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tv   Andrew Desiderio  CSPAN  March 13, 2019 4:45pm-4:56pm EDT

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the special counsel assures me in ways i find profound is he talked about fidelity as he talked to his agents. that the fidelity to this constitution, to this country and the truth will find us through to the path we want to take and success as we look for the better angels of our nature. so, mr. speaker, this is a simple vote but an important vote. we need to get to the bottom of what happened and put faith in the special counsel's findings and put faith in the american public and the people that they can devise their own truth when we give them this investigation's report. you either believe the public and congress should see the report or you don't. it looks like we agree they should. we owe it to our constituents and the american people and to future generations to do the right thing always but i think today to release the report. mr. speaker, i ask for a yes
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>> andrew desiderio joins us, he covers congress for politico. the house is taking up a resolution on special counsel robert mueller's upcoming report. what's the resolution do? guest: the resolution is nonbinding but puts pressure on the swrussties department to make the full mueller report and its findings public and available to congress. you recall there's some tension when attorney general bill barr during his confirmation here hearings would not fully commit to making the contents of that report public. democrats over the house side were petty alarmed by that. and they've put together different legislative efforts they think could muster their way through congress. this is the one they think has the best chance of passing both chambers. host: the resolution's main author is jerry nadler of the judiciary committee. you tweeted that the the house will vote wednesday or thursday
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on making the mueller report available to public and the congress. the latest to put pressure on the attorney general, he remains noncommital on releetsing the full mueller report. how will this put pressure on the department and the attorney general? guest: this is just one way house democrats hope they can do this. the chairs of six different house investigative committees have sent a letter to attorney general barr encouraging him on this subject, urging him, rather, to make it fully public, as much heas can. the only redaxes they feel are necessary are grand jury material which always remain secret, and classified information or information that would reveal sources and methods, many of which could be contained in the foo final mueller report. but those are the only redaxes house democrats will accept. host: how is this resolution part of house democrat's broader effort to investigate the trump administration?
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guest: they argue because the justice department has a policy that they cannot indict a sitting president they must -- congress must get any records of criminal misdoing on the part of the president so they can hold him accountable through their own processes, namely impeachment. jerry nadler and adam schiff have both threatened to subpoena for the final report if they don't get enough of those findings to their satisfaction. this could become a feisty conflict between congress and the executive branch coming up in the coming weeks or months, whenever we get the mueller report. host: as house debate gets under way on this, what do you expect to hear from house republicans? guest: house republicans have said they agree with the substance of the resolution. the idea that everybody should know what mueller has done and sort of what his findings were. who he has indicted who he has gone after, who he has
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subpoenaed, who he has interviewed, things like that. very basic information. this will put republicans on the spot in terms of where they stand on this issue of releasing the findings, in other words, the evidence of potential wrongdoing on the part of the president or anyone else who's been involved in this mueller investigation. fwl a tough vote for them even though it's nonbinding. host: here another case of a bill or resolution spearheaded by democrats in the house. what is its future in the senate? guest: leader mcconnell has very coy about whether he'd bring something like this up in the senate. he said he supports the general idea of the report becoming public but has deferred greatly to attorney general barr and his discretion which house democrats have not. you could see a conflict there but leader mcconnell hasn't indicated one way or the other whether he'll put this up for a vote. host: andrew desiderio is
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covering this for politico. ollow him on twitter, @desiderio. >> the house will vote tomorrow on the resolution that mueller's report should be made available to the public and congress. that begins tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. eastern. also, the senate will vote on a house-passed resolution to block president trump's national emergency declaration and prevent unappropriated funds from being used to build a border wall. at least four republican senators plan to vote in favor of the measure. if it passes the president has said he'll veto it. the senate is live thursday on c-span2. >> tomorrow, the senate will vote on a resolution terminating the president's emergency declaration for the southern border. both democratic and republican leaders have been talking about it. >> tomorrow the sthath will vote
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on a resolution to terminate the president's emergency declaration. a declaration which undermine ours separation of powers in order to fund the president's wall with american taxpayer dollars, despite candidate trump's repeated promises that mexico would pay for it. be any simpler. all it says is this, one single sentence. quote, resolved by the senate and house of representatives that the united states of america in congress assembled that pursuant to section 202 of the national emergencies act, the national emergency declared by the finding of the president on february 15, 2019, in >> on the issue of the wall, i think everybody in my conference is in favor of the border
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security. there's no secret that it's generated a good deal of discussion and we'll continue having those discussions but it will all come a head on thursday. the clock runs and the vote will occur on thursday. >> so far, four republican senators have indicated they'll vote to approve the resolution terminating the president's emergency declaration. susan collins from maine, alaska's lisa mruczkowski, tom till liss from north carolina, and kentucky's rand paul. watch the vote live tomorrow during the senate session on c-span2 or online at >> we're happy to announce the winner's -- -- the winners of this year's c spap to student cam competition, answering the question what does it mean to be american? we received 3,000 entries from 48 states with more than 6,000 students. congratulations to all our winners. our first prize middle school liners are eda chen and hana
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>> we often forget the important role that journalism pay i plays in our nation's survival. >> the first prize high school winners are jacob, malcolm, and matthews from urbandale high school in urbandale, iowa. >> it's almost the 50th anniversary of the tinker v. des moines supreme court case. >> what's that? first elped ensure amendment rights for school students. >> he first prize high school west goes to christian and gabriel from william j. palmer high school in colorado springs, colorado. for what it means to be american, voting. >> in this age we often decide -- we often site what america was founded upon. one ideal is that every man is represented. this is what makes us american. voting. the concept that everyone affected by government, gets a
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say in the government. >> and the grand prize win over $5,000 are mason dorrity and eli scott from imagine international academy of north texas in mckinney, texas, for their video, what it means to be american. >> our american institution is one of the most unique in the world where students have the powers vested in them to hold the government accountable rather than sit around and complain. the greatest thing about the issue of corruption in the united states is that the citizens are doing it. in most cases the people are willing to recognize the nation's laws even when the politicians don't. >> over the past 15 years, c-span has given away $1 million in total prizes to the winners of our student cam video documentary competition. the top 21 winning entries will air on c-span in april and you can watch every winning student cam documentary online at
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>> now today's confirmation hearing for two of president trump's nominees to serve as judges on the ninth circuit court of appeals. they took questions on their judicial philosophy and applying supreme courses prekent. the committee is chaired by senator lindsey graham. senator graham: good morning. i believe senator cotton is here to make an introduction. we'll lead with you. senator cotton: thank you, mr. chairman. i am honored to introduce my old friend ken lee to be circuit judge for the court of appeals of the ninth circuit. i hope i haven't hereby doomed his chances. joining


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