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tv   Washington Journal 03022020  CSPAN  March 2, 2020 6:59am-10:01am EST

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interactive calendar with result maps of all the upcoming primaries and caucuses including super tuesday. there is the event tracker which is a tool for quick and easy candidates.e 2020 our coverage is based on the candidate, the topics, the events and locations on the campaign trail. the state-by-state results are broken down by the candidates, the county, and the districts not only for the presidential candidates but also the upcoming senate, house and governors raises and our schedule information. it's free and it's easily accessible, it's all there at next, reporters from the hill and the washington post on the week ahead in washington and the presidential campaign. later, the former fda administrator talks about the u.s. and global responses to the
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coronavirus outbreak. and we will take your calls and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. "washington journal" is next. host: this is the "washington journal" for march 2. the senate health official -- committee hears from officials in the coronavirus response. you can watch that on c-span 3,, and listen on the radio app. president trump will meet with pharmaceutical officials to discuss creation of a vaccine and medicines to moderate symptoms as the seattle times reports a second death in king county, washington. about 90 cases confirmed in the u.s.. for our next hour, we will ask about your level of concern
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whether it be the potential spread, the potential death or the federal government's response. here is how you can let us know your thoughts. in the eastern and central time zones, 202-748-8000. mountain and pacific time zones, 202-748-8001. if you are a medical professional, doctor, nurse, public health official, give us your thoughts at 202-748-8002. you can text us at 202-748-8003. tweet us at @cspanwj and post on our facebook page at johns hopkins university keeps a running total of coronavirus cases in the world that they can access by map. cases, 89,197f with total deaths at 3400 -- over 3000. pointing to the u.s., highlighting the deaths in king
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county, washington state with 86 cases confirmed in the united states. at the seattle times this morning about the second death saying it struck king county sunday placing the northwest at the center of a mushrooming public health crisis. the number of confirmed cases jumped to 10 while health authorities warned it would likely rise and new research indicated the virus may have been spreading undetected into the region for weeks. that is new information coming in over the weekend. your level of concern over the coronavirus as you have seen it occur. you can let us know that level. if you want to call us on the .ines, it is 202-748-8000 the mountain and pacific time zones, 202-748-8001. if you are a medical professional and want to give your thoughts of what you have heard, especially over the weekend, 202-748-8002 is how you
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can do that and you can reach out to us via text at 202-748-8003. the vice president on a couple of the sunday shows talking about the federal response highlighting this idea of many more cases in the united states and the federal government's response. the vice president was asked about future spreads in the united states. [video clip] >> i think it is very important that the american people know that the risk of infection to people in this country remains low. >> you keep saying it remains low, but the virus is here now. do you have this confidence this is not going to continue to grow? >> there will be more cases, there is no question, but it is not my confidence, it is the confidence of all of our health
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experts widely regarded as the it isn the world, that important people in this country understand while there are 46 americans we brought home from china and 22 americans now sadly with one loss-of-life that the peoplejority of those and of any american that would contract coronavirus will be treated -- >> one out of 22 is scary. that is not reassuring. it is reassuring that so few have gotten it, but it is scary in the few cases, we already have a death. >> let's be clear, what our expert -- health experts have told me since i was asked by the president to lead this effort this week is that if president trump had not made the decision to suspend all travel from china into the united states and
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establish a quarantine effort for people returning to the united states, we would be in a very different place. host: that is the vice president from yesterday. some of you responding on facebook, this is charles jackson saying i am a bit concerned. my wife works in a supermarket and checks out groceries for 100 or so people and brings germs home to me. this is mike from new york saying i am concerned, waking up to find there is a case 40 miles south. i have more faith in common this than i do in administration. steve saying very low, there is nothing to panic about, we have far worse things happening that kill americans we live with, why panic over coronavirus. ronni lange registering his level of concern has minimal saying it is not the first virus this past decade we were all
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told the end is near, more people die of the flu every year and no hysteria from that. that is a few of the facebook comments and texts. at --if, you can do so you want to tweet us, you can do so at @cspanwj. was on abc news news and talked about the current spread and asked about concerns if it could reach levels of pandemic. [video clip] cdc want to put up the definition of a pandemic. it refers to an epidemic over several countries and continents affecting a large number of people. it is in at least 60 countries. every continent except antarctica come almost 3000 deaths, that seems to meet the definition of a pandemic. the worldleave it to health organization to decide,
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but we are not changing anything we are doing because of whether somebody labels at this, that, or the other, we are following the signs and the evidence. we would not do one thing differently if somebody slapped that word on it. >> you mentioned the transition insidesmission communities. the real concern that the virus may have been spreading for weeks. has that been happening? how many cases are we likely to see? >> we have always believed and morepublicly we would see cases and spreading in the united states and this is what weekve been predicting all long. the state of washington and public authorities, they have one of the best public health companies -- we are working closely to discern how did these individuals contract the novel coronavirus. available,000 tests
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in the united states and over the next week, that will expand radically on top of the 75,000 tests available. host: that is the health and human services secretary from yesterday. we will start with amy in maryland. you are up first, go ahead. caller: good morning. for the coronavirus, our church pastor has been talking about this on sunday and our family is talking about it. i have three small children and i am on the east coast and what i say is my family is ordering masks. we are going to have stocks of food in our pantry for if the schools shut down, our church will shut down. one thing i will say is this of the flu if it did
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not have a shot or vaccination. if you look at the death percentage, the mortality of coronavirus, which does not now have a vaccination for it, it flud be very similar to the if the flu did not have a vaccination. right now, the condition looks your percentage of potential to have mortality if you contract it, but they are working on a virus vaccination. i don't understand about if vaccination is a one-time shot or measles,io mumps, rubella, or something like the flu where they develop a new one every year. i imagine it is a one-time deal. host: you may want to stick around. at 9:00 we will have dr. scott gottlieb, former head of the fda
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talking about vaccinations and supply chains. what prompted the conversation at your church? caller: my pastor has a brother , so therein hong kong is information that is clearly not being distributed in china. we know there is censorship on discussing the reality of how this has taken place in their country. japanesehk network, a news network. at the top of the hour they give an update in japan about japanese schools closing, places closing, churches closing, you don't hear about what is going on in china other than how many people have tested positive and how many people have died. host: that is amy in maryland. this is darlene, good morning. caller: good morning.
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we are only about less than half a mile where the first coronavirus victim was found and the death and about 20 miles from the second death and there is a little paranoia going on. i know i am reluctant to book a flight to phoenix to see a girlfriend in a month because i don't know what it will be like in a month. my daughter was telling me last night that they decided to order groceries online and there is a numeral today weight and she said -- i said why and she said fear of the coronavirus. there is panic. my biggest fear is the airlines and the crews ships and -- crews cruise ships and i can see
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the paranoia will have problems. host: are you south of king am not-- forgive me if i pronouncing this right -- caller: it is by everett, where the first coronavirus in providence hospital was. he is released, but the biggest problem is do you hear about the ring infections? people are released and they are getting reinfected. i think this coronavirus will be around for years and i think we have to be smart. we are definitely aware if we don't want to be in large areas and i am worried about the rallies. how safe is it to be going to rallies if and when it spreads? confidenceis your level in governor inslee and his reaction to this. caller: let me tell you about that.
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he has been working with state for months. december, we were getting news, they have open three camps -- quarantine camps. this has been since december. definitely our government, he has been working and preparing .nd the quarantine camps washington is getting prepared and i am sure we are not the only state. host: that is darlene, jimington state calling us, in buffalo, new york. caller: i think everybody needs to take a deep breath, let the government handled this, and stay away from the panic button. i don't believe the democrats are doing any favors by pelosi and schumer trashing trump every step of the way.
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i realize the democrat playbook is get trump at any cost, but i don't think causing panic is the way to go about that. host: do you think there is clear panic about this in the u.s. and how would you define that? trend: i am seeing a towards the panic when you see people lined up at costco to get food and the other lady mentioned there was a two week wait to get food delivered. i see the trend of moving towards that and i see schumer and pelosi fueling the fire. if they take -- we all take a deep breath and let trump and and their committee work on this problem, we will be ok. last month, go back gallup organization put out a poll in confidence from last month. when it comes to the coronavirus
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, 77% of participants saying they showed a confidence level in the government to work on that compared to the zika virus of 2017. ebola virus, 58% confidence level. h1n1 swine flu virus 2009, 60 7% confidence level and the ability to handle it going back to 2005, bird flu and avian flu, 54% expressing confidence in the government. month.d this last if you want to read more of the results, you can do so at gallup .com. from south dakota in fairfax, doug, your level of concern over the coronavirus. caller: good morning. i don't have no confidence in pence or trump at all. supposedly there was going to be a doctor that would go on these
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weekend talk shows and icy pence and his other cronies. has been around for two months now. in lockdown china for months. it has a death rate of at least 1%, maybe 2%, but more likely 1%. 330,000ave a population -- trump has000 been campaigning and worrying about the stock market as it spreads. two months around already that we have known about it and our test kits did not work, we did not have enough test kits.
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fda testing centers are wrong. we have 4 states -- it looks like they are all over the country now. host: you don't think the potential deaths will go up from there? caller: i think it will go up terrible. these people do not even know they have got it, they are probably going to your state, your town. i see you talking and it is messing me up. host: if you are watching the television, there is a delay when you do that. ready? is your clinic are they prepared to be having these people spread the virus all over? keep blowing it off. it is stupid. host: we will talk with scott gottlieb coming up if you want to ask questions about the government's response.
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you can see that at 9:00. your level of concern over this. 202-748-8000 for those of you in the eastern and central time zones. 202-748-8001 in the mountain and pacific time zones and 202-748-8002 if you are a medical professional and want to give input into what is happening not only worldwide, as in the united states such matt who says he is a medical professional from baltimore, maryland. false i used to be in the chemical, bacterial -- bacterial, radiological. they are trying to have combat gasical business. the virus has been
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nebulized -- weaponized. blowing ups now pressure so it doesn't fall to the earth. it will get in your clothing, hang around, it is easy to fight. it through bubble clorox water. i think the chinese are refusing to admit to this. once they admit to this, it will no longer be a problem. host: since you think it is weaponized, what do you base that on? caller: that is what we used to do. we would nebulized it. we would make it so thin it did not fall to earth. i used to make bomblets. that was the mechanism that went in the mighty mouse rocket. host: what makes you convinced
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the chinese are doing this as some sort of weaponized means? general 30re was a years ago that no one would do this anymore. it has been used. deaths and --even used by egyptians and syrians on kurds and this, i suspect very strongly get is a nebulized form of coronavirus. host: if it is affecting chinese the most, why use this against their own people? caller: high think it was an .ccidental release the guy that released it mysteriously died and the lab director seriously died a little later. host: going back to the johns hopkins map when you look at
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chinese cases or the cases in mainland china, about 80,000 total confirmed cases according to johns hopkins. 44,551 total recovered from this. all of that available online. information about the coronavirus, where it is in the united states and an interactive map. let's hear from pamela in san antonio, texas. you are next. caller: good morning. i want to say i have done quite a lot of reading and research into a number of infectious disease situations and i will tell you that i was personally told by an air force surgeon here in san antonio texas in the emergency room that lyme disease
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was weaponized at palm island. he was there to treat patients, i don't surgeon and believe what you are getting out of the cdc or the world health organizations or any of these places. they cover up so many things and if people do not believe the united states is actively involved in weaponizing a lot of different types of diseases, they are just kidding themselves. host: specifically what do you point to in this instance? caller: a lot of stuff has been , as an- aerosolized example and it spread more widely that way and it is something you don't hear that much about. as an example, the cdc as a
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comparison to corona, what they waswas -- with lyme disease cover up the fact and say there is no such thing as chronic lyme disease or anything of that nature and that is not true. in sanhat is pamela antonio. we will hear from douglas. a medical professional in los angeles, california. caller: my name is douglas. i am from eagle california. i am watching washington journal, c-span, i am an 85-year-old that. -- vet. while recently taking me -- taking medical -- therapy, my counselor, therapist was chinese and went to china to visit last november. , she told merned
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5, chinae around 202 hoped to become the pharmacy of the world and i am surprised the united states has allowed this 20happen and this goes back years ago. seem to beme we dependent on china to send us medication that we should be producing in the united states. host: christopher is next in oklahoma, good morning. caller: good morning. even the medical professional line is full of conspiracy theories, it is kind of concerning. i almost forgot my comment listening to the conspiracy
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stuff. here is my thing. haveany people in the u.s. already contracted it and possibly died from community spread coronavirus in the last two months because we have not been testing anywhere close to what some of these other countries like south korea is testing? they could be diagnosed with a bad case of double pneumonia and they died because they are of an advanced aid or immunocompromised or whatever -- surelyo back and they are not going to go back and test those people -- dig their graves up and test them. this ist know how big because we are not testing. host: because of that, your
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level of concern, what would you rate it at? caller: i don't know. it is kind of like one of those things like rearranging chairs on the titanic. if you get a disease and it has a 2%, 3% mortality rate, that is what it is. thedoctor says to wear mask. another doctor on another news channel says wearing the mask when you are not sick may increase your chances because you are fiddling with it, touching your face with your fingertips. i don't think we have a source ind website or the media, a centralized tellingion source people prevention because even on cnn this morning there was contradictory -- in a 15 minute
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segment, they had a contradiction. host: that was christopher in oklahoma. dow jones futures fell sharply early monday along with s&p 500 and nasdaq futures continuing to swing after plunging sunday, later jumping. the u.s. reported the first coronavirus death while the covd-19 cases continue to soar outside. the bank of japan added liquidity overnight and hopes grew for rate cuts from the federal reserve. this especially after last week's stock market impact. we are asking about your level of concern, you could weave in the financial aspects if you are a close follower of the stock market. a medical professional in new york. what do you do as far as
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medicine? caller: i worked in a doctor's office 10 years and a pharmacy for five years doing administrative billing, but i was constantly in contact with myk people all the time and concern about catching the virus is very low. what i am more concerned about, and i will echo what the gentleman from california said is why are we so dependent -- why are our drugs -- i am sure we are inventing them here, the research and hospitals are great. i am sure they are invented here, why are they being made in china? area.n the high risk i am diabetic and i was hearing it is possible we will be short on insulin and stuff like that. what is trump doing about that? instead of worrying about trade
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wars and tariffs and equal trade, which is important, don't get me wrong, our drugs should be made here, we should not be dependent on any country for our drugs, which i guarantee you like i said, they had to be invented here. in new york. frank i will invite you to join us at 9:00 for a discussion about supply chains and the supply of drugs and concerns about that because of coronavirus. the work of this virus plus the reaction and the subject of politics especially. mike bloomberg buying time on the networks yesterday to talk about his reaction and how he would react to it. [video clip] >> the public wants to know their leader is trained, informed, and respected. they want someone in charge who can marshall fax and expertise
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andonfront -- facts expertise to confront the problem. communications must be honest and transparent so people can be confident professionals are in charge. trust is essential. government resources must we focused and priorities clear and consistent. presidents have vast tools and they must be used effectively and -- and decisively. this includes building strong and cooperative relationships with nations around the world to prevent and prepare for pandemics and other global emergencies that cross borders. the cdc and the national institutes of health us to be given all of the resources necessary to do their job free .f political interference host: it is the former indiana
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deciding heuttigieg was going to drop out of the presidential campaign. the south bend tribune reporting on that, making his announcement saying his decision was likely driven by the desire to shore up support for another politically moderate candidate such as joe biden and encouraged supporters to consolidate around another candidate. we will talk more about this event that took place today. two guests joining us to talk about politics and the coronavirus. if you want to give us a call about your level of concern, 202-748-8000 for the eastern and central time zones. 202-748-8001 for the mountain and pacific time zones. if you are a medical professional, give us a call at 202-748-8002. you can text us at 202-748-8003.
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.witter and facebook available rob in north carolina, you are next. caller: good morning. it looks like a nice, clear day. internationally known, had a phd in physiology and worked at omaha and davis medicinecity school of . the coronavirus, if you want to get down to it, is no more virulent than any of the stronger strains of flu that have gone worldwide, it is the testing is not quite as advanced toward detective as some of the tests as can be done for other strains of the flu virus. give me a minute. host: by extension of that, there is no vaccine. by extension of that thought, there is no vaccine, either. caller: there is no vaccine, but
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here is the deal. in china, the way they have their society, they have many people that are rural and peasants and they live with the same animals whether it be chickens or goats or whatever in the same vicinity and they can pass viruses back and forth between the animals because they live and dominate in the same space. the hysteria that is worldwide does not need to be as hysterical as it is. it is safe -- it is a flu virus. we live in a world where we bought -- we fly backwards and forwards many routes on airplanes and there is much spread of flu-type viruses. the actual death rate from the coronavirus is under 2%, around
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1%. this will pass. we will get a vaccine. there is no hysteria and we need to come together as a nation and face the facts that there needs to be not any hysteria. we are spreading this fear around the world and it is affecting things. there will be economic effects from this, but we need to be clear and calm and speak in unison in a calm fashion. in arizona, a medical professional. what is your area of medicine? caller: i am a registered nurse. youally admire and think are a very unbiased moderator. thank you for that. and a fluflu virus virus is basically something
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that will be something people will get and generally get better. it doesn't matter. infection, they could take antibiotics. they cannot take anything for this. they can only try to avoid people who call for sneeze around them be -- cough or sneeze around them. it is spread by airborne droplets meaning tiny little sneezes or whatever go into mucous membranes, places you breathe into and you get this flu. people are making a way bigger deal than there needs to be. i wish it wasn't so politicized because it really needs to be understood it is just the flu and a highly contagious flu. of callersd a couple
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say because the testing is just underway and that we have no clear vaccine, that is adding to the level of concern over this virus versus others like you mentioned. what would you say to those people? generally auld say vaccine is something where you take a dead virus and people get shot and basically that means they build up immunity. that being the case, that is not something that will be that necessary. really it is something for the most part as long as you are generally healthy, this will be the flu. if you have some issue like you are older and have all the different things like diabetes and heart disease and other stuff, you are more at risk. in general, this is just the flu until i hear differently. host: sean in arizona, a medical
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professional. we will hear from south carolina, mike, go ahead. callingmy reason for has to do with a couple of pencets vice president made over the weekend on all the talk shows he was on. one of them had to do with -- of course, they are trying to keep the public from panicking and that is understandable. he seemed to be downplaying the severity of the flu. the mortality rate for regular flu is .1%. for the coronavirus so far, they are saying it is 2%, which is 20 times more deadly than the regular flu. if you do the math and think what if 10% of the population or 20%, that is a huge number of people who are going to die because of this.
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it is not just a bug that is no big deal. the medical professionals are saying it is true a percent of the people who get this will most likely -- 80% of the people who get this will most likely just be ill and recover on their own, but 20% will need medical care and maybe even intensive care or hospitalizations. about theasked availability of test kits and masks. it appears there is only 10% of the amount of masks we need. they are discouraging people from buying them because they want to keep the masks for what they think are people that really need them like the medical field. that is a serious problem that they better be on top of and get 3m making as many as they can
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and they said 15,000 test kits were in the mail. if you consider how many hospitals and clinics there are in the united states, that is nothing and no one has ever really talked about these test kits. are they one kit per person or 1000 --test 10,000, at 9:00 for the discussion with the doctor about those questions. las vegas, nevada, a medical professional, tell us your field of medicine. caller: i am a registered nurse. i have been nursing since 1970. i work in hospitals and i am also in education. i am concerns about the fact i think this is being blown out of proportion. host: what leads you to that
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conclusion? caller: the fact that there is so much politics becoming involved in this. than to me, is no worse when we had the swine flu virus or sars. concern.s an area of it goes back to wash your hands, hygiene and good the fact it has gotten blown out of proportion concerns me. host: if you go to the stat website, which deals with medical news and the intersection of politics, you can read about current funding. there is no agreed-upon funding or even a draft of legislation.
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the trump administration suggested diverting funds to pay for half of the outbreak response. democrats begin to talk about more contentious requirements. public health experts warn delaying aid could have an even bigger impact on their ability to respond than it did during the height of the zika outbreak. officials have warned the virus could spread rapidly and disruptions to daily life could be "severe." keith in massachusetts, good morning. caller: good morning. how are you today? thank you for your time. a couple quick questions. if the virus is being communicated by animals to anans, can it be given to
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animal, like a house pet, a cat that goes outside and communicated back from animals to humans? if so, they better start locking the cats up, too, and dogs. i do believe the left is trying to scare people. it is not even amusing anymore. i think it is dangerous and i hope they change their tone a little bit. host: that hearing on coronavirus response is tomorrow at 10:00 where you can see health experts being questioned about the response currently to date. watch on c-span 3 and you can download on our c-span radio app . joan from minnesota adding she is concerned it seems to spread rapidly in areas where it started, no one should have been let back in. thank goodness the president stopped flights and started
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quarantines. this is sean from cape cod, not concerned, keep your hands off your face, be aware of what you touch and wash your hands. i work in hospitality and cape cod. there is no need to panic. if you want to text us, you can do so at 202-748-8003. from north carolina, we go to april. caller: hi. i have a question and it is funny nobody knows about the coronavirus. , ithe back of a lysol can lists all the stuff about different viruses and how come on the back of a label of a lysol can since nobody knows anything about it, it lists it prevents sars and coronavirus. what is the medical industry doing here when the brand lysol
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has it listed on their label of viruses they prevent? it is amazing to me the virus disinfectantsray know about the coronavirus, but nobody else seems to know about it. story, a can read. oldnavirus is listed on lysol bottles or clorox wipes, it is not a government conspiracy to sell them. companies list viruses or bacteria on packaging when researchers assess the effectiveness against those specifically. some products have been proven to fight some strains. the novel coronavirus, labeled 2019-ncov has not been around to
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test. cases are topping 20,000 in china from february. is how you can read. bill is next in columbus, ohio. caller: good morning. we had a local story that ran in columbus that a lot of these surgical masks they were shipping over to china because they need them more than we do, it seems weird we would put our people at risk and ship them over there. i read about the coronavirus on the back of our lysol cans. we spray all the knobs and wash ir hands as much as we can think they are making it sound more severe. host: when do you think the concern changes? what changes it for you to be
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more concerned about it? caller: i live in ohio and we have had no cases here, so it does not affect anybody here. as long as they keep on top of it and some of these test kits, they have a warehouse somewhere with millions of coronavirus test kits that need to be .roduced and made and shipped we will see what happens, i guess. host: conrad in bethesda, maryland. caller: good morning. . want to make a quick comment it is lightweight and airborne. one catch would be to keep the lungs clean. how do we do that?
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they cause inflammation and infections and all of that. i know that -- is antiviral and antibacterial. oure love a little bit in ears and lips and around our -- i don't know. it is airborne, that is why the .tatistics are high host: we have about 15 minutes oft to call about your level coronavirus. it is 202-748-8001 and if you
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are a medical professional, yet -- is02 is how how you can reach us. many people have brought up the testing. it was alec cesar, the health and human services secretary on one of the shows talking about the current level going on. [video clip] test, cdc developed a lab we granted emergency use authorization and propagated it in the country. there is a third element to the initial test because we believe in quality testing. some labs were unable to replicate and validate their own performance. cdc never had trouble, so we have always been open for testing. we have had no delays on testing. as of wednesday, we authorized 40 labs to use the test.
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morning, we authorized homebrew tests by certified clinical labs around the country. say idave off of twitter am not overly concerned, but i would think twice about doing myself in an aluminum can with travelers. i think the air in airplanes is gross anyway. -- thesehas four times our numbers are quite low. twitter available if you want to and facebook,wj too at next in ohio. go ahead, please. caller: thanks for taking my
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call. until you are actually in the category of having to worry about this, i am a type one diabetic. my wife is a heart attack survivor and she works in health care industry read almost my entire family, nurses, nurse practitioners and then you start worrying. when you are at the at risk category, i called to get a supply of insulin at one of the out. outlets, they were i have never experienced that before. you are kind of worried when you are in that category and your whole family deals with the health care profession. we are not scared, but we are scared. thanks for taking my call. ast: because your wife is health-care professional, what does she think of the reaction she has seen on programs like ours and what she has seen elsewhere. some people think it is
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overblown and some think it is not. what does she think? caller: she thinks i am worrying too much, but she told me when it happened, she said people sneezing, coughing, right on you and people are going to have to get smart and take precautions. it will hit every state for sure. tot to say this isn't going get any worse, i don't really trust this administration and we both voted for trump. it is in the hands of the people. he will have to take care of yourself. host: have you heard anything orut where you live advisory? caller: my daughter is a medical practitioner in columbus. we talked to her regularly and
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she has not really heard anything. we are just waiting because it is coming from the coast, east and west and coming in the middle. we are just prepared. let's hope they find something soon it's. we are hanging in just like everybody else. host: new york, daniel. caller: i just wanted to comment on the fact it is no more fatal virus.e flu i have been watching this on and .n it is essentially the flu virus. it should not take too long to
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get a vaccine out of this. host: do you think it is the unknown aspect that concerns people the most? caller: the thing that concerns me the most is the fact that it so quickly.ible not to mention affecting the markets and stuff like that. been watching often i could see the hysteria seems to be more damaging than the virus itself. like, the this i was zombie plague is here, we are done for. it seems like a lot of insanity. andink the cdc is real good in america, we have pretty good health care.
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i am hoping this thing will get handled because it is something of concern. host: that is daniel in new york. he mentioned the cdc, not enough time to go into the details, but if you go to the details, they have committed a page of the coronavirus sections, what you should know, updates for various categories and healthommunities .are professionals and the like .n indiana, good morning my question. i have not heard anybody speak to it yet. does anybody know how long this virus lives outside of the body.
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our company imports from china and it is starting to pick back up again. things are moving. doesve people -- how long the virus live or any virus from that matter? host: at 9:00 we will be joined by a doctor. what kind of things do you import, if i may ask? caller: metal. host: what conversations have you been asking or having with your employees about this? caller: our employees are going to be wearing gloves but as a percussion, some spray lysol, but you cannot really wet metal. it is a bad idea for the product. it is a concern for anybody with the importing now that the supply chain is starting to move again. you don't know. host: i will try to ask the doctor that in our 9:00 hour. you are welcome to join us
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during that time to see what reaction he may have. minnesota, we will hear from paul. i have a sister that is in the middle of serrano county. i heard about this mask. be one ofpposed to hasbest ones they have and anyone really found out what caused this and could it possibly come from food? host: if you go to the various websites, i did a quick type of the masks, cnbc talked about the ramping up of production. if you go to forbes, they have a piece. the masks might increase your infection risk.
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that is a quick search on google. why your question specifically about the mask? caller: she works with elderly people and she is not far from the hospital and i heard the cdc say something about the mask, that it was supposed to be the best one. host: i will see if i can find something before we are done our time. let's go to marvin, hello. caller: how are you doing? host: i am well, thank you. caller: my question to your listeners is it appears china, south korea, and japan have a rival test and it would be easier for the cdc to take a test that has been proven and examine and purchase it and get it to the united states than to start from scratch.
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i am hoping what is not happening is the reason why we don't have massive testing in this country the way we should is because we try to give our pharmaceutical companies a way to make money off the virus rather than purchasing kits that are available. georgia, thanks for calling, go ahead. caller: yes. my concern, my level of concern is i think american people are this. downplaying that is because when you hear the president of the united states call the virus hoax and you listen to fox news, the president's son come out and speak really sound like a lunatic and fox news and the
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president and republicans are really downplaying this virus and calling it a hoax. host: the president was referring to that and the politicization calling out democrats. go ahead. caller: i do understand that, but his son was on fox news calling it a hoax. that -- and the next day or so, it is reported someone has died in the united states of america from this virus and then you californiay cases in . the makes people feel like government doesn't have a hold on what is going on with the a lot of doubtws
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and concern people have. and up, you know, people should feel very concerned about it. what is going on? no one else. host: this is from don and washington, d.c. hi. caller: i am feeling that this coronavirus, believe it or not, i think there is a purge going on in the i hate to say that, but i really believe that. the reason why i believe that is for the simple reason -- host: don, are you there? caller: i'm here. host: what do you base that belief on? caller: again? host: what do you base that belief on, you just said? caller: i blame it on, believe the government is
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putting something together here because i believe innovations are coming in handy when trump's son-in-law and daughter went to china, and they came back from china, and the next thing you know -- host: that is done in washington, d.c. that will end our excitement about the coronavirus bread. we will continue with that topic in our next summit. with super tuesday tomorrow, pete buttigieg leaving the race. we will be joined by the health's julia manchester -- hill's julia manchester and erika warner. and dr. scott gottlieb will discuss the response of the coronavirus outbreak. more of that coming up on "washington journal."
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[captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> tonight on google the communicators," a consumer technology president talks about political ads on social media platforms. by rebeccaviewed kern. >> i don't think it is a fair burden to put on a company like facebook, or others, to say you have to make that decision. not for me to it is up for congress to make a decision on. i hope they made one respect in the first amendment because it has not got a lot of respect lately, and some of the traditional leadership is saying that is unfair. the first minute protects -- the first
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amendment protects everyone. we have to be careful. the first amendment is being torn up on college campuses. it is being torn of viper additional -- it is being torn up by traditional media. i would hate to see it eroded. communicators" tonight at 8:00 eastern on c-span two. during this election season, the candidates beyond the talking points are only revealed over time. but since you cannot be everywhere, there is c-span. our campaign 2020 programming differs from all over political coverage for one, simple reason. it is c-span. we brought you your unfiltered government -- you brought to your unfiltered view of government for years. we are continuing to do that. , go deep,ords
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directed, and unfiltered. see the picture for yourself, and make up your own mind. bypaign 2020, brought to you your service provider -- by your cable service provider. >> "washington journal" continues. host: to help us set up the week ahead in washington and on the trail,ntial campaign julia manchester reports on the 2020 campaign for the hill. we are also joined by erika warner. make you for joining us. julia manchester, pete buttigieg leaving the race as of yesterday. what does that do to the coming field? guest: on the moderate side, for a while, it was sanders getting that progressive support, but on themoderate side, you have
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three competing for the moderate vote. can makes it easier on the moderates going forward. pressure on others to drop out because unlike pete buttigieg, they have not been showing the best support. amy klobuchar has performed worse in pete buttigieg, so she is feeling quite a bit of pressure now. polling, at internal money issue? , they after new hampshire were not able to broaden their coalition. iowa and new hampshire majority white, suburban, rural states. that was the boca pete buttigieg's support, and once he had gotten into the more progressive areas, he fell behind in the support. they did not see a path forward
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going into super tuesday, which like nevada and south carolina, is full of very diverse states. host: now we have a former vice president in the next and sammy -- and bernie sanders. is there a consensus about support for the candidate, or is it too early to tell? guest: it is too early to tell. there has been anxiety among some of the moderate lawmakers about sanders being at the top of the ticket. you have all of the freshman from kind of wind -- from several states helping democrats take back the house and probable anxiety among those people about having to run with sanders as the nominee. i think a lot of them would be very happy to see joe biden take over the race. host: on the sunday show, senator sanders described himself as in existential threat to the classic democratic leadership. among democrats on
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the hill. guest: we have seen leadership trying to be careful when asked about sanders, saying we will be enthusiastic about whoever our nominee is. we will come together and unify and beat trump, but again, among those lawmakers in swing districts, swing states, they would not like to see sanders in that role. give us aou want to republicans8-8000, 202-748-8001, and independents at 202-748-8002. let's hear from pete buttigieg. [video clip] of definedyear expectations, the truth is the path is narrowed to a close. for our candidacy, it is not for our cause. a number of values is
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responsibility. we have a responsibility to consider the effect of remaining in this race any further. helpoal has always been to unify americans to defeat donald trump, and to any the era for the eraes -- to winn for our values. [applause] recognize, the best way to keep faith with those goals and ideals is to step aside and help bernardo party in our country together, so tonight, i'm making the difficult decision to suspend my campaign for the presidency. thell no longer seek to be 20/20 democratic nominee for president, but i will do everything in my a power to ensure that we have a new, democratic president come january. jerry
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-- [cheers and applause] host: are we standing with the delegate count, and what may we expect after super tuesday. guest: sanders is still leading the count, and after super tuesday, number of other campaigns projected this that sanders will grow his lead andcially in california texas. texas is so interesting to look at because we know this is a state that democrats have been really looking to turn blue in recent years, but now, sanders is leading in the state and that has a lot of centrist democrats 2020ed going into november but sanders and their supporters are saying, they are looking for the younger latino and african-american support in that state. there will be a battle for texas. california will lean towards sanders. north carolina and virginia, they have the third and fourth largest delegate shares in the
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race. you see sanders and biden really playing hard for those moderate states, however, you will see sanders trying to make a play for that state. i was in virginia over the weekend, and it reminds me of the northam contest in 2017, so it will be interesting to see how that plays out. host: what is his success? guest: he needs to have a good showing all of these states. without will sanders has been doing, it is hard to say what success looks like. for him, he needs to be the moderate candidate that comes out on top. his campaign says look, we don't expect to surpass sanders at this moment, but they want to be the top moderate. host: we saw him talk about coronavirus yesterday. how much does that become apart of the story right now? guest: i think it gives the candidates a chance to talk about how they would respond to a particular crisis, and to
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compare themselves with donald trump, and it opens the line of attack on donald trump and how he has responded. you have been seeing michael bloomberg lean into his executive experience as mayor, but what i am curious is about is you are seeing the candidates hold these really big rallies like in california and texas, and you are seeing this virus appeared to spread. what happens to the logistics of these campaigns with the coronavirus? host: on capitol hill, erica warner, the debate is over a response. where are we on that? guest: negotiators on the appropriations' committee in the house and senate were working all weekend, changing offers to try to get a deal on an emergency spending bill that will be in the $6 billion to $8 billion range prior may be higher end of that. wherever they end up in that ballpark will dwarf what the
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administration's offer was. billion,posal was $2.5 half of, which was taken from existing accounts, occluding a --, including a big pot of money to fund ebola, that did not go over well with lawmakers. we may see a final deal today and tomorrow. its pelosi wants to build on that this week. host: we saw speaker pelosi and chuck schumer put out a statement, highlighting the requirements for the new funding. is that unusual? what is important about the highlighting? guest: right. i think what they were responding to was the administration put forward, and making clear that in various respects, the administration's proposal was unacceptable to congressional leaders, not just pelosi and schumer, but also the republicans parked -- the republicans. making the point that it has to be new funds, not as the
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administration proposed transferring from other areas. and that state and local governments need to be adequately reimbursed. there needs to be enough money for vaccines. as the negotiations were moving forward, they were putting down a marker of what they expect to be and what needs to be in there. host: will we see some type of finalization in this week are coming week? guest: it will be this week, whether they are able to reach a deal today, or not until tomorrow, pelosi definitely wants to have a vote in the house this week. there were probably mean a vote in the senate next weaken they will vote both chambers later in march, so they need to finalize this in the next couple of weeks. host: julia manchester and erica warner are joining us. jeremy is from the democrats' line. good morning. go ahead. caller: good morning.
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hope everyone is doing well. i will be voting for bernie in 2020. one of the concerns that i have is there to be a possibility of a book it -- of a brokered convention. how well do you think bernie has to do with the number of thatates to really show they don't go into a second round of superdelegates? 70% of delegates? that is my main question. host: thanks. guest: i will answer your question, jeremy. he has to do very well to avoid a brokered convention in, but the problem is there so many candidates in this race that it is hard to tell how well he needs to do. as a candidates -- as candidates drop out, we will get a clearer picture, but you know, i think it is hard to say. i would assume he needs to get
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half more then have to avoid a scenario like that, but i don't think that is necessarily going to happen. this is so different from 2016 because 2016 was so easy because it was just bernie sanders and hillary clinton who do you have so many people running right now , relatively broad basis of support that it is hard to see how much support buttigieg -- sanders needs to get going forward with all of these candidates. to avoid a brokered convention, most -- more candidates needs to drop out. host: even elizabeth horn getting in on this. this is from her campaign showing elizabeth winning delegates in most states. as the dust settles, the reality of this race will be clear and no candidate will have a path to the majority of delegates needed to win. guest: warren is so fascinating because she often gets grouped in with the progressive category with sanders, which makes total
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sense. but when you see their second choice she is a second for a lot of the candidates, whether they are progressive or moderate, so it is hard to say where her support in particular will go. i don't think she is as solidly in the progressive plan is bernie sanders is. host: republican line, this is maggie. hi. caller: good morning, everybody. i know for a fact that senator sanders is a self-professed communist. in 1972, he clearly declared himself that. and i don't get it. america? ahead in a free capitalist country? i don't want to live in russia. i have been there, and i don't want to be a communist -- i
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don't want to have become as-led country. how do we stop him? caller: so great to talk to you -- guest: so great to talk to you. senator sanders calls himself a democratic-socialist, and that is something you will see. a lot of conservatives and republicans try to label him as to attack him. i was in national harbor last week, and he was the theme of the event. a lot of conservatives hammering dumb socialism role the one thing i will say is he feed if he's donald trump and that is a big if, once he becomes president, he will have to contend with the other branches of government. it is unclear whether democrats will win back control of the house and senate in 2020. that is his agenda. he will need democrats as well. we know a lot of democratic lawmakers are not nearly to the left as he is. joe cunningham is facing a very uphill reelection bid in that state, and he says, socialism
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doesn't work in my district or the south carolina as a whole, so you will see quite a bit of pushback against senator sanders' ideas, his agenda, whether he wins the nomination of the general election. host: there is another type of battle brewing in the senate, particularly what it may look like after this election as far as the control. where is that contest and what could be the potential loss of seats by republicans in the senate? guest: there are key battleground states, where we have vulnerable republican senators, cory gardner in colorado and martha mcsally. a lot of attention on susan collins. a lot of this will depend on who is a democratic nominee. as julia was saying, republicans , if sanders is a nominee, will run without socialism label, and it is going to make it hard for
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democrats in some of these swing states to define themselves away from socialism, if that is the nominee of their party, being bernie sanders. host: are the close races are close because of impeachment, or are there other factors? guest: these are just dates that are swing states -- these are just states that are swing states where the republican incumbent would have a tough battle, no matter the circumstances. it is unclear how impeachment plays into wet. , there's been a lot of attention on her for the supreme court battle, and also on impeachment, and she is someone who has won very easily in her past races, and has always been able to define herself as a centrist, but is having more problems doing so since she has been aligned with
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president trump and the gop leadership in the senate on so many of these tivos. host: mark is next in new hampshire on the independent line. good morning. caller: good morning. i have two questions for your guests. with tom steyer and pete buttigieg leaving the race, where do you think their votes will go to? i'm originally from california. some of them wanted to vote for a woman for president, but they are not crazy about warren or hobo shark. think gifford's campaign hasn't gained traction? you wouldh buttigieg, assume looking at the surface level that his support would go to other moderate candidates, whether that is joe biden, mike bloomberg, amy klobuchar, however, like i said earlier, when you look at some polling, a lot of buttigieg supporters site elizabeth warner bernie sanders
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as their second choice, so i think it depends on the voters. it is hard to depend -- it is hard to see where it will go. it is worth noting how much buttigieg had in these other states. i don't know how much you necessarily had an a lot of the super tuesday states. that is something we have to watch out far. in terms of tom steyer, his face was a mixed bag -- his base was a mixed bag because he was running as a billionaire, but referring himself as a progressive, aligning himself with andrew yang and bernie sanders. i think a lot of his support would go toward bernie sanders. it is a question of how much support did tom steyer actually have in these later states. wouldk we all thought he have more support they need in south carolina, so it is hard to
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tell how much he actually had, and maybe it is california, texas, or south carolina. host: senator sanders is actually in independent, and not representing a democratic seat. guest: exactly right. as pete buttigieg and others have frugally said, it is ironic we would have someone as a democratic nominee, who is not even a democrat. independents two in the senate, which is an uncomfortable scenario for a number of democratic lawmakers, and potentially for voters as win inith biden's big south carolina and super tuesday tomorrow, biden has a very narrow window to try to press that are give may, and may begin voters to think twice about supporting senator sanders. host: have we seen anyone in the senate come out for biden? guest: he does have some supporters. i believe senator kincaid --
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senator kaine, senator kuhn. he has some other moderate democratic senators, who already have announced their support for him. i suspect we will see more of that, but it does indicate the center of gravity among senate democrats is much more toward biden, for the most part of than it is with senator sanders. host: from jerry in new york, independent line. hi. caller: hi. thank you barry -- thank you very, very much for taking my call. old inrth of 80 years even falling politics most of my life, but in the last two cycles , or the last two elections, i have learned more about the americans election system than i ever knew in my life. and what i found is that it is about the most corrupt system in
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the world, starting with the caucuses. i never hear the news media or the journalists explained that at the beginning of an election cycle, exactly what a caucuses? and that is the big boys getting together and deciding who was going to be running for the offices. it is the most corrupt thing i've ever seen in my life. yet they never sit down and say, hey, this is what a caucuses, and this is how it is run, until this last one that got all mixed up. they got into more details, but my gosh, you know, the first 60 years of my life, i thought it was a pretty clean process. it is a very corrupt process of many, many phases. host: thank you. i would invite you to check out our c-span website
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i guarantee you if you type in caucuses, we exhaustively talk about this topic. you can find out more and learn about it at julia manchester? guest: jerry, i completely understand what you're saying about the american caucus. processvery confusing for those of us equipment or primary state, so for journalists covering caucuses for the first time, it is intimidating, but i think this year, you potentially could be seeing the end of the caucus system, especially in a state like iowa. that was a huge debacle for the democratic party, and you saw all of the candidates in that field criticizing the system, criticizing the handling of it, and i think on saturday night in south carolina, not saying all primaries are called this early mood it was called before the polls even closed -- early, but it was called before the polls even closed.
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a lot of voters see primaries as a smoother way to move forward in the election process, so i'm wanting to see how we go forward with caucuses. these debacles in the confusion with the system comes as the u.s. is very much under threat from foreign interference in our election systems. look at 20 to 2018 them of the midterms, so it is a concerning topic for sure. through where the house and senate are as far as concerns over security. what legislations have a pass to ensure that? schumer andsenator senate democrats have been making regular attempts to try to move an election security bill forward, which senator mcconnell has blocked, and it looks unlikely that will happen. partd that, it is not -- of that, it is not messaging from democrats trying to make the point that president trump
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u.s. officials, kinda project the idea of russian interference in our elections with the intelligence community has unanimously said habitant 2016, and is happening again now. there has been some money appropriated to shore up our elections, but beyond that, we will be unlikely to see anything happen. hello on the democrat line. caller: good morning. i am going to make a point to support joe biden as the eventual nominee that democrats rally around. allso would like prospective candidates that are dropping out of the race to transfer their votes the joe republicanse the have taken americans for a ride.
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they rally around truck to try it ukraine to corrupt the 2016 son.ion, using biden's but american joe wake up. the american public are saying nothing now that we have managed to support someone with no experience. republicans are hypocrites. let's put them out of power in the senate. they were all on the deal with trump in ukraine. mcconnell, nunez, and the attorney general and the secretary of state, the vice president -- everyone was in on the deal. host: isaac, thank you. radcliffe is the person that they would like to see.
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can you walk us who he is? emerged as affe very strong defender of president trump. this was during the impeachment process. he really got the president's attention in committee and go mowing on cable news, defending the president. remember, the president previously tried to nominate him, and that had to be withdrawn after some inconsistencies became evident in mr. radcliffe's resume. now, post-impeachment, as we see the president a little bit untethered in a variety of ways, he is again, putting his name forward. we will have to see how that is received on the hill. this was a recent development, so it is not clear how it will play out. host: in the past, john ratcliffe adamantly said he doesn't want or want the
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position? guest: i believe he wants the position. so, we will see what happens. host:, louisiana, republican line, jackson. high there. you're on with our gas. go ahead. fear thathave a bernie sanders will win, and our country may turn communist, and i don't want my children will have to be told how many kids they can have, like russia. is something senator sanders has a perception not because to counteract, what is he doing to do that? guest: right now, he labels himself as a democratic-socialist. he tells these ideas, like medicare for aldwych i would be mind voters or viewers is is not necessarily communist. it is a health care system. but it is something he will have to counteract if he becomes a nominee.
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like i said earlier, republicans are really hammering this issue home that democrats will have a socialist at the top of the ticket, and they are not going to let up on that. however, if sanders becomes president, he will have to contend with the potential beingican chamber majority republican, and this is something the democratic party is divided along. there are centrist, moderate democrats. you saw last night joe biden and terry mcauliffe who endorsed him, really slamming sanders for his call for a revolution in the united states, and calling for more normal seats to move forward. it is something he will have to contend with, but if he becomes president, it is not like his agenda will become enacted very quickly. that as will pick up on far as a medicare for all. assuming republicans are largely against it? guest: republicans are
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unanimously against it, and many democrats are as well, and to some degree, that is not because of an opposition to the policy itself. that it isgnition not something that is realistic. it is not something the senate is going to pass. you need a super majority in the senate to move legislation like that, and that is not going to exist, even if democrats are able to take control of the senate. ands not going to happen, democratic senators and lawmakers are very aware of this. host: you just heard from erica warner of "the washington post." also, julia manchester of the hill. again, you are welcome to join us in our 28 minutes we have left of the program. 202-748-8000 free democrats. -- republicans. .ndependents at 202-748-8002
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texasl hear from lb from on the democrats' line. go ahead. caller: good morning. i have been listening, and i hear julia sounding so negative about everything with what bernie has to say. i work for a living, and i voted for bernie early in the primary here in texas, and the word socialism isn't a bad word, and the nation will be able to hear more from bernie once the size of the candidacy gets smaller, and the group is finally starting to get smaller. excuse isndent disturbing to me because senator sanders has voted with the thanrats many more times some democrats have voted with their own party. the other thing, too, is is medicare for all would be run like a military system is medical, and my husband is retired military, so i have been
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around for many years. it is because republicans are always against social programs of any kind. it is a campaign i don't like by the media that is smearing bernie, and whether there is a republican house or senate, that would be a problem for any democratic this point. host: thank you. julia manchester? guest: on the point of the coverage of bernie sanders, these are concerns that are happening within the democratic party, and we are just reporting on them. these are things that are actually happening. there are concerns that dividing the party, and there are democrats and moderates -- i could name a few were concerned about the prospect of sanders at the top of the ticket. that is just a fact. now, there are progresses that progressive lawmakers that argues that sanders at the top of the ticket would expand the coalition, and we have seen that
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sanders has grown upon his support from 2016. look at what happened in nevada. it appears to be happening in texas. he is growing support among younger, minority communities. we are not front and negatively smear him. right now, these are real concerns within the democratic party. guest: i do think the caller makes a good point. in a democratic president is going to have trouble getting -- any democratic president elect trouble getting their agenda enacted. sanders has more extreme proposals that have less support and more unrealistic. but any democratic president, even if they are just trying to revamp the health care system to at a public option, or take more modest steps, they will have a lot of trouble doing that in congress, as it now stands, where very little legislation moves in the senate, and it is really gridlocked, no matter
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what the issue is. so, that is a valid point. and it is also the case as a caller mentioned, that although senator sanders is an independent, that is his label along with angus king being the other one, most of them caucus with democrats, and if you look at their voting record, you might see senator sanders voting with democrats more so than someone like senator manchin, who is the most moderate democratic senator. host: this is from new mexico, joan is up next. hi. caller: hello, and thank you for taking my call. this is my first time calling c-span, although i have been listening for more time then i would like to admit. i would really like to work with this idea people calling in, and mentioning the word communism. base from totally off what bernie sanders stands for.
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to sayeally want something. they midst a great opportunity -- they missed a great opportunity to talk about this. we have socialism for the rich in our country. this whole idea that with the bailing out of trump from his tariffs, and having to give money to the farmers for them to even begin to cut even in the years he has been in charge. the reality is we have many, many programs in place for the rich to continue to dominate the people. what bernie sanders is trying to do is bring that voice to the middle class, the people, who -- in line host: that is joan.
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guest: the label communist you callers are more conservative-leaning voters, and may be moderate voters, that could be a result of the messaging surrounding bernie sanders from the gop side of the isle. this is what they are trying to do to beat him, and you're seeing it happen in a number of down ballot races. this isn't just president trump and his campaign labeling sanders as a socialist. you are going to see a number of theblicans running in election labeling him as a socialist. sanders to explain the differences and what he's trying to do, and i think is trying to do that on the campaign trail right now. see him doing it at the debates as well, so i think the root of this issue is a messaging strategy from republicans, from
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conservatives, how they see going up against bernie sanders in november. guest: i would agree with julia. i think you articulated very good argument in favor senator sanders, caller. the argument that many others may, which there have been bailouts for farmers -- the argument that any others have made, which there has been bailouts for farmers. one build want to corporate america and wealthy americans, so yes, that argument is there, and that could be made. senator sanders does have what could be seen as a vulnerability that republicans are trying to exploit that he calls himself a democratic-socialist. he has spoken favorably about fidel castro, opening himself up to being criticized as a "communist,", and that is something republicans have been
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trying to do and will continue to try to do. host: you mentioned the work of the senate during the last caller. is it prime miracle -- it is primarily judicial nominations, or will we see some legislation passed? guest: it was kind of amusing that as soon as impeachment was over, mitch mcconnell was right back to moving judicial nominees , and that is a lot of what the senate has been doing. you are definitely going to see action on this emergency spending bill for coronavirus, and i think what be interesting especially in on, light of the coronavirus, is there is been an appetite for legislation.drug that type of thing. that -- it has been unclear something like that will be able to move. there is a may deadline when funding for community health centers expires, and will have
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to be reauthorized. around that deadline, there has been talk of potentially trying to move some broader legislation on prescription drugs. i think it is possible that with the coronavirus epidemic, the obvious need for a vaccine, that could breathe some additional life and those efforts, so we will see if we get action on that. caller,ring the last you talked about young minorities and their support for presidential candidates. we saw big support for joe biden in south carolina. we saw mike bloomberg in a church were some african-american stood up and turned their backs. who has the momentum? joe biden or other candidates? guest: joe biden has a momentum among older minorities. more experienced voters in a minority communities. but bernie sanders has done a really good job ever since he
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ran for president in 2016 among showing up that -- shoring up that younger, minority vote. so the happening in nevada. even south carolina. it did not put them across the finish line, but he was still winning with a younger, african-american voters. that will help him and a state like texas or california, where you have a lot of new voters havenewer immigrants, who -- were not u.s. voters. that is deaf and going to help him in it is different this time around because in 2016, he saw hillary clinton shoring up all the minority support. this time, it is divided, and it is easier for sanders to make a play for part of the minority community. host: from florida, this is susan joining us on our republican line. -air. -- hi there. caller: i am a democrat who has changed to a republican. wondering, when they say
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medicare for all, are they referring to some different medicare than what we have currently? because medicare currently, there is a charge for it, and in use ito actually effectively, you have to have a supplement, so all of these people are talking as if it is going to be free, and it is going to be -- and it is going to answer all the health care problems. and i am wondering, are they going to be revamping medicare completely? so it will be a different thing they wanted is today? differenthink it is a take on medicare. it is obviously something that would appear to be mandated, according to bernie sanders' plan. i think a lot of the debate on this issue has been, how are you going to pay for it? bernie sanders said, look, i
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will raise taxes. with elizabeth warren, you have a more wishy-washy answer because i don't think she is as firmly planted in the progressive line as may be bernie sanders is. on the moderate site, you have joe biden wanting to build upon obamacare with the public option. pete buttigieg, before he dropped out was touting a medicare for all. right now, the question in the debate is, who was going to pay for it, and whether it is right that this mandated? and will other voters loser health insurance that they currently have? host: we saw senator sanders asked about the price tag for his plan. should he then down as he offers specifics that will satisfy those will be curious? guest: he has offered a ballpark number, but we haven't seen anything too specific from him yet, but i think the numbers or the estimates are satisfying a lot of moderates.
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it is not satisfy republicans. host: to the idea with medicare within obamacare, democrats would have more of an appetite for that as it stands in congress? guest: absolutely. viewers may recall a public considered one obamacare was initially passed. president obama supported that himself initially. themately, in order to get support from senate democrats, there were a few moderates at that time who were holdouts and opposed a public option, so that was dropped. enjoyedas always widespread support. host: let's go to bill in wisconsin on the democrats' line. hello. caller: i would like to talk about medicaid. go to bernie sanders' website. he has details on how he will pay for it. for instance, the government has
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$50 billion in tax cuts for businesses, who give their employees medicare, excuse me, medical insurance. there is $50 billion to start with. and it just goes on. the present system is so complicated. the solution is very complicated. but i called to talk about democratic socialism because we have a man in the white house, who is systematically destroying our democratic institutions of the federal level, at least, and here in wisconsin, we had a former governor doing the same localwith our state and democracies. he passed 160 bills telling local menace abilities what they cannot do. so, i would like to see a lot more discussion. the fact that our democracy has been taken over by a very large
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group, well-organized group, of radical, right-wingers, who cannot believe in government, who are using, as you previously said, tax cuts for their own purposes. i think mr. trump's family got a $10 million a year tax cut. i know senator johnson got a loop all put into that bill. -- loophole put into that bill. host: do you want to take anything from that and run with it? guest: well, caller makes the point that the legislation that has been passed under the trump administration, does give americans,efits to the corporations, into specific groups, particularly the bailout for farmers, and that is the case. so, better stiffly an argument that senator sanders and his
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supporters can advance -- so, that is something bernie sanders can make the argument with his supporters. as first democratic institutions, we have seen some of our federal agencies, a lot vacancies. this is something that has come into focus them on the cover on focus on the coronavirus because the cdc doesn't have as many employees as they did under president obama. president trump has not supported our federal agencies, to theentists, etc. degree his predecessors did. maybe that wasn't something that was an issue, but now, we have coronavirus, and we need those scientists, we need cdc, and some of that infrastructure is no longer there robustly as it once was. that becomes a vulnerability for president trump. host: julia manchester?
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guest: this is a concern a lot of voters have walked the news, especially with the coronavirus, and we will see a lot of candidates hone in on this. you have seen mike bloomberg hone in on this, but he is really calling on the options of leadership for the crisis. that is something we have focused in on president trump, his response to a number of these crises, when you have so many vacancies and number of agencies. the state department, for example, their response to a number of foreign crises we have had trump administration, so you are going to see with the coronavirus as it develops, as it continues to spread, candidates hone in on this. host: chris from middleburg, florida, republican line. caller: hi. i just want to add. thismiddle-class taxpayer, past couple of years is the first time we have not had to
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$200,000 a year in tax. you know? i am relieved by that. what i am trying to call about mainly is, what was bernie toders' prior qualifications becoming a politician? thank you. guest: senator sanders is someone has had decades of the spirited public life, starting out as a mayor of burlington, vermont. going from there to congress and to the senate. and at this point, that is the record he is running on. he has been in the senate for decades. he has been in congress for 30 years. becoming mayor in burlington, he ran unsuccessfully a couple of
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times, i believe, before he succeeded. guest: i think there are some community activists experience in there, but a lot of his critics go after him on his record in congress, and how much legislation he is successful at passing. you see elizabeth moran go after him in the last debate, saying she is reaching across the aisle and region within certain parts of the democratic party, and she says bernie sanders has been able to do that throughout his career, so his record in congress is probably something that will come into focus if he continues to be the front runner. host: julia manchester, did you get a sense that the trump base will stick around? guest: i get the sense they are going to stay with him. polling shows the republican party very much unified behind them, and i think the economy is a huge part of it, at least at the macroeconomic level, your
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seen the economy continuing to grow. with the coronavirus and the impact that will have, we don't to beet at what appears negative influence oaf are. but a president trump wants to continue to have a positive campaign and win in 2020, he needs to stay laser-focused on the issue of the economy, and this is something he has come under fire for, especially during impeachment. that would help his messaging strategy. we know he is his own communications' director with his tweets. guest: the president's hold on the republican base is pretty remarkable, and that is what republican lawmakers look at. as long as a brave is 80% to 90% -- as long as the republican
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behind him,to 90% they will stick to it. to julie' point, they wish the president would talk about the economy and not do the tweets on other topics. he continues to do what he does. the impact of the coronavirus on the economy is a really big x factor. last week was terrible for the stock market. we are seeing a little rebounding today it looks like. we will see where that goes, but that is obvious he something the president is very concerned about. we know he watches the stock market closely, and it is unclear how that will develop our -- will develop. the: lily advocate for federal government to step in and lower rate? guest: the president would like to see that happen. most senators kind of avoid commenting on what the fed should or should not do. there has been some talk in
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administration on developing some kind of tax break package that they could unveil to ameliorate the impact of the coronavirus. it is unclear if they will do with but it is top of mind lawmakers wanting to block the impact of the coronavirus on the economy. host: steve is in florida on the democratic line. go ahead. caller: thank you for taking my call. i just had a couple of questions for the ladies. if there was a brokered convention, what of the chance of hillary clinton coming back? the thing about donald trump, he has to tell the truth about this coronavirus because people don't care how ugly the truth is, but they want the truth. if he lives, it will hurt him in the election. one more thing. if you take the 80,000 cases and divided by the number of deaths, it is almost a 6% death rate. .5% toia tells us it is
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1%, so how can we believe the media? they need to tell the truth. thank you for taking my call. host: to the brokered convention idea. guest: with hillary clinton coming, the chances of that are very low. she lost in 2016. ,ith bernie sanders in the race you know, there's quite a bit of tension there, and she is not the most popular figure with a progressive wing of the party. if they want to bring someone in, they want someone universally-popper within the party. i don't think hillary clinton would be their choice. i don't think hillary clinton wants to be in that position. she is speaking her mind. she is doing interviews sends her running in 2016, so i think she is done as far as we can see with the political life. host: this is from donald trump. you mentioned the tweets about
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coronavirus. he said, i was criticized at the democrats when i chose the country to close down the country to save many lives. democrats are working an impeachment holds. now they are fear migraine bosch -- your fear mongering. be calm and vigilant. says, we the caller need to hear the truth from the government, from the president on down, about what is going on. because of the way the presidency has gone so far you are hearing concerns expressed by democratic lawmakers about whether we are getting the truth from the president and his advisers. there is a lot of un-ease among democrats, even some republicans, about mike pence being placed in charge and the efforts, someone who does not have a background in science. in the hhs secretary being pushed aside -- and the hhs
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secretary being pushed aside, respected leader, who was supposed to go on the sunday wass this weekend, and that rescheduled. the doctor said he is not being muzzled or gagged, but the fact is he was replaced on the shows this weekend by political leaders, and there is definitely a concern, at least among democrats, being expressed vocally, about whether the administration is giving us the complete truth about the scenario. host: you talked about the potential for a boat this weekend the house on coronavirus. does that mean republicans will sign onto what the democrats offer? guest: the deal that is being crafted right now, even as we speak, will be a bipartisan deal with the top, democrats and republicans in the house and senate appropriations' committee. they will put forth a unified product that is likely to get
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overwhelming bipartisan support in both chambers. host: this is rick in a state we have talked about quite a bit this morning, in texas. hi. caller: hello. have a question for you. how come every time we mentioned anything from the middle class, it is how in the world can possibly pay for this? we spent $6 trillion on a fake board. we can get trillions of dollars to the rich. nobody says a word on how do we pay for those things, and this .ocialism, this is crap this is bernie and fdr, and fdr saved capitalism for the country. host: thank you. guest: thank you. you are hitting the nail on the head in terms of bernie sanders, and what he has been saying on the campaign trail. he has advocated against these endless wars and tax cuts for the rich, and he says, you know, investing in something like medicare for all, which claims
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will be cheaper over the long term, he has been saying that, you are echoing his platform, and that is something he will continue to argue throughout the campaign. areink middle-class voters going to decide between whether they think bernie sanders, his medicare for all proposal, or other platforms, will benefit them economically going forward, or if they would rather stay with summer-like a joe biden or a michael bloomberg, if you stays in the race, and has a more modern take on that. host: one more call with mary in las vegas. hi. caller: good morning. you know, putin has been consolidating his government, and trump is emulating him by dismantling many of our government institutions, which are socialistic institutions, protections for the american people.
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mitt is not communism. now, -- it is not communism. trump is not republican. he is an autocrat. you will see checks all the boxes. i don't even know why he gets a paycheck. he needs to bring the 270 five bills, bipartisan bills, to the floor for a vote. mr. shrum: thank you. -- host: thank you. guest: the point that president trump is not really a republican, he certainly has taken the republican party a different direction and the earlier caller was talking about no one is talking about how to pay for things. there is an interesting argument in president trump took medicare and social security off the table as far as any changes
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to them, our debt and deficit have ballooned tremendously under his presidency partly because of the tax cuts, huge bipartisan spending deal, nothing being done on entitlements and because that is president trump's decision that you can't touch entitlements, that has opened the door for democrats to be able to put forward big programs and why do we have to pay for them if president trump paying for his tax cuts and trying to bring down the debt and deficit. the barn door is kind of open as far as these big programs with enormous price tags. in terms of whether he is a republican.
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>> i think you have -- a lot of voters, not all voters, but voters i talked to who happen to be moderate are very concerned about the prospect of president trump, a populist, leading the republican ticket in 2020 and bernie sanders and not comparing his ideology or proposals to president trump's, but he also has a lot of populist support. there are a lot of voters were moderate who are concerned about this. a lot of people in the democratic and republican establishment. host: julia covers the campaign for the hill. erica warner covers congress and closely watches at the washington post and you can find her work at washington thanks for joining us. we will go back to our discussion on the coronavirus. we will have as a guest the former fda commissioner to talk
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about the u.s. and global response to the coronavirus outbreak. you can ask questions on it and we will take those when washington journal continues. ♪ >> there are really a lot of ways to follow this highly competitive election season on c-span network but probably the fastest and easiest is on the web at we have among other things are campaign 2020 interactive calendar with the results in evolving the primaries and caucuses including super tuesday. this is the tool for quick and easy search of 2020 candidates. our coverage based on the candidates, the topics and events in the locations on the campaign trail. the state-by-state results broken down by the candidates,
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host: joining us from new york is dr. scott gottlieb, the former head of the food and drug --inistration commissioner in-service commissioner from 2018 to 2019. a resident fellow at the american enterprise institute here to talk about the response to the global coronavirus. good morning. guest: thanks for having me. host: can you start with you gauging the response, what is working and what has done well. we made toefforts implement travel restrictions and limit travel from china clearly bought us some time. it slowed the rate of new cases coming into the country, i think the question becomes what we do with that time and we did some things well and some things not so well. i think we prepared the nation, we got the health care system prepared. we will educate providers. learn more about the virus and
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how it spread and how you can combat it. one thing we didn't do that we should have was had in place broader screening. we should event omitted screening weeks ago and really a month ago or even more. to try detect small outbreaks early. we had problems rolling out a diagnostic test, we took a very linear approach in my view and depended upon one test promulgated by the centers for disease prevention rather than not -- it also working with academic labs together diagnostics. then we had to scramble and so we are now just getting in place the kind of screening capacity this country that we probably should've had weeks ago. what that means is there cases in the united states probably they came in some point in mid-january or maybe earlier than that from china probably that have been spreading. we probably have at this point
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certainly hundreds of cases that may be in the low thousands in certain regions. there will be certain hotspots in the country, this a pervasive spread. a country through had 30 million people, several thousand cases a soll of small number braided the risk is still low. but the challenge is now it spread in the country it will make it harder, not impossible, but harder to contain those outbreaks and also mitigate the continued spread. host: does that factor to the two deaths in washington state, what does that suggest as far as concentration, possible concentration in the united states? caller: parts of -- guest: parts of washington state look like they could be a hotspot now. york,is a case in new given how much travel comes through new york city. i think you have cases where
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people are hospitalized, that suggests there a lot of people underneath those cases, but those are the ones that we will identify first, the patient they get tested first are the patients who have presented our right now in hospitals that are very sick with an undiagnosed form of pneumonia and now the doctors have the capacity of the coronavirus they will test those. the initial cases that we identified in this country will be skewed heavily towards more severe patients. those anded back from start testing other people who might be mildly symptomatic, we will start to find more cases of more benign illness from coronavirus because we do know most people don't get very sick from coronavirus and a large percent, any meaningful symptoms at all is just a small
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percentage the development moan you in a small percentage that go on to have really severe illness and find themselves in intensive care. ourt: our guest -- host: guest here to answer your questions on coronavirus. if you have a question, 202-748-8000 for democrats, ,epublicans 202-748-8001 independents 202-748-8002. at can also text us 202-748-8003. i want to play the healthy human secretaries secretary. i want you to listen to what he has to say and then respond to it. [video clip] >> we promulgated it out in the country. there was a third element to the initial because we do believe in
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quality testing here in the united states, there was a third element of the test that was specific to all coronavirus is. some labs were unable to replicate and validate their own reporting on that. cdc never had trouble with that. had full throughput, no delays on testing there. authorizedsday we over 40 laps to use the test results in the first two elements of that model of coronavirus. yesterday morning we authorized homebrew test by certified clinical labs around the country. that, what isg to your response to that? guest: i will look forward before a look back. looking forward by the end of this week we will have the capacity to test about 10,000 patients a day. test,unning about 100 some have more capacity than that. by the end of next week if we can get online the academic labs
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because they're not given regulatory flexibility. medical centers to promulgate their own tests. if we get most of those labs online we should have potentially another 10,000 patients a day testing capacity. in two weeks time we could have capacity of test upwards of 20,000 patients a day. that's a pretty healthy capacity. that's assuming we can get the academic labs. others will be quick and be able to get on to what we call their automated system where they might be able to run hundreds of samples a day. it is the case that cdc has problems manufacturing a kit that could be used by other labs and public health labs. with the emergency use authorization and the laws put , saying as part of that cdc would go first. the first lap up and running
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would be cdc and they would thosep kits to advance two public health labs, state and local labs run by public health authorities and start testing for the pathogen as well. the reason we do that, one the reasons why we do that is because of access to samples. if you have a pathogen of significance like this virus or a pandemic flu strain, you want to handle that carefully. cdc will be the first to have access to it and give samples to the lab. you want cdc in charge. that's what happened here. the challenge was the kit they manufactured, cdc is in the manufacturer. they run a high-capacity lab that they don't routinely make kits, thus the work of manufacturers. they are in the business of manufacturing kits. so when cdc went to manufacture that they didn't have a problem with will be caller reagent. one of the components of that
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kit, hindsight being 2020 we could have done and what we should probably think about doing in the circumstance is cdc should go first, but simultaneous to that we should also be working the manufactures to a developed approved kits and we should be working with a high complex a labs, let them make diagnostic inside their lab. that's what fda did last week. they announce this on saturday. they a high complexity lab at the medical centers can now make their own tests subject to their own specification. dones what we could have three weeks ago, but that is hindsight. we need to learn from that going
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forward. the bottom line is we will have capacity but that also means there has been spread and we will start turning over that and start finding we have hundreds and the low thousands of cases in this country right now. to the contact trait and try to contain the spread where it can and mitigate it where it can. state, iwashington think we are approaching mitigation steps to control the spread. host: the lines for the segment, 202-748-8000 for those in the eastern and central time zones and if you live in the mountains pacific sign zones, 202-748-8001 . dr. scott gottlieb joining us. harry is in woodbridge, virginia. you're on with our guest. caller: good morning. is should we be buying masks in the second question is i was online to buy
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a mask to protect myself because i'm the only one because as i the house. onlinewent to buy one but i saw the prices, a pack of 10 is costing over 100 to $200 on amazon or ebay. like that costing for five dollars before. should we be worried and what should we do about these prices are what should the company's be doing about these prices. isst: hand sanitizer as well filling out online. prices have gone up. it's a board public officials tell people about what they can do to lower their individual risk. people are concerned, i think it's appropriate people are concerned. the risk of contracting coronavirus right now unless you're in one of those really specific regions where it might be spreading like certain counties in washington state or northern california, the risk is
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pretty low right now. that's going to increase. it's going to increase over time. i think it's important people understand to lower individual risk. putting on a mask probably won't help that much. the biggest benefit is that a propensity -- prevents you from touching your face. we have exchange with coronavirus causing the common cold. it's from shaking hands, touching a dirty surface. handwashing really becomes important. it sounds a some thing so simple it can't possibly work. i've been fairly maniacal about using hand sanitizer, i impose that on my family as well. that can really reduce your risk. the coronavirus probably lives on surfaces like doorknobs for a couple of hours. on surfaces like cardboard it's lasting a bit longer bread
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touching, shaking someone's hand and then touching your face, those of the ways we are most likely to infect with this virus. it's not their droplet transmission prayed that is a risk, someone close to you talking very close, sneezes in your vicinity. it doesn't remain suspended in the air for a long amount of time. the most likely route of transmission is probably going to be picking it up and touching your face. virginia, hampton, this is donna. donna from hampton, hello? caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. i have a comment into question the doctor. least five family members spread across the united states that are in the medical field. saying the same thing you said.
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wash your hands, it's very important. is youam concerned with never hear anything in this virus that it is affecting small children, it is affecting adults is rather odd. thatone of these people believes mainstream media has made a bigger deal out of this. if you look back at the records of the regular flu, more people die every year from the regular flu. this is another virus. basically the cold is a whole another virus. i think the panic has been caused by mainstream media. host: dr. gottlieb. guest: i don't think this is another virus, i respectfully disagree the caller. this isn't the flu. china didn't shut down their
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entire economy because they were having a particularly bad flu season. they did it because they were confronted with a string of the virus that could be very deadly. we don't fully understand this virus yet but we have a lot of data now and looks at the case fatality rate for the number of people who died and develop the disease and coronavirus might be around 1%. , but bys not sound high proportion of other viruses it is extremely high. the flu by comparison is .1% or last. when a bad flu season, one person will succumb to the flu for every 1002 attracted. it may be that one person succumbs to the coronavirus per 100 who contracted. the number of new infections you get expect individuals also is very high. , it's on the 1.5 or 1.3 so for every person get the flu
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you will get on .5 or 1.3 who are infected prayed with coronavirus, we believe that that figure is at least two, most people agree it's at least two and it could be as high as six based on some of the analyses but it's probably higher than two. so it spreads efficiently and it can be very deadly. now the thing about this virus is there is not a typical spectrum of disease. what i mean is with the flu, if you give 100 people the flu, they will all get pretty sick, there'll be some people with milder symptoms and some of more severe symptoms. but it will be sort of a smooth amount of illness. there'll be some mild, some severe and a bunch in the middle. with this it's a little bit more binary, there is people who develop very mild or moderate symptoms or are asymptomatic and there are some people who become really sick. about 80% of people have mild illness or maybe even virtually
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a symptomatic. will develop0% some form of pneumonia with this. and so you are seeing these sharp, there's not a lot of whole lot of in between. but the one white buildings are in ammonia from this, there developing it in pretty sick of get forms in ammonia in many cases. the people who are immunocompromised or vulnerable for other reasons, maybe they are elderly or have diseases, that can be quite serious. host: the vice president will address the coronavirus and the u.s. response to it in 5:00 this afternoon. c-span3see that live on . the president is expected and reportedly expected to meet with drugmakers today. as a the coronavirus former head of the fda, what should these conversations entail? guest: i think with respect to trying to get a therapeutic
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vaccine, we have slowly need to be putting a robust effort behind a therapeutic vaccine. once ins knew when that a generation strain came along. maybe that's something we -- we knew when we came along to be our savior in that setting and we will probably get the vaccine against this virus. that may be a year or two away. that could be focus on a therapeutic or something that can be used as a prophylactic to prevent people who are vulnerable getting the infection. repeatedly on it a monthly basis and you can use something like that for frontline health care workers are people are uniquely vulnerable. we have the potential to have a therapeutic by the fall.
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it's exceedingly unlikely we'll have it by the fall. need a short-term strategy and long-term strategy i think the long-term strategy will be the drug on the shelf or in antibody therapeutic. work withen some similar kinds of approaches. that's a thing we can have. what could happen here is march, maybe april will be difficult months, we will see continued spread, the case numbers grow into the thousands in the united states. but then in july and august, section start to slow down. that's -- infection slows down. steps weart of the taking to mitigate spread and in part because coronavirus doesn't transfer as efficiently and summertime. typically they don't transfer at all. they have no immune system against the might spread it in the summer. but in september as the fall
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starts it may come back and we need to be ready for it to come back. the best way to be ready is with a therapeutic. if remember, the first edification that was in april 15th of 20 -- 2009 was the first case we identified. that spread an epidemic proportion well into june. it dissipated in the hottest month of the summer and then came back in the fall. but the difference then was we vaccinefirst vaccine from one health care workers. by october we had licensed five vaccines in by december we had mass inoculated the population. delivering 100 million vaccines by december. and the vaccine effectively vanquished it. it still circulates and still hurts people but not to the proportion we once knew. host: two quick questions off of our social media feed. this one off of twitter saying the coronavirus has an inca bashan period of 14 days and
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more. could coronavirus becoming into product and food coming into the united states? guest: it has an incubation period about 14 days. you see that kind of variability in the reporting. that is typically much shorter than that. probably some the more i can do five to seven days. one of the unusual things here, a lot of people aren't starting out very sick so the time to hospitalization some of the studies coming out of china is nine to 12 days. that means people got it, they had symptoms for weeks, they were not very sick and they became very sick and so the hospitalizations are occurring later in the course of the illness. as far as coming in from packaging, it's extremely unlikely and it wouldn't be concerned -- concerned about that. anything is possible but this shouldn't live on the services for extreme the long amounts of time. studies theome
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coronavirus can live on a surface for up to nine days under really optimal conditions so if you put it on an ideal surface at an ideal humidity in ideal temperature, it can live for an extended period of time. that is not typical. these things -- the other thing is even if it lives on the surface, you have a very rapid decline in the amount of virus on that surface and you need a certain amount of virus to become infected. even if it is still on trace amounts on the surface, if they are sufficiently low it won't be some of the can actually affect -- infect you. host: you are next, go ahead. caller: i have a comment into question my comment is i would like to know why the federal government has not stopped our travel from any country to and from who had this virus and i , you'reke to know
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probably not found it out yet, but do we have carriers who have not developed the disease and maybe the people who have already had the disease may be can still spread this disease. i know another disease they found that they were carriers, they get a mild case in the become carriers and they don't really -- realize about themselves and they spread to other people. have you considered this? host: we will let our guest respond. guest: we have people who were very sick from a virus and we know we have people who are very sick from the virus now and we had one fatality over the weekend. we have slowly have people who are not very sick with the virus and maybe a symptomatically spreading the virus. because we know there is a spectrum of disease but we will identify first is people who present to the health care
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system, those people are typically people who have worst -- worst diseases. there was a study two weeks ago that looked at the amount of virus in people's mouths and their nose and it looked at people across the spectrum of disease. mildpeople who had very diseases and some people who were very sick. what they found was the amount in some people had was cases very equivalent whether they were very sick or they had mild disease and that is concerning because with that suggest is people who have very mild disease might have the same capacity as those who are very sick to actually spread the disease. in some other diseases what you will see is the amount of virus we have here and the amount of virus you can transfer comports with how sick you are in some cases. so people very sick would have more virus in their body and they would be able to spread more virus.
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youhis case it does appear have a lot of virus you'll be able to spread a lot without being very sick. as for the travel restrictions are concerned, they are going to have, they will very rapidly have diminishing utility because once this is spreading in the united states, stopping cases from being imported from other countries isn't going to really have an impact on the scope of the outbreak in the potential epidemic here although i think we can avoid the epidemic here. there is certainly certain regions in the world that are hotspots right now were a lot of people have the virus where you probably should not travel to. and we should probably be more cautious but who is traveling from those regions because there will be much higher propensity of what comes out in parts of the world could be infected. hong kong, the travel restrictions are really going to decline in utility.
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pretty widespread transmission in france right now, germany, at some point all of europe will be blanketed. you have to ask yourself the question, what do you do when you have rapid transmission in california or washington state? do we been travel out of california washington state? we are not going to impose travel restrictions in this country and block people from different regions from traveling. so the travel restrictions themselves are going to have much greater usefulness over time. initially they were useful. restricting travel from china casesevent additional from coming in and even though there were cases here there -- there were cases we were not contacting probably some additional ones that came after, we slowed the introduction of the virus into this country and that bought us some important time. host: dr. scott gottlieb former
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head of the food and drug administration under the trump administration resident fellow at american enterprise institute. a couple of weeks ago you wrote a piece for the wall street journal taking a look at preparing for coronavirus. one of the points you made was to develop a plan for deploying vaccines. i want you to talk about what that plan might look at especially as a viewer shows us off of twitter they say this when it comes to the possible vaccine, what about cost? is it reasonable to charge this type of vaccine and can you factor those in as far as potential vaccine? guest: from a cost standpoint we need to be thinking about -- and i suspect people are, about how we can set aside money inside public health programs to make sure people who have challenges getting access to health care are not going to be challenged and getting access to a vaccine , developan do that now payment codes and set aside funding for vaccine. i think of a vaccine does come
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to fruition i believe it's a long way off. i don't believe vaccine will be what we have available to us in the fall. what he would likely do is probably vaccinate some portion of your most vulnerable people or most at risk people so your frontline health care workers initially. but that's going to depend upon how much confidence we have in the vaccine and what we know about its potential risks and effectiveness. in the case of this winder the -- the swine flu into thousand nine we did vaccinate frontline health care workers first. we have a lot of experience manufacturing flu vaccines. that's why we were able to do that so quickly. h1n1 was not a very different challenges in developing a vaccine for the seasonal flu. we had to adapt tools against different passage -- a different pathogen. the vaccine we come up with may be a novel platform. some of the work is being done with rna-based vaccines.
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we've never used them before. on a wide scale to develop vaccines. probably likely to be more uncertainty and reluctance and appropriate reluctance to rollout experiment on people like frontline health care workers. if it does or not to be the case that the vaccine could 10 onlled -- there speculation why that could be the case with the coronavirus why vaccines might behave differently in this kind of a setting against this kind of a pathogen versus other pathogens, you would not want to have all your frontline health care workers given a product that could increase risk so we are going to be more cautious. that also is going to slow the development of a vaccine here because we are dealing with a lot of novel ground. host: as far as currently available antiviral medicines, would they have some affect? guest: right now there are no currently available antiviral medications or any medications
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for that matter that has againstated effective the virus. products have shown activity, both in vitro and in the laboratory as well as in animals and humans. interesting most clinical trial is a drug by gilead pharmaceuticals, the subject of two clinical trials that are ongoing now in china. one with mildly ill people, about 300 people with mild --ness and another trial host: we will continue with our conversation with dr. scott gottlieb reestablish the signal. he's going to be with us until 10:00 and if you want to ask questions it's the eastern and central time zones, (202) 748-8000 if you want to call in on that and the mountain and pacific time zones, (202)
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748-8001. also tweet us at c-span wj. post on our facebook and you can also text us this morning your thoughts on the coronavirus and u.s. response. .hat number is (202) 748-8003 we will go to market in hawaii. hello. you are on. we don't have the gas right with us but go ahead with her? comment. caller: i've got three issues the first has to do with our lieutenant governor out here dr. josh green, whose having all kinds of trouble with these test kits. sounds like he's incompetent because every days coming up with a new excuse. the second question has to do -- i why has the vaccine thousand cases of people who died from the vaccination if
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it's not a live virus? what is causing the death. happens. know why that i also would like to ask the -- 500,000 americans. without anybody holding them -- host:host: arthur in louisville kentucky, hello. caller:caller: my concerns and have alreadyey admitted they've known about this virus early before. what concerns me are the people -- for as a tatian, vacation, whatever, they come back and they have gotten sick and they weren't diagnosed at the time wereit and they
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interacting with family members and associates and everything now all of a sudden they find out they did have the virus and the spread of this virus is so do, evenat do you though you wash your hands and your diligent about cleaning and , what are your actual ,hances of not getting it -- host: just to reiterate, the potential of contracting it? hard to say. i think over time unless we can develop a vaccine or therapeutic care that can protect people and may be the case that at some point over the next coming years everyone will be at risk of contracting it. it's going to be like the common cold only more severe, coronavirus. it's hard to stop because it's
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very contagious. i do think that in time we will have a vaccine for this. it is a sinister virus that we will want to develop a vaccine and vaccinate the population against this virus in the same way we vaccinate people against the fluid might be a vaccine we need to get on a seasonal basis to continue to provide immunity. we might not get lasting immunity from a vaccine but be able to re-vaccinate it. i think on this go around, the next year, the next six months, getting into next winter, i think we have the capacity to constrain this, to mitigate the spread of this virus and away that we can narrow the population that's going to ultimately contract virus and be at risk or it. they've been able to do that in singapore. very different country. they were able to take different measures. but we have a pretty good capacity in the u.s. through preventative tools and public-health tools to limit the impact of viruses like this.
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host: because of your time at the fda what does the situation tell us about the current dependence we have on suitable drugs manufactured outside the united states? guest: we have a high dependence on manufacturing capacity so the situation with china and the province where a lot of the infection was, with they manufacture there is not necessarily the drugs themselves or what we call the active pharmaceutical ingredient, the actual material because in the drug, the chemical part, exactly the starting material, things like solvents and things that go into the manufacture of the pharmaceutical ingredients. china typically will ship back starting material to india. india will manufacture the rock drug ingredient and that will be shipped to other parts of the world for finishing, turning it into fills in many cases. a complex supply chain. a lot of those starting ingredients are sourced in china
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so china is a weak link in the entire supply chain for pharmaceuticals. so when we talk about drugs that are manufactured in china, it might be the case that only a small number of drugs are manufactured in china are manufactured exclusively in china or largely in china. we need to also worry about ingredients that go into drugs manufactured in china and we don't have very good visibility into that because a lot of times as regulators, when i was at fda we did not know the entire supply chain. we knew where the drug came from and we might know where the active pharmaceutical ingredient came from but he would not necessarily know where all the starting material comes from. the obligation to oversee that is on the manufacturer. host: this is michele. good morning. caller:caller: thanks for taking my call. my husband is getting ready to travel to texas and you did answer this but should travel in
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the u.s. from state to state be avoided? my second question is, where the employees from human health services who initially met the evacuees from wuhan, where they properly protected with year when they met these people and could that be away the virus was transmitted? guest: i don't know a lot about the situation with the employees. i saw the article in politico. but i don't have a lot of background on that. i did hear the secretary speak yesterday and say something to the effect that all the employees engaged in meeting those individuals off the plane who would been repatriated from wuhan are now outside the window of time for which if they were exposed they would now be infected. it does not appear anyone became infected from those interactions because of the amount of time that's passed and the fact we cap a close watch on those
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individuals. that's what i heard the secretary say. as far as travel inside the united states i don't think we are at the point where we need to on a broad base the concerned about travel, about reasonable gatherings. because i don't think this is widely spreading in the u.s. now. i think there are regions in the u.s. where we have spread. we might have quite a bit of spread but that's going to grow. we are a little behind the curve identifying those pockets of spread and small outbreaks so they are going to grow larger before they get smaller. his no question about that until we can get on top of that they will continue to expand. it gets back to those simple things, they sound so simple, you ask yourself how could it possibly work but simple things do work. staying home when you're sick, practicing good hygiene, watching food handling of your business, watching food handlers closely.
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those things can have a big impact and we do them when everyone does them and they are a wide scale, they actually can have a big impact on slowing spread and lengthening the amount of time it takes for the number of people who have this virus to double. so if i was a business and i had a cafeteria might be thinking about what extra steps i can take to put in place good food handling practices to make sure you are not spreading the virus in the workplace. what we've seen is that when this virus really explodes and takes off is when it gets inside and to touche and, in south korea it was the church, in italy, it was the nursing home. potentially nursing home in washington state. if you're running an institution with a lot of people in close quarters, you might want to think about what additional steps he could take for infection control. we have good procedures already but there is certainly more we
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could be doing. recently, cms put out additional guidance to nursing homes under the leadership to try to step up the level of vigilance they are taking. host: dr. gottlieb, give us your opinion on the choice of mike pence to head up the effort on this and the choices he's made so far. guest:guest: i don't have a lot of visibility into the choices he's made because i'm not saying day today how that is working. i will say, having been there having high-level attention and leadership in the white house can be really helpful. having senior-level principles in the white house focused on your problem can help accelerate getting access to and implementing the kinds of policies need to address the public health challenge like this. that was the case after word rico -- after puerto rico.
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of all the manufacturing passively for pharmaceuticals off-line. having white house people who were focused on that problem in helping me get what i needed, that really improved our ability to respond to that. i don't think there's any -- there's one more senior person, but very little that you can do to get something or attention in the white house than having the vice president oversee it. casual observation, i worked for the administration. my casual observation last couple of days, the vice president seems to be engaged and his staff seems to be engaged. this is not a figurehead appointment. the vice president seems to be engaged and seems to be consuming a lot of his time. i think this is a high priority for the nation. host: dno ambassador deborah birx? appointed as part of the team to lead this?
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guest: a little bit. she had a good reputation. i have not had the opportunity to work with her closely. i think that was a good appointment. host:host: there were reports you were supposedly in the running to head this thing up. is there truth to that? i'm not guest: going to comment on my conversations at the white house. as you probably expected me to say. i've been trying to provide my advice to folks in the white house who can seeking it. where i can be helpful. host: does that include the vice president? guest:guest: i have not had a discussion with the vice president. host: let's go to north carolina. lewis and saulsberry. caller: top of the morning. i caught part of the conversation where he was talking about the vaccine. produced, myine is understanding, would it be cost to the public to receive that vaccine? another question is, a lot of
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other countries like china, iran , united states, people in those countries, some of them are affected but we don't hear anything that's coming out of sosia, north korea or israel could you respond on that a little? to get a handle on this thing because we've got blockades on certain countries i think we need to blocking certain ones that are not holding back on the information. thank you guest: guest:. israel has reported cases. they does not appear to be local transmission but they have had pretty transparent reporting. iran, i don't believe the reporting is accurate but they are reporting a lot of cases. the spread seems to be far more pervasive than what is being recorded. they seem to have a widespread epidemic and have taken an unusual approach to this.
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they really have not implemented measures to contain the virus are medicaid the spread. in some ways they seem to be embracing it and letting it spread through the country. perhaps at a point where they don't feel they have capacity to stop the threat anymore. russia has not really reported, north korea certainly has not. a lot of variability in the reporting. we also have not seen reporting out of malaysia, much out of malaysia, thailand, hard to believe those countries don't have cases. i think the challenge is they don't have the capacity and there have that in their health care system to identify cases. i'm worried about parts of west africa where this virus could be spreading. a lot of connections to china. hard to believe there were not imported cases into those regions. they also have limited capacity to detect the virus as well as treat people if they became ill. when you think about low in middle income countries, you
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start to be concerned about the impacts this virus could be. in a nation like ours where we have an excellent public health system and resources to deal a farhreats, we will have less severe experience with this in countries that lack those capabilities. host: this is lana off of twitter, should patients placed -- any additional precautions to suggest? think the caller is asking about specific drugs. not knowing the biologic it's hard to formulate an opinion. host: she highlights it is for almost -- fall sort of colitis. inhibitor.ike a tnf is asking, and
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immunosuppressant that has qualities associated with it a connection is suppressed activity of the immune system. the answer is yes. people on drugs that affect the immune system could be more vulnerable to any virus including this one. i think they should be additionally vigilant about going into settings and engaging in practices that could increase their risk of transmission. the risk to any individual american, unless you are in a specific part of the country right now are traveling into one of the hot zones outside the country is still low. people have a right to be concerned i think because there is arrest and that risk is going to increase and the other problem is we don't know the rest. we don't know where the virus is . i think that is also what is creating a lot of concern. of good news is, by the end this week and certainly by the end of the week after, i think we identify a lot of the pockets of rats. you will see the numbers go up rapidly.
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we may be looking at some point in mid-march to the end of march where we have 2000 cases in the country. that's not necessarily because we had 2000 cases that have been created in the next week or two, but because there are cases now that we start to identify. host: from ohio, we will hear from barbara. is, my my concern daughter waves in las vegas. she has been sick since the beginning of january. tested.not been i guess she is getting better now. she is 27. i noticed nevada shows no cases. they have all that travel. people coming in from all over the place. -- her her husband husband is a police officer. they have both been sick since january with bad respiratory. another question is -- i'm in
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ohio and i noticed there's no cases reported. just passed onaw thursday, he died of pneumonia. clinic, up to cleveland brain hemorrhage. he will come three days later and that up getting pneumonia. hisad a host of doctors and heart a fit of happened and the heart dr. -- i'm not sure if it's the same heart dr. but just past february for of influenza and cleveland clinic. he had a flu shot -- i don't know if that increases your case of getting it. he washes his hands and where's all the gowns and the mask. my thing is, i have kidney failure. i was up there visiting. i would wear a mask and i also was in a wheelchair.
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getting pushed because i can't now a long distance -- starting to wonder. i had two of my dogs puke this morning. can the dogs catch it? we host: will let our guest respond. guest: first of all i'm sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. a lot of respiratory illnesses circulate in the winter. it's very unlikely that anyone right now who has pneumonia or had pneumonia have coronavirus. i'm going to say some because probably the case that some people who had bad pneumonia over the course of january and february or might be sick now could have coronavirus, small number. ut there's so much flu, mycoplasma circulating and we had a particularly bad flu season this year that by and large people who had respiratory
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disease or who have it right now really probably don't have coronavirus. they should get checked out for it and it's still not too late to get your flu vaccine. there's a study in china came out maybe a week or two ago that looked at a fever clinic in the u bay province -- in the hubei province. they did checks of people who came in with fever and found a small fraction had coronavirus in a region where it was epidemic. so it is the case that there is a lot of human illness circulating at any one time and the risk of getting this particular pathogen is and will remain pretty low, but that does not mean people should not present to the doctor or call their doctor and try to get it checked out. i was recently in contact with someone who is concerned about
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respiratory illness and they had h1n1 which was the most likely cause of their symptoms. symptoms could have been consistent with coronavirus as well. it's important that if you are sick, call your doctor, seek medical care but also try to avoid other people and try to not spread it. host: mary is in north carolina. we are running short on time so jump in with you,. -- with your question or comment. caller: are you concerned with the can on a virus mutating like the flu virus does? i know this year i had the flu shot and had the flu and my husband also had the flu and he was hospitalized and his lungs filled up. he was in intensive care for three days. -- yous just wondering always have to be worried.
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2 -- there's a lot of reasons to worry. could the virus change in a way that makes it more dangerous? we don't see that happening with the coronavirus. we have multiple generations of strains that we look at the sequence of them. that could still happen. could the virus change in a way that makes it difficult to develop a vaccine against it and we believe there are targets against the virus, something called the spike protein that the virus uses to infect its host, that is a target that should not undergo a lot of change if you develop a therapeutic against that target should work even if the virus drips. the flu is difficult because it rotates every season that makes it harder to develop a vaccine against. the components that undergo the change of the components we target with the vaccine that should not be the case with coronavirus it is possible.
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host:host: we have 30 seconds left. when do you start becoming concerned? guest: i was concerned six weeks ago. go back and look at my twitter feed i was concerned when we had a dozen cases that were initially reported as unusual respiratory illness. i think we should have been concerned. i think we should still be concerned. we are in the early innings of this but i think we know what it's going to look like. i will be concerned if we don't have the capacity or the to docal or social will what's necessary to contain those outbreaks. the: dr. scott gottlieb is former head of the food and drug administration under the trump administration from 2017 to 2019 and a resident fellow at the american enterprise institute. guest: thanks a lot. host: related to the issue of coronavirus, the senate on tuesday will take up a hearing looking at this topic.
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morning.t 10:00 in the you can see that on c-span3, and our radio app. the vice president will talk about this topic at 5:00 today. the president holds a rally in charlotte, north carolina tonight at 7:00. watch that at c-span2, and our radio app. expect to talk about this on the program and get your thoughts on it plus stay with us as we go throughout the week taking a look at presidential politics and other topics. that's it for our program. another addition of washington morning.tomorrow [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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on capitol hill both the house and senate will be gambling in for work. the house starts at noon eastern with short speeches and will reset until two. members will hold a prayer and pledge of allegiance and recess again until 5:00. four financial services bills happening after 6:30 eastern. weeks but members to take up a coronavirus funding bill. the senates also -- starting at 3:00 eastern. lawmakers continue work on a bipartisan energy package .ocused on efficiency, storage you can watch the senate live on c-span2 and the house on c-span. taking a look at campaign -- a rally in charlotte north carolina later today. or
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live on the free c-span radio app. in news from the campaign trail the new york post reports -- fired from his decade-long group public enemy after he got a cease and desist letter against senator bernie sanders. the article goes on to quote the musician's lawyer who said senator sanders promised to -- withe power with hic the hip-hop icons. read more at nypo the senator and 2020 candidate spoke to -- his remarks run about 45 minutes.


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