tv Washington Journal Jason Dick CSPAN April 6, 2020 1:51pm-2:32pm EDT
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tonight, on the communicators, from the annual state of the net --ference, archive creator and archive creator talks about documenting the internet. >> eight million pages every day. the total -- 800 billion pages every day. kind of huge. it turns out that is only part of what we do. television, cbs, nbc, fox, but also international television. .org,u go to tv. archives you can find clips of what other people said. the idea is to make it so that people can quote, compare, and contrast, think critically about what happened on television. announcer: what's the communicators tonight at 8:00 eastern on c-span2. next, a look at what is we are joined by a zoom by the
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deputy editor of roll call newspaper. we found out this week and speaker pelosi once a fourth stimulus bill move any matter of weeks on capitol hill? how has that been received by the white house and republican leaders in the senate? >> so, they have been talking about a fourth stimulus package and trading bit, ideas about what might be in such a package. even mitch mcconnell, who is typically one of nancy pelosi's antagonists said before they even passed the third stimulus that they would need fourth one. , mccarthy and mcconnell have said, we want to thatow this third package they passed recently and the president signed late in march, see how it is being of lemonade.
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but right off the bat, we are been -- we have been hearing from small businesses that almost $350 billion in the last stimulus is not enough to keep them afloat. anyone from restaurants to bookstores to anything like that, you know, blood difficulty making payroll and paying pipo's insurance and so forth -- and paying people's insurance and so forth, so they say they need to double that in the next stimulus. the speaker floated ideas last week with her own colleagues about whether or not they wanted to do a stimulus -- an infrastructure package in this neck stimulus package. the president himself said we should go big and spend up to $2 trillion of infrastructure. infrastructure is one of those things that gets brought up every once in a while, and has become a signal that we will have a weird week.
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it seemed like the president wanted to do it on a speaker wanted to do it. the republican said, let's focus on health care workers and some of those things. right now, the speaker sent on a letter over the weekend in which she set the next round be focused on small businesses and health-care workers, in particular, so it is still taking shape. both chambers of congress said they won't be back here until april 20, unless something extraordinary requires them to be back in washington. they got a little bit of time to trade these things back and forth. host: a story from roll call some of the leverage and lobbying efforts. lindsey mcpherson, one of your the state request more assistance, probably the biggest leverage for a stage four stimulus, according to pelosi. talk to us about what governors and mayors are doing and the
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bottom up lobbying campaign here. guest: because the president and his task force are doing these great things every day, talking about cdc guidelines, it seems like they are the ones directing most of the response, and that is simply not true. mayors, governors, county executives -- these other the people directing responses, including from the national guard. you know? it is governors activating their ational guards to serve these testing sites in hospitals and so forth. members of congress have responded to that. they are quickly running out of money. a lot of states and cities cannot run extended testing the way the federal government can. they will need help pretty quickly. if they see first responders get sick and they have to do it particularly in
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public hospitals and areas on the front lines. cities like new york obviously have been at the epicenter of this, and we have seen the kind of response that andrew cuomo, the governor of new york, has coordinated, for not just his city, new york city, but the rest of the state, too. distinct these two regions, of state and the city, but he has to coordinate all of this stuff at once in the middle of it, being at the epicenter. same thing with new jersey. so these governors and mayors were dealing with quarantine and sort of lockdowns and so forth, they are the ones who are going to pressure congress and the white house the most. host: jason dick joining us from his home. covering it all for capitol hill for roll call.
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can is where you to see all of his work. we found out last week that nancy pelosi wants and select committee overseeing coronavirus response. it would be headed -- she wants my congressman james clyburn of south carolina. charisma cliburn was on state of the union yesterday and talked about the roll -- james clyburn was on state of the union yesterday and talked about this. >> this committee will be four to-looking. we will not be looking back -- forward -- this committee will be forward looking. we will not be looking back. the american people are now out of work. millions are out of work. the question is whether or not the money appropriated will go to support them and their families, or this money end up in the pockets of a few profiteers? that is what i understand we are to do.
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patterning this -- i spent the weekend looking deeply into this committee and what has happened since march 1, 1941, when it will stood up and stayed up for five years, and was proved to be very, very successful, and i am trying to base my work on this committee on the history -- with the work of that committee. host: james clyburn on cnn yesterday. what does it take for committee like that to get up and running, and what is been the reaction since nancy pelosi unveiled the program last week? from thee reaction leadership -- one of the reasons nancy pelosi one jim clyburn to lead the committee is he is one of the people who commands a lot of mutual respect. have beenpublicans skeptical about the need for a select committee to look into pandemics and stimulus spending.
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as jim clyburn was saying on cnn, he also spoke on a special report podcast on friday. he said this is about making sure that people spend this money wisely. not just taxpayer money expenses. this could be the differs between life and death for people. we model this or the truman committee over world war ii. kevin mccarthy and other republicans have said, they don't think this is necessary and it seems redundant. there is oversight authorities that are baked into the last stimulus package in phase three. that is, including -- that is including a special inspector general for the spinning that the president has nominated. for the spending that the president -- the spinning that the president has nominated. spending that the
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president has nominated. there to be redundancies. i asked the majority whip about this. he said that you got to remember, the day the president signed the legislation, he issued a signing statement that said, he was going to feel free to ignore some of those oversight requirements, such as the inspector general sharing with congress. consistentt of a conflict between administration and congress, and i think it seems what nancy pelosi and democrats want is that they want to be able to say, no. when the president doesn't let the, inc. drive on the bill -- let the spell smart -- when the president doesn't let the ink dry, they want to make sure the money is being spent wisely on the people who needed them most. it has, to typical partisanship, but that feels like a partisan
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reaction. i believe this will get through. you do need a vote to stand up a committee. that being said, they will not be back until april 20 in the house and senate. will get its way like with the stimulus spending. it seems like a long time ago. it was only last week or two weeks ago, not quite two weeks ago, that the house loaded -- the house voted. one of the members did not want to use unanimous consent to pass that third package. they will eventually get this, but they do need to vote on it, but that does not mean some of the groundwork cannot be started, and i am thinking the speaker has plenty of ideas about how to start some of that. host: jason dick to take your phone calls via zoom this morning. that is how he is joining us, and you can maybe ask about some
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of the bugs -- some of the books on the crowded shelf behind them. you can in time zones, 202-748-8000. mountain or pacific time zones, 202-748-8001. donald from michigan, go ahead. goder: good morning, and bless everyone on the front lines battling this covid-19 disease. thank you all. i would like to say to these inublican callers, calling donald trump has done a good job on this corona. you have your head in the sand. he had three knots back in .anuary he did nothing. one more thing i would like to that you in symptoms are now central amount time.
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i don't like that. you need to get back to the republicans and democrats and independents line. one more quick thing. on donald trump's bills, it amazes me how republicans never 1% any tax breaks for the that they did not get the passes, but we got legislation for the working poor and people trying to survive through the epidemic, they want debate, debate, debate. let's get this country back going and get rid of donald trump in 2020. god bless them america. host: that is donald in michigan. i will take the comment on the phone lines. jason dick, what would you like to say? guest: the way the debate is taking place, with the last stimulus package, there were enough negotiations going on behind the scenes that that is where the debate was really
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happening, which is frequently done, but it also produced, you know, overwhelming margins of approval. and in thesenate house, they were able to use a voice vote to pass a, so it seems like -- vote to pass it, so it seems like times are top are these are difficult times we are going through -- so see like times are tough. these are difficult times we are going through. this is an institution that has difficulty passing spending bill sometimes, and has for decades. so, to appropriate more than $2 trillion in a matter of weeks is a really big deal. yet i -- yet there are things they will need to fix with the stimulus packages, but the fact they are full steam ahead in working on this, something that i have not seen in a long time,
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certainly, if you go back to 9/11, and some other responses, and even then, we're talking about the effect this pandemic it has been having that they're trying to address. host: this is john from iowa. good morning. guest: good morning. host: go ahead, john. you are on was jason dick. guest: i have two questions. the first one is, if president trump isn't going to make a federal mandate on this order, you know, to stay indoors, why isldn't andrew cuomo, who the governor of new york city, make it something in that situation where he could make the hospital's a biohazard zone so people can reuse reusable ppe instead of using the stuff i'm throwing it away? why can't they be in those biohazard suits with changeable filters, and can save these
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doctors and nurses' lives so we don't have a shortfall of doctors and nurses after this pandemic? , before jason dick jump sampodria wanted to let you know, what you're talking about dicktopic -- before jason jumps on my wanted to let you know that we will be tub about a topic about those zones. we will be joined by scott burris from temple university specifically on that topic, but jason dick, if there is anything you want to jump in on or congressional angle? version think the first they see with people saying, why can't they do more for these quarantined zone? i don't know emergency power things. one of the issues we are dealing with with hospitals is they are being overwhelmed by covid-19, but people are still having to
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come to the hospitals for other reasons. if you create these biohazard hospitals, it might prevent people who have gotten into a car accident, or got a heart attack or something likeated to coronavirus, you may impede their ability to get there. ships,y these two naval one to new york, from los angeles have opened up because those hospital ships are designed to deal with people who are not infected with coronavirus. but it is difficult to stillness up as quickly as they are doing. host: when it comes to trying to keep people from gathering together, how close are we to remote voting in that building behind me? is one chamber closer to that happening than the other? guest: no.
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it doesn't seem like it. minutesajority leader -- mitch mcconnell and nancy pelosi both same really opposed -- both seemed very opposed. she had her rules committee chairman, jim mcgovern study the issue and came up with several options that would allow them to vote. none of them included doing what we are doing right now, where people would zoom in or do a google hang out, and signal their vote at a clerk would record it. it seems like the speaker is really trying to avoid going into these remote voting things. their constitutional issues. -- there are constitutional issues. mcconnell has an easier time dealing with the social distance issues with only 100 senators, but it is difficult. he could get people in and out
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of his chamber a lot faster and safer than 435 people in the house. but it doesn't seem like we are anywhere close, even though it is becoming essential way she --re they may need to, and even though it is becoming a situation where they need to. we are dealing with an issue that we should have been prepared for. we are not, but that does not mean we cannot be prepared going forward. host: westport, massachusetts. this is greg. good morning. caller: cover you doing? -- how are you doing? what the democrats are doing in congress, why don't you tell the american people the reason why they are not there is because they are on a vacation-paid holiday? a taxpayer-paid holiday. that is why they are not there because they are on vacation again.
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host: jason dick, want to talk about what members are doing right now? guest: members have left washington. they are on an extended recess. i would not quibble with the idea of this is a vacation when members are not in washington, they're dealing with constituents and issues that come up and issues that come up in their state as well. most members of congress, when they are not in washington, they are still working with local officials, working with constituents. i would respectfully disagree that it is a taxpayer-funded vacation. it is also a matter of where do you want members of congress in this sort of emergency? do you want them all in one home at the capital, or at where they can be more into other people they represent? dealing an issue with -- everybody is working remotely in washington. members of congress are arguably
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more at risk of contracting the virus and spreading it, particularly if they keep their staff there. the white house is a little withrent, much smaller fewer people who work in the white house than in the capital, which is why you see the president and his briefing room every day, but they are being careful with about who gets into the gates of the white house. they are doing to protect for every person who comes to work in that setting. there are fewer reporters even allowed into the briefing room because they need to respect social distance. uniquein an incredibly time, and i am the first one to sort of, you know, kinda be skeptical about congress when they say they are working hard on something, but in this case, to the evidence is, they are, and it is also important to point out, too, the democrats only control one chamber, the
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house. the republicans are in charge of the senate, but they are both out of town. to thebeen dashed caller's point, -- to the caller's point it was a decision by both parties. host: roll call is one of the news organizations that is usually in those briefings when everyone is allowed in the briefing room. in this new rotation, how often do you get your reporter in the room? guest: we are in there once a week or once every nine days, depending on the rotation and who else is showing up. share a seat-- we with the regional reporters. ity have their own pool, so depends on where they are in the rotation. it is been more often because they have been doing a briefing every day now, including saturdays and sundays. we have been showing up more. we were there on thursday. our next showing his thursday or
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friday. host: what you have tried to do is not only covering the story of coronavirus, but covering the coverage of the story of coronavirus. this being a different moment in journalism. kids talk through that a little bit? -- can you talk through that a little bit? guest: one of the things we cover in the hall of the congress is how the place runs, right? one of the ways the place runs is through this in a sergeant at arms in the house sergeant at arms and the chief administrative officers. you know, this is where we get our workspace. those offices are the one to help coordinate where the press can go, what the rules of engagement with the present members of congress are. through withwent the white house particles are for press coverage. it is different in congress, and i think that shows what the nature of the institution itself. there isn't a formalized system
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of keeping people away from the capital, or temperature checks or things like that. one of the things that we have been interested in and covering it is how we make sure people are safe? how do we make sure things are covered, but people are also not at risk of contracting the virus? and so, we have covered -- excuse me -- we have covered how the sergeant at arms and the chief administrative officer governs where we can go, and the interaction between members of the press and those institutions . it has been interesting, like the way we had been on capitol hill is -- on capitol hill and the way we have covered it is to minimize risk we put a reporters and ourselves in. we have started these informal pools. it is not so institutionalized in congress. so are cooperating in a way that
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they really do. -- in no way they really do on capitol hill -- people are cooperating in a way that they rarely do on capitol hill. you know that, john. people are competing and they have a different piece of the puzzle. in this case, people are sharing information with their colleagues. one of my colleagues you mentioned earlier, linda mcpherson, she and another colleague were in the house chamber when the house was debating that their stimulus package. what they did was they came up with a spreadsheet of members who were present and in the chamber, or around, and they shared that with their colleagues. that is normally -- that would be something -- align host: cannot just roll call colleague? guest: not just roll call colleagues. they were sharing them with all of our colleagues. you know, this was heartening to see people concerned about each
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other's safety and concern about each other's ability to do their jobs. -- ability to do their jobs in a really stressful situation. that is one of those stories -- there are a lot of stories going on, a lot of big stories going on right now. i think it is important to reflect on how we get this information, what are the risks, and what are the things we are gaining, too. host: two minutes left with jason did from roll call. dena from st. louis, missouri and thanks for waiting. caller: hi. about the after action to this whole thing. i think it is vitally important that we take advantage of this opportunity as americans to communicate with our congress people, representatives, and ourselves about how fragile our
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economy is set up the way it is. we have people who are considered to be central workers , working in grocery stores, who historically have been paid minimum wage or less with no theth care, but service-oriented economy that we thatoped has proven itself -- proven itself to be fragile because what happens when the servers can't serve? what happens when these people get laid off within 24 hours of a furlough and the congressional responses, oh, let's funnel money to debate on how much the truly working poor, and the less than people working even closer from paycheck-to-paycheck are going to survive for two weeks?
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people started panicking within a week of this, and our congressmen and elected officials, and those who we put helpsponsibility to have the fairest concept of the struggle we are having. host: jason dick, the response coming just days after the new jobs' numbers, showing 700,000 americans -- less americans had a job last month in the day before, and that is only the beginning of the impacts. the jobless rate climbing to 4.1% on friday. guest: this is one of those us to thet will shake foundation, and the caller makes
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a good point. people who typically we may not have thought about that much previously -- the person checking out of the grocery store, or the person, you know, serving you food at a restaurant -- they are on the front lines of this, and it is very difficult to not think about the risk they are facing financially from a health perspective. we are still at the beginning of this, and you know, the public policy -- i guess will continue to be shaped for years to come in the fallout from this. the administration has said people uninsured and treated at hospitals -- the hospitals will reimburse using medicare some peoplehich for have said, what does that sound like? that sounds like medicare for all. that was is where non-starter in
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the presidential campaign isently, and now, it becoming de facto policy for treating the uninsured. this is going to continue to shake out in ways that we will have difficulty contemplating at this point. of society is in for a lot twists and turns. host: last call, london, brentwood, tennessee, you are on with jason dick of roll call. stimuluses on this new package that nancy pelosi is going to put forward. the hr 5383. that is nothing to do with the american citizens. the new way forward act. host: what is your concern about it, linda, for some who are not estimator with the legislation? caller: my concern is that this packages for illegals.
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countryillegals in this is just that, illegal. host: jason dick? do you want to follow up with that debate on capitol hill? guest: some of the emigration aspects, and i am not familiar with that specific piece of legislation the caller referred to, but for seasonal workers, and the to agriculture food we are eating, farmers and agricultural aspects, they really do the, seasonal workers, and there is some pressure, particularly from big agriculture big messes and the chamber of commerce, to make sure that farms have the kind of workers to put food on the table. host: the caller is in love. hrording to, 5383 is sponsored by a congressman who will be joining
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us by phone and about 45 minutes this morning. i will certainly follow up with the caller and ask the congressman about his new way forward act. jason dick of roll call newspaper, thank you so much for your time. stay >> we will have more coverage related to the coronavirus with louisiana governor john bel edwards scheduled to speak at 4:00 p.m. eastern. later, the white house coronavirus task force with remarks from president trump currently scheduled to start at 5:00 p.m. eastern. we will take you live to the white house when the briefing begins. join us tonight for "washington journal primetime" when author john berry will discuss his book. schultzbbie wasserman on the response to the virus in her state. that and your phone calls starting at 8:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span.
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c-span has round-the-clock coverage of the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic. and it is all available on demand at watch white house briefings, updates from governors and state officials, track the spread throughout the u.s. in the world with interactive maps. watch on-demand any time unfiltered at tonight on "the communicators," from the annual state of the net conference, internet archive creator brewster kail talks about documenting the internet. >> we collect about 800 million pages every day. the total collection is about 800 billion url's. actually kind of huge. it turns out that is only part of what we do. abc,so archive television,
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nbc, cbs, fox, but also international television. you can search to find clips of what other people said and be able to put those in blog posts and the like. the idea is to make it so people compare and contrast, think could equate about what happened on television. watch "the communicators" on c-span two. communicators"e on c-span2. >> we are featuring the winners of our studentcam documentary. videosstudents entered answering the questions of what issues you want the presidential candidates to address. 11th andaward goes to 12th graders from a high school in mansfield, texas, where c-span is available through spectrum.
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their winning entry is titled "our responsibility." ♪ >> we are at the beginning of the end. the ground we walk is on fire. the water we drink is like poison. the air we breathe is simply unreadable. live on iswe dying, and so are we. this is our future. or to be more specific, the future of our great-grandchildren. but it is not our problem so we should not worry about it, right? the preceding generation did not have to deal with the problem we did. right? finally going to take responsibility for our actions? the issue we want presidential candidates to focus on in the election is climate change. >> our freshwater and oceans are being diluted.
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we have a decade to get this ship turned around. >> fires in california. all of these at one time. >> with climate change being the colossal problem it is, me and my partner found out where the community went wrong. while there are many things we can relate back to climate change, one of the main contributors's natural gas companies. >> exxon is a big contributor. certainly they are. you can look at all of the fossil few major companies. climate change for two decades now. the spread of misinformation. of responsibility place on the shoulders of exxon and a lot of companies. >> the contribution would be the burning of fossil fuels. fuels, this fossil
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causes greenhouse gases to be released, which in turn can cause air pollution. >> the greenhouse gas emissions in the u.s. makes up the majority of the gas emissions that contribute to climate change. public transportation, emissions from cars and trucks. we need to make sure we slow gas emissions in order to reduce global temperatures. >> it is clear that companies like exxon and others in the fossil fuel industry have kept the proposition of climate change a secret long before the public knew about it. we need to take action now. i think most of the things we willo about climate change be much better than the problem itself. there is always side effects.
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>> it really is the most basic of things you can do at home. turn off lights when you leave a room. make sure the television is turned off when you are finished. >> there is still a lot of people out there who either are not sure what climate change is or do not believe in it. >> my name is cameron. >> i am reagan jones. >> my name is charity ellis. >> what is climate change? the change in climate. [laughter] change is the change in the weather and the climate. >> climate change? where climate is not the same as it was several years ago. >> climate changes the world and how the atmosphere has changed throughout the world. >> i have seen there are many arguments against it. >> but many of the people we talked to were not sure the science was real. how do we know this thing is real?
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why do we think it is human for the first time instead of natural factors? >> there is clear evidence of climate change existing. we see how animal species have lost their lives because of the world we created. according to statistics, there will be an additional 250,000 ofths per year because malaria, malnutrition, and heatstroke. >> [indiscernible] >> and delivers all the facts and data. it is not real in that the percent. maybe we are not asking the right questions or providing the right kinds of answers to people. >> because when we understand the problem, we better role innd th our the solution. >> it is our job to keep it safe.
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we will be nothing but memory just like the statues. your choice affects the future. now is the time to decide. let's not lose everything we have worked so hard to go so easily. now, more than ever, we need to come together and fight against the imminent threat. >> i believe we have a moral obligation as stewards of our environment and planet. >> we must break this cycle and it must be a clean break. >> to leave our planet in better shape than we found it. >> your children, your children's children, your great grandchildren, future generations should not have to deal with a bird and that was never theirs on the first place. responsiblee are and we owe it to people. >> let's create a world we are proud to leave behind. because it is our responsibility.
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you can watch each winning studentcam documentary online at announcer: florida governor ron desantis gave an update on his response to the coronavirus pandemic focusing on state programs that help residents file and employing claims. he talks about social distancing for religious gatherings during easter and passover after he deemed places of worship essential businesses. this is just under 40 minutes.
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