tv Washington Journal 03102019 CSPAN March 10, 2019 7:00am-10:02am EDT
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some places thrive while others collapse. we will take your calls, and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter as well. "washington journal" is next. host: good morning. it is 7:00 a.m., daylight saving time. most of the country moving ahead one hour overnight on this sunday, march 10. on capitol hill, the house will take up a resolution demanding that the report together by robert mueller the made available to the public. that debate is live this week on c-span. the senate continues on a number of judicial nominees. members of the president's cabinet will begin a series of hearings this week on his budget recommendations starting tomorrow. party,s, the democratic
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and road to the white house 2020. with the dnc pulling the plug on any primary debate airing on fox news, what is your reaction? you can join in by giving us a call. democrats (202) 748-8000. .epublicans (202) 748-8001 independents (202) 748-8002. join us on facebook or twitter. we want to begin with breaking news overnight. a plane crash in ethiopia has killed all passengers and crew members. this is from cnn. ethiopia airline crash while heading to nairobi. it was a boeing 737 with flight number et302. it lost contact at eight 4:40 a.m. local time. airline went down just
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southeast of office out about. -- airline has in gained the reputation of being one of the best airlines in africa. this statement from the office of the prime minister, on behalf of the people of ethiopia, we would like to express our deepest condolences to the families of those who have lost their loved ones. 157 passengers on board that plane, all presumed dead. we want to turn our attention to presidential politics. the democratic party rejecting fox news as the host of a 2020 debate. there are a number scheduled to begin in june, airing on cnn, msnbc. time for us is the chairman of the democratic party. perez is the chairman of
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the democratic party. he announced this week that the dnc is pulling the plug on any debate that would air on the fox news channel. we win by expanding our electric and reaching all voters, that is why we have been engaged with media outlets about debates over the last few months, but recent coverage has made it clear we cannot rely on fox to be fair and neutral debate hosts. this reaction from fox news, according to a story that was today, then usa headline the fox news statement on dnc decision, we hope the dnc will reconsider its decision to chris wallace, brown bear, and martha maccallum, all of whom embody the ultimate journalistic integrity and professionalism. they're the best debate team in
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television. from the fox news channel. what started all of this? the piece was the making of the fox news white house. fox defenders view such criticism as unfounded and politically biased. the senior manager at fox news for nearly 20 years recently started his own is service told me the people at fox news said the same thing about the press and obama. fox's public relations department offered numerous examples of challenging the administration. miller, a senior cap advisor, grilled on the need for a border given that nearly all drugs seized are at checkpoints. james madison and andrew jackson each boasted of partisan
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newspapers. let's get to your phone calls. alabama,first from independent line. good morning. caller: good morning. host: go ahead. caller: i don't think they should reject any media station as a whole. foxink the public sees leans towards the left -- i mean towards the right, and cnn leans towards the left. they should have a mix. host: thank you for the call. let's go to joe in south carolina, line for independents. what do you think of this? caller: as an independent, it does not bother me a great deal. it says something to me about the democrats that if you don't want to be in the tough game, get out of the game. i don't understand it.
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i remember several cycles ago when they had the debate on cnn, and as i recall, correct me if i'm wrong, john -- what's john's last name? host: john king. caller: yes, john king started the entire debate asking newt gingrich about his affair. are you getting the? -- kidding me? it says something about the weakness of the democratic party. before i leave, i saw the preview that mentioned something about your second segment with the wall street tax. if you remember, i have not read anything about it, but i am an investor. we are exposed to capital gains taxes. i am wondering if that would discourage investing. i don't know what it is about.
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sure, we will talk with susan harley about it, but it would essentially at an additional tax on trades on wall street, $.10 on every $100 on the trading of stocks, bonds, and derivatives, and it would make wall street pay what they call its fair share, generating $700 billion over the next 10 years. caller: thank you. spreadingis better at propaganda then the news, the piece by margaret sullivan. edward joining us from jersey city, good morning. caller: good morning. saw tom perez i on msnbc, i was not agreeing with it. is it really that bad at fox news?
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is fox news relief fake news? i want to discover more in the new yorker piece in the washington post piece. i don't think any media outlet should not be able to broadcast all the debates. that is so important. if you can give us more information, then we can make our decision. host: we should point out that is a 15er piece that ha page essay released late last week. it includes the following, as the president has been the set by scandals and talk of impeachment, fox has been his shield and his sword. the white house and fox interactive so seamlessly that it can be hard to determine which one is following the
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others lead. alex, you are next. on the democrats line from pennsylvania. caller: good morning. i have been a democrat for my life. my father was a roosevelt democrat. i have voted for both the republicans and democrats. i think this is a very stupid thing to do. if they want to get a message out, they need to go wherever they can. i am sorry they are doing this. i hope they rethink it. host: thank you for the call. there was a moment in missouri just before the midterm elections in which sean hannity, who was there to cover the event , and to do one of his interviews with president trump, was called to the stage. let's watch. [video clip] pres. trump: while we are talking about incredible people, let's get it over with. i have a few people that are right out here.
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they are very special. they have done an incredible job for us. fromhave been with us the beginning. sean han[applause] pres. trump: by the way, all those people in the back are fake news. sean: mr. president, i did an opening monologue today, and i had no idea you were going to invite me here. the one thing that has made and defined your presidency more than anything else, promises kept. promises
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jobs,llion new american 4.3 million americans off of food stamps, 4 million americans out of poverty, and we are not cargo loads of cash to iranian mullahs that chant death to america. thank you. host: that is from last november with sean hannity behind the podium with the presidential seal. he was called down. it was not scheduled. usa today with this headline after the incident with fox news calling it unfortunate. fox news said he did not approve of the appearance by some network personalities at a campaign event. both sean hannity and his fellow conservative commentator danger. were invitedpiro on stage. back to your phone calls.
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mike, republican line. what do you think of this? caller: i agree with that nice lady, the woman who identified as a democrat. her father was an fdr democrat with a picture of fdr on the wall. i come from a similar family, conservative firm and republican now. on my wall growing up, we had john kennedy growing up in the late 1960's. that is where i came from. i changed when i went to school and whatever. i think it is myopic and stupid. regardless of what you think of broadest do have the audience. the ratings in those ways they judge the viewership, they fluctuate. far and away, fox has been the
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top cable news network almost since they came on the air in the mid-1990's. watch it,ndependents and a lot of liberals. decision, as political decision, the dnc knows there is a lot of people there that they would like to have come back. that is just stupid. the second point i would like to , fox leans right. there is no doubt about it. sean hannity and rush limbaugh and all these people that get accused of being biased, none of them claim to be journalists. they admit that. problem with the left is the don't admit it. we have to admit that cnn, msnbc, the washington post, the new york times are solidly
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liberal leaning and have been for decades. the cross-pollination between the obama white house and many of the news organizations was rampant. i don't remember any microscope being placed on that. george stephanopoulos sits at the anchor chair at abc. i'm not sure which show he is on. host: he is on abc this week and good morning america. caller: many of them that work in the obama white house or worked for various news organizations are married to each other. this was news to conservatives and republicans all through the obama administration. host: thank you for the call. we want to share with you, this is from the washington post editorial page. the fox in the henhouse. call me suspicious, a look at what they characterize as the
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fox news debate with the fox and the cattle boiling. let me go back to the peace by jane mayer on the new yorker website which seemed to prompt democratic party action. she writes, it is hardly unprecedented for media barons to try to influence the court of politics. at the 1960 democratic national convention, the co-owner of the washington post helped broker a deal in which john f. kennedy selected lyndon johnson as his running mate. now a direct pipeline has been established between the oval office and the office of rupert murdoch. murdoch and trump often talk on the phone. doesn't kowtow to murdoch, but murdoch also doesn't do that to him. good morning. welcome to the conversation. caller: good morning.
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i heard jane mayer speak about fox news. cnn,they say fox news, nbc, msnbc, it is corporate media. their bottom line is to make money. fox is about making money. msnbc and trump make them more money. cnn would be out of business if trump was not present. let's get serious. it is corporate media about making money. fox is about making money. msnbc is about making money. they are not trying to inform us. they are trying to make money. host: thank you for the call. (202) 748-8000 that is our line for democrats. (202) 748-8001 four republicans. sophia is joining us from new york. steve? yes, how are you,
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i don't know if you can remember, october 2018, i called you and made a comment about sarah huckabee sanders, and i said she is a robot. when judge,ne is the supreme court, when he was interviewed for the job, he was there at fox first. how they ask question what they 2015, iim because in remember, all his speech he made, he was a different person when he went to fox news. i'm going to try to make it short. i have been saying from day one, we don't have a white house. the white house is fox news. , 8:00 tucker,able
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five minutes i watched. minutesn hannity, five i watch it. it is incredible. it is brainwashing. people are complaining about cnn and msnbc. to me they exactly talk about what the president say, what the white house say, or what they do. that is it. i don't see any fake news about that. host: thank you for the call. focusing oner these bill shine, who abruptly resigned on friday. this is the headline from politico, why the trump white house should -- shifting media coverage of trump amid scandals engulfing his
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administration would be difficult for anyone, but trump expected a more noticeable improvement to his good -- public image then shine has been able to deliver. shine faced the challenge of overseeing messaging for a president who considers himself a media savant and his own best spokesperson. the president is battling multiple scandals, investigations by democrats and rebellious republicans. ultimately the communications operation in the white house is going to be led by the president. that is from jason miller, a 2016 trump campaign advisor. you can get more details at line.irginia, democrats good morning. caller: good morning. the thing with fox is because they killed the stormy daniels
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story toward the election. you here on fox all the time, lock her up your as far -- lock her up. as far as i'm concerned, hillary was cheated out of her presidency. i have never missed a presidential vote, but last time i did because i was upset how sanders was treated. i wonder if there is russian money going into fox sometimes. watch democracy now. it is better news coverage. foxtch all the msnbc, the and all that. they need to get back to news news. on one thing i agree about fake news is because corporations will not let certain stories be told on some of these networks. we need to know the truth. that is one thing i like about c-span, we are hearing the
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truth. we get to hear each other talk about how we feel about america. i hope god is with us. we have trying times ahead. i am glad c-span is there to help us along the way. host: thank you. stay on the line? he hung up. he brought up the piece about stormy daniels. record, the editor at fox news that scuttled the story, the headline is i stopped the stormy daniels story at fox news, here is why. he writes, the story was not close to being publishable. my decision to hold it was a no-brainer. call that ian easy never informed my direct boss or anyone in management about it. it lacked any mention of payment, hush money contract, or any corroborating evidence beyond to secondhand accounts. beyond that, stormy daniels has
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publicly denied the whole thing, a denial she would maintain for a year. jane mayer did not find room to mention the possibly of evidence ucity of evidence we had nor the other ballots which responded exactly as we did. dave is next. good morning from michigan. what do you think of this? caller: good morning. when i look at the replay of the republican primary last time around on fox news and that first question of will you except the result of the election, it seems suspicious to me. if you know the answer to that, you don't need to look around for a few seconds and then answer the question. you have to wonder, was he the pissed off at that
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question? i want to know whether that question was ever asked in a previous debate, going back years, whatever networks. that one right there, i think, has a lot of questions surrounding it. if theyt i would say are tipping off candidates, unacceptable. host: thank you. we will go to freddie, indianapolis. good morning. caller: the guy that spoke during the story of the young lady donald trump was supposed to have an affair with, and you read the statement as to why fox buried that story took all my thunder away. it leads me to say this. i cannot believe the person who wrote the explanation as to why they did not televise that story now because i have no trust
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whatsoever in fox. by bearing that story, i agree with the democrats for not wanting to be on fox. not so much that they don't want to be on fox, but it is the fact that i think it is a punishment to fox for not being fair and balanced. host: thank you for the call. this is inside the washington post, for photographs from the cpac conference that took place last week in maryland, just outside of washington, d.c. we carried all two hours, two minutes, 17 seconds. of donald trump in a single speech. let me share with you part of the reporting. hisambasted and lampooned rivals, he riddled his remarks contradictions, shoddy
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andistics, and falsehoods embodied it all with a thick southern ask it, first words and bouts of extravagant pantomime. ,or two hours and five minutes president trump dazzled his supporters and appalled his critics with a mind spinning performance that neatly encapsulated is single or standing as a polarizing cultural figure. trump took the cpac stage after a stretch of global failures, the collapse of nuclear talks with north korea, and unbuilt border wall that is unfunded, yet trump on this saturday afternoon was positively buoyant. ants --es and confide this is donald trump's appeal to
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, his willingness to utterly defy convention and disobey his advisers, including his wife. he is a rebel. check it out, the fighter, the victim, the bully, the expert, the auditor, the braggart, the fabulous, the rebel, the pundit, the entertainer. looking at donald trump and his 10 titles in one speech. .ack to your phone calls randy, good morning. caller: i would like to start off by thanking you and all the other men and women that bring us this great program. you are doing this nation a service. i have to agree in this case with fox -- or with the democrats on avoiding fox news. showed ofe clip you mr. hannity the lies he puts
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out, the airplane full of money. that,ot like the looks of landing in getting their money back. if you cannot even accept that, you are just adding to this fake stuff going on, and you are part of the problem. if you want to get the guys out here in my area where i live in rural america, you need to be on the radio. those guys live in their tractors. they are in their combines. they get in at night to eat supper and get their hour of news. if you have the good debate going, they will switch to abc, nbc. i'm a democrat out here in a sea of red. we argue politics left and right. there is one thing we all agree on, you have to be straight up on people. the gentleman i voted for input into office has never grown into that role.
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we are out here in dealing with the person that has a real good battleship mouth, but he has a big tugboat but. i don't blame him a bit. you have to be there and balanced. we are not the propaganda machine. we do not feed the propaganda machine. if you want to call it a penalty to fox, it is a penalty to fox. it is also the will of the people to not have to put up with that propaganda. that is the only way to stop it. host: randy from michigan, thank you. thank you for calling in this early, especially losing an hour of sleep. caller: that keeps you strong. host: we are midway through a one-hour conversation. if you are listening on c-span radio, we are talking about the democratic party rejecting fox news as a 2020 debate host. the president also weighing in
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on this on twitter, last week he wrote the following, democrats just blocked fox news from holding a debate. good, i think i will do the same with the fake news networks and the radical left democrats in the general election debate. this from the fox news website, the president going after one of his longtime supporters and critics, and culture. the president lashing out at and herure yesterday, blaming and insisting he was winning on the border despite opposition from hostile democratic party. one of the president's earliest supporters has evolved into a persistent critic after his struggle to secure funding from congress for his long promised ball on the border. jobtweet reads, wackiness figured out the far
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left radicals against me and certain republicans sadly winningg to fight, i am on the border. major sections of the wall are being built. that was from the president yesterday. devon from chicago, democrats line. caller: good morning. please give me a minute. i have looked at this for a long time and even talked to rush limbaugh about it in the 1990's. the democrats may be absolutely correct decision. it is the democratic party. it is their debates. they get to pick where to have them. we've never had a fox before. happened after they killed the fairness doctrine that led to talk radio. fox is talk radio televise. we had never had collaboration
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between the head of the network ,nd the talent on that network and it is not just the nighttime pundits. it starts at 6:00 a.m. with fox and friends and goes all the way through the day. you get one hour of straight news from shep smith every day, which no one watches, and you get some real news on sundays by chris walker. all the rest is republican talking points. foster matter,d the narrative does. he did not go to journalism school, and he does not hire journalists. what about 6:00 to 7:00 eastern time, britain there and special report? caller: it's awful. he was trained by breaking,
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,penly republican commentator not even objective. brett there was delivering stringer in the south of the same time he was a reporter. how do you jump from being a pizza delivery person to a national correspondent on fox news? they don't care about journalism. they actually attack the a mastersal -- i have in journalism. there is no collegiality. they sit back and talk about all the media. it is a cold. cult. they have a 1% black audience. fairness, it comes to our news product speaks for itself.
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we will continue to cover this 2020 race fairly and will invite democrats, independents, and republicans on to talk about key issues and substance. after the outcry, jeff sessions former spokesperson dropped from the editing role in cnn. a political operative who's uproarby cnn started an among liberals. the woman who was the chief spokesperson for jeff sessions said she would be an on air political analyst for cnn, which is viewed as a more traditional entry-level role for former government officials, and she will occasionally write commentary for the website. you can read the details from the media reporter for the new york times.
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steve, your next, california, republican line. caller: good morning, steve. i think it is a mistake for them to not go on fox news. go on the opposition platform. personally, i wish it would go back to where the women's league hosted the debates and get off the corporate news so you can get into the real issues and problems with people. i would like to go on, but it is kind of early in the morning, and the brain is not quite working. youuld like to complement on your program on books. sunday i can.very enjoy that very much. thank you. booktv is every weekend, 48 ,ours of nonfiction books
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saturday and sunday. a lot of great interviews command, including with two current senators. with senator doug jones, democrat of alabama. check it out online at texas.o to adam in good morning. caller: good morning to you. i love c-span. you have two private corporations run by the democratic party and republican party that control the debates. all the networks are corporate controlled it have to be loyal to their sponsors. i call the two-party system the two-party dictatorship. i voted for gary johnson. the legal voters hosting the debates again -- league of women voters hosting the debates again and nonprofit
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based media, we cannot have a democracy under these two parties. it is not possible. host: thank you for the call. john in virginia. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. news do what, fox they do the best. they connect with their people. if you don't like fox news, you don't have to watch it. the bottom line is they have people who knows what they are talking about, like chris wallace. when it comes to debate, they bring the best to the table. they don't bring sean hannity or rush limbaugh. failed everything, and now they are going after fox news. i am not a republican, but i see what they do. they convinced their voters to come out. if you don't like the system,
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you need to do something. the bottom line is this is america. fox news do what they do the best. they connect with their people. that is the best at what they do. democrats telling the american people we are not going to debate over fox news, that is ridiculous. why.'t see any reason i don't see that. host: thank you for the call. sxswzucker at the symposium taking place over the weekend in austin, texas. fox news is a propaganda outlet, from the head of cnn. cnn president jeff zucker slamming fox news as a propaganda outlet. i think the consternation
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about this business. they don't have to give one to cnn, nbc, or fox. is fox state-run tv, or is the foxe house government by tv? tom, good morning. you are next. you are of early on a sunday morning. caller: i had to do it. this is basically censorship. party has the control or support of the news media. fox was balanced. been mymsnbc have thesis of the democratic party for the longest time. fox, i am not happy with them but we all the time,
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have two parties. the democratic party did not want people to know what they were doing. obamacare was behind closed doors. -- points out deficits. party do not want that. this party has gone so far out of bounds. i would think c-span would be concerned about that. natione party tells the you cannot hear that on this channel, or this channel cannot be represented, that is not american. that is wrong. --ocrats have a war policy
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for policy they are trying to sell to people. i think it is going to look league backfire -- hopefully backfire on them. i wish you had a bigger base outlet than the news media foruse the news media, 90% the democratic party or liberal. thank you again. host: get some sleep. go back to bed. it is probably about 4:00 in the morning, when you lose an hour of sleep. sanders's first campaign appearance in new hampshire. his speech will be streamed on our website at about noon eastern time. the piece in the new york times, centrist democrats squirming as
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rivals swerve left. amy klobuchar senator elizabeth warren. we will continue to cover the campaign on our website. you can check it out at biden isearned jill spending the weekend in the u.s. virgin islands. but for an announcement as early as mid-april. york,ou are next, new independent line. caller: good morning. congratulations to c-span for everything you do. you are the only place where the average american and speak their mind and be heard. i think the democrats made a big mistake by danny fox news. -- banning fox news. fox news is the only outlet that seems to get both sides on their
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program and treat both sides with respect. the democrats are so worried about fairness, how can they continue to trade out donna brazile, who leaked questions to hillary clinton during the last ebate? everyone should tone down the rhetoric. anchors are news not going to be rude. host: thank you for the call. we will come back to your calls in a moment. americans going to 26 european countries will have a new travel step. ,ere are some of the details starting in 2021, americans and travelers from other visa free countries will have to take an extra step when visiting europe. the european union announcing that visitors from all visa free countries will need to complete an online application and
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fee.a small it is designed to strengthen security checks for those persons who travel visa free to the eu. it applies to people traveling in a certain area known as the schengen zone. it includes france, germany, spain. it does not include great britain. in 2021.aking effect savanna georgia, democrat line. caller: good morning. good morning. host: good morning. caller: how are you? i called earlier this morning. i was watching the show about fox news and the democrats did not want a debate on foxnews. i am a democrat. i feel like the democratic party should debate on fox's for the simple reason they can get -- fox news for the simple reason
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they can get their message out to the people. fox news the tell the truth -- don't tell the truth on things. maybe they can get their message to the people that listen to fox news. host: thank you. this is what it looks like. the entertainer, victim, fighter, bully, expert, auditor, pundit encapsulating his unorthodox presidency. if you missed it, on our website, two hours. good morning. caller: good morning. being ation of this mistake by the democrats, i don't think it goes far enough. then doing this is the
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beginning of fascism in this country. it is terrible what is going on now. they are dominating college campuses. they want to dominate the media. it is sort of like a modern-day version of book burning, saying it is a mistake they don't want to go on foxnews is fine. they have the right to do that. to call fox news propaganda is pretty funny coming from stations like cnn. the pundits on scene and basically come out every day and say trump is a racist, a fascist. they are going to get a debate probably. i have seen it in my own family. i am an old guy. my wife of 35 years is a brown person, the migrated here from another continent. she voted for trial. i did not. she has been vilified and
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dismissed by her own family and the liberals on my side of the family. it is so disgusting. this is propaganda coming from the left. i did not vote for trump. i'm kind of glad he got elected. it kind of confirmed what i thought as a young man growing up in the 1950's, most of the hatred and bigotry is coming from the left, democrats and progressives. it is very sad what is going on. host: i think we are that in a lot of families. don't you? caller: i never thought it would happen to my family. trump,se, who voted for they kind of dismissed her. liberals on my side of the family, they don't want to talk to her anymore. it is pretty disgusting. host: thank you for the call. piece, ther has this
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headline, if you are afraid of shep smith, you probably should not be president. why are the democrats so scared of fox news? 2016is a photograph from with chris wallace and megyn kelly, who was with fox at the time. bruno in texas. good morning. caller: good morning. i like to say to you a few things. is the election is tv with the most audience. if you can give it to more than cnn,v, give it to fox, abc, that is the same thing. number three, what is wrong with
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fox? for the most part for the last nbc, c-span,, abc, all these news of for the democrats, and no one complained. why are you so scared of fox? consider the news media, which .s the worst coverage we need to know who is lying. we need to know who has the right idea. host: thank you for the call. from pennsylvania, joe, you are next. democrats line. caller: thank you for taking my call. this dnc move seems like thinly veiled censorship. move insults
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the critical thinking of we the viewers. we know who the candidates are and who the commentators are and what they stand for. this debate might serve as an for the commentators in out,andidates to duke it more or less. the: this drawing is from piece available at the new yorker. bill shine abruptly stepping down as the white house to medications director, the fifth communications director to work in this white house. nothing has formalized the partnership between fox and trump more than the appointment of bill shine, the former copresident of fox news. of shine,ol saying
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when i first met him, he was producing hannity's show. working-class .amilies on long island another former colleague says they spend their vacations together. officearely in shine's when sean did not call. they talked all the time, many times a day. the making of the fox news white house. that was the reason behind the on decision to pull the plug one of the candidates before the nominating convention. the democrats have yet to announce their location for the dnc. the finalists include milwaukee, houston, and miami. ray is joining us from pennsylvania. good morning. caller: good morning. anybody who thinks this is a
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presidential debate, it is not for the presidency. it is for the democratic nominee . i think the questions that are going to come are going to come straight from trumps white house, through rupert murdoch, and to the moderators. anyone who thinks that is not going to happen, i have some land to sell them in florida. it is going to be a do you still be your wife question to everyone of the candidates to make them look as bad as possible. it is perfectly fine for them to not have fox because it is not a democratic debate. on fine with it when it is the presidential debate. fox should be involved. host: thank you for the call. cq weekly, global sway, how foreign money helps shape
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washington. the dalai lama have been the face of buddhism, china has another plan. you can read the story at california, democrats line. thank you for waiting. caller: thank you. person for many years. i was cnn and msnbc. i watched them all. i started watching the community meetings that were happening. i wanted to see who was telling the truth. i started hitting them all. you hear all the hype. fox was the only one that came back true. i was shocked. i do not like fox at all. i started watching them. i find all this stuff happening through the years, they actually do tell you the truth.
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if you want questions that are going to be hitting our democrats down, if they are true and what they are saying is true, they should not be afraid of hard questions coming from fox. don't you think? watch as they be afraid of it if they are telling the truth? host: thank you. are schaper said if you afraid of shep smith, you should not be president. the house is in session this week. the senate on c-span two. the president will be outlin ing's budget. orleans, republican line. your reaction? caller: i think that is wrong. by watching all three of the
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news networks, i get an opinion, and i can see why they would feel a certain way about fox. i watch fox, cnn, and msnbc. i will tell you this in my honest opinion, cnn does a little more news commentary that is a little more honest that msnbc. a lot of times what fox will do is fox will look at certain topics, and they will completely avoid them. if there is something that is really bad about donald trump, they will not show it. it could be the hottest thing everywhere, and fox will not show it. the way they depict certain people and certain images, it is a lot of propaganda. it is entertaining to me. i enjoy watching fox news. i don't understand anyone would tucker carlson's show
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because he is going to scream at you, tell you an idiot. i would not go on that show. you are not going to be able to have a decent conversation. tucker is like talking to an upset nine-year-old. hannity is the same way. you cannot debate with those guys. you are not going to want to shows.on those they are going to cut to commercial. they are going to tell you what an idiot you are. it is hilarious. i can say shep smith is pretty good. i like chris cornwall. msnbc, i don't think i have any of them on msnbc that i particularly care for. perez, the chair of the dnc issued the following tweet, we win by reaching all voters. that is why we have engaged with
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media outlets about debates. recent reporting has made it clear we cannot rely on fox to host a fair and neutral debate. just to be clear, fox news will not serve as a media partner for the 2020 democratic primary debates. back to your phone call. laura coming good morning to you. good morning. i don't like watching fox. i don't feel like the democratic party is correct in banning them. i don't think you should than anyone. if you are afraid of something, it is because you have got something to hide. i don't like that. i don't feel that's the message the democratic party should be feeling out that sending out. -- i don't feel that is the message the democratic party should be sending out. let cuomo or don lemon host a show.
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you'll get the truth. host: thank you. we will go to schubert in florida. good morning, how are you? we will try one more time. let me go to john in new hampshire. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for having me on c-span. i think steve from pennsylvania made a perfect point. saidoint being that he exactly what cnn, msnbc, and the mainstream media is. it is a mouthpiece for the democratic party. why would i want to be on fox won him my asked me a difficult question? anybody that thinks the mainstream media is not part of the dnc is very blind.
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fox gives botht sides. they often have a republican and a democrat and often an independent. abc, itch cnn, msnbc, don't find that they have a portion that is fair and balanced or open. i don't remember in the obama administration any reporter going to prison or being arrested like james rosen. today, i don't believe there is msnbcporter from cnn or being tried or accused of any crimes they did not commit. thank you for having me on. host: james rosen did not go to prison. he did leave fox news. this is from time magazine. vote?imate rock the
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hillary clinton and donald trump did not face a single question about global warming in 2016. and ath wildfires president who denies the issue, the issue is seared in some voters minds. the issuebe when finally breaks through? go ahead. i just wanted to point out that in 2016, the rnc blocked cnn and nbc from republican debates. i think c-span should have told us that before making this big deal about democrats. ofmp called cnn the enemy the people. it is my birthday. happy birthday.
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i am not that ask how old you are, but i hope you have a we had a caller asking about this next segment as we look at the wall street tax act of 2019. susan harley looks brian -- will explain what it means. we will also talk about bernie sanders first visit to hampshire. discuss alienated america, wally some places thrive another's collapse. our guest this week is the assistant speaker of the house. we have a lot to talk about from this past week. >> you had a happy ending, you
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past hr one, your election reform bill. arounde sort of turned on this issue of the congresswoman, there were some heated moments inside your caucus meeting. this attract a lot of interest from reporters. what were the lessons learned this week by the leadership about your new majority and how you need to move forward? a good week.had we've been having strong weeks. more in eightshed weeks in our republican colleagues did in eight years. if there is a challenge, you have to face it. you have conversations about things that need to be attended to. the resolution was an example of that. i think what we learned is we
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need to be communicating more, we need to be thoughtful about what spain said. i also appreciated this week that a democratic led caucus under the leadership of speaker pelosi is not going to walk away from those challenges. wasresolution this week very clear about anti-semitism, islamophobia, white supremacy, standing up to bigotry. it was important for the congress to move. 23 of our republican colleagues voted against the resolution, including the number three republican in leadership who could not find a way to vote for that resolution. that illustrates more dysfunction on the republican side. host: the democrat from new mexico is serving as the assistant speaker of the house.
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newsmakers,est on sunday at 10:00 eastern time. you can also listen to it on the free c-span radio app and online any time at , she isto susan harley from public citizen. we want to talk about the wall street tax act of 20 19. what is in this bill? why does it have such strong support? it would require as you are purchasing stock or derivatives, you would pay a .1% , $.10 out of every $100 traded. reduce thatto high-speed computer trading that is crowding out average investors from the market. the goal is to reduce that high-frequency trading.
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host: what are we looking at? guest: computer algorithms the trade instead of people. they have programmed computers thatok at various things -- we are not entirely certain what they're using to make their trading decisions. they operate independently. they are set by the traders. they trade in the blink of an i. many trades per millisecond. it's much faster than the blink of an eye. taking up more than half of the daily volume of trades. it's very problematic. the trades tend to follow each other instead of acting reasonably. they exacerbate market
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volatility. host: this of all stocks, bonds, derivatives. it's $.10 for every one dollar traded. it would apply to purchases made in the u.s. or by u.s. individuals. that --rm damped -- debt would be exempt. $770 billion. is there any republican support for this? guest: not as of yet. there has been in the past. it's been around for quite a long time. the legislation is new, the idea has been out there since the 60's and 70's, when james tobin came up with this idea. there have been members of the republican administrations who
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said this would be a great idea to curb speculation. it's been around for quite a long time. duty in say there is a the u.k., that's been a place for hundreds of years. these of been around, doing a great job of raising revenue another countries. we had them in the united states. we even have a very tiny taxon wall street -- tax on wall street traders. host: this is the financial ceo.ces president and he issued the following statement. then there is this from the managing partner of a wealth management firm and the trustee
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for the national review institute. guest: this is a tax. when there is a tax, people have a tax burden. we are designing taxes to make sure they are progressive. in this instance, because stock ownership is very much concentrated in the hands of the wealthy few, three quarters of all stock wealth is held by the
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top percentage of our society. we will have an impact on average investors. the reality is existing fees of those investors are much higher than this small tax we want to put in place. there are commissions, overhead fees, clearing fees. we did some research a number of years ago. over can add up to be $800 in fees versus about per year in financial transaction taxes. that's extraordinarily small. those existing fees for investors, those are problematic when funds are being overly managed. very actively managed funds are going to create a lot of those
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commissions. they will line the pockets of brokers. we should put that money toward investing in the american communities. that's why people like me are in support of this tax. this is something that would help average investors by having their funds not be overly managed in a way that is not productive. .ost: our guest is susan harley aoc has signed on to this. let me go back to my question about republican support, how'd you get this to be a bipartisan bill? guest: i think you talk about what you can find with this. a couple of years ago, we had the tax cuts that have a huge price tag. it did have a price tag of
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almost $2 trillion. there is a whole -- huge hole in the budget. we are going to see cuts proposed for domestic programs. we are looking for funds. everyone talks about infrastructure. in michigan, the gubernatorial campaign was focused almost inclusively on the state of the roads. if we are talking about infrastructure, those are ideas that resonate with people who want to make sure that we are doing things in a responsible way. idea't think this is an that should be accepted by both sides. hear what the collars have to say about this. host: we will get to your calls and just a minute.
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(202) 748-8000 for democrats. .202) 784-8001 four republicans (202) 748-8002 four independents . the committee on taxation came up with that number. what is the volume per trade, how much would that volume decrease? that's a real thing. speculativehis is noise trading that is going to be there. the profit margin is so slim, function. we would barely feel it. this is something that changes the business model. we do pay sales tax. d.c.6% herein
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things we have significant amount of tax. it's regressive. everyone has to buy these things. not everyone has a luxury of investing in the stock market. this is something we do think is fair. it is focused on wall street. average americans are feeling quite a lot of anger after the crash. people are still struggling to get by. wall street banks are making record profits. it might have to stay that the financial sector has grown out of control and we need to rein that end. it's another way that we can talk about bringing that to wall street. host: we will get your calls in just a moment. remember, you can follow us on twitter. john is in pennsylvania. good morning. caller: i would like to make it i ran as athat
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candidate as a democrat. i am ashamed of the people in the party. how much study has she done in economics? how could she possibly backed this? i don't understand why you would want to tax farmers on derivatives. the agricultural production is and may berivatives able to sell my product to someone else and that person sells my cattle or my sheep or whatever product i am selling. payments through federal mechanisms to send money overseas. dollarse billions of set to south america, central america. we don't tax that.
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and myre going to tax me 401(k), you should tax. if i send money back to the philippines, there is no tax there. i live in texas. i am sending money to south america. there is no tax there. every transaction should be taxed. host: do you want to respond to that? guest: thank you for the call. i would say the tax fairness is part of what we are looking to do. i can't say that i have an economics background. i'm a lawyer. there are a lot of economists who are in support of this. baker, you don't have to take my word for it.
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there are plenty of economists that support this bill. 401(k) orou have a four o three b, they are going to add some stock, take some stock out. that's done electronically. owner of the four ok taxed on those transactions? technically, the broker or the exchange pays it. it is assumed they would pass that cost on. that is where people are feeling concern. those existing fees that are already charged every time you were trading, those commissions and overhead fees, those are far higher. than the costr associate with a financial transaction tax. what we are looking at really is saving those other consists --
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existing costs. dean baker has written a lot on this. it's going to put people in a better position at the end because there will not be as active trading as part of their fund management. we may have to put it in place and see how it does. end's the theory, in the retirement savers will be better off because of this. let's talk about what happened because of budget cuts. we are talking about cuts to medicare and medicaid and meals on wheels. these are extraordinarily important programs for people who are retirees. retiree that is lucky enough to have a 401(k), there will be an additional cost to its less than the existing cost and you will be better off. we will be investing in american
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communities and providing a government services that we can't cover. host: let's say you have $100,000. that is your own savings. the individual will pay a price in terms of taxes. the individual will lose money because of the taxes. guest: just as they do with commissions, clearance fees, all of the other fees that stack up to a thousand dollars per year on an $85,000 mutual fund. $100 versusng about $1000. maybe brokers will want to reduce their commissions to make up for that. get back to the phone calls.
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good morning. welcome to the conversation. caller: i would like to remind everybody that the biggest thinks of the right wing tanks are from the wall street banks. be passed.his should high-frequency trading is front running the tape. the organizations that fund all of these lectures on merit-based capitalism and this nonsense, these are wall street gangsters that don't believe what they preach. everything unwholesome in the world can be traced back to the capitalist system. it, everything that is wrong with the world comes down to wall street. everyone should divest themselves. they should get their money out. you should divest yourself from wall street. get your money out of this evil system. host: that's what the former
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labor secretary is tweeting up. wall street traders have turned casino,k market into a they could once again sink the economy and leave the american people holding the bag. it's time to rate in this greed. explains concerns about what he calls the wall street casino. susan harley? guest: the volatility is one point. we have seen the flash crash of 2010. it was exacerbated by high-frequency trading. marketmber, we saw the going up and down every day. love the studies that came out show that a lot of that was exacerbated by high-frequency trading. that's one problem, the volatility. the caller talked about the that is part of
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high-frequency trading. really documented in the boys."lewis book "flash it's about mike wave towers. this just hearing about fight about the mercantile exchange. its real problem, the fact that these high-frequency traders can move more quickly than average investors. iny are doing what is essence scalping. they send these large orders, they get in ahead of those trades and increase the prices for the rest of us. host: this is from david at national review. all you need to know about the tax is it will reduce growth and
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take money from middle-class investors. .ur guest is susan harley larry is next from maryland. caller: the democrats want to tax everything. the wall street stock market, the banks have new policies. you are the creditor. fund, they reached into it. the same thing with celso security. -- social security. this has been manipulated. it's foolish. guest: this tax that we are talking about is .1%.
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it i hear what you say as far as a lot of americans feel that things are tight. the rich are very rich. that's not the same for everyone. there is a big problem in america with economic inequality. this bill is getting so much attention because there have been a lot of proposals out there to talk about taxing wealth and rain in this runaway inequality. there are three americas. buffett, billrren gates have as much money as the bottom half of society. i don't think there is anything fair about that. when he to look at policies that go back to the american spirit. everyone deserves a fair shake. no person shall accumulate so much wealth as to make it harder for another person to have an equal chance.
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this is about being fair and leveling the playing field. thank you for that. host: this could be a big issue in the democratic primary. bloomberg has looked at what the presidential candidates have said. you can check this out. this is what it looks like at candidatesown to two , they support the idea we are talking about. stock trades. both senator sanders and senator warren what to tax the wealthy. warren, household wealth of a $50 million. that's a bloomberg. michael in indiana. thank you for waiting. go ahead. with, unlessart
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any tax they put on from now the time the earth ends should be put on the national debt. if we didn't owe anything on the national debt, we wouldn't have to worry about social security and medicare. we are pain more money on the interest of the national debt. years and take0 money out of government spending. of $22t is now in excess trillion. this would raise $770 billion. guest: it could be used for anything. it could be used to reduce the deficit. it could fund infrastructure investments, public education.
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it can create clean energy jobs. the needs are endless. what we need to do was talk about creating revenue. this is one of the ways to create revenue. it's clear that it's needed. host: the caller talked about interest on the debt. of $3 trillion. you can get the information that debt caller: good morning. bill sounds phenomenal. i don't understand why so many people pay $1000 and brokerage fees. it will go to fund america and americans and the services they
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need. i am a younger voter. i generally vote independent, though i lean democratic. i am a mom, a working mom. i am married. people my age and my demographic socialportive of the services in america. i don't see it slowing down. this is the future. it's not limited to my democratic factor. i republican friends who are right of center agree rich individuals need to be paying their fair share back into america. do you have any other bills you think are more mainstream as far as how to fund social services? host: thank you for the call. guest: those are great points. of a number of
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different campaigns that work on different tax policies. one has some very low hanging fruit that has been discussed by democrats and republicans. it's closing the carried interest loophole. loophole special tax that fund managers have, where it's a lower capital gains tax. provision in the tax code that lets corporations the duct multimillion dollar bonuses made by their executives. there are a lot of tax loopholes that we can close. inking at the tax-cut passed 2017, it was skewed toward the very wealthy and corporations. there is a lot we can do to undo the damage of that legislation. you mentioned senator moran, --
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warren. is a representative, her taxon marginal income more than $10 million. these ideas are extremely popular. we need to create revenue, we need to create fairness. i know people feel like times are tough. and you see people who are making billions of dollars, there is a fundamental unfairness in that. essay,n his saturday this perspective from richard rubin. sanders, elizabeth warren want big tax hikes on the rich. that is usually succeeded only in moments of national crisis.
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they have their work cut out for them. bold tax increases have depended on a combination of factors. and national trauma, a war or major economics. guest: i don't want to wish a major problem on our nation. that being said, i don't think there's anything that is stopping another wall street crash. regulations, our we've instead seen the lessening of them. rollbacks last year that are very problematic. i think it's a real concern. a lot of puns and some the market fluctuations of happened were quite troubling. i'm not sure we're safe from another crash. i hope we are. i think things like this and
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getting rid of the high-frequency training -- trading is going in the right direction. host: our focus is the financial services tax. our guest is susan harley. next call is from california. caller: good morning. i've been out of the stock market for quite a while. remind thet to ,merican investors and anyone everybody is against the billionaires. i totally get that. trades andy of stock bond trades are going to be institutionalized money. question, i don't know if it's really a question or statement, most people who are
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35,000, they are putting money into a 401(k), those the people that are going to get as far as being taxed. you will see that in your returns. remember, you're going to leave it up to the government to make that decision for you. let them take some more money from you. that's all i've got to say. host: thanks for the call. legislation to tax financial transactions. your response? before, i don't want to pretend that people who have a 401(k) won't pay the tax. people who have 401(k)s tend to be on the
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wealthier side of things. when the tech policy center did their analysis of how a similar tax would operate, 75% of the tax would be paid by the top 20% of society. 40% of the tax would be paid by the top 1%. everyone will pay some tax, it will be quite small. if you have $100,000 in your account, you will only pay $100. the existing fees are much higher. we haven't had a problem charging those fees before. this is adding a fee. it is small in comparison. are notthe benefits having such a volatile stock market. every time they trade, that's a
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problem. some people call them leeches. they are getting a profit out of our pocket. that is already happening. instead it having our money going into brokers pockets, let's put it in the piggy bank of the u.s. government. host: kevin is in long island. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. think donald trump said in 2004 the economy was better under democrats. under trump administration, the rich are getting richer. host: your response? guest: runaway inequality is a problem.
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it was happening before trump came into office. it has been accentuated. a lot of that was due to the tax cuts. we have seen it get worse over the past couple of years. it's not a problem -- that's a problem that's been going on for a long time. we really need to talk about fairness. that's the reason we have a progressive tax code. it's about those who can pay more should pay more. i think that's a moral tenet most people hold. we're asking for wall street to pay their fair share. our next call is from carolyn connecticut. theer: i take issue with need more revenue clause. fund by nice retirement one of those big firms.
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the people that make this money are the ones who provide the jobs. said hate the earners but love the workers. you can't do that. why should they give more and more on my medicare? i get a form of about 10 pages. eight of them are just repetitive. host: thank you. citizen believes in reducing health care. we would expand and improve medicare and provided for all. what you were talking about, it's very important. what we will see coming up over the next several weeks our discussions about cutting important programs like medicare.
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i am glad you are doing well under the program. i am afraid of other people who are not able to really cover all of their needs on a monthly basis. they are making decisions about rationing their medicine. they are making decisions about whether or not to go to the doctor. these are not decisions people in a wealthy country should make. we are not proposing to get rid of the market. a lot of people talk about this as being great for long-term job creation. energy, research that is done has been focused on speculation. the training for the sake of versus long-term investments, putting money into patient capital. this is one of the goals of the
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tax, to refocus. thanks for bringing that up. host: this is the head line from fox news business. the wall street tax act as we listen to debby from south carolina. wonder if we've taken into consideration corporations that use stock purchases and 401(k) plans as a substitute for pensions. i work for one of the largest employers in the country. because of the stock program and the 401(k), i was able to retire earlier. i'm talking about a company where the average pay scale is $15 or less an hour.
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i am glad to hear you are doing well. most people should aspire to that. the goal of being able to retire at a certain age, that's not of future for everyone. the pension issue is important. there are some places where a lot of people are calling for this because they are getting a public pension that no longer has enough funds. this is been a huge problem in the chicago area. from pensions, it has shifted the way people look at retirement. as markets are more volatile, if you have your money in a 401(k), that fluctuates based on market value. riskre putting yourself at
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if there is a huge crash or something like that. getting rid of these types of trades, the computer traces increased volatility. that is great for people who have a 401(k). host: mark is calling from new jersey. caller: thank you for c-span. i am a member of public citizen. it's a great organization. i have some investments in the stock market. i am not comfortable. i feel like it's like being in a casino. i lost half of my money in 2008. i'm in favor of stronger regulation. i'm in favor of taxing earnings. i don't want to pay more personal income tax. i'd rather it come from where the money is. i think it's a great idea. i want to point out some history.
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i apologize if you've artie said passed the act, the were no crashes. after we got rid of it, there have been regular crashes. of course with this current administration and climate, they are only interested in deregulation. i'm very frightened it's going to wreck the rest of my hard-earned investments that i have saved up for my whole life. host: thanks for the call. guest: thank you for your support of the organization. i agree with you. this is not the exclusive answer to the problem with wall street. we are part of a campaign called take on wall street. we have proposals that include taxing wall street trades.
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the ceotalking about loophole and in reinstating glass-steagall. looking at public banking options and stock back issues and conflicts of interest within the financial industry. this is part of a comprehensive solution to some of the problems we have seen it coming out of wall street. host: glass-steagall was passed in 1933 as part of the new deal. separatedally investment banking from retail banking. they facilitated mergers and acquisitions. many operated their own hedge funds. retail banks took deposits and made loans.
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retail banks were prohibited from using the depositor's funds that were risky. there is that background from earlier. donald is from colorado. caller: good morning. again, this argument seems like a false argument. we are attacking the middle class who are just investors. we should be doing something simple. the u.s. military protects businesses around the world that are owned by the 1%. what a retiree retires, he between $2000 and $4000 a month. if he gets a job, he loses that income. he has to pay tax. why is it? a senator can receive their income for the rest of their lives. who carried a gun has to pay taxes on what he gets
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every month to survive on. a senator gets to keep all of their money. no matter what happens. someone who killed people for this country has to suffer through that. to pay allax the 1% the taxes on everyone who is retired from the military. i would say that concern about any quality and our tax code is huge. means having billionaires pay their fair share. i 100% agree with that statement. taxing wall street trades as part of that solution. pay 40% of this tax. 75% will be paid by the top 1/5
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of society. suree wanting to make people who can pay our pain this. should be taxed into poverty. i don't think that is the goal. we are talking about having people of fair shake. is having safe retirement. sure kids at school lunches, making sure we have safe roads to drive on. there are a lot of things we can think about that need to be improved in society. the tax code is the way we get there. the president just tweeted. he spent the weekend that mar-a-lago. the president writing this morning, or people working today
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, one hundred 58 million, than any other time. that is a big deal. with thise democrats legislation? senator van hollen from maryland is on the bill. senator gillibrand from new york and senator merkley from oregon. the faziose, it is from oregon, you mentioned aoc from new york. lawmakers like them. there is a lot of support on the house and the senate side. far, not yet. hopefully we will get some on board. host: good morning. asker: i would like to
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since the democrats want to tax us again because we are already getting taxed on our 401(k) once we start having to take it out. do? do we need to thank you very much. any time you are purchasing a stock, bond, or derivative is when you'll get taxed. keeping it you are in is not as important as what sort of existing fees you are paying. if you are worried about this 1%. small less than i think that what is most important is for you to look at
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what existing fees your retirement fund is charging. that's not always clear. this is about transparency to make sure people have a better idea what the retirement funds are targeting. i would ask questions of your fund. how much are the fees and commissions? idea of whattter sort of fund is better for you. that is a really important question that people should be asking. ofentioned the founder vanguard supports this task. -- tax. he said funds are better the less they are managed. philip is calling from ohio. my question would be when we tax these college
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endowment funds. the colleges are a mess right now the way they squander money and treat people. -- sorry, national debt. take all of your congressman and federal judges and every time they raise the national debt, they take a pay cut. i bet they would start working together to solve the problem. -- having gone to a state school, it's important to have public school options. those require funding from the government. i don't necessarily say we can have a deficit. to spend times we need
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past what we have. you need to choose those things that will help the public interest. part of that is making sure we have quality university systems in place. taxes are what other in place, that needs to happen. went veryt bill that heavily focused toward the wealthy and corporations, that was passed with very little debate, no hearings. it was slammed through the legislative process. a lot of people said that doesn't help me or my family. we need to have that debate in this country. what are the priorities we want to fund. this is part of that discussion. deputy director
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of public citizen. if they want to fully want twitter? guest: they can follow me at citizen underscore susan. you can give me some reason to tweet. host: thank you for stopping by. guest: it was a pleasure. ist: join us on the phone the concord monitor. bernie sanders returns to new hampshire in a position of strength. he is in new hampshire. at noon it, it will be streamed on our website. thanks very much for being with us. explain what you are hearing on the ground. guest: good morning. get a lot ofto snow, maybe some sleet and freezing rain.
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bernie sanders returns for the first time as a presidential candidate. he is extremely well-known. by 22shed hillary clinton points in this primary that launched him into that marathon al. the structure never really disappeared. his steering committee continued to meet in the state every month since the election. he comes in with a lot of advantages. he has a lot of strong support. he is well-known here. conventional wisdom is it's a very different cycle. last time, it was just him and hillary clinton. now the field has 14 people. a lot of these people are much longer and espousing the same agenda he first pushed in 2016. it's a different climate, but nobody expects him to win 60% of the vote.
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they are shopping around. he still comes in with a lot of strength. he just announced some staffing here, hiring a veteran communications director. he is on a roll, in a position of strength. host: there is a poll out today that shows biden and sanders that can that can i want. foriowa caucuses are set february 3. then we are in new hampshire february 11 next year. campaign teamg up and endorsement. do you think he will run? guest: that was my story as well. others hearing the same thing. it was a big article in the new york times.
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we are hearing the same thing. while the vice president has not made up his mind, he is leaning toward it. he is probably going to announce in april. hampshire,re in new his top supporters are itching. that's what we are hearing. he's got a lot of union support appear. you mentioned the polls. nationally, name recognition, it's really key. that's why you see them at the top of virtually every poll. host: in terms of the ground game, it is so early. who has the stronger ground game beyond bernie sanders? --st: elizabeth war in warren, she is coming from a neighboring state. she built up a strong
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organization at the beginning of the year. cory booker has a nice organization so far. thiss been no stranger to state. he will be back next weekend. kristen gillibrand, the senator from new york has put a nice team together here. california,s from she has some nice hires here is well. delaney, heo john has been coming here every other week for a year and half. he has a big staff as well. there are other players here in new hampshire. host: let me go through some of these numbers. these are new hampshire residents only. 26%, joeanders at biden at 22%. i want to focus on senator harris at 10%, senator warner at
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7%, over at 5%. what do those numbers tell you? guest: that's a great question. it's not only who wins in new hampshire, and who comes in second and third. that measure to south carolina and nevada. harris is on a roll. we have seen some impressive crowds for her. she had a jampacked visit here. people at the000 old south church. that was an eye-popping number. we saw that many people gathered for. her polls here, she's doing very well. moran's numbers have been a little surprising, lower than we thought. in is a known commodity here
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new hampshire. she's extremely well-known. she has a strong organization. the numbers are disappointing. we've got 11 months to go. to has been doing well. host: how many candidates do you think will be on the ballot in february? guest: we have 14 candidates right now. math,k of we look at the we will probably have it 17 or 18. that's where the republicans were. are all of them going to be on the ballot by the time iowa votes? that's debate will. we could see some people drop out. that's natural. we will have at least 15 people on the ballot. host: keep the snow up there.
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bernie sanders will be in the state. we thank you for being with us. guest: thank you. host: we will continue in just a moment. he has a new book called alienated america. you are watching washington journal on the sunday, march 10. we are back in a moment. >> tonight on cue and date, a history professor discusses her puolk.e world of sarah to ae wrote letters supreme court justice and members of congress that were completely confident, 100% about
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politics, they were not different from a letter a man would write. they wrote back to her in the same vein. >> monday night on the communicators, former fcc chairman talks about his new book. primarynever the network that is transformative. it's the secondary effect of that. the printing press allow the result was on's to come out of northern italy. it's how the first high-speed created the railroad, the industrial revolution. the first electronic network, the telegraph, allowed
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for the creation of national news media and a financial system. >> watch the communicators monday night. >> washington journal continues. host: the book is titled alienated america. thanks very much for being with us. you write the republican nomination of donald trump is best understood as a referendum on whether america is great or in need of great making again. it was a referendum on whether the american dream was still alive. it told us something we did not see. for that reason, we use the election map is a path we follow through the country. explain. guest: thank you. that is about the primaries. a lot of us were caught off guard when trump jumped to 25%
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in the primaries and finished on the newiowa and w hampshire. what areas right away raced to trump? sometimes it was a weird next. areas were for huckabee, but now those areas are for donald trump it i went to places in iowa to see what was the difference between the ted cruz places and donald trump. then there were rubio places as well. places workplaces with strong church communities. the rubio places workplaces with highly educated people with universities. the donald trump places were places that were suffering. it was not just lower income. it was that their churches had
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shut down. it was not just a factory shutting down. it was a community fumbling around them. the suffering of the working thes is largely about collapse of community institutions. host: you have a couple of specific examples of the social fabric of these communities. you write in western pennsylvania, you may recall the divergent local economies. pittsburgh is doing pretty well, while fayette county nearby is not. jobs, trade, and economics is not the whole story. the answer is local community, institutions of civil society. guest: when steel mills and coal took a huge blow over the last 50 years, pittsburgh and fayette county were harmed by this. pittsburgh now is doing very well, and the rural parts are not. the argument i make is pittsburgh is planted more
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thickly with strong institutions, art museums, universities, and these cohesive neighborhoods. an italianck church here, squirrel hill. when the economy turned itself, there was a social safety net, institutions, not necessarily the government, community institutions to hold the community together. down, steel mill shuts families move out. you have people more isolated and alienated. that is the difference between places that thrive in the places that are collapsing. met: this did surprise reading it. you write about marriage. marriage is dying, mostly among working-class women, undermined
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the idea that the apartment of women is behind its demise. married people are much less likely to be poor. marriage is good for kids. no one would argue that point. guest: marriage is dropping in the u.s.. host: it is dropping because? guest: i will say what a lot of people think wrongly. a lot of people think it is all about college-educated women swearing off marriage or women's liberation. the fact is college-educated women are much more likely to get married then women who do not have any college education. that did not used to be true. while there is some delay, the biggest drop off is among working-class. noncollege women never getting married or more likely to get divorced. where it is happening is not westland andd
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greenwich village. blue-collaring in communities. because they do not have strong communities around them. my wife and i have six kids. it is hard to raise kids. you need support. you need somebody who is going to watch your kids when you step out. you need strong public schools. those institutions are absent in so many working-class places. host: how did we get here is the question you pose in the book. following, deaths from despair, men dropping out of work and society altogether, retrieved from marriage and births out of wedlock becoming the norm, inequality skyrocketing, economic mobility fading. these are the symptoms of an american dream that is dead in much of the country. guest: we cannot make it just be
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an economic story. if you just talk about the factory closing, you are missing the crucial steps when the local diner shuts down, the most involved parents moved to another school district, and then the church is shut down. the cover of alienated america is a shuttered church because that is the most important, the central community institution for many working-class and middle america. the way i ended up doing my reporting in fat county is i found some of who did a study of the drop off in church attendance, and fayette county was among the biggest. they have lost eight churches. for the working-class, church was the key place to come together to get a sense of purpose. when those things go away, that results in all the that outcomes suicides, drugs, out of wedlock
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births. book that includes donald trump, but not about donald trump. guest: it is about how donald the nomination. he set up the line make america great again by saying the american dream is dead. the american dream is not dead in my own experience. we live in a robust, bustling area. no a lot of parts of the country, that resonated. that is what got me going down this line. why are there so many places people think the american dream is that? host: you wrote, with all of these swings, donald trump swung working-class families enough to win the white house. donald trump underperformed
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earlier republicans in the wealthier parts of america. hillary clinton showed her true colors when she declared this results in some sort of victory. if you look at a map of the u.s., there is all that read in coast, you i win the know, illinois and minnesota. guest: the places she was bragging about winning are the places that have lots of wealth. most people have college degrees, which is not the norm in america. in this places, there is still strong community institutions. it is not just that they have more money, they are more likely to be a second income were the mom is working only our time. there are more people involved in the communities running little league's in that sort of thing. the places donald trump was winning disproportionate to previous republicans, he did
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better in almost every county in michigan. afterf that because years the factory shutdown, people say we used to have a memorial day parade, we don't anymore. we used to have three churches, and now we are down to one. hillary was bragging about winning the places that are doing well. she tried to counter donald trump's make america great again by saying americans already great. titledhe book is "alienated america: why some places thrive while others collapse." book by tim carney. our phone lines are open. for the mountain pacific time (202) 748-8001. we go to rick. welcome to the program. caller: thank you. i grew up in pittsburgh.
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i watched several generations of steelworkers lose their jobs because of the shutdown, and what pittsburgh back was substantial investment in things like the regimen fund in carnegie mellon and the health system. it has nothing to do with the number of churches and people attending. host: -- guest: you are talking about strong institutions and a commitment to local leaders who had money. it is important to look at them as employers. thehealth care industry, university as well. talk to any employer. why are employers looking for places to settle down? they are looking for places
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where there is strong education. they want to be able to hire a workforce that is reliable, innovative, showing up on time. this is what the institutions, strong public schools, communities, including churches, even if you are not excited about churches, they do a good job of holding neighborhoods together all of those things build up social capital. go outside of pittsburgh toothache county, best fayette county, -- outside of pittsburgh to fayette county, to begin harder for parents to raise their kids with social capital, the soft skills hiring managers for. was beingthat came in spent in pittsburgh to build up
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communities and people and to help them keep their lives together so that when industries were ready to come back, you have people there that were in good shape and people that were primed for hiring. eric in will go to california. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for having this discussion. last week when the press secretary was mentioning her feelings about the president being selected by god, unfortunately a lot of people did not realize in this conversation, there is two sides in even when you have a divided house, you lose. when people are ministering this concept of keeping people divided, would you have people divided, you win. donald trump is winning on
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keeping people divided. the house divided does not stand. as long as you have people fearful, i don't care what type of brick-and-mortar structure fear would dominate the whole day of people's lives. host: thank you. we will get a response. division are at the heart of what i am talking about. man is a political animal. humans are social creatures. we are not supposed to just live our own lives. we are supposed to help our neighbors. that means involving ourselves with our neighbors, the pta, on the local library board, or in the local government. as those institutions on the local level disappear, get less power, and we get disconnected from them, everybody looks to national politics to have their
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impact. just these high-stakes games every two or four years. everybody thinks if the other guy gets elected, we are in deep trouble. i want to elect the guy that is not to punish the other team. that is part of what the election of donald trump was about. i am going to elect a punisher. some of the democrats are looking at things like that, molly harris. -- kamala harris. down isto dial things to re-empower local institutions. then people are dealing with their neighbors. there will not be as much hate and fear. things will not feel as much high-stakes. following,rite the "if we restore factory jobs, can we restore communities? robots rather than blue-collar workers are getting new jobs at
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u.s. factories. slapping tariffs on goods from china will not create jobs. " donald trump is talking about bringing back the factory jobs of the 1960's or 1970's. you talk to economists, and they say the share of the u.s. economy that is manufacturing has not actually gone down, but employment has. increasingly the threat to these old factory jobs is automation rather than china or mexico. a tariff to bring back more factories does not necessarily increase the employment. this isn't to say this is a problem. it is a huge problem, but there is not an easy solution. int: we will go to janice maryland. caller: good morning. my question is the pervasive use of spanish.
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i find with their dynamic numbers, because they don't the -- a semi, they change neighborhoods -- thass imilate, they change neighborhoods. how do you put this into your equation. host: stay on the line. we did not hear the first part of your question. caller: i was saying with the pervasive use of spanish, most of them are not assimilating. the culture is being changed because they come into neighborhoods, and they do not change. host: thank you. we get the essence. guest: this is a real interesting thing. a lot of the immigrant populations, especially if they come in with strong religion, p not having-- end u
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some of the problems we are talking about with the weather working class. if you have two different languages spoken in a community, that does undermine the community strength. it is harder to have a pta meeting if not everybody speaks the same language. this is one of the things a lot of sociologists have studied. it is a real problem to move the american dream forward. we would love to have more neighbors that are diverse and cohesive and successful, but those are hard to come by. the language barrier is a big part of that. the american dream is about new people coming in and changing the culture and being changed by the culture. there is always a painful transition, especially when the language is different, when the neighborhood feels like it is being pulled apart. is tim carney.
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the book is "alienated america: why some places thrive while others collapse." democrats the party of the elites, or will they sold themselves trying to win over the backwards places clingers?plorable yes, the fact is so many democrats reacted to donald trump's reaction. said howgrants have can we reach out to their voters, but some, including the hillary quote, the people that elected trump are backwards and deplorable. there is no such thing as a good truck motor. as long as people think everybody who voted for this guy is bad, those democrats are not
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going to reach out to them. in that case, i don't think they have a good chance of winning michigan, pennsylvania, ohio. you knew sherrod brown was going to reach out to them. he has dropped out of the race. it is an open question. how much are democrats want to say there is real suffering even if they are a bunch of old white guys. they are gun owning old white guys. by the democrats able to love them and say we have better solutions? i know some of them well. i don't know if that is the ttack democrats -- the tactic democrats are going to take. host: your other books include the big ripoff, visiting fellow at the american enterprise institute, commentor for the washington examiner. susan from massachusetts, good morning.
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hello, it is an honor to speak with you, steve. mr. carney, i think i saw you speaking last week on c-span. it is great to speak with you. , on my, first of all mother's side i come from a long line of strong pittsburghers who went through the chain of industrial workers and firemen on too many generations of doctors and college-educated high achieving people. roomnk the elephant in the for me is the complete lack of a lifeves to pursue encouraged by marriage. if you have people on the downside of your for generations of industrial and community decline, and their lifeline is whatever they can patch together
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for state and federal benefits, housing subsidies, subsidized health care, those things are all based on the birth mother not being married. you experience either no benefits or a complete depletion of your benefits if you choose marriage as your social construct. that is one thing that upsets spain because -- me because i don't see any incentives being built in to encourage marriage. you would almost be a pariah if you suggested it to a national politician. host: thank you. guest: i think that is exactly right. one way to think about it is that for a lot of us, our safety be extended to
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family, community. for me a parish community. for lots of people in public school. you go to these parts of rural america, and because they have something of the social structure built around them of welfare benefits,, that is a network that does not lead to towards community. it pulls apart because one of the things welfare spending does his crowds out private organizations such as churches or nonprofits were local organizations run by a local government. the welfare benefits having anti-family incentives is destructive. it is great we are able to get food and money and close to hungry and poor and homeless people. we have to look at the structure of those programs. if they are undermining
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community and family, it kills them. the deaths of despair happen because there is not a human level network around them. there might be food stamps coming in, but over the you erodes, as community ties, you are undermining. over generations, you get these ofts of despair -- deaths despair. you are getting this despair because you don't have the institutions, the network that can give you a sense of purpose anymore. host: let's go to stephen in baltimore. good morning. caller: the problem i have with blames thep is he minority community, mexicans,
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black, muslims for the troubles of america. peopleointing to those and saying that is the reason you are not thriving. hook,ms like they by this line, and sinker even though the fact that mexican-americans have a lower crime rate than average americans. careems like they don't about that type of racism when he talks about asshole countries. host: thank you. guest: this is a point. -- excellent point. weaker more racism the the connections to strong local community institutions.
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study showed that among republicans who go to church, attitudes toward minorities are better. the more people are plugged into religious values, community institutions, the warmer they are to people who might be different. when someone is peddling a racist idea, that is more likely to take hold among alienated people who do not have as many human level connections. host: from the book, erosion of civil society is at the core of america's social and political tumult. the support structure and sense of purpose that only local communities can bring. guy, butam a catholic
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i am not making a religious argument. it is a social logical argument. people need real community that provides a sense of purpose and safety net. throughout american history, church, synagogue, mosque has been the core institution. when secularization happens in more elite areas, there are other things. network, social club, pta. when churches go away, there is not as much there to connect to other people. host: let me go back to what we talked about from your washington examiner essay, whether the democrats want to be the party of the lease -- the lease or go to the backwards -- the elites or go to the
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backwards places that cling to their guns and religion. host: -- guest: there is an animosity on the left toward religion. most of obama's 2008 run, he was trying to reach out to religious voters. that was a fundraiser where he made those comments to a group in the bay area. among thehere was democratic party a joy with which they were going after a baker who was not going to bake for a gay wedding. obama's administration was in a lawsuit with an order of nuns. there is an effort to push the church out of the public square. the church is important if you care about the middle class and working class. i wonder if there is anybody in the democratic party who is willing to stop that war on
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, we don'tinstitutions agree with this religious teaching on marriage, but we are willing to let them be part of our public fabric in the u.s. listeningelcome those sure ton radio, beef check out the free c-span radio app. our guest is tim carney. the book is called alienated america. he is the father of six. the pages? two.: 12 down to host: start the college funds. john, go ahead. caller: i think your point is so valid.
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this country was built on community. if you think about how each town was built, the people got together. they built the city. they built a state. if you want to destroy america, you have to destroy the family because that is where it begins. then you destroy the community. you destroy the state. .hat is what you are seeing the piece you focused on is that communities are gone. i think that is true. i don't have a question. piece ofink it is a all the things that are destroying america? guest: i think the biggest problem that is destroying strong is the erosion of
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local communities. distinct ismerica how we are constantly making ,hese little local platoons other clubs, religions, secular, professional, cultural. robert putnam in 2011 talked about how those things were weakening. the negativeeeing consequences showing up in deaths of despair. in america, there are tons of strong communities. that is what i found. a lot of the highly educated places around washington, d.c., live a 1960'sly
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lifestyle of intact families, finishing school, getting a job, having kids. i found lots of strong religious communities. salt lake city, it is amazing the cohesion and the mormon church at the heart of that. iowa, all these places built around strong churches that don't just have a strong spiritual sense but a affect as well. there are so many strong communities. i think a lot of this can be reversed. host: for more than 50 years, the plant in youngstown, ohio, produced vehicles. caring theevy cruz
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american flag in the windshield heading to a dealership in florida. a $3stown will take billion hit from the shuttering of the lordstown plant. how does this community recover? guest: there is no happy short-term story. dependent ons been one or two employers. this is a lack of strong economic diversity. is there going to be enough upey and employment to prop this town until something can come back? you are going to neediest additions. -- need the institutions. there is a domino effect.
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if you want to know how youngstown can come back, some of it is going to have to be looking at a place like this for. -- pittsburgh. invest?le place to seta good down the business in a few years. if you want to learn more, you can find information online. to your phone thoroughly from oregon -- darlene from oregon. caller: i am calling because i disagree with the gentleman. i am 67. when i was educated, it was in the kennedy era.
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what i have seen is a deterioration of the public school system because of lack of when i was educated, not only was everything free, everyone was allowed to participate. when my nephew graduated, i was shocked a parent had to pay out-of-pocket a certain amount of money for their child to thing they for each wanted to participate in, and only the top 50 students that already showed some type of athletic ability were allowed to participate. this was all after school. guest: i agree with the fact that the deterioration of public schools is a core part of the problem. i think it is a vast oversimplification to chop it up to funds.
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per-pupil spending has gone up in america. there is not a lot of correlation between per-pupil spending and outcomes. at how littlets that per-pupil spending has to do with economic mobility. it is way further down the list. a researcher at stanford and different places and how likely someone is able ladder, up the economic and found there is a correlation , but it is a small correlation compared to the number of intact families in the neighborhood or social capital, community organizations, charitable giving. those things have a much bigger effect on economic mobility.
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spending more money on schools is not what makes good public schools. strong parental community involvement. real community institutions that bill social capital among parents and kids. that is a strong public school. it is a lot more congregated than per-pupil spending. complicated than per-pupil spending. increasingly americans live among people with the same level of income. named, chevyhave chase, maryland. i talk about other places,
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college town's. they have good outcomes. they have strong families and lots of institutions. there are strong religious places. these places are about average on income. outcomes all the good without money because of religious institutions. host: are you on social media? twitter, instagram, but that is mostly kid pictures. host: we will go to mike in massachusetts. good morning. caller: good morning. i think wee to say are overcompensating the situation. complicating -- i think we are over complicating
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the situation. the problem is when the women went into the workforce. they kept an eye on the kids. they were the backbone of the neighborhood and society overall . when they left the homes, it is a double-edged sword. they have the right to go to hurt but i think that society and the family onceation when so many into the workforce -- went into the workforce. guest: one of the chapters in my book is called progress at a price. it talks about this. about women, the obstacles to them going out and fulfilling their career aspirations and how there is a
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cost. you're talking about with women keeping an eye on the neighborhood is a key thing. the idea that a kid could get in trouble even if mom or dad is not around, there would be some mom in the neighborhood who would say jimmy, stop acting like an idiot. of the people making an argument about the costs to increase dual family income, elizabeth warren wrote about how families are more fragile when they require to incomes. the increase in the size of the workforce due to progress of women being free to work and black people being able to compete with white people, those things i count as progress. you increase the supply of labor, you drive down the price. more families depend on to
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incomes. it makes families more fragile. it was elizabeth warren who pointed to how that brought about more family fragility. i think what you are talking about is right. ofs is one of the strengths 1960. it is not going to come back. host: i have to ask you about chapter six, bowling alone. that was the book in 2011 by robert putnam. he used the collapse of bowling leagues for the connection to people doing things alone. more people watching tv, all these things, staying at home instead of going to the diner. it was his image of a declining social capital.
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i say people are not connected as much. membership in organizations has been falling since 1965 and has .ontinued since 2000 that is at the heart. it is not falling everywhere. if you live in salt lake city, you probably belong to to many things. there are too many people demanding your time. so much of middle-class america, this is the case. it is true for everybody. we are not as connected as we used to be. what i'm trying to argue is this is not just something that life is a little less fun because you don't belong to a bowling league. there are bad outcomes involving drugs, suicide, out of wedlock pregnancy, high school dropouts that flow from us not belonging to think. host: andrew is next.
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new york. good morning. caller: thank you for taking my call. thank you for the book. that sounds interesting. it sounds like you have bitten off a great deal to chew on. as ao you justify religion source of bringing the community together when you have the crises that are going on in the roman catholic church these days? how do you build a stable community around a good set of economic factors like jobs when our economy seems to be going more tourists service, and -- towards service, and people seem to be expected to move? i wish you luck with it. thank you. host: thank you. guest: those are two excellent questions. have aatholic, and i moment when i was finishing this book, writing from my
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neighborhood pub. the guy asked what it was about. i mentioned church. he said, i used to be catholic. he told about watching priests who did these things get a slap on the wrist, and he had to go through this in test screening before he could go on a field trip. this sense of resentment. i felt i could not convince him otherwise. i cannot steer them away from his animosity towards the church, and that made me more angry at the priests and bishops who did this. cost.another in addition to all the ,ndividual victims who suffered there are millions of other people who saw this and turned away from the church. i think those are also victims. churches, among other
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institutions of civil society, are good for this country. when they do evil things, it does not demolish the good they do, but it does push lots of people away. those people end up being victims as well because they lose their productivity. -- connectivity. host: based on the church, do you think the issues we are dealing with now including priests and pedophiles, it will affect a generation of catholics? guest: i absolutely think so. to this day, are acting archbishop in the washington, d.c., archdiocese does not send the message to catholics in this area that they want the good shepherd. pittsburgh whon
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moved around a handful of priests. some of them he handled very poorly. repentancehown the we are supposed to show. harm for a generation catholics. he goes out to other christians io say this is an institution do not trust. hierarchy areurch hurting people by not being more aggressive and apologetic and repentance. places thrive while others collapse. morning.good caller: thanks for having me on. i have a couple comments and
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also a question. the reviews what caller was saying this previous caller -- to tie into what the previous caller was saying, the scandals in the catholic church seem to have destroyed the church as a meeting place community. i agree with that totally. did lose a generation. ohiomily is from northeast and west pennsylvania. many of them have left the church because of that reason. this is something we see a lot of. one of the interesting things i
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think people lose sight of, we whole. the church as a for so many people, their interaction with the united states or the catholic church is on a local level. have ain our parish, we pastor who has been aggressive about calling out the bad actors about trying to be the good shepherd. interaction with the church on a daily basis is in the parish. there are problems with the southern baptist church now. if your own personal contribution is healthy and strong, that can matter a lot more. i think that is true the
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american dream as well. townu live in a small where people seem to look out for one another, that america seems a lot different. even if we have a big picture of -- ourexperience is on experience is on a small stage. host: discuss economic ,lienation, religious, social people often use that as an excuse to make their decisions. guest: people feel disconnected. life is about making good decisions it is easy when mombody ends up as a single or drug user, you make bad decisions, it is all your full.
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-- paul. -- your fault. you are responsible for your decisions, but you build a strong community around you, it is easier to make the right decision. this is why we try to make our neighborhoods better. making the good decisions becomes easier to do. the short-term incentives that align with making smarter decisions. you are not going to say it is not your fault. you are going to say it is harder in some circumstances to make good decisions. this is as much is sociology book as it is economics and political science.
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guest: i am a journalist. i am steeped in the american enterprise too. vance's billability elegy. is going to these places. the election map it show us this underlying social logical thing. up ine the pessimism show the iowa caucuses. is is notause of this justthat pessimism is not lower wages. i am tying together the economics and sociology. host: gary joins us on the phone in oklahoma. caller: thank you.
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i am interested in this tim carney and his book. i was a family physician for many years. changeed a tremendous after the great society of lbj where we have a lot of nights -- mennonites in our community. they have a tight community. it is like the 1960's. they support each other and have their own welfare system and reach out to people that are suffering. i've got these young people that are isolated they don't feel there is any hope for the future. they are not going to be able to own a home or have any advancement in life. they get on drugs and alcohol.
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young, i would say a lot of the young girls that were catholic, 95% of them were original when they got married. marriedt of them get and have a tremendous work ethic. half of them laugh if you talk about marriage. it is a tremendous divergence. i hate it. it is something i have grown to love about western oklahoma. it is a tremendous challenge. the book hit me over the head. the idea of all these things like knights of columbus and rotary club and going bowling, we are getting destruction of our environment. part of it i blame on the
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internet. part of it i blame on federal programs. thee could just see what all based it is not on money or programs. is based on a human being and the purpose in our life. host: thank you for the call. thank you for adding your voice to the conversation. guest: thank you. it sounds like you could have written my book. technology is the one thing i have not talked about you mentioned. it changes the way we interact with other people. you can draw away. you can see a group of teenagers hanging out and not interacting. reunion20th high school , and it would not have happened if there was not a facebook
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group about it. social media can bring us together physically. thingk that is the best it can do. we cannot replace physical interaction and the importance of that. even before social media, technology does have negative effects such as houses are bigger, the attached garage, your espresso maker, it is possible to go through your day without interacting with other people. for some people this is a vision of heaven. that morele, making tiesorm erodes some of the you are talking about. rose.from new york, you have been very patient. thank you for waiting. caller: good morning. thank you for your book.
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community andral a devout catholic faith. i have seen a lot of the catholic schools have been closed. i love living on staten island. it is more suburban. seeing these catholic schools close, catholic school instills that conscience in the community that sometimes public schools cannot do. i feel like we need that position between some of the communities that have cultural differences. in south america, they all know christianity. separation of church and state kind of hurts the community a little bit because
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not consciousness is automated in the public schools. host: thank you. guest: it is true that the closure of catholic schools is happening around the country. one of the studies i go through has to do with neighborhoods where catholic schools shut down because they tried to look for some random problem with the building that was unexpected. they try to find the places where the school was shut down not because the neighborhood was crumbling, but because something happened at the school. it seemed to be the shutting down of the catholic school led to negative things in the neighborhood, and graffiti. people were less likely to say you could trust your neighborhood. shutting down the catholic school does harm the neighborhood if this study does hold up.
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i think that is definitely true. community isstrong not bringing people together. folks joining together for a higher cause, trying to pursue a good outside of themselves. you see that and lots of secular places. slope, they park are dedicated to raising their kids. religionof america, has been that cause, joint higher cause. host: you say the book is not about donald trump. you focus about donald trump. he tweeted, despite the most hostile and corrupt media, the trump administration has accomplished more in its first two years than any other administration, judges, tax
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cuts, best economy, lowest unemployment and much more. when you hear that, what is your reaction? guest: i think lots of good things have come from trump with regard to the problem of alienation. he has stopped trying to chase the church out of public schools. a growing economy is going to be key to this, but it is not enough. is northe studies dakota, part of the fracking boom. firstoney came in in the five to seven years, there was not a turnaround in the outcomes. over 10 or 15 years, they can slowly build the community. donald trump was elected because of a decline in community. no president is going to be able to solve these problems.
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host: we have stand. keep it brief. 1917, a criminal justice conference, he said the key things are family, education and religion. if those three things work together, they get resolved. guest: amen. family, education, religion. it is a three legged stool. some people want to say family first, it is a building block. whenies will be stronger communities are stronger. some people say you just need more money in the public school. if you don't have involved families, it is not going to work. these three things depend on each other. and a lot of america, they are there. and a lot of america, they are not. that we will conclude on point. the book is titled "alienated
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america: why some places thrive while others collapse." thank you for being with us. snl back at you go, it last night taking aim at paul manafort, who was sentenced last week. [video clip] >> here is how bad trump's presidency is going, his campaign manager this week was sentenced to four years in prison, and that is good news. paul manafort, who looks like he faced up to 24ed years in prison but only got four years. millionstole over $50 and he basically got sentenced to college. gave him aaid he sentence because manafort have lived and otherwise blameless life, which is also the name of my favorite third eye blind album. how can you claim manafort lived
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a blameless life? he is being sentenced for another crime next week, a crime he committed while on house arrest for a third crime. as a rich black eye, it is encouraging. if i can still millions of dollars and the united states presidency in exchange for three years of prison in my 70's, i can't promise i won't try. courtesy of nbc and that was s&l last night. we continue the conversation everyday at 7:00 eastern time. 4:00 for those on the west coast. tomorrow, our guest is stephen dennis who covers bloomberg news and catherine watson, a white house reporter for cbs news. we will also take a look at your money. a focus on the paid family leave byposal being put together
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the american enterprise institute. that is tomorrow at 7:00 a.m.. newsmakers is up next. have a great week ahead. ♪ >> newsmakers is next with ben ray lujan, the democrat of new mexico and the first person to have the title of assistant house speaker. kiersten nielsen talks about border security at a house hearing. after that, four speeches by republican center -- centers lisa murkowski, members who oppose the declaration that is
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expected to be voted on this week. then, a hearing on sexual assault in the military. including a statement from martha mcsally on being sexually assaulted while in the air force. q&a, penn state history professor amy greenberg discusses her book "lady first." the world of first lady sarah polk. >> i was astounded by the way she exercise power. she wrote letters to a supreme court justice and members of completelyat were competent, one hundred percent about politics and were not noticeably different from a letter that a man would write. >> tonight at 8:00 eastern on c-span q&a. >> our
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