Kellyanne Conway
Kellyanne Conway Speaks to White House Reporters CSPAN March 25, 2019 1:42pm-2:01pm EDT
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democracy. so i will be doing oversight to try to put this puzzle together, and don't know what mr. barr will do. but i think because of the emotional nature of all this that somebody like mr. mueller needs to look at the fisa warrant, the other stuff. thank you very much. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> white house counselor kellyanne conway spoke to reporters about the mueller report this morning. she called for house intelligence committee chair adam schiff to resign for what she said were false claims. his is 20 minutes. ms. conway: in case it wasn't clear, many of you, but personal many of others who aren't
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represented here have allowed this person as ranking member and now chairman of the intelligence committee to let a lie fly for two years. literally going out, not under oath, and saying day after day, moment after moment, full of vim and vigor, is that correct and bark that there is a mountain of evidence of collusion against the president and beat watergate. people who were involved in watergate were claiming it would be bigger than watergate based on nothing other than their ibletablete to get on ott next tv show. he wants to be chairman of the intelligence committee, he should get off the tv and go and do his job. but he hasn't been doing that. he has been able to have unfettered access to all of you who, some of you let light fly for two years. what you have done to people's lives, what you have done to the president, what you have done to the institution, not you, not pointing at the media, don't feel story for yourself, you have made a great victim of donald trump here because the obsession with the 2016 election and the inability to, coin a
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phrase, quote, accept the election results, has placed us perilous close to the 2020 election. don't care if two democrats run or 50 democrats run or 100 democrats run, anything times zero still equals zero. that compelling message is one big zero. that's somebody else's problem. the idea that this president has been under this cloud not of his making by people who simply just could not accept how wrong they were about 2016 and this man may have in our great democracy, that he would not have been elect bide anything other than fairly and squarely 306 and 304 electoral votes in this country the way we elect our president, we let hilltry clinton have an election tour, comey say what he wanted, this liar and leaker who the democrats couldn't stand, then he was second comings. -- coming. you have to reflect, folks. i don't know what else to say? i'm here all the time talking to
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him. the president makes himself available. i was asked 10 times a day on tv in the 2016 elections after the final debate where hillary clinton basically admitted -- will he accept the election results? will you? will people who are there for the destruction of donald trump accept the election results in 2016 finally? will these democrats who share powerful committees, will people in the media who aren't under oath in their anchor chairs who have wasted all this time, all this money. you know what really gets me, a very calm, happy person, i tell you what gets my goat, you don't owe me an a-- apology. you owe the country an apol gy. let me make very clear to you. it gets my goat we're doing great things in the building and you refuse to cover it because you had to cover collusion and russians and treason and impeachment. you had to cover indictment, you
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had to cover nonsense. there are people out there who are relying on you to help us tell them what we're doing. for them. the veterans, the drug addicts, people languishing in prison long past paid their dues to society. we have joint custody of this country together for the next six years. so let's do a better job. shall we? if i see any of writing -- don't read it. don't read about my sefment ranting, fuming, mutt me down as not ranlting or fuming. -- rapting or fuming. put me down as somebody who is asking you to reflect, asdy after the 2016 elections but nobody d nobody left their jobs. reporter: mueller report the president on twitter said was very inappropriate for the d.o.j. -- would the white house
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insert executive privilege the white house position they can can insert executive privilege? ms. conway: i'll let the president and his attorneys address that. will i tell you this, i did note something that's not getting much coverage which is that apparently mr. mueller and mr. rosenstein found no reason to subpoena the president. they had his -- he had his answers to written questions. they saw no reason to subpoena the president for testimony. again, those who are saying protect mueller, how many times have i been asked? how many times have we all been asked? sean spicer in donald trump, everybody hasegawa been asked. will you fire muler? will we protect muler? we must protect mueller. mueller was protected. nobody obstructed the -- reporter: for months, the president talked about how mueller didn't have much credibility. liar. ed in -- him a mr. conway: he let the mueller
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investigation continue. never fired mueller. he never fired rosenstein. he he let it go. rosenstein stayed onboard to see the whole thing through, through barr. reporter: now you're saying the report has credibility? ms. conway: he told you yesterday on the south lawn, let the people see the report. he agrees the 420-0 vote. but have the report comes out. it's not up to him. you know that. it's up to the attorney general. reporter: has he spoken to the attorney general? ms. conway: we're not going to make up government and get in the way -- reporter: does the president owe mueller an apology? ms. conway: great to see you. i'm sure are you full of questions today. i got answers. reporter: believe in the obligation of the attorney general to look into how this investigation was launched? and whether there was any conduct, suspicious or untored in the way this was launched? he implied that yesterday before he got on air force one in florida.
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ms. conway: as the president said many people are saying that. the reason is to know how we got to this point where there is no obstruction. no obstructive activity. no collusion. no conspiracy which a word americans understand. not collusion. but we ought to know how this started. why not? let's see the fisa warrant? let's get all the information from the seventh floor at justice at the top, top echelons of the f.b.i., getting their insurance policies, demeaning and deriding trump voters, which i am one and whom i will always be protective forgotten men and women, trying to get the insurance policy. not just putting a thumb on the scale of justice at justice, but sitting on the scale. for sure, let's see it. what is everybody agrade frade of? we no longer want the truth. we want no longer want to know what happened. we no longer trying to he protect the interconstitution? nobody has flinched or winced or
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felt reluctant for a second, in two years, $25 million-plus. 500 witnesses. 13 foreign government requests. does anybody feel embarrassed about that? we're spending our time speakinging to other foreign governments about this? and -- speaking to foreign governments about this and not about any other issues? the president's record over the last year, illing' put it next to the record of any other president. what he's been able to accomplish on behalf of the american people, under this cloud, is pretty remarkable. without this cloud i would say he's just getting started. that's up to the attorney general. you know the protocol here. he said last week let the people see the report. but what if the report is issued is not up to the president, it's up to the attorney general. everybody knew that going into this. you can't just abra can dab a your way into the report.
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whose ax will be gored next. this is what happens as we make sure of a fishing expedition and unverified as the president would say hoaxes and witch-hunts. you never know when you're going to end and never know what's going to happen next. i'm surprised everybody wants all the information to come out because there srnl are people who have cooperated with the investigation who couldn't stop section texting and emailing and talking to the media. reporter: mueller punted on the issue of obstruction of justice. do you wish he had weighed in more fully on that? how do you reach that conclusion there was no obstruction when it's an open question? ms. conway: i read the quotes no obstructive conduct. clearly they have concluded no obstructive conduct. i'm take that. versus the collusion, collusion, watergate, watergate of two years. i like our odds today. however, the failure to find obstruction means that no
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obstruction was written into the report. for a reason. let's not forget where that came from. that came from leaks and accusations, i believe it started with jim comey. saying that he specifically leaked information hoping that it would draw an investigation. i know he's out with the redwoods or over that geopolitical and geological time he's doing something aggrandizing himself. but maybe we'll hear from him again. maybe he he should get a lawyer. maybe he should be brought in. maybe you shouldn't give him the welcome and phony book tour. maybe he should be asked what happened again under oath. reporter: people were unfairly treated in this investigation. considering any pardons for people like michael flynn, paul manafort? ms. conway: i haven't discussed that with him. reporter: does he he see any
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further just at this case that would be justified after these conclusions were released? ms. conway: i haven't discussed that with him. reporter: do you believe these charges -- ms. conway: what i'm president i'll let you know who i'm pardoning. reporter: why shouldn't the country be able to see the president's written responses? ms. conway: because he was responding to questions that turns out weren't particularly relevant or important to anything. there's no conclusion. no obstructive conduct no. conspiracy. no indictments. nobody named trump indicted. i know you want to keep this, lots of folks want to keep this alive. let me say very clearly, the country will see the mueller investigation where mr. mueller said nothing, director mueller said nothing for two years. they'll see that as the fair and full and author re investigation using their tax dollars. waiting their time. all the stories that were never said, thousands and thousands
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and thousands of stories about this to the detriment of all the other news americans could have used. this is a fair and full investigation they will regard. anything now, any other investigation in congress, that can be seen as hyper partisan, politically motivated, gnawing at the same bone . to coin a frizzfra the democrats in the late 1990's, move on. reporter: the sanctions -- the president tweeted that we're now finding out they are not going to move forward with any large-scale sanctions against north korea. this happens to be a 180 degree -- ms. conway: if there is a difference between the chinese date before and the brotter sanctions. i got to get to meeth. reporter: with regard to the issue of moving on, certainly after the midterm elections the president said he would be willing to work with democrats but couldn't be a dynamic where there is talk of impeachment or continuing investigation. at what point in terms of
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whether or not to investigate the investigation would the president be willing to move on entirely when you have house judiciary committee chairman gerry nadler -- ms. conway: thanks for the question. i'ming going to walk into that building. we'll have a different of different meetings. everything from infrastructure to drug pricing to health care overall to -- you name it, it's done here. trade obviously is ongoing. keeping this unbelievable economy booming. so we're ready. the president tweeted out after a call with speaker pelosi, look in the last six to eight weeks, check it, just spoke with pelosi, we'll work together on infrastructure, drug pricing. where are they? where are they? they can come here today, call today. i have seen a number of democrats getting the religion of bipartisanship just overknight. we -- overnight. we need to work together on infrastructure and drug pricing. a lot of moderate members,
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particularly those who -- democrats who won trump districts in 2018, they are very upset. starting to seat articles. we have known for a while. they tell us directly they are very upset with the air time you give the extremist freshmen in these very safe liberal districts out there talking about green new deals that cost trillions of dolllears and socialism and we still have the governor of virginia tid, lieutenant governor the alleged racist? is he still there? you might get back to that. colluding with his yearbook. focus, folks. focus. let's focus on issues. you know what, nimet here constantly, sarah's at that pode couple. the president himself. all we have tried to talk about is issues. you know he what you said to us, we'd love to talk about issues, but collusion. we'd love to talk about issues but tweets. that's what you said. what do you want to know? i can can hold forth on any policy in that building.
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you are willing to know it because we don't say it. meanwhile secretary mnuchin, back in china to negotiate trade. usmca. congress should come up with a vote on that. get the best trade deal we can can for america, the american workers, the american industries. this president's leadership means manufacturing and mining and warehouse and construction are back. so let's get this done for the american people. see how honest people who are calling for bipartisanship today who were lying about evidence of collusion and worse than watergate for two years. reporter: you and the president seem to be on the same page, you are adopting the conclusions of attorney general barr based on his reading of -- ms. conway: you're not? reporter: can i finish my question. let me go to it, then. my question is -- ms. conway: who, what, where, ,
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when how? reporter: is the president also adopting mueller's finding that russia did interfere in the 2016 election? ms. conway: we talked about that so many times. you never finished a sentence. you what's the causation? i'm a fully recovered attorney but i remember the first day of law school we taught us where are the damages? what's the causation? what vote was changed? you allowed hillary clinton running around if it wasn't comb yes' fault it was russia's fault. reporter: does it matter votes were changed? foreign power interfered -- ms. conway: we have all addressed that. if you want to do something for this country, work together to make sure that that foreign interference doesn't happen. reporter: has the president spoken with the attorney general in the last 24 hours, does he have plans to? ms. conway: i know the attorney general has been very busy. the president conferred with his own attorney.
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i am neat going to comment on that. reporter: the president exlected to make a declaration today? on the golan heights? understand -- ms. conway: it's time to recognize that. peace in the middle east. he made it clear on friday how he feels. reporter: how is this not different from crimea? the russian invasion of crimea? ms. conway: how is it not different from the russian -- reporter: is this any different? ms. conway: yes. read his intent. while you're at it, run a story since you can't do collusion and on strucks of justice -- obstruction of just t. let's run a story about the president's record in israel. this is why mr. netanyahu has said he's the best friend israel has ever had. why? because he kept a promise not one, two -- >> we have to leave the last minute or so of these remarks. the house is about to gavel in. you can can watch all of our
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programs and read the mueller report summary at in the house today work on a number of bills on venezuela. and tomorrow vote on whether to override the president's veto of the resolution that would terminate his emergency border declaration. the speaker pro tempore:ed house will be in order -- the house -- the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. chaplain conroy: let us pray. gracious god, we give you thanks forgiving us another day. send us your spirit and lighten the hearts of those who are faithful and tireless, in securing equal justice under the law. fulfill the hopes of those who long for peace and security for their children. guide and protect all elected officials and all who choose to
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