tv Public Affairs Events CSPAN May 25, 2020 11:27am-12:01pm EDT
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on c-span two. tonight on american history tv, beginning at 8:00 p.m. eastern, may 8 is known as ve day. american history tv and washington journal marked the 75th anniversary of the german .urrender with rick atkinson the final book and his liberation trilogy, about the allied triumph in europe, watch tonight and over the weekend on 3.span the house returns wednesday and thursday or legislative business. the fisa reauthorization bill extends through december 2023.
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it will require house action. with new rules in place to allow for proxy voting, members beginning on wednesday can vote for other numbers who are not present during the floor votes. watch live house coverage on c-span and on demand at any time on >> this is a live shot from washington national cemetery the president is expected later this morning good heading into this holiday weekend the united states hit a milestone in the pandemic as all 50 states moved into some phase of the reopening process. this morning we will check in with reporters from across the country to talk about how that process is playing out and as we do we want to hear from you. give us a call this morning and
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let us know what reopening looks like in you're part of the country. you can catch up with us on social media, and you can send us a text message. toery good monday morning you. you can start calling in now. here is the headline from the wall street journal last week. we are talking about the reopening process, asking you what it looks like in your part of the country. there is a map of the country from the new york times.
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we are talking about the reopening process in the united states, what it is looking at and where you are allowed to go in your part of the country. maps.s a another set of the states with yellow on this map, where it has been rate and the states that are more pink shaded on this map, where it is take-out or delivery only. below that is a map about
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reopening's in this sector of the economy. here's what some people are seeing when you are at the beaches this memorial day weekend. this is a front-page from the washington times. crowds return air beaches are open. that is the front page of the washington times. we mostly want to do is hear from you. what does it look like in
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brooklyn this weekend? host: go ahead. caller: what i'm thinking is we need to be a little more cautious of asymptomatic people who are spreading the virus, not willingly, but still doing so. our country is very divided. i also think that we should be wearing the masks and doing everything we can to keep our country safe. host: you talked about a
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symptomatically a moment ago. that was a concern yesterday on abc's this week. she was asked about those pictures we just showed you of beach reopening's and crowds flocking to the beaches. >> you said people could go out to beaches as long as they stayed distant. when you look at the images of these large crowds on saturday not keeping social distance, does this still make you confident that reopening beaches and parks was the right call? >> i think it is our job as public health officials every day to be informing the public of what is at risk. we have made it clear that there is asymptomatic spread. that means people are spreading the virus unknowingly. this is unusual in respiratory diseases. you don't know who is infected. we want to make a clear all the time that social distancing is absolutely critical. if you cannot social distance, and you are outside, you must wear a mask. these are items that are critical. we have learned a lot about this --race
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virus, but we need to translate that learning into changed behavior that stays with us so we can drive down the number of cases. >> that is my point. you are not seeing it across the country. you are not seeing it at those beaches. >> that is our job to continue to communicate. we have to communicate, making sure our generation and millennials can get that message out there. i think there is a way to do that. americans are amazingly innovative. we really just need to have better continuous communication on how important that is. highlighting these issues like in arkansas with this pool party, this is why it is important that you maintain those distances. both in phase one and phase two of opening, we have asked you to continue to shelter-in-place because we know that comorbidity
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puts you at a greater risk for more significant disease. those two pieces continue to need to happen. host: dr. birx yesterday on abc's this week. this morning on the washington journal we are asking for your due, from your part of the country what does reopening look , like? several of you texting and tweeting at us this morning. michael writing in, much more outside activities, vermont opens. interesting to see more out-of-state license plates over the weekend. reopening in florida is as idiotic as all the other states. they caved to ceos and stockholders. profit over lives. this is trump's america. one more from jim, one of those
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who watches near every day saying there are a fair number , of boats sporting trump 2020 flags. i went to hear but you are saying in your part of the country. is ken.inois, this caller: good morning. good morning on memorial day. i am in agreement with the previous texter as far as the concern with the administration does not seem to be the nation 's health. he seems to want to get the economy in as good a shape as he possibly can before the election becomes a little more intense so he has a little time to do that, but he is not going to be successful.
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people are already on to him as far as he is obvious in his intent, and that is damaging america. america's confidence in america itself. he is doing us no good. president sham wow is just flailing at anything to help himself, and that is all he is concerned about. he is not concerned about the potential of a possibly fatal disease for some people. host: got your point. sandra is next out of
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waynesboro, virginia. what does reopening look like? caller: it is pretty slow. the people here are real conservative in the heart of the shenandoah valley. they are mainly -- they had closed churches yesterday. many of them are closed until the end of june. my husband opened his congregation. they had church out in the picnic pavilion so they could space apart. they all were thrilled even though they could not hug each other. they had to make themselves not do that because they are a huggy congregation. host: what is your husband's church? caller: it's the fairview church
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of the brethren. it is a real small congregation, but there are lots churches around here and none of the others have opened. host: what has your husband and his congregation been doing since the shutdown? did you have the ability to do the online services? caller: no, most of these people in this congregation are extremely elderly. they would not know a computer if it walked up and kissed them. he has been doing a newsletter so they can keep up-to-date with each other. little cartoons he finds to put in it and stuff for them. he was relieved last night. he got a call from one of the hospitals. he was let in to be with one of the parishioners that was suffering from cancer and not expected to live. that was a change because they
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were not allowing any of the pastors into the hospitals. he was glad they let him do that. it is slowly but surely opening up. everybody is afraid there is going to be another wave of this happening. if everything dr. fauci is saying is correct, the virus is not going to go anywhere. host: thank you for the view from waynesboro, virginia. that is what we are looking to do with our callers throughout this program. as we do that, we are going to be checking in with reporters around the country to also give a view of the reopening process. we mentioned the traffic headed to the beaches this weekend. here is one headline from transport topics. despite lower gas prices, aaa expects fewer travelers this memorial day weekend.
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talk us through the expectations of how many people are on the roads this year versus previous years. guest: we are seeing a very different memorial day this year for most parts of the country. there is 50% less traffic volume this time. aaa had forecasted that they are expecting to see record low people traveling this memorial day. their low has been in 2009 in the great recession. that was 31 million travelers. last year, aaa forecasted about 43 million people. there is an expectation that we will not see anywhere near those numbers. despite reports of people on the beaches around the country, maryland, ocean city,
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traffic analytics services are pointing to decreases across the board. we are looking at especially metropolitan regions where not only transportation agencies but also toll collectors and the travel industry is suggesting that people stay home. the airlines are continuing to see a drop in people going to airports and the passenger rail system and transit are not factors. people for the most part are not taking the subways. amtrak is expected to commence their fast speed rails next month. talking to the reporting that i was doing suggests that the transportation agencies suspect people for the most part to it here to social distancing guidelines.
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host: eugene mulero joins us from his home the website for , transport topics, to check out his work. you mentioned the toll industry with so many less people on the roads traveling. what does that mean for state revenues as they try to plan for infrastructure projects in their state? how is this going to impact them? guest: revenue has been down tremendously since march. you are talking private toll collectors and the transportation industry reporting revenue has been down about 30% from this time last year. some other states are reporting higher figures. while we have seen some projects that were already underway, especially in virginia on i-66, there was a repaving project
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already underway. states like ohio, missouri, north carolina, they either have to scale back projects, or they are preparing to hold projects for next year because the lack of traffic volume means less people are purchasing gas for their cars, and the revenue from the fuel taxes is the primary source of funding for these transportation agencies. less people driving, as revenue, less money for these projects. that has prompted the association that represents state transportation agencies to request from congress $50 billion in aid to help avoid a disruption to the transportation system. this will help make up for the
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lack of revenues they are experiencing now. host: the likelihood that will be included in an upcoming coronavirus response bill? we heard nancy pelosi mentioned the possibility last week. guest: the house bill, the $3 trillion bill included $15 billion for transportation programs. the senate has not taken up that bill. senator mitch mcconnell has not indicated where he wants to go with the aid for state transportation agencies. we heard very recently from senator lindsey graham that they are proposing and would advocate for including some infrastructure components to the senate version of the stimulus.
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we just don't have enough information to know whether that is going to be the $50 billion or something similar that the house proposed. there is an expectation that the next round of stimulus will provide some sort of significant emergency aid for state dot. weekend. where are we at this point? what are the expectations through the summer? guest: people on the road are going to notice the national average is less than two dollars and analysts expect that to stay consistent through the summer driving season.
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less than two dollars per gallon. in the major cities such as new york, the national average will most likely be the same. when you look to the west coast, there is an expectation that it could go up significantly throughout the rest of the summer as they are expecting more people to go to the beaches and be out and about. analysts also say that if there is an increase in coronavirus cases in the fall, that would decrease driving, and gas prices could conceivably go down. --t: eugene miller mulero, we appreciate you
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joining us this memorial day morning. stay safe. guest: thank you. host: we are talking to our viewers this morning as we hear from reporters from around the country. we want to hear about what it looks like in your town and state. gwen has been waiting in north carolina on that line for essential workers. what kind of work do you do? caller: i am a nurse. it is very hard. first of all, happy memorial day. it has been hard because it strains on that nurse's point of view. we have to work diligently. when someone comes in being sick, our radar has to go up and just take care, so to move forward is hard. it really is. what we are doing is keeping the community informed.
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wear a mask, stay home, don't be around anyone sick, wash your hands, just typical things we know we need to do. clean the services when you are at home. try to stay home if you don't have to be out. it is just a big rush since they reopened. i know everybody is tired of being home. they just have to look forward and say this is what we need to do. host: are you on one of those covid units? caller: yes. host: are there any nurses that have come down with covid, and do you feel you have the protections you need? caller: i feel like i have the protection. there are a couple of nurses that have come down with the covid virus. now they are back at work. some of us have to work 14 days
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straight. sometimes we have to work 16 or 17 days straight. we have families. my heart is into what i do. i love what i do. i just want to stress to the community, just be safe. that is so important. you cannot stress that enough. host: thank you for the call, and thank you for what you do. rocky is next, clearwater, florida. what does reopening mean in clearwater, florida? what can and can't you do? caller: the people in florida, they are trying to keep your distance. i see some people walking down with masks on.
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i think trump is right for opening up things. he did say be safe and keep your distance. we cannot blame trump for trying to let people have freedom. a lot of people feel like they are prisoners in their own home. i wash my hands constantly. i got grandkids and stuff. i am 64 years old. i'm a retired garbageman. i have a positive blood. i don't feel like i'm going to get this thing. i get a flu shot every year. isn't there a certain blood type that gets this the most? host: you mentioned your grandkids. have you been able to see and interact with your grandkids? caller: there is nothing wrong with them. they are perfect. they have the same blood type is me. they want to get back to playing baseball. i wash my hands constantly. host: are they going to be able to play baseball this summer?
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caller: my eight-year-old might be able to play baseball. the older one, they are not sure about him. i would love to see them play baseball. they are good at it. the eight-year-old hit a home run before it started. he is a lefty. i think he's going to be somebody someday. host: congratulations to him. thank you for the call. this is on summer activities and what kids can and cannot do. from washington, d.c., looking at pool reopening, saying they are possibly out for the summertime. the coronavirus pandemic is coming for summer with public and private pools delaying plans to open, and health officials worrying about their safety. one more when it comes to what normal life might look like for
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children in this country. this from the washington times, focusing on the push in texas to try to return children to some normal lives. after months of home skill and -- homeschooling, millions of texas children may get a taste for that somewhat normal summer. texas governor greg abbott said child care facilities in the state can reopen immediately and set the stage for a return to summer camps. this all comes with guidelines on how to do it during the coronavirus pandemic, including sanitation practices. they require parents to keep their distance from one another while celebrating a home run. that story from the washington times this morning. it was the president of the united states yesterday evening, one of his series of tweets yesterday, but this one focusing
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on schools in this country, saying they should be opened as soon as possible. much very good information is available. so the president perhaps referring to the guidelines from the centers for disease control on school openings. we want to hear what reopening looks like in your part of the country. this is john. caller: can you hear me? host: yes, sir. caller: i don't have cable television. i cannot afford it. it costs about $100 a month so i am listening to you on the radio. you have a fascinating program. as far as dod employment, it does not look very good. i have been furloughed since february this year. are very anxious to get back. elework because i don't own a computer. beaches are starting to open up. sadly, many businesses are still
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closed. even jcpenney is still closed. they filed for bankruptcy last week. host: would you go down to the beach? caller: i drove by. it looks very good. we are concerned about spreading the virus. i just want to mention, since i cannot see you, i listen to you on the radio. your voice is identical to pedro. has anyone told you that? i don't know whether it is john or pedro. host: i will tell pedro you said hello. another john from memphis, tennessee, calling in. an essential worker. what kind of work are you in? caller: i work at kroger. i do stocking. i make sure things are in the place when you need them.
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host: do you feel safe at that job? have things changed at all in tennessee? are you still getting the same volume you are getting when it was just the essential workers who are on the job? caller: it has taken an upturn in the past couple of weeks ever since the reopening. i guess i don't want to dismiss, but it is like a zombie thing in so far as one person comes in without a mask. they are just getting their things. i can be safe. i cannot be lucky because 100 people come in without masks, and then they make it a political thing. ok, i'm doing my job. they are getting their things. i'm doing my part.
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it is going to be crazy in 2020. there is going to be a physical divide between the people who are feeling like it is a civic on, let's go, mask vote versus the people who do not need a mask. they are going to see each other at the polls. i don't know what it is going to be like as a poll worker. as a grocery worker, maybe i don't have the best perspective seeing as how i'm just stocking things. it is kind of disturbing to see people not taking basic safety into account. if people take basic safety into account, it is like zombies. it is like walking dead.
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host: yousomething of a politic. ohionor mike dewine of talking about this on nbc meet the press yesterday. covered of us that have american politics for so long, it was hard to not be moved by the governor's message. how did masks become this political dividing line? you want to make it mandatory and you decided to back off. do you wish the president would help you out a little more? >> the governor is right. the governor is spot on. i watch that clip a couple times. this is not about politics. this is not about whether you are liberal or conservative, left or right or republican or democrat. we wear the mask and it is clear what the studies have shown. you wear the masks not to protect yourself or others. >> we break away from this
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