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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  May 16, 2020 12:34pm-1:03pm EDT

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live on the free c-span radio app. >> listen to c-span radio today at 6:00 p.m. eastern as c-span radio looks at the 1954 supreme brown versus board of education of topeka, kansas. ruling segregation of public schools was unconstitutional. listen with the free c-span radio app, online at, or on 90.1 fm in the washington, d.c. area. let's see what you think about the $3 trillion coronavirus aid package. let's start with ralph calling from washington, d.c. on the independent line. from washington, d.c. on the independent line. good morning. caller: good morning. these guys are spending money left and right.
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the long-term burden on our economy is going to be enormous. i noticed the republicans when it comes to bailing out the banks, and the fact that you can see it from the stock market -- every time bad news comes out they pump the stock market. has historicet highs yet the stock market is crumbling. to be we are heading for 25% on. we are talking about companies going bankrupt left and right. we need to make sure, at a minimum, the average working man has a paycheck. a stable society difference is about three meals.
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host: mark calling from ohio. we seem to have lost mark. roy who was calling from raleigh, north carolina on the independent line. caller: good morning. i am so sick of this. i have not worked in over three months. i do not agree with the things president trump is doing. him trying to veto this great -- i am just tired of this. i want a paycheck. zami on the democratic line. caller: the republicans talk about the urgency of the moment. people need money, they are
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hurting, yet they talk about bipartisanship. feed their to children. we already live paycheck-to-paycheck and then when the paycheck is gone, we are hurting. rich, thed out the corporation, the banks. what about us? i don't know whether any of these funds help the seniors. people, wake up. your president is killing the ones that remain. we need help to try and make it through. please stay safe, where your mask regardless of what they said in the white house, social distance. this is the only way we are going to get out. there is no vaccine. we are at the mercy of the lord.
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people, wake up. you have got to stop voting for republicans. you are voting against your own interests. callingt's talk to tony from tampa, florida on the republican line. good morning. caller: i just wanted to say the reason the democrats ask for so much is because trump gives them so much. he has buckled down to them on every debate. remember the old standoff where they shut the government down? how he caved? he is big spending, big spending, he basically is a democrat. he has been one all his life. the amount of money this country is going through, it will never make it up. one last thing, i fear these other people call and we are left hy high.
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.obody is lefty high people are getting credit cards without qualifying so let's not play the get behind game. let's talk to bill: from calling from michigan. go ahead. caller: good morning. i think the money is basically stealing. nothing ever happens and i believe a lot was stolen. i believe the house of representatives do not want to come back because they are also old. they are afraid. nancy pelosi, i could name others, that they are afraid to come into work. we watch our children and
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stores run these grocery and the house are so old they are afraid to come out into the world and live. harold callingto from toby cook, kansas on the haroldcan line -- , kansas.rom topeka caller: good morning. people are taking advantage of this free money. when theywork with started talking about the $600 his back caved. he has drawn that money so fast plus unemployment. his girlfriend is pregnant and getting ready to have a baby and she cannot hold down a good job.
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another coworker has two daughters who are pregnant and babies that are already here, no quality jobs, so that means you doctorsave to put the on the babies, pay for the birth. that is what i am tired of. i've no problem with them ey but theyt mon have to do something to get it. host: eric on the independent line from washington. caller: every time a republican president is in office they crush the economy. from $998 billion to over one trillion. the same thing happened under bush. under trump, the whole economy crashed. it was already going down with the tax cuts before the virus.
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it is always corporate socialism. they talk about socialism. reagan granted amnesty to 10 million or 50 million people. ,he talk about the democrats but since the democrats want to actually help the american people, they are against it. trillions of dollars would be pumped into the economy. socialism, these are the policies we need. all the republicans want to do is corporate socialism. bush crashed the whole economy! they bailed out the banks. the same thing happened under reagan and now trump is bailing out every corporation. he was already bailing out the farmers and doing things with corporate welfare. they are the socialism party but the democrats won't see it. host: let's talk to raul calling
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from texas on the republican line. good morning. caller: good morning. all this free money really does not help people. the lawmakers should be back at their seats. that is what they get paid for. comfortably in their houses getting paid while the government cannot solve everything. you have your states that should be helping the people of their states. they were not savvy in managing their money in the government should not bail them out. you just make wrong decisions. money does not solve everything. chairman ofs the the house rules committee
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responding to criticism of the bill that went through the house yesterday. [video clip] >> i was proud of the way we came together on prior bills, but i worry something is changing on the other side. it is deeply concerning to see the president throw up his hands and essentially say enough. he has declared victory on testing despite it being out of reach for most americans. the senate majority leader has essentially said he is hitting pause on anything related to the pandemic for the time being. there are some of the other side who want to conduct business as usual as if nothing has changed. we hurt today on the floor. some members get up and down play the pandemic like it is no big deal. we are at the start of this pandemic, madam speaker, not the
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end. if we run into our respective corners now, what example are resetting? things could get worse in the fall and what then? madam speaker, we need to act and we need to act boldly and immediately. that includes passing this rule. acteans passing the hero's in making these temporary changes to allow for virtual committee proceedings and remote floor voting during this pandemic. this is what the moment requires. host: let's look at what social media followers are saying about this coronavirus package. "why did congress waste time passing something they know is going to further? can they not do what elected to do and stop grandstanding? the american people are onto their tricks." act is a last chance
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to buy the election. i would never support such a spending program." , "this is notays a coronavirus bill. it is a democratic attempt at sweeping changes with the name of coronavirus attached to the title. i would like to see this minus anything not coronavirus related and see that price tag." another text, "funny how the republicans, when they need money for the banks, trump hotels, oil, no problem, but for the workingmen we have an issue. what is wrong with this victory? " "i was alarmed democrats refused to budge on giving aid that should be for american citizens. this was forced unemployment. democratshat people,
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must not be given more power." let us look at what is actually onthe hero's act passed friday. the bill has $500 billion for state government aid. $375 billion for local aid. hundred $75 billion for public $75th and social services, billion for housing assistance, 25 billion for the struggling postal service, $20 billion for travel relief for native american tribes, $20 billion relief for territories like puerto rico, $10 billion for small businesses and $3.6 billion for fall election planning for the election coming up in november. ofalso had direct payments $1200 per family member up to $6,000 per household. that is a summary of the bill
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coming from the speaker's office. let's go back to the phone lines and see what you think about this bill. calling from delaware. you know something? they are going to give the country away. we are going into a deep depression and we are not going to come out. then we will see how many people die. take that to the bank. goodbye. host: steve calling from florida. good morning. caller: hello, thank you for taking my call. think we need to ifcentrate our resources -- we are going to print money, we need to concentrate on certain
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caller call in and say something about $600 a week and we keep giving money away like that and the people are not working. floridail industry in $10 an hour.9 and to like a bigo in box store and they have to face a crowd where nobody practices social distancing, nobody wears , and $9 an hour is what when amade in 1979
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gallon of milk was $1. if somebody is going to give me -- the website for unemployment in florida does not work. you cannot really apply for unemployment and if you try to call sunday for support, you cannot get through. nobody is really getting unemployment when they file. that's my comment. calling from connecticut on the republican line. good morning. caller: i just wanted to comment on these people talking about corporate bailouts and the rich getting the money. do they realize the middle-class and the regular people work for these corporations? those are the people getting health benefits from these corporations and all of the
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wages from these corporations. everybody keeps saying corporate bailouts, corporate bailouts, these are loans going to be paid back by these corporations. -- if us middle-class they did not bail out my corporation, i would not be working right now. callingago to on the independent line. passr: i think they should the hero's act but i am not sure whether they have the trace act in there. hr666 is what is bothering me about this package. biden wase joe talking about it. 100,000 going to hire
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people to come into homes or make sure everybody is tested. i think they wasted money on testing and vaccines. they say the vaccine probably will not even work. why are you taking all that to dr.nd giving it away fauci? they need to fire him because of these social distancing is something that is just going to hurt us. when you go outside your really going to get sick. as far as i'm concerned they need to take that money and give it to the people that are ,uffering, that lost their jobs help people pay rent. i do have tenets that cannot pay my rent and what am i supposed to do?
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ci, forget the testing, and give money to people so they get eat and pay their bills. york,steve calling from pennsylvania on the republican line. good morning. caller: good morning. farpeople i talked to so have good things to say. i do not like the bill itself. it was going to be put on the national debt and who is going to pay for? the children and grandchildren. one of the things i don't like the municipalities and so forth. not that they don't need help, but the people who are running the states do not know how to handle money.
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even if they gave them the money, though states are going to have the same problem because they do not have the right people who really care about the representatives they are representing. this is going to be passed down to our children and grand judging. you're going to pay back one way and it's $25 trillion now. as for postal service, they need to revamp the postal service. they have been in trouble for years and years and until you take care of that you are always going to have a problem. i don't like the idea of right rite in voting.
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you do not know what party those people are and i think what they are trying to do is get rid of the electoral college. they need to go through a bill piece by piece because a lot of people do not understand. even representatives down in washington. i am very concerned about it. people do need help and they need to get back to work, but it needs to be short-term not long-term. host: linda calling from georgia on the democratic line. good morning. caller: how are you? host: just fine. go ahead. caller: i truly feel testing needs to be done. i truly feel there are a lot of onple that are poor and middle income.
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cut frome been full-time to part-time. there are middle-class and upper-middle-class people who have had to take cuts in pay. they need to continue with the testing. they need to continue with giving the states the money so they can provide services. they need to actually give the grocery stores more money because you cannot stay six feet away. you go across a corner and you are three feet away from somebody getting a product. more work needs to be done, more research needs to be done but in the short term, they need to -- they taking care of
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are talking about grandkids. i have grandkids. that i stillally try to take care of my kids that are ground. but do not live with me, may a loaf of bread or buying a toy for the grandchild. during a time when they are not in school, those are things we have to do in order to keep the children motivated. what do we do with the adults that are senior citizens and states they do not have obamacare? the republican said they did not want it. we are paying $400 a
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the house on friday approved the most radical change to which rules and generations, allowing members to vote votes -- cast
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votes from afar. despite bipartisan frustrations with the virus's effect on the process, the changes include temporary authorizing promote committee work and proxy voting on the house floor were adopted along party lines. 89. vote was 217-1 week aftered this two weeks of negotiations with republicans who opposed several key measures in the proposal. nancy pelosi said the changes were temporary and tailored to the current crisis, which has made mass gatherings of lawmakers necessary to ensure the house fulfills its constitutional obligations. republican rodney davis, on the house and straighten committee, talking about his opposition to these
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rules changes. [video] >> the houses on the receiving -- one pointillion 6 billion unauthorized scans on a network per month. i don't know about institution remotely, i don't know about you, but i expect those to increase. what reduces my confidence in these sweeping changes that will not have their stated effect is the feedback from virtual committee roundtables that have been attempted by every committee. there have been instances of majority staff taking people off because they have not rsvped. i would like to insert into the record a list of concerns our ranking members have provided me. >> without objection. informationpersonal
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on these roundtables have been viewed publicly. members being dropped because of poor connections, members unable to participate in things because of living in rural areas. cannottual proceedings or should not be authorized. i share this as proof that the crawl, walk, run approach is necessary to make sure virtual meetings are done successfully. i would like to share what i shared yesterday. i want all of us to take a step back and to make sure that we precedent that is set that will create a brand-new process. we are not let's go back to our social
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media followers and see what they think about the house's $3 trillion aid package. here is one text that says the bill has some good and some bad. pelosi -- gov. murphy: honored to be joined by the woman to my right who needs no


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