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tv   Kate Ackley  CSPAN  March 6, 2019 8:19pm-8:31pm EST

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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. does the gentleman from arizona have a motion? mr. schweikert: madam speaker, i'd like to make a motion to adjourn. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the motion to adjourn. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. the motion is adopted. accordingly, the house stands adjourned until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning for morning hour debate. and to strengthen ethics rules for government
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officials. ofre expecting much thursday to be spent debating the remainder of the 72 amendments to the bill and a final passage vote is slated for friday. live coverage of the house when they come back into session here on c-span. >> so right in your wheelhouse why is it a big forslative priority democratic leadership? >> well, it was on the campaign trail. they talked about the components that have made into h.r. 1, all along the campaign trail in elections.d-term it was really a signature for aof the campaigns lot of the people who are freshmen,atic to make this a
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top priority so i think you're seeing them trying to make good on a campaign pledge. >> it's a big bill in terms of not only priority, but the number of pages in the bill covering three distinct areas, campaign finance, voting rights and ethics.ional tell us some of the key details in each of those areas that we should know bill.the base >> it is a very big legislative package. to 622 pages at last count. when it comes to the component,nance some of the signature pieces that are in the, there is a matching system so government money could be used to fund the election. that manymething democrats and liberal organizations really, really like about this bill, and it's also been a main line of attack of people like mcconnelltch and other opponents of this measure. but what that would do is it would incentivize people to give
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small dollar contributions. were to give -- the government would come in with a six to one match. a small punch to the small dollar donations, anything under be subject to the six to one match. that's a big deal. campaign in the campaign finance overhaul portion of this bill would federal election commission. it's been widely viewed as sort of a broken and agency.ional it only has right now four commissioners out of six and take action, they need of moving to take an enforcement action so they're down two members. what this bill would do is transform it from a six-member, three democratic, three republican agency to a five member panel and you would have the
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chairman or the chairwoman power toe new bring enforcement action and counsel would have general power so people see this as a way to sort of deadlock but then you have opponents of the bill saying it's basically turn theg to federal election commission --o sort of writing about page bill,.22 >> yes. >> one of the things that she highlighted in her of this story was
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that it would provide d.c.hood for d.c. so residents would get two votings and a full member of congress, that's something that folks in d.c. so that's a lot interesting. bill. in that i was interested to discover that it would no longer or, yourporations know, unions to donate money to inaugural committees and those are the committees that raise a whole bunch of money to basically celebrate oru know, president right on his or her inauguration. so that would be a big change. down thealso roll thoseon limits for .naugural committees isthe rule committee allowing amendments to be bill.d on the
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>> republicans tried to roll back the johnson amendment in their tax overhaul in 2017. the johnson amendment prohibits churches and charities from doing like express political endorsements and things like that. it's something that house have really had their eyes on for decades, years to roll that back so that, you know, a pastor, for example, could expressly endorse someone for the presidency or congress. democrats did not rule that order. she has one that will be
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to lower the voting age to 16. that would mean you could when you get .our driver's license she noted the youth of the country have been taking said thatd she she thought that the young people of this country starting at 16 deserve the right to vote. >> if they likely pass the house it's clear the senate take that bill off senator mcconnell holding another news conference that, his president making his position clear, this tweet saying that if it was presented to the president, he wouldn't sign it. does that relegate hr1 to a messaging bill for
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democratic leadership? >> it's a political document. even some of its most ardent said theyave youk this is -- whether love this bill or hate it, nobody really predicts that ins going to be enacted this congress. mcconnell said he's not vote to bring it for a we've already season a president swear off, you pac, corporate donations, trying to one-up other. this is going to be a major point of discussion on the campaign trail for presidential candidates, senate candidates and also
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house members. with've been speaking kate, you can read more,, her latest on campaign spending, she's on twitter, as well. soap., >> up the. >> as the house debates week toion this address campaign finance voting rights and ethics rules, republican leaders news conference to discuss their opposition to the bill known as h.r.1. from capital hill this is 20 minutes. >> just in case there's not enough discussion going on side that on the other of the building. was at a local election official before that so for dailyrs, part of my
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responsibilities, every day was to run elections and to to elections that.continued to do >> frankly, i think one of of ourat strengths system is the fact that the in control of administering elections are highly answerable to the see everyt they day. other job, i don't know of anything i ever took more seriously
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than being sure that when people left the polling place, and when people heard results, they had absolute confidence that that's what happened on election day. i don't think that would happen if you remove that connection between local responsibility and what election day. the other thing we need to think about is if the government begins to give lots of direction is the federal government going to give lots of money and the federal government gives lots of money the federal government always gives lots of control. place wherea the federal government is arguing in this bill, we need to have lots of got to, but you've come up, state and local governments with lots of money to do whatever it is think is the best thing to do in your jurisdiction so we want to talk about that a little bit today. house rules committee would have some jurisdiction elections and looking at results of


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