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tv   Washington Journal 08232020  CSPAN  August 23, 2020 7:00am-10:01am EDT

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and president trump are preparing. we also take your calls and you can join the cove conversation on facebook and twitter. "washington journal" is next. ♪ host: good morning. after a rare saturday session, the house passing a bill that would stop operational changes to the postal service. we are providing another $25 billion in funding, but the measure not going anywhere in the senate according to mitch mcconnell and facing a veto from president trump. the session comes as republicans prepare for the start of their national convention held in part in charlotte, north carolina. president trump accepting the nomination. live coverage all week on the c-span networks.
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we begin on this sunday with the new numbers on covid-19 as the 0 weh toll surpasses 800,00 are dividing. the eastern or pacific (202)-748-8002, those in the ,ountain region (202)-748-8001 those in the western regions (202)-748-8000. passingh toll is now 800,000. in thethe pandemic began past week nine out of 10 countries with the most deaths per capita have been in south
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and central america or the caribbean. in the united states, they have her in your seven-day average of about 1000 per day or two deaths , with more than 175,000 deaths recorded to date." midwest,ee the south, and out west in california and parts of washington state. the political gridlock over this continues with this from house speaker nancy pelosi. "the house and the senate still not in agreement on the steps moving forward." [video clip] daysmorrow will be 100 since we passed the heroes act. it is even more urgent for us to have the values -- this is not a discussion about just dollars.
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it is about values and how we value the health and well-being of the american people, how we honor our health care workers, first responders, teachers, transportation, sanitation workers, while employed by the state and local government. a big obstacle going forward is the attitude of the republicans. let the states go bankrupt and not fully coming to the table to support that. right now, is a grandmother and mother of children in school and children who teach, we really have to make it safe for our children to go to school and that takes money. it takes money for distancing, more teachers, bigger classrooms, or more classrooms, ventilation, and the rest. districtsggest school in the country, over 75 of them
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most are virtual or a small number are hybrid. our fight with the administration has been they want the bulk of the money to go only if you actually open up, which is a small percentage of the biggest school districts in our country. host: that was yesterday during a saturday news conference. the headlines says the house billion dollar bill. mark meadows calling on them to pass a skinny covid relief package instead of the package was callingaker forward. [video clip] >> i think that is up to speaker pelosi and leader schumer in terms of where we go next.
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i can tell you i have had a number of extremely good conversations with members, both ipublicans and democrats, and think we all identify the need to act and what we agree upon. i mentioned that just a few minutes ago, the vast majority of democrats and republicans agree we can do something to extend the ppp program that has been so successful for small businesses, and reach in and handle that. we can put some money aside to handle those underserved communities that are in communities that felt like they got left out the first time. we agree on that. we can come up with a number, i believe, postal workers, and republicans, and democrats believe will fix the postal system.
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i believe we can come up with an agreement on stimulus checks to americans and enhanced unemployment. those issues are not as divisive as we might think. lastly, i think there is a real willingness to help with our kids, whether it be with funding for schools or the funding for daycare in this unprecedented time. we make great progress on those areas. yet, talks continue to be number that a continues to get articulated by that theyin congress do not have a basis in terms of what supports those numbers. host: that was from mark meadows. joining us on the phone is brett samuels who covers the white house for "the hill."
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anything, in terms of relief will pass? guest: good morning. thank you for having me on. it is hard to see where talks go from here. we have had this going on for weeks on end with few glimmers of hope there will be a breakthrough. with the republican convention happening this week it is unlikely we see any meaningful progress. government funding is coming up in september. it seems like that might force the issue, but it is hard to see in the immediate future the two sides agreeing on anything host: all of this coming as "the new york times" report the death
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toll has exceeded 800,000. this headline from fox news, "the president to reveal a breakthrough therapeutic drug, a news conference scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on the eve of the start of the republican convention." what do you know about that? guest: it is not totally clear what the president will discuss. there have been a couple of things he has been pushing. forof them is approval convalescent plasma as a fdaible treatment and the has been hesitant to approve are notause there enough good studies to say whether or not it is effective, but the president clearly wants that and has been vocal he wants that approved and labeled as emergency use. it will be an interesting scene because the president tweeted
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yesterday, critically of the fda, accusing them of delaying therapeutics perhaps to hurt him politically. there is really no evidence of that. beenda commissioner has very clear he is not going to cut corners. they are going to let the science dictate what the approve and not let politics influence it. is supposed to be at the press conference. it will be interesting to see what the president reveals. host: we will have live coverage at 6:00 p.m. eastern and 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. i am not sure if you had a chance to read the other story, but the front page headline from "the washington post" his older sister saying his brother "has no principles. you cannot trust him." bys was based on a recording
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niece.ump, is your thoughts on the story. guest: it is very interesting and especially because his sister, who was recorded, is someone who he has spoken about publicly and she is formerly a judge. jokinglyoken half about appointing her in the administration at some point. hear this from somebody he has spoken about publicly, whereas he has claimed his nie e ce is estranged from the family, it is hard to do that with his sister. summit he thought to be a little closer to the president. as far as any impact, after
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almost four years, it is hard to see if people take this if it willr roll off his back. it is hard to see anybody in the white house taking this seriously. host: his statement referring to the passing of his brother and the funeral service held friday. let me turn to the convention. what are we expecting? i know there is still a lot of uncertainty in terms of the schedule. the first session will begin tomorrow morning 9:00 a.m. eastern time. guest: it will be quite a contrast from the democratic convention in a number of ways. convention, as
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you said there are last-minute changes. he is adamant he wants a lot of live segments, complaining about the democratic one having too many prerecorded ones. it will be interesting to see how they pull it off. as for the message, it will be what we have heard from the president already which is casting joe biden as a danger to the country if he were elected, painting him as radical, painting democrats as radical, in addition to the establishment republicans speaking. we will see mitch mcconnell, tim haley, the people who drive the cultural message the president likes to focus on and people will egg on this idea that
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democrats support cancel culture or they are leading the country down a radical path. i think it will be a sharp contrast from the democratic convention which was a lot about the president's lack of empathy and ability to connect with people. the president will drive home this sort of dark and foreboding message about what would happen if joe biden were elected. he coverst samuels, the white house for "the hill." thank you for being with us. guest: thank you. says thousands" of lives could be saved if people wear masks." "the
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georgia.oining us from caller: this is not equal. the democrats passed the heroes act. the republicans have nothing. there is no guarantee of a vaccine. there is no vaccine for the common cold. c-span is spreading anything,tion and if the republican voters did it too. why can't the democrats negotiate with anything? there are trillions and trillions of dollars being pumped into the stock market. in 1929, the stock market crashed because the republicans
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carved in socialism. they are not going to do anything to help the people. i do want to make a point, all we are saying is the president will have a news conference. he claims there are therapeutics you will be announcing. caller: you are equating the problem. the democrats actually passed something. why should democrats negotiate? the republicans cannot negotiate with nothing. negotiating one something. no! host: thank you for the call. michael is calling from north carolina. 000the death toll passes 800,
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where are we with this pandemic? but if i am not sure, more people wore masks -- i do not know why they don't -- they are wearing them to protect themselves. as far as i am concerned i had to quit work last week because i am very vulnerable, i am a at,etic, and where i work in the state of north carolina, my workplace is in violation of distancing. that is why i had to quit work. host: how are you feeling now? caller: i feel good. i had the test last week and it came back negative. thank god for that. host: thank you for the call. (202)-748-8000 if you are in the eastern or central time zones, (202)-748-8001 for mountain and
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pacific time zones, and you can text us at (202)-748-8003. this is a tweet saying, "why are masks mandatory? biden and the democrats are not wearing masks indoors with nobody around. democrats will not let the fda approve a vaccine that cures coronavirus to hurt trump. i want my second amendment back ." that was from george in alaska. "coronavirus has not stopped groups from gathering, but it has led to grim consequences." here are some of the details from cnn. "big gatherings can spread covid-19. large groups continue to congregate leading to outbreaks in communities, on college campuses, and beyond. universities in at least 15 states have reported outbreaks, some tied to large gatherings. at least 26 cases in three states are linked to that
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motorcycle rally which drew thousands to south dakota earlier this year and at least 176,000 have died in the u.s. since the pandemic began. more than 5.6 million have been .nfected cases have been dropping, however the death rates have been elevated." we go to eric joining us from california. caller: good morning. thank you for the opportunity. that i wouldis like to know how many businesses have died since these this coronavirus started. a business dying and shutting down is just as bad to the economy, even to this event we are living through. i would like to also see what
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type of numbers of businesses have died since this started. we never heard of the amount of due toses lost coronavirus. host: there is this story from "the wall street journal." k callinge the letter it a k recovery with many doing well. those who were able to work from home with higher unemployment. "covid-19 is dividing the american worker. for many professionals, technology has been a lifeline during the pandemic, enabling them to be productive all stuck at home. for many other workers, it is a dividing line, corralling them into this technique orders of the economy. the pandemic has led to unemployment in the service
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sector, retail, with the scale of the swiftest unprecedented in record. they the cashiers and janitors, construction laborers, and secretaries. it could explain the k ship recovery in which there are two americas -- professionals were back to work with stock portfolios approaching highs and everybody else." next fromjoining us california. caller: this is all donald trump's fault. 172,000 have died, 29 million phase eviction, 91,000 small and 30 as have closed, million americans are hungry. donald trump is to blame and i cannot understand what anybody
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cannot understand that. bidenuld vote for joe because donald trump is to blame for everything. host: this text message from sherry from indiana saying, " 800,000 is significantly less than 1% of the world population. this virus has been blown out of proportion. this is not nearly as bad as the media and democrats want you to believe." richard you are next. caller: good morning. you just read about blowing out it of proportion. everybody dies now is dying from coronavirus. attack, it heart could be anything, and they say corona. a kid could die in a motorcycle accident and they would say he died a corona because he tested positive.
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what is wrong with america? i think this has been blown out of proportion. it is a small percentage. thank you for letting me talk. host: thank you for the call. the house meeting yesterday to pass a relief package for the u.s. postal service. we carry it live and among those on the floor, jim jordan, who is very critical of what nancy pelosi was putting on the floor. [video clip] >> the post office has more money today than they did last year. they got $14 billion cash reserve, attend billion dollar line of credit from the cares act, and the postmaster general is moving sorting machines and removing mill collection boxes. the same thing every postmaster general has always done. 2016 the011 and obama-biden administration removed 12,000 collection boxes. oh, my goodness.
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andre moving some boxes that is a reason to give $25 billion to the postal service and create this conspiracy theory? "the wall street journal" called it that. what is really going on? you want to focus on concerns? we have a bipartisan bill that the late chairman cummings and mark meadows worked on. i do not even think the democrats -- the chairwoman has not even talk to him. he happens to have a pretty important job and you did not even talk to him. they had a bipartisan bill. if you want to work on bipartisan solutions, that is fine, but that is not what this is about. this is all about politics. host: that is what the house floor was like yesterday. this is from another viewer. bob in kentucky sending us this.
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"they put a lot of pork into bills. breaks for wealthy donors, suspending taxes. help the needy, not the wealthy." "covid-19 will be with us. take precautions." was an 800,000 globally have died and the death toll has surpassed 175,000 in the u.s. what is happening next on the eve of the republican convention? bradley in west virginia, good morning. caller: good morning. 71-year-old vietnam veteran. host: thank you for your service. caller: thank you for that. the lady that was just on from california needs to get her head out of her you know what. the president did not create this disease, the president did
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not cause california to burn to the ground. people like her need to get her suitcase and get out of america in my book. they need to start backing the president and get rid of this disease. be on to callcrat him anything but a sob. that is why i cannot vote for a democrat and i am a democrat. y joining usto lora from oklahoma. your thoughts on this pandemic. caller: good morning. this situation is going to get worse. it is not going to get any better and too many people are
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dying. this should not happen in america. we are the most wonderful, beautiful country you could ever want to be in. thought thatver carrier?a that is why he is walking around looking like a cheshire cat? has anyone ever thought he might be a carrier? host: a carrier of the virus? caller: yes, he might be a carrier. host: why do you say that? caller: because he has not gotten sick. he is playing with death, he does not wear a mask, and his followers feel they are invincible because he feels like he is invincible. i think trump is a carrier.
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sick, but heople is not sick. host: we move on to carl from west virginia. good morning. caller: good morning, steve. how are you? host: good. how are you? caller: i am good. i wish you would cover the democrats like you do trump. not thehe h1n1 this was coverage on this channel or any other channel. you let that guy from georgia beat up on trump. i want to tell you something about biden. all the politicians are crooked and they make their relatives rich. that is what biden has done to his family. crackhead son on air force two, came back from china with investments, and
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there is no coverage of stuff like that. biden wins the next election, i'm anxious to see how you will cover him. host: carl, we have done a lot on the hunter biden situation especially during the impeachment investigation and subsequent stories. caller: nobody has ever questioned him in the media. nobody has ever asked biden a question about him taking his son to china and coming back with a $1.5 billion investment and to a company he managed. i have never heard any generalist ask biden that question -- journalist asked biden that question. it is so one-sided that it really gets to me sometimes. host: part of the problem with
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the biting campaign is he has not -- biden campaign is he has not done a lot of interviews. we would love to ask him that and other questions. caller: why do not say something about it on air that he is hiding in his basement? host: i just it. we have been trying for months to do an interview. caller: did you say he was hiding in his basement? host: that is a line you might say, but we would appreciate the chance to talk to him and asking those questions. this is a tweet from andrew saying, "i am sick and tired of everybody blaming donald trump for the deaths in the u.s. is president trump responsible for deaths around the globe? let us place the blame where it belongs -- china. they are the ones who caused this pandemic." james is next from tennessee. caller: good morning. host: go ahead. caller: thank you for taking my call.
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i don't know why people are trying to blame biden. this was a hoax for 70 days. instead of locking the country down what do he do? the president a short while ago with this tweet. "now the democrats are using the mail drop boxes which are a voter security disaster among other things. they make it possible for a person to vote multiple times. who controls them? are they placed in republican or democrat areas? they are not sanitized. a big fraud!" john is next from philadelphia.
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as we deal with a milestone in coronavirus cases and deaths, where are we where with this pandemic? carolyn from kentucky. caller: hello. i would like to comment on the pandemic. trump holds a lot of responsibility for this. if he had just taken leadership, we would be in a different place. there is no leadership. i would like to comment on the guy who called from west virginia. he is talking about hunter biden. what about the money trump's children and even trump has benefited from being as president? i do not understand how these people want to pick on biden.
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they cannot even hear unless they turn off fox. things otherother than being president -- is into things than being president. host: andy is joining us from new york. caller: trump is not wearing a mask. he had no choice but to go along with it because everybody believes in it. host: steve is joining us from florida. caller: thank you for the conversation. i have got two points. the first is there are 7000 people dying every day in the united states. we are going to have to decide
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from this point of view are we going to let the people dying right now destroy america? that is what we are getting closer to doing. my second point is along with that. socialismxism and that is gaining popularity right now, the only way it can work for a temporary time, is if we monetize the debt. print money that is meaningless, handed out, and try to fix it. what happened in the soviet yearsit did not last 100 before it imploded. this is the way we are going and people have to understand we cannot go this route. we cannot let the minority of people determine the outcome of the majority. when we have minority rule, not andolor, but by ideas
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selfish desires the united states is going to fall. host: thank you. this is the headline from "" "president donald trump just pull the plug on plans for in person convention bash in jacksonville, florida. a handful of his top political aides met in a conference room in suburban washington, sitting in front of a blank board. the task seemed overwhelming. this was the second time he blew up the convention. the decision they made was to start half an hour earlier meaning they will have 2.5 hours of programming each night.
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input from the president will extend and they decided the convention would be heavy on non-politicians with a mix of recorded and live speeches and crisp video productions. the goal was to make it a gripping tv show. republicans are aware of the bipartisan praise joe biden troopers convention, and trump aides conceding their rival could get a bump. they think, despite the mad rush, in order to outdo the democrats who spent prepping for a virtual program." we will have live coverage of morningention tomorrow 9:00 a.m. in charlotte, north carolina. tomorrow,g sessions tuesday, wednesday, thursday at 6:30 p.m. eastern. all this week on c-span,, c-span radio, and
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the free c-span radio app. our next caller is gary. caller: good morning, steve. i was proud of the way the democrats put on the display. i was a medic in the vietnam war. i knew men who died for democracy. in my the only one who is upset that we have a sitting president that keeps talking down democracy? he keeps saying it is not going to work three or four months out. one thing barack obama said that stood out to me is that the president is the custodian of democracy. if something is not going right, should you be working day and night to fix it? he should be trying to make sure
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the election goes off. what does the rest of the world say the american president keeps saying the election is fixed and if he loses, it was rigged? vet, i wentvietnam because nixon told me to go. i know guys who died for democracy and a my the only one upset about that? host: thank you. we go to alan in arkansas. good morning. caller: good morning. i want to comment real quick about the call from georgia. since you will not come into my i am going to have to discuss this on air. c-span, first, i
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think there needs to be a little more transparency -- more a lot of transparency -- starting with you. you are a former biden staffer. host: i was a former intern, nonpaid for two months. caller: that is part of the staff. host: i mean that was years ago. caller: there is an incredible democrat bias you show. i want to get to the hospital thing, but i think it would be a good idea to expand your other reading articles. it is always "washington post," "the new york times." select things from around the country. view rathernts of than 90% democratic point of view and saying, that is not my
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point of view. we do not take a position on this. all the programming during the day is 90% democrat think tank issues. host: in the last half-hour we have quoted fox news, "wall street journal," "washington times." york where is the bias in that? caller: there is a program on c-span that runs a poll. people call in during the program and vote on the issue, up and down, yes and no. i think it would be a great idea for you guys. since the customers you are having call in are paying your vote, masset people vote, every day on the issue.
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at the end of your program you can have folks say, 27,000 people agreed on this issue, 1000 disagreed. host: that is a good idea. we can do that more often, but we have done the twitter polls. michael does a great job. caller: that should be a daily option so people can see rather than this breakdown of division you do, which i do not think is helpful. the point about the gentleman in georgia. i have respect for his service. i know friends who died in vietnam and yet, it was the democrats who spit on everybody that came back from vietnam. hospitals. about search a simple google where hospitals are being paid somewhere between $9,000 and
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a7,000 if they declare a case coronavirus case. they will get that much more money. what in the world could possibly escalate numbers other than that kind of incentive? i do not hear you reporting on it. that is such a simple point of view to bring out. host: thank you. who testified on friday, is before the house committee. underwayatch that tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. eastern live on c-span2. oregon, good morning. caller: good morning. this is my first time call so i wanted to let you know i have been watching c-span a long time.
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before me, i do not want to say anything negative, but i do not see what he is saying. when you try to convince beliefs byeir showing them facts, it does not help. the other thing i want to talk citizen, youa u.s. have got to have trust. before you can change somebody's ideas you have got to trust them. i wish america would trust me. i would be willing to show you 10 years of taxes. i guarantee i could get into the white house with whatever that thing they have to check. i have done nothing wrong. until he shows his taxes i cannot trust him. belief unlesse my i trust him. i do not trust somebody who will not show me their taxes.
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samee been going to the tax guy since 2002. host: thank you for the call. this is america's townhall. we understand our job is to facilitate the conversation, to make sure your voices heard. we do not have an agenda. our goal is to give you as much information based on what we have and show you unfiltered in its entirety. this is from bill and connecticut saying, "i believe this pandemic exposes the underlying poor health of the american people as of those in other countries. the leaders must guide those to smart health and stop this fetish about lockdowns and masks. live, not to cower." next up is joe. caller: have you had some morning. [laughter]
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down get some facts because i have heard two callers the whole morning with facts. cuomo to tell governor kill thousands in the nursing homes? did he tell kids to go on the beaches or that lake party? did he do those things? let us get the facts of what is going on. how about the woman turned around, in new jersey where i lived, who decked a 68-year-old woman because she was not wearing a mask. she broke her jaw and her leg. that have been cases over the country about when you complained to a person that they do not wear a mask they kill you. they hit you in the face or throw something on you. look at what has happened in our country from the people making
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their own decisions. the kids in colleges with massive parties, drinking at rutgers, or syracuse, or north carolina and they had to send the students home. did the president have anything to do with those? host: kathy is joining us from utah. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you, c-span. for the record, i want to let you know i am an unaffiliated voter. i look at both parties and i get my news sources from around the world besides the united states. i have a concern that is not spoken of very much and last week that is the united states republican senate released their findings of the russian interference in our election in 2016. access they digital
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obtained in our country. and so thelacked out findings are somewhat limited, but i do not hear a lot about this very, very important report. also, it leaves me to wonder why our post office is being attacked because it is not digital. it is hand to hand, old-fashioned system and the russians cannot touch that or any other foreign power. that is my concern. we need our post office right now to protect our health and protect america. host: thank you. benchmark of new 800,000 deaths globally, in the deaths, in this
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tweet from one eda says -- juanita, "how may times to call in and say the gop has many complaints? " proceedings will take place tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. eastern. the president will make an appearance tomorrow during the day session and every night this week, charlotte will host to the entire convention. the social distancing mandate has forced the president to move some of the events. he will accept the nomination thursday at 10:00 a.m. eastern from the south lawn of the what. we expect it will be followed by fireworks.
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vicki, thank you for waiting. caller: as i told the person who took my call i have only had two cups of coffee. host: could. good. [laughter] caller: i am a retired neuropsychologist. people should know i use that test the president brags about. you can only use that if you are worried the person might be demented. it is not an iq test to show the person is qualified to be a garbage collector. you would give that to somebody you worry is senile. 35 when thee got a most you can get is a 30. this is a test that is free online. versions,45 different but it is called the montreal
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cognitive assessment test. 5 different versions, but it is called the montreal cognitive assessment test. none of those versions of that test the president claims he did so well on, that has those words -- man, woman, person, camera, tv -- there are none. i think somebody worked with the president to give him five words he could finally memorize -- he probably had to practice a lot -- that he could use. never puts together words that are related, but what they gave the president as something he could remember was he is a man. there is a man and woman, they are both persons, what is he obsessed about? cameras and tv.
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those are the five words somebody rehearsed with him in order to give him five words he could pretend he had passed on this test. none of those versions have that and there is no memory test that would ever have five words that are related in any way because it defeats the whole purpose. host: thank you for the call. chicago, good morning. caller: good morning. how are you? host: good. how are you? caller: good. heeard the president say does not send his son back? what is that? host: we go to terry in north carolina. first, i would like to know what joe biden would do
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different than what donald trump has done. -- do not hang up on me. host: i'm not hanging up. caller: keep reading from "the new york times" and "the washington post" which you should not have. host: why? for a: they were sued quarter of a billion dollars a piece. "the we also read from wall street journal" and fox news as well. [indiscernible] host: we cannot hear you. you are muffled. speak into the phone, terry. caller: can you hear me now? host: yes. we also quote from "the wall street journal," fox news. caller: they did not try to
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destroy somebody's life. destroy aally lied to child's life. abc, cbs, nbc is on the chopping block. politico is on the chopping block. host: i have heard of the story. caller: they should be pulled off the air. to every democrat out there listens to these scumbags, that will destroy a child's life because they disagree with politics, you are scum. ust: we go to louis joining from massachusetts. we are trying to focus on covid-19, but what are your thoughts? caller: covid-19. i believe the president is doing a good job.
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he caught it early. he was criticized very heavily. he takes a lot of good steps order to cover us, in order to protect this country, and i believe 90% of the media is against him. 10% is with him. i would like to reach out to everybody who does not see that. look it up. he is always criticized for that. you guys are doing a great job. i know you are criticized that you do not cover, or that you are biased because you work with biden, but you are doing a great job. i'm sure that gentleman is trying to make his point. that is the main reason i called. i tuned in around that time and i said, man, you are taking this right in the gut, but you are a
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strong man. thank you for what you are doing for us in voicing our opinions. host: that is what this is about. a chance for all of you do have your point of view. we appreciate that. we go to joe in maine. good morning. caller: good morning, everybody and thank you for taking my call. sister has known him his whole life. these people who called about four yearscumbags, ago they called the reported scumbags and it is nonsense. his own sister called him a liar. him, she watched him screw everybody and his brother. job in thethe next step is him stabbing you in
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the back. cabinet with the greatest minds, the greatest people, that is what he said. the guy is full of crab. crap. check out how many lawsuits donald j. trump has. why isn't donald trump talking about the bounties? is that a lie? lineome everything is a that goes against what donald trump is saying? liar fauci is a liar. you for the call.
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this is the headline from "the washington post. " "the president has secrets. you cannot trust him." she heard her brother saying he might put her at the border. people were being separated from parents and put into cramped quarters while court hearings dragged on. book mary trump's tell all she has been questioned about the source of the information just as the allegation he paid a friend to take his sats. nowhere in the book does she say she recorded conversations with her aunt. in response to how she knew the president paid somebody, mary trump revealing she had 15 hours a face to face conversations
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with barry back in 2018. she provided the post with unreleased transcripts and audio experts which included exchanges that are not in her book. here is one of those exchanges courtesy of "the washington post." know it is the change of holyes, colliding, [bleep]. what they are doing with the kids at the border. host: that was from mary trump who will be joining us on tuesday. you can check out the information on our website at this headline from fox news saying the trump dismisses the audio. "every day it is something else. who cares? i miss my brother and i will work hard for the american people.
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not everybody agrees, but the results are obvious. our country will soon be stronger than ever before." pennsylvania, good morning. caller: good morning. politician in that white house. and if itocrat happens to be a republican, i am ok. but i prefer a democrat. i want the person to be a politician, not a fraud. i want someone who served in government before, i want law degree ors a military background. i do not want a fraud. i want ao the doctor, surgeon, not somebody who says i
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know about surgery. i want a real surgeon. i want to say one thing about voting. i vote by mail for the primaries in pennsylvania and before i was sent out any type of anything i had to submit information proving my identity. they took time to check out my identity. i could not use one of my pets or something else or something fake. before you get a ballot they check out your identity. that is pretty much all i had to say about that. host: thank you. a comment from alan saying, "i think the pandemic has brought into focus several flaws in the u.s. culture. and the trust science others are greedy and selfish.
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this could have gone better without cultural flaws." the conversation text messages,k you for that. frommoment, larry sabato the university of virginia will join us to talk about campaign 2020. the democrats last week and republicans next week. later, liz harrington, spokesperson for the republican national committee. you are watching and c-span's "washington journal" on this sunday morning, the 23rd of august. we are back in a moment. ♪ >> monday night on "the communicators," a look at election security with jeff devcfthe founder of the con hacker conference. : how concerned should we be about hackers from russia or
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elsewhere? think what is different in this election than the previous election is the threshold is much higher. in the people who have been talking about these issues, they are not terribly new, but now people are actually going to use them. if people who say it is too thing, with can marked ballots, you know, for a long time, manufacturer said it is too unreadable, because the machine marks that, and the gold standard is hand marked. onjeff moss, monday night "the communicators," on c-span2. ♪ >> this week, it is the republicans' turn. starting monday and for four
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days, the republican national convention. for the futureon and the next five years. watch president trump and vice president pence accept their party's renomination. delegates me to officially nominate president trump and vice president pence. at 8:30 p.m. eastern, the evening session kicks off. watch live on c-span, live streaming, and on-demand at, or listen with the free c-span radio app, and before the convention's evening session, watch c-span at 6:00 p.m. eastern, for past convention speakers by prominent politicians, former secretary of state colin powell, and former secretary of state condoleezza rice. watch past convention speeches and the start of the republican national convention monday, only on c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. ♪
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>> "washington journal" continues. joining is via zoom from charlottesville, virginia, larry sabin tell. he is the director of the center for politics at the university of virginia. good sunday morning. as always, thank you for being with us. let's talk about the democratic convention, and based on real , and newstics organizations, no immediate balance for the former vice president and the democrats to be ahead in the polls, but not a convention balance. does that surprise you? guest: not really. i did not think there would be much of a convention balance, and i did nothing there will be much for president trump, either. two reasons why. biden, i think, is maxed out. this is a very polarized era, and you have a candidate ahead by 8, 8 .5, nine points pulling right now suggests that that that particular candidate, that
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is biden, has maxed out. he is not going to go any higher. we do not have a capacity for a landslide anymore. in a landslide, you have lots of other people from the other side coming over to vote for you. we are to polarize for that. democrats are not going to vote for trump, and republicans are not going to vote provided, other than an elite handful, which you see a lot. they write letters, and they write petition, and they are well-known people who appear on sunday shows, but they don't command hundreds of thousands or millions of votes -- nothing close to it. and the other reason, steve, is simply because in this particular race, with these virtual conventions, virtual conventions are not real conventions. they do not convey excitement. i know you have been to tons of them. i started in 1976, with both parties, and have consistently gone.
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this is the first year i've not gone to a convention -- but there is no convention to go to. the emotion is not the same. it is a tv series. that is what the democrats had. that is what the republicans are going to. have this coming week so you do not have the same kind of emotional reaction among the audience. host: the other big story this fall, control of congress. based on your site, looking at some of the top senate races, and you pointed three in particular -- iowa, north carolina, and maine, three states in which republicans hold that seat. guest: yes. conteare very close sts, if they went to the democrats. you have those and i will, maine, and north carolina defeated, that i think senator control.
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remember, you never know. what seems certain, as we approach labor day, is not necessarily certain by the beginning of november. host: let me ask you about south carolina. a lot of attention was senator graham, the republican, facing a challenge. some say it is now moving to lean republican versus solid republican. and, boy, there is not a more solid republican state van south carolina. guest: yes, and the democrat, jamie harrison, has been a strong candidate, has done the right thing. mainly, lindsey graham, a longtime republican from south carolina, has been weakened in many ways. to 2016, he said donald trump was the third cousin of the devil. now he says he is the greatest thing since string cheese.
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i do not think donald trump has changed all that much. there was something about the way graham approached donald trump and the dilemma democrats had in 2016 and really the dilemma they have to date your having said that, i think we would all be very, very shocked if graham actually lost. it is one thing to have a race lean your way, it is another thing to have an upset. there is a big difference between having a close and having it go against the incumbent, so we will see. it is possible. anything is possible. i can see the campaign moving in a way were democrats actually get comfortable, but i could also see it moving in a way where republicans retain, very narrowly, the senate. is pretty i think, secure for the democrats. host: last week, we talked to someone you know well, former congressman tom davis. he certainly knows virginia politics. he said for the democrats, they want to make that the
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personality campaign for donald trump, but republicans, they want to make this an issue-oriented campaign, and they want to get on the right side of the issues. your thoughts on that, especially as we deal with the coronavirus. guest: well, i think that is partly true, but it is pretty clear that the republicans actually want to make it a personality contest, biden vs. trump, and they are determined, at their convention enter their advertising, to "dirty a biden." because right now, trump has very high on favorability. even if people do not agree with his issues, they don't like him. that includes people that are not in his camp. even a fair amount of republican say, "i like the policies, i am glad he is in they are doing x, y, z, but i do not like him." well, biden has been out of office for four years. by nature, he does not have a lot of sharp edges. it is hard for people to have
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strong feelings about him one way or another. he benefits from by going against donald trump. well, the trump people cannot let that continue. they have to drive up biden unfavorable, just like they drove up hillary clinton's nfavorables for years ago, though tha was a much easier task. she had a longer career in controversy, so there were a lot of things for republicans to cite. they are going to try to do something about it these coming weeks. host: this past week of course, among those speaking very critical of the president, his predecessor, barack obama. [video clip] in the oval sat office with both of the men running for president. [laughs] i never expected that my successor would embrace my vision or continue my policies. i did hope, for the sake of our country, that donald trump might
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show some interest in taking the job seriously. that he might come to feel the weight of the office and discover some reverence for the democracy that had been placed in his care. but he never did. close to four years now, he has shown no interest in putting in the work, no interest in finding common ground, no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends. no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves. donald trump has not grown into the job, because he can't. and the consequences of that failure are severe.
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dead.0 americans millions of jobs gone, while those at the top take in more than ever. unleashed, aulses proud mutation around the world badly diminished, and our democratic institutions threatened like never before. host: mr. sabato, one former obama aide saying that speech was three and a half years in the making. your reaction to what he said and the tone of the former president. guest: a lot of people have observed in the past few days it really is unprecedented for a former president, meaning a past president, to attack the incumbent president in the very personal way that president obama did. i agree with that. it is unprecedented. of course it is also unprecedented for a sitting president to come almost on a daily basis, troll his predecessor.
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ever seen that. we have not had twitter all that long, and president trump is the first want to use it for anything other than formal announcements, but almost on a daily basis, you will have tweets attacking president obama and his personal character. so you see the dynamic there. they are both setting precedents, and you can understand why they are. host: in your electoral college ratings right now, this snapshot, you are predicting the democrats would get 268 electoral votes, the republicans, 204. states thattates, donald trump won in 2016 -- north carolina, florida, wisconsin, and arizona. guest: yes. right now, if the election were held now, or were held on labor day, i think it would be likely that biden would carry arizona. i think florida would be very close, with an edge to biden.
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north carolina, i still that would go to trump. wisconsin, as you look at the polls, it is also biden, but the is what itwisconsin is for biden, so as last time, this could be an upset. so that is the point when you look at the polls in the summer. you know that. we have been through this so many times in the years, and one side or the other gets very excited by the good polls in the summer, and they they are shocked when you get past labor day, and suddenly, it is a very tight race. very occasionally, it goes in the opposite direction, but usually it tightens up at some point in the fall, often not that long after labor day. so, you know, we will see. it is an answer that doesn't satisfy anybody. everybody wants to tell you a great decision, what is going to happen in november, and the people who do don't know what they are talking about. host: our fine lines are open.
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-- our phone lines are open. (202) 748-8001, that is our life republicans, and (202) 748-8000 if you are a democrat. our line open for text messages. or you can tweet us @cspanwj. sunny is joining us from long beach, california. good morning. caller: good morning. i just wanted to make a brief comment. the first comment is about the virus. i am a black american who did vote for donald trump, but i have lost all respect for the republican party. there's just too many lives. i compared this virus to the tuskegee experiment that was done on black and brown people, way back then. we as americans have to understand that this is not a hoax.
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republicanhe convention is concerned, i will not listen to it. i have already made up my mind who i am going to vote for. i will not vote for a man who said that this virus is a hoax. out here in california, we have people who are dying. we have children who are dying, and now you want us to vote for a man who says it is a hoax? a man who tells us to drink bleach? a man who, his own family says he is out of his mind? no. the biggest mistake i ever made my life was to vote for donald trump, and i will not vote for him. are very, very happy about this virus. don't be misled. very,icans right now are very happy about the fact that they have successfully killed 40,000 to 50,000 black and brown americans in this country. host: larry savitz oh, to his
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first point, a republican voting for trump in 2016 but not for the president in 2020, what does that tell you? , you have a few percentage points, and this gentleman is in a category, that is republicans who voted, even independents who voted for trump, who will not vote for him again and plan to, primarily, vote for joe biden. the gentleman said that he is , in 2016, only 8% of for president trump. that is a very low percentage. most publicans get 10%, 12%, something like that. they are operating within a low ceiling and a high floor, i suppose, actually, a high ceiling and a low floor. i do not think that will change very much. it is possible that trump will set a new record low among
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blacks this year. as far as the virus is concerned, though, it is more complicated than that. yes, a terrible thing has happened, 175,000 americans having died. most models have it well over 200,000 by election day. that cannot help trump, democrat'sy when a is in charge. now, if president trump had acted sooner, in january and february, we would have been well along, and if he had done different things, a lockdown, we would be worth some of the european countries are today, in a much better situation. but it is also true that, for every crisis, we have an opportunity. the opportunity that trump has, which he has been hinting about in quite some time, is that october, not that long before the election, there will be a dramatic announcement of a virus that is both safe and effective and is going to be available at, pick a date, january. it may be true, or maybe
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cut from whole cloth. you know, that has happened with this white house from time to time. regardless, if trump can sell that, and he is fundamentally a salesman, then, i think, the conditions are little bit different for november, especially if the announcement has some credibility to it, and it affects the economy -- not so much the stock market, but the wider economy, so that the economy gets a jolt, a positive jolt of the thought that the pandemic might be ending within months. there i am skeptical that would be such a vaccine, and it would have been tested and proven effective, but i am not in that field. in the vast majority of americans are not in that field, so they are going to be making their judgment, based in part, on what their political leaders tell them. host: let me take that one step
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further, because we got a tweet from kayleigh mcenany, the white house press country, there is a news conference scheduled for 6:00 p.m. tonight. this is the headline from fox president will reveal a breakthrough therapeutic in the coronavirus. that is coming at 6:00 on the eve of the republican convention. guest: that is a difference. that is a therapeutic. he will not stop there. there will be an announcement at some point, and it is very favorable. a series of announcements. different companies are trying to produce these vaccines. and democrats, privately, will tell you they expect that. they will tell you summer worried about it, others are not, but they understand how this president operates, and they expect that to happen. now, this therapeutics, i have no idea what it is, and i am not a public health anyway, so i cannot tell you whether it is real or not. but the problem with announcing
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it this soon as it had better work "new york times it had better not be another "injected bleach into your body" kind of therapeutic, and we will see. host: a tweet from the white house president terry, again, live at 6:00 p.m. eastern time, assuming that time still holds, we will have it for you here on c-span. youngstown, ohio, on with larry sabato of uva. good morning. caller: good morning. i wonder if, during the convention, they will talk about social security. in the last two budget cycles, trump proposed cutting social security and medicare by $2 million. now trump says he wants to illuminate payroll taxes, permanently, next year. these are the taxes that fund social security and medicare. depend want to have to on charity or my children and grandchildren to stay alive, when i fade into the system my whole working life. thank you. host: larry sabato? guest: that was a well put
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together question. she has done some research on that. look, you will hear a lot about social security, but the vast majority on the democratic side. again, this is a standard practice in democratic campaigns, to talk about the security of social security. is the system secure? can you count on it? usually, democrats are saying the public's are trying to cut, they are trying to undercut. guarantee social security with them in charge commanded republicans will try to deny that. extent that social security becomes an issue, it almost always favors democrats, and that reason, republicans will be schlepping other issues and trying to make sure social security does not lose to the middle state. host: from miami, florida, and a minute line. chris, good morning. caller: yeah, good morning. dr. sabado, i am disappointed
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that even c-span does not or has not yet brought up the contrast in policy issues between biden and trump. three important ones to become as an independent voter, one, biden supports the continuation of sanctuary cities. that is against current federal immigration law. i am against sanctuary cities. trump is not. biden is opposed to school choice, which impacts minority people. from newdinal study york shows charter schools help minorities immensely. why would biden be opposed to school twice? three commander first debate, it was asked -- do you support free health care for illegals? biden raised his hands peered i do not support subsidize health care for people who broke the law. finally, secretary of defense
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robert gates, under president obama, said that vice president biden was wrong on every major policy decision. thank you. host: thanks for the call. larry sabato? guest: well, look, number one, as a c-span fan, i am going to defend it. if you watch a lot of c-span, sir, i guarantee you, that before november, c-span will carry everything and cover everything twice, three times, four times. everything can be done by august, so i would not be overly concerned about that. as far as those issues are concerned, you name three issues that do not favor with the large portion of the electorate, do not favor joe biden and would favor donald trump. be sure reason, you can that whether it is on tv ads or indirect mail some other medium, the republicans will stress those issues. activists will lead with materials that they
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get from republican leaders over public in emails or that they see on republican tv ads. is august. it and, democrats will be responding accordingly, because there will be things you cannot keep a tag on, and they will make their positions clear, too. something i have learned over independent,y obviously of republican-leaning independent, if you look over time, and you watch elections over time, you find that activists -- people who feel strongly about issues -- almost unanimously say every election that their issues are not and that isgh, because, if they had their way, that is all we would hear about. [laughs] so you can't win. in many ways, the media can't win, and many times, the candidates and campaigns cannot win. i tell people, be patient. patience is so underrated. host: we also want to share with
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our audience, this is what the president said last thursday. he traveled to old forge, pennsylvania, just outside of scranton. of course scranton is the hold of joe biden. here is what he had to say. [video clip] pres. trump: i am going to make a speech tonight. it will be very interesting to see how he does peered i hope he does well put i really do. i really hope he does well, but i also hope he does the well. he has got to tell the truth about things, but hopefully not well enough. now, we are leading a war -- that's incredible -- but right now, we are leading in so many polls that they refuse to put out. we are doing so good in this state, in north carolina, and florida, and texas, and ohio, and michigan. you know how many car plans are being built or expanded in michigan?
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we are doing fantastically in michigan. we are doing great in new hampshire. these are real polls. these are poles where they do registered voters. you want to do voters that are going to vote. registered voters. you want to do what is called likely voters, in other words, people who are likely to vote, not registered voters, many of whom have died, many of them were not going to vote, and then you want to do it evenly. they do many more democrats. they do a paul -- many, many democrats, few republicans, by six, ifwn that poll is true, we are up by 10. so we are going to see. i did it last time. host: larry sabato, does the president have a point, in particular from what we have seen in 2016? guest: i think you do have to look at the balance of democrats and republicans in the background with any particular poll. you have to look at how the police constructed, whether people taking the poll are
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partisan, are not partisan. i do not pay that much attention to partisan polls. i am always open to receiving data from partisan polls. sometimes partisan polls are well done and they are not bank come of frequently, they are produced to generate another storyline, a counter storyline to whatever the polling averages showing. and, by the way, people should poll thaton the agrees with them, that gives them the numbers that they want to see. that is not help them at all. instead, if you take a polling average of all of the various nonpartisan polls that have been taken, at least some of the error is washout. not all of it, but some of it will be, and it is a more accurate representation of what flawed, whichare are imperfect -- are saying at moment.n poin candidates always say this.
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if they are behind, they say the polls are wrong, they are ridiculous. if they are ahead, basically they pretend that they were handed down by god. neither is true, in normal circumstances. we learned a lot about polling four years ago. a lot of changes have been made with some of the best organizations, and so i think you can rely little bit more on them. that's absolutely no way most of us will use them the same way we once did. we paid perhaps too much attention to them, but i will look at them. i will pay attention to the polling average. i will think about it. but it won't be the only ingredient in any predictions, a crystal ball here at the university of virginia. host: four years ago, you were on this program and walked through the path in which donald trump could get to 270. that is exactly what he did. guest: well, i am glad you remember that. i must say, though, that my
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entire field, and that includes my outfit at the university of virginia, were convinced, by the end of the campaign, not just by the polls, but by all the other indicators that we had come up that hillary clinton was going to defeat donald trump -- and she did, 3 million votes, 2.1% of the popular vote. thes just that, only popular vote, and you try to translate that into the electoral college, you are going to make mistakes. that is something else that we learn from 2016, and it is a mistake -- i hope -- that we will not make again in 2020. host: back to your phone calls, chris in marion, indiana, democratic line. thank you for waiting period good morning. caller: good morning. thanks for having me on. i appreciate that. we will see in the republican convention is pretty thatthe same that w rhetoric
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we hear everyday from president trump. everything is great, he is the greatest thing there ever was, and he never does no wrong, and democrats are evil and immoral. i think that is what we are going to see. host: thank you, chris. guest: well, there is certainly some truth to that. just as you got what you expected from the democratic convention. these are non-convention conventions. that is what virtual conventions are. you cannot have a convention if you don't convene. you cannot have a convention if you do not have the thousands of live delegates who can react spontaneously, sometimes favorably, sometimes unfavorably. at a's always doing convention, the organizers of the convention don't like it, but delegates are activists, they are uber activists, bank spread themselves -- they express themselves.
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as i said, these are tv broadcasts, not a convention. so who are they for? they are for the activists. they charge up the activists. i think the democrats did a good job. they charged up the aggregate a. democrats are overwhelmingly in favor of what they saw. the odds are -- and i have not seen any particular agenda -- they have not released a detailed agenda for the republican convention, but based on convention, we can be pretty sure that the same thing will happen at the republican nonconvention. you will have eight speakers, some live events with very small audiences, that have been carefully scripted to produce a certain emotional response. there's nothing wrong with that. that's what i a lot of nonpolitical tv does, too. differentare very situations, and you will not see
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massive fluctuations in the polls. host: by the way, the convention that's underway tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. eastern time. we will have it here for you on c-span. the evening sessions each night at 8:30 p.m. eastern time. thomas is next, springfield, florida, republican line, with mr. sabado. caller: i have a question. a lot of your independence realize jill biden is nothing more than a figurehead to the left-wing part of the party, the social is part of the party. when you look at these cities, mostly blue states, democratic-run states, they see the riots, they say the chaos, they see the hatred for law enforcement. do you think the majority of americans, mostly independents, are going to overlook that? do you realize the democrat party has been hijacked by the left? at one point, they were the
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party of police officers, the unions. now they are anti-. a lot of the support is for donald. do you feel like independents will overlook that? host: thank you, tom. thet: we will know more by weekend, because this is one of the themes we will see driving home after the republican nonconvention convention throughout the week. it will not be one committed will be repeatedly, because her publicans believe that is one of the best ways they can find biden negatively and therefore win the election. look, here is the problem that publicans have. incumbentinvolving an president are always about the president, and you will see two names with the major party candidates, minor party candidates are not having an impact, at least at this point. you will see donald j. trump,
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and you will see joseph r biden, but some people, most people will see not donald trump. so it is donald trump versus not donald trump. now obviously, the republicans and president trump will try to define biden to the extent that he appears as his real name as opposed to come if you don't like donald trump, you vote for d joe biden. and the issues you mentioned will be one of the ways that republicans will try to do it, but it is usually a referendum on the president when an incumbent president is on. and that is going to be a problem for republicans, or at least it is to this point. host: as you know, the white house, the president was supporters continue to call into ofstion the mental fitness the former vice president. in an interview that aired tonight on abc and an expert on joe biden responding to that, saying "watch me, mr.
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president." your thoughts on that, larry sabato? guest: i will say that, my bias upfront, and i will say of someone close to 70, i think they are both too old. i do not think we should be electing presidents in their 70's. i am sure a lot of people disagree with me, but the ideal age for a president, which requires vigor and energy to the extreme, is somebody in their 50's, maybe early 60's, someone who can serve eight years and still be vigorous and have all of their faculties. extent that somebody just watching on television can determine, they both seem relatively vigorous to me, but that is not my field. i don't know how to judge that. so i am not thrilled that we have two candidates, trump, 74, biden 77, will be 78 before inauguration day. i think that is a bit old. that 74so don't think
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or 78 is 87 or 97. if somebody is vigorous, who has had a long life and has exercised and eaten well and the kind of job stimulation that both trump and biden do, i think they will be ok. they may not be as sharp as they were at 50 or at 60, but they will be ok. you know, ronald reagan had early signs of alzheimer's, which was not clear to everybody, in his second term, but we know he function pretty well, and even his closest aides, who were concerned at one point about it, watch very carefully, and that resolve their concerns. they considered invoking the 20 for the amendment. matters, thee job
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constant stimulation of events day after day, really hour after hour and minute after minute, that ought to be taken into account, too. host: we will go to missouri, next, carla, and independent. good morning. caller: good morning, steve. i am 88 years old, and i have been watching -- host: we are glad you are here. caller: you are my main source of news. question, and then i will get off the phone so i can hear, this presidential polling, i don't think polling in this climate is a very good idea. afraid to express an opinion, one way or another, today, in front of their friends. experience,my own
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when people called to ask my opinion, i just hang up. so i think that the vast number of people, i guess you could call it the silent majority, who just keep their opinions to ifmselves, and i just wonder you thought that would be expressed in your polling data. i am going to hang up and listen to your answer. host: carla, thank you for the call, and thanks for being a regular c-span viewer. listen, we appreciate it. caller: ok. host: larry sabato. guest: well, she was wisely observant, and she has been wisely observant. that is a problem. there is no question that some people will simply say they are undecided or they have not made up their mind, when they know very well who they are going to vote or. i am suspicious of any poll that undecideds higher than 6% or 8%, macs, because the
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truth is, how can anybody be undecided? [laughs] we have had more politics in more ways over the last four or even five years, counting the 2016 campaign, then we have had in any comparable period, at least in my lifetime, maybe the exception late 60's, early 70's, but i do think a lot of people do hide their views, to a certain extent. they are wary about their neighbors and coworkers, and even other family members. they don't want to be in constant argument. inall know people like that, our families, in our workplaces, so there's something to that. at the same time, i think over the past four years, people have become a little more upfront about their opinions about donald trump. they may not have a strong opinion, at this point, about joe biden. republican activists do, but others who are not so involved in politics may not have that strong of an opinion. but i have yet to meet a person
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who does not have a strong opinion, one way or another, about donald trump. so when i look at that undecided figure, i do wonder what percentage of it is actually decided and simply won't say. our listenersme on c-span radio and siriusxm. this program is carried live every sunday morning on potus channel 124. eleanor is next, joining us from morganville, new jersey. good morning. caller: good morning. it is nice to speak with you this morning, and i would like to ask your opinion and everyone else's opinion out there, how do we choose a president today that values? strong moral not only a president who knows his foreign policy, he has to have people around him, strong moral, strong people with values and integrity? when i look into the eyes of a
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man, i can tell if he is being honest or deceitful, and i am has that everyone else who gained the privilege of age, as i have -- i am 88 years young. i wonder where can we find republicans, people -- not look at the money aspect of our country all the time, but moral valuesat the that we have to go back to? today losing our society to people who are looting and doing terrible, terrible things. we have to get back to moral values. host: eleanor, thank you for the call, and we will get a response. guest: my response is this -- too many people wait until the general election to purchase pay. they basically say let the
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parties pick their candidates, and then i will make a choice between those two, from the major candidates, and yes there are some who support third parties and so on. 95% of the people who vote end up voting between the two major party candidates. that is a terrible mistake. you should not wait until the general election. you should get active in the primaries, maybe even before the primaries, and activities. that is where the choice is made. people often say -- how did we get these two turkeys? not that i think these two are turkeys or others are turkeys, but people will say, how did we get these two turkeys as the nominees for president? and my answer to them always is, because you did not for dissipate. the vast majority of people do primary up for activities. you leave it for others, you let george do it, and then you are stuck with the two candidates you get. so participate fully, as early
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as you can in the process. express yourself, your issues, your values. you may win, you may lose, but you will have an influence. you and millions of other citizens will have an impact on that party's nominating process. host: brenda, you are next, fort lee, new jersey, our lives were republicans. welcome to the conversation, brenda. caller: good morning, america. i just have a quick comment. i am so disappointed in the democrats. i have always been a democrat. i listened to the debates last week of joe biden and kamala harris, and i was so disappointed. i need to hear more of what they are going to do to make our america better. i did not hear that. a goodnt trump is president, and i really, strongly feel, for another four years, he will do good for america. let's give him a chance.
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gets in, such as biden and kamala harris, we are in trouble. thank you for listening, and i will stay on the line for your comment. thank you. host: brenda, thanks for the call. there was chrysostom, larry sabato, that there was more rhetoric than substance at the democratic convention. guest: yes, that is frequently at these things. look, read the platform, which is online. read the whole platform. it is a lengthy documentary always is. specific some very pledges in it. so that is more meat on the bone. the fact is that democrats randy convention the way they did because they want to run against donald trump, not just on specific issues that they disagree on, like, say, immigration, or the coronavirus, and how he handled that, but also on character, and so they are trying to define their ticket as being very different
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from the republican ticket, particularly biden versus trump. lots of opinions on that both ways. it would take three hours if we started discussing that. but that is the reason they did it. host: based on what we know so far of this convention, the democrats did include former presidents jimmy carter, bill clinton, and of course barack obama. george w. bush is not inspected to be part of this republican convention. is that unusual? guest: yes. yes, it is very unusual, but i do not think it is a surprise to anybody that the bushes are not all that close to the trumps, certainly to donald trump. yes, president trump did attend the funeral of former president george w. bush, and that seems to tamp down the conflict for a while, but they could not be more different. and most of the theaides that served in
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bush term do not like donald trump at all. they may agree with him on some they were very disappointed that republicans nominated him. now, president trump has gone out of his way to stick it to the bushes and say things that are unfavorable to them, but nothing of the trolling that he does to president obama. so you reap what you sow. a lot of people do not want trump to reach out to the bushes. they have rejected that form of the republican party. so there is a split in there, just like the democratic party, split between really the biden wing, the more moderate wing, and the biden/clinton wing, you might call it, and the more liberal/progressive wing of the party. it is in the nature of political parties. they are a coalition. they all have factions within them.
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they are coalition parties, which is why we only have two. you have to set a lot of different factions into each of these umbrella parties. host: larry sabato, 10 weeks before the election, early voting underway in september. we will check in with you often during this campaign. thank you very much for being with us. guest: i always enjoy it, steve, and i love c-span, along with many of your viewers. host: well, we appreciate that message. larry sabato, joining us from the university of virginia in charlottesville. the republican national convention gets underway this week, and c-span is your place for life, interrupted, gavel-to-gavel coverage, including on c-span,, and the free c-span radio app. liz harrington will be joining us, spokesperson for the republican national committee, to talk about what we can expect moving ahead. c-span's "washington journal" continues in a moment. ♪ called the 48le
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democratic national convention to order. made historyats last week with the first-ever democratic national convention, with delegates and speakers from around the country taking part. today at 10:00 a.m. eastern on c-span, watch speeches from a former secretary of state hillary clinton, former president bill clinton, former first lady michelle obama, former president barack obama, 2020 vice presidential candidate kamala harris -- sen. harris: and we will act with the same faith in you that we ask you to place in us. campaign 2020 candidate joe biden. mr. biden: who we want to become a that is all on the ballot. >> and if you missed any of the coverage, watch any time demand at ♪ >> this week, it is the
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republicans' turn. starting monday and for four days, the republican national convention. hear their vision and priorities for the next four years. watch president trump and vice president pence expect their party's nomination further for their party's renomination. delegates meet to officially nominate president trump and vice president pence. and at 8:30 p.m. eastern, the evening session kicks off. watch live on c-span, live streaming, and on-demand at, or listen with the free c-span radio app, and before the convention's evening session, watch c-span at 6:00 p.m. eastern, for past convention speeches by prominent republican politicians, former senator howard baker, political commentator pat buchanan, former secretary of state colin powell, and former secretary of state condoleezza rice. watch past convention speeches and the start of the republican national convention monday, only
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on c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. ♪ >> "washington journal" continues. host: and joining us here in washington is liz harrington cured she is the national spokesperson for the republican national committee to be convention getting underway this week in charlotte, north carolina, and virtually, so walk us through, right now, what will happen each evening. guest: well, good morning, steve. thank you for having me. we are really excited. we are kicking off four days of what i think will be a big contest. laste, if they tuned in week to the really down and out, dreary, negative, divisive message of the democrats, we are going to offer an optimistic vision, and inspiring story of not only what americans have , and what thisng administration has done, but looking back in our history,
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what we can learn from it, the inspiring story of what makes this country so great. and we are also going to be looking forward to what president trump can accomplish in a second term. and so it is a unifying message. it is one that sets this country apart, throughout human history, and it is really one that president trump has followed through on, when you look at the amazing accomplishments he has been able to do in such a short amount of time in washington, which is quite the contrast. joe biden had one of the shortest speeches in modern history for accepting a nomination, and it is because he has been in law for a very long time, but he does not have very many accomplishments to his name. president trump has so many to speak to. we will also hear from real americans who have benefited from these politics, from his agenda. we are really excited to showcase that, what makes this country great and what separates us. and we are excited to tell the
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story. host: fewer politicians, more voices of real americans. walk us through that approach for the convention, and then, operationally, how it is going to work. guest: absolutely. so we are going to have daytime programming, much like the democrats did, but hours were not feature, you know, calls for the destruction of capitalism or abolishment of the police, like the democrats did. [laughs] we will have an uplifting message that really showcases what our agenda is for the country, that we are proud of america. but the nighttime programming, in contrast to what the democrats had, the vast majority of it will be live speeches, and it is going to be engaging. it is not going to be talking at the american people, it is going to be talking with americans. we are going to have in-person events. we are going to do a safely. but we will do it more engaging and i think more including the american people in our convention. so we are going to feature, of course, the many diverse members of our party, the different
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viewpoints, members of congress, rising leaders and stars and who just really articulate our agenda so well. but we are also going to talk with and hear from the real lived andwho have benefited from president trump and his policies and practices. so we think it is going to be quite contracts, and we are really excited to showcase the best about america. this country has never been perfect, but it has been the unique thing that offered our rights come from god, not government, and government's job is to protect us. too often and increasingly, we are seeing democrats -- mayors and governors -- really turn no, on its head and say, you are going to serve us. we are going to tell you if you can go to church, if you can go to school, if you can go to work. and then they turned the justice
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system on its head as well and let rioters go free and then criminalize the law-abiding citizen. that is an upside down country. that is not what america is about. so we have to make it clear to showcase what our policies are in action -- progrowth, pro-freedom, profamily -- and then contrast to what democrats have done in these cities. you know, it is very interesting, because president trump, and throughout our week, we are going to be able to showcase our agenda in action, the tax credits, opportunity zones, building the wall, the judges throughout the federal judiciary, defeating isis, so many of these big -- the usmca that president trump has delivered on, how they are benefiting the country. democrats did not mention their agenda in action, which we can all see, if we go to look for it on the local news, for what is happening in minneapolis, in portland, in seattle, in new
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york city, in san francisco. even places that -- this is the handiwork of the democrats' agenda. this is the agenda that joe biden has adapted, with bernie sanders writing the platform. we think it is a very dangerous agenda. it is very and difficult to what this country has always been about, which is freedom of opportunity, equal justice under the law, not based on what letter comes after your name, what political views you hold. so we need to contrast that but also showcase our vision, which is a forward-looking one and really a history-making one. this president has made so much history in such a short amount of time on so many fronts, whether it is usmca, taking out soleimani, the peace deal with uae and israel, space force. there are so many things that i think we can look forward to, and we are going to highlight that. it is going to be engaging, and it is going to be live, and it is going to be more real and
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authentic. host: let me follow up with a couple of points, because, as you know, the democrats did include the three former living democratic presidents. on the republican side, george w. bush is not included in this week's convention. why? guest: well, i am not privy to those conversations, but i didn't hear that former president bush has decided not to get involved. he did not get involved in 2016 as well. a unified you we are party. the media likes to amplify some, you know, figures in washington. we have all ended up with contrasts on cnn and msnbc, but they do not look at the rest of the country, and really the voters who have come together and drawn in president trump's winning agenda. so we are a unified party going into this. it is a former president's personal choice whether to get involved or not. host: the president keeps saying that there is fraud in mail-in voting. i want to know, specific become
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aware is the fraud? if you request an absentee ballot, as the president does, or states provide a ballot that is cross checked by state and local officials? guest: it is a very important the station when you talk about the absentee process. democrats say, this has been around forever, tried-and-true, what are you talking about? then why are they in court, trying to change this? why are they inventing a new system, that you do not have to request a valid, you just have to fill one out, and the cases of real fraud -- look at paterson, new jersey. indicted,e were including a councilman elect, including a councilman. every single one of them were charged with unauthorized possession of ballots, meaning that they were in their possession, holding ballots from voters that it was not them. well, you know what democrats want to do? they want to make that legal. that is called ballot harvesting.
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it is what they had in california. it is what, in the dead of not, , the legislature, they went forward without letting anybody read their bill. anybody, campaign operatives, can collect as many ballads that they want with no oversight, drop them off, and then they are even allowing them to be counted after election day. -- obviously opens the door for more fraud, and they are making what happened in paterson, new jersey legal, which come americans, we have seen the numbers in polling, it is not close. eight out of 10 americans oppose ballot harvesting, because of course that is not a system that you would have confidence and, just allowing anybody, not elections officials, to be in control of elections. so that is what we are really fighting against, and democrats and the far left activist groups, democrat lawyers, led by mark elias, he is the man who is
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, andry clinton's lawyer hired people to make up smears about president trump. singlee is in every battleground state, trying to not uphold the system, but trying to change the system to allow valid harvesting where it is illegal, and it is illegal in many states. we are we believe the absentee process works. states have had years to perfect it appeared you have to . you have to prove there is someone behind that ballot. who have movedle away, people who have since died, and they are just blindly sending them out. and then you add ballot harvesting on top of that and you add reducing requirements for signature verification, which they are also fighting,
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and allowing them to be counted after election day -- there is a lot of room for munich -- they say, listen to the experts. dr. fauci said there is no reason why we cannot vote in person. we know voting in person is tried, tested and true. it is the most secure. nobody knows how you voted, no one can try to pressure you in any way. it is secure. yous counted immediately, know your vote counted, otherwise you don't know what happened between point and -- point a and point b. they had this in fact in's, they had ppe. absentee voting does not protect you from not getting the coronavirus. in wisconsin, there were more people with cases who voted
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absentee than in person. the idea that we need to completely overhaul our elections, throw the system, mail-in ballots, everyone gets one in the are just piling up and apartment complexes like we saw in clark county, nevada, that is not the way a first world nation should conduct its elections. we want timely results, and more portly, we want to make sure the results are fair. i know this is a long-winded answer. in detroit, they reported 72% of their precincts, their vote tallies did not match with all of these influxes of absentee ballots part how will people have confidence in new york city, where they declared a winner six weeks later. that is not a way to conduct elections print at a time of division in our country, we want to make sure everyone's vote is
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counted and we want to make sure the result is accurate. host: the convention gets underway tomorrow morning. this headline from the charlotte observer, last-minute preparations for those who will be in attendance in north carolina and the president will speak tomorrow to the gathering. we will have all of it here on c-span. let's get your phone calls. victoria, texas. are you with us? i am.: yes, sir, host: go ahead, please. lady, --his young knows enough to defend the republican party. i am sorry. number one, i did vote for mr. trump. can you hear me? host: we sure can. go ahead with your question. caller: i did vote for mr. trump.
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it,rward, i regretted -- hee of the beginning, has made a lot of mistakes. -- nothing happened to them. texas, we are dying every day, you don't have to shoot anybody. he has not done anything. we know that. host: thank you for the call. here is a supporter of the president four years ago, not they share. guest: i appreciate the question, i had a hard time hearing all of her comments. i would say part of it was about the coronavirus. this is an opportunity this week for us to set the record straight. the media has not given the president a fair shake in this at all.
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we know this is a unique situation that happened, and we know who is to blame -- a communist regime in china that lied to the world, they covered it up, they are still hiding critical information about patient zero and how this got out. they shut down travel within their country, but were encouraging travel out. they were encouraging and new tourism exchange with italy, which became the epicenter of the virus in europe. despite what communist china did to not just us, it affected the entire globe, this president, when everyone said you can't shut down travel, when joe biden was saying that was hysterical, he did it and it was the right decision. it saved countless lives. he did not stop there. biggeste working on the
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mobilization of the private sector since world war ii. joe biden and kamala harris see doctors, we see american greatness. the people on the front lines, the factory workers and manufacturers who overnight stopped making -- whether it was their-- they stop making products and switched over to ppe. much, operation warp speed, the fastest development of a vaccine in history. this president organized a task force in january, they have never stopped working. decisions, this is a novel virus we had to learn a lot of information about. every single day, president trump has been committed to helping the american people. all americans -- he set the uss mercy to new york and california.
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hotspots when they needed it. unfortunately, governor cuomo, who sings a very different to now, he praised the assistance from the president. patientst send any into the uss comfort, he sent them into nursing homes. there is a record here and the american people will recognize president trump has led on this from the beginning. he has done the best job that absolutely we could do and we are constantly learning about this virus. we are americans -- we can defeat it. shutting down is not a solution. hiding in your basement might work for joe biden for the time being, it does not work for americans who have to feed their family and have to go back to work -- have to go back to school. it is unfortunate that every step of the way, since about
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february 25, the day after nancy pelosi said come to chinatown, we think it is safe, everyone should come, when the democrats start to recognize maybe we can use this virus born out of a, used regime as cover-up, maybe we can use it as political ends, they have politicized everything. aidy pelosi has blocked three times. blocked small business relief. pelosi flew back in from san francisco and try to stalled theations, cares act for weeks. without 50 million jobs paycheck protection program. americans, we can come together, we can defeat this virus and i think there are a lot of positive things to show in this
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response and brave, heroic americans and the work they have done. line, lizpendent harrington, good morning. am somebody who is here by choice. legally. found such a great country and i fell in love with this country. after that, i finished my education here. i continued my education and europe. beautiful country, but not a great country like this one. we, facing a situation that bluee -- whether they are or red.
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usa of americahe is still dealing with some problems. the greatest country in the world. where is home for you originally? caller: i am originally from nicaragua. i did not come here as a refugee. i got mike green card when i card whengot my green i came for my education. host: we will limit their get a response from liz harrington. guest: i love to hear that because it is so true. this country, it is only possible here, people come here, and they work so hard to come here legally and do it the right way for the american dream, because they know what it is like everywhere else in the world -- it is not this beacon of freedom and hope, that is
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what america has started it is dangerous to see the democratic party embracing these radical ideologies that are so anti-freedom. they are so down on this country. they want to rip it up and start over. you hear it from biden and the rest of the leaders from their party, they say it is a chance to fundamentally transform this country. this country does not need to be fundamentally transformed. it is a beacon of hope and opportunity for the world. we have to defend our freedoms here. it is the only place that stories like that are possible. that is all we want. the opportunity to go out and live the american dream, one standard of justice for everyone. unfortunately, it is not being written into the democratic platform, it is playing out in their states, it is playing out
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in their cities. they are punishing law-abiding citizens for going to church, opening up a salon. they are letting criminals out, they are not even prosecuting rioters. they have two standards of justice because they think they have these protesters in the street who have dissented into riots for 80 days in portland, they think they have a politically correct view. we need to not look at what your policy is, we have one standard of justice in this country and it needs to be applied equally and that is what this country has always been about -- equality of opportunity. giving americans freedom. that is what this second term agenda is about. school choice. it is not just about getting kids back in school in the fall during a pandemic, it is about getting kids in the school of their choice, letting the parents decide.
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democrats are so beholden to the teachers union, they block kids fromor neighborhoods getting a better education. they canceled the d.c. voucher program, were 80% of the students are minority students with a median household income of $26,000. he wants to take away their education on day 1, that is what barack obama did, as well. they canceled their choice. they want to cancel american ,istory, cancel your tax cuts cancel your opportunities to succeed. we have to reject that because it is so important. there will not be more stories like the one we just heard, where you can come to this country, do it legally, work hard and live the american dream. that will be gone if we enact this radical democrat agenda. host: liz harrington, your
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reaction to what the president said this week about senator kamala harris, calling her nasty and angry. is that appropriate? caller: president -- guest: president trump calls it like he sees it. it is interesting to see someone like kamala harris who said last week, there is no vaccine for racism. i wonder if she thinks joe biden can be cured, because it was her who called him a racist during the democratic debate, that is a divisive message. what are you saying? you are basically saying this country is irredeemable and deplorable. that is a divisive message. it is not a unifying one. president trump seen her comments and it is very telling -- she either does not believe that joe biden is a racist and has acted inappropriately toward women -- that is what she said when she was running against him
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in the primary and had to drop out before christmas -- but now she is singing a very different tune. she either did not believe it and will say anything she can for power, or she does believe it and just does not care for power. president trump calls it like he sees it. i watched the speeches last week, they were not uplifting, they were divisive. it was not embracing what is great about this country, it was this country is irredeemable and deplorable. we are not that. we are not what democrats say this country is pretty this country has come so far. we are a tolerant society. the only people who are not tolerant are democrats of opposing views. they do not want unity, they want uniformity. host: let me jump in because i
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what your -- want your response to what senator harris said about what the president said about her. [video clip] >> president trump has referred to you as a nasty woman, the most disrespectful of anyone in the u.s. senate. how do you decide what you hear from the president? >> i think there is so much about what comes out of donald trump's mouth that is designed to distract the american people from what he is doing every day, neglect, negligence and harm to the american people. >> and incompetence. >> absolutely. >> the idea he would say something like that -- no president, no president has ever said anything like that. no president has you those words. no president has had people coming up with torches and spew
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bile. and then say there are good people on both sides. no president has ever said anything like that, ever. host: that is an abc news interview that airs tonight. your comment? guest: that is a lie. president trump said i condemn those people, totally, neo-nazis. they have been running on this lie. it is very telling the joe biden, his first failed run to the presidency in 1987, that was based on a lie -- he had to steal the life story of a labour party politician. he is basing what will be his third failed run for the presidency on another lie -- this hoax about fine people on both sides, he condemned that, totally. secondly, it is very nasty, i would say, to personally blame
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your political opponent for the deaths of americans from a virus or it was caused and created by lies and a cover-up from a common just regime. it is very nasty to personally blame your political opponent and use american lives as a number to yield against your opponent. i think it is repulsive. it was not very nice to use american lives as the number and could not be bothered to update the number from martha's vineyard, where michelle obama taped her speech. kamala harris has used her power to go after her political opponents. you know what has never been done before? what has never been done is using an insane conspiracy theory and lie about a supreme from michael avenatti. we would never read into the
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record the accusations from michael avenatti's client. that's what they did to justice brett kavanaugh. they did not care about the collateral damage to his family and what they put the country through. they did not care about what they put the country through with their other big hoax -- russia collusion. it is not joe biden, we know joe biden -- he is a transition candidate. successor ins a kamala harris, because just like obama and biden targeted tea party groups with irs, kamala harris targeted tea party in california. she wanted their personal information to harass them while she was attorney general of california, just like obama and biden sent federal agents into president trump's campaign --
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into his campaign. kamala harris sent federal agents into the house of a pro-life agent because he had exposed wrongdoings by one of her campaign donors -- planned parenthood. that is very nasty and troubling. what we need to vote in favor for of president trump is what we are getting, one standard of justice for everyone. one standard. not wielding your power to go after your opponents. we have seen obama and biden tua, we saw kamala harris do it in california. that is a very dangerous -- it goes back to the ideology we talked about. that is what third world countries do. they see federal law enforcement as just another tool to go after and harass opponents. meanwhile, the law-abiding citizens suffer. look at the crime rate in new
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york city where they have no cash bail. law-abiding citizens are suffering and what is the attorney general doing? wasting our time, harassing the president, going after tax returns. let's establish justice. you know what the second sentence is after that in the constitution? establish justice. are democrats establishing justice in the places they run top to bottom? minneapolis, seattle, portland, chicago? they are not establishing justice. president trump will. he is the law and order president. geo: we are talking politics. we have liz harrington.
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next call from boston, good morning. in 2016, trump -- campaign contributions. businessdelson's tax swingillions in a fall courtesy of trump's tax cuts. shortly thereafter, the organization this woman represents -- republican national committee -- received $50 million in campaign contributions. you don't have to be sherlock holmes to realize how corrupt and compromised these people are. dayt from that, have a nice and keep up with the filibustering. liz harrington, would you like to respond? guest: sure. the tax cuts have benefited every american.
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they brought the best economic boom we have seen in history. you talk about the tax cuts and the regulation cuts, they made america an attractive place for business again. that is what president trump was able to do in such a quick turnaround and why we have a v shaped turnaround. the fundamentals are so strong of getting government out of the way. barack obama and joe biden could not do that. they rewrote history, try to take credit for president trump's economy, they could never do that. listening to their interviews in 2011 and 2012, they said getting used to the new normal -- high unemployment, no growth, manufacturing jobs. he said they were not coming back. president trump proved all of that wrong. it is the progrowth policies that benefit everyone, and that
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is what the president is about. host: we will go to florida, bill, good morning. caller: good morning. the independent line. i am a lifelong libertarian but i voted for mr. trump and i will vote for him again. called to encourage mr. trump to have a broad vision of the future, particularly domestically. i hope a couple of things -- i hope he will speak to what his vision of health care going forward should be, in terms of either health savings accounts, ofope he has a broad vision moving education from washington back to the local level.
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host: i will leave it there because we are short on time. guest: there are a few issues, we will be speaking about them this week. care isency in health already bringing down costs, president trump is made historic moves on this that have not gotten a lot of coverage but it will continue to be a top priority. in school choice -- leveling out the playing field, giving everyone the same chance to go to a better school. that is a huge issue and a republican issue. host: liz harrington, i know use of the headline this morning from the washington post, based on some recordings from the neice,nt's nice, -- president trump has no principles, you can't trust them. how do you respond to that from the older sister of the president? guest: this president absolutely has principles. that is why he ran in the first place -- he loves the country.
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we heard so much about empathy last week. there was all this about empathy. the media and democrats want to pretend the republicans don't have any empathy. if donald trump did not have empathy, he would have stayed in trump tower. he would have never done what he is doing. he would not have given up his great life, his pretty good news coverage, his status. it is amazing what they have put his family through, this country through, just because he decided -- he has been talking about it for decades -- just go back and watch them during interviews talking about china, trade, so many of these big issues that really drove him to seek the presidency. he did not like what he was seeing. he loves this country and has empathy for the american worker to say we have to get back to what made this country great. that is why he ran in 2016, that
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is what he delivers every single day for this country. he cares deeply for the country and wants more people to succeed . he has been so blessed, living in the greatest country on earth, he wants everyone to be able to join in on that and that is what our message really is, that is what america has always been about, it is what we will continue to be about as long as we do not throw out the ideals by going with the democrats. host: these claims are coming from his his own sister and his niece, they question the president's own character. guest: i have not seen the recent comments. the idea that families cannot have disagreements, i think every family listening right now knows they have disagreements about politics. what unifies us as americans is we love our country and we want
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a better future for every american. that is what president trump follows through with every single day. that is what he will keep delivering. we will see that throughout our convention every single day. we will showcase what is great about our country. the land of legends, what is going forward in the future. what we can do upholding that freedom and opportunity for more prosperity and peace for everyone. that is what we want and our messages. it is a unifying one. host: philadelphia, republican line with liz harrington. good morning. caller: good morning. you are very well spoken, i am impressed. i am going to vote for donald trump again because this man has no idea what it was like to be in politics and he got through to me, my daughter, my friends,
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but we do have to hide the fact we are voting for donald trump -- you know that. we can't go out in public and say -- like the guy said before, we have to hide the fact. true, the fact he is a real person with faults like me. he came through for us. you can see he is real. joe biden does not look real to me. it looks like he had a facelift or something, i don't know. donald trump is so real and i believe in him and i like the way he acts -- he acts real. i am going to vote for him again. host: thank you for the call. we will get a response from liz harrington. guest: absolutely, i appreciate your comments. president trump is real and what democrats always discount -- the american people are a lot more smart than they give us credit
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for. we see through them. swampeek, how many dwellers did they have to put back up there with the same empty promises, the same rhetoric? we can remember -- the rhetoric never matched the reality. they can try to rewrite history, but we can see that. joe biden practically gave the same speech he gave in 2008. you would have thought they were never in power for two terms. they did not follow through and they did not get results for americans. president trump has been consistent, he has delivered. maybe it was because he was never a politician, he came to washington on a very specific set of things he was going to do and he did them, and it is working. americans have benefited -- no pandemic from communist china
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can take away any of that. it will not stop us. we have seen the super v shaped recovery. more winning for americans, whether or not you voted for him in 2016. for the people who took a chance on president trump in 2016, they see this man is the real deal, he follows through and he fights for the country. we have seen all of the empty promises from these swamp creatures -- it has worked out well for them, they have benefited, for the country has not benefited, and president trump came to washington to change that. host: the convention is in charlotte, but you are here in washington, d.c., is that right? guest: yes. we have some people in charlotte, it is scaled down, 36 delegates, we have staff members there. rollcall,ve a live
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many of us will be in d.c., we will be manning the virtual content during the day. we will have cameras at the office to do interviews and keep people up to speed of every single day of the events. culminating thursday night in the president's speech from the white house. it will be really spectacular. it will be a historic speech, much like we saw at the state of the union and in front of mount rushmore earlier this year. the president will give a historic speech, it will be unifying. host: it will be live on c-span. liz harrington here in washington with the republican national committee, thank you for being with us. guest: thank you, steve. host: we will take a short break. you are watching and listening to c-span's washington journal. we will be back in a moment.
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♪ >> monday night on the communicators, a look at election security with jeff moss, the founder of a cybersecurity conference. he is joined by a washington post cybersecurity reported. >> how anxious should we be about the security of the 2020 vote with hackers? >> i had a vote and i will trust the results. i think what is different from peoplevious election -- that have been talking about these issues. they are not terribly new. now, people will actually use them.
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before, they said it is too expensive. same thing with hand mark, human readable ballot spread a long time, manufacturer said it is human readable because it is marked. >> jeff moss on the communicators on c-span two. ♪ >> this week, it is the republicans turn. starting monday and for four days, the republican national convention. hear their vision for the future and their priorities for the next four years. watch president trump and vice-president pence except their party's nomination. it starts monday at 9:00 a.m. eastern, delegates meet to officially nominate president
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trump and vice president pence. watch live on c-span, online at or listen with the free c-span radio app. watch c-span at 6:00 p.m. eastern for past speeches by prominent republican politicians, including pat buchanan, colin powell and former secretary of state condoleezza rice. speechest convention at the start of the republican national convention, monday, only on c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. ♪ >> washington journal continues. host: one of the stories getting a lot of attention that broke yesterday at washington, the headline this morning is secretly recorded audio, the president's sister saying he has no principles, you cannot trust them.
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judge whena federal she heard her brother, the president, suggesting on fox news, maybe i will have to put wave ofhe border amid a refugees entering the united states print children were being separated from their parents while court hearings continue to drag on. the tell all book about her uncle has been released. she has been questions about some of the sources of the information. nowhere in the book the she state she recorded conversations with her aunt. in a response to a question from the washington post about how she knew the president paid someone to take the sats, she said she paid someone to record face-to-face conversations in 2018 and 2019. she provided the post with previously unreleased
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transcripts and audio -- including this exchange. >> changing stories, a lack of preparation, the lying. he is appealing to the base. what they are doing to the kids at the border. host: that from marianne trump, the oldest sister of the president. the white house released a statement, every day it is something else. who cares? i miss my brother, referring to the passing of his brother, saying i will continue to work hard for the american people. not everybody agrees, but the results are obvious. our country will soon be stronger than ever before. your reaction to these latest recordings from the niece of the president.
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she will sit down as part of our book tv coverage. carol is joining us from new jersey, independent line. caller: good morning. this morning, you have had several callers that called in and critique the selections of topics that c-span has chosen to engage in this morning. you refuted them over and over again as to they were not quite aware of the whole story. provections this morning they are absolutely correct. that is the fourth or fifth time you quoted that incident -- suppose it incident -- that was published in the washington post with regard to the critique of his family. think, if you were absolutely honest, you would fess up to the
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fact that this channel is totally biased and has been since i started watching it 40 some odd years ago. host: you don't think it is a legitimate issue you have a family member talking about the president, just like we talked about hunter biden? caller: you always have an angle to throw in there to refute a critique. a refute, it is a fact. caller: that is four times. host: good morning. caller: good morning. athink, trump, he is psychologically damaged man. he thinks he is above the law. for example, i think trump has nothing to do with the peace
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to hidet he just wants all of his failures and the handling of the coronavirus. i think trump has realized he will be the loser in the 2020 election and wants to make his situation better. thank you. host: thank you for the call. we will go to linda next in detroit. good morning. caller: good morning. i have been trying to talk to you for a while. a few weeks ago, a young man called in and said -- they were getting their money from russia. on fox news.erson becauseelling the truth i saw that series. does not knownt
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who he is, his children don't know. on fox,why he is because he cannot get a job anywhere else. there is a new book out -- i think it was yesterday -- about what the people really think about the president. and you will be surprised. host: ok, thank you for the call. this is a headline from fox news, the president dismissing the secret audio of his sister calling him cruel, saying who cares. we will go to wanda next in california, good morning. caller: hello. i have a comment and a question. do you know whether or not the republicans are going to have a performer as good as -- like in compared to cardi b and her pornographic exhibition, which
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was on tucker carlsen, nobody else covered it. youtubeeen banned from due to the fact it is too pornographic. can you play that right now? i am sure you cannot. pulled. would be i think everyone should know what kind of people the democrats have become when they tvw such trash on nationwide at their convention. host: thank you for the call. republicans,1 for (202) 748-8000 if you are a democrat. reactions to the audio published in the washington post from the president's sister. the book from the president's niece put out a few weeks ago.
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[video clip] he was a brat. >> try to get him into college. somehow. i did not get him in, -- he went to fordham from one year and then he got into the university of pennsylvania. he had someone taking the exam. >> no way. sats or whatever. i believe.t
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i even remember the name. now, when he does stories, he never mentions fordham. he went to the university of pennsylvania. i did his homework for him. host: that from marianne trump, mary trump, it is available at the washington post website. cindy joining us from new jersey. go ahead. caller: good morning. the lady that was on earlier from the rnc, for her to defend the president and be ok with a woman is nasty, that is terrible. to say he is consistent with what he says, the only thing he
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is consistent with is lying. as an african american, i would like to know what donald trump has done for african americans. i don't know what he has done as an african american. host: republican line, good morning. caller: good morning. -- oneer had a saying lies, the other swears to it. that is what we have in this country that is going downhill quickly unless we are saved. the democratic party lies through their teeth, and then the lies are accepted as truth by the left wing news media. i will give you a perfect example. trumphed the news when got into that debate about fascists, said white
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or whatever they call them, from supporters, and trump said he likes them, he thinks they are good people. they still use that lie -- and i will prove the lie to you now. reporters say to donald trump the day before true thataid, is it you said white supremacists are good people too? he said i did not say that and you should know better. i said the people that live in that little town, that love their statues, they are arch, their culture was canceled, trump said, no, he never said that. he said the opposite. the people are good there. the next day, cnn said trump admits he thinks fascists are
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good people. that lie continues to this day. you should have me on c-span. lies thatng you 50 are told about trump on a daily basis and the useful idiocy who believe the lies will vote for the senile old man. good luck. if they do, it is over for this country. god bless donald trump, he is an honorable man. everyone has family. i have nine brothers and sisters. at least one i might get along with. who cares what his bitter sister has to say. thank you for letting a conservative express themselves, c-span. host: on twitter, oh my god, yes, mr. president, who cares. that is my feelings about a brother or sister being jealous and spewing nonsense. it sounds like your sister is a
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typical sister. bonnie in miami, good morning. caller: good morning. i am an independent and i did vote for donald trump back in 2016. however, i think anyone with a functioning brain observes that trump is in a downward spiral, and as a nurse who is working with covid patients, i can tell you he started to play dr. back in april, which has maligned all of the citizens in the united states by being misguided and essentially suffocating the scientists and the doctors who wanted to put forward good information. i can't imagine for the next four years how this man -- trump advances -- and by the way, he is only three years
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younger than biden. he will further decompensate. host: thank you for the call. a text message from birmingham, alabama -- it is so obvious some people will vote for donald trump regardless, even when the man's niece and sister think that about him. sayer: i would just like to she probably knows her brother better than any of the viewers, just like my sister probably knows me. if anyone could talk to my sister, she would tell them things about me and it would be true. i will believe her comments. i think it is interesting that president trump's transcripts have been sealed. we don't know how we got into fordham, how he went to the university of pennsylvania, he made an issue of talking about barack obama and his transcripts and how we got into columbia university and how we got into
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harvard law. i don't understand how he has the standards for everybody else but he, himself do not have the standards. i think that is something his constituents and supporters need to be aware of. i just heard the nurse from florida, i am also a nurse from new york. i could not have said it better myself. host: this is from if you are in massachusetts, sending us a text message that mary trump is one unhappy girl. she stabbed her uncle in the front and her aunt in the back. something, whos cares, i miss my brother, says the president, and i will continue to work for the american people. not everyone agrees, but the results are obvious and our country will soon be stronger than ever before. republican line, good morning.
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caller: i hope you don't cut me off because you will probably not like what i say. how come you don't have a show on today that says, since the former vice president is running for office, is it right that the children of a president or vice president can enrich themselves overseas and you know its true, so why don't you have that on? host: we have focused on that -- you are talking about hunter biden and that is a legitimate issue. we have focused on that as well on this network. caller: i don't know that because c-span is left leaning. before, every time i call and make a point, you always cut me off. i am glad you are letting me stay on now. i think they should stop funding c-span. who cares what the new york times prints. clips of howow the
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all the democrats ordering the takeout of all these terrorist people. host: the great thing about this network, everything have covered, every interview, every event is on our website. we are an open book. hundreds of thousands of hours of programming and you can look what we have done with the vice president, barack obama, bill clinton, george w. bush, and now donald trump. caller: how come when the young lady before this was on and she gave you her answer about kamala harris, i have a follow-up. why did you not just take her answer? who iswant to know about running for office. host: you have to understand. i asked her the question. the follow-up was kamala harris
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responding to the president referring to her as nasty and angry. caller: she is nasty and angry. look what she did to the nominee for the supreme court. look how she treated the guy that was on the border patrol law enforcement. accusing him of being kkk. i watched all of that. how come you don't have it on there that lawmakers can stay at home and take the salaries of united states citizens when we can't work? why are they allowed to do that? why are they passing laws in the house of representatives? the constitution says all members must be in the house of representatives to take their votes. why are they allowed to get away with this? host: you know that because you watch c-span. i am going to let you go. thank you for the call. we want to hear from you and all points of view. let's go to mary in north
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carolina. good morning. caller: good morning. i am 89 years old. forve been in this country 69 years. i became a legal citizen through the proper channel. between mary trump ,nd the niece and the president her father was a severe alcoholic. in the business, a severe alcoholic will drink everything. first of all, they will lose the business, the family, and they will lose their lives. alcoholics,severe this is true. this is what the president and his family had to deal with. the president does not drink. he never has drank. these are hard feelings between
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the trumps toause not let the father continue to run the business because it would have gone downhill. i think that is what this is about. so they are fighting back to do the president the most harm they can and the president is doing a very good job. cure not god -- he cannot the covid virus part thank you. from seeing donald is out for donald period. said nothing. had five bankruptcies. the full interview is that texas, good morning. retired senior
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scientist. people, i wanted to complement you for all of the help you have given joe biden in several different elections that think you are on his payroll because they desperately needed a moderate. here are some things he better be prepared to answer in a calling trump a russian puppet. his energy policies are costing putin hundreds of billions of dollars. demanding what trump had ever done for black people? bill and hillary in the white rwandans getck slaughtered. ofmp got food to millions black sudanese that the obama
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administration did not get to them, they were starving. you need to tell all these rioters that they are going to help trump get elected. they are just like richard nixon. i was in california in the late 1960's and 1972, a lot of his votes came from people tired of seeing things burned down. it is really going to hurt in the election. host: thank you for the call on the republican line. elizabeth from delaware, welcome to the conversation. caller: good morning, thank you. as far as principles go, it is the democrats that do not have them. that when saying you're pointing a finger, there are three fingers pointing back at you. you cherry pick everything to be
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negative toward trump. i appreciate that you put him on when he speaks in his entirety. the other three networks do not. people don't get what you are doing. donald trump will get reelected, even if the democrats try to cheat their way through. i want to remind everybody that as far as racism goes, why is kamala harris not considered a racist choice? they chose her because she is a woman, because she is black, good job for the country, that is insane. some of these bad because you get i think are from antifa people. that is all. calls,here are no bad there are just different people with different points of view. bradley joins us from west virginia. good morning. caller: good morning, and thank
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you c-span, you are great. i still cannot understand why working people would support trump. he is talking about doing a capital gains tax cut. for the rich and his people on fox news are too. i cannot figure out why working people -- well, i guess because the republicans use wedge issues to draw them over to their side. one more thing, i cannot believe he got up there and told the american people to inject themselves with cleaner. that is just unbelievable. thank you, thanks, c-span. host: last word from arlington, virginia, democrats line. caller: thank you for taking my call. i want to comment on some of the callers i have been listening
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to. i don't understand the extreme -- issue any sort of criticism to the president if you are a follower of him. i definitely understand that absolutely no president is fully in charge of every single thing and is not able to solve every problem. i do notice a very strange tendency among avid donald trump supporters, that they will refuse to acknowledge any of his shortcomings as a person and a and -- they can explain anything that is legitimate about his abode is to perform in his job. host: thank you for the call and to all of you for your comments over the last three hours print last week, we were live with the democratic national convention,
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this week we will be live in charlotte. coverage gets underway tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. eastern time and will continue into the afternoon. the evening session will include the president and will get underway at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. we will keep you posted on our website at afterward, a chance to call in and react to the speeches each evening. we hope you tune in or listen on c-span radio. thank you for joining us on this sunday. enjoy the rest of your weekend. stay safe. we will see you tomorrow morning. ♪ [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] ♪


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