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tv   Daniel Newhauser  CSPAN  March 30, 2019 1:16am-1:26am EDT

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that applies to other media. that is one of the reasons there is a distinguish -- distinction between the two. host: which is a good thing. [laughter] mr. pai: i will stay mum on that one. host: thank you, i appreciate it. [applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its >> daniel from the national gender -- national journal joins us. could see changes, what is mitch mcconnell attempting to do? to take the wants senate rules to limit the amount of time it would take to debated judges and nominees to be judges or sub cabinet positions. this would not apply to the
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.upreme court mcconnell wants to limit debate hours0 hours to just two which would speed up how many judges nominees president trump can get through. >> the senate has already approved about three dozen appellate court nominees. what is mitch mcconnell think this change is necessary? >> there are two things going on. one is that mitch mcconnell thinks that there have just not been enough nominees approved. he has accused the democrats of obstruction and not allowing president trump to have as many nominees as this time as president obama did. break,other side of the some believe that this is an attempt to go nuclear. to set up a vote on the entire nuclear option because mitch mcconnell needs a 60 votes to approve this rules change, which
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he may not get, because he would need a significant amount of democrats to vote with them. happen,hat does not they have already threatened that they are going to change the rules of the senate entirely to mean that they would only mean -- need 50 votes to pass nominees. in that case, he would need 50 votes to get that done. stillight not happen, but , he has a much better chance of that van a 60 vote threshold. >> how are senate democrats responded? chuck schumer thinks that this is a an attack on minority rights accusing mitch mcconnell of essentially a pop or see, say that when mcconnell was in the minority, he cares so much about minority rights and now he's of the majority, he wants to throttle the minorities ability
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to have any say in the legislation were nominees of the senate. i don't expect that this is ,oing to be handled amicably and certainly against the point of invoking the nuclear option, this is going to be a huge deal. in the house, let's switch gears, they are sets to take up the reauthorization of the violence against women act. what does this law do and why does it need to be reauthorized? >> this is a law that to eliminateries domestic violence by setting up grant programs and other funding handlegrams that domestic violence issues. it needs to be reauthorized because it expired in february. often times, this becomes part of a year and spending deal package and republicans and democrats get together and vote on the bill.
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but actually expired at the end of last year over disagreements about how to handle not just this bill, but other issues as well. so now it is back. is that, for republicans, democrats have added certain gun control measures to the bill and republicans and the national rifle association are very opposed. >> let me bring up your tweet. nra will issue a key vote against the violence against women act over red flag gun provisions coming at the request of the house gop who want elliptical cover to vote against the bill. why do they need that cover? this is a politically dicey issue every year when this comes up. it is called the violence against women act, and if you are voting against that, the political ads right themselves.
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this came up, democrats had inserted certain provisions that would extend the anti-domestic violence issues to undocumented immigrants, to transgender women and other categories of people that republicans disagree with. it became a heated political issue, and eventually, republicans didn't back down to some degree. democrats are now trying to do this with gun control, allowing them to highlight that issue. they have added red flag provisions which would make it possible for authorities to confiscate guns from people who have been convicted of stalking or domestic violence. now the nra says this is only misdemeanor stalking or misdemeanor domestic violence and we think that this opens up a precedent we don't like. so that gives us some republicans who are essentially forced year to make a politically dicey vote either
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against violence against women or four gun control in a little bit more of a comfortable cantion because the nra drum up supporters to call in to congress and urge them to vote for this and that. they are going to be grading members on how they vote on this bill. republican members could potentially now go back to their districts and say yes i voted against the act, but it's not because of violence is women, it is because of guns. >> all right, we keep following your reporting national journal and on twitter. thanks so much for your time. >> thank you. o'rourke kicksto off his presidential bid in el paso. my coverage begins on c-span, online, and on the free c-span radio app.
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>> this weekend, book tv has coverage of the virginia festival of the book of short bill with author discussions on music and social>> movements, race, politics, and crime. starting saturday at 1 p.m. eastern. blight ons david frederick douglass and raymond arsenault discussing arthur ashe. ,uthor melanie with her book crawford with freedom fighters and helzer's use. charles marsh with can i get a witness, and laurie anderson with shout and jason reynolds with his book long way down. watch coverage of the virginia festival of the book on saturday at one in eastern. >> this weekend, on american ii navajo, world war
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code talkers have a look back at the 1970 93-mile island their power accident. saturday at 2 p.m. eastern on oral histories, the first of six interviews with former coach corpss work in the marine and use their native language to secretly communicate operational plans. >> it took us to the navajo code talkers, compelled to use their language and they devised it and scheme does such a way that it played a role, a very unique role of confusing the enemy. live, sunday morning, on american history tv and c-span's washington journal, the 40th anniversary of a nuclear island power plant accident near harrisburg pennsylvania, considered the most serious
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accident in the united states joining us to look at the event, historian and author samuel directord the acting of the nuclear safety project for the union of concerned scientists. america, on a real watch the 1979 cbs report fallout from three-mile island. please stay indoors with your windows closed. >> for almost a week last month, the people of middletown pennsylvania and in fear of an enemy they could not see, hear, or feel. >> watch american history tv this weekend on c-span3. we welcome the family research council president tony perkins back to our desk joining us for this morning a discussion on the trump administration's life agenda. discussion,to that first reminding viewers what the mexico city policy is. >>


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