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tv   Public Affairs Events  CSPAN  June 25, 2019 6:02pm-9:01pm EDT

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and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: referred to the house calendar and ordered printed. for what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts seek recognition? mr. mcgovern: by direction of the committee on rules i call up house res. like 462 and ask for its immediate consideration. the clerk: house resolution 462 that upon adoption of this resolution it shall be considered in the house making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year september 30, 2019 and for other purposes. all points of order against consideration of the bill are waived. the amendment printed in the report of the committee on rules accompanying this resolution shall be considered as adopted.
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the bill as amended shall be considered as read. all points of order as amended are waived. clause 2-e of rule 21 shall not apply. the previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill as amended and on further amendment thereto to final passage without intervening passage, one hour of debate by the chair and ranking minority member, and two, motion to recommit with or without instructions. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one hour. mr. mcgovern: i yield the customary 30 minutes to the distinguished the gentleman from oklahoma, mr. cole and i yield myself such time. during consideration of this resolution all time is yielded for purposes of debate only and i ask unanimous consent that all members be given five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without
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objection. mr. mcgovern: mr. speaker, today, the rules committee met and reported a rule, house resolution 462 providing for consideration h.r. 431. one hour of general debate controlled by the chair and ranking minority member on the committee of appropriations. i have fought for human rights my entire career. as co-chair of the tom lantos human rights commission, i never thought i would see such inhumane conditions, all because of the president's cruel and failed immigration policies. we have children today at border facilities forced to sleep on concrete floors. with the lights kept on 24 hours a day. they are not being given soap, diapers or a tooth brush. combs are being
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shared and kids are being supervised by other kids. this is happening in america today because of the choices made by president trump. it is horrific. this is child abuse, plain and simple. in a document obtained by abc news, one physician described the conditions there by saying, and i quote, the conditions within which they are held could be compared to torture facilities, end quote. torture facilities, mr. speaker. the request of this administration, this should sicken every single american. this administration seems to relish this and use the lives of these children as political theater. the president had the audacity we are doing his, a great job. are you kidding me. there are some children who will never be reunited with their families and locked in cages and forced to endure inhumane
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conditions. there is a special place in hell for those who are ripping children from the arms of their mothers, putting them in cages without a blanket arguing they shouldn't get basic necessities like a tooth brush. if your heart doesn't break and do everything you can to end this, you should take a hard look in the mirror. this majority doesn't agree with the president's policies, but we will not turn a blind eye to this humanitarian catastrophe. so this bill delivers billions to provide food, water and blanching et cetera and will fund things like legal assistance and support services for unaccompanied children and refugees and there are strict limits on influx shelters and protects sponsors from d.h.s. immigration enforcement based on information collected in the vetting process and creates strong oversight to protect
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unaccompanied children. this legislation reverses the administration's decision to olympic the humanitarian funding that congress has appropriated for the northern triangle countries. at the same time, we do not provide a single penny to the president's policy. there are humane funds and we will not let the president continue his cruelty. this is not a perfect measure, but this is a an appropriations bill. and i want to recognize the extraordinary leadership of lowey and delauro, the updated language will enhance protections for the rights and the dignity of migrants even further. it wasn't too long ago that reagan said america was best represented as the shining city on the hill. this administration apparently believes this country is best
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represented by separated children living in filth in a cage down on the border. i urge my colleagues to vote for this rule and the underlying legislation and show we are humanity of the american people and i reserve. the chair: members are reminded to refrain in engaging in personalities toward the president. the gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. mr. cole: i want to thank my good friend, the the gentleman from massachusetts, for yielding me the customary 30 minutes and i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. cole: well, we are here today on the second rule of the day on a supplemental appropriations bill for the southern border. while the rules committee met to consider this bill last night and took testimony on it, due to some reported revolts in the
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democratic caucus we didn't report on this. we met on this bill at 5:0 and reported it to the floor 10 minutes later using the same-day authority that chairman mcgovern has referred to as martial law. our emergency meeting included several last-minute changes in the bill that provided little opportunity for anyone to actually review. tragically, that's the story of this bill. last-minute changes made on short notice and push through a partisan agenda not only by consideration of the house of representatives, but more importantly at the expense of innocent children. h.r. 3401 is a supplemental appropriations bill providing funding for the humanitarian crisis on the southern border. when it comes to h.r. 3401, i have good news and bad news. the good news is that the democrats finally, finally agree
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that we need a supplemental appropriation funding bill on the southern border after republicans have been sounding the alarm for months. fact is, the president first requested assistance in this matter on may 1, almost two months ago. a lot of the crisis at the border is because my friends didn't discharge their responsibilities. if you are the guy who is supposed to pay for the toothpaste and the soap and you don't, you have some measure of responsibility. there is some more good news here. there is a real opportunity for us to produce a bipartisan bicameral bill that can become law. the bad news is h.r. 3401 is not that bill. the majority is making no pretense in pretending to work with the minority. several contains failed provisions.
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it includes partisan policy riders that ties the hands of the administration and failed to provide the flexibility necessary for the government to address the crisis. and most notably, this bill was produced without any republican input at all. i want to reiterate what i said a moment ago. both democrats and republicans agree there is a need for a supplemental appropriations bill. why the majority failed to take advantage of the -- the opportunity this agreement provides, i don't know. but until the majority chooses to work with republicans on this and produce a bipartisan bill, i fear we will be heading down the exact same path we tried so often before in this congress. with the house pushing another partisan piece of legislation that will not pass the senate and will not be signed into law by the president. and that is disappointing, to
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say the least. mr. speaker, the state of affairs could and should have been avoided. instead of pushing three partisan bills, the majority could have worked with republicans to craft bipartisan bills to address these three problems. even if that did not come to pass, the rules committee could have worked with us to make minority amendments in order and fix these flawed bills on the floor or at least be heard. that, they -- that they did not is another indication of where the majority's priorities lie. pushing partisan bills to score political points and avoiding the hard work of actually making law. there is a chance to change this, mr. speaker. in order to do so, the majority needs to decide if they are here to score political points or here to make law. i remind my friends on the other side, passing a bill that is a partisan bill through this
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chamber won't solve the problem. i congratulate on having a vehicle to go to conference. that's a good thing. when they get there, they will have to do something they haven't done throughout their tenure in the majority and that is actually sit down and compromise with people on the other side and work with the administration. i hope they prove up to that task. because if they don't, we will have exactly the same result, that is legislation passing here, not succeeding in the other chamber and that will not solve the crisis on the border but exacerbate it and i urge opposition to the rule. and i reserve. mr. mcgovern: i reserve my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma is ecognized.
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mr. cole: i would yield three minutes to my good friend from georgia, mr. woodall. the gentleman from georgia is recognized for three minutes. mr. woodall: i thank my friend on the rules committee for yielding. welcome to come down. one-on-one relationship with you in that chair and with our colleagues on the other side of the aisle and highlight the members of the rules committee. we have men and women who fight hard on absolutely everything every day not -- because they believe in what they dor doing. when my friend said he takes a back seat to no one when it comes to children, i believe that's absolutely true. but the ranking member, the gentleman from oklahoma, takes a back seat to no one.
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i have seen him in his chair of labor-h.h.s., he was taking arrows fighting the republicans, fighting democrats, folks of all stripes trying to do the right thing for the right reasons. this isn't a republican or democrat problem. this is a house problem we're having. the senate, republicans and democrats, came together nearly unanimously to move a bill that we could send to the white house today that would fund the problems that the gentleman from massachusetts referenced immediately. the funding shortfall immediately. the problems in staffing immediately. the problems in counseling, immediately. and instead, as the gentleman from oklahoma pointed out, we tried to move a bill last night at midnight, it fell apart. because the democratic caucus didn't have enough votes to move it. and in the last 12 hours,
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instead of coming to republicans to try to find a bipartisan pathway forward, the democratic caucus has been rgely insular, looking for a pathway to follow alone. my friend from massachusetts is 100% right. this is an issue that should not be used to score partisan points. it should not be used for political theater. it is an opportunity, one among many, but perhaps the most important for us to come together and unite around things that every man and woman in this chamber believes in. and that's serving our fellow man. as the gentleman from oklahoma said, we can start that road towards conference with the passage of this bill tonight. but if we reject this bill and bring up the senate bill, we don't have to start the pathway towards conference. we can start the pathway towards progress. towards solution.
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we can end the talk and begin the action. i think that's what every member of this chamber wants to do and i hope they'll take yes for an answer. with that, mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma reserves. the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. mr. mcgovern: mr. speaker, let me provide a little bit of a news flash for my republican friends. the senate bill is being -- has a hold on it by a republican from the home state of the senate majority leader. and i saw a news report today that the chairman of the appropriations committee in the senate, mr. shelby, was asked by a reporter, would the president -- he wants assurances that the president will sign the bill that the senate produced. mr. shelby replied he did not. so this is moving. and i would urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support it. at this time i'd like to yield three minutes to the gentlewoman from texas, ms. jackson lee. ms. jackson lee: let me thank the gentleman from massachusetts and let me also
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indicate to my friends on the other side of the aisle how grateful i am to the leadership, democratic leadership, who put children rst and have worked with the c.h.c. and the c.p.c. and the c.b.c. and the whole democratic caucus for the passionate views that members have, many of the members who have made repeated trips to the border. as a representative from a border state living with this on a very daily basis and interacting with my colleagues who live actually on the border, but also seeing the results of it, by many of those who have come to houston, texas, i understand that we have to get this right. let me also say to my good friend, chris comeau, who night after night after night after night would ask the question, what is congress doing, i can assure him that the mess that we're in unfortunately goes right to the foot and the front door of the white house. for if it was not the overfocus
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on building a wall, or the insisting on maintaining individuals on the mexican border when mexico is not prepared, or the steering away of funds from the likes of guatemala, honduras and el salvador and the rage of individuals who are fleeing in desperation to get away from persecution and having the right to claim the legal right of asylum, which is international law, maybe we would not be here. the reason why i can say that is because in the last couple of hours the head of c.b.p. in good conscience, in their own moral compass, in their own standard of what is right and what is dignity, could not stand by when almost 100 children were returned back to the filth that they had had to live in. i know the people in c.b.p. i know that there are good, hardworking people all over the border that work for the
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federal government. but the lack of resources because we are being held up by individuals who did not want to transfer or to focus on their needs over a wall or over mass deportation, policies that were distracting from helping these children. i also know that when there's a will, there's a way. so the question of whether or not you can find toothpaste and tooth brushes and soap appalls me. that the administration could not readily have those resources for those border personnel. it is a disgrace. and i know it because i was there holding little roger, 9 months old, who had been separated from his family. and ronalder couldn't speak. so if he didn't is -- roger couldn't speak. so if he didn't have a clean diaper, he could not speak. but in this bill that we're dealing with this then -- with then, we're still making sure -- we are dealing with the administration telling them that they have to provide aid to central american countries.
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we're doing something that is not done, $200 million from the senate bill for a processing center pilot program -- mr. mcgovern: i yield the gentlewoman an additional minute. ms. jackson lee: i thank the gentleman. that will provide medical treatment, food, clothing, telephone access, legal representation, asylum interviews and other services to families and unaccompanied children. the same children that were down there and we wonder why this wealthy country and the executive who has the ability to move dollars around could t get the minimum bear needs of those people. $90.6 million for temporary duty and overtime. $90 million for transport. spending money for preventing any purpose -- for any purpose. more people are coming because they're desperate from countries, haiti, and african countries. gear -- we're going to get enhanced translators to help people understand. and if they're determined to be
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able to be in this country through the asylum process, they would be allowed. we are acknowledging the fact that there is desperation, we are acknowledging the fact that our c.b.p. and others need to do their job. but we're acknowledging the fact that this is our responsibility, we're going to help these children, we're going hold it them to us like they're ours and we're going to make sure they're not these horrible descriptions and conditions that our little babies have to suffer through. we're going to do that today. thank you very much and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from massachusetts reserves. the gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. >> thank you very much, mr. speaker. we've heard pretty harsh words about the administration's failure to respond. the administration was asked two months ago. it was our friends who were slow to respond. the administration warned us of what would happen and it's unfolding in front of our eyes and it's unfolding because of the failure of democrats in the house to actually take it seriously. let's go back to the rhetoric at the time.
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mr. cole: it's a manufactured crisis. it's not real. it's all made up. that turned out to be a bad mistake. and it set us back weeks in this chamber, getting to where we finally are beginning to get a response. frankly, our friends simply couldn't get their act together on this for a while. i'm glad they're beginning to do that now. let's also look at a little history, mr. speaker. this problem isn't new. what's new is the slowness to respond. we face this very same problem when we were in the majority and president obama was in office in 2014. he asked for $3.7 billion. he got it within 24 days and he got it without a lot of extraneous conditions hand on it. that's exactly the opposite of the manner in which our friends on the other side are responding at the last minute. but they are responding. and for that i give them some credit. but, again, what's new is the slowness of response. the unwillingness to work with the other chamber, the
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unwillingness to work with the president to meet an emergency that he warned us was coming two months ago. with that, mr. speaker, i would like to yield three minutes to my friend, the gentleman from texas, mr. roy. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. roy: i thank the gentleman. and i thank the gentleman for his leadership here on the floor today. is there a crisis? i think there is. and i'm glad that we're here today where our colleagues on the other side of the aisle are finally acknowledging that there's a crisis. not that long ago the speaker of the house called the situation a fake crisis at the border. the senate minority leader schumer called it a crisis that does not exist. the house majority leader said there is no crisis at the border. the house democratic caucus chairman jeffries said there is no crisis at the border. house foreign relations committee chairman engel called the situation a fake crisis at
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the border. house judiciary committee chairman nadler said there is no crisis at the border. representative wasserman schultz we don't have a border crisis. i can go on and on and on. statements on the record, in the news media, in this building in this chamber, saying there is no border crisis. now, either that's putting your head in the sand and ignoring the facts in front of you or it was very purposeful. and it was very purposeful to try to hide the fact that there is in fact a crisis for some sort of cynical political gain. the fact of the matter is in may of this year, there were 84,000 families that attempted to enter the country. and they were apprehended. 84,000. which is more than all of 2014. anybody with eyes, anybody who has gone to the border has seen there's been a crisis for months on end. and our colleagues on the other side of the aisle were willfully ignoring it. president obama in 2014 put
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forward a bill, legislation, that was introduced by senator mccull i ask, that had $762 million in it for i.c.e. for i.c.e. to deal with unaccompanied children at the time. which today our colleagues on the other side of the aisle say we cannot do. president obama with as asking for money for i.c.e. and today we're told, no, can't have any money for i.c.e. but if you don't provide resources to i.c.e., where are you going to put the children that you say you want to take care of? where are you going to put the families, where are you going to put the people who are detaining at the boarder? when you create a tent facility at c.b.p. to process people at the border as this bill suggests doing, you have no resources in there for d.o.d., you have no resources in there for i.c.e. and any -- in any significant way. and you have no place to put the people you say you want to take care of in this bill. what are you asking c.b.p., what are you asking our people
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at the border to do? and then you have the audacity to point at i.c.e. and c.b.p. and tell them they're failing to do their jobs, when for months on end we have not provided the resources necessary for them to do their job. the american people sent us here to solve problems and one of those was to secure the border of the united states and to ensure those people who seek to come here can do so safely. and yet we bury our head in the sand for political gain and ignore the facts on the ground. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. cole: i yield the gentleman an additional 30 seconds. mr. roy: i appreciate the gentleman yielding. this legislation falls short. this legislation that the house leadership has put forward has been late, does not address the problem, and will in fact make the problem worse by binding the hands of border patrol, binding the hands of the people that we've asked to do their job, we should reject this legislation, we should work together to provide legislation that would actually solve the
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problem, and stop enriching cartels on the backs of human beings because the strongest nation in the history of the world refuses to acknowledge the problem that cartels are exploiting asylum laws and human beings for profit. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. roy: i thank the gentleman. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma reserves. the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. mr. mcgovern: thank you, mr. speaker. let me just say to the gentleman from texas, i mean, he went through a series of quotes. i think what democrats were responding to was the crisis that the president was talking about. the president, as you know, for years has been ragging against democrats. has talked about an inif hetation of immigrants. has characterized immigrants in the most derogtory and hateful terms possible. that we were being invaded. that's not the crisis that we're talking about here today. the crisis we're talking about here today is the one the president created. the mistreatment of children. in u.s. custody.
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i mean, and there's no denying it. read the press accounts. read the new yorker. read "the new york times." read the "washington times." they talk about how little children have been mistreated at the border under u.s. custody. and that should offend every single person in this chamber. and that this administration created and manufactured this crisis in order to make political points, i think, is unconscionable. mr. speaker, at this time i'd like to yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from california, mrs. davis. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from california is recognized. mrs. davis: i rise in support of the rule and the underlying bill. mr. speaker, let me just tell you about a family at our local shelter in san diego. the mother and the father owned a successful fruit stand in
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guatemala and they were threatened by a gang for money. if they didn't pay, the safety of their children was in jeopardy. eventually one of their kids was injured on his way home from school and the mother shared that it was common, common for the gangs to shoot into the air and for shrapnel to hit unintended objects and sometimes people. the gangs targeted young female children to be used as prostitutes. what do we do? what do we do with families? what do we do with children separated from their families that come 1,000 miles to escape violence? what are our choices? do we shut the door? do we keep and detain under inhumane conditions?
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or hear their case? so we must consider who we are as a country and what are our values. the least we can do, the least we can do is to provide basic care while their case is heard. today's proposed funding is crucial to help improve humanitarian efforts at the border. this crisis we know will only get worse if we don't act now. so let's act now. let's act now and pass this rule and let's pass the underlying bill. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from massachusetts reserves. the gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. mr. cole: i would like to yield three minutes to my good friend, fellow member of the rules committee, gentlelady from arizona. ms. lesko: being from arizona, this issue is very important to
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me and has been for years and i'm glad that my democratic colleagues are finally acknowledging that there is a crisis at the border because we knew there was a crisis for what, 20 years now and keeps growing and growing. and the reason i say that. i know today everyone is standing up and saying let's help everyone. it wasn't that long ago on national tv speaker pelosi and senator schumer went in front of the public and said this is a manufactured crisis. trump and the republicans are making it all up. if anyone goes to the border like i have gone to the border, you will see it is a real crisis and growing each and every day. and that's why president trump asked for humanitarian aid on may 1. then department of homeland security and h.h.s. sent all of us this letter, all of us
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congressmen and women saying we need help now. we are running out of funds. this is a crisis. so the republicans made motion after motion after motion, 17 times asking for humanitarian aid. and what did my democrat colleagues do? they said no. no. they rejected every one. it is almost midnight last night and we thought we were going to vote on this bill on the humanitarian aid and nope, pulled out. nope, couldn't get the votes over on the democratic side. so they made a change from what the media said. some of their more progressive members demanded requirements and changes and we were supposed to meet at 11:00 a.m. with a new bill. nope, that was pulled. we got the new version of the bill at 5:00 with the rules
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meeting at 5:30 and started the rules debate at 6:00 and didn't have time to read the bill. d so, you know, i have major concerns with this bill. i wish we had worked on a bipartisan basis. to give you one example, there was a young girl that died in arizona -- actually was found dead, seven years old and guess who helped rescue the other members of the party? it was the arizona national guard. yet none of this prevents any funding from going to the department of defense that will help with the arizona national guard and other national guard that is helping at the border. you know, i really wish that we could work together in a bipartisan fashion. get something done. go back to rules. let's do a clean bill and let's send it to the senate tonight.
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let's help solve this crisis now. and with that, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman's time has expired. the gentlewoman from oklahoma reserves. the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. mr. mcgovern: i'm sorry that the gentlewoman was inconvenienced but she misspoke when she said -- she just received a bill at 5:00. the bill has been available since last week. the only thing that was different it was a manager's amendment, seven pages long, double-spaced and didn't take that long to read. i'm sorry she couldn't get through it all, this is not a new bill. this bill has been around. and let me say for the record, we don't agree. we don't agree with the crisis that the president has been talking about for years and years and years and years and
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the way he refers to immigrants. we don't agree -- talk about and infestation of immigrants. that's not the crisis. the crisis that he created, this administration created which could cause more outrage on the other side of the aisle with separating children from their parents. there are countless children who may never be reunited with their parents. denyingis he created is these children basic necessities like soap, tooth paste, toothbrushe where little kids were being taken care of by other lttle kids. this is a outrage and this is a crises he created and this bill trying to fix it. and if my colleagues don't want to suppo it, fine. b we are going to do what is
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right. that's why we ran for office and we won the last election because people were horrified by what was happening at the border. i reserve my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from massachusetts reserves. the gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. mr. cole: i yield two minutes to my good friend, distinguished the gentleman from arizona, mr. biggs. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. biggs: i want to say at the outset, the condescending tone towards our side by the previous speaker is uncalled for and quite frankly and unparallel men tear in itself. and when he talked about political points being unconscionable, that may be an understatement. let me tell you something, when i was down at the border, the d.e.a. informed me of a little girl who was forced to take care of two young children.
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she is aged 11. she had been trafficked by cartels right into charleston, south carolina. right there at that position, many people, 40 or more people had used that location in charleston as a sponsor to be released under the catch-and-release problem that we have. we have a problem at the border. this bill doesn't fix that. this bill doesn't fix that. if you want to take care of an humanitarian issue, you would give i.c.e. money for beds. that little young girl taking care of two young boys until that affiliate in charleston could send those children back to be used for a family unit to come back. that is what is unconscionable. the fact that we are not funding
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i.c.e. when it has a 10,000-bed shortage and when c.b.p. has a 15,000-bed shortage. you talk about lack of humanitarian care, this bill doesn't take care of that, because that does not address giving i.c.e. and c.b.p. to hold on to people to keep families together. that's the reality of the situation. so -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. cole: i yield 30 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. biggs: so so that program that my colleagues across the aisle are putting together ensloins catch-and-release and also fall sill tates human trafficking. it does. just like we saw with the little girl who was sent to charleston, south carolina and was going to be used by cartels as a fake
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family you knit. that is what is unconscionable here. and i oppose the rule and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma reserves. the gentleman from massachusetts. mr. mcgovern: i appreciate the comments. he talks about more funding for i.c.e. the previous speaker talked about more money for defense. we are talking about children here. and that's what this bill addresses. money for state licensed shelters, money for child advocates and post relief services and case management services, money for the office of the inspector general. children are being mistreated at our border and we need to address it and we are trying to do it with this bill. i appreciate all the other things that my republican friends want to fund, but the
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crisis we need to address is the mistreatment of children at our border. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. mr. cole: i yield myself such time to make a quick time. saying there is no money, whose custody do you think they are in for the first couple of days? the problems tr at those facilities and not identified at the health and human services. my friends have spent so much time rather than giving the administration that it asked two months ago. i yield three minutes to my very good friend, distinguished doctor from texas, dr. burgess. mr. burgess: i'm a members member of the rules committee and member of the energy and commerce. it has under their jurisdiction, fice of refugee resettlement
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and it is tasked of children who are transferred at the processing centers. i have seen it firsthand on many trips to d.h.s. of refugee settlement shelters. personnel provide compassionate care to children. these facilities have security to protect the children inside but if a child wants to wants to leave they can go back to their home country. they are ience, designed. if an older teen decides that they need to leave, they are neither detained nor restrained. it bothers me that these facilities are referred to as detainment centers or childhood prisons. they are shelters to protect
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these children while they are awaiting homes in this country. this is a closed rule and it's a shame. i opened an amendment to reimburse to the state of texas that the governor felt was required to send. governor perry did it in his administration. this is an ongoing problem for the state of texas. this is work that should be done by the united states federal government and the state has to take up and extend those dollars and that's wrong and needs to change. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma reserves. the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. mr. mcgovern: the member did offer an amendment. it was noncompliant with the rules of the house and wasn't made in order. i'm not sure what he was talking about these young children to request that they be sent back
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to their homes that they could walk out where they are being held right now? i'm not sure what he is talking about. there is money in here for u.s. customs and border protection and my friends know that if they read the bill. just have to say, i think where the outrage is here, is that this administration is overseeing and an immigration policy where children have been separated from their parents and now we see children being held in the worst conditions possible. it doesn't reflect the values of the american people and we need o pass this bill to remedy it. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. cole: i yield two minutes to the gentleman from florida, mr. spano. mr. spano: i rise in opposition
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to the immigration supplemental. while i appreciate the majority in this house has come to the realization that there is a crisis on our southern border after spending the first six months denying that fact, they continue to refuse to work with republicans to address the real problem. the bill before us today was drafted with no republican input. for the past two days its fate has seemed uncertain as there are members of the democrat caucus don't believe we should have a border or enforce our laws. we are a nation of laws. americans who choose to join the law enforcement profession put their lives on the line every day to protect americans and care for those in their custody. they are working overtime to deal with this crisis. what support do they give in this supplemental? it doesn't fund the pay or overtime shortage. instead members of the majority
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party have called i.c.e. and c.b.p. agents that are killing children. i want everybody to think about that. there are members of the democrat caucus that i.c.e. and c.b.p. are killing children in their custody. the democratic leadership has been engaged in negotiations to win the support of these members. one of the sluges contained in the manager's amendment is an extra $2 million for the continued operation of the immigration court. the average wait time to have a case heard is over 700 days. does the bill include the $55 million that the senate bill does for immigration judges? no. rather it rather it provides a 1-800 number to check on status of a
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case. the wait is over 700 days. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. cole: i yield the gentleman an additional 15 seconds. mr. spano: the wait is 700 days. that's like putting a band-aid on a gaping wound. i look forward to addressing this crisis but this bill is not the solution. if they were serious about solving the problem, democrats would include additional funding to take care of our law enforcement who are working so hard to address the crisis. and they would include additional funding to reduce the court backlog. it's time to get serious about the crisis. it's time to offer real solutions. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma reserves. the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. mr. mcgovern: i'm going to reserve, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from -- the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. mr. cole: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. if we defeat the previous question, i will offer an
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amendment to the rule immediately -- to immediately bring up h.r. 3056, the border crisis supplemental appropriations act of 2019. unlike the bill before us today, h.r. 3056 provides all the necessary funding that the administration has requested to address the humanitarian crisis on the southern border. the bill provides funding for department of defense, which has expended significant resources responding to the crisis. it also provides funding for refugee and entrance assistance and for the u.s. customs and border protection that the administration has requested and has told us is necessary to meet the crisis. most notably this bill does so without adding any of the partisan riders that plague the majority's version of the supplemental. we can provide funding to meet the crisis without tying the hands of the administration and leaving them no wiggle room or flexibility. mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to insert the text of my amendment in the record along with extraneous material immediately prior to the vote on the previous question.
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the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. cole: thank you very much. with that, mr. speaker, i would like to yield two minutes to my good friend, the distinguished member from ohio, mr. gonzalez. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. gonzalez: thank you. thank you. so i've been sitting here now for about 10 minutes listening to my colleagues on the other side saying this solves the problem. this bill finally solves the problem. nothing could be further from the truth. this is the poorest faith effort i have ever seen to solve the problem. the senate has a bipartisan bill, it's not perfect. i don't love that bill. but it is a bipartisan bill that we could vote on tonight and we could actually solve something. we could actually get something done. but what happened instead? instead we as republicans were completely shut out of the
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process. and they negotiated amongst themselves. that solves absolutely nothing. not to mention there isn't a single person that i have heard on the other side of the aisle that has been serious and honest about what's actually causing this problem, about solving the horrible incentives that we have in our immigration system, that incentivizes the most dangerous journey up through our southern border. i'm the son of cuban immigrants. my family escaped from communist castro to come to this country. did it legally. i would love to see a good-faith effort. my door is wide open. to anybody, anywhere who wants to have a serious conversation about how we reform our immigration system. i understand my colleagues on the other side of the aisle do not like the president. i get that. ok? but that doesn't change the fact that our immigration system has been broken for decades. and the only people on planet earth who can solve that problem are the ones in this
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body. so if you want to solve the problem, come find me. my door is wide open. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma reserves. the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. mr. mcgovern: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. mr. cole: i'm prepared to close whenever my friend is. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. mr. cole: thank you very much, mr. speaker. i want to begin by telling my good friend how much i respect him, how much i admire him and i know how passionate he is on the issue of children. no doubt about that. i also want to tell my friend, i think eight weeks ago we should have been acting on this. and we were told there wasn't a crisis and there wasn't a serious effort on the other side of the -- on the other side. last night when my friends were struggling to find the votes, frankly we could have delivered a lot of votes. instead you moved the bill further to the left. to placate the most extreme elements in your own conference. i think that's going to make it
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much harder to come to a deal eventually with the senate and with the administration. so, mr. speaker, in closing i urge opposition to this rule. the rule will make in order for consideration of h.r. 3401 a supplemental appropriations bill that could have been a bipartisan bill. instead the majority chose to make it partisan, failing to fund the national security elements of the border crisis, including partisan policy riders that tie the hands of the administration. not to be outdone, the majority also pushed through last-minute changes using the same-day rule authority that has not beened a quayly considered by anyone on -- adequately considered by anyone on oather -- either side of the aisle. let me reinforce the point my friend made. we got this bill at 4:57. we con veend the rules committee at -- convened the rules committee at 5:306789 i can read things but i -- 5:30. i can read things but i can't
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research everything in 33 minutes. we haven't gotten a single opportunity to offer a single amendment to this bill. so that's unfortunate. i don't think it's a process that's likely to lead to a successful outcome. so i want to conclude, mr. speaker, by urging my colleagues to vote no on the previous question, to vote no on the rule, to vote no on the underlying measure. and then let's go to work on a bipartisan bill, let's meet all the requests the administration's asked for in terms of resources, give them the flexibility they need to do the job, and recognize this is not a new problem. we dealt with it, frankly, pretty successfully with president obama by giving him the resources and the flexibility he needs. i'm sorry my friends are not extending that same courtesy to the current president. with that, mr. speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma reserves. the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from
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massachusetts. mr. mcgovern: i yield myself the remaining time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. mr. mcgovern: mr. speaker, i too have great respect for the gentleman from oklahoma. and we don't always agree on everything, but there are some things we do agree on. but i want to say this with great respect for him and for the gentlewoman from arizona and i'm sorry if i offended her in the way i responded to her comments. but my friends had the bill for quite some time. what is new today is the amendment. the seven-page amendment. so it is not correct to say that the bill was just given to the minority at 4:30 today or 5:30 or right before we met. the bottom line is you've had it for a while. the amendment, which is seven pages, is something new. now, the amendment has been characterized as us moving to the left. let me remind people what is in this amendment. there's stronger requirements for care of unaccompanied minor children. tightened restrictions on influx shelters. accountability for contractors
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violating standards at influx shelters. funding for immigration court and help desk program. ensuring access to translation services. it's not left to right or middle of the road to me, it just sounds like common sense. to characterize this as a move to the left, i don't get it. mr. speaker, this administration's actions at the border should not be ignored. what these children are going through should not be minimized. but that hasn't stopped some on the other side of the aisle from trying, as they continue to defend any move that this administration makes. i mean, we didn't hear a lot of talk about the children in the debate on the other side. some did raise the issue. but most of the talk was on other things. last night i heard one of my friends on the other side of the aisle defend the conditions in -- at these border pa filth
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-- facilities. he came to the floor again today. he said there was, quote, no lock on the door, end quote, and, quote, any child is free to leave at any time. but they don't. and you know why? because they're well taken care of. end quote. mr. speaker, is he really suggesting that a 3-year-old or 4-year-old accompanied child should just get up and walk out of one of these facilities? come on. what are we talking about here? and i don't know how anyone could be saying -- i don't know how anybody could saying about denied soap or being denied tooth brushes and medical care is being well taken care of. because these are inhue may be conditions and i think -- inhumane conditions and i think it's child abuse. america is better than this. demand better for better for these kids. so let's vote on this rule and on the underlying bill so that we can get this aid where it's needed as quickly as possible and hold this administration accountable. with that, mr. speaker, i yield back the balance of my time,
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and i move the previous question on the resolution. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on ordering the previous question on the resolution. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. mr. cole: mr. speaker, on that i would ask for the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. all those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. pursuant to clause 9 of rule 20, the chair will reduce to five minutes the minimum time for any electronic vote on the question of the adoption of the resolution. this is a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the chair: on this vote, the
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yeas are 226 -- the speaker pro tempore: on this vote, the yeas are 226, the nays are 188. the previous question is ordered. the question is on the adoption of the resolution. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. >> mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. mr. cole: on that i request the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having risen, the yeas and nays are ordered. members will record their votes y electronic device. this is a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by thethe national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or
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commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote, the yeas are 225 and the nays are 189. the resolution is adopted and
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without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. the speaker pro tempore: the ouse will come to order. members will remove their conversations from the well. members are instructed to remove their conversations from the ell.
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he house will come to order. for what purpose does gentlelady new york rise? mrs. lowey: madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on h.r. 3401. madam speaker, pursuant to house resolution, i call up the bill .r. 3401, making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending september
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0, 2019 and for other purposes. and ask for its immediate consideration. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: a bill making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending september 0, 2019 and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to house resolution 462, this shall be considered as adopted, the bill is considered read and debatable for one hour equally and divided controlled the gentlewoman from new york and the gentlewoman from texas each will control 0 minutes. mrs. lowey: i'm pleased to yield one minute to the gentlewoman from california, the speaker of the house, ms. pelosi.
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ms. pelosi: i thank the gentlewoman for yielding. t me first salute chairwoman lowey, congresswoman delauro and ranking member for their good faith work on a strong bill that protects vulnerable children, keeps america safe and honors our values. madam speaker, when people ask me what are the three most important issues facing the congress, i always say the same thing, children, children, children. today, we have the opportunity to help the children. we are ensuring that children have food, cloothing, shelter and medical care. we are providing access to legal assistance and protecting families because families belong together. right now, children need their families.
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right now little children are enduring trauma and care. many are living in squal or and sleeping on the cold grounds. kids are watching over infants because there is no one else there to care for them. as one little girl caring for two kids, i need comfort, too. but i'm a child, too. today, we found that the administration is sending children back to a station in clint, texas and those children had been removed after enduring weeks without a shower or changing clothes. when visiting these children, one lawyer reported, the children are locked in their cells and said they can't bring their cells to play because they are trying to stay alive. last week the trump department of justice argued in court that
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the government should not have to provide children with soap, toothbrushes or beds. this is child abuse. it is an atrocity that violates every value we have not only as americans but as moral beings, today sadly our values are being undermined by the president's policies that brings heartbreak and horror. this legislation is a vote today. this is a vote against the cruel attitude towards children in this administration. t does not fund the failed policies. humane it secures limits on how to the money is spent and how the administration treats children.
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and it creates strong oversight by congress so we can protect children and ensure this crisis never occurs he again the. this legislation addresses the route causes. it reverses the administration's senseless decision to block funds for the northern triangle countries where many of these refugees are coming from and the funding improves border security and prevents human smuggling and drug trafficking. in addition to combatting corruption and reducing poverty. at is what the bill is all about. a trip led to the northern triangle they saw the effecttive use of those funds and while
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they were there, exercising oversight and the effective use of those funds at that very moment, the president reversed the policy. $200 we are launching a million pilot initiative to improve the customs and border protection processing system based on a proposal from the u.n. high commissioner for refugees. a while back when there was another muslim ban, when that happened, we were not in the majority, but we did have a hearing where many people came, national security experts, diplomats, people from faith-based organizations to object to the president's muslim ban and at that time, representatives of the a
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advantage leg call community of erica but a representative stated, america's refugee resettlement program is the own jewel of america's humanitarianism. we must strengthen and protect this pillar of our democracy. families belong together. as we face the challenges presented by the president's policies, we must help immigrants know their rights. immigrants must know their rights. families belong together. every member of this body has a sacred moral obligation to protect the human rights and the lives of vulnerable families no matter who they are. they are all of god's children and they have a spark of difficult vin ti that we must respect as we view these children and our
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responsibilities to them. i urge a strong bipartisan vote for the children, the children, the children. and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: does he gentlelady reserve? mrs. lowey: madam speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. mrs. lowey: i rise in support of this supplemental to care for the increased number of migrants crossing the southern border. a matter of days, the department of health and human services and department of homeland security will run out of money to care for children and families at the border who are already held in deplorable, chaotic conditions, often
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without needed medical care or even soap and toothbrushes. children go without showers or clean clothes for weeks. seven and eight year olds care for infants they don't know where toddlers go without diapers. this is heartbreaking and on the richest country on earth, unacceptable. this bill has $4.5 billion for basic human needs and better human care. $200 million for a multi-agency processing center pilot program with nonprofits as well as $60 million to assist local entities and nonprofits serving the influx of migrants. the president's cruel
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immigration policies that tear apart families and terrorize communities demand the stringent safeguards in this bill to ensure these funds are used for humanitarian needs only. not for immigration raids, not tention beds, not a border wall. this bill would better protect migrants' rights and dignity with stronger requirements the care of unaccompanied children including standards for medical are and medical emergencies, nutrition, hygiene and facilities and personnel training. . . strict conditions on facilities that house children would mandate requirements in the
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flores settlement, sponsors and potential sponsors would be safeguarded from d.h.s. immigration enforcement based on information collected by h.h.s. during this sponsor vetting process. madam speaker, we cannot be complicit in the crisis and suffering at the border. i urge support for this legislation and reserve the alance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from texas. ms. fwranger: i claim such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. granger: almost two months ago, the administration sounded the alarm about the crisis at our southwest border and told the congress additional funds were badly needed. now two months later, we're here. we have this border supplemental appropriations bill, h.r. 3401, that falls terribly short and will only further delay addressing the
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problem. i oppose this bill in its current form. hundreds of thousands of people have arrived at the border this year. some are coming through points of entry and many are crossing through the desert or the rio grand. men and women across agencies and departments have been working together to try to respond to the overwhelming surge of people coming to the border illegally. for the past three months, totaling over 100,000 people per month. last month, topped that. 144,000 men women and children from 51 countries. our agents and officers, our volunteers our nongovernmental organizations are dealing with nearly 20,000 people in a space design forward fraction of that. they're dealing with the increasingly hot summer heat and they're dealing with migrants with grave medical conditions. this is a real crisis and we
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need a bill that provides for all the agencies that are involved in responding, and it's listening overdue. the bill before us does not provide immigration and customs enforcement. the department of defense or the immigration courts with the funds they need. in addition, the bill includes provegs -- provisions tying the administration's hands, including restrictions on foreign aid to central american countries and stopping h h.s. from changing policies that could protect unaccompanied children. we're out of time and some of our agencies are spending money they don't have because they have must-pay bills for contracts for food and shelter and transportation and medical care. i want everyone to be very aware of what they're dealing with. people are waiting in terrible conditions in the desert in summers here. children are sleeping on the ground and need to be moved to shelters or homes.
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we need doctors and pediatricians. we need care givers. we need immigration courts to rule in a timely manner. we should not force those who have submitted claims for asylum and other forms of relief to wait any longer. the more time we spend on partisan measures, the longer it will be before help arrives to those who desperately need it. we need to act now on a bipartisan solution and i urge my colleagues to reject this bill that is partisan and dangerous. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from new york. mrs. lowey: madam speaker, i'm delighted to yield four minutes to the distinguished gentlewoman from connecticut, the outstanding chair of the labor, health, human services, and education subcommittee, ms. delawyer rowe. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for our minutes. ms. delawyer rowe: madam speaker, we face a humanitarian
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crisis at our southern border and we face a crisis of care. six children have died in u.s. custody in the last nine months. in the 10 previous years, not one child died. these lost, scared, vulnerable young people are so distraught, in what the "miami herald" called and i quote, prison-like facilities, that they are self-harming. it break ours heart and it must steel our conviction for action tonight. we have been acting. the 2020 labor-hhs propings bill we strengthened protectioners in unaccompanied children program. these include funding legal services, blocking the administration's memorandum of greement that had h.h.s. every
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roans youly prioritizing immigration enforcement over care for kids. and scaring sponsors from coming forward. and requiring the administration to abide by the protections that are guarantees under the standards of care of the flores agreement. that is what we've done. this is what we are doing now. this emergency supplemental provides funding for the housing of children. it implements protections for them. it enacts mechanisms to ensure their safe and expeditious placement with sponsors. we provide legal service, child advocates, post relief service, additional federal field specialists, case management personnel to identify potential family sponsors and to discharge children to them as quickly as possible. the emergency supplemental provides a full amount of $2.9 billion. requested by the administration. the full amount. these funds enable the department to expand its network of shelters to care for
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children. so we do provide the funds. however, we do not provide a blank check because a blank check could be licensed to continue the abuses that we uncovered. all of us were shocked and outraged last year at the administration's intentional family separation policy. adding to the number of children that h.h.s. had to care for and doing so with no plan to reunify these families. the tragedy is, some children will never be reunited with their families and that is on this administration's watch. along with these funds this bill includes new and necessary pr texts. they redirect h.h.s. to its core mission which is to be caring for children, placing them in a safe environment with sponsors. this bill gives priority to small and medium scale shelters wherever possible and for the first time ever it requires currently exempt influx
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facilities to meet the minimum standards of care required by the flores settlement. if these grantees do not comply, their contracts are revoked. the bill limits the number of days children can spend an influx shelter. a temporary facility should not become a near-permanent way station. the bill requires h.h.s. to maintain the directive that have been successfully accelerating the placement of children. and finally the bill enhances transparency prork sides adequate safeguards against the misuse of frunds, prohibits funds from being transferred outside h.h.s. it does not give the second retear discretion to decide which flores protections should apply to influx shelters and the bill requires h.h.s. to report to the congress within 24 hours if a child dies in h.h.s. custody. not one member in this body would volunteer his or her child or grandchild to be detained in these facilities. not one of us would choose to
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expose our youngsters to these conditions. so we must not allow any children to continue to suffer, nor shall we miss the opportunity to help. thank you. president franklin roosevelt once said, quoting the poet dante, and i quote, divine justice weighs the sin os the cold-blooded and the sins of the warm hearted in different scales. a ter the occasional fall of government that lives in a spirit of charity than the consistent omissions of a government frozen in the ice of its own indifference. we are not indifferent. we should not be indifferent. do not let us become frozen. i urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, let us pass
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this emergency supplemental bill because the lives of children are at stake and we should not play fast and loose with their lives when we have the power to do something, to make a difference, and to protect these children and make sure they get to a safe haven and a safe landing. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from texas. ms. granger: i yield five minutes to the gentleman from tennessee, mr. fleischmann. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. fleischmann: thank you, madam speaker. i thank you, ranking member granger. as ranking member of the homeland security subcommittee on appropriations, i know all too well the challenges we are facing on the border. i have the utmost respect for chairwoman roybal-allard and her work to address these issues and work with all the members of the subcommittee. at the time we crafted the
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fiscal year 2019 regular appropriations bill, we could not have predicted the sheer mass of people pouring across the border this spring and summer. but this fiscal year, customs and border patrol have already encountered almost 700,000 people. that's double the amount in all the previous fiscal year and we still have three months to go. further, we are not talking about separating children. we are talking about children coming to this country without parents who can care for them. we can't just let kids wander the streets. we need to ensure that h.h.s. has the space and the capacity to find sponsors or suitable homes for these kids. d.h.s. cannot wait another month for funds. and d.h.s. definitely cannot
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wait on health and human services to receive more funds. we need a complete border supplemental bill providing relief and resources for all agencies working at the border and within the country to work through the number of migrants coming across the southern border. that includes immigration and customs enforcement and that also includes the department of defense. further, we need a supplemental bill that does not throw up roadblocks to implementing the aid we are trying to deliver. i urge the house to instead take up a more bipartisan bill that would also pass the senate and get signed by the president on friday. time is of the essence. we need to work with the senate and the president to get a bill enacted. madam speaker, i urge a no vote on this bill. let's take up a bill that could
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deliver the humanitarian aid by the end of this week. thank you, madam speaker, and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from new york. mrs. lowey: madam speaker, i'm pleased to yield four minutes to the outstanding gentlewoman from california, the chairwoman of the homeland security subcommittee, ms. roybal-allard. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for four minutes. ms. roybal-allard: i rise in strong support of h.r. 3401, we have all seen the tragic pictures of immigrants held in extremely overcrowded c.b.p. facilities never designed to hold families and tender age children. i and many colleagues have been to the border and witnessed firsthand the horrific, indisputably untenable and intolerable conditions. this bill addresses this humanitarian crisis and sets forth strong oversight
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provisions and requirements to ensure the basic humane care of migrants in custody especially the children. funding for the department of homeland security totals nearly $1.5 billion, $150 million above the senate committee bill. this crucial funding will directly address the humanitarian crises at the border by supporting temporary c.b.p. holding facilities to relieve the dangerous overcrowding and by providing medical and transportation support, blankets, food, water and other consumeables for migrants. combined with funding in title 3 for unaccompanied children, the bill also provides resources needed to reduce time in c.b.p. custody and to ensure their facilities are safe, sanitary, and humane. the bill also includes $200
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million for an innovative multiagency pilot program to better address the medical and legal needs of families and unaccompanied children. it will also improve the department's efficiency in migrant processing without compromising migrant legal protections. this pilot will collate customs and border protection, immigration and customs enforcement, citizenship and immigration services, the office of refugee resettlement, and nonprofit humanitarian organizations into a single facility. this will reduce overall processing time, provide consistent medical assessments and treatments, and offer legal orientation much earlier. nonprofit organizations will provide assessments of migrants' needs and vulnerabilities and help families transition to local
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shelters or alternatives to detentions. the bill the bill also includes $60 million to help nonprofits amend local jurisdictions continue their efforts to provide assistance to migrants' relief from d.h.s. custody. -- release from d.h.s. huftky. the office of refugee resettlement is nearly out of money. without additional resources for sheltering capacity, children will continue to be held for weeks or longer in ill-equipped c.b.p. holding facilities never intended to hold children for more than a few hours. let me be clear, without passage of this bill, the only alternative is the senate bill which has insufficient oversight provisions and leaves the door open for further abusive behavior by the administration. h.r. 3401 takes a constructive,
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balanced approach with the right mix of funding and oversight. madam speaker, congress simply cannot adjourn without providing the funding needed to address the humanitarian crisis and trauma of migrants and their children at the border. the only way to ensure the inclusion of strong oversight, compliance requirements and priorities in the emergency supplemental package is to pass h.r. 3041. i urge my colleagues to vote yes on this supplemental and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from texas. ms. granger: i yield five minutes to the gentleman from florida, mr. rutherford. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. rutherford: thank you, madam speaker. i thank the ranking member for yielding and, madam speaker, i am truly saddened this evening to rise in opposition to what should be a humanitarian
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assistance bill for those who are suffering at our southern border. but for over 50 days, my republican colleagues have been begging the house majority, begging to deliver badly needed relief to our agencies on the southern border who are overwhelmed by a record number of migrants. for over 50 days the majority has remained silent while our agency ran out of resources and migrant children suffered, for lack of sufficient resources to properly care for them. the speaker talked about keeping america safe. hardly. she said to vote for the children, the children, the children. at the same time asking us to vote for a bill that withholds resources from the very agencies that are responsible
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for the care, custody and control of those two are suffering at the border. now, in response to, and i'm really glad, madam speaker, that finally my colleagues across the aisle have recognized that this is a -- there is a crisis at the southern border, it is not a manufactured crisis as they claimed it was for over two months. this bill does nothing to solve that crisis. it's nothing more than a political messaging bill for a large-scale misinformation campaign about that humanitarian crisis. which my colleagues across the aisle, again, once called a manufactured crisis. specifically in this bill, this bill restricts d.h.s. from sending additional employees to the southern border. congress is now going to tell
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d.h.s. how to deploy their staffing. amazing. it withholds overtime funds for exhausted officers. it provides money -- listen to this. it provides money to inspect d.h.s. but provides nothing, n't use a dime, to investigate human trafficking. when we know that these children that are suffering are being trafficked across that southern border, not a dime to go after those traffickers. i.c.e. has asked for 54,000 beds to handle this surge and alleviate the overcrowding. but the majority only gives them, in this bill and the previous underlying bill, -- bill in appropriations, 34,000 beds, not 54,000 that they asked for, 34,000.
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nd another 7,000 contingent. so, the speaker and the majority listened to -- they want to listen to the u.n. high command on refugees, but they do not want to listen to our own h.s. agencies that are on that border responsible for care, custody and control of those individuals. and finally, there's nothing, there's no funding for extra judges to help process more than 100,000 migrants per month . we need is proper er assistance, not political messaging. i spent my entire career, adult career, in law enforcement. i know that giving money with burdensom strings is not leadership. and it's not the way to get things done. you have to allow the folks on the ground the flexibility to do their jobs.
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or we are simply wasting taxpayers' hard-earned minute, and more importantly, wasting precious time. we have wasted two months as the situation at this southern rder has only worsened. i can assure you that the agents on the ground have a better idea of what's needed to be done than washington u.n. crats or the commission. unfortunately there are many in this legislative body who despise our president so much that they're willing to suffocate our agencies with inadequate funding d regulations that endanger the afety of both migran and our surrounding communities. and yet they're not just poking the president in theye. withhis bill they are impairing our d.h.s. men and women on the ground who are trying desperately, desperately to -- the speaker pro tpore: the
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gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman is recognized for 30 seconds. mr. rutherford: who are trying desperately to manage this humanitarian crisis at the border. they're poking them in the eye also. our i.c.e., d.h.s. and h.h.s. employees provide care for every single man, woman and child that crosses into our country. they deserve our support. what is needed is the resources to do their jobs effectively and this bill does not provide that. it's frustrating to listen. so with that, madam speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from new york. mrs. lowey: madam speaker, i am very pleased to yield two minutes to the gentleman from new york, the distinguished chairman of the commerce, justice, science subcommittee, mr. serrano. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. serrano: thank you, madam chair. we're now in the midst of a humanitarian crisis at the border.
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created by the policies of the trump administration. like many of you, i have been shocked by the conditions at our border stations and the lack of basic services and necessities available to migrant families, and especially to minors. this crisis has been aggravated by the anti-immigration policies of this president. he has once again created a disaster that undermines our nation's standing in the world and our basic american values. no one should doubt why we are here today. but the question for me here is not who is at fault but rather, how do we as a body, how do we as a party respond? because we have a responsibility to these children now. we have an obligation to these families now. they cannot wait. that is what this bill does. it provides the resources to alleviate the crisis. it ensures that we have the
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money to provide migrants, especially minors, with the shelter, food, medicine and legal services that they need. the funding in this bill is not a blank check, however. the legislation includes numerous conditions, to ensure this money is used for its intended purposes, to make sure that individuals are receiving the care and services they need and to prevent the administration from creating further chaos and harm. this bill takes the right steps to address the crisis and to stop what the administration is doing. i urge my colleagues to support this bill. if we cry out against the crisis, then we have a responsibility to provide the funds to alleviate it. the bill does just that. i urge your support. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentlelady from texas. ms. granger: i yield one minute to the gentleman from california, mr. mccarthy.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. mccarthy: i thank the gentlelady for yielding. madam speaker, it's been 56 days since the trump administration asked for emergency funding to address the humanitarian crisis at our southern border. 56 days. "the new york times" gave two editorials, not one, but two. and mexico has now -- is now sending 15,000 troops to the southern border. but democrats, madam speaker, have rejected a bill to provide the aid that is needed, not once, not twice, not even 10 times, but 18 times. madam speaker, i was shocked i actually heard from someone on the other side of the aisle say there was a crisis. i guess after 56 days they read some of those editorials. now after weeks of doing nothing and denying that a
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crisis exists, they're offering legislation that is misguided and is purely political. they're once again taking what should be a bipartisan issue and inserting partisan poison pills. i would say i would be shocked but this isn't the only issue they've done that this year. madam speaker, they took a bill that had 100% vote from republicans and democrats dealing with prescription drugs , and before it got through the speaker's office, madam speaker, it became political. a poison pill. they took a bill that was in ways and means that got every republican and every democrat to vote for it before, again, came to the floor, another poison pill. so i guess we might have to get used to this. but the american public should
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not. you see, madam speaker, that isn't how it's being used on the other side of this building. you see, on the senate they actually took up this issue. hey passed it out of committee 30-1. i know you might be shocked because i said that went through committee. i know you might be shocked because it said -- i said it was bipartisan. i know you might be shocked because they actually let the senators read the bill. you know, madam speaker, we're on this floor being sworn in, a lot of promises made. a lot of promises broken. you see, there was a rule change. 72 hours. it actually marked the number of hours. last night i watched the rules committee. they were going to come before the rules committee with the bill that we did not see in committee. but you know what, they couldn't get the votes. so we had to say no to the rules committee. they'll come back at 10:00. so i eagerly waited at 10:00,
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no, we could not come back. it's going to be at 11:00. eagerly waited for 11:00. did not happen. but luckily, politically they got in the back of the room and they were able to buy off some more, madam speaker, in a political nature and rush something to the floor. i wondered if they were going to keep that rule that they championed so hard about 72 hours. well, i don't know, maybe five equals 72. i'm not sure what math they keep nowadays. but let's talk about how they make this problem even worse. because i'm not sure anybody's read the bill. i'm not sure even those on the other side know what's in it. here's how it's worse. departments of homeland security and health and human services cannot share information about the sponsors of children. think about that for one moment. they're making sure two democratics cannot share
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information within their own government. now, this is necessary to ensure that children are not placed with human traffickers or with predators. maybe if you had a little time, maybe if you didn't care about politics, you'd allow a little sharing of information for the children. organizations like immigration and customs enforcement and the department of justice are underfunded. requests for pay and overtime costs for border patrol agents are denied. think about that. in the last month, 144,000 people were apprehended coming across the border illegally. unbelievable numbers. have not seen that in decades. so what do the democrats do? deny overtime. deny the ability for those erving us the ability to work. and immigration judges do not
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get the resources they needed for additional staff or ourtroom space or equipment. america is cauntry that believes in the rule of law. but i guess on this floor that's not the case. you want to deny it. now i wonder that maybe, madam speaker, on the other side they say it's a rush to judgment, such a big bill, i didn't get to read it. earlier today everyone in this chamber had the ability to vote for more funding for judges, just to deal with this crisis. because i have heard, madam speaker, on the other side of the aisle you now use the word crisis. it only took 56 days. but, lo and behold when they had that moment, not to be confused, not to have that big bill but only that subject, every single democrat on the other side of the aisle except
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seven said no. so you made sure you put it in this political bill as well. deny overtime in a crisis because you said it was a crisis but make sure nobody can work. off crisis but make sure, madam speaker that we can't have the judges down there, somehow i guess maybe you don't believe in the rule of law. additional funding to investigate human trafficers who you know are smuggling these children across the border is not included. maybe that's why you want to rush this bill to the floor. maybe that's why you don't want to give people an opportunity to read it. because how will you answer that? how will you answer that ategsal funding to investigate human traffickers who are smuggling children you do not want to include. did you read the editorials? is it wrong to prevent the
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administration from improving the welfare of unaccompanied children as this bill will do? democrats are far more interested in appearing to help children than in actually helping them. the pace and volume in which children have crossed our border over the last year have completely overwhelmed our existing resources. madam speaker, you're making sure that nobody can work overtime during this. the first half of 2019, more than 56,000 unaccompanied children were apprehended by the customs and border protection. that's a 74% increase from last year. and higher than the yearly totals for the last five. luckily, someone finally realized that's a crisis but made sure there's no money to deal with it. health and human service shelters are full and out of money, they cannot care for the children if congress does not pass solutions. h.h.s. second he tear alexei
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sar sent us a clear message. he said, can't put a kid in a bed that does not exist. i cannot make a bed that congress does not fund. the fact that you would knowingly pass something that cause this is problem. madam speaker, democrats are proud that their bill unlike the senate does not help our overstretched law enforcement officers. that is shameful. to take pride in making sure they do not get help. border patrol agents now spend half of their time processing claims and caring for families in custody. including making trips to hospitals and clinics. they're going beyond the call of duty every day and deserve our support whether you like them or not. the children who come across our southern border are to be properly cared for, madam
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speaker, democrats distrust of our national law enforcement officers must stop. madam speaker, it's been 56 days. but all democrats threw together was a sham bill more than three hours ago. it does not adequately fund what needed to be funded and would only make the crisis worse. democrats are holding another vote late in the night on legislation that has no chance of becoming law. madam speaker, we are better than this. madam speaker, it's not very far if you walk out these doors, you look down that hall, you'll see the other chamber. you know what happens in the other chambers? they worked a bill through committee. they worked a bipartisan bill through committee. they condition run it to the floor in three hours.
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they didn't tell the rules committee to be ready and wait and wait and wait and then quickly after they cut a deal on one side. they took something that is critical. something that is serious. and they acted that way. history will write about what happens on this floor. you make it emotional, you may be proud of your action but the question will be, will history be kind to you? the question will be when you voted that day, when you were sworn in, did you really mean 72 hours? when you stand on the floor, when you speak of a crisis and speak of caring for children, why would you not fund to make sure people are not trafficking them? when you spoke that there was a crisis on the border, why would you not fund the men and women who worked for our government?
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why would you try to deny them vertime? madam speaker, i know the fourth of july is soon. and i know members want to get out of here. but america is more than a country. america is an idea. an idea of self-govepbance. an idea that the rule of law matters. this is not one of our finest moments. this is not one that i'm proud of. and was so ashamed, madam speaker, that just a few yards away they're showing us an example. are you rushing because you're afraid the senate is going to send us something that's bipartisan? are you rushing because you're afraid the senate will actually make law? there's a lot of things we can play political games with. but i never thought children
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would be the one we wanted to use. we're better than this. there's a moment in time where you should stand up to your own leadership. there's a moment in time that you should stand up for this country. here is a moment in time and this is it. you don't have to follow and be rushed. you can say no. i watched what the senate has done. watched people with my own philosophical belief, belong to my own party, work together with the other side and actually come to a bill that could become law. it's not perfect. it's not what i would agrow with 100%. but you know what? i understand our government is designed to find compromise. i don't know what compromise is in this. i don't know who ever worked with another side. i don't know who rushed it to the rules committee just to do
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some manager's amendment. buzz you bought off a few people. this is not our finest moment by far. but madam speaker, there is a moment in time tt individuals can stand up. and i'm hoping that the moment is tonight. that we actually stand for this what this country believes and what we'll celebrate on the 4th of july. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: members are directed to -- instructed to direct their comments to the chair. the gentlelady from new york. mrs. lowey: before i yield, i have great respect for the minority leader. but i ask mr. minority leader f not this bill, what bill can provide aid to these children? where is this senate bill, madam speaker? it is being held up by a
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republican senator from the same state as the majority lead er. just let me finish then i'd be delighted to yield. so i want to ask again, this bill is being held up by a republican senator from the same state as the majority leader. so madam speaker, a no vote on this bill by any member will ensure that children remain in absolute squalor. my colleagues, stop hiding behind the senate bill that has not passed. i'd be delighted to yield. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. mccarthy: i appreciate that. i have spoken to the leader on the senate side and they'll bring it up tomorrow. and they passed this bill in committee, 30-1. i asked the -- i ask the
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gentlelady what would be the problem, i know we've only had three hours with this bill, why would we not take up the senate bill when it is bipartisan? mrs. lowey: reclaiming my time, i want to yield three minutes to the distinguished gentleman from texas, a member of the appropriations committee, mr. cuellar. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for three minutes. mr. cuellar: thank you, madam speaker. i thank the chairwoman for her leadership and the rest of the plopetors and staff who are working very hard to get this emergency bill on the floor. this bill is important. i live on the border. i don't just go visit the border. i've been to the c.b.p. processing facility, i have been to the nonprofit shelters for the immigrant children. i speak with the brave and compassionate men and women that are responsible for managing this humanitarian crisis. these men and women are my neighbors. and my neighbors, we have your
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back. they have expressed to me the urgency of getting this funding to enable them to protect the lives and safety of the migrants in their custody. but also we must also keep in mind the communities that are also providing the food and housing and the assistance that they need. communities like laredo. like mcallen, texas. like san antonio and so many other communities across the southwest border. so we must pass this bill to provide that funding. but there's two particular provisions that i d want to mention also. one is the humanitarian reimbursements for communities and the other is the one stop processing centers that i requested and has been added on this particular bill itself. let me talk about the humanitarian care. you have cities, you have counties, you have churches, you have nonprofits that are that have realy stepped up for many years. in fact they started this work in 2014 when the first wave of
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children started coming up here. and this bill includes $60 million for the direct reimbursement for local communities and nonprofits in texas, new mexico, arizona, and california. this funding will now use a different model. one we set up a new pot of money to make sure we get that funding. the second thing is, this model provides the direct funding for the local communities can now ask for this requested money. we had a different model back in 014 and unfortunately, you had governors like my own state of texas that fwt over $100 million and only provided $400,000 in the last four years. five years. so this new funding will get the money directly to them. in fact this funding would now be distributed to the emergency food and shelter program, national board, and they're
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required to distribute that money within 30 days after they -- this board gets this money. so we have to provide that assistance to them. because again, they have to be reimbursed for food, water, medicine, medical supplies, temporary housing and transportation. so that assistance has to be provided to the local entity. the second provision is this one stop center. $200 million to make sure that this multiagency integrated migration process, we get this. 30 seconds. again, the border patrol agency cannot handle this and therefore we need to th particular processing center. again it's a good bill. why should we wait for the senate? because we are the house of representatives, and we have a right to pass our own bill and not wait for the senate and for those reasons i say let's support this bill and with
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that, madam speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from texas. ms. granger: i yield five minutes to the gentleman from georgia, mr. collins. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. collins: yes, we have the right to pass a bill here in the house as the gentleman just said. but we have the right to pass a good bill. not a political stunt. why should we do this? i remember back in 2014, we're getting nostalgic in this place. tpwhack 2014 when the crisis began and actually the crisis, president obama said there was a crisis, all agreed. the majority stayed an extra week because we couldn't pass a bill. we finally crafted that bill, it was a bipartisan bill. it actually passed with both parties voting for it. the money was delivered. because we knew it mattered. it was amazing to me just a few weeks on this floor, one of my colleagues came across, madam speaker, from texas, and said, we c't vote for the funding that the president is asking for. give us some time to work it out and begin to work and make sure we get a good bill.
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we've had a five-hour bill. is tt time to work it out, madam speaker? was that putting it all together and getting it right? or was it lining up every constituency group and saying did we get a little piece of that so we can go back home and show we're standing for something while at the same time, madam speaker, ignoring our border patrol agents, ignoring those who put their lives on the line every day. here's the problem. you know, here's the prolem. it's amazing we ignore, it's amazing to me -- i come to the floor tonight and i hear there is a crisis on the border. amazing. we've had progress. let's all stand up and cheer. there's a crisis on the border. we've been saying it for months. "the new york times," the other media press saidt finally, and finally it's through that now we're saying there's a crisis on the border. i guess 132,000 people apprehended last month. 11,000 unaccompanied children. nd 37,000 sgle adults.
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apprehended. maybe shows the time. the sheer volume increasing is amazing. but there's ways wean fix this. we can give money, we can throw money at a problem and attach so many restrictions to it, madam speaker. the unfortunate part, this ain't funny. these are kids. these are families. that are being perversely brought here by immigration laws that are broken. i can't get anybody to talk about that. i can't get the fact that our settlement is forcinus into situations while our border patrol agents -- i.c.e. doesn't have the beds. the majority leader pointed it out. you can't put people in beds thaton't exist. but you also can't keep encouraging them to come across the border either. which is exact what we're doing. a decision that they know they can just get here. by the time that we're in this bill -- this bill ll not let us look after the safety of those who areoming across because we can't share information. there's no safety. do not think you're voting for this bill thinking you're
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putting safety in here, because you're not. because over 3,000 simple members, madam speaker, 3,000 family units have been found to be fraudulent. there's a common knowledge that they're borrowing, renting and buying children. it's there. but yet that's what we want to do. we won't fix our trafficking victs protection act and we won't work on asylum and incredible -- and credible fear. we offer this as an excuse. we offer this bill, something that won't fix it. it will throw problems -- in fa, it won't become law, we won't do this because it's not working. we put every bit of what we want to do into not helping children, but actually putting restrictions on those who want to help. the c.b.p. does not want to keep these children and these unaccompanied minors where they are of they don't want to -- where they are. they don't want to keep asylum seekers from cuba bottled up because they c't get their asylum here because they're having to process other that's not their job. but this body and this job, we
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don't do ours. because we simply keep overlooking the perverse incentive to come here. because we're encouraging them. in fact, this body two weeks ago made another incentive with a dreamer bill that has no hope of becoming law, but send as ear signal to central america and anyone -- sends a clear sin nal -- signal to central america and anyone else, get here and u'll be fine. get past the border and you'll be fine. it's frustrating to know that a bill that is humanitarian in aid could not even come to the floor within the last 24 hours without having to be reitten an rewritten and rewritten because we didn't have enough of nonenforcement in there, we didn't have enough of other thgs in there that really doesn't make this appliable. you know, you just get to a certain point in time that h.r. 3401 even poses cnditions on the office of refugee resettlement to care for children, that they can't even operate temporary influx shelters as more and more
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unaccompanied aliens come into this country. they put seve limits on facilities such as beg licenseby the state, although these shelters have to be in federal safety standards and compliance, and they're the only emergency situation we have right now. but we'ring nothinger -- ignoring tt -- we're ignoring that because whave to please somebody. as we go forward, i've said before on the floor of this house, -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. ms. granger: 30 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized -- the gentleman is recognized for 30 seconds. mr. collins: some people are goingo come down here and vo a feel good about themselves, dam speaker. but i'll tell you this and said it before from this we. what makes you feel gd does not heal you. don't pretend, madam speaker, or anyone else who wants to vote for this, that you've solved something, that youe accomplished something. until you take the situation and say, why are they comg, how do you xt and how do we give the men and women what they need to fix this? when we look at that, if you walk away feeling good about yourse, it may be a time tonight, madam speaker, before get to bed, look at yourself in the mirror and ask why.
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i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from new york. mrs. lowey: madam speaker, am delighted to yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from ohio, the chaioman othe energy a water subcommittee, ms. kaptu the speaker pro tempore: the ntlelady is recognized for two minutes. ms. kaptur: i want to thank our able chairwoman, nita lowey of new york, for yielding me this time. and i come to the floor to rge my colleagues to support this emergenc supplemental request. to ades the humanitarian crisis on our southern rder. it's aim is to save livesnd health. all people of conscious know it is urgently needed. these funds are vital to ensure the health and safety of these migrant refugees and migrant children. a record number of desperate families and unaccompanied children have crossed into the united states and our boardeder patrol, immigration enforce -- border patrol, immigration enforcement are simply overwhelmed. jt this week we learned at four toddlers being held in a
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border patrol station in mcallen, texas, d to be spitalized because of dangerous neglect. the a.p. reported last week that chdren ve been locked up in border patrol facilities for as many as 27 days without adequate food, water and sanitation, for heaven's sake. this administration has failed to provide detned children with soap, tooth brushes, toothpaste, bedand doesn't have the resources to adequately address flu and lice epidemics in these facilities. newseports say children are caring for other children in these facities. five children have died in customsand borderatrol custody since late last year. the situation is getting worse. our nation needs a comprehensive collin nenl - continental diplomatic solution that acknowledges the economic and political conditions pushing central american and mexican communities to the brink and the only option for desperation for these people is to flee north. we ed comprehensive immigration reform that respects all continental
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laborers and migrants. president john f. kennedy had a name for it. he called it the alliance for progress. but today this congressust meet the immediate need to pride financial support to end t humanitarian nlect confronting these travel-weary migrants. this 4ds.5 billion ergency spending ll provide -- $4.5 billion emergency spenwilling prode adequate supportor -- supportor k prioties, mical services, support serviced for unaccompanied children, aernatives to detention and refugee services. i request an addiol 15 seconds. i thank the gentlady. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for 30 seconds. ms. kaptur: most importantly thi spending correctly includs restriions to hold this administration accountable in how it spend taxpayer dollar in a capacity that protects the rights and digny of deeratpeople who happen to be migrants. i urge all my colleagues to support thisife-sing supplemental. i want to thank lowey for working so hard to bring this bill to the floor.
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i yield my remaining time back to her. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. for what purpose does the gentlelady from texas rise? ms. granger: i yield four minutes to the gentleman from alabama, mr. rogers. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from alabama is recognized for four minutes. rodgerodges -- mr. rogers: i thank my colleague from texas. i rise in strong opposition to this bill. for months republicans on and off the homeland security committee have been highlighting the grave humanitarian crisis at our southwest border. and pleading with house democrats to take action. the democrats' initial response was deny the crisis even existed. when that failed, they began to try to blame the president. the truth is they've spent the past several months fighting amongst themselves on a way forward. even as late as today, the speaker had to intervene to stop the radical left in her caucus from sinking the bill. meanwhile, the crisis has worsened.
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144,000 immigrants in may alone were detained. 622% increase over the same month in 2017. innocent children are being exploited by human smugglers. border patrol stations are overcrowded with thousands of migrants staying in poor conditions. these are in stations, border patrol processing centers, that have a maximum capacity of 4,000 people. we have 20,000 people in these facilities. for eight weeks the house republicans have been trying to move my legislation to provide $4.5 billion in emergency aid requested by our president. but democrats have blocked my bill from consideration on 18 separate occasions. instead they bring forward a bill today that isn't serious and has no chance of becoming law. to appease the radical left, this bill is stuffed with poison pills. for example, it includes nothing to stop innocent children from being exploited by human smugglers. nothing to continue d.o.d.
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assistance, which has been essential for managing the crisis. and drastic restrictions on the secretary's authority to surge personnel and assets to the border and update policies to improve conditions for migrant children. these poison pills will only exacerbate the crisis. they will ensure that dangerous catch and release policies continue unabated. meanwhile, migrant families will continue to suffer at the hands of ruthless smugglers. democrats had a real opportunity to work in a bipartisan manner to address this humanitarian crisis. unfortunately once again they chose to appease the radical left and reject bipartisan consensus. i urge all members to vote against this bill. then let's work together to craft a bipartisan border supplemental that can become law. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentlelady from new york. mrs. lowey: madam speaker, i'm very pleased to yield one minute to the distinguished gentleman from new york, the chairman of the democratic
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caucus, mr. jeffries. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. jeffries: thank you, madam chair. there's a humanitarian crisis at the southern border that should shock the conscience of every single american. these are migrant children being subjected to cruel and unusual punishment by our government. this is not iran. this is not north korea. this is not venezuela. this is the united states of america. shame on us. there are children who are without food. they are without medicine. they are without water. they are without soap. they are without diapers. they are without toothpaste. shame on us. these are not alien children. they are god's children. this administration should stop using them as political pawns for some sick xenophobic game.
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vote yes and let's begin the process of ending this humanitarian crisis now. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from texas. ms. granger: i yield one minute to the gentleman from georgia, mr. hice. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. hice: thank you, madam speaker. i thank the ranking member. we've been hearing for quite some time democrats saying republicans and democrats have not been coming to the table on this issue. what nonsense. for months we have watched democrats absolutely deny that there is a crisis. and i have actually on my desk a list, page after page after page of quotes from my colleagues who were denying a cries is he -- crisis at the border. not only republicans -- for nearly 40 years, mind you, have been ringing the alarm on this issue. we've been highlighting caravan after caravan after caravan coming to our southern border. now in may we had 144,000 apprehended.
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nearly 700,000 to date. that number expected to go well over a million. do we have a humanitarian crisis at the border? yes. do we have a security border crisis? yes. but this bill does not adequately even fund i.c.e. it does not pay overtime for border personnel. 15 seconds? ms. granger: 15 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields 15 seconds. mr. hice: it does not have any means to investigate human traffickers it. lax funding for the department of justice -- traffickers. it lacks funding for department of justice immigration courts and it ties the hands of the president. let's address this issue the way it ought to be addressed. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from texas. ms. granger: i yield two minutes to the gentleman from texas, mr. roy. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas is recognized for two minutes. mr. roy: i thank the gentlelady from texas and thank her for
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her leadership on this issue and dealing with this important legislation. i'm always perplexed when listening to the arguments on this topic, that we're not talking about the actual problem. so when we're talking about the facilities that need to have more supplies and more dollars for support, i agree, i don't think anybody in this room disagrees at all. but nothing we're going to do today is going to solve the problem. i have an exchange here with a group of border patrol agents who texted me to say about this legislation this does nothing but perpetuate the catch and release magnet. while there are some good pieces to the bill, why are we not increasing i.c.e. beds? why are we providing taxpayer funding to educate border
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crossers on the asylum process? why do we keep provide mung to let people go who violate our immigration law. this provides more incentives for people to cross the border illegally. if this were to pass why would anyone stop crossing? this -- they said this is what i refer to as completing the human smuggling cycle. cartels drop off people at our borders. u.a.c.'s, family units, border patrol takes them and delivers them. engages with n.g.o.'s. n.g.o.'s aid these folks who are here so they can reach family members in the united states waiting for them so the family members in the united states are the ones paying the cartels their smuggling fees. and the n.g.o.'s are reimbursed and the whole process, it's completing the entire cycle. this legislation will perpetuate the problem because we're not actually going to address the situation with i.c.e. beds. we're not going to do anything to stop the flow, and we're going to empower the cartel who
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was operational control of our border. full operational control of our border. if you talk to anyone on the border who knows what's going on. we should reject this legislation in favor of legislation that will solve the problem. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from new york. mrs. lowey: i'm delighted to yield one minute to the distinguished from new york, mr. espaillat. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one mr. espaillat: i am troubled by the way we have treated those at the border, particularly children. i stand here tonight to say if by passing this emergency supplemental bill we will save one child's life, just one child's life, it is worth it and we should vet for it. we spoke about the -- speak about the money allocated in the budget but the only number important in this debate is the six children that have died at
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the border. we will continue to hold this administration accountable for its treatment of migrants, particularly young children. madam speaker, every time we deny help to the triangle countries this crisis is aggravated. every time we stop a mom and her children at the border and they have to go through the river and drawn, this crisis is worsened. every time we deny children the basics, human services that they need this crisis becomes tragic. madam speaker, i yield back my time. the speaker pro tempore: who seeks time? the gentlelady from texas is recognized. ms. granger: madam speaker, we must reject this bill today and develop a bipartisan solution to address the crisis at our border. workers and children and care takers and border patrol have been waiting almost two months for the resources they immediate to do their jobs and receive our care. this bill turn ours backs on
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the people and ties the president's and ties the president's hands. i implore members to stop this and vote no on this measure. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. the gentlelady from new york is recognized. mrs. lowey: madam speaker, i yield myself the balance of the time. the humanitarian crisis at the border demands action. this bill funds a compassionate response while doing our utmost to protect the rights and dignity of my grants. i urge my colleagues, join me, let's pass this bill, mr. speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. pursuant to house resolution 462, the previous question is ordered on the bill as amended. the question is on engrossment and third reading of the bill. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. third reading. the clerk: a bill making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending september 30, 2019 and for other purposes.
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the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to clause 1-c of rule 19, further consideration of .r. 3401 is postponed. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the motion 46 -- to rule 460 this echair declares the house in the committee of the whole house on the state of the union for further
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consideration of h.r. 3351. will the gentlewoman from colorado, ms. degette, resume the chair. the chair: the house is in the committee of the whole house on the state of the union for further consideration of h.r. 3351 which the clerge will report by title. the clerk: a bill making appropriations for financial services and general government for the fiscal year ending september 30, 2020 and for other purposes. the chair: when the committee of the whole rose earlier today, amendment number 10 printed in house report 116-126 offered by the gentleman from new jersey, mr. pascrell, had een disposed of. pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, pr seedings will resume on those eams on which proceedings were postponed in the following order. amendment number three by mr.
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king of iowa. amendment number 4 by ms. norton of district of columbia. the unfinished business is the request for a recorded vote on amendment number 3 offer bd think gentleman from iowa, mr. king, on which further proceedings on which were postponed, on which the noes prevailed by voice vote. the clerk: amendment number printed in part b of house report 116-126 offered by mr. ing of iowa. the chair: a recorded vote has been requested. those in support of the request for a recorded vote will rise and be counted. a sufficient number having risen, a recorded vote is ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. this will be a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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while this book continues, we will take you to the white house where earlier today, the president signed an executive order to reduce barriers on toordable housing and also questions on the announcement that stephanie grisham will take over from sarah sanders is the new white house press secretary. here is that now. >> want to take a few moments to oncribe what we are doing several fronts. today we begin a bold new , initiative to bring down the
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cost of housing for american families. in a few moments, i'll sign an executive order beginning the white house counsel on
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