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Kellyanne Conway
  Republican National Convention Day 3 - Kellyanne Conway  CSPAN  August 27, 2020 12:09pm-12:15pm EDT

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to run for president? i am so glad he showed up. thank you for showing up, mr. president. i encourage everyone loves this country, who loves america to pursuit of life,e liberty and the pursuit of happiness. >> good evening. i am kellyanne conway. 100 years ago, courageous warriors helped women secure the right to vote. this had been a sentry worth celebrating. it is a reminder that our democracy is young and fragile. a woman in a leadership role can still seem novel. not so for president trump. for decades, he has elevated women to senior positions in business and in government. and respect us. he insists we are on equal
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footing with the men. president trump helped me shatter a berry in the world of politics by empowering me to manage his campaign to a successful conclusion. with the help of millions of americans, our team defied the critics, the naysayers, the conventional wisdom and we won. for many of us, ms. empowerment is not a slogan. not aen's empowerment is slogan. the everyday heroes who nurture us, shape us and who believe in us. i was raised in a household of all women. they were self-reliant and resilient. their lives were not easy. but they never complained. money was tight but we had an abundance of what mattered most. family, faith and freedom. i learned that in america, limited means does not make for
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limited dreams. the promise of america belongs to us all. this is a land of inventors and innovators, entrepreneurs and educators, of pioneers and parents, each contributing to the success in the future of a great nation and her people. have averyday heroes champion in president trump. the teacher who took extra time to help students adjust to months of virtual learning. the nurse who finished a 12 hour covid shift and then took a brief break only to change her mask, gown and gloves to do it all over again. the small business owner striving to reopen after the lockdown was lifted. again after her store was vandalized and looted. with two kids,
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two jobs, two commutes who 10 years after that empty promise finally has health insurance. president trump and vice president pence have lifted americans, provided them with dignity, opportunity and results. firsthand, many times the president comforting and encouraging a child who has lost a parent, a parent who has lost a child. job, andwho lost his adolescent who lost her job. don't lose hope he has told them , ensuring them that they are not alone and that they matter. always people who have far more than us. our responsibility is to focus on those who have far less than us.
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president trump has done precisely that in taking unprecedented action to combat this nation's drug crisis. he told me this is so important, killian. so many lives have been ruined by addiction and we will never even know it because people are ashamed to reach out for help. they are not even sure who to turn to their toughest hour. rather than look the other way, president trump stared rightly at this drug crisis next-door and through landmark bipartisan legislation has helped secure historic investments in surveillance, education, prevention, treatment and recovery. we have a long way to go. but the political inertia that costs lives and the silent and the stigma that prevents people in need from coming forth is melting away. this is the man i know and the president we need for four more years.
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andicks the toughest fights tackles them as complex problems. he has stood by me and he will stand up for you. in honor of the women who empowered me and for the future of the children y'all cherish, thank you and god bless you, always. raise the star-spangled banner. ♪ >> good evening, america. i am laura trump, daughter of bob, sister to kyle, mother to luke and carolina and daughter-in-law of our 41st president,- 45th donald trump. tonight i come as a normal american. my prayer is were small business owners and worked hard to make sure my brother and i had everything we ne b