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tv   State Dinner Preview  CSPAN  September 19, 2019 1:17pm-1:31pm EDT

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one to award a congressional gold medal to cyclist greg lemond. live coverage here on c-span when members return. >> president trump and first lady melania trump will host a second state dinner of his administration as welcomes australian prime minister scott morrison and his wife. watch guest arrivals and continue torses. our live coverage begins friday at 6:30 p.m. eastern on c-span, online at, or listen on the free c-span radio app. on the c-span radio app. >> paul murray is commentator and host of pulmonary life for sky news australia. thank you for being here.>> it's an absolute pleasure. >> told us about the prime minister, who is he? >> morrison is a conservative politician stop at times is far
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more well known to be an economic conservative being hawkish about for security. he is a christian but he's gone out of his way to make sure that his faith isn't part of his politics. we are having a debate in australia at the moment about religious freedom legislation after the passage of same-sex marriage and he's really trying to find a path that's not about his faith and making sure his faith is paramount instead he's trying to make sure the rules of the road are simple that regardless of what faith you have you can't be discriminated for having met you in public. >> what has been the focus of his first year in office? >> was a turbulent time he the liberal party came to power in australia 2013 and we've had tumultuous time in leadership
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changes. when i first came to government he was the border security minister he was responsible for what we call stopping the boats which was stopping illegal immigration by staying. they did that by using the military to literally intercept boats, turn the boats around and send them back to the places of origin with safety. this was because the numbers in the american context would be significant but for a country like ours the matter a lot which was in the previous administration 50,000 illegal immigrants had arrived by boat. about 1200 people had died as part of that journey so his first prominent role in australian politics was as the person who put an end to that practice. he then became the social services minister where he took on welfare reform.
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he was relatively successful with that. although there was no magic cuts just making sure he cut down on welfare abuse. he then became the treasurer and another prime minister after there'd been leadership change in our system if the majority of the mps at any one time and governing party want to vote to change the leader, they do. and also for reasons of sanity, insanity and selfishness a part of that process. he became the treasurer then and was the first treasurer to move us toward balancing the budget in about 10 years since the global financial crisis. then last year he was made prime minister by the party room and he won much of the establishment thought it was improbable victory and he did so based off essentially a small government approach.
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not cultural conservatives in the religious sense but quiet conservatives that would suggest the power of what he calls the quad australian the normal and everyday mattered more than the noise that came from twitter or activist groups he was able to do that. >> how would you describe his political style? >> he is a consensus politician in terms of the many broad churches inside his political party. the party he represents has cultural conservatives. arch progressives and the collection of people in the middle. his political style is to be somebody who presents himself as the everyday man who became prime minister rather than the figure of as our capital camera
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establishment or political establishment. his governing style has grown since winning a mandate in his own right changing the parties leadership rules to mean the things i talked about before that had removed two predecessors wouldn't happen a third time, in fact, it can't happen anymore under the new liberal party rules for the entirety of the german government. so his first objective was to cut personal income tax quite significantly, trying to cut company tax quite significantly as well. he continues on the border security message he's also very keen that australia does something about our energy supply problems. because of a series of decisions that have been made over a few decades. we haven't invested in whole fire power plant we made some transitions to renewables but essentially the technology for
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country is physically as large as ours doesn't do the same job that baseload powers. so he confronts environmentalists who believe coal is not an option versus the need to stay with the lots on the 21st century. >> here he is meeting present trump at the g 20 summit last winter. >> just got to know each other and so far so good. i think it's good and be a great relationship. anticipate having a fantastic relationship. i know you've done a fantastic job in a very short period of time with a lot of the things they wanted and that's why you are staying right here i congratulate you it's an honor and we will be with australia and you all the way. >> thank you. [inaudible]
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>> what is the relationship like between those two men. >> incredibly strong. the interpersonal relationship seems paramount to present trump and he's been able to get that in space with our prime minister for a few reasons, both have bonded over improbable victories, according to the so-called experts, they bond about their views about strong needs to deal with illegal immigration. australia has a very clear understanding of what legal and illegal immigration is stop that language is a little bit mixed in the united states politics. i think the clarity of that language is something they get along very well with. the affinity for the suburban and largely forgotten
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unfashionable people dare i say. and i think that in a place where there is a lot of world leaders who have had pretty negative things to say about donald trump but he is a candidate and responding to the early days of his administration. i think that treating the president do different that respect and also having an interpersonal warmth to him is something a lot of other world leaders in the early interactions with president trump probably failed to do and as things fairly evident, the interpersonal relationship matters to present trump and anyone around washington this week we will see a lot of australian flags with suggest interpersonal relationship is working pretty well. under the french president who was able to get a state visit the second one in the entire truck presidency is for australia but most significantly for the prime minister because as we would
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say they are mates.>> this is the seventh time in american president has hosted an australian prime minister for state dinner. how is this viewed back home? >> it's as big as it gets in terms of recognition. ... >> there was much debate about
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the iraq war. but we know that we live in the interconnected relationship security rise one - - security wise and we celebrate that. we know the prime minister doesn't really lose that domestic political what those colors are in the formation and into the broader region to know that donald trump is in trade negotiation with china and australia one of the biggest tried trading partners is china as well with a free trade agreement with china that we end up not just western values or political values but direct economic conduit to the country so australia represents an awful
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lot. but also we are more than happy to support the american project because regardless left or right or center we understand what he is trying to do. >> what is the schedule for the prime minister quick. >> arriving at andrews air force base and stay in washington dc at 9:00 o'clock in the morning is when they will be greeted by the chumps at the white house and the official welcoming we would've put on such a show even if the queen was coming so it is unique to see that and there will be briefings with a cabinet and at lunchtime they will head over to the pentagon with state department briefings as well then in the
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evening they return for the state dinner the second at the trial presidency then on saturday morning they will head off on air force one to look at the factory to look at this investment by a company done by a factory in ohio and it will be something the president is happy to look at because that is an investment in american jobs so australia is happy to see that because it is a significant financial commitment by not building in the southern part but to do so in north america and the us. >> and those that will be attending the state dinner quick. >> bill power is an indycar driver and will be there.
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there is a million bright actors in which actually will turn up >> a look at capitol hill. the house expected to gavel back in shortly. in the following order. ordering the previous question on house resolution 564, and adoption of house resolution 564, if ordered. the first electronic vote will be conducted as a 15-minute vote. pursuant to clause 9 of rule 20rks remaining electronic votes will be conducted as five-minute votes.


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