Nancy Pelosi
House Speaker Pelosi Holds News Conference CSPAN April 30, 2020 10:19pm-11:13pm EDT
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be a part of history and listen to supreme court oral arguments as they are heard by the justices, live monday at 10:00 a.m. eastern on c-span, on demand at, or listen on the free c-span radio app. house speaker nancy pelosi held a news conference with the chair of the new select subcommittee looking into the coronavirus pandemic. james clyburn. they talked about the next aid package, focusing on needs of state and local governments, and sexual allegations against former vice president joe biden. [camera shutters clicking]
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speaker pelosi: good morning. i am very pleased this morning to be joined by mr. clyburn, the democratic whip, the chair on the committee on the coronavirus. today we are here to talk about how we can reach out to everyone as we reach out with broadband. , mr. clyburn will be addressing that, he's been a champion. you know everything is about , time. we are in a time of great sadness in our country. 60,000 people have died, more than from the coronavirus. 30 millionoximately americans have applied for unemployment insurance. the lives and livelihoods of the american people are at stake. and we have to make some
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decisions about time, as to the time when we would go forward to opening up our economy. that is the question at hand. i firmly believe there are three steps that we must take in preparation for what comes next. many of us have talked about testing, testing, testing. our first bipartisan bill, which we wrote in february, passed on the floor of the house on march 4, was about testing, testing, testing. the impression that was given is not everybody can be tested don't have enough tests, and we don't have enough masks, and you don't have enough this. let's get it. let's get it all. so the tests were reserved for those who reached a certain threshold. but that was almost two months ago, and we should be creating more tests. what will give people confidence
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to go into the workforce is if , they know their coworkers have been tested and cleared to be there. what will give people more confidence to know that will we go into the workforce, they are not bringing something home to their children because the other people have not been tested. so while we aspire to a vaccine, and that is our hope and prayer, and science, science, science, and we aspire to a cure, hopefully they will be soon. longer,ine might take or there might be, as we say, some illumination on the horizon close by. but we do know we can make the tests, and we should make the tests available to everyone, and have the subsequent care that might follow that if someone tests positive to be free, so that it is not menacing to
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someone that i cannot take a , test because i cannot afford what comes next, i can't take the test because if i'm positive won't be able to go to work. the testing is getting a handle on how big this challenge is and how necessary it is for us to know who. and then, as mr. clyburn has talked about and will again testing, contact tracing, isolation, and treatment. he will tell us more about that. ,ut what is also important is as he has suggested, we have a mobile unit going out so we reach a whole other market of people who might not be aware of how they should be tested. if we do get a cure or a vaccine, we have to be prepared to manufacture it. the defense production act should be geared to this.
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it should be geared to this. even if we had a vaccine tomorrow, we don't have the syringes and vials and everything else that goes with vaccinating people. let's get that done. as we wait for a vaccine, let's make sure we are ready when it comes. and again, we can stockpile it until it is ready. and third, we need to have in place an ethical -- whether it is a task force or whatever it panel of scientists and others, an ethical approach to how a vaccine or therapy will be distributed, so that everybody in america would know when that happens i will have access to it my family would have access , to it. again, as we discussed, should be open up, should we not open up, there is a path.
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let's take it. let's not say, if only we had started sooner. time, let's start now. i am sure you have questions about what we do and what is happening in meatpacking plants, so i will proceed and talk about the fact that -- i am proud to have announced with mr. clyburn the members of our oversight committee on the coronavirus. that would be the distinguished chairman of the committee, mr. clyburn, maxine waters, chair of the oversight committee, carolyn maloney, congressman bill foster, congressman jamie raskin, and congressman andy kim. i am proud of that and i want to put their names out there. but today, we are here to talk about the issue of fairness again and how our sense of
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, community and our sense of humanity in america is served by what policies we present, what legislation is included, and what action we take to make that possible. i want to commend mr. clyburn for being in the lead for such a long time, on the expansion of broadband in america. i'm going to have him speak more specifically to it, but just to commend him for the champion he has been, the understanding that he has about it. i also to commend chairman frank pallone of the energy and commerce committee. he couldn't be with us this morning, he has been working on this issue, made a proposal for infrastructure bill based on the task force that mr. clyburn has chaired. and i also want to acknowledge the leadership role of councilwoman anna eshoo for the specific piece that is in the proposal. but we do believe that the energy, and mr. clybourn will discuss that, and i want to
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thank mr. pallone for what he is doing on the testing issue and tracing and the rest, what they are doing on ppe and the rest, and what they will be doing on oversight of the committee of jurisdiction that has so much jurisdiction. on that committee, we have an appropriate her and we call it the almighty appropriations committee. and on their committee they say, if the sun shines on anything, it is a matter of the energy and commerce committee. so they have a broad jurisdiction, and i think the chairman for his leadership in so many ways. with that, i want to present mr. clyburn to talk about this important initiative. we are talking about distance learning. we are talking about telemedicine. we are talking about people buying things in a way they had not before, and yet it is not available to everyone. so this is about fairness and
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equity in every way, access to care, access to credit, access to whatever opportunities come along in terms of testing, therapies, or a vaccine. and what mr. clyburn will talk about will make all of that possible. with that, i am pleased to yield to the distinguished chair of the committee, and also the democratic whip of the house mr. , clyburn. rep. clyburn: thank you for your leadership and guidance in this very, very important issue. 10 -- inof what it spite of what attempts may have been made to the contrary, my vision for this great country is drawn from the pledge of allegiance. that pledge, when i was a kid growing up in the little town of sumter, south carolina, we used to say the pledge every morning.
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i remember getting to perfect it because i was in school when we changed the pledge to insert the words "under god." and i remember how many times i would have to keep repeating it for failing to put those two words in it when i recited it. but we conclude that pledge with a phrase that means a lot to me, "with liberty and justice for all." that is what has enlightened me in my service here in the congress. i have always said that my vision for this great country is making its greatness accessible and affordable for all. i have it on billboards all over my congressional district. i believe very strongly in that. this country is great, but the greatness is not accessible and affordable for everybody. and to me, that is what we should be about.
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i'm often reminded of when we -- the co-ops, the electric co-ops paused to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the rural electrification. they wrote a tabletop book i keep in my office, and i have a copy in my home. it's called "the next greatest thing." let me read for you what gave rise to that title. it was said by a gentleman in a rural tennessee church giving testimony one evening. he said, brothers and sisters, let me tell you what is the greatest thing. it's to have the love of god in your heart. but the next greatest thing is
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having electricity in your house. i believe in that testimony, which was great for the 20th century. but the greatest thing for the 21st century to me would be having broadband in every house. that, to me, is what is going to be necessary, and made even more necessary by this current pandemic that we are trying to respond to. we can't get testing done unless we have broadband, simply because when you test, what then? if somebody shows a positive, it is time to do two things. number one, do tracing.
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secondly, you've got to isolate. and then you have to treat. i don't see how you do effective testing without broadband. if we are going to have effective treatment, we've got to have broadband, because our federally qualified health centers must be equipped with the ability to do isolation and treatment. to do that, you've got to have broadband. and if we are going to experience, as the experts say, another round of this virus, our children are apt to be out of school again next year. and if that were to happen, the only way you can have online learning is with broadband. and you cannot afford to allow
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two thirds, in many communities that i represent, 34% of the homes tied to the internet. that means over 60% of children are not going to be able to receive online learning. and some of them will fall behind for a second year. and once that happens, i happen to have started my professional career as a public school teacher, and i can tell you what happens if a child falls two years behind in school. that child will never graduate high school, and will never become a productive citizen as a , rule. there are exceptions to every rule, but as a rule, that is what will occur. so that broadband deployment is
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very, very necessary. i want to thank the speaker. this afternoon later today, we , will be rolling out our broadband program. and i am very pleased that when we had our first infrastructure meeting at the white house the , president said he got it. he understood. and i will conclude with this. last year, when we were trying to develop a legislative response to the disasters many of our farmers were experiencing, they came here. and i met with farmers from all over the country. and they were telling us what we needed to do, because this was the second year they were going to be unable to get their crops out of the field. one man sitting right across
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from me in the meeting and when it came time to speak, he said this. he said, i came here to talk to you today about my farm, and the disaster that has been visited upon me, but that is not what is on my heart. he said, what is on my heart today are the families that live in my community who go to work every morning, they come home in the evening, they load their children and automobiles and take them down to the parking lot of a local library so they can do their homework, because they are not tied to the internet. the only place they can do that homework is in the parking lot of the library. that night, when i shared with my friends what i had heard and what it was doing to me, they looked at me and said, you don't get it.
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in my community, two of them said, the children go to the parking lot of a local fast food place so they can get on the internet to do their homework. i shared this with the president, and he said he got it. and when i did, senator schumer said, in new york city, 25% of the children are not tied to the internet. so i want to applaud the speaker for making this a priority for our caucus. and i want to thank the president for agreeing that this is something we ought to do. we can work that together, not just to make broadband accessible, but to make it affordable. speaker pelosi: thank you very much, mr. whip, mr. chairman.
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in so many ways, such an inspiration to all of us to place this in its historic perspective and what it means for the future. you are right, there are urban deserts for this. the distinguished leader of the senate recognized that as far as new york is concerned. and in california even if we , give every child in california, and there is an inclination we have philanthropists and businesses that want to do so, if we give them all a laptop, they are still not into the system, and mr. clyburn has taken the lead on making sure. and in some communities, to make it affordable, they can establish their own system. so this has a lot of entrepreneurship connected with is directlyeally related to the coronavirus. we would hope that while we have a big bill that mr. pallone has helped shape into our
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infrastructure proposal based on the task force mr. clyburn chairs, that the task force on infrastructure and broadband , that we might be able to get a piece of this, as it is so necessary. telemedicine, distance learning, so many other ways it is important for people to be connected. with that, i would be pleased to take any questions you may have. yes. >> [inaudible] speaker pelosi: i will answer your question at the end, but we are here to say something very important for how we fight the coronavirus, and the entrepreneurial way of addressing that. i would hope you would have some interest in that. any questions on the subject brings us together here?
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reporter some states are : reopening. how critical do you think it is to get state and local funding within the next two weeks? aunt do you think that is possible? speaker pelosi: i cannot answer to the timing because we are at , ine mercy of the virus terms of when the capital physician and sergeant at arms say we can come together in a large number. and is very important, thank you for your question. these have been our heroes, our health care providers, our first responders, our transit workers, our teachers, the custodians of our children for a large part of the day, so many people working in terms of making sure we have food on the table, whether it is in shops or delivery or whatever. so much of how we function and meeting the needs of the people depends on state and local governments having the
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resources. some of these people, these heroes, are risking their lives to save other people's lives and now they risk losing their jobs , because of what the states and localities had to spend just makes it unsustainable not to have layoffs. mr. schumer was talking about hundreds of people being laid off by hospitals in his area, some of them public hospitals dependent on the public resources to keep them open. so this is something that is of the highest priority. it honors our heroes. and as i say, we are unworthy to thank them and honor them unless we are willing to support them in a substantial way. and that way is to say this is strictly about the coronavirus. it is about what your outlays are for the virus and what your revenue loss is on that.
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because, again, of mr. clyburn's leadership over the years, he has been a strong proponent for making sure that localities get the resources. rep. clyburn: when we look at states, i am from a state that , in large measure, was talked about by the governor of new york the other day. i am from a state that did not expand medicaid. and therefore, so much of the burden of trying to meet the challenge of this pandemic goes straight to small communities, local governments, irrespective of what may be happening at the state level. if you the mayor of a little town of 8000 or 9000 people, i
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think that you ought to be eligible to get direct aid from the congress. so i have been advocating for a long time and will be advocating very strongly that, whatever we do for state and local governments, do not leave the locals out. and make sure that the small communities get their fair share. representative -- speaker pelosi: so they have three tranches, state, county, and municipalities. in addition to that, we want to expand medicaid and other things that help the states over and above this. now, how much the states are --
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now, how much, the states are putting together a number. you have heard $500 billion, counties have a similar figure. we want to related to outlays and lost revenue. we are not going to be able to cover all of it, but to the extent that we can keep the states and localities sustainable, that is our goal. and by the way, that money is not just for one year. that could be for three years, maybe even four. so it is over time. reporter: [inaudible] major piece of legislation? state and local? speaker pelosi: state and local, i talked about almost $1 trillion right there. i would hope so. but we have other issues we want to deal with, and hopefully get something for broadband, other not in any way as major an expenditure or investment for our heroes. they are risking their lives to save lives, and now they're
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going to lose their jobs. it is stunning, and we have to address it. others say, let them go bankrupt and they send that, that is silly. that is not a reason. it is an excuse. and if you don't believe in governments, you don't recognize that. the leader over there said, we are not bailing out past bad mistakes. the mistakes he mentioned were caused by a republican governor in illinois, but that is neither here nor there. this isn't about any other budget issues for states. coronavirusthe outlays for revenue lost. reporter thank you. :i have two questions. first, what are you going to do with immigrants who are paying they have no jobs? they are in a difficult situation. are they going to be in the next package, or are they ever going to be considered? that is i have a second first. question.
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u.s. citizens are not getting the stimulus paychecks, because they are married to immigrants without social security numbers. what are you going to do to help them? they are u.s. citizens and are in this situation. speaker pelosi: i appreciate your questions, actually more there.o in their -- in the other part of it that you did not mention, but alluded to, is that there are american citizen children born in america in a mixed family. maybe one parent is not official, up-to-date on documentation. i think that has to be addressed. in addition, we have been working to get the tax identification number as a basis for how people would get direct payments. all of it speaks to the fact that we are well served if we recognize that everybody in our country is part of our community
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, and that helping grow the economy, most of what we are doing is to meet the needs of people but it is all stimulus. ,so we shouldn't cut the stimulus off that. in addition to that, i am pleased today that the chairman of the fed is saying he is going to include more terms of nonprofits and some of their outreach, which is something we have been asking for. we want to expand outreach opportunities for nonprofits, many of whom are there to meet the needs of some of the folks who might not be directly receiving help in that regard. reporter: [inaudible] pelosi: what we said was we want to address the mixed , family issue. we are supposed to have a call on that tomorrow. tomorrow, we are going to have a call specifically on that subject with chuck schumer and
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the chair of the hispanic caucus. so we will let you know when that is, on the mixed family issue. i myself cannot understand why the tax number is not the basis for how some of this money is distributed. so we will be making that case as well. thank you. reporter there is concern that : ppe funding is going to run out again. are there negotiations going on to re-up that funding to pass that ahead of the next package? or is there some concern that maybe some businesses will have to open up a little bit sooner than recommended, because of pp e? speaker pelosi: our distinguished chair of the small business committee is a champion on small businesses. we all rallied for ppe because as the small business
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entrepreneurial spirit of america, the optimism of it all a dream, an idea that people , work so hard, sometimes refinancing their homes to do this. so there is a lot riding on this and a lot of recourse to , individuals beyond the professional piece. so we are all for that, and we just did an intervention. but we must do a cares bill now. we cannot put that off. in fact, we never anticipated this interim bill, this intervention bill that we passed with substantial support for small businesses. and practically doubled it if you include what we did for hospitals in that. so we share that concern. and our next plan will be cares two. reporter you said earlier you're : beholden to the virus in terms of when you are going to get the
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next cares bill done. speaker pelosi: i'm not talking about a long time. a week or two. we are not coming back this week. our plan is to come back the following week. the next bill will be cares two. you are saying do not come back for cares. the next bill will be cares two and how we address it. there are many people saying, with all the money we are spending on unemployment insurance, and all the money we are spending on ppe, and all that is needed to assist the states and the rest, why don't we consider some guarantee of paycheck initiative strictly for , the coronavirus at this time? that is a tall order i have -- and that is a tall order i have tasked committees to take a look at because this could be , endless. small businesses in the united states, 2 million have received assistance. maybe 3 million in another week or so. but that is 10%. so how much money is there for unemployment and the rest?
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chairmanit is, as the of the fed said to me, you've got to think big. you've got to think big. i said the same thing to him. you got to think big. and in order to think big, you have to think small about small businesses and nonprofits. and that is the announcement he made today, and i was very pleased with that. the next bill will be here soon. >> as you think big and you talk about infrastructure, you can see that president trump is supportive of it, he tweeted he wants infrastructure, but leader mcconnell does not want infrastructure in this bill. so when you're talking about broadband, is that the only infrastructure provision you want in here, or do you want something broader than that? speaker pelosi: we talked about this before, but then the urgency of getting money into people's pockets was so pervasive that it became the priority.
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we talked about three things. we talked about community health centers. we talked about broadband. we talked about water. sanitation is key to this. wash your hands for 20 seconds. wash off everything. cell the water issue for us is a tall order for our big bill. however perhaps we should have , something in here. mr. pallone has been talking about provisions that would say jurisdictions cannot shut off your water if you cannot pay your water bill. so there is a recognition of the need for people to have water. but if there is that recognition, we may have to do something, but i don't know if that will be in this bill. again time is important. , we should be able to do some piece of it. bill mr. clyburn's
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initiative is in, it is a $750 billion deal. right now, putting money in people's pockets, testing, testing, testing are the priorities. reporter: to follow up, you mentioned timing. you are not going to come back next week. is that because the package is not going to be ready? speaker pelosi: that was not the point at all. you missed the announcement, i guess. it is because the house physician said, for 430 people to come back with what is happening in the district of columbia, kind of changed the timing of when we come back. but people will be back next week. mr. clyburn, you want to speak to that? i will yield to you in a moment. the small business committee will be meeting next week. small groups can come back. and maybe they have a full committee meeting, or maybe they have a virtual, or maybe a
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hybrid, but work will be done. we have had already about 60 meetings in this period of time, some of it oversight, some of it legislation, and the rest from our committees virtually or , otherwise. two days ago, the veterans affairs committee had a very successful meeting. i think today or tomorrow is homeland security. again, the chairs of the committees are making their decisions about how they go forward. and again, this whole issue of meatpacking, that is raising a lot of concerns among members as to people saying -- i will yield to you on this, mr. chairman. if you don't go to work, even though you have a concern, then you could lose your unemployment insurance.
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that is not what the intent of the four bipartisan, nonpartisan bills that we passed. there are criteria agreed to in the families first legislation that said, if you have a child who is not in school because schools have closed, you can take family medical leave. if you have a parent whose senior center or health care provider, the list goes on. it is not as complete as i would like. we would like to add more to that list, but nonetheless, there are criteria which give people the opportunity to have family and medical leave as well. so we have to look at this in totality. this is about families first. i am sure members will be wanting to come together on some aspects of that in terms of unemployment insurance availability. mr. clyburn has another take on but that, that i want him to share.
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rep. clyburn: next week, hopefully, the full committee will be able to gather here. in washington, in some capacity in some manner. , i will be on the telephone with them tomorrow as a committee, because a couple things have already gotten our attention that we think may need immediate attention from us. one involves unemployment insurance. it came to our attention yesterday that some states are applying policies to unemployment insurance that has relegated some people down to $95 a week. that was not our intention, as you know. we intended for the $600 coming from us to be on top of whatever the state would be. so that may be something we need
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to look at. i saw an account of this on a television show to indicate this may be a widespread application of a policy that goes afoul of what we intended. so this committee will probably be working in addition to the testing, contact tracing, the isolation, and treatments. that will be our primary focus, but we may have some interventions taking place because of some of these policies. because remember, to me, we have to look at essential workers beyond health care. essential workers are those hourly employees, sometimes twice a week employees working only on weekends in grocery stores and drugstores.
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these are the people that find themselves losing out with unemployment insurance. i had a long talk last night with the chair of our homeland security committee, congressman thompson from mississippi. it looks as if mississippi is one of the states that is doing that. so we may have to do something quickly as a committee. we will be on the phone tomorrow and my plan is for us to be up , here next week. reporter: [inaudible] but i don'tsi: yes, know why they would be opposed to looking into waste, fraud, price gouging, profiteering, and the rest and the implementation , of the intention of congress and the interest of the american people, america's families and workers. so we hope they will
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participate. let me just say one more thing on that score. when we share this question -- when will we be able to open up things? when will they be open? everything, whether it is testing, economic sustainability, the states, it is all related to that, and therefore all related to the , committee. reporter: two questions. the tribes. there are disputes about the distribution of the $8 billion in the cares act [inaudible] between the lower 48 tribes and for-profit corporations. that is currently tied up right now. i was wondering, do you see that as something you have made way two, clarifying the eligibility issues? speaker pelosi: the judge ruled
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this week that anc should not be receiving this. secretary of the treasury was supposed to, when the case was resolved, release the funds. they could have done it before, but they said we want to wait for the trial to be over. the court was very emphatic in its decision about this, and i completely -- it is ridiculous that they would be getting in line to get funds from this. because here's the thing. it is important to note this. the money that is being distributed is supposed to be, and this is the standard, sustainability of the business, the entity, the nonprofit. necessary for sustainability. there are 26,000 entities that received loans of over $2 million or more.
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many of them may be justified. there are so many others who want $50,000 or $100,000 who are not be attended to. in this case, the $8 billion for the tribe, not nearly enough, and i want more because this is about states, municipalities and tribal governments, i call upon the secretary of the treasury to disperse that funding now because the court has ruled in favor of the tribes. again, to go back to the purpose that the funds that you apply for are necessary for the sustainability of your business, not you are on the stock exchange -- that is not what it
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is about. i appreciate the ruling of the court. the judge was emphatic about no, they should not be getting this. i would hope that immediately the secretary would release the funds. it was supposed to be yesterday, but let's hope it will be today. so necessary, so needed. we talked about the outlay of funds for the coronavirus, but also the revenue lost because of this. so very important. again, a down payment. we need to do more for our tribes. i feel pretty good, but it will not happen. public sentiment is everything.
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all of a sudden, we are not going to give money to the tribes? really? the secretary has been -- i have not had this conversation with him, but my most recent conversation with him was about how we can have many more small businesses that the leader insisted will be in this bill. i am waiting to see what those businesses are. that money we put aside is already spent, so we want to see on whom. we will see what they are. he has said he was going to look into the 26,000 to make sure those millions of dollars went for where it was necessary for sustainability. >> to follow up on -- you mentioned the physician's recommendation was critical in
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your decision to not come back for a roll call vote. leader mcconnell is making a different decision than what you made based on the same information. do you believe calling people back -- is he putting his own members' health and safety at risk? speaker pelosi: that is a different question. we are 430 people now. mr. meadows is gone. the decision was made on the strength of our numbers of people coming together. we thought at the direction of the sergeant and arms and capital physician when we had to have a voice vote into the gallery and the rest and i wish that tableau had been seen because that was the start. -- historic.
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it got the job done for the american people. the next time we did it was because those on the other side were demanding a recorded vote. they had planned for that. that worked beautifully. it took time with social distancing and the rest as people came in. we could have done that again. the situation in the district of columbia has changed since then and that may have had impact. you would have to talk to the capital physician here in even - from one day to the next, he said, i think it is better to wait. what they advised the senate, i do not know, but they are 100. we are four times that. they had some of their own members saying they should not come back, but i cannot speak for the senate. i know what our responsibility is in the house. in the meantime, by the time we do come back, we will be able to vote on remote voting by proxy.
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we will be able to have in place -- we have to have a vote to make these changes. we will have a vote for what mr. clyburn referenced. they are having meetings in advance that would be validated what mr. mccarthy and chairwoman lofgren and davis are working on in order to recommend a rule that enables remote committee work. the committees are smaller. some can come back. we have an auditorium to spread a larger community in or we have other rooms that are bigger. it is practical, but it is all getting the job done. everybody is working hard in that regard. i do think one of the things we
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share, mr. mccarthy said this to the los angeles times, we were looking at it and maybe we could be, but everybody wants to open up the congress. republicans want to open the congress. we do, too, but we want to do it in a way that people have to stay home because of this, whether it is about themselves or family members or transportation, which is more difficult now. remote voting will enable them to do that. we just have to get enough people here to do remote voting. i feel confident. do you agree? rep. clyburn: i agree. we can effectively do a lot of committee work here and do that in preparation of coming back at some point in the not-too-distant future and have remote -- proxy voting in order
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to have these things become effective on behalf of the american people. i do see possible legislation coming out of these hearings, especially to clarify something as regards to people not getting what we intended that they get from the congress. >> how do democrats square -- they are standing by biden but using a different standard. they demanded an investigation on mr. kavanaugh when a similar allegation came out toward him. speaker pelosi: i do not need a lecture or speech.
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i have complete respect for the woman. there is a lot of excitement around the idea that women will be heard and be listened to. there is also due process and the fact that joe biden is joe biden, there have been statements from his former employees who ran his offices and the rest that there was never any record of this. there was never any record. nobody ever came forward to say something about it apart from the principle involved. i am proud -- the happiest day for me this week was to support joe biden for president of the united states. he is a person of great integrity, of great concern for the american people. he authored the violence against women act when he was the chair of the judiciary committee in
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the 1990's. he has been an advocate for funding it since then. i believe that he will be a great president of united states. he is the personification of hope and optimism and authenticity for our country, a person of great values. i want to remove all doubt in anyone's mind. i have great comfort level with the situation as i see it come with all the respect in the world for any woman who comes forward and all the highest regard for joe biden. that is what i have to say. thank you.
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>> spans washington journal. cspan's washington journal. we will talk about the u.s. response to the coronavirus with the chair of immunology and infectious disease at harvard. and a discussion of racial disparities. journal.washington and be sure to watch washington journal at 9:00 a.m. for a look back 50 years to the antiwar protest at kent state that rupted into aew
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deadly confrontation. yea, everyone having to give are admonished their attention. >> here the u.s. supreme court life. -- live. all-conference conference. liven will provide coverage. first up, 10:00 a.m. eastern, the justices here the case of the patent and trademark office versus be a part of history and listen to the supreme court oral arguments as they are heard by the justices. live at 10:00 on c-span. or listen on the free c-span
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