tv Washington Journal Open Phones CSPAN September 14, 2020 11:39am-12:06pm EDT
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presidential and past presidential debates from c-span's library and there's a link to the campaign 2020 website with campaign videos, candidate information and election results. go to or listen live on the free c-span radio app. c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. host: a very good monday morning to you. can you start calling in now. first time voters only for just this first segment of "the washington journal" today. as you're calling in, i want to give the viewers the sense of the universe of potential callers we're looking for this morning. this from the exit polling going back to the 2016 presidential race. back then some 10% of voters said that the 2016 election was their first time voting. hillary clinton winning among that group of first time voters. 57% of the vote to donald trump's 38%. of course first time voters
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often overlap with younger voters. hillary clinton winning in that category of youngest voters 18-24-year-olds by 22 points in 2016. moving ahead to the midterm elections of 2018, the number of first time voters dropped significantly, this from the pew research center, their survey of voters of 2018 found 3% of self-reported voters in 2018 said that they were voting for the first time ever. among those who cast their ballots for democratic candidates for the house in 2018, 4% were first time voters, just 2% of republican voters said it was their first time voting in 2018. said it wase voting in 2018. this morning we want to hear from first time voters in the 2020 election. give us a call this morning again if you support former vice president joe biden and you're a first time voter, 202-748-8000.
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if you support president trump d you're a first time voter, 742-848-1001, 202-748-8002 if you support another candidate. it's one the news organizations are paying attention to this category of voter. to, this catf voter. this from the pbs this from pbs news hour or country is in a state of emergency, first time voters reflect on why they're voting in 2020. we'll go through more of that story and some of the first time voters there, some of their stories and what they talk about in that column. here's just one of those individuals they interviewed. viy interviewed, jeffrey, 23 out of new york, he said "i only plan on voting in state and local elections because i don't feel comfortable with the major tickets. i oppose social views of the democratic party, especially on
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abortion, but as a catholic i don't believe i can morally support president trump either, given his aggressive foreign policy and remarks towards foreign countries and the general scandal that surrounds him as a person. --t one of the people person." just one of the people interviewed in that story about why they are voting in 2020. carl is up first out of kansas city, missouri. on the line for those supporting joe biden. carl, good morning. pretty close, i'm to the guy you just talked to. the thing that swings my vote is trump pulling the money out of the world health organization. to me that's crazy, ok? that's all i have to say. host: why haven't you voted in the past? why will this be your first time? caller: you know what? i just, i wasn't a hillary supporter and i wasn't a trump supporter. host: were you ever a previous
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president supporter? do you mind if i ask how old you are? caller: i'm, i'm a veteran, but i don't, i mind my own business and stay to myself. host: can you think that generally includes voting as well? caller: well, yeah, give me something to vote for. are you voting this time, voting against something as opposed to voting for something? caller: there's a lot of things about trump and his policies that i actually like, but overall the guy is nuts. pulling the money out of the world health organization during a pandemic? that's, that's the dealbreaker for me. call,thank you for the carl. first-time voters only. those who plan to vote for the first time in election 2020. ray is out of illinois on the undecided line. ray, why are you voting this time and why haven't you voted in the past? caller: i haven't voted in the
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past because mostly the united states has been doing really good. this time? i would like to see some debates before i make up my mind. host: what do you want to see in the debates? what do the candidates need to say to get your undecided first-time vote? caller: it depends upon what the moderators asked them? host: what do you want them to ask? one of the moderators is our steve scully, i can pass along any suggestions for a question. questionsrd-hitting about policies. who stands where. host: what's an example of that that you would ask. -- ask? ok, law & order, immigration, judges. it's just a list. host: thank you for the call alum -- out of illinois. larry, rockwell, on the line for
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those supporting just joe biden. -- supporting joe biden. why will this be your first time voting? i just turned 65 and i never cared about it one way or the other. his personality, he's a nasty person. all that you hear about them is that he's just a nasty, despicable person. host: larry, when did you start feeling this way? when did you start getting engaged in politics and having these feelings about the president? well, it's just, you know, since he's become president, i didn't know how he was before. when he became president, since then, i've learned the kind of person he is. larry out of rockwell, north carolina. president trump on the campaign
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trail this weekend, holding a series of rallies on saturday and sunday. this is the president from last night in las vegas, nevada, talking about joe biden, calling him unfit to hold office. [video clip] >> joe is bad and bit primetime. the reason i can talk so badly about it is he had me standing over the graves of our fallen heroes in an ad. nobody lovesand the military more. look what i've done for them. $2.5 trillion. have mehe ad they saying horrible things in front of other people. nobody would have put up with that. it's called disinformation. they make up a total lie, they put it out there, they do ads. once he did that i said now, look, it's ok, it's ok, another gloves are off. i can say that this man is
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totally unfit to be president. up here, he's totally unfit. he can't be your president. i've gotten to know president xi of china. i've gotten to know president putin of russia. by the way, getting along with them is good. although china, i must tell you, i have a real problem with china. what they did with us. never forget, we made a great trade deal, the ink wasn't dry when the plague came in from china. they stopped it from going into china but they didn't stop it from going into our country, europe, and the rest of the world. they could have done that. see, i deal with all these people and they don't have the kind of mental problem that sleepy joe has. they are very sharp. kim jong-un, kim jong-un doesn't know about the problems that joe has. we need sharp people. i'm sorry, joe is not qualified for the position.
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host: president trump, last night at his indoor rally in nevada. talking to first-time voters this morning only. you can call in on phone lines for those first-time voters who support joe biden. (202) 748-8000. first-time voters that support president trump, (202) 748-8001. for those who are undecided or support others, (202) 748-8002 is that number. in the clip you saw the speak several times about ads put up by the biden campaign. about adsfrom npr played during nfl games yesterday. "as millions tuned in for this live event, they are getting a dose of presidential politics on commercial breaks. thursday night when the people turned in -- tuned in to watch
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the chiefs defeat the texans, ae biden was there with campaign ad and they don't come cheap. there will be a mix of ads all season, the biden campaign confirming they have already reserved a run of at least one ad nationally during each nfl game between now and election and those of pre-bookings at up to $25 million. that story and npr. here's the one minute at the story was referring to that came out last week from the biden campaign. [video clip] >> this is our chance to put the darkness of the last four years behind us. to end the anger, the insults, the division and start fresh in america. we can stop focusing on a president who thinks it is all about him and start focusing on what's best for us. we need to get control over the
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virus. donald trump failed. joe biden will get it done. we need to help working families. joe biden's plan rewards work and makes the wealthy and corporations play their -- pay their fair share. we need the next steps in health care. joe biden will lower premiums, reducing drug costs while protecting those with pre-existing conditions. we need to take on climate change while protecting social security and medicare. we have had four years of a president that brings out the worst in america. it's time that we had a president that brings out the best. >> i'm joe biden and i approve this message. ads, from "theof washington post," mike bloomberg planning to spend $100 million in the state of florida to help .lect joe biden
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this after news reports that trump considered spending $100 million of his own money in the final weeks of the campaign. the bloomberg advisors spoke to us for the story on how to make good for an earlier promise. bloomberg narrowed his focus on to florida, saying it was the best use of his money. "voting starts september 24 in florida -- host: we are talking to first-time voters only in this segment of "washington journal" today. phone lines split up as they have been through the campaign trump, supporting supporting joe biden, and the undecided. this is greg on the line for those who support president trump. vote for didn't you the president in 2016 and why are you supporting him this time?
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>> because i moved before. understand why the democrats are moaning about people not wearing masks and then they say that how come we are getting a virus? it is not trump's fault that the people are not wearing masks, you know? they are told to wear their masks. like pelosi did over at that hair salon. i don'tthing is understand why biden doesn't, you know, he didn't have any remarks about the riots. he just calls them, you know, peaceful protests. they are not. he didn't mention that at all during the democratic convention. know,just wondered, you they are just blaming trump for
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everything. they are blaming trump for the hurricanes coming through. they blame him for everything. that's just my comment. you feel like you are more engaged in politics than you work? why didn't you vote in the past? -- and iecause i felt host: what? caller: i wasn't sure about trump at the time and i didn't like hillary. i just figured i would see what happened. host: what about elections before 2016? caller: i just wasn't as interested in the politics as i am now. but i personally think that trump needs to get back in because of biden gets in, this country is really going to go down the tubes. more do you think you're motivated for donald trump or are you more motivated to vote against joe biden? caller: motivated to go for trump. greg, illinois.
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who supportoters joe biden, adam, good morning to you. why haven't you voted in the past and why are you voting this time? caller: how are you doing today? host: doing well. caller: first, i'm piece. i'm a scientist that works for nasa. i came to this country when i was 20. i studied engineering and i have my bachelors degree in aerospace engineering. i'm doing my phd in cybersecurity. , myreason i'm not happy graduation and my masters degree , my parents are from west africa. my school gave me some paperwork
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, my parents was supposed to come down to attend my graduation. down and obviously said we and going to give y'all a visa because trump say you guys have a travel ban, can't come to this country. trump policynder sucks. if you talk about america, you talk about immigrants. we all came from somewhere. and going toudent school to work for the u.s. , just to bring my parents and attend my graduation, it was no way. ban.l for what reason? host: is this the first election you are legally allowed to vote in question mark caller: yes, yes, i'm a u.s. citizen.
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me trump has got to go. he has a policy, i totally disagree. his immigration policy is bad, his economy is bad. host: what do you believe joe biden will do when it comes to immigration in this country? caller: the immigration policy under joe biden and obama was pretty good. my parents was coming back and forth to visit me all the time. we don't have any problems. it was pretty good. since trump came into power, they can't come visit. host: what year did you become a citizen, adam? caller: 2017. host: for your parents ever -- able to see you become a citizen? were they there to see you become a citizen? caller: yes.
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yes. they came down here all the time, all the time. it's wrong. this is david out of ashburn, virginia, on the line for first-time voters that support donald trump. why are you voting for them this time and why didn't you vote 2016? caller: i didn't care too much. i think it doesn't matter who will be president. why do you think that, david? think they will take care of our country, i did not think, they will take care of our country. but now i change my opinion. wants to think trump
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have good relationship with russia and some people, you know, on very top levels, they don't want this and this is crazy because it russia is a nuclear power. you don't want to have a nuclear war, we should have good relationship with russia. it's crazy, you know, to bring the world closer to nuclear war. only crazy people can do this. how do you feel about the intelligence agencies finding that russia is
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>> linda, good morning. why aren't you voting this time? linda: i'm voting this time because it's probably the most important election ever. and i didn't vote in the past, i was 70 something, 73, i think. but i was in puerto rico and moved to puerto rico when i was 20 and stayed for 15 years and you can't vote for the u.s.
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everything if you live in puerto rico. so now i'm back and kid vote. host: host: when did you start supporting joe biden? caller: i always liked him. long ago when he was the only in israel. giving -- and he was the only one who was ever remotely had the nerve to say anything. i like that. and he also mentioned slap the cat, which is the only hope for social security. so if he sticks with that stuff, i'll be happy. host: before you go, what did you do? puerto rico? why did you come back? caller: why did i come back? i came back two days before hurricane maria not knowing it was going to be a hurricane.
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i'm not very mobile. it would have been difficult for anybody who was disabled. host: what kind of work did you do in puerto rico? caller: i had a building in old san juan. it is a godgeous place, cobblestones, gas lights. i had a building. three years later i had to sell. because i fell in love with my grandson, i wanted to spend time with him. they live in north korea. host: i hope you're getting lots of time with your grandson. caller: he has school now. host: what has that been like amid the coronavirus pandemic? what sort of restrictions is your family implementing? caller: everything. the list goes on. i'm not going to go there. i don't go out anywhere because i don't get around well. my son, unfortunately, is a bartender so he's exposed to
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everything. because even north carolina it's really trump land where we are. and people don't -- the customers don't wear masks. the people who work here have to wear masks. but the customers come in. whereabouts in north carolina? caller will lington, in between jackson and -- wilmington, in between jackson and -- i'm actually in surf city. host: thanks for the call from north carolina. first time voters only is who we are talking to in this segment of the "washington journal." it's coming up on 7:30 this morning. just to give you some situational awareness here on capitol hill. the senate back in last week, of course. and you are watching them on c-span2 last week. can you watch them again today. the senate is in again today. the house also back in.
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as congress gets ready for its fall sprint a few weeks here of legislative activity before adjourning again ahead of the elections in october. they'll be out and out through election day. then we'll see what happens in the lame duck session. one of the key issues for congress to deal with is what's going to happen with the potential next coronavirus relief legislation. we'll talk more about that in our next segment of the "washington journal". washington congressional reporter with bloomberg will join us for that. it was a subject of conversation for the sunday shows yesterday. democratic congresswoman val demings of florida talking about the need and democrats pushing for a larger coronavirus relief package. here's a bit of her interview on cnn state of the union. >> we need to give them relief that really helps them to carry on their -- they are worried about keeping a roof over their head and food on the table
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weefment need to pass a meaningful bill. quite frankly if the g.o.p. is interested in helping american families, the heroes act is sitting right there. take it for an up or down vote. >> congresswoman, with all due respect, democrats control the house. you don't control the senate. you don't control the white house. you need to compromise. isn't something, even the slimmed down senate bill, isn't something better than nothing? that's what the american people have right now. nothing. >> i say the american people deserve more than the crumbs from the table. quite frankly our leadership has been there, as you well know, for weeks negotiating. there has been movement on our side. but the republicans have, quite frankly, been ridiculous in their negotiations. and it must be nice to maybe not feel like -- know the feeling of having to struggle to make ends meet. i talk to people every day in my
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district who are doing just that. and we need to give them relief that is meaningful. and we intend to do that. >> wouldn't they prefer an additional -- aim going to make up numbers now. wouldn't they prefer an addition $200 or $300 a week extra in unemployment benefits from the federal government? which is the crumbs you refer to? chair connolly: we have some housekeeping, i want to welcome everybody to the hybrid hearing. pursuant to house rules, some members will appear in person and others will appear remotely by a webex. since some members are appearing in person, let me remind everyone pursuant to the latest guidance from the house attending physician, all individuals attending this hearing in person must wear a facebook. i took mine off just to make these remarks and ail put it back on. members not wearing a facemask will not be recognized. let me also make a few rde
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