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tv   Washington Journal 09022020  CSPAN  September 2, 2020 6:59am-10:02am EDT

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so, you know, just the way it is. just the way it is. i want to thank you you all. i will see you back at the plane. thank you very much. thank you. thank you, great job. fantastic job. thank you, everybody. thank you very >> today, president trump delivers remarks at the battleship north carolina in wilmington. 2:00 p.m. eastern on c-span,, or listen on the free c-span radio app. about biden talks reopening schools amid the coronavirus pandemic at an event in wilmington, delaware. is his wife jill at 1:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. coming up in an hour, economic reporter jim tankersley on his
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book about the middle class in the united states. rudolph discusses foreign interference in campaign 2020 at 9:15 a.m. ♪ host: following the police killing of a black man, jacob blake, in kenosha, wisconsin, and a week of protest and violence, president trump went to kenosha yesterday to meet with law enforcement and tour the damage. he reiterated his campaign theme of law & order. good morning. this is washington journal. we will spend the first hour getting your views on the campaign message on law & order. is it working? the lines for those of you supporting former vice president joe biden is (202) 748-8000.
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supporters of president and mike pence, (202) 748-8001. areall others, if you undecided, that line is (202) 748-8002. 3. text, (202) 748-800 on twitter, it is at c-span wj. on facebook, we are president trump touring that damage as you saw in that video. we will show you his comments during that tour. this is reporting from the kenosha news. kenosha." trump in with law enforcement tuesday, despite concerns that such a visit would exacerbate divisions in this community. during a visit to bradford hyde
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school -- bradford high school, trump raised the wisconsin national guard's response to protests as part of the orderent's call for law & to address unrest in cities across the nation. he said this is going to heal very quickly, in regard to the damage caused by protests. are twople think those terrible words -- law & order. and they are not terrible, they are beautiful." (202) 748-8000 for those of you who are joe biden and kamala harris supporters. president trump and mike pence supporters, (202) 748-8001. all others, (202) 748-8002. the president met with law enforcement and other city officials yesterday and took a few questions from reporters. he was asked in that short queuing date if he thought systemic racism was behind the
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racism -- the unrest in kenosha and elsewhere. [video clip] >> we are focusing on violent actions, but there have been countless nonviolent protests here in kenosha, people calling for the end of systemic racism. do you believe systemic racism is a problem? mr. mr. trump: you get back to the kind of violence we have seen in portland, here, and other places. it is tremendous. the fact is we have seen tremendous toilets -- tremendous violence and we will put it out very quickly if we give it the chance. i keep hearing about peaceful protests. then they come into an area like this and i see the town is burned it down. you look at minneapolis. they should have acted much quicker. when we got the national guard
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in, it took literally half an hour. they formed it, they walked, and it was over, and they have not had a problem of any consequence yet. there police were not allowed to do the job they could do. they do not want to have a police department. they want to get rid of it. it is ridiculous. host: the reporting this morning in the wall street journal -- "trump in kenosha back police." to 'shooting amounted domestic terror'b where he called for greater support for law enforcement." nice of violence, property destruction, and clashes that led to the shooting of two protesters by a teenager. blake remains hospitalized and
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it paralyzed after a white officer shot him seven times in the back on august 23. officials have asked mr. trump to stay away, expressing concern that his visit could further inflame tim chins. tensions. mr. trump has made public safety a central theme of his campaign, and has expressed skepticism the underlying issues were a factor in the unrest. for joe biden and kamala harris, supporters of. of2) 748-8001 for supporters donald trump and mike pence. host: on twitter. socialist cities. "trump not even -- trump remains
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an absolute joke." this one says -- "all trump wants to do is gripped and brag. -- griftand brag and brag." mike in fargo, north dakota. good morning. caller: yes. good morning. i am very supportive of joe biden and harris. i think they would do the country very good. they would keep us united and not divided. i think donald trump would be a total failure. thank you. host: to cliff in san angelo, texas. caller: good morning. it is so simple. i am sitting here in my house talking to everyone this
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morning. i have a lovely home. i have a lovely neighbor next door come across the street. what if, all of a sudden, those neighbors came and burned my house down? ont came across, set it fire, and it burned it down. i think anybody would be astounded,petrified, wouldn't believe it. and you would want who to come? social worker? no. the police. and what should be done to the person who burned my house down? they should be prosecuted in put in jail immediately. this is not rocket science. this is just very simple. cities fact is, yes, the that are having problems, they are democrats who are running it. look at this mayor out in portland. he does not have a clue.
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and trump has offered time after time after time to give them help, and when he has given them help, like in kenosha, the problem was stopped overdosed immediately. -- and the blade trope yet they blaine trump and it is a democrat problem. all biden can do is try to play catch-up. host: here's a story from the washington times. "sheriffs slam portland violence." " a plan by the governor to use police from neighboring cities by sheriffs.d the governor announced the plan to temporarily use deputies from two counties as the city struggles to regain its footing in the glare of the national
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spotlight. the sheriffs of both of those counties said they would not send those deputies to portland." linda on our biden line, from santa monica. this is a president who had a fake school, which is fraud. who did not file federal taxes. a man who was also going to build condos in baja. never built them. ended up in jail for marching with the kkk, and he is talking about law & order? a man who will not even ask putin about the bounties on our military? and he has to realize, when he is talking about democrats, we have military men who are democrats. host: joe biden's campaign released an ad yesterday on the recent violence in cities. [video clip] >> this is trump's america.
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he will not bring us together. he does not want to and never will. he only divides, inflames, infuriates, and tears people apart, always making things worse. it is trump's america, and it is time to turn the page. >> i am joe biden and i approve this message. host: spartanburg, south carolina, kristi. mute your volume and go ahead with your question or comment. carolina, yououth are on the air. new your volume. we will go to jean and washington, d.c. -- in washington, d.c. caller: this is putting the cart before the horse.
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the people did not have to protest if they were not shooting black people. all of the stuff was going on. did you check to see where the other people were coming from? everybody who came out there to protest was not coming out there to fight someone. they had nobody to fight. they cannot fight themselves. the point is backwards. needs to beident examined. thank you. jim in grand forks, north dakota on the trump supporters line. hello. caller: can you hear me? host: go ahead. caller: i saw a person who tweeted that a minor was going around killing people. kyle or something -- mr. rittenhouse. his lawyer was on another network. the new york times has been
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pretty objective about what happened. kyle rittenhouse is a young kid who went there to make a difference. a typicaly when conservative, good, decent kid goes to get involved. you hear the portland mayor say, trump supporters, stay home. has conservative finally enough and wants to go into the street to counter protest, we are not supposed to. i would never do that, but kyle rittenhouse was there cleaning up graffiti and was going to assist or a building was about to be burned down. -- where a building was about to be permed down. the gum was legal. -- the gun was legal. he was attacked, he was cornered. there is video of him having a -- put to his head his head. he will probably be acquitted. --should be in a scene world
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oin a saneorld -- world. another thing, systemic racism. how do black people get along with other races in the other cities -- inner cities of this country? riots,ten target them in like in baltimore, where they burned down over 200 arab and asian businesses. korean people being targeted in l.a. i remember west philly. come of theadelphia incidents were black kids were going from classroom to classroom just pummeling and beating asian children. these things are documented all over the place, but the mainstream news never reports them. black people have a real problem
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with other races, and they should stop acting like a bunch of angels. they are not. crimeblack on white averages about 80% of interracial violence every year. blacks are not the victims. think, though, that there is still systemic racism int over that still exists both governments and civil society? government. nothing everything has been geared toward resolving that for years now but racism is what you call racial consciousness. white people are the only people in human history who have literally tried to dismantle it. they teach their children not to see race. is quite the opposite of what is going on
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here. host: let me go back to your first point on guns. you talked about the 17-year-old young man who has now been arrested and charged on that shooting. the presence of guns -- you said you would not feel safe without your gun, but imagine that on the others as well. -- on the others as well. now you have two armed camps of people. is that a healthy place for us to be in this country? caller: know, but it is a natural reaction. , but it is a natural reaction. they seem to think that general american white guy -- by the way, trump supporters work every day. i don't have time to protest and i would never protest. but the national reaction of all this.
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you would not even be a human being if you did not begin to have natural anger and wanted to fight back. that is what is so amazing. blacks seem to think that whites have to have this incredible long-suffering patients. white people are going to wake up one of these days. host: i'm going to take it to thomas in maryland. caller: i was going to talk about something else, but the man that just talked was the biggest bigot i have ever heard. ii, we had whole .owns by peopleand years, can never move into a good job. -- black people could never move into a good job. all of a sudden, we are the worst people in the world. again, black time
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people have never had a chance to get jobs. we could not move into neighborhoods. then all of we are the worst people in the world. and looking back at everything, look at. . black people in the town. they are arresting black people in peoria. one of them, during the weublican convention, recognized a widow whose husband , a federal officer was killed in san diego. it does not say that officer was killed by a white supremacist. everything that happens is always black people. and that 17-year-old kid that walked through the town. first of all, 17-year-olds are
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not allowed to buy guns. andy comes into town and he shoot somebody -- and he comes into town and he shoots somebody. so there are two people dead, one person maimed for life, because a 17-year-old kid comes in, and the president will not even denounce him or anything. host: we are asking you this first hour about the president's law & order message. four joe biden and kamala harris supporters. (202) 748-8001 four joe biden trumpce -- for donald supporters. on the day that donald trump visited kenosha with a focus on law & order, the family of jacob blake gathered at the scene of the police shooting that set off more than a week of unrest.
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the event had a festive atmosphere, complete with singing, barbecuing, and a bouncing house. aesident trump -- it was counter programming. "our focus today is to help the kenosha community." it says the uncle of jacob blake, who was shot seven times in the back by kenosha police officer. president trump yesterday announcing more federal help for kenosha. here's a look. [video clip] >> i am committed to helping kenosha rebuild. we all are. we will provide $1 million to the kenosha law enforcement so you have some extra money to go out and do what you have to do. it was a rough week, to put it mildly, and you have done incredibly well. i am providing nearly $4 million
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to support the small businesses that got burned down. and we are going to be providing over 42 million dollars to support public safety statewide, including direct support for law enforcement and funding for additional prosecutors to punish criminals and resources to provide services to victims of crime. that was bill barr who wanted that put in. that will help prosecutors and all of the other things that are so important to you. when you grab them and then nothing happens and they are back on the street, that does not work out too well. host: back to your calls. cookeville, tennessee, bob. good morning. caller: i would like to talk biden'se hypocrisy of propaganda media outlets. perfect example is until the polls started shifting on biden, the democrats and media outlets were calling it peaceful protest, but now they are
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blaming trump for all the violence. how does that work? for three months, they said they were peaceful protests. do stories with buildings burning in the background and say, that is peaceful protest. another hypocritical thing about the democrats. yesterday, there was video of nancy pelosi in a video salon. don't do as i do, do as i tell you to do. yesterday, i tried to call in. when will you have somebody on fox news on your show? here we had chris wallace -- a aer: chris wallace, he's rino. that guy is a clown, man. host: you asked a question. i appreciate your input.
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illinois, david, biden supporter. would like to talk about a problem that i see. if you want to talk about terrorism -- if you want to talk about terrorism going on in this it is originating at this time from the electoral college being used to control the food supply chain in this country, making it impossible for most americans to actually health,ote on their because all the farms, and all the meat packaging plants, decided to build right next door to one another, keep it all in of theily, and instead
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electoral college being something about their taxes or their property, they have turned by spreadingre this covid-19 that is originating and coming out of their food processing processes. that is the real terrorism going on, and the fear from it is making everyone upset, making everyone overreact, and it is at least partially causing the violence in the street. host: we welcome your comments on twitter @cspanwj. a couple here. it says -- it ain't trump supporters riding. -- those areocrat democrat supporters. it was after curfew.
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a text from gary in minnesota. "until our current administration recognizes that systemic racism is alive in our country, protest will continue." "democrats encourage violence ." this one about kyle rittenhouse, "he killed two people. are you upset? of course not. why would he drive 30 miles to clean graffiti? political news. --l headline kennedy loses senate primary to marquis. senator markey triumphed tuesday, making representative joseph kennedy the first member of the kennedy dynasty to lose a massachusetts election. here is senator ed markey from
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late last night. [video clip] is morekey: tonight than just a celebration of a movement. it is a reaffirmation of the need to have a movement, a progressive movement of young people demanding radical change, demanding justice, a movement giving voice and power to young people, where for far too long, they were ignored. it is a movement fueled by young people, who are not afraid to raise their voices or make enemies. tributes victory is a to those young people and their vision. they will save us if we trust them. we must look to them, listen to them. we must follow these young people. they want justice in our country and in our world. host: the results of another race in massachusetts. this is from the new york times.
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fightsul house democrat off upstart challenger from his left. representative richard neal, one of the party's most powerful committee chairman, beat back a challenge from a progressive .nsurgent mr. neil's victory over alex morris, a mayor who had the endorsements of a number of high-profile progressive politicians and groups, including representative of conseil cortez in new york, --ke a string of upsets string of progressive triumphs." affect your thoughts. a half-hour more on your thoughts about president trump's visits to kenosha yesterday. (202) 748-8000 four biden-harris supporters. supporters.-harris
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(202) 748-8001 for trump supporters. this is lisa. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. i am a president trump supporter. i basically feel that a lot of what we are seeing today in our country is a response to the losing byft democrats running a failed candidate, a flawed, deeply flawed candidate, and what we have seen is the persont persecution of a that was legally voted into office, and they just not have been able to get over the won that president trump . i think most common sense
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americans. i would say most americans see what is happening in our country today in many respects. you know, first it was russian collusion. and trying to impeach the president. and then covid to hit, so we had covid hit,and then so we had this extreme liberal call to shut down the country. toyou know did that do average, everyday americans who work up dish you wake up every day, put their boots on, and go to work? you know? lastly, now we are looking at violence. laughable toalmost see these protesters and people who are looting, stealing, and
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destroying other people's property. saying they are calling for justice. i mean, what is just about that? that is not just. and you know, it is laughable -- isiden is calling saying all of this is trump's fault. for there not inflammatory sensationalism of the left and the liberal media, i mean, you know, that is what is basically is going on. from we will hear josephine in livingston, new jersey on our biden line. caller: host: good morning. host:good morning. iller: looking at this time, am old enough to use another president using the same
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tactic of law & order. his name was richard nixon. even -- granted there was damage done, i can see that. everyone can see that. area it interesting the the uncle of the man who is in the hospital -- i mean, i see a film, that's not being anti-police. i see a film where a man's shirt is grabbed and this guy has his gun on his body. that is not being anti-police. there needs to be something done where, unfortunately -- that could be me -- it could be anybody. are not taught to be reactive in a situation. it is very sad that this country has come to the point, it is you against me. just like the woman we heard from california. my god, do we really live in
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america? lucifer, thatto is how a label trump. even the white evangelical church, who proclaims themselves pro-life, they are not pro-life. they are pro-births. -- trump is saying -- trump has hired who believes in this idea of heard mentality, to get to that herd mentality, 2 million people have to die. next from joppa, maryland. caller: good morning. thanks for taking my call. good morning to everybody else. that no politicians or even the news has even discussed respecting the law.
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how about respecting the law? respect the law and you will find order. instructionsolice and do not resist, and you will both live and go home that night. or, you may go to jail if you broke the law. it does not make any difference whether you are white, black, brown or whatever. if you are breaking the law, you are breaking the law. we need iner is what this country to bring it together. respect. judge the opportunity to whether a police officer has committed a crime or not. not just go busting things were burning things down. you don't even know what really happened. respect the law, do with the police tell you to do and you will live. you will both go home that night. host: this is jim on our biden
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line. clarksburg, west virginia. supporters,trump they are so stupid. i know. you've got fox news, hannity, tucker carlsen, what's the other full? rush limbaugh. saysady from california put on your boots and go to work. i worked in the mines for 15 years. there is no more mine that trump promised. the one guy you let ramble on just there toas protect a gas station. give me a break. his mom took him across state lines. that guy never had a gun in his face. what happened was, after he shot
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to take that guy ran up the gun from him. and then he shot him. he is a coward. host: this is a report from usa today. protest leaders, financiers under pro, the justice department has launched a criminal inquiry into the leadership and financing of protests against police abuse that have roiled american cities as the movement has become a political flashpoint in the contentious presidential campaign. federal authorities asserted they are not targeting free speech, but rather "coordinated criminal activity and violence related to riots, destruction of property, and violence against law enforcement. that is usa the biden campaign releasing several ads in the wake of the president's visit, here is one released yesterday.
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[video clip] >> you think of all the people today, because of the negative way this president is dealing with the covid crisis, covid, he did not cause. but, the way it has been responded to, i do not think he get what it means to a parent -- how can then -- how can they maintain their sense of dignity when they look at a child who may have a need and know they cannot figure out how to deal with it? he is in courts trying to take away the one piece of insurance that 20 million people got and 100 million people with pre-existing conditions half. we could be doing so much more to make sure you have testing equipment, protective equipment that first responders and nurses and doctors need to take care of these people. the ability to test and trace, i just do not get how there is not
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more significant understanding of the incredible pain that is occurring in america. and the economic chaos caused. >> there is so much about this acceleratedt has what was a problem before. people doing badly before are doing worse now. pandemic,, before the are nowb, had dignity, because of the pandemic driving up or standing in food lines for hours. isn you have a president who dismissing it like it is something he can just flick away or magically wave a wand instead of stepping up to say, my people are in crisis. i need to step up to take care of them. he does not have it in him. host: that from the biden-harris campaign.
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according to the washington post, the u.s. will not join mobile push to coronavirus vaccine. the trump administration says it will not join a global effort to distribute a coronavirus vaccine in part because the who is involved, it is said that could shape the course of the pandemic in the country's role in health diplomacy. the latest numbers in the u.s. from johns hopkins university, the number of cases over 6 million. over 184,000 dead. act to our question this first hour on law and order as a campaign theme. some comments on twitter. this one from joseph, "one of the prime features of a just world ruled by law and order is that laws must be just." trump's messages correct morally and practically for society for the preservation of human life.
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the only people who have a motive for opposing his message are people who intend to break the law and violate the safety and well-being of others. that henry in north carolina. "a lot of people talk in terms of stereotypes and groupings, a black man or white man doing something good or bad is on that individual, not the race as a whole. i was raised to judge each individual on their own merits, or lack there of." therica has degenerated to point where we cannot disagree without being violently disagreeable." to alan in kennewick, washington. supporter of president trump. caller: you talk about systemic racism, there is in the united states. it is all the media. the midi -- the media is the systemic racism. behindre on their knees
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obama never questioned anything he did. whether he went bankrupt at ,olyndra, send guns to mexico criminals, let the -- go from the gulf on the coast, they never questioned him. they never question two metal. atthey never questioned him all. they talk about lies, but the one time he did not lie is when he said that people could keep their doctor and it would be cheaper and they would keep their insurance. that is the only time he did not lie because he was too stupid to know that when you change the insurance and make them cover more, you have to get a new policy. host: this is drawn in bristol, connecticut.
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caller: good morning. are trump -- his buddies to get out of jail. it is a left to say he is law and order. it was the governor of wisconsin that called in the national guard. look at kushner, he can't even pass a security clearance. this bunker president. most of the people that got arrested in wisconsin were out of stators, trump supporters. comes, this guy trump is going to disappear like the virus, i hope. that is all i have to say for now. cliff in essex, maryland. caller: good morning. i have been listening to a lot of your democratic callers and they must live in an alternate universe. they have been mine controlled
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thenn and msnbc and all of people who have lied every day for four years. andre talking about law order, let's do a review. first, you had the russia hoax. and then you had the mueller hoax. then you had the kavanaugh hoax. then you had the ukraine hoax. then you had the impeachment hoax. now there is the pandemic hoax. 6% ofc confirms that only the 180 thousand people who have died actually died of covid-19. this has all been a big hoax. there is no reason to shut down the economy at all. this has been a big hoax between the communist chinese and the democratic communist, and the world health organization. host: this is also in essex, maryland. harold is a biden supporter. caller: the call i am making is
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basically about the fact that so aboveh gap is helping anybody on the lower level. what has been happening now, people on the higher level have got into -- they are afraid now that the wealth that has been taken over the years might have to be shared. they can see no way really of stopping it other than going, picking up guns, and bringing problems to each state or city they are working with. here is the other point, you want to seek on laws change? see gun lawso change? let black folks buy guns the way white folks have bought them. you will see change come about. the callers, people are
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afraid of giving up their --vileges, they are ashamed they say who is a crook? the united states wealth has taking,m republicans separating, and putting aside for their children and their grandchildren. people of color keep trying to break that set up they put in place so many years. i know it is hard. now they get on here and they go back to obama, what this person said. when obama was in there, they put a set of handcuffs on him. they would not allow him to do anything that would allow anybody other than the people already put in place to continue on with their wealth and protection.
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basically, i have no more to say. buyingck folks start guns the way you see white folks have accumulated guns, and protecting anyway they can, saying this is our right. you're right is going to come back and be a problem to you in the future. people are not going to allow y'all to continuously separate from living in certain areas. they are not going to allow that. host: harold in maryland. "great messagen, from our awesome president that gets problem solved. god bless our great nation." "trump law and order law and order wants to change the subject to -- trump wants to change the subject to law and order."
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don't recall this kind of violence during barack obama or clinton." i support the president -- "now is the time for courage and action." ew of the ll street journal here, the topic of urban lawlessness. their headline, "trump stokes unrest. if president trump honestly in thelaw & order streets, he could say lives that she could save lives by urging his supporters to stay away from protests. instead, trump does the opposite, applauding his "great one of them, aaron , was shot dead saturday night during protests turco --
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joe biden, the democratic party's nominee for president did the right thing and remarks monday when he called out the rioting, looting and setting fires as lawlessness plain and simple. those who did it should be prosecuted. biden also singled out right-wing militias, but avoided any red -- any reference to left-wing actors." video shows the suspected gunman who killed danielson standing with black lives matter supporters before firing shots. a man under investigation for that killing was identified as 48, al forrest reinhold, self-styled anti-fascist. 2020ve more campaign coverage coming up for you today on c-span. first off, we will cover an event with joe biden talking about reopening schools amid the coronavirus pandemic. that is in wilmington, delaware. he will be joined by his wife, jill biden.
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later, president trump delivering remarks at the battleship north carolina in wilmington, north carolina at 2:00 eastern, also on c-span. c-spanonline on daughter, or the free c-span radio app. joe is in crofton, kentucky. good morning. caller: good morning. i just have a couple of comments. the reason we are going through what we are right now is because thatemocrats have decided if they can't run america, they are going to burn it down. that is why it is happening in democratic states. the democrats want to their job. they want to protect their won't protectey their citizens. they can call this fascist dictator, the democrats have absolutely destroyed their own
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states. i hope republicans not give them 19 to rebuild. not one dime. host: next is ed in randall's town, maryland. caller: good morning and thank you. everybody likes to talk about it's cnn, but i am hearing callers calling everything a hoax. he was actually impeached. there was a recent finding signed by republicans and democrats saying there was improper contact between the trump campaign and russia. during the election. why are they still calling it a hoax? systemic racism, 100 years ago women got the right to vote and everybody celebrated. that was not that long ago.
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there are people still alive that are black that did not -- recently got the right. sickle cell anemia was designed by the government and pushed on black people. the king alfred plan was an official government document on how they would quell a black uprising if they wanted the rights. the narrative has changed. black lives matter has nothing to do with defunding the police. they added that into get more support from people who just generally want to support trump. it was so godlike and godly, this guy won't release his tax returns, he has paid off prostitutes, why are you supporting this guy? is he godly? no. unfortunately, i think trump is going to be reelected because he
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has the changed the narrative between white and black. there is going to be the white suburban mom vote, they are going to vote with their husbands and not their hearts, and trump will be reelected. host: president trump yesterday at his news conference following meetings with law enforcement was asked about the killing of jacob blake in kenosha at the hands of police. [video clip] >> you have acknowledged some of them are people calling for structural change. mr. blake was shot seven times in the back. do you believe there is a need for structural change? pres. trump: you could take the people of kenosha that are here -- that are not here, but they want to change also. they want law and order. they want law and order. they want the police to be police. they want the police to do what they do better than anybody else in the world. you don't see them marching.
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you don't see them on the streets. what they want is a great police force. they want people who are going to keep them safe, where there houses are not broken into, where they are not raped and murdered. they are protesters to come but they do not walk up and down the street. it's just the way it is. host: karen is next from union, kentucky. i wonder why in eight years biden did not do anything about all of this systemic racism? , twos it bad right now months before the election? wyatt now, in the last six months with the pandemic, but why statues being destroyed,
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monuments? sudden air force base names have to change. why was not -- why wasn't that done in eight years with biden? if racism was so bad for eight years, why didn't biden and obama change all of these things? why now? all of this violence is occurring, why didn't it happen during that eight year period? brenda in south carolina. caller: good morning. to the previous caller, she asked the question, let me give her an answer. it is because black people are getting shot in the back seven times. black people are being held down on the neck. that is why racism is so bad right now. obama and biden have nothing to do with now, that was -- the
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past was not as bad. to the previous caller that theyd earlier, saying should listen to the police, or respect the police when they stop you, that's true. but, philando castile did, he died. problem, thee police need to develop a better relationship with everyone, white or black. it does not matter. back to the previous caller that made a statement about working, let me tell you, i have four children. they went to college. four of them have three different jobs. my son is a police officer. i understand policing. my concern is that he is black. if you get stopped, he can be killed. he don't have a sign on his body saying, i am a police officer. that is why it is important that we as americans get together with the police and talk about
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it and try to solve this. this is a problem. host: how long has your son but on the police force? caller: my son went to college as a criminal justice major. he works three different jobs and lives in the suburbs. he earned the right to live in the suburbs. the first thing i taught them about god, to fear god and love everyone, be willing to work for what you want. if you're willing to work for it, you deserve it. host: the washington post, "permit west emerges as biggest political -- strategist begin hearing from worry democrats, telling officials president trump's single focus on law and order threatened biden's standing among white voters in the midwest. biden has offered his response, reorienting his campaign. he delivered a forceful anti-trump speech in pittsburgh,
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bringing a pizza 12 firehouse -- bringing pizza to a firehouse. his campaign is in potential troops -- potential trips to wisconsin." caller: i want to say that i am a law-abiding person. in fact, i volunteer with the police in shreveport. i just got to reading the principles of policing, you might want to look it up. host: mute your volume there, we won't get as confused. caller: i'm sorry. are at thisfeelings time, there are a number of people that have stockholm syndrome. they are following a man who is president, when you see his picture on tv, he has got all of
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these -- who have done immeasurable crime. terrible crimes. he is constantly trying to pardon them. he pardoned that policeman down there and that southern town that was accused of raping children. --, i thinkieve in we should have peaceful protests. i don't really think that president trump cares about the people who are following him like sheep. they've got stockholm syndrome because if they look at everything he has done, everything i am seeing about him i see with my own eyes. no media has told me anything. he said he could shoot somebody and nobody would do anything. he was talking about grabbing women in their private parts. i used to send my money to those people, no more. they are perpetuating hate. he is doing these things for
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political -- his numbers went down so he decided to do these things so he could -- those people with the big guns. they got on trump shirts with big guns. host: back to the massachusetts primary, sharing your comments about senator ed markey. who won against joe kennedy. theitico this morning, " unlikely kennedy who ended the kennedy dynasty, joe kennedy has freed his family from a political burden it has struggled to escape." night. the comments last it.ess we don't have [video clip] >> i called senator markey to congratulate him and to pledge my support to him and his campaign in the months ahead. the senator is a good man. you have never heard me say
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otherwise. it was difficult at times between us. good elections often get heated. i am grateful for the debates, for his commitment to our commonwealth, and for the energy and enthusiasm he brought to this race. obviously, these results are not the ones we were hoping for. fought withyone who us, stood with us, everyone who believed in us and give us their sweat and tears, hearts and souls to this fight, i am so proud of what we accomplished. , we: a couple more calls hear from pamela, biden supporter in upper marlboro, maryland. caller: you cannot manage
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systemic racism, bigotry and hate through abuse of policing. message and order is a used by richard nixon and george wallace, and it is being used now as it was used to then, for a promise to repress black people's unrest against police violence, continued racial inequities and disparities. this same message and code was used by two prominent republican strategists, not rednecks, but republican strategist barry goldwater and lee atwater, who was republican strategist to reagan and george h w bush. can c-span half -- on to discuss the issues they face? can you also have individuals on such as jane elliott with the
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baby doll study? to talk about white privilege? most white people have white privilege. the police will not shoot a white man seven times, you can't find it on record. they won't shoot a white man seven times in the back who is unarmed. host: thank you for the guest suggestions. chesapeake, virginia on the trump line. caller: i would like to say about law and order issue that looting,he violence, etc. that i have been seeing through the media, many of these wokeds are the so-called " white liberals." i do not know what they are trying to prove. anyway, they are not helping anybody.
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they are not helping anybody's cause. racism comes to systemic , a lot of people have forgotten that the democrats had control of congress from the 1940's to the 1990's almost. many of these laws they are screaming about, the systemic democrat congress but those in place. even when lbj started with the civil rights thing, many democrats were totally against it. the last thing i would like to say is that this whole thing about the suburbs being white is a complete and total fabrication. suburbs and they are integrated. thank you. host: next, we focus on the middle class, a conversation on
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the economic strength of the middle class. we are joined by author and reporter jim tankersly. we later turn our attention to foreign interference in campaign 2020 with josh rudolph from the alliance for security -- the alliance for securing democracy. ♪ an article the contenders, about the men who ran for the presidency, lost, but changed history. tonight, the arizona senator who paved the way for young conservatives, barry goldwater. announcer: sunday night on "q&a," beer chief pamela constable talks about her experiences covering the region. >> sometimes people will say
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things that are very critical of the united states, or the west. thanis more common somebody saying something offensive about being a woman. people tend to be, general speaking, i am speaking very broadly, more helpful to a woman then to a man. they can also try to take advantage of you in various ways , but generally my experience has been that if they are not going to like something about you, or mistrust something about you, it is not because you are woman, it is because you are american. announcer: watch sunday night at 8:00 on c-span's "q and a." "washington journal" continues. host: jim tankersly covers tax issues for the new york times and is the author of a new book titled "the riches of this land: the untold true story of america's middle-class."
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guest: thank you for having me. host: how do you define the middle class? guest: there are so many ways you can define the middle class and some new ways people have over time. sete it as an aspirational of economic security items that americans want to have to make their lives feel safe and secure , and to pass a better life onto their children. i defined middle-class as someone who is able to buy their own home, their own car, send their kids to school come a safer retirement --, save for retirement. stablel people feel more through tough economic times. -- if you can build enough wealth up to buy those things, i think in america we would call you middle-class. are strivingle who for that security are aspirational middle-class. host: how far back in our history does the use of the term middle-class go to refer to
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economic success? guest: we think of the middle class as quintessentially american, but it is relatively new term in terms of popular news and literature. there is references to a dating back to the 1800s, but it referred to very different things. we didn't really start seeing the explosion of both the middle-class and the use of the term middle-class until about the middle of the 20th century. the run up to and aftermath of world war ii. host: you are writing a book about a finding the middle-class , that it is the most important question in public life today. it was amid the rise of populism in the early 2010's that swept donald trump into the presidency , especially now that the country has fallen into the swiftest recession in the country's history. when that laid bare the
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fragility of workers lives and dreams lost in the 21st century. where did the good jobs for american middle-class go? where will we find new ones? does your book explore where that is? guest: it does. comprehensive argument for what happen to good jobs and why we shouldn't expect particular jobs to return. it is a variety of factors including international trade, technological advancement, a shifting composition of an economy away from manufacturing. a crucial part of the american economic equation over time has not happened. in the past when good jobs have gone away, once sprung up to replace them. that was true when we transitioned from an agricultural economy to a factory-based one. those jobs were better.
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we have not seen that this time around. millions of workers have been marooned in jobs that pay less and frankly do not make as good a use of those skills as the jobs they lost. i laid out a comprehensive -- makeup-- line i am goings not like to one particular industry. i am going to people. the argument in the book is that the american middle-class surges when we have a particular formula which is we empower people who have been disempowered in the economy to pursue their talents and make the best use of them. in this case that means investing in women, people of color, women of all races, metabolic -- -- fromng high skilled around the world and give them access to capital.
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they will create businesses, economic growth, job growth, income growth, and ultimately the good paying jobs of the future. host: jim tankersly, his new book is, "the riches of this land: the untold story of america's middle-class." if you earned below 50,000 a year -- below $15,000 a year, that number is (202) 748-8000. if you run between $50,000 and $100,000 a year, (202) 748-8001. all others, over $100,000 a year, (202) 748-8002. you can also send a text at (202) 748-8003. on those jobs, there is a line and bruce springsteen's song about the textile mill across the railroad track, those jobs ain't coming back. do you think sometimes people have unreal expectations of the return of industries, or the
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types of jobs that used to be part of the success of the middle-class? guest: i think people have been sold some unfortunate oversimplified visions of how a nostalgic economy can be brought back. i want to be clear i do think we could create hundreds of thousands, if not millions more manufacturing jobs now, but i do not think it will be the jobs we lost. if we look at the way the economy has evolved, those jobs are now requiring different skills. there is much more automation in american factories. the latest economic data, we are seeing factory production searching, but hiring is not. -- reduction surging, hiring is not. people have rising hopes that the good jobs they lost could someday be returned. it is seductive to think if we just change trade policy we
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could just get those jobs back. when you talk to businesses, when you talk to economists, it is much more complicated. greathink there will be middle-class jobs in america, and we could have a surge of them. i do not think it is likely those will look like the jobs we lost. the politicians who promised we could bring back those old jobs -- i have been covering politicians my entire career -- i think they are misleading workers and voters. host: you touched on this a moment ago. i want to read this part of your -- you write, "i have learned in my reporting that the united states economy thrived after world war ii in large part because america made it easier for people who had previously been shut out of opportunity, women, minorities, immigrants to climb the economic ladder. to make better use of their talents and potential. they were the unsung engine of
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what most americans now think as a time when the economy worked best." are we not doing that as well as we did and that post-world war ii period? guest: we are not. in some ways it is the same. similar impediments exists. we did not finish the work of the civil rights era. black americans still face actual quantifiable discrimination in basically every step of the way in their lives, from education up through the job market. that is true of other americans of color as well. it is also truly do not support women in the way we should -- it is also true who we do not support women. they have become our most skilled workers, as measured by education. have policies in place that adequately help working
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mothers balance the demands society has on them for work and childcare. between the persistence of discrimination, new types of discrimination, and the overall shifts in the economy, we are not doing enough to open those pathways. meansod news is that we've got a lot of potential sitting here. if we could truly have equality of opportunity in america, the ability for every talented worker to do what she or he is best at, there is a productivity boom waiting to happen and it would not be that difficult to tap. host: limits the themes of law and order, and response to the pandemic, do you think the economic strength of the middle-class, that message as a campaign issue is getting buried? guest: on one hand, yeah. we have a lot of important
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issues. i cover economics, so i want the economic story leading the newspapers. i also think there are crucially important health questions and questions about other things. in what -- in the other sense, it is the same question. everything is wrapped up and indistinguishable. it is impossible to distinguish between issues of race and economics in america because so much of your economic outcomes depend on your race from birth to death. we are having a big struggle over a bunch of those things in the midst of a health crisis. i do agree we are not hearing as much about what candidates would do for middle-class taxes. areink both candidates
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attempting to speak every day to the americans they consider to be middle-class who might be swing voters and make the case for why their policies would -- theirt lead policies would lead to a better way of life. host: first up is ron from west chesterfield, new hampshire, below $50,000. caller: good morning. below mentioned, i make $50,000. i have for a very long time. i find you do not have to be black to be able to miss out on a lot of opportunities. out you don't really need an awesome job to be able to accomplish your american dream. what has messed my family and i up, despite the fact i work a lot and still make up for whatever money i can, i find the big corporations and wall street is what have really screwed us up into thousand eight. 2008. what took away --
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that's what took away my dream, i probably won't end up owning a home. that was from the greed of wall street and big business. they did that to me. also, taxes on the middle class. the large corporations and the wealthy have all these tax breaks, and the poor can't afford taxes. onerous on paying taxes is the middle-class. it is no wonder we don't have much of a middle-class anymore. if the government and wall street would stay out of my way, i might could actually accomplish my american dream. not from a lack of working, i will tell you that. you areou have money or born into money, it is basically like you are not allowed to get beyond a certain point before somebody screws you over. host: what kind of work do you do?
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guest: -- caller: i own my own cleaning company, that is not doing well. i'm doing contracts through my cleaning company, but also i am currently working part-time for walmart. host: we will hear from jim tankersly. guest: first, my heart goes out to ron. i want you to know you're not alone in the kind of struggles you are describing. millions of americans saw their dreams wiped out in the 2008 crisis. i have a big part of the book on how that affected people's economic standing, their ability to reach their dream and their optimism there -- also, the main character in the --k is a man named a green ed green who has had to take multiple jobs to put together the minute -- the middle-class life that was formally one job. the problem is not that
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americans don't work hard enough. american workhours have gone up. that more than explore -- i want to get back to the very first thing ron said, which i think is important and kind of quietly lost. workers without college degrees, workers in the working-class have this solidarity now that crosses racial lines. the economy is treating them poorly no matter what race they are. it is not making full use of their talents. underpinning the book as a research project from economists from stanford. one of them told me last year
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that the quiet change in the american economy is that over the last couple of decades, white men without college degrees have started to experience the kinds of difficulties, economically, to get ahead that in the past women and minorities have experience. part of the argument of the book is that all of those workers are in this together. out are all being -- losing at the feet of guys like me, white men with college degrees. those are the folks the economy has worked really wherefore -- really well for the past few decades. host: larry is next. go ahead. tankersley, mr. america is based on six classifications of americans. it is all based on education,
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income and lifestyle. maze -- a toughwer class have time going through the maze. lower middle class and upper middle class find their way through the maze. lower upper class can fly over the top of the maze. the upper upper class has always been over the maze. had namesupper class and traditions like the rockefellers while the upper lower class are like the apple and the google. they are not upper upper class yet. they're coming too, but they don't have that name from tradition. i don't know if you agree with me or not. i like that metaphor.
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tend to segment groups exactly like that in my mind, but one of the things about class in america is that it is rigorously defined. i have my own definitions i was talking about in terms of consumption and security. maze involved is an evocative way to think about this. host: you cover economics for the new york times, how long have you been thinking about this idea of where the middle classes and to write this book? have: the long answer is i been thinking about it since i was a kid. i grew up in a timber town in oregon, what was then a timber town. in the 1980's and 1990's, i watched an economic ladder snap out from under a bunch of kids i would to school with, and their families who worked in or around the timber industry as it cratered.
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i guess i was more into economics than a lot of more socially adjusted kids might have been in high school. thendered a lot, when is economy going to work again for these guys who i liked and who worked hard and good but their hands and suddenly didn't have as much opportunity as their dads had? my entire career, i have been chasing that question and it has gotten bigger and bigger. whether as a political reporter asohio, or now in washington an economics reporter come i always come back to the question of when will the economy start working again. not just for the kids i would to high school with, but all of the hard-working americans no matter their race, gender or ethnicity who have, just like ron was saying, worked really hard not getting back out what they put in. host: our line for those over $100,000, joe, oklahoma city.
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caller: some of the first 'sholars -- first caller stole my thunder. i really don't make over 100,000 dollars, but what struck me as i do not think they are going to be voices calling in for the billionaire class. i think americans need to realize that we have 650 billionaires in america. that 650 billionaires own 90% of everything around us. the media, the government. i think money in politics is one of the reasons -- you can't get policy when the buy thetrarich politicians to make the policy. you've got pelosi who talks about investing in people below that superrich category, but her
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policies never really quite match up with that. mitch who is have up there to stop anything. plan, look at trump's tax $1.5's tax plan gave went to -- 83% of it the most ultrarich people in the country. here's another -- [indiscernible] going to exponentially grow where you have billions worldwide, workers being replaced. plan did away with depreciation for capital expenditure. brand-newey get a machine, they don't have to take that out over 20 years of
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depreciation to get the right off on their taxes, they can expense it year one. trump's tax plan is going to crush automation jobs away from people. we have too much money in , now with netdia neutrality being killed, i want , ar guest to talk about kiva grassroots lending organization. host: ok, you have put a couple of issues out there. jim tankersly, your thoughts? guest: i covered the trump tax cuts. statistics.f those the 83% is only true if you are looking at the distributional score of the final year of the task at. -- tax cut. the accelerated depreciation he is talking about, that actually
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is an expiring policy. republicans want to make it permanent. a very salient point about money in politics, which is something that people worry about and have tried to fix for longtime. most on the news of the themes of what i write about, the experience of automation. it is true, there are going to be millions of jobs automated. we are seeing it right now. it is potentially unsafe to have human workers back on the job, companies are trying to find ways to get machines to do that work. on the one hand, that is bad. on the other hand, it is going to make the cut -- it goes back to this idea of can we find better things for those workers to? american policy over the past
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few decades has not invested in this idea that there is a norma's potential in human labor still. an optimist in human labor. i think there has been this disconnect. renewedrately need questions on how do be good people, how do we empower people to start the companies that create the jobs that will actually make use of the skills for workers that are right now being lost. question from southeast pennsylvania, what is the difference between middle-class and working-class? is the difference economic or cultural? distinction a without a difference. just like middle-class, it is different words people use. i tend to think that
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working-class signifies what i mean as the aspirational middle-class. people who are working hard who want to have that middle-class security i can't afford their own home, maybe can't save for retirement, or get that job that allows them to send their kids to college, or maybe they don't have health care but they are working hard. space ofuch broader work then the working middle class. other people have definitions come i don't think any of them are right or wrong. host: also from pennsylvania, philadelphia. richard is next. caller: good morning. my concern is that, as somebody who will soon be retired, i am males movingack through this economy. you made reference earlier about the difficulty. males, at young black
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needing to do these skill environment the america has always been in, how does this tie to education, which we see has been -- especially among working-class and poor, black people have been out a disservice. the --tioned also about i am going to be generous and say the biases within employment. whether the bias is unconscious or conscious, which has blackted lack males -- this moving into "middle-class." this threat seen will be addressed? the biases have maintained consistently, for a long period black males out.
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as far as employment and the educational skill development, in order for even in the manufacturing area, taking out the unions, becoming apprentices. this thing of black mail , how doesand biases this change? economy that you may be writing guest: you have absolutely nailed the central tension and difficulty in our economy right now. it is very plain to see just how much of a problem education and discrimination are. black men and women are an
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enormous house of untapped talent. it is unjust they be confined to schools that are not as good. making it more difficult to make it through college and have more difficulties landing jobs, being paid equally and being promoted once they do. all of these things are true. say isbook, what i there are no easy answers. the very best thing we could do for our economy right now would be to eradicate systemic racism and sexism. that is not something you could do overnight. i'm not pretending everyone will change their mind and just stop discriminating. these biases often are unconscious. companies hire people the way they always have. that brings people into a certain pipeline. are very overt. sometimes discrimination is very
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overt. issues oflar, the educational equality and investment have been a struggle for decades. they have been a policy battle. there have been times when policymakers have been much more dedicated in solving them than others. i would like to be able to tell my one quick trickier we could solve the problems of education of mass incarceration, housing disparities. even if you are able to make maze as ahrough the black man in america you are thaty to end up in a house is undervalued compared to a house in a white neighborhood for no reason other than discrimination. to fix those things. those are policy failures. this idea that we all do better when we treat everyone fairly.
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truly equalize opportunity. this is not a 0% gaime. like it would be holding back other groups. everyone would do better if they could finally get ahead. or easy toot small change things. be honest with ourselves about that as we fix them. host: you write in the book that if we want to know how to revise the middle-class we need to understand how it boomed in the aftermath of world war ii. there's a story white america has told itself about how and where that boom occurred, we need to start with the classic whitetail in order to fill in the part it leaves out and correct the lies it tells us
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now. a question from twitter asks is your book address the role that fdr's policy played in creating the middle class? guest: the book picks up where fdr leaves off. it mentions one thing in particular. the policies of getting the new deal, getting america out of the great depression and of course, the war are very important. the war is maybe one of the most important parts of the start of the story. .he war was a forcing agent before world war ii, white women in particular didn't work outside of the home very much in america. black women had high labor force participation for a really long time. the war effort came and millions of american men went overseas to fight. by necessity, american women fill those roles. they were factory workers and
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other types of workers. wart off, it sustained the effort and helped. second off, it kicked open a door. they flooded out of the labor force for a little bit when the soldiers came home. very quickly they were back into it. 27 million american women joined the labor force. that is a huge surge. the war is a big part of that. surge is the part they leave out of the story. so much of what we hear is the 1950's, to beaver 1960's men in the suburbs. it is true but the other thing that is happening was to sustain the high economic growth and low unemployment that we had in the boosted 60's that income and pulled millions of people to the middle class, we had to add millions of workers.
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which we were of all races. workers had to be empowered to do higher use. that is the real magic of what happened in the civil rights era. 95% of, something like doctors and lawyers in america were white men. era through rights hard work and protest, americans tried to break down those barriers. more women and men of color started flowing into those jobs. those jobs got better. people got better at those jobs. that created economic growth which boosted incomes and pulled people into the middle class. it's a bit of a bank shot but it is very important. is jimur guest tankersley, covers economic issues for the new york times.
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the untold true story of america's middle-class is his new book. we go to bill in erie, pennsylvania. caller: good morning, thanks for taking my call. i want to make one thing clear. america is where it's at today because of people that have been working in washington, d.c., for the last 50 years, 40 years. every time we try to limit the terms, nobody will go for that. you have people down in washington making these policies .or 40 or 50 years along comes a business guy like trump. i don't like trump because he is a big mouth. he's only been in washington four years. had peace and prosperity before the pandemic. that's what we all want. didou look at what he
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before the pandemic, black, asians, latinos, women were all doing much better under this president. one of your other callers mentioned mitch mcconnell and nancy pelosi. there's a video that goes around this morning. down.ody else is shut she walks in and gets her hair done. it's a ruling class. elitists have been in washington all these years. that is why america is where it's at today. build in pennsylvania, jim tankersley. washington fort more than a decade now and i remain stunned at some of the class
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i think the frustration with state legislature and local officials. there have been policy failures up and down. they start in washington, i agree with that. i want to comment briefly on his thoughts on the pre-pandemic trump economy. everything bill said was true. the president didn't actually jobs,r the major gains in repatriation of jobs from china, or 6% economic growth. if you look at actual growth looks like the second term obama economy. good but noty amazing, not like the late 1990's. started with an economic expansion. really a historically
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feeble economic expansion. the levels he is able to claim success for were easier to achieve than someone like president bush who came in and inherited an economy falling , evenecession in 2001 before 9/11. true, the frustration is real. we really need to have an economy like our economy was doing before the pandemic. that has been hard for us to achieve. the role of various policies and getting to austin that point at that time. host: we will go to julia in boulder, colorado. first, i so appreciate your articulation of the ways in which issues are characterized that are issues
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economic as well, thank you for that. i have a question that comes from an article you wrote last week about the durability of president trump's economic approval rating. thataid in the survey increasing polarization and political fidelity has a or disengaged altogether americans economic experiences from the economy. serious if the supporters of president trump who suffered youomically and conversely suggested the democrats pessimism may owe much to their view of trump as it does to clear assessment of realities. my question is if you think about what americans could do politically and policy wise to support a private middle-class, could you talk about the impact of this phenomenon where
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americans of voting on their economic future may have something other than their own economic interests? guest: great question. thanks for reading that article so closely. it is really a wild phenomenon the last few years. withve been doing polling an online program called survey monkey since the beginning of the trump era. thehe worst time in economy, which is basically right now, republicans feel better about the economy right now then the best time for the democrats well before the pandemic hit. democrats were doing very well economically in 2017 or 2018 but they felt very pessimistic about it. republicans who are really hurting now feel optimistic about it. think the reflection of the
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long-running disconnect people have been dealing with the economy themselves and this sort of increased tribalism in with the real economic outcome. economy ispe the going to actually deliver for you or to paraphrase the previous caller that the ruling class will design the economy or set the rules of the economy so that it will benefit you in the way you expect it to. say thed move on and .conomy is just one more thing do i feel like people like me are being heard? democrats do not feel empowered or like they are being heard, republicans feel empowered and feel like they are being heard. i worry about that polarization and our ability to enact these policies.
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cutstrength of the economy across political lines. there is no other way to say it. areout workers who republicans, democrats, independents. we would not be able to restore the middle class without those workers. ,e have much more in common they're much more entwined with the higher end, upper-class americans who still have seen the economy working for them for a long time. i'm sorry i don't have a great answer about how to fix that. i think it's a huge source of concern. something we all could be thinking about as we cover the american economy and political system and ask how responsive it will be to the concerns of the people who are being hurt by changes in the economy. host: a comment from jt in kentucky, i'm no longer
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considered middle-class here in kentucky. it's all about jobs, jobs, jobs. it takes three jobs here to make a living. in your research for your book, do you find that was a common occurrence? that's what it's taking a lot of people to be considered middle-class these days? certainly for families. they must have much more hours work now than they did 30 years ago, 40 years ago to be considered middle-class. i don't know where in kentucky the commenter lives but in particular if you live in a large metropolitan area with higher housing costs over the last decade in particular it has been much hearted -- harder for you. you have to work a lot so you and your partner, roommate, whatever to be able to be able to afford that middle-class security.
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again, the main character in the jt, has tot like work several jobs just to create and maintain that middle-class life for his family. i do think the hours worked phenomenon is there. it is something that just gets left out. a lot of people in washington want to tell you the middle class has done just fine ignore the fact that any income gains we have seen for middle-class workers over the last two decades are attributed to the workload. host: here in the nation's capital, brent is up next. caller: good morning. when you first began your comments you are saying how there has been a promise of returning manufacturing jobs and that promise is often falling through. at the current period in time, our nation will make that difficult to achieve. some of what we
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consider to be intentional new manufacturing jobs including renewable energy, clean energy, , what is the risk it if we don't move on establishing those as new manufacturing jobs sooner that automation will take some of those jobs before that could occur? really interesting question. thank you so much for that. in general while we want is for manufacturing to be the most cutting-edge, innovative stuff possible. i think there are ways in which that ends up being a lot of job creation. i don't know that early entry necessarily guarantee is a lot more jobs. except for the one way i can are competing in particular with other countries that have cheaper labor on solar
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panels you may in fact have much more pressure to automate in the united states to be cost competitive. if you could establish dominance in a part of the field there is no competition for. if you create for example -- lot ofas a hired manufacturing workers in the united states. that is because they are on the cutting edge, they are certainly a partne in this, it is of the clean energy economy right now. they are job creators because you need people to stay on the cutting edge. it isng answer would be helpful to be on the cutting edge of all of the technologies that will solve human problems and deliver benefits to the withry both economically
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social benefits as well. market evolves through that to be an area of dominance. rx colors from wisconsin, go ahead. caller is from wisconsin. paid 70they actually something percent. that is a huge difference. another huge difference is today even a college education for and at the same most of thentry -- educated people are trapped. they are sabotaged under $2 trillion in student loan debt from which nearly every consumer protection has been removed.
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these are predatory loans. there's no bankruptcy protection, no statue of limitations. wrecking our younger people. this student loan catastrophe is wrecking. i would point out the president has the power to cancel these loans by executive order. penny for one national debt. host: are you paying? caller: i won't pay a penny until we get the bankruptcy rights. this is a failed lending system. 80% of our borrowers will not be able to repay their debt. that is not me talking. that would be a good way to stimulate the economy right now.
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guest: the student loans are wealth building and moving into the middle class. is a huge issue for policy. i think he is absolutely right. the way the economy has changed has totally advantaged people with college degrees. the supplemental class job. waysf the more innovative that you could get into them to fix all of this to think skilled deployment development for this time ofybe in higher education prices we should be considering who needs to go to a four-year school and for what? whether that is in fact as
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related to what you then go into the job market as we have. other countries do it differently. they have a lifelong learning or registered program. there are plenty of other models that we might want to consider. there is a big, difficult topic. we want to keep saddling students with debt. also, accumulate wealth. host: do think going to college is sort of baked into that whole idea of seeing better than you did? better than the aspirational quality of the four-year degree. it is important and if you take that away, things change. how important do you think that is? it is very important.
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it is not an entire requisite. you don't have to go to a four year college to get into the middle class. there are still good jobs out there. they are much more difficult to get. is still a real premium for people who go to college and who did versus those not. just getting that degree is not enough. latter that i want my child to go to college. i went to college. my parents wanted that for me and my brother. i don't have any illusions that just going to college and graduating will be enough for my son to get a middle-class job when he grows up. i think that is part of the challenge here. leesburg, virginia, jonathan is next up. caller: the only reason school is because the
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government pushed out the private sector loans which drove up the cost. maybe if we could get out of that business the cost might go down because the universities might compete for the dollar for once. when it comes to inner-city policy that is affecting minority communities, best thing to do is actually lower those taxes to incentivize businesses to come back in because unfortunately on the democratic side cutting taxes is not in the vocabulary. it doesn't make business sense to them. if you're managing the location, you have to understand everything on the table. if you are sucking the well dry you need to let it go back in and basically let loose, thank you. actually -- back when i was a reporter in ohio i wrote a lot about state economic policy.
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a wrong way to lower taxes to try to attract businesses. ohio did it for a really long time. it was part of a big series my colleague and i did. you could throw tax incentives at companies to give them advantages over everyone else. that does not correlate with rebuilding economies. it is sort of chasing waterfalls. there has been a lot of data about it. the local level, creating jobs. we think about chasing businesses as opposed to seeing the conditions for businesses to that companies want to move to to be close to.
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base clusterdge that spawns off other companies. beis something we need to really thoughtful about. there seems to have been america sort of reflects the handouts of companies that want to move in. int: we will hear from chris boiling brook, illinois. taking myank you for call. the declineis about of themiddle class, one things i would be interesting in hearing -- interested in hearing is the democrats in the u.s. to develop like china or india. what do you think the trajectory of where we are going with
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respect to technology and jobs is? with respect to some of the other middle classes around the world like china or even in europe? guest: i like that question a lot. i don't get into it really in the book at all. it is very domestic focus. rise of the a great global middle class. for thereal victory markets and for the power of the global economy to lift people out of poverty the last several decades. there are people who argue that has come at the expense of the american middle class. while i think there are trends in globalization that hurt americans, i don't think it has to be that way. there's no rule that the american middle class must suffer in order for a global middle class to grow. that anyone has to suffer for a global middle class to grow.
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i think it could be quite positive for the entire world to povertyle lifted out of and able to put their talents to use in their own country. to innovate and leave better lives for everyone. we would be better off where democracies flourish and are more stable. i don't think these would come at anyone's expense. it has been the case in america that the american middle class hasn't sagged while the global middle class has grown. even while the richest americans have done extraordinarily well. , theyk for some people decided that rise of the global middle class came at the expense of american middle class workers. host: jim's new book, the riches of this land, the untold true story of america's middle class.
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you could read his reporting at thanks for joining us on "washington journal." we will continue taking your calls, the economic strength of the middle class. between 50000 and 100,000 annually, the line is (202) 748-8001. for those over 100 thousand, (202) 748-8002/ . joe biden will be in wilmington delaware talking about reopening schools amid the coronavirus pandemic. he will be joined by his wife and teacher, joe biden. trump is in wilmington, north carolina at the battleship north carolina. we will have that live at 2:00 p.m. eastern on c-span.
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for an follow them online the free c-span radio app. we will continue with calls for the next 15 or 20 minutes or so. we have kenneth in buffalo, new york. concerning the richest all myland, first of income is over 50,000. i didn't get a check from the government. the richest country in the world as we have been told many times. the government doesn't have it. who does have it? article, thein the anyent administration feels
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money spent on the middle class or the poor is bad for the economy. i can't believe anybody believes that. trajectory is like the end of the great depression where nobody has any money except rich people. he could not have gotten out of that if it wasn't for the war. roberto in houston, texas, good morning. caller: i will go ahead and tell the american audience. book will beext titled the future american middle class. subtopic should be role in demographics
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creating a new middle class in america. harris is a perfect example of immigrant class, professional and she made it. the next book should maybe address this and also the of it in america including drugs. thank you. .ost: thanks for that from the "wall street journal" mnuchin to offer more relief funds. they write treasury secretary steven mnuchin urged congress to appropriate more money to battle the effects of the coronavirus pandemic saying in a hearing on tuesday he was ready to sit down with democratic leaders to resume negotiations at any time. for more than a months since key provisions of the
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landmark cares act expired they have been on the content of another relief package. house democrats propose an additional $3.5 trillion of relief while republicans rolled out a $1 trillion bill in july. without a new agreement, jobless workers have gone without a federal supplement and weekly unemployment insurance since july 31. a federal eviction moratorium expired on july 25 leaving tenants at risk of losing their home. the disagreement is on city and state, is that right? they keep saying they have plenty of money. i want to be careful. it is hard to negotiate in a public agreement in a public way. conceded, chief
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meadows and i, we reviewed this with the president. in an effort to get a deal done we agreed to put more money on the table for cities and states. unfortunately they do not want to sit down at the negotiating table unless we publicly agree on a topline. we should go piece by piece. we should have the house and the senate passed. host: all of our hearing coverage, you can find at bernie is next up in howard beach, new york. caller: good morning. my concern is not the middle class. the people who are sleeping on the streets, the people who do not have enough food. the people who are in distress. that is what government economic
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policy should focus on. i don't necessarily have an answer. it is that kind of suffering on a personal level that the government should get at. not only for humanitarian history,ut throughout a country like france before its revolution and russia before its revolution. the discrepancy between people who had nothing and everything, we are heading in that direction. we have to help the people who have nothing in some fashion or another. to rhode island, tim, good morning. go ahead. we lost him. sabrina in the new hampshire. question was more of for jim or question
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whoever he was. economic mobility and to be able to expand in capitalism, don't we first have to have participants in that ,enture whether it be public military, medical, so on and so forth? if that is the case and we are investing in things for the ,uture for a better america when does the public corruption coming on in the states and when does c-span take on some real issues? checking captain dirk in the new hampshire department of corruption dealt with in indiana. so many of these infamous people and it is this vacuum. only academia could get involved
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in. academia can give any straightforward answers. impacts a worthwhile investment. all of these political people aspire and try to convince as they are up to but they go back to the well for more answers and bureaucracy, iq. thomas calling us from maryland. i'm a clinical social worker and retired army officer. i think we should have something like the public works administration. if somebody is saying i want to be funded or i'm having a , we need totuation -- the aclu will
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say you are looking this their environment. this is where they are from. even people immigrating, where do we need them? where might they be of most use? to promote the right individuals, we violate the rights in some way. i tried to be moderate politically. i think of models like israel and i think of examples where there's an idea that national service great equalizer. i wish we could return to that. finally i think instead of the global war on terrorism we should have the global war on deteriorating infrastructure. host: we are talking about the economic strength of the middle class. a few more minutes of your phone calls. the middle income class calculator, about half of u.s. adults live in middle income households in 2018. that is according to a new pew research analysis data. incomee in lower households.
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we could play along here with the calculator. select estate, let's take arkansas. and wee annual income -- $45,000 year. educations, let's say you have a bachelors degree and you are white, you could calculate that. you are married, yes. we will show you among where you state. 5% or lower income. 57% are upper income. you can find that at pew to north carolina, go ahead. my opinion, when
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organizers went to a loewen the united states, that is when the middle class started to go away. the bureau of labor statistics of union members, they may close to $200 a week more than nonunion members. power thatte buying drives the economy. -- mr. tankersley talk about work empowerment. people have been all around. what he is trying to say is nobody mentioned organized labor. i think it would be a big help. people became more aware of what organizers do to them and it would jog our economy. as far as manufacturing, all of these jobs that went away, they
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went south. they did not want to pay the wages that would create an economy like we used to have. host: have you been or were you a union member? caller: yes, i was a member of the teamsters union for 29 point five years. i'm 70 years old. i retired with a defined pension plan. along with that pension plan and my wife's and my social security. we enjoy a comfortable life. is main point of our income the defined pension plan. they are gone now. young people don't understand what they are about. that was created through organized labor. appreciate you calling in this morning. caller: thanks for taking my call. everybody's making this whole thing way too complicated. theeasiest way to increase ,mount of demand out there
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therefore stimulating the economy. that should be the floor and not the ceiling. it doesn't cost the taxpayers of this country a penny to raise the minimum wage. roughly $30,000 a year. you could buy a nice house for around 100,000 dollars, maybe even less. is nothing america but an economic desert and there are no jobs out there that are paying anything near what they , everybody is leaving the rural america and trying to move to cities to find jobs. cityputs pressure on the that they have no control over. by simply raising the minimum to $15 an hour you will save rural america, you take the pressure off the cities, and you will stimulate the economy without costing the taxpayer of
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this country a single penny. host: a bit of a historical note here from the "washington post pure cup it is the 75th anniversary of the surrender of -- "washington post pur." it is the 75th anniversary of the surrender of japan. writes on the cool cloudy morning of september 2, 1945, by --se delegation led boarded the ship. dozens of generals and admirals stood in ranks. it was a green table. japanese emperor hirohito agreed to surrender earlier. stick. the peace would american forces gone ashore.
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hundreds of thousands of japanese troops were still in arms. macarthurgeneral received a lot of criticism and historians have been hard on him in many ways. even the critics applied macarthur's performance from 1945-1950 as a supreme commander in postwar japan. retaining heroes teedo as a --arch gave the emperor irohitong emperor hero as a monarch. he introduced economic reform that benefited workers and small farmers. the japanese came to revere macarthur as a benevolent liberator. that is in the "washington post ." your authorsten to that was on and everybody that called in.
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about let's go down where the rubber meets the road. that is the federal reserve that is causing all of this. if you can get ron paul to come back for an interview. anybody like that, that would talk about the federal reserve. people should check out now that the monetary system is going to crash. we cannot sustain these levels of debt. u.n. is pushing for digital currency. ist i want people to look at they are usually electronic money. this is digital. what it will do to our freedoms -- that is all i will have to say. segment, joshext rudolph with the alliance for securing democracy will join us for a discussion on foreign
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interference and campaign 2020, that is next. ♪ book tv on c-span2 this labor day weekend. watch and talk nonfiction books and authors. a two hour live conversation with author and faith in freedom coalition founder ralph reed. "afterwards" breitbart news senior editor at large joel pollick on his book "red november." in his thoughts on the democratic primary. at 6:15y, labor day, p.m. eastern, judy gold with her book "yes i could say that." at 7:00, melissa korn and the collegeen on admissions scandal. at 8:30, wes moore.
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retired p.m., the admiral on his book "failing true north." watch book tv this weekend on c-span2. watch the ball drop 2020 national book festival live saturday, september 20 six, on book tv. "washington journal" continues. host: we are joined by josh rudolph with the alliance for securing democracy, here to talk to us about foreign interference on campaign 2020. tell us about the alliance for securing democracy. how are you funded? to see you. nice the alliance for sustaining democracy is a transatlantic think tank organization. -- forocused on stopping funding don't take money from
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government or anyone who has a special or vested interest. foundations, american families of entrepreneurs who value democracy and care about protecting it from foreign adversaries. host: we are having you want to talk to about your brand to report that came out in august. how did you put this report together, the scope of what you looked at to come to the conclusions you did? ofst: we are all aware russia's cyber attacks. shows thet interference is just as threatening to democracy. they have funneled $300 million
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more than 100 times. new caseswo or three a year. in the middle of the last decade it is now 15-30 new episodes each year of russian donors in france, lawmakers support in germany. government sending donors on secret mission in the asia pacific and elsewhere. a lot of these secret agents tried to buy influence with hillary clinton. asking foreign governments for help five times across two elections. legal. actually the real amount of contribution to our research has been all of this activity we are talking
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about into the most commonly exploited -- we worked with 100 leading experts across parts of policy solutions. host: from the alliance for securing democracy, it is easy to understand charter. authoritarian regimes to secretly funnel money. 15%, straw donors 22%, companies 11%, nonprofits 13%. 11%, online outlets 10%. a very small amount for technology. people don't understand these online ads. are fake ads about campaigns. is that the sort of major you are looking at? guest: in some cases it is just
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manipulative. , whicholitical ads parties are not supposed to be able to purchase. of their main vectors in 2016. what are report on money focuses on is the financial element. the financial support for those ads or entire outlets you could buy, or the channel through which you could get money directly. technology companies in this country have taken some steps to identify and prevent some of that activity that was identified in 2016, correct? taken some have steps to build up the defenses. you saw just yesterday they now publicize the takedowns of inauthentic behavior. they collaborate with law enforcement.
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is the constant game of whack a mole. they are developing new ways to evade our defenses. what the technology companies have tried to do is actually voluntary, congress has done nothing. we are making progress. it is a fight every day. term aligned finance, defined that for us. guest: it is basically covert funding of political actors. a regime connected oligarch funneling a million dollars, the average amount towards whatever side of the political spectrum or election that regime favors in the target country. a major national election through shell donors and
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nonprofits as you would with that pie chart, there's a whole range of financial avenues to interviewing democracy -- interfere in democracy. they may not involve money per se. orther it is gifts black-market media services. there's a whole financial toolkit. better off going into the 2020 election? are we safer from the sort of influence? are you more concerned? i wish i could say on the whole we are more safe. it is a mixed bag. a lot of good, important technical work has been done over the past four years whether the federal government, departments, and agencies with the state and local government. tracking social media manipulation campaigns that the
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platforms are now doing. the fbiinance front, has eyes on this more so than they did four years ago. it is not enough and it is not coordinated throughout the government the way it should be. that is the technical front. more work is being done. at the same time, politics are making us weak and vulnerable. of bills innumber the house that pass in the senate. the president seems incapable of seeing our country through anything other than the lens of his own personal political needs. he even welcomes the interference. is entire political system calcified around this being an issue. get to some of that proposed legislation in
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just a bit here in our conversation with josh rudolph. for those of you who support joe call and kamala harris, , (202) 748-8001 if you support donald trump in mike pence. the maligned influence of foreign actors and u.s. campaigns is the u.s. foreign toe title two and i want remind viewers it shall be unlawful for foreign nationals directly or indirectly to make a contribution, donation of money or anything of value to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation in connection with a federal, state, or local election in connection -- or an expenditure of electioneering communication. about when was this passed into law? how much does it need to be updated? guest: it is long-standing, this
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statute. after really built out watergate there was woodward and following the money laundered through mexico. this is a long-standing ban on foreign sources in our election. fart of the studies thus have focused on the challenge of foreign money. .t starts with the laws that is in the united states in other countries. the library of congress, they look at this and found it is illegal. our research has been quite different. our research starts with the bad activity. the cases of financial interference. we see perpetrated around the world throughout the past decade.
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we figure out why they were able to do that. what legal loopholes were they able to exploit around that statute? host: in response to what has happened in 2016 and since, democrats have proposed the shield act which would create a duty to report all campaign assistance from foreign governments. it would improve transparency of online political advertisement. changes restrict between candidates and foreign governments and prohibit practices about voting procedures. where does that stand in terms of passage in the u.s. house? house it passed in the almost a year ago. then went to the senate and it was watered down in a couple of notable ways in what was called
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the fire act. even the more limited version that did not apply to lawmakers reporting to congress. that version did not pass. the senate was able to get it through committee but they tried a and couldn'tnda do it. we have all of these solutions that we developed. that being one of them. it is a good proposal. we don't have the political build to understand this is a national security threat on a bipartisan basis. that is the biggest challenge to the immediate. it becomes politicized. any of these particular policies, we need our leaders to stand together and say this is not about any one candidate,
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party, or election. it is a matter of national security. have to come before all personal or partisan loyalties. host: your report came out about the same time as the senate intelligence committee released their bipartisan report on russian interference in the 2016 election. do you find any similarities in their reports? was an important report. first and foremost because it was bipartisan. that was an important step. compacts --t 140 contact between the trump campaign and the russia side. .hat was quite shocking showed all of these what theys between
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identified as a full on russian intelligence officer in one case on the u.s. side. an important investigation about the contact. the only other thing i will say about that is the senate investigation, nobody has really followed the money in the way we are recommending. from the laundering through real -- decade-longce financial ties, the billionaire ,ussian donors, deutsche bank it is the same thing on the others. prosecutors did not even officially charge the emirates with funding the secret mission to buy and influence hillary clinton. even though there operatives were caught on u.s. soil. they said the baklava was coming from their source, their bakery.
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we need to be following the foreign money. especially this year as you know, russia is once again interfering in election. interfering with the election, choosing the side they want to support and the side they don't. our research shows these are not one-offs, it is an external threat. host: we want to ask you about a story you touched on, this is a headline on it, "facebook removes accounts tied to russia. facebook took down recently created accounts and pages tied to a russian group that u.s. authorities accused of interfering with the 2016 election. the detection of the operation ahead of the november election agency,e inner research a troll farm indicted by authorities, remains a thorn in facebook's side. the company says -- 13 accounts
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shows facebook is getting better at detecting manipulation." the internet research agency, can you put the dollar figure on how much they are putting into trying to influence u.s. elections? guest: we do not know. we do not have all the insight around the activity. the financial details of the operations that are being waged. the intelligence community has said russia is using your range of measures. -- using a range of measures. we know that it was $1 million a month four years ago. they do invest. it is clearly ongoing. the internet research agency is back, they never really left. that operation was interesting and multifaceted. the most impressive thing was how it was taken down. it was not just facebook, they
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got the tip from the fbi. they coordinated with civil society to have important research done. they also coordinated with twitter and other platforms. it was a recorded well in the press. that gave me hope that authoritarians don't stand a chance when all of these institutions of democracy share information. callers.'s hear from we go first to dennis in rapid city, south dakota. caller: this is dennis. host: you are on the air. caller: ok. i served during jfk's presidency. i was an army veteran -- i still am, aren't i? killedander-in-chief was while i was on active duty in the philippines by a russian, lee harvey oswald. he was killed two days later by jack ruby.
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i volunteered to serve at the age of 19. that was during the cuban missile crisis. ask what you can do for your country, not what your country can do for you. if it wasn't for jfk, we would not have went to the moon. here seeking russian help, they russian -- a russian killed jfk because of missiles in cuba. we've got too much corruption in washington. they were going to drain the swamp, but they evidently filled the cesspool. there is way too much money in elections. we need to do something about the corruption. thank you. host: josh rudolph, any thoughts? guest: thank you, dennis for your service. i myself -- i have never put myself in harm's way in that
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2016,ut similarly, since since our country was attacked, it has been moving me to call to service. i used to work on wall street, but now i am focused more on this issue in a bipartisan way. i wish a bit more of our leaders would see it as a bipartisan national security issue the way you do. thanks. host: william in chevy chase, maryland. trump supporter. caller: i have always been interested in it exactly what is happening to influence our election. i don't think there is any influence at our ballot box, but what they are doing in terms of ads.ence through a view question i have is, are we doing the same thing to other countries? we know we are.
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we are openly going to england to say if you vote for brexit, you're going to the bottom of the line of our list. all of our influence in villa sweat -- in venezuela, and on and on. extente a study to the of we come our country are doing to influence elections? importants is very for u.s. policymakers to learn from. we need to split it out into two different time periods. cia spentis true the money interfering in elections during the cold war. 1948 andd in italy in continued around the world. bankrolling parties running against communists. just sticking with that historical period, there were differences.
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we supported the side that would preserve democracy rather than tear it down. also diminished over time with the 1950's being the most active. it increasingly came over the civilian oversight. but, it was interference. no doubt. with thatve to reckon history and ask questions about it. even as greatt power politics has come back, there is no place in the democratic world for interference. we need to be promoting democracy. that is what we have been doing since the cold war. it is not interference for a president to say transparently what american interests are in other countries -- in another country's democratic process. not coercive, corrupt, dirty tricks russia is using secretly to manipulate us.
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support for independent judiciaries, free press, groups who care about good governance, political competition, rule of law, transparently building capacity on all sides so they can determine their own destiny. that is quite different nowadays than what we used to do. host: we talked a lot about russia, in your report, russia dominates the chart in terms of the number of maligned finance cases. let's look from 2016 through last year. obviously, russia was the dominant amount here. china, the uaee and iran. in terms ofa doing trying to influence u.s. elections? first, to talk about the financial measures we were able to find over the last decade,
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most of what china is doing first and foremost is in its own region, going to countries like australia and new zealand and sending straw donors to help one side or another. their activities continue with their -- activities. as far west as the czech republic, there are bribery cases. in the united states, it is more limited and it is targeted not at our election, but at advancing china's narrative. they have bought ads about coronavirus and whose fault it is and how china handled it. have had their fair share of disinformation this year about the origin of coronavirus. they are adopting some russia style tactics, for example
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criticizing the challenges our country does rightly face around racial justice. from whatis far russia is doing on what the intelligence committee says russia is doing, using a whole range of measures including covert ops. host: denise is next in washington, joe biden support line. caller: good morning. rudolph,ike to ask mr. with trump's prior financial did hes with putin, violate any laws by taking money thenthem, owing the money, running for president? was there any violation? not that we are aware of, no.
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areas have not been fully investigated. do not want what i to do is suggest there are legal violations that we do not have been's of. our research has been very careful to only stick with cases that are fully substantiated and we have all the details and we know exactly who sent how much went through what actors and what their motivations were. we do not have evidence of that, no. host: i want to ask if your report cover the influence of outlets like russia today, and another one reported at the mediabeast, grassroots startup redfish is supported by the kremlin. the documentary outlets styles itself as independent, but it's work is on a state-supported tv network and most of its employees are from state backed media. guest: we do cover that. there are different men missed
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-- different manifestations of that. sometimes it is entirely overt if you know russian state media. redfish example, and there are many others like it, the financial support is either shrouded in some type of corporate personal relationship, oligarch funding, they have all these different methods of supporting fringe media outlets that advance their narratives in the west. the most recent case was yesterday. the network that facebook and twitter took down was based on a news website, this tactic russia has used. that is the subject of chapter six of our report on covert foreign money. it is the cutting edge of foreign interfering. a new idea to find out who is behind online media
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outlets borrowing from -- ranging from icelandic law and how they defined media outlets. we propose an alternative that require outletly libraries instead of added libraries. host: scott in sherwood, arkansas. caller: good morning. mr. rudolph sounds extreme we knowledgeable on this subject and i am wondering if he could tell our audience about bill election and the chinese money influence. obama,idn't we, under send state department individuals to israel to go against netanyahu during one of their elections?
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guest: thanks for those questions. of case you are referring to bill clinton i believe is the 1996 election. yes, china was caught funneling money. that is one of the few cases we have historically -- i explained how this problem exploded in the middle of the past decade, but that is one of the prior cases embassyof the chinese and generals associated with trainees intelligence funneling money to support the democratic side in 1996. that is not covered in our report only because we look at the last decade. we do talk about it as context for how china has some tradition, but did not really start doing this in an aggressive way until 2014 when gigi and paying -- when xi
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jinping came in and invested in their united front work, sending operatives around to influence chinese communities to their advantage. to your other point, i do not have evidence, but maybe you know more about it. host: jack rudolph with the alliance for securing democracy. talking about their new report, covert foreign money, financial loopholes exploded by authoritarians to fund political interference in democracies. we welcome your calls. (202) 748-8000 for those who support joe biden. for trump supporters, (202) 748-8001. for all others, (202) 748-8002. next up is dave in new hampshire. down i mi on the air -- -- caller: what happened to lev parnas?
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forderstand he was arrested channeling money into a political campaign. i wonder if that is still alive, or did that really happen? it has disappeared from the radar. i will wait off air for your answer. guest: that is an important case. it shows how russia can be very creative in -- not necessarily sending money through any particular conduit or entity or foreign agent. be clearlyit may not targeted towards an election in terms of a political donation per se. in that case, it was using these operatives and shell companies to obscure donations from a couple of russian businessmen.
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noted in that indictment by the southern district of new york. that absolutely did happen. there was another russian his family, via support through mortgage was able to follow additional support -- funneling this -- funnel additional support. it was part of the effort to tarnish one of the candidates in the upcoming election. we do include that in our analysis. i do not what -- i do not know what the latest is on those proceedings. host: your report also has this map. radio listeners, forgive me, you kind of have to see it. sweeping arrows, lots coming out of russia into many areas of the eu and into the united states. chineseworry about the one, but what do each of these
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little dots represent? guest: each one is a case of a foreign government interfering in a target democracy. you can see from the different icons which type of loophole was exploited, or in some cases there is a symbol of a gun to mean illegal activity. they feel find privileged to be more aggressive. you will see bold, aggressive tactics in eastern ukraine and crimea. as russia advances through the west, they get to london where they have all of these ex-pat donors. you can see the tactics shift throughout. it leaves almost no european country unscathed. host: how are you able to get those dollar figures? you talked about the total
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dollar figure europe had was $300 million. what are your sources? guest: we spent over a year surveying hundred 35 news outlets across 60 languages, looking at cases that are credibly reported and in the public reporting. news articles that investigative journalists -- in some cases legal documents like the lev parnas case. it was all reported publicly. host: arlene inouye hill, oregon. joe biden supporter. i amr: my comment is that frustrated with republican party and donald trump and the constant fear they put on the american public. after bush wasoo in office and every day we had this arrow that went yellow,
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orange, red about the different level of fear we should have. it was only during obama-biden that that was taken away in the country relax a little and was not constantly bombarded with fear we were going to be invaded ormuslims, or the chinese, that north korea was going to come after us. that has been constant fear from the day this man went into office. trump traffics in fear. thank you. host: are you concerned, josh rudolph, that because of the 2016 election and the now verified role of russia trying to influence that election that it has become more politicized and that your report may fall on deaf ears? foreignerhaps interference has become so politicized that it is hard to talk about it in a productive
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way. i feel like there have been a number of calls here from all sides that are interested, but it is the exception because these operations are designed to pit americans against each other . to so distrust in our distressed. -- sew it is important to talk with one voice about it. host: we talked about the shield act, here is where the senate is. the honest ads act focusing more on sponsored ads technology. it is sponsored by lindsey graham. it would require digital platforms with at least 50 million public visitors to maintain a public file of all the lectionary and communications purchased by a person or group over $500. it would amend the definition of electioneering to include paid internet and digital ads and
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require online platforms to make all reasonable efforts to ensure that foreign individuals and entities are not purchasing political advertisements. where does that legislation stand in the senate? guest: it is seen as a number of -- they passed in the house, and this one, even though it is sponsored by lindsey graham and before him john mccain, it is important. it cuts through one of the main sectors in 2016 of these ads. if we can't get these done, i do not know what we can get done. it really speaks to politico -- politicized asian -- politicization. that one should be a slam. . dunk. caller: good morning. opinion is that foreign interference in any campaign has been going on for
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ever since voice of america, etc. man would do young citizens a great favor by investigating local power aabbing which emanates from politicized free court. the doj. citizens united. the corporations have managed to and theboth houses local legislature. i think if you would give us information about the various and sundry tanks and how that
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money is manipulated within this country, never mind what's going outside this country, i think would be doing us a great favor. host: thanks. guest: thank you for that. a number of interesting cases were describing, voice of democracy promotion by the united states abroad since the cold war. setting aside what the cia did. since then, it is not political interference it is apolitical, building capacity on both sides. i think it is important, to the extent we can, to separate out the foreign interference with some of the important domestic activities you are referring to. there are some cases where we can't because foreign adversaries come in and take advantage of u.s.-based straw donors and adds or social media
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platforms. some of the policies need to address those. tough we try to limit that, -- our solutions more focused on the foreign thread and not impinge on the speech rights of u.s. parties. casesms of describing the , we distinguish the two. often each side picks whatever group, whether it is gun control, that they don't like and find some sliver of possible foreign interference. there are so many examples of that. we are disciplined about sticking to the cases we can tie back to an authoritarian regime. diego, question from san "where do foreign contributions to organizations, for example the clinton organization, fit into this dynamic?" guest: we looked at all of that
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including the clinton foundation. we looked at all of the articles and not a single case we had credible evidence of ties to make authoritarian regime trying to interfere in u.s. politics. it was no holds barred. we looked at everything on both sides. there was a case that we do tolude, the emirates trying influence the clinton campaign, but nothing with the foundation. host: catherine in michigan, trump supporter. caller: good morning. -- i think it's the guy from texas hit on someone of what i was thinking. foreign interference. businesses that have come here into the united states and have bought into our economy, have
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you investigated those businesses? how much they contribute to the campaign? the when i am thinking of is china. smithfielduying from in south dakota and they didn't like the fact that the prices kept going up because china likes pork, so they bought the company. thesech influence are countries having on us and why do we allow a communist country to come into our country and by property? it makes no sense to me. does russia own anything? does iran own anything here in the united states? these are questions that i wonder about. do you have any insight on that? have you investigated that? host: thanks. guest: that is something we have looked last -- looked at very
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closely, the role of court -- the role of corporations and business people. why do we allow a communist country to invest in our economy ? that is because we, leading the free world, we stand up for an open system. an open political and economic system where we have the right to invest internationally, and so do other countries. on that level playing field, we compete strongly and we win. that is traditionally the approach to why someone from a particular country would be allowed to invest in the united states and help us economically as well. i would very much draw the line between private interest and something that is tied to either a government, or proxies of that government. it is tricky to do because
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authoritarian regimes do not always draw that line. that is why we have had to look at this issue closely. if there is a u.s. subsidiary of a foreign parent company and that subsidiary is making political donations, we have to scrutinize the actors and figure out if this one is close to xi jinping. what about this one? what are the interests they had? were they just trying to expand their business, or were they trying to influence the result of an election, as russia often does to target our democracy? subsidiariesses more than any other country. in all of those cases, even though this is a blown up issue that a lot of people care about, and there is nothing wrote that, but every time there is international corruption -- which is bad, but it is different than what we're
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talking about. we are talking about maligned finance. the goal is not just to get rich, but to harm the target country. twitter,omment on "russia is so much powerful now, they had a report done on how russia messed with brexit. it looked so bad the prime minister looked afraid. did you find anything in particular about russia's influence during brexit?" guest: there appear to have been influenceectors to the brexit referendum. both online and financial as well. with limited, the details which we know about those cases. similarly to what i was saying about how nobody has followed the money in the united states, the reports that tweet refers to is a u.k. parliamentary report
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that found the british government actively did not look into any of this. that is worse, in some respects, because we have had these fbi, doj investigations, but we did not follow the money. the way that u.k. parliament did follow the money is impressive to an extent. they were looking at this vector of ex-pat donors in london, some of the tory party's biggest donors. we could learn from them. a number of cases related to brexit that are in the report, that you can read about. democracies really have to learn from each other. available atort is secure democracies website. thank you so much for joining us. guest: thank you for having me. host: that will do it's's for
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this morning program -- that will do it for this morning's program. we will be back tomorrow. have a great day. ♪ ♪ announcer: you are watching c-span. created by america's table -- cable television companies and brought to you today by your television provider. announcer: massachusetts senator ed markey defeated congressman joe kennedy last night. that is up next. and then the cochairs on the commission of presidential debates discuss the 2020 debates.
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this afternoon, joe biden on reopening schools during the pandemic. live coverage from wilmington, delaware gets underway at 1:15 eastern. after that, comments from president trump from wilmington, north carolina. ♪ "the contenders," about the men who ran for president and lost, but changed history. tonight, the arizona senator who paved the way for younger conservatives, barry goldwater. ate contenders," this week 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. announcer: massachusetts senator ed markey spoke to supporters after defeating challenger joe kennedy and the democratic u.s. senate primary election. afterwards, we hear from congressman kennedy.


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