tv Washington Journal Liz Harrington CSPAN August 23, 2020 7:33pm-8:01pm EDT
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if public health officials say that is the only way forward, he is willing to do it, he is willing to lead. donald trump failed to confront this pandemic. countries similar to ours at similar stages of development have gotten a handle on this virus. the number of deaths, the impact on the economy is far less. what joe biden is showing is leadership and a willingness to trust science. is the national spokesperson for the republican national committee. person for the republican national committee to be convention getting underway this week in charlotte, north carolina, and virtually, so walk us through, right now, what will happen each evening. guest: well, good morning, steve. thank you for having me. we are really excited. we are kicking off four days of what i think will be a big contest. laste, if they tuned in week to the really down and out, dreary, negative, divisive message of the democrats, we are
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going to offer an optimistic vision, and inspiring story of not only what americans have , and what thisng administration has done, but looking back in our history, what we can learn from it, the inspiring story of what makes this country so great. and we are also going to be looking forward to what president trump can accomplish in a second term. and so it is a unifying message. it is one that sets this country apart, throughout human history, and it is really one that president trump has followed through on, when you look at the amazing accomplishments he has been able to do in such a short amount of time in washington, which is quite the contrast. joe biden had one of the shortest speeches in modern history for accepting a nomination, and it is because he has been in law for a very long time, but he does not have very many accomplishments to his name. president trump has so many to speak to.
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we will also hear from real americans who have benefited from these politics, from his agenda. we are really excited to showcase that, what makes this country great and what separates us. and we are excited to tell the story. host: fewer politicians, more voices of real americans. walk us through that approach for the convention, and then, operationally, how it is going to work. guest: absolutely. so we are going to have daytime programming, much like the democrats did, but hours were not feature, you know, calls for the destruction of capitalism or abolishment of the police, like the democrats did. [laughs] we will have an uplifting message that really showcases what our agenda is for the country, that we are proud of america. but the nighttime programming, in contrast to what the democrats had, the vast majority of it will be live speeches, and it is going to be engaging. it is not going to be talking at the american people, it is going to be talking with americans. we are going to have in-person
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events. we are going to do a safely. but we will do it more engaging and i think more including the american people in our convention. so we are going to feature, of course, the many diverse members of our party, the different viewpoints, members of congress, rising leaders and stars and who just really articulate our agenda so well. but we are also going to talk with and hear from the real lived andwho have benefited from president trump and his policies and practices. so we think it is going to be quite contracts, and we are really excited to showcase the best about america. this country has never been perfect, but it has been the unique thing that offered our rights come from god, not government, and government's job is to protect us. too often and increasingly, we
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are seeing democrats -- mayors and governors -- really turn no, on its head and say, you are going to serve us. we are going to tell you if you can go to church, if you can go to school, if you can go to work. and then they turned the justice system on its head as well and let rioters go free and then criminalize the law-abiding citizen. that is an upside down country. that is not what america is about. so we have to make it clear to showcase what our policies are in action -- progrowth, pro-freedom, profamily -- and then contrast to what democrats have done in these cities. you know, it is very interesting, because president trump, and throughout our week, we are going to be able to showcase our agenda in action, the tax credits, opportunity zones, building the wall, the judges throughout the federal judiciary, defeating isis, so many of these big -- the usmca that president trump has
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delivered on, how they are benefiting the country. democrats did not mention their agenda in action, which we can all see, if we go to look for it on the local news, for what is happening in minneapolis, in portland, in seattle, in new york city, in san francisco. even places that -- this is the handiwork of the democrats' agenda. this is the agenda that joe biden has adapted, with bernie sanders writing the platform. we think it is a very dangerous agenda. it is very and difficult to what this country has always been about, which is freedom of opportunity, equal justice under the law, not based on what letter comes after your name, what political views you hold. so we need to contrast that but also showcase our vision, which is a forward-looking one and really a history-making one. this president has made so much history in such a short amount of time on so many fronts, whether it is usmca, taking out
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soleimani, the peace deal with uae and israel, space force. there are so many things that i think we can look forward to, and we are going to highlight that. it is going to be engaging, and it is going to be live, and it is going to be more real and authentic. host: let me follow up with a couple of points, because, as you know, the democrats did include the three former living democratic presidents. on the republican side, george w. bush is not included in this week's convention. why? guest: well, i am not privy to those conversations, but i didn't hear that former president bush has decided not to get involved. he did not get involved in 2016 as well. a unified you we are party. the media likes to amplify some, you know, figures in washington. we have all ended up with contrasts on cnn and msnbc, but they do not look at the rest of the country, and really the voters who have come together and drawn in president trump's winning agenda.
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so we are a unified party going into this. it is a former president's personal choice whether to get involved or not. host: the president keeps saying that there is fraud in mail-in voting. i want to know, specific become aware is the fraud? if you request an absentee ballot, as the president does, or states provide a ballot that is cross checked by state and local officials? guest: it is a very important the station when you talk about the absentee process. democrats say, this has been around forever, tried-and-true, what are you talking about? then why are they in court, trying to change this? why are they inventing a new system, that you do not have to request a valid, you just have to fill one out, and the cases of real fraud -- look at paterson, new jersey. indicted,e were including a councilman elect, including a councilman. every single one of them were charged with unauthorized
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possession of ballots, meaning that they were in their possession, holding ballots from voters that it was not them. well, you know what democrats want to do? they want to make that legal. that is called ballot harvesting. it is what they had in california. it is what, in the dead of not, , the legislature, they went forward without letting anybody read their bill. anybody, campaign operatives, can collect as many ballads that they want with no oversight, drop them off, and then they are even allowing them to be counted after election day. -- obviously opens the door for more fraud, and they are making what happened in paterson, new jersey legal, which come americans, we have seen the numbers in polling, it is not close. eight out of 10 americans oppose ballot harvesting, because of course that is not a system that you would have confidence and,
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just allowing anybody, not elections officials, to be in control of elections. so that is what we are really fighting against, and democrats and the far left activist groups, democrat lawyers, led by mark elias, he is the man who is , andry clinton's lawyer hired people to make up smears about president trump. singlee is in every battleground state, trying to not uphold the system, but trying to change the system to allow valid harvesting where it is illegal, and it is illegal in many states. we are we believe the absentee process works. states have had years to perfect it appeared you have to . you have to prove there is someone behind that ballot.
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who have movedle away, people who have since died, and they are just blindly sending them out. and then you add ballot harvesting on top of that and you add reducing requirements for signature verification, which they are also fighting, and allowing them to be counted after election day -- there is a lot of room for munich -- they say, listen to the experts. dr. fauci said there is no reason why we cannot vote in person. we know voting in person is tried, tested and true. it is the most secure. nobody knows how you voted, no one can try to pressure you in any way. it is secure. yous counted immediately, know your vote counted, otherwise you don't know what happened between point and -- point a and point b.
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they had this in fact in's, they had ppe. absentee voting does not protect you from not getting the coronavirus. in wisconsin, there were more people with cases who voted absentee than in person. the idea that we need to completely overhaul our elections, throw the system, mail-in ballots, everyone gets one in the are just piling up and apartment complexes like we saw in clark county, nevada, that is not the way a first world nation should conduct its elections. we want timely results, and more portly, we want to make sure the results are fair. i know this is a long-winded answer. in detroit, they reported 72% of their precincts, their vote tallies did not match with all of these influxes of absentee ballots part how will people
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have confidence in new york city, where they declared a winner six weeks later. that is not a way to conduct elections print at a time of division in our country, we want to make sure everyone's vote is counted and we want to make sure the result is accurate. host: the convention gets underway tomorrow morning. this headline from the charlotte observer, last-minute preparations for those who will be in attendance in north carolina and the president will speak tomorrow to the gathering. we will have all of it here on c-span. let's get your phone calls. victoria, texas. are you with us? i am.: yes, sir, host: go ahead, please. lady, --his young knows enough to defend the
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republican party. i am sorry. number one, i did vote for mr. trump. can you hear me? host: we sure can. go ahead with your question. caller: i did vote for mr. trump. it,rward, i regretted -- hee of the beginning, has made a lot of mistakes. -- nothing happened to them. texas, we are dying every day, you don't have to shoot anybody. he has not done anything. we know that. host: thank you for the call. here is a supporter of the president four years ago, not they share. guest: i appreciate the question, i had a hard time hearing all of her comments.
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i would say part of it was about the coronavirus. this is an opportunity this week for us to set the record straight. the media has not given the president a fair shake in this at all. we know this is a unique situation that happened, and we know who is to blame -- a communist regime in china that lied to the world, they covered it up, they are still hiding critical information about patient zero and how this got out. they shut down travel within their country, but were encouraging travel out. they were encouraging and new tourism exchange with italy, which became the epicenter of the virus in europe. despite what communist china did to not just us, it affected the entire globe, this president, when everyone said you can't shut down travel, when joe biden
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was saying that was hysterical, he did it and it was the right decision. it saved countless lives. he did not stop there. biggeste working on the mobilization of the private sector since world war ii. joe biden and kamala harris see doctors, we see american greatness. the people on the front lines, the factory workers and manufacturers who overnight stopped making -- whether it was their-- they stop making products and switched over to ppe. much, operation warp speed, the fastest development of a vaccine in history. this president organized a task force in january, they have never stopped working. decisions, this
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is a novel virus we had to learn a lot of information about. every single day, president trump has been committed to helping the american people. all americans -- he set the uss mercy to new york and california. hotspots when they needed it. unfortunately, governor cuomo, who sings a very different to now, he praised the assistance from the president. patientst send any into the uss comfort, he sent them into nursing homes. there is a record here and the american people will recognize president trump has led on this from the beginning. he has done the best job that absolutely we could do and we are constantly learning about this virus. we are americans -- we can defeat it. shutting down is not a solution.
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hiding in your basement might work for joe biden for the time being, it does not work for americans who have to feed their family and have to go back to work -- have to go back to school. it is unfortunate that every step of the way, since about february 25, the day after nancy pelosi said come to chinatown, we think it is safe, everyone should come, when the democrats start to recognize maybe we can use this virus born out of a, used regime as cover-up, maybe we can use it as political ends, they have politicized everything. aidy pelosi has blocked three times. blocked small business relief. pelosi flew back in from san francisco and try to stalled theations, cares act for weeks.
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without 50 million jobs paycheck protection program. americans, we can come together, we can defeat this virus and i think there are a lot of positive things to show in this response and brave, heroic americans and the work they have done. line, lizpendent harrington, good morning. am somebody who is here by choice. legally. found such a great country and i fell in love with this country. after that, i finished my education here. i continued my education and europe. beautiful country, but not a
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great country like this one. we, facing a situation that bluee -- whether they are or red. usa of americahe is still dealing with some problems. the greatest country in the world. where is home for you originally? caller: i am originally from nicaragua. i did not come here as a refugee. i got mike green card when i card whengot my green i came for my education. host: we will limit their get a response from liz harrington. guest: i love to hear that because it is so true. this country, it is only possible here, people come here,
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and they work so hard to come here legally and do it the right way for the american dream, because they know what it is like everywhere else in the world -- it is not this beacon of freedom and hope, that is what america has started it is dangerous to see the democratic party embracing these radical ideologies that are so anti-freedom. they are so down on this country. they want to rip it up and start over. you hear it from biden and the rest of the leaders from their party, they say it is a chance to fundamentally transform this country. this country does not need to be fundamentally transformed. it is a beacon of hope and opportunity for the world. we have to defend our freedoms here. it is the only place that stories like that are possible. that is all we want. the opportunity to go out and
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live the american dream, one standard of justice for everyone. unfortunately, it is not being written into the democratic platform, it is playing out in their states, it is playing out in their cities. they are punishing law-abiding citizens for going to church, opening up a salon. they are letting criminals out, they are not even prosecuting rioters. they have two standards of justice because they think they have these protesters in the street who have dissented into riots for 80 days in portland, they think they have a politically correct view. we need to not look at what your policy is, we have one standard of justice in this country and it needs to be applied equally and that is what this country has always been about -- equality of opportunity. giving americans freedom. that is what this second term
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agenda is about. school choice. it is not just about getting kids back in school in the fall during a pandemic, it is about getting kids in the school of their choice, letting the parents decide. democrats are so beholden to the teachers union, they block kids fromor neighborhoods getting a better education. they canceled the d.c. voucher program, were 80% of the students are minority students with a median household income of $26,000. he wants to take away their education on day 1, that is what barack obama did, as well. they canceled their choice. they want to cancel american ,istory, cancel your tax cuts cancel your opportunities to succeed. we have to reject that because it is so important. there will not be more stories like the one we just heard,
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where you can come to this country, do it legally, work hard and live the american dream. that will be gone if we enact this radical democrat agenda. host: liz harrington, your reaction to what the president said this week about senator kamala harris, calling her nasty and angry. is that appropriate? caller: president -- guest: president trump calls it like he sees it. it is interesting to see someone like kamala harris who said last week, there is no vaccine for racism. i wonder if she thinks joe biden can be cured, because it was her who called him a racist during the democratic debate, that is a divisive message. what are you saying? you are basically saying this country is irredeemable and deplorable. that is a divisive message. it is not a unifying one. president trump seen her
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comments and it is very telling -- she either does not believe that joe biden is a racist and has acted inappropriately toward women -- that is what she said when she was running against him in the primary and had to drop out before christmas -- but now she is singing a very different tune. she either did not believe it and will say anything she can for power, or she does believe it and just does not care for power. president trump calls it like he sees it. i watched the speeches last week, they were not uplifting, they were divisive. it was not embracing what is great about this country, it was this country is irredeemable and deplorable. we are not that. we are not what democrats say this country is pretty this country has come so far.
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we are a tolerant society. the only people who are not tolerant are >> you are watching c-span, your unfiltered view of government, curated by cable television companies as a public service and brought to you by your television provider. ♪ , it is republicans' turn. starting monday, the republican national convention. here there fusion -- here there vision forhear their the future. aserage begins monday delegates meet to nominate president trump and vice president pence.
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the evening session kicks off, watch live on c-span, live streaming and ondemand at or listen with the c-span radio app. c-span at 6:00 eastern for pass convention speeches by prominent politicians, howard baker, patrick gannon, colin powell, and condoleezza rice. watch past speeches and the start of the republican national ,onvention monday on c-span your unfiltered view of politics. next, catherine gale, founder of the institute for political innovation, argues that our political system leads to voter disenchantment and partisanship. andches by lyndon johnson perry goldwater at their party
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conventions there than president trump's announcement of fda emergency authorization to expand access to convalescent plasma treatment for coronavirus patients. ♪ susan: katherine gehl, in your notebook, you write the american blick system has become the cause of our decline in the barrier to address the problems it exists to solve. when you look at america today, what are you seeing? katherine:
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