tv Washington Journal 07052019 CSPAN July 5, 2019 6:59am-10:02am EDT
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small networks rolled out a big idea. c-span opened the doors to washington for all to see. unfilteredu coverage of congress and beyond. today, that big idea is more relevant than ever. online, youn and can make up your own mind. here is a look at our schedule on the c-span networks. starting right now, washington journal. at 10:00 a.m. eastern, joe biden speaks to voters and supporters in marshalltown, iowa. then, remarks from president trump at this years fourth of july celebration at the lincoln memorial. fellowhat, presidential speechwriters discuss their work at the white house. michael cannon looks at the state of health care in the u.s..
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rob richie discusses the recent supreme court decision regarding partisan gerrymandering and the groups effort. washington journal starts now. " starts now. ♪ host: good morning. this is the "washington journal" for july 5. tell us what you thought of president trump's salute to america held in washington, d.c. supporters highlighted the emphasis on america, the military and law enforcement. some vip tickets were distributed, the cost, and the presence of tanks. if you want to call, it is democrats, 202-748-8000. republicans, 202-748-8001. and independents, 202-748-8002. if you want to post on social media.
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on twitter it is @cspanwj. our facebook page is the hill's right up from the speech reads the president refrained from sprinkling in political rhetoric apart from passing references to his space force. his speech was almost singularly focused on the u.s. military and its legacy in battle. several shout outs resulted in energetic responses. fromrowd only turned away the president to watch 5 separate flyovers honoring each branch of the military which mark high points of trump's speech and prompted applause as marine one helicopters, jets, and the blue angels passed overhead. you can see that event if you go to our website. here is a portion of the president's speech. [video clip]
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>> we will always be the people who defeated a tyrant, harnessed -- harnessed science, took to the skies and sword into the heavens because we will never forget that we are americans and the future belongs to us. [applause] brave,ure belongs to the the strong, the proud, and the free. we are one people chasing one dream and one magnificent destiny. we all share the same heroes, the same home, the same heart, and we are all made by the same almighty god. [applause] from the banks of the chesapeake
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to the cliffs of california. from the humming shores of the great lakes to the sand dunes of the carolinas. from the fields of the heartland to the everglades of florida, the spirit of american independence will never fade, never fail, but will reign forever and ever and ever. host: some of the reaction from the various sites about the speech including breitbart news who said trump thanked the military and law enforcement and gold star families and offered a moving tribute to each of the five branches recounting the history of each and noting the greatest feats, the military band played and sang. urge young americans to join the armed forces. -- this was not a political speech. he goes on to say it was a
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patriotic milestone. trump invited us to celebrate our country boldly and explicitly. eugene robinson writes for the washington post in taking a look at the speech last night calls it and here is the headline, trump tried to make independence day all about him. he ended up looking small. some of his thoughts included this is the most collective of our holidays and that it celebrates our common heritage, but also is the most individual. it commemorates not a battle, a document and each of us gets to decide what the declaration of independence means, what patriotism entails, what fireworks symbolize. your view of what the fourth of july means is every bit as valid excludesesident and it fighters and bombers over the lincoln memorial. we welcome your opinion. from westts us virginia, democrats line. what did you think of yesterday's event? caller: i thought it was a
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speech to get us ready for war with iran. he went on about every war we have fought. host: go ahead, you are still on. fought every war we had and the military and the military show of force and overall, thought that it was just to get us ready for the war with iran. it was nothing more than a ceremonial speech. host: if it was a ceremonial speech, how did you tie that to iran? he hung up. nancy in roswell, georgia. republican, hi. joseph is next, actually. joseph in el rey beach, florida, democrats line. caller: good morning. .y comments are very simple for the president, who seems to be overly obsessed with all
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things military and weaponry, there are two simple words, bone spurs. thank you. host: exactly how does that relate to the speech yesterday? caller: he did not talk about the fourth of july. he talked about his power. his delusion that he is a monarch. he is supposed to represent all of the people. host: what portion of the speech reflects what you just said as far as impressions of him as a monarch? what portions of the speech would you highlight for that? caller: i don't know that i would highlight any particular portion of the speech, but he carries himself like a monarch. he emulates monarchs. he wants to be one, but it is not going to happen. not in the united states of america. host: let's hear from jacqueline
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from philadelphia. good morning. caller: hi, pedro. first time i spoke to you on c-span. i think it was beautiful. i sat here and watched my television. i sang along with all the songs. i am 83 years old, so you know i know them. you know i know them. i think he did a great job. host: when you say it was beautiful, was it the speech? is there a specific you want to highlight in terms of what you got out of it personally? caller: it is hard to say. he talked about the second world war, which i was a young girl and did not know what was going on in the world, i so adore this man. i even wrote a song for him when he was running for president and i sang it on c-span. host: you watched the whole speech yesterday as far as the salute to america? what did you think of the
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presence of military planes and things like that? caller: i did not think i was going to like it, but when i cried -- when it happened, i cried. it was emotional and he looked so proud to be an american, donald trump did. even his wife, you could not help it read -- help it. host: when you say you did not think you were going to like it, what do you mean by that -- by that? caller: i don't like the show of force with the planes flying over, i am always worried something is going to happen, but it was beautiful. i don't think he was small in this. he did not pump himself up. host: that is jacqueline in pennsylvania calling on the republican line. the washington post has a breakdown of the flyovers and what it costs when it comes to the operating cost. the first flyover of air force 1, $200,000 in our.
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the second flyover featuring the -- $6,000 anopter hour, $4000 in our, and $4000 in our. the third flyover was a b2 bomber, $140,000 in the fourth flyover had two f-18 super hornets. ve fifth flyover featuring a h92 fly -- helicopter. it also gives you the total cost of that. many people highlighting that in the analysis of the speech. derek, democrats line.
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caller: good morning. that is just what that idiot does. host: what did you think of the speech yesterday? caller: i retired from northrop grumman, i can tell you anything you want about the bomber. host: as far as the speech yesterday, what did you get out of it? caller: nothing except the fact he is trying to keep himself in the limelight long enough. as long as he is busy, he thinks he is confusing people. my thing is -- and i think the greatest gift we have as americans is the fact we were blessed with the best military anyone could ever have and i think that is something that should humble anybody. it is nothing to brag or boast about. host: if you think the best military, as you say it, you have problems with some of those aircraft being used yesterday as part of that highlight. caller: absolutely. host: why is that? caller: it's a waste of money.
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this guy does nothing but waste taxpayer money. back and forth down to florida every other weekend, he does nothing but spend our money the way he wants to spend it and republicans come on and say he does not take one dollar. he does not have to take a dollar, he is taking over $100 million already doing what he wants to do. host: edward, good morning. you are next up. of cliches.uple refugepatriotism is the of a scoundrel. as i said earlier, this is a speech aimed at a 12-year-old mentality. i suppose the other cliche. folks, i don't know exactly what got them there except maybe they are all republicans, there is a lot of them. i suppose the adage that -- there are more horse's backsides
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than horses is relevant to the case. thosewhat is behind cliches in terms of the speech yesterday? the one you saw? caller: i think it is pretty clear. this was an outrageous exploitation of government resources. a draft -- a guy who is dodger, for heaven sakes. anybody who went to that speech should have stepped over the wall and maybe meditated on the fact maybe somebody on that wall would not have been there had this man seen his way clear when he was young to do his duty in vietnam. there is just a massive amount of hypocrisy with this guy. host: that is edward in virginia. if you go to our facebook page, comments starting several hours yesterday when it comes to the results of the speech. the presidentys
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proving he loves america, haters will hate. he is a patriot. bless america and god bless president trump. tara hudson saying it is awesome. if you find fault in anything he said, something is wrong with you. it was fantastic and made me proud to be an american. dana saying he is getting a lukewarm response. he is our national embarrassment. susan off facebook saying the money spent on this could have been spent on our veterans, not to stroke 45's ego. he has never served his country. you can add your thoughts to the mix on facebook, twitter, you can call us, too. 202-748-8000 for democrats. 202-748-8001 for republicans. and independents, 202-748-8002. bill is next in little rock, arkansas.
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caller: i love washington journal. i went to a ceremony in little rock and they celebrated and went home and watch the president and at the end of the day, i felt great about being american. i thought the speech was uplifting, it was a history lesson, it went through the revolution and spread west and civil war and mentioned dr. king and frederick douglass. it was inclusive and i cannot believe what i am hearing on these people who just hate. i felt great about it, he was not political and the display of the military was right on. it was our independence day and we should celebrate whether we are republicans or democrats and i loved it. host: some of the critics maybe even including the last caller talked about the cost,
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particularly when it comes to those vehicles. is that a concern of yours? caller: it is not. think of the different holidays. labor day, memorial day, different days during the year to i just feel like we have spend money to respect our country. especially after you saw this khing with the colin kaepernic trashing the betsy ross flag shoes. i needed something where i could celebrate this country without having somebody trash its flag. host: that is bill giving thoughts from the speech yesterday. .ou can find that at newsweek highlights the fact from their story saying ahead of that speech, it was the cnn chief white house correspondent sharing images of fencing used to protect vips and ticketed guests from the general public. it appears most of the folks on the national mall will not be
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able to get close to the tanks and military vehicles by the memorial. prior to the event, the pentagon announced it has given 5000 tickets to attend vip sections to military personnel and their families as well as other groups and donors. the washington post reported that trump administration had been trying to secure attendees for the speech which took place at 6:30 as they feared this elevation -- the celebration may not draw enough crowds. newsweek has more of that analysis if you want to read on its website. tennessee, bill in independent line. caller: hi. host: go ahead, you are on. caller: i am like your caller from arkansas. i cannot believe some of these calls coming in. i think the president did a
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wonderful job yesterday. i am about her and, i am an old veteran. my best friend is a terrine veteran. i am little -- marine veteran. let me say this about the people out there dishonoring our flag and burning. anybody that would put that on a camera and throw it up in front of our young people is completely, completely out of their minds. we live in a wonderful country. host: i was going to ask because you are a military person, it is a hypothetical, but if you think thespecial -- police yet -- speech yesterday had been more political, you would have the same impression of it today? caller: why would you want to bring up a negative about something that is positive. that is what gets me with c-span . you folks are so liberal. host: i am saying because you
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are a military person, it emphasized the military. people were concerned about being political in nature going into it. , ther: the people weren't radical left democrats were. the socialist in our democracy were. call it what it is. we are not going to let these people take over our country. they are not going to do it. host: that is bill. he mentioned the flag burner -- gregory joey- johnson arrested thursday after igniting two flags outside the white house. johnson and the revolutionary communist party assembled outside the white house on the fourth of july shouting for a world without america as they ignited two flags. members of the party praised their leader for his bravery and reiterated his vision for the destruction of america.
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that taking place as part of the larger scope of activities in washington, d.c. during the president's salute for america. edward, democrats line in washington. go-ahead, you are next. .aller: good morning, pedro i am a proud african-american scientist. i am a shamed of what this man has done. this nation, we are a free nation and this man just visited and tried to be like a dictator. host: how does that all apply to yesterday's events? specifically the speech the president gave? caller: every part is directed to it. the fourth of july is supposed to be american. all of our citizens are inclusive. he did not mention the tuskegee
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airmen and the african-american soldiers who flew, the buffalo soldiers. newspapers -- he has putin is aussian -- convenient idiot and he realizes what is going on in this nation. sherry,t's hear from republican line. caller: i thought yesterday's tribute was beautiful. i thought he did a good job including everybody. i thought the flyovers were great. i enjoyed seeing that. i don't see why so many -- why people get so upset on the cost. i would rather use my taxpayers for something like this than health care for illegal aliens. it makes you proud to be an american. people need to stop being ashamed of being american and be patriotic. it is time we all came together
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and i thought he did a good job of that in the speech and kept politics out of it. host: some presidents in the past u.s. history have spent the fourth of july going back to 1968, lyndon johnson who favored his texas ranch spoke about the -- richardependence nixon taped a message that played during the honor america day organized by supporters and hotly protested by antiwar masses. 1976 as the u.s. was turning 200, gerald ford speaking at valley forge, pennsylvania. 1980 seven, ronald reagan speaking from camp david made a political statement during his july 4 radio address pitching an economic bill of rights. it was 2008 george w. bush
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hosted a naturalization ceremony. in 2010, barack obama brought 1200 service members to the south lawn for a barbecue. in 2012 he celebrated the troops and new citizens. president trump went to his golf club and hosted a white house picnic for military families and a year later in 2018, another white house picnic for those families and thousands invited to see the fireworks. cedric in boston, massachusetts, democrats line. have 50 states in this country, we don't need african-american -- how many stupid white people are going to listen to this fool and whatnot? host: back to the speech and let's keep it on the speech. what is it about yesterday you did not like? caller: this guy ain't got no business making speeches at all.
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he cannot even represent the united states. from lases is next vegas, nevada, independent line. caller: hello, how are you doing? host: fine, thanks. go ahead. caller: as a prior democrat now leaning toward the conservative side, but registered independent, i believe the speech was the opposite of politically charged toward the left or right. i think he took a moderate stance, in my opinion. i believe he rounded the fact despite all the political turmoil in the country and how we see ourselves as different, we are still americans and although some people may compendia is egotistical or this was for his own right, doing the right thing whether you have the flyovers, we spend money on other holidays. there are many times we have allocated money for the wrong reasons. this time i believe he was
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trying to unite everyone. being a second then ration salvador in american citizen, i cannot see how anyone who does not enjoy the ideals of america would not enjoy that celebration. host: that celebration available to you at, where you can watch it. here is another portion of the president's speech. [video clip] >> as we gather this evening and the joy of freedom, we remember we all share a truly extraordinary heritage. we are part of one of the greatest stories ever told, the story of america. it is the epic tale of a great nation whose people have risked everything for what they know is true and what they know is . it is the chronicle of brave citizens who never give up on the dream of a better and brighter future and it is the saga of 13 separate colonies that united to form the most
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just and virtuous republic ever conceived. day, 243 years ago, our founding fathers pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to declare independence and defend our god-given rights. [applause] thomas jefferson wrote the words that forever changed the course of humanity. we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. [applause] with a single sheet of parchment began signatures, america
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the greatest political journey in human history. on that day, the patriots who would determine the ultimate success of the struggle were 100 miles away in new york. host: steve is next, republican line from springfield, oregon. caller: good morning. i would like to say two things. one is in this country, every single day we have military aircraft in the air, other vehicles moving on the ground and the soil and ships out in the ocean. also, callers have said there are these maga hats, if you look at the panning of the cameras, there is nobody in the photographs that has a red maga .at i saw a seat with an orange turbine, people with american flags, but there was no maga past behind and most people were not even wearing hats. i don't think many of these
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watchingere even anything right now or even last night. host: what did you think of the speech specifically? caller: he highlighted what some of the naval commanders may have said in some of the battles at sea. it just wasn't the revolutionary war, it was also the war of 1812 and our capital was sacked and small and we had a very navy. also he mentioned the barbary coast where some of our merchant hesels were seized and mentioned the names of the ships and it was the coast guard and one thing he mentioned. he talked about the navy and the --st guard and the marines those were some things -- nothing was really about him.
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that is steve from springfield. let's hear from joe in indianola. caller: how are you doing this morning? top of the morning to you. all right. i don't think donald trump should have done that and i am very, very disappointed in the republican party and i will tell you why. because theyam is have lived in this party since the new deal and they were allowed to prosper under the democratic system and now they want to hand the democratic -- end the democratic system and go to a russian communist system. i support bernie sanders. host: why did you think the president should have not done it yesterday? caller: republicans are communist conservatives. host: greg from vermont, hi.
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caller: some people have already spoken about this, we should being citizens of the united states. i am so sick and tired listening to all the rhetoric about democrats and republicans. the reason i am even calling today is think about how the politiciansents and -- thisink we are having dialogue today. spend the holiday, and enjoy each other's company. it is always negative. i don't know about the rest of the people listening to the program, you guys are sickened tired of listening to this crap.
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askingecause we are at people what they thought of the event, what did you think? caller: i am not going to spend theood, bad, indifferent of man, why can't we pull together as a country and stop worrying about president trump? host: if you view it as a positive, what did you find positive about it? think about the people that set up the program -- we are talking about jobs, income, things of that nature, the military. let's be blessed we have the opportunity to be able to employ the military and the people setting up in washington, d.c., that.curity, things like
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negative, negative, negative. i am tired of it. vermont.t is greg in for the last half hour, we have been showing highlights from president trump's salute to america in washington and getting your thoughts on it. you can continue for the next half hour. 202-748-8000 free democrats. 202-748-8001 for republicans. and independents, 202-748-8002. that salute to america also available if you want to watch it again. it is at c-span possum website and you can view it there. people mentioning the use of military hardware. usa today highlights some of sayingistorical pieces tanks rumbled down pennsylvania avenue for dwight eisenhower's inaugural parade in 1953. john kennedy deployed them eight years later, even a visit by
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king george the sixth prompted a display of armored hardware rolling through the nation's capital. the president's a demand tanks be part of the salute to america to celebrate the fourth of july prompted critics, including democratic presidential candidate and talking about on the politic side. tanks have long been part of national monuments of celebration in washington although mainly associated with presidential inaugurations and military victory parades, the last one in 1991 when the nation commemorated victories over iraq. that is more you can read at usa today. in milwaukee, wisconsin, democrats line. caller: good morning, pedro. host: good morning. caller: i was there yesterday and i was very shocked that the hisident did not go into spiel of talking about people and everything, creating a
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further divide, but he was staying on point, he stayed on message and i enjoyed when he gave the different histories of the military branches of service and even the creation of his new one and my grandchildren got a kick over the thunderbirds flying over. it was the loud noise and the rumble and they went extremely fast. it was a nice event. host: had you ever been to washington, d.c. before for a july 4 celebration? caller: no, even though i was stationed at fort belfour before. host: what were the crowds like? caller: the crowd was very pleasant, there were not any skirmishes or anything. host: you said you were shocked, tell me more about that. expand on that. caller: to me it was like a trump rally because there was so t-shirts, 2020 signs,
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hats, the whole gamut and he in a way, likele he divides us further, but that did not happen yesterday at all and i appreciate that. calling from milwaukee, she was in the nation's capital for that salute to america, giving her assessment. beverly in new smyrna beach, republican line. hello. caller: hi. i thought it was fantastic to see the stealth bomber actually fly. it was exhilarating. president trump's speech was inclusive of everyone and to go back to the founding fathers, i am a big fan of caesar rodney, 56 was one of the 56th -- signers who had facial cancer and was dying and new by signing
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the documentation -- he knew he was going to die because he could not get british help with his disease at that point and the parade was fantastic. the only comment i have is it was difficult to find the parade. it was also difficult to find mr. trump's speech. i don't understand why these people are upset and they used the aircraft to fly all kinds of sports events, so why can't we do it to celebrate our nation's independence and the true sacrifice the founding fathers made? host: were you in washington, d.c. or watching on television? caller: i watched it. i went to newsmax and watched part of the parade itself and what i could find and then i saw it last night on pbs.
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i am so glad you guys ran the speech this morning before the phone calls. i think that was fantastic. host: it was the b2 bomber that got you really excited? caller: it was absolutely fabulous and the looks on everyone's's faces and at the end, the last little plane, i think it was some type of stinger, it look like a bee to me, it was fabulous. i am so happy to live in america. god bless everyone. host: the washington post story shows the airplanes and other hardware and the costs for that if you want to check that out miken milwaukee -- this is in mechanicsville, new york, independent line. caller: i am a first time caller and i want to thank you for letting me on. i think trump did a fantastic job. this is a routine thing they do in the military, they fly planes
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every day. whoever calls making a big deal over this thing, there is too much bitterness going on in this world in the usa. i think trump is america all the way and he is doing a great job. self-employed businessman. was in power, my business sucked. it was fantastic, it was all about america. i came in when i was a young guy tom europe and my parents -- get in this country, they had to meet certain qualifications. this is ridiculous. democrats already knew there was an immigration problem a year ago and now they are bringing this crap up? it is ridiculous. host: we will move into -- move onto ann. caller: i am calling because i
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did not enjoy the speech yesterday because do people realize martin luther king never said citizens. he said people. host: for that one thing -- where there other things you did not like about the speech or were there -- just that thing? caller: it was that and he encouraged parents, young women and men to join the military, something he never did. he never joined the military. understand how many times he mentioned citizen. martin luther king never said citizens. he said people. he did not say citizen. citizenship is because the courts ruled against him. now all of a sudden it is citizens instead of people. thank you. host: the previous caller mentioned the economic situation just to show you other bits of
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news to expect today. the labor department expected to issue its monthly report saying economists expect the report released at 8:30 to show american employers added 170,000 jobs in june. suggest the job market remained on solid footing even if it lost momentum last year. straight week report would spark worries trade factors could be undermining the 10 year economic expansion. that jobs report usually coming 8:30. we will tell you what those figures say. mary in florida, republican line, hi. caller: hello. host: hello. enjoyed theally
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speech, every bit of it and when they talked about the negative part of it, i think about the stuff.e spend on stupid our president is amazing. i took a trip across this country back when the other president was in. , bigries were closed down cities were empty, it look like a hollywood ghost town. host: back to the speech, what did you enjoy about it specifically? caller: i enjoyed the blue angels and the fact he did not politicize it. he was talking about america and we all should come together as 1. that is what i got out of it. i hope other people got
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and thaty out of it they stop the negative stuff. in newames is next jersey, democrats line. go ahead. first of all, i am a liberal progressive democrat and i would never vote republican. i am a fair-minded person and i have to give him credit. it was a great speech and i think it was a good event. that doesn't change my mind about the republican party. i despise the republican party. host: what made it a great speech in your mind? caller: he did not politicize it, he did not do anything to hurt himself, in a way. i thought he helped himself. if he does get reelected, that is one of the speeches that will help him. host: what made it a good event? caller: the way he pulled it off.
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it just seemed good. i really enjoyed it. in newhat is james jersey. we have been talking about the salute to america taking place in washington, d.c. available online at here is one more portion of the speech from yesterday. [video clip] creativity and genius lit up the lights of broadway and the down stages of --soundstages of hallway hollywood great opera, country, rock 'n' roll, rhythm and blues. it gave birth to the musical, the motion picture, the western, the world series, the super bowl, the skyscraper, the suspension bridge, the assembly line, and the mighty american automobile. [applause] it led our citizens to push the bounds of medicine and science to save the lives of millions.
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here with us this morning -- this evening is a doctor. when he began his work, 99% of children with leukemia died thanks largely to his breakthrough treatments, currently 90% of those with the most common childhood leukemias survive. you are a great american hero, thank you. [applause] americans always take care of each other. that love and unity held together the first phil gramm's. it forged communities on the great plains.
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it inspired clara barton to found the red cross and it keeps our nation thriving today. from ozzie inar pennsylvania, independent line. always talkstrump about invaders. let's talk about the spanish, portuguese, french, german, invaders. invaded the whole world. i would like to say something about trump, too. host: let's go back to the speech. what did you think about the speech yesterday? caller: trash. host: those are criticisms of the speech or was it the overall event? caller: anybody can read anything. i suggest your viewers listen to this. listen to this.
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-- [inaudible] host: how does that relate to the speech? we are talking about that yesterday asking people's opinions. caller: okay. let's talk about yesterday's speech. since 1775, there were sir, you did775, not listen to him? host: let's go to florida. this is jay, republican line. caller: good morning, how are you doing? host: fine, thanks. caller: i had a couple of things i wanted to mention. the first was the cost factor of these flyovers. how much of that is built-in cost of normal operation of the aircraft daily and are you talking about fuel expense or manpower? which we already paid daily
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anyway because they are in the military? i think the speech was phenomenal. i think there is a lot of people that have come into this country that don't even understand how our military came about. he went and explain how each branch of the service came about. that is something i don't hear cnn discussing. i don't hear you bringing up any of the positives. you are pushing and leaning toward one side like you don't like the speech yourself. host: that is not the case at all. first and foremost, we are not cnn, we are c-span. caller: i am saying you are starting to sound like them. you sound like you are leaning to the left a little, which is odd for c-span. host: we are not leaning anyway, we are asking people's opinions. caller: all the opinions you are asking about -- let's skip that and go back to the speech. host: okay. caller: can you name anything in that speech that was derogatory
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to anybody that lives in the the --states and host: i will not give an opinion, i will ask yours. caller: i am not asking an opinion, can you find anything that was derogatory towards or anything geared toward getting him as -- getting him elected? was there any political speech at all? i could not find any. i could not find anything where he found anything about the number of people in the crowd. all i heard was how positive america is and how these groups were founded, how the military was founded and how extraordinary people who live in our country are. host: that is jay in florida. axios reporting when it comes to the topic in the news leading up to the holiday about the citizens -- citizenship question being part of the census, reporting yesterday the president considering an executive order to try to move forward with that question on
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the census. "we did not come this far to throw in the towel." administration lawyers are exploring various legal options. one senior source said the administration is considering the appropriateness of the executive order that would address the need for the citizenship question to be census. in the if you go to the new york times, it talks about the cost of conducting a census saying over whileosts have soared responses have declined. to $92 in 2010 according to a government accountability analysis. we need a breakthrough.
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we could continue the trend of inflating costs using the same methods. the transition to new technologies represents a huge jump in the right direction. the story adding the greater use of data collected by other agencies such as medicare and medicaid could identify vacant households, making more costly follow-up visits unnecessary. we will go to stephen in michigan, next. democrats line. caller: hello. can you hear me? host: you are on, go ahead. yep. caller: high did not want his speech. -- i did not watch his speech per it i watch the news, him rambling on, it must be his guilty conscience for being a five time loser and a liar. as far as i am concerned, stuff
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has got to go. don't know what this guy thinks he is doing. host: did you view yesterday's speech as a stump speech? him.r: i did not listen to i don't care what the man had to say. he is a liar, loser, and a thief. host: independent line, joe talking about the salute to america event yesterday. caller: yes, sir. i really appreciated the speech yesterday. i have been retired from the air force since 1985 and i truly felt so good about being an american and being in the military and i have not felt that way since 1985. i would like to say anybody can say what they want to about the president, but when you see a man that has enough guts to step
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into north korea and shake the hands of the dictator and see about bringing peace into this more, i think that took guts than anything i have seen in the military. -- theas that the reason good speech or were there other aspects, too? caller: there were other aspects, too. why should america be afraid to display the flag? why should america be afraid of saying anything that is good about america? it seems like today there are so many people afraid to say they are a patriot or they are an american or to display the flag is not something that is racist or something like that. in are we in such a thing
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the united states of america? . was in military it felt good, it felt like it was inclusive and included all of america. joe in north carolina giving his thoughts. if you go to the wall street journal, concerns over the use of military drones especially after that recent shoot down throws a photo of the global hawk similar to the one shot down in june 20 of this year. a story by ben says until recently, american technology dominated the skies and military powers like china and russia now fleets of their own drones. unleashed small fleets all the while antiaircraft defense systems proliferated among major players, including iran.
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the story saying the best known unmanned aircraft have been conducting surveillance and airstrikes for nearly 20 years representing ever present threats to insurgents of the middle east and elsewhere. diane from arkansas, republican line. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. host: go ahead. you are on. caller: i loved the speech and i love that he honored patriots for this country. i love that he honored the military. he gave a lot of history of this country. the history not being taught to our children and they don't realize how this country was founded through a lot of sacrifice. family, world war ii, .evolutionary war, korea
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most people have lost the history of the sacrifice. -- theyy gave food would've been hanged for treason. people have sacrificed, it was a wonderful celebration. people need to know where we came from and what we have sacrificed and what we have done. we are not perfect, we have made mistakes, but we have liberated .any countries in the world we have given food all over the world. host: was it the kind of speech you are expecting? caller: yes. and it was not political. man.ay not like him as a he may have made mistakes in his life. everyone has if they can self
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reflect. andas been a good president he honored the nation very honorably. just like the congressman in california. she is the daughter of an immigrant and there are many immigrants that have come over here and are very thankful for having the opportunity to come to this independent country. int: we will hear from kathy washington state, democrats line. caller: thank you for allowing me to share my impression of the president's speech and the celebration. i have the tv muted, so i cannot hear you. host: it is okay, just keep going, what did you think of it? caller: ok. i think president trump had a , buty good speechwriter
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what struck me kind of in the negative light that i could not get out of my mind the thousands of kids on the border separated what arer families and we celebrating? celebrating our freedom and that the meaning ofng invitestitution, which those who are immigrants seeking and ier life to come here the wholeisy there celebration is about celebrating our freedom and honoring those who died, who shed blood for
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that freedom, to honor the constitution, and the liberty, liberty for everybody. you have a person coming here fleeing extreme poverty and extreme danger to themselves, seeking asylum, they have not violated any law in requesting so, that is hypocrisy. that is what i am struggling with in the speech. i could not get the thousands of migrant kids out of my mind during the event. host: that is kathy in washington state giving her impressions of yesterday's speech. next up we will hear from james in indiana, independent line. caller: yes, sir. i want to thank you for having that speech on yesterday.
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i have been a democrat all my life and i am from west virginia, by the way. coal miners loved the democrats, but they have left the american people and joined the crowd of the give me everything free. i have worked all my life. i am 86 years old and i don't hate nobody. host: the speech yesterday, what were your impressions specifically of it? caller: i thought it was wonderful. i served in the army. greated in three divisions, three times overseas. i am proud of that and i am proud of america. i am proud of everybody and can i share this with you? i used to work with a gentleman and him and i drink out of the
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same bottle. we both drink and i looked at him and i said i am prejudice. he said why? i said i don't now. i found out after all these years it was not his skin color i was prejudice against, it was against the actions of other people, people who would do things like refuse to salute the flag or anything like that. the things i held dear to me and i was against. host: let's hear from dave, longview, texas, republican line. caller: thank you for having me on. greated to say he gave a a political speech. he gave a history lesson of our country, how the founders gave up so much from us -- for us, give up their lives and their wealth and everything just for our freedom today and the people
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who are complaining about what we are doing today don't appreciate and don't have knowledge of the past. every branch ofhonored and how e founded. the flyovers were understated. they were not overstated. impressiveust simply to show people that those planes along to all of us. we all paid for them. they represent the freedom that our nation has brought around the world. that hasunique country gone to save countries and say freedom for all people. host: that is dave from longview, texas. that will be the last call for this segment. our next guest is going to talk about health care issues. michael cannon with cato institute's health policy study. he is talking about issues concerning health care.
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we will have that conversation next. later, rob richie. he will talk about the recent supreme court decision on partisan gerrymandering and the push for ranked choice voting. those conversations coming up on "washington journal." ♪ >> over c-span's three presidential leadership surveys taken between 2000 and 2017, andrew jackson dropped from 13 to 18 place. dwight eisenhower rises from the ninth to the fifth spot. where does your favor president rank? learn that and more about the lives and leadership skills of 44 chief executives in c-span's "the presidents." available where ever books are
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american history tv. insmoke jumping started 1939. the goal is to parachute into wildfires for it is o -- it is inaccessible. keeping those things from becoming massive wildfires. >> the c-span cities tour, exploring the american story every first and third weekend each month has we take book tv and american history tv on the road. "washington journal" continues. host: this is michael cannon at the cato institute. good morning. one of the conversations amongst candidates in the 2020 field is about health care, the idea of medicare for all. how do you understand medicare for all? is this something that could work in the united states? guest: you expand the existing
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medicare program which covers million seniors and disabled people to the entire population. the big controversy about whether you want to do that, not just because of the costs. estimates are federal taxes would have to double to pay for medicare for all, which means one of the biggest surprise medical bills we have ever seen. shrink the economy by almost equal amounts. very -- there are quality concerns. the medicare program is not a very good health insurance program. you don't if you take my word for that. the member of congress used to thethe medicare program, secretary of health and human services under bill clinton, she says that a care is not as good along -- as a lot of the private
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health care plans. the biggest concern is will the american people beginning the health care they need, the highest quality care that they can get? i think the medicare program is not the way to do that. it has a lot of quality programs -- problems in terms of overuse and harmful care patients receive in this country and the -- itre program rewards literally penalizes doctors and hospitals to reduce medical errors. preventable medical errors is the third leading cause of death in the united states. it is not a good to build o health care system. host: single-payer. how do you define it? what are the liabilities? guest: usually people mean the same thing. medicare is technically not a single-payer program.
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the way bernie sanders wants to expand it, they would turn into a single-payer program for the government is the only person purchasing the medical services that the program would cover. if you want to go around the world, there is really no ways with a pure single-payer system. the closest to what bernie sanders was to achieve is probably the british national health service for the -- where the government says he will not only get the medical care that we say, he will not pay anything. the patient has no caution sharing it all. the government owns the hospitals and employees the doctors in the system. we have a homegrown version in the u.s. called the better health administrations. it has its own concerns, no snow notoriously-- most waiting veterans wait for care.
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host: alongside those conversations is the idea of the future of the private insurance industry. how do they fare in either of those platforms? what are issues with the insurance industry itself? guest: that's a big concern with the programs and proposals like medicare for all. if you want to put all-americans into one government-run single-payer system, you could do that. in order to do that you would about 200 million americans out of their existing health insurance plans. those are people with private health insurance through an employer, 175 million give or take. there are people on the affordable care act health insurance exchanges. they would lose their health insurance. he would be taking people out of the medicaid program. you would be throwing about a third of seniors out of their medicare advantage plans. in the traditional medicare
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program, the government writes checks to hospitals and doctors directly. the government writes the checks to the insurance companies in the insurance companies provide and manage the medicare benefits for those. proposal would get rid of medicare advantage. he would kick them out of their existing health insurance and put them into a plan that they rejected. if you recall -- that would be incredibly disruptive. in 2013, when the affordable care act was about to take full 2014, in january of president obama said if you like your health plan, you can keep it. around october of 2013 people started getting notices of the insurance companies that they could not keep their health plans. it does not meet standards. we will offer a more expensive plan. there was a political firestorm over that because -- the
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president had to go in front of cameras and say you will get to keep your plan. that was over about 12 million to 15 million people losing health insurance. imagine that where you have 200 million or more people being thrown out of their health insurance. host: michael cannon joining us from the cato institute. if you want to ask questions looking at health care issues, we divided the lines different i -- different the today. if you have health insurance, (202) 748-8000. if you receive insurance or your employer, (202) 748-8001. uninsured, (202) 748-8002. all others, (202) 748-8003. for all the approaches we discussed is there a right or better approach? guest: i think there is but it is none of these approaches. all the problems are in the health care sector. access ass, a lack of
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a result of high prices or waiting for care, for the phenomenon of surprise medical bills or consumers don't know how much they are paying. if you trace these problems to the source, you find they are being caused by what the government is doing to try to improve the quality of health care and reduce the costs. everyone of these interventions has the opposite effect. take surprise medical bills. include a taxes dr. -- teacher -- texas teacher who had a heart attack. his insurance committee paid about $50,000, but he got a balance bill for $108,000 on top of that. why is this happening? areurns out that there multiple things the government is doing that created that situation. wouldn't you like to enroll in a health insurance plan that said
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we -- you will never get a surprise medical bill? there are plans that could do that. one of the first things the government did in the sector about a hundred years ago was the licensing of clinicians and what organized medicine did that as soon as they got the power regulations gave them to drive the competition of the marketplace was they drove out of the market place these plans they could offer this guarantee of no surprise medical bills. we know those plans dramatically reduce the likelihood of ever getting the price -- surprise medical bills. the only plan that has survived is probably kaiser permanente. everywhere else they have been banned because of overregulation. on top of that, even where the plans exist consumers don't get to choose them because the government penalizes you unless you let your employer choose your plan for you. $14,000 of your earnings and choose your plan. by the way, the planet disappears as soon as you have
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to leave that job -- a plan that disappears as soon as you have to leave that job. overregulation, including to the tax code are preventing entrepreneurs from providing the sort of health security they should be getting. host: is it very difficult to rollback those regulations considering they are in place now? guest: it's incredibly difficult. a lot of people profit from them. the health care industry generates profits enormously from things like the medicare program, the medicaid program which of the most offensive health care programs in the world. they are unlimited entitlements for governments. up,ever the doctors order we will pay for it. they profit from the tax preference for employers insurance. that's when the government says either you sacrifice $14,000 of your earnings, turn that over to your employer and let them choose your health plan, or you
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have to pay taxes on that money which is like a penalty like the individual mandate. the health sector profits enormously because people demand more health insurance and more medical services. physiciansedicine, in particular benefit a lot from the state laws this if you have to get a license from the government to practice medicine because that allows him to block competition. also from nurse practitioners and physician assistant to my computer to provide more .ffordable primary care every time you see a dollar of wasteful health care spending that results from some government regulation or program is tempting to say let's get rid of that dollar of spending. every dollar of wasteful spending is a dollar that's income to somebody and they have a lobbyist and they fight to protect those rents they can capture. host: we have calls lined up for
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you. the first is from dan in virginia -- marion. you have insurance through the aca. caller: i don't know if it is aca. i know i pay over $800 a month for my insurance. i was thinking about medicare for all. i keep hearing people say you just want free or you will be taxed. you don't get the higher tax if you go for medicare for all. i'm sure if i got on medicare for all, i would not be taxed $800 a month, plus all the other co-pays and special things i have to pay when there is an mri and it's an extra $400 or whatever. i have paid all my life and i never started really using any health care at all until after i was 60. i am in that place before i get to medicare.
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i cannot wait. everybody i know in my physician says i can't wait to get on medicare. yes, maybe i have to buy a supplemental to help the medicare because it does not cover everything. i would rather pay $250 supplemental when i turned 65. -- turn 65. talk to anybody. if they did not have medicare, they would be bankrupt. host: marion and virginia. mr. cannon? guest: thank you for your call. if you're enrolled in an affordable care act plan paying on was $10,000 per year, as of woman between 60 and 65, the affordable -- it's increasing your premiums more than anyone else's. even though the affordable care act raises premiums dramatically on young people to subsidize older people by reducing their
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it impacts women between 55 and 64 because they are being pulled together with men of the same age who cost a lot more. their premiums and out-of-pocket cost sharing requirements increases dramatically. more than anyone else's. as far as the medicare program, it is very tempting to say or obviously appealing to have someonefor health care for you. to have a bigger subsidy, which is what you would get under the affordable care act. the problem with medicare remains the quality of care is very low. there is a lot of wasted medicare. we are not paying for the program we get or have right now. the federal government is running deficits. even though the government has increased taxes in order to help pay for the cost of medicare
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once every four years, we are still not paying for that full program. if the federal government does increase or does expand medicare to cover the population, you are going to get maybe the largest tax increase in u.s. history to pay for that where federal income taxes are going to have to double. large as the as implicit tax increases that marion has to pay to subsidize all the sicker men in her age category that the affordable care act forces her to subsidize, but they will be a substantial tax increase. host: fred in illinois he received insurance through an employer. caller: good morning. how are you doing? institute.r cato your own study shows we would be saving $2 trillion over 10 years with medicare for all. i read the study. there ain't no going around it.
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you are funded by the koch brothers. we need to get these guys out of politics before anything will change in this country. those guys are sitting there. i listen to every word, from the first word he said to now, and he lied through the whole thing he just said. guest: fred, if you read the study you would have seen that it was the mercator center at the top. they did not say medicare would save $2 trillion. veryid under the implausible assumptions that senator sanders makes about his own proposal, cutting the payments to hospitals and doctors dramatically by 40% or more, we would spend less on health care. but even so, taxes would have to double. is that a plausible assumption?
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i think it is. people who left the center think it's crazy to think congress could cut payments to doctors and hospitals by that much. if you adopt more realistic assumptions and senator sander'' about his bill and how much medicare for all would pay doctors and hospitals, the tax increase would have to be more than 100%. more than double. that implies you would not get those reductions in health care spending that senator bernie sanders wants. host: we had the head of families usa on the program and he talked about one of the concerns he saw in the health-care industry was a lack of competition. i want to get your reaction to it. [video] >> we don't have real competition in health care. time theok, time after health care sector is taking
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advantage of distortions in the market, loopholes created through federal loss and holding people hostage. a perfect example is prescription drug pricing where the government is giving these companies a patent which they extend and extend. the reason was because supposedly they created some kind of invention that is helpful and makes us healthier. when they extend an extent they are creating a disincentive to innovate. where we are in this country now when it comes to prescription drugs is we are rewarding smart lawyers and not smart inventors. andeed to work very hard get congress involved in change the laws of the health care sector is not abusing their in bad to negotiate faith overextend patents or consolidate. there has been a lot of hospital
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consolidation and prices have gone through the roof because there is no real competition. there is a real market and negotiation occurring. we are driving towards value and not just more and more money. host: what if you think about his assessment? -- what did you think about his assessment? guest: essentially a government program tries to encourage innovation by giving drugmakers and innovators market exclusivity for a defined period of time. if they develop a new pill that cures hepatitis c, they get to recoup the cost of the research and develop it by being the only one who can sell it for a period of time. as all government programs, the patent system can be gamed. there are lobbyist that will try to tweak it. they will find innovative ways to make money, not by creating a
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new drug but by extending their patent, and using the patent greatero get or take advantage of the market exclusivity and increase profits. institutecato recognize this. we propose new ways of rewarding or alternative ways of rewarding pharmaceutical innovation. frederick about the main thrust of his comments. it extends far beyond the patent system and drug innovation. we have a lack of competition in the hospital sector, clinician services. a lack of competition in the health insurance. the root cause of all these things are regulations that prevent entrepreneurs from trying to offer you and me a better deal when it comes to
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primary care, hospital care, health insurance. laws that take away our freedom to choose the options that are out there like the way the federal tax code penalizes -- if we wantto to health insurance plan other than the one our employer offers us. while frederick and i agree there is a lack of competition in the health care sector, i would advocate putting in a lot more applications -- regulations and he would advocate getting rid of them. if he had his way we would still have too little access to health care. host: how do you maintain quality of care without that? guest: that's a really good question. my first response is quality of care gets worse under regulation. passing states started
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licensing laws in the early part of the last century, one of the first things the medical community did in medical schools did was they started limiting medical slots for women, for jews and african-american. that reduced the quality of care. they also blocked competition from integrated health systems like kaiser permanente that a very strong on dimensions of care that we are struggling to promote right now the coordination of care and avoiding medical errors, safety and these sorts of things. regulation reduces the quality of care. even regulations targeted at improving the quality of care has the unintended consequence of producing the opposite of their intended results. if we allowed entrepreneurs the freedom to offer a better deal that is a much. -- a much better guarantee your of quality -- guarantor of
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quality, providers who have the resources to lobby and make sure they get protections under regulatory regimes in that regime will block competition and block better deals. host: chris in texas who is uninsured. caller: good morning. for the last 10 years i have spent time in community gardens, urban farms and farmers markets. i know the tremendous benefits that these sorts of projects can bring neighborhoods. if urban communities are going to overcome food insecurity, we need to take steps to become a food oasis. decentralize must and mobilize food production so americans are not dependent on food being shipped in, usually unhealthy food because you talk about grains shipped in from thousands of miles away.
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encourage need to community-run programs that offer homeless or jobless citizens the opportunity to obtain organic produce and permit culture education. when it comes to health coverage i have something through the county in the houston area. me at thisr-old, for stage of my life it has been difficult. also amctivist and i not to renew or -- am an entrepreneur. i have taken a lot of risks in my life that has not worked out. when it comes to having the extra money to pay for private health insurance, that has been a problem for me. i am getting something to the county. a low cost coverage. generally on the federal level,
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this will be my question, what do you think about the food oasis idea and creating food security for our citizens? second, what he thinks about some sort of catastrophic coverage for all citizens? forngle-payer deal catastrophic coverage over $100,000 or so? guest: it sounds like chris is one of the people for whom the affordable care act has not made health insurance affordable. he is 32 and uninsured and getting health care through the county. the affordableps care act was trying to target. workingident it is not -- this is evidence it is not working for a great number of americans. i don't know much about food
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insecurity. that is really outside of my area. on the question of a universal catastrophic single-payer system, a lot of people have difficulty paying for the first $100,000. it would cost a lot less in a medicare for all program because we pay for less care. even if you were somehow able to pass a single-payer program with a high catastrophic deductible, which is something economist from milton friedman to jonathan gruber have proposed, it would not remain catastrophic. which would be making money off this program, the individual physician specialty groups, the hospital associations would lobby congress to lower those deductibles. consumers would demand more care
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if someone else is paying. it would not remain catastrophic over time. it would turn into what we have now, which is very expensive and you will have the same quality problems. the way to make health care affordable for people in chris' situation is to do with the federal government did last year when it expanded access to what we call renewable term health insurance policies that are not subject to all the federal regulations the affordable care act and other walls have put in place. if you're 32 years old, you can buy a high deductible plan for 50% or 70% less than the affordable care act -- the insurance company would charge for an affordable care act plan. under the rules put in place last year, if you get cancer, the health insurance company can offer you a guarantee you will keeping healthy person rates and not cancer patient rates.
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i guarantee you can keep your health insurance and renew it even though you got a very expensive diagnosis. there is research that shows when these plans are available, they made health insurance more secure than employer-sponsored insurance. the private insurance the federal government decided to encourage with that tax preference or penalty we discussed earlier. there is an option out there for people like chris that think it is a better way of trying to provide affordable care to people in this situation. host: with some identify as junk health plans? guest: it's in the eye of the holder. we can all agree a junk health plan does not provide the benefits you thought you were getting. there was evidence the affordable care act plans are doing that now. there are little penalties in the affordable care act that penalize insurance companies
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that offer the kind of coverage c people want. there is research showing patients with multiple sclerosis and other extensive conditions -- those penalties are causing the courage to get worse. they are penalizing insurance company unless they make the covers worse, and they are making the covers worse as a result. that is why we talk about houston. there are no aca plans in the houston area that covers the anderson center, one of the nation's leading cancer centers. if you make yourself attractive to patients with a spencer conditions, the aca -- with expensive conditions, the aca will penalizing. the renewable term policies am talking about may not cover all the things the aca plans cover. they can if that is what you want to purchase, but they leave that choice to the consumer.
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i don't think it is jump to who makes it less likely you will remain uninsured than employee-sponsored insurance. employee insurance is junk insurance. if you can't work anymore, you lose your insurance. that is when you need it most but the government has been encouraging this for 70 years. trust the people who think the government will do a good job of distinguishing between quality insurance and junk insurance. host: this is michael cannon from the cato institute. we hear from carol in boca raton, florida. caller: thank you so much for taking my call. say is i payo $17,000 a month for a family of four.
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he has a $15,000 deductible from the aca. to me that is a fortune. it is going to cost the trillion.$53.2 that means they are going to have to give up 70% of their paychecks to the government. i would prefer to keep my own money. i used to have the guardian policy. month, which was reasonable while i was working. the democrats need to really rethink this. it will put hospitals at a business. doctors are not going to work. disaster, ato be a total disaster.
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costs,you feel about the mr. cannon? guest: thank you for your call. if your son is paying $17,000 per month, that would come to more than $200,000 per year for health insurance. i wonder if i misheard you. excessive, wildly excessive even for the aca. for the very large premium increases occurring, $17,000 a month -- i must have misheard you. you said a $15,000 deductible. that also set -- sounds a little high for the aca. it is certainly moving in the direction of higher deductibles paying the sorts of premiums you are talking about, there are other options out there. willems like an aca plan be breaking the bank.
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sometimes you hear them describe the short-term plans. i believe they are available in florida. 50% to 70% less than an aca plan. there is the health sharing ministries. they are organized by religious organizations. they are not exactly health insurance but they involve some pooling of health insurance -- health costs. unfortunately without knowing more details about your son's circumstances, i don't know what i can offer beyond that. the sorts of premiums your son is paying is an example of hidden taxes that the aca imposes generally on younger and healthier enrollees, and on near elderly women, anyone at the healthier end of the distribution for their age
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those -- i'mme of inclined to believe the premiums are as high as i heard you say. some of the highest increases have been in the state of -- youa where your say your son resides. what we need in order to help people like your son at the state level is for state officials to provide more regulatory clarity that these renewable term policies are going to be available and will be renewable and people will have maximum flexibility that the federal law provides to buy and sell plans. florida andtate of virginia provide that sort of regulatory -- host: "overcharged."
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what is it about? guest: it is a book authored by two of our adjunct scholars. charles silver at the university of texas law school and david hyman, professor of law and who teaches at the georgetown law center. ways andbes all the explains the root causes of the ways americans end getting overcharged for health care in terms of the higher prices we see in the health care sector, including surprised bills, the outrageously high premiums a lot of americans have to pay, and the ways taxpayers get overcharged for health care through the medicare program. one of the authors of "overcharged" is a libertarian, the other a self-described democrat. it's a very bipartisan book.
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there is a lot in there the democrats will agree with and a lot of republicans will agree with. one thing the democrats agree with is taxpayers end up getting overcharged through the medicare part d program for the drugs the government buys for seniors. there are so many things that were written into the lot reading the medicare part d program that protects drug companies and mixtures -- makes sure they get higher than market prices. what "overcharged" recommends is we spend $3 trillion plus a health care in the united states. all that money comes from the activity of the american worker. about 50% the government takes away in taxes and uses it to spend on the medicare program. about 10% of that is money the
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worker gets control of. money they paid to their doctors in cost sharing. most of the rest is money the employers get to control because the government penalizes workers unless they control that money through their employers. you are talking about almost $3 trillion that the workers generate but they don't get the control. what "overcharged" recommends is let the workers control that money so they can afford echo care. -- medical care. give the workers cash. turn the medicare program into a social security-like program where you say your income is low and you have a lot of expensive medical conditions. we will cut you a check that will be higher than average to make here you can afford a baseline level of care or a baseline amount of health insurance. like the social security
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program, we will trust you to spend the money wisely. once you do that you will see a revolution in the health care sector in terms of price competition. prices will fall genetically when consumers care enough about prices to shop around. if i'm only paying for 10% of the cost and i have the same co-pay regardless of where i go, i will not shop around for prices. the $3give consumers trillion we spend in this country, they will shop on price. you will get transparency and prices will fall. that is the best way to expand health care access in this country, to bring the prices down so more people can afford health care on their own. and the rest of us have more money left over to help those who can't. host: massachusetts, this is sandra. caller: i just got out of the hospital. i could not stating longer because the insurance ran out.
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i had congestive heart failure, cat scratch poisoning. i died for a while and came back. they did not know what they were up against. pill made upet a for the poisoning part. i ended up at the hospital. then i was shipped from their to her -- from there to a rehab. they put me in a wheelchair. i could not push the wheelchair. i'm 76. my arm hit the wheelchair because it was old and rickety. it hit me in the arm. my arm was already swollen. i was not feeling good at all. i could not breathe. i have copd, asthma, high blood pressure. i did not feel well at all. host: sorry to interrupt.
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what would you like our guest to address? that it stymied hadhat i had medicare and i -- they used only insurance up. then i have to go home because it did not have enough left. host: that is sandra in massachusetts. guest: i wish you good health and speedy recovery. it sounds like you are dealing with a lot of challenging health issues. as far as the question of the hospitals discharging you, you medicare has limits -- your medicare has limits just like any health care plan does. has a bigy hospitals influence on how they practice medicine and how long they will keep you in the hospital.
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if they're not getting paid for you to remain, the hospital cannot stay in business. way ors no obvious obvious best way of paying hospitals because some methods of payment encouraged them to discharge people quicker. some methods encourage the hospital to keep people longer. you can see how there are problems. they discharge people to quickly and they become -- they discharge them too soon and they end up being readmitted to the hospital. if you keep them too long, you risk infection in the hospital. these are difficult, thorny issues with a lot of trade-offs where there is no straightforward, obvious best answer. the best mechanism humans have come up with for these problems is competition. having a level playing field between hospitals or health
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systems that try to address these problems. one way was one set of incentives for the insurer, the doctors and hospitals. the other systems that operate under different incentives. you measure the outcomes of each and consumers, one of the gains a better recommendation for quality. consumers will gravitate towards that. that health system is giving consumers the health and security they want. one problem with the medicare program is it is a rigid program. the traditional medicare program is. it creates one set of incentives or hospitals that either encourages hospitals to keep everyone too long and you get too many very costly and lengthy hospitalizations and too many other errors that occur in hospitals, for they discharge people sicker and quicker and you get unnecessary readmissions
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that could have been avoided if you provided may be a longer initial admission but also the incentives for hospitals to provide patient education and follow-up care to keep them out of the hospital. medicare is banishing the sort of competition we need in order to improve the quality of care for patients like you. host: this is michael cannon of the cato institute. we thank you for your time. --t: the bureau of label labor statistics has its number -- for june. unemployment rose slightly to 3.7%. we will hear from rob richie. he talks about the recent supreme court decision on partisan gerrymandering and the push for ranked choice voting.
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that conversation is coming up. ♪ >> there has been discussion about an appearance before congress. any testimony from this office would not go beyond our report. it contains our findings and analysis and the reasons for the decisions we made. we chose those words carefully and the work speaks for itself. the report is my testimony. i would not provide information beyond that which is already public in any appearance before congress. >> special counsel mueller is forto -- set the report four congress on wednesday, july 17. he gives testimony to the house judiciary committee and he will take questions from the house, intelligence committee both open
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sessions. the report into russian interference in the 2016 election will air live on c-span3, online at, or listen with a free c-span radio app. >> i'm a cold war historian. friends of mine emailed me and said, why do you want to tackle this issue? marriage and family? you are jumping into the culture war. do you really want to do this? >> author and professor paul kangor will be our guest on "in-depth." his book is "the divine plan." and books about the spiritual lives of ronald reagan, george w. bush, and hillary clinton. join our live conversation with your phone calls, tweets and facebook questions.
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representative democracy that works for all americans. what that means on the ground is a means working with a lot of state reformers and increasing thing with congress on big ideas. host: when you have a situation where we saw the supreme court in the decision they made on gerrymandering, explain what the court did and how do you interpret that from the position you take. guest: it was a very important decision. to remind viewers, it is the practice during the exercise of redistricting which happens at most level of government every 10 years with the census, which is a battle itself right now. that measures population and we create districts that are roughly equal in population for congress to be equal in population. how you shape this districts can have a big impact on outcomes. we have done a lot of work on that.
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with the modern technology and know-how and increasing solid nature of how voters vote, we can structure outcomes and get far more seats than a party might deserve. everyone, which sometimes happens. this question has come up to the court repeatedly. what happened last week in this level,s at the federal and the supreme court has slammed the door shut on future challenges based on political argumentsm partisan gerrymandering claims. they tried for years to look for a standard for justices. they are saying there are standards at the lower court levels. most judges looking at these cases believed there was a standard. the supreme court said no and slammed the door shut. host: rob richie is our guest.
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if you want to ask about gerrymandering, we will continue on that conversation. democrats, (202) 748-8000. republicans, (202) 748-8001. --ndependent, (202) 748-8002 independents, (202) 748-8002. you can tweet us. that and then come out of it with our conversation with mr. richie. with the supreme court decision in mind, what happens now since the states are the ones that have to primarily deal with it? guest: it is a complicated thing. redistricting happens at all levels. this affects all levels. state courts look at this and the state supreme court of pennsylvania throughout a congressional plan and it state based on a partisan gerrymandering claim. we will see some state courts
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look at it. that theomething majority opinion talks about. we are seeing states with activity involving reform. last year was a remarkable year. if passed as a ballot measure and in some instances put on by the legislature itself. a number of states did not lose any. one in utah and missouri. colorado kind of a mix. voters wanted to do something about it. a lot of states don't have the initiative. they have one party controlled. in the super partisan environment that we have where every seat is a battleground for control of the house, there is an expectation that more states will say ok, the gloves are off. we will just do what it takes to get as much as we can for and 2021 in 2020 --
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could be super ugly. the state legislature could become a battleground for what it will do for congress and national power. we have seen that historically when the senate was chosen by state legislatures. the state legislature then became a big battleground for federal power. that is what we may see more and more of. people will fight and argue over state elections or what it means for control of congress. congress can act. congress is exquisitely authorized to be able to regulate and set up rules for redistricting. if we want a national solution that affects all states and grudgingly states go along because other states are fair, congress is the place to do that. there are proposals to do independent redistricting commissions. -- past the house this year passed the house this year. our big norstar in this issue is
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the proposal that congressman in, the fair representation act. host: what -- what would be involved? guest: it combines three valuable elements that are more powerful together, in some ways necessary together to work. one is going from the idea that only one person should represent each area to having more than one person. figure districts -- bigger districts. i'm from montgomery county, maryland. i have several county counselors. three members of the maryland house of delegates. i two senators. the idea -- i choose senators. the second step is he is ranked choice voting, which we will get into more soon. you get the right people instead
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of just voting for one. that is something that when combined with a multicity district allows more people to help elect someone. three people being elected by a third of the voters, they get to have the power to help elect someone. this opens up every corner of all the country to meaningful two-party composition. and bigger states that have to draw some these multimember districts which you be up to five members to have an independent commission. that puts all this together and we think it is the most comprehensive and powerful solution to the problem. host: jeff in woodbridge, virginia, democrats line. you were on with rob richie. caller: good morning, gentlemen. my first comment is regarding the supreme court decision. they shifted it down to the lower courts. in a case like north carolina where the legislature redrew the
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districts so badly that republicans gained 10 out of 13 congressional seats, how does that impact going back to the lower courts? the lower court in north carolina is controlled by democrats. my second comment is being from virginia, 2021 has been big for redistricting for the coming year. with the state legislature race i believe the district lines will be redrawn in virginia. how will that impact elections for 2019 in my state? guest: good question. for north carolina, we're not talking about going to the federal court at the lower level. the supreme court said no. we are done on political gerrymandering. just like pennsylvania, the state supreme court acted on its plan, the north carolina state supreme court will very likely
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receive a challenge. it may well look at it and could rule based on the state constitution on a change that would affect the congressional elections in their state. partisan elections in north carolina and it is a democratic majority. we will see what that means. there will be a lot of state-by-state battles. virginia has a vibrant effort to push for redistricting reform. a sign of how the issue has changed and moved out of the nerd space into people wanting to make change. there was a proposal passed to go on the ballot in virginia that needs a second vote in the new session to set up an independent commission process. in the meantime they will be having elections this year. they will be districts affected by this. this one over sort of racial grounds. we will see federal action on redistricting involving race
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separate from politics. they are often closely integrated. and the battle over the virginia state legislative districts will be very much affected by calculations of national power. races are allstate national races -- all state races are national races. host: go ahead, please. marilyn in new york? go ahead please. caller: me? host: yes. caller: my name is mary of -- mario. what i wanted to ask about was the systems of voting. you called it ranked choice. i have been interested in that for a long time. voting.t of approval
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what i wanted to ask you about was how you deal with the general public's both ignorance and apathy where there is a mixture of people not caring about these issues? even though i think it is the underlying -- the glue that holds the democracy together is the voting. buteople who are interested it is confined to nerd space often? how do you get it out of nerd space? even when it is in nerd space, how do you stop infighting? biggesti'm not the fan of frank choice, i'm a -- it's a vast improvement. host: we are about to get to the house. voting,anked choice which can be applied in the fair representation it is more commonly used to elect a single person.
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host: ranked choice voting, does this apply to certain sections of the state? totally moved into the mainstream. we expect to see ballot measures moving in alaska and massachusetts, two different states, very strong efforts. passed it it's firmly in place for the the primaries and the general election. six democratic parties, in
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states where they run their presidential contests, they'll use ranked choice voting with the same principle. it's a large field. it makes a lot of sense. will vote on it at of charter commission vote 13-1. utah is using it for the first time in some cities. it.igan has a city using about 20 cities now and it is growing month-to-month. there are several candidates in the field, how does it work? guest: the current system in your typical election, you might have views about more than one
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.erson you might have a first option but then a second option. someone you really don't like that you wish everyone else could beat. it allows you to do what you always do, but it gives you the backup. a you can say here is my first choice, but i will have a backup, my second choice, and by third choice i care about too my first all in with choice but if that person is in last place and cannot win because they are trailing in the , and that person is eliminated and not out of notention, but my vote is knocked out of contention. that is common sense.
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than 60 causes and alsorsities -- it is really exciting for voters to be able to vote for whom they want. that is what moved it into the mainstream. we are at a time where the new norm is an open seat race for president, we will have these fields again and again. we will see that more often in other offices. i think there is a lot of hunger for an independent third-party candidate and those candidates are often seen through the filter of they will split the vote. like whatan say i they have to say or i don't but now you have freedom to express yourself and give that person the best shot. host: this color is from michigan. thank you for waiting. color girl this is fascinating
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to me. and mccollumhigan, county which was huge in 2016. trumplit from obama to was a big thing, but we had a big problem with gerrymandering. . gary mansupposed to be during. >> yes his last name was gary and at the time they called it gary man during. host: he mentioned what happened in michigan. restructuring the system, keep that from going on prevent that
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from going on? guest: michigan is one of the states that has changed. an incredible effort for those who think that reform is a good thing. have all the signatures they needed through volunteers which is unheard of today. they crafted a proposal in this inclusive way that involves a lot of stakeholders. they ultimately got a lot of money to pass it once it won on the ballot but it won overwhelmingly. . that will mean it is much less likely that you will see these extreme gerrymander's. to say you will not have unfair outcomes. you're going to have unfair outcomes as far as you being stuck in a race that is not
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competitive or the overall outcome is not reflective of the voters, but you would get these distorted outcomes. really distorting things. that is what both the independent commission in michigan and with this case was about. host: doug is next. caller: i have a proposal that ties in with the elect oral college. lastarts with when was the time we added electoral votes to our total. i think it was when nixon was president. the population was 200 million or so now it is like 300 million. there are some a more people. the electoral college not being -- it doesn't provide the
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when you have the electoral college and the popular vote in conflict stop we need to add more districts and more electoral votes to the total. we have districts where one 750,000s representing -- 700 50,000 people. that is not adequate representation. >> the collar is right to say we should have a conversation about the number of pull in the u.s. house. until 1910 we always did. it is a conversation that congress is supposed to have, and it is an example of institutional inertia that we just stopped. we didn't do it in the 1920 though 425cted as
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house members is something that james madison came up with. and he didn't. montana has more than a million people. bigre getting constituencies. it -- the byproducts of the electoral votes. from 535 to 538 as nate silver is happy to know. we made puerto rico estate. is time just decided it to change the size of the house. that would change the number of electors. host: would your organization advocate for a pure national vote? host --- caller: --
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guest:. under the constitution the electoral college doesn't come with any instructions to the states about how to allocate electors. inertia is that we have come to believe that if you win the popular vote you should get all of those electors. that is something we did early on and it is not in the constitution. there are states that collectively have 196 electoral votes. many states have passed the interstate content -- compact, a binding agreement to say we will award our electoral votes based on the national popular vote, but we will do so only when it is binding. the number of electoral votes represent the majority. that person would be guaranteed
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the majority of the electoral college. they could change their mind 20 years from now. it is a state power that states are exercising. ashasn't changed anything far as the next election because it has to have more states in it. nationala group called popular vote which is driving the advocacy for that and doing an exceptional job. caller: i think there is something very wrong with a loses there someone popular vote because of the electoral college. i wanted to find out if there is a way that the electoral college can be awarded to the candidate with the highest votes and how that could be activated.
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does?an individuals do this gives people a direct opportunity to get involved. is the group. bills have been introduced in all 50 states. it is a state that anyone can act on. host: josephine joins us from new jersey. caller: good morning. is that we are eradicating the vote with the winner take all electoral college. gets one million 100000 and the other person gets 1,500,000, proportionate.
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other guy getse 48%. put that toward the electoral college and then added up. what is so hard about that? then it gives me a voice in the election. guest: you are right that is an option in two states advocate electoral votes by who wins each congressional district. some history of states doing it on a proportional basis . the democrats, when they have presidential primaries in , andess is in every state republicans proportion .epresentation for delegates when they have the iowa caucuses, it is not winner take
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all. you get about 31% of the .elegates differences in the roles. when you apply that to congress, that is where the fair representation act comes in. i urge people to visit our websites and check out the napoli politics 2020. our earlyow projections. 80% of the races we have called the winter. very easy to do based on three data points. take all means an election will happen there
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everyone has to do their thing to make sure it works out as people project. fair representation act would put all of a sin every election, a competitive opportunity to effect our representation. host: eric holder has an op-ed in the washington post today looking at the issues of gerrymandering. he represents an organization nationalthe redistricting committee. how do those work and how do they stay independent? -- guest: always a that is always a question and people go to significant lengths
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to keep them as independent as possible. when a set of human beings are coming together and trying districts with divine powers as far as controlling outcomes, there will be a lot of suspicion when people see what they come up with. saying they are not as independent as they claim. history.has people have done a great job in making it better, trying to make criteria govern the process as much as possible. there isn't a single model out there. criteria that civil service -- civil servants execute. let's make sure one party cannot control everything. day, they of the determine a lot of outcomes
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that thishy we hope conversation moves too, can we come up with a way for the voters to determine their own outcomes. c-span, you are a national treasure. i'm coming in late on this conversation but i am appalled with these people who think that we need to have any connection whatsoever to the national popular vote. the entire purpose of the electoral college is to keep the large population centers in the united states from controlling the outcome of who the president smaller,ve power to less populous states, the decide as a republic who will be our representative to the rest of the world. the president is not supposed to be the most powerful person in the world.
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that has only come about because of mass media and kobo military power. the number one executive is supposed to be their governor, who is popularly elected and every individual state. that the governors appointed -- who had to go through state legislature for host: collar, you are breaking up, i apologize for that but we will give our guest a chance to respond. guest: he and i might agree that .he president shouldn't be kane last century the executive has taken on more and more power. has lost power. . i want the house of representatives to be the
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people's house, to have good standing with the people. i think that is where the fair representation act can really move us more in that direction. congresshe point about acting. tuned in to talk to your members about that. later in the month, there will be a bill put in. they decided to put in a bill to take what maine does for their voting inranks choice the general election for the house in the senate and make that the national standard. have elections for more than two people, voters should get a choice. caller: every presidential
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cycle, there is always a debate about popular vote versus the electoral college. campaign, they are always campaigning in florida, the swing state. ohio,swing state, florida, florida, ohio. i would like to know your opinion on proportional voting. whatever the prep -- whatever the popular vote you have a portion of the electoral votes. i would think the republicans would like to have more than 53 electoral votes in california and i think democrats would like to have 48% of electoral votes in texas. it would generate more interest from the electorate. whoe are voters in maryland don't even bother to vote because most of the time it will go for the democrat. they don't even bother to vote.
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it would change that because their vote would help their candidate. guest: here are a couple of ways to bounce off of that. you are absolutely right about how the candidates see the presidential map. we all see the united states of america, it was just july 4, every state matters. candidates asthe people feel that way but as a campaign they don't act that way. we have 34 states that, since the 2000 election, after the conventions, those same states have not had a single presidential campaign event designed to persuade voters to act for them. a lot of the country is never a swing state among never a battleground, never is pulled. they matter but to the candidates you are essentially a rubberstamp.
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i think we need to change that. that is the basis of our interest in the popular vote proposal. thank a representative democracy where it is super important. a proportional voting system for congress, we are all in for that. the electoral college, it gets incredibly challenging to do it state-by-state. with everyanship state now, if you do it, you are weakening your state politically. there is a challenge there. there have been proposals in congress to change the electoral college. majority toessary have a constitutional amendment. it is a different conversation at that level. host: what would ranks choice voting do for the 25 democratic
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candidates? guest: it is terrific that several states are doing it. let's say iowa. they are doing it for the in person voters. this in person iowa caucus. i don't think all 25 will go there but 18 may be. if you go and that person doesn't have the requisite 15%. this has already happened in iowa. someone with 7% you are not finished and can go to your backup. went up make sure there are more people who can participate. to keep their power they will have backups too. it will be a different algorithm. go to your second
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choice. ,hen everyone is at 15% everyone is viable to win delegates. it is not a majority system of the classic way. but what it means for candidates is you can say i like what that person is saying. i don't know where they are at the polls but that is my first choice. the candidates would not be saying, you should drop out because you're only at 2%. some of them will because they will run out of money, but at least it allows an option. host: from new jersey in montclair. go ahead. myler: thank you for taking call. i have a question regarding the popular vote. the references frequently made that donald trump lost the popular vote when nobody won the popular vote when you define
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winning is having a majority which is the basis of the electoral college, and should be the basis of popular voting as well, where ranks choice voting is very important. knows -- 7% of the popular vote that would have determined the victory in 2016 would have voted had they been given a choice. i would like to hear mr. richie's comments to that. guest: there were a dozen states where no candidate won the majority of that state and won all of the electoral votes. we started in 1992. john anderson ran for president as independent in 1980. we have an op-ed in the new york times that first summer about ins perot and his impact 1992. in the november elections, only one of 50 states were won with
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more than half of the votes. any of those states could have done ranks choice voting. that is what we have talked about in the op-ed. both chambers this summer passed a bill to use for president to say that in maine at least you have to win a majority. procedural issue that kept from the governor, that is a state-by-state conversation. it's what a fair and responsive system is. i'm not that politically well-versed but i understand everyone in the
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census, legal or not, states like california can affect the legislature, and the electoral college. up being ad end country that is a dictatorship or a socialist society because strange circumstances. that, the news has told us for year that we have 11 million illegals, and some research organizations say we have 25 million, in the last six months they have cost $137 billion. i'm concerned that if the , wetoral vote was changed would be in a strange predicament.
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think that the caller identifies a fact that is important hold onto. some of the many conservative backers for the national popular has moved well in a number of republican run chambers. 2016 subsides it will continue to do so. because we do count everyone in the united states, recognizing that anyone is in the united states affects a lot of government services. when we have exactly equal population, that includes everybody. the concept is every house member will be responsible for servicing the needs of an equal number of people.
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that is the basis of that equal population standard. states have ahat lot of people who are not legal more ints may get districts. one of the arguments is let's make everything equal and not based on that extra mass of how many people have been counted. it is a passionate conversation that people are having but it is a long tradition of this country to have everybody. democrats line, carl. good morning. caller: i'm very interested and i hope we work our problems out. peripheral issue with the electoral college that has to do with money. they have a thought and then they give an example. smallerler states with
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populations, i don't know if they have done any research on this, but i can tell by looking yeare pattern -- i am a 75 old vietnam veteran. i have been involved in politics ever since 68. of things about trump that i like, but the guy is a crook. i want to stick to stick to the idea of money. popularalking about the vote and the electoral vote. what we should get beyond is barking at the wind. money is having a huge effect. it is the smaller states in the big-money brokers, the oligarchs can go in and they cannot buy the senator from california. senators fromhe
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these little states because they go in with a comparably small amount of money to get equal representation. host: caller, thank you very much. guest: working money in politics is indirect. we believe that making the changes we focus on would have an impact on money in politics. creates ae all relatively little amount of money. if you can change 2% of the vote in the right place, it can fix everything. most of our votes are not affected by money. it is about voters send their own opinions. looking at that last comment, there are some exciting parts of the program form movement that includes people on the right, left and center.
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the state of our politics is creating deep concern, deep belief that we need to do something. this is one of those eras where things are going to happen across the board. host: richie is the president faireo of fair vote at from the remainder of our program until 10:00, your president-esque above salute to america that took place in d.c.. if you are a member of the military, give us a call and give us your perspective. the complete program is available at our website. here is a portion. [video clip] pres. trump: we will always be the people who defeated the
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terrorists, harnessed the continent, took to the skies and sword into the heavens because we will never forget that we are americans and the future belongs to us. the future belongs to the brave, the sport -- the strong, the proud, and of the free. onere one able chasing dream and one magnificent destiny. we all share the same heroes, the same home, the same heart and we are all made by the same almighty god. from the banks of the chesapeake to the cliffs of california,
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from the humming shores of the great lakes to the sand dunes of the carolinas, from the fields of the heartland to the everglades of florida. the spirit of american independence will never fail but will reign forever and ever. available ateeches extraordinary is heritage honored. go to the washington post, a divided america gathers for one of those many flyovers and the new york times, another photo of the flyover. that is the blue angels. that is some of the ways it is playing out on the papers in washington, d.c.. we are getting your comments as
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well from spring, texas. on the independent line, monty. caller: i would like to say that once we have some time to look wek at this administration will see exactly what this man is. a salesman with sales tactics. it goes against our previous traditions of not using the military for this. this smacks of something from a third world nation or a banana republic. it is just salesmanship. this is a man whose life has been branding his name. at howaking a look military hardware was used in military parades and the like. what makes this one different? he hung up. fromis lawson, a veteran louisiana. good morning.
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bless you, god bless c-span, and god bless america. i want to thank you for the screenerfrom your call . i'm sorry that last caller got off the line. i'm former military and everything was done right. we have done these parades before. small towns do them absolute to america. washington, d.c. should have been doing this a long time ago. have notam veterans been celebrated but they need to be celebrated. course world war ii, our greatest generation we are losing them. like i said pedro, i want to salute c-span for showing the president. i salute you on that stop host: specifically what did you get from the event? caller: he gave a history of america.
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some callers were saying he the red tails.-- my father knew -- not the red tails but he knew some people that were in the red tails. buffalot mention the soldiers but he mentioned martin luther king and frederick douglass and harriet tubman. all of that is part of history too. host: that is a video we were just showing you yesterday, raining during the president's speech. the republican line. caller: i would like to say that i think it was beautiful. thank you donald trump for what you have done. you have restored to our country true greatness. military.see our people don't get to see our jets flyover like that.
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especially here in the heartland . know senior citizens and nursing homes were listening to the band play. they enjoyed it immensely. down theirars coming eyes. they were crying and smiling. children were clapping and jumping up and down. beautifuler seen such reactions to this celebration. this was a birthday for the country. vermont on ourn line for democrats. caller: i went back and forth between the macy's celebration and the parade going on in washington. i'm kind of except that the focus onis -- the
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military might. is the people who fought in the war who should be the focus and not the military jets and the fighter jets. all the things that he rolled down the street. and northat for korea korea with their military and militia parades. but this is the united states. this is about celebrating our freedom. i think that the presentation that donald trump put on was a andmanship for the military it did nothing whatsoever showing the freedom and the spirit of the people. the people who have given their lives throughout the years fighting for that freedom.
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host: we are getting your thoughts on the salute to america yesterday. one of the other bits of information this morning was the jobs report from the labor department. created,he 4000 jobs causing a slight increase in the unemployment rate. cnbc breaks down where some of those gains were placed job ways -- job wise. construction added 21,000 jobs to manufacturing despite teetering on contraction recently. 17,000 jobs in the 8000 per month average. getting close to 22,000 per month in 2018. that's available on the cnbc website.
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james my hello. i think it was roxanne who had it correct. it was the people of the united states who joined the military that allowed us to have this great country. yesterday was for at the president of the united states great -- gave this country a great history. from 1775y lesson was until present day how this country has become the greatest country that we have because of vermont military. thank you very much. caller: i would like to say that the celebration ndc was very nice. he highlighted every branch of the military.
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the superflyovers for bowl -- plane flyovers were nice, something nice for the people who were attending. it was very well done. i thought he did a good job. thank you to the military. it was a nice pat on the back for them. host: philadelphia is next. antoinette on the line for democrats. say is what i wanted to what i don't hear about is that pbs gave a beautiful rendition of the fourth of july parade. everyone was included and it was so beautiful. anyone who didn't watch it, please watch it. that was already in preparation. towas just an added addition what was so beautiful last night.
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they celebrated everyone, the military, everyone. to what wasd on already prepared which was beautiful. host: you are saying there were no main differences between the programs? caller: last night i was so fixated on the parade that would have happened without him and it was beautiful. everyone was there from carol king to everyone and the audience, the melting pot of america that we know that we are was there last night and then he added himself into the mix. they had the military singing and joining in. werewere honored and they on the stage. host: bonnie is next from denver, colorado.
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caller: i appreciate the birthday party that our president gave. we have seen this from all across the country, and it was about time that these boys who died for these military machines, the planes flying over and the tanks sitting there, i don't know why that is criticized. those boys laying under the crosses died for those machines. it's about time that we are proud to show our military might. presidentwe have a who is finally willing to stand up for our country. i thought it was beautiful. press tellssociated us on july 4, lyndon johnson thee about the plight of
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minorities and the poor. the celebration of supporters by antiwar activists. ronald reagan went to camp david. he made a political statement during the july 4 address. saturday served as the weekly radio address which he and modern presidents used for the agenda. in the bush administration 2008. hosting a naturalization ceremony with more than 70 various countries. he celebrated troops in 2012. club, hostingolf
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a white house picnic for military families last year. house picnic for -- bringing fireworks this year. titled a salute to america that took place. here is a portion of that event from last night. our nation's creativity and genius lit up the lights of broadway and the soundstages of hollywood. it filled the concert halls and airwaves around the world with the sound of jazz, opera, country, rock 'n' roll, rhythm and blues. musical,irth to the the motion picture, the western, the world series, the super bowl, the skyscraper, the suspension bridge, the assembly line and the mighty american automobile. pushd to our citizens to
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the boundaries of medicine and science to save the lives of millions. evening is dr. manuel. when he began his work, 99% of children with leukemia died. thanks largely to his breakthrough treatments, 90% of with the most common childhood leukemias survive. dr., you are a great american hero. thank you. [applause] americans always take care of each other. that love and unity held together. forgedst pilgrims that
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communities on the great plains. it inspired clara barton to found the red cross much it keeps our nation thriving today. host: we have set aside a line for active and retired the terry. >> i let the woman in colorado no that there are over 300,000 women serving active duty. military men. in normandy and france. -- i'm glad he didn't turn it onto himself but pbs did the a generaln portraying celebration of the fourth of july.
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from chattanooga, tennessee, hilda is next. good morning. withr: i have a problem the president. i am from the vietnam era. how many deferments to keep from going into the military? when he had the opportunity, he didn't take it? his daddy paid for him to get deferments rather than to fight to support our country. host: how does that relate to the speech yesterday? caller: the salute to america -- he didn't help make america stay great, he deferred on it. he had the opportunity to fight. militaryhousands of people died in the vietnam war, where he should have went if he was a man, but he used daddies money to keep him deferred to keep from going.
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he's not helping america stay great, it is other people. int: let's hear from maria miami, florida. republican line. caller: hello. how are you? host: fine, thanks. caller: i'm calling from miami. i am a cuban-american. everybody here -- i can't hear you. host: i didn't ask you anything, color. go ahead with your -- caller. go ahead with your thought. caller: i think that president trump made a beautiful speech. he asked for unity from everybody in this country that needs that. in miami, every cuban-american is going to vote for him. we are very proud of him. in washington,
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d.c. did you attend yesterday's festivities? >> i worked yesterday's festivities. the last time i have seen the population that sparks was during his inauguration. some people may equate it with the weather but i equate it with his personality, his lack of leadership, let alone the people that support him. you do not have to be a good citizen in this country only if you served in the military. a good citizen pays their taxes which is something he has proven he will not -- has not done because he will not show them. he is a draft dodger. host: you said you had to work but you also made assessments with the population. how did you make that? >> i have been working on d.c. and capitol hill for 22 years. i was working in that i encountered military members and
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i had a chance to speak with them. speaking on most of their behalf, i bet that you or any person listening that was off yesterday will have the same cutter -- consideration. the military in particular deserves the day off, to spend time with their families, with their shipmates, or fellow members of the armed forces. enjoying the holiday. they don't need a history lesson from somebody who is a draft dodging, tax evading, white supremacist. host: new jersey, democrats line. caller: thank you for taking my call. i felt that when i watch that they showed killing machines and how much money they had to buy them. we pound our chest but a strong man never has to. i think he brags about how much money he has.
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we should have more softness in our hearts. he has never read a book. until we learn from the ancients about true wisdom and humility, we will be a warmongering nation. host: if you had to work or missed the event, go to our website at carl, a veteran from florida. caller: i had a navy career. i agree with everything that president trump has done since he has been in office.
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last night, if it did disturb some people -- they are dead. the speech was unbelievable. he didn't step on any toes. happened -- since he has been president, and believe -- like -- that theink that showing of the armament and the different planes that we have was a great show for the world. host: that is carl from florida. you are seeing video from the
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event yesterday. if you missed it, go to our website or c-span. it main channel, we will air at 11:27. york, wading new river, new york, republican line. morning, c-span. thank you for taking my call. i think that president trump did a fantastic job. the guy has boundless energy and it is nice to have a cheerleader for this country in the white house, instead of an apologist who runs around the world bowing. trump doesn't bow. he stands tall for this country and that parade and his speech yesterday was fantastic. did you get the sense that yesterday was a cheerleading event for the president? caller: fourth of july is a
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cheerleading event for the country. the american spirit and democrats hate trump so much that they have started to turn against the country and have become a party of the -- perpetual tantrum since day one. the average american sees the economy doing well. i don't understand why people cannot celebrate that. the democrats don't know why they lost in 2016 and they will lose in 2020. host: this is mark from florida. caller: i did watch part of the parade. . yesterday. 11-year veteran of the marine corps, and my father served as a marine, i found it embarrassing. i think that president from's grasp of english -- president of english,p
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simpleminded understanding of our history. it was like a fifth grader. i thought the best description of yesterday's event was an air show with a narrator. i know that civilians want to be -- it's just embarrassing. i'm sorry, pedro. the last caller talking about bowing, the president has bowed to kim, the leader of saudi arabia, that gentleman's murderer. host: ok, we will go to the kentucky line. last caller. all of the millions that he spent on his show yesterday would have shown more respect to our veterans if they had venues to provide shelter for our phone -- for our homeless veterans and better medical care. instead of making the show about him. host: that will be the last call. 11:27 this afternoon if you want
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to see it on c-span. another edition of washington journal coming your way at 7:00 tomorrow morning. see you then. ♪ [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> coming up, it democrats shall presidential candidate joe biden and related -- and later, presidential speechwriters discuss their stories from the white house.
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tonight, the national education association hosts a form with several democratic presidential candidates focusing on issues that impact students, educators, and neighborhood public schools. the form takes place in houston. see it at 8 p.m. eastern on c-span. >> friends of mine emailed me and asked why want to tackle this issue. into the culture war. do you really want to do this? a college professor will be our guest on in-depth sunday from noon-2 p.m. eastern. his latest book is "the divine plan." about theoks spiritual lives of ronald reagan, george w. bush, and hillary clinton. join our live conversation with your phone calls, tweets and facebook questions.
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in-depth" live sunday from noon-2 p.m. eastern on book tv. in-depth" nexth" month with author lee edwards. watch it every weekend on c-span two. the unemployment rate went up in june from 3.6 percent-three .7% and they say that's due to more people looking for work and not due to a lack of jobs. employers added 224,000 jobs in june and hourly wages are up just over 3% from a year ago. democratic presidential candidate joe biden visits supporters in marshalltown, iowa. introducing him was his wife dr. mayor joe and the greer. this is close to an hour and a half.
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