tv Washington Journal 08242019 CSPAN August 24, 2019 7:00am-10:02am EDT
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american politics with harvey claire. -- harvey klehr. and later, cassandra newby-alexander joins us to discuss the 400th anniversary of when the first enslaved africans arrived in virginia. going out and taxing our companies, it is very unfair. if we do that, we will be taxing their wine, or something else, like they have never seen before. ♪ host: president trump's remarks last night at the white house before his departure for france, and the start of today's g7 summit. it is saturday, august 24. we take you to a life you of the runway where air force one is scheduled to arrive within minutes. than 13,000 police and security officials are on hand to protect world leaders as they begin talks. as we wait for the arrival, we
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want to get your calls and comments on the style of president trump's foreign policy. you can join in. if you support his approach is 202-748-8000. if you oppose it, 202-748-8001. you can also join us on social c-spanwj c-span -- at or facebook/c-span. a very busy program to talk about including our look at 400 years ago the first ever -- the first africans arriving in virginia. there were slaves in other parts of what was then the spanish colonies in florida, we will focus on 1619 later in the program. he will begin with the president as he arrives at the g7 summit. headlines, trump orders u.s. to stop bleeding china. "the president ordering companies to find an alternative
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to china to do business after the country slapped tariffs on u.s. imports. trump has no legal of four -- authority to force companies to abandon china and it was unclear what he could do to weed out packages containing fentanyl. the president of the national retail federation said that it would be unrealistic to expect u.s. companies to leave china, but more than 50 multinational corporations had announced plans to move manufacturing out of china or are thinking about it." rather than move their operations to the states, many want to rebuild their supply chains elsewhere, primarily in southeast asia. the president also raging at jerome powell who he appointed for a speech in which he offered few clues about whether the fed will cut interest rates as the president has demanded. while on air force one, the president with all -- with this tweet.
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"for all of the fake news reporters, they are looking at the emergency economic powers act of 1977, case closed." air force one is making its way to france. we will watch that and get to your phone calls in a moment. whether you support or oppose the president's foreign policy. let us speak with charlie. good morning. caller: good morning. as to where weus are going to go with the mandated use of corn ethanol. i support the issue of allowing flexibility all the way from 15% down to none, using a waiver, and i want to hear opinions about that possibility. host: thank you for the call. with the new captain of the air force one arriving in france, and the seaside resort for three days of talks. we will go to michael in new york. good morning.
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caller: good morning. it is pretty scary what is happening here. turmoil.a lot of there is rumbling in the stock markets and we can see that there are falsities being told about how trade is taking place abroad. the chinese, if we get into a war with them in trade, this will have a detrimental effect on us. i think we could be heading towards a deep recession, and a lot of people do not understand, once this happens, the reversing may take at least two or three presidential terms. host: what is your biggest worry? caller: it is, where do we go from here with jobs, the economy, with our families. we have families to worry about in the future. will there be a future for the economy that this guy is creating with this economics.
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trump economics has not proven to work, it is all these things that he comes on with, he is saying these things are telling us it is true, and it is not. every time you turn around the guy is lying. larger 757 air force one leaving joint face -- joint night and a last smaller plane arriving in france. any plane that the president is on is referred to as air force one. the negotiations began this afternoon. it will continue sunday and into monday. the president had scheduled to go to copenhagen, denmark, for a state visit, but he canceled that because of the inability to discuss the purchase of greenland from denmark. greenland is an a thomas nomousory -- an anto
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territory, but is joined to denmark. support or oppose the style? caller: i support president trump, and anyone that does not is a traitor to our country. host: why do you say that? caller: china has been stealing from us for years, and trump is doing the best thing he knows how to do for our country. people better wake up and start supporting this man. host: here is what the president said last night before boarding marine one regarding china and trade, and what is at stake. [video clip] tariffs are i think good for us, we take in tens of dollars, china is paying for it. they are manipulating their currency and our tariffs are working out well. at the same time china has had the worst year probably anywhere
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from 30 to 50 years. and, they want to make a deal. [end video clip] host: that was the president last night, and now he has in france with the first lady for the g7 summit. next year, the u.s. will host the summit and one of the locations being talked about is the president's resort in miami. let us go to tim. what state are you from? support trump trying to do foreign policy, but i think it is pretty dangerous, especially with iran, china and all of that. host: what is your biggest concern? caller: all that can blow up in his face. iran, chinaous with and everything. host: thank you for the call.
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we will watch for a moment as air force one has officially landed and the support personnel is also disembarking on the rear part of the plane. the president and first lady will be disembarking on the front of the plane, and emmanuel macron will be one of those welcoming the american delegations. rob is joining us from new york. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you. and not think diplomacy trade negotiations should be a chinae a bull in shop, because the reaction from the other side is that they want to get out a bulldozer and, but against the bull. further, i think that our president is like the little guy behind the curtain in the wizard of oz. i do not think he has any understanding or ability.
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i is good at one-liners, but do not believe this is a man who understands, -- who understands economics or trade. i do not think he has advisors that are -- that know the business of international trade and china experts. i know of a china expert myself personally, and educated people, tough negotiators, people who are strong in business, he is not one of them. he is skewing a lot. clothes andhas no he is distracting -- distracting us with greenland so that we will not see that his ability -- he has no ability, understanding, or knowledge of what he is involved with. host: "the wall street journal" editorial, just another manic friday. ,the trouble with trade wars
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like shooting wars, is that once they start you do not know how they were going to end. sometimes events escalate in an ugly fact -- fashion. trump blows a gasket, markets tank and mr. trump imposes more tariffs." that is from "the wall street journal." we will go to lillian in arizona. good morning. caller: hello. i do not know why they keep a track -- attacking president trump. he has the best president. obama has been disrespected by a lot of countries. all he did was bow down. josephine, you are next from new jersey. good morning. caller: good morning. am sad at how this is turning out. you are doomed to repeat when you do not understand history.
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republicans, as usual. what did they do? they went to the. what happened to that depression? do not think we are too that direction. what hurts me is to think that people will suffer when the unemployment starts piling up. their devotion to the idolatry, to this person who literally has no history background, does not read books, does not understand what he is doing and then he listens to this idiot from the nth degree. this is who he listens to. kudlow is not an economist, but he listens to him. i do not get it. people out there, when you are out there, and your children are going to be unemployed then you
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will say, i did not think this would happen, i feel sorry for the farmers. they are going to be creamed. china signed an agreement with brazil first soy, which means years of farmers going out there destitute. read history. thank you. ont: we are keeping an eye the departure from air force one as the president and first lady make their way to the tarmac. we will watch that as we listen to jane from kentucky. you support the president's foreign policy style. pause going to have you for a moment as the president arrives.
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host: there is that red carpet welcome in the president meeting with members of the french delegation with the french military, and the president heading to the summit, which is officially getting underway and will continue through monday morning. this is the headline from "the guardian." the town is on lockdown as the resort becomes a town of 18,000 security personnel. many of the tourists have been forced out. this is a popular resort and will known for its surfing as it is in the southern part of france. as the president makes his way from air force one, gene i had you -- i had to cut you off. please, go ahead. caller: i like what he is trying theo, trying to reverse $2000 tax credit that reagan
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used for these corporations to take our jobs offshore, and he is trying to bring them back. i appreciate that. but, i would rather see him use theseentive rather than strong arm tactics. wherek he is making waves there do not have to be waves. host: thank you. we will go to lori from pennsylvania. you oppose the president, explain. caller: i think he has a man without a plan, he flip-flops back and forth. the world is moving forward and we are stuck out in nowhere land because he does not care about the consequences of his decisions. more live pictures from france as the president arrives. lewis from new jersey, you support the president. explain. caller: yes.
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when he first was elected, all predictederal experts doom and gloom, high unemployment and everything going off of the edge. they were wrong. sure,rong arm tactics, storm -- you use them when you're dealing with a country like china who has been spoiled by us because previous presidents had no backbone. keeps taking money out of their pockets, you hit them back. i was watching last week and you , withcouple of guys call manufactured phone calls, and i know you guys have no control over. you can see that call after call, people are not even on-topic, they just trash trump and go on with the talking
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points. you enjoy your day. host: chris from napa, california as the motorcade departs. good morning. caller: good morning. trump,s to me that mr. and i respect the presidency, that he has no economic or foreign policy plan. it seems to me, and this may sound weird, that he is like one of those walls that bound -- balls that bounces all over the place. i am hoping that someone may be able to quell him in and get him to start finding economic and foreign-policy plan. host: up early in california. this is the headline for "the washington post," the president arrives within it worries about the global economy. politicaland
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headwinds gather, leaders of the world's major powers are placing themselves for a different turbulence force. the american president has a track record of crashing into tweets,ith a torrent of complaints, and bombast will arrive on saturday bearing more grievances and guidance for global powers facing a myriad of challenges including the threat of climate change and a potential recession. in the days leading up, trump engaged in an escalation of his trade war with china, lasted denmark for not selling greenland, declared the world to be in her -- in recession, reddening tariffs against nations and called russia to be readmitted to the group. allieslaimed america's mistreat the united states more than adversaries, slammed the wto, lasted nato countries for not meeting spending obligations
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and threatened to send islamic state fighters to germany and france. trump has attacked most of the meters he will be meeting -- the leaders he will be meeting with. trump has continued to embrace the american first approach. that the indication various world powers will not be stateo rely on the world -- the united states in the middle of a crisis." this is available online. louisiana, morning and welcome to the conversation. about: i have a question for policy, and i have a statement about president obama and president trump. obama was playing into things, but trump is playing into things that bush had done. i think the president did a good job. obama deregulated and did all of this stuff.
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he should not be in there. thank you. from arkansas. good morning. caller: thank you. country,way the whole they said that would be a sucking noise with the jobs leaving america, and we have become a welfare nation. back,trying to take that i totally support donald trump, because the people are praying, they are taking their power back. they are praying for their president. if they quit, you will see the president not to do well. that is my opinion. host: brenda, good morning from texas. caller: good morning. i first want to respond to the lady that called about the bowing, i hear that a lot. whoever he bowed to, i forget who it was, because
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that is customary on how they greet each other. what part of that cant the republicans get? they say it all the time. against and i am opposing his style. he has no style. he has nothing about him. there is nothing positive about him. americato demand that stop doing their companies over there? who are you? personally, this sounds horrible and i do not say that you have to cut me off. -- rooting for china, all him. you have got to -- you've got him, squeeze him hard. have a great day. host: the g7, the president wants it to be g8. russia was taken out during the
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obama administration. the g7 includes canada, france, germany, and the united kingdom along with japan and italy. this is the front-page story of "the new york times," a portrait of the world leaders join -- drew -- drawn. next to that, the headline trump issues tariffs and ask companies to sever times -- ties with china. margie is joining us next. welcome to the conversation. caller: good morning. afraid, andwake up today is one of them. it is like, is he going to go there and talk about putin getting to be in the g7 again, at all themention amazon fire? this is the worst leader we have ever had, and i just wish that
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they would all turn their backs to him. and, not let him rant, or complain about others. it is the most embarrassing, and i am ashamed. for --ne of our regular regular tweeters has this, "too bad we do not have a good leader. we have a horse in the hospital and a bull in the china shop." post",e "washington there is this cartoon. it is a caricature of president trump, i am the chosen one, a plague on the dems and any jews. red statespart the from the blue states from me. one of the political cartoons. mason is joining us from michigan and you support the style of the president. caller: good morning.
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it seems as though most of the complaining that i hear in -- iition is interestingly am sorry. host: we will go to neil from florida. good morning. go ahead. caller: yes. world is seeing donald trump for what he really is. off.old plating is wearing it has escalated to a point where we look like fools all around the world. this man needs to be stopped, you claim you are the chosen one, that is reason enough. thank you. caller: some of the headlines from "the new york times," g7 world leaders dropping any expectations with a show of unity with the u.s.. g7e wall street journal,"
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leaders set for a clash. emmanuel macron, the first state visit by president trump, of course they have had their differences in recent months, he will be the host. maria is joining us from new jersey. caller: good morning. it is an interesting question. i know that sometimes i cringe when he says things a little dramatically. if i had to choose between someone who is a little crude and is defensive over our country over someone who is more polished, i would choose president trump. i think his heart is good, and he has a good instinct for basic honesty. these people need to be shaking up. we have been paying their bills and they have a wonderful lifestyle. he is the first one to care enough and he has gotten results. i think he maybe ought to look into may be doing a lot -- more
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smoothing of his style, and his substance is good. if he got encouragement from the american people, i think he would do better. host: can i ask you a question? can i ask you about canceling the state visit to denmark because they would not negotiate the sale to greenland, what was your reaction? caller: nobody died of it. apparently our country has negotiated with them before, and everybody is going to live. i think it would be interesting for us to explore. do i like his style, i would be a fool to say yes. i would rather go for the substance. host: we will go to shirley joining us from pennsylvania. good morning. caller: good morning, thank you for taking my call. i want to tell everyone that i am so thankful to god that we have president trump for our president. he is right out there, a
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businessman, he knows how things have to be done. sometimes it is harsh, and that is all right because that is what we need. he has gone to these foreign countries and he has let them know that they are no longer going to take advantage of this great united states of america. everybody wants to take advantage of us. in the past they have. we should have never been not war in iraq and afghanistan, that should have never happened, and it did. look how many lives we have lost, and here is president trump saying no boots on the ground. we will handle it a different way. he has made our military to the point where we do not need to worry about sending boys and girls out there to be slaughtered. this is a president who has the best of our country in his heart and mind, and we all need to be thankful to god that he is there. we had better pray for him every
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day that we can keep him. whathim there, and that is i have to say. i thank god that he put him there. host: it is approaching the bottom of the hour and we welcome our listeners on c-span radio. you can listen to this radio -- this program on the free app if you are in the d.c. or baltimore area, 90 point one fm. we are asking about the president's foreign policy style. he arrived about 20 minutes ago. it is early afternoon print -- french time. york --from's the new from's the new york times. here's what the editorial board is writing. twitter tantrums are a recording source of the bears meant -- recurring source of embarrassment. tweets seem bizarre,
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sharpening questions about his understanding of his role. you might've thought they would cause consternation within the republican party which has not embraced soviet style command and control. investors were unnerved. the dow dropping 400 points and sliding. the effective -- the executive class was not happy. it is impossible for businesses to plan for the future in this environment. this approach is not working and the answer is not more taxes." that from david french. adding, "where does this end? mr. trump does not seem to have a clear answer in mind. the president's tone was ledger rent and his language seemed detached from reality. he is ordering american companies to leave china, but a tweet is not a legal document and the president has limited authorities. the white house did not elaborate on what mr. trump meant or justify his rights to
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issue such orders." that from the opinion page of " the new york times." let us go to zach, from harrisburg, pennsylvania. host: i'm in ask you to turn the volume down otherwise we will hear an echo. caller: ok, thank you for taking my call. -- i am x air force. i have served a couple times overseas, and it hurts me because i do not know where to begin. now, anden 2.5 years we still have chaos in the white house. half of his cabinet positions are not filled. they are acting people. we do not know where his money comes from. his taxes are not exposed, and we do not know his ties from russia. we understand that he just got trademarks from china, so we do
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not know where this guy is at. we need to find out all of these things, because, in my opinion, we have been duped by a great con man from not paying his fair share of taxes to us as a nation, to his racism, and his ability to not listen to our seasoned heads of these departments. he will take putin's word on a whim. and, that is my rant. thank host: you for taking my call. host: thank you for sharing. tom alfred, seems to refer corporations to go to other parties. this is actually trade policy. "i fully support it, but he needs get our trade partners to do the same and certain industries seem to be ordered back to the u.s.." here is headline from "the
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washington post," trump calls president xi the enemy. "i am pretty sure president trump makes an insider trading killing every time he makes a 200 tantrum." caller: good morning. trump at thesident last election, and he had my vote in the upcoming election. believe, andmp, i i'm going by god's word and that is the foundation for everything. he was ordained by god to lead this country. we do not understand everything that god does and the reasons wherefore. president trump is good for this country. our last three or four presidents did not have a backbone in foreign policy. president trump is pro-israel, which is good. pro-life, which is great. he is -- give the man the
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chance. none of the prior presidents could have 100% success in their first administration or go around. no one is perfect. and it ish on china, time that these other countries get off of our train. president trump said no more free rides for anyone. give the man a chance. the: when he calls himself chosen one, you believe that? caller: i believe he is chosen by god to lead this country in this period of time. host: do you believe that past presidents have been chosen by god? caller: most of them were democrats. the platform of the democrat pro-choice, they believe in murdering babies. this is what they still stand for. god is not going to have it.
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this country need to get its act together and go the way of god's word, or we are doomed. host: from here in washington. the front page of "the washington post," a perilous new phase for the u.s.-china trade war. patrick is joining us. is the the first comment partisanship of c-span. when you first came on the air 30 years ago, you cannot tell whether brian lamb was republican and democrat. here you are reading from the washington post and new york times, two papers who hate the president. host: and two who support the president. caller: it is like saying fox supports the president. give me a break, that is not fair. the bottom line is that the situation related to foreign policy of the president, he
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inherited from the three prior presidents a mess. he is saying the truth about that, whether it is north korea, chinaor the trouble with with factories closing and moving overseas. he has had 2.5 years to try and undo 24 years of bad policy. and, not only that, he has the " resistance" against him. even when chuck schumer says i agree with the president, we need to do something, nobody reports that. chuck schumer might as well be talking in the wilderness. i do support the president. an ex armyo -- i am lieutenant stationed in berlin during the vietnam war, and we needed troops over there during the cold war. when the berlin wall came down in 1989, why are we still paying germany all this money when they are buying gas from russia and
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giving them our money when we are giving them money to defend them against russia? it makes no sense and is crazy. he may be crude and unorthodox, that i think president trump speaks for an awful lot of us. host: we will go to kathleen joining us from gilder land new york? caller: are you talking to me? host: good morning. caller: anyway. i am so ugh. president trump's foreign policies style. no, it is not good, i do not like it. i do not like it. -- i am sorry, i just woke up and i saw that, and i am like what? i am going to leave it at that, i do not like it. , fromlet us go from ted california. caller: i am right on board with
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president trump. he has suffered 2.5 years through a coup d'etat that the democrats and the media has tried to pull off. his style is to shake and rock the boat. andpeople in washington, the people in the e.u. do not want the boat rocked. they have been on the gravy train a long time and they want the status quo to continue. the status quo has not been working, it has been sinking the u.s.. we finally got someone who has a backbone, not like obama, who will stand up to these guys. trumpotally for president , we finally got a guy with a spine that is sticking up for the middle class of america, and the political elites did not do anything for us for the past four decades. they have lied to us continuously. we have a fighter, and the coup
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d'etat will be exposed and hopefully heads will roll. host: according to a new survey from the associated press, the question on the president's job approval, specifically on foreign policy. according to the survey, it is one point of view, 36 percent approving of the job performance, 61% disapproving. jim from las vegas. good saturday morning. caller: good morning, sir. that trump is unbalanced psychologically. basically, we need to send the paddy wagon and put him in a mental hospital, and i truly think, after he -- after we determine his psychological state, we should put him and his entire family in jail. i truly believe that they are
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bad people, very bad people. host: why do you say that? isler: all you've got to do -- i am the chosen one. you know, i just cannot believe what i am hearing. allof these people from over the united states are praising him. he is a criminal. he is a disgrace to the united states. sendhe talks, and when we him over with all of the leaders of all of the world, and he is just a total embarrassment, and i do not understand all of these christians, catholics, or whatever they are, they have kneeled down like he has some type of. -- of god, he is not a god. just look at his whole lifestyle.
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whole what he has done. he is a thief and a scoundrel, and belongs in jail. host: thank you for the call. the president yesterday departing a little bit past 10:00 in the evening before flying overnight to france. for leaving the white house he talked to reporters on a number of issues including the fed chair saying that he would encourage him to resign. he said he would not stop it if jerome powell stepped down. keep in mind he was appointed and confirmed by the u.s. senate. he was also asked about another round of missile test. here's the president on that issue. [video clip] >> i do not think so. i think we have a good relationship and we will see what happens. we will see what happens. prettyg-un has been straight with me, i think. and we will see what is going on and what is happening. he likes testing missiles, but we never restricted short range missiles. we will see what happens.
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many nations test those. we tested a big one yesterday. [end video clip] >> the president before heading to france, richard is joining us from new york, good morning. caller: good morning. brian lamb,y that at c-span, he should be interviewed on sunday evening, and also, brian lamb are , they took cameras into the white house and senate to representatives are. we have the largest buddhist temple in the western hemisphere in our county, and they think what they do 10 centuries, and americans think 10 minutes. i think that i support the
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president, he had a backbone and he gave us his heart, he loves america, and god bless america. story, theith this headline trump question must -- why he must attend the g7 summit. thiss reporting from cnn, " gathering held in france is president trump's third coming unrest, andrs, raging fires. in conversation with aids the president had questioned why he must attend. over the past two summits ended acrimoniously, the president complained that he did not view the gathering as a particularly productive use of his time. he has made similar asides to meetings with other world leaders including the japanese prime minister and manual macron
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who has encouraged him over the past six months to commit to attending the summit. macron is the host of this year's summit in the g7 represents the major economies and has long been a regular stop on the calendar. and small group sessions with only the leaders and a few aides present, the major problems are discussed at length. ends poorly,s foreign counterparts will not have to fret about his attendance, he is due to posted in his call for -- in his golf resort. let us go to the dog from ohio. good morning and welcome to the conversation. caller: good morning. i want to state that i am totally against this president, and his foreign policies as well as domestic. fromis ridiculous, i come
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ohio, and inst ,ahoney and trumbull counties when i was younger we had five steel mills. the mills went down, and when he read about, the people in this valley how he was going to bring steel back. that has not happened. when they tear down blast furnaces, i do not know if a lot of this audience knows this. they start tearing down blast furnaces, that is not something that can be rebuilt overnight. we had a major auto industry in this valley. lordstown, and it laid off and dismissed lives like crazy. yet he walks around with his head up, thinking that if you do not agree with him, even members of his cabinet, then he
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dismisses you, talks down to you , and the comments that he has been making lately, both my wife and i are students of history. to me, he is exhibiting the same factors that dictators have had, and must have a serious illness going on with him that is not being acknowledged because nobody walks around, no republican or democratic president walks around and thinks that they are more important than anybody else, not willing to use diplomacy, and backtracks on things that they say. and he went the other day swore an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the constitution, yet everything he has wanted to do is a direct violation of all of that. host: we will leave it there.
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this is a headline from cnbc, by the way, canada was the summit -- was the host last year. "it will be the first time since it began that the form has failed to end without an agreed statement laying the deepening rift. heads of state -- these are over issues like climate change, the environment, and the reinstatement of russia, and universal taxation on digital giants. that from cnbc. john, you get the last word, from ohio. your view of the foreign policy style. turn the volume down on your television set so we can hear you better. caller: i think it is foreign policy, there are a lot of things that i do agree on, and some that i do not. in my lifetime, i just feel that this is the first president, and
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i am 68. this is the first time i feel that is actually trying to live up to the platform that he ran on. what is wrong with a lot of the people that run for office, they have all of these platforms, and they run, and that as soon -- then as soon as they are in, they dismissed things. people in myt of circle that feel the same way. usual sick of business as in washington, things are not getting done. they are just living for themselves and they do not want to do what the people's will is. i just think this president is doing a great job. i do not think they are being fair with him, media lies. there is very few things that i even hear that even praise him for some of the stuff that he
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does. so, he definitely has got my vote for when he runs next time. and i just wish him and his family all of the best. from one of the headlines abc news prompting a lot of what we saw on the markets yesterday. the president firing back at china with announcing tariffs totaling $75 billion on u.s. thes admitted -- amid escalating trade war. it is a weekend of politics. former vice president joe biden is in new hampshire. we will be tracking that story. campaignchar is on the trail in nashua, new hampshire. bernie sanders is in louis jet -- louisville, kentucky. an seth moulton speaks out in san francisco at -- talking about his departure from the presidential race. the book is called " millionaire was a soviet mole:
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the twisted life of david carr." and harvey klehr will be talking with us about the history of russian meddling in american politics. it did not start in 2016. later we will discuss the 400th anniversary of the first africans in virginia. home to recent visit, the national park service marker dedicating the arrival of the first africans in english north america, we talked to terry brown of the fourth monroe national memorial about the importance of remembering what happened in 1619 400 years ago. africans arrived here in august 1619. i can only amended -- imagine this would be a different environment. this is not the exact location, this area i was standing in would be somewhat of a filled in area. they probably would've landed
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somewhere along this area, the beach would have been further back. that they landed in 1619, and basically what happens is that these africans from angola, their village was rated, theywere -- raided and were put on a ship and it traveled to the gulf of mexico where it was attacked by two privateer ships, one was the white lion, and the other, was the treasurer. they find supplies and they find the africans on the ship. they split the africans up, and the africans on the white lion make their way up the coast, encounter a storm, the white lion is able to make it through, the treasurer stays behind. in august, 1619, anchored out somewhere along the shore, 20
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africans would be delivered to the fort. we know that they landed here because john rolfe is making a notation of the supplies and good and he makes a location that 20 africans are unloading off of the ship, and that is how they know that they land here at point comfort. when it comes to evidence, there is very limited evidence of that occurrence, 400 years ago. we know that they were here, we know that when the treasurer shows up, that many of those africans go to current day jamestown. tight land incans english north america would arrive here in 1619. that would begin an amazing experience in the development of the united states. we know that they were remarkable. thiswere able to survive
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very difficult situation. they were able to reinvent themselves, create new narratives, not just survive slavery, but create fresh and vibrant responses to american democracy by creating new music, art forms, families, and so forth. we are honored in the 400th year to remember and honor them. . washington journal continues. host: joining us from atlanta is harvey klehr. he teaches at emory university and is an author. on the historys of russia's influence on american politics. spoiler alert, it did not begin in 2016. thank you for being with us. andus talk about the book harvey klehr. he died in 1970 nine, who was he and why is he important?
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guest: david carr had several lives, he was a journalist, a man, arelations businessman, and he was a soviet agent, and he crammed all of that into -- and a hollywood producer. he crammed all of that into 60 years. you mentioned that he died mysteriously in paris in 1979. his fourth wife, his widow had his burial stopped. she got a writ manning an autopsy. she went to the french press and claimed that he had been murdered by the cia, the kgb, the mossad, or the mafia, which covers the globe. a huge scandal in the french press. it took 10 years to probate his
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will. he left a multimillion dollar estate. a good bit of which had come fromthe soviet union, favorable business deals that he received in return for his work for the kgb. host: he would've been in the orbit of brezhnev and others during that time. how did he become a part of this? tost: he was introduced armand hammer by a friend of karr's, sargent shriver. shriver had been the investor to france and karr had gotten to know him. he was based in france in the 1960's and 1970's. karr traveled with shriver and inmer to the soviet union 1972. it was beginning of the eight -- it was the beginning of the age of the talent -- of the detante.
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-- and one ofips, the trips he was recruited. host: as you point out, and we have been point -- we have been talking about the role of russia in 2016, but there is a longer history. take us back to a standpoint in russia's influence in american elections. guest: i mentioned armand hammer , and it goes back to 1921 when armand hammer and his family received a soviet concession to do business in the soviet union. this is directly from lenin. in return, we now know because of material that has become available from russian archives, in return for that concession, hammer was laundering soviet money coming into the united states to support the american communist party. the its beginnings,
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american communist party was a tool of soviet foreign policy, and that continued until the 1930's and 1940's. 1950's, the american communist party was pretty much dead. it was no longer quite as useful to the soviets as a tool to influence american policy. host: another key player, john tunney, who was he? guest: he was the son of the former heavyweight champion of the world. he was elected to the united states senate from california. he was a close friend of ted in 1978, or 1979, ted kennedy intervened with the kgb. a document surfaced from russian archives, again after the collapse of the soviet union,
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indicating that ted kennedy had urged the soviet union to give a contract for the olympics, for the moscow olympics to john tunney. in fact, that contract, he was a partner of david karr. they had the north american rights to market misha the bear, the mascot. host: i want to get your reaction to what jimmy carter did, because 1980 the olympics held in moscow. because of the soviet invasion in afghanistan, the u.s. pulled out of the summer games. here is our 39th president. [video clip] soviet expansionism, which we are determined to oppose. 1946, the united states stood firm against soviet occupation of northern iran, against soviet
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sponsored subversion in greece, against soviet demands on turkey. historically, american strength has been used to help countries of the persian gulf area, to protect their stability and retain their own sovereignty. the reality of the world today unrest,moscow exploits not to addressed the discontent that underlies the unrest, not to overcome the inequalities that give rise to unrest. dominion,pand its own and to satisfy its imperial objectives. [end video clip] the significance of that move. guest:
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guest: president carter said his eyes had been opened to the soviet union parts malevolent influence in the world. there were a lot of people that it hadave told him that long been a malevolent influence. that decision of president carter's to strongly oppose the invasion of afghanistan and boycott the moscow olympics, had a significant him -- rr,nificant influence on ca but it also persuaded senator hadkennedy whom carr ,reated a channel to intervene and we know from documents released after the collapse of the soviet union that ted kennedy offered to work with brejnef.aft --
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hoped -- it was not the first time senator kennedy worked to undermine american foreign policy through the spec channel with the soviet union. host: when were the other occasions? guest: he did it during the reagan administration. opposededy was strongly to president reagan's buildup of american military forces and again,s in europe, and he offered to work with brezhnev to undermine reagan. ted kennedy worked to undermine a democratic president and republican president area -- president. host: this is harvey klehr, a meredith unit us.
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we are opening the phones to you. (202) 748-8000 four eastern and central. for mountain and pacific. has it been nonpolitical? guest: beginning in the mid-1930's, it was to work within the democratic party. they believed they could work with franklin roosevelt, and they opposed conservative republicans. browder, the head of the communist party, ran for president on the communist party ticket. the soviets wanted roosevelt to win. they were strongly opposed to alf landon, the republican candidate. persuaded the soviets that it would be a bad idea for the communist to directly endorse roosevelt. he said that might get reservoir
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-- roosevelt the million votes, but it would cost him 10 million votes. instead, browder ran for president and his slogan was defeat landon at all costs. if your slogan was to defeat landon at all costs, you should have voted for roosevelt. i know the communist party was not the cause of roosevelt's victory, but that was an example of how they tried to influence american politics. in 1948, the communist party supported henry wallace's bid because of the opposition to harry truman's anti-soviet foreign policy. worked closely in the political campaigns in 1976 of brown, buton, jerry he also tried to gain influence
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in the ford administration. for example, he was cozying up to ron nesson, florida's press secretary, sending him -- for to ford's press secretary, sending him gifts. host: let's go back to how we carr -- howie carr. he has a piece talking about former senator ted kennedy and talks about a 1983 memo found in 1989 when the soviet union collapsed and the kgb digitally opened up its portfolio. , explain what that is about in the connection. guest: by this time, carr was dead and 20 was serving as an ny wasediary -- tun serving as an intermediate
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-- intermediary. he was communicating kennedy's opposition to reagan's foreign policy. his willingness and eagerness to work with brezhnev on ways to reduce american soviet tensions. host: we take your phone calls. sean is joining us from charleston, south carolina. welcome to the conversation. caller: good morning. i was trying to figure out, what was his objective, i guess, this guy? was he doing it for the money or was he a true believer? i haven't read his book, i don't know, so my question is, was he just a spy? guest: thank you -- host: thank you. the objective of david carr, harvey klehr. was ifin his 20's, he not a card-carrying communist, he was ideologically a
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communist. he was sympathetic to the party. he wrote occasionally for communist publications, and expressed procommunist views. viewsd carr changed his in the late 1940's. he support the the marshall plan for example, which the soviet union and american communist opposed. i don't know it was an ideological transformation. i think carr recognized that communism was a dying ideology in the united states, and that if he persisted in those beliefs, he would marginalize himself. then, he became a successful businessman. in the 1970's, when he began work for the kgb and the soviet union, i don't think it was ideology. i think it was money. in return for his assistance, he got all sorts of contracts for business in the soviet union. for example, in 1978, he and
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armand hammer were given the contract to market the olympic commemorative coins. carr made millions of dollars on that deal. i don't think he would've gotten that contract had he not in in the soviets's pocket. host: let's fast-forward to 1984, ronald reagan seeking reelection in one of two debates with then former vice president walter mondale, the democratic nominee. here is how our 40th president said we need to approach dealing with the then soviet union. >> i think and dealing with the soviet union, one has to be realistic. has madeis or mondale statements that they are just people like ourselves, and if we were kind and good and did something nice that they would respond accordingly, and the result was lunar writable disarmament -- was unilateral disarmament. what did we get fort? nothing. the soviet union has been engaged in the biggest buildup
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in man. at the same time, we tried the policy, of weakness if you will. putting up a defense of our own, and i've made it plain to them. we seek no superiority. we simply are going to provide a deterrent so that it will be too costly for them if they are nursing ideas of aggression against us. they claim they are not, but i made it plain to them that we are not. but, there has been no change in my attitude at all. i thought when i came into office it was time that there was some realistic talk, to and about, the soviet union. we did get their attention. host: that's from 1984, and in the second term, there were disarmament agreements between the u.s. and then soviet union. your reaction to what you heard from president reagan.
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guest: i think it was realistic and quite successful. there's a lot of debate about what led the soviet union to be willing to enter into those theements, and to allow peaceful disintegration of the communist system in eastern europe. i think the reagan defense buildup was a major factor in it. the soviets became aware that, given their economic problems and american technological superiority, they were simply not going to be able to respond to what reagan was doing. hans, there was also, i think, sort of an ideological collapse of belief in communism that contributed to it. host: our guest is the author of "spies, the rise and fall of the kgb in america," harvey klehr
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joins us from atlanta. i want to get your reaction to what president trump said about the former head of the kgb, now the president of russia, vladimir putin, and u.s. intelligence. pres. trump: i have great confidence in my intelligence, people -- intelligence people. but, i will tell you that president putin was extremely strong and powerful in his isial today, and what he did offered to have the people working on the case come and work with their investigators, with respect to the 12 people. i think that is an edible offer. host: leading the question, who does president trump trust more, his own intelligence in the u.s. or russian intelligence. guest: i think he is being incredibly naive in believing that vladimir putin, a former kgb officer, is able to shed
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that training and background. the kgb -- i don't think that putin has ever abandoned the kgb's mindset, which for all of the period of the existence of the soviet union, regarded the united states as the main adversary, that was the phrase they used. reagan was farnt more realistic about the kgb and soviet union. of course, there is no soviet union, but it is being run by former kgb operatives. host: our phone lines are open. (202) 748-8000 if you live in the eastern or central time zones. (202) 748-8001 if you are mountain or pacific time zones. our guest will be joining us until the bottom of the hour our next caller from alabama.
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are you with us? caller: good morning. i wanted to make a comment about the russian -- you know, the history of the russian influence in american politics. russiaia talks about how influences or attempts to influence our election. first of all, i'm 67 years old, so i remember when russia had the missiles in cuba. i was a young kid, but i remember that. this election in 2016, i didn't vote for clinton and i will never vote for clinton, so i never bought into the story of how much russia influenced the election and made clinton lose. yeah. putin did not like clinton because of the way she had tried to interfere in russian
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politics. if this gentleman would be honest about it, when clinton -- i don't know if she had gotten into obama's cabinet or whatever, but she was against putin when they were having problems and issues, and she was trying to get russian people to overthrow putin or whatever the guys name was. host: thanks for the call. to that point, harvey klehr, your response? guest: i think the fact that the russians have tried to influence or try to interfere in american elections are separate from the question on whether they have been able to do so. by and large, they have not. i don't doubt they tried to interfere in the 2016 election. i don't think it had very much of an impact. host: what they did -- what did they do from your standpoint in 2016? guest: we know they were involved in all sorts of social media manipulation.
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they were creating fake routes and ads on instagram, facebook, and so on. again, it is not clear to me -- and i certainly -- it wasn't that to robert mueller, that had a significant impact. host: ralph is joining us. good morning. caller: good morning. i have a comment and a question. my comment is, and i'm from morgantown, west virginia, born and raised here, and it just really is surprising to me at how many people, at least where i live, seem to be very aloof at what happened in the last election with russian interference. harvey, he is, for made the comment he believes president trump is very naive. i want to know if he really or if that is his naivete he has been compromised. guest: i don't think that there
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is any hard evidence that he has been compromised. those reports in the steele dossier, that the russians had all sorts of compromising pictures and so on, i think that has pretty much been debunked. i don't think he has been compromised. thatnk that -- i do worry he places so little faith in the evaluations of american intelligence. host: how would you size up his relationship, personal relationship with vladimir putin? know, i thinkou he admires some things about putin. the same things he admires about other authoritarian leaders, hungary,t is turkey, or a handful of others around , trump seems to admire that kind of toughness and resoluteness.
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host: we will go to alt and pittsburgh. good morning. -- walt in pittsburgh. good morning. inclination,rst when i saw [indiscernible]if i were to work with them, and shortly after that, hillary clinton, for $150 million in canada, so 20% -- sold 20% of our uranium, and no one seems to serve this when it started, but after that, you find it out through intel things that hillary clinton, obama, and if you others were working with russia to go against trump. all of these reports coming from this mueller report is starting to show more and more that the fbi, cia, and i think the danger now is you have a democrat party into socialism which leads to communism. that is what we start to see in this country now. they are working with russia.
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does is strong and he admire putin. he won't lie about it. -- maybe get the diplomats to change. host: a lot there to unpack. you want to break it down? guest: i don't think there is doubt the russians tried to influence both the obama administration and hillary clinton. were significant contributions to the clinton foundation from russian related interests. again, i think the soviets have played -- and now the russians -- have played a long game where they try to influence -- try to gain influence in american political life, and they are willing to do it in the democratic and republican parties. host: john joins us from mechanicsburg, pennsylvania. caller: good morning. a fascinating topic and book that you your guest has written
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-- that your guest has written about, influenced in our elections. we live in a world today where there is so much media, the internet, and we have more television networks, c-span, and everything to listen and get news from. why would -- i'm curious what your guest things -- why is it such a secretive thing? we have to find out in research books like this gentleman about whether it is china, russia, the israelis, however is influencing our government and making policy for our government. the people really never know about it until decades later in books like this. i'm curious what your author thinks. i think we are seeing it now with china. china is influencing american politics more than russia. a lot of my friends feel the same way. i'm curious what your author think about that. he wrote a fascinating book about the soviets, but you look at modern america and i think it's happening again.
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i'm curious what he thinks when you look at countries like china, the emerging superpower, what he thinks, will it happen again in america? host: thank you. guest: i think it is happening. most intelligence analysts believe that, in terms of espionage directed against america, the greatest danger now is from the chinese. the united states has always been a target for a variety of countries, and the reason, i think, is quite obvious. andica is the technological business and political center of the world. the most -- it has been the most powerful country in the world for many decades, and all kinds of countries believe they have to gain access to american decision-makers, gain access to american technology.
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the soviets spent decades trying to steal all sorts of american technology. their greatest success was the atomic bomb. we now know that the first soviet atomic weapon was an exact copy of fat boy, the bomb dropped on nagasaki. it was obtained by soviet spies working at los alamos. attempt to gain access to american military and diplomatic secrets is ongoing and will continue as long as america is one of the most powerful countries in the world. host: i'm curious, what you are looking into the life of david carr and the information unearthed by the kgb in the late 1980's and early 1990's, what did you note to look for -- know to look for.
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and how successful was this information in researching this book? guest: this is a book i have been working on for over 30 years, and there have been a lot of interruptions, but when i started, i had no idea what i was going to find or that david carr would have been a soviet asset. to the, my first trip former soviet union in 1991, i went because i was promised access to an archive said to have his business dealings. when i got there, the archivist said we don't have anything. i later found out why they had stonewalled me. a russian journalist had published an article, based on a leaked kgb document. it was the ted kennedy plea to the kgb to assist john tunney. that document named eva carr -- david carr as a competent kgb
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source. that was the phrase used. suddenly, the lights went on and i said, aha. here's the explanation for david carr's remarkable journey. host: let's go to darrell joining us from matthews, north carolina. this as we look at a picture with senator kennedy with former senator connie. darrell, good morning. caller: good morning and then queue for your program. many question what the president said. is there a difference between what president trump says and his actions as president he takes? if not, can you share what are the differences. thank you. guest: there are differences. in spite of his kind words about putin, in fact, president trump has imposed various kinds of sanctions and refused to remove
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sanctions against russia for various activities, including and thesion of crimea ongoing war in ukraine. anomaly, butf an his actions and rhetoric have not always aligned precisely. host: robert from clinton, maryland. good morning. caller: good morning. i wonder if you also noticed that russians had influence on the obama administration? i present to you the uranium one deal where the hillary clinton state department, barack obama administration sold 20% of united states iranian -- uranium to vladimir putin. recognize that the communists have completely
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influenced and engulfed our government today. the fbi has become basically the kgb of the united states. i don't see you seem to be mentioning any of that. you have forgotten all of the money the clinton foundation got from the russian government, so you talk about donald trump, yet we have actual actions we can fbi, bob mueller was part of the deal. i think there was 145 million dollars that went to the clinton administration for the sale of uranium. in.: let me jump to be fair, he addressed this issue a short while ago. you may or may not have been listening, but we will give our guest a chance to listen again -- to speak again. guest: i don't disagree with the fact that the clinton administration engaged in some activities that i regard as very questionable. your comment about
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the cia director, you are talking about john brennan who admitted, as a young man, he voted for gus hall, the communist party candidate for president. i forget what year it was, in the 1970's, i think. host: 1976. guest: yeah. that is quite astounding. that is a bit of a ways from calling him a traitor, but it is astounding. i'm puzzled he ever would have gotten security clearance. host: what surprised you the most about senator kennedy and then president jimmy carter in the 1980 election? well, senator kennedy was one of the reasons -- one of the reasons is camping cratered was that he was unable to articulate why he wanted to be president. thing that is quite
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surprising is that people were surprised that ronald reagan won. jimmy carter was presiding over a country that was in it deep ,conomic crisis, stagflation high unemployment, high inflation, and carter seemed weak and unable to respond. you had the uranian hostage situation. kennedy was simply unable to that weakness of of carter in the democratic primaries. host: let's go to natosha joining us from troy, michigan. good morning. caller: good morning. c-span, theago, on history channel, i listened to rtly andname webster ta his dissertation was on the
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russian fleet and how they came to offer aid to president lincoln in 1863. the russian czar sent a manifesto, whatever, some sort of official notice saying there was a russian fleet available, and in the event president ,incoln would desire any help they would assist america. thisanyone interested in can go to the c-span archives. 315198-1. as a student of russian history, i found that information to be a benefit. host: the tosha, i'm going to jump in. you did your homework, thank you
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for plugging the c-span video library. we will get a response, klehr.sor guest: that something i know little about. ,aller: i would like to know can anybody tell us about the meetings i trump had with putin and privacy -- meetings trump andwith putin in privacy, we would like to know, as americans, what was those meetings about? host: thank you very much. guest: i certainly can't tell you whether american intelligence knows, i don't know. host: let me go back to your book, and the one thing you think reader should take away from the life of david carr? guest: we focused in this program on his work for the soviet union, which was clearly
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important and significant in many ways, and particularly apropos given the current situation in america. david carr, it was a fantastic american life. he reinvented himself four or and he was an entirely unscrupulous man. this is a guy who barely graduated from my school, and he managed to become the ceo of a major american corporation. he was an extraordinarily successful and unscrupulous journalist. he was a hollywood producer. he was a dealmaker extraordinaire. sir charles forte, the british hotel magnet for whom carr if david carraid thought he could do it, he would
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go to the government of india and say to them, about the taj mahal, you know, i have a real deal for you here. it sort of reminds me in a way of donald trump going to denmark about greenland. [laughter] character and a fascinating character. host: in terms of what we should or should not look out for in terms of 2020 and whatever russia and vladimir putin would be trying to do or looking for, what is your advice or recommendation? that i cann't know give a good answer to that. i think that we have to be suspicious of foreign countries that do not wish us well, that do not share our values, and that tried to influence, and various ways, our elections. trying to hack into electoral systems, trying
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to deceive and disunited americans. now isthe things we know aids wasrumor that created in an american government laboratory, designed to kill african-americans, that was a kgb invention. the first book on the kennedy assassination that claimed it was a plot by the cia and fbi, that book was published by a publishing house subsidized by the kgb. again, we need to be wary about these efforts to create confusion and conspiracy theories about american political life. --t: professor harvey professor harvey klehr joining
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us from atlanta. thank you for being with us on c-span. guest: my pleasure. host: for the next hour, we will look back at what happened 400 years ago, a discussion on the anniversary, 16 19, of the arrival of the first africans in virginia. we will be joined in a moment by hampton virginia, by a history professor, cassandra newby-alexander. first, governor ralph northam spoke at georgetown on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the assembly in the virginia colony. it was at that ceremony he addressed the significance of the events of 1619 and its lasting impact on american history. >> the story of virginia is rooted in the simultaneous pursuit of liberty and enslavement. aftere, just a few weeks the first general assembly in 1619, a ship arrived, carrying
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stolen african people, taken from angola. here, they were sold and sold again. africans,enslaved people who were not granted the same freedoms that would be given to white landowning colonists. africansse enslaved joined the thousands of virginia's first people, the members of the virginia indian tribes, who would also wait centuries to have the same freedoms. these as we hold commemorations of the first representative assembly in the free world, we have to remember who it included and who did not. virginia,e paradox of of america, of our
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representative democracy. a full accounting demands that we confront and discuss those aspects of our history. it demands that we look not just in time for hundred years in the past, but at how our commonwealth and country of all dover the course of those four centuries. over they evolved course of those four centuries. joining us now is cassandra newby-alexander. she teaches at norfolk state university. we appreciate you being with us here on c-span television and on c-span american history tv as we look at back -- look back at the events of august of 6019. thank you for being with us. guest: thank you. host: the rehearsal is also going on in the background, so you will see news -- hear music. explain the significance of what
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happened and physically where you are located in terms of what we saw 400 years ago. ♪ guest: i'm going to begin with the last question. virginia --hampton hampton, virginia. specifically, this is the site of what they called old point comfort. this is where all of the ships coming in from ocean would come in, doc, offload supplies ck, offload supplies and personnel and others. this was the site where the first africans from west central africa arrived in the jamestown colony. this is a significant time period, because this is the beginning of the african presence in what we would later call the united states of america. and, we would really see them contributing not only their skills, their talents, but also
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their fight for freedom and equality began right here in hampton, virginia. host: if you could, explain the journey they took from africa and how they ended up at your location, point comfort, in hampton, virginia. guest: sure. controllingse were a port called lawanda in today's angola. this is the west central post, where there were a number of kingdoms. one of the most dominant kingdoms, i should say two, the kingdom of nadango in the kingdom of the congo. the portuguese wanted to really insert themselves, seeking labor , especially labor they would use as enslaved people. they use mercenaries they hired to raid villages, towns, and cities. it would be in 6019, while the
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30 year was going on in europe, between all of the people against spain, such as holland, they were fighting their war predominant, and on the african -- west african coast, west central african coast, you had a war for dominance as well. many of these groups were using mercenaries, so the portuguese used this group and invaded the kingdom of the dung go -- n adongo. they marched captives to the port of lowanda. they unloaded the chip, where about 300 -- ship, where about 350 of these captives, these individuals were on ship that set sail to the varick use port where they would be sold -- veracruz port, where they would be sold in spanish america.
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and of course, the veracruz coast is mexico today. these individuals had gone through a perilous journey. a lot of people got sick and died. there were even some offloaded because of their illness in jamaica. as they were headed towards the veracruz port, they were attacked by two english privateer vessels. one, the white lion, captained by a former minister, and the other is the treasurer, owned by the virginia company of london. they seized about 100 captives aboard the two ships and set sail for virginia. journey,during that the two ships were separated by three to four days, so the first ship that arrived, the white lion, came here to port comfort who had beens, married to pocahontas and remarried to a woman whose
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father was william pierce, met the ship. william pierce and john rawls met the ship. 20 john recorded that about arrived in late august of 6019. these people had been kidnapped twice and ended up on these shores as unfree people. there are a lot of people who refer to them as enslaved, but i dispute that particular idea. i say they were unfree because they had been free people before their captivity. when they came to the virginia coastline, they were sold as servants. three to four days later, another ship arrived. the treasurer. it offloaded a few people, total africans arrived in 1619. about one month after the virginia legislature was formed that also created a support system.
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years later, that court system would begin to systematically fromthe human rights away those first africans, and later, the legislature would continue that process into turning it into law. we know there were probably about 17 women and 15 men. we don't know their ages. children,oung, older teenagers, young adults who were forced to come here to the virginia colonies and labor, in some cases, for probably about 20 years if they lived that long. host: we are talking with cassandra newby-alexander, joining us from hampton virginia -- hampton, virginia. she is the dean of the college of liberal arts in norfolk. we are talking about 400 years ago. you are doing a terrific job with a rehearsal going on in the background. we appreciate you being with us
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for the next hour. that event will be live on american history tv on c-span3 in about 50 minutes. our phone lines are open. (202) 748-8000 in the eastern or central time zones. for those of you in the mountain or pacific time zones, (202) 748-8001. join in on the conversation. i want to follow up on two quick points. first of all, the first africans arriving in virginia in what was british north america, but others were arriving in florida, which was a spanish territory. the u.s. was not formed back then, correct? guest: that's correct. florida would not become a part of the united states until 1819 -- 1890. while we recognize the fact that there were africans in north america long before 1619, but it would be in 1619, after the formation of a government, that we would begin to see the emergence of a society and culture, and people of african dissent were a part of that
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emerging culture. our contributed not only to society, their skills, for example. some were blacksmiths, these were skilled artisans who arrived. they understood architecture, understood agricultural production. in fact, tobacco was the big producer in virginia. even though it wouldn't on be -- wouldn't be until the early 18th century that african people would begin to dominate that industry as forced laborers, but their contributions to the 17th century helped the english to understand the importance of op rotation with tobacco. they were part of this huge industry of pipe production. you have the english pipe, the native american pipe, and the african pipe.
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european population had good references depending on where they were, so africans contributed that and contributed their culinary skills. they contributed their techniques for riverboat training. that is something the english were somewhat unfamiliar with. they were familiar more with oceangoing trading. brought theiralso understanding of how to blend food together in a way that was unique. we would see the formations of what we call southern cuisine, emerging in the 17th century. most importantly, i say the africans help to contribute to our understanding of what freedom really meant. so, this issue of democracy would be very different if it were not for the people of african descent in their fight for not only freedom but citizenship and equality in this
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country. i'm reminded of what the acclaimed writer ralph ellison wrote in a 1970 time magazine article where he said what would america be like without african-americans? i would think about all of that when i think about 2019. this 400 year journey that people of african dissent have been on in america. it is a story not only of oppression, but more importantly, of perseverance and of accomplishment and of being a part of this american culture and society. about america, what would america really be like without people of african descent? what would our music sound like? what would our language sound like? what would our sense of style be like without people of african
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dissent? even the understanding that we have of freedom and equality, and drill democracy, what would that be like without people of african descent? i would say it would be very different. host: our guest is a graduate of the new first the -- of the university of virginia, writing a number of books on slavery and racial license in america -- race relations in america. if you could quickly answer this question. who was thinking watch when they brought slaves or africans as slaves to the virginia colonies ? guest: i think the people who brought them here were quite aware of the transatlantic slave trade. they were looking for additional laborers. perhaps it was in their minds that these would be enslaved people. we know they were treated differently from the beginning.
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many did not have their names sometime, in some cases, three to four years later. even then, the lists were incomplete with names. we know there was an antony and isabella.- antonian these people came fluent in portuguese in their native languages. they seemed to learn english very quickly. what is interesting about the relationship was that captain william tucker became the godfather to their son who is named after him, william tucker. in the court records, it indicated that captain tucker was this young man's godfather, which means that godfather was never enslaved, that that child was never in bondage because his status took after that of his godfather.
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he was protected and that status because of the status of his godfather, who was a prominent plantar, who was living in the indian village that the english took over that we call hamptons, virginia today. we know also there was a woman in the record who was listed as angela, which i understand is portuguese which could be masculine or feminine, which is why many people refer to her as angela. jamestown is in the process of excavating around the home she lived in because she was owned by william pierce, who was the father-in-law of john rawl. we know from the records that she worked along with william a garden thaton was four acres and she kept the pigs in that area. that suggests she was very much
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involved with introducing culinary practices that she was familiar with from west central africa to that family household, which was a prominent household. they were living in what we called, at that time, new jamestown, which was a settlement, a town outside of the fort of jamestown. she was also -- that particular site had a huge war. goods and products, not only came into the colony from the war, but it left from that -- wharf, but it left that wharf as well. we know there was a man by the name of anthony johnson, and his wife mary, both from angola. the two of them would gain their freedom after 20 years, which is the typical time that if you did not have a contract, if you are
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not an endangered servant, you are simply referred to as a servant, and you would not serve more than 20 years. that was considered a lifetime servitude if it was more than 20 years. they were living on the bennetts plantation, located on the james river. they gained their freedom, also gained land as part of the system given to all servants who had completed their years of servitude, and their land was on the eastern shore. they became prominent landowners. we know this from the court records. they named their plantation angola, in remembrance of their homeland. , with thely prospered courts in the virginia legislative body changed the law. at the time anthony johnson was to become a free holder, which means a voter, they made it
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white only. he owns both black and white servants. foughta person who through the courts for his rights as a citizen of the colony. host: we know the tucker family cemetery is not far from where you are located in hampton virginia. it was designated by barack obama reflecting on what happened in 1619. as the first africans arriving in virginia. mary is joining us from martinsburg -- martinsville, virginia. caller: yes. some of the thought africansat captured being sold to the portuguese or africans themselves, would you like to comment on that? host: thank you, mary. guest: sure.
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viewve this homogenized when we think of africans, yet when we think of europeans, we recognize the ethnic differences, the different kingdoms and nationstates, but americanhave, in society, a familiarity with the same kind of thing on the continent of ever got. this is the second largest continent on the planet. this is a continent with a very diverse ethnic compilation of people, different nationstates, some of which were warring against each other. when we talk about africans enslaving other africans, i think we need to also talk about how many of the europeans enslaved other europeans. when you think of the word slave, it comes from [indiscernible] there were europeans who had been enslaving other europeans for centuries.
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the same thing was true on the continent of africa where people who are captured in war were often enslaved, but the enslaved -- but enslaved did not always have the same meaning on that particular continent. some people who were enslaved a prominent individual. some of the people became the children who would be the inheritors of property. so, that term had a very different meaning, but in the case of those who would be transported through the transatlantic slave trade, you started to see, by the 17th century, these wars to acquire slaves. conducted wars were by many mercenary groups who were being paid. they were outside of the traditional structure of nationstates. they were simply in it for the
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money. they were attacking these people, and capturing them, and putting them in that transatlantic slave system, in exchange for money or in exchange for weapons and other resources. i hope that helps to provide some contextual understanding of what was happening on the continent. host: and of course, 1619, when the first africans arrived in virginia, more than 220 five years later, where you are located served as a key battleground point for the north and south during the height of the civil war. let's go to chris in alexandria, virginia. good morning. caller: good morning. my question is to the professor. your wholeing presentation here is denoting that these were the first africans, the first time america were found in
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when, actually, and you try to make a distinction between the spanish and english, but really, to the african enslaved people, and i use enslaved because that is the proper term, they were free and then they were brought over here. realwas anthony davis's name that his parents gave him? the fact that you are using anthony davis, johnson, whatever it is, that is a name given to him in slavery. my question is, the africans that were in florida, for 1500 something, how can we perpetrate this commemoration which is really a therial of 1619 being first? thank you. host: thank you, so much. guest: thank you for your question. no one is denying there were not
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africans on the north american continent prior to 1619. the idea really is that even though they were down in florida , that was an area dominated by the spanish. so, this commemoration is about the africans who arrived in the virginia colony, also called the jamestown colony. the jamestown colony was started in 1607. it was the first colony, the first permanent english settlement. from that colony, we would grow ,nto the 13 original colonies but not until the 19th century would florida become a part of the american nationstates. so, this commemoration is about what happened right here in virginia, in the first colony, and that is why the specific statement is usually the first africans who arrived in the
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english, north american colony, which is of course the virginia or jamestown colony. i hope that clears it up. that does not mean anyone is disputing the accomplishments or story of those who were in florida, which is also an important story. host: as you pointed out, there were a few dozen that arrived initially in august of 1619, leaved to be around this state 400 years ago. looking at some of the numbers in terms of the slave population in the u.s. in the 17th and -- andnd 1800s, -- 1700s 1800s, in 1820, 1 .5 million. at the start of the civil war, in 1860-18 61, about 4 million. storyw york times cover is recently looking at the 1619 project, saying on this 400th
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anniversary of this faithful moment, it is finally time to tell this story truthfully. joe is joining us from eastpoint, michigan. good morning. caller: good morning. i would like to comment on an aspect of this slavery thing that is rarely covered. that is that at least 40,000 plus slaves were owned by free blacks in the antebellum south. i have a good book called the freeney -- the free negro. he lists all of the black slaveowners who owned other blacks. that is rarely ever talked about. so, black people in the south did participate in slavery themselves. so they are owning up to 50-50 five slaves and they were not all family members. i lived my entire life as a black man, up to 75 years. i'm in my mid-80's, and i found out about 10 years ago i am scotch irish. we did a dna test on both sides,
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the x and y chromosomes. it was all over europe. not one hit from the african continent. then, we did the mitochondrial, my mother's dna, and that was mostly from germany. i should be able to sue somebody for the [indiscernible] but of course, that is impossible. thank you and i will listen. guest: let me comment on the idea of some africans who were -- african-americans who are owning other africans or african-americans. we know that the slave system that would be put in place here in virginia as well as other places was about economics, clear and simple. many people who are part of the transatlantic slave trade were from different ethnic groups. i think we have to sort of
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disassociate this homogenous idea that all africans call themselves themselves, to es --standing that economiw economies of slavery demarcated how you would view people. in virginia, we had some black slaveholders in the colonial period as well as the antebellum period. they owned people purely for economic purposes. they were always very small in number, and that was, in their minds, to compete with other -- with the economies going on here. the majority of black slaveholders own family members because, by the end of the colonial years, going into the antebellum period, you had more rights to protect your family enslaved, they were if you are the owner, as opposed
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to if you are all free. virginia passed laws by the early 1800s stating that, if you are recently free, you had a year to get out of the state. ut of thedn't get othe state, you would not get to. not in terms of how they live their lives are practiced what they would do in their life. so, you kind of have to look at each situation to determine what kind of to determine what kind l reason was behind the ownership of enslavement. host: our guest is cassandra newby-alexander, and the program special is going to get underway in about 15 to 20 minutes. there was rain in the forecast,
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but it looks like the weather will hold out for those in attendance. we appreciate you being with us at the location known as port comfort. i want to show you something "rom the "new york times magazine, a letter from the plantation farm in mississippi, and you can see each of the slaves listed as their value add information about them. karen sherry, who is with the museum of history and culture, taking a look at a new exhibit 400-yearetermined: the struggle for black equality.." it runs about two minutes. let's watch. [video clip] have: we often do not documents of the early people in virginia, severely addition tries to evoke what their experiences would have been like with related objects, and there are two items that were excavated from other early 17th
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century virginia plantations, so to what wasical probably in captain william pierce's households and what items they probably worked with. they would have used for gardening and also a cooking pot, a ceramic pot that would have been used for food preparation. visitors will also see this -- it istraordinary much later than angela's lifetime. it is based in the 19th century, but it represents the important impact that african culture had on american culture, particularly american music. this fiddle is made out of a gourd, and that is a traditional item used in west african culture for centuries and centuries.
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and west african musical traditions were brought to american shores by the captive africans who were brought here, and they ended up having a profound impact on american cultural things, such as food, language, and so forth. this represents the beginning of the influence of african culture on the development and the creation of a unique and a mixed american culture, a culture that derives from european, native american, as well as african-american tradition. host: the museum of history and culture, and karen sherry with a bit of a tour. i want to get back to what it was like when they first arrived here and what was the english territories in 1619. i know there is no record, you do not have a lot of do you have any thing, reminders of what these
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boys and girls were going through? guest: this was still a colony influx. while the colony itself was dominated by englishmen and of course by the following year, in 1620, more a-list women were coming in, the surrounding population that dominated ,irginia were native peoples and they were hostile to the english. in fact, they got the english were going to leave pretty soon, and when they continued to stay and grow in size, that is when they decided to attack the colonies. so it really started, some of the attacks, in 1619, but the big war started in 1622 and lasted for about 20 years. so life was very uncertain in the colony while it continued to grow instrumentally. people have to go through a period of adjustment.
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and if you can imagine, here you are, the first probably 32 africans who arrived here, you had to adapt. you have been kidnapped twice. you have to adapt to a new environment, a new language, a new culture, and somehow, many of them were able not only to survive but to thrive. they chose to thrive. --os to have children, in they chose to have children, in many cases. were segregated on plantations, like angela, she was the only one on that particular plantation who was of african descent. others who were on governor yardley's plantation, there were about eight of them there that managed to form a small, close-knit community. adjustndividuals had to to a new life, a new world, and to new people. they had to adjust to the native populations, and many natives were living within the confines
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of the virginia colony. the historical records often exclude natives from our story line. have been saying that in most cases, the moment pocahontas die, we stopped talking about native americans in virginia, and archaeologists are finding that many lived inside of the forest. -- the fort. many lived inside the town we call new jamestown, tan, which we call today hampton. they continue to live along the york and jasmine rivers. in sometinued to, cases, drive, but they contracted diseases and the warfare and so forth, produced their populations. in addition to that, some of them were captured and sold into slavery. some of them began intermarrying with not only the europeans but
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also the africans. this was a very fluctuating time period. a conflicted with how people related to each other in some cases, like in the case of john punch, who was classified as an african servant who ran away with two white indentured that his which means relationship was very close to these individuals. they were captured, and all three of them were whipped, because they tried to run away, but only john punch was given as a punishment lifetime indentured servitude, whereas s had only years added onto their indentured service. so these fragments that we have in the record tells us that our perception of that time period is probably not the way it actually happened. that people are people, and that , orpeople who were closest
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those who worked closely together, the white and a black servant. but you did have those who had huge plantations. they dominated the area. they were the ones who began to set the tone for the laws, set the tone for the kind of racialism that would emerge very quickly in the law, that began to strip away the human rights of those of african descent. and i usually point to the 1669 law that the virginia assembly passed, that allows for "the " of people ofs african descent by their owners that they resisted in any way, and that law would be expanded in 1672 to include any white person able to kill a person of african descent if they resisted in some form or fashion. so this kind of a racialized
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system of laws, and many other examples, would really take hold by the 16 60's, 16 70's in virginia, and we would see the same thing duplicated in the plymouth and massachusetts bay, that would become massachusetts. in fact, massachusetts what actually passed the first slave law in the american colonies in 1641. virginia would pass it in 1662. we would see the same thing happen in connecticut, in maryland, in the carolinas, both north and south carolina, and in other places. and so virginia really was the source of so much. in fact, the virginia colony had the largest number of people any ofcan descent than the other colonies in the 17th century, and they would continue to have the largest number. number would grow, which is
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why so many, by the time we get 18th -- the latter part of the 18th and early 19th century, so many, due to domestic slave trade, would be sold to virginia, moved into the territories of kentucky and tennessee, and going on finally over to the mississippi river area, where you have louisiana, mississippi, east texas, and so forth. and so recognizing this history and understanding that these people who arrived in 1619 by force, that they somehow were able to persevere. they somehow were able to construct families and to construct a life for themselves, even in the midst of severe oppression, and they continued to fight for that freedom and fight for that liberty. and you mentioned earlier that we are also at the site where
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the first contraband declaration was made, and i want to remind all of the viewers that to visit hampton and to be sure to visit a tree, a very special tree that is on hampton university's campus. it is called emancipation oak, and president of barack obama took a seedling from emancipation oak and planted it on the grounds of the white house, and that tree was here. it was a life, it was growing in 1619 when the first africans were forced to arrive, and that because it a symbol, was under that tree that people gathered to hear the emancipation proclamation read january of 1863. very special place, it is a very historic place, it is a place that really highlights a very important
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history in american society and culture. host: as we look back at 400 years ago, and of course there are markers in hampton, virginia to commemorate exactly what happened in 1619. slavery would not be abolished until 1865. our guest is cassandra newby-alexander, the dean of norfolk state university's college of local arts, an expert on this topic. she has written a number of books. we have a couple of minutes on this topic. if you hear music in the background, that is the rehearsal for a ceremony that is scheduled to get underway shortly. it will be live on c-span3's american history tv. alexander is joining us from durham, north carolina. a quick question, alexander. caller: yes, sir, yes, sir. my quick question, actually, i have two. estimated 4 million in 1860, what would you say a part of that being the native american population amalgamated into the african-american
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estimate? and then what did they do with the ships? host: thank you, alexanderhost:. so to answer the native american question, it really is undetermined. i know that there is some dna testing that is going on. i question the accuracy of some of it, because it is very difficult to get what we call unfiltered dna from native populations coming out of virginia and north carolina. manyare finding traces in african-americans who are from virginia and from north carolina and maryland and so forth, they are finding a lot of traces. in terms of -- i am not remembering what the second question was, so if you could repeat that, i would appreciate it. host: what happened to the ships? is there any -- uh, are there
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artifacts? guest: there are non-. went back ton england. it was owned by a prominent englishmen. and the treasurer, that ship actually sank. there is some dispute as to whether or not it sank in bermuda or if it say on the coast of virginia. i know there are some archaeologists trying to locate the remnants of the treasure, but both ships are no longer in existence. host: this is a drawing of what this ship might have looked like, the white lion. as we go to matt in baltimore, maryland. go ahead, please. caller: i want to thank you for putting me on. i am so fascinated by mr. b alexander's presentation. -- by ms. newbie
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y-alexander's presentation. was really important, for example, congressman ellison's great, great-grandfather was a free black who operated a subsidy manufacturing that promoted slavery by manufacturing cotton picking machines. i'm sorry, i am -- the cotton gin. he produced over 1000 of them, which made slavery economical for growing cotton, which was dying in the united states and would have had a huge impact on the ending of slavery. further, if you stress that more, i believe it would give an black population of how understanding of how universal
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slavery was and there was not the hatred that is promoted by the people that are trying to divide us as a country. host: thank you for the call, matt. what isell, you know, very interesting is that tobacco -- the tobacco industry, um, dominated, um, even through the 20th century in virginia and north carolina, as well as in maryland. inton production dominated the western part of south carolina all the way into georgia and all the way through to east texas. on the east coast of south carolina, that is where rice dominated. by the industries employed slave labor really was the foundation of colonial american economy. and it really is in the antebellum period that the colonial -- excuse me, the end
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of the 18th century when the actuallyn was distributed. there is a lot of evidence that whitley, who got the contract to produce the cotton that hewas an inventor, got the idea from an enslaved man who was already creating an instrument to extract the seeds itm the cotton, making productive, but the cotton gin really distributed the nopulation, encouraged the taking over and thereby expanding slavery, and i think when we look at the industry that started in the colonial years and continued and expanded in the antebellum
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years, it gives us a much greater understanding of context for the value of slavery in america -- how it built the economy of america. in fact, america in the 1860's world's 7/8 of the cotton production, that the value of slavery, the people who were involved in the system, as well as what they produced was valued more than any of all of america's industries combined, and so without that system, america would be a very different place. of negatives a lot consequences for people of african descent, because they commodity,s a but has a lot of positive consequences for the nature of this economy, which is why so
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many people of african descent are demanding reparations, because they were not allowed to share in the wealth and the products of their labor. host: let's go to dolores in gaffney, south carolina. welcome to the conversation, dolores. caller: yes, thank you. i know sometimes we jump into the middle of the views, the perspective of enslavement, but how -- the enslavement for african-americans to come to the south or just to be enslaved, where is that originality? where did that start? was it on this continent? there's something's missing about slavery. i would like to know that. host: thank you, dolores. we will get a response. guest: so, you know, there is a myth that slavery only existed in the south. slavery was legal everywhere. massachusetts, for example, in the colonial period, 26% of the population was enslaved.
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and that does not include the small population of free blacks that existed there. the same thing was true in pennsylvania. 27% of the population was enslaved in the colonial period. in new york, the same thing. of course new york had been the dutch colony of new to amsterdam, which included new york and new jersey. an enslaved man who worked the dogs of new york and escaped to boston was involved with the boston massacre, was the first person killed during that massacre in 1770. so when we think about slavery, our textbooks do us a disservice they dok-12, because not start talking about slavery until they talk about the south, when slavery was legal everywhere. the u.s. constitution, both the articles of confederation as
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well of the constitution, validated slavery for the nation. so even with the dred scott versus stanford decision, the chief justice said because the constitution allows slavery in the nation through the united states, no state can actually are slavery, and so this is what helped to really create a lot , which would lead to the civil war, because the state through the court case that eliminated the 1780's there, other states that would an act emancipation laws, that would eliminate slavery within a period of 20 to 30 years, those states that not want to return slaverytem of legalized within the borders of their state, and so that is what created so much tension in the
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nation, because not that many of states weren those in favor of free blacks expanding and living as equal citizens in those states but rather they did not want to have to compete with the store of labor. when you have some, a small group of people called white abolitionists who were against slavery, but the majority of the white population in the northern areas simply did not want to have to compete with slave labor. and so that is where the tensions began to emerge. that is also where the stereotypes of slavery onl existing in the south also began to emerge. host: let me call upon your earlier point, because the century and a half after those first africans arrived in virginia, when the constitution were there in 1777, any voices that said "this is morally wrong, we need to end
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it"? guest: yes, there were, some of the earliest abolitionist societies were already existing in philadelphia and other places. some prominent whites, like benjamin franklin, were members of that. what some of them wanted to do back toend africans africa. of course, many african-americans were refusing because they were born in america. they were the byproduct of many ethnic groups, so where exactly ould they gohere back to? and their labor and the labor of their ancestors helped to build a nation, so they refused the notion of that idea and they were offended by that idea that somehow they were not citizens, equal citizens in this country.
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so i hope that kind of addresses that issue. host: we have been talking to cassandra newby-alexander. number of author of a books on race relations, including "virginia waterways and the underground railroad." she is the dean of the .niversity of north folk's thek you as we hear reversals for the ceremony going on in the background. guest: thank you so much, and i everybody comes to learning little bit more about our american history. host: and what do you think the ceremony will mean for those in attendance and those watching? guest: i think that this will be a watershed moment where americans begin to recognize the importance of 1619, commemorating 400 years of
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african and african-american perseverance in american society, enslavement, oppression from our understanding of the american story, and we would begin to recognize it and also commemorate those individuals who survived a very, very treacherous period in american history. host: professor, author, and dean, cassandra newby-alexander, thank you for being with us. guest: thank you. host: and a reminder for those watching a c-span3's american history tv, live coverage getting underway in just a moment, the ceremony that will include the dedication of the fort monroe visitor and education center. among those on hand to speak, virginia governor ralph northam along with senators tim kaine and mark warner. that is coming up on c-span3's american history tv. here on c-span's "washington journal," we will continue with
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your phone calls, your reaction to the president, is foreign policy style, as he is on the international stage in france for the g-7 summit. if you support the president's style, here is your number, (202) 748-8000. if you oppose it, (202) 748-8001 . we also welcome those tweets @cspanwj, or you can join us on facebook at shortly after he arrived in france for the start of the g-7 summit, president trump meeting with the host of the summit, first president an annual macron. -- emmanuel macron. [video clip] cron: i do welcome you, and was again, this is very important.
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we are trying to the style of president trump in foreign policy. this is the editorial from the "wall street journal" on this saturday -- "just another manic friday." it reads as follows -- host: astral and xi jinping see who can take the most trade pain, everyone loses. that is from the "wall street journal." let's get to your phone calls. go ahead, please. caller: good morning. i was saying that i oppose president trump's foreign policy style, and everything that the "wall street journal" says is
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true, that is the way it is going to be. host: thank you. let's go to dale. good morning. caller: good morning. i support it. everything we have done with china in the past has failed. every administration has come out of that on the empty side of the deal. it seems to me that if you are going to get beaten by china and intellectual property, fentanyl, they produce the fentanyl, and they had something on one of the local channels where they brought in a bunch of parts thatar-15 gun were caught in transit from china, made in china. i mean, it is time for china to either join, just like north korea and a few others, iran, join the rest of the world, or, i mean, eventually, there is going to be a major, major difficulty.
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you have putin going crazy. it is like, come into the fold, you know? it is crazy. host: thank you. rebecca stoner with this tweet "donald j. trump as a foreign-policy style? i thought he just took a hammer to everything, because that is all he knows." tennessee.ning from good morning. caller: i approach president trump's approach to foreign policy and most of what he does. bull in a china shop. he destroys everything he touches. i wish america look. thank you. host: the story points out that the president denouncing china's tariffsetaliatry it motivated,"
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essentially ordering u.s. companies to leave china. eddie is joining us from millbury, massachusetts. good morning. caller: good morning. president trump is doing a good job, but every president has been fooled. you go back to president nixon and his ping-pong democracy. into itself,ina that is why he did a good job, and of course now, all of the other presidents, they did not do a good job. they kept giving, giving, giving , so now it is president trump that is doing a good job and saying enough is enough. we have to balance the budget, balance the trade. thank you. host: thank you. let's go to les, in. city, kansas. good morning. caller: good morning. yes, i do support donald trump's
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policy style. i am sure that the democrats all boils down to jealousy. style,e jealous of his they are jealous of his success, they are jealous of everything he does, because it all turns out right. economy, the european actions he takes with israel, ghts, withars he fi rebuilding the military, everything he does turns out right. he is like john wayne. go, president trump, go! we support you. host: that if the call from kansas. this is the headline from the "washington post." inside trump's trade battle with china. some details from "the post" --
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i wholeheartedly support the president, and i can tell you for sure that most democrats understand that the president is doing the right thing, but it is all political. when you look at china, hasybody knows that china been manipulating their currency for a well, forever. ever donece have they anything just because they are scared of them. the president is taking china on. it is going to be hard for a while, but china will not be able to sustain, and they will give up. when it comes to nato, he says every country needs to pla pay f the gdp. other presidents did not want to do that because they want power. they want to pay for all these countries, and when they come along, they have the roots act of those countries. trump wants to treat every country of the country, not as a colony. host: thank you for the call. this is the headline from
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so i am not a big fan of the tech companies, but i do not want foreign companies and foreign countries, i do not want them doing anything having to do with taxing unfairly our countries. those are great american companies, and, frankly, i do not want france going out and taxing our countries. it is very unfair. they do that, we will be taxing their wine or something else. we will be taxing their wine, like they have never seen before. i don't like it. it is for us to tax them, it is not for france to tax them. otherwise, i have a very good relationship with macron, as you say, and i think we will have a very good couple of days. host: that from the president last night before arriving in france. air force one arriving in the seaside resort town in southern france at around 7:03 a.m. this morning, east coast time. it is now early afternoon in europe.
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a couple of tweaks, from quarter, "the president's foreign policy style makes me smile. whents things done others run. he's is the man with the plan and afghanistan. so north korea will be much free-ah. trump doesn't drink. he's one to think, and keeps us from the brink of foreign war, which don't want no more." "where is obama going to make her knockoff closth es now?" wild and wonderful says "oh yes, caller, i'm jealous of trump's conduct, to think about it." and notjeremy "i strongly disapprove of how the attacks as close as allies while cuddling up to dictators and despots."
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caller: we all agree that china has been abusing us for years, stealing our secrets, taking advantage of us are now we are in a legitimate war. you have to pay the price. sometimes it is tough. people need to think about what is best for america instead of what hurts president trump. ian, i want br to know why is "style" in qu otes? it is a bias against the man, that you think it is a joke, and i think it is unfair. host: no, it was used in an article, and it is not being inferred in any way, and people like you are supporting his style, so there is no agenda either way. we are trying to facilitate a conversation. caller: when you put it in
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long. they cannot tax enough chinese goods, as far as i am concerned. and macron said it way back, if it was not for america, he would be speaking german right now. this president has taken care of this country, he is taking care and i 100%zenry, -- 1000% support him, and i cannot wait to vote for him again. i do not care who shows up for the democrat debates, i am voting trump. host: david from akron, ohio, good morning. caller: good morning. -- well, i have a lot of concerns, but i am sure that anyone who has been watching the news is aware that our planet is literally on fire. we have large fires in siberia, we have huge fires in the amazon. we have a climate crisis, and we are only going to solve it together.
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and, first of all, we desperately need america to lead the way. i think america is the greatest country on earth when we lead morally, and we can lead morally and economically on this issue, but trump does not even believe that there is global warming, so that is my biggest problem. this is a problem that can bring humankind together. we can cooperate and fight the common enem of climate change, so i do not see him providing that leadership in any way. bolsonarod bals from brazil, who is encouraging the burning of the rain forest to open up land for cattle. these people are, these leaders are oblivious to what they are doing, and that is of grave concern to me. i am older, but i think about my grandson. i dearly loved him. he is 11 years old. he is going to inherit all of this mess. host: david, thank you for your call.
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we will continue your calls for the next 50 to 20 minutes, your thoughts on the president's foreign policy style. he was in beaver county, pennsylvania earlier this week to talk about trade. we carried it live. [video clip] pres. trump: they are buying a lot of our stuff, including our military equipment. now are building car plans in the united states, in michigan, and pennsylvania. many, many of the japanese car companies are coming over and building car plants in the states. it is not fully do the trick, but it helps, and those deficits will start coming down various of very substantia. we are losing billions and billions with these countries, and frankly, the countries that we do the worst with our our allies. does that make sense to you? our allies take advantage of is enemies,er than our
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and someday, i will explain that to our people. host: that is the president in beaver county, pennsylvania. he is of course in france today. we saw pictures of moments ago of the president meeting with his counterpart, french president in any lebron, the first open his arrival -- french president emmanuel macron, the first stop on his arrival. the president encouraging the g7 to "readmit russia." we are in new hampshire with a series of events. we covered congressman john delaney and tim ryan at an event on climate change. we were with south bend, indiana mayor pete jode pete buttigieg. tomorrow, we will be with joe and also senator amy klobuchar as she campaigns in nashua, new hampshire. all of our campaign 2020
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coverage is available on the c-span video library. you can type in exactly what you are looking for. it we get of politics in new hampshire as we gear up for the person the nation primary, taking place in february of next year, so about five months away. meantime, back to your phone calls, from fort myers, florida. stephen, good morning. are you with us? we will go to sarah in north carolina. good morning, sarah. caller: good morning. host: how do you assess the president's style? caller: well, his style, myself personally, i was thinking with those four or maybe six bank lawsuits that he had back in the het and everything, maybe if repaid his death back to society, maybe they would lessen some of the threshold of what he is trying to do to china, because i object what he is doing to our allies, 100%. it is not even logical. that is basically what i have to say. host: thank you.
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this is a tweet our viewer, " caller cheering for china reminds me of anti-american republicans cheering for obama when he had failures." fromis a caller campbellsville, missouri. good morning. caller: good morning. i think trump is doing the right thing, and i want to wish more power to him. anyone who cannot see it should have been gone a long time ago. do they like it because china can control the prices of their food in the grocery store, their clothing? i mean, what is wrong with the people? host: brenda, thank you for the call. -- "leadt from bruda morally? forget about it. at least for the time being." a bellicose is,
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braggadocio's, fat slob. " your calls. good morning. caller: i love the president's style. he is preventing us from becoming like venezuela. he has a climate change plan and place. climate change people take over. sent $500 million to the u.n.'s climate accord group in paris. nobody said anything, yet trump has trouble getting a wall built to protect us from an invasion, so we love the president's style, and the people that call in and say oh, the world is on are fires that happened. what these people want, they are using the ignorance of the
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people about the climate to give government power over energy use , and president trump is opposed to that, and i am opposed to that, and i think most logical people would not like to have the world's governments in control and taxing our energy use. host: thank you for the call. the "new york times" editorial pointing out a growing number of forecasters are predicting that the longest period of economic growth in american history is drawing to a close. the editorial on the economy, sees enemies." they write --
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earlier you had a republican donald is ag that fighter, which is a joke. he is ather point, oh, man of god. cheating on women is a man of god? thank you. host: bill is joining us from las vegas. good morning. the president's style, what is it? caller: hi, good morning. like to make a comment. i opposed trump' style, especially withs china, because you have a lot of hong kong protests going on for weeks now, and human rights should be a priority over there, as far as mainland china also. look at china's policy with human rights, the tiananmen square massacre all the way to mass surveillance and censorship. besides trade with
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china, human rights have to be also an important topic. thank you. host: "new york times" has "name those faces," a portrait of world leaders drawn in the sand on the beach is where the g-7 summit is taking place. the president issuing new tariffs and tells u.s. companies to sever ties with china. and from the "washington post," "a perilous new phase for spiraling u.s.-china trade war." the president on that. [video clip] we are taking in tens of billions of dollars. china is paying for it. they are manipulating their currency. our tariffs are working very well, but people do not understand that yet. china has had the worst year anywhere probably in 30 to 50 years, their worst year, and they want to make a deal. host: that from the president.
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he is that the g7 summit, which will continue through monday. keith is on the phone from roulac, texas. keith, good morning. caller: good morning. my comment is, after listening to your show, a large number of the folks who support the president's style seem to have an inability to clearly and concisely present any form of cogent argument or ideas, whereas those who seem to oppose the president's style usually have pretty rational lines of reasoning as to why. back atcan only look the days of president obama fondly, when he did rational things like the tpp and trying to hem in china using a policy that encourages our allies to support us in this effort, as opposed to trump, who basically wants to go to war with everybody.
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and when it does not work out the way he likes, he just throws a temper tantrum. we will all suffer as a result. host: what was your reaction to his proposal to purchase greenland, and then pulling out of the state visited denmark? caller: personally, i think we would have been better off in denmark would propose purchasing the united states. perhaps then we can get a really good government, a government that would be responsive to the issues of the day, everything from climate change to gun control to a rational policy around health, especially focused on women's health, rather than the five-second soundbites that the gop seems to be shutting down our throats. and so many people who do not have the ability to have a up,ced argument just eat and they just follow him brian blindly, and they will follow him like lemmings off a cliff. , thank you.
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"for all the fake news reporters who do not have a clue as to what the law is regarding presidential powers, china, etc., try looking at the emergency economic powers act us of 1977. case closed." michelle, good morning. your thoughts on the president's style. caller: his style needs some work, a lot of work, but what he is trying to do, i think, is long overdue for america. i was taught that charity begins at home, and i come from a marriage where we are two different political parties. i am married 42 years. i have never had as many arguments as i have had in the last, say, eight years or so. on the other side of the aisle, there is uncle joe, biden sticking his foot in his mouth all the time, and we kind of accept that.
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that is who he is. president trump, he loves himself, he is congress, he is all of that, he is all of the above, but what he is trying to do, i think, is good for america, and it is good for the world as well. we are the leaders of the free world. no one is allowing him or teaching him. he does not seem to have anybody's ear how to put forth what he is trying to do, and that is what i have to say. thank you very much. host: michelle, thank you for the call from brooklyn. foreign policys style is not as important as the sad fact that we are addressing the world's most awesome military, including nuclear arsenals, to such a belligerent and unstable person." g8, president obama forcing russia out of the summit.
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prime minister boris johnson said the case has not been made for russia to rejoin the g-7 theater the u.k. is one of the seven nations that make up the manyncluding canada, one o of our european allies, and japan. let's go to utah. good morning. caller: yes, how are you this morning? host: fine. how are you? caller: good. this president is a domestic terrorist. he has held this country hostage from the day he took office, from the muslim ban to the lgbtq military band, ignoring the environmental crisis, all of it. he has held us at gunpoint, he will not pass any gun laws, he will not protect anybody. separating children the border is discussing. i call him the triple d, dirty, despicable donald. host: we will go to georgia joining us from wisconsin, and
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we look at the g7 member countries, the u.s., canada, france majority, the united japan ands well as italy. go ahead, georgia. caller: good morning. i voted for president trump, and i think he has done more for our country band -- and i am 68 years old -- than i have ever before. i think he is a wonderful man, ts andah, he has his twee whatnot, and he means peace, and the world needs peace. host: georgia, what advice would you give him? caller: [laughs] i give him advice all the time. but i would just tell him to start considering others feelings before he speaks sometimes. host: ok.
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let's go to brownsville, oregon. jim, good morning. caller: yes, thank you for taking my call. host: sure. caller: i cannot imagine raising a kid, excuse me for that here from of raising children and telling them it is totally good for them to just do anything they want to do as long as it is what satisfies them. it if, for some reason, happens to make us feel good about some of the things that kid is doing, everything else he ds tearing up, this kid, hits his brothers and sisters, he is destroying them, and he listens to nobody but himself, but once in a while, he listens to his parents, and his parents say "oh, you are a great kid. once in a while you listen to us ." trump is messing up the world. host: your final point? caller: trump is messing up the
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world, not only the united states of america but the whole world. host: thank you for the call. this is from the london "guardian," and the french seaside resort town is officially on lockdown of the g-7 summit defends on this resort community. tourists have been told to leave. there is no surfing. the meeting beginning a few hours ago. the president returning, was going to go to copenhagen, invited by the queen of denmark, attended by the prime minister, but the president saying he will postpone that because denmark will not allow the consideration of the u.s. to buy greenland, which is an economist rolling area, the largest island, which is governed in part by denmark. we will go to michigan. caller: good morning. thanks for taking my call. i was calling in regards to a lot of the comments about what
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president trump talked about, oh, i was talkin chosen to take ondon't they understand a joke? this is his style in general. ,e was not, like, serious saying that come you know? he has been chosen. it was a joke and lightning of the situation and things, and people take it seriously. trumpls down to the tds, derangement syndrome. they see everything through that lens, and when they see him say something like that, they do not even see he is joking around. post: but you see he is joking? would think, or you so. you have to take things in context. , read that james comey book and what he talked about when he was in the oval office there,
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talking about this dossier and everything and that trump brought up his other affairs and things, or the other allegations out there against him in the past years and everything. his point was, that is not my mo. wall ins a fly on the that room, and i totally took it as what it was. he was saying, that stuff is crazy, it is nonsense. that is -- this is what i do, not that. takes it serious. he is supposed to be an fbi investigator and interview people and he cannot even keep up with the content of a conversation. people have a big chip on their shoulder and the trump derangement syndrome, and they come at it from a certain angle and that is all they see. host: brian, thank you for the all, and all of your calls on busy saturday morning as the president begins the g-7 summit.
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