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Kellyanne Conway
  Kellyanne Conway Remarks Outside White House  CSPAN  July 3, 2019 4:15am-4:36am EDT

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president of the article three project. then, families usa's frederick isasi discusses medical bill transparency as well as the state of health care in the u.s. and center for growth and opportunity research director megan hansen will talk about new research for how to improve the management of public land. be sure to watch c-span's "washington journal," live at 7:00 eastern this morning. join the discussion. >> in 1979, a small network with a big idea rolled out, let viewers make up their own mind. c-span bringing you unfiltered coverage of congress and beyond. a lot has changed in 40 years, but today, that idea is more relevant than ever. on television and online, c-span is your unfiltered view of government, so you can make up
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your own mind. brought to you as a public service by your cable or satellite provider. >> on tuesday, white house counselor kellyanne conway took questions from reporters outside the white house. this is about 20 minutes. [cameras shuttering] >> no, no, no. ladies first. we're going to do the first joint gaggle. how about that? [laughter] >> [indiscernible] ms. conway: do you know the fourth of july is a celebration of this country's independence? are you aware of that? >> i am. ms. conway: you are? it doesn't sound like you are talking about the patriotism that undergirds it. >> this is not a political event, so why is the republican national committee -- tickets to the president? ms. conway: this is a public event that is open to the
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public. the public is welcome to come and celebrate our country, the greatest democracy. the constitution, not just the amendment that appears to interest you only, the second amendment, but all others. i am not going to allow you to politicize it. >> there are concerns that the president is mixing partisanship over patriotism. yesterday he was asked if it could make a speech that will which all americans, and he said democrats and their health care plan would destroy the country. ms. conway: both are true at the same time. you are not given his full response, which is irresponsible of you. you should do that. otherwise, it sounds like the president's critics are standing here. go ahead, the full response, please. >> the president was asked if he would make a speech that would reach all americans. ms. conway: hogan and i were in oval when he said it, so. it is going to take you a while,
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because you give a partial response. partial information is misinformation. >> he said, i think so. i think so. and then he said, i think i have reached most americans. most americans want a good military, they want a good education. ms. conway: do you agree with all of that? >> the democrats will not be able to -- ms. conway: did the president say that? or did you just put that in? no, no, no. let america know that you are slipping in editorial comments. do not say you are quoting the president of the united states and slip in an editorial comment. yours. whichellipses is because that is not your job to set that in. go ahead. this man has never voted to undercut obamacare. you know what annoys him and why i am still in this building? 28 million americans have no health care. none. zero. >> he said the democrats' plan is going to destroy the country,
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and it will be horrible health care. ms. conway: he is right. >> the very question when he was asked if he could speak to all americans, he said the democrats health-care plan will destroy americans. is that a political statement? or is that a factual statement? ms. conway: that is a factual statement. and here is why -- and thank you for reading the whole thing. because you did not come here to do that. folks, stop saying you want better relationships. i always try to have better relationships with you, and that is why we are here. but you can't take a nugget out of the full presidential response. the president was saying, most americans don't want crime, they want a good education, but -- you took all of that out. you cannot take part of it out and throw it at me like a molotov cocktail in hopes that you will be on primetime tonight . you should not do that. the question is not simple. the question is loaded and i can handle it. my answer to you -- i am glad you read the whole response -- medicare for all is a disaster. nonpartisan actuaries and other professionals say it would destroy the health care system.
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180 million people, including you, do you have private insurance through nbc universal? i assume that you do. i assume that you and your wife and your children -- no, i am going to make it about you. you make it about me so much. i want to talk about you for a minute. you are not going to answer -- >> it is the president great to talk about health care for at all. >> how about a preview of the speech? ms. conway: think it was great. you wait for one half a line in the speech that you think, how is this -- he doesn't want to talk about the policy of health care. i am one of the people in this building who has a pen on health care. it is a great plan. p-eds are two great o -- you probably will not read them -- one in the "dallas morning news" that talks about how the president is all about the health care policy. we had a big event in the rose garden.
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when it came time for the q&a, you shot him a question that didn't have anything to do about the hra. >> [inaudible] ms. conway: i was not there. >> i know that. the president says a lot of progress has been made on north korea. what progress specifically has been made? ms. conway: what progress has been made? you have this president who is willing -- you had the last ,resident who said very clearly i am sure he was in shellshock, but shortly after he was elected, he was told by then-president obama that north korea will be your biggest problem. he heard that and took that into account, and he has picked up where others left off. he is trying to bring denuclearization and peace to places around the world where there are dangerous people. hogan just said on fox business, it is the president's obligation. >> i was watching that. i didn't hear it. ms. conway: the president has an obligation to bring peace wherever he can. the president has an obligation to bring better health care to
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20 million americans who have none. years after obama-bidencare passed. nine and a half years. there are folks who don't have insurance. you have health care through your employer. so do i. don't you care about the people who don't have health care? when the president talked about that yesterday -- we are protecting pre-existing conditions, but we want to make sure medicare and medicaid is strengthened as well. we're looking at maternal care. we care about that. ms. conway: i know you don't, but go on. >> when asked about north korea, the president said that barack obama was begging for a meeting with kim jong-un. former obama spokespeople and national security council be -- you do not recall that. i am wanting to know where president trump got that from, if either of you know that. ms. conway: he did not say that. i need sunglasses. >> i am asking where he got that from. ms. conway: here is what we know. president obama got the nobel peace prize.
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but this president is earning it by trying to bring peace and having tensions on north korea, have sanctions on iran, while you are getting north korea to denuclearize. and if they don't, they don't. >> but did obama beg for a meeting with the north korean president and wasn't able to get it? ms. conway: and look at iran. look at iran's economy. this president took us out of it a terrible nuclear deal. we are trying to -- that were tossed to the side, the shrapnel that remains, and he is doing a good job. yes? >> a have to follow up. what is the evidence that obama ever asked for a meeting? ms. conway: so that is what you care about? right? we would rather talk about president obama, but if i mention president obama. , then i mention president obama. no, i answer the question about this president that i work for in his policies, with respect to north korea, iran, and any place you would like to talk about, practically.
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as you know, i can hold floor on policy. i think what the president is remembering is that as president-elect, that president obama was basically admitted his failure to do nothing with north korea. that is true, and his secretary of state, the woman who lost the you all expected her to win, i will not name her anymore, she didn't do anything either as secretary of state to that was effective. mike pompeo as we speak, trying to work this out. why aren't you happy, especially those who have children and want to live a long time, why aren't you happy that you have a president and an administration that is trying to denuclearize? >> on june 14, the president said there would be a major announcement on health care in two weeks. two weeks has passed. ms. conway: do you know what hra's are? transparency in surprise medical billing. >> is that what he -- ms. conway: no, i am just asking if you are up on this, because i
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do think you covered them at all. those are major announcements to the public. i am one of the people working on the plan, he has lots of smart people working on the plan with the president today going , over the pieces of it. >> what about the announcement, that the president may that there would be a big announcement on health care? ms. conway: if he wants to, sure, he can, absolutely. i think you said for two years that there would russian collusion and there wasn't. where is that? i think he can have more than two weeks to come up with it or health care in a country which health care doesn't even exist to over 28 million americans who were lied to. 180 million americans get health care from their employers. medicare for all would be less medicare for seniors. medicaid is meant to be for the blind, the disabled, pregnant women, and others who need it. obamacare is a huge extension of medicaid it all different areas.
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this president at least is trying to improve health care. i know that she cut me off , because we are starting to get too complicated here -- trouble too many syllables. care, maternal care, she said, i care about health care -- but. and three of you in a row mentioned president obama. because that is important. i am not everything is nobel peace prize, who cares? do you want to talk about his vice president? because i did not see you cover any of the stories. >> [indiscernible] the new york governor using allegedly -- the attorney general -- what has got the president so upset about new york? ms. conway: the president was born and raised in new york. he was a very successful businessman in new york. raised his children in new york until they came here. the fact is the president thinks it is very sad that so many people and businesses are fleeing new york. that you can't attract and retain human talent there or human capital talent there, because it is too expensive for
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people to live there. that is based on policies. it is in direct contrast to his policies. you reduce taxes, reduce regulation, explore developing energy responsibly. look what is happening to the trump economy. look at what is happening to the new york economy. look at pickup trucks with new york license plates over the border in pennsylvania looking for work there. look at what is happening there. he sees what is happening with new york. i love manhattan. look what is happening to the city. he is not upset about it. it is just regrettable to those of us who love new york and who those of us who live there and who raised our children there. for a while. it is undeniable that people are fleeing new york. look at the numbers. and businesses are. businesses are fleeing new york. they are benefiting from the trump economy when you have these states with high taxes and more regulations, the you have got problems. people don't want to be there. margaret. >> it has nothing to do with --
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>> [indiscernible] manifest -- translators and were others -- >> i will get back to you later on the day on that. i have some information for you. regardshen also, with get -- e going to ms. conway: we will take those, too. >> are we going to get a briefing or remarks -- [indiscernible] ms. conway: honestly how wonderful this country is, our troops and military, our great democracy, our great call to patriotism, the success of this administration and opening up so
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individuals what , we have done for veterans, there is no final form yet, but america will hear the whole speech. they are not going to wait for people to take one little clause out of it, as was your question today. >> what is it going to cost? [indiscernible] is it going to cost taxpayers? do you have an answer to that? ms. conway: i don't know. you would have to ask the dod, i assume. but if you want a list of things taxpayers actually pay for that they find to be outrageous, i can give you that too. thank you. >> [indiscernible]
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the president has looked at it is a great of president xi jinping. why do you think -- ms. conway: [laughter] this president backed down? >> yes, with huawei. ms. conway: you can't have it both ways. first he is meeting with kim jong-un, next he is meeting with president xi, he will not agree to trade deals, like past president that put us on deficit of half of $1 trillion with china, that screw the american worker, american interests, and america. this is somebody who doesn't back down. is that some of your questions about him. you want to take that one about huawei -- u.s. companies are still able to sell the component parts. that is important to him. that is not backing down, that is protecting america. >> no, it's not. because that's ms. conway: yes, it is. you can have a tutorial on america's greatness if you like, and what america first means.
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>> [indiscernible] both times at the request of president xi jinping, -- and i would like to know why he did it this time, and why -- ms. conway: i'm sorry, where do you work again? because we are all confused about that inside. is it called "breakfast news?" ok, great, awesome. >> [indiscernible] ms. conway: oh, you have asked me that before. haven't you tried to get rid of me before? sure, you have. i am not backing down. >> what are we seeing in terms of -- ms. conway: we were talking about that several weeks ago when the president said that in the rose garden.
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jared has given us an update on what is happening in congress based on his meeting there. i will give you a quick refresher, or you can pull up my 20-minute interview with rush limbaugh, where i spoke exclusively about the plan. it had the components. one is a merit-based system and the other is border security. we are happy that democrats, after blocking funding 17 times, most of them have put aside their manufactured outrage and agreed with the president and voted in favor of the $4.6 billion aid package. that includes prominent senior democrats like chuck schumer of new york and pat leahy of vermont. they were right there supporting the package. i know some people think they jammed pelosi on it. i leave that to the democrat ic party. they are not my problem. we are very happy that this president was able to sign a bipartisan package. i think it tells you something about the softening of the ground for more immigration
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reform, in my view, which is moving to a merit-based system , as most countries have, and also, to have full and final border security. this is humanitarian aid. the president has been saying all along that we need border security. he puts this plan together a long time ago. in between gerrijared being in l bahrain the g20, etc., , and congress being on recess, i will have to get a fresh readout. but last monday, he was telling me about his meetings on capitol hill and the progress they are making. >> [indiscernible] ms. conway: i can check that out for you. absolutely. you let me know when you are going to find collusion and obstruction, and i will get back to you with a plan. and guys, if you are going to quote me -- i'm happy to stand here and take your fire, really trying on behalf of the country that i love so much. but you cannot just quote the president, you cannot come out here with a little sliver or a nugget. i happened to be here yesterday
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and i heard the whole quote. ,he said, and you have not disputed it most people want a , strong military, they don't want crime, they want good education. they want jobs. i am sure you come up with a poll that says most people don't want that, great. i would love to see the methodology of that poll. but let's be fair, let's be transparent. it has to go both ways. thank you. this independence day on c-span, we are live with former vice president joe biden and jill biden at 2:30 p.m. eastern, for their presidential campaign july 4 stop in marshalltown, iowa. and president trump at the fourth of july celebration and . and at 8:00 former speech , writer's for president bill clinton, george w. bush, and former first lady michelle obama discuss their work and white house stories at the university of chicago institute of politics. watch this fourth of july on c-span.
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>> the u.n.'s agnes callamard discussed the findings of a report on the death of jamal khashoggi in october of last year. the u.n. report concluded mr. khashoggi's killing constituted annexed or judicial killing for which the state of thinking them saudi arabia is responsible. from the brookings institution, this is one hour and 15 minutes. mr. sachs: ladies and gentlemen, th