Kevin McCarthy
House Minority Leader Kevin Mc Carthy Discusses Broadband Access CSPAN August 29, 2020 5:31pm-6:09pm EDT
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c-span's "washington journal," everyday taking your calls live on the air on the news of the day, and we will discuss policy issues that impact you. discussedning, we campaign 2020. then, a foreign policy expert talks about his latest book on the importance of american dominance in space. watch "washington journal" sunday morning. be sure to join the discussion with your phone calls, facebook comments, text messages and tweets. on tuesday, treasury secretary steven mnuchin testifies before the house oversight and reform committee on the urgent need for additional coronavirus economic relief for children, workers and families and the administration's implementation of keys stimulus program -- key stimulus programs approved
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earlier this year. c-span, or the c-span radio app. >> house minority leader kevin mccarthy, republican pollster fred luntz and brad smith, president of microsoft talked broadband. hosted the conversation. welcome to this axios virtual event. i am a cofounder of axios. welcome to my home in arlington, virginia. i am looking into georgetown. this is the second of two events we are doing on the future of employability during the republican national convention and we thank microsoft for making these conversations
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possible and we thank you for taking a break during this busy twitter,oin us on facebook and youtube. our first guest, dr. frank -- been to conferences, seminars, extremely popular, well-known for his international bestseller, "words that work." thank you for joining axios. >> it is an honor and pleasure and what we talk about really does matter. >> thank you. you and i were talking and it turns out you have done intense research on the exact topic today, the importance of with lifelong
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learning. one of the ways you think about it is getting people to think about the difference between a job and a career. >> we did a project, a major national project for working nation, and that organization is devoted, really focused on making a difference in teaching workers that they have to be skilled, they have to be trained for the careers of the future. i think what makes working nation different is it is completely nonpartisan, as is the issue. whether you're talking about broadband for young people to get them started on the information superhighway or you are talking about lifelong learning, which adults beginning tod are not only understand but embrace, that this is not a political or partisan issue, and this is not based on income or education. any worker at any time could
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lose their job because of automation or globalization, outsourcing, and you have to be prepared, and elected officials on the federal, state and local level have a responsibility to provide these programs so people are able to make a difference in their lives. you mentioned the difference between job and career, and i don't know if you've got that statistic in front of you, but it's one of the great findings of the working nation survey. the idea that we think we have a 50%-40 5%, what we really want is a career. a job is something you go to from 9-to-5 career is something you do 24/7. a job is something you do for the next month, a career is something you love and embrace and want to stay with it. >> one thing you've done is talk to people about the difference between the good life and the
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american dream you'd what is the distinction -- american dream. what is the distinction you make there and how does broadband play into? >> that's why this conversation is so timely. the consequence of covid-19's there has been so much job and career dislocation the people are not working in the office anymore and people who thought they would be protected have not been. about the importance is planning. isn'tabout knowing -- it knowing the unknown, as donald rumsfeld used to say. is knowing the unknown, as donald rumsfeld used to say. it is about helping businesses working together to ensure that we are prepared for any contingency so that young people have access to broadband so they can do learning, they can follow
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lessons, read what they need to read and learn what they need to know to be competitive and prepared for college, career and life. and working adults are prepared for any eventuality, and they actually embrace the future. i think that is important. this is not a challenge for today at the republican convention, this is a challenge forever more. with republicans, democrats, independents, whether you live in a rural community or in urban community, these are things that affect all of us. >> your second slide looks of the fact that for those who don't have the right training, there could be some real serious unemployment based on outsourcing and automation. what is interesting is, people really don't know who to blame. walk us through your findings. it is interesting to me that while globalization is one of the most discussed and
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polarizing issues, and both sides -- republicans and -- try to turn it into an issue. what we learned from the working nation poll is automation is a concern. some jobs and careers are simply easier to outsource, easier to fill in a global environment. but that is no excuse for not getting this skills training, for not getting the lifelong learning. one of the aspects that is so needtial is a politicians to know the language that the public will respond to. and businesses need to respond to the opportunities that the government cannot do. this is not just an issue nationwide.
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governors have a role to play, mayors have a role to play, and in the end, individuals have a responsibility to get the skills they need for the careers they want. >> this is the most exciting part, the most interesting and juicy part. on this topic, what are the words that work and what are the words that bomb? how should companies, leaders be talking about this? >> that's where the good life comes in. to a lot of people, the american dream is just a dream. but the good life has a different definition to it. for some people it is a sam adams on the weekend, for other people it is the right car or the right holiday. but what always matters is the systems wehrough have right now, online training, person-to-person skills
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providing, to do conversations like you and i are having right now, that provides the basics for what we need to learn and what we want to know. and the idea that i -- that lifelong learning beats every other phrase for describing what this process is. -- i am eager that we treat we teach young people the high school is just a step toward college or career training. once you graduate from college, that is just a step toward the first job you have, and once you have that job, that is just a stepping stone to the career you want. that this is a seamless progression and we realize no matter what decade we are in, i'm in my 50's, that i still have things to learn and skills to enjoy, and whatever job or career i have right now maybe radically different from what i have in the future and that is ok -- in fact, we should embrace
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it. working nation is working with republicans and democrats, working with congress, mayors and governors to ensure we have a different mindset and that's why i am so grateful to be on this call that microsoft sponsors because they are a great example of a company that is deeply involved in making a difference for their workforce so that they will be more successful for the long term. >> as we say goodbye, you have been going to white houses more than you could count, but at the end of the republican national convention, you will be at the white house for president trump's exact -- acceptance speech. what will you be looking for and what should we be watching for? >> i am a journalist in addition to being a practitioner and pollster. it was important to me that my twitter followers embrace this.
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7500ed them yesterday, interviews, more than 7500, 68% said go, so i got on a plane last night and i'm here in washington right now. i want to see if donald trump learns anything from melania trump's speech, which was very highly regarded by the left and right. cnn embraced what she had to say and how she said it because she said heart. she expressed her condolences and sympathies to those who have suffered with or lost lives because of covid. donald trump is tough, the question is how big is his heart? i will be listening for whether he demonstrates empathy tonight rather than just strength tonight. >> thank you for those words that work. your twitter feed is an awesome place to follow the convention. franklins, thank you for joining axios. >> it was an honor.
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>> we would like to thank microsoft for making these conversations possible. our next guest is brad smith, the president of microsoft, the chief legal officer. peoplean empire of 1400 in 56 countries. he has big ideas. welcome to axios. >> thank you for having me, it is great to be here. mike: it says you are in washington and you're supposed to be in charlotte with me. quite a change in plans for the convention. i know you have been at many recent conventions. microsoft and technology has played quite a role for both parties conventions. brad: the conventions play such an important role in american politics, part of our culture, they've been a fundamental part of our history. if you think about what happened in chicago in 1860 when the republican party surprised
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everyone by nominating abraham lincoln. over the last 20 years, technology has played a vital role. they've made the conventions more accessible to the american public and made so many of these things more interactive. it's why i was in tampa in 2012 and cleveland in 2016. we played an important role in supporting the conventions. i had hoped to be in charlotte this week. mike: because i didn't have to travel, i had some extra time. "tools andreat book, weapons," brad's book. you talk about rural broadband as the electricity of the 21st century. do tell. brad: first of all, i think it's right to think of broadband as the electricity of her age. telehealth to use a
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service, you need broadband. if you want to take a community college course online, you need broadband. if you are a small business and you want to grow and create jobs , frankly, you've got to be in a place that has access to broadband. but in so many of our rural communities in the united states today, that is missing. broadband close the gap. that's why we are passionate about it. perhaps especially in the rural parts of our country, because i think without this, we will miss out on the opportunity to create the opportunities for people that they deserve. mike: brad, i think we have a a truck, showing some of the work being done in the field, some of the ways that technology is being pioneered. tell us about this truck. brad: this captures a visit one of our favorite places, my
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co-author and i both work at microsoft, and this is in northeastern washington state. it is like a number of really beautiful parts of the united states, it is more rural. there is no broadband -- or i should say, there was no broadband until microsoft works with partners. specifically that truck, i think it reflects the best of american ingenuity. but theded the grant, person who put the truck together is one of the three county commissioners in ferry county. he used it to drive around and literally test whether he could tv whitection with the spaces technology we've been helping to advance. this is basically wireless technology that uses terrestrial television, that part of the spectrum. remember for anyone who grew up with a tv antenna or rabbit ears , you could get a good signal.
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now we can use unused part of that spectrum for broadband. we partner with another company that has created now a device that is sort of the receiver. you put it on the side of your house and it can connect with an antenna that is 10 or 15 miles away, you bring cable into your house and you have wi-fi at broadband speeds. this is what rural america needs, this kind of technology or some other. i think it is of fundamental importance to put the entire country on a level playing field in terms of real economic growth. mike: you can see how that would be life-changing, especially for a family with young kids. i think we might also have a shot inside the truck just to give a sense of what happens inside. brad: yeah, this was great. i had the opportunity to learn firsthand -- look, this also
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reflects i think the best of american do-it-yourself electronic engineering. what you see there is a windows laptop. what people with a little bit of financial support can accomplish when you give them the ability to be creative. that's what is happening in ferry county, that's what is happening increasingly in rural counties across the country. mike: brad, some people talked about covid as a sort of an x-ray on our society. you were way ahead on this issue but i think we realize now with so much remote learning what a massive, life-changing imperative broadband becomes. brad: i think that is very true. actuallyht now you cannot go to school virtually in an effective way if you don't have access to broadband and you
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don't have a good computing device. there will obviously come a day when the pandemic will be behind us, when kids will be back in class in school buildings, but even when that happens, there is a huge homework gap we need to close. and we need to live in a country where every student can access all of the resources needed to do research, to do homework, to collaborate with other people. even post covid i think the importance of the broadband gap is not going to update -- abate one bit. it will remain just as important to our future as it is now. mike: you said two of the most beautiful words in the english language, two words i have not heard in quite a while, and that is post-covid. we've got to hope, right? brad: this is the time to think about not only what we want to do now but what we need to do next. what we should be doing is not
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only rebuilding but reimagining the kind of country in which we want to live. the day will come when this is behind us. none of us knows for certain when the day will arrive but the sooner we start envisioning what we want to build, the more we ,an harness the free market call on small businesses, give them what they need to succeed, i think the better off we will be as a nation. -- so you are not in charlotte, but you have a smart city initiative going on in charlotte. one of the intentions of the investment was to close the digital divide. brad: charlotte is an important city for microsoft, north carolina is an important state for us as a company. we have thousands of employees work in charlotte and support people across the united states. we invested last year more than $20 million to expand our
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presence in charlotte. we are adding over 200 new employees. part of what we want to do is not just grow our employee presence but really strengthen our commitment to the city and state. what we are doing in north carolina is part of what we are doing across the country. specifically we are bringing free digital learning opportunities to people. people, perhaps especially, who are looking either to find a new job who may have lost their job, or just want to progress in their own career. towe have combined act as free resources online, low-cost tests and certifications so people can show employers what they have mastered. one of my favorite things through linkedin, which microsoft owns, is we have created new courses, so if someone wants to get better at interviewing for a job, they can take a course on tips.
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then we have artificial intelligence that gives feedback on how they did. people can practice and learn. i think that is just one example of how we can put digital technology to work to frankly help people succeed in the current environment and add to the digital skills they are likely to need to be successful in the day -- in the decade ahead. as i read about the charlotte project, what i was most excited about was smart transit. can you give us one sentence about smart transit? brad: we live in a world where data can help us with almost everything we do. manage theirities transportation infrastructure, it can help individuals to a better job of avoiding traffic jams, at least in the days when people are driving more again and going back to the office. if you think about what it means
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to have a smart city, what we are all going to want and what we will see in the coming decade is a transportation infrastructure that is guided by data and i think especially for the public sector, to build and maintain a transportation network. this could be a game changer. mike: as we say goodbye at the end of our newsletters, we like to have one fun thing, a lighter you had a guest who got off of an actual plane. fortunate that my father came to visit in the seattle area this past weekend and it was great to have a guest in the house. he lives in wisconsin. we are all having to be very careful and very safe, but at the same time, i think my father , my family, like so many american families, were yearning
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for a little bit of normalcy that defines our lives before 2020 began. mike: brad, for those who care about the internet and technology, your twitter feed is great. youruld mention that linkedin is brad smith. thank you very much for a great conversation. tod: i look forward connecting with people. thank you as always. mike: thank you for joining axios. now, batting cleanup, kevin mccarthy is a callow -- a californian very wired into the silicon valley community, and early tech a doctor himself. he is the real deal -- early tech adopter himself. he is the real deal. rancher andtle grandson of a fireman. he is also chairman of the
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republican national convention. mr. leader, mr. chairman, welcome back. glad to be back. mike: does being chairman give you perks? i got a little gift. mike: that is reagan behind you? that is reagan. i love reagan. conservatives to be a happy conservative. bring believe policies freedom and liberty, be happy. and i think that has come forward in this convention. mike: i mention you are an early adopter and early on in the pandemic, you found an innovative use for fitness tractors.
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-- trackers. do tell. wearable,thy: it is a but what i found with this is it measures your sleep and every thing about your body, but you can tell by changes in your respiratory rate, that is an early invitation -- indication of covid, even before showing symptoms. i wanted to give it to all of my staff but congress denied me that, so i got it for my campaign. 2 your respiratory rate leaps points, don't come into work. it is a way to stay safer together, wearing masks and others, but how can we have an early indication? this is one way to do it. if we think about the way the pandemic has changed our life, the opinion piece in the financial times talked about some of the real risks the
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,andemic has exposed in america dangerous overdependence on foreign supply there are things the government can do, tax incentives. what should ms. do to close the gap -- business do to close the gap? rep. mccarthy: when i was in school, we study malcolm baldwin. now we have to rethink that. how dependent have we become on china, and with china lying to the world, what about critical minerals? we don't make penicillin or vitamins anymore. i think we should rethink the path, we would store it at a government facility but by the town we need it, it has been there 20 years. what if we go to business? pay them to make 1.2 million masks per year, they
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store it, and the next year they resell the masks and put fresh ones in? today we can ship anything within 24 hours. if you are already in china producing items, don't move to vietnam, you should move to north america. the one thing i have learned from the pandemic and what we are going through is you can still truck things back and forth. their critical minerals and items that are too important to sit back. i am a free marketer but i don't want to be dependent on anybody else especially when it comes to america. there are things we need to rethink to make sure we still have control here. we are doing that when it comes to vaccine and their pubics -- therapeutics, but never again should we be dependent on another country on those critical items we need for our own countries security. factors you the
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point to in the overdependence is china. we have seen what china has done in hong kong. how worried are you about what china will be doing with taiwan? rep. mccarthy: very scared about this. it is not just because of covid. saw one million kids go to tenement square -- watched square -- you the young man stand in front of the tank and we knew he would lose his life. we don't know who he is today because he lost his life. but he was willing to give that up for the idea of freedom. america is an idea that inspired people 30 years ago and inspired millions in the last year in hong kong who came out with the crazy idea of free speech.
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or the individuals that tore down the wall that divided to germany's good -- two watch what they are doing in the south china sea. we are watching them with shooting missiles. we watch what they have stolen from us. now we are watching the fbi tell us that they want to influence our election to elect joe biden. i think china should be a critical element of what this election is about. but, i asked if we could put a bipartisan committee together, same number of republicans and democrats, not just looking at ip theft, but can we have one american strategy for what we're doing for the next 100 years? because china does. in china, if you want to fly somewhere, you may have the money but they will not sell it to you simply because it is what you have said or family members
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-- they give you a social script. they will put that on everybody. if the nba won't not stand up to them, what will happen in the future? i think the one perspective, we need one plan as americans of what we will do with china. i think all the allies will join us based upon covid. mike: i mentioned at the top that you have close relations with the silicon valley, an issue that you were concerned about censorship of conservatives. how do you think the big tech companies are doing in trying to assuage the fears in washington? washington definitely has the valley in its sights -- what is the advice you are giving those companies? rep. mccarthy: they are doing worse than they were before. they are letting politics run it instead of the fairness of a business. they now have democrats and republicans concerned. their power is only getting larger. in a world of covid, it is getting larger because they have more influence. i don't think they are forthcoming. i have concerns about what google has been doing.
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i think you are going to hit a point where people will say, you are a monopoly. if 90% of every search on the internet goes through google, and you can control what people see and say and you want to influence an election, i don't think you will be able to maintain. if you are on the second page of google and 90% of it drops off, we got a problem. if you are directing what is driving it to the site, you will a problem where people will think they have to level the playing field. i see concern on both sides of the aisle. i think we need to rethink what they are doing. mike: it sounds like you strongly think there is regulatory, legal, legislative action coming big tech's way. rep. mccarthy: there's two different ways to handle it. the democrats want to regulate
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it like it is a utility. then we have no innovation. nothing else. i want to have a competitive playing field. when you look at what amazon is able to do, you know who should have been amazon? sears. they had the catalog, they sold you everything. but they failed. the competition proved something better. what i see now from the big tech is they are not allowing competition to come up. we see that time and again from their practices. that is where government really should come in because technology improves every single day. before google, there was yahoo! and other search engines, right? the government came in and allowed google to move up. and now, google goes out and quashes many times any new small company from rising up. that is a place we should really look at, and make sure there is a level playing field, there's competition, and someone is not controlling the market, but utilizing it to control what people see and what people think. mike: to put a bow on this, you are saying washington is more concerned about the tech companies than they were a year ago? rep. mccarthy: yeah. tech companies control more
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every single day. think about it. from instagram, from google, from a search, from youtube, from facebook, those are four big companies. but those are two. they are controlling so much of our life and so much of what we see and know. in the world of covid, you are relying on technology more because you are not going out. that is concerning to me and everybody else. the influence of what they are -- they are determining what trying to do to make people -- they are determining what free speech is. i have not seen a ban in china on what china does. that they want to ban what americans think or say in a free-speech world? i think they are overstepping their bounds. i have watched that time and again with twitter. mike: as we say goodbye, i want to ask you a question about human nature. my nephew works at a coffee bar. he says when you put a coffee in someone's hand, they don't even have to drink it, they are friendlier, they are nicer, it is purely psychological.
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at age 21, you started your first business. kevin o's deli. tell me something you learned about human nature there that serves you as you campaign for house candidates, house members this fall? rep. mccarthy: it's very interesting. i won the lottery, i took the money and opened a deli. i took a risk. there are three lessons i learned. first to work, last to leave, last to be paid. you will listen more because it is the customer. you will find ways to constantly improve every single day. but in the business of service, you connect with somebody. they trust you because they are providing their hard-worked money to purchase something from you. they want to make sure the quality is at the higher level. they want to make sure you surpass expectation. and you want to be able to take them almost to a different place. have them try something in a sandwich. some of my sandwiches are still around in other delis. turkey, cream cheese, and artichoke hearts. something i never had ever made
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before. it was not something that i knew would be good. i just wanted to try something new and expand somebody's taste. if they ask for something, i showed up on time, and made the quality better and made a connection with them. i put my name on the business. if they had a complaint, they knew who to come to. that trust, the respect you have for one another has never left me. and the most important part, being willing to serve somebody. i still go back today and look at other businesses because i think the ability to serve somebody, regardless of the color of skin or gender, says something about the character of who you are. mike: mr. leader, mr. chairman, we look forward to your speech tonight. thank you for joining axios. rep. mccarthy: all right. it's over. mike: we are adjourned. i want to thank all of you for joining the serious. i want to thank microsoft for these conversations about the future of employability.
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we appreciate you joining us. a huge shout-out to the axios event team. incredible two weeks. i'm most grateful to them. thank you, microsoft, thank you all, and look forward to seeing you on [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> monday night, will heard talked about cyber issues talked and whathe u.s. he thinks china wants to surpass the u.s. as is were power. >> by 2039, they want to suppress the united states as a sole superpower. why 2049? that is 100 years of communist rule. the way they will pass the u.s. is by being a leader in future technology, ai, quantum, 5g. that is why they have been stealing intellectual property.
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that is why they have been bullying other countries in order to buy their products and that is why they are trying to be a leader. mondayressman will hurd, night at 8:00 eastern on the communicators on c-span2. sanders saysrnie president trump's economy favors the wealthy while leaving millions in poverty. he says joe biden would raise the federal minimum wage to $15 hour, protect the middle by making it easier. sen. sanders: good afternoon. let me begin by saying to those of you lost your jobs in this pandemic, and there are millions of you, some of us in washington, sof
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