Nancy Pelosi
House Speaker Pelosi Holds News Conference CSPAN August 27, 2020 7:42pm-7:58pm EDT
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we can accomplish these great things and so much more. all we need to do is start believing in ourselves and in our country again. start believing. the final night of the republican national convention. trump will deliver his acceptance speech with interest speak -- speeches by mitch mcconnell, rudy giuliani, and a ivanka trump. watch live on c-span, through the radio app, livestream on demand at, where the email news later -- letter. find more on house speaker nancy pelosi held her weekly news conference today. she spoke about wildfires in california, race relations in the u.s., hurricane laura
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as armageddon. on the gulf coast, we have a hurricane coming in. it has been described yesterday as being unsurvivable. we have a pandemic continues to threaten the lives of the american people. then, we have sadness of kenosha, wisconsin. of jacob blake being shot seven times. there are public policies it could've made a difference in all of this. let me say three words about the wildfires hurricanes and the coronavirus. three words. science, science, science. the science of the administration has chosen to ignore and the republican party for a long time for the trumpet administration has ignored. -- the trump administration has ignored it. the climate crisis is not only having a physical impact, but economic impact in a way that is another injustice in our society.
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these people are getting hit. the gulf coast, many of them are not in and economic position to survive very well. science, in terms of the virus, it is a hoax. denial, delay, distortion, masks are irrelevant. why should we have tracing? social distancing, forget about it. all the rest. the denial of what scientists are telling us that can stop and curtail the spread. the rapid spread of this virus. a senate majority leader who says to put things on hold for months with no real respect for the fury virus. then, science in terms of what we hope and pray for. science being an answer to our prayers. therapies, vaccines, they are
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based on science. approval at the fda has to be about efficacy and safety, not about politics from the oval office wanting speed at the expense of the health and well-being and safety of the american people. at the cdc, the cdc for the oval office to be determining what the criteria are for someone being tested. the president doesn't want any more tests, because that tells us we have more cases. the test are causing the infections. really? how unscientific is that? the rejection of science when it comes to the climate crisis. the rejection of science when it comes to the vaccine right from the start. the rejection of science in terms of a vaccine and therapies and the rest of the cdc.
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the cdc making that proclamation simply because the president doesn't want to know about any more cases. since we passed the heroes act, over 100 days ago, mitch mcconnell pressed the pause button. over 4 million people have been added to the infection list. 82,000 more people have died. could we have saved all of them? no. but any of them, we could have. science tells us that's how other countries are dealing and managing this vicious virus. for this administration to show its face to any children in our country, i say to you those who support the president, i respect that.
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i respect if you vote an exercise that. understand this. he is asking you to put him before your children. he is doing that in the schools by saying he wants to put the bulk of the money into schools that actually open up instead of recognizing the costs to opening up actually, virtually, online education and any hybrid of that. stunning, when you see that of the hundred largest school systems in the country, 62 of them are 100% virtual as of last week. another dozen or so hybrid. partially virtual. then, a small percentage actually opening 100%. we all want our children, grandchildren in my casem to go to school. teachers want to teach.
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but we cannot risk our children safety and the safety of those who make schools work, whether it is teachers or support staff. put them at risk. the president has just decided and you see, think it was just reversed, but the secretary of education was giving all the money she was giving to private schools, which we want them to protect their children also to discretion about how they spend the money. but not in the public school system. i call for next wednesday, september 2, a day of action on the part of our members. a day of action to focus on the schools. this is as important as anything we do.
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the protection of our children. the ability for them to learn, to go to school in a safe way. whether it is virtually or hybrid. to do so in a weight that has osha protections for the teachers. they are called essential workers, the president said. let's value their safety. by having protections which the administration has rejected. we will have that date. last week we had a day of action about the postal system, because of the president's henchmen trying to dismantle thpo system so that it would mess up any successful vote by mail. what they did was hurt our veterans. over 90% of the v.a. medications go through the postal system. 1.2 billion prescriptions went through the mail in 2019. i have said that to you before. it is about medications, social
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security, people paying their bills. they are not getting to the destinations in time for the deadline they are supposed to meet. the response the people got, the delay in the mail that this administration implemented to undermine our right to vote by mail, not having to choose between their health and their vote, they got an earfull from all of our constituents. what did they say? we are not reversing any of it. we took in the blue boxes. we undid the sorting machines. some of them were put out in the
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rain so they could not be set up again. the american people are not being served by this administration. the misrepresentations, the distortions of the truth and the facts are very sad for the children. again, we hope that they will recognize that in order for us to open our economy and our schools safely, we must test, trace, treat, socially distance, wear our masks, sanitation and the rest. they would only listen to the scientists. in order for our dreams to come true, our prayers to be answered for a vaccine and their piece, they have to listen to the scientists. they have to listen instead of undermining the fda in a way that is historic in terms of what they are trying to do and a very damaging. sadly, it will undermine the confidence that people might have in a vaccine when it comes along if they think the efficacy and safety were rejected in the interest of the president
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wanting speed. of course, the cdc has an immorality. listen to the scientists. when it comes to mother nature, who is in a mood, the speaking out very clearly. do something about the climate crisis. accept the science. the same thing holds true with the viciousness of this virus and the stupidity of this administration to put speed ahead of efficacy, effectiveness, and safety when it comes to vaccines, therapies, and other miracles that we are hoping for. miracles of science. any questions? >> madame speaker, [indiscernible] is facing a tough primary.
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[indiscernible] the ways and means committee -- going after trump's tax return charter are conducted tougher oversight of the administration. what is the argument for voting for him? speaker pelosi: i am so glad you post that. the fact is that richie neil is the chairman of the ways and means committee. as such, he is such an advocate for our country. his personal life is something that i always like to call attention to. as the chairman of ways and means, he has a great deal to say about survivor benefits on social security and the rest and he knows that well.
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because he lived it. his family lived it. he is there for america's working families. america's families who are impoverished by the loss of a loved one. the breadwinner in the family and the rest. i can't even believe they would say about the tax returns. richie neil has been completely strong and tough-minded on this. we are at the mercy of the court. he has been very strong and how he is going forward. he could not do anything more. in fact, when we win this election, and we have a new president of the united states in january, and we have a new secretary of the treasury, and richie neil asks for the president's returns, then the world will see what the president has been hiding all this time.
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in terms of dealing with the courts now, he has been strong and persistent and doing exactly what the lawyers say we have to do in order to prevail in the courts. we have to go through the process. what we are waiting for is other decisions the court has held up. the trump courts have held up decision which then back up other decisions to be predicated. the mccann decision came down in our favorite however, the administration will further appeal. then, we cannot have a stronger, wiser, more strategic advocate to get the presidents tax returns than richie neil. that representation is based on lack of knowledge of what actually is going on. probably just an idle political charge.
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in terms of the climate, i mentioned climate earlier, he has placed in the moving forward legislation our infrastructure bill using the tax codes to save our environment. read it. read it. it takes us to new heights in terms of how to use the tax code to support renewable energy in a way that saves our planet. these greatcomplish things, and so much more. all we need to do is start believing in ourselves and in our country again. start believing. >> tonight is the final night of the republican national convention. trump will deliver his acceptance speech with introduction speeches by rudy
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giuliani a ivanka trump, and mitch mcconnell. watch the republican national convention live beginning at 8:30 p.m. eastern on c-span, listen with the radio app, livestream on demand at email newsletter offers a synopsis. out on kamala harris by on the coronavirus and the impact on the u.s. economy. she spoke earlier today in washington dc for about 20 minutes. sen. harris: good afternoon. on the eve of the 57th march on washington, i will speak about recent events in kenosha, wisconsin, wildfires raging across the california coas
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