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tv   Washington Journal 08262020  CSPAN  August 26, 2020 6:59am-10:01am EDT

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newsletter, word for word, offers a synopsis of the day's events. before the convention's evening session watch c-span for past speeches by actors including christopher reeve, clint eastwood, tommy lee jones, and scarlett johansson. ♪ >> you are watching c-span. your unfiltered view of government. created by america's cable-television companies as a public service and brought to you by your television provider. washington journal, naomi lin of the washington examiner looks at the republican national convention in charlotte. an authored discusses vice president mike pence who will be at the rnc tonight.
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campaignb smith on 2020 and the role of military voters and young americans. plus your emails, tweets, and phone calls. washington journal starts now. ♪ first lady melania trump closed out day two of the republican national convention with a speech from the white house last night where she called on voters to support her husband for a second term claiming he will fight for them. yourll continue with comments and reactions to the republican national convention with a look ahead at tonight's line-up. here is how we are dividing the line. if you support the president dial in at (202) 748-8000. if you are supporting joe biden (202) 748-8001. if you have a third-party candidate or are undecided dialing that -- dial in at (202) 748-8002.
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you can also text us with your first name, city, and state at (202) 748-8003. join the conversation on facebook and twitter. while we wait for your calls, here is a little bit from the first lady. >> as you have heard this evening, i don't want to use this precious time attacking the other side. as we saw last week that kind of talk only serves to divide the country further. i am here because we need my husband to be our president. he is what is best for our country. we all know donald trump makes no secret about how he feels about things. ourl honesty is what citizens deserve from a president. youher you like it or not, always know what he is thinking. an is because he is
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authentic person and wants to continue to make it better. donald wants to keep your family safe. he wants to help your family succeed. he wants nothing more than for this country to prosper, and he doesn't waste time playing politics. host: the front pages of newspapers this morning frame day two of the convention this way. the washington times, first lady lends her voice to the president's reelection bid. post, a mixhington of presidential power, politics on display with a picture of the first lady from the white house in the rose garden. ,he new york times this morning secretary of state resident mike -- secretary of state mike pompeo speaking from delusive
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and melania trump saying a vote for her husband is a vote for freedom. tiffany trump talked about freedom from oppression. thise wall street journal morning, also featuring the first lady and secretary of state and tiffany trump. secretary of state and first lady -- the vice president will address republicans and voters across the nation from fort mchenry in baltimore. atwill begin our coverage 8:30 p.m. eastern time. we will speak tonight to the second lady, karen pence, along with kellyanne conway, who announced she is leaving the white house at the end of the month. at 8:30 pme begins on c-span and on our website, you can check out everything related to the rnc on /rnc and you can download the free c-span radio app.
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usa today, the vice president in his remarks will be stressing wins in the virus fight. brenda from arkansas, you are supporting the president. good morning, did you watch? caller: absolutely, the last two nights. i had friends that pointed out that they are running things at the convention they never knew president trump did, not c-span, but the media does not report on the good things he does. they spend their time investigating what he did not do right. he has done so many things. host: what surprised you, what did you learn that surprised you? caller: i follow everything closely so i did not learn anything, but a lot of people did not have any idea about the right to try or the first act where prisoners got early release who were overcharged and the number of apprenticeship programs and he brought back nasa. there is the farmers to family
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program. 75 million family meals and no one talks about it. quickly.d so it came up in march and by may 15 they were delivering meals to people, boxes with food for a week and the president cut regulations. a lot of people did not know that. we knew he built back our military -- i thought it was very informative. i thought it gave an opportunity for people who were not aware of what the president has done to see things. they still have not covered everything he has done. i wish of the media would start doing that. be fair and talk about the good things he has done. host: some of the criticism has been using the white house as a backdrop for the convention. you had the secretary of state speaking from jerusalem. how do you respond to that? caller: they are talking about
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using the hatch act as a problem. the hatch act would mean they have profited from it. as i understand, the white house is paying -- the only thing that cost anything was setting up the chairs and staging. the campaign is paying for that. notink as long as they are charging the government for the things they are doing for the convention, and i realize it is that people's house, but it's also the president's house. i guess i am ok with it. host: brenda in arkansas supporting the president. speaking from jerusalem was the secretary of state. he spoke about the president's accomplishments. sec. pompeo: the primary function of the national government is insuring your family is safe and ensuring you can learn and worship as you choose. delivering on this to keep us
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safe and our freedoms intact. this president has led bold initiatives in nearly every corner of the world. in china he pulled back the curtain on the predatory aggression of the chinese communist party. the president has held china accountable for covering up the virus and allowing it to spread death and economic destruction in america and around the world. he will not rest until justice is done. he has ensured that the chinese spies in america are jailed or sent back to china. he has ended the unfair trade arrangement with china that punched a hole in our economy. those jobs are coming back home. in north korea the president lowered the temperature and got north korean leadership to the table. long-rangetests, no missile test, and americans held captive in north korea came home to their families as did the precious remains of scores of
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heroes who fought in korea. has is stronger, ukraine defensive weapons systems, and america left a harmful treaty so our nation can build missiles to deter russian aggression. in the middle east, when iran threatened the president approved a strike and killed an iranian terrorist, the man most responsible for the murder and maiming of hundreds of american soldiers and thousands of christians across the middle east. officee president took radical islamic terrorist beheaded americans and isis controlled a territory the size of great britain. the isis caliphate is wiped out and gone. is dead.le leader our brave soldiers are on their way home. the president exited the u.s. from the disastrous nuclear deal with iran.
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the president moved to the u.s. embassy to this very city of jerusalem. just two weeks ago the president brokered a historic peace deal between israel and the united arab emirates. this is a deal our grandchildren will read about. firsthander i saw people desperate for freedom. ensure each of us can our freedom is by electing leaders who don't talk but deliver. host: the secretary of state delivering his speech from israel. the new york times has this towards, with an eye 2024 pompeo delivers his convention speech. they note in here it was the first time in 75 years that a sitting secretary of state address the national convention to nominate a party's presidential candidate. that's according to a presidential historian.
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that was not by accident, he said. there was a feeling that foreign policy should be sacrosanct and secretaries of state should not mix in domestic politics. pompeo's political ambitions, if he has any interest in running for president in the future this is a way of inserting himself in presidential politics while breaking important traditions in american history. undecided in smithfield, virginia. good morning. caller: good morning to you and your staff. liked was the point i this is 100% different from mr. trump and i hope the republicans democraten they say this democrat that and attacking the other side. as you see in the streets, divide and divide. i love them for saying that. thank you, goodbye. host: how are you voting? caller: thank you ma'am, goodbye. [laughter] host: jackie from wisconsin,
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supporting the president. caller: hi. host: good morning. caller: -- what are your thoughts on the republican national convention? caller: i love it. i am happy with things trump has accomplished. he has done so much for the black colleges, for prison reform, for foreign policies for our country. host: robert in tennessee, undecided. caller: yes ma'am. host: why undecided? caller: well -- i just -- i just played the middle-of-the-road and i am leaning towards trump. he is a businessman.
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he is not a diehard politician. a business and this country is a business, it needs to be run like a business, not in the red. i am so happy he is bringing back to the country and giving to the public. he is the best man for the job and he has my vote this time. host: what do you like about the former vice president? i didn't much care for him when he was with his partner , i don't really think they did a very good job, although they their chests out and their hats hi. patting each other on the back. everything in a worse position than it was from
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the previous. we are on the right trail. host: robert in tennessee. in other news this morning, and news alert from npr about the unrest in kenosha, wisconsin. fatally injured in kenosha, wisconsin as protests continue over a police shooting. let's go to jeff in tennessee who is supporting the president. jeff, good morning. what has stood out over the past couple of days of this convention? is putting god back in our country. the first amendment rights. i love what he has done for our country economically. host: so that is why you will support him, did you support him and 2016? caller: yes.
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he is the only politician -- he is not a career politician -- that has done everything he said he is going to do and followed through. all of these career politicians talk a big talk and after they are elected you hear nothing else about the policies they support. host: jeff in tennessee. rock, arkansas. supporting the former vice president. caller: i think that there convention is full of lies. this man couldn't tell the truth if jesus was standing right next to him and god was asking him questions. i stay in the suburbs and i am a black person. i am scared if i go down the street i might get shot by a police. theblack people ought to be ones that are scared, not these
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white people. are not going to get a clue until they are standing barine, waiting for their on their arm to get food from the devil. that man is nothing but the devil. host: it's because of race relations you are supporting joe biden? caller: no, i am supporting joe biden because i have common sense. artist, is a con can't believe these folks. like my grandmother said, there's a sucker born every day. host: amanda in arkansas. the wall street journal this morning has this piece about the reelection efforts of both of these candidates. how much money they have spent and raised. if you take a look at the graphic the wall street journal put together, the president's
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campaign has wrought in $72 million in july, nearly double what his campaign raised in july of 2016. he has spent $64.5 million of that. $63.4den has raised million and has spent nearly $60 million of it. hillary clinton at this point had raised $52 million and spent $38 million. what the trump campaign is spending most of their money on, a little over 34 million dollars in tv, radio, print media. about $10 million in online advertising and $3 million in text message advertising. in direct mail 2.4 million and the payroll is costing them $2 million. forbes magazine has this piece posted on their website. moved $2.3 million of campaign donor money into his private business." the president has yet to donate to his campaign.
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write this.le they "donald trump continues to shift money from his donors to his business last month as his reelection campaign paid private companies for rent, food, lodging, and other expenses. the richest president in american history, who has yet to donate to his 2020 campaign, has moved $2.3 million in contributions from others into his private company." let's go to ruby in bristol, tennessee who supports the president. hello, ruby. good morning. caller: good morning, how are you? host: doing well. what do you think of the convention? caller: i like it. they are talking about what trump wants to do for america. all the democrats did was bash trump. you did not hear anything they would do to help the people but harm the people. i am voting trump.
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i have never voted in my life. this year i am voting. host: you didn't vote in 2016? caller: no. i have never voted, i have never registered. host: what has motivated you? morals -- and trump is the only president that says what he is going to do and he has done it. everyone else says what they are going to do but when it comes time they don't do it. they make a career out of being a politician. he is not making a career out of he already has money. he wanted to help the people. i thank god for that. the: more officials from president's administration will be speaking tonight. the vice president, mike pence, his wife, karen
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pence, and kellyanne conway will be speaking along with joni ernst, the iowa republican senator. the south dakota governor will also be speaking. you may recall her from the president's speech at mount rushmore. that starts tonight at 8:30. we will go until they conclude, uninterrupted, unfiltered, no one talking over the top. after the speakers are finished we will open up the phone lines to get more of your thoughts right here on c-span or download the free c-span radio app. let's go to teresa from florida supporting the president. hello, teresa. caller: good morning. i most certainly support the president. the day i saw him come down the escalator was one of the best days of my life.
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that's all i ever wanted. host: that's why you continue to support him? caller: absolutely. he has done a great job. i remember in my lifetime -- donethe democrats have from kavanaugh it went on and on. how bad theized democratic party was until trump got in. i will certainly be voting for trump. host: birmingham, alabama. deborah is supporting joe biden. it's your turn. caller: good morning. first of all i would like to point out that maybe one or two of the people that were sworn in by the president last night, they were from countries he had described in a very derogatory way. say but forcould the grace of god they gained entry to our country before he
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became president. the other thing i would like to mention, this is about the riots. this is all happening under donald trump. this is his thing. trying tobe the one put everything down, trying to quiet everything down. if he should do it he should do it now. nothing that is going to change that if he is reelected. the day after reelection, the same people are going to be in charge in those cities and states. he is just trying to con people. if he can do something about it, do it now. the bottom line is he can't do anything about it. i hope the democrats are listening to me so that they can respond in that way. other than that, thank you very much. host: from milford, connecticut supporting the president. hello. caller: good morning.
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absolutely, donald trump president again. he has made this world better. what the democrats have done, people do not realize they are going in a socialistic way those riots are because of donald trump. that has nothing to do with the black people. i have a lot of black friends. marxist group that just wants to take over our country. host: what evidence do you have of that? caller: what evidence do i have? if you go on the site -- the person was just on msnbc a couple of weeks ago. the originator of the blm movement, she said we are a marxist trained group and our goal is to get the president out of the white house and not in november but now. this destruction that is going on, that is why we have vigilantes fighting back.
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donald trump tried to do something about the rioting. ,very time he tried to go in the democratic mayors and governors said no. they don't want his help. that woman that just called from alabama and the lady that called from arkansas who is worried about getting shot if she went down the street, only if she has done something from wrong. president, i used to to be a democrat. when obama was president we didn't go out and riot in the streets. people have suffered enough with covid and can't open up or go to church. this is so out of hand. i pray that the night of the election that the votes are so high that they can't even have a discrepancy that he is president again. issue, hillary
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clinton sat down for an theysive interview and released this clip of her interview yesterday where she says to joe biden, don't concede if the election is close. take a look. >> if it's a close election, let's say biden wins, what do you think trump will do? >> they have a couple of scenarios they are looking towards. one is messing up absentee balloting, they believe that helps them. maybe athey then get narrow advantage in the electoral college on election day. a couple of cases, like in wisconsin where they did everything they could to mess up voting, but because courts had ordered absentee ballots to be counted if they were postmarked on election day, democrats some important
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races. in the recent michigan primary, i was told in detroit the republicans had 40 lawyers challenging absentee, mail-in voting, and a local reporter talking to one of the lawyers was told it was a dry run for november. we have to have a massive legal operation, i know the biden campaign is working on that, we have to have full workers, and i urge people who are able to be a have ourer, we have to own teams of people to counter the force of intimidation that the republicans and trump are going to put outside polling places. this is a big organizational challenge. at least we know more about what they are going to do.
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joe biden should not concede under any circumstances, because i think this is going to drag out and eventually i do believe he will win if we don't give an inch. if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is. hillary clinton in her interview with the circus on showtime. samantha and washington, d.c. supporting joe biden. caller: good morning. i would like to remind people of the real history of the trumps. you go back to the father and the grandfather, you go back to them coming into the united states. they did not come in under the name trump, their name was drumpf. they claimed to be from sweden, they were from germany. arrested fors being a part of a riot against
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the police in new york city. none of them have ever fought in the military. evidently, according to the book the brother that wanted to go into the military was treated harshly by the family. there is nothing about protection when it comes to this country, and there is nothing about his love of the military. it's just a ploy. for veterans who have worked for him, they have been shorted on their money. they have been shorted on their jobs and their time. we have a person who is a fraud. notice ofe time, any the russians being involved, which has come before in the
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intel information, is not our president. he is putin's puppet. and these in by putin people have been brainwashed who escaped hit letter, their andlies escaped hitler got into our country from all those european countries and they need to turn around and look again. you are looking at hitler's and evidently -- host: some text messages and social media posts from our viewers. underestimate the republican convention, recruiting new voters who have not voted in their life and he says it takes guts to give a 25 minute speech in front of the whole world in your second language, especially when the country is so divided. classy speech, i like our first lady. john from ohio, like a breath of fresh air with awesome speakers
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who included religion in their speech. tiffany trump also spoke last night. tiffany: people must recognize that our thoughts, our opinions, even the choice of who we are are being manipulated and visibly coerced by the media. medialisten to the you get one opinion or another. if what you share is not in the narrative they seek to promote a lie or -- this manipulation of what information we received impedes our freedom. not even allowing americans the right to form our own beliefs, this misinformation system keeps people mentally enslaved to the ideas they deem correct. this has fostered unnecessary fear and divisiveness amongst us.
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many in media, technology, and even our own government so invested in promoting a biased and fabricated view? ask yourselves why are we prevented from saying certain information? why is one viewpoint promoted while others are hidden? the answer is control. division and controversy breed profit. what are the consequences when only one side of the story gets out? for our education system it meant sacrificing civil debate and creating an atmosphere where students with contrary opinions are too afraid to speak. many students find themselves suppressing their beliefs to fit into the acceptable group. suffers by inhibiting our diversity of thought and inclusion of ideas.
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working together outside of our political comfort zone will accomplish so much more. tiffany trump from here in washington, d.c. where many speakers have delivered their remarks for the republican national convention. kathleen in texas who is supporting the president. good morning. caller: yes, dear, hello. president trump is the president and everybody from the democratic up to the white house and in the white house so long that they are so corrupted. he will drain the swamp. it might take him another four years. they showed that clip about the man that got killed, all this crepe is coming back again. the american people have had -- enoughthis craft
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of this crap. we don't know how we are going to feed our children. nobody but trump cares. they won't even help the people. they mentioned that woman. i don't like her at all. i hope to god they straighten up their act for the american people. they was not put there for their own satisfaction on what they want to do. they were put there by the american people, to help the american people do what they have to do for this great country. trying to hang him from the highest tree, they would call it down here. against black, white, purple, blue people, whoever, it does not matter.
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all --bleed red, we are we all are his children. why can't people wake up and see that? tot: i am going to move on lowell in hemphill, texas. caller: thank you for having me on this morning. veteran and it bothers me that we have allowed communism to come into this country and tried to set up a form of government. this is not what our fighting men fought and died for. is ludicrous that they are able to come in and want to change our government to a form of government that we american lives, generations of americans.
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the democratic party is not the party i knew years ago. they are radical! they want to take people's rights away from them. they want government control. democrats, irt any don't support biden. america. trump loves there are some people out there that are too blinded that cannot to that trump is trying return america to the american people. if you can't see this, there is something wrong. he is trying to get our law enforcement back in line. he is trying to get our military strong. he is trying to undo everything that obama and past presidents have done to our country. if you don't elect trump for president i fear the united
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thees will no longer be light of freedom for the world. thank you for having me. have a good day. host: more from the republican national convention last night and the keynote speaker, the first lady of the united states, melania trump. since march our lives have changed drastically. enemy, covid-19, swept across our beautiful .ountry and impacted all of us my deepest sympathy goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one and my prayers are with those who are ale or suffering. i know that many people are anxious and some feel helpless. i want you to know that you are not alone.
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my husband administration will not stop until there is an effective treatment for vaccine available to everyone. will not dress until he has done what he can take care of everyone impacted by this terrible pandemic. host: the first lady from the second night of the republican national convention. today is day three and a republic begins at 8:30 p.m.. the vice president is a keynote speaker from fort mchenry in baltimore along with his wife, karen pence. conway, joni ernst, and others. our coverage begins at 8:30 on c-span or on our website, if you are on the go download the free c-span radio app. shreveport, louisiana, you are supporting
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joe biden. tell us why. caller: i am supporting joe biden because he stands for the moral fiber of this country. appalled bytally all of this going on in our society. -- have to look the changes that have been made in our society have been made by people taking to the streets. the farmworkers, cesar chavez, in cuba a lot of workers in the farms were fighting for economics and health care. , with thosemovement young people coming back from war and joining the antiwar movement fighting to get people out of vietnam. they were red baited.
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the civil rights movement and martin luther king, which they hold up that they love martin luther king, which they didn't, redbaiting. he was a communist. all this communist stuff. , the factoryorkers workers that went on strike and theht for an eight hour day dockworkers out -- they all changed society and made it better for us. stop that redbaiting, we know better. the aca that this man is trying to dismantle which obama put in place, which did not do enough, we need universal health care. this man stole $2 million from the veterans. steered money to
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his hotels, a school system -- aey are talking about school system of choice which will devastate the public school system. we have to do better. the people in the streets are not our enemies, we don't need soldiers to put them down. come against the gays and people voting and trying to dismantle the postal service. host: i want to give someone else a turn. californiaonterey, supporting trump. caller: thank you. the important thing is truth matters.
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mostthis election importantly is about is going to be the court system. justices and judges. it's about a socialist agenda. do we want a court system that is going to move us into being a socialist state? trump has been protecting us from socialism . that is critically important. by a is a new book out --tleman by the name of i just lost my notes. host: what is the book about? the real history of
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socialism from plato to the present. and -- he was on the 700 club yesterday morning. i missed my notes. host: more of your calls coming up. kamala harris, joe biden's running mate, writes today in the washington post marking 100 years ago when the 19th amendment to the u.s. constitution was formerly adopted, known as women's equality day. when the 19th amendment was ratified 100 years ago it would have been unimaginable for black women to be a serious contender for the vice presidency of the u.s.. remember the struggles and sacrifices that made it possible. the best way to honor the generations who paved the way for me and all of us is to vote and fight for all americans to do the same.
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bobby from alabama. -- are undecided, wise that? why is that? there wasiginally undecided or third-party. host: you are voting for someone else? caller: that is affirmative. carroll of for brian the american solidarity party. i am sad to see your network has not have them -- had of them on. i am a devout viewer of c-span. the american solidarity party is a party that advocates for whole life. it takes the republicans to get you born, and then it takes the democrats to get you through life. the american solidarity party is a christian-based party that advocates for life is sacred from the moment of conception to
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natural death, and the entire time in between we should be advocating to help people as well. not just the way the trump administration has done which is rewarding plutocrats and oligarchs. not the way the democrats and biden do it which is they never saw an abortion they did not like. i am voting for either brian carroll for i might possibly write in senator rubio, from florida, who is the only truly 100% pro-life candidate. trump is getting away with something thanks to the evangelical protestants. they are calling him a pro-life president. he is not, that his falsity in action. they did not come forth with a platform. the republicans, nobody noticed this. this was a sleight-of-hand. they have no platform for 2020. they said they are pushing it off until 2024. trump made clear he was going to
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have a number of so-called exceptions for prenatal killings for women if they wanted to. on not having a platform, there is no republican platform. the platform is donald trump, whatever he wants goes. it's a lot like the chinese president xi jinping and vladimir putin, it's a cult of personality. another thing about trump, this a lack ofought dignity to the presidency. what little dignity was left is gone. it has been a file and a file and vicious and cruel presidency and the world has taken notice. i am voting for either rubio or brian carroll. host: the evangelical voice was represented at the convention, the granddaughter of the late billy graham talked about people of faith and the biden harris ticket. take a listen. >> in america we have not yet
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experienced physical persecution , even though the left has tried to silence us. even during the pandemic we saw how quickly life can change. some democratic leaders tried to ban church services, while the marijuana shops were declared essential. do you know what is truly essential? our right to worship and live our faith in every aspect of life. the biden harris vision for america leaves no room for people of faith. baker you are a or football coach, they will force you to choose between god -- in the words of my grandfather, billy graham, let us stand for political freedom, moral freedom, religious freedom and the rights of all americans. let's never give in to those who
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would attempt to take it from us. tonight i am proudly standing in the public square and i pray you will join me in voting. convention, the granddaughter of the late reverend billy graham. another granddaughter posted this piece in usa today yesterday afternoon. i am billy graham's ban granddaughter, evangelical support of donald trump sits on his legacy. leaders are failing us and failing the gospel, christian women must step up. i watch the president walked through lafayette square in washington dc after the tear-gassing of peaceful protesters are a photo op. soheld a bible, something sacred, and treated it to a callousness -- with a callousness that would offend anyone familiar with the words inside it. the church designed to honor god said nothing.
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the only evangelical leader to speak up praise the president with no mention of his behavior that is an -- antithetical to the jesus we serve. becomem evangelical has synonymous with hypocrisy. marlene in alexandria, minnesota. you are supporting president trump, good morning. caller: i am very much in support of him. years ago i was a democrat, and i have watched it totally be destroyed. when they came out this last year with wanting to kill a baby after birth and they all accepted, that was way too much for me. i am a catholic and i cannot anybody int anybody, this world would agree to killing a child after birth if
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the mother decides this is not what she wanted. i cannot even comprehend that a democratic party that was 40 years ago is anything like it was now. , ugly, anded radical it has turned power control. i don't want anybody telling me how i am supposed to say or do. i want to be able to do what i want to do. york,richard from new supporting the president as well. i want to thank brian lamb, he is a patriot. you got cameras into the house and senate and showed us who are representatives are and what they are saying. -- cameras
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he got in there. my dad and three uncles were part of the greatest generation that saved our world. all came back safe, but 400,000 americans did not. president trump and president reagan are some of the best presidents. when they put the wall up in europe and the people are fleeing under the barbed wire and were getting machine-gunned. said, tear down that wall and he did. people with sledgehammers brought it down. also, k street. there should not be a k street
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going after these politicians with their pogroms. whenret thatcher once said they run out of your money than socialism is over. china was a third world country 40 or 50 years ago. now they are parallel because of manufacturers going after cheap labor. a representative of security said they are tired of making sneakers and they want to do technology. that country was built on cheap labor. they are afraid of president trump because he wants to drain the swamp. host: ok. is in los angeles, supporting joe biden. why do you support the former vice president?
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thrilled thatlly he chose a person of color for his vice presidential running mate. i suppose it is just that i prefer a president who tries to stick to the truth. the republican convention and it was interesting that one of trump's desires seems to be to portray himself as pro-immigration by having the naturalization ceremony. he last thing he did was sent a decree to the homeland security to deport foreign students if they weren't going to have in person classes. during the covid pandemic. his true feelings towards immigrants are cruel. abouteople are talking pro-choice.
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at the convention they had abby johnson speaking. she said that trump had overturned an obama biden rule that allowed government subsidy of abortion, which is not true. he actually passed an executive order which mirrored the hyde amendment which bands the subsidies to abortion. there is a lot of inaccuracies and misrepresentations. i would rather have a party that sticks to the truth a little bit more. host: here is a tweet from one of our viewers. i think my favorite part of the rnc convention was the line of real american presenters. the dairy farmers and others speaking to the success of their businesses now that they don't have to fight regulations. noet says there are coincidences with trump, the whole night was staged and there was a deeper message intended or
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not. from upper michigan says, i support joe biden. watching the rnc makes me think we have a jekyll and hyde situation. how he is being portrayed is not what i have seen in the past 3.5 years. the first lady gave testimony to the president's first term. here's a little more from her speech last night where she addresses race relations in the country. >> gone out, on the coast of west africa, was the first -- ghana was the first stop on my trip and i experienced its warm people and traditions. i visited the cape coast castle and learned more about the and deadlyf a cruel journey in the era of the slave trade. i was horrified when i listened to the guides tell me so many inhuman stories and i gave new perspective.
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this time in our history we must never forget, so that we can assure that this never happens again. like all of you, i have reflected on the racial unrest in our country. it is a harsh reality, that we are not proud of parts of our history. i encourage people to focus on our future while still learning from our past. we must remember that today we are all one community comprised of many races, religions, and ethnicities. our diverse and storied history is what makes our country strong , yet we still have so much to learn from one another. mind, i call on the citizens of this country to take things fromlook at
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all perspectives. i urge people to come together in a civil manner so we can work and live up to our standard american ideals. i also asked people to stop the violence and looting being done in the name of justice. never make assumptions based on the color of a person's skin. of steering things down let's reflect on our mistakes and be proud of our evolution and look to our way forward. every day, let us remember that we are one nation under god, and we need to cherish one another. host: tom in newark, ohio. did you watch last night? caller: i did. i thought it was fabulous.
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i thought the sandman really put it to him. this young kid was nearly destroyed by the fake media. i wanted to thank you for taking my call. host: so you are supporting the president, did you vote for him and 2016? caller: i did. some things i heard this morning as i watched. i was watching because you are fun to look at. i want to clear a few things up. remember when trump commuted the stone prison sentence? there was a big angry mob getting mad because he did that. commuted 1742a we mentionrisoners black lives matter. he commuted the sentence of a woman serving a 58 year prison sentence for domestic terrorism and acts of treason against the united states of america.
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she is now the leader of black lives matter. sit on that for a minute. and theioned detroit democrats complaining about republican lawyers being in detroit. 2016 detroit counted 25,000 more votes than they had registered voters and that's lawyers are monitoring it. i warned you about broward county, how they were stuffing ballot boxes. they tried to steal the senate seat from rick scott, there was a rental car found at the miami-dade county airport parked there, rented by the voting precinct that had 4500 fake ballots inside. don't ever think a democrat won't steal an election. host: we will go to bill from cranford, new jersey. you are undecided. caller: good morning.
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because onundecided one and we have a businessman and on the others do we have a public servant. i am looking for -- i have to make a decision based on the economy. down to, if iomes choose trump that debt is going --be so huge in the one that comes in will have to face it. , taxesoose biden now will go up but at least we will stop chopping away at this debt. host: rob in tyler, texas. supporting the president. caller: good morning. i am going with trump. what i would like to say is
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parties and people always fail and principles always prevail. sentence on page one of the entirety of u.s. law says, we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal. and that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. until we start to focus on the uniting principles of our always going to be like tribes or chive will is him fighting each other. that's what is going on now. if he knew our declaration, our god-given inalienable rights, our quality of creation and focused on that, that is why everybody wants to get to
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america. they want to be equal and they want to have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. that cannot be taken away and parties and people eventually do that. could get back to the principles of our founding. host: bob in tyler, texas. up next, washington examiner political reporter naomi lim will talk to us. we will talk about the lineup for night three of the republican national convention. later on, on the night the vice president speaks, we will be joined by author tom lobianco who wrote the 2019 book "mike pence and the taking of the white house." ♪ livencer: c-span's coverage of the republican national convention continues tonight at 8:30 eastern with vice president pence, karen pence, and counselor kellyanne
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conway. watch live on c-span, listen with the c-span radio app, live streaming and on-demand at also, our email newsletter officer -- offers synopsis of the days events. watch the convention, c-span at 6:00 p.m. for past convention speeches by actors including christopher reeves, angie harmon, clint eastwood, tommy lee jones and scarlett johansson. announcer: "washington journal" continues. host: naomi lim is with us, political reporter with the washington examiner. let's talk about last night's republican national convention. the theme was "land of opportunity." what were the republican's goals with that theme and the speakers they had? saw is aat we
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continuation of this trend of unconventional convention. we had -- [indiscernible] this conflation of the president's administration and his campaign. i think the messages they wanted to get across was they wanted to humanize this president somewhat. we had his wife talking about ,im, referring to him as donald talking about his record and what he has done in the white house. i think there was a continuation of outreach to minorities. theyw on the first night showcased the depth of their bench in terms of having -- there and nikki haley there.
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let's not come obese outreach to women as well as immigrants through the naturalization ceremony we saw. host: what was the goal of secretary of state pompeo's address from israel? caller: that is what -- guest: that is one of the -- that happened. the consternation before the broadcast, he was in israel on official business. the -- he addressed to the convention was -- [indiscernible] there were issues of whether they potentially violated the --ch act, which prevents the message of his speech was to lay out how americans are safer now than they were four years ago. work innistration's
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terms of middle east peace. i think there was a lot of pushback on some of his rhetoric , whether the administration has achieved those aims in terms of making the world safer, particularly talking about the administration's stance against china amid the coronavirus pandemic. depositions with north korea. i think that was to one side, the other part of his speech was laying out the foundation for his potential bid in four years, in 2024. he is one of the potential successors to the trump administration. to invite our viewers to share their thoughts on last night's convention, also , tell us who you are looking forward to hearing from tonight and thursday. republicans, (202) 748-8001.
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democrats, (202) 748-8000. independents, (202) 748-8002. you can text us as well with your first name, city and state at (202) 748-8003. what is the goal of the vice president tonight, delivering his remarks from fort mchenry in baltimore. why that location? guest: fort mchenry is known as the inspiration behind "the star-spangled banner," which became our national anthem. we have seen friction by choosing federal property to host a political speech. there were concerned members of the public that wrote to the national parks service to lodge a complaint. the -- vice president pence, in 2016, had become an attack dog
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because president trump was showing he is -- [indiscernible] was seen as the rudder for the campaign, giving establishment republican something to vote for, a familiar face they can feel comfortable with. that's what his role has been in the administration. the vice president knows he has a role to play in his administration in terms of defending the president's record, defending the president against attacks. i think we will see elements of that. he will also echo things he said in charlotte, where he sort of offered a response to former vice president joe biden. saying that democracy is at stake. vice president pence said to delegates, that is not is what i
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see as at stake, i see the , themy, law and order return to basic republican principles of lower taxes, rolling back regulation and defending the military. i think we will see element of as secondht as well lady karen pence. host: who else will be speaking tonight? guest: as we have seen over the past couple of days, the trump family has featured prominently every night, including the president. speak,p is expected to eric trump's -- several members of the administration. former national security -- national intelligence, acting
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advisor richard grenell. obviously, we will see kellyanne conway. [indiscernible] she is going to step down from the administration at the end of the month because of family issues. she has been one of the closest aides to the president from the outset. she was the campaign manager that got america -- she was the first woman to be part of that. i think all eyes will be on her tonight. [indiscernible] host: you can watch at all 8:30 p.m. c-span at on our website, or download the free c-span radio app. we will cover it from beginning andnd uninterrupted
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afterwards open up our phone lines, and provide analysis. reidsville, north carolina. democratic color. what did you think of last night's convention? caller: my question is, i didn't really see any republican , anyone that republicans had previously worked for the president speak on his behalf, which is unusual. there are so many republican formed for joee biden. that usually doesn't happen. there are at least five or six groups, and several groups are doing ads. i think that is interesting for the people that know him best voting for joe biden. host: naomi? severalhere have been trump allies that split. i take the callers point, there
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were -- monday night. ashad jim jordan as well matt gaetz. [indiscernible] we did not see the full congressional bench as we did see in the democratic convention and part of that is the format it is only two hours. virtual programming. i also think there is this partyt of the republican now turning into the trump party and there are issues with people , whether they want to vocally -- the only example of that is tim scott. senator lindsey. -- senator lindsey graham. [indiscernible]
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host: two other members of congress will be speaking tonight, dan crenshaw texas along with elise stefanik. kevin mccarthy, the leader of the republicans in the house is expected to speak thursday night. mark in stroudsburg, pennsylvania. caller: how are you doing? 1989, i won elected office as a committee person is a democrat -- as a democrat. since then, i have seen the democratic party be hijacked by communists. they are nothing but communists these days. they have communist ideals, they want to take this country into communism. we have had men and women fight and die for the freedom we have and the democrats are not what
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they used to be. joe biden, you can't trust word the man says. i have seen the man do nothing but live for 47 years. he has lied his way through politics. he is a liar. host: what are the favorability ratings? what are the polls showing for these candidates? post the democrat convention i think people -- we did not have the balloon drop. [indiscernible] the cbs poll still had biden 10 points ahead. [indiscernible]
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these conventions are obviously more partisan then they have been in the past, they are speaking to their base. particularly we are seeing that with this convention. [indiscernible] [indiscernible] trump is seeing record low approval ratings across the country. host: i will add to what you said come up also trump's approval rating remains stable among his remarks thursday. they said his overall job approval rating on voter assessments of his handling of the pandemic have remained stable according to data from nbc-surveymonkey.
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ahead of the rnc committee good news for the president that his base of supporters shows no sign of leaving him. bonnie in buffalo, new york. caller: hello. i was calling about the convention. i have been trying to watch it. i think it is a joke. i don't believe people are getting up there and telling the truth. they say he is an honest man, he is not. he his light -- he has lied thousands of times. they say he is handling the virus well, there are people dead. i would like these people to go to the families and explained how he has such -- how he has done such a good job and up -- and 100,000 are dead. we need regulations for water and air, i do not understand where people are coming from. he treats women horribly. people are not coming out and telling the truth. they are voting republican because they are republican.
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that is not the way it is supposed to be. i don't understand how we can use our white house and our military to do his convention. isn't it supposed -- they are not supposed to do anything political? host: let's take that. naomi lim? guest: there will be talk today about violations to the hatch act. we saw president trump murch -- he used his power of incumbency to his advantage last night. [indiscernible] he was in prison for five years over -- we also saw a naturalization ceremony.
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the homeland security secretary, having members of the cabinet -- [indiscernible] the problem with the hatch act is it is sort of toothless legislation. --sidents in the past kellyanne conway was found in violation, but they chose not to reprimand her. obama administration, catherine sibelius was found to be in violation of the hatch act. her.primand today, we will see a continuation of that. we will have the vice president speaking at fort mchenry. unconventional -- this is something we have never seen creates precedent for conventions to come. host: to arkansas.
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fred, a republican. caller: i would like to have everybody look up biden, he is going to be socialistic. i would like everybody to look up or google what socialism is. can aboutthing you what socialism is and see what it does. it will completely take away your freedoms. anybody that came here from a socialistic country, please talk to them and see what it will do for you. it will take away your freedoms completely. host: ok, fred. john in hampton, virginia. people needonally, to understand that biden is not trying to create socialism. people need to understand that donald trump is a pure racist. , lookupn paperclip operation paperclip on google.
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you will understand where these kids from charlottesville came from that were not wearing masks or hoods when they killed that girl three years ago. it is a real simple -- stop playing with one another. let's understand trump suckered us. he got four years, let's move on. let's take him out of the presidency and move on to the next phase of trying to bring this country back together in bringing things together. host: i will leave it there. naomi lim, let's talk about what is next for these candidates after the republican national convention. what happens next before november? think --think -- i again, this is a precedent-setting election. the pandemic has really affected the way these candidates operate
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, particularly grassroots organizing. has an event today in michigan, a must win state for democrats. my understanding is that they plan to dispatch similarly to how the campaign is dispatching the vice president around the country. [indiscernible] we have not seen much from biden , except for a couple of events delaware,in pennsylvania, philadelphia or surrounding -- i think we will see that play out. i am talking to republicans at the in person convention in charlotte -- they are pushing the boundaries. [indiscernible]
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i think probably the next argument the way that these -- are going to pan out -- this election has been incredibly partisan. [indiscernible] voter registration as well as absentee ballots. don't want to go to in-person person polling locations. i think that is something we will have to look out for. host: to follow naomi lim, you can go to washington you can follow her on twitter.
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thank you for your time. . host: my pleasure. up next, the vice president speaking tonight, we are going to be joined by tom lobianco who "piety and019 book power: mike pence and the taking of the white house." we will be talking about military voters with rob smith author of the book "always a soldier." those conversations coming up. ♪ ♪ tv" on c-span2k has top nonfiction books and authors. saturday, binge watch programs with the late author christopher hitchens whose books include "no to," and "thee
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trial of henry kissinger." on "afterwards, quote edward ball on his book "life of a klansman." which looks at the ku klux klan in louisiana. he is interviewed by cheryl universityorgetown professor of law. at 10:00, susan eisenhower examines the leadership style of her grandfather dwight eisenhower, and the important decisions you made during his presidency. this weekend on c-span2. ♪ presidents,"he available on paperback and e-book. biographies of every president inspired by conversations with noted historians about the leadership skills that make for a successful presidency.
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in this election year, as americans decide who should lead our country, this collection offers perspectives into the life and events that foraged each president's leadership style. to learn more about all of our presidents and the book's featured historians, visit presidents. available in paperback, hardcover or e-books wherever books are sold. announcer: "washington journal" continues. author of abianco, book about the vice president. , in the research for this book, what did you learn about why mike pence wanted to serve as vice president under this president donald trump? meeting ire is a report on in the book, back in july 2016, his meeting with trump. in this meeting at the
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governor's residence of indiana, this is where he sealed the deal to become his running mate, he says he wants to help make america great again and ghost through a list -- goes through a list of where he agrees with trump on policy. the other thing i report on in the book, and you see this machinations of folks i talked with, he is also setting up his own presidential run. that is something he has been doing in earnest since the end of 2008. he is playing a long game. i do not think those two things are mutually exclusive. you can do both. he certainly continues to do both. host: what do you make of him delivering his remarks from fort mchenry in baltimore? guest: good stage for him. bossi come up the maryland
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rnc committee man, it trump close advisor may that happen. pulling strings to get that done. for, and ioking think a lot of people are looking for how much of it is about 2020, and how much is about 2024? that is what i am listening for. wildot going to see message divergence in this thing. maybe a little more pre-trump movement in terms of inches and centimeters on the messaging, to see if this give us indication. host: monday at the republican national convention, the vice andident made an appearance said we need at least four more years to make america great again. [laughter]
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guest: not very subtle. [laughter] i did not take that in the donald trump sense, but more sense of pence as an h w bush type of figure. when you talk to his folks, they ,ike to compare him with h w for obvious reasons. that really is their best way to the presidency. if there is a path, that is the way through it. it gets a lot harder for him if it is just four years of trump. it gets a lot more competitive in this shadow primary we have now. host: for those that don't know the obvious reasons of comparing him to george h w bush, what are they? reagantwo terms of followed by h w bush running on those coattails in 1988.
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for a myriad of reasons, he is credited -- reagan is credited with that. comparepeople like to trump to a reagan type character in terms of what is transformational inside the republican party and american politics. -- insly, there is no america from this reelection campaign. those analogies have their limits. team -- for his pence and his team, that is what they want. it certainly makes winning the republican nomination easier. isaac if you are supporting trump -- i think if you are supporting trump, it makes it harder in the general election. four years is a long time. i am old enough to remember
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march of 2020 back before the pandemic took over everything. [laughter] things seem to change quite often. host: for the viewers, our phone lines. republicans, (202) 748-8001. democrats, (202) 748-8000. .ndependents, (202) 748-8002 your questions and comments about the vice president, the role he has played during his first term, and his service before that as governor and congressman. bookobianco wrote the about him "piety and power." tell viewers who may not know what moment in mike pence's life , personal or professional, shaped him and made him who he is today. guest: a couple of fascinating ones. --ead about this in the book i should mention, "piety and
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power," now out in paperback purity -- out in paperback. thesisege, he wrote his about religious expressions of abraham lincoln. throughout his life and career, you see a tug and pull between his personal faith and his ambition. based on what we have seen, it looks like the ambition is more paramount as of right now. it has not always been that way. was fascinating was that he was a senior in college, 21 years old down in hanover college in southern indiana near the ohio river, he writes this 37 page thesis which is all about abraham lincoln's struggles with -- talking about religion in the public sphere. what i saw, what i heard was
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pence's struggles. in 1978, heearlier had started his conversion to evangelical christianity, away from catholicism. that is a conversion that does not complete this arc until 16 years later, 1994 when he starts going to wayne with community church south of indianapolis. for me, that was interesting. when i talk with other evangelical christians, people tell me periodically that not every conversion is a clean snap. it is not like they see the light immediately and become evangelical, or vice versa. what you do see is a long protracted decision making process. that is on his face, it is very
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personal, but i also see that in his political career. heking back to when seriously starts running for president, making those moves, that is a 12 year arc. it could end up being a 16 year arc. you hear a lot about how pence thinks he has always been running for president, and he has had that ambition before. in grade school he talked about it. it does not really come into play until 2008 after john mccain loses to barack obama, and conservatives ask him to run for president. sameyou see there is the methodical conversion, in this case away from a rank and file , a rising star in the house republican congress, to someone who is running for president.
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according national donors. he decides to run for governor in large part to set up a run for president. -- when he joins the trump ticket, the thinking was, among some advisors that they would run in 2020 after trump lost. now that window is pushed to 2024. if you look at both of those things, you see a methodical approach to everything. unifyinghat was a key pledge here when understanding mike pence. host: let's go to susan in california. our first caller on the republican line. caller: please let me talk for a while. don't hang up. are you there? host: we are listening. caller: are you telling me that kamala harris is not playing the long game?
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say.s one thing i've to biden is excommunicated from the catholic church. he is not allowed to take communion. that is because of his stance on abortion. obama, you tell me about whatever his name is. did you know barack obama sent pamphlets to israel against netanyahu during the election? when i was there, obama came and talked to the people directly not to vote for netanyahu. i call that interference. did you know that carrie went to iran and told the people not to do business with this administration, but to wait until the democrats got in?
8:34 am a lot against and peru. -- ie a daughter improve have a daughter in peru, she told me what that was like. cuba,a boss who came from she told me what that was like. don't you tell me that socialism is not bad and that biden would not go to the left. host: ok. i think -- when you hear quote --,"mbition, it depends who we are talking about. which side of the political spectrum folks are on. if your left of center, liberal, progressive and you hear "ambition" in mike pence, you might think that is a bad thing. if you hear addition in kamala harris, you might think it is a
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good thing. when i was reporting this ash someone brought this to me and i thought it was a great point. ambition itself is neither bad nor good, it is what you do with it. a pence friend was talking about this with me. what you decide to do with it from there is what defines a person. he has ambition. everybody who runs for the white house has ambition. to me, but i size that the when he -- in 2008 running for president, becomes more paramount. you see that in political calculations, political calculations like 2015 when the religious freedom battle in indiana, gay marriage battle, the same-sex marriage battle out there. you see that in how he handled that. hissee that in how he gets way onto the ticket with trump.
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there were tough calculations there that ended up working in his favor in july 2016. you see it inside the white house. exactly to kamala harris because i do not know her as well. it would not surprise me to find she has ambition. her own way not too long ago in the democratic primary. i think all expectations are that she has a strong future inside the party as well. host: escrows can't. -- let's go to wisconsin. caller: i would like to see mike --ce's religious ideologies are just as bad as what trump has. there is no difference in the person. he is against everything that is right. he is not one of these people that goes out and talks to faith
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the way it was taught in the bible. mike pence is a bad person. i do not know if people realize that, but he is. host: what are his religious ideologies from your research? -- when hegelical was living south of indianapolis , he attended a nondenominational mega church. commit he was attending another evangelical church. congress, myn understanding was that he tended to church hop. now that he is vice president he goes to church is in prince george's county every now and then. he has spoke at catholic churches. question,ler's
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religion is personal. own style of's religion is not my style, certainly not a lot of other people style. but, there are a lot of people who do agree with mike pence. host: and he shares that with his wife. guest: he does. the two of them both strong evangelicals. for people deciding on whether you want to support him, i think it is instructive -- constructive to look at policy. you see that sometimes in the social battles. what i have found looking into this was reflections inside foreign and middle east policy. viewers to gert -- two google "dispensationalism, cope -- that playsonalism," into it.
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you heard a little bit of that last night with mike pompeo giving his speech from jerusalem. i would look into that area. book,when you're out this what did you learn about the conversations mike and karen's pence had about religion and running as the president's ?unning mate before the campaign he was known to have marital affairs. guest: number one, karen has -- karen and mike do everything together. quite real.ship is it is not fake. they have a very close relationship. she is also his most important political advisor. for me, when i was reporting
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this and watching what they're doing now, it is hopeful to understand them as a joint political unit, a political team. that forms the core of pence's inner circle. if you take a step out from there, you start to get people like mark short, kellyanne , but karen ismith the only one really on the inside. looking to access hollywood -- a report in the book. there had been reporting that they were ready to drop off the ticket. that was discussed based on who i spoke with. pushwere not ready to trump off, that probably would have been his best chance. i reported more for business
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insider just last week, there was an effort to remove trump as -- led by a led bay series of -- including kitty walsh. there was a phone call that weekend made by donors who said they were acting on behalf of republican party chairman reince priebus to pence's top aide, and they said they were ready to replace trump on the ticket with pence. they did not even have to say yes, just go ahead and get the gears moving. marty, the chief advisor to pence said no. and there is a good reason politically and strategically for that. roundlyys, trump was expected to lose. if you are pence into his people, you look at that in say we will be catapulted to the front of the line for 2020. all you have to do is wait.
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the same play that mitch mcconnell is making, everyone was thinking that way. asventional wisdom was that toxic as it is sometimes. to saturday, october 8, 2016, they are flying to rhode island for a fundraiser. they had canceled public appearances and had certainly canceled media appearances, but they are still doing a fundraiser. they are still on the team. as they get on the plane to fly pencede island, karen looks at marty, marty says how are you feeling about this? know, wels him, you knew what we were signing up for when we joined the ticket. we have got to ride this out. i think you see this mentality carrying forward.
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political pragmatism of where they are. it carried throughout the administration. i remember when the book was published last year it was published the day that nancy pelosi announced the impeachment inquiry. what i used to hear a lot, the question i used to get is, is mike pence going to push trump off the cliff? no, he's not. he can't. strategically, tactically it doesn't make sense. why would you pence off the republican base -- why would you piss off the republican base? i try to think about where the andal decision-makers are, rollout helpful sources to try and lay out there thinking.
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hope you got there running. host: we go to palm harbor, florida. caller: good morning. after then is, convention last week for the democrats, they said joe biden was this perfect worsen, had all , thenntegrity and honesty pam bondi come on last night and set all these things about hunter with the ukraine and china. another family member with housing issues. is the other part about it plagiarism. when he ran a few years ago for president. the other part of that is he lied about where he graduated in his class. he is not that nice a guy. my question is, is all that true what pam bondi said? , i do notlobianco
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know if you have had a chance to fact check last night's speeches. guest: not all of them. i did catch the tail end of the bondi speech. i know inside of trump world there is a deep interest in investigating what happened in ukraine with regards to full period -- hunter biden. there is a lot of movement and they -- in that area. a number of things were debunked. i urge folks to replay the impeachment investigation, listen through that. i doubt that people will universally agree with what any side has their, but there sure was a lot of information. we have been down this path before. host: you talk about the vice president's ambitions in 2024,
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do you think the president will endorse mike pence if he runs? guest: great question. can he carry the mantle of trump? i know they are hoping for it. a lot depends on how the field ships up. -- how the field shapes up. will donald trump, jr. make a run? ranking of ther 2024 republican chatter primary. pence is at the top because he is the defective front runner at factoment -- de front-runner at the moment. does trump junior run? if the family runs, you have to assume the endorsement would go with the family. if they don't, it opens it up quite a bit. a lot of people want to carry the trump banner.
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you see that from florida governor ron desantis. do conservative populism you get neo josh hawley -- conservative you get from josh hawley. a lot of people are vying for that. the flip is, does anybody want to carry the banner if there is a trump loss november 3? i do not know. done the proper positioning to not have to carry that. pence does not have that option. he is tied very closely to trump. that has its benefits, that has its problems. in terms of actually getting an endorsement, that is a good one. the euphemism people use for trump is mercurial.
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we are not can i know and it could change. host: -- caller: i want to talk about the presidents. when we are voting for these presidents, about 14 of our presidents have been -- running,he bushes were before that they showed who they only way we could ever have peace was to have the new world order. that also means they're trying to get one world religion. ofy say christianity is one the only things that keeps the new world order down because the christians won't cone -- won't conform to the other religions. break all the middle-class people. everybody in the world, every country would be more equal.
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they kill 4000 foreigners in south africa and run them off to mandela after mandela got in there, those people were run off their land and murdered. know, before we vote for another president, i think that's why they hate donald trump so bad. he is patriotic. he is a national man. they don't want to hear that. they don't want to listen to that because they want everybody, normal people, the , the people who are less important. everybody that is up higher like the bushes and people like that, they want those people to run the world and everybody else become submissive. they don't want to middle-class. host: i heard your point. one thing to pick up on when reporting the book i think
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it is not seen as often come i think it is important to understand is -- [indiscernible] -- in terms of the very strong support that was building for trump among the conservative base in 2015. for pence, there is a history to that and it is with his radio show. he was doing radio in the 1990's. indianapolis, but had an overnight spot so people weren't really listening to him. and the largest city of the state, the metropolitan core. where they were listening to him, where he was on and popular was in cities like kokomo, shelbyville, these other parts and towns. that is who he would take calls
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from. in the 1990's, he had a fascinating producer dan jensen, who still works there. we were talking about how he would run the boards, what kind of calls he would take. people love talking about bobby knight and basketball. i laughed when trump was going through monday, picking through getstates and whatnot, he to indiana and he doesn't talk about mike pence, mitch daniels, or anyone else. he talks about bobby knight and lou holtz, him as notre dame coach. were the people that came out for trump. own modestce, as his sized celebrity and indiana picked up on this as well. he knew what people respond to. discussions about bobby knight throwing chairs across the floor
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, basketball, one division to the entire state, those were the kinds of things people liked talking about. you also hear politics as they come in as well. that was the world from which he derives this political antenna. you see that carry forward a point where in 2016, right which the main primaries basically determines that trump be the nominee, pence knows well enough to give a halfhearted endorsement to ted cruz with high praise for donald trump. that was enough to keep the door open for him to join trump's ticket. he has a strong political antenna built from his radio days, one of the most important assets he built on radio. host: dennis in toledo, iowa. caller: why does pence and the
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republicans blame the democrats for abortion when it was richard nixon and a republican supreme court that made abortions legal? cheatst donald trump who on women the reason women seek abortions? guest: yeah. i don't know about that. i can tell you that pence is staunchly pro-life. he has flipped on a few issues since joining trump's ticket, he is not free-trade anymore. ast of, but modified, not fervent as he used to be. pro-life, anti-a motion command i trace, whatever term you want to use, he has never changed on that. he has been consistent on that throughout his life and career.
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i suspect that would form the bedrock for his run for in 2024.y if there is one area of consistency with mike pence, it is pro-life. host: to alabama, patrick, a republican. caller: i would like to say that christians -- with all the christian critics who have called in, this is very simple. the truth is based on the bible. the bible is all truth. promise made, promise kept. that is based on the truth. the way i look at it, it is simple. if you want freedom for your kids come about trump. if you want socialism, look into that and see what kind of future they kids is got. host: ok. , how does the
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president view the vice president and the role he has played over the past few years? aloof at has been times. there certainly is respect their. beenber, they have only working together four years. their relationship does not predate july 2016, spring of 2016 when they started having meetings. it has developed quite a bit since then. i think they both have found their way into their respective roles. you can see a lot about pence -- there is an article from the washington post taking a deep dive recently. some of that is what any vice president does. cheney-bushe relationship was significantly different. even the biden-obama relationship.
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pence's people like to refer back to george h w bush, not getting in way of the president. that is the role of the vice president, at least in that model. there was talk about whether trump was going to remove him from the ticket. obviously that has not happened. that was a real discussion last year, that discussion as best i can tell ended last year. but ther did not stop, talk inside did stop. there have been rocky patches for sure. does that carry forth in pence's favor? i do not know. it is our to tell. if it were -- it is hard to tell. host: gretna, florida. democrat. caller: thank you. also i have to say it is ridiculous that people can see
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what donald trump is doing. we are stuck in a rut right now. the country is divided. i don't see how we are going to come together because when you sit there and say the democrats are going to cause chaos, come into your neighborhoods, no police, they are not trying to get rid of the police, they want to get the police more training. people want to say he's trying to get rid of the police, that it's going to be they want to get rid of your guns. it is the same campaign four years ago. the same thing. . host: is he the same campaign? -- is he running the same campaign? guest: the vice president is doing the polished version of trump's messaging. , can andion for me is will depend style back -- can
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pence dial back? that on theu put shelf to become the running mate. dog with an attacked our president, he avoids the insults typically. looking forward, the question is, would pence revert back to the nice guy thing or would he stay forward with more of a trump attack? the party now seems to be more trump and less genteel. it is a question for him and his team. fourth,king at november or whenever we get election results commit to see how pence starts changing. forward to tonight to see if there is any indication if you will change going forward.
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host: he will speak tonight at 8:30 eastern. here on c-span is where you can watch, also our website c-span, or with our free radio app. barbara in new jersey, republican. caller: good morning. i want to voice my opinion on mike pence and president trump. i feel that they are doing great for the country. i would like to give them another four years. i was a democrat and i switched to republican. let's give them a chance. president trump last night was great, mike pence i am sure will be just as great. thank you and god bless america. , afterom lobianco tonight what will you be watching for? guest: setting up more campaign
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events. have seen mike pence deployed to the rust belt. hold at the start of the summer. can they hold that? a great question. reagan democrats, blue colored democrats from maybe not new jersey -- new jersey is pretty solidly blue. but in michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania. watching what happens there. watching for how he gets ready for the big debate with kamala harris. probably more interested in that then 2016 against kane. a potential future matchup. i am personally excited for that. people don't normally get excited about mike pence
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speeches but i will be interested to see how they both handle it. tom, washington correspondent with business insider, thank you. guest: thank you. host: up next, military and veteran voters in this election year with rob smith, author of soldier."ays a ♪
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>> when you read the things said about thomas jefferson that he was an agent of the french government, it sounds reminiscent, doesn't it? the things said about abraham lincoln, the things about fdr that he wanted to be a dictator. it does kinda come with the territory. i think in trump's case, as a water political -- modern political era, i have never seen anything like it. 6, ourunday, september conversation with author ralph reed. joining the conversation with your phone calls, facebook comments, text, and tweets. sunday, september 6 at noon eastern on c-span2. ♪ "the contenders," about the
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men who ran for the presidency and lost. monday, thomas dewey. tuesday, adlai stevenson. wednesday, perry goldwater. thursday, hubert humphrey. friday, george wallace. saturday, george mcgovern. all next week at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. >> you are watching c-span, your unfiltered view of government, created as a public service and brought to you by your television provider. >> washington journal continues. host: rob smith is with us this morning. author of the book "always a soldier: service, sacrifice, and coming out as america's favorite black, gay republican." what is this book about?
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guest: this book is about my story of being born lower middle class in akron, ohio. basically joining the military at 17. i got a chance to see the world and do a lot of different things, but it is the journey askt serving in the don't don't tell era, and deploying to iraq and overseas and how i basically learned to love america. then came out as conservative in order to help save it. that is what "always a soldier" is about. me pressing through basic training, getting to know so many different types of people, and then i get out of the military. i was a leftist for a few years in new york city. a couple of years ago i came out as conservative and got a lot of blowback about that. it is all about loving america and fighting for america as the
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republican i am now. host: you served for five years in the army. during iraqi freedom you are awarded the commendation medal and the combat infantry badge. you have this military experience. did that shape you becoming a conservative? talk about the evolution. guest: having military experience does shape you into becoming conservative, at least it did for me. not only military experience, but law enforcement officers. people in some sort of service in that way, i think in terms a lot of us conservative because you really do realize the need for law and order. when i was patrolling the streets of iraq when i was deployed he would see a lot of chaos going on in the streets. people going there to diffuse the situation. i think being able to see things from that side as opposed to
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just a regular citizen who never really served or has served in that way, when you have seen things from that side it really does put you into more of a conservative side. a lot of my buddies i started with -- i was not always a conservative. i was a democrat until three years ago and then they got too crazy for me. i decided to come over to the sane side. a lot of my buddies i talked to were conservative then and conservative now. we talk about stuff like that. being in the military really shapes the way you see this country and the world. i think innate super positive way. host: what happened recently that you set on the conservative? -- said i am a conservative? guest: first of all, i don't like being told how to think. i don't like being told what to believe because i'm black or gay or both.
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there was a lot of that stuff coming from the left. when we are talking about pure politics and policy there is a push for massive unchecked illegal immigration on the left. this is something that has been documented to hurt working-class african american communities the most. i talked about this a lot. left americans are always last on the left. happened,ulse attack it was devastating and mortifying. at that point in time i expected for the left to have my back and for them to defend me. they did the exact opposite. i was not even a supporter of the president at the time. i would not call myself a conservative or republican in any capacity. i saw the republican response to this horrific act of terror that was perpetrated on gay and lesbian americans and i thought
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i need to look more strongly into this. i feel like the left sometimes is so into being politically correct or not offending this group or that group that they miss out on defending the rights and interests of the mega people. -- of the american people. host: how is it you joined turning point usa? guest: they found me on instagram. when i came out as conservative there was an article about me. there was a lot of press. i basically started making videos and tweeting and saying how i really felt about the situations going on in this country and put it on instagram. at that point in time i posted something about the daily mail article where i "came out" as a conservative. she commented on it. she brought me into the turning point fold when she was the communications director.
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i have got to do a lot of great work with turning point. the goal with turning point for me personally -- their overall goal is to give conservatives students a voice. alsoe the goal is that but to make people more comfortable and confident with being open about their conservative beliefs. havew what it is like to friends commit as conservative and lose friends when you come out in support of the president. i know what it is like to have people who have known you for years completely have nothing to do with you. you have to have a strong sense of self and what you believe when you are going to make that leap. what i like to do when i'm working with the students at turning point usa or on these campuses, i want to encourage them to make that leap. i want to make them strong enough to make that leap because we need people that are more open and honest about saying exactly what they believe.
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the left does this all the time. the left is open and honest. they will tell you exactly what they think and feel but there are to me conservatives and republicans that are afraid of the blowback, afraid of losing their jobs, afraid of losing friends, being estranged from their families. that is what i am trying to fight. host: what about the role of those in the military, active military, can getting them to vote? what is your message to them? guest: the thing about it is my message to active duty military is people that are serving now, see what is happening in our country. they can see it for themselves. they know what it is like to serve. they know what it is like on the other end. they know what it is like to be the law enforcement officer or the person trying to keep the peace in the midst of all this chaos. do you wants that,
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to put the people that are the architects of this chaos in power or do you want somebody who was a law and order president, a law and order person? do you want america to descend into mob rule and chaos, for somebody that will enforce law and order? that is the message. that is the question not only to military members but to everybody in america. that is the question of this election cycle. host: if you are a republican, (202) 748-8000. democrats, (202) 748-8001. independents, (202) 748-8002. for active and retired military, (202) 748-8003. anton in florida, a republican. caller: good morning. i just wanted to make a comment because of your guest.
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i had a conversion this very morning. i have been anti-gay all my life. because of this gentleman, i changed my mind. god bless him and god bless america. host: why is that? caller: i know about turning point. i became a citizen because of turning point after many years of living here in the country. it was this gentleman. i listen to him. my son is in the military, grandchild. tellember don't ask, don't and so on. i had a conversion this morning. from now on 100% pro-gay. never mind, as long as you love the country. guest: my reaction to that is that is amazing to me. the reason why i decided to do because is stuff is
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think we are at a time where americans -- it doesn't matter. black, white, gay, straight. we need to say we love this country as well. this country is ours too. i am so glad to be a part -- the president has the trump pride coalition. these are gays and lesbians standing up for the president. there is an organization called get out, a voice for gays and lesbians online. get out vote 20. that make me happy to hear. it is all about coming together as americans. what i am trying to do is show we can do that no matter if you're black, white, gay, straight, whatever. come together as americans. hereerica i am more free than any place on the planet. god bless america.
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i have everything for for that. i am thankful to hear that as well. host: linda in texas, democratic caller. caller: i am a gay american. served in the wac corp before we had don't ask, don't tell. i don't understand how a gay person, let alone a black person would be a republican. this is not a law and order president. he breaks the law any time is convenient or expedient in the first place. they are working in the background to change the law sgainst gay people with thi religious conches baloney -- conscience baloney. working against our right for adoption and other areas. i don't see how you can do this. guest: i want to address -- i have to break that down. first of all, you say you don't see how i as a black person or a
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gay person can support the president. what you are saying is that because of these immutable characteristics i am supposed to think a certain way because you cannot understand that. there is no reason for me to think in any way because of these characteristics. i have a podcast. that is what that is all about. i am problematic because i don't subscribe to leftism just because i'm black and because i'm gay. second of all, the idea this administration is somehow anti-gay or doing things to hurt gay and lesbian americans is a falsehood. that is pushed from the left a lot. you brought up the religious exemption and freedom. first of all, i think one of the biggest issues was gay and lesbian americans over the next 10 years are going to be religious freedom. how do we balance people's religious beliefs with the fact
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we live in a free country and gays and lesbians are as american as anyone else? the stuff with gay and lesbians the night adoption, there are 70 -- denied adoption, there are so many places -- religious freedom. we have adoption agencies as savior christians and don't believe gays and lesbians should adopt. they cannot force them to do that. that is not a free country. it is not a free country where the state forces you to do anything. as a gay man who has a family, maybe i will have surrogacy, i'm not sure. if there is an agency that is deeply religious and does not want to adopt to me because i'm gay, there are a million other choices i can go to. that is within tolerance comes into play. you also have a lot of people
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like -- i think it was beto o'rourke who said we need to challenge and make sure these churches perform gay marriage. if not, we will take tax dollars away from them. i find it curious that everybody is always so focused on the christians and what they say or do not do in terms of gay and lesbian americans. nobody talks about mosques and how we should use the government to go into their places of worship and make them be pro-gay, do this or do that. that is a conversation that generally only seems to go one way. i'm curious about that. i think the reason why is because people on the left do irritate orsort of make victim groups mad. it is curious to me how those conversations are always kind of conflict it -- conflated.
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you cannot tell me what i am to think or believe or who i'm supposed to vote for because i am black and gay and you don't like it. host: florida. mark, active retired military. -- i'm sorry come active or retired? caller: retired marine. rob, i don't know if you can hear me. i was a combat engineer in the marine corps and guarded eight united states embassy. -- a united states embassy. there are conservative marines and democratic marines. we got into a lot of conversations because we live and worked together. i voted for president carter at age 18. i definitely do not support this current president because i find them to be at the extreme right of your options. can you tello you,
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me what the minimum wage in australia is? guest: the minimum wage in australia? i have no idea. i don't know. caller: i don't live in $19 anda, but it is some change. when i got out of the marine corps i wanted to let you know what it is like for people to work with our hands for a living. hour or $15an an hour as a carpenter is the high end in florida. it is difficult to make a living. we on the left, apart from your irsonal identity -- which respect -- it makes it difficult to make a living. i support labor in the right does not. they may talk at it but in reality the administrative legislation group which supports
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the president is very anti-labor. this is what many of us in organized labor don't support the president because they don't support us. you hang in there. learn about the rest of the world because we are all connected as you would want us to be. have a great day, bro. guest: you to. -- you too. i, obviously not a carpenter. ido know about unions and think about teachers unions and school choice and that conversation. i think sometimes unions are there to protect the workers, but sometimes unions are just there and the people at the top are taking a lot of kickbacks from the left. the workers on the ground are not really getting all of this benefits. i will just leave it like that. host: nancy, a republican in illinois. caller: this is nancy.
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we have been told -- lincoln said united we stand, united we fall. the democrats have continued to divide us. said some they have people have to be sacrificed in order for the rest of us to rise. the rich have to give away their money. the poor have to be satisfied with their status. this president has proven he can make us all arise. no one in this country has to forget about their dreams. people who come to this country legally also have the opportunity to have their dreams come true. not in a year or five years or 20 years but right now. we can all rise together. that is why this president is great. do you feel this amongst the people? do they believe we can all rise.
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schools used to be the equalizer. they screwed up our schools and our kids don't have the same opportunities. i would like to get your comment on that. guest: i believe what you believe. i believe if you take responsibility for your life, if you work hard enough, anyone can be successful. god knows my life story is a testament to that. get isf the criticism i a public figure is a lot of people think i somehow came to conservative values because i was born wealthy or i'm a trust fund kid. none of that. i came from a single parent household in akron where the median wage was $20,000 a year. i know what that is like. when you talk about the education system, and the issue when you talk about public school and college, and
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realizearly you have to this is all run by the left, the hard left. particularly in larger cities. kids are being told nowadays, lack it's more -- black kids more, is that you can't do this or can't do that. you can't succeed because of this or that. the gentleman that talked about the unions and making $15 an hour, i think there is a mentality in all this stuff. what we need is an overall mind shift. what you will see with conservatives and african-american conservatives, most of the time we don't come from wealthy backgrounds. responsibilityl and motivation is key. if you have an education system and you have a value and belief system that comes from the left and tells people they cannot, they cannot, they cannot, and
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the reason is because both the people, because of whoever the president is, the reason is all the things they will never be able to control and they start to believe they cannot. because they believe that they won't. i think left or right, it does not matter what side of the aisle, we need to fight against that mentality telling citizens of our country that they cannot do it because if you are in america right now you have already hit the lottery. you are doing better than 97% of the worlds population. i think we need to start letting people know they can, they should, and we will. host: patterson, new jersey. miles. you are on the air. caller: how are you doing? trump.lling about donald he got out of the service by lying because he did not want to go.
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he got his administration to kick you out of the service. you sit here and say democrats say you cannot come you cannot. republicans are doing the same thing. you have republicans calling saying i used to be a democrat and i changed. how can we get this country back on track if we keep going that way towards each other? nobody wants to sit and talk about getting together. donald trump does whatever he can to win. when he lies like you do, can you talk about the democrats line -- this man is lying all the time but you overlook that. i just want to know. when you are in the military, did they know you were gay? how are you treated? guest: when i was in the military i was closeted in the military. i came out to a couple of people
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and i talk about that in the book. when i came out people were cool. you say trump is trying to kick you guys out of the military. i don't know if that is true because trump is not trying to keep gays, lesbians, and bisexuals out of the military. that is something not true. i think in terms of -- you were right on one thing. politicians will say whatever. i focus on what people have done. on what they say on twitter or the media trying to jam people up. i focus on what has actually been done. i am not here as a surrogate for the president. i don't work for the rnc. but i focus on things that are done. these are things that have been done. real things.
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specifically for african-american voters. permanentlyump i funded historically black colleges and cannot be undone. president trump got that done. why was obama president for eight years and could not get that done? i don't know. it gotaking sure passed. the most copperheads of criminal justice reform in a generation. 91% of the people released after decades in prison were african-american. i spoke to somebody last year. he had tears in his eyes telling his story. these are real people and real things the administration has done for black americans. you always have to focus on the facts. you talk about making excuses for republicans and everybody
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does the same thing. politicians lie. it is what they do. it is basically a part of the job description. for we as citizens when they make decisions about who we vote for and how we are going to change our lives, only we can change our lives. barack obama can do it. president trump cannot -- barack obama cannot do it. president trump cannot do it. deeper into what has actually been done as opposed to people tweeting and jamming up social media about something the president said on oftter or said in some sort -- host: minneapolis, good morning to you. caller: i would like to speak to rob. my problem with what is going on
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is your president has totally ignored the injustice in the shootings going on in the black neighborhoods. am at a loss for how you totally forget about it. since you say you grew up in this poor neighborhood, you have been harassed by police too, or not. the thing that bothers me also this maybe you were lucky, rob. some people are lucky and they get up. the token gets pulled up and they serve everybody else supposedly. guest: i'm a token, that's great. --n you say token caller: can i finish? you will be able to talk after me. i apologize. ok, i apologize. we have barriers put up to stop brown people from achieving.
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you are telling me about a president that basically, like i about- i want you to talk the other day with her brother got shot in the back. do you worry about that? are you immune to that because you are a republican now? guest: let me respond. now that i'm not being called a token. this is yourf first time seeing me, you are operating under the assumption i have not said anything or do anything to help the community impacted by the shooting. let me set you straight. we also what was happening in minneapolis a couple of years ago -- a couple of months ago. we saw the riots. i was so distraught i started a gofundme. all these people conservatives donated every raised $100,000 i will deliver to minneapolis to
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help the small business owners that were affected by that. about thet a lot injustice happening in the shootings. i tweeted about the shooting of the guy in wisconsin yesterday. i said this stuff is excessive, not right, and it needs to be called on. if this is your first time seeing me you operate under an see a blackhen you person that is republican. i don't care about people in the black community. i stay silent when injustice is happening. none of those things are true. we need to clarify that. believe isll, what i you say i am special, i am this, i am that. the thing is i am not. i am good at what i do but i'm not special. there is no reason anybody in america couldn't do what i have
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done. i served for five years. i lived overseas to get the opportunities i have today. anybody in reason america cannot do that or make those same choices. assumption that i somehow walked down the street every day afraid of getting harassed by the police or have somehow had a negative experience with police in my life. i have not had these experiences. i think we need to start listening to each other and talking to each other more and not getting your guard up so much to think negatively about another black person -- i'm assuming you are black -- thinking so negative about a black person because i'm not a democrat. just because i don't believe what the left tells me i should believe and just because you and i may believe different things because i bet you we align on
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more things and we don't align on. the things we don't align on, those are things that can be settled via conversation. the conversation will never happen when you call people token. it will never happen when you have a negative view of somebody that looks like you and don't share your policies. host: rob smith, thank you for having a conversation this morning on our program with our viewers. we appreciate that. guest: absolutely. host: for the viewers that want is,earn more, his book "always a soldier: service, sacrifice, and coming out as america's favorite black, gay republican." you can follow him on twitter, @robsmithonline. guest: thank you so much. host: when we come back we will return to the republican national convention. day 3 today.
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we will look at the speeches from last night. we will get to that conversation in just a minute. ♪ c-span's live coverage of the republican national convention continues tonight at 8:30 eastern with vice president mike pence, second lady karen pence, and kellyanne conway. watch live on c-span and listen with the c-span radio app. livestream and ondemand at ', and are email letter a synopsis of the key events. sign up at 6:00 at eastern for past convention speeches by actors christopher reeves, angie harmon, clint eastwood, tommy lee jones, and scarlett johansson.
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>> washington journal continues. host: day 3 of the republican national convention. i want to take your temperature on campaign 2020. if you support the president, (202) 748-8000. if you support joe biden, (202) 748-8001. if you support somebody else or undecided, (202) 748-8002. while we wait for your calls, from last night's republican national convention at the white house, the first lady making the case for her husband. [video] >> i don't want to use this precious time attacking the other side, because as we saw last week, that kind of talk only serves to divide the country further. we need myecause andand to be our president commander-in-chief reformer years.
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he is what is best for our country. makes know donald trump no secret of it how he feels about things. is what citizens deserve from our president, whether you like it or not. you always know what he is thinking. he loves thise country and its people and was to continue to make it better. donald wants to keep your family safe. he wants to help your family succeed. he wants nothing more than for this country to prosper and he does not waste time playing politics. host: the first lady closing at the republican national convention. this evening you will hear from the vice president at fort mchenry in baltimore, and the second lady will be speaking along with kellyanne conway. we also have joni ernst and the
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governor of south dakota in the lineup tonight. our coverage at 8:30 p.m. eastern time on c-span, for you can find it on you can download the free c-span radio app if you are on the go. we are taking calls this morning. ini and charlotte -- charlotte, north carolina supporting the former vice president. why do you support joe biden? caller: i support joe biden policies of what we need to do here. because maybe, tot maybe he might be able bring our allies back where they need to be at and bring out everything we need that donald trump took away. we need to bring them back. -- we are likeo
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north korea. we are isolated. i want people to see that. let me say this right here. don't cut me off. i see you have your hand there. host: finish up, please. caller: anybody supporting donald trump, are they russian or what? me thatof them tell they are russian dissent or what . ohio -- inam and ohio. who are you supporting? caller: president trump. i am offended by that comment that if you are support president trump you are russian. this is the type of stuff that really irritates me with this country anymore. just because they want to support a certain politician, they want to belittle and
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downgrade the opposite or the opposing team. my question is this. biden was sodent great at his job, ok, why didn't him and obama do more for america themselves? why did we go and become so divided in this country over the years with democratic presidents? what about schools for children? what did they really do for the children in their schools? nothing. i have a special needs son i have a special needs. -- i have a special needs son. nothing was really done except the lunches. the lunches they provide every joke. since my son has been homeschooled he has learned more at home here that what he has in
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schools. because it out the proper equipment. they don't have the proper terminology or anything. they just want to teach hate with politicians and all that stuff. host: james in baltimore supporting the president -- supporting joe biden. rst, what that man i fault obama for not being very bold. i wish it was a lot bolder. the health care bill -- democratic presidents always have to tread the middle. he did not want to go too deep into black stuff. the would accuse him of being a black president. man said was --
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[indiscernible] this man can't say anything. will a republican call in this morning and admit this man lies? this country is more divided now. starvingare if i am and you give me food. the front pages of the new york times and wall street journal framed the speeches last night. trump changes his pitch using tools of the office. then you have the wall street journal. first lady, secretary of state buck tradition with their speeches, giving them from the white house for the first lady and secretary of state making remarks at all from israel. the use of the white house has
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brought up criticism of violating the hatch act. the chief of staff are the president at an event for politico this morning. he addressed the hatchback. >> any of us interpersonal capacity, and i probably have a different philosophy on the hatch act that a lot of the pundits out there, having researched it and held hearings on the hatch act on the oversight committee in congress. what it is really designed to do is to make sure people like myself and others do not use their political position to try to convince other employees, other federal employees that they need to vote one way, register one way or campaign another way. we take it well beyond the original intent. he was talking in a personal capacity. he used no federal assets to do
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that. you guys cover congress all the time. can theylook at this, campaign from their official office? absolutely not. we also know those lines are blurred. any time they are in the speakers lobby where you are asking them questions. u.s. political questions all the time so that would be violating certain ethical concerns on capitol hill. here is what i can tell you. when you look at official acts and whether it is the naturalization process that went through you had five new citizens being sworn in or the pardon, there are a couple of things you can do to make sure you are in compliance with that hatch act. you may have pointed that out this morning. nobody outside the beltway really cares. they expect donald trump is going to promote republican
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values and they would expect barack obama when he was in office to do the same for democrats. host: now chief of staff mark meadows for the president. mary and marilyn supporting president trump. what are your thoughts on the convention so far? caller: good morning. celebrating american greatness. we know we still have things to feel moret it made me hopeful for the country. they are addressing the issues happening right now. they didc convention not talk about the increasing violence that is happening. leadingists who were some of the controlled chaos around the country. even my own in-laws in kentucky that are blue-collar democrats their whole life have said they are voting for trump. i believe the message is
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resonating with a lot of americans. we want legal immigration. we want safety and security. we want our freedom. we don't want to be controlled by the government. we don't want marxists and being mainstream. it sure feels like that is what the democrats are promoting. i am not surprised by in-laws and others are changing their mind about the democratic party and starting to listen to the message of the president and his administration. they are what to the convention and hearing this message of unity and working to better things. when they watch the dnc convention, it was all about hate and division. orange man bad. the policies of this president have helped the country.
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yes, we had major challenges with corunna, but i am really -- corona, but i am afraid of these extreme leftists. where are we going to go? where is the world going to go? host: elizabeth in san diego supporting joe biden. the theme ofnk this convention is orange man good. it's a four-day show. trump is claiming to be a good hesident when everyone knows has told 20,000 lies. he's using the white house as a because, which is crazy every future income and president will not have that advantage of using the accoutrements of the white thing forch is a bad our democracy.
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i want to ask all the people in keptnited states, he promising to replace obama with something better on day one. go look it up. look at the kaiser family foundation analysis. trump has not delivered on the biggest promises he made regarding obamacare and a pandemic where over 170,000 people have died. this convention is ignoring the virus which is collapsing our economy. people need jobs. small businesses need to get back on their feet. it is all about the virus. conditions are quite important. pre-existings conditions. that is absolute bs. it goes along with his other
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20,000 lies. trump is a good circus master and this is a circus. he even pardoned somebody. republicans. this is the trump party now. host: the first lady did talk about the pandemic last night. listen to what she had to say. [video] >> i want to acknowledge the fact that since march our lives have changed drastically. covid-19,ble enemy, swept across our beautiful country and impacted all of us. my deepest sympathy goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one. my prayers are with those who are ill or suffering. i know many people are anxious and some feel helpless. i want you to know you are not
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alone. my husband's administration will not stop fighting until there is an effective treatment for vaccine -- for vaccine available to everyone. -- or vaccine available to everyone. donald will not rest until he has done all the canted help everyone impacted by this pandemic. host: if you missed any of the speeches, find them at when you press the video player you will see little gold stars. that denotes the beginning of each person's remarks. you can find who you are looking for quickly through the video. cape cod, massachusetts. ivan supporting the president. caller: i appreciate your show this morning, as always. i am a lifelong democrat. my first vote was for george mcgovern. here in massachusetts we are all pretty much democrats.
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since the moment donald trump came down the escalator i latched onto him. i never really liked donald trump my life. i thought he was kind of a jerk. i did not think he would make a good president. i have been blown away and so surprised by how he has handled himself and handled the country and the incredible, horrible attacked the democrats have made against him. i am speechless. it's the best convention i have ever seen so far. the democratic convention was the worst democratic convention i have ever seen. i think the only words for the democrats at this point in their convention -- at -- for their convention was pathetic. i am so happy to be a republican and supporting donald trump. i am also gay. i was very impressed by rob smith. i know what it is like to be gay in a state like massachusetts and to have come out in support of trump.
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i don't dare put a sign the front of my house. it would be burned down. that is the kind of attitude that will elect trumpet a landslide. i'm also a contrarian. i don't like the idea people saying you are gay, you have to vote this way. i think for myself. the issues are plain and easy to understand. donald trump is right on every single issue. even though he might be a jerk, he's doing the right thing for the country and i am so grateful for his service and his strength and courage. i have nothing but optimism for the future of this country. host: what are your top issues? what do you care about the most? caller: immigration and the strength of the military. it is a very dangerous world. theirould people work whole lives and contribute to social security and other taxes, why should these freeloaders and bums get everything for free? it is wrong and i am against it. host: how do you know all of
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them are freeloaders and bums? caller: i am not saying they are all free z -- freeloaders and bums, but it makes a huge difference to the life of average working people. in clearwater, florida. wrong line. now you are on. caller: ok. host: go ahead. caller: am i on? host: you are. caller: i am calling from clearwater. i support trump. i have supported him before. the previous election. dnconcern was i watched the and i watched the republican side. i was pretty disappointed on how the democrats pointed out such negativity towards our
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president. i watched last night. i was really impressed with the stories -- host: you were impressed with the stories? storiesthe personal people presented on stage. i really felt very warm about that. the other thing i want to say is that president trump is not a politician. he is a businessman. our country runs on the economy. he has done as much as he can do considering all the backlash he has been getting. i want change. building a wall is the best thing he is doing. i am not against immigration but i am against illegal immigration. i do support him. host: dorothy in tallahassee, supporting joe biden.
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caller: yes. host: it is your turn. caller: good morning. i support joe biden. when everybody started dying, they said trump knew about this before. he did not do anything about it. this wholeything, world corrupted right now. he don't care about the killing. wife is in there saying he is doing stuff good. he is doing nothing good and she knows he ain't doing nothing good. i will vote for joe biden and, -- kamala
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go democrat. trump is missing all kind of things that here and he don't need to be in there. host: diane, did you vote for the president in 2016? caller: i did. host: why did you vote for him then? caller: personally i did not like him as a person. i watched trump talking to oprah. oprah asked him back in the 1980's why he did not run. i would not have voted for him at that time because i was tickly democrat. i voted for obama. i thought obama was preaching change. than no change other racial tensions have risen. saw the things that trump was doing, i thought he was a laughing joke coming down the escalator.
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i knew he was not going to last. the more i listened to him and stopped using my emotions to decide and started listening to the things he was saying, he was going to clean up washington. all these politicians in washington needed to be straightened out. i felt trump was the only one that had the cajones to do it. the rest are either bought up by the lobbyist or special interests. trump was not. he was running on his own dollar. now he's not even taking money from the government. he is getting it back. his paychecks are going to donate to special interest like the opioid problems we have. he has given his paychecks back to help america. he cares about america and it is not black, white, gay, lesbian. it is america as a whole. he done enough to
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change washington during his first term? caller: he can't because he is being held up to the resist group. as soon as he went in, they started this resist crap. they need to get in there and i like adults and try to work together and run this country rather than to worry about is there a republican or democrat. we want adults in washington who are trying to do things for our country and not for their party. that is my main goal. i will vote for trump. i will go out and put signs in my yard. i've had about 20 of them kicked down. but i will support trump. host: diane in georgia. javier supporting president trump. caller: yes, indeed. businessmanump is a
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bet has always known how to an efficient person. the most important thing also is that he is pro-life. if your platform is abortion, the killing of the unborn, the innocent, that tells a lot about the heart of the people that are running for office. that is sucking away through a little tube and innocent baby. baby.innocent what will stop you from lying and cheating and providing chaos in the cities like they are? it goes hand-in-hand. host: we will leave it there. tonight's coverage under way 9:30 -- 8:30 a.m. eastern time on c-span,, and the free c-span radio app as well.
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we will be back here tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. eastern time. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] ♪ >> throughout the day we will be bringing you live coverage of discussions surrounding the republican national convention. in about an hour, tony evers talks about school safety during the covid pandemic and is likely to talk about protests in his state after a black man was shot by police officers. noon eastern,
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democrats respond to the republican national convention. you will hear from nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, and joe biden's campaign secretary. this afternoon, two "washington post" interviews. steve scalise will talk with robert costello. live coverage begins at 3:00 p.m. eastern. at 3:30, linda mcmahon talks with the washington post about reelecting president trump. you can watch all of the events live online at, or listen live at the free radio app. ♪ , your are watching c-span unfiltered view of government, created by america's cable television company as a public service and brought to you by your television provider. last night on day two of the republican national convention, several members of


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