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tv   Washington Journal Bob Barr  CSPAN  September 6, 2019 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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-- thisternoon afternoon, modernizing the u.s. army. are live coverage of this event will start at noon eastern here on c-span, online at, or this and at the free c-span radio app. she is a senior advisor with democracy alliance in a contributor to the nation magazine. with us to talk about where the republican party is with women voters and women in the party in general, representatives on capitol hill. we are here because of the piece you wrote for the nation. the white women problem.
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polarization around is been characterized by hostile sexism and women are turning away. what prompted you to write the article. i was interested in north a republicanuly man and a republican woman made the runoff. the woman was heavily endorsed by a number of new efforts that have cropped up in the republican party post 2018. in the wake of 2018. which we think of as the year the woman, but it was the year of the democratic women. numbers of women's were democrat -- were elected across the country. the number of republican women dwindled. 23 to 13 in the house.
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that a number of republican women leaders started sounding the alarm bells. they started believing and organizing efforts to try to endorse and bring money in early to support republican women candidates. republican women candidates. they spent quite heavily in the republican race in north carolina yet the outcome was she lost by over 20 points to her opponent. that made me really question whether this issue, which i think there are some in the party that are sounding alarm bells over, can be solved by just recruiting and endorsing? can they endorse themselves out of this predicament? some $900,000re put into the race. have there been any after action
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reports or analysis about why she lost by such a big margin? of the peoplee speculating and i think there will be some deeper dives into the day that when they are available. what we see and what we heard anecdotally was there are deeper issues with the republican brand right now, quite frankly with women voters. women of color have voted overwhelmingly democratic. black women are the core base of the democratic party. erosionhave seen is an of white women support of republican candidates. to 2018, we saw a 10 point swing and how college-educated white women voted. they favored the democratic candidate by over 10 points in 2018. non-college-educated white
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women, we saw a seven point swing. you have a smaller base of voters voting republican and what you have is a base deeply aligned with president trump and very supportive of him. you need to look at the cultural driving support within the republican party base and whether that is conducive to supporting women candidates. what we saw in north carolina was it was not. many voters in the primary said they did not trust dr. perry and that she was significantly hard-core even though she ran on a pro-life christian agenda. that cost into question whether it is just a factor of early endorsement. it is hard for some candidates to get money early on and breakthrough, or whether it is a deeper issue. host: who on the house side is dealing with efforts to enlist
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women candidates? she has been a leader in the party to try to find early was at and she said 2018 real crisis for the party and the need to address this. host: in your article you wrote that efforts to elect more republican women -- acknowledging the importance of diversity and inclusion only to a limited degree. this reflects a broader reality, all but one of the 47 women of color serving in congress are democrats, as are 96% of women of color that our state legislators. guest: it is a difficult argument to make that you need to broaden representation and include a wider variety of people to represent your party
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when the republican party is overwhelmingly white now. it is hard to make the case that we need to be more inclusive with gender without looking at race. host: our guest is julie kohler. lines byroken up our democrats, (202) 748-8000, ,epublicans, (202) 748-8001 independents and others, (202) 748-8002. congresswoman liz cheney is the conference chair. any discussion we covered, she outlined how the republicans should approach enlisting more women. [video clip] i think it is crucial, we need to get more women to run. we need to find what are obstacles to women -- in my view, women spend a lot more
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time assessing what they don't have, assessing experience they have not had rather than just going for it. i think it is important for us to encourage women to jump in. at the end of the day, we have to get more women voters. a large part of that at conference will be making sure our message is getting out, making sure we are demonstrating that if you put our policies as republicans against the policies of the democrats, and in particular the very far left policies are seeing now, coming from freshman democrats and their presidential candidates, that it is our policies that provide opportunities. it is our policies to provide security. it is our policies that help ensure everyone has an equal shot, we have an economy that is growing and providing jobs. and we are listening. a huge part of attracting women voters is demonstrating we are
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willing to listen to people's concerns and we are willing to have conversations with small groups around the country as well as at the national level about the kind of future our party will build versus the kind of future the democrats will offer if they are voted in again. host: that was liz cheney back in january, talking about getting the message out. how is the message rested netting with voters? guest: i think it is not. i agree with her analysis. the ability to elect more republican women is connected to attracting republican women voters. women aree seeing is leaving the republican, at least from 2016 to 2018 and that is true for white women who have historically voted republican. whether or not that trend continues, it will determine who wins elections, but what the
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representation of the republican party looks like. host: next call is from new york. caller: good morning. i am retired, and i wanted to question, do you think the reason why republican women don't run -- look at what these women go through. examples, sarah huckabee. other women in the trump organization, they are called -- every -ist there is. i think they fear now coming out in public to be labeled a thatlican, and it is sad you cannot even do what you need to do.
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i would like your reaction, thank you. guest: thanks for the call. look, i think that women of all bothical parties, of political parties face additional challenges when they run and when they step in the public office. it can be criticized in some ways that male candidates and elected officials just aren't. that is true. i will say the republican congressional committee has said that they received, they are getting record numbers of republican women who are interested in running in the lead up to 2020. i think there are women who are willing to step up, and if there is recruitment, that they will get into the race. but i am not sure -- i think the big question is, can they win? not only did we see declining numbers of republican women in in 2018, but we saw significantly lower rates of republican women winning their primary elections in 2018.
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republican women prevailed in their primary rates at 44%, where democratic women prevailed at rates of 53%. i think you have to look at what is going on with the voting based on whether or not the republican base is really willing and interested in a electing more women. host: julie kohler, our guests. florida, withr, jo on our republican line. caller: i want ms. kohler to know, as an african-american woman, i am a republican and probably support president trump and the republican party. it is always astonishing to me therer my white sister say what black women, how black women usually vote. please believe me, not all of us are voting democrat. not all of us are liberals like
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that. by and large, are conservatives. they just have not had the message. the left-sided media has told them what to think, but they don't support abortion and are very strict on lgbt rights and things like that. i want to let you know and let the listeners out there know that there are so many of us african-american women who are republicans. we are proud republicans. so i thank you for listening. host: thank you, jo. your response? guest: i think we also have to have these caveats when we are talking about overall rate of how different demographic groups tend to vote, that that never encompasses everyone at the individual level. yes, as a voting group, african-american women did vote overwhelmingly democratic and
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have for recent history, but of always have different perspectives among every demographic. you are a host: senior advisor among the democracy alliance. what do you do? guest: we invest in organizations that help strengthen democracy and move our country in a more progressive direction. host: individual corporate donors? guest: not just individual corporate donors, we have foundations and some institutions like labor unions that participate. host: let's go to stephen in maryland, on our democrats line. good morning. caller: yeah, i just wanted to say that i don't see how anybody could support a president who has denigrated women the way he hasn't continues to -- has and continues to remain in this party. we had the worst of the worst lying,y, patriarchy, paying for having sex -- anyway.
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anyway, i think the reflection of a lack of republican women is also a reflection of the church-based that they have and how the church treats the women, you know? women can't be pastors, women can't have leadership in the church and that kind of reflects in their ideology as they move towards politics as well. thanks. host: julie. julie kohler? think that has driven, in fact, many women out of the party. been thet only substantive issues, some of the policy issues that have come to define the trump administration, the taccone and -- the draconian abortion bans that have been that have been passed in many states, the family separation policies and the very inhumane detention policies of this administration,
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i think that has been profoundly alienating too many women. also, certainly the president's conduct, his demeanor, the allegations of harassment and assault are deeply upsetting and to serving to many women, and i andt and disturbing -- disturbing to many women. host: marcia in chicago. caller: yeah, hi. i wanted to get in on this. i am an african american woman who voted for trump very probably. -- very proudly. also my daughter. now i am noticing there are more people -- i was in church last sunday, and there were lots of black people, women, who are voting for trump. they are turning away from the democratic party because they have been losing ground. i wonder if you have any perspective on that? thank you. guest: thanks for the call. it is an interesting anecdote and we will have to see if that indeed plays out. it has not been apparent in any of the polling or any of the election results to date, but we
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will see. every election is another test, and we will see if that indeed is a shift. host: what we're talking about, it made the front page of the washington times. ooks for fresh faces, focusing on young kim, looking for a rematch of a race , andarrowly lost last year if she wins, she will become the first korean-american republican in congress, who will be a valuable voice as the party seeks to reclaim territory in the suburbs. ofant to read you a comment the rnc chairwoman, rhonda mcdaniel. she told reporters, she said that a fight against socialism is helping republicans win over college-educated white women, particularly in suburban districts. are you seeing that? guest: well, we have not seen it in election results to date.
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goal, andell be their i think the republican party is very concerned about the erosion of support from white women that ,e saw on the republican party to the democratic party in 2018. they are rightly concerned that if they cannot win back some of those voters, the party's future looks quite bleak. i think they are appropriately targeting the voters that they need to target, whether or not they can reverse the trend is the big question for 2020. host: johnson in connecticut, independent line. good morning. caller: yes, yes good morning, mr. scanlon. i am just amazed that someone from the nation of the far-left rag and the democracy alliance -- that is way progressive. is interested in public and women. i used to be a democrat and i had to leave that party because i don't even know -- i don't know what happened to it. i don't care what happens to it, but i can tell you this. there are a lot of republican women, i mean, a lot of
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democratic women and independent not like the democratic party, just like i don't like it anymore, and are afraid to speak up. my main question is, i keep hearing this bigoted statement -- people of color. i have a definition, but i would like to hear before i give my definition what this reporters definition is which he uses people of color. to me, that is a very noninclusive, a very bigoted statement. i would like to hear your definition? .ost: hold on, john i want to be clear, julie kohler is not an -- not a reporter. she is an advisor with democracy alliance. so julie, he was asking for your definition of person of colo r. guest: it is generally used to describe people of african american latinx, -- african-american, latinx, and
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asian-american dissent. --.sually means host: john, that is the definition. your final word on this? caller: my sixth grade art teacher taught me that black is not a caller. white is a caller. why? white can reflect and refract light. i know this is a catchphrase someone made up, just like how jackson made african-americans back in the 90's and that was the new catchphrase. we are supposed to call them african-americans. blacks in this country's are more un-american than -- american than whites. they have been here for 400 years and have more ancestors in this country. host: we will hear from sarah on our democrat line. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. i have been very disenchanted
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with the infighting between the democrat and republican parties, and i feel like they don't listen to the people and they and things up in congress, we the people, none of our business gets done. my question to you, why do we need to parties? -- need two parties? if we are just voting for the person we believe is going to win the popular vote and get the people's business done. and if they make campaign promises that are false or they fulfill,ot then they should be liable for lying through the campaign and get the hell out and make room for people that can take care of our country and take care of the issues of artificial intelligence, education,
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housing, our citizens first, and stop with all the -- i think racism starts with the government, because of all the thatams that are out there ask the questions on what caller you are. you are.olor if you are an american citizen, why does it matter? host: a response to her? guest: what she is expecting, frustrationn singer a lot of folks feel with politics, a lack of progress and a lack -- she is experiencing a similar frustration a lot of folks feel with politics, a lack of progress and a lack of getting stuff done. democraticck to the midterms, the number of women elected to the house and congress in 2018. what do you think the driving factors were, particularly for the women elected last year? guest: i have been talking with
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a number of recently elected or newly elected win and state legislators around the country, many of whom have never really envisioned that they would have a career in politics. recently we talked about 2016 as being kind of the deciding factor for them. there was a lot of reporting that it was in opposition to trump, and i think for some women, it was, they felt that the country, his election represented something that they needed to work to counterbalance. for many others, it was something deeper and more symbolic. i have heard people talk about the fact that they just felt that their community was not represented. the interests of the people they are living with every day are so not part of the political discussion and debate, and they felt a real responsibility to run really grassroots campaigns a lot of the time that were community driven, but to bring new voices into the political process. host: you have heard about the
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outreach efforts of the republicans in the upcoming election. where are democrats recruiting field candidates for 2020, do you know? guest: i think it continues to be very strong. i think we will continue to see a very strong race of new women running for office and a very diverse group of democratic women running for office. i think that is an important distinction to make as well. marianne joins us from lakewood, new jersey, republican line. good morning. caller: good morning. i'm so sick and tired of the left-wing hypocrisy. first of all, i would rather have donald trump -- i'm 82 years old, and i would rather have donald trump as our president then obama. what did he do for the black community? nothing. absolutely nothing. with millionaires and terrorists, another white
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hater who hated america. reverend white, another white hater. let me tell you something, they claim trump tells a lot of lies and everything, what about all the lies that trump -- obama has told? benghazi, that he left all those americans to die, and even hillary, all the crooked lies that she has told and she got away with. and then they worried about the baby that the border, but they don't mind having babies killed? our issuesing on this morning of women in the republican party, marianne in new jersey says she is 82 years old. do you see any difference in terms of support for the party in the age groups? guest: yeah, increasingly i think the republican base is older on average. younger voters are trending more democratic, so that is something you are seeing a difference in. and again, to be competitive over the long haul, republicans
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will need to look at that, whether they attract support from younger voters as well. host: a speech from the tampa bay times, donald trump's strategy for women is the economy, is that enough? the 2018 election results and recent polls show that women have flipped on the president and it could decide 2020. i want to read a piece from this -- they write that while women voters are trump's latest electoral vulnerability, standing between him and another four years, white women voters surprising piece of the coalition that catapulted him into office. they have shifted again in 2018 and health puts democrats back -- healthin the u.s. puts democrats back in charge in the u.s. house. it early, but polls show trump is under white with -- underwater with white women, even ones without college degrees. women, overwhelmingly white, waited to hear from trump's to does a female surrogates, pam bondi and kellyanne conway.
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guest: i agree with everything in that article, they accurately reflected what the polls are, are with even more white women favoring democratic candidates even more heavily than they did in 2018. we will see that he wrote and intinues -- if that he wrote osion continues. his approval ratings for president from our 89%, 90% against republican voters? he remains enormous lee populars -- enormously popular with the republican base. host: tina from milwaukee. caller: thank you for taking my call. i want to congratulate julie for taking all of the calls that she has taken on this morning. i am a black female and an elderly woman, and i know racism when i see it. i know sexism when i see it.
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some people are calling in and saying they are black and going through the republicans. i don't know how many of those people are really who they say they are. doesn't matter to me, because if they are making that kind of statement, they need to go back and take a look at, in the mirror. they get so much, you are a brave young woman. -- thank you so much, you are a brave young woman. and this does not affect just the women, this also affects the men in our country also. we do not need to lose focus on what is affecting all of us, and it is not good. thank you for coming on and thanks for taking my call. host: thanks, tina. guest: thank you. i'm not sure if i can response to that, but thanks for the call. host: james is next, lawrence, massachusetts, democrat line. caller: good morning. i'm sitting here with my laptop on my lap. the young lady was asked who
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funded the organization and she gave, she kind of refused to answer that. i would like to give her the opportunity to tell people who fund them, if not i will read the list off my computer here. they include both george and jonathan soros, rob reiner, stein, a staff of the clintons, i want to know why she is so disingenuous at telling us who funds her organization. host: steve, we mentioned that role -- general organizations. what is your point at the individuals you are talking about? is an: the point is, this ultra liberal left organization funded by george soros to give acorn,o people like american radio work, center for american progress and everything like this. it is a little stilted what is going on here, sir. thank you. host: the organization defines itself as a progressive organization. guest: that's right, so our donors are progressive. in texas, we go to
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rachel on our independent line. caller: yes. i just want to say, if you check into the labor department, they give credit to obama for creating jobs -- are you still there, sir? host: we are, yeah. caller: if that's true, how did trump help the black jobs? you know, help the blacksmith jobs? -- the blacks with jobs? if the jobs are created under the obama administration. and people talk about obama and billionaires, how about trump and epstein? with childing out molesters. i watched that man on howard stern years ago and he was always going on about how he went backstage with the miss teen pageants and looking at naked little girls' bodies. this man is sick.
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i do not understand why america loves this man. and if they were to turn off fox news and listen to what he says, they would not vote for him again either. host: going back to the jobs numbers, they are pretty low guest: i think you see a couple of things, some overall economic indicators have remained fairly positive over the last couple of and tremendous economic anxiety. even though the overall jobless youers are relatively low, see a lot of family still struggling. a lot of individuals holding more than one job in order to support their families. a lot of fears around potential recession, and a lot of insecurity and economic hardship related to the president straight war -- the president upon trade -- the president's >> we are going to leave this washin


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