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tv   Erik Wasson  CSPAN  September 6, 2019 9:20pm-9:32pm EDT

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>> would anyone else like to be recognized for closing remarks? without objection, all members will have five legislative days within which to submit additional written questions which will be forwarded to the witnesses for the response. we ask our witnesses to the -- please respond as you are able. without objection, all members will have five legislative days with which to submit extraneous materials to the chair for the inclusion in the record. with that, this hearing is adjourned. [indistinct conversations]
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[captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2018] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] aseric watson joining us congress returns from its summer recess facing a september 30 government funding deadline. the house majority leader steny hoyer in a letter to his colleagues announcing plans to take up a continuing resolution through the week of september 16. do you see any issues with congress not being able to fund the federal government this year? >> i am not worried about the governor as a government shutdown. i am a little bit worried about a shutdown in december or beyond. reprising the 35 day shutdown we saw. it will probably pass easily. they may be an intent to sent pass the defense bill. there's interest to get that out
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of the way and democrats are telling me they don't want to let that go and be left with a that the domestic spending world would not get addressed. probably into early november or -- late november or early december at which point we will see a larger battle. in recent weeks we found out the pentagon has finalized its list of military project to fund trumps border wall. that is an issue. the military construction bill , related to bill gun violence, it could provoke a real showdown. december is it as far as a risk for a shutdown. >> bloomberg's reporting on that story, the headline, trump spurs lawmaker headline with shift of pentagon money to the wall. they are taking funds to fund the southern border wall. you see this as presenting a problem in deliberations over the 20 spending. >> it certainly will. there are aspects in the
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appropriations bills in the house that would attempt to limit trumps ability to transfer money to fund the border wall. the national defense authorization act that passed dates to reconcile and the senate had similar provisions. the one that democrats say republicans in congress should be worried about. this is the executive branch taking away the power of the purse. you saw some members like michael lee and mitt romney also calling for congress to claw back. >> multiple mass shootings have prompted all but his nation on gun violence prevention ahead of the judiciary committee to headline house democrats, set to move on new gun control legislation even though they postpone the hearing, they will pick it up when congress comes back. tell us about the legislation they are expected to take up and what do you think the timetable is? >> the different aspects to tactile, the house passed hr 80
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which is an expanded universal background check bill. a lot of emphasis was placed to bring that up especially from chuck schumer. the judiciary committee is again high-capacity magazines. this would be the ability to shoot 100 or more bullets that we saw in the dayton shooting, allowing the killer to take out people within 30 seconds. to dol be an attempt that. although the house is not looking at a renewal of the weapons ban which is -- was in effect until 2004. that was controversial and that is not yet on the table. the real question in the senate and mitch mcconnell in a recent radio interview said he would differ to president trump. he is willing to put something on the floor if the president backs it. with joeident met manchin and other people to come up with a bill that is some ofng his base and the nra supporting members of his administration as well as
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addressing the gun violence issue. that is not yet emerged as to what the president will be backing. he seems to flip-flop on the issue. after the initial shooting he said background checks and later said they would not have necessarily stopped the incidents from happening. >> on that it sounds that it will not fly with the senate minority leader, chuck schumer. he tweeted his response to the plan saying in august our country was demonstrated by senseless mass shootings. as the senate returns i am urging my colleagues to keep up the pressure on senate majority leader mitch mcconnell to address the gun violence epidemic and many other pressing issues. we heard reports that joe democratic senator, had met with president trump. might there be some wiggle room in what mitch mcconnell had to say? -- there was no real deliverable from that, no real decision made. members who tried to negotiate this, chris murphy has been saying there is hope for a deal
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with republicans. they could be something on the smaller scale. perhaps there is an ability to --ow states more access from from background checks. the states that run the own checks are not getting that from the in syria system. they will be in -- an attempt to address that. -- you tweeted this that house democrats were told on a call that the usmca talks are still going. no time for a vote. is that a top priority for leadership, republicans and democrats in the house and senate? >> that trump administration wanted it voted in done in the summer. that did not happen. were exchanging some kind of negotiations. it did not go quite as expected,
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it was much slower than it had been hoped. there are four main issues, labor, environment, enforcement divisions and drug patent protection. those are outstanding and richard neal told house democrats that he is waiting to lighthizer, the u.s. trade representative come back with full written counterproposals for the democratic demand. that may be delivered in the coming day by lighthizer who is scheduled to meet with the house working group on trade. that could accelerate the time for a vote this fall. and a member of that house working group told reporters in connecticut that it could seep into next year. >> in terms of senate and house floor action when they come back, the senate will resume deliberations on nominations, expecting to work on bills of banning the offshore drilling of oil and gas. what else are you looking forward to? >> keep your i on prescription drugs.
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there was a 19-9 vote, the health committee and the senate has passed a bill that addresses generic drugs and surprise medical billing. those are going to be combined. sometime in the coming month. the president has talked about prescription drugs being a top issue and he may throw his weight behind it. nancy pelosi is expected to unveil a house prescription drug approach which would address a immense medicare and the ability to cap out of pocket expenses for seniors. that is expected to go through the waves and -- ways and means committee. those two could be combined and for a guest form a major piece of legislation in the fall. with gridlock in the election it is not necessarily a guarantee. >> lots to cover. eric watson on top of it all from bloomberg. you can follow his reporting at as -- thanks as always for the update. >> over the past few weeks,
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number of representatives have announced they will not run for reelection in 2020. on the republican side, susan brooks from indiana. paul mission -- mitchell for michigan, 12 term congressman john shimkus from illinois and george's rob woodall. democrats have announced they are not running in 2020 include the represented from iowa, representative new york's 15th district for 15 terms and susan davis of california. >> c-span's "washington journal" live with news and policy issues that impact you. coming up saturday morning. we will preview the new hampshire democratic party convention and the 2020 presidential race was new hampshire democratic party chair raymond buckley and also with concord monitor political reporter paul steinhauser. watch "washington journal" live saturday.m. eastern
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morning and connect with your calls and facebook questions and starting monday with their new texting feature. saturday on book tv, our interview with disability rights attorney in her book, she details becoming the first deafblind graduate of harvard law school and how she maneuvers through a cited, hearing world. >> other students can go to school and expect teachers to teach them. i couldn't do that. i had to think about, what might i be missing? find?n i been this life has process of trying to identify unknowns and figure them out and come up with solutions. >> and at 10:00 p.m. on afterwards, a professor talks about his book, "how to be an
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antiracist." he's interviewed. >> i don't think even well-meaning people, even people who are trying to be part of the movement against racism, recognize that really the history of this. when a eugenicist would classify as racist, they would say i'm not racist. jim crow segregationists were charged with being racist, they said i'm not racist. annette today, white nationalists are saying i'm not racist. whether in the white house or planning the next mass shooting. >> at 11:00 p.m., former defense secretary jim mattis recounts his military career and talks about his leadership in his book. weekend ontv every c-span2.


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