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tv   U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  May 28, 2020 1:00pm-4:39pm EDT

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the speaker pro tempore: have all members voted? does any member wish to change their vote?
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on this vote the yeas are 417, the nays are one. 2/3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and, without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table.
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the speaker pro tempore: the chair will ask -- the house will be in order. the house will be in order. the chair will ask all members in the chamber as well as members and staff throughout the capitol and members wherever you are to rise for a moment of silence in remembrance of the over 100,000 americans who have passed away from the covid-19 virus.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? mr. nadler: pursuant to clause 21 of rule 22 and by direction of the committee on judiciary, i offer a motion. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill, designate the senate amendment and report the motion. the clerk: an act to amend the foreign intention surveillance act to prohibit the production of certain business records and for other purposes. senate amendment. mr. nadler of new york moves to take from the speaker's table the bill h.r. 6172 and the senate amendments thereto, disagree to the senate amendments and request a conference with the senate thereon. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york is recognized for one hour. mr. nadler: madam speaker, for purposes of debate only i yield 30 minutes to the gentleman from ohio, mr. jordan.
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i now yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for such time as he may consume. mr. nadler: bills like the u.s.a. freedom act, u.s.a. freedom restoration act touch deeply held beliefs on all sides. the bill we intended to consider last night strengthened privacy protections and made substantial improvements to the law. the bill as amended by the senate is a good and important package of reforms. now you may disagree with that assessment. you may genuinely believe that the bill doesn't go far enough to reform the fisa system or perhaps that it goes too far with those reforms. if you disagree with me on the merits of the bill i respect that disagreement. i cannot accept and what i accept many americans will not accept is a transparent, inexplicable, totally unjustified flip-flop on this bill. a bill important both to the
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security and the privacy of the united states. just a few weeks ago, 126 republicans joined 152 democrats in support of a nearly identical measure. differed only in that the senate added one amendment, a good amendment with almost universal support. virtually all of those 126 republicans change their position in the past 24 hours. mr. speaker, the american people see through those excuses. nobody believes that the sudden reversal has anything to do with complaints about proxy voting. nobody believes that the flip-flop is about michael flynn or roger stone or even president trump whose cases have nothing to do with the authorities we hope to reform. there have been no real policy demands to explain the sudden reversal no demands for changes in the bill. if my republican colleagues did ask for substantial changes,
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substantive changes to the bill we would have heard them out and tried to address their concern. but that's not what happened. the republicans abandoned this bipartisan project for one reason and one reason only, the president tweeted on a whim and told them to oppose this bill. mr. speaker, this is just one more example of how the president and his enablers in this body have stood in the way of national security, of civil liberties, and of our responsibilities as members of congress. i refuse to let our efforts to reform fisa die simply because republicans are unwilling to stand up to the president's whims. this legislation ends the n.s.a. call detail records program. it applies the cutting edge of fourth amendment privacy protections to section 215. it forces the government to disclose years secret fisa court opinions. it increases transparency across the board.
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it raises the stakes for any government attorney who would dare mislead the court. and it dramatically expands the role of the amicus to be an advocate for privacy and civil liberties and push back against claims that should have been rejected by the court long ago. it is our responsibility to continue our work, to pass this bill, to send it to the president's desk and to ensure that these reforms are made law. none of us should rest until we have done that work. i would be very interested to ear what changed in the bill between yesterday morning and yesterday evening that caused the republicans to withdraw their support from a bill they agreed to, from provisions they said were i prufmente -- were improvements to national security from provisions they said were improvements to the civil liberties of american citizens and suddenly all oppose it. what changed, other than the president's tweet? what changed other than the
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president's tweet? i urge my colleagues to support this motion and send the bill to conference where we can do the job we were sent here to do. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: madam speaker, everything has change. the main change is it's worse than we thought. on march 10 when this body last dealt with fisa administration all kinds of things have changed. we've learned from this the declassified transcript house bad the situation was in the prior administration when they went after the trump campaign. we learned about the concerted effort to frame general flynn, a three-star general, 30 years serving our country and everything -- we learned about october 4 when the f.b.i. agents said we should no longer pursue going after general flynn. but what happened, jim comey told peter strzok, we're going to continue to go after this guy. we learned jim comey met with president obama, talked about
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general flynn. we learned on october 6 what happened that day, excuse me, january 6. f.b.i. ed that then director comey goes to trump tower and meets with then-president elect trump to talk about the dossier they know is false, that they know is fugs disinformation paid for by the clinton campaign. what did we learn two weeks late her january 20, 2017, what did they do? what did they do? meet two agents in the white house to set up general flynn. what else have we learned since we dealt with this issue on march 10? we learned about the unmasking of michael flynn. 39 people unmasking general flynn's name. six people in treasury. what are six treasury officials doing unmasking the guy who is going on the national security director in the incoming administration? finally, probably most
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importantly, finally and most importantly, we have the report from inspector general horowitz, not the report he did on the carter page fie sacramento we already did that, we know how scathing that was, also wrongdoings that took place there but the report -- the report -- the investigation he's just starting on fisa in general. he's looked at 29 cases involving american citizens, 29 cases, and found in every single one of those cases, multiple problems. when they were surveiled, again, american citizens. in four of those cases they couldn't find the file that you have to keep that has the basic evidence that you're going to take to the fisa court, they couldn't find it. . so he does something you hardly ever see. he does a management alert. basically pulling the fire alarm saying, this is so bad i'm going to tell you what's going on now and i've just gotten started on looking at the overall fisa.
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so that's what's changed since march 10 when this body dealt with this issue. and when the president of the united states, pretty important person in this debate, when he says, you know what, i think we should hit the pause button and wait here a little bit until we get to the bottom of everything that took place, what mr. horowitz is looking at, what mr. barr is looking at, what u.s. attorney john durham is looking at, maybe we should just kind of hit the pause button and figure all this out. that's all he said. that's all we've advocated. that's why we took the position we did as a conference yesterday. i appreciate the fact that leader mccarthy and our conference took that position. so let's wait and get all the facts. let's wait until we actually hold people accountable before we renew this program, which, as the president said yesterday, does allow some warrantless searches of american citizens. so let's make sure we get it right. that's our position as republicans. with that, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time.
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the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: i'm glad the gentleman learned all this since noon yesterday when he testified in front of the rules committee in favor of this bill. i now yield such time as he may consume to the distinguished majority leader, mr. hoyer. mr. hoyer: i thank the gentleman for yielding. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland is recognized. mr. hoyer: thank you, madam chair. the information i had was, as the chairman has indicated, that the gentleman who just spoke appeared before the rules committee in support of this bill. we can get the transcript, i don't have it right now. but perhaps somebody can get hat transcript for me. for my entire career in public service, i have supported efforts to make america both strong and safe and a force for
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peace and reconciliation. in the course of those years, i have striven to draw an acceptable balance between our national security and the protection of our personal liberty. and the right to privacy central to our unique extraordinary democracy. a government of laws, not men. pursuant to that principle, as the majority leader, i scheduled the foreign intelligence surveillance act for floor consideration over two months ago. previously, in 2018, roy blunt, then the my -- 2008, roy blunt, then the minority whip, and myself, the majority leader, senator kit vaughn, senator from new jersey, and senator rockefeller, senator from west virginia, worked together at a time of great controversy with
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respect to the foreign intelligence surveillance act to forge a bill that would garner bipartisan support. it was a difficult bill, with the same kind of principled differences that chairman nadler spoke of early and i'm going to speak about again. we passed that bill in a bipartisan fashion. with us we have today people on the right and people on the left concerned about its content. so there was bipartisan support and bipartisan opposition. speaker pelosi and to had beenen -- to-be president obama, then in the senate, representative of illinois, voted for that bill. i have tried to continue to forge that balance through the
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years. the bill i brought to the floor a few months ago was a bipartisan effort to achieve that critical balance. and when it came to a vote, it received 2/3 of the votes from oth democrats and republicans. this bill, essentially. had 2/3 of the votes on the republican side and 2/3 of the votes on the democratic side. so obviously, 2/3 of the votes of this house. and as i observed yesterday, americans must have been heartened by the fact that we could reach a bipartisan agreement on such a difficult bill. it was not a partisan bill. the leaders, all three top
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leaders on both sides of the aisle, supported essentially this bill. that bill, upon senate consideration, was amended by an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote to strengthen the protections of privacy. which should have been heartening to those on the right and the left and was certainly heartening to me. and then what did they do -- they passed it with 80 senators, 48 republicans, supporting this bill. 48 out of 53. supporting this. this is not a partisan bill. and this bill is about that balance. and mr. nunes and mr. schiff supported this bill. and supported this balance.
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and 2/3 of us made a judgment that they had done a job worthy of support. so 2/3 of the democrats in the senate, 2/3 of the republicans in the senate, 2/3 of the republicans in this house and 2/3 of the democrats in this ouse have supported this bill. i believe that support was garnered because an assumption was made, a premise was adopted by the overwhelming majority of us that it was a carefully crafted balance between security and individual liberties. it may not be perfect. but we have a responsibility to
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protect this country and our eople. in consultation, therefore, with other leaders, i scheduled this bill for consideration yesterday. the night before i got a call from my friend, the minority leader, that the president was urging republicans in the house .o change their votes to no in the twinkling of a presidential tweet, without any substantive logic to justify their actions, i was told that the 126 republicans who had voted for this bill when it was considered in the house would now change their votes and vote o.
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i believe, and chairman nadler has said this and i want to share this because it's worth repeating, i believe when fisa passed the house in march, every member, those who voted yes and , voted their d no principles and their conviction on what they believed was in the security interests of the united states. every one of the 435 people. i don't think there were quite 435, that voted in that bill, in my view, voted on principle. and out of conviction. i, of course, believed that the 2/3 of the members who voted for the bill on principle and pursuant to conviction about making this country safe were
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voting not for party but for principle. , refore i was surprised because i saw not then, nor now, any reason that either principle or conviction should be changed. particularly in light of the fact that 80 senators, 80 senators, 48 republican colleagues of yours, madam peaker, voted for this bill. and therefore i assumed that we could bring members back. i don't want to get into controversy that some didn't come back, we have a new rule you don't like. we could bring the congress back and vote on a bipartisan bill
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.or america but as a result of the president's antipathy toward federal law enforcement and his rsonal sense of grievance, authorities that have conspired will continue -- expired will continue to be lapsed. the complicity of those who believe that the re-authorization of these authorities was in the best , erest of the united states in preventing its passage last ght and today is, i think, oth sad and irresponsible. that we aker, i regret did not bring this vote to the loor for a vote.
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this is a result, in my view, madam speaker, of a patently political and indefensible abandonment of principle and responsibility, both as a co-equal branch of government, and its policymaking branch as well. madam speaker, we need to send this bill to conference. i urge my colleagues to vote to send it to conference. and if you think it needs to be perfected in some way, as mr. nadler said, that is the place to do it. now that we are not going to have it on the floor. let me repeat. i would have had it on the floor . but we will not get an opportunity to vote on it. so i'll wait to see the result
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of a conference, with a republican-led senate on a bill that the president has hreatened to veto. 2/3 of us believe that this was a bill that was good for america. this is a serious issue. with serious consequences. and i urge you to vote yes. do not kill this bill. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland yields back. the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: thank you, madam speaker. i just want to correct a couple of things that the majority leader said. you guys are the ones that let the fisa law lapse. there was a 75-day extension sent over here. you guys got the majority. you let it lapse. we want to fix it. we want to correct it. we want to make sure it's not
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abused like it's obviously been abused. we didn't let it lapse. you guys did. and frankly, if you guys got the votes for this bill, you got the majority, you could pass it today. you don't have the votes because we need more work done on this to correct it. the leader also said something that was not accurate. he said the president had no basis for the tweet he issued yesterday. are you kidding me? are you kidding me? they spied on two american citizens associated with his campaign and he's got no basis for the tweet he did yesterday? they used a dossier to go to the secret court to get a warrant to spy on one of those individuals. a dossier that they knew was false, a dossier they knew was paid for by the clinton campaign, a dossier that jim comey said, not me, jim comey said was salacious and unverified. a dossier where the author had already told the justice department that he was desperate to stop trump from getting elected and they used it to go spy on the trump campaign. and the president has no basis for the tweet he issued yesterday? are you kidding me? you guys let it lapse. we're trying to fix it because we know how bad it is and
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finally i would reiterate, 29 cases where american citizens were surveiled by the f.b.i. and every single one of those were major problems when they went to the fisa court and as i said before, four of those cases they couldn't even find the woods file. we want to fix this and we're willing to take as long as it gets. and i will agree with the chairman of the judiciary committee. there are good things in this legislation. i said that yesterday at the rules committee. what i also said is let's get it right and if the president is saying, we're not going to do this until we figure out everything that went wrong, i agree with him 100% and more importantly, more importantly the american people agree with that. they want this fixed. they don't want -- they don't want anything done on this until we get to the bottom of everything that took place in the comey f.b.i. i yield to my good friend and gentleman, fellow judiciary committee member, the judge from texas, mr. gohmert. the speaker pro tempore: members are reminded to direct their remarks through the chair.
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the gentleman from ohio yields two minutes to the gentleman from texas. the gentleman from texas is ecognized for two minutes. mr. gohmert: one of the advantages we have seen from having a tight speech, you don't forget things that are important points. but one of the weaknesses is you can't respond to the myriad of points somebody just made explaining why we need massive reform to the fisa bill and the information that's come out. and now, i got here 15 years ago. and i was part of the re-authorization back in those days. and we got lied to by the justice department about how this would be used. they came back into private meet, oh, we don't go after americans. we have seen from the information that's come out in recent weeks that they do exactly what they told us behind closed doors they never did. this thing needs to be massively
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reformed. what happened in the last 24 hours? something called the rules committee. and it wouldn't allow our reforms, it wouldn't allow this body to vote on important reforms. go reread the fourth amendment. we're not supposed to authorize searches and seizures against americans without the proper due process, without probable cause, without particularly describing the places to be searched and what to be seized and the fisa court has violated that. some say, we just added amicus in there and that'll take care of it. the fisa judges did not vevpb the honor of their courts after finding out they were lied to repeatedly and fraud against them to do something about it. that tells you we need massive reform and a vote to go to conference is a total dabe case
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of this body's job to put out a good bill that does reform and i ask everybody, vote no to go to conference so that we can force this house to do its job. yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: madam speaker, let me just say first of all that of course much of what the distinguished gentleman from ohio said is fiction, as we all know. but second of all this bill as of yesterday noon was supported by the republicans, was supported by the gentleman from ohio, as making sufficient reforms, as making the reforms we recognize we need in the fisa system. i now yield such time heas may consume to the distinguished majority leader, mr. hoyer. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. hoyer: thank you, madam speaker.
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this is testimony dated 5/27 /2020. i'm going to read you some passages from that testimony. thank you for the opportunity to talk about this important legislation. i will go down, skip a couple of paragraphs, perhaps he'll want to point those out. fortunately, the gentleman said this bill makes important structural reforms to the rogram to combat abuses. he then said, most importantly, this bill includes accountability measures. he went on to say it also includes reforms that strengthen ongress' oversight powers.
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finally, he said, i would like to thank senator lee and leahy for their amendment to the house-passed bill which strengthens the amicus role in these proceedings by extending them to any sensitive investigative matter involving any u.s. persons. i also fully support this inclusion. as well as the lofgren-davidson amendment which was not on the bill to limit the f.b.i.'s ability to obtain internet browsing history of americans. trying to find a word of opposition to this bill. clearly taken by the rule committees as support of the passage of this bill.
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my, my, my. as i pointed out earlier, the consequences of a twinkling of a tweet. from the president of the united states. like that. changing the vote of 126 people. who i believe voted on principle. and on conviction. for this bill. for americans. i thank the gentleman for yielding. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: let me first point out, i already said that. i supported the legislation, i said that but i also said we can make it better. and the president, in light of what we learned in the last two months, we need to make it better. i think we can do that. and we should never forget the president of the united states plays a pretty important role,
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in fact, he's got to sign the bills, last time i checked. so his position does have real impact. i yield to my colleague and friend from our great state, mr. davidson. from the great state of ohio. for two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. davidson: i thank the gentleman for yielding. madam speaker, as the majority leader well knows, better than most of us in the room, for a bill to become law, the president of the united states must sign it. and he's made clear he's not going to sign this product. so it's a complete waste of everyone's time to send over a bill that has no chance to become law. and rather than make this bill better, rather than make this bill something that could become law, we're going to run out the clock on more broken process. why are we going to do that? we're going to do that because the people that are working to preserve the status quo, the broken status quo of warrantless spying on american citizens want to keep that status quo in
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place. so rather than allow real reform we've had a process that bypassed the judiciary committee. when chairman nadler realize head didn't have the votes to move his own product through the committee he pulled the whole committee process. in a committee process, amendments would be able to be offered and because they knew the amendments would be offered, in accordance with the rules of the house and would be adopted if they were given a chance to vote, they had to pull it so they didn't run it through the committee. the people that are represented by all 435 of us in this body had no chance to have their voice heard in a regular process. so leadership jammed through this broken bill to try to put some window dressing of reform on it. some of them are important, they are better than the status quo, but they're just modest reforms. that's why they had so much support if people who want oto preserve it. then when there was a real reform you saw that dropped off.
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when there was the lofgren-davidson reform that would stop warrantless searches on american's browser data they stopped it. not a single vote on an amendment in the people's house of the united states of america to preserve and protect the freedoms guaranteed in the fourth amendment. yes we must make our nation secure but we must do it constitutionally in full compliance with the bill of rights, no one is exempt. article 1, article 2, or article 3. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. nadler: i listened to this gentleman moments ago who said we shouldn't pass any legislation the president won't sign. the king of england used to have
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the royal prerogative, absolute veto. the president does not. this house and the nat should do its job and pass proper legislation and let the president do his job. we had 2/3 of the votes in this house for this bill. and yet the gentleman from ohio mentions the lofgren-davidson amendment. i support this amendment. and if we had gone forward we could have gone with it. but the fact of the matter is, they've withdrawn their support because of the president's tweet r no other reason and we are where we are now to preserve the ability to have the fisa act that preserves national security as well as the improvements in the act embodied in this bill and the senate version of the bill that improves security while improving privacy protections against surveillance, we must approve
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: we yield. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: madam speaker, i -- i repeat what i said before. we have a choice. the fisa act as everybody agrees is not in good shape. the fisa act is necessary to preserve the security of the united states. i think everyone agrees with that. but we need improvements in the fisa act to make sure that while we protect the security of the united states against foreign
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aggression and foreign subversion, such as the russian attempt to subvert our elections four years ago, we also must improve the fisa act to provide greater protections against unwarranted surveillance, greater american -- protection for american civil liberties an privacy. this bill does that. it may not do it as much as some people want but it gos a heck of a lot farther than what we have now. this bill must be passed if we're going to have the protections of civil liberties that we want. this intill a decent balance. and i urge its adoption. to do that we have to go to conference and i urge the adoption of the motion to go to conference. i yield back the balance of my time. i move the previous question on the motion. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the previous question is ordered. the question is on the motion. those in favor say aye.
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for what purpose does the entleman -- those opposed, no. for what purpose does the gentleman -- mr. jordan: i request the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the ayes have it. the yeas and nays are requested. pursuant to section 3 of house resolution 965, the yeas and nays are ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from pennsylvania rise? by s the member designated mr. cisneros, pursuant to house the ution 965, i inform house that mr. cisneros will vote yea on the motion. designated by mr. brad schneider, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform that mr. schneider will vote yea on the motion.
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for peaker pro tempore: what purpose does the gentleman from rhode island rise? mr. cicilline: as a member designated by ms. bass of california, pursuant to house i inform the , house that ms. bass will vote yea on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california rise? >> madam speaker, as a member of gnated by ms. eshoo california, pursuant to house the ution 965, i inform
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house that ms. eshoo will vote aye.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from missouri rise? a clay: madam speaker, as member designated by mr. grijalva of arizona, pursuant to 965, i inform n mr. grijalva will vote yea on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman rise?ennessee >> as the member designated by house inski, pursuant to resolution 965, i inform the will that mr. lipinski vote aye on the motion.
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[captioning made possible by the the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from new mexico rise? haaland: as a member designated by mr. harder, 965, i informres. the house that ms. harder will vote iowa on the motion. -- will vote yea on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: for the gentleman es from texas rise? >> madam speaker, as a member mr. vincente gonzalez, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the mr. gonzalez will vote aye.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from texas rise? garcia: as a member esignated by escobar of texas, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the escobar will vote yea on this item. i yield back.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from arizona rise? as a member designated by representative barragan, ursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. barragan will vote nay. a member designated by representative kirkpatrick, pursuant to h.r. 965, i inform representative kirkpatrick will vote aye. by member designated representati representative vela, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform he house that representative vela will vote aye.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman rom north carolina rise? >> as the member designated by . price of north carolina, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. price will vote yea on the motion before the house.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from michigan rise? >> as the member designated by ms. tlaib, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that that ms. tlaib will vote no.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from new hampshire rise? >> as the member designated by congresswoman frankel, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that congresswoman frankel will vote yea on the motion. as the member designated by congresswoman brownley, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. congresswoman brownley will vote yea on the motion. as the member designated by congresswoman pingree, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that congresswoman pingree will vote yea on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california rise? >> thank you, madam speaker. as the member designated by mr. swozz wie, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. suozzi will vote yea on the motion. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from arizona rise? >> as the member designated by mr. schrader, pursuant to house
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resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. schrader will vote aye. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise? >> madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. larson, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that that he will vote yea on the
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motion. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts rise? >> as the member designated by mr. vargas of california, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that he votes yea.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california rise? >> madam speaker, as the member designated by mrs. napolitano, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that mrs. napolitano will vote aye on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new york rise? >> as the member designated by chairwoman eddie bernice johnson, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that chairwoman johnson will vote yea.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan rise? >> madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. horsford of nevada, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. horsford will ote aye on the motion. as the member designated by mr. huffman of california, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. huffman will vote aye on the
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motion. as the member designated by mrs. lawrence of michigan, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that mrs. lawrence will vote aye on the motion. as the member designated by mr. pursuant toifornia, house resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. levin will vote aye on the motion. and as the member designated by designated by mr. lewis of georgia, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. lewis will vote aye on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from washington state rise? >> as the member designated by mr. heck of washington, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. heck will vote yea on the motion. as the member member -- as the member designated by ms. schleyer of washington, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. schleyer will vote yea on the motion. rier will vote yea on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from maryland rise? the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from maryland rise? >> madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. murphy ofville -- mr. krishnamoorthi of illinois, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that that mr. krishnamoorthi will vote aye on
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the motion. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts rise? r. mcgovern: as the member designated by mr. welsh of vermont, pursuant to house the ution 965, i inform house that mr. welsh will vote aye on the motion. as the member designated by ms. tra has of trahan of ts -- massachusetts, pursuant to house i inform the , house that ms. trahan will vote
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aye on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from new york rise? the member designated by mrs. lowey, pursuant to h.res. inform the house that mrs. lowey will vote yea on the motion. designated by mr. tonko, pursuant to h.res. 965, i that mr. tonko will vote yea on the motion. meng: as the member designated by serrano, ursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. will vote yea on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady rise?alifornia >> madam speaker, as a member of gnated by mr. desaulnier california, pursuant to h.res. house that mr.he desaulnier will vote yea on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from virginia rise? > madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. mceachin ursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. ceachin will vote yea. sna of ms. porter -- designee of ms. porter, pursuant resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. porter
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will vote yea on the resolution. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from florida rise? by s the member designated mr. crist, pursuant to h.res. that mr.form the house crist will vote yea on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman rise?alifornia >> madam speaker, as the member bera, pursuantr. to house resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. bera will vote yea on the motion. madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. ruiz, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. ruiz will vote yea on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: for the gentleman es from new jersey rise? mr. pallone: madam speaker, as designated by mrs. bonnie watson coleman, pursuant i house resolution 965, inform the house that mrs. bonnie watson coleman will vote yea on the motion.
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for peaker pro tempore: what purpose does the gentleman from virginia rise? >> madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. blumenauer, resolution house 965, i inform the house that mr.
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blumenauer votes no on the resolution. as a member designated by mr. lowenthal, pursuant to house 965, i inform the house that mr. lowenthal will the motion. as a member designated by mr. lieu, pursuant to house 965, i inform the ouse that mr. lieu will vote yes on the motion. as a representative by ms. lugs pursuant to house 96 -- resolution 965, ms. moore will vote yes. a member designated by mr. foster, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the foster will vote yes on the motion. as a member designated by mr. ohen, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that will cohen will vote yea on the motion. designated by mr. veasey, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the mr. veasey will vote yea on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman maryland rise? mr. raskin: madam speaker, as designated by ms. bonamici, pursuant to house esolution 965, i inform the house that ms. bonamici will vote yea on the motion. s a member designated by mr. doggett, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the doggett will vote aye on the motion. s the member designated by ms.
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jayapal, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the jayapal will vote nay on the motion. as the member designated by mr. michigan, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform will use that mr. levin vote aye on the motion. by mr. ember designated mcnerney, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the that mr. mcnerney will vote aye on the motion. by mr. ember designated pocan, pursuant to house 965, i inform5 -- the house that mr. pocan will vote nay on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new york rise? >> madam speaker, as the member designated by mrs. carolyn maloney, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that mrs. maloney will
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vote yea on the motion. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from new york rise? >> as the member designated by
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mr. deutch of florida, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. deutch will vote yea on the motion to go to conference on h.r. 6172. as the member designated by mr. peters of california, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. peters will vote yea on the motion to go to conference on h.r. 6172.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from pennsylvania rise? >> as the member designated by mrs. susan davis of california, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that mrs. davis will vote yea on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from california rise? >> as the member designated by congresswoman lucille roybal-allard, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. roybal-allard will vote aye on the motion. as the member designated by mr. tony car denass, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. cardenas will vote aye on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from pennsylvania rise? >> as the member designated by ms. speier of california, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. speier will vote yea on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise? >> thank you, madam speaker. as the member designated by by ms. lofgren of california, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. lofgren will vote yea.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman rom california rise? >> madam speaker, this is the first time in my 23 years in the house in which i will have cast votes both for and against the same motion on the same roll all. mr. sherman: as the member designated by mr. garamendi, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that
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representative garamendi will vote yea on the motion before the house at the present time. as the member designated by khanna, ative ro pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that representative khanna will vote no on the motion before the house.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from illinois rise? >> as the member designated by mr. rush, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. rush will vote yes. on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california rise? >> madam speaker, as the member designated by ms. chu, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. chu will vote nay on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from florida rise? ms. wasserman schultz as the member designated by ms. mucarsel-powell of florida, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. mucarsel-powell will vote yea on the motion. as the member designated by mr. hastings of florida, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. hastings will vote aye on the motion. as the member designated by mr. payne of new jersey, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. payne will vote aye on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the entlewoman from connecticut rise? >> as the member designated by wilson, pursuant to house resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. wilson votes yea on the motion.
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the speaker pro tempore: have voted?bers on thisker pro tempore: vote the yeas are 284. the nays are 122. the motion is adopted. without objection, the motion to
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reconsider is laid on the table. without objection, the chair following conferees 6172.. the clerk: messrs. nadler, ms. lofgren, messrs. nunes.and the speaker pro tempore: for the gentleman es from the speaker: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to house for one
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minute. the speaker: without objection, so ordered. > yesterday, we lost a former colleague, a patriot, and a true calling the gentleman from texas, sam johnson, a hero is inflated rhetoric or hyperbole. the best erry: it's description of know of sam johnson and his life. antonio, graduate from s.m.u., he served 29 years in the united states air force. fighter pilot and some traits fighter pilot came in to everything he did, from how fast he drove across texas, to the way he approached legislation. am was a veteran of the korean conflict and, of course, the vietnam war. 25th combat mission in vietnam, he was shot down, everely injured, and spent the next seven years as a prisoner of war in the prison known as hilton.i
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many members have read his book "captive warriors", which the hellish conditions and the courage and fortitude of am and his fellow prisoners as they fought to survive. fter serving he served until january of 2019 including as acting chairman of the ways and means committee. he now goes to join his wonderful wife shirley and his son bob. madam speaker, i know of no one in the house who was more universally admired across the chamber than sam johnson. he sacrificed much, but always with courage and good humor and deep, deep love of country. he inspired these of us who worked with him and his memory will be an inspiration to follow his example of service,
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sacrifice and love of country. madam speaker, i ask that the house observe a moment of silence in memory and in honor of this great american. the speaker pro tempore: will all members please rise and those throughout the capitol please rise in honor of our dear sam.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from maryland seek recognition? mr. hoyer: i ask unanimous consent to speak out of order
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for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. hoyer: thank you, madam speaker. as we face the crisis that covid-19 has confronted with us, the house must do so in a way that contributes to the safety and welfare of our people and not that harms it. there will be no votes expected in the house next week. members are further advised in an updated 2020 legislative calendar will be released in the coming days. i expect conversations to continue on additional legislation addressing covid-19 and the legislation we passed honoring our heroes. in the event that an agreement is reached on a bipartisan or partisan bill, then we will make sure that the house has 72 hours before they need to come back to vote on that legislation. i'm disappointed that leader mcconnell said when asked about
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the next phase of the next coronavirus relief, he said that is a decision to be made a month from now. as we know, we have a lot of people in places, we seafood lines that are very, very long. we see unemployment rising steeply. there are many people in this country that think waiting is not appropriate. i'm pleased the house has adopted a resolution to allow committees to work remotely. i expect to use the coming weeks to get the committees to have hearings and markups on critical legislation. as the gentleman knows, we have a number of must-pass bills that need to be addressed. the national defense authorization act, the 12 appropriation bills, the surface wrdaportation bill and the
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bill as well. as committees begin consideration, i will will let you know when they will be scheduled. i yield to the gentleman from louisiana, the minority whip. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from louisiana is recognize dollars. mr. scalise: thank you, madam speaker and thank my friend from maryland working through those items. i first want to start by associate myself with the comments from my friend from texas, mr. thornberry about the loss of our dear friend, sam johnson. we got to be close friends and i can picture him sitting right over there by general lafayette's painting in his scooter as he was voting and sharing stories with friends in his last few months when he served here with us with distinction for so long and the conversations and just the
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understanding of a giant that we served with, someone who served our country. spent seven years in the hanoi hilton. never broken. probably broke every bone in his body trying, but he and those other brave men in that prison never once faltered in their love and dedication to our country and to their family. and he is now with his wife in a special place and we are all better for having served with sam johnson. and he truly is missed and was a special friend. i yield to the gentleman. mr. hoyer: echo on his comments, although congressman, a patriot, a hero, did not always vote with me nor i with him, but we game good friends and i shared with
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you and others in this body a deep respect for who he was as a person, decent man, patriotic man, a good man. and obviously as you have pointed out, a very courageous man as well. served many missions. down and he shout didn't break nor did the love for his country. and i yield to the gentleman. mr. scalise: i thank the speaker as well for leading that tribute and i'm sure at some time in the future, we will spend an appropriate amount of time here on the floor where colleagues can share those stories about someone that everybody ought to know. i know we have some giants like john lewis and sam johnson, who we got to serve with. sam left and now is no longer with us and john still is and he
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is going through his own battle and we pray for john as well. as we have our battles of debate politically, it's good to remember the special people that get to make up this body and become part of this great institution of which we have the honor to serve. i appreciate the speaker and the leader to allow us to have that moment. nd i yield to the gentleman. the speaker: i thank the gentleman for yielding. what a day for all of us but an honor to serve with sam johnson and serve with him in the congress. i appreciate that you mentioned him and john lewis in the same sentence because i had the privilege and john larson set up a here''s night. and i had the privilege of giving sam the award that night as a true hero.
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and he was funny. and he always beamed when he talked about shirley and he loved the children and his son bob. and bob. with shirley this is a very special person. i was mentioning to the distinguished whip earlier, we were there when the room was made and his picture. he wanted to always celebrate the recognition that he received so that he cor both in his partisanship and his patriotism which we all admired. i was mentioning to the distinguished whip and mr. thornberry, that on one of those cages, he has a fellow prisoner of war there with him. and that is beyond anything we can imagine, the strength, the courage, the patriotism, just the faith in god that he had.
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so thank you for the opportunity to share some just personal comments about a really great man. always friendly, always smiling, always teasing about our political differences, but as always, just being a model of greatness to all of us. i yield back. i yield back to mr. hoyer, who was a good friend of sam johnson, i know. mr. scalise: if anyone wants to read his book "captive warriors" tells his stories about the heroes he served in that prison with and the unbrookeable love between he and shirley and never weafered of her love of him, seven years removed and she didn't know he was alive. he loved her, he mourned her
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death. it was something for all of us to again as we have our daily battles here, just to know, special kind of people to serve with and he was surely one. and i yield back. mr. hoyer: madam speaker, as i said, what we are going to do over the next couple of weeks, we have adopted a rule that allows the committees to meet even if they can't be here for health reasons depending on what the status is in d.c. and capitol and around the country, including transportation, the rule we adopted is that committees, in order to conduct virtual or hybrid hearings, practice session and then two hearings before they go to a markup. if we are going to work on this floor, we need product and product comes from the committees. so i'm very hopeful that the
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committees will be getting up and running at top speed in many respects. and the committees have been working so very hard and the members have been working so very hard on both sides of the aisle as they have been home and talking to their hospitals and governors and county commissioners and their local folks, nursing home administrators, so many people we have kept in touch with through these weeks to see what we can do to assist them whatever they needed. but the committees will be getting up to speed. they will be qualifying for having hearings and i expect work product to be coming later this month and be giving notice in the near term on a longer term schedule. but the house will not be in session next week. and then we will be looking at how the committees are proceeding from that point on. and we we will give 72 hours'
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notice to members when and if we have to come back. and i would also say that we are ry hopeful that a republican colleagues will engage in the matters included in the hero' bill because our states are struggling. my state is a relatively wealthy state. the revenues are off 20% to 25%. i don't know what louisiana's is well. cities and counties are struggling. the revenue reduction, which is a direct result of covid-19. and so we are trying to help those states. in addition, we invested substantial sums in testing, isolating, tracing, treating individuals. we need to follow up on who they
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have contacted so we can make sure they isolate themselves and only way to get a handle on this is to reduce the transmission from one to the other and we are hopeful that we will develop and there is money in there to develop a therapeutic to mitigate the adverse effects of covid-19 and also a vaccine to protect us from getting covid-19. but until that happens, we also need to give additional help to our small businesses and individuals who are really struggling as unemployment is at historic levels. over 38 million americans, maybe it's closer to 40 million americans without jobs. we have given them assistance and need to give them some more, but that's where we stand now. and we will operate with the intent in mind of getting the
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business of the house done in addition to the extraordinary work that we have done and five responses now from the house on the effects that the coronavirus has caused in this country, both to human beings' health and health of our economy. . . mr. scalise: when you look at the work we've done together to help try to address the problems country, both conomically, the health side, small businesses, medium size businesses, large businesses, state, local government, that have f dollars already been spent. when you think just about the hundreds of billions of dollars through ent to states various means, whether it's direct aid, the $150 billion that we sent to states, ach state got a large share of that money. billions of dollars, in some cases for each state.
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one state that spent all of their allotment. many are working to try to to re out if they're going help local governments or not. it was surely our intention here hat it wouldn't just be for states, that 45% of that money should be available for local governments as well. governors to espect that intent of this body, but rather than continuing to look to washington, i think looking ed to start within and saying how can we work to safely reopen our states states done other it successfully if other states are behind. models out there. that's why we always say the states are the great incubators democracy. states -- we all have smart people in this country that are this states that are reopening uccessfully, that haven't seen spikes in their hospitals, have done things and working off guidance from the centers for to successfully get their economies back open again.
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back open at the level it needs to be and that's why we need to encourage so ybody to safely reopen that the real answer to states let have budget problems is them start get their economies going again, get people back to again, get people get their checkups and the immunizations aren't children that getting immunized and the cancer treatments and the mammograms colonoscopies that have been skipped for months and we are seeing studies coming out from respected health experts that are talking about the real health danger of having shut-ins and people not getting out again. so we have to weigh all of this nd we have to keep encouraging the great progress we're seeing from some of these great drug that ies here in america are working on a cure, that are inding therapies that are effective for covid-19, with the help, by the way, with some of the trillions of dollars that we in washington. hopefully a vaccine. about theauci talking
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possibility of a vaccine being available soon. we need to make sure we're to help ramp up production when that is found so we can make it available to to take it.ants we need to be focused, also, on holding china accountable. need to be focused on ringing production back to america. p.p.e., which was in short supply in those critical weeks found out china, while they were lying to the world the this disease and w.h.o. joining in with them, was ofpping, blocking the export p.p.e., which they make the lion's share of. american companies in china that weren't even allowed to sell p.p.e. back to us when place to do rs in so. and so we should be that.igating i'm sorry that's not happening here. we should be addressing how we can bring more of that manufacturing back to america to create new jobs for americans making our own protective equipment for our frontline
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like doctors and nurses. unfortunately, that focus hasn't been there. issue is, where hould congress' role be in this? shouldn't congress be the lead n safely reopening and do our work? while we have had a limited number of opportunities to come back here and vote directly on a house floor, it's been smooth process. it's been a process that's been staggered mbers, votes where social distancing, which is still the standard that practicing, uld be is able to be exercised in a safe and effective way. very big had a difference on the proxy voting. i think we have already seen of that process, but the real issue is, when are we going o get back to a functioning regular schedule for the house representatives? as we are watching major companies -- you saw disney say parks in pening their a new weeks. you have the national basketball association talking about playing games again.
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whether or not there are fans in the stands, you talk about a exercise -- can't exercise social distancing, they're working on protocols right now to test players, but to go on.ames we all know the physical nature of a sport like basketball or football or hockey is talking about coming back. already racing as all of these things are ideas in and these these great ways to safely get different parts of our economy we don't even know what the schedule of the house is, when the house will actually when k voting again, committees -- the armed services committee could be in a large room in the capitol that's vacant right now debating the national defense authorization act so we don't bringing up legislation at the midnight hour. we can actually start working on that now. done here in be washington. doesn't have to be done remotely. these are the concerns that we would ask, is there going to
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when the majority leader would put out a new shows e that actually what our voting pattern will be? e know, obviously, when you look at may and april and even that has changed. but at some point, will it be mid june? it be mid july when we are these?some of again, if nba players can play basketball in july, can't we have a regular schedule by then hat the house will be conducting business? we've seen the spanish flu and in horses to get here and buggies and they figured out how to do it. again, in the way, showing people how to safely do our business with a consistent right now doesn't exist? i would yield to the gentleman. mr. hoyer: the answer is yes. going to we are have -- mr. scalise: do we know when? term.yer: in the near we have to find out how our committees can operate. national say the
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defense authorization bill on both sides of the aisle, they've very hard at ery, phone, in other ways. so i expect them to be ready to the floor this summer. to pass that bill before the summer break, that's certain. mr. scalise: if i can ask the gentleman on the voting and it's in committee -- and clearly there are rooms here in the capitol. you've seen the rules committee the ways and means committee where they're able to be spread out at distances well the safe standards of social distancing, well beyond ix feet, where you can have in-person hearings, where the back and forth of a debate and with it, that would go here a proxy vote doesn't fit that situation does occur, i hope we will do that. when we look at -- this
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partisan have been a exercise. i know early off we talked about trying to find a way to conduct business where both parties would agree. the minority leader and the speaker were talking about doing that. we thought that would be how it would end up and then, of course, that wasn't what voting. with the proxy but even the gentleman, you just somebody that if proxy voted, it would be for health reasons. for the first time, this new experiment that's 230 been done in over years was conducted, there were members who voted by proxy, that g a document saying they couldn't be here to physically attend proceedings yet, turns out they were in other places. in some cases, it took them to get to a rocket launch than it would have taken them to get here to the united states capitol. in clear violation of the intent of proxy voting. was just on the first day. so i don't know if the gentleman proxy g to revisit
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voting. but clearly we've seen most eople can come here and do the work, but even some who chose here. could have been and what message does that send to the country when we should be to ones leading the way safely reopen? i would yield. the country think is distancing itself as well. i don't know whether you drove work today, but hardly any cars are on the street. hardly any cars on the street in new york. the reason is because people are taking the advice of the and practicing social distancing. we think that makes sense. with nk that's consistent medical advice and that's what we've been doing. say, they could have been here, but there are a lot of west coast members who get on airplanes. some of those airplanes now, because there are so few flights, are crowded and people are concerned because they are not practicing social
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distancing. know, i think we are -- ost of us, when we're speaking -- when i'm speaking i don't wear a mask but if you see see me e capitol, you coming in and out of the capitol, getting into my car, i have a mask on. we're setting an example. we're setting an example how you floor, here on this which we're all practicing right now. so i think the house is setting example of understanding that it's not business as usual. the -- when you walk down the street and people are wearing masks, you know it's not business as usual. it's not america of ago. or four months so in any event, i think we're going to proceed. do the business of the american people. did that this last two days, passed a number of very bills, important bills to small business, in
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particular. sorry we didn't resolve the fisa question, but we did go to conference. what happens on that. so we have passed as the inary -- earlier, mentioned extraordinary legislation in this house throughout the last two months to ensure that the help an people got the they needed and that the country, while undergirded to the extent we could, so we've done a lot of work. want to say this -- i think we a disservice to our members and to this institution if we go home and pretend that somehow members aren't working because not physically in this room. i presume your members, but i tell you, the members on my side of the aisle working round the clock, clock, ating round the and that bill that we passed in way, we took a lot
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f time, days and days and days and days of hour and hour and hour-long conversations to get consensus on what ought to be in that bill. we passed it in a bipartisan way. did theesumption is you same. i don't know. i was not on your phone calls. disservice, i think -- i don't mean you, personally, but we do a disservice to allow or anybody else -- nobody's on vacation. people are working harder now we didn't have this my move on.opeful we will hopeful we will be back to usual as soon as possible. operative word, with the advice of our capitol physician, with the advice of administration, my own
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governor. states -- i have a republican governor, governor hogan. was one of my predecessors. very cautioustill and urging caution of our itizens. mr. hoyer: i'm prepared to yield back the time. mr. scalise: we have a disagreement on how business should be cuggetted on the house floor specifically as it relates to proxy voting and whether or not we can be here physically doing the job and clearly when we're at home in our districts and finding other ways to get work done and communicate with constituents and communicate with people around the nation and using technology has definitely helped. but it's not the same thing as when we are here. one piece is the ability to be here. we have the ability to be here. there are flights and if someone
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is not comfortable flying, they used to take horse and buggy but yet they found a way to get here in tougher times. you look at the message we are trying to send. yes, there are some places, that you don't have traffic on the road because their first have chosen not to open as progressively as others using safety protocols. no one is talking about compromising safety. many states have shown how to safely reopen and get people back outdoing the things that they want to do again. and that's the real issue is that you are watching aspects of the private sector and watching other levels of government, large cities, large states that are reopening and doing it successfully, not overrunning our hospitals. hospitals are telling us they want more patients and the people that would normally be getting their checkups and hip
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replacements and things that are part of their life cycle of their quality of life and ability to live with cancer treatments that aren't being done. there are people dying right now because they are not being tended to. in my home parish and talked to my coroner about this and took a six-week period and took that exact six-week period a year ago d 42% in non-covid-related deaths in my parish. people aren't going out, weren't going to the doctor. if they had chest pains, they weren't going to the doctor's office because they were dying in their house. these are real numbers from the coroner. there is a problem that is created by not allowing people to go about their lives again in a safe way.
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we need to lead the way to show people. we had house votes in the midst of this pandemic and went smoothly and better ways to do it, we'll do it. we followed the protocols of the attending physician. i didn't hear members complaining about it. everyone is practicing the social distancing that we all encourage and we are not doing it on a consistent basis and that doesn't send the right message. as the gentleman reworks the schedule and take into account it is important for us to show the rest of the country we can do our job. there are things that we do remotely. if we are in a three-week schedule in d.c. and one week in our districts, we need to stay in touch with the people that elected us and we come back here and represent them better but we
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have to come back here and do the work. you can't phone it in sometimes and can't do it remotely. there are certain parts of our job that we have to be here. things change on the fly. if you are back home or going to some other event somewhere else because you choose not to come here, it's hard to say you gave your proxy to somebody and things change two minutes before a vote, hard for that person to know how to change their vote by proxy when they are not here. there are flaws in that that don't need to be here because we have proven we can be here. i hope that is taken into account and the new schedule shows that and released as soon as possible as industry and groups are starting to show how we can come back safely. not last. we aren't going to be first but hopefully as other people are making those decisions, we can
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be part of that and not at the tail end of it. mr. hoyer: i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the chair will entertain requests for one-minute speeches. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from ohio seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. gentlewoman is recognized for one minute.
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ms. kaptur: as of yesterday, the unions' death toll from covid-19 has reached over 100,000 precious lives. recent headlines tell the story of covid-19 risks as workers eport to work with no testing. oronavirus strikes two nuclear plant. euters report all three united auto workers have tested positive. and reporting of can cufere, washington have tested positive at a food processing fa sill. testing requires a national strategy, now a helter-skelter search. without surveillance testing, many more america cans are put on the chopping block. if the president can find billions to build more nuclear workers we need to protect them
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and all workers to moving our nation to full throttle again. mr. president, get a testing regular meant in place. it's your duty. no excuses. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: members are reminded to direct their remarks to the chair. for what purpose does the gentleman from wisconsin seek recognition? >> i would like to ask for a one-minute speech. the speaker pro tempore: the speaker pro tempore: without objection. >> as america opens up and go over 100,000 deaths, it is important to look at all of our options to reduce the number of deaths related to this disease. the government is leaving too much to the pharmaceutical industry to develop a vaccine. the answer may be a more natural one and one that is a lot cheaper for the american public. i strongly believe we should be
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looking at the benefits of vitamin d. it's from the sun and free. ignore the politicians who say you have to spend in doors. but get out and enjoy the sun as we have been told as children and that's the way to awe stay healthy. if you can't grab the rays, i have vitamin d pills. i encourage folks back home to google northwestern vitamin d and you will see there are a lot c.d.c.rts outside of the the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. >> thank you very much. encourage people to use that method to keep the number of covid deaths down. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new mexico seek recognition?
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>> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman is recognized for ne minute. >> madam speaker, since the beginning of this crisis, i have heard from tribal leaders about the human tragedy of covid-19 on the navajo nation. whole nam list, doctors overwhelmed and insufficient federal hell help. they are sounding the alarm and i have working to ensure the medical professionals who serve the navajo nation to treat patients and protect themselves. instead of doing right, this administration awarded a $3 million contract for personal protective equipment to a company held by a former white house staffer. the i.h.s. received hungs of thousands of masks that may be unsuitable for medical use. this lack of leadership endanger
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lives. i'm working with the new mexico delegation and colleagues from arizona to hold the trum administration accountable. the navajo nation needs the support and not have this administration turn a blind eye while the nation loses one more parent, grand parent, son or daughter. we must be an honest partner to the navajo nation. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek reckniss? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> i rise today to pay tribute to the first responders, emergency first and the people of mid-michigan for swift action and incredible compassion in responding to the flooding in our region last week. in the face of the covid-19 pandemic, historic rain and the failure of two dams quickly and
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safely evacuated more than 11,000 people without a single death or injury and provided shelter to those displaced. i have been meeting with residents who have been affected, sanford, which took the hardest hit. residents have lost businesses, homes and cherished family possessions. in the face of these challenges, our community is coming together. we are grateful for the overwhelming support that has come from across the state and nonprofits and businesses. and my colleagues have reached out to me and i appreciate their kind words and offers of assistance. today, i say thank you to everyone in mid-michigan and across the country for their support during this challenging time. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from nevada seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without
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objection. the gentlewoman is recognized. >> on behalf of nevada's third district, i rise today to ecognize mr. kenny bellmath, a government teacher at delsol academy. they have been forced to work with a tight budget. he is used to parsing materials and assigning two students to one textbook as they work for space. unfortunately, that was before the covid-19 pandemic. the economic fallout of the coronavirus crisis is devastating. in my home state of nevada, the clark county school district is expecting budget cuts of $38 million this year alone. it's classes like his that will hurt the most. congress can help by prioritizing federal funding to
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states, towns and communities to relieve budget shortfalls so our education, health care and public services don't suffer. my colleagues, let's help our states and local communities and give teachers a chance to give his students the opportunity they deserve. i yield.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> today we mourn the lives of over 100 thousand americans who lost their lives and pray for the recovery of 1.75 million americans affected by covid-19. mr. soto: this represents an unimaginable pain but the numbers don't tell the story. i want to take a moment to describe four central floridians we lost. member, , tired cast dr. neal powell, orlando, air force veteran and dentist that made central florida smile brighter. bill smith who worked on nasa car h pads and a retired
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pen ter who loved to sing mexican ball adds. these and other stories will continue in our hearts as we do everything we can to get beyond and survive this pandemic. thank you. and i yield back. . . the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> i seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute.
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the gentleman is recognized. mr. sherman: our work now is to negotiate a new relief bill. so far we've spent trillions of dollars, bandaging our economic wounds. yet less than 1/2 of 1% has gone to beat the disease through research on therapeutics. all hands should be on deck, every reasonable idea should be tested. but our professional medical researchers are today sitting at home because their non-covid research has been suspended and our covid research funding has been modest. the heroes act provides $5.5 billion to do this medical research. that is the most important 1/4 of 1% of that bill and we need to fight to expand it in negotiations. medical research is the best investment we can make for america. it is also the only way we are likely to provide major help for the billions of people who live
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in poor countries and it is the best investment that we can make in america's standing in the world. thomas edison's -- edison looked at 3,000 different fillments to invent one practical light bulb. it took him two years. we need to test 3,000 different combinations of compounds and we don't have two years. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman rom new york seek recognition? jeff edmondson i ask unanimous consent to address --
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mr. jeffries: i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. jeffries: mr. speaker, i respect those police officers in every community that are there to protect and serve. and those who have fallen in the line of duty. but we cannot tolerate police violence and we cannot tolerate police brutality. george floyd was murdered by an out-of-control police officer. hen will it end? a man, 42 shots, police officer found not guilty. sean bell, 50 shots, police officers found not guilty. eric garner, choked to death, police officers let go by the grand jury. decade after decade after decade . when will it end? this time must be different. those perpetrators must be prosecuted to the full extent of
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the law and congress must do everything in its power to stop this type of tragedy from ever happening again. yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition? without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. johnson: thank you, madam speaker. i can't breathe is something that was delivered on this floor six years ago when he eric garner got choked out by the police. today i'm here for george floyd. another black man who died face-down on the hot pavement, suffocated to death by a police officer as he begged for his life, for eight minutes. black folks in america in 2020 are caught between being suffocated to death by the covid-19 coronavirus, or being choked to death by rogue, uncaring and unconcerned police officers.
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black folks in america are caught up in three pandemics, when you add the reality that our businesses are getting choked out of p.p.p. black people bear an unparalleled burden in this country and when just 12% of black and latino business owners who applied for p.p.p. report receiving what they asked for, something is wrong. when we make up 13% of the population, but 60% of covid deaths, something is wrong. when we have armed vigilanties and rogue police officers killing us on the streets, something is terribly wrong. the american dream should not be a nightmare for any of her people. it's time to bring an end to open season on black people in america. we can't breathe. nd i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: under the speaker's announced policy the nuary 3, 2019, gentleman from nebraska, mr. fortenberry, is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of
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the minority leader. mr. fortenberry: thank you, madam speaker, for the recognition. i'm going to remove my mask as i speak. we are appropriately socially distanced here and i'm grateful again for the time. before i begin my own remarks, i'm going to yield such time as he may wish to the honorable gentleman from illinois, john shimkus, a senior member of the energy and commerce committee, who will be departing for us soon. he's in his last term as he announced his retirement. it's been a pleasure to serve with you, my friend. we have a long way to go but it's always great to see you and look forward to your remarks. mr. shimkus: thank you, jeff. madam speaker, i rise today to recognize the contributions of reverend dr. dale a. meyer upon the occasion of his retirement in st. louis. in may, 2005, dr. meyer became the 10th president of accordia seminary. over 15 years -- 15 years later,
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he will start a new season in life, retiring and turning over the reins of this beloved institution to new leadership. his contribution to the seminary was immense. during his tenure, concord -- accordia's long-term debt was eliminated and it earned top marks from its recent accreditation by the higher learning commission and the association of thee logical schools. from the start of his tenure, to the end, dr. meyer worked alongside with his wife, diane, the faculty and key staff to cultivate a culture that was service-oriented and external-facing. this meant instituting activities designed to instill a spirit of community, volunteerism into first-year students. this meant adding park benches on campus and expanding holiday displays each year so visitors knew they are welcome at this place. it meant working with his wife, diane, and coordinator of campus grounds to create community
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guards for people to enjoy all summer -- gardens for people to enjoy all summer and fall, feeding the community both spiritually and figuratively. and it meant during the current pandemic having the bell tower on campus play music to lift the spirits of all those around. no wonder the seminary received the several civic award, including being named among the 100 top workplaces in st. louis in 2015. dr. meyer's retirement marks a season of change for the seminary. however, it also marks a closing of a chapter of a long career of service for him personally. while dr. meyer's first job was helping his parents, arthur and norma meyer, deliver milk for dixie dairy on the south side of chicago, he was called to serve on a full and winding professional path. this path was so full of wonder that he would often marvel at the, and i quote, milkman moments, that unfolded, remarking, and i quote again, what am i doing here? god has blessed me so. dr. meyer completed his bachelor's degree in 1969 at
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concordia senior college in fort wayne, indiana, and earned a master's of divinity. he earned a master's degree a year later and a doctorate in 1986 in class cat languages from washington university in st. louis. he's also a recipient of an honorary doctor of divinity in 1993. dr. meyer first joined the faculty at concordia seminary as a guest instructer in 1979, going on to serve as head pastor of st. salvatore lutheran church in illinois and st. peter lutheran church in new memphis, illinois, both currently in my district, and at holy cross lutheran church in my home congregation. these church communities are so beloved by the myers that they continued to worship at all three parishes to this day. it was at holy cross lutheran that i and my wife, karen, came to know dr. meyer and his family. our lives have been intertwined, to say the least.
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diane sold us our first home of the i taught the oldest of two daughters, elizabeth, civics at high school and ran the first of many 5-k races to come with his youngest daughter, katie. my own children played music in their daughter's wedding and my wife served as the head organnist at holy cross withdale and so on. dr. meyer moved on from holy cross in 1989 after being selected to serve as the speaker of the lutheran program at lutheran ministries. the lutheran hour is the world's oldest continually broadcast gospel radio program, first airing in 1930. dr. meyer also hosted a national television show on main street for lutheran hour ministries. in 2001, on main street episodes received two prestigious emmy awards from the national academy of television, arts and sciences, st. louis midamerica chapter. during this time, he took part in some of his favorite, and i quote, again, milkman moments, including opening both the u.s. senate and the u.s. house of
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representatives in prayer. in addition to his published writings, dr. meyer served in numerous leadership practices such as third vice president of the lutheran church missouri sin i had, a charter board member of the association of lutheran older adults, an honorary director of god's word to the nation's bible society and as a board of trustee of the american bible society. dr. meyer finally returned home to concordia seminary in st. louis in 2001, serving as the greg h. bent memorial chair of literature. he became interim president in 2004 and the 10th president of the institution in 2005. for the next 15 years, he could be seen working on the campus grounds, attending ba crmbing h and strolling with the oversized in-body and heart golden retriever that became the quasi-mascot on campus and sadly recently passed away. he likes to tell students, it's a great time to be in the church. as the world suffers greatly from the pandemic, we are grateful for his efforts to
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raise public servants to serve all those who are hurting and share the gospel loud and clear for all to hear. as dr. meyer begins his beautiful journey of retirement, he will enjoy more time with his two grown daughters, elizabeth, known as lizzie, pitman, and catherine, known as katie, baily. their spouses, darin, and charles. and their five grandsons that he refers to as cinco demeyer. christian, conor and nicholas pitman and andrew and jacob baily. madam speaker, i want to personally thank dr. meyer and his wife, diane, for their ministry and i yield back my time to congressman fortenberry with my thanks. mr. fortenberry: thank you, congressman shimkus. as you were speaking, i was reminded of my own concordia college that i represent, which is a part of the consortium of lutheran colleges which i know is very close to your heart. so thank you for mentioning the gentleman. madam speaker, before i begin, may i inquire as to the allotted amount of time? s it 30 or 60 minutes?
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman was recognized for one hour. mr. fortenberry: thank you, madam speaker. madam speaker, our world has changed. who could imagine just three short months ago where we'd be right now, as this silent avenger has threatened life, the life that we knew, and we suddenly found ourselves quarantined in our homes and apartments with nowhere to go, no planes to catch, no appointments to make, just quiet isolation with family and neighbors across the way. many friends are suffering, suffering unemployment or job uncertainty or the impact of the sickness directly. the trauma of this crisis is so, so real. with that said, madam speaker, i'm sure all of us in this body are doing quite a bytyqi of reflection, adjustment and alteration as we go back to what i call first principles. here's an example. as i was reviewing my mail
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recently, my daily mail, a gentleman wrote to me. he was concerned about something . it might not be about what we'll talk about in a moment, china's -- our dependence upon china for protective equipment and medical supplies. it might not be the latest surge of the virus in cities throughout america. but nonetheless, it was important to him that he point something out to me. the flag at one of our small post office locations is not flying. and it hasn't been flying for some time. and so my diligent staff contacted the gentleman, i believe they reached out to the post office themselves, but it sat out there as a lingering issue. so i decided to call the post master myself and i apologized to her. i said, i know this is highly unusual that a congressman would call you directly. she said, it's about the flag, isn't it? i said, yes, ma'am. she said, i don't have anybody to help me.
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i have the equipment to fix it, the top of the pole is broken, i just don't have anyone to help me. i said, let's get it fixed. i called our electric system, who we have a public power system in nebraska, they deal with this all the time, and a whole variety of issues. their response was, we'll get it ixed. the reason i tell this story, it was important that this flag that represents all of us the binding notion of what it means to be in america, that people have fought and died for, the symbol of this dignity, mobility of tradition that defines not only where we have been but what we strive to be. maybe he didn't think of all of that but wanted the flag to fly. she didn't have any help. and in a previous time, maybe we would have said get the purchase order written.
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but in my own way, let's just solve the problem. whether a person who had a problem with their social security check or stimulus check or a farmer who doesn't get their emergency loan or small business tripped up on the , to eck protection program go person by person and business by business, many of us have adjusted to the new reality of serving people where they are and maybe in small way in this crisis, this is a silver lining of returning back to first principles versus the abstract discussions that can sometimes consume us and pushing and fighting in some things that never come to an end. but hanging a flag in front of a post office is important, because it is who we are and i thank that constituent.
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in the great nebraska way, he said we need an all-weather flag. nonetheless, i want to turn back to another set of issues that hit our country before coronavirus and hit this body as well. important most expectations of our nation is health and well-being and three months ago this week, i sit on the appropriations committee and two subcommittees on state and foreign prayings and ranking member on the agriculture subcommittee. in a timely subcommittee hearing, i asked the inspector general of the department of health and human services this question, a simple question, three words. are our drugs safe? -- four. are our drugs safe? this raging coronavirus has
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drawn many attention to this much jofrle looked problem. and in the name of a global profit earring, what has happened we have enabled of pharmaceutical production to foreign countries, a significant portion of that outsourcing is to the very origin of the place where coronavirus came from, china. over 80% of active drug ingredients and finished drugs treat duce your fever to infections are produced outside the united states. even if we inspect our domestic manufacturing processes, we cannot possibly get a handle on drug safety when our drugs are sourced from over 150 countries including a significant portion from china. the department of health and human services, h.h.s., has a daunting task in managing the
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spending and performing strategies are so large. and one of those agencies is the food and drug administration, the f.d.a. there is an inherent and unfair duality in how f.d.a.'s foreign and domestic inspection regimes are carried out. spptors conduct surprise spppingses in america to produce drugs. but when it comes to foreign inspections, the f.d.a. gives companies advanced notice often as 12 weeks allowing suppliers to clean up their act. this is counterproductive and wrong and creates an unplaying field for count companies trying
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to produce drugs. the f.d.a. inspectors also face obstruction, coercion and deception in foreign countries. a chinese company imprisoned an inspector in a conference room to force her to destroy the photographs it took of its facility. this inadequate monitoring of production of medicine has dire consequences. in 2008, a tainted batch of a blood thinner, which is made in china, killed over 100 people worldwide, including 81 in america and led to this drug's recall. in august of 2018, the f.d.a. sued an alert that a chinese manufacturer of a thyroid medicine was recalled due to inconsistent quality. with this hearing that i'm
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referring to, i asked why has so much of our drug production moved overseas. why. in answer to answering that question question, i basically knew the answer. has to do with capitalization. on low wages. lacked safety and environmental standards in those countries. but my full intention in asking that question was to probe whether or not we have inadvertently in infrastructure has encouraged offshoring. these troubling dynamics take on a special emergency given the massive spread of covid-19. the f.d.a. identified 20 drugs that sourced their finished drug products from china. the agency issued an alert that one chinese drug maker had
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stopped making a drug at its manufacturing facilities. drugs with short expiration dates are particularly vulnerable to these supply chain problems. solving these issues can become easier when we can fully identify and inspect foreign sources of medicine. but with the bulk of our supply from a country that suppressed news about the coronavirus origins, its severity and its timing and prevents the centers for disease control and prevention from fully accessing the actual virus, i am not optimistic that we will gain better information. i get it. it is convenient in this moment to point a finger at china. but we have plenty to do in our own house to restore some order here. the inspector general promised
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me an answer in two weeks to my question. remember what it was? have we inadvertently perversely incentivized the offshoring of drug production from america? the inspector general promised me an answer in two weeks. i have heard nothing yet. the reality here is that we have to change. how we do public policy in our country. just like so many other processes and businesses and society shifted. oronavirus has taused a shift. we are seeing massive spikes in the use of digital technology which has implications. and bit of a silver lining in this time of crisis and suffering, i'm proud that this body has come together to
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protect health care, to protect individuals and families and to protect small businesses and farmers. and once our body itself recovers our rhythm and order here, there are some particularly good places to start thinking about action around our health care security. so, policy question one. much of our drugs come from foreign sources. to solve this, we should enhance the f.d.a.'s powers to track the ingredients. we should require labeling as to where they come from. and third, increase reporting requirements for the pharmaceutical companies themselves particularly with the precursor ingredients. how we oversee the drugs and their ingredients and need to right incentives that companies will produce drugs and drug ingredients right here, here at
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home in america. it's made in america. we will all feel much better about knowing that it is safe. but going beyond these policy considerations about our health care security, i want to take a moment to possibly pull back the curtain and read into what we are experiencing now in some future trends. it's not to diminish the trauma and suffering that has hit our country, but there are many open-ended questions we are facing now and might be helpful to what some new realities are going to be in short order. we have adopted masks and social distancing. we casually use terms like vered immuent and flattening the curve. and adopted less noise and more
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intimate connection with those n our immediate orbit and what we we will encounter to see the world through an entirely new lens. here is a little bit of a sneak peek. first, our relationship with work has substantially changed. for those fortunate to have good employment, telework has arrived while many main street businesses are really hurting, many have transformed themselves into online brick and mortar hybrids. people are ordering groceries online and medical supplies. doctors are seeing patients remotely. and in a little known shift, we are actually reimbursing for telehealth. it's here to stay and will make
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huge advances in our well-being and perhaps save some funds. school is temporarily centralized in the home, reconnecting families, an important, beautiful, exciting if not sometimes stressful ways. the handshake may be in decline ut the elbows are enjoying a renaissance and we are going into a world that better treatments are right around the corner, we are seeing less attendance on automobiles, more connect he hadness and increase in victory gardens. nature is recovering, air is cleaner, traffic is down. cities feel calmer. is is the aligning preferences, the economic preference curves of the baby boom generation and millenial
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generation are lining for liveable, walkable, nurturing communities. but even while we consider the rosier side, we have urgent questions. when are we getting back to normal? when can we hug those we love? when can we visit those incapable of visiting us. what does normal even mean. madam speaker, here is one aspect. a new intrusive reality. have it for screening, sanitation, testing and testing. let's impact this. s.s.t.t. is a sweep of best practices that will enable the fuel reopening of our state in nebraska where i live and our country, while ensuring those who are vulnerable, especially
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the elderly and those with underlying conditions are fully protected. on screening, you will see more high-tech thermal scans as we experienced after 9/11 with the dramatically inhansed security screening, the temperature will be taken. as to the next s, sanitation, i found new respect for medical personnel who must wear the surgical masks hours on end. they are hot and bothersome. but they are now part of the normization. retail establishments, at work and public transportation. you are seeing the sneeze guards and other physical barriers at checkout stands, hand sanitizer sales are not declining any time soon. as a surprising fragile covid-19
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is killed through basic hygiene. now social distancing is a subset of sanitation. perhaps we should change the name and call it social respect, because this is what it means, it is embrace of a necessary constraint out of concern for the public good and it lessens our own individual vullnerblet. with combined with our ability to work from home, sick, these factors are certainly lessening the disease's impact. new configurations for workplace, work trafficking and fightow will emerge as we this virus. ook for t.s.a. pre checks at arptse, trains and hospitals. open floor concepts and lunch
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buffets being out. flexy glass, one-way walkways. zoom is the new communal coffee break. as offensive as this seems, look for monitors on elevators and large office buildings. . . . the first t stands for testing. there will be a dramatic increase in onsite work testing. early diagnosis of those who show symptoms are -- or who have some reasonableness to think they may have been exposed is one way to significantly reduce the disease. i've been very proud to continue to work with the university of nebraska medical center. during the ebola epidemic, we worked with the obama administration to help the university of nebraska medical center, which has a long history in infectious disease and virology, to build out containment facilities, just in case ebola would impact us
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significantly in america. and you might recall, madam speaker, that the first coronavirus cases that came off the cruiseship went immediately to nebraska, our national guard hosted people. those who needed to be in isolation. and then those who needed to be quarantine who had had the disease went to the university of nebraska. that's because we've led the country in forward thinking as to how to create the possibility of containment for some type of pandemic. we have a lot more to do such as creating a surge hospital concept for our military and our country at large. but nonetheless, in working with the university of nebraskaed me center, -- nebraska med center, trying to think about how we don't just sit back and let the sick come to us but we go forward and use institutions who have occupational health specialists and larger capacities to become the center for controlling the disease themselves, in a manner that parallels the necessary public health response that's going on. again, sanitation and screening are part of that and onsite work testing.
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second nd, t, in the -- t is for other testing, whether you've developed antibodies to the virus. as we are discovering a number of people who have had the disease don't have any symptoms. they didn't know they had it. now they should -- they could have antibodies which which will help themified -- which will help them fight the disease should they be re-exposed in the future. said another way, it means the person who has had the virus and recovered and it lessens the possibility of a reinfection for them. both types of testing will become widespread, faster and cheaper and ordinary, again, helping us control the spread. as we work toward a vaccine or effective treatment to stop the , the s effects, this sstt university of nebraska, i'm proud of them for developing this and their outreach to the community it. may not be a panacea -- community. it may not be a panacea but it will give us the data and confidence to more robustly and quickly open our economy and
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gradually reduce the need for strict containment measures. it's changing a bytyqi now, madam speaker, but on an earlier -- bit now, madam speaker, but on an earlier trip to d.c. for votes we took several weeks ago, in which rereplenished the funds for the highly successful paycheck protection program, madam speaker, if you don't mind, i'm going to divert for a moment because i'm proud of my state. again, this was a bipartisan airlift, the paycheck protection program, to help small businesses maintain personnel on the payroll while we tried to get in front of the disease spread, creating a 1-2 simultaneous step to protect our health care system and protect our economic well-being. the paycheck protection program was vital to this effort, widely supported by many of us, as well as the replenishment. nebraska has a very robust community banking system, we worked very aggressively with small business associations and got the word out so we on a per capita basis had the largest number of loans for the p.p.p. program. which again is so important to
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the well-being of our economic vitality as we fight our way through this virus. the point being, though, i went to get on the airplane and i stood in omaha's enly airport and then later -- eppley airport and then later at chicago's o'hare, and witnessed this eerie stillness around me. vacant terminals. closed businesses. nearly empty planes. a science fiction movie come to life. madam speaker, the earth has really stood still for a moment. but perhaps in this stillness, just perhaps, we've rediscovered some important things and we do see some trends that will mark a new way forward. thank you, madam speaker, for yielding me the time, and i ield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. for what purpose does the
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gentleman from maryland seek recognition? >> madam speaker, i ask for unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you very much, madam speaker. i rise today because i want to call the name of george floyd. george floyd. who lost his life this week because of a minneapolis police officer. and george floyd, who died for no known reason. he was not armed. he was not intoxicated. he was not aggressive and he was not threatening. he pleaded for his life. he cried out for help. he growned -- growned in pain and then he died -- groned in pain and then he died with his face pressed against the ground and the knee of a police officer against his neck. this was not an arrest this was murder. it was the murder of george floyd. and it ought to be prosecuted to
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the fullest extent of the law. god help us as a nation if we choose to be silent at this sad and tragic time. i yield back, madam speaker, the emainder of my time. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to section 4-b of house resolution 967, the house stands adjourned until 9:00 a.m. monday, june 1, 2020.
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