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tv   Washington Journal 08282020  CSPAN  August 28, 2020 6:59am-9:00am EDT

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>> the house administration committee holds a hearing on the one about his pandemic. live coverage begins at 1:00 eastern on c-span two. c-span, yourtching unfiltered view of government. created as a public service and brought to you today by your television provider. up, elie race and racial unrest in the u.s. discusses hery
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book, "the next pandemic,." emails, will take your tweets and phone calls. americans, tonight with a heart full of gratitude and boundless optimism, i profoundly accept this nomination for president of the united states. ♪ -- the president accepting the nomination before the white house and supporters. he spoke for about 70 minutes. we are opening the phone lines to get your reaction to what you heard from the president last night. if you are supporting the trump-pence ticket, dial (202) 748-8000. if you're supporting the biden-harris ticket, call (202)
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748-8001. if you are unsure, (202) 748-8002. text us with your thoughts with your first name at (202) 748-8003. or go to twitter and facebook. here is more from the president last night at the white house on what he said is at stake in november. [video clip] president trump: everything we have achieved is now in danger. this is the most important election in the history of our country. [applause] president trump: -- years. more
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four more years. president trump: at no time before have voters faced a clearer choice between two parties, to visions, two agendas.ies or two this election will decide whether we save the american dream or whether we allow a socialist agenda to demolish our cherished destiny. [applause] trump: it will decide whether we rapidly create millions of high-paying jobs, or whether we crush our industries and said millions of these jobs overseas, as has foolishly been done for many decades. your vote will decide whether we protect law-abiding americans or whether we give free reign to violent and artists -- violent anarchists, agitators and
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criminals who threaten our citizens. and this election will decide whether we will defend the american way of life or whether we will allow a radical movement to completely dismantle and destroy it. that won't happen. host: the president from the white house yesterday. we are getting your thoughts on what you heard from mr. trump right here on "the washington journal." we will get your calls in a minute. as the president was a speaking to me might've heard the sound of bullhorns and chance. protesters gathered outside of the white house last night during the convention and during when the president began speaking. he was introduced by his daughter, you ivanka trump. you can see the protesters. the police surrounded the protesters as well. senator rand paul is one of the guests at the white house yesterday, he tweeted that after he left he got attacked by he
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over 101ngry mob of block away from the white house. he said "thank you to the police department for saving our lives." this is the video he put down. [chanting] [indiscernible] >> police. >> move back. move back. move back. host: you can see the senator and police surrounding him. the senator sending the video out on twitter. that from last night. tony and brownsville, texas. you are supporting the biden harris ticket. did you listen to the president? what did you think? caller: i did listen to him and
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it was a bunch of lies. he lies a lot. reason the american people need to know that donald trump in 2016 promised he was not going to touch social security and medicare, now he is trying to destroy that with a payroll tax. and it will be over in three years. another thing i want to tell the american people, some people may not know. this is a fact. harris, she mentioned about we know he did, a good job on viruses, like and anyway, he put places around the world to detect viruses. and china was one of them.
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happened, they were doing a good job to control the viruses. and then trump dismantled that. that is why we have this now, with 180,000 people dead or more. host: tony in texas. we will go to maine. jeanette is supporting the president. hi. are you with us? you are on the air. caller: hello. hi. host: good morning. why are you supporting the president? caller: i support president trump because he is a god loving man and he is pro-life. we have no right to kill unborn babies. and we hope and pray people stop all this killing and shooting and looting. thank you very much, president trump. god bless you and god bless the
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usa. hill,kathleen in chestnut massachusetts, supporting the former vice president. caller: he has a lack of empathy. i mean, people are hanging on their own -- with the flooding. and people are hungry. they are worried about their kids' safety. they do not trust donald trump with their lives of their children. he puts a rosy glow on everything. everything will be fine, it will be perfect. just follow me, i am the pied piper. no matter what, no matter what they just are not in touch with reality. you know, they are in this ivory tower up there. you know, all his friends are billionaires and he just --
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anybody that does not agree with him, he says they are people vil, almost.e e they are going to destroy the country. they are going to move into your neighborhood. i live in chestnut hill and people from all over the world are welcome. that is what makes us great. this fear, the fear mongering is -- i -- and all those flags. and using the white house for all of this pageantry. i just think of people in other countries -- the europeans must be going crazy with watching just our government, detached from people dying and discussing it. what are we going to do? we have no platform. we are not discussing what health care we will give you.
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he is in court trying to dismantle obamacare. i mean, people are going to need health care. host: i need to give other people a chance as well. allison in louisville, kentucky, supporting the president. good morning. caller: good morning. the reason i think we should have donald trump for another term is because i think that trump has done things that other presidents were scared to do. have he took office, we come back from where we were and we have come up a lot better. and now everybody is trying to put them back out of office. the man is trying to do good for people like me that draws disability, that needs help. and the veterans stuff. four-starther was a general in world war ii and was killed, ok?
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all these people defacing these statues and police and all that, i think that is uncalled for. talk about defunding the police department, if we do not have police we will be dodged city. host: the president addressed the issue of defunding the police last night. [video clip] president trump: they will confiscate your guns and appoint justices who will wipe away your second amendment and other constitutional freedoms. biden is a trojan horse for socialism. if he does not have the strength to stand up to wild item eyedsts like -- wild bernie sanders and his radicals, then how will he ever stand up for you? he is not. the most dangerous aspect of the biden platform is the attack on
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public safety. en-bernie manifesto calls for abolishing cash bail, immediately releasing 400,000 criminals onto the streets and into your neighborhoods. when asked if he supports cutting police funding, joe biden replied, yes, absolutely. eden congresswoman omar call the minneapolis police department a cancer that is rotten to the root, biden would not disavow her support. he proudly displayed her endorsement shortly later on his website. displayed in big letters. make no mistake, if you give power to joe biden, the radical left will defund police departments all across america. they will pass federal legislation to reduce law enforcement nationwide.
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they will make every city look like democrat run portland, oregon. no one will be safe in joe biden's america. host: now, the head of the convention, the biden campaign released this ad. [video clip] >> the basic duty of government is to defend the lives of its own citizens. in a government that fails to do so is unworthy to lead. we will lead our country back to safety, prosperity and peace. we will be a country of generosity and warmth. and anyone who endorses violence, hatred or oppression countryelcome in our and never ever will be. endured one have humiliation after another. i alone can fix it.
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history is watching us now. it's waiting to see if we will rise to the occasion, and if we will show the whole world that america is still free and independent and strong. >> i'm joe biden and i approve this message. host: an ad released by the democratic national committee, joe biden and the kamala harris campaign. we are asking who you are supporting, president trump and to the vice president, or the former vice president and senator kamala harris. travis in south carolina. good morning, why do you support joe biden? caller: because i support somebody who actually has integrity and does not lie during their convention on national television. quite frankly, i want america to actually do well. it seems like trump does not know how to do anything except file for bankruptcy and everything illegal. host: ok, travis.
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a caller supporting the president. caller: yes, i support the president because he is the best president we have ever had. he is fighting for the american people, he is fighting to save this country, and he is the only thing saving us right now from the democrats. he stands for the things god stands for. he stands by israel. i mean, he is really fighting for us. and i hate all the stuff he goes through from the democrats. it's illegal what they put him through. him for alld thank the good he has done. it's a shame. now, nancy pelosi is trying to say she does not want joe biden to debate him. i think the american people need to demand that they have adb -- have a debate. host: jeffrey in massachusetts, supporting the president,
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jeffrey? caller: yes? host: good morning. did you watch last night? caller: yes, i did watch. the republicans have an advantage. i am a republican, but i look at these things from a broadcast standpoint. anytime you go last, you have the advantage, so their convention was better because the democrats, it was vanilla. it was so rehearsed and everything was on film. the fact the president had a live audience really helped to get in the campaign mood. that's not why i called. i'm voting for donald trump, and i mean, he is positive. if you look at what he promised promised quitee a few things and most of them he accomplished. so that is why i am voting for him. joe biden has not done anything for 47 years, and i do not think
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that is going to change. trump will figure out what to do that he did not do correctly and i think he will rectify the situation. he is much more positive. i am not going to not joe biden, really. i wantositive person, so to accentuate the positives with the president here. i'm voting for him not because of his tweets or his personality, but people are voting against him for that reason. i'm voting for policy. that policy is or are -- i am a law and order guy. we do not have law and order currently. there's violence, you cannot have that. i am also free speech. whether i agree or disagree with you, i would defend your right to disagree, but not with violence. two, he closed up the borders. three, the economy was never better, until we had the china virus. and we will get it back. nasdaq broke a record.
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s&p is going to break the record. he is on the right track. and i like the fact that he will not be killing babies, either. host: hang on the line, i want to show you and whether viewers what kamala harris had to say yesterday about the protests and the ongoing violence. [video clip] >> people are rightfully angry and exhausted. after the murders of breonna taylor, george, and it so many others, it is no wonder that people are taking to the streets. and i support them. we must always defend peaceful protests and peaceful protesters. we should not confuse them with those looting and committing acts of violence, including the shooter arrested for murder. make no mistake, we will not let these vigilantes and extremists
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derail the path to justice. those my promise to mothers, fathers and all who stand with them, in a bi den-harris administration, you will have a seat at the table. in the halls of congress and in the white house. host: jeffrey? caller: yes, i am here. host: what did you think? caller: i think she is a phony and she is saying all of this after the fact. why didn't she say that when all of this was going on? she is saying it because it is politically correct. this is not about joe biden, he is a figurehead. the left-wing progressive socialists are trying to take over the country. sanders's.the bernie i think what they will have to do is just put more pressure on joe biden, and then they will try to take it over.
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that's my theory. host: ok. nancy in new york, supporting the president. good morning. did you watch last night? caller: i did. i was so impressed with the president. he's supporting us, backing our country. he is supporting the constitution. we need rights. away,ghts are being taken like free speech, the right to bear arms. there his writing. the democrats are doing nothing to stop it. it is so obvious. and if people are not able to see that, i do not know how anybody can support the democrats. the republicans are backing law and order and that is what we need, the best for our country and the best for my kids' future. host: in washington today, the annual march on washington.
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this year, the march is "get your knee off our necks." it begins at 11:00 a.m. eastern time. folks are gathering on the national mall for the rally today, and the march. and thenl be speakers, the group -- and they are expecting thousands -- they will them march over to the martin luther king monument. our coverage of the rally begins here on c-span at 11:00 a.m., and on our website, or listen with the free c-span radio app, as well. stanley supporting joe biden. good morning. caller: that is right. this is one of the most corrupt presidents i have ever seen. everybody sitting together like that, no masks. first of all, joe biden is not a socialist. he wants to help people with
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their insurance. if donald trump stays, social security will be gone. my union supports joe biden, that is another reason. gotp got all of them -- you money, he has rudy giuliani' s son working for him. he has his son-in-law getting paid in his campaign. girlfriendtrump's makes $200,000 a month, she does nothing. is using the cash count -- he is using the office as a cash cow. everything he touches, dies. his university was a fraud. his charity was a fraud. even his nice says he is -- nei ce says he is a fraud. i do not like him. i think he is a con artist. this virus would not have been as bad if he paid attention to
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the virus at the beginning and cap the country closed. we would not be in this shape today. but 100,080 people have died -- 180 thousand people have died and he says he is doing a good job. host: did you vote for hillary clinton? caller: i did. if she won, we would not be in this mess. police.t defunding the he is adding money to the police department. amebody said -- someone, like husband and wife dispute, should not take a police officer to go out. it should be a social worker, not a police officer. not taking -- he's away guns. he's not taking away your insurance. he will save social security and donald trump will take it away, if he does that tax cut. that is where social security gets its money. he hates the post office, because -- he needs anything
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that is union. he needs anything that is union. let me talk to the people in new jersey for one moment. hit?emember when sandy host: let me move on to andrea and connecticut. andrea, you are undecided. caller: i was undecided. i want to address that gentlemen. host: what are you now? caller: i am going with the president. host: you have to call back on the correct line. autumn in arkansas, supporting the president. caller: good morning. host: good morning. thenr: i watched the dnc, the rnc. it's. a complete contrast my concerns -- it's a complete contrast. my concern is people do not do the proper research. it is hard to research anymore because everything is being
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censored. my thing is if people actually website and follow where the funding is going, it is going directly to the democratic platform. if people looked and followed the breadcrumbs, they would see that these riots are being funded. i live in a minority community, i am the minority. not ae -- blm is grassroots movement. it's not. and they are using this as a platform to take on the president, and if you look, all in a things going on are democratic state, if you pay attention. the news is not covering it and they are not peaceful at all. i have family members in that state. i used to be a democrat. me thateally saddens
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people will not shut off the news and question why these people hate trump so much, because the majority of people love him. i do research and i see live streams from different countries, because i want to know where we stand, and people are rooting for him. that's in fact. host: rudy giuliani also got a theking slot last night at republican national convention, and he spoke about the ongoing protests. [video clip] rudy giuliani: it began with a just cause, the unforgivable police killing of george floyd in minneapolis. peaceful protests began all over the land. the condemnation of the killing was universal, from president trump to democrat leaders. for some brief
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shining moments, that leaders would come together with a unified proposal to reduce police misconduct. this possibility was a dangerous to the left. they had a president to beat and in country to destroy. action oneement on police brutality would be valuable for the country, but it would also make president trump appeared to be an effective leader. and they could have none of that. so black lives matter sprang they hijackednd the peaceful protests into brutal riots. soon, the protests turned into riots. almost all democratic cities. businesses were burned, people beaten, shot and killed, police officers routinely assaulted, badly beaten and people murdered. the police handcuffed by progressive democrat mayors from
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doing anything but observe the crimes and take the blows of the worst of it. but the worst of it was the slaughter of innocent people with their whole lives ahead of them. in kansas city- shocked the nation, but not black lives matter or the democrat supporters. 17-year-old basketball star brandon hendrix was killed in the bronx, days after graduating high school and on his way to st. john's to play basketball. he passed with only a brief mention. and a one-year-old was shot and killed in a stroller at a cookout in brooklyn, and it caused no outreach. -- no outreach. -- no outrage. for us, all black lives matter.
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all lives matter to us. these continuous riots in democratic cities gives you a good view of the future under joe biden. host: that was the former mayor of new york city, rudy giuliani. there is fact checking in the new york times this morning, thanks checking on other websites as well, but then your times the new york says it rudy giuliani was wrong. that there are scores of people -- that scores of people were indicted for writing and other crimes, but the latest charges related to the nation's ongoing protests does not include members of black lives matter or antifa, the coalition of fascist activists. local authorities have accused members of antifa of committing crimes, the government has brought charges against men who
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are associated with a coalition of right-wing antigovernment activists, some of whom believe it is their duty to take up arms to avoid white genocide. so you can view yourself, like autumn was saying, and look at the fact checking done for the republican national convention, and the democratic national convention. do the research yourself and see candidates told the truth, where they misled, and their supporters, and where there were false claims. let's go to ron. you are supporting joe biden, from clearwater, florida. caller: absolutely. t'm a 24 year military ve and wounded warrior. lies from the most is aiously inept -- he separatist, his history shows no
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tax returns, there is no transparency on this -- the biggest liar and hypocrite the country has ever seen in my lifetime. that isves matter -- all it means. and to put all this violence on black lives matter is absolutely a lie. it's white supremacists, kkk that go into these towns where people are marching peacefully, they are starting fires and bricking windows. federal agents are getting killed by white supremacists. says comeirly man after charlottesville, that there are good people on both sides. no mention of his biggest supporter. all those people with no masks on. a 17-year-old white kid carrying
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people, nohoots two mention of it at the republican national convention. al a view that think thatl this will become a socialist country, 'm a successful businessman, every capitalistic society needs some kind of socialism. do not take your social security, do not support the police department, do not support the fire department -- you need to watch on netflix "13th hour." the young african-american woman, you say you know history, learn your history, learn the history of the emancipation proclamation, and learn what the truman act was. black people have been suffering in this country for years. i served at the highest levels in the military. i was the chief of police. i was stopped after retirement. i was stopped. i went to court.
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the officer knew what he was doing. i was charged for something completely a lie, then they gave me a trump charge of resisting arrest without violence. and i was found guilty on that misdemeanor charge. and i had tears rolling down my face because that cop lied, because i was african-american. ins guy is the biggest thug the country and it will bear out when he is out of office. he is a separatist. his family lies. they are all liars. violence is happening under his watch, because he does not bring people together. why can't you guys understand that? it is so obvious. this is his america. he has created chaos in this country. host: hang on the line, run. -- ron. i would like to show you another clip from the president's
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speech, where he talks about what he has done for the african-american community. [video clip] to bring trump: prosperity to our inner cities, we worked hard to pass criminal justice reform, prison reform, opportunity zones and long-term funding of historically black colleges and universities. and before the china virus came, produced the best unemployment numbers for african-americans, hispanic americans, and asian americans ever recorded. [applause] president trump: i say modestly i have done more for the african-american community than any president since abraham lincoln, our first republican president. [applause]
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president trump: and i have been more in three years for the black community than joe biden has done in 47 years. [applause] president trump: when i am reelected, the best is yet to come. host: ron? caller: that is a first. when obama came into office, we were at 11% unemployment. when he left, it was at 4%. at 4%. had one monthot of 5% or 4% growth, ever. and he is trying to say he has done more for black people? and he has always
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been like that. from the 1960's and 1970's with his dad, to what he did in charlottesville. what he did with respect to charlottesville set the stage for what we are going through s separation,h thi people going after one another. i'm talking about friends i have known since childhood. i cannot even look them in the face anymore. facts, he is about the one that has divided this country more than anyone else. him, his family and his sycophants. host: ok, ron. ,e will go to jeannie supporting the president. caller: thank you. c-spanf all, i have used as my go to for journalism on tv
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for the last 8-10 years. very disappointed in the format you used last night in the call lines. you change your format from supporting a party to supporting a candidate. i thought that was disconcerting, because everybody saw for the last three nights werethe callers nd democrats and republicans are for donald trump. i thought it was deceiving. host: you thought it was what? caller: i thought it was deceiving for c-span to change , i'mormat from a candidate sorry, from a party calling to a candidate calling. when you are using the format of party, all parties were calling
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in support for the president. it was overwhelmingly so. host: ok, jeannie. victoria, staten island. you are supporting the president. caller: good morning. i'm supporting donald trump. i want to make a comment. with the rnc, people had to be tested prior to being on the lawn. while i do not agree that many people were on the lawn without masks, people need to understand that that people were tested. host: i read today that the rapid tests, according to some of the guests that this reporter spoke with, they were not given the rapid test and they were not screened, in other words, they were not asked, do you have these symptoms. caller: i follow somebody on social media, his name escapes
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me right now, but he was invited and he said he did get tested, not once, but twice to prior to going on the lawn. i mean, that is coming from somebody actually there. so i want to make the point that the only farce is joe biden has a stated on television that you do not vote for me, you are not black. if somebody is saying the color of your skin is the only reason why they should get your vote, maybe you should check the candidate you are voting for. this is the only president in my lifetime that has not sold out on the american people. he made promises and kept them. the economy has boomed. he brought reform to the prison system. the media only shows the negative. this guy has gone through the ringer. i will never forget the day after he won the election, by my job, there were people down there with shirts on, with bad messages like, "f trump."
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and for the last four years, he has not gotten a positive moment. he could get cancer tomorrow and democrats will spin it to make it negative. look at the policies. conventions.h i will give both candidates the benefit of the doubt. last week, i could not tell you what joe biden stands for. i cannot tell you what his platform is, because he did not give it to me. so what are my voting for? for joe biden because he is the lesser of two evils? where does he stand on the policies. that is what i'm hoping to hear from a debate. host: the president spoke last night about jobs and in the economy. [video clip] president trump: joe biden is not a savior, he is the destroyer of american jobs. and if given the chance, he will be the destroyer of american greatness.
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for 47 years, he took the donations of blue-collar workers, gave them hugs and even kisses -- [laughter] [applause] president trump: and told them he felt their pain, then voted to ship their jobs to china and distant lands. he spent his entire career outsourcing their dreams and the dreams of american workers, off shoring jobs, opening borders and is sending their sons and daughters to fight in endless foreign wars, wars that never ended. host: the president on jobs and
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joe biden's record on jobs. the former vice president released a campaign ad during the convention last night, it aired on abc, cbs and other networks. if you are watching c-span, you may not have seen it, but here it is, a new ad. [video clip] >> some people are always in a hurry. they race up steps when others take it slow. when joe biden is president, america is going to have to keep up. we one have to wait to deal with covid-19, he already has a plan. we want to have to wait for a president on the side of working families, he is from scranton. nobody has to tell him that wall street did not build this country. we are a nation that has been hit hard by this virus, but joe biden knows when you get knocked down, you get up off the mat. howne needs to tell joe
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hard life can hit you, losing a son, but hehter, a knows in pain you can find purpose. to lead america community to understand america. idea stronger an than any army, more powerful than any dictator. it gives hope to the most desperate people on earth. >> the idea is alive and powerful today, as much as it was when it was first proposed. >> the most powerful idea beats in the hearts of the people of this country, no matter your race, ethnicity, no matter your gender or identity, no matter your faith. ourunite america, where y your ancestors were brought here, generations back, or those coming today to build a better life for their families. >> our best days are not behind us, they are ahead. >> times as challenging as
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these, i believe there is only one way forward, as a united america, united in our dream of a better future for us and for our children. this is our moment. this is our mission. and we will do it together. i'm joe biden and i approve this message. aired last night. to also be running friday through sunday in arizona, florida, michigan, north carolina, ohio, pennsylvania and wisconsin, part of the $26 million ad buy for the week of the republican national convention. a supporter of joe biden in new orleans. caller: good morning. i'm so happy to get on with you guys. it has been a couple years since i called before. one thing i want to say is that the shooting that happened at the, uh, the hang up there and
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wisconsin the other night, this boy, walkingite around with an assault rifle. if he would've been a black 15-year-old with an assault rifle walking around, i guarantee at lease 20 of those cops would've put 20 holes in him, but nobody said anything to this point. he was walking around like he was free, which he is, he can do what he wants to do and the police are on his side. i used to be a police officer. they did not arrest white people here at all. they arrested black people. the same thing with traffic tickets. we will stop you from going five miles over. and there is a white person with a beer in their hand and they do not even stop him. it is embedded in our culture. this outrageous
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thing, they feel everybody on the wrong side of their color, these people will tell them. they will kill you if you are an african-american in a heartbeat. i noticed that rudy giuliani did not talk about the black folks that these cops killed. nobody is going to do you find the police department, but how do you get all of these bigots out without doing something about it? we had an incident in louisiana where this black deputy was chasing a car and the guy ran around and got to a dead end, and it started shooting and they hit a kid. they didn't know. can you believe once they got him out of the car, they found out he had a five-year-old son in the backseat with bullets in they arrestedhat, both black officers on the spot. host: will you be watching today the march on washington? caller: yes, i will be watching
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it. one thing i want to say, i have seen people walking around. there are a few people i have seen from new orleans. these guys are stone criminals. i know one thing, you do not just started fire in a brick burning,and it starts unless you are a fire starter. they are starting these fires. when they start them, they do not put them out. host: i will leave it there. we are showing the images of the march on washington, 2020. th set upe -- the set up is there will be a speaking program. and we will have coverage of that here and on our website, "get your knee off my neck" is the theme. many have already started to gather. they will listen to what the
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speakers have to say, then they will march toward the martin luther king monument. you can watch that right here on c-span. julie in texas, you are supporting joe biden. good morning. caller: good morning. host: tell us why. caller: ok. i'm a senior citizen, 83 years old, and i have never seen a man lie so much in my whole born days. i was taught as a youngster, it is a sin to lie. i think this man, i do not understand why he is still there, he was impeached. the only reason he is still there is because he hid behind all the lawyers. our country is deep in debt, and what is going on now is on his clock. why doesn't he do something about it? he does not know how. i have been cooped up in the house since april, march, with
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the virus going around. and all he can do is let people sit out here and it will continue. it will continue until you start wearing a mask and stay out of places like that. this is disgusting. never have i seen such a crooked mess. host: we are talking about the republican national convention last night, the whole week if you like. what speakers stood out to you? more of your calls. but a little bit more from last night. mitch mcconnell from kentucky, also spoke. [video clip] mitch mcconnell: the democratic party does not want to improve theyfor middle america, want us to keep quiet and let them decide how to live our lives. they want to tell you when you can go to work, when your kids can go to school, they want to tax you and send you a
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government check for unemployment. they want to tell you what kind of car you can drive, what sources of information are credible. and even how many hamburgers you can eat. they want to do you find the police and take away your second amendment rights. they want free health care for illegal immigrants, yet they offer no protection for unborn americans. they want to pack the supreme court with liberals intent on eroding our constitutional rights. they want to codify all this by making the swamp itself america's 51st state, with two more liberal senators. we cannot undo the damage they have done. now you understand why democrats spent a week telling us about who joe biden is, not what he intends to do. host: that was the senate majority leader talking to supporters during the republican national convention last night. "the washington post" notes
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congress has left town and let jobless benefits lapse. unemployed americans say they will not forget it. nancy pelosi was in washington yesterday, holding a news briefing with reporters. here is what she said about negotiations in the next round of coronavirus relief. [video clip] >> this is a conversation to respect the fact that the president's representative, not even the lead negotiator, steven mnuchin, would consider whatever s, and --is, meadow if they are willing to meet us in the middle, then we can talk. you called me? i am returning your call. are you ready to bring much more money to the table? host: the speaker of the house yesterday. you can find all of it on our website,, including the republican national convention.
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robin, you are supporting president trump. welcome to the conversation. caller: thank you. i hope your morning is going good. i loved last night. i thought it was wonderful. the best part of all, it was regular american people that came on and told their stories and their interactions with the president. he has done a lot of good, he will still do a lot more good. and where i live is right next to scranton. i used to live in scranton. joe biden is not the joe biden everybody thinks he i pennsylvanias. -- is. pennsylvania is definitely going for donald trump. i do not know why joe biden thinks he will go anywhere with pennsylvania, because he will take jobs away, the gas, the fracking will not allow that. so that will not go in pennsylvania. i wish people would give him a chance. he is doing a great job.
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have a good day. host: i want to show you, in case you are interested, the new york times data fact checking on the president saying joe biden promised to abolish american oil, coal and natural gas. they say he has made no such promise, nor do his proposals ban the production of those energy sources. the climate change plan would en d new leases for fracking on federal lands, but is not ban it on private land. let's go to jason in san diego. jason is supporting the former vice president. caller: good morning. what i would like to say, i will go along with the governor john kasich, a staunch republican conservative. he said donald trump is not fit to lead. i will go along with mitt
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romney, a staunch conservative, religious american republican. he also said donald trump is not fit to lead. then i will go with the jeff flake, a staunch conservative republican, who also says that donald trump is not fit to lead. lastly, secretary of state, colin powell, also states that donald trump is not fit to lead. thank you. host: you may be interested in this full-page ad this morning, taken out by alums of the late senator john mccain. john mccain endorsed a joe biden for president. country first is a creed by which to live. quoting the former senator there. it is a long list of former john mccain staffers, saying that they are supporting joe biden because of his record of being bipartisan. they say they disagree with a
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lot of the positions espoused by the presidential ticket, but heartened by his bipartisanship. mark writes an opinion piece in "the washington post" about why these dozens of john mccain aides are endorsing joe biden, and he says many republicans have been so all their adult lives, "most of us still identify as republicans. we have concerns about the recent direction of the republican party and we have different opinions about what attracted us to the party in the first place, but we still believe and we want those values restored to the party of lincoln. we do not believe that will happen well donald trump is present. whatever difference of opinion we have, we are united by one purpose, to prevent mr. trump's reelection." terry, you are supporting the president. good morning. caller: yes, i am. host: did you vote for him in 2016?
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caller: i did and i will vote for him again. he did everything he said he was going to do. and back within the first two weeks, he cut regulations and jobs came back, 401(k)s are going crazy. didar as south carolina, he not go after one of them, but both of them. i'm not a white supremacist or kkk, and whoever wants to call me that because i am white, that is not right. there's a name i could call the black people if that is what they want me to do. host: what motivates you to support president trump? caller: what? host: what are the issues? caller: we had no jobs. whenever obama and biden were in the house, i was doing two or three jobs, and that was before i retired. i never worked that kind of life
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until i got -- until he got into the house, as far as that goes. loans.uh -- there was no i washed my friends lose homes. there was nothing. the taxes went up. let's see, there was no jobs, no money, there was nothing. host: patty in new jersey supporting joe biden. hi. caller: how are you doing? thank you for being there. of peoplelly, a lot say that people hate donald trump because of his personality, but for me it has nothing to do with that. i look at the people he surrounded himself with, like paul manafort and steve bannon. i am also concerned with the $25 million fraud i just heard about for the wall. manafort,ly -- paul
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it was his job to -- and make them presentable. swamp.created the it's on television, but people do not know where to look. it's on american greed. he created the swamp and donald trump him right in there. i also think he created donald trump, because he put donald trump on that reality show. and when he says joe biden, what has he done. what has he done? he was a reality show star. in my mind, you need to be somebody like the obamas and wh at's her name, sarah huckabee -- whatever. she was like, there had to be an obama so we could have a trump. all the haters that didn't like hillary, that didn't like black people, that didn't like jewish
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people, i think they all came out behind donald trump. and the main reason he got in, hillary actually won the popular vote, but the main reason he got in is because of abortion. because of that particular issue. a lot of people voted for him. and they got duped, they know they did, but i do not think it will be like that for the selection.. i base my vote on facts. he just lies. host: patty supporting joe biden for president. we are getting your thoughts this morning on the republican national convention, the president speaking from the white house last night on the last night of the convention, officially accepting his party's nomination. he spoke for 70 minutes. and in front of a crowd of about 1500 people. here is more from his remarks.
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[video clip] opponentstrump: our have shown themselves capable of nothing but the ability to criticize. when i took action to issue a travel ban on china, very early indeed, joe biden called it hysterical and a xenophobic. on then i introduced a ban europe, very early again. if we had listened to joe, hundreds of thousands of more americans would've died. instead of following the signs, joe biden wants to inflict a shutdown on the entire country. it would inflict unthinkable harm on our nation's children, families and citizens of all backgrounds. the cost of the biden shutdown would be measured and increased drug overdoses, depression, alcohol addiction, suicides, heart attacks, economic
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devastation, job loss and much more. joe biden's plan is not a solution to the virus, but it is a surrender to the virus. host: the president on covid-19 last night. while he was speaking to him outside the white house protesters gathered and at some of them held up this sign, "tru mp failed, 180,000 died." this from the washingtonian reporter, sending out that video. we showed you earlier as guests left the white house, senator rand paul's video of him being surrounded by protesters. and congressman brian as he left, the video there. philip in georgia. who are you supporting? caller: yes, ma'am.
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support of dr. joe jorgensen, the libertarian presidential candidate. she will be on the ballot in all 50 states. i wanted to call in and let everyone know there is another trump besides just donald , president trump, or joe biden. jo20latform is detailed on she is a positive candidate, she is about criminal justice reform, she is about restoring a andof the rights to people about giving people information so they can make wise choices to prevent the spread of the virus. quite frankly, the way that this
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response to the pandemic has worked out, we have gotten a bunch of different instructions based on the political bias that different minutes of valadez ha -- different municipalities have. it has confused people and done a lot of undue harm in the process. host: we talked with the libertarian party nominee on the journal, july 11, i believe. if others want to learn more about the candidacy, you can go to joe in alabama supporting president trump. good morning. caller: good morning to you. i supported president the last election.
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t has done a good job putting america first. [indiscernible] -- i don't think he has the faculty is run this country. i don't know what he stands for. he stays in the basement all the time. fracking.op use of oil, the coal, and natural gas, and that will cut thousands of jobs and make this country dependent on communist governments for our energy. wake up, america.
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wake up. columbus, ohio, supporting joe biden. caller: i want the republican party, the people voting for donald, and the democrats to vote. i just want you to check online before 2016, it is on usa today. before 2016 he has had over lawsuitsades, 3500 before 2016 before he ran for president. he has six bankruptcies. the banks will not loan him a dime. what is so sad that i see is he is always saying stuff about -- all the jobs are going to come back here. in the united states. have you heard him say one time that he was bringing his
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businesses back to the united states? he has never said that. it's amazing, how can a president of the united states involvement.s and then he gets on national television and the people who voted for him republican-wise say he is for putin. everyone has always said that putin has something on donald trump. he had nohe knew knowledge of politics or policies. ,hat i believe that putin did is he said if you want to be president of the united states, we can work through the electoral college. we don't care, hilary could have had 5 million more votes. let's work the electoral college. that is what putin got on president trump.
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thank you, and have a nice day. trumpthis text, president and the republicans are playing the fear card and everything going on now is under trump's watch. what are the plans for the next four years? all i heard was how bad bidens pride and -- biden's presidency would be. as i support president trump he leads the gop towards including working people in the party. theyrats lead biden as lead him to what color his vp and other issues. and i watch my president speech last night, but i was watching the people. all i can think about is how stupid they are or do they even
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care?if you want to risk your life, that's fine, but you don't have the right to risk the lives of others. you try that ventilator when you can't breathe or watch a family member struggling to breathe, and then die. only then will you change. i am a trump supporter, but i know what's right and what's wrong. this is wrong. send your first name, city, and state to (202) 748-8003. hi, bonnie. caller: hi. i have a couple of comments. i don't understand. i have been a lifelong democrat and i'm 84 years old. being in the south, i was never raised around with they say is racism. black friends, we have eaten with them, we were in the service, there was no difference. my children, as they grew up, could not stay in one school because of the way the kids at the time were taught.
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taught tocarry a gun, carry a knife. what i really want to say is, you know, my party right now is not talking about -- just recently just recently started talking about what's going on in this country. cuomoon't talk about what did in new york. think trump they did all this? i don't think so. they talked about nancy pelosi, and how great she is. when you try to get a bill no,ugh and you add on it, she is not being honest. they always do that. they always promise the black
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people, the hispanics, and all the moon. they're going to do this and that, and then they throw them under the bus. south, i have been witness to that and know it to be the truth. host: gathering on the national mall this morning are folks who will be attending the march on washington. this year's theme is get your knee off our necks. the speaking begins at 11:00 a.m. eastern. they are expecting thousands to be gathering near the lincoln memorial. they will march from there to the martin luther king monument right off of the national mall. you can see the socially distanced seating, and from the mayor in d.c. required to wear masks as well.
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so far we have seen people with masks. you can watch our coverage beginning 11:00 a.m. eastern on c-span, on, or listen with the free c-span radio app. richard in colorado. who are you supporting? caller: i am supporting an independent candidate. either libertarian or the green party. republican.r vote thank you, c-span, for doing what you do and moderating this morning. am listening to c-span -- i was listening to c-span 2 earlier with a wonderful historian on hamilton, joanne freeman, and that was fantastic. i can't vote republican because it has been the party of millionaires for the last 40 years. host: who are you voting for? probably the libertarian
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candidate or the green party candidate. we don't vote for someone anymore, we vote against someone. i would like to use my heart and vote for somebody. with the republican party and mitch mcconnell, how can anyone ever vote republican? i don't see it. whyhe economy was so great, was there not an increase in minimum wage around the country? hour in mitch mcconnell's state. they need to vote him out. it's $5.50 in georgia, but it's against federal law. host: for you and others who want to learn more about the green party, how we hawkins, we hawkins, we- howie also spoke to him on "the washington journal." more on the president's remarks.
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here he is on the cancel culture. [video clip] our. trump: we must reclaim independence from the left's mandates. americans are exhausted trying to keep up with the latest list of approved words and phrases, and the ever more restrictive political decrees. many things have a different name now, and the rules are constantly changing. the goal of cancel culture is to make decent americans live in fear of being fired, expelled, shamed, humiliated, and driven it. society as we know the far left wants to coerce you into saying what you know to be ofse, and scare you out saying what you know to be true. very sad. you can send them
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a very thundering message they will never forget. host: your reaction to what you heard from him. supporting the president, what did you like about the speech? caller: everything from all four days. one to yesterday evening you didn't see hollywood, musicians like lolly palooza. promises made from day one when he was sworn in. the riots. commander.ear vet, a i still work. my kids and grandchildren of future. biden alone, he already announced if he wins, the green queen, the most radical.
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look at the rollouts and blackouts already in california. i want to stay on this topic. the riots, the people they brought on the family, not counting the ones in legacy, the ones in the prisons. he wants more out. obama, 47 off biden. the fake news and media, the family, husband retired was murdered in a livestream all over the world and the united states. the father dying while he filmed it. that was not white supremacists infusing in these riots. it was cnn. he cut in. they don't show that. my god. it's unbelievable. it goes on and on, these riots.
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the cities are burning in the backgrounds. you watch people come out with cases of booze in their hands. nobody talks, mute. the majority is conservative, the quiet, that is not represented by the media. democraties, burned-out states and cities across the country and spreading. who is doing these riots and destruction? you have a lot of 20 and 30-year-old white women, rich kids out of college with a degree -- there are still jobs everywhere. host: i heard your point. eat in jacksonville, florida supporting joe biden -- pete in jacksonville, florida supporting joe biden. caller: i am calling about the president's character. who in their right mind votes for a man who steals millions
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from his own dead brother's children? that says it all. d oldther republicans, sa people need to die for their country. they killed 180,000 with more to come. anybody that can vote republican is living in a dream. that's all i have to say. , morgantown, west virginia supporting the president. caller: good morning. i am supporting president trump, loud and proud. i am tired of seeing the violence in the cities. i'm tired of seeing an agenda of hatred and gloom and doom from the democrats. i don't believe in murdering babies.
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want to doall they is block everything president has tried to do. i don't know who in their right mind could vote for someone who obviously is a little confused and is having some issues. i think his family should stop making can be a puppet, which is what is going on. someone said, what has president trump done before? he is a reality star. what has biden done? he was a politician for decades and accomplished absolutely nothing. i think everybody needs a wake-up call on that. tothis happens, we are going be left in a worse shape than we are now. president trump did not cause the coronavirus, and i think he's doing a fantastic job. i am a registered democrat. i will not vote democrat. i am in ocean city visiting, and
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every banner except for one is a trump flag or banner. host: did you vote for him in 2016? caller: i most certainly did. my entire family left the democratic party. host: supporting joe biden. caller: i can't believe people talking that way about trump and what's going on. i support joe biden because he has character. he's a normal person. he is not some flimflam man. he will be the president for all the people. he will try to bring us together instead of people becoming more and more extreme. on white nationalists and militiamen is scary. they are the people who bring out the guns. willoors me that people see our economy is in shambles. the unemployment is out of
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sight. they just act like everything is perfect because he says so. talk, but no substance. is 180,000 dead mind-boggling that people just joe bidenthink -- wrote an op-ed in january that we needed to do something about this virus. it is one if it was one person we could have gotten control of it instead of having 180,000 dead. host: flat rock, indiana, supporting joe biden. hi, sue. good morning. caller: good morning. i am a registered democrat, and i am proud of it. i will be voting straight democratic ticket. issues, there your
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top concerns that motivate you to vote for democrat? caller: anybody other than donald trump, mike pence, and the republican party. i have heard trueblue fans of trump would crawl on hot coals and broken glass to vote for him. when heion to them is, lead you to the golden gate bridge in san francisco and tells you to jump, will you? he won't, but he will watch you jump. he is a parasite. he pours gasoline on your hatred and fear. he is right when he said he could go on 5th avenue and shoot someone, and his fans would still support him. am looking forward to the day when putin will be put on notice. strings are trump's
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about to be clipped. host: florida, supporting the president. did you watch this week? i tried to watch as much as possible. not 24/7, i do have a life. [laughter] i have been very cognizant and what has been going on in this country. i am in my 60's. i tried to vote for ross perot. i saw this coming decades ago. ross perot was exactly correct about what would happen, and we've seen one politician after another, one president after pushingsince ross perot the globalist oneworld government agenda. in theing to result
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destruction of this country, our democracy, the illumination of our constitution, our freedoms, and people had better wake up and smell the coffee. the reason trump is being attacked the way he is is because of the infiltration of these people, which is sad. to stopencourage people using publications like the new york times for fact checking. withare right in the swamp the rest of the swamp creatures. president trump is absolutely has absolutely nothing to do with the spread of this virus. if people had half of a brain they would understand he has as much control of this virus as he does the tides, and he has done everything possible to try and help. he couldn't force people like
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cuomo. on. a look at what's going these comments from the democrats calling in -- and i years.independent for i even voted for obama out of desperation the first time because i disliked the bushs so much. i am against globalization and one world government. please, do not vote for biden. he is the real liar, and so is nancy pelosi. they are all borderline communists. host: new york, supporting the president. caller: i totally agree with the previous caller. a people who watch cnn and even this network, c-span, the argument is so far slanted against trump the new sources
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ited, those are news sources against trump, clearly. i'm not even what i would call a political savant, but those new sources are clearly against trump. you always pick people who poll certain questions that only attack trump's character. side saysthe dem anything about his policy because it's a lose lose argument. his policy is right on point. america first. you're in america. do the math. host: ohio, sandy, who are you supporting? caller: president trump. host: did you vote for him in 2016? caller: good morning morning. yes, i did. host: what are your top issues? why do you support him? caller: everybody says how much
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trump lies. biden lies, but the democrats don't want to bring that up. he said when he was 27 years old himself,rostituted that he sold himself out for anything. he doesn't have any morals. he went to china 25 times to visit with president xi. he is selling us out to the china cops. is why he lostat the presidency before, because he lied and stole someone else's speech. you need to show that again here he lied, and don't say didn't lie. he is against fracking. he has ocasio-cortez on that.
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in 2013 they started saying they wanted dead cops and death to america. there are white people in it, but they are not white supremacists. they are brainwashed students who support the destruction of this country. host: the president last night did talk about not being a politician, and ending the political class. [video clip] pres. trump: from the moment i left my former life behind, and it was a good life. i have done nothing but fight for you. i did what our political establishment never expected and could never forgive, breaking the cardinal rule of washington politics, i kept my promise. [applause]
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together we have ended the rule of the failed political class, and they are desperate to get their power back by any means necessary. you've seen that. because angry at me instead of putting them first, i very simply said america first. host: george in louisiana supporting joe biden. what motivates you to support the biden-harris ticket? george? george in louisiana? caller: i'm here. the biden-harris ticket? caller: not just the biden-harris ticket, i am for all cultures. [indiscernible]
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can you hear me? host: you are breaking up. now we can hear you. caller: i work for the post office. ma'am, let me tell you something. they have killed the post office. i worked there. [indiscernible] host: george, i apologize. we lost you. supporting the president, florida, good morning. caller: i came from the bronx. i jokingly refer to myself as a recovering new yorker. this is nothing new, these riots going on. i could see the riots from my sixth floor bronx apartment window. the problem is it has metastasized into the rest of our great country. i was politically active many times. i supported ross perot like one
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of your previous callers in 1992 and 1996 with the same reasons i supported president trump. in 2006 i was so disgusted with the system that i actively went to my voter's office and i turned in my voter card. i was tired of trying to make the world a better place, i would concentrate just on my corner of it. first when he came down the escalator in 2015 and said he was running for president, i thought, yeah, right. ok. when i found out he would get the nomination i got my voter card back as an independent. i am an industrial worker, retired. i worked the assembly lines. i watched as more and more components on the trucks we assembled came from overseas. i am all for world trade, but it has to be fair trade. i am so tired of watching my country burn because of people
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who say it's not fair. i'll tell you something, i worked my way up. andrked 15 to 16 hour days, i watched coworkers who would say that's not my job, i'm not doing that. yet they wonder why their jobs went overseas. host: we'll keep talking about campaign 2020 after a short break. also, a reminder that folks are gathering on the national mall for the march on washington. they are expecting thousands to attend the rally. the speaking program begins at 11:00 a.m. eastern. it lasts for two hours. those who are gathering will march from the lincoln memorial to the martin luther king memorial monument in washington, d.c. to elietalk mystal about campaign 2020,
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and later with trump supporter and former republican lieutenant governor of new york betsy mccaughey. we will be right back. ♪ a,nday night on-q en q and the president versus the press. foround himself criticized stealing money from the treasury, for indiscretion during the french-indian war, for a lack of patriotism during the revolution. all sorts of charges that were unimaginable against washington. when he wrote his farewell address he drafted a paragraph later cut to his editor, alexander hamilton, that made it clear one of the reasons he was not running for a third term was he could not take the implication, as he put it, of newspapers any longer.
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at eight :00ht p.m. eastern on c-span's q&a. >> washington journal continues. ,ost: joining us is elie mystal justice correspondent with nation magazine. what did you think of president trump's speech? guest: it was nightmare fuel. the longest acceptance speech ever. it was alive. i haven't checked this morning, but when i went to bed fact checkers and experts counted somewhere upwards of 23 lies. i heard one as high as 25. it was a barrage of lies. i was trying to log it in real time and keeping up with all of the lies was difficult at best.
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when you look at it from 30,000 feet, and have gotten out of the weeds of the things that he said were demonstrably not true or merely misleading, when you hour's back you saw an long violation of federal law. i know that there are not a lot of people who care about the the corruption by this president and his family, but ivanka trump, a presidential advisor, has no right to make a campaign speech on federal property. that's just wrong. every official who was in the crowd for that campaign event at the white house last night was committing a federal violation. i know they will not enforce it against these people, but come on. the use of the people's house, the use of taxpayer dollars to fund a donald trump campaign event was offensive, and it will
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get lost because there were 24 lies. host: what do you make of the speeches fromthe the other republicans on law & order? messageieve that resonates and that it will work in november. didt: i was shocked they not adjust their talking points at all to account for the fact that on the eve of the republican convention america was traumatized once again seeing the video of an unarmed black man shot seven times in the back. the republicans acted like that didn't happen. i didn't see that. instead, the republicans went back into their pattern about how law and order, the real problem is we don't have enough cops in the streets. in the streets.
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we don't have enough cops that will not shoot people for no reason. to be dividing this country between people who do not have to fear of their lives being taken away by the cops, theseus think catchphrases are useful, versus the people committed to coming up with some real solution to the problems of police violence and police brutality. it was notable to me that throughout four days and countless hours of speechmaking, the republicans did not offer one policy prescription that would decrease police violence against black people. not one. there were things they could offer. even if there were a few bad apples -- the few bad apples theory. if there was a national registry of bad apples to make sure they were not shuffled from department to department.
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there are transparency measures. things you can support and still call yourself a law and order republican. no one supported any of those policies. they just acted like what we needed was more cops shooting more people in more streets. the: scott did tell president's record on criminal justice and racial issues. i want to have you respond. [video clip] >> i'm going to ask you the american people not just to simply look at what the candidates say, but look back at what they've done. this election is about your future, and it's critical to paint a full picture of the records of donald trump and joe biden. joe biden said if a black man didn't vote for him he wasn't truly black. joe biden said lack people are a monolithic community. it was joe biden who said poor kids can be just as smart as white kids.
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thing,is words are one his actions take it to a whole new level. in 1994 he led the charge on a crime bill that put millions of black americans behind bars. president trump's criminal justice law fix many of the disparities biden created and made our system more fair and just for all americans. joe biden also failed our nation's black colleges and universities, putting blame on them as they sought to make sure our young people had access to education. once again to clean up joe biden's mess president trump signed into law historically hbcu'snding for hc having them federal funding for the first time ever. host: your response? guest: tim scott did not tout
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donald trump's record, he slammed joe biden's record. those are different things. one loss got is pointing to when he says he reformed criminal justice is cory booker's bill. that was cosponsored by kamala harris. yes, trump signed it. good job, donald. and the funding for historically black colleges, that doesn't do criminal justice reform. i support education funding all across the country, that has nothing to do with addressing police brutality in our street. that -- biden does have a record that is problematic on criminal justice reform. people have complained about some of the issues biden has with criminal justice reform. biden listened to the complaints and said he is going forward
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looking at a different way of addressing police violence and brutality. the thing is biden has a plan to address police brutality and violence. a plan tois has address police brutality and violence. they have no plan to address the violence committed against black bodies in the streets. they have nothing for me. they have nothing to run on. they have nothing to promote. host: what is the biden-harris plan? guest: they want to increase transparency across the board. they are talking smartly about making sure we have accountability in terms of simply knowing the. police record knowing when there has been a disciplinary complaint. they have, i think, a pretty good plan. i would want some more, but i think they have pretty good ideas about imposing
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federal use of force requirements like banning chokeholds and aggressive procedures we see in our streets. decrees. about consent they used to be a thing where the federal government with work with local officials to improve local policing. that is something we had in the country for a long time. jeff sessions ended them within a month of becoming attorney general. simply restoring that would be going forward. has a fairly good plan in terms of police accountability in terms of setting up independent commissions to look into any aspect anytime there is an officer-involve shooting, which is hugely important. i don't think people understand when a cop shoot someone the person who investigates them is usually a friend of the cop, they work together. at the very least you should have an independent authority looking into all instances where
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cop guns someone down. harris and biden are against that plan. trump and tim scott have nothing. host: go ahead with your question or comment. caller: i wanted to be fair about all this. i have been sick for 30 years. i died and came back, everything was pre-existing. i fall under the pre-existing plan. i had the democratic health care, i've had the republican health care. honestly, without president trump fixing everything, this was the first time ever, i mean ever, have been able to walk into a hospital or doctor's afford toford it, and walk into the pharmacy and walk out. without him, i don't think i would be able to live. host: what did he do that made that happen? caller: the health care changed. when the obamas came in, i was
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kind of excited. he said he was going to make it for pre-existing conditions. it nearly killed me. there was a penalty that if you didn't go with the health care you would have to pay a penalty. nothing was covered. nothing was covered. office, allot into of a sudden i could afford, because the cost of medicine, the help came to afford the medicine. host: let me jump in. i know that you do not cover health care issues come you are justice correspondent, but did you want to respond? guest: the thing that saved her was obamacare, the thing that helped her was obamacare, the thing that covered pre-existing conditions are obamacare. the people trying to take away pre-existing conditions are trump and the republicans and i can prove that to her if she would read the supreme court case.
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republicans are trying to get the supreme court to throw out obama and its protections of pre-existing conditions. she can simply unhook herself from fox news for a little bit and read the actual legal theions being obligated by trump administration. she will see that obamacare is what protects her despite having pre-existing conditions, and the republicans are trying to take that away. host: constance, virginia, supporting joe biden. .aller: good morning, greta what i saw during this convention was an ordination of king trump. what he said in his acceptance speech, we are not going to have the situation going on that we presidenthe has been for almost four years. he is provinghat to us that he takes absolutely
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no responsibility for what's going on. hasn't done it in four years, why would we believe he is going to do it in another four years? that's my question to everybody. , go ahead.mystal guest: i've never seen an incumbent president run like they weren't the president at the time. his campaign, his speech was basically look at this carnage. you are the one in charge. haveountry that you brought us into. mike pence in his speech said you will not be safe in joe biden's america. 180,000 people have died from a virus in six months will stop we ain't safe now.
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i was floored. it's not just that trump took no responsibility, they acted like they were not the ones in charge. isy acted like right now aoc president and trump is running some kind of desperate challenge at the last minute to stop aoc's america. it is trump's america we have been living in for four years. if you don't like some of the things happening, the person in charge is donald trump, not the democrats. president,rting the howard in spencer, west virginia. caller: i support the president of the united states. what he's doing. he wants law and order brought back. got the rebate money, they should give it back if they don't want it. unemployment, $1200 a week for
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unemployment. pension. $795 a month i would like to have some of that money back if they don't want it. thank you, ma'am. host: he started off by saying the president wanted law and order back. mean when idoes he am putting law and order back? what he means on the ground is he wants to send troops against american citizens to harass them, shoot them, and punished and then for executing their right to protest. what he is trying to say is he saw the picture on the news of a cvs earning. he saw a picture on the news of a black eye being shot to death and thought, we have to protect that cvs. that is what he means by law and order.
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plan, any policy meant to address the issue of police violence and brutality against black people, i would at least listen. but he doesn't have a policy for that. he has a policy to protect autozone. host: st. louis, missouri, matthew, supporting the president. caller: yeah, i would just wonder how you feel about with the george floyd incident and the latest one the other night, both of these guys were criminals. the one the other night, they were arresting him because he had warrants for his arrest for --for sexual issues with a minor. you the floyd incident, if
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look at the toxicology report, fentanyl inh his blood to kill three men. when he was saying i can't breathe his lung capacity was swelled to three size. his lung capacity was three times the weight of a normal man. fentanyl in his blood to kill three men. host: heard that point. guest: matthew, everything you are saying about george floyd is wrong and most of the things about jacob blake have not been proven. do you think dylan roof, the person who shot the ame church, do you think he committed a crime? caller: yes. anyone who does anything to a church like that is a crime. guest: how were the cops
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able to arrest him peacefully, preserve his life, and take him to burger king after he shot up a church of black people when they could not detain jacob black peacefully when all he was trying to do was walk away. why did he have to take seven bullets to the back wall dylan roof got a whopper? host: pennsylvania supporting joe biden. mary, good morning. caller: i'm here. host: go ahead. caller: i would like to say how this mylan started was from president trump when he called out his native people on the george floyd protection protest. that is what started that. down, to destroy, to
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make it look like the protesters did it, which anyone with any intelligence would know it was not the protesters who did it. it was the president. this is one of the largest problems that people in america do not see that mr. trump is trying to take over this country forever. if you can't see that, you really do have an intelligence problem. host: elie mystal, your thoughts. guest: i love the passion. i dislike trump as much as a reasonable person can, but i'm not willing to put the entire blame of police brutality and violence on black bodies on his doorstep. this started long before trump and will unfortunately be with us long after whatever trump child runs the dynasty. bell in newas sean
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york who was shot multiple times the day before his wedding. some people's first protest was rodney king. cops, havee, white been beating and killing us for a long time. trump is the latest figurehead on top of an organization that refuses to do anything about it. i certainly think trump has given aid, comfort, voice, and solidarity with the very worst elements of our society, which has in itself inspired additional killings. can osha is a good example. the mass shooter in el paso was a good example. sometimes he contributed to the violence, but i won't say it's all his fault. this is america's fault and we need an american solution. one reason i am so passionate and so angry with what i saw the
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republican national convention is i can't get an american solution to the problem if an entire political party pretends the problem does not exist. i can't move forward to protect myself and my children if the entire republican party acts like i'm crazy, it's not happening, and the things that i experience haven't actually happened. host: elie mystal, how do you obamapresident impacted the discussion and the issue when he served? fashionablenk it is on the hard left to blame obama. lots of people were shot and killed under obama. i think that does not give his administration enough credit. i think obama was aware of this problem. i think he and his administration tried to work the problem through the normal processes available at the time. one of the things you can say about obama rightly or wrongly
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is that he was a for real institutionalist. he believed in institutions and the power people to change institutions, but that the institutions were good and should be protected. he went through institutional responses to police violence. he was about consent decree. he supported cory booker's first step act. he supported some of these aforms, but he was citizen-based guy who looked for citizen-based reforms. what is different from eight years ago is because of the camera phone, because so many more people can see that black people have not been lying to you all this time, because of the movement, ferguson and those theests, and how it was majority black people in those protests. you look at the george floyd protest and you see a rainbow
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coalition that includes white allies and people of every ethnicity. the movement has grown bigger, stronger, people are more fed up and more willing to tear down institutions having seen the institutional response fail. tearing down about institutions. he believed in them. i disagree that obama did nothing, didn't try, or didn't care. he cared deeply and tried a lot. he tried everything one would have asked him to do in a situation where you still believed that an institutional response was possible. host: what are you watching for today for the march on washington that will be happening later this morning on the national mall? again, i am happy when the protests are a rainbow coalition. i think that makes some movement stronger.
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to be honest, it is 69 days before the election and that's what i'm focused on. we need people to vote and understand it's a binary choice. that most of what trump said last night were lies. most of what trump said last night were mostly untruths, that he has no plans to address serious issues we have in our country, for people to vote like their life ends on it. that's where my head is at. host: tammy is undecided on who to vote for. why is that? caller: i was leaning towards trump before the virus, but i don't like is virus response. my question is for mr. mystal. what is your thought on the justice act proposed by tim scott? it had things that you thought you believed in and wanted and could be negotiated on an democrats could not negotiate on them. why? guest: that's not true that the
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democrats would not negotiate. i thought tim scott's bill was underwhelming, but it was a starting point. that it's much more that i want, but it would be a legitimate starting point for the legislation. who controls the senate where tim scott works? republicans control that senate. mitch mcconnell controls that senate. they could pass a bill tomorrow if they wanted. mitch mcconnell could bring tim scott's to the floor tomorrow, and according to tim scott -- if you thought the democrats were the only ones standing in the way, tim scott does not need the democrats to pass his bill. nancy pelosi could pass a bill in the house, tim scott could bill in the senate, then they can negotiate the terms. that is how a bill becomes a law, how our civics is supposed to proceed. it does not proceed that way because republicans will not
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allow government to operate and then lie about why it is not operating. if you think that tim scott's bill was a good idea, and you thought it was a good starting point for the discussion about police violence and brutality, please call mitch mcconnell and tell him to bring the bill to the floor. if you brought it to the floor tomorrow it would pass tomorrow. arkansas,y in supporting the president. caller: yes, i sure am. i'm going to stick hind trump all the way. i have not been into politics ever. timeed and stuff, but this i am standing up for trump. he is very forthright. i don't see him as a liar. i think he tells it like it is. he says what he thinks, he is very open-minded, and he listens to the people. he is wanting to help people.
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he is trying to help the elderly and the low income, and he is congress oro buck nobody. we need more like him, that's what we are needing. somebody to stand up and not be afraid of nobody and to speak up like trump does. host: the house is about to come in. i want you to react to what you heard. him asmatty cannot view a liar, but he is a liar. for instance, mexico did not pay for the wall, he didn't build the wall, the wall is not effective because the wall has not been dealt. he said he built 300 miles and by best estimates he built five miles. that is one big lie that i happen to remember off the top of my head while matty was talking. host: elie mystal you write for
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the nation that you are focusing on the campaign. quickly, how are you getting the message out? guest: i think the most important thing is to make sure people understand how to vote. a deadly pandemic, people are still scared, and voting rules are complicated. as a person with legal training they are complicated, and in different ways in each particular state. i'm trying to use my voice and platform to get people to be focused on voting, how they can make a plan for how they are going to vote now as opposed to waiting until the last minute. this election season, last-minute voting may not be counted. then we get into the weird areas. if you're making sure you are voting in, the middle of october java better chance of your vote being counted. host: you can find his writing at


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