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tv   Washington Journal 06072019  CSPAN  June 7, 2019 6:59am-10:01am EDT

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[captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] c-spanhe morning on friday, attorney general liam bar speaking at a graduation ceremony. then a look at human rights in china from the heritage foundation at 10:30 area at 9:00 p.m., senator bernie sanders joining a live podcast. on c-span2 at 9:00 a.m. eastern, corona hear from senator no. and on c-span-3, site
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and mental health at 939. :30.30 host: good morning your they 100 anniversary of congress passing the 19th amendment, giving women the right to vote. in every presidential election since 1964, the number of female voters has exceeded the number of male voters. only, who is your choice for 2020? eastern and central part, women dial 202-748-8000. mountain and pacific, 202-748-8001. join us on twitter or
7:01 am look at the role women have played in the last few election cycles. hillary clinton won the female and a 2012 in 2016 women broke for president obama 55% to mitt romney's 44% and in 2008, president obama winning the female vote by 56% over 43% for john mccain, his challenger at the time. if you look at women voters and what they say right now about their top choice for 2020 democratic candidate, joe biden at 33.7%, followed by bernie sanders at 24.8%. women only this morning, your choice for 2020. news about the former vice president, after uproar, joe
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budden denounces federal limit on abortion funds. he told reporters he no longer supports a measure that bans federal funding for most abortions. wednesday, the new york times reported he said he supported the measure known as the hyde amendment county changed positions illustrates the intense pressure he faces as the presumed front-runner for the democratic nomination for president. he said that women's rights and health care are under assault in a way that seeks to roll back every set of progress -- step of progress in the last 50 years, health care is a right, i can no amendment thatan makes that right dependent on someone zip code. elizabeth warren said the hyde amendment limits safe abortions and it is time for it to go. , i oppose the height
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amendment in 1993 and i oppose it today, i will never back down. bill de blasio, the mayor of new york city, says, now can i do the dr. jekyll and mr. hyde about the switch by the former vice president. women only, your choice for 2020 and do you agree with the new york times that joe biden is the presumptive front-runner? nelly, who is your choice in 2020? caller: it is joe biden, but that is only if kamala harris does not get the nomination. harris over biden -- why camilla harris -- kamala harris over biden? guest: he -- caller: he is
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respected on both sides of the island and that is what we need to bring this country back together, doll trump has also divided where we do not even listen to each other talk. you need someone everyone trusts and everyone has confidence in, for the most part, because there is always the skeptics. , he servedven leader our country honorably. it is joe biden. uncle joe. we love him. i feel like he would be the best harrisht now if kamala does not get the nomination. do not sound -- you do not sound confident she can get the nomination? caller: my only reason in the lack of confidence is we live in times assogynistic there are people who will not vote for her because she is a woman, literally, and those who will not vote for her because she is an african american woman. you have people on the african-american side that did
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not have confidence in her because of her prosecutorial history. there is a lot of problems, even though i have confidence in her, she has an uphill battle to gain confidence with the nation to get the nomination. cnn, this headline from ied, stillg hillary haunted by 2016 with the female candidates. caller: it is discouraging because she would be the first theect -- she would be perfect person because she has the experience and thinks of things totally different and we need a different perspective. presidents that were old, white men. we need something different, obviously that is not working. i am not the only one who will
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vote. host: ok. nelly and maryland. los angeles times, for many black voters 2020 is not about pride or making history, it is about beating president trump. charlene and columbus, ohio. ohio, who did, you pick? caller: good morning. host: go ahead. caller: my choice for president is president donald trump. i just finished watching for the second time the celebration or the remembrance of the d-day invasion at normandy. in the troops and enormity battle. i love president trump. i think he has been misunderstood by the media and the opposition. i believe he has done a great job. he stands for things i believe in.
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he is pro-american worker and american economy. his battle over immigration has nothing to do with hating immigrants. he is trying very hard to protect the sovereignty of the nation. and our borders. which every nation has a right to do. not that we do not want to welcome immigrants but want to welcome legal immigrants. , that is a very important value to me and i believe that the battle to save the unborn will turn out to be the crucial moral crisis of our generation. some would characterize this as a woman's right to choose but ds whenht to choose en there is a beating heart in our womb. president trump and i pray for him every day and wish him well and i wish that more women what listen to his heart and forgive sometimes the
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roughness of his words. his heart, his beating heart for america. host: charlene has the issue of top of allways been the issues for you? has that determine how you voted in every election? caller: yes. yes. it would certainly be the key issue -- a key issue, i love the president's economic policies, they have been good for the economy and workers and good for the nation. i believe he explains the issue of trade deficits. i think you talk to the american people like he is talking across the kitchen table and that has enabled ordinary to understand complex issues and the dangers of terrible trade deficits and deficits in general. --hink that president trump it sounds silly to say but i
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think he is a regular guy and i believe he has gone to washington as the great businessman, he has gone to washington not to build a power base for himself or a future for himself, or an economic benefit for himself, he has gone to washington with the hope of helping the nation. as the men during world war ii with the industrialist, as they went to washington as dollar a year men to help save the nation. host: on this issue of abortion 33% of2020 election, women said it is an issue for them at 42% of independent women said it was, and 39% of nonwhite women said abortion is a key issue for them in this 2020 election. on the president and his efforts to win over female voters, a headline, a few headlines, donald trump is catching fire with female donors, the
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reelection campaign for the president has made progress in 2016 but faces a long road ports gender parity in fundraising. , 20 20, donalds trump can expect women to vote for him in utero -- and even rater numbers. -- in even greater numbers, monica crowley believes more women will turn out for the president. pew research says gender gap widens, and use of the government's role and the ofsidents, the gender gap presidential approval ratings is larger under president trump than for other recent presidents . here are the numbers, the percentage of those who say they approve of the job he is doing, only 31 percent of women say that and 44% of men. francis and lumberton, north carolina, good morning. caller: i go with the lady
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who just spoke, everything she said, i believe it and i am pro-abortion and i think president trump stands for that because i believe in lives. when a baby has a heartbeat, that is a life and i think president trump supports that. that is one of my main issues. i think he does good on the economy. he has really brought our country back to where it used to be. he looks up for the person that is working. -- he reallyy he loves the veterans. and the way he went to normandy and was a great inspiration to me, the way he supported the veterans that served in that war. he has made our country look good.
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i am for president trump. host: christine in miami, good morning, your turn. caller: good morning. pete.oting for mayor i can hardly pronounce his last name. host: join the club. [laughter] caller: something about his tone. it gives me confidence that he really is smart and he is kind. i just like him, i am a black hopee in florida and i people get behind him, just listen to what he says, he has a plan. host: what about the other women that are running? caller: mrs. harris lost points with me when that guy got on the
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stage and she froze. do you understand me? we are females, you want to be president, be ready to fight. do not recoil when somebody approaches you. she lost points with me. 's is my sonsren thick but she does not touch my heart. pick but she does not touch my heart. host: elizabeth warren has done 95 town halls, 445 audience questions answered and we are just getting started she says. she also said, she tweeted video, the cards she gets when she goes through the line and shakes hands. listen to what she is reading
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from her fans. >> from the consumer financial look at that,eau, cat.e thank you for visiting michigan, we are thrilled to have you, so excited watching you traverse the nation. your firm commitment to structural change, you have such a deep understanding. host: more from the senator from massachusetts. here she is on the stump at a rally in fairfax, virginia last month, talking about a key issue for her, that is corruption. >> it is who this government works for, now in washington, this government works
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fabulously, terrific for giant drug companies. just not for people trying to get a prescription filled. [applause] it works great for big financial institutions. just not for people who are trying to make it a check to paycheck without getting ripped off -- make it paycheck-to-paycheck without getting ripped off. terrifically for giant oil companies who want to drill everywhere, just not for people who see climate change bearing down upon us. [applause] when you have a government that works great for those with money and is not working for anyone corruption, pure and simple, and we need to call it out for what it is. [applause] host: women only this morning,
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who is your choice for 2020? elizabeth warren or one of the other 25 or 26 candidates running? go to venue or times to learn more about the candidates -- go to the new york times to learn more about the candidates. karen in new york. good morning to you. caller: good morning. host: who are you going to vote for? caller: the only person if anybody has a mind to vote for his president trump. host: tell us why? caller: he stands for everything good in this country. warren,k at elizabeth she could do one million town halls and if she had to lie about her race years ago, that to me shows a flaw in your character and i would not consider her. the other candidates on the democratic side, to me they could not polished donald
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trump's shoes, they do not have his brains or patriotism. look what their agenda is, getting rid of i.c.e., late-term abortion, that is not america and i do not care what anyone says and i pray every day that donald trump gets another four years and people do see how great a president he is. and the way he conducted himself yesterday, the day before, the 75th anniversary, beautiful, he is a very caring person and no one should dispute that. i hope he wins. , how you mentioned lying do you respond when you hear political fact or other organizations like the washington post say the president has lied numerous times. caller: i do not believe them. the media is against president trump. they do not say one positive thing about him.
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they say he lied about everything with the mueller report of what did they find out in 2.5 years? i do not believe donald trump lies, i believe he is an honest person but people cannot get over the fact he beat hillary and it is said in this country that americans have to go after an american like that because they lost their candidate, it is low and disgusting. a bad time in our country and that is why god put donald trump as the winner in this country, to overdo the badness that the liberals -- if the liberals get in, got help our country. -- god help our country. for the president to appeal to more women according to ask yes, they will play at the strong economy and historically low unemployment. they will emphasize that donald trump supports pro-choice and expanding educational opportunities for african-americans and the campaign will tout how donald trump supports health care policies that protect policies with pre-existing conditions and
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will play up the administrations success of criminal justice reform. they will focus on how the energy revolution has made energy more affordable and creates jobs and reduces carbon emissions and how president supports money to fund cancer research and therapy. teresa in illinois, good morning, who did you pick? caller: good morning. my pick has to be president trump. myself but for future generations that will see daylight. democratic,ote unfortunately, i think they are not considering the fact that every abortion denies us future taxpayers, if you are that
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crass, look at it that way, future military, we have aborted america's total population many times over. and we need citizens. at least look at it that way. you can be selfish and look at it like, if you cannot possibly say to yourself that baby deserves a life, think of it as a future citizen and taxpayer. and wille is pro-life stand up for life, for people he will never know or meet, future generations, i have to vote for president trump. host: laura in the bronx. who is your pick? caller: elizabeth warren. i do not know about the women about trump, he is a liar and a con man, he has cheated people,
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tax cut the republicans passed was not a tax cut for middle america and for working people. theied about birther, central park five, he never apologized even though those men were exonerated and spent over 10 years in prison. he is a con man. host: why is your pick elizabeth warren? caller: she is articulate, she is smart, she has planned for the american people, for all of the american people, not just for a certain group of people. he insults people and tried to ban people, he made terrible comments on robert mueller, an outstanding citizen who served in the military, what does donald trump know about the military? host: sherry in eureka, california, good morning. who are you going to vote for?
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caller: bernie sanders. host: tell us why. caller: he is the only candidate that has been working for the little guy for 48 years, newcomers like elizabeth warren has ideas but no plan for them. bernie sanders has had plans for years and years, if you watch his video from when he was senator or congressman, he said the same thing then than now because nothing has changed since reagan screwed everything up. bernie is the only one who cares about the little guy. he will undo the garbage donald trump has done, he said he would fix social security and medicare , he cannot take social security from us because we paid into it, i am a 65-year-old white female. bernie has been the only one telling the truth and the only one who can beat donald trump.
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that is why we lost with hillary, if bernie had been there, he would be president right now and not donald trump. all these people wanting trump, it scares me because i am on social security disability and if he keeps going, i will have no income, he wants to take everything from the poor and give it to the rich and that is not right. host: glory in meridian, mississippi. good morning. caller: good morning, how are you? host: doing well. who do you plan to vote for? caller: it is a little bit early to make a decision with the wonderful candidates on the democrat side but i can cut you who i will never vote for and that is -- i can tell you who i will never vote for and that is donald trump who i think has disgraced his country. previous colors talked about what a wonderful job he did yesterday, he read the
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teleprompter, he did not embarrass us all and later that day fox news played a segment with laura ingraham where he was bashing nancy pelosi on the of thousandsgraves of people who died and gave their lives in world war ii. it was disgraceful. i think he is a disgraceful human being, he does not care about anybody other than himself. host: we heard your point but which democrats are you think can beat him? caller: i think joe biden would probably beat him. 100% sure joe biden would beat him and 100% sure bernie sanders and kamala harris would beat him. forward to ag great campaigning season but if i had to choose one, i would go with biden. host: cory booker tweeted
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yesterday about today's national gun violence awareness day, he said, let's remember the name of those we have lost to guns and violence. listen to his video. , the penalty would kill be 15 years old and chicago , beginning tradition of wearing orange on that day and throughout the weekend. let's all commit ourselves to honor this day, waking people up , with what we wear and say and do. this is a critically important issue, like a cancer on the soul of our nation. dozens and dozens of americans die each and every day to gun violence, enough is enough. we can win this fight. we can take this fight to the corporate gun lobby, all those standing against common sense gun safety. june 7, mark this day, increase
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awareness, join our coalition and make it stronger so we may get to a day for the deaths of our children and so many others needlessly dying in this nature stop. thank you. host: the spouses are getting involved in the campaigns as well, douglas imhoff, the husband of kamala harris, here he is -- [applause] >> douglas emmett off, i am married to -- douglas m half, i am married to --\ >> the next president of the united states. [applause] host: that was yesterday, and we are asking women only this morning, women have turned out in presidential elections going
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back decades in larger numbers than men. paid you plan to vote for in 2020? brenda in arkansas. caller: great show. host: who do you plan to vote for? caller: president trump, absolutely, he loves america. he has been talking about china and other countries taking advantage of america. he has talked about running for president but never has. he inherited a little money and he lost it all and made it all back. he is a double success. we have had the lowest unemployment for blacks and hispanics, i know anybody -- i do not know anybody who wants a job and does not have one. people are hypersensitive, they still love hillary and have not gotten over the election. he is also pro-life, which other people have mentioned, i think
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that our country will be better off with him. i have not seen any other candidate who is not offering free things for a vote. that is not what our country is about. you get out there and work, you lift yourself up, you do not need the government to make your life succeeded. president trump is enabling people to lift themselves up. he will not give them free college and free health care, work, work for what you want and make a success out of your life. we have to be responsible americans and not have the baby daddy government to take care of us. host: esperanza, miami beach, who will you vote for? caller: good morning. i am with president trump because he is the first president who really cares for the country. to recovergh brains
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this country from the corruption that has been for the past at least, i don't know how many years, but years of corruption. we need him to clean up the corruption. and to keep doing the good job he is doing to make america great again. i found this country in 1967 in 1967irst came to when i first came to school, it was a great country, and has been losing that greatness. now president trump is recovering this great country. host: where did you come from to this country? caller: i come from central america, nicaragua. i came to school legally and that is what i want, everybody to enter this country legally. [indiscernible]
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caller: this is a great country. host: more calls from female voters this morning on the washington journal but let's let you know what is happening in washington today. on the campaign trail. today at 10:00 and eastern, we will hear from the attorney general, he will give the address at the fbi national academy graduation and we will have coverage on c-span,, or listen with the free c-span radio app at 10:00 eastern. tuesday of next week, the house will take up a resolution calling for william barr and don mcgann to be held in contempt of congress for refusing to comply with subpoenas. once live coverage of the debate on the vote tuesday at noon eastern time on c-span. from the washington post, nancy
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pelosi told her colleagues yesterday that she wants president in prison, not impeach . i do not want to see him impeached, i want to see him in .rison she told her colleagues her leadership team unveiled a promise resolution that would hold the attorney general in contempt and the measure would authorize the house judiciary committee to go to court to force them to comply with congressional subpoenas. her comments and the contempt the votes are scheduled for tuesday. tonight, bernie sanders joins the political party live podcast and i went for another in a series of interviews with 2020 democratic presidential candidates and we will have coverage at 9:00 p.m. eastern time on c-span or with the c-span radio app or the website, will be, cory booker
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interviewed on political party live podcast in iowa city. watch it live at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span, online at, or the radio at. -- iowademocratic party democratic party with the campaign theme of it with candidates in the cedar rapids convention complex in iowa, on sunday at 3:00 p.m. eastern time here on c-span. or the website or the free c-span radio app. mary in fort washington, maryland, good morning. who will you vote for? caller: i will vote for either bernie sanders, elizabeth warren, kamala harris, chelsea gabbard. they all have plans. plans we can look at on paper with numbers. as far as the latest calling up
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saying they would vote for donald trump, i would tell them to listen to the access hollywood tape again and listen to the entire time he has never spoken the truth. nothing, 24 hours of lying. they would say they would vote for him. we are here to say we ladies will make this 45 a one term president. he will never return to office for anything. once we get a democratic president, we can choose from the list of the people running to do other things, like attorney general, we need somebody in the epa, we need everything reverts back to normalcy. ladies, if you want to vote for donald trump, that will take us back to 1920, which is trying to do now. he has made us the laughingstock of the world. he is the enemy of this country. thank you. was in newa harris
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hampshire recently and here is what she had to say about standing up to hate. >> -- charlottesville did not make it clear -- if charlottesville did not make it clear and the tree of life synagogue did not make it clear, , sexism,nti-semitism homophobia, trans phobia are real in this country and we must speak the truth. [applause] in speaking that truth, we must acknowledge that they are born out of hate, hate which, over the last couple of years has received new fuel, we must agree that whenever and wherever that hate presents itself, we must up, and weut, speak must agree that whoever is the
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target of that hate, they should never be made to fight alone. [applause] let's speak that truth. [applause] michigan, who are you going to vote for? caller: good morning. i am not going to vote for president trump. i do not understand the women who are calling and said therefore trump. i do not think he has respect for women. they have no respect for themselves to vote for him. what bothers me is all the line. i cannot talk -- the lying. i cannot tolerate that. i want to listen to the debates before i make up my mind. i am not on board with anybody yet. i want to listen to the debates and see what they have to say. host: monica crowley wrote that piece in the washington times about why women will vote for trump argues that, unlike the
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left vacuous promises to provide an economy that works for all based on warmed over socialism, donald trump is producing one grounded in the free market, that message with concrete economic benefits american women are experiencing every day is contributing to a positive environment for the reelection, many women they not approve of his personal style but they are hard-pressed to disapprove of his economic performance, they are enjoying his fruits in direct ways and may need to be reminded of who is responsible for their improved economic position. let's go to mount vernon, illinois, jerry. who are you going to vote for? caller: i am not going to look for trump, he is a disaster. to this country and to the world. host: who in the democratic field can beat him?
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biden may,eally, joe trump, no, trout -- what not vote for him period. -- would not vote for him period. host: who do you like in the democrats? caller: elizabeth warren and joe biden. host: margaret, new jersey. your turn. good morning -- caller: good morning. hello? host: we are listening, margaret. caller: i would vote for trump again, the economy is booming, my sons are making more money at their jobs, more african-americans are working. i feel that the latin american people are working. i am ashamed of the democrats and their policies. they have nothing about the border crisis.
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not understand their logic and i do not understand why they want to impeach a man who has done all he can, he does not take a salary, they want a raise. what have they done for this country? people are living on the streets. refugees come and get an apartment all veterans are living on the street. it is a shame. i would vote for him again, he has done a decent job. host: fort lauderdale, florida, lily. caller: hello? host: good morning. who are you going to put four in 2020? -- vote for in 2020? caller: i am not sure but not donald trump, i was in new york with him, i know who he is. ok? i would never vote for him. he is a misogynist. ok? look what he is doing. host: of the democrats running,
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who do you like? caller: i am a democrat. host: who do you like? caller: i am not sure, i will have to take my time. i am not voting for donald trump. host: listen to christian gillibrand -- kristin gillibrand, democrat from new york, here she is at a house party in new hampshire last night. >> i will stand up for you and fight for your family as hard as i would fight for my own and do it for the right reasons because that is who i am. , have been to the pentagon first after don't ask don't tell repeal and there were democrats who said why are you doing this now? i said, when is civil rights easy? you do it because it is the right thing to do. [applause] i stood up to the pentagon. military,lence any
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20,000 incidents of sexual assaults and unwanted sexual contact but the prosecution rate is going down. the conviction rate is going down. we have been focused on the issue for six years and every time the general say i have this but they do not have it, they do not have it, they do not understand that this is a crime of violence, it is a crime of power. it is a crime of predation. host: we are talking with only female voters. margaret in texas. good morning. you have to listen and talk through your phone please, turn the television down. caller: i have. host: who do you plan to vote for? caller: i would vote for anyone of the democrats. i need to hear more. i do know quite a bit about some of them but need to know where they all stand. my first issue is climate change
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because we had a sustainable climate of humanity -- unless we have a sustainable climate of humanity, nothing else matters and donald trump is not a believer and i cannot understand how people cannot see through him, he'd tell such lies and degrades the pregnancy -- the grades the presidency -- degrades the presidency. they must not listen to a variety all caps or's is or read -- variety of sources or read, i listen to lots of sources, david brooks, a conservative four years, is one of the really literate conservatives. he cannot stand donald trump. host: we heard that point. you said you like a lot of the candidates because of what they stand for. tell us a little bit about your top three and why. is climatefirst
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change. if we do not have a sustainable world to live in, nothing else matters. --ondly, i believe in education. what some of these people are calling in, i am amazed they are educated and do not know the history of their country, i taught history at university and am amazed at how little they really know about the history of the country, the constitution, etc. this to bee to have able to support your family. not a minimum wage but a living wage for everyone. it should be over $15 per hour,
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i do not care what you do. the garbageman is more valuable at various times been a lawyer who lives next door. i need the garbageman every week to come to my house and i think we need to be much more fair about how we pay workers in this country. history, this of week marks the 100th anniversary of congress approving the 19 amendment, giving women a right to vote. senators were on the floor marking that, patty murray of sheington, here is what said about women taking a stand after the 2016 election. , i watched as women across the country stood up and spoke out and fought back , i saw as much energy as i have seen in my lifetime as women joined together against countless different efforts to roll back their rights.
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i saw millions of women turn out to march for their rights and i saw millions of women turnout to exercise those rights last november. what happened? they broke records and various across the country and afterward several states wrote down some of the barriers put up to block people from voting. i believe that moment is going to continue to build. especially as women continue to reach out to other women to build a bigger and more inclusive coalition. today, as we celebrate the senate vote to pass the 19th amendment, i want to not only remember how hard women fought to get the right to vote but to promise we will keep fighting just as hard to protect it from every -- where everyone in the country and keep using it to fight for the change we want to see in our communities. research says that in every presidential election since 1964, the number of female voters has exceeded the number of male voters in this country.
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we are talking to women only, who is your choice for 2020? lisa and laurel, maryland. caller: my choice is either elizabeth warren or kamala harris. thems bernie sanders beats out. in which case i would have to vote for any democrat over , i do nottrump, who know quite women do not remember the access hollywood take, -- tape, or do not consider him to be a liar when he has clearly lied to the american people. women talk about being pro-life, i am pro-choice because i believe women should have a choice in what they do. meaning, if itr, is not for me at this moment in my life, i should not be forced
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to have a baby. ,nce it comes into the world you do not want to pay for a republican, if i do not want it, i should not have to have it. unfortunately, a lot of women in positions who are not able to take care of children on a seven dollar -- $7.95 minimum wage. unless we get real about reality, i do not know what to say for the country. these women who are donald trump supporters, it is crazy, you talk about black unemployment, there was a time in this country when black people worked for no wage. he cannot tell me he has lowered black people unemployment, we did not have employment, we were forced to work in this land. host: sarah in kentucky. you are next. caller: hello. say who i was going
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to vote for in 2020, which is donald trump. i wanted to comment on the lady earlier that said that she would not vote for him because he would take women back to the 1940's -- 1920's. the thought of that is ridiculous. taking away our right to vote. and whatever else she meant i that comment. comment.t as far as everybody else talking about the access hollywood tape, the comments in those -- in that tape, that comment was directed towards a certain type of woman and if you are not that type of woman, you are not offended by those comments. say.was all i wanted to host: sarah in kentucky voting for president trump.
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we are asking women your choice in the next presidential election. in a survey, the hill asked if it is important for the democratic nominee to be a woman and 47% of those democrats surveyed said no, 27% said yes. 26% said no, as long as a woman is on the ticket. also from that whole, it is important for a woman to be on the democratic ticket, 40 1% of women said yes and 59% said -- 41% of women said yes and 59% said no. karen in norman, oklahoma. to telli wanted everybody that i will be voting for president trump again. the democrats have turned against the american people and are just for the illegals and everybody that comes over here. they make sure they have a place to live and food to eat while 50,000 veterans are sleeping on the street every night. dayave 22 veterans every
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that are committing suicide because they cannot -- the government claims there is no money for mental health but let you illegals come in and be fed and housed with free medical. they say they do not want a foreign country to meddle in our election but they are about you legal mexicans voting and even eagle people. -- illegal people. they are for abortion to birth. that is racist because they know 4-1 black babies are being aborted and that is racist. they are the nazis. they want to stop free speech. byrd, one of the hillary clinton , sayingwas with the kkk donald trump would not accept the election results that all of this time all they have done is faulty president, they fight against -- fought the president,
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they fight the american people, they do not care about us or the veterans, they say if you did not serve -- president trump did not serve in vietnam, neither did biden. host: rachel in mount caramel, tennessee. to do you plan to vote for -- foodie you plan to vote for? -- who do you plan to vote for? caller: kamala harris or elizabeth warren or bernie sanders because we do not need a liar anymore leaving our country and we should read the mueller report, it is interesting and will shed a whole light of light -- a whole lot of light on the criminality going on in the white house. is it important for a woman to be on the democratic ticket? caller: i think so. more than half of us are voting. yes. we need representation. host: are you talking about 2018
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outcomes were 55% of women voted, and 51% of men voted? caller: yes, that indicates, so, yes. host: we will go to -- let me show you what pete buttigieg said at an msnbc townhome when asked why should women of america vote for him? >> i think i represent something that is just different. the other thing i want women of america to know, because i met a lot of women who say i like you and like your message but i will not vote for a man this time. i get it. whether you decide to before me or not, i promise i will be for you. host: maryland, your next, who is your choice? caller: it is nezzie.
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my candidate is donald trump. when you listen to these women who are calling and, especially you have towhy do say you are slaves, who wants to kill a baby at nine months? we have every kind of prevention there is, rate and incessant, i understand with regard to abortion but there is no reason with a birth control pill and the morning after pill and under the skilled -- 10, the shot, president trump has been doing a fantastic job, i ride the metro every day and i see more men, black people, that are working, on that subway, it is filled with people, people are shopping, when you talk about the mueller report, that dossier , the stuff coming out, liars. we will find out who is lying. we will find of how nasty. everything democrats believe in is nasty. everything they want to do is
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nasty. everything they are for i am against, it is nasty, we are not slaves anymore, how long will we do this 400 year thing? how long will we be a slave to the democratic party, even the republicans come everybody is against the president. when you take the blinders off, we are doing fantastic as a country. we need to stop china and stop illegal immigration. i am an equal opportunity person with regard to that. we are not slaves anymore. women need to stop this. who will vote for kamala harris sounding crazy? women are weak. women are hormone and men are testosterone. women are emotion, crying. it makes no sense. host: why do they sound crazy? i put myisten to them,
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country first and my family and my god and my guns, i believe in all of that because there was a time when we were not able to vote, but that has passed and we are moving forward. they sound crazy, he lies, he lies, like if your slave. never tell you one thing what he is lying about. you have, i will be fair to you, greta, you say, give me one thing he lied about. of a man it tape talking, d you know the filthy things i have heard women saying, they are weak, your country is first, what about your children? i want to make as much money as i want to and if i want to share it with someone, i will, if i want to give it to someone, i will, they need to stop sounding like they cannot think. elizabeth warren, they are all crazy, look at nancy. host: sherry and then, oregon.
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oregon.y in bend, who do you want to look for in 2020 -- who do you want to vote for in 2020? caller: donald trump, he is for the american people. he is the only one for the american people. he wants to stop the influx of people coming across the border. we cannot sustain the amount of people coming across the border. in bend, just the people from april and may, it is more people than we have in bend, ore gon, they are coming with nothing and we have to house and feet and close and medicaid these guys. we have enormous amounts of homelessness in our country. ,ost: i remind you and others
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you have to talk and listen through the phone, turn your television off as we get the feedback. the president's border policy, the hill newspaper has a headline this morning, donald transporter eight stalls amid obstacles with extra border assistance on the brink of being included in the disaster eight package but got yanked after his family on immigration threaten passage of the $19.1 billion cut react, the setback left funding addressed as washington turned its focus to the bigger fight over tariffs and budget cuts. congress needs to pass new funding by the end of the month with taking care of unaccompanied migrant children will run out of money as early as next month. marie and tallahassee, florida. good morning. caller: i will vote for mr. trump. need,need, desperately
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and immigration reform because i came here over 50 years ago and at that time there was a law, legal coming into the country, i came from eastern europe. there was a quota. -- you needed to have needed to have a sponsor in the united states and that worked perfectly. host: beatriz in denton harbor, michigan. how do you plan to vote and for who? caller: i am definitely voting for a democrat. that is not the focus. the focus is on the republicans in the house and senate. 40 years and not passing laws.
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[indiscernible] host: brenda in south carolina. good morning. caller: good morning. i am voting for bernie sanders or joe biden, elizabeth warren, or kamala harris. i am a democrat and i am so tired of the republicans, especially women, calling and making it ceases for our president. -- and making excuses for our president. i am a black female and would like to explain to them that nothing has changed for me since donald trump has been in the white house, i have four kids who went to college with a student loan and he did not do anything for me. i have not gained anything since he has been in the white house. the women making excuses for him should hold him to the same standards they have for their
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son and husband. he is a liar. they will not admit he is a liar. the farmers are going through because of the policies he has made, the tariffs that will mess up everything, i guess it would take the effect to hit the families like it has the farmers family. host: that is what we will talk about next on the washington journal. mercatus center's christine mcdaniel will discuss the president's trade agenda and ongoing tariff dispute with china and mexico. and a hearing next week on fake videos or audio recordings that look and sound real. we will talk to jeff smith at the university of colorado-denver about how these videos are made and why they are so dangerous. we will be right back.
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♪ >> this weekend, book tv will have live coverage of the 35th annual festival in chicago. the largest literary show cast in the midwest. starting saturday at 11:00 eastern, featuring a gun reform advocate and a university of chicago history professor, a or liven and on sunday, coverage continues at 11:00 a.m. eastern with slight national editor, and education activist, a journalist and a university of chicago professor. watch our live we can coverage
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from chicago, starting saturday morning at 11:00 eastern on book tv on c-span2. night on afterwards, and his latest book the conservative sensibility, a pulitzer prize-winning columnist offers his thoughts on american conservatism. he is interviewed by jonah goldberg. >> i am a nationalist. superior in the sense that it -- it is made by a philosophy that is right. it is not suitable for all people at all times but everybody ought to inspire to it. , ion't want to export it want to make it available to people, i want to help them where we can and we have a lot of experience with a democratic .ociety heard
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i am a mild nationalist. >> watch sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern on book tv on c-span2. >> washington journal continues. ,ost: at our table this morning christine mcdaniel, a research fellow at george mason university. she is a former senior trade economist in the george w. bush administration. i want to talk about what the president said ahead of the dda celebrations. he was asked about reporters on the latest of the negotiations with mexico to try to avoid terrace increasing on monday. [video clip] pres. trump: we will see what happens. something dramatic could happen. the tariffs will go on, and i mean it too. a lot of people, senators included, they have no idea what
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they are talking about when it comes to tariffs. they have absolutely no idea. when you have the money, the product, the thing everybody wants, you are in a position to talk about tariffs. the u.s. is a piggy bank. they have all the money that others want to take from us. , a lot ofwith china interesting things are happening. we will see what happens. on $250etting 25% billion and i could go up another $300 billion and i will do that at the right time. host: let's begin with the approach to mexico. he says we have all the leverage. is that true? guest: we have some leverage, mexico has some leverage and the rest of the world has some leverage. think about bringing it back down to the unit level.
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trade is an exchange of goods and services between two consenting adults. when you put a tax on that, a tariff is an important tax, somebody pays that. u.s.shows it has been the importers that have paid most of that. it has not been passed onto to the consumers yet. he can do the tariffs, but that means it will come out of the pockets of u.s. importers. host: without be passed on to consumers? guest: it depends on the market conditions and industry. it has mostly been absorbed by u.s. importers and u.s. manufacturers and their margins. they only have so much bandwidth. what i am hearing is that they are taking resources away from their future planning innovation and research and development, and putting it toward dealing with tariffs, soaking up the extra costs in their margins.
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some of them are thinking about retooling their supply chain and trying to get out of china. host: what is the economic impact of 5% starting on monday on all goods coming from mexico and raising it by 5% every month after that? guest: a tariff is an important tax. billionr it was 350 u.s. imports coming in from mexico. that would beion, paid by u.s. importers, u.s. consumers to the extent it is also paid by mexican exporters. mexico will get less for their exports. that will harm mexico's economy. it gets us back to, why are we doing this in the first place with mexico and why do people come across the border? host: to help viewers understand what trade looks like between
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the u.s. and mexico, 33% of u.s. auto parts are imported. nearly 50% of vegetables. 37% oftrade represents mexico's gdp and 2% of the u.s. is gdp. explain more how this trade works. would we did nafta in the 1990's, the entire idea was to use the north american continent and use all of it to try to make it a win-win. we had canada and the u.s. and we tried to bring mexico in. we saw a great opportunity for the u.s. to work with mexico and take advantage of mexico's lower labor costs. they have different prices of labor and capital and different competitive advantages.
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take advantage of that and then compete with china, asia and the rest of the world that way. it has been a big success. hard to think the north american auto market and automakers would be as competitive today without nafta. host: why? tariffs anduld have more barriers on goods and services crossing the u.s.-mexico border and we would not be able to invest in mexico as we have and take advantage. we might see more north american automakers producing in asia, had it not been for nafta. host: this is from the washington post. fate of trump's economy is hinging on distrust. the fed chair and other officials have signaled they may have to cut interest rates to
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keep economic expansion going and counter any economic harm from trump's escalating trade war. it would be highly unusual during a time the economy has been growing quickly and unemployment is low. it would be an insurance policy on actions taken by the president, potentially facilitating his use of tariffs in unpredictable ways. guest: the economy has been running hot, especially since the tax reform, regulation reform, the economy has been hot, the labor market has been tight. indicationse do see some things are following down. there is some uncertainty. slowdown, howobal things will play out with trade tensions. macroeconomists watch indicators, one of which is purchasing managers index, that has been slowing down. that tends to be a precursor of
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things to come. out of china, that has been slowing down. once things start slowing down abroad, it will hit the u.s. our labor market will loosen up and the fed can only do so much. tariffs are almost like you are poking big holes in a bucket. the fed can pour more water in but the more holes you poke in the bucket, the less helpful the water will be. you can think of it like that. host: the president and the clip we showed said he can go higher on china, as well. he is that 25%. guest: he can go as high as he wants as longest congress allows him. -- as long as congress allows him. host: what would be the impact of higher tariffs on china? guest: for what we have seen so far and what we know from history and looking at the data, it looks like the u.s. importers
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will continue to pay for the tariffs. start to seeply into consumer prices and u.s. manufacturers and businesses, their margins will continue to shrink. they are trying to get out of china. that will take time and resources, you cannot just move a global supply chain overnight. i spoke to a high-tech manufacturer out of wisconsin, they spent three decades setting up their global supply chain and now they are trying to unwind some of that. instead of taking time and putting their best people on trends to stay ahead of the game, globally, they have to go back and mess with the supply chain to get out of china. it will slow things down. it puts more research into taxes, it puts resources into retooling supply chains. in the long run, it will have an
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effect on productivity in the u.s. and global economy. host: how are farmers doing? guest: you are seeing, most farmers are having a different the time, especially the small and medium-sized farmers. they are not able to a the changes in the market as well as the larger farmers are. that has been interesting and painful to watch, especially as so many of them have come about with access to global markets. now with the trade tensions in the retaliatory tariffs they are facing, they are not able to get access to the markets they have relied on and they do not have the deep pockets that larger farmers have. from what we are seeing just listening to them, not all of them are getting refund checks. that has been a painful process. host: we want to hear comments and questions from viewers on
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the president's trade and tariffs policies. , (202) 748-8001, ,emocrats, (202) 748-8000 .ndependents, (202) 748-8002 caller: it is a simple question. thequestion is if you are teacher of him, what is so great for him? the trade and tariff policy, what grade would you give him? guest: it depends on what the exam questions are.
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in terms of the effects on the has ay, we know it negative effect on the economy. onterms of his understanding how tariffs play through the economy, i would have to say a very low grade. host: lisa in louisville, kentucky, democrat. good morning. caller: hello, good morning. i would like to talk about our milk industry. a rep beetle industry and he put them out of business. they had been around for years and they can hardly bring their product to market. he has shut down some of our jobs here. is he trying to take our food supply away? because it seems to me the more
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and more small farmers i talked to, they are going out of business, they cannot make pennies on the dollar and it seems like everything is going to big business. he talks about not bailing out these other industries but he turns around and bails the farmer out. it does not make sense to them and they are very upset. more and more small farmers are going out of business. what can we do to help? guest: get back to the negotiating table with our partners in asia. we have a transpacific partnership deal that is set up to help u.s. farmers reach global markets. came intodent trump office, he pulled us out of that and the farmers are one of the biggest casualties of that decision, unfortunately. nafta, it isised
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better than nothing, but it is certainly not as good as getting back into the transpacific partnership. if you talk to farmers and manufacturers, growth is in asia. clear-cut access to north america and european markets, but the real growth is in asia. i hope we do get back to the negotiating table with our asian partners, because that is so important. we hear reports from small and medium-sized farmers and they have not seen the refund checks or substitute -- subsidy handouts. that is a short-term solution, anyway. farmers need access to markets and that is what national trade agreements are supposed to do. host: the national post this morning reports and analysis that u.s. tariffs could stunt
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global trade. more than 400,000 jobs to disappear if trump follows through on executing tariffs on mexican imports next week. this is according to analysis. that combined with existing levees against china puts global trade on course for its worst year since the 2009 financial crisis. analysts forecast international 2019, all grow .2% in 2018 fall off from 3.3% in your reaction to those numbers? guest: when tariffs were first talked about, it was, if they are temporary, we will wait and see. the longer these tariffs have stayed on and the more he talks about putting more tariffs on with two of our largest trading partners, mexico and china, not to mention the steel and
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aluminum tariffs, which has had a devastating effect on u.s. likeacturers, think of it death by 1000 cuts. eventually, it starts to weaken the giants. trade is in everything we do. you need to look past the numbers and once you start to limit u.s. manufacturers and businesses' ability to get what they need, whether it be from the guy next door or the guy across the ocean, they need action to globally competitive price in. otherwise, they can't compete with the guys outside of the u.s., who also want access to the same markets. -- trade has had ups and downs
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and are definitely adjustments. in the long run, you have to stay in the game because otherwise people will take over. once we left the transpacific partnership, there were other exporters who were willing to take the place of u.s. agriculture. that will just keep happening the longer we stay out of the game. host: take a look at the states that will be hit hardest by the president's tariffs on mexico, those are the states in dark blue. independent line. caller: thank you for taking my call. thinked to say i already it has seeped in to the consumers and taxpayers. everything in the grocery stores are much higher and smaller. i feel it already. i think we are in trouble as trump keeps trying to put tariffs on these countries.
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we will be in a big, big trouble. we will not be able to afford house, ando car, no especially food. thank you for taking my call. host: is sir prediction accurate? isst: the import -- host: her prediction accurate? staples,me of the key households that spend a larger share of their income on those staples will feel it more. other studies have shown lower income households will feel the brunt of the import taxes. they will feel the brunt of the tariffs. businesses, all the benefits of the tax reform will just seep into and soak up those , which is a real shame. that is a waste of a tax cut. host: james in rural hall, north
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carolina. democrat. caller: thank you for taking my call. somebody -- how when they import these goods from china or any part of the -- why is he giving out $19 billion to these farmers? i think the tariff is going to affect the economy. it is going to hurt. host: republican line. caller: good morning. host: good morning. i hear everybody talking
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about what they feel the tariffs will do. i think they only have to look at the way american people respond to cheaper goods. people shop at dollar tree, they shop at walmart heard they don't support the american industry that pays higher wages. we here in florida are seeing incredible increases in building cost and land cost and most of it is due to people wanting to be paid a higher wage. but when they go out into the marketplace, they don't want to support the local stores or the stores that pay those wages to the people. they look for everything from china or mexico or anywhere else, where they can buy it for one dollar instead of paying $1.25.
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host: let's talk about that. guest: she brings up a great point. best when the consumer has full information and they can choose what they want. whether or not that consumer is a grocery shopper or a u.s. manufacturer that is purchasing steel and aluminum they need to make their products. that is how the marketplace -- that is how people communicate with each other, through prices. it works best when consumers have access to a wide variety of things. when they know where things come from. it is ultimately up to the consumer. it is a consumer driven system. once consumers get limits on what they can buy and at what prices they can buy, from whom they can buy, that is when things start to go off the rails. there are some consumers that
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tried to buy things made in america and that is fine for them. others are more driven by price, variety and quality. the best role for government is to set the rules and then step back. businesses and consumers of the marketplace do their thing. host: the front page of the washington post this morning has the headline that the u.s. and mexico are discussing a deal to contain migration. demand the president's to avoid tariffs on mexico. the washington post writes on monday at sicko officials have pledged to deploy 6000 national guard troops to the border with guatemala. his show of force will reduce the number of central americans heading toward the u.s. it would require central american migrants to seek refuge in the first country to enter after leaving their homeland.
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for guatemalans, that would be mexico. for honduras and el salvador, that would be guatemala. trying you think about -- tying these two issues together? guest: this administration is one of the first, at least in my recent memory, to try to use tariffs as a tool for immigration. it is kind of interesting. think an import tax is going to solve an immigration crisis. it seems like president trump might be trained to use this as a negotiating tool, trying to maybe bring -- one way this can work, this really brings everyone to the table and they could get serious about immigration reform. policy in then u.s. is literally a bunch of band-aids.
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it has been that way for decades, one band-aid over another and it is starting to fall apart. we need both sides of congress to come together and sit down and figure out what the best thing is for the american economy. our population and labor force is shrinking. and it ise workers ultimately up to the american public on what they want. need for more workers, especially a need for highly skilled workers. that is what i think the american people deserve -- a comprehensive immigration plan from congress and the admin station. host: the president has agreed u.s.-mexico-canada trade deal. it would have to be approved by congress. 75% of itst produce automobile to be tariff free.
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make some changes to nafta as settlement system. what do you make of these features? thet: i think u.s.-mexico-canada agreement is probably better than nothing. there are definitely some bright spots. there is a great treat -- there is a great digital trade chapter. nafta was due for a modernization. when it was negotiated in the mid-1990's, there was a little company called amazon that was just starting to go public. e-commerce is part of our daily lives. it was definitely due for an upgrade. it also restricts trade. is verychapter restrictive.
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it is not clear that the automakers really wanted from the beginning. if you look at the international trade commission report, those provisions lead to a negative effect on the u.s. economy, less jobs, less exports. that is concerning. i think there are some bright spots in the usmca, some dull spots but the president has indicated he might pull us out of nafta if the usmca does not pass and that would definitely be the worst of the different options. host: indiana, democratic color. caller: good morning and thank you for having me on i am a big fan of c-span and i really enjoyed washington journal. i wish we would have a segment on in the evenings. ask, istion i want to
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have been saying for a couple years that we are about to hit a deep recession. i am amazed of the economy is still rolling along like it has been. with the federal tax plan trump put out with the supply-side economics, it definitely puts more of the wealth in the country in the hands of the top 5%. happened, that has 90% of americans have less money and we get a recession. some people say wages went up, others said it did not, i don't know. what bothers me is that we have two years of a deficit and our debt is greater than our gdp. i don't know what is going to happen with that. that has me worried. now we are throwing in if the tariffs take place. i don't understand how we have not hit a recession yet. is happened with
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supply-side economics, it has happened. host: why have we not hit a recession, or is he wrong? guest: i love your callers, they are so right on. at some point we will hit a recession. the economy goes in booms and busts. the economy has been running hot, the labor market is hot, we have been having a good go of it. the trade tensions and tariffs are not helping. could they bring about a recession sooner than later? possibly. all of these experts are saying these tariffs will slow down the economy, slow down global growth. had so many points, what was his other question? can't remember. michigan, republican. caller: hello.
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there are a couple things. a woman called earlier about dairy farms. since trump got in there, there are 1500 that have shut down. donald trump created that himself. 98%a had it set at a success rate at the way he had it set up and immigration was going down. as far as the tariffs and china, i have called the white house a couple times and i don't understand why they do not send all the counterfeit products back to china, find them and tell them to keep that stuff on their own port, we do not want them here. host: let's take the last point. guest: i think you are onto something. talks listen to recent out of the department of homeland security, customs and border control, they have been
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putting an increased amount of resources into safeguarding our ports and borders and trying to catch the counterfeit goods. i don't know if they can send them back or not. we would probably have to pay for that. there has definitely been a heightened awareness of counterfeit goods and increased efforts to catch and detect those products. issues that is driving u.s.-china trade talks. china's theft of intellectual property rights and lack of enforcement and so on. when a product comes across the u.s. border and we know it does fringe on a patent, we can do something about it. has an a u.s. company idea stolen abroad, that is
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where we have less control. we are trying to engage china in these negotiations to try to get them to increase and strengthen their laws and increase enforcement of protecting patents and other intellectual property rights. that is what is driving a lot of this part it is not a new issue but trump has really put the flashlight on it and used tariffs to do it. we will see if it works. host: we will go to missouri, democrat line. caller: thank you for taking my call. host: good morning. caller: good morning. can't we just call what trump is doing what the farmers what it really is, socialism. farmers are losing exports the countryside china and then trump is giving them billions of dollars in subsidies and relief. that is a form of socialism. the question i have for your if these tariffs
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against mexico actually take place, that will impact jobs on both sides of the border. apparently we are going to lose 400,000 jobs if they can afford these tariffs the same will go on on the mexico side. wouldn't that increase undocumented workers crossing into the u.s.? have they, won't it opposite impact of what trump is wanting? onst: you are exactly right the tariffs and immigration issue. sense if you think trump is doing this to get mexico to the table and trying to get them to commit particular enforcement areas. senator marco rubio had a tweet yesterday where he laid out three specific things that the administration was hoping to achieve with mexico and immigration.
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if it works as a tool to get them to do more with enforcement, that is one thing. if it doesn't and we end up paying -- the tariff goes into effect and we pay for it and mexico pays for, either way it lose.lose= why aren't more people coming into the u.s. from canada? ask yourself that and go over the logic in your head. it will answer so many of these other questions. people are coming to seek better lives. this requires a much longer-term solution than tariffs. to getffs work particular things done, great, more power to them. it has not been tried in the past, may it will work this
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time. lacking ahe u.s. is comprehensive immigration plan i think thewhat american people deserve -- a comprehensive immigration plan. that will require both sides of congress coming together and trying to deal with these long-term issues of changing you estimate graphics and the dynamics with our southern neighbors. host: we will go to chandler, arizona, jerry, a republican. caller: good morning. i am 71 years old. president trump is the first one in my lifetime that had the backbone to stand up to these people. they are manipulating the currency, stealing our intellectual property, providing supplements to their industries, flooding our market with cheap products. there tariffs on our products are higher than our tariffs on
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theirs. he is the only one i know that has gotten them to come to the table seriously. we talk about mexico and people from south america, people are coming here for jobs. why wouldn't people from canada come? they don't need jobs. they have a good economy. tell me what you would do to stop all of these issues. first of all, you are right about the u.s. and canada. the u.s. economy in the canadian economy have been largely open, much more open to trade and investment and immigration and many other countries have been. i would argue it is that openness to trade and investment that have largely driven economic growth in the u.s. and canada. you are right, different countries have different tariffs. the u.s. has chosen to have an
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open market because we believe openness to trade and investment has more ups than downs. him being thear first one -- in terms of him being the first to have a backbone, that is interesting. i have worked for republicans and democrats and a lot goes on behind the scenes that the public does not see. i would take issue with that. he has a different way of talking to the public about it and other presidents have had, if you only look at that part, that sentiment or projection is different. the previous administrations have had just as strong of a backbone. the track record will speak for itself. steve, aiana, democrat. caller: good morning. there has always been a cure on the books but they won't do
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anything about it. is put these to do hire the in jail who people coming across the border for real low wages. that will hear the immigration problem completely. host: what impact with that have on the economy? guest: your caller is right about the incentive. some of the best solutions -- the most effective solutions are infective because they get at incentives. if you throw people in jail for hiring undocumented workers, that will provide a disincentive to do so. i don't know if that is politically feasible or not, but in terms of economics and incentives, yes. in terms of economic effect, that means you are shrinking the labor pool available to u.s.
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employers. we know what happens with that. employment costs go up, growth slows down and there is an entire set of ramifications there. it is a balancing act that policymakers do with. host: the labor department reporting employers added 75,000 jobs in may, unemployment is steady at 3.6% the new york times said it is a disappointing showing that will stoke fear the economy is softening. analystsis report, expected a gain of 170 5000 jobs. in addition to falling short of that, hiring in may was well below the april paste. do you attribute this to trade? guest: i try not to put too much stock into one jobs report. things go up and things go down. we look for systemic trends.
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slowing-- perhaps the down is starting to affect the job market. we have talked to some u.s. manufacturers, trying to understand why, even with the tariffs, why we have not seen it in the job numbers chapter. ,ome say from their perspective with the labor market so tight, makes more sense for them now to take the hit in the margins and to hold onto your employees. once you let go of employees, it is hard to find good employees and bring them back. employees, many of the employees have been with them for a while and have been trained there. once you let that go, you let all the investments you have put into those people go, as well. that makes sense to me. maybe that is why we have not seen the effect on the job numbers. let's see how this goes over the
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next few months. i is definitely something know a lot of market watchers are paying close attention to. host: james in michigan, independent. caller: good morning. i have a question. -- youe war with china call this trump's trade war with china, this is china's trade war with the u.s. you have not done a good job explained to the american people the long-term goal of china is to displace the united states and military power. he said other administrations had been equally tough, that is simply not true. president now who is taking action and doing something about this trade war that china has against the u.s. get the background and the strategic goal of china.
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host: let's talk about it. guest: whatever you want to call given it itsia has own name. these issues are not new, for sure. -- china is a growing power and i think most americans have yet to come to terms with this. if you line up everyone in the world in a big circle, one out of every five or six people will be chinese. you have to really think about that. enter the global economy unprecedentedwas in most of our lifetimes, that has real implications. they are going to definitely be influencing and have a big effect on the global economy. they have a different way of doing things.
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they have a different way of dealing with -- they have a much more command-and-control economy. the role of state is much stronger in china that it is in the u.s.. i would argue the u.s. approach has been much more effective. minimal role for government, you step back and let the market do its thing and then when there is a market failure the government tries to step in. china's approach is very different. i think that's what these two sides are grappling with. i don't think china is willing -- they have given no indication they are ready to let go of their state capitalism model. i hope the u.s. is not willing to let go of the market driven model. systemse, these two will have to figure out how to coexist. we are strained to see the rumblings of that right now. host: we will go down to
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houston, texas. good morning. caller: a couple of callers have hit on things i could not help but notice. the solution among those previous presidents, what have they done? they talked and campaigned so much about intellectual property theft of china and trump is trying to do something about it. resolvers him, wants to the issue, not just campaign on it. tariffs are intended to be used as leverage, they are not a permanent solution. the u.s. military guards trade routes all around the world. our military. lift the lives of millions of people and we are the ones who pay that, already. in regard to mexico, i will tell you something, when you have countries in central america and mexico where they are earning four dollars per day, how me
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people in your neighborhood earned four dollars per day? nobody. there are no fines they will pay. and whatcoming here are the consequences of coming here illegally? i would like to know what they are. the consequences are full emergency rooms and we -- you think fourth-grade students in san francisco, do you think those stanford bound students will have illegal immigrants sitting next to them? no way. host: i am going to leave it there. a lot to respond to. issues have been a long time coming. these are not new issues. as your caller said, trump uses tariffs as leverage. we will see if it works. we can't force another country to do anything.
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we are a sovereign nation, they are a sovereign nation. countrieshat is were get together and try to duke out there disputes. we have other forums in the global realm. when it comes to trying to get them to change their ways, trying to get them to do things they don't necessarily have to do because they are a member of the wto, that takes a different approach. these tariffs may work and we onlylso find the tariffs have a limited effectiveness in that realm. we might have to just live in a world where china has a different playbook than we do and we will have to figure out how to do that without shooting ourselves in the foot with more taxes. fellow,nior research thank you for the conversation. we are going to take a break. when we come back, we will
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return to our previous conversation with women only. who is your choice for 2020? if you live in the eastern part of the country? we will get back to the conversation in just a minute. ♪ coverage of the 2020 democratic presidential candidates in iowa this weekend on c-span. rapids, we are at cedar with bernie sanders. saturday night, we are with new jersey senator cory booker in iowa city. live on sunday at 3:00, democratic candidates at the iowa democratic hall of fame celebration in cedar rapids. speakers include kiersten gillibrand, kamala harris, amy klobuchar, elizabeth warren.
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watch our live coverage of the 2020 presidential candidates in iowa this weekend on c-span. orch any time on listen with the free c-span radio app. modes areton journal available at c-span's new online store. go to c-span check out the new washington journal mugs and all the other c-span products. >> washington journal continues. host: we are back this morning, talking to women only for the next 30 minutes or so. your choice for 2020. look at how women voted in the 2016 election. clintond for hillary while 42% voted for donald trump. 55% voted for barack obama in 2012. obama winningdent
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overemale vote with 56% john mccain's 43%. how is it looking for 2020? when women were asked about the top democratic candidate, these are democratic female voters, almost 34% said joe biden is there candidate. sandersmen said bernie comes in second place at 25%. this morning we are talking to women only. royal oak, michigan. good morning. go ahead. are you with us? caller: yes. host: who do you plan to vote for? caller: i am going to vote for president trump. host: why? caller: he is doing a great job and he has not been given a fair shake. host: what do you like about what he has done so far? caller: creating more jobs.
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i feel like the industry of business is better and i feel like people have to work and that is what he is doing -- putting them to work. virginia, good morning. caller: good morning. host: good morning, who do you plan to vote for in 2020? caller: president trump. host: what you like about the job he has done so far? heart andthink he has i think he loves the country. ,e is not like the others trying to push socialism on us. abortion,t like killing little babies up to the last trimester. people thathese would vote for someone that
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would kill a baby. if they would kill a baby, they would kill us. host: abortion a big issue. virginia, good morning. go ahead. caller: hello. i just want to say that right now, the playing field for the election is wide open. delaware, soe in my heartstrings are with joe biden. but i feel there are many women out there who could get me to choose them, i just have to wait and see what their stances are. i heard your earlier program and i feel bad for the individuals or the women who feel they are being told mr. trump is not lying. if you just listen to him, you can see he is lying in terms of double checking your facts. i don't have any faith in him and i could not vote for him. she could vote
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for one of the female candidates running. there are six of the 23 democrats that are female. one of those is minnesota senator amy klobuchar. here she is appearing at a recent gathering. [video clip] >> everyone in this country should have the right to affordable health care. something thatve we worked on a very hard to get in place and that is the affordable care act, that was president obama's signature work. that was a beginning and not an end and i believe we have to do more. wouldrst thing i would do be immediately put in place and put forward legislation for a public option so we have an option that is either medicare or medicaid based. is second thing i would do take on pharmaceutical companies. they think they own washington. they don't own me. recently,klobuchar
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and see your candidate in 2020? women only. florida, you are up next. caller: good morning, thank you for taking my call. my first choice is senator bernie sanders. my second choice is senator elizabeth warren. host: telus y for each of them. for each ofhy them. caller: i have been following senator sanders and he has a consistent record for fighting for the average person had not corporations or the 1%. the top issue for me is climate change and the disasters we are seeing. we need a green energy. care is ahealth right. we need universal health care and his fight for those two
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things are incredible, as well as income inequality. georgia. hello. caller: good morning. i wanted to call in this morning and express my view. i plan to vote for any candidate other than donald trump. host: ok. because, i am assuming, you dislike what he is done so far as president. caller: i am totally upset with the disgraceful representative he is of our nation. i am very upset with the consistent lying and corruption that he brings to our highest seat. host: which of these candidates can beatmocratic side
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president trump in a general election matchup? caller: at this point, i am not interested in watching the polls. the polls were so horribly wrong. host: i am asking your opinion. caller: i will vote for any democratic candidate that is put forth. any one of them. a publication has the could givemen voters women candidates in the democratic primary. 55% of eligible voters were women in the midterm election and 51% were men. survey fromt weekly the firm, joe biden and bernie sanders for the top candidates across democratic voters overall. when the date it was broken out across gender, women voters a backed women candidates higher than male voters. at least three weeks of weekly
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polling, it is not statistically significant given margin of error. take a look at women's top choice after joe biden and bernie sanders, 8.5% said kamala harris, 7% said elizabeth warren and then beo -- beto o'rourke. men, o'rourke was third, kamala harris, elizabeth warren, et cetera. alabama, good morning. what you think? caller: hello? host: how do you plan to vote? caller: hi. joe biden if he is the nominee. host: telus y. caller: he is the one that can get in there and straighten things out quickly. host: remember to turn your television off.
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sally, morgantown, west virginia. hello. caller: i am absolutely going to vote for bernie sanders. opportunity of beating trump. west virginia in the primary the last go round. many of the people who were disappointed he lost in the primary ended up voting for donald trump. i did not, but many people did. strategically, bernie sanders has the best chance of anyone of beating trump. i also love elizabeth warren. if the two of them would be on a ticket, it would be a dream team for me. host: when asked if it is important for democratic voters to see the nominee to be a
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woman, 47% said no, 26% said yes no, as long as a woman is on the ticket. caller: i would like to see a woman on the ticket. i think historically it has been difficult for women to win. i think, strategically, in west virginia, at any rate, i think bernie sanders has a better chance of winning. i would love to see a woman on the ticket, as well. host: pamela in new york. hello. caller: how are you? i am calling to say i am a 71-year-old senior woman who is appalled at any woman who in this day and age would vote for donald trump. time to say enough how horrific this man has been.
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i would vote for joe biden number one, even though i would love to have a woman president before i die. i would love to see that. i doubt that is going to happen. i agree with the woman who just called. joe biden and elizabeth warren are my dream pick. the reason is not because of policies, not because of anything that is so important to our world, climate change, health care, but because joe biden needs to bring back american values. meber one, this election to is the most important one in my lifetime. i thought it was obama winning before. this is the most important thing harmed donald trump has our prestige around the world. he has caused insecurity militarily, he has caused so many issues that we need someone who really needs -- knows
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government and brings us back to square one first and then take care of policies. that to me is joe biden. independent. he is not a declared democrat. anything of consequence for 25 years in congress. he is coming in with all these pie-in-the-sky ideas that would be wonderful that he could never accomplish in four years. host: pamela in new york. on biden reversing himself abortion funding. the former vice president before saying he was for the hyde amendment that limited federal funding for abortion. yesterday he reversed himself, sending out a tweet saying he is no longer for that amendment. janet in illinois. caller: hi.
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host: how are you voting a 2020? caller: i am voting for president trump. and -- hi.ders host: you have to turn down that tv. i will give you one last try. listen through your phone and talk through your phone. caller: i am turning the tv down. host: you are voting for president trump because of what issue? and i: i am for borders am for draining the swamp. i think president trump is very patriotic. host: linda, columbia, maryland. who is your pick? caller: i am voting for our president, president trump. i think he is doing a fantastic job and i think a lot of people have been poisoned by the media. if you just look at the last
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administration, they spent more than all the other presidents combined. voting for joe biden would be ridiculous. it is old time washington swamp. there is no way i would vote for him. plus, he is a pedophile. i'm sorry. host: duluth, minnesota, lia. caller: i am in favor of donald trump. the people that call and that are saying he is a liar, could you ask him what he is lying about? i am not even truly sure what they're talking about. i'm from minnesota. i would never vote for amy klobuchar. she has done nothing for the state. i'm a woman. i would love to see a woman president. nikki haley might be it in my lifetime, but donald trump is the person for the job. our economy is roaring. the media is vilifying him. people need to wake up and not just watch cnn. thank you. host: do you go to sites like
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this? a fact checker on the washington post. in 828 days, president trump is 111 false or misleading claims. the database -- you can find them if you go to the website at caller: are the fact checkers for like the polls when they said hillary clinton was going to win by 98% of the time? i'm not even sure i trust fact checkers because there is fake news out there. it is not a joke anymore. it is for sure. i would have to do my own research but i don't trust fact checkers. who are the fact checkers? kentucky., hazard, caller: good morning. i'm for president trump because trump does what he says he's going to do. you can look at what he's doing right now. he has got the country in better
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shape than what it has ever been as long as i have been alive. me, president trump says what is going to do any does it. we need the border wall because there are too many illegals coming across. host: linda in houston, texas. caller: yes, i am going to vote for either kamala harris or joe biden. my reason for not liking donald trump is because he lies too much and he has not done anything benefited people in my category. i am 76 years old. i have never heard of president tell so many falsehoods and not carry through with anything he says he would. it is kamala harris or joe biden. host: what do you hear from kamala harris that you like? caller: i like her stance on
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labor. she talked about the unions and youwe would not have -- would not have an hourly work week of 40 hours. you would not have a five day work week if it wasn't for organized labor. those are the kinds of things type donald trump and his of person does not stand for because they are in big money. we are making it for them by being the little people doing the work. i am against that. i guess is more of a thing i think he can carry on president obama's dream of for theore equality wagescommunity and better
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and things like that. havinge talked about not such large deficits. donald trump, the thing has multiplied to instead of trillions -- trillions. no one seems to realize that the country is going light in the hole of debt. we will contaminate all the lands off the gulf of mexico. we eat fish. we will not be eating fish if they continue drilling. you: for those of interested in learning more from these candidates, are wrote to the white house 2020 coverage continues -- road to the white house 2020 coverage continues. you can find the schedule on i want to show you some from kamala harris at a rally in new hampshire recently. this is what she had to say. [video]
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>> if charlottesville did not make it clear, if the tree of life synagogue did not make it anti-semitism, sexism, homophobia, trans phobia are real in this country. we must speak these truths. [applause] senator harris: in speaking that truth we must acknowledge that they are born out of hate. hate which over the last couple of years has received new fuel. we must agree that whenever and wherever that hate presents itself we must all speak out, that up, and we must agree whoever is the target of that hate, they should never be made
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to fight alone. let's speak that truth. [applause] we are talking with women only this morning. who will you vote for in 2020? luis is watching in baton rouge. good morning to you. caller: good morning. i would like to remind the people that president trump does not take a salary. host: ok. caller: not only that. upo, every morning he gets and he fights on. peoplet imagine how many have the courage to do what he does. and facening, get up the hate he faces and continues on with his job. and also one of the women said he never does what he promises to do, but that is not true.
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we need a border. we absolutely need a border. he is working very hard to get one for us. host: is that one of your top issues? caller: absolutely. that is. host: what are the other issues important to you? he's -- he's fighting for us. he is patriotic. listen. fighting.s his sex life prior to this was a big issue. luck of any president in the past have had sex issues in their lives. it was never known to the public until much, much later. host: mary in maryland. caller: i would vote for elizabeth warren. men, but they i
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think -- but i think they are just too old and i would act to see some of the younger blood in. cory orizabeth or somebody like that. i really think it's important for us to get a woman into office because i think women have much stronger views about family and caring for the country. be oney hope she gets to of the candidates. oregon.oise in caller: hi there. i'm calling because i pray the democratic national whatever the heck would put bernie sanders up. the size of his crowds and his history. he has been an activist forever. we can look at his record. he is the only one that we can
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look at a lifelong record of what he has been doing. host: ok. cammy in washington, pennsylvania. caller: biden or harris. host: why do you like those? caller: because we need them to straighten out the mess trump has put us in. he doeslady that said not take a salary, he has spent millions for his family to go to england and to go to all these golfing trips. tell me we are not paying for that. we are his personal bank. host: our previous caller said we need someone younger. i want to note the age of elizabeth warren is 69 years old. has done some of the most extensive preparation for a presidential run. dispatching questions about her native american heritage by releasing the result of her dna
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test. her signature issue is income inequality and what she sees as a middle class under attack from big corporations and political corruption. if you go to the new york times website, they have who is running for president in 2020. it's an interactive graphic. you can play with the different people and learn more about them. ruth and turtle creek, pennsylvania. caller: hi. i want to give a message for the woman in new york talking about voting for trump. i am a woman who voted for trump. i will vote for who i want. i'm for president trump because he tells the truth. allor him taking a trip, presidents take trips, lots of trips. he usually pays for his own way. the border. we need borders. if you have ever been to another country, you know that this country is free.
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you are free to vote for who you want. if you want socialism, go to russia. you're worried about russia, go to russia. if you worried about the people below us and those hollywood people and everything, go to mexico and take care of these people because we have enough homeless then need to be taking care of, and our veterans need to be taken care of better. host: maggie in myrtle beach, south carolina. who you plan to vote for? caller: i will probably vote for biden only because i think he is a person that will be able to be trump. whoever is on the democratic ticket will be a person -- if you put a dog on there, i would go for. host: why do you think joe biden right now is the front runner for the democratic field? because not only does he bring back the standing that america has in the values we hold so dear, but also the
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fact he has the name recognition that ihas a persona think will be more inclusive and bring people in. it's important to get as many people out there voting as can be. i honestly hope that the people who would not vote, who voted for trump because bernie was not on the ticket, i hope they see -- i don't want to say the errors of their ways, but i hope they see the implications of that voting for trump. want four more years of this nightmare. host: maggie in south carolina, last caller on that. coming up, we will speak about congress holding a hearing next week on the so-called deepfake videos. these are videos or audio recordings that look or sound just like the real thing.
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take a look at the video made of nancy pelosi recently. >> it shows speaking at or speaking for the conference on may 22. when compared to the washington post verified feed, it is clear the facebook video is playing at 75% of the original speed. >> we want to give this president the opportunity to do something historic for our country. we want to give this president the opportunity to do something historic for our country. from thef smith university of colorado denver, the associate director of the national center for media forensics here to talk about these deepfake videos. what is your definition of these videos? how do you define them? guest: first of all, the video we saw represente -- ever presented policy is not technically a deepfake video.
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it is manipulated video. it is a crudely manipulated video. a deepfake is using deep learning to train a computer to execute well blended, well executed, seamless video manipulations. host: how are they done? a deepif you take learning system and set up a series of algorithms in order to n object or classification of interest, in this case deepfakes are used for face swapping. design a computer system to take andt data from two faces learn the features of those faces over several million iterations, which takes quite a bit of time. a couple of hours to a couple of days.
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once the computer system has learned the facial features of two people, it can re-create the expression and speech of one person based on the other person. this really is a game changer in terms of manipulating video and creating manipulated content. i can create a deepfake of somebody using my face, but showing the expressions i make make onspeech that i their face. it does so without any artistic capabilities. it's all computer programming. host: how easy is this to do? what sort of software do you need? is it expensive? can anybody do this? it is not the easiest thing in the do, especially
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right now. it's not only useful for creating manipulative video and perhaps someone with nefarious bent to make something -- to make this information. it's also useful for hollywood and video and television production in general. "e" at which someone will carry out a deepfake -- the ease at which someone will carry out -- theake in the future source code is available on the internet. that is the biggest game changer about this deepfake technology. person who or the put this technique together anonymously posted the source code. in that way, anybody can do it. it does take a little bit more technical background than most people or the average person
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has. i will say it is not -- host: i want to show the viewers an example of the deepfake from the national center for media forensics. it features a deepfakeed identity --deepfaked identity. >> january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october, november, december. >> smile. now look confused. now scowl. say your alphabet. --e, f, g, h, host: explain what is happening here. video you just
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is the on the left original video. that is what we will call the destination video. that is essentially going to puppet the victim. in the middle is a picture of the victim. technically he is a colleague of mine. i'm not actually victimizing him in this situation. playing out the scenario. fakee right is the deep video created. using the source or the destination video on the left and other images of myself, other videos of myself, thousands of them, and thousands of images representing the , that is the material the deep learning system trains upon for several hours or multiple
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days. the end result is the ability to re-create the victim's face on face --n puppet by my and puppeted by my face in the video. host: what is the impact? guest: the important thing to note about the video is the end result is the victim's face on my head and body with my voice. a reallyto have impactful deepfake that could possibly spread disinformation credibility or's the reputation, the deep fake video, the destination video would require for a person, the actor to be a body double, have the same head characteristics and body characteristics, and
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also a voice actor to impersonate the person talking. saw and use we just deep voice or voice cloning, we can simulate the voice and create an impactful video of what essentially is happening. sayve made this person something they did not actually ever say in the past. host: the hill reports the house intelligence committee will be holding hearings on deepfake videos in june. we are taking questions and comments about that this morning. jeff smith is our guest. if you are a republican, (202) 748-8001. democrats, (202) 748-8000. independents, (202) 748-8002. let's go to george and hudson, florida, republican. caller: hi greta.
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how are you doing today? host: go ahead with your question or comment. caller: i can do what he's talking about in 10 or 15 minutes on a computer on my ipad with a certain program for pro video editing. we don't need to go through 30 days of editing or whatever he's talking about. that is just nonsense. he has no idea what he's talking about or he's lying to you. i can do this. i can do this with this program video andcture or his make him look like an idiot. that is not too far off anyway for him. host: jeff smith? i appreciate the comments. the apps available on ipad and on your phone do a face swap. target identity
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onto another face. puppets thees do is target identity with speech the creators are intending to put on there. it's a different approach and morehat is -- it has a bit of a threat than traditional face swapping like you're describing. host: i would like to remind the viewers for a civil conversation. no need for name-calling. eastern and central, (202) 748-8000. pacific, (202) 748-8001. nick from eugene, oregon. caller: i would like to ask the person being interviewed about how likely deepfakes are going to be used during the 2020 election and how we can determine who is creating the deep fake and mitigate those effects on the campaigns in
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2020? thank you. guest: that's a good question. at the if we look back nancy pelosi manipulated video from a couple weeks ago that we saw at the beginning of the program, that is a crude manipulation. it is very easy to carry out. that had a huge impact in a lot of ways. more simpleill see manipulation like that then we will see deep fakes, which require more time to create and more technical capabilities. general i think this information is carried out in many ways -- disinformation is carried out in many ways and deepfake are one way. in terms of detecting them, the impact of these deepfake
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videos can be felt or could have an impact within an hour. impactske some serious within the society. whereas it might take another day or two for forensic analysts such as myself and my colleagues in the discipline to detect and decipher the origins of the deepfake. that is a real threat, the speed at which information spreads. detecting deepfakes and determining the source is something we are fairly good at at this point in time. host: who is good at it? in the forensic discipline we have our center for media forensics. we research techniques to detect
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manipulated audio and video. colleagues at other universities and other research institutions work on this as well. host: i want to show the viewers with the house intelligence chair had to say about this issue and his concern about deepfake videos used in the 2020 election. [video] the russians can inject into our political bloodstream falls video and audio that is almost indistinguishable from real. in the highly polarized electorate like we have today, if you released a video of a candidate saying something racist or misogynist or criminal, they would be -- they would be almost no way to disprove his veracity. even if you could disprove it, psychological -- psychologist will tell you the damages done. even if your brain is persuaded what you saw is a forgery, you will never lose completely the negative impression of the person that was formed. this is what the future could
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look like if we are not prepared. he had to about what say about 2020. you can never undo the impact of these videos. i think the point is to try to make the point i had just made that the impact can spread very quickly within moments because of the speed at which information spreads on the internet. within several hours or a media willays news start sharing information about e and the potential for the deepfake in the future and it's a false representation. i think the impact again, depending on how it was spread and by whom and within which
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communities are sharing it and enjoying the content, the impact could be felt before it is in the mainstream that it was a false video. int: let's go to mars mclean, virginia. good morning mark, to you. caller: just a quick comment. from that last footage he showed of the deepfake, i'm not certain i understand or believe what he is showing on the left is what was artificially produced on the right. it just looked like the same video. outside of that comment, how did they prove these things? how can they really prove it is a deep fake? if you look closely at the video you will see that the person's face on the right is different from the person's face on the left.
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the face on the left is controlling the speech and expression of the victim. on how these are carried out with a voice actor and a voice actor anybody double , you could convincingly create a video that shows somebody saying or doing something, not necessarily doing something but you can accomplish that as well, but they did not do that in the past. in order to detect them the same business at which they are created is important. , if you lookamless closely you can a lot of times as a person viewing material on the internet you can facehe region in which the
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is inserted. loss ofsee some resolution or it is not very defined where the face is inserted, especially the teeth and eyes. visually you may be able to pick that up. analytically for processing and detection techniques that we have there are various ways of detecting them. host: i want to show the viewers a popular one that maybe they have seen. the buzz feed news site showed this video of jordan peele demonstrating a deep fake video he created. [video] >> our enemies can make it look like anyone is saying anything at any point in time. even if they would never say those things. they couldtance, have me say things like, i don't know, kill longer was right -- right, for ben
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carson is in the sunken place, or president trump is a total and complete -- i would never say these things. at least not in a public address. but someone else would. someone like jordan peele. this is a dangerous time. to be forward, we need more vigilant with what we trust on the internet. we need to rely on trusted news sources. host: your reaction to that video? it is extremely seamless and very convincing. the technique used as a combination of post production editing and deep fake. as i understand from the company that produced it in conjunction with jordan peele, the deep fake
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was created to create a synthesized create imagery of president obama's mouth moving, along with jordan peele's mouth, and then face swapped or put back by handcraft using video editing techniques onto president obama's face and just the region of the mouth. add to that also that jordan peele is a voice actor and can impersonate president obama. done a really, really well combination of postproduction, editing and deep fake. host: we will go to jeannie in massachusetts. caller: the mob has connections everywhere. lawyers, judges, everything. movie, if't make a
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you don't make that difference in the mob well from january on be running this country. dolores, a question or comment about the fake videos? caller: i did not get the introduction in the beginning so i was not sure what i was watching. man,oks to me like this this denominator interviewing is a good guy to try to stamp out the bad guys. is that with this is about? ? i think you can characterize me as a good guy creating deep fakes in order to understand how they are created and developed techniques to protect them when we see them -- detect them on see them in the wild. or created and spread on the internet. explain the national
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center for media forensics. what do you do there? we became a formal center of the university of colorado denver just over 10 years ago. with the department of justice funding to create a graduate program in multimedia forensics, as well as provide training in audio, video and image enhancement and authentication. on top of that great research programs, we currently have a graduate program for students from various backgrounds like audio and video production or computer science, electrical engineering into the program, learn about forensic video and analysis, how to handle evidence and work with in a lab, and after graduation work with the department of justice withies, private sector
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companies that have forensic collect work to security video footage and properly handle that footage and determine the veracity or the nature of that footage and whether or not it has been edited or manipulated. we have athat contract working on a project that is a darpa defense research agency project where we treatment a images and videos in order to drive the technology to detect manipulations. companiesocial media have forensic labs. are they prepared to detect these videos and the sharing of them across platforms? guest: that's a really good question i think that's probably
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shin betweenortant spreading the information quickly and people that have that intention towards creating it. from what i gather in speaking with people that work for social they do havees, capabilities and they are researching capabilities to detect material that is fabricated and being uploaded to their sites. i would not call it a formal forensic lab but in terms of working with techniques to detect and try to deploy those platforms to suppress disinformation is a high priority for them. host: joe from florida. caller: my question is for mr. smith. the answer needs to be yes or no. do you believe russia intervened
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with our election? china, north korea? smith?eff guest: yeah, that has nothing to do with deepfakes which is why evidence int the the national security agencies agree that russia did interfere with the elections. host: will your center played any role in the 2020 election or can people go to the media center online and find out if the videos they are seeing that a gone viral are deep fakes or not? our role -- we don't have a formal role in the elections. we are contacted by news agencies from time to time requesting some input on material on the internet.
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we usually don't share that website. the news foreye on results related to material on the internet. can find out more if you go to the website for the university of colorado denver. -- thank you for the conversation this morning. host: you are welcome. host: we will wrap up washington journal by talking to all of you about your top policy issues. republicans, what is important to you right now? (202) 748-8001. democrats, (202) 748-8000. independents, (202) 748-8002. while we wait for your calls, we will show you the front pages of the newspapers this morning. washington post leads with u.s.-mexico negotiations over migration and the tariffs. according to the washington post, the mexican officials have
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pledged to deploy up to 6000 national guard troops in the area of the country's border with guatemala. a show of force will immediately reduce the number of central americans heading towards the united states. the plan requires central americans to seek refuge in the first country to enter after leaving their homeland. for guatemalans, that is mexico. from honduras and el salvador, that is guatemala's government has been having talked to the trump administration about going forward. what guatemala can do to prevent migration, the mass migration into the united states. you?is issue a top one for how about the economy and the president's trade and tariffs policy. also from the washington post new analysis shows it stunts global trade. if. jobs could disappear
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trump follows through on plants activate tariffs on 350 million -- $350 billion in mexican imports. analyst forecast international 2019 will grow 20% in after the follow-up from the three-pointe -- -- it will grow % in 2019. 75,000 jobs added. analyst predicted 175,000. jobs addedion -- the fell short of what people had been predicting. the world new section of the wall street journal. iranian missiles put u.s. on edge for weeks. u.s.wo weeks in may, the military shouted iranian boats around the persian gulf as washington and tehran traded
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threats anton's. surveillance kept watch on the vessels after official said they saw iranian forces load missiles into launchers on their decks. perhaps this is an issue important to you. let's go to greg and bryan, texas. independent. go ahead. caller: i would like to think c-span for all of your efforts. as an independent voter i do believe climate change is the number one issue and unless we address that all other issues will become moot. let's hear from mildred in arlington, virginia, democrat. caller: hi. i'm almost on the same page as he was with the climate and the flooding in all the rain. testsoing offshore to do
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and ruining the animals of the ocean. ignored, especially by the administration. that is me. host: angie from florida. caller: how are you doing. thank you for taking my call. host: your top public policy issue. caller: i would like to see the republican party and the democratic party that make a lot of money throughout the years start doing a job for the people and not fight so much. that is not getting us anywhere. we need to stop bickering and work together. if you don't like the president, that is fine, but you don't have to ruin our country in the process. try to get along. try to get policies through. we have a lot of immigrants that want to come to the country. we are a country of laws. we should abide by them. if you lose that, you lose your country.
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i want to thank you for taking my call and they pray that all people who listen to you try to work together to find a resolution to these problems. host: angie wants the people in washington to work together on these issues. on tuesday, the house will be holding a contempt of congress vote for both attorney general began -- don m ccgan. you can watch that coverage on c-span or on our website, you can also listen with the free c-span radio app. to date we will hear from the attorney general who is delivering remarks at the graduating class of the fbi in quantico, virginia. that is at 10:00 a.m. eastern c-span, , or the c-span radio app. if you're watching the candidates running for president in 2020, tune in to c-span
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tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern for our road to the white house coverage with senator bernie sanders in cedar rapids, iowa. he will be joining the live podcast and we will have coverage of that here on c-span, and the radio app. on saturday on c-span you can watch presidential candidate cory booker at 8:00 p.m. eastern time on the political party's live podcast. on sunday, the iowa democratic party is holding a campaign event with her marks from 19 candidates in the cedar rapids convention complex in cedar rapids. our coverage of that and all those events on c-span, you can find out the schedule and more details if you go to . you can watch their or download the free c-span radio app. we have 15 minutes left in the conversation. your top public policy issue? built in maryland, independent. caller: hi.
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my top issue is similar to the last one but having the government work together to solve the immigration issue in terms of getting the wall done, getting the judges necessary to adjudicate the cases and to stop -- our government is basically .ncouraging human trafficking it's a disgrace. take care of that. host: andrew from gilroy, california, a republican. caller: our borders need to be secured. the people coming over the borders right now. we have a homeless problem in california. one city has gone up 40%. other cities have gone up 15%, 20%. we are bringing in all these illegals and paying for them. the government is not telling us
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or the democrats especially are not telling us how much it is costing us. they are just bringing them in. not helping anybody. we have our military people that are homeless in the streets. they are not helping. the democrats have no clue. host: carl from south carolina, democrat. caller: good morning. my issue is that politicians should stop using the american people as pawns. they are using us just like the election. the electoral votes but the president in. what do the people vote to do? that is my issue. host: you want changes there? caller: yes. host: carol in washington. caller: i am switching. paying for allis
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this that everyone once in this inntry. -- everyone wants this country. paying for everything. when i retired four years ago, and i had been watching the news. i am aghast at what is happening in this country politically. all the people who want free --icare for all, but nobody i heard one or two times on all we whoional news that are in our mid-70's and have been working, we have paid for all of this. what we are finally receiving a little bit. this country cannot afford to pay for everything. to pay for college for everyone and let in people from all over the world, whether they are here legally or not. people needord it
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to learn how the money is created in this country i am not a republican. business owners have been ripping off all the rest of us for decades. this may not be a top issue for you, but on the annoying robo calls. the fcc has now expanded the power of cell phone companies to block robo calls. matt in texas, a democrat. your top issue? caller:. -- good morning, greta. my top issue is prescription drugs. i have heard it from both parties. they all say prescription drugs are too high but we still don't see any bills coming to the floor. there are lawsuits among many states attorneys general. when every going to get serious about tackling prescription drugs?
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not just prescription drugs. it is hospital visits, the practices of insurance companies. stop all the bickering and back-and-forth. let's get the business on fixing our health care system and having more transparency. host: i don't know if you saw it earlier this week that c-span hosted an event published by axios. they had chuck grassley talk about this issue of rising prescription drugs. the ranking democrat on the health subcommittee and finance. they also had the representative, ceo and president of the association in washington that represents generics. they all were discussing this issue. if you missed it, go to our website, you can find it there. odette in florida. caller: how are you?
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thank you for taking my call. thank you for taking my call. host: what is your top policy issue? caller: immigration. host: why? caller: too many people are coming in here. i see it on the news and i can't understand what is happening to our nation. i really can't. it is just too much. poor people cannot take care of this anymore. although it is not my primary policy issue, but it is my main one. host: odette in northport, florida. from the wall street journal, fed starting debate on whether to cut rates as soon as june. a month ago the fed chair played down the speculation of a rate cut this summer. now they say the darker economic outlook and heightened trade additions make the rate cut possible. if not that there meeting, then at the meeting in july or later. isaac from baltimore,
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independent. it is your turn to tell us. top public policy issue. my top policy issue is education. mainieve education is the pillars that is truly lacking. if we increase funding across the spectrum, public school and private school, we will see a much at her chill affect. host: john in germantown, maryland. good morning. caller: yesterday in the post there was an article about harvard law school professor promoting impeachment hearings but making it clear it would be necessary and appropriate and a hopeless situation to actually introduce and vote on the articles. that there is a sense of guilt simply making
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this clear especially saying this man is impeachable, but without doing that. that will help a great deal in the election. it will help educate folks. up until now i've been totally in support of nancy pelosi's position. i don't like the idea of someone like elizabeth warren who i admire to say it is the right thing to do almost as if we can lose in the senate anyway. this is a perfect solution and it needs a lot more attention. i urge you to invite him on as soon as you can. speaker's, the position she told her colleagues on tuesday night in the phone call was she wants to see the president in prison, not impeached. host: that is understandable. i suspect she probably did not want to have that word go beyond, but it may well be if he is prosecuted criminally that it would happen.
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he lacks any basic decency and clearly has been guilty of obstructing justice. as the could be clearer 700 plus former attorneys are saying. i would not worry much about that. host: will you be watching on tuesday when the houseboats at noon on the content citation? caller: you have to enforce these subpoenas. we have had some success with the court already. i think that will be successful. the: according to politico, house judiciary chair told democratic leaders that they closed door meeting that he could issue a subpoena to robert mueller if he cannot secure the public testimony. his comments were his clearest remarks today on the possibility. they are still negotiating with
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mueller, who is only willing to answer lawmakers stinson private. a nonstarter for most house democrats. stew -- excuse me, paul and virginia. good morning. caller: i would say my biggest public policy issue is racism. one of the ladies called earlier from florida and said there is a legal weight in any legal way to come into this country. most of the people coming in at the southern border are coming in illegally and offering themselves legally to be taken in by authorities. they are not criminals but i think a lot of republicans refuse to believe that because they are racist. they would rather call a brown person a criminal and illegal because they are racist. host: christine from pennsylvania. democratic caller. go ahead and shave your top public policy issue with us. caller: my top issue is
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corporate control of our politicians. you can give unlimited amounts of whatever to pennsylvania politicians and they will do whatever the corporations or whoever has the money wants them to do. that goes right of the trump. trump does what will make him and his cronies the most money. our biggest question is why did want trump inin there. it is all about the money. it is all about the corporations. it is not about the people for democracy. it is being sold down the river. host: frank in new york, a republican. my policy is why did hillary clinton and president obama conspire to sell uranium to russia and nothing has happened?
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if the uranium is part of the united states property, how did hillary clinton get money? why didn't the money go into the taxpayer -- the treasury department. i think obama and clinton got money from russia and obama got money and no one ever talks about it. where do you go to read about this issue? i watch cnn everyday and i've seen this two years ago. i wrote to the new york times and nothing ever was said. host: you have not been researching this or reading about this since then? caller: you don't hear about it. this is a true story that nobody wants to hear. everyone knows and every channel tells you we sold uranium to russia. -- ourre looking at our
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uranium is the united states'. isn't hillary clinton's for president obama's. host: the reliable source section of the washington post has a story about the former first couple. they will develop and produce and lend voices to podcasts. they are writing books and producing tv shows and movies. now they are getting into podcasting. the production company higher spotifys dealing with under which they will develop and produce in their voices to a number of podcasts. dave from westminster, maryland. independent. caller: i am actually kind of shocked nobody has brought this up. into anlowly moving orwellian world. "theeading a book called asia surveillance capitalism: aget the amount of -- "the
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of surveillance capitalism." i think it is really something we will have to wrestle with, the human race going forward. host: kathy, go ahead and illinois. a republican. caller: hi. thank you for taking my call. i live right outside chicago and i'm sure everybody knows what a hotspot this is right now. many illegal immigrants. we haveso much crime hispanic families that are being -- three times over. they know how to play the system. i was born and raised in chicago and when i go back is like going to tijuana. host: i want to give you an
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update on this issue because according to white house the press secretary said that talks with mexico and a potential deal has gone well but the position has not changed. and tariffs are going into effect on monday. that does it for "washington at 7:00 we will be back a.m.. attorney general william barr is delivering marks to the graduating class of the fbi. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]


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