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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  March 25, 2020 10:23am-11:04am EDT

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we'll examine the federal and state response to the coronavirus pandemic. join us with your questions and comments. week nilets at 8:00 eastern here on c-span. -- week nights at 8:00 eastern here on c-span. or go to twitter at c-span wj. we have learned about what is in the deal the lawmakers have reached. there's $500 billion for major corporations. 360 $7 billion for small business loans. $130 billion for hospitals across the country. state and local governments can tap into $150 billion. also a $1200 one-time check to americans. those making up to 75,000 with an additional $500 per child there's also $30 billion for emergency education funding. 35 billion dollars for emergency transit. there also will be an employee retention tax credit that businesses can use to keep their employees on the payroll.
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for theon dollars airline industry and $4 billion to aid cargo carriers as well. chuck schumer also added a provision to ban businesses owned by the president, vice president, members of congress and the heads of federal executive departments from receiving loans or investments through the corporate liquidity program. the prohibition also applies to their children, spouses and in-laws. that is from the hill newspaper. there is also a ban on stock buybacks as well. on thetson is joining us phone, he's a bloomberg congressional reporter. they reached this deal in the middle of the night. what happens today in the senate? the processstill in of putting together the legislative language. we are expecting votes to move forward and the house adopted .ith unanimous consent
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that's the goal. it's very hard to achieve. -- he would have the ability to come back and lock unanimous consent. thes extraordinary that house would approve a $2 trillion package. stimulus bill ever contemplated in the united states without an open debate and vote. that may be what needs to happen because more and more members are self-quarantining. two have already tested positive for the virus. both sides are looking to try to do unanimous consent to get this over the line and get those checks out to americans as quickly as possible. when the senate comes in and what time they may vote? >> they are coming in at noon. the vote hasn't been scheduled yet. this is a huge bill. not as big as the one the house democrats are trying to get in.
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they are really looking to after doing this to leave town until april 20 most likely. it includes provisions to take care of business that needed to be done in may. they may not be able to come back for several weeks to fix any problems in this bill. host: what are the house democratic leadership, the speaker and republican leadership in the house telling their members about this proposal? are they shaking -- saying you should let us do this by unanimous consent? >> steve scalise had a call with and said nancy pelosi's other option is to bring forth this house bill with a host of provisions that republicans rejected. any business that would receive the small business loan would
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have had to pay $15 minimum wage as a longtime democratic priority. there were things to make the airlines change their fuel in order to reduce carbon emissions. the senate bipartisan bill is the best option otherwise we're going to drag this out and have pelosi bringing back members to vote on a much more liberal bill. he's encouraging that. losey is also facing some questions and resistance. she held her own conference call .arlier in the day members of the progressive caucus were questioning whether her caucus liberal parties were going to be in this. she's facing skepticism from her own left flank here. it's very hard to achieve. louie gohmert was able to delay .hat procedure
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this is the third coronavirus package. there was an initial infusion of cash and this is the third one. steny hoyer has said there will probably be a fourth and fifth. as the needs developed during this ongoing crisis. tweeting outamash yesterday, this is a raw deal for the people. it does far too little for those who need the most help while providing hundreds of billions in corporate welfare. massively growing government, and humidity economic adaptation and widening the gap between the rich and the poor. if he or a democrat or to object what would the house have to do? voteey could have a voice and that requires some other procedural hurdles. that would be another option that pelosi and mccarthy could agree to. they would have yeas and nays.
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he could voice his no vote verbally on the floor but still it would pass. or he could request and a bunch of people could demand a roll call vote in which case the house would have to come back. a lot of members are worried about this prospect. there's 135 districts and travel could bring the virus back to d.c., making it a toxic environment. there is talk of spacing out votes and having people come in and having people come in in shifts to maintain social distancing. problem be a logistical and delay things probably for a few days. the president is eager to sign this as early as today. host: it may be a necessity because of the risk of bringing members back to washington. you have some who are quarantine. cumbersome and ben mcadams is in the hospital with covid-19. congressman ben mcadams is in
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the hospital with covid-19. he said, both parties and chambers must put working families first. my colleagues to reach bipartisan agreement. doge's a member of the blue coalition. they were opposed to this initial 1400 page house bill in the sense that it did contain some liberal priorities and they felt this was an overreach by some of the liberals. i think the conversation has moved on and i expect mcadams and others to be on board with this agreement. similar to what mcconnell came up with except schumer got some significant changes. longer uninsurance. $400 aare going to get week due to the schumer effort.
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it's a fullple salary. afford -- trying to avoid defaulting on their rental payments. the question of whether this will stimulate the economy is an open one. least avoiding evictions or other problems is an immediate goal at this point. host: when do you expect the president would sign this? could happen as early as today. there were contentious issues like this oversight board put in place to make sure the corporate money has oversight. very similar to what happened in 2008. it wasn't in the initial deal.
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the details of that are still being worked out. the president could sign it by tonight. you for your time. you can go to to find his reporting. let's go to bill in cleveland, ohio. a republican. to this toon trillion dollar economic aid package. timer: i think it's about we take the car keys away from the 7-year-old. can't we agree to that? why is it every time there's going to be monetary comfort in this country it does to the wealthy people? do we really think they know what to do with their money? sitting in the bank? i think that all trump supporters can do because this is a democrat hoax, is refuse medical treatment. it's just a democrat hoax. in the medical treatment was
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crated by crying liberal sissies anyway. democratic caller. evelyn, we are having trouble hearing you. perhaps you can call back in. leroy. indiana. independent. caller: yes. i'm very optimistic with these congress people getting together and signing that deal. think the virus in a very short time, a month or so it will be here in the united states as all the american people are working together like 150% and i think that's just wonderful. so i'm very optimistic. , do you think under
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the current situation where certain governors across the states are calling for people to shelter-in-place, closing nonessential businesses, asking businesses to only leave their homes for necessities. do you think that is enough to get us there? caller: folks around our area are staying at home. doing the right so i'm optimistic. host: the new york times for aial board is calling national lockdown writing, president trump needs to call for a two-week shelter-in-place order as part of a coherent national strategy for the coronavirus to protect americans and their livelihoods. the u.s. has passed the point where aggressive targeted efforts at tracking and containment have a realistic chance of success. president trump is anxious for
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the economy to get going again. here's what he had to say at last nights white house briefing. the goal is to ease the guidelines and open things up to very large sections of our country as we near the end of our historic battle with the invisible enemy. it's gone for a while, but we win. i hope we can do this by easter. i think that would be a great thing for our country and we are all working hard to make that a reality. we will be meeting with a lot of people to see if it can be done. easter is a very special day for many reasons. friendsa lot of our it's a very special day. and what a great timeline this would be. easter is our timeline. what a great timeline that would be. my first priority is always the health and safety of the
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american people. everyone to understand that we are continuing to evaluate the data. we are working with the task force and making decisions based the interestst for of our fantastic country. your reaction to a deal reached here in washington for more economic aid. and all of the policy being debated about how the government should be responding to this coronavirus out rake. louisiana.rt, good morning homer. how are you this morning. my little baby used to have a little saying, clean up, clean up. need to clean the big house up. to sitentlemen want around and talk about the dams to make themselves look good. and that don't make no sense.
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appreciate you and have a nice day. host: teresa in washington. republican. caller: i guess one thing that is kind of upsetting, i watched all of the debating on the floor. -- thing that really host: we are listening. caller: it just disturbs me when i watched all the debating on the floor. one thing the government seems to always do, whenever they pass something they kind of go and dip into the self security fund. you can see that history. every president has borrowed with the exception of this one so far. what i don't want them to do with the new legislation that they just passed this bailout of everybody is i don't want them to take it from other funds that people need badly.
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krakow about how the democrats when clinton was in balance the budget. i looked up that information. clinton, they appropriated the money all from the social security fund balance the budget. and that's just a fact. exactly,don't know they are still finalizing this text. so if you've heard one thing or another i would hold off in believing that until we see the actual text of this legislation. we don't know quite yet all the details to it. we will have to wait and see. unfortunately in this situation. thisenate has not passed deal yet. they announced it at 1:30 in the morning. they are coming back in today. they come in at noon. so you can watch the debate again on c-span2 throughout the day. we don't know when they are
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going to vote but they plan to do so today. then we will see how they will vote in the house. unanimous consent would mean that those lawmakers do not have to get back to washington, d.c. there democrats and republicans although their numbers are low from reporting so far who are objecting to what they are seeing. we will have to see how it goes. we will learn more as we go along today and tomorrow. peter in reading, pennsylvania. caller: yes. i am a construction worker and i am currently laid off because we work seasonal. we do roads and stuff. in the summer months. and something has to give here. because people need their money. but i don't want to die and i don't want my mother to die.
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thank you. john, republican. caller: this is great. i'm great. i'm over 70 so i may shut in -- in.'m a shot in -- shut this is what makes america great. fight, we battle, we have our partisanship that everybody wants their little thing. i was a little disappointed in the christmas tree from pelosi. all the liberal agenda. apparently we got that out of the way. and it's a great day and we should all be happy. what else can you say? john, as you are remaining in your home, what are you doing to keep yourself busy? watching a lot of television? caller: i do that a lot. i walked. i try to do 20,000 steps a day
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in the house. it works. i got a bike. why not? go out to shop a little bit. to get orders try from the supermarket for delivery. for 25ing was booked days. however, to be light i called my local liquor store and i had a case of wine in 30 minutes. so things work. anyhow i think it's great. it's a great day. you have friends in your age group that you know of who have been diagnosed with this and are in the hospital? >> i don't yet. but you never know. could be around the corner. i have heard of anecdotal. a friend of mine's son was in contact with someone. and i heard my granddaughters
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jersey, they said someone was in contact. so it's just like you are just waiting. the sad thing was we had a close relative die monday. my wife's cousin. and we can't go. there's no funeral. there's nothing. we can't do a thing. i think they had the final whatever yesterday. people in a lot of different ways. you don't realize it. host: john in new jersey. new york city, the state is being called the epicenter of the world for the coronavirus outbreak or close to it. the new york times front page this morning left the city? the officials are urging you to quarantine. if you are new york city, you are being urged to self-quarantine.
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listen to dr. burke yesterday at the white house briefing. we remain deeply concerned about new york city and the new york metro area. about 56% of the cases in the united states are coming out of that metro area and 60% of all the new cases are coming out of the metro new york area and 31% of the people succumbing to this disease. it means because they are still at the 31% mortality compared to the other regions of the country that we can have a huge impact if we unite together. this means they have to be following the presidential guidelines that were put out eight or nine days ago and this will be critical. to everyone who has left new york over the last few days. because of the rights of the number of cases, you may have an exposed before you left new york. and i think like governor desantis has put out today,
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everyone who was in new york should be self-quarantining for the next 14 days to make sure the virus doesn't spread to others. gone.ter where they have cases starting to see new across long island that suggest people have left the city. very critical that those individuals do self-quarantine in their homes over these next 14 days to make sure they don't pass the virus to others. based on the time that they left new york. if they are already four days out, it's just 10 more days. who is leading the task force yesterday. new york city is the u.s. epicenter of this coronavirus outbreak. the new york times explains why. about 60% of the new cases in the country where in the new york city metropolitan area.
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the infection rate was eight to 10 times greater than other parts of the country according to the white house task force. covering governor cuomo's daily briefings on c-span. this is how he explained the situation yesterday with new york trying to get the supplies they need to respond to the outbreak there. >> we have been working around the clock scouring the globe. we've procured about 7000 ventilators. minimum ana additional 30,000 ventilators. cannot buy them. you cannot find them. every state is trying to get them. other countries are trying to get them. the capacity is limited. pieces ofechnical equipment. they are not manufactured in two days or four days or seven days or 10 days. so this is a critical and
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desperate need for ventilators. so far as to try an experimental procedure where we split the ventilator. use one ventilator for two patients. difficult to perform. it's experimental. but at this point we have no alternative so we are working on .his experimental application picture two hospital beds, two people in beds. one ventilator between the two .f them with two sets of tubes again, it's experimental. but necessity is the mother of invention and we are working on this as we speak. because we don't have any other options. there is no other way for us to get these ventilators. we have tried everything else.
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we can obtain these ventilators is from the federal governor period. that was andrew cuomo yesterday. the president is tweeting, i am working very hard to help new york and state. dealing with the governor and producing men with -- endlessly for them. fake news that i won't help them because i don't like cuomo. i do. just sent 4000 ventilators. post inm the washington new york. andrew cuomo's tone shifted to one of anger and unease as he announced that the rate of new cases in new york city and its suburbs now double or -- doubles every three days. the state will need 40,000 hospital bed to handle the crisis, exceeding last week's estimate of 30,000. almost said tuesday that the
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state has 53,000 existing beds. president trump today townhall interview -- foxnews townhall interview yesterday. andriticized governor cuomo his request to send more ventilators. here's what he had to say. >> i watched governor cuomo and he was very nice. we are building him hospitals. we are building him medical centers and he was complaining about the ventilators. he should have ordered the ventilators and he had a choice. he had a chance because right here, i just got this out. he refused to order 15,000 ventilators. we'll show this to bill. take a look at that. what does that say? says new york a governor cuomo rejected buying recommended 16,000 ventilators
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in 2015 for the pandemic -- for a pandemic. established death panels and atteries instead so he had chance to buy in 2015 16,000 ventilators at a very low price and he turned it down. vying hisosed to be own ventilators. we are building him four hospitals, four medical centers. we are working very hard for the people of new york. and then i watch him on the show complaining. had 16,000 ventilators that he could have had at a great price and he didn't buy them. cat in carolina. your thoughts this morning. >> my thoughts are that the stimulus package needs to include social security recipients and if it does not -- i haven't read it so i don't know for sure that it doesn't.
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but it needs to include them. and as far as the bill being passed, and anything else they want to put in that bill can wait. put the american people in front of businesses. businesses that are making billions of dollars a year do not need more money right now. the american people do. from the hillknow and politico about some of the provisions in this legislation. 500 billion dollars for major corporate liquidity. there are strings attached to this money. concession made. there's $367 billion in small business loans. hospitals will receive $130 billion. state and local governments 150 billion dollars. there's also going to be a one-time check so far for americans making up to $75,000.
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with an additional $500 per child. billion for emergency education funding. will be a retention usecredit for businesses to if they keep their employees on the payroll. aidalso have $25 billion in to the airline industry. they also included in this a four-month unemployment insurance provision for people to tap into. mr. schumer added a provision to ban businesses owned by the president, vice president, members of congress and the heads of federal executive depas from receiving loans or investments through that corporate liquidity program. the prohibition also applies to the children, spouses, and in-laws.
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let's go to barbara in aspen, colorado. caller: good morning. i am wondering if you could post where we need to go to fill out forms front employment. -- for unemployment. i googledier today, unemployment coronavirus and got several stories that popped up for each state. california unemployment, where to go. there were stories about it. why don't you try that for your inte of colorado, putting colorado unemployment insurance coronavirus and seeing what comes up? caller: we will do that. host: you are unemployed because of this situation? caller: correct. host: what happened? where did you work? worked for the school system in aspen, colorado in the valley.
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host: why were you let go? close the had to school doors because of the virus. host: what did you do at the school? teacher at the school between two elementary schools. host: barbara, would you benefit from this $1200 check? do you make less than $75,000? caller: yes, definitely. in aspen,ara colorado, looking at a school. i hope you are still watching your television. how to file for unemployment in colorado, new way to file based on last name. it looks like a local television
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news station story. hopefully we can keep that up for another few seconds and you can try to find that yourself online. we will go to another bar grow -- barbara, a republican. caller: good morning and thank you to c-span. foran always count on you correct information, which is vital at this time. here is what i would like to say to those who are complaining about the money going to big business. please stop and think for a moment. employs the is who majority of the people in this country. who are also the people package and process our food. they are the trucking industry, the railroad, the people that
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deliver our food to the grocery stores. aboutne is complaining the shortage of toilet paper. of of the largest producers toilet paper have come out and said there is not going to be a shortage. we are ramping up. we need to help these big businesses in this time. the other thing i would like to say is we are a country that was born of a revolution. we are survivors. we will make it through this. rememberital for us to at this time. -- i am sorry. there is one other thing i want to say. hairdresser, and i actually only see her probably three times a year.
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i am in my 70's. me by she has contacted text message over the last two that i should me please stay home and that she is available to go and pick up anything i need, not to hesitate to ask her. angelsre heroes and unaware everywhere across this country. we are a wonderful nation, and i believe the president is doing everything he can. sharing thatou for story with us. we will go to madison, illinois, glenn, a democratic caller. caller: good morning. i have a few things on my mind.
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i am glad they passed this thing if they get it through now. the second, i wish the president would get the clowns off the stage and put the doctor on the straight's get dope. he goes on there and he rants and raves about all the money he is losing three days ago just because he is president. if you do not like it, get out of the office. resign. take your kids with you. they all have their fingers in the till somewhere. how is he getting his pies over here that he is making in china? i bet they are coming on a boat. that is about it. host: you want to hear more from dr. fauci, is that what you're saying? caller: that is get the rest of them off of their he has been telling the truth. if he says something trump does
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not like, he is not there the next day. host: he was there yesterday, and here is what he had to say about the situation in new york. [video clip] >> the second thing i want to reiterate about new york is it is a serious situation. they suffered terribly through no fault of their own. what we are seeing is people want to get out of new york. they are going to florida come along island, different places. if you look at the statistics, it is disturbing. about one per thousand of these individuals is infected emma eight to 10 times more than in other areas, which means what they go to another place, for their own safety, they have to be careful, monitor themselves. if they get sick, bring it to the attention of a physician. get tested. self the idea about isolating for two weeks will be important. nodo not want that to be a other seating point for the rest of the country.
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seeding point for the rest of the country. caller: good morning and thanks for accepting my call. . hope the bill passes all americans should want the virus eradicated as soon as possible. andpe your family is well you are will also. host: same to you. caller: that is all i need to say. host: ashley in huntington, pennsylvania, democratic caller. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. first and foremost, thank you to c-span. thank you to president trump and we -- vice president pence for doing this. i am a democrat. i am impressed. of firstmily
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responders. all of our men worked in the prisons and have had fevers. we are all in smoke -- self-quarantine. i would like to urge people to stop with the hate right now. we need to come together as a nation. we are americans. it does not matter if you are republican, democrat, independent. right now, pennsylvania could use masks. we need masks. when my sun was sent home yesterday with a fever, he was given a linen, homemade mask to use on the inside. unfortunately, it did not protect him. i know i have h1n1. i have been tested. stay home. people need to stop hating. this is a wonderful thing that this administration has done. without the stimulus package,
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for those who are not working, a lot of people would have been facing eviction, foreclosure, would not be able to keep families. this package will help many. my sun just got hired. he does not have the vacation time. he would have to call us for a loan to pay his bills. this is a godsend. for not -- if it were not for president trump, -- i felt crazy saying this because i was not a supporter of this administration, but i -- this man is a saving american lives. -- youru said you are husband and sun work in prisons. what is the situation in prisons with the coronavirus? our prisoners getting it? >> -- caller: right now, nobody has tested positive that we are aware of. we know the mask is mandated. that came down the pipe the other day.
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correctional officers have fabric. they are made out of kitchen whites sewn together like an old-school surgical mask. inmates have paper masks. some of them are refusing to wear it. no visitation. they are not going to get it. they are probably out there being a safe community because they are being tested going in, all staff. if you have a fever, you are sent home, automatic two weeks. that has happened to everybody in my family. thank god we have been there long enough to where we have time on the books. these young trainees just coming in do not. families have set up videoconferencing so they can at least have video visitation. i would hope that everybody understands that there are people on the inside safer than
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we are on the outside. pray that america stays together. put politics aside. this should have been done a couple days ago and it was not, but i have a lot of respect for president trump. i used to be one that said he is not my president. he is my president. host: i will leave it there. >> we will leave "washington journal" here to hear from florida governor ron desantis on his state's coronavirus response.


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