opportunities that have come their way, when someone like does what heuide does, it is on everybody. because we have all said things and done things we shouldn't have. my mother raised us to believe that it was up to us. god said the greatest gift of all is love. it is up to us to find the good in people. not a certain group of people. i have lived in east los ,ngeles, have lived in watts
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the good areas, and the bad areas, and i am telling you, there is good and bad in all people. it doesn't matter if you live in the white house or the projects. it is up to you as an individual when you become an adult to find the good in people and make a life for you. and if you don't like america, it works both ways. i am fed up of this black on white racism. maybe we do deserve it, some of us do, but there is a large portion of us that don't. people to succeed in this country and the only way we will succeed is trying to find the good in people. so, please, america, if you have a problem with somebody, bring it to your pastor or your church. bring it out and let us talk about it, but let us not start throwing slurs and hurting people over stuff. fixing tollett is find out when he goes to prison.
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his race, the white race, all the races will not treat him the same as they did as a free man in this country. host: plenty more time for your calls. we will do this for another 25 more minutes. it is just after 7:30. plenty of other news this friday, including the north carolina house seat that has been making so much news in recent months. this is a washington times. they write that months of confusion over a tainted house race in north carolina and of thursday when the state board of elections ordered a new election. ably do cap a month-long investigation and four days of dramatic testimony before the board about absentee ballot schemes over republican mark harris. the november 6 results that showed mr. harris leading democrat macready by 900 votes have been in limbo because of
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fraud allegations. the board was tasked with reviewing the evidence and deciding whether to certify the votes or order a new election in the district, which spends barrier between charlotte and fayetteville. before the vote, the chairman of the board said -- illegal activities that the board uncovered head tainted the results of the entire election and that the people of north carolina deserve to have their votes counted properly. he said -- it is rare for a stage to call for a new election to resolve a disputed house race. that was from the washington times. daniel is on the line from pennsylvania. what part of the state is connellsville? daniel: fayette county, southwest. host: got you. what is your reaction to the jussie smollett story? is guilty.hink he
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besides that, he blamed it on trump, maga. democrats still suffer from their donald trump syndrome. they picked the wrong person. they did bernie sanders over. he should have won the presidency. but jussie smollett did an injustice to other black people and other gays. whenot himself in the foot he did not give over his phone. you cannot blame everything on donald trump, because this went on under other presidencies. they are suffering from donald trump syndrome and they cannot get over the fact that he is the president. democrats will just not work with him? host: timothy, you are on the line from brighton, massachusetts. caller: good morning. i'm a big fan of c-span. comment further jussie smollett story is, there are a lot of people out there trying to find some sort of petty for
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the man or say, oh, maybe he is issues, but if this had gone to the logical investigation, jussie smollett would have stood up in court and lied about the dublin division was, and potentially send them to jail for years and years -- and lied about the two individuals. and potentially sent to them to jail for years and years. i have no mercy for him, he shall go to jail for as long as possible? host: in the new york post editorial section, -- jussie =mollett will likely walk freep the writer write. cover the version of events from the start suit. seemed more like an episode of svu.nd order: members. of the news media were blinded by this fellow hater and convince themselves to ignore numerous red flags.
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is confirmed everything they wanted to believe, that the president is responsible for all intolerance. even speaking the truth, but it was close enough, ess.ave us truthin . she finishes by saying, small that tried to deepen the racial divide, but i believe you'll end up with court-ordered counseling and perhaps pay a fine. you should not get away with it, but i think he will. brian is on the line from pr he ,, illinois -- from peoria illinois. caller: good morning. jussie smollett, what he did was wrong, but do you remember the , hengton kid, sandmann didn't do anything, but it everybody called him a racist because he was wearing a maga hat.
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news media and the democrats would just piled on him. i just think it is a crying shame that we live in a country like this, and it is not donald trump's fault. it has been going on forever. was --r, everybody, it abraham lincoln was a republican. ? reno.jay is calling from caller: i think this young man, like donald trump they both have pedestals for people to listen to. andsed the most upfront politicized at him, hate and racism, to advance his career, from -- if this is being told correctly. did he do it first? you cannot prosecute him, you can't say he should get away with it. it has to be the facts.
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but just like donald trump, playing on people's feelings of hate, racism, i can only be the one to fix everything because i'm the greatest person ever, he portrays hate. this young man did the same thing, he played on people's feelings. mike pence was to do a therapy against gays. they are using their format to thingsadvance their without whirring about who they are hurting. trumpis just an example -- was able to say something about the young man, but the coast guard gentleman who had trump's hit list of who he hates, wanted to kill them, he hasn't said one word about this coast guard man who had a hit list of people that trump does not like. . he hasn't said one word about that. people who have the foundations to make their voices heard need
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eigh what they are saying because it hurts everybody -- blacks, whites, muslims, it doesn't matter who. words do matter. thank you? host: we mentioned covington a couple of times this morning. teenager,ton catholic nick sandman, he sued the "washington post" for $250 million. they say that his family is suing the host for targeting him , saying that they defamed him for political purposes when they reported on a january and connor on the steps of the lincoln memorial between he and native american activists. his family filed the suit on behalf,ns bu seeking to hundred $50 million in damages, the same amount that owner, jeff bezos paid for the
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washington post when he purchased it. he says the money would be aimed at punishing the company. -- $250 million in damages. douglas murray on the spectators writes -- perhaps there is a task for everyone else here, not to try to prevent bigotry and extremism wherever it a wraps, but also not give a free pass to live because they tend to fit our agenda. if we hold onto the significance of truth over follet politics, we may be able to end this. "spectator." next caller. color fish good -- caller: i would like to know if jussie smollett, is he a jewish
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of accusing two africans black man accusing two africans. i want to know where race comes to it. because if he was jewish, -- he would've been dragged through the media. calling,nk you for claudia. greg, are you there? from illinois. host: you are on the air, go ahead. caller: we talking about racism. calld to believe in what i -- where it goes to the left, to the right, and to the center, and never spends too much time to the left, to the right, or to the center.
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wheneason i bring this up it comes to race is there are a lot of bad things out there, people on both sides, writer left. it is easy to not get along. -- i heardt something on one of the news programs last night on my way home from work that said how racism,as -- to cause it can be profitable. i think there are people out there that have been discriminated against and have legitimate reasons for feeling like they are being picked on, but i don't think it is everybody. it shouldn't be profitable. .here should be a center unfortunately we don't find the center very often, and i think it is up to the politicians, republican or democrat, and the news people to be the adults in
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the room and to not disturb these things up to a point where the far right or the four left is so upset that we can't find the center. that is really all i have to say. host: thank you for calling, greg. moore headlines on this story -- empire star staged phony assault over salary according to chicago police. that is in the new york times. theye washington times -- write, if convicted, the actor will be required to reimburse chicago pd for the investigation. that is in the washington times. washington post -- smollett's and budget falsehood inflamed tensions in chicago. page 10 in the post today
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-- smollett's arrest overhead crimes sparked feelings of anger and betrayal, heightening tensions india ready fractured relationship between police and the black -- already heightened tensions between police the black community in sa chicago. more of your calls. russell from south carolina. good morning. caller: thank you for taking my call. concentrated on jussie smollett. i just want to remind america that there was -- the parkland shooter was a maga hat wearer. not only the kroger church shooter was a maga hat wearer. 18 bombs were mailed out by a
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maga hat wearer. the trump administration allowed jeff sessions to investigate historically black colleges and universities for being unconstitutional. on when white people come your show and tell black people that we should not kneel for the are because our kids getting shot down industries, and we are supposed to fall in line and fall in with trump who has historically discriminated against black people way before he became president, with housing, discriminated against during theork city event -- i cannot remember, nine kids were locked up, and he wanted them put to death. they were later acquitted and he never said anything about it. he never said anything about the tennessee student, a black man who wrestled an ak-47 from the
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man. . the next day, trump was at the n.r.a. and never mentioned the man's name. so why should we possibly follow somebody like that? martin luther king said, if you sit by and watch somebody and follow somebody that is doing , -- please stop telling people to kneel for the flag when our kids are getting shot down industries, and stop telling black people to follow trump went trump has never during any point in his life support black people, except for a brief stint with jesse jackson during his presidential campaign, which i am not exact sure what that was about. we know what racial discrimination is, because we have experienced it from kindergarten all the way through our school years. even if we go to college, and even if we go to hospital, if we
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go to harvard or yell, we have people walking up to us. , -- it is just as wearingf they are the confederate flag. the little's mark the covington , we have seen the smirk before. there is nothing new about it. it might be new to america but it is not new to black people. host: a couple more articles and tweets this morning. alive, reverend king was blacks and whites were integrating. now the left must keep division alive and add more issues like sexual orientation. >image a mockery of his crimes admitted possible for less it comes to be believed.
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rebecca -- apologize for what? at one point they thought the story was real and they reacted. it is not real. i fail to find the reason for all this outrage. there is one more here from stephen -- the reports are true, that story was a fabrication and small that provided ammunition for bigots to use. a very stupid move on small that's part. hazel from illinois is on illinois. this is not politics. thing, i would never -- therewn grandkids are all pretending like we have a good president, we don't have a good president. we didn't have this problem
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until he got into office. all these things are going through. president trump is a good president? you have to be for real. you all are just as bigoted as he is. shaun has been hanging out in minnesota. welcome to the program, what would you like to say? caller: something that the young brother said from south carolina that people are saying that republicans don't do for much for our people. democrats, too. we need to start doing some things in our own, making people that can represent and win our votes, they need to do something for us, quid pro quo. it is a shame what smollett did. it is terrible and he should be prosecuted, but us as black
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people, we need to stop claiming all of these biracial people. let the way people take -- he is half white and half jewish. stop claiming these people as black, that he is not black. thank you. host: ok. faking a hate crime itself should be considered a hate crime. that is a facebook post. other news headlines today -- ap a peacekeeping group in syria will remain as a stabilizing force, that is according to the washington post. peace treaty and peace prize in the north korea in advance of the meeting in nort vietnam next week. a couple of contrasting headlands on venezuela -- venezuela bracing for a clash over relief supplies. they say that if maduro who is
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under dispute, deploys troops, as opposition was into the borders to bring in aid. wall street journal -- venezuela high.pply hits multi-year stockpiles are at the highest as sanctions keep a lid on sales. >> the pope decrying sex abuse in the church. at the summit in vatican city, concrete steps to prevent harm clergy.s from and from the washington post, from congressman adam schiff, democrat from california and chairman of the house intelligence committee writing this to his republican when the president attacked the independence of the justice department's by intervening in the case in which he is implicated, you did not speak out. while he attacked the press as an enemy of the people, you again were silent. when he targeted the judiciary,
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we heard not a word. now he comes for congress, the first branch of government, seeking to strip it of its greatest power, that of the purse, mineral of you have acknowledged your deep misgivings about the president in a quiet conversations over the past two years. you bemoan his lack of decency and integrity. his inability to tell the truth. but for reasons that are too easy to comprehend, you have chosen to keep your misgivings and your feelings in private. that must end, the time for silence and agreement is over. you must speak out. that is from congressman adam schiff. down to our last few calls on the jussie smollett story. chicago, our next caller. what is the name of your town. caller: i live in russellville. host: ok, go ahead please. week, 50 four when
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supremacists were arrested in a russellville last week. so racism exists. i hate that this will let story the idea that racism doesn't exist. just because one person created hopes, doesn't mean we don't live in fear here every day. with that being said, why has c-span decided to cover this and not cover the man who works for the government? weeks arrested this because he was found out to be a white supremacists, and he works for the coast guard. it is shameful that you are not that.sing it is shameful that president trump can get up there and ally 8000 times, and we are talking about a man who is clearly deranged and lied, but it is not serious. in fact, in comparison to this man who is plotting to kill
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.eople, real people i am upset because i watch c-span every day, and the fact that you are not covering what you should be covering is shameful. host: kelly, thank you for your observations. caroline on the line from mount vernon, new york. good morning. caller: i agree with the last caller. absolutely, it is interesting how the chicago police were able "solve" this problem, but they never did the same for laquan mcdonald and his family. they took forever and a day to come out with the information, and they even held back information from the family.
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the chicagoelieve police and the so-called information they found out about mr. smollett. host: thank you for all of your calls this first hour of the friday edition of the washington journal. we have two hours to go. when we come back, we will look at the green new deal. what it is, what it might mean legislatively. have two different sides on the issue with my two guests. later in the program, sherry campbell will join us to talk about the conditions of military housing. out there thates are painting a negative picture. you are watching washington journal on this friday, february 22. we will be back in just a moment. ♪
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>> this weekend, c-span has less coverage of the national governors association winter meeting beginning saturday at 9:15 a.m. eastern with montana governor and chair steve bullet and how to build a workforce for the future through his initiative. a.m., vanna jones on criminal justice reform and innovative strategies. after 11:00 a.m., chair and ceo jamie dimon on the intersection of public policy and the modern economy. then sunday, live coverage continues at 9:00 a.m. as governors look at the u.s. -mexico-canada trade agreement. and the governor asa hutchinson discusses education policy. watch the national governors association winter meeting live this weekend on c-span,, or listen with the free c-span radio app.
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tv, starting at noon eastern, coverage of the 12th annual savannah book festival from savannah, georgia. this year's authors include "the author of "with every man author of the book "immunotherapy in the race to cure cancer." sunday night on afterwords, the washington post's jason was ion recalls the 444 days he was held in an iranian prison in his book , "prisoner." he is interviewed by a congressman. >> you recounted that it was a terrible day. you were arrested by gunpoint. you had masked men take you and your appointment. you were blindfolded and driven to one of the most notorious
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prisons in the world, separated from your wife and told you may well die. that is a bad day. >> as bad as it has gotten for me. but on that day, i still assumed that this will get worked out quickly. that the goal of these people that had taken us -- and at that point we were unclear about which faction of the security apparatus had rated our home. had raided our home. >> watch book tv this weekend on c-span two. this week and on american history to become a free speech and the rights of students. a lookmorning we take back at the supreme court decision on the rights of students and free speech in tinker be des moines, with the depth of the petitioners in the
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case. at 7:00 a.m., mary beth tinker and her brother john talk about their experiences and take questions from students. tv8 a.m., american history will continue the conversation live on washington journal. this america history tv weekend on c-span three. washington journal continues. >> this next hour we will talk about something called the green new deal proposal, something you have probably heard a lot about in the news lately. we have two guests year, one of ebel from thel american enterprise institute. we're also joined by janet redman, campaign director at greenpeace usa. thank you for being here. before we begin the conversation, we have a short clip from the democratic congresswoman from new york,
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alexandria ocasio cortez, whose name has been linked with this concept of the green new deal. ocasio-cortez: because climate change and our environmental challenges are one of the biggest existential threats to our way of life. not just as a nation but as a world. and in order for us to combat that threat, we must be as ambitious, and innovative in our solution as possible. today, it are doing introducing these resolutions, is that it is not a bill, it is a resolution. thing, thisoing his is our first step. our first step is to find the problem and to find the solution. to say that small incremental policy solutions are not enough. they can be part of a solution
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that they are not the solution unto itself. isre is no justice and there no combating climate change without addressing what has happened to indigenous communities. that means there is no fixing our economy without addressing the racial wealth gap. that means that we are not going renewableion to energies without also transitioning frontline, ladies and whole communities into economic opportunity as well. that is what this is about, it is comprehensive. thoughtful, it is compassionate, and it is extremely economically strategic as well. host: what do you make of the green new deal? janet: i think we're seeing passive engagement of it a solution to a climate crisis that actually matches the scale of the problem. like she says,, it is not a bill. i do think it will be one bill,
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it will be a set of bills, a set of solutions that talk about the comprehensive nature of how we have to respond to our climate crisis before it gets worse. the memorable would be problem with small incremental changes? in washington, it is the small incremental changes that can add up to something big? janet: we have known about the climate program for a long time and it has not matched the scale of the crisis today. so what we are talking about is something bigger that recognizes the multiple levers in shifting our economy, that the climate will impact people at their home, at their jobs, and people around the world. the incremental changes are not enough. host: when you hear the words green new deal, what do think? myron: it harkens back to the romantic myth we have about the new deal in the 1930's which was
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actually a series of fairly to get therams nation's economy moving again and people back to work. in fact, if you look at the resolution, and they say this in this is theon, mobilization we had during world economy.uld the 40% of the nation's wealth and economic output was shifted to the war effort and people had the rationing of food, gasoline, heating oil, they had wage .reezes, price freezes in world war ii was actually a rather small mobilization compared to what we find in the green new deal. world war ii on the lasted for years for the united states. this is forever.
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it is a huge takeover by the federal government of the economy and of people's lives. host: the believe in climate change? ison: i believe the climate always changing and human beings have a role in that change, but i think the crisis is overblown. i think the rate of warming from the models is high. the rate of warming from temperature data is low. that is really what the global about. debate is host: we have your sending in questions and comments for our ell from theyron eb american enterprise institute, and janet redman from greenpeace usa. we are talking about the green new deal. we will probably get to some other environmental-type issues. tell us what you have heard about this, what you think about it, is a practical, is it reasonable? tell us everything you think about this, is it a good idea.
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202-748-8000,ll and opponents can call 202-748- 8001. infrastructure, industry investment, clean water and air, sustainable environment, stopping and preventing oppression. there is a lot there. what would you say about those provisions of the deal? janet: it is so comprehensive and it matches the scale of the problem we're looking at. this resolution, although as i say, it is the first step of a broader conversation that the american public is very excited about, the idea is addressing folks who have been marginalized in this economy so far, low income folks, developed color,
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people on the front lines of the crisis. that is what makes it such an exciting proposal. environmentalists behind it, not just labor, but people who feel left behind in this economy. in my mind, the green new deal is an inspiring vision. in fact, many of us are very excited about taking this further. host: myron? myron: it is preposterous. it is not just changing the energy economy 100%, it is social transformation. it says everybody will have a guaranteed job. we will set people back -- it is regulatoryr these policies, everybody was back to work, but it had to be a government sanctioned job or a green job, or a union job, before it is a lot to under this green new deal. host: let's get our collars involved.
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you support the deal. because we areit going to steal more land from cloaked toxic solar panels on it, just like killing the buffalo. we going to kill the cows. low-volume paddles all over the aqueducts which will run for hours a day and create as much amateur city as haveed on land we already stolen from the people, and water that we've already stolen from the people. we are overpopulated. every sound toe the foreign invaders and other wants to like ocasio do? and, you know what?
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nation lives in a concentration camp. why not give them the money that they are entitled to through treaties? right here, we sit on one of the biggest reservations that nobody -shoshoneut, the payute land, where they are putting and they are killing bald eagles, geese, putting stains in our land that we have to look at everywhere. solar panels which leak silver out and plays in our land. creates a valley fever, which i have had since i was nine years old. host: tom, we hear your points they have made. let us hear from myron. satirical,ink tom is
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but he raises an interesting point. this is a very urban vision that we will replace all of our conventional energy sources, coal, oil and natural gas, which is read 80% of the world gets its energy, and replace it with all of renewable energy, 100 percent, which will require putting up windmills and solar panels in very large areas. california has about 100 million acres, the third-largest state, i think if you look at the estimates of how many windmills and how many solar panels we need, it would take up most of the state of california. in other words, if you are a rural american, this is an imposition. pro-environment. we will take over the land and rural people will not have a say whether they have windmills around them or not. host: janet? janet: the reality is that
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renewable energy benefits farmers and people in rural communities. the benefits farmers putting with turbines on their land. -- putting wind turbines on their land. communities both rural and urban are impacted by that environment. certainly, we are not talking the fossil fuel economy tomorrow, but the shift to renewable energy is good for families across the united states. host: you talk about specific projects. the projects of involved from representative will cause your cortez -- alexandria ocasio cortez's office. -- upgrade or replace every building in the u.s. to be energy efficient, expand clear thefacturing, mitigate effects of climate change.
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how do you turn that into a bill , or a series of bills? janet: this is not just a federal government policy, it is talking about a green new deal, there are cities and was the pilot is talking about supporting it. it is comprehensive and action can be taken across the country. we see bipartisan support right now. the majority of registered voters supported, including more than 60% of registered republican voters. leader,nate majority mitch mcconnell, says of there will be a vote on the green new deal. what will they be voting on, exactly? resolution has been introduced in the house and senate. in the house, it is number 109 and in the senate, i think it is 59, and there are six democrats running for president who are cosponsors of the green new
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deal. toch mcconnell clearly wants put them on the record, not just that they have their name on the resolution, but that they have actually voted for it. it will clear the air and will be able to see where the green new deal -- who is for the green new deal, and who is for more sensible policies than the other part of the american society. host: janet, do you support a senate vote on the resolution? fine. i think it is what is important is that there candidates for presidency who have put their name to the green new deal, and i think that is exciting. host: call from arkansas, thank you for waiting. caller: just wanted to let you know that jimmy carter back in 1975, started -- i started from
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a solar energy company and found out that the federal government has one goal, and that is -- hello? host: we are listening. -- ir: i am looking for have been involved in solar energy. , "the case for fossil fuels by alex epstein?" myron: yes i have. caller: and also the book by stephen moore? myron: yes i have. caller: anybody who gets on c-span and talks about this, the greenall is is coalition, unholy coalition forming together to do this stuff. enough btus
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generated by the diverse solar energy and wind energy, the to run ourtus economy is a physical impossibility. the only thing the federal government should do is due in manhattan project and try to come up with coldfusion or some other type of energy. this green new deal is the worst thing that could happen to this country. china and russia and india are not doing anything as far as fossil fuels, and there are trying to sink our country. that is what we need to fight against. this unholy alliance between the greens, the abortionists, and anything else that supports the democratic party over republicans. it is an unholy alliance. knowe reality is that we climate change is real. we have just heard reports from global scientists come that we
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have about 11 years to cut global emissions in half. that is not a hoax, it is a reality. we heard in thanksgiving last year that we will see a loss of theof our the, double recession, if we continue on the same path we are in now. so the green new deal is actually a jobs program, it is a public investment program that is moving our economy back on track and also reflecting the reality of the climate crisis in front of us. host: this is from the new york times -- the new deal has one of the ash say president trump derided the green new deal as a high school term paper that got a low mark. republicans called it is a knee. nancy pelosi called it a green dream. yet, despite that disdain, the
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goals of the far-reaching plans to tackle climate change and economic inequality are within the realm of technological possibility, this is from several economists and energy experts. getting there will cost billions dollars, but it is sermon cannot be accomplished within a few years. it is an exciting idea for many liberals and an enticing target for conservatives, but most of all, it is a series of trade-offs that could be realized through sacrifices of people are only starting to understand. myron: is a nice dream, i guess, but able to acquire the takeover of people's lives in the economy by the government. the government will tell people how much energy they can use. what kind of energy they can use. in order to build the solar
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panels necessary, first of all, it is impossible. there is no way to build the number of windmills and solar panels and necessary in five or 10 years, and it would not work, the electric grid cannot be maintained by using on the intermittent and verbal power. the wind does not -- variable power. the wind does not blow all the time. one of the things he will have not considered is the environmental destruction that will be necessary in order to build these things quickly. the hundreds of thousands of windmills, millions of solar panels, to put these things out in the landscape will require suspending all of our environmental protection. it will involve suspending people's property rights. you will not be able to say, oh, i don't want windmills. we will have to have windmills and solar panels everywhere. host: i want to play a clip from president trump, who talked recently.bill >> fortunately many of the
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democrats in congress responded to my call for a bipartisan choosingon by instead -- did you ever see anything? -- radical resistance, it is the radical left. but maybe it will change. maybe it will change. it all has to do with 2020 and the election. but i really don't like their policy of taking away your car, of taking away your airplane flights. of, let's take the train to california. you are not allowed to own cows anymore. you know, there are a lot of problems. host: janet, your thoughts? janet: no but he is saying that we will not own cars or have cows. what we're talking about is a transition. transitions are happening right now anyway. the coal industry is transitioning by going bankrupt and leaving communities with broken promises and workers with diseases that can pay for.
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i think what he is talking about -- what the new deal is talking about is how do we plan the transition in a managed way and that means that people aren't theseehind even income in impacted by climate change. in fact, we are growing the u.s. economy in a massive way. right now we are cutting ourselves out of the global economy and making ourselves less competitive. caller: good morning and good morning to your guests. i see the green new deal as an outline, just as a world map for the way that we should leave the environment and let the electorate and the population see where we could possibly go. i realize that there are entrenched interests in not changing, of this country. theomes down to where benefits for the billions and
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trillions of dollars for a project like this would be going. also that other thatries, other nations have their own energy programs, that israel the state department comes in. or they would go ahead and communicate with representatives from other nations about how this is just an outline. we get started. what the goal will become. this is something that we should give ourselves an opportunity and a really good look at. host: again, he acknowledges that this is a broad overview of issues. what specific bills might you support if they were able to come about? a realthere is alternative, it is called the trump energy to regulatory and the ominous agenda.
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this country is now the world's largest producer of oil and natural gas -- trump energy deregulatory and dominu agenda.e there is a tremendous advantage of manufacturers in this country, which is why manufacturing jobs and plants are flowing back into the country after a 20-30 years of moving away. jennett said, everybody will still be it were to own cars and eat meat -- there are a lot of people involved in the green new deal who disagree with that. in fact, you see the rhetoric is that we should have high-speed trains and mass transit. you will not be a little by the car you want, he will be told that you have to buy an electric vehicle. so there is a lot of coercion involved in the green new deal. i come from rick adelman ching family, so i have some interest in meat eating -- i come from a cattle ranching family.
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this. some interest in one senator said that we will all have to become a vegan. so there's a lot more going on here than some of the components would like to acknowledge. janet: the price of not taking action that matches the scale band on all of us. talk to people in houston, puerto rico and north carolina who are at a fueling huge impacts of the climate crisis. w support the green about aho are talking realtor that is important. where will the benefits from this a crew. this proposal is bottom-up. define whatg about a green new deal means for them and for their communities. caller: good morning.
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have coal industry to the north, and we have many waterways and rivers in the area that have the old canals from the old canal systems of the revolutionary era and industrial age. canals can be used to put turbines in and use waterwheels to produce electricity for local communities. this idea has been floated many times. industry in the area where i live in lehigh valley, we live in what is called the cement belt. ago,i was a child 45 years you couldn't see the blue mountains from the south mountain. the air is much cleaner now today because the stewardship of the local economy and the people who are educated enough, saw the commercials on television about picking up your herbage and
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taking care of your area. now being a member of thoughts unlimited and going out into the field and see what we have produced in regards to bringing back the wildlife in the eastern part of pennsylvania is amazing. you can come through this area and it is like a going through a garden, from town to town. we now have massive amounts of snow geese coming down for the past 16 years. i am a hunter, but i see what the stewardship is. for our government to come in and tell us what to do and reverse what we have done through stewardship and education of our young children, and that is a big thing in our area, to keep it the way it is, by the government coming in and making massive changes and destroying the environment, which is now coming back, with all sorts of wildlife, you would be amazed at the wildlife in eastern pennsylvania.
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i think we should really take a realistic look at what we have on the ground before we go out there and jump out and say, i want you to do this, and i want you to do that. and if you don't, you're not part of it. host: thank you for calling. come up from greenpeace usa, what do you make of what he says? janet: i think it is great that people are talking about the solutions in it there on committees. that is the spirit of the green new deal. part of the reason we have cleaner air and cleaner water is because of regulation, a national effort to clean up the environment and protect the places people live. so i think it is good that people are recognizing that. a green new deal can help us do that by creating multiple efforts to get a comprehensive look at how the fossil photo industry impacts us -- fossil fuel industry. host: she said that there is
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bipartisan support for the green new deal. there was a poll that found out that 25% of republicans combined either somewhat support or strongly support the green new deal. so a quarter of the republican party. what do you make of that? myron: that is because they don't know much about it yet, anything that is support for the supporters in the democratic party, too. the more you learn about it, the less you will support it. wrongs an incredibly fantasy that would impoverish americans by creating widespread energy poverty. we talk about the cost of climate change, we need stock about the cost of climate policy. we have to pay for the cost of climate policies now. any damages are highly speculative and far into the future. aspite the billion dollar year figure at 2100, $500 billion in 2100 will be in a
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credibly small part of our economy if we continue on the path of economic growth and energy abundance. the want to go back to 16th. --ply a panic query will willnwilling will
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and will and will and will >> like along you are taking. apply it to the climate. you will seethat, very little there in terms of it think that could be. experiment or data-gathering. not only are droughts and heat waves due to global warming we also here that snowstorms are.
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janet mention hurricanes. people are feeling the effects of climate change. i think there were hurricanes before we started burning coal oil and natural gas. and some of them were just as big as the one in houston and puerto rico. the trump administration has talked about the reality of climate change and the impact of global warming on american people today already. seen. about what we have and propertyster loss and lives lost and work hours lost. the american people want to talk about solutions and that is why the new green deal is so popular. me play a clip of senator debbie stevan now of michigan who talked about an upcoming vote in the senate about the green new deal.
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let's hear what her concerns are. >> how we vote? >> we are looking at a number of strategies to make sure it is clear that what they are talking about israel real. we're putting together a strategy. real.s we are putting together a strategy. wording is of concern to me because it leaves things wide open and allows oaks opposing it to say -- allows folks opposing it to say it mandates the government provide everybody a job, which is not true, but the way it is written, it allows for folks to mischaracterize it. we need to see the language tightened up. >> what is happening is the reality of whether or not there are support for this resolution.
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people talk about solutions to climate change. we should be looking at what republicans are proposing. mitch mcconnell wants to call a noe to show republicans have plan on climate change, it is his prerogative. host: it is said he is misleading us while other countries are going green. the united states because of the shea oil revolution has coincidentally reduced its greenhouse gas emissions more than any other country in the world. we have the cleanest air in the world in this country. but if you want to create -- compare greenhouse gas emissions, chinese emissions are considerably larger than the
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united states and the european union combined. china, under the pair's climate treaty, promised their emissions will peak by 2030. their emissions are likely to be larger than the united states, europe, japan, russia, and australia combined. economy,not a green but it is becoming a very wealthy society because they are using a lot of energy and that is one of the reasons to become a very wealthy society. leesburg virginia, welcome to the conversation. caller: i have a couple questions that i'd like your best to answer and i will hang up and listen. i would like to know if they know the number of how much the temperature is supposed to rise over the next i think 40 years,
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and then if the united states reduces their emissions to zero and nobody else changes there, how much of an effect is that going to have? the number i've heard is .03% of one degree. wrecking therisk greatest economy in the world that has the ability to get more people are to poverty than anything else in the history of the world ever has for .03 percent of one degree when the other industrial nations in the world are doing their part? i will hang up and listen. guest: the reality is that read noble energy is cheaper than gas and coal. we have -- the reality is that clean energy is cheaper than gas and coal.
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if we embrace renewable energy, we can grow the manufacturing industry and makes us more competitive as that will allow us to change the global economy. fromis a real opportunity the manufacturing program. host: john is in texas. caller: i am an agricultural scientists and i would like everybody to know that our reaches are soil, more polluted than ever. with all the deregulation of industry, it has destroyed the environment along the texas coast. it is not provided jobs for the general public and has driven up our property taxes because huge tax breaks have been given to industry to move into this area while property taxes go through the roof each and every year. we are able to grow tropical species here of plants that you couldn't think of growing as far
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south of brownsville 30 years ago. .hat is 150 miles south of us we have tropical species of birds, dish moving northward each year. i have seen how we hardly even have a freeze in corpus christi for sometimes years on end, where we used average six or seven phrases per winter here. my artre winters where is the coldest of has gotten his 36 degrees. 30 years ago it would have averaged for a five phrases come even north potter and when averaged getting down to 29 degrees at least once each winner. now north potter island rarely gets below 37 and 38 degrees on the coldest morning in the winter. real.change is 80% is entirely man-made and 20% is net for all fluctuation over time. i am so sick and tired of local officials wanting to bring more industry and that does not benefit the public and will only destroy the environment even more. i want people to know that
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neoliberalism supports capitalism, untaxed industry. they are not the true conservatives. they are you liberals. industryconsider a destroying everything for the sake of profit margins. thank you a you -- thank you. against a lot of things the caller said. the corporate wealth involved in the wind industry, solar industry, electric vehicles is mammoth. is about 1000deal times larger than what we have already had. if you want to get government out of the way and stop you areng the market, going to have to understand that
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this is all about subsidies and mandates. the idea that wind and solar are cheaper than conventional sources of power is completely false. if we are true, then we wouldn't need this program because industry would be rushing in to build windmills and solar panels without tax subsidies and mandates. there was a green jobs strategy and it was funded through the department of .nergy, renewable technologies did it succeed and is there any comparison to what he wanted to do to the green new deal? guest: what we are talking about is it is more. one of the challenges of obama's program is that there was not the ability to absorb policies and provisions. what is excited about the green new deal is that it is talking
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about multiple levels and the economy. right now, even under obama, the fossil fuel industry is getting taxpayer dollars in the range of $20 billion a year. it was incredibly subsidized by the american public paradigm ok with subsidies. i wanted to uplift technologies that are good for people, the environment, for families but address the climate crisis. host: i wanted to bring up the presidents national climate assessment that was put out. what did you hear and that? isst: that climate change real and hitting united states and families across the country. this'll be incredibly expensive. host: any observations? guest: the assessment that came out this fall was largely the work of the obama administration. when the trump administration took over, they neglected to take over it. the whole product was on autopilot and was run by civil servants who were heavily invested into the climate
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industrial complex. host: thank you for waiting in texas. caller: this is a really important topic. work the industry and renewable energy development. some of the challenges we are facing is that by 2020, we will phase out taxes and it is a crucial element. when it comes to capitalization of products. we of massive hijacks. -- massive projects. -- the tax credit is important. if we don't get it, we don't get approval for the project. curious about what sort of
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plans do we have to possibly reinstate the tax credit which are crystal to -- crucial to development. host: let's talk to our guest. guest: your color illustrates my points well. when you take away the subsidies llermandates -- your ca illustrates my points well. when you take with subsidies and 10dates, it takes eight to years to get it done. the green new deal is supposed to transform the economy and get .id of 80% chance one project takes eight to 10 years. we are talking about if we actually went ahead with it, we are talking 50 to 100 years, not 10 years. you act as if they are not
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getting subsidies, what is wrong with companies not getting the same? president obama talked about subsidies to big oil. it got pointed out to him that it constituted $4 billion year money.a lot of i am against subsidies for any type of energy and against mandates. lock arms with people on the other side on this issue and say, let's get rid of all subsidies of the market decide what type of energy providers we will have. host: i will let janet jump in. guest: if it was going to solve it it would have done so by now. role of government is to support the kinds of policies and provisions that make sense for people in our country and for the environment that these people depend on. it is really important that we are seeing support for renewal
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energy go away because they are not permanent. that is the exact stuff we need to see if the green new deal will get into that picture the public and support the kinds of clean energy to support energy. host: let me get your opinion on the video got by senate republicans. >> alexander acosta cortez joined in the unveiling of the green new deal. >> there taken a hard left turn. leslie is nancy during shade at it clear to green deal, no knows what it is that they are for it. >> carbon emissions, no use of fossil fuels in 12 years. >> that is the goal. >> that would mean no cars and airports -- airplanes, and shutting down the energy sector, putting 6 million -- people out
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of work immediately. then 2017, the u.s. led world in reducing carbon emissions. why do you need to government to interfere when you see natural gas getting it done? host: janet redman of greenpeace. it is all about climate denial in my opinion. thing wehe important have to remember is climate change is real and here and need to address it in real-time. while the green new deal proposal is a dream and aspirational and that is what is exciting about it. let me give you a chance to talk about solutions. she remembers what 2010 whenn 2009 and
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the democrats controlled the presidency in both chambers of congress and they decided to pass the trade bill. at the beginning of that, most americans thought it sounded good. ite they understood that raised the energy crisis, it became very unpopular and was one of the chief reasons democrats lost the house of representatives in the 2010 election. i think there are political reality is when we talk about solutions. we need to estimate in people, how much are you willing to spend to address climate change? recent associated press co-founder 20% of americans are willing to spend as much as $10 a month, 68 are not willing to spend as much as $10 month. in california and new york and , where electric rates have been driven out, people are our he spending far more than $10 a month. they may not know it is because of climate policies, but that is
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why electric rates in california are close to double the national average. if we want to dump about a solution, we have to begin with energy, affordability, accessibility. about what the american people are willing to spend on this problem for the green new deal cost average family hundreds of dollars a month, not $10 a month. speakernet, as we heard we will see's name, she has announced that democrats was a new climate change committee. exactly what will the committee do? who is on the panel and what is the mission? guest: to address climate change. what wehey think about are willing to spend to address the climate crisis and pay in cost if we don't. that is really important. i agreed that we need affordable and accessible energy what is critical is to recognize that it
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comes from renewable energy. the more we invest, the more it will be affordable. talking about increasing fossil fuel energy is talking about a 20th century energy policy. happening.ion is it is happening because of climate reasons. the american public knows climate change is real and that committee has to address it. host: let me show you a headline. it says conservatives are battling whether gop should appoint operators are bomb throwers tupelo sees committee. how would bomb throwing help this process? guest: it is a false dichotomy. what the republicans need to do a pointouse is responsible, hard-working people who are willing to investigate the issues and do the work. i would say they should appoint people who represent the majority of the republican
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realism in climate favor of the top energy agenda. host: let's go to dominic in new york. caller: good morning. i have been in new york for 40 years and have not seen any difference, not one iota. anyway, i have friends who drive electric cars. we are doing our part. you have to remember, we are the biggest oil producers and energy producers in the world. if we give that up, it goes to russia and china and iran video make these people rich who want to kill us. just like the lady from the bronx, cortez stopped amazon from opening business in queens. they were going to turn queens into long island city.
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construction workers, 25,000 americans with the jobs opened up. every time the democrats get involved in something, they screw us up. as far as climate, everyone knows it is a son. callingank you for regarding a screwup to the green deal. guest: we need to recognize the world is moving away from fossil fuels and will as the claimant crisis gets worse and worse. the project that oil demand is going up and up doesn't jive with the reality of us guessing climate crisis as it exists. wait are look -- we are looking at oil guess we won't be able to use. we need a 21st-century enemy apology that recognize that we could be leading the renewable energy economy if we invested in it. host: calling from virginia now.
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caller: thank you for taking my call. i am calling from virginia, where the energy is trying to build the pipeline, a disaster for public health and outdoor recreation economy. i would like to hear more from climate scientists and less from people who profit from nine the reality of the climate crisis. this is an issue that is important to me and it is impacting my decision to have children. agree with those who feel it is a crisis mode. greener if she thinks the new deal goes far enough and if the fossil fuel industry should pay for it since they are responsible for it? at greenpeace we believe it does not go far enough.
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it makes sense that the fossil fuel industry should be paying in part for these solutions and damages that already exist. what we know from investigations from exxon is that they have been lying for years and have known about the effect of it. are crossinghey the country asking fossil fuel companies to be liable for and alsooth financial the impact of climate change itself. host: as we talk about a green new deal, we have been talking about a major structure bill that may come up or may not, in the new congress. what would your own expectations before bill like that? is there a major energy investment and does it include what would be called green infrastructure assurance given us your thoughts. guest: you mentioned -- infrastructure. give us your thoughts. guest: very few projects were
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built because it takes so long to get a major project to the permitting process that we have, environmental permitting processes. any infrastructure built under it will not do much to rebuild the infrastructure of this country unless it includes permitting reforms. i think that raises the issue of how the green new deal is going to overcome 50 years of legislation that makes it harder and harder to build things. your caller mentioned a pipeline to virginia. with tens of thousands of pipeline and people never give a thought to them. that is because once they are built and in the ground, that is the end of it and that is the entire environmental disruption is when it is built. you saw in new york that edison has said they will stop
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connecting houses to natural gas lines for heating because the governor will not allow pipelines be builds for increasing natural gas demand. guest: that is not the only impact. they blow up and have her communities and have destroyed homes. -- reality is we have seen massive deregulation since the trump administration has come into power. people are being put into harm's way. we need infrastructure that is good for the american public that creates jobs and makes it easier for us to get around and makes homes and his missus and schools safer. that is the kind of investment we are for. host: you had concerns about the health sector we know and the tens of millions of birds and , somehat are impacted endangered species. what if we have 1000 times more wind mills than we have, how many birds are you willing to
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sacrifice for the green dream? important iss more the climate impact on species around the world perl -- world. guest: that is ridiculous. we see impact on wildlife for most of the development and i think we should minimize the impact. we need to address the climate crisis. what about nuclear plants? they are zero emissions. are you in favor of building them? guest: we are not. guest: so the only practical solution to the alleged climate are zerouclear plants emission and can run 24 hours a day. you do not have to wait for the wind to blow. guest: i'm a -- find it
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it goodng that you find to invest in nuclear. guest: i'm just asking if you have a reasonable solution, and you don't. is the fastest growing jobs sector in the united states. energy efficiency means millions of jobs in the united states. new technologies and new ways of buildings and retrofitting. it is less expensive than building fossil fuel plants. host: in virginia, thank you for waiting. caller: my question was going to be about windmills. in we areest virginia beginning to be riddled with wind turbines. in some areas it has been destroyed for miles. i am concerned about the environmental impact because my father was in the world
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development authority and did head-to-head studies on wind turbines. it is impacting people who have to live with it. i appreciate the discussion. it is a good discretion -- discussion to have. in washington, d.c. and go to west virginia. there are true -- it is true that there are more. they are on the ridges. --ch one of these energy choices do we want to live with? we need to save critical public spaces. thatso need to recognize existing coal fired power plants and gas power plants are not impacting our ability to see the ridgelines because of air pollution but impacting the lives of those who breathe the air and who have to live by the streams where the waste is dumped. guest: this really is a divide
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ural people and urban people who a push all these things away. if you live in washington, d.c., you don't have to worry about windmills and don't have to think about the environmental damage they do. if you live in one of these areas and they built a when fark -- farm, you can watch the birds go poop. they have serious health effects on people who live near them. have a lot of windmills now, but we need 1000 times more windmills. everybody who is in the heartland states in rural america will have to get used windmills all around them. host: final thought on the green new deal. guest: me to understand it is back the dark manifesto. i would call it the green leap backwards. china tried this in the late 1950's, the great leap forward.
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it was a total transformation of society, the same language to find in the green new deal very it turned out that 20 million to 50 million people died of starvation. guest: it is a hopeful vision for the future and reflects about are excited economic transformation and concerned about the climate crisis and what real solutions. host: our guests have been janet myron at greenpeace, and eble at the competitive price and stupid thank you for joining us for our to talk about the green new deal. guest: thank you for having us. host: let's take a brief pause. will take you to the floor of the u.s. house for a brief performance session. no votes, no business expected. next week they are back. they will take up the bipartisan background checks act. e


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