tv Washington Journal 08272020 CSPAN August 27, 2020 6:59am-10:02am EDT
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the republican national convention. president trump will deliver his acceptance speech with introductions by rudy giuliani, ivanka trump, and mitch mcconnell. watch the republican national convention live beginning at 8:30 p.m. eastern on c-span. listen with the c-span radio app, live streaming at and our email, newsletter offers a synopsis of the event. ect. up at watch president trump's acceptance speech from the republican national convention. next on washington journal, darlene superville previous tonight's acceptance speech by president trump. then women for trump cofounder and chair amy kremer looks at the presidential race and women voters. after that, strategy advisor
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steve cortes discusses campaign 2020 and the republican convention. plus, emails, tweets, and phone calls. washington journal is next. with gratitude for the confidence president donald trump has placed in me, the support of our republican party, and the grace of god, i humbly accept your nomination to run and serve as vice president of the united states. ♪ from the third night of the republican national convention, the vice president in baltimore excepting the nomination to serve as the president's running mate. we will begin with your thoughts andhe themes of the evening the issues surrounding campaign 2020 and our first hour. you can dial in at (202) 748-8000 if you are supporting
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president trump. if you support joe biden, call us at (202) 748-8001. candidateport another or undecided, your line is (202) 748-8002. us with your name, city, and state, or go to twitter and facebook to join the conversation. pageew york times front framed last night's convention speeches. law and orderew as a rallying cry. here is the vice president on the issue of protests and violence across the country. [video] >> we are passing through a time of tests. in the midst of this global pandemic, just as our nation had begun to recover. we have seen violence and chaos in the streets of major cities.
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president trump and i will always support the right of americans to peaceful protest. but rioting and looting is not peaceful protest. tearing down statues is not free speech. those who do so will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. [applause] last week, joe biden did not say one word about the violence and chaos engulfing cities across this country. let me be clear. stop, whetherust in minneapolis, portland, or kenosha. too many heroes have died defending our freedom to see americans strike each other down. we will have law and order on the streets of this country for every american of every race and
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creed and color. host: the vice president last night. the former vice president joe biden tweeted out this about the republican speeches last night. "the contrast tonight cannot be clearer. we can choose four more years of hate, or choose a different path. one of hope, unity, and light. let's overcome this era of darkness together." the vice president also commenting on what is happening in wisconsin and the decision by bucks, not tothe play last night. "this moment demands moral leadership. these players entered by standing up, speaking out, and using the platform for good." -- never cameinto out for their game. they were in their locker room for hours. inside the locker room the milwaukee bucks were on a conference call with the wisconsin attorney general and
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lieutenant governor, this is according to espn. here is what the players said after they emerged from the locker room yesterday. [video] >> it'll be best if we educate ourselves and not rush [indiscernible] on behalf of ourselves and our team, we are making a statement as a team today. we are will educate ourselves and get better awareness of what is going on. [indiscernible] months, we have seen racial injustice facing our african american citizens.
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days in ourt few we sawate of wisconsin, jacob blake shot in the back seven times by a police officer in kenosha. and then the shooting of protesters. our focus today cannot be on basketball. >> when we take the court to represent milwaukee and wisconsin, we are expected to play at a high level. --hold yourself so that same we are demanding the same from lawmakers and law enforcement. we are calling for justice for jacob blake and demand the officers be held accountable. it is imperative for the wisconsin state legislature to reconvene after months of inaction and address issues of police accountability, brutality, and criminal justice reform. we encourage all citizens to
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educate themselves and take responsible action and remember to vote on november 3. host: that was nba players yesterday after they would not play in the playoff game. there are more negotiations happening within the nba about whether or not to continue with the playoffs. president trump announced on twitter yesterday he will not stand -- we will not stand for looting, arson, violence, and lawlessness. my team got off the phone with the democratic governor of wisconsin who agreed to accept federal assistance. portland should do the same. i will send federal law enforcement to kenosha to restore law and order. the headline from usa today. shooting leaves two dead. was charged with shooting protesters there. 17, was charged
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as a fugitive from justice. he faces a first-degree intentional homicide charge in kenosha county. these issues raised at the republican convention are issues for the campaign as well. we will get your thoughts on that and the other issues of campaign 2020. kirk, supporting president trump. caller: how are you doing today? i don't support up. i believe black lives matter. me it is really saying there are white racist republicans. until we get the racism out of politics we will keep having this year in and year out. i have a black son who is 23. it scares the life out of me for him to go out and try to go to work. i am afraid of the police.
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my son is afraid of the police. i'm a 65-year-old african american. the house is only as strong as the foundation it is built on. this country was built on racism, on slavery, on free labor until americans acknowledge that, there is no hope for this country. dallasartha in supporting president trump. caller: how are you? host: i am well. go ahead. caller: my thoughts are no one in this world would have known what to do when this pandemic it. i don't care how old you are. you would not have known what to do. we have not been through anything like this, ever. i see them blaming trump for this. we are not racist. i swear to god. i have been living with people my whole life and never had a racist -- with any of them.
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somebody different races. -- so many different races. i am almost 70 years old in texas and i have never been a racist. we got along just fine with everybody until this floyd thing happened. i'm sorry it happened but it happened. i don't know why they are blaming trump. really nobody could have done a better job than he did. host: janice in brooklyn supporting joe biden. caller: hi. this goes back to the first lady's speech when she said he is focusing on everyone. he is only focusing on himself. the less colors of the pandemic was not his fault. he started up by saying it would disappear. it would go away. he did nothing. all these people died.
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he said open of the states. he wanted the states open so he could continue charging the secret service over $600 a room. he has made over $150 million and counting by charging them to stay at his hotels. that is what he needed the states reopened. he said he will cut taxes. the taxes he wants to cut, the payroll taxes are for social security. you are putting your social security in jeopardy. he claims he had a new plan for obamacare. he has nothing. he's at the supreme court trying to take away our health care. he has nothing. he was to be a law and order president. i live in new york. no one is talking about how rifleguns -- where is the association? no one is talking about how these guns are landing in the hands of 16-year-old when we
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can't get on up limit insurance or people who actually work and needed. -- need it. we have given tax fixed the companies who did not need it, but we are telling someone who is making less than the minimum wage in georgia that they can get an extra $600 to help pay the rent. this makes no sense. the man focuses on putting money in his pocket. what happened to build the wall and mexico? we are paying for this. billions of dollars we are paying for this. host: john who is supporting the president in pennsylvania. caller: hi. mouthful that is not true. goin -- to go back to go to youtube. dr. fauci paid $3.7 million.
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all of a sudden in 2017 they stated trump was going to facebook pandemic. six democrat at governors. cuomo had a ship between 36 and 56 people on it. he infects nursing homes instead of putting this people there. -- whatever the person's name is -- took his mother out and the next thing you know they are murdering those people. we have to call this. what has the democratic party done? trump made the cages. that was the obama administers and. what to we have here? joe biden. look at any of his memes. they have to put a tape together
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to get this guy to understand what he is talking about. look this up. sharia lrris supports aw, which goes against the constitution. even mitch mcconnell voted against the mclaren act that could bey entity banned from america. they can't do that anymore. s-paid takeover. you can take a look at this. you can't even get your kids to cut the grass. these people better wake up. this is between safety and insanity. you make the decision, america. harris will be speaking today in washington, d.c. we will have her remarks on c-span at 3:00 p.m. eastern.
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she will talk about the pandemic and its impact on the economy. you can watch here but also watch and listen on our website,, or download the free c-span radio app. aspenesterday during the institute event, governor tony evers was asked about the killing of two people during tuesday's right to protest -- night a protest following the shooting of jacob blake. [video] >> what is your response to the factory people were shot and killed during the protests overnight? affect the processor handled? -- protests are handled? >> we will call it were national guard. -- were verywere unfortunate. vigilantes that
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were walking around with long guns and somehow they got into an argument and people got shot. before thatitnessed a group of primarily all-white vigilantes walking around with big guns. there were some argument going on. around theprotesting unfortunate shooting went better last night. i don't want to dismiss two lives, vigilantes were not. that is two lives that shouldn't happen. it does make things more complex when we have different characters interacting in a way that is going to bring violence. host: wisconsin's democratic governor there. the front page of "the kenosha news." too little or too late, governor? the governor called the session
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to consider measures republicans have ignored on monday. on sunday, he fueled the flames by taking sides in this explosive situation that should go through the courts into a jury. we stand with all those who have to continue to innovate justice, equality, and accountability. i have said although we must offer our empathy, equally important is our action. we will demand that of elected officials. news editorial board knew about the situation in kenosha hours earlier and did nothing. instead he threw kenosha and its police department under the bus. he ordered national guard but nowhere near the number law enforcement needed. he turned down federal help. on tuesday, state senators and
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representatives in a letter saying what many kenosha county residents are saying. the city is burning. residents are heartbroken. they are literally begging and crying for help. it says early wednesday afternoon, evers increased the contention -- national guard contentions of 500 -- contingent to 500. theening in washington is march on washington 2020. rally -- rally being held on the national mall. that starts friday at 11:00 a.m. eastern. our coverage is on her website,, or listen with the free c-span radio app. hello in new orleans. the former vice president joe biden, good morning to you. [video]
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>> -- caller: i wish you would pay more attention and reporting on the white supremacists that are invading these black lives matter protests. black lives matter is not a violent group. they never have been. they were founded for peace. this is orchestrated. they are trying to create a thing in this country -- trying to create a race war. the people in the suburbs, some are worried they are not living in a gated community. they can't be white supremacists like they want to be. putin see him and this is the only way they can win.
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he is a thief and an idiot. host: stick to your constructive argument of why you are not supporting the president. caller: ok. he is a criminal. he should never have been in there, ok? he has created more crime. more people have gone to jail under his administration than anybody in this country. he is the worst president ever, ok? thank you for c-span. bet: the president will speaking tonight at the republican national convention. the program starts at 8:30 p.m. eastern time. that is what our coverage begins, uninterrupted, right here on c-span and or with the free c-span radio app. we will review all the speeches in their entirety. after it concludes, we will open up the phone lines for your reaction. the president is expected to speak shortly after 10:00 p.m.
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eastern time. the speech will be followed by a fireworks display. secretary ben carson will be speaking along with the ivanka trump and congressional speakers include mitch mcconnell, minority leader kevin mccarthy of the house, representative jeff van drew, republican of new jersey who switched parties during the impeachment. monica and pennsylvania, you support the president. good morning. caller: good morning and thank you for taking my call. i do support the president. i think we are at a critical time. despite what headlines might say, we are watching cities being looted, burned, businesses destroyed, and these claims that white supremacists are coming out and causing more harm i think are false. i think normal, everyday
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americans are trying to protect their businesses, their lives, their property, and their families. the vice president was on point last night when he said america will change. we are seeing the change. there are millions and millions of americans who are seeing democratic cities burned to the ground. we wanted to stop. our economy will never recover if this continues. we need four more years of trump. i think that is the only way we can get back to any type of normalcy going forward. stamford, did you vote for president trump and 2016? -- in 2016? caller: i support the president. i watched most of the conventions last weekend this week. what i observed is a tone of resolution and maturity coming from the republican convention. it is not dark. i heard that criticism and other
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media sources. i don't see that. they had what i would call a diverse group of folks. diverse of thought. diverse of what matters to them. that's important because no one group, republican or democrat, all think alike. no race of people or ethnicity think alike. i would like the contrast against the first caller from virginia who said -- i think he -- he groovedns republicans, white people, and racists in one group. i am not white but i am conservative. not necessarily republican. i'm not racist and i'm not white. that are other folks not white that are republican and conservative. there are many white people that are white -- that are
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conservative and republican that are not racist. it is not right to group entire people unless you believe they lack a diversity of thought. i heard someone say there was a like a diversity of thought. he was not on the republican side. host: kathy in verona, wisconsin. undecided. how do you feel about both candidates? is i see theoblem difficulty with both sides. i'm not happy with the protesting. sometimes i think it is an excuse to loot. people whoieve that are really concerned and so concerned about other people's lives should be out and putting everybody at risk in a pandemic like this. this is going on way too long. donald trump -- i live in
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wisconsin. he needs to stay out of our business. i am so sick and tired of him. i know he was behind inciting that young men to murder those two people in kenosha. by his rhetoric. him and pence, i will tell you something. i agree with my daughter. personhter is a young who has been very upset by the things trump has done. what do you do? you have this on one side and that on the other. to ourf people i talk thinking about staying him altogether, they are so disgusted with the. picking oneen her governor. a lot more of us would be dead if it wasn't for tony evers. i have a lot of trouble with the
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republicans and democrats. i don't know what to do. i feel like the earth is trying to shake people off, trying to get rid of us by every think happening now. it is depressing and we have nobody to look to. nobody. host: how did you vote in 2016? in 2016, i 2016 -- voted for obama. no. for hillary. what am i thinking? it's early. i have to say something. as a woman of 70, we would be so much better off if hillary had been president right now. no question. host: why do you say that? caller: the woman was confident. -- competent. donald trump is in everything he can do to kill us. there are 180,000 people dead.
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all of us are scared to death we are going to be next. we have him to thank for that. host: kathy in wisconsin. kellyanne conway, who is leaving at the end of the month, spoke at last night's convention. she made an appeal to women to vote for the president. here is what she had to say. [video] >> 100 years ago, courageous warriors helped women secure the right to vote. this has been a century worth celebrating. but also a reminder that our democracy is young and fragile. a woman in a leadership role can still seem novel. not so for president trump. for decades he has elevated women to senior positions in business and government. he confides in a consult us, respects our opinions, and insists we are on equal footing with the men. president trump helped me shatter a barrier in the world
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of politics by empowering me to manage his campaign to a successful conclusion. what the help of millions of americans our team to fight the critics, the naysayers, the conventional wisdom and we won. for many of us women's empowerment is not a slogan. it comes not from strangers on social media or sanitized language in a corporate handbook. accounts of the everyday heroes who nurture us, who shape us, and who believe in us. host: kellyanne conway making an appeal to women last night. the wall street journal this morning notes the makeup of the republican party. white.0% white, largely overwhelmingly white. they are out majority of males. agemajority are older than 50. this is from the wall street journal. lynn in central point, oregon.
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caller: good morning and thank you for taking my call and thank you for covering -- thank you c-span for covering without interruption. i appreciate that. host: you watched last night? caller: i watched all of last week. i have watched every minute of both conventions. of thehat do you think speeches you heard from the republicans? what stands out to you? caller: that they are very educational. i am in my 70's. i learned american history as it is, not as it has been rewritten. america is a wonderful country. that is why everybody wants to come here. we welcome all foreigners from everywhere to come here. we just want them to come legally and we want them to be a part of us. host: what are your top issues for this campaign? caller: the top issues for this
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campaign would be first of all the virus. that is a very important thing. we have to do that. and also the economy. without is taking care of the virus we will not be able to come back for the economy. i have every faith in president trump people bring our economy back to where it was. all we can do is manage the virus. everything president trump has done to manage the virus and not listen to the news media that just thinks he is a bad person. he is not a bad person. this kind of thing only comes once every hundred years. president trump jumped right in, took care of what he needed to, provided hospital ships where he needed to. provided the protection gear he needed to. now we are sending it to other people in the world. i have every confidence he will
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manage the virus and await we can bring our economy back and we can all be safe. in illinois caller: thanks for taking my call. i don't like trump. the situation is bad and he is inflaming it. a lot of the stuff that as a president, it would appear to me that the situation is here and you need to deal with the facts of the matter. the people that are protesting have a voice and a cause for what they are talking about, and it is not about perfect causes. there are people taking advantage of the situation just like in every situation, there is good and there's bad. but for me, the president does not act presidential.
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of what he says is erroneous and it is like a slight of hand, showing you one of hand,sleight showing you one thing and doing another. that is why i cannot support the guy. he is lying and cheating. host: are you a lifelong democrat? caller: i voted mostly democrat, but i vote republican. unfortunately, like i say, it is a sleight of hand thing. if i believed what the man was , he is addressing them wrong. until he was president, he
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-- he was promoting illegal immigrants when he was hiring them. ofe i say, it is a sleight hand. host: john, salem, oregon, supporting president trump. says hebiden sends -- is against racism and sexism. get a black woman vice president. that whole comment is racist and sexist. think?sy, don't you host: freddy, indianapolis, supporting joe biden, good morning. caller: good morning. it is so sad to hear those who speak proudly of donald trump.
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speaking of those who are out there demonstrating, yet we have so-called police officers shooting black men in the back, killing them or paralyzing them, and you get these white folks who ignore that, who say the burning must stop, the looting must stop. i say the killing of black men by cops must stop. yes, i do agree, i don't want to see our city burned. weshould stop, and maybe ought to look at another way of having the situation, maybe an copfor an i, every time a until a black man, we kill a cop. host: let's not advocate violence. the vice president, during his remarks, talked about unrest in cities across the united states
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and talked about defunding police. [video clip] >> joe biden says america is systemically racist, and that has,nforcement in america and i quote "an implicit bias against minorities." would cut whether he funding on law enforcement, joe biden replied yes, absolutely. joe biden would double down on the policies that are leading the violence in american cities. the hard truth is, you won't be safe in joe biden's america. trump, we will always stand with those who stand on the thin blue line, and we are not going to defund the police, not now, not ever. "the now glenn kessler of
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washington post" says the statement is simply false. according to biden, his campaign, and a review of his remarks shows him misquoting biden just as millions of dollars of campaign ads misquote him. the phrase "defunding police" means shrinking their job to public safety. advocates foror -- but also more police overhauls such as training and community policing. no, i don't support defunding the police, biden told the news. in fact, they are able to demonstrate that they can
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protect the community and everyone from the community. to spend aning additional $300 million a year in the community program started on the clint does in the clinton administration. version -- the audiotape of the full conversation shows biden's response were much more nuanced, but it does not have biden adding that his responses the same of defunding all police. north carolina, supporting the president. caller: good morning. host: go ahead. caller: i am supporting trump. all this civil unrest all around 17-year-old,that he was there a couple days
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before and he was cleaning up so theffiti and he came city wouldn't get burned down. he was trying to protect the businesses. the governor should be them twole for that, people getting killed, because they should have took the help and stopped this before people had to take guns in their own hands and take care of things. this could i ask you, as one of the main reasons why you support president trump, his view? caller: absolutely not. everything he said he was going to do for the country, he has done. host: you like his message of law and order? caller: absolutely. that kid should never have been put in that position.
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host: we will go to dave in des moines. you are undecided. tell us why. caller: actually, i'm not. my constitutional right to vote is respected. i put it that way because the gop in my state passed a law requiring a drivers license before the last general election , and mine expired at the beginning of june, and so far reynolds has only extended the grace period to the first of september. dr. sethg to write in moulton and dr. richard bright. host: voting for a third-party candidate? caller: mr. bolton is a democrat. if you want to look at it that way, that is fine. either theot support
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president or former vice president? caller: trump is actually the worst in the oval office we have ever had. he is a traitor, among other negative things. , another unindicted war criminal just like the clintons. bluff, north pine carolina, supporting the president. caller: thank you for taking my call. to thew, as i listen lady talking about the virus, i had the virus and got over it. they didn't know enough about the virus to even give me any kind of medication at that time -- i don't know if they can now or not. , and i giveto god god the praise for taking care of the virus, but i don't hold
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the virus against either candidate, because they didn't know enough about it. that is kind of using not very good intelligence to point it towards one or the other, and i would not do that. president in three years that he has been in, i think he's done good. he's not perfect. you're not perfect. i'm not perfect. but to go in as a businessman, not really a politician, and i thought that was a plus because politicians and all those negative advertisements, i disagree with that. i want to hear what they are going to do, not the past. we don't live in the past. everything going on in the cities and all the disruption, they are living in the past. that is in the past. we cannot go back, we can only
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go forwards. host: the republican national convention this week, it was day three yesterday. in addition to the vice president, his wife, the second lady also addressed reporters. [video clip] as second lady of the united states, i have had the honor of meeting many great heroes. the pences are a military family. our son serves in the marines and our son-in-law serves in the u.s. navy. initiatives is to elevate and encourage military spouses. these men and women, like our daughter charlotte and daughter-in-law sarah, are the home front heroes. i have been privileged to hear so many stories of selfless andort, volunteer spirit,
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great contributions to the armed forces and our communities. military spouses may experience frequent moves and job changes, periods of being a single parent while their loved one is deployed, all while exhibiting pride, strength, and determination, and being a part of something bigger than themselves. to all of the military spouses, thank you. host: if you want to see more of karen pence's remarks, go to when you press play, you will see gold stars that denote where the beginning of each speech is and you can quickly find the speaker you are looking for from last nights convention, this entire week, and also the democratic national convention and the speakers from that gathering. perry in spring, texas, supporting the president. caller: thank you.
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i hear so much about blacks organization, black lives matter , but it don't seem to matter to blacks because there is nobody that kills more blacks than the blacks. every weekend, you hear about a dozen in this city and a dozen in that city. they don't think anything about it in the media. host: how do you know that? how do you know that they don't care about that? caller: because they continue doing it over and over and over. ,hey have battles, one group another battle -- host: what is the solution? tryer: the solution is to among themselves to look at each other and say, if black lives
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matter, we better quit killing ourselves. host: heard your point. darren in sioux city, iowa, you support joe biden. did you support hillary clinton? caller: yes, i did. host: and you are supporting joe biden why? caller: it is time for a change. this is not working. the last caller showed us why this is not working. everybody is laying blame instead of doing something about it. trump has not done anything. he has made a lot of promises and said a lot of lies. we want something to get done for everybody. sometimes it seem like it's not for everybody. someone finds a reason to blame everybody. question why a youth at 17 years old says he was helping someone but he wasn't.
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he was carrying a gun down the street to hurt someone and was not helping anyone. no one seems to tell the truth. we are tired. dying,en are tired of tired of hearing excuses about this is going to happen and this is going to happen and nothing happens. trump, pence, and the republican party do not care and people on the others will look at it and try to change. everyone is trying to find a reason to blame. dying,tired of people tired of people getting shot, tired of getting stopped by police officers just because you drive a nice car and work a good job. we are tired. we will live in a good neighborhood. thise trying to take suburb, i am offended by that. i go to work every day just like everyone else do.
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i shouldn't have to tell my son every day that is nine or 10 years old how to sit in the car so he doesn't get shot by a police officer. white kids don't have to do it. why do we have to have speeches like that with our kid? do you have speeches like that with your kids on how to approach a police officer when they ain't did anything? we are tired of it and it seems like whenever we march a protest, we get federal agents. marchthere is a watch -- in washington, d.c., 2020 starting friday at 11:00 a.m. eastern time. the theme is get your knee off our next. -- necks.cks. you can also watch on brian lamb captured this photo
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for this weekend's march on the washington mall, with the washington monument in the background. , youes in oklahoma city are supporting president trump. good morning to you. caller: good morning. i amt wanted to say that supporting president trump now because of the issues, he is for the issues i am four. divided is totally against the issues i am for, but they are both as far as i'm concerned, act like idiots. trump is a very outward going idiot and biden is very inward going idiot. basically, i would like to say something about the jacob blake situation. and on thehe video video it shows the police chasing him around the vehicle.
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i am just wondering at what point has parents taught him to run around the vehicle from the police rather than doing what they call commands. it is not suggestions, they command you what to do, and they are allowed to do that, and he did not follow commands. you reckon maybe that caused the problem? i'm not saying they shot him justifiably. butve no idea about that, when you watch the video of them chasing him around the vehicle and grabbing a hold of his shirttail trying to hold him, in what world is that supposed to happen? when police command you or ask you or whatever to do something, you need to do it. if you don't, you get what you deserve. you deserve to be shot if you don't do what they say? caller: i did not say that.
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host: that was the outcome. caller: that was the outcome, but why did this happen? host: clarence in melbourne, florida, supporting president trump. caller: i would like to make two , one, that we need to bring the inflation down and we need to control spending, and the other is education, that we praise the black mothers and grandmothers that have encouraged children to become the best they can be. late 1800s, or were grandmothers encouraging their children and grandchildren to better
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themselves, and that's what the black grandmothers are doing today. the one child that was being allowed into law school, and the grandmother was becausefrom ear to ear she encouraged that child to be the best he could be, and that's what we all need to do for black people. we need to make sure they get the education they can take in continue to and not push the black people down because the black people are back of the white people in 1900. host: a little bit more from
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republicans national convention, the vice president talking about the president's view of america. years, the past four i've had the privilege to work closely with the president. i have seen him with the cameras off. americans have seen president trump in lots of different ways, but there's no doubt how president trump sees america. ,e sees america for what it is a nation that has done more good in this world than any other. a nation that deserves more gratitude than grievance. if you want a president who falls silent when our heritage is demeaned or insulted, he is not your man. --[applause]
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we came by very different routes to this partnership and some think we are very different, but i have learned a few things watching him, watching him deal with all we have been through over the past four years. he does things in his own way on his own terms. not much gets past him. when he has an opinion, he is liable to share it. you certainly kept things interesting, but more importantly -- he certainly kept things interesting, but more importantly, he has kept his word. host: the vice president last night talking about the president's view of america, we are getting your thoughts on the republican national convention, dave in northport, florida, you support the president. caller: as a senior citizen, i have been mostly a democrat all
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my life, but the democratic party is not the party of john f. kennedy, one of the greatest presidents of our times. the three and a half years president trump has done so many wonderful things for our country , and he's a christian. thats rebuilt the military was depleted from the last administration. he has helped the veterans that couldn't get operations and weren't being taken care of for the last century. , they support us and fought for us. he has done so much, example the canadian pipeline sat on his desk for -- sat on obama's desk for three years and refused to anything.used to do look at the situation we were in
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as far as jobs and low unemployment? when is the last time you paid the least amount for gasoline in our country? this is the lowest we have ever paid. before that, we were paying three dollars and four dollars a gallon in florida and that was cheap. this man is a businessman and that is what we need. we have had obama and biden for for you -- for eight years and they did nothing for this racial stuff, nothing for the neighborhoods mr. obama lived in. host: fran is supporting joe biden, utica, michigan. caller: i am getting real ticked off with this. fora and biden did this eight years, cleaned up everything. this big blue ball was screwed up. trump came in.
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everyone wanted to be president because that cleaned up, so he rolled tale of something that was coming in good. most of the things he did in his lifetime of being a businessman, he bankrupted. he bankrupt everything. he didn't buy american. he even has a russian bride -- excuse me for saying that, she is pretty and everything. he didn't put that wall up there to protect us. he put that wall up there because no other country wants to deal with us. host: on social media, facebook comments -- pens for president in 2024. after four more years of president trump, democrats have no one else good. is going i supported downhill because of the socialist leftists. -- i completely disagree with
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them and their message but it was put together decently and well. ray says -- everyone is trashing trump but forgetting an important point, biden was in congress and got nothing done. unfortunate- it is that potus has not made any gesture to a protest hotspot but chooses to pound his fist on law and order. there is a disconnect. louisiana, you support president trump. caller: first of all, the they have such a hard job and it is so easy for so many people to say this is what they should do or not to when they have never been a police officer. i think our president supports
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our police officers, veterans, military, and stand on life. we need to respect life in our country more, and if we did, maybe we wouldn't have as many killings as we have. that is one reason i am supporting our president. wisconsin, also supporting the president, julie in sheboygan, wisconsin and. -- goodgood mark morning, thank you. my message -- we are white and it makes me angry -- i have these conversations with my children to respect law enforcement, absolutely 100%. i got pulled over, didn't do anything wrong, still got scared. put both of my hands out the window and it was a simple routine traffic stop. let's just comply. officers want to go home to their family.
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i teach my children to respect the law, no matter what color they are, and let's resort -- report the statistics. more whites are killed at the hands of police. another one of your callers said -- oh my gosh, i'm so sorry, so much to say -- the message is to just comply and support law enforcement. julie, can i just ask you, is this why you are supporting president trump? is this one of your top issues? caller: gosh, so many. i think he has done an amazing job, done everything he said he was going to do. the things that he has done for the black community has been absolutely amazing, and i think the statistics show that. host: and what is that?
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caller: employment, one of them being employment, creating jobs, and going in -- i am going off of what i watched and heard and re-canting from other people like herschel walker, what an amazing friend he has there. , that he's gone in the inner cities and put these education programs in place to help them, to educate them, to not oppress them. let's not have them going to planned parenthood and being population control for them. let's educate them. louisville,, kentucky, supporting joe biden. caller: good morning. here is the thing i want to say, and i don't want to sound anti-police, which i am not, but i know personally a lot of people who have went out and
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held signs in protest in the middle of the city, and they go to a local diner i go to and i talked to people. it seems to me like police institutions are public organizations. they are trying to protect their reputation and their image. they are not protecting the buildings from looters or and archivists or people trying to attack buildings. they arched -- they are going after the people in the street filming them. anybody who is recording police or reporters, it seems to me that is who the police organizations are going after. one thing, i know this from personal experience, if there is says --na and somebody gives a deposition, critical police, if you testify against police, if you make a formal complaint against police, talk
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to city council against police, police will stalk and intimidate you, even if you speak against the bad police officer. they are in organization that vehemently protects itself and they are more protecting more of their image. i am not saying they are all bad, but they work as a group. host: why do you trust joe biden to come up with a solution for any ofestion caller: if the two would see, he is an empathetic person. i saw him last week on tv, and the pain-and-suffering he has went through with the loss of his family members, he went on every day, the violence against women act, it's the long term elected officials that have infrastructure projects and actually got things done.
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just throwing some international real estate tycoon who brought is not solid.t we need urban renewal, sewer systems, treatment plans, board of health inspections. we need roads and sidewalks, and you go to these dirt poor ghetto neighborhoods in all the country , and we need to improve them dramatically and give them the same functions that the suburban areas and more well-off areas are treated. host: we have to leave it at that. tonext, turn our attention the trump campaign strategy in 2020, the republican convention this week. what are their messages and goals? we will take your comments. we will talk with darlene that,ille about all of
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and after that, amy kremer will join us to discuss the campaign 20 and women voters. ♪ >> the contenders, the men who ran for the presidency and lost but changed political history. monday, thomas dewey, tuesday, adelaide stephenson, wednesday, barry goldwater, thursday hubert humphrey, friday, george wallace , and saturday george mcgovern, "the contenders" all next week at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. >> "washington journal" continues. with darlene superville us, before we talk about the
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convention, the president announced yesterday that federal troops will be going into kenosha, wisconsin. can you talk about that decision-making and the announcement of that? guest: we have seen the president talking about sending federal troops into cities immediately in the aftermath of the killing of george floyd in minneapolis in may. , there was a death lot of protesting, peaceful, sometimes not so peaceful of his death at the hands of the minneapolis police department. they have been on a law and order team since then, and what happened in kenosha this week is a continuation of the president's focus on law & order, wanting to bring control back to the streets of american cities. the federal government is now sending in some federal law enforcement personnel into
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kenosha to bring some peace and calm. host: it was part of the theme of the vice president's remarks last night. what is the strategy? guest: the strategy is to say that what we are seeing now in these cities with these protests and civil unrest is what you would get if the country goes away from president donald trump and elects democrat joe biden in november. the president and vice president are painting themselves as the only ones who can bring calm to america, and that is the strategy you saw last night with the vice president's speech, and you will see a little bit of that tonight when the president gives his speech. time from thetern white house, do we know what the set up will be at the white house? guest: his speech is actually a little bit later. he will be the closing speaker,
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so watch for him in the 10:00, 10:30 timeframe, but he is giving his acceptance speech from the white house. there is an elaborate set up on the south lawn, which is not something we are accustomed to seeing every four years when there are political conventions. typically they are held in an arena or convention hall with thousands and thousands of cheering delegates, but because of the coronavirus pandemic, both parties had to alter their plans. the president changed his mind a number of times and was left with the white house as an option, so we will see the president on the south lawn introduced by his daughter, ivanka trump. he will give his speech. there is expected to be several hundred people in the audience to hear him speak, his wife, children, officials, members of congress, and other invited guests.
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ist: darlene superville right, the president will speak in the 10:00 hour on the last day of the convention. you can watch coverage on c-span,, or download the free c-span radio app. will this hurricane that is off the gulf coast quickly approaching derail any of these plans? guest: the white house and the trump campaign have both been adamant that the president will give his speech tonight as delivered. we know things change quickly with this white house and can change at a moment's notice. or theyot speak tonight may shorten the speech or the program may be altered, but i believe you will see the
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president up there tonight giving that speech. it is a moment he has been looking forward to for months. host: what will be the tone of his speech? guest: i think you will see the president carry forward from the vice president's remarks. i think there will be a lot of talk about law and order, and we have heard the president in the past few weeks speak in this way. last week, he gave a speech in washington saying he is the only thing standing between anarchy and chaos in this country. you may hear more about how he handled the coronavirus pandemic in terms of producing ventilators at a time when a lot of governors were afraid we wouldn't have enough. you will hear him talk about the process that he is spearheading to quickly -- produced a vaccine as quickly -- produce a vaccine
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as quickly as possible. you will probably hear him talk about therapeutics in the pipeline and some have been approved. you will hear the president go pretty sharply against joe biden. that is the theme that has been and a lot of his public remarks across these last few weeks, and tonight is the night to drive that home. he will have one of the biggest audiences of the year, so you can expect him to draw these contrasts. host: the president using the white house this week, appearing at the republican national convention throughout. --rlie dent writing perfectly right to pardon a person, perfectly wrong to do it during the republican convention. federalh act prohibits employees from engaging in
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political activities while on the job, must be free to express onitical opinions while not duty, but the president and vice president are exempt. arerote a piece on how they blurring the hatch act. guest: typically, federal property is not used for overt political purposes like a convention like you see this week, or a campaign style event. politics and governing are supposed to be separate, and it has been the tradition in this country a long time to separate the two. there is some conceptions because the president is the president of the united states and at the same time, the candidate. he can use air force one to get to a campaign event, and things like that. tonight is very unusual. we have neverier,
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seen a president in the united states use the white house as a backdrop to a political convention where he is accepting the nomination. it will be on tv. millions will see this, and that is the difference. he is exempt from the hatch act. the vice president is exempt from the hatch act, but it is the appearance thing. we have seen the president come into the white house, take office, and shatter norms and traditions and things we have come to expect from the presidency. tonight is just another example of his pushing those boundaries. host: we are talking about campaign 2020, the strategies of both campaigns with darlene and patrick is with us. caller: i am a democrat.
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i will be voting by the president -- for the president of the united states. i am disturbed by the trajectory of the democratic party which i can say with absolute accuracy is no longer democratic, no longer recognizing the constitution, bill of rights, rule of law, when social media organizations essentially go to [indiscernible] the guest is leaving out the fact that we are in the middle of a pandemic, so when it comes to being able to engage in conveyaccess and messages on behalf of the president, every single representative, whether they are in the white house or not, should be exempt from the hatch act. we are talking about a scenario in which the democrats talk about staying safe and you're just is basically just your
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guest is basic -- your guest is trying to implicate republicans in engaging in criminal activity, when we are in the middle of a horrific pandemic which republicans also condemn also condemnocrats the republican party. host: let's let darlene respond. guest: i did make reference to the fact that we are in the middle of a pandemic and that is part of the reason the president is speaking from the white house. the convention was supposed to be in north carolina and then the president changed the location to jacksonville, florida. after florida became a coronavirus hotspot and the virus surged, he canceled the convention events that were scheduled in jacksonville, and was debating between doing some convention events at the white house or possibly gettysburg.
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he settled on the white house, so i did not ignore the fact that we are in the middle of a pandemic. host: david in winston-salem, north carolina, republican. one last call. clarence in florida, democratic caller, you are next. caller: yes, good morning. i have a couple comments. one, how long do you think it would take for trump and that administration to put a stop to black police officers shooting and killing and choking to death young, unarmed white men and women? that's one comment. the other comment is regarding the economy. bidenresident obama and
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took office, they inherited a recession created by the republican party. when president trump took office, he inherited an economy that had been consistently rising for the past several years, so it is not like trump has really created an economy that is better than anything else in history. it is just not true. when trump says, what has he done for blacks? look at what he is doing for blacks. ,e is making sure we can't vote making sure our voices can't be heard. that is what he is doing for african-americans. as far as him being a law and order president, look at the people he pardoned, all convicted felons who he was a going to afraid was tell things about him that would end up getting him locked up. superville on the
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economy, can you talk about what the numbers were when this president took office and what has happened since? guest: what has happened since then is the pandemic earlier this year in march. the economy was moving along. unemployment was at very low levels, i think in the 3% range, and unemployment was a little bit higher when he took office and things came down. there was an improvement on the economic front, and that was the main issue the president was hoping to base his reelection on , a growing economy, job growth, deregulation, low taxes, tax cuts, and those types of issues. the pandemic struck and lots of businesses had to shut down in terms of trying to control the spread of the virus. the economy went south.
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sales dropped. people were staying home, not shopping, only buying the bare essentials. he is in a position now where the issue that he thought he was going to be able to ride through the election on is not there for him any longer. host: let's listen to the vice president last night at fort mchenry in baltimore talking about the economy. [video clip] ahead as we open up america again, i promise you we will put the health of america first. as we work to bring this economy back, we have a role to play and we all have a choice to make. on november 3, you need to ask trust to-- who do you rebuild this economy? presidedpolitician who over the slowest economic recovery since the great depression, or a proven leader
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who created the greatest economy in the world? the choice is clear, to bring america all the way back we need four more years of president donald trump in the white house. host: from the republican national convention last night, we are talking with darlene the associated press white house reporter, about the president's campaign strategy and policies. diane in roswell, new mexico, independent. caller: good morning. host: good morning. go ahead. caller: good morning. host: please go ahead. i am going to move on. ramona, a democratic caller. caller: good morning. i have some really issues with donald trump, and in fact the .onvention itself
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the vision of donald trump is kind of a dismal place. he is sort of hypocritical. he wants everybody else's child to go back to school regardless, but his child will be learning from home. over the internet, because his school is going to be closed. i don't like the fact that he taken a hand in ruining the post office. that is outrageous. it is one of our primary institutions that benjamin franklin was first postmaster general. , he hasing this actually come out and said he is doing this because he doesn't want people to do mail-in voting
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, and this would tie up things if he was able to get rid of the sorting machines, lay people off, and so forth. some of the other things, he has rolled back epa regulations. every year, thousands of people died because of the toxins in our air. he is rolling back those regulations that were put there to save the general population, everybody who breathes air. -- has already rolled back regulations regarding clean water. i grew up in a city where the and manufacturers and refiners dumped their refuge in
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the river, and one day the river caught fire. companies should not be allowed to do that. . president'sbout the strategy on regulations. guest: he came into office wanting to eliminate as much regulation as possible, and talks about the fact that he wanted to for every new regulation that was passed, he wanted to eliminate two. we have heard him talk about exceeding that goal and it women aiding regulations is something we would continue to see from the desk eliminating regulations is something we would continue to see from the president. host: pat, republican. caller: i don't know where you people are getting your information. under obama, the economy was
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anemic. there was nobody that president trump inherited a robust economy , and people know that. the democrats, all they do is demonize people on the left, and president trump, who i call the people's president, came in and started working like a workhorse. washington, d.c. didn't like that because they do not accomplish anything. and if they do accomplish anything, their resolution is only to raise taxes because they do not know how to create jobs. that is why this businessman came in and started working like a businessman, because washington, d.c. is a business, and people are sick and tired of the waste and the bloat in washington, d.c.
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you know what the funny thing about this virus? none of them have lost their jobs. this is also not a pandemic. the radical left trying to create a crisis, one after another. if this doesn't work, let's create another one. under h1n1 there was no panic. 60,000 people got this flu. the left can create drama and theatrics, but people in the real world look at things from a budget perspective -- or most people do. i am a fiscal conservative and all i care about is they stop wasting money. this is the best president in my entire lifetime. ne is accomplishing more tha anybody in my lifetime.
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--t: darlene, supervile, darlene super ville from your reporting on the economy, what have you found? guest: i said before to a previous caller, the economy was doing well for the past couple of years. it was one of the issues where the president got some of his highest marks in terms of public polling, and people always gave him high marks for his handling of the economy even when his approval rating never cracked the 50% mark. what you have now is a situation where the pandemic came in, the virus came here, people were getting sick and dying. the president and governors around the country made the decision to shut down restaurants and amusement parks
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and theaters and those kinds of places where people would congregate, in terms of trying to focus the virus, and that knocked the economy off the trajectory it has been on. it was an issue the president was hoping he would be able to ride to reelection on, and that is looking less likely now because of the current state of the economy and the state of the virus. "washingtonall post" has done fact-check on the president trump took over. first -- besta's year was one unemployment was 3.1%. trumps achievement is just short of that in his best year, 2018. they say larry kudlow's claims that the economy was on the
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front end of a recession isn't supported by the facts. surveyed, onlys 8% were predicting a recession in 2017 and their consensus prediction was growth would accelerate to 2.2% in 2017. jc in california, republican, good morning. probably -- us in in california? caller: i am still here. i am very much for trump, because he was able to stop all these illegals that came in from caravans from the latin countries from the mexican cartel that paid them $5,000. if they can pay $5,000 to the cartel, they can open a business in their country. there was an attorney from pasadena, california that made an announcement on the spanish
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station, any children born in the united states are entitled to welfare. we have our own people, especially our service people, that are homeless, that don't have no clothing, that are californiaven in which is supposed to be a rich city, we have a lot of homeless and i feed them. i think we should look after our people before we take care of these other people who stole children to take them across because we accept children. the cartel advised them to come. i speak their language and i can see how they tried to get into our country. we have to support them, in other words. host: let's talk about immigration as a campaign issue. guest: what you're caller described sounds very much like the president's america first policy, take care of america and
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americans first. immigration was central to the president's campaign in 2016. when he announced he was running for president, he came out with comments about immigration and mexicans that were not positive, and it is an initiative he has worked on since taking office, starting with a ban on people from several muslim countries, changes to immigration law, and not just illegal immigration but legal. we have heard the president -- we will hear the president talk about some of that tonight. one thing the president would do in a speech like that is due a four years and review of his accomplishments and promises he has made and capped. another -- kept. another aspect is the forward-looking aspect, what
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what i do with four more years if you give me four more years? he will talk about immigration, what he has done on that front, and what more he hopes to do if he is given a second term. host: the republican national convention getting underway at 8:30 eastern time and you can watch on c-span. is the whiteville house reporter for the associated press. next, we will talk about women for trump with the women for trump pac cofounder amy kremer who will talk about female voters, and later, steve the final dayss until the election day 2020. ♪
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accomplish these great things and so much more. all we need to do is start believing in ourselves and in our country again. start believing. is the finalnight night of the republican national convention. president trump will deliver his acceptance speech with speeches by rudy giuliani, a ivanka trump and mitch mcconnell. live the convention beginning at 8:30 eastern on c-span. listen with the c-span radio app, live streaming on --o our news leader newsletter offers a synopsis. sign up as 6:00 eastern for
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president trump's acceptance speech from the 2016 republican convention. american history tv. exploring the people and events that tell the american story every weekend. , we mark this weekend the 57th anniversary of the march on washington with the nbc news broadcast the american revolution of 1963 which aired less than one week after the august 30, 1963 march and dr. martin luther king jr.'s speech. on sunday at 2:30, a book, "screening reality," exploring the history of nonfiction films in television from late 19th century thomas edison films to 21st century reality tv. at 4:00 on railamerica, two programs on civil rights leaders
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starting with james baldwin in 1986 on racism in america. 1992 american profile interview with shirley chisholm. look at women in congress with a house of representatives historian using artifacts and photographs from the election of jeanette rankin in 1917 to stories about lindy boggs. watch american history tv this weekend on c-span3. washington journal continues. host: amy kremer is the cofounder and chair of women for trump pac. what is the goal of the group and how many members do you have? guest: we support president trump and america first agenda.
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we have supporters all across the country. i would say that there are millions of women that support this president. host: how are you helping the campaign? guest: we are completely separate from the campaign. what we have been doing before campaign season started his we have been out there talking to women, educating them on the issues, and working with women to start groups in their area so they can get together with other trump supporters and talking to them and teaching them how to talk about the issues so that they are able to reach other voters and let them know what the president has done for women and for all americans. women, itjust about is about what he has done for all americans. host: what is his record on women's issues? guest: i think he has been great for women. created 4.3, he has
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million jobs for women. the lowest unemployment rate for women since rosie the riveter. the child care tax credit doubled. there is a number of things. ivanka has pushed on the childcare development fund that was increased by $2.4 billion. i'm sorry, i don't want to quote the wrong numbers. they have really done a lot for women. been theally has untold story and i think it is because she is a mother and she understands what working women are going through in these times and so she has been pushing this and she has been out there advocating not just from others, but women around the world. she is one of the untold stories of this administration. according to a poll, the former vice president joe biden leads among women by 15%.
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a softball shows the former vice president leading president trump among women by 12%. how do you explain the gaps? polls set in 2016 that hillary was going to win. i think what matters is on election day. that is the poll that matters. as we saw in 2016 as people were hesitant to admit they supported president trump. i think that we have more of the same now especially because of the fear of backlash that you knowget if you let anybody that you support this president. -- women like to be part of they like their doctor. -- they like their tribe. i know there are women that do not let on that they support the president for fear of the soccer moms or the cheerleading moms, they don't want to be outcast.
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they keep their mouth shut. i have talked to women who have pretended not to support him, that are not just neutral, but have said that they support biden or hillary, they voted for hillary when in fact, that is not the truth but they want to be accepted. i think what matters is what happens on election day and i think that we will see that women support him overwhelmingly because his policies are good for women and their families just like they are good for all americans. host: the wall street journal has a makeup of the gop party. these are registered republican overwhelmingly white and the majority are male. what has the president done or should do to appeal to more female voters? guest: number one, as i have crossed the country talking to twon from coast-to-coast,
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things that i hear all the time, number one, why women like the president is because he fights. he is a fighter and he fights back and they like that because they feel like he is going to fight for them and their families. number two is promises made, promises kept. everything the president has done should be no surprise because he told us he was going to do what he has done. the surprise is he has done it. most politicians do not. that means a lot to women because as human beings we want people to follow through on their word. when you have a president that is doing exactly what he said he is going to do, that goes a long way. after that, women are concerned about national security. they want their country, their homes, their community safe. they want to know their families are safe. and then you talk about jobs and the economy, healthcare, education. i don't think needs to go out there per se and cater to women. he needs to focus on the issues
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that he has focused on. national security, jobs, education, healthcare. i think women will support him again because women want their families to be safe and healthy. they want to be able to put food on the table and ultimately that is what they vote on. host: for viewers who think amy sheer looks familiar, founded the tea party patriots in 2009 and has been on my program -- our program many times. she is here to take your phone calls this morning. if you are a republican, (202) 748-8001. democrats, (202) 748-8000. , (202) 748-8002. also text us at (202) 748-8003. nightrst lady the other defending her husband, the president. [video clip] >> just as you are fighting for
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your families, my husband and the people in this administration are fighting for you. no matter the amount of negative or false media headlines or attacks from the other side, donald trump has not and will not lose focus on you. he loves this country and he knows how to get things done. as we have learned over the past five years, he is not a traditional politician. he does not just speak words. he demands action and he gets results. the future of our country has always been very important to him and it is something that i have always admired. host: amy kremer says the sheident -- amy kremer, says the president is not a traditional politician. how do you respond to people who are concerned about his personal behavior?
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how he responds and his tone at times? have you had concerns about that? listen, style is not what matters to me. it is about substance, his actions. at the end of the day, that is what matters. of course there are times where i wish he did not tweet something or said something a different way. it is what it is. you cannot change that. what matters is his actions, his policies, and what he does for the american people. i think at the end of the day that for the people that are out there that are concerned about his style, they don't like things he says, they don't like the tweets, i think you have to look past that. there are people in all of our lives that we don't like the way they act or things they say but you have to understand that what matters at the end of the day is his policies. that is what he is going to be judged on in history is his
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policies and i think he has proven -- when we elected him in 2016, he had no record. he said, trust me. i think he said at some point, what the hell do you have to lose. america chose president trump. we voted for him and he won and he has been an amazing president. now he has a record to run on which is different than 2016. for those concerned about his style, i would say look at his actions, look at the substance and look at the results. one thing we know is he is a businessman. he is not a traditional politician. that is where i think he has really shined. he has exposed washington for the many empty suits that are there. they have to figure out all the time how to do this, how to do that. they talk about it for months on end and they never get anything done. donald trump is a man of action. he is a businessman. because of business, you have to
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be that way. he is results-oriented and that is what he is focused on. i would say to the people concerned about that, focused on the results, his actions and results because that is what matters. host: we will go to florida, maggie is watching, republican. welcome to the conversation. caller: good morning, thank you. i am thrilled with donald trump and his policies. and when therat obviouslychose this brain-injured joe biden, i was horrified. donald trump knows now what he is doing and he is a great leader. when they wered impeaching him.
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they were accusing him exactly of what joe biden is guilty of doing but nobody mentions it. host: amy kremer? guest: i have to agree with maggie. she is correct on that. he was acquitted in the u.s. senate for impeachment. listen, there has been so much that the obama administration -- the obama administration weaponized the federal government against their political opponents. not just with the nsa, the cia, the fbi and spying on the trump campaign, but go back to 2011, 2012 when the irs was targeting tea party groups. maggie that itth was a scam impeachment and i am happy with his policies and that is what matters and i think that is what he will be judged on on election day. host: linda is next in new
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jersey, democratic caller. caller: hi. i was a republican up until john mccain when he made the idiotic decision to pick sarah palin. trump has no policy. all he does is oppose what is protocol. that is all he has. he is a bully. he is an abuser of women and that is why women -- and he did not win the last election. 3 millioninton won by -- over 3 million votes. ago told a lie. this man has told lies 8327 times since he took office. he is a convicted criminal. as soon as he steps out of office, he will be going to jail in new york. he is impeached. maybe they have
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sucked up too much round up. host: let's let amy kremer respond. guest: i completely disagree with you. i think that right now you can see where president trump and the republicans have tried to work with the democrats on another package for covid, another stimulus package to help the american people and businesses and the democrats won't do it. donald trump does have policies. he has had a focus on national security, securing our borders, making sure americans are safe, rebuilding our military, creating jobs, getting the economy going. he pulled back all the regulations so that americans , no longer dependent on foreign oil. we are the number one energy
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exporter and that is the first time that we have been that in 70 years. additionally he has tried to work with republicans. he tried -- he got criminal justice reform through. he worked with countries on trade policy and he tried on immigration and infrastructure. like i said at the beginning, democrats don't want to work with him and i think it is because they don't want him to have another victory. you can say all you want that donald trump did not win in 2016. the fact of the matter is he did win, he is your president, he is not a criminal, he is not going to be indicted and i believe he is going to win again and we will have another four more years of president trump and that makes me very happy. host: bonnie, modesto, california, independent. caller: yes, hillary clinton did win but those votes did not count because of electoral college. he is the biggest liar out
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there. he is killing people with his covid theories. i don't know why or who you are so, i mean, i disagree with you. can todone everything he help the american people -- when this covid came about, he shut down the borders, he stopped travel from china but even before that, one of the things we have learned throughout this pandemic is that we have been too dependent on other countries for stuff that we need, medicines, medical supplies, that he already knew that. he knew that we needed to bring manufacturing back to america and so he was pushing to redo trade policy, to get rid of
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nafta. with that he has brought manufacturing back here. he has utilized both public and private sectors working together for equipment. he has sent many vessels to new york, to san diego for patients. he converted the javits center into a hospital. there is so much he has done. i understand this is a virus that is changing. the scientists -- we get new information all the time. i know we are all frustrated. but i believe the president has done what he can, absolutely what he can. joe biden s
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country will turn into if the democrats win this election. thank you so much, amy for all of your hard work for helping to get trump reelected. i will continue to pray for this country every single day and thank god for donald trump. mallory, can you tell us what your talk issues are? jobsr: my top issues are and immigration. another top issue is respecting our flag and the bible. our country was founded in christianity and it needs to be respected and maintained. host: ok. amy kremer? guest: first of all mallory, thank you for your call and congratulations on your first baby. i agree with mallory. i hear it all the time that people begrudgingly voted for donald trump and now they would fall over hot coals and broken glass to vote for this president and it is simply because of his
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policies and promises made and promises kept. he has done exactly what he said he was going to do. nobody wants to talk about what happened with nafta and joe biden voted for nafta and nafta was about outsourcing jobs -- sending jobs overseas for cheap labor. that cost us 850,000 jobs. president trump has renegotiated and got the usmca with mexico and canada. he has worked on other trade deals and the fact of the matter is he is about free trade, but it has to be free and fair trade and it was not fair trade. the americas -- the americans were at a disadvantage. thelly someone has given forgotten man and woman out there a voice and he is fighting for them. that is what people see, that is his record now. it is not just rhetoric, it is
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his record. i don't know how joe biden competes with that. i can tell you there have been a number of times that we have done events across the country where you ask people how many of you in this room are democrats, one third to one half of the room will raise their hand that they are former democrats. she not surprised at how feels. a lot of people feel that way. california, in democratic caller. caller: hi. i am ardently against donald trump. i don't see how he can be for women when he is not for families. he is not for families because he is destroying the planet. he is leading us toward a plastic -- a path of your revocable climate change which revocableus -- your change.ocable climate he has deregulated regulations on the books that are really going to cause our children all
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kinds of poisoning and problems in the water. just on that alone and on the coronavirus, i would like to say it is like a fire that you have to stop completely for it will keep destroying the economy. stopped -- he has one of the worst records in the world. the way the u.s. has conducted its contact tracing and the way that we are doing our testing is an embarrassment to the world. me add tokremer, let her remarks with some news. new weekly claims for unemployment benefits. week,y one million last the labor department reported today falling slightly but remaining in those figures for the second straight week. go ahead. guest: i would just say to that, she is talking about coronavirus and him destroying the economy. joe biden just said this past week that he would shut down the economy again.
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donald trump is not going to do that. we cannot afford for our economy to be totally shut down. we cannot afford it. american families cannot afford it. there are repercussions when they shut down the economy. that is not going to happen. i completely disagree about him destroying the climate. you can say that but the fact of the matter is that china has more pollution than we do. there are other countries, india, that create more pollution than we do. maybe turn your focus there and look at the good things that president trump is doing for this country and that he is finally putting americans first. host: stacy in baltimore, independent. caller: good morning and thank you for c-span. i have two questions. i am a 39-year-old millennial and my first question is for think the, why do you
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support for this president from black women is so low? is i wantond question your thoughts on voter suppression and i will take my questions off the air, thank you. so, i don't think -- first of all, i don't look at women through a color lens. i don't play into gender or identity politics whatsoever. i look at this president, i think what he cares about are the american people. it does not matter your gender, your color, your age. he cares about the american people. the only color he cares about is green, the american dollar. i think his policies are good for african-american women just like they are for hispanic women, white women. there is no way of knowing that until the polls, until election day when people go to the polls and cast their ballot.
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we have seen polling, that his numbers are way up with african americans. i would think that maybe african-american women see what he is doing for all women. there mayuppression, be voter suppression in some places. i live in georgia and stacey abrams kept saying voter suppression, voter suppression. actually there were more people that voted in 2018 than had ever voted before. it was just false. i believe every american should have the right to vote and should be able to go and cast their ballot. i think we should do it in person on election day if at all possible and every vote should count. lola, republican. caller: hi, amy and thank you so much for your stance. that was my main thing to let
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of know that i and so many us in america are so blessed that there are people with a myself, just to use the phrase that so many women -- i am blessed. have the promise of god for 70 years if we are obedient -- we have the promise of god for 70 years if we are obedient. as far as joe biden's thing of build back better, well, i guess you will have to build back better and since they are allowing all of the destruction of these cities. that is a good thing, but how about stopping it and build back better on what we have instead of allowing it to burn to the ground. people losing their businesses. like i said, i have raised six children. i am a widow and i have to watch
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out. i have nine grandchildren, two great grandbabies. i am the poorest rich person that walks this earth admittedly. i ampoor in finances, but so blessed of god who promises us those blessings. the bible says you will know the truth and the truth will set you three and that is what we better be thinking -- the truth will set you free. woe unto these people who keep killing our babies. i am telling you, god will judge america for the destruction of our innocent. god bless you, amy and march on, girl. guest: thank you so much. i would say to all of us, it is the greatest gift i have ever received in my life besides life is my american citizenship. thanks mom and dad. we are blessed to be americans and this is the greatest nation on earth and it is sad to see what is going on in these
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democratic cities across the country and that nothing is being done about it. i believe last night at portland was the 92nd night that they had riots and protesting. it is not even protesting. i got my start in politics in the he party movement. never once did we have anything like this at a tea party protest. we never had fires, we never had somebody die, people injured. it was peaceful protests. what is going on across the country is not peaceful protesting. it was really disappointing last week to not hear the democrats address it whatsoever. it is really disappointing. i think the american people realize that. i think the american people want law and order and that is one of the things that is full -- president focused on his law and order and respecting our police and standing behind them and we cannot afford to lose the police. it was really interesting, two
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nights ago i believe in kenosha, some of the same people that are marching, protesting, writing saying defund the police -- rioting, then when the shootings happened what did they do? call the police. are not there, they are not going to come. i think we need them and we should respect them. when i was growing up my mom and dad taught me that when the police tell you to do something, you do it. you do not disrespect them, you do what they ask you to do and you should not have any problems. do you denounce vigilante groups coming into these protests? guest: i do. it should be handled by the government there, the mayor of the state. it needs to be handled and it has gotten totally out of control.
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it is sad what has happened in all these cities and then to have these shootings in kenosha where people died, it is just unacceptable and something needs to be done about it. again, that goes to the local authorities. they are the ones that actually are responsible for keeping law and order in their state, whether it is the mayor or the governor, they need to work together. we are not seeing that happen and it is unfortunate because at the same time that you want to protect american citizens right to protest, there is also american citizens that deserve to be safe, that deserve not to have their businesses destroyed, looted, burned to the ground. people that have put their whole lives into businesses. look at new york city, how many people left new york city, the businesses that have closed down. that was the greatest city in this country and now it is completely different. i don't know how new york recovers. but i think you lay that at the
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feet of mayor de blasio and cuomo. there's nobody else responsible for that. these mayors and these governors need to step up and protect the cities and do what they need to do to make sure that all americans, not just the ones protesting, but the ones that own businesses, the ones that live there are safe as well. host: amy kremer, thank you for the conversation this morning. guest: thank you for having me. next, trump 2020 campaign senior advisor steve cortes. he will discuss the final night of the republican national convention and what comes next for the trump campaign. ♪
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>> book tv on c-span2 has top nonfiction books and authors every weekend. saturday at 8:00 eastern, watch programs with a late author whose books include, "no one left to lie to," and the trial of henry kissinger. on sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern, professor edward ball on his plasma."fe of a an authorrviewed by and georgetown university professor of law, civil rights and social justice. susanen at 10:00 p.m., eisenhower examines the leadership of her grandfather, president dwight eisenhower and the important decisions he made during presidency. watch book tv this weekend on c-span2. ♪
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>> friday, live coverage of a march at the lincoln memorial to protest police brutality organized by al sharpton. it commemorates the 57th anniversary of the march on washington with remarks from family members of several minimim women killed by law enforcement including george floyd, breonna taylor, and eric garner. 11:00overage begins at a.m. eastern on c-span and or listen with the free c-span radio app. ♪ >> you are watching c-span, your unfiltered view of government created by america's television company as a public service and brought to you today by your television provider. >> washington journal continues. host: steve cortes is with us. he is a senior advisor with the
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trump 2020 campaign. let's begin with tonight's speech. knowsll street journal hurricane laura is taking aim at the gulf coast. category four on track to surpass trina. any plans for the president to adjust because of this hurricane? guest: there are no plans presently but clearly he is the president before he is a candidate for reelection in this country and he will take duty to be his primary responsibility. as far as what is going on in the bama and more importantly ,han that -- in the gulf encouraging anybody in harms way to get out of harm's way. to answer your question, as of right now there are no changes. he is first and foremost, the commander-in-chief of this country and if plans need to be changed, they will. host: what can we expect tonight? guest: i think we will get an
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aspirational look at what can be done in this country, what has been done economically amount what is happening right now regarding the economic renaissance in america. we know we have a lot of hard work to do but there are very real reasons and data points that suggest that the economic rebuild of our country has commenced and has accelerated. 20/20 is a very unusual year in a very ways -- 2020 is unusual year. that includes those of us in politics. i believe the vote will be decided largely on the basis that it normally is. i mean citizens will say which candidate can make me personally and the country collectively more prosperous in the years ahead. president trump is going to focus on that economic message, about vitality, renewal and rebuilding. he will make the case that he has a track record for creating conditions of prosperity in this country looking backward and
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forward into a second term. host: if you look at recent polls, it shows the president trailing the former vice president by as much as 10%. or what dor strategy your polls show if they don't reflect that number and what is your strategy to overcome that gap? guest: i think this is important. we pay attention to polls. but they are not our northstar. they don't decide every bit of nottegy and the white house decide policy on the basis of polls. i think that trends are important. it is one barometer that we consider. the trends are friendly for the president. we have seen a tightening of polls when we look at battleground states. i will also tell you i was involved in the 2016 campaign. i worked for trunk then. the private citizen candidate trump. i heard a lot of naysayers and critics tell us the polls
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suggested a blow out in favor of hillary clinton. that did not happen. i will tell you that to some degree i hope there is complacency on the other side. i hope they believe they have this sewn up. we don't see it that way. one poll i will cite is the economists poll that came out yesterday. that showed the approval-disapproval rating for the president. i am not cherry picking the polls to make the president look good because he is still at a negative deficit meaning according to the economists, there are more people who disapprove than approve. that differential narrowed from 12 points all the weight -- all the way to six. a6-point move in a poll like that is a big deal. -- a 6 point move is a big deal. if you look at the data on the issue of the economy which i believe is going to be the primary decision-maker for most americans. on the issue of the economy, the president enjoys a 13% positive differential, meaning 30% more of americans approve of his job
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on the economy versus disapprove. i really believe that come decision time, i believe that will be the primary driver of people's votes. president's votes among those who voted for him in 2016 remain strong. how will he reach out to groups on the fence? what are those groups? which voters are you looking at? guest: a great question. the enthusiasm among trump supporters is unsurpassed. we have never seen anything like it in politics. there is an enormous gap between the enthusiasm of our supporters for the president versus the enthusiasm of vice president biden's supporters. even though people who tell us they are going to vote for him are not enthusiastic. they are not committed. to answer your question about new voters and who do we reach, who is persuadable.
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i am hispanic and i believe hispanics are the key to victory in many ways. they were in 2016. we got when he 9% of the hispanic vote according to cnn polling. -- we got 29% of the hispanic vote. i believe right now when i look at the public polling and private polling, we are trending right above 40% approval for president trump among hispanics. i want to do better than that. i want to win the hispanic vote. that is my goal. 40% a number around probably makes the electoral map prohibitive for the democrats because a 40% hispanic number for president trump probably wraps up places like arizona and florida in our column and probably puts in place states we did not get last time like nevada and new mexico. when i look at hispanics and when i talk to them and analyze the polling data on the hispanic community, like other americans,
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i think their primary concern is the economy, vitality of this country. they know how well we did in the first three years of the trump presidency before the entire globe was halted i the wuhan -- was halted by the wuhan virus. the economic data -- i spent 25 years on wall street before i got full time into this career in politics. i watch the data closely. the economic data over the last few weeks is pretty astounding. it tells us that the great american rebuild has commenced and i believe it will accelerate into a second trumpet term. i believe that promise is part of winning over hispanic votes. we are doing very well in polls but not going to be complacent. we are going to work and grind to earn every single vote. i think the most persuadable and the biggest new group that can be won over by the president is hispanic america. host: also the president
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declining among female voters. can he win in november without improving those numbers? guest: i think we need to do well among women, clearly. particularly among suburban women. there is reason polling that is encouraging. reutersst put out -- polling, there was no considerable bounds for the convention. despite an entire week of coverage and attention from the corporate media for the democrats, there was no convention bounds which is historically typical of the convention. in that same poll it showed us that suburban voters, we actually gained 4% among suburban voters during their convention. i believe that suburban women are understandably very concerned about law and order
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and the rule of law in this country as we have seen too many cities led by liberal democratic mayors. places like portland and minneapolis and chicago. too many of those cities have descended into chaos. a lot of women, particularly suburban women will make the very rational case that even if they don't necessarily embrace all of the america first agenda, even if they don't love president trump, that they realize that he has earned the endorsement of countless police organizations all over the country. we saw one of them speak right -- last night at the republican national convention. the largest organization that has endorsed our campaign. dozens of these organizations. i suspect and hope and believe that those endorsements are going to earn the support of a lot of american women. host: in georgia, republican caller. caller: how are you all doing this morning? host: good morning. caller: i hear all the time
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about trump's lies. beau biden said he would not waste taxes on anyone making less than $400,000. i have friends that make 75,000 dollars per year with three or four kids and they got a $100 tax cut and biden says he will get rid of that. to me, that is raising taxes on people making less than $400,000. so biden is the big liar, not trump. host: i'm sorry, i thought he was done. he is asking you to comment. guest: you are a wise man and you are exactly right. 82% of americans got a tax cut under president trump tax reform. joe biden is going to take away all of those cuts and then some. we know that 82% of americans are going to pay more. and he says nobody under $400,000 income will see an increase, that is a lie. you don't have to take my word
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for it. the school of business at the university of pennsylvania, not a place that is known as a right-wing institution, it did an analysis on his tax proposals and said that every single quintile, meaning every fifth of an income pie will see increase. those in the top tier will see the biggest increase but even the bottom fifth will see an tax -- will see a tax increase. that is according to the school of business at the university of pennsylvania. host: in michigan, democratic caller. about jamescalling and you had a senator from south carolina. they gave the same speech that they gave during the 2020 election. --n james gave the same sick same speech in 2016 and president trump supported him. ?hy can't they get new writers
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they are just plagiarizing the same speech. the same thing as melania trump. -- that hepanics looks out for them. there are a lot of mexican children still in cages. i don't understand how you say he is going to get the mexican vote. he has discouraged any allies with other countries. host: ok, steve cortes? guest: first i would say regarding hispanics, the president is prioritizing american citizens regardless of their color. we don't care if they are black, brown, white or purple. we want to defend american citizens first. a big part of that is securing the border because it makes ande for economic, national health in our country. i would also say that those who suffer the most from tolerating border tend to be
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minority americans. it is hispanics and blacks who have to compete in the labor market against illegal immigrant labor. if you look at the commonality of illegal aliens, and i am not saying that all illegals have criminal motives, but some clearly are. if you look at the criminality of bruce like ms 13 and read the horrific stories about their rhymes, the victims are almost always hispanic american. it is not just a good idea for white americans, it is a good idea for americans period. if you have a problem with the speeches, you have to talk to the speechwriters. obviously, it is not plagiarizing to you if it is your own words. but regarding the first lady, i thought her address two nights ago was wonderful. she is a woman of unbelievable elegance and charm and grace in a terrific setting at the rose garden. i thought it was in the
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aspirational speech and she reached out in a way that i think was healing and inspiring. as a trump campaign operative, i am of the view that the more we see of melania trump, the better we will do as a campaign. host: why is that? what are her poll numbers like? guest: her poll numbers are terrific. we often see this from people who are not politicians themselves. a similar phenomenon with michelle obama because they don't have to get into the rough-and-tumble of politics and partisan politics. they obviously have a close connection to politics. i think she is an extremely likable character. she is someone who resonates with the american people. she is an illegal -- she is a legal immigrant to this country. there is a lot about her that the people find very compelling. ishope and my expectation that the more we see of her, the better the campaign does.
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host: where will the first lady campaign after this weeks convention and where will the president be campaigning? guest: i cannot get into future plans beyond this week. i can tell you that the president is going on friday to new hampshire, a state that we think we can win this time. it is important. i will point out that the president is traveling. he knows that he can travel safely. a lot of us are traveling safely around the country right now. a lot of folks are physically going to work on a essential workers. you know who was not traveling? joe biden. he is not left the state of delaware and claims he is not going to. i will also point out the contrast versus his own running mate. kamala harris is coming to washington dc. i am speaking to you just outside the nation's capital. kamala harris is coming to washington dc to give a speech. .he will give a pre-buttal i say to that, bring it on.
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it is fair play. the president went to vice president biden's hometown on thursday when biden got discrimination. kamala harris wants to come to washington to try to get some president's the temporary hometown of washington dc, fine. i want to point out the contrast. kamala harris is traveling. joe biden is not. number one, why isn't biden giving a speech number two, why is it safe for kamala harris to travel but not for joe biden? where is joe? host: we are covering both of those events that you mentioned on c-span, on our website, or you can download the free radio app. we are also covering the campaign event in new hampshire on friday. 6:00 p.m. eastern time. also right here on c-span and on the website and with our free c-span radio app. sean in baltimore, independent, you are next.
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caller: good day to you all. i am a 39-year-old black man. i really don't support trump, i just want to say the media makes him out to seem like a really bad guy. he is not as bad as the media same.him trump is not as bad as the media makes him same. i was not a big time trump support effort. i really despised him at first. but i have grown to see that he has actually done some good things. host: what are the good things that come to mind? well, the things he has done for hbcus, i have to admit, that was pretty good.
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he is for law and order. and also, the tax cut. i hated that at first. i have to admit, i have benefited from that. he also has shown me that the democrat party, they don't care about black people. they really don't. as a matter of fact, i won't ever vote democrat unless the democrats can raise john f. kennedy from the grave. i'm trying to figure out if i am going to vote for trump. i am not there yet. there are a lot of things that he would do that i don't like. the same with republicans. rtesst want to let mr. co know that he and the trump campaign are not as bad as the left say they are. i actually think you more that he might get more -- think he might get more of the black vote this time. host: steve cortes, how do you
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convince sean? guest: it sounds like you are close. i want to persuade you to get into our camp. first of all, the democratic party does take voters of color for granted. they believe they are entitled to black votes and hispanic votes. that is not the case. ,oe biden even insulted callously insulted blacks by saying if you don't vote for me, you are not black. essentially saying, you don't have agency. i only view you skin deep rather than viewing you as a citizen of this country with a mind of his or her own. we will not treat you that way. i understand you saying you don't love everything about donald trump. you are not ready to take the leap to vote for him. i would like to convince you that our policies at the trumpet administration have been -- trump administration have been terrific.
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m was haltedump boo by the wuhan virus. the very people who lag behind during the obama years became the biggest gainers in terms of income growth in this country, hispanics and blacks in america. we are starting to do that again. this economic rebuilding is rewarding working class americans, prioritizing working americans, many of black and brown who have lost their jobs because those like joe biden insisted on exporting jobs overseas, particularly to china. nafta,wful trade deals, the inclusion of china into the wto. they did real economic violence to manufacturing in a lot of cities in this country and minorities suffered particularly. i would also try to convince you that when it comes down to it, even if you don't love donald trump, this is not a referendum up or down on trump him a it is a binary trump -- binary choice
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of either trump or biden. i would hope that i could convince you that donald trump is your affirmative troth -- affirmative choice. the reality is, even if you don't love donald trump as an individual, i would hope that you see it as a binary choice. it is either biden who has been in 1972dinosaur elected to the u.s. senate, the year i was born. i am not a young man. i have adult children. i was in diapers when joe biden was elected in 1972. the choice is between a swamp dinosaur who was corrupted, a globalist believes in exporting jobs all over the world or donald trump who believes in american economic nationalism. i would encourage anyone on the fence to watch his address tonight from the white house. watch it here on c-span so you don't have to be interrupted. all of the other networks, i give congratulations to c-span2
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.howing uninterrupted coverage with an open mind, i invite you to ask -- watch the president. host: we will show you the convention in its entirety as we did for the democratic national committee and and this week with the republican national convention. when it concludes, we will open the phone lines and get your reaction to what you heard. republican,icut, hi, dave. caller: good morning. i am a middle-aged pro-life veteran trump supporter. last night was a reminder that trump stands for law and order. i was excited to hear ivanka tonight. i want to hear what you have to say about trenton being an result -- a result-oriented fighter and i will take my answer off the air. host: steve cortes? guest: i think you are exactly right. the president is a fighter.
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sometimes his pugnacious nature does get him into trouble. i think on the whole the american people realize that we needed a fighter, that washington, dc, the entire system of the beltway existed forth own benefit to the detriment of working-class -- for its own benefit to the detriment of the working-class and it took someone from outside the realm of politics to smash the system. the job is not done. i think we need another trump term to solidify the republican party as a party of workers. we are also a party of life and i'm glad you mentioned that. this convention has been unapologetic in its defense of life. last night there was a sister, colonel, ar, an army physician and a catholic nun. she spoke powerfully to the american people affirming a culture of life and saying that president trump has been the most pro-life president in
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american history and the contrast is important. if you contrast that with biden and harris, and joe biden used to be a centrist. used to be reasonable on a lot of issues including the life issue. he believes in abortion until the moment of birth. he and harris are the most radical anti-life ticket in the history of the democratic party. this is not your parents or your grandparents democratic party. this is not a party for workers, not a party for people of faith. they are not welcome in the 2020 democratic party. this is one of the reasons we are going to prevail. people of faith have been inspired by what president trump has done. they have been inspired by our focus on life issues during this convention. it is the right thing to do and it is also going to be politically successful for him -- for us come november. host: do you have enough voters to be successful when research
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finds more than one third of americans who identify as repubilcan do not agree with their party on a motion -- their party on a mobile agree with the democratic party on abortion and 23% who say they do not agree with either party. of these values voters are critical to us, specifically in the midwest states which are likely to determine the election outcome. vote16 52% of the catholic was republican. winnercs determine the of the presidential elections. we are pulling very well among evangelicals and catholics. i do believe the life issue is a winning issue. to connect it to hispanics. more pro-life17% than are white americans. i think the primary driver of
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voting will be the economy. clearly there are other issues that are important to different constituencies. when it comes to catholics in places like pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan. when it comes to hispanics i is theeing pro-life politically successful thing to do. host: we will hear from john and michigan, a democratic caller. caller: good morning. to say three things real quick and i will get off the air. , a couple of his statements are truly not true. for one, abortion. nixon andigned by confirmed by a republican supreme court. that is one. created by the republican party and passed by
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clinton. thatwas a republican bill republicans pushed all the way to his desk to get signed. two administrations -- three, what has trump done for hispanic voters in his first four years besides call them murderers, rapists, and everything like that? host: real quickly. number four, the russians. russia has become stronger. russia is doing things to our country and our soldiers that this president took an oath to protect. i serve this country for six years. this president is a disgrace. host: i want to jump in so steve can respond. abortion was never
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decided legislatively, it was decided by the supreme court back in 19 72. regarding nafta, there were a lot of republicans who push hard for nafta in the 90's. that is not the republican party of 2020 or the republican party of donald trump. part of why he got involved in not just democratic ideas but establishment republican ideas. a lot of republicans joined the democrats in selling out american workers for globalist policies like nafta. i will be the first to agree muchyou there, we ran as against the establishment republican party as we did against democrats. , to theback to today present tense in terms of what is president trump doing for hispanics in this country. he is doing this for working class people largely. what he is doing is creating
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conditions where working-class people can succeed. he is doing that by encouraging to haveenterprise regulatory relief. business can handle regulations effectively, big is in us is often write the regulations government places upon them. small enterprises have a tough time thriving and succeeding with burdensome regulation. we will continue that. the reason i mention that regarding hispanics, and our communities hispanics are consistently the most entrepreneurial demographic in american society. the easier you make things for entrepreneurs you will help americans, particularly hispanic americans. it's one of the reasons we are seeing polling numbers, hispanics shocked the world in 2015 with their support of president trump. we are seeing public polling as well as what we are doing
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privately, the campaign has showed us it's a little better than we did in 2016 and one of the biggest reasons is his encouragement of entrepreneurship and his creating of the conditions for enterprise for small businesses to succeed in this country. talking to you for our viewers. come back and do it again. guest: thank you. host: we will take a quick break. when we come back, your top issue in campaign 2020. we will get to that conversation in just a minute. ♪ >> we can accomplish these great things and so much more. is started to do believing in ourselves and in our country again, start believing. >> tonight is the final night of the republican national convention. donald trump will deliver his
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acceptance speech with introduction speeches by rudy giuliani, ivanka trump, and mitch mcconnell. watch the republican national convention live beginning at 8:30 p.m. eastern. listen with the c-span radio app. ate streaming and on-demand our email newsletter offers a synopsis of the day's key events. before the convention's evening session, watch c-span at 6:00 for president trump's acceptance speech from the 2016 republican national convention. washington journal continues. host: we are opening up the phone lines to get your top issues in campaign 2020. if you are supporting the president dial in at (202) 748-8001. if you are supporting joe biden (202) 748-8000. if you are undecided or a third-party candidate supporter (202) 748-8002.
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we will get to your calls in just a moment. isning us on the phone republican mike johnson, a representative from the louisiana who represents the shreveport area of louisiana. you are expecting to be in washington for the president's speech but you are staying there because of the hurricane, what is the latest on the ground? congressman? are you there? congressman, are you there? rep. johnson: can you hear me? host: we have you now. louisiana,n there in what is the latest on the ground? rep. johnson: you may be able to hear the heavy winds in the background through the window. we are pretty safe in the distant -- this is a historic event for us. we are told that it is tied for the worst hurricane that has
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ever hit our state in recorded history. it's pretty massive, the damage is widespread. we don't have many fatalities, if any yet area -- if any yet. this is a big one. we prepared as best we could, but there will be damage and things to recover from for quite some time. host: how is the district responding? rep. johnson: what i always say about folks in louisiana is we are a tough and resilient people and we do disaster recovery well. one is extraordinary. we had calls with fema and the national hurricane center and they projected yesterday that we would have thousands of homes and businesses destroyed in our area by today, because they were measuring waves as high as 40 in the gulf and massive wind and rain. hotels were set up statewide to
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accommodate the evacuees and we have done about as well as we could. fema has worked to deliver resources and emergency response teams, search and rescue, power restoration resources. we are looking at power outages exceeding 90% for about a third of the state land areas. it is a broad event. i am in the northwest corner of the state, my district runs north and south along the west border of the state area my home is in benton, louisiana almost on the arkansas state line. we have wind bending the tree in half. it will be still going on for some time. host: have most people listened and evacuated? rep. johnson: yes. i would say federal, state, and local officials all did a great job communicating and coordinating the necessity of evacuating. we are accustomed to storm
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warnings and we see them on the coastal areas and sometimes people have a tendency to brush them off. when we heard this would be the scope of katrina and rita it got everyone's attention. i think most people got out of harms way and that accounts for the lack of fatalities we have been blessed to have so far. host: what is the plan to keep those that have evacuated safe from the pandemic and spreading the coronavirus? rep. johnson: it's been a real challenge. on one conference call yesterday we asked to the fema director and the other personnel on the phone, if needed, could we have congregant shelters? that's what we are typically accustomed to having, you have large gymnasiums set up to accommodate big groups of people. we did not do that this time largely because of covid and the precautions needed there securing hotel rooms across the
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region that were out of harms way. so far it seems that has done the trick. they are prepared to open congregant shelters if needed, but so far we are hoping to avoid that. host: what are the plans for fema after the storm is over to come in? what sort of resources are they planning to put in place, and money, etc.? we are grateful the president early on declared a disaster, that helps us assist with getting the necessary resources we will need from the federal government and elsewhere. fema has done a good job. they have coordinated with the people on the ground. has all beentance essential parts of response to an event of this scope area they have worked -- they worked in advance. yesterday they brought half a
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million meals and bottles of water to many areas in proximity of the storm. those things are being moved around. the sun has cup here -- the sun has come up here about half an hour ago, we are assessing damage throughout the remainder of the day. host: how are you able to talk to us during the storm? rep. johnson: we will be traveling the district today, but what we do in louisiana pretty well is we know how to handle these storms because we are accustomed to them. my wife and four children are here, my daughters came from college to hunker down together. it looks like we will get through with some downed power lines and trees but without a lot of loss in our district. appreciate your time talking to us and giving us the latest. stay safe.
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let's turn our attention to campaign 2020. your top issue for this race. tara has been waiting out of ohio, and independent. go ahead. caller: good morning. first i would like to thank you for the previous speakers you had on. asa woman who identifies pro-choice, catholic, hispanic, i feel that the trump campaign is trying to reach out to voters like me, but it also feels like they are talking out of both sides of their mouth. they say they want hispanic voters, but then they vilify the way that my family came here through family-based immigration. literal campaign ads where they call it chain migration and refer to it as if it is a bogeyman scheme. i look at the families at the border, the assignment seekers -- asylum-seekers that are here with legitimate concerns fleeing violence and they are told they cannot come in.
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they say we are the greatest country on earth, yet we don't allow people who have a right to be here to be people. the people who got here we criticize the way they got here, and for me i cannot in good faith vote for trump. i wish him all the best, i wish they could work on their strategizing, because it really turns off voters like me. host: byron in cleveland, tennessee. a republican. your top issue in this campaign? caller: good morning. the were talking about suburban women, how they can change their vote. the democrat party uses strategy use forertisers advertising on tv. the tv there. what they are doing is choosing
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the women, probably 80% of the time for those ads, the democratic party using the same strategy for women. --t i think -- they need to kind of -- get the people to understand that these are advertisements and they need to think for themselves. it's why men have been targeted -- people that need to be eliminated. it bothers me that they would use a strategy such as the advertisements are to target a certain group of people to believe in their campaign. that is kind of a form of socialism and communism in my opinion.
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byron.k, more calls coming up on your top issues for campaign 2020. another congressman joining us on the phone. randy weber who represents the 14th district in the galveston area -- 14th district of texas. i want to show our viewers where galveston his on the golf. -- gulf. we were talking to mike johnson from the shreveport area. us --ssman weber, show what has been the impact of this hurricane? rep. weber: it has not been so terribly bad in texas as it has been in louisiana. louisiana -- my district is the first three coastal county starting at the .ouisiana border right now from all the reports,
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i have been reaching out to different people in different counties, that we hear is that there are 46,000 customers without power. there are downed power lines. no flooding, to date that we are aware of. zerodistrict was ground for harvey flooding in 2017, man did we have flooding on hurricane harvey. texas has fared pretty well. we dodged a bullet. we are very grateful for that and we reached out to our friends in louisiana to see if we could help those congressional districts and offices. we know that some of the power companies trucks and trues are headed that way to help them get back on their feet. all in all in texas we are fortunate. no flooding that we are aware of. just a lot of what will soon be hot, sweaty people with a power outage at home.
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host: do you know how long the power will stay out? rep. weber: it depends on each individual location. if it's simply a tree on the line but did not do damage -- if it kicked the breaker or took a transformer off-line they will get that straightened up and get the breaker reset. -- i'd like for people to be home so they can make sure everything is safe with their house. we don't like to turn power on to -- so they would not just open up a gas line and somebody has a stove or burner open in the house -- they would like for the people to be home -- we have been through a lot of hurricanes on the gulf coast. stuff were poles and power lines or it blew out transformers, that might take longer. you hear from
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your phone call with those officials from louisiana about what they need? and explain how the federal government will respond versus state and local resources. rep. weber: i can't speak for the louisiana government. i have been on more conference calls because of the pandemic in the last four or five months to than the previous 66 years of my life our coordination has gotten really good. in texas the past three or four days we were on conference calls from the texas department of emergency management with the governor's office, with fema, with the counties, the mayors, some mayors and county officials. life, but record you we have a record of being very responsive because we get so many hurricanes on the gulf coast. i was thrilled that fema was already on board.
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the governor has already given disaster declarations and counties in the president was on standby. i was really impressed to see national, state, and local coordination, all these conference calls and zoom calls, whatever platform you use, has gotten us to where we can coordinate, communicate, and all come together as quickly as possible. i think louisiana is probably in the same boat because they have experienced a lot of hurricane as well. in a lot of districts you will see the coordination and the help flowing their way. in texas, when we had hurricane harvey, louisiana came to our aid and they sent people here left and right. the state of texas will reciprocate and the federal government is on standby to help.
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i am impressed at the coordination and the preparation that has really gotten good. we appreciate your time this morning. rep. weber: back to our calls with all of you on campaign 2020. vivian -- host: how do you plan to vote and what is motivating you to vote? caller: i am voting democratic for joe biden. i just got done talking to my grandson down there near new orleans. it did not hit them bad. i just got off the line with him. host: good! caller: back to what i was saying. the republicans did not mention all that was going on at these protests. there were white people out there and they showed up in different cities hoping for
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violence for someone to shoot. it wasn't just hispanic and black people, there were white people out there too. there were good people out there protesting for all this injustice we have with these police departments. they did not mention that that white boy killed two black people and shot another one at the protest another -- the other night. they did not mention that. they did not mention that people are dying every day because of trump. i can't see how the women stood up there and defended him when there are children in cages. i don't understand this country. host: vivian, democratic voter. stewart in california, and independent. how do you plan to vote, do you know? becauseprobably biden of the way the coronavirus has been handled. secondly, i am tired of the daily drama. host: how did you vote in 2016?
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caller: reluctantly i held my nose and voted for hillary. were you then willing to give the president a chance? caller: i liked the idea of having a businessman run the country, because i think there is a lot of change that needs to happen as far as all the policies over the year and stuff like that. obviously the reason i did not vote for him was because he went bankrupt six times and that was like he is probably going to do that with this country. host: john from abilene, texas. a republican. what are your top issues? and mike love trump pence. i think they have done a wonderful job. hands tiedrump's
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behind his back. what's incredible to me is they will take back the house, keep the senate, and win the presidency, and just imagine what he can do when he doesn't have all them distractions. there forgod put him such a time as this. we need him back in there again and we need to win the house. for that lady that was talking about the hispanics and the white people out there. and are run by antifa supported by the democrats. host: steve sends us this tweet saying, if your top issue isn't the pandemic and donald trump's failure to protect you from it you are not paying attention. colossal disaster. from florida, democratic caller. caller: my top issue is the entitlement.
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donald trump tried to cut social payroll, he tried a tax. that would have defunded social security by 2023. he did protect it from mitch mcconnell who tried to cut it right off the bat. when trump got in he said -- now he is coming for a second term. if the republicans take the house and senate and the presidency, mitch mcconnell will cut social security, he will cut medicare and you will pay more for prescription drugs, we are already paying too much for prescriptions. we pay the most in the world. medicare is going up in cost and we are getting less benefits because our benefits are being cut. to thell you you can go doctor was $20 now it's $40. what they do is cut back on the
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treatment and that is what the republicans do, they backdoor it. that is why i am voting democrat. host: marie in airy, pennsylvania. an independent. what is motivating you to vote? caller: to retain our freedom. after the 16th were not aware apparently of what nikita khrushchev said to our president when he was on the united states soil. that is, we will bury you from within. the democrats are embracing it. sanders and the squad and everyone else are forgetting that freedom is our number one priority in this country. trump is definitely the man to help us retain our freedom. host: you will be watching when
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the president speaks? caller: yes. i have walked the democrats and the republicans. a major please, america, fight for our freedom. place if wefall in retain our freedom. host: the president expected to speak in the 10:00 hour tonight. at celebration gets underway 8:30 p.m. eastern time and we will have coverage of that here on c-span and on our website or you can find everything related to the campaign and the republican national convention on our website. you can download the free c-span radio app. wendy in california, a republican. are you voting for the president in november? caller: you better believe i am. i was democratic all my life.
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i supported the democrat people, i voted for obama. all he did was sell us down the river. he destroyed our country, he was the worst thing to happen to our country. those people who don't like donald trump and think he is so bad are only that way because bsy are being fed a pack of by cnn and msnbc and those lying pieces of garbage. they just need to open their minds and look at the real issues, look at what he is actually saying. i can't hear you. host: i am not talking, we are listening to you. caller: i am sorry. i don't need to look at the tv because it is lagging terribly. that's all i wanted to say. on immigration. thosert goes out to
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people, oh my gosh i am so thankful i was born here. it seems like a miracle i was born here. i could have been born anywhere in the world. obligated to let everyone in our country. we can't just open our borders and let the whole world in. host: i'm going to leave it there so i can go to richard in ocean -- caller: i am going to support joe biden. 73-year-oldr, retiree and i depend on social security. trump's wanting to take away the payroll deduction and i think that the people who said if that should happen social security year by the baggage and the democrats need to change their policies on these trade issues
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because we have lost a lot of jobs to chinese, but trump talks a better story then what his actions have shown. plant inot the courier indiana, most of the hourly jobs or manufacturing jobs did go to mexico and the white collar administrative jobs stayed behind. the democrats need to tuneup their trade issues. by and large, social security, health care, trump had 3.5 years to do something with health care and he has done nothing. he has also had lawsuits and states to take away what is left of obamacare. security,care, social the security of social security is going to make me vote democrat. hopefully they will change their tune on trade. host: last call therefrom richard. we will be back at 7:00 a.m. eastern time.
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tonight, the last night of the republican national convention. you will hear from the president and we will hear from you tomorrow morning. ♪ ♪ c-span, yourtching unfiltered view of government. america's cable television companies as a public service and brought to you today by your television provider. the republican national convention will come to a close tonight, there are several events happening during the day related around the convention.
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this morning, house speaker nancy pelosi will hold her weekly news conference at 10:45. we will have live coverage as reporters ask for her response to the rnc. house --the they will talk about broadband access across the country. we will have live coverage of that discussion at 12:30 p.m. eastern time. white house economic advisor larry kudlow takes part in a discussion hosted by politico about the u.s. economic recovery during the current pandemic. live coverage begins at 1:00 p.m. eastern. watch here or listen live with the free c-span radio app. the republicant national convention, vice president mike pence accepted the nomination to run for a second term. we will show you his entire acceptance speech. first the featured
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