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tv   Washington Journal Lance Robertson  CSPAN  April 11, 2020 12:17pm-12:48pm EDT

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monday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. >> the assistant secretary for aging at the department of hhs, also the head for the ministry should have community living. secretary robertson, we know that older adults are most at risk when it comes to coronavirus. where have you focus your efforts as secretary for aging? >> great to be with you. i can tell you that within hhs we are one of the operating divisions are very proud to have the mission of caring for older adults and people with disabilities. targeted and vulnerable populations with this virus, so the work that we do has never been more important. all the programming we offer is directed it making people safe in their home and their cuny --
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and their community. we are very honored to do the work with we do. people what the administration for community living does. guest: we have about three dozen different programs. we have a research institute. we offer a number of community support services that offer ways -- adults and people with disabilities can remain healthy in their communities. we provide things like meals, transportation, legal services, independent living assistance, transitions out of facilities, really a wide range of things. our website is easy to navigate for those who are interested in a deep dive. it is . those things do and an age of social distancing? as one wouldand
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expect a lot of our services have been impacted, but we are still doing some remarkable work around some of the core programming. a good example is meals. it is important that older adults and disabled people have an opportunity to have a balanced meal. we continue to deliver those meals. during the course of a normal day, we would serve about 900,000 people a day. that was done through a combination of both congregate settings, which are now closed, and home delivered meals. everything has pivoted to.home delivered a big spike in those numbers. we continue to think congress and the president for the support through supplemental packages we have been given. one program has really jumped and has enabled us to continue
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serving folks in their home. that how much money and cares act was allocated specifically for that elderly population? received $955 million. that is on top of the second stimulus, where we received $250 million. the $250 million in this excellent -- in the second supplemental was for meal support. act, 400 $80s million was directed at supporting meal service. amount of support from congress and to the ministry shim. our phone lines. the line for those 65 and older is (202) 748-8000. we will primarily take calls from that line. all others, it is (202) 748-8001
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in this segment. you can start calling in now. robertson,obinson -- have you had to hire new employees to deliver those meals? are the same people who are delivering them before this pandemic willing to get in their cars and go around and make these deliveries? guest: i have to applaud the resilience of our country. while there has been a bit of an ebb and flow in terms of volunteers across the country, and it does vary per region, some of the more heavily impacted regions -- how are they have seen aall, we continued resilience out of people willing to do that volunteer work. all of our murals -- meals are delivered by volunteers. they are right knology safety precautions. how we deliver the meals are in
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adherence with safety regulations. we are looking at what makes sense in terms of packaging multiple meals. maybe there is a pickup option for some families and seniors, but in general i am happy to say that that meal service has remained strong. people see the importance of it and i am proud of our network of roughly 20,000 providers that do this every day. host: we talked about that service before. it is not just the meal you are bringing in a usual visit. it was also interaction for people. you cannot have that interaction anymore. is that part being cut off? guest: it is not necessarily being cut out, but we are having to do it differently. priority one is to make sure the food gets out. but we are also doing a lot more by phone -- wellness checks just
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to make sure people are ok. when a meal is dropped off, often through a window, you can see they are looking ok. that's excellent, helpful. altered -- had to modify how we have done that wellness check. and: senior citizens coronavirus our topic with lance robertson, the assistant secretary for aging. buffalo new york, go ahead. caller: my question is about these stimulus checks we are supposed to start receiving in april. i have been trying to find out -- hello? host: yes. caller: i have been trying to -- ifut if this is and this is added to a seniors income, will they lose extra help for medicare, which is a form of medicaid that helps for
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premiums. and what about food stamps? if that $1200 puts you over the line, do you lose your food stamps for the year? potentially i could lose $5,000 because i accepted a $1200 stimulus check. that is a great question and i think your caller represents a lot of questions we are getting. the irsthe good news -- put together a website that is highly informative, so i would encourage your watchers to go to you will find a coronavirus webpage that breaks down the information you need to know about this stimulus check. it talks about when they are going to be sent out to, what are the qualifications. point, i doer's believe it addresses some of those concerns about the loss of benefits.
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the federal government and the president, in approving the checks, would not want to have someone putatively impacted by the check. while certain circumstances differ enough that there is not a universal answer, people can be confident that the checks are intended to support americans. the best information is it irs diageo v -- host: good morning. i am 78. i am a senior citizen. i am doing fairly well considering it is difficult getting around. i am not leaving the house for the most part. i have my routine in the morning. i am doing my exercises, trying to stimulate my mind, trying to be accurate -- active and learn
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other things. i am going back to some writing that i never did, but i am doing it now because i have this extra time. for me, i am handling it. i'm concerned about everybody else -- my grandchildren and my family. but i am dealing with its mentally -- dealing with its mentally ok. there is one comments i can make. you are working for the most disgusting personality i have ever experienced. the fact that he is president of the united states indicates, may indicate, this is what our country deserves. they elect someone like this. country, itds, a has been said, gets the leaders that they deserve. host: that is bernie in new york. how long have you been working
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on aging issues and with seniors? bernie isam so glad modeling what it takes to be vibrant. oneistory is a fairly long is a geritol just -- as a gerontologist. itas at oklahoma state and worked under two governors -- and worked under two governors in oklahoma. something that galvanized my experience was having been raised by by grandparents. i have had an affinity to take care of older adults always. host: how long have you been with hhs and what did you do before you had this job? guest: i started in 2017. i made the transition to washington, d.c. after a senate confirmation and prior to that i was in that state role that i mentioned.
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governormeone -- the was someone supportive of making the transition. this was an opportunity to take my work to the federal level. is where you can go to learn more about lance robertson and his work. taking your phone calls this morning. special phone line for those 65 and older (202) 748-8000. for everyone else, (202) 748-8001. this is dale out of jackson new jersey. caller: good morning. i am 68 years old, but i am also a family caregiver of a loved one that is 88 years old. i am representing a lot of people that are, again, worried about carried for a loved one who may be a very high risk. -- caring for a loved one. i want to know what you are
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doing for family caregivers who are not only worried about themselves, but people that they are caring for that may be a high risk -- at high risk? you quitean tell clearly that you are the target of who we are trying to serve because the role you are playing is so critical. somewhatelf compromised as an older adult, but you are a caregiver for someone who is of significant age. i will try to package what i considered to be an answer. first of all, take care of yourself. it is important that caregivers stop and think through what it -- what do i need to do to take care of myself? if you don't, we know that you will not be a caregiver -- a good caregiver. thanks to the support of congress and the ministry shrink, through the cares funding, we have an additional
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$100 million we are directing towards programs that support family caregivers. we have probably half a dozen services that we offer family caregivers. how we makeone is sure you are doing ok and that you have the information and support you need. you can find out more information at our website, i have a toll-free number that is an excellent start for anyone that wants information or need some answers. 1-800-677-1116. either that phone number or the website is an excellent entry portal to find the information that dale will need for herself -- gail will need for herself. comment -- the
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next biggest issue for people over 65 will be getting a job if they lost it. when companies rehired, they will be seeking younger, higher skilled, lower paid employees. guest: i understand that concern and i cannot completely refute that. i can promise that individual that the ministry should for that at theving -- administration for community living, not a day goes by that we are not advocating heavily for older adults. we plan on heavily leaning in post covid to make sure people with those skill sets are offered that opportunity. i think workplaces are better and thrive more effectively when they bring such talents on board. host: vermont. this is christopher on that line for those 65 and older. caller: good morning.
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i am 66 and my wife and i have been helicopter caregivers for my parents who are over in maine. they are 90 and 88. they recently got on meals on wheels. said theago, they person who delivered your meals on tuesday has tested positive for the coronavirus. so we are not going to be able to give you any meals next week. how does that make sense that you cut off 90-year-olds because the person who delivered their meals with gloves and a mask tested positive for coronavirus? thank you. guest: i am sorry to hear that from vermont. i know from the spot checks i do across most of the states in this country, that that is a rarity. most providers are continuing to take extreme precautions to make sure those deliverers are
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healthy and not exposing the seniors receiving meals. state ofhope that the vermont and certainly the local service provider are working diligently on ways to get around that problem and restart the services. i can say undoubtedly that every provider is committed to that. we all like knowledge they are trying to balance both the sensitivity of that delivery -- the sanctity of that delivery volunteerslth of the and the staff members preparing those meals. we will continue to do all that we can to explore situations like that. i mentioned the eldercare locator. if anyone watching the program has an issue such as that, they can reach out to the number. --commitment is we will go do all we can to restore that service and get around obstacles such as the one mentioned by your caller. host: preventing elder abuse is
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a big part of your mention -- mission. how do you do that now? many: it sickens me how people are ready to take advantage of vulnerable people. through the course of a normal day, we do a lot of fraud prevention work because that is a growing issue in our society, sadly. a lot of older adults and people with disabilities are abused, exploited, and neglected. during this particular time, we are seeing a spike in scams. we are warning everybody to take precautions and do not give information out to folks who show up on your doorstep or call you. there is a big medicare scam going on where they are collecting medicare numbers. test is a lot of false kits and different resources people are offering. these perpetrators are so creative and sophisticated that
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i can understand why somebody some -- some buddy might believe it is credible. i would caution anybody that any time you're are approached about this particular deal, validate that. you can contact a law enforcement, the eldercare locator number. just reach out and ask the right questions to credible people before you give out any information, certainly your personal information. all that needs to be protected during this time. and not just during the covid season, but beyond. should be incredibly cautious about releasing personal information that could be used or exploited. host: less than 10 minutes left with lance. he is the assistant secretary for hhs. this is mary grace out of green cove springs, florida.
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you both for taking my question. actually, i have two questions. i would like to know how the money is being distributed, and if it is being distributed equally to each state. my second question is what is happening to the elderly that are homeless. springs,n green cove we do not even have a shelter for homeless people. and there are elderly homeless people. i want to know how they are being taken care of because i am very upset over this. there is a lot a lot of seniors out there, 65 and over, that do not have anything. they are out on the streets. i want to know how they are being taken care of. are you looking for these people and helping them? i don't want them to die like that.
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i hear you loud and clear and good morning to you down in florida. the stimulus amounts we were talking about now, up to $1.2 billion for the acl, are dispersed through an existing and approved formula. every state anticipates the amount they are going to get and are working diligently to get those dollars once they receive them from us as our federal partner down to the local community level. everyone from a local level to a for --evel are all great grateful to congress and the ministry should for those dollars because they translate directly into services. for florida, to sherry the spike -- show you the spike. during a normal day, we would serve about 45,000 meals.
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i was talking to the state director there and just in miami-dade they served 77,000 meals. so you can see a real spike. and it is essential that we make sure people are fed. glad to say those dollars are being sent out quickly, being used effectively, and it is an honor to do so. about the homeless population, we are working diligently with partners across the federal government. it is not within our specific ,esponsibility, but within hhs the administration on children and family spearheads one of the initiatives around homelessness. the white house is very involved as well. i wish that was an issue we could eradicate tomorrow. i know the federal government is working diligently on that. mary, i hear you. we don't want older individuals to suffer in a necessary way. then commit to you that
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federal government is doing to -- it can on the homeless situation. host: west liberty, kentucky. this is cindy on that line for those 65 and older. my husband is 67 and i am 65. we are scared to go to the grocery. he has copd and i am diabetic with heart problems. i am the one that goes to the store on senior day. no one wears masks. how do you get these home delivery deals -- meals and how do you qualify?
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guest: hopefully we can minimize how many times you are having to go out. if you will reach out to the 1-8rcare locator number, hundred-677-1116, that number covers the entire nation. every county, every part of the u.s.. they will connect you to a service provider who can sign you up for those meals. they may also be able to assist an if you need help with, as example, registering for home delivery from your local grocery store or from a big box store or walmart. that is becoming more popular and more common. it is a safer measure for older adults. that may be something you could also explore both from the help through the eldercare locator and sometimes family members know how to do that. anything you can do to limit the number of times you have to go out the door is a good thing. host: meals on wheels and home
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food delivery -- what do you have to show to qualify? law,: according to the there is no income requirement. it is simply an age requirement. qualify, that is excellent. we are seeing a lot of flexibility because of the virus to make sure people are fed. certainly how we as the government sort of bucket and -- on top of the list is making sure that people who are vulnerable of any age or receiving a meal. we are seeing a lot of that flexibility, particularly in the cares act language. i would encourage everybody of any age whom i need that service to reach out to the eldercare locator number or go on our website that acl diageo v --
12:42 pm what is that age requirement? older for the meal. for grandparents raising grandchildren, 55 and older. people do not need to worry about any sort of income requirement, which often is the case with federally supported programs. for the meals program, it is an age issue. to scott, arlington, virginia. that line for all others. caller: thank you, mr. secretary. one question i have is what are you doing to work with the private sector? guest: i cannot thank you enough for that question because i am a partnership guy and everything we are doing, everything we hope to do if we are going to continue to serve a large and
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growing number of older americans, is going to be through partnerships. i could spend a lot of time breaking down some of those public-private partnerships. the ministry should has been supportive of that as well. through the meals program, the common example we've been focused on, we have a lot of private partners who have stepped up with production, delivery. folks who are really filling a gap. it is that private sector commitment that has made the big difference. we support the federal , when we see that -- and in norma's jump in demand, the only thing -- way we will get that fulfilled his through partnerships. on, example after example. the restaurant industry, when it comes to meals, has stepped up.
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ofot of great examples private sector partners. yvonne out of south dakota on outline for those 65 and older. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for letting me speak. if the pandemic going -- if state services can be given to all elderly. there are some people that are not eligible for those meals on beels because they live may 100 feet from the line where our town house meals on wheels. some of the grandparents live south of that 100 feet but they
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are not eligible for services. wondering if the government could override those boundaries so that anybody eligible could receive meals on wheels? guest: again, i can commit to you that at the federal level we are as flexible as we have ever been. the way any sort of service delivery -- you are talking about the formula of services being locally executed, state managed, federally supported. we have been encouraging our partners to be flexible and find creative ways to make sure a person does not go without a meal. we have lots of examples where -- the border example, we have been addressing some of that episodically across the country. given the flexibility we have seen in the cares act and the posture we are in, this is a highly flexible time.
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we want to make sure people are fed and taken care of. once this coronavirus is gone, we can circle back and think about lessons learned and measures we can put in place that make even more sense moving forward to deliver services such as that. for aging atretary the department of health and human services. for the last portion of our program, we are turning to the question for central workers only -- essential workers only. we want to hear about how your job has changed. if you are an central worker in the eastern or central time zones, it is (202) 748-8000. if you are us -- an essential worker in mountain or pacific (202) 748-8002is
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. pandemic, states have made their own requirements about what constitutes an essential worker. we want to hear from you if you are an essential worker. give us a call. dan in bridgewater, new jersey, europe first. -- you are up first. caller: the care of patients. to be honest with you, it is incredible the poor general procedure we have. to give you an example, if you go to a shopping center, you will see everybody is wearing a mask. but their hair is uncovered. the mask is only to protect others because it really does not protect the wearer. all these airborne viruses that get into their hair when they


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