tv Washington This Week CSPAN September 19, 2020 10:00am-10:48am EDT
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>> president trump will be campaigning in fayetteville, north carolina this afternoon and you can watch that live beginning at 6:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span and also online at, and on the c-span radio app. also coming up today, more coverage and reaction to the death of supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg who died yesterday at the age of 87 after serving 27 years on the high court. >> once again, we will spend today's show talking about the life and legacy of justice ruth bader ginsburg. before we get into the conversation, we went to bring you video of justice ginsburg speaking at stanford university in 2017. here is what she said. [video clip]
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>> could you encapsulate what it means to lead a meaningful life for you? ginsburg: to put it simply, it means doing something outside yourself. itell the law students address now and then, if you are going to be a lawyer and just practice your profession, you have a scale, so you are very much like a plumber. but if you want to be a true professional, you will do something outside of yourself, something to repair tears in your community, something to make life a little better for people less fortunate than you. that is what i think a meaningful life is. one lives not just for oneself
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but for one's community. >> that is wonderful, thank you. do you think that is the same as a purposeful life? justice ginsburg: yes. your purpose is what you aim for. >> great. how has family played a part in your own life and your own meaning in your life? justice ginsburg: it plays a very large part. it is one of the things that a justice scaliaew and me together, because we both cared a lot about families. sought a big change in life in the united states between the birth of my daughter 1965.5 and my son in when my daughter jane started school, i was one of a very few
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working moms. 10 years later, there had been a enormous change. it was not unusual to have two-earner families by the mid-1960's. that made me realize it would be possible for the first time in history to move the law in the direction of what i call "equal citizenship stature" from men and women. host: joining us this morning to talk about justice ruth --er ginsburg is denni jeffrey rosen, president and ceo of the constitution center. good morning? >> good morning. host: tell us about your memories of justice ginsburg. the national constitutional center awarded her the liberty medal this year. talk about justice ginsburg and why the constitutional center give her the liberty medal this
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year. guest: she was such an external a woman -- extraordinary woman. twoas literally broadcast nights ago, and i hope c-span viewers will be the video at our website. it represents a meaningful and inspiring tribute to the memory of this great american hero. it had people pay tribute to her in words and music. and what came through in this first,ble attribute is -- what a meaningful question, to ask how could she conceivably [indiscernible] living for others, doing something for yourself, serving your community.
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mastering unproductive emotions like anger and fear, and she focused extraordinary energy on serving others. i need to convey to the , how irs have remarkable was struck by how she used every minute of her day, every minute, completely attuned to what you was doing so that she could conserve energy. that was her vision and how she lived her life. it is such an information to all who encountered her. and what she achieved, was to become one of the most influential advocates of gender equality in our time. also one of the most influential figures for constitutional change in american history. as chief justice roberts said so well, a supreme court justice of
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historic proportion's. this is one of the most people of our time, who during her time as advocate -- the law so that the courts view gender equality as -- as racial equality. and she was not only a voice of consensus, collegiality, she was also the voice of --. [inaudible] you noted in the video, and others have noted, justice marshall was the most important advocate of racial equality in his time. justice ginsburg is the most important advocate of gender equality in our time. it was just extra dinner to have extraordinary moment for - america and for all of us in knowing her. [inaudible]
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with you had a book out justice ginsburg early this year ."lled "conversations with rbg youof all the conversations had with her, what were some of the things that stood out that you can tell our viewers about? was the manner in which she had these conversations. you asked her a question, you could hear a little bit of --, and often there would be a long pause where she answered -- before she answered. you had to sit calmly. you knew what she was about to say was very special. then she would come out with something extraordinary. she spoke each word. carefully chosen and exactly right.
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in our conversations, we talked about what drew us together when i first met her as a young professor. we talked about our shared love of opera. she said it took her outside of herself. she wasn't able to think about the arguments she was thinking about. she just connected to the music. it is universal. [inaudible] one of the most meaningful conversations was not published in the first version of the book, but we will publish it in the paperback edition coming out
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this spring, when of the most intimate conversations i've ever had. i asked her about the sources of her empathy. she had this remarkable compassion to be able to focus on individual cases. she interacted with the personal lives and travails -- and she fought for --. iom when i was very young, was six years old, and my sister died. seeing the effect of that loss on my parents made me realize the grief in others. i think that was an unforgettable experience. that combination of unbelievable empathy and compassion along with total focus and strategic visions that she was always achieving her goal, is part
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of what made her so extraordinary. host: we all know about justice ginsburg's love of opera, like you were just talking about, but what else would you want our viewers to know about the woman outside of the supreme court chambers? what else can you tell us about her life and her personality, which she didn't have -- when she didn't have the justice's roomrobes on? guest: first was her unbelievable marriage to marty ginsburg. everyone just so how in love they were until the end, when he died of cancer a few years ago. as she said, he just made me crack up. we would laugh together. he was more outgoing and gregarious. she was more conservative. but they shared a sense of humor.
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because of their equal partnership, they shared responsibility for the kids. she said he was responsible for her success. they shared equal responsibility for child raising and he was her equal. she was as mindful in her personal choices and self-discipline as she was in her opinions in writing. a videoddaughter in talked about how they would have discussions about whether or not she should have a second scoop of mango sorbet. she had a sweet tooth and she thought carefully about having extra dessert. and then there was the fact that she was the most attentive copy editor i've ever experienced. she allowed me to transcribe arguments. she wanted to edit them before. when she gave me a manuscript, each -- was marked off in beautiful pencil. she would pick individual words and slightly change punctuation.
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her english teacher in college, in cornell, was vladimir nava nabokov, and she learned from him things that she took ,ith her in every email everywhere that she wrote. the fact that she was able to do arethis, sign projects conversations or send thoughtful notes to friends when their own loved ones past, it is just a sign of using every single moment of the day mindfully, in a focused way. i am so glad you picked that clip from stanford. so that we can all achieve our potential. the interviewer asked, is living a meaningful life the same as living a purposeful life? and she said, yes. her purpose, her mission was to serve the great cause of
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equality in america. and she put every ounce of her formidable, unbelievable energy to achieving that goal. host: last thoughts for our viewers about the legacy of ruth bader ginsburg? , friends, it is a terribly sad day for america, and regardless of your constitutional perspective or political perspective, we have just lost a great american hero. i would love it if you would learn about justice ginsburg today. the liberty medal video is very moving. it encapsulates her biography and life at read her decision may be on the u.s. versus virginia military institute, a great decision about gender equality. and, her own words, she has a book, and there are books about
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her. watch c-span, because c-span has done such a good job. all around c-span, go to the video archive and watch justice mindurg's brilliant thinking, talking, engaging, connecting, always in service of serving others and serving the constitution. host: we would like to thank jeffrey rosen, president and ceo of the national constitution center for coming on and talking about the legacy of justice ginsburg. jeffrey, thank you so much. guest: thank you. host: we will go to our phone lines. we are talking about the death of justice ruth bader ginsburg. and voice for the future, she has been a champion to us women here in tennessee as we work with mark rita bradshaw --
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marquita bradshaw to be the next senator from tennessee. theave le lifted her as light to follow, her energy and her tenacity. she stuck it out to the end. i hate to have lost her, but god knows best. i will continue to move forward in her name as she has put for us here in the united states. she is not only in the u.n. united states, she is missed all of the world. host: let's go to junk from new mexico. good morning. caller: good morning. jack strickland. it is a beautiful day. i read a touching article about justice ginsburg that was hosted at a feminist website. i don't know if you heard of citizens united nationally stop
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sexism. for feel free to look up their acronym. the article was written by a man who was actually the former ceo of -- national hotdogs. it is basically a fan section of what would happen if george floyd met mrs. ginsburg in the afterlife. robtheory is that he would her at gunpoint and repair in an alley. and interesting read to say the least. check it out. host: let's go to mike, calling from stockton, california. good morning. caller: good morning, jesse. there is no question that justice ginsburg had a brilliant mind. her husband was equally brilliant. i know of his repetition. brilliant tax lawyer. but here's the problem i have. and i want people to think about this. you can't deny her billions, you can't deny her cleverness that you can't deny her brilliance --
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you can't and i her brilliance and you can't deny her cleverness. she understood what planned parenthood was about. and people are recognizing it now, was founded by margaret sanger. margaret sanger was a eugenicist. what ginsburg is going to be remembered for, and is notable for, his roe v. wade -- is roe v. wade and her defense of it. my problem with justice ginsburg , and a want people to reconcile this and ink about it in the upcoming election, especially because amy barrett is being considered to replace her, is justice ginsburg in her wisdom must have been aware that margaret sanger and planned parenthood were designed to decimate our black population. this is acknowledged.
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they are trying to disassociate sanger's name with planned parenthood here in massachusetts. trying to assess what justice ginsburg and what she was about, especially in the time of the -- black lives matter, and that population being targeted for abuse and for extermination, how was ginsburg ameliorateognize or in her mind what abortion means for our black population question host: let's go to buck calling from lexington, texas, good morning. caller: good morning. gone.too bad that she is it is going to be a great loss. i think she had a great sense of humor. a pretty good person. my condolences to her family and i hope they are doing ok. is not easy, i know that. that is all i have to say. you all have a nice day.
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host: justice ginsburg spoke about the future of the women's movement at stanford university in 2017. we will bring you a little bit from what she said. here is justice ginsburg. [video clip] we aim to ensure that when we leave the court, the third branch of government will be in as good shape as it was when we joined it. i spoke of great changes i have seen in women's occupations. yet one must acknowledge the still bleak part of the picture. most people in poverty in the united states and the world over are women and children, women's earnings here and abroad trail witharnings of men comparable education and experience.
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not adequately accommodate the demands of childbearing and childbearing. and we have yet to devise effective ways to ward off sexual harassment at work and domestic violence in our homes. but i am optimistic that the movement toward enlisting the talents of all who compose we as people will continue expressed by my brave colleague, the first woman to serve on the u.s. supreme court, justice sandra day o'connor. for both men and women, the first step in getting power is .o become visible to others and then to put on an impressive show. as women achieve power, the barriers will fall. as society sees what women can do, as women see what women can do, there will be more women out
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there doing things and we will all be better off for it. expectation i can only say, amen. host: let's speak with some of our social media followers are saying about the life and legacy of justice ruth bader ginsburg. says, weone post that have lost a giant in judiciary. another tweet that says, though i disagreed with rpg on most -- issue, imost every admired her tenacity. she led a fabulous life. there was nothing mediocre about her. was assing of rbg tragedy. our loss will extend far beyond the immediate future.
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a post from facebook reads, she held tough, like a soldier. another post from facebook that reads, regardless of where one stands in the political spectrum, we are talking about the death of a human being. politicsy to focus on rather than having empathy for those who were closest to the deceased. she impacted society in a way that changed society. may she rest in peace. you're going to go back to the phone lines and talk to you about your thoughts about ruth bader ginsburg. first i want to bring you images from the supreme court last night as people came out after hearing about the death of justice ginsburg. people came out to the supreme court and left mementos, and gathered in honor of the memory of justice ruth bader ginsburg. let's go back to our phone lines and talk to yaya.
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good morning. caller: morning. i just want to say that it is tragic she is gone. because, you know, women are still fighting to make men understand that abortion is not about babies. abortion is about a woman being able to control her own cycle and a woman being able to control her own destiny. she understood that. it has nothing to do with the moral or immoral argument. it had to do with freedom and a woman's right to have a say in our futures. it is sad that she is gone. who wast's go to carol, calling from maryland. good morning. caller: good morning. agree and recognize that justice ginsburg was a great
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woman. i am sorry to hear about her death. for -- toit is time take a good look at the people who are in power, such as her and john mccain, john lewis, who are very, very ill, under medication, and getting chemotherapy and all of those things affecting their minds and physical being. there needs to be, at some point, where these people step down or take a break, because they are making decisions that affect all of our lives. i don't want to take anything away from her and all that she did. but i do not think -- i think there comes a point where the people in power who are very ill and up in age need to step aside or retire or take a break until they are fully recovered and ton come back into -- return their positions. because they are affecting
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decisions that make all of our lives. host: carol, how do we make those decisions? would you put that power -- who do you give that power to decide whether someone is physically capable of doing their job or not? caller: i think if they left it up to the american people, they were about the same way that i am thinking right now, if you leave it up to the congress, the senate, the supreme court and everything, they vote everything to their advantage, just like term limits. they will never vote for term limits because they never want to step down. did like strom thurmond, he not retire until he is 99. you can't tell me -- i mean, he died in his position. you can't tell me at 99 he is thinking like a 50 or 60 or 70-year-old man is thinking. you cannot leave it up to them. the american people have devote this. it has to be put up into the hands of ordinary citizens,
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because when they are sick at work they are told they have sickleave, they can't work when they are extremely ill. tot: carol, would you agree an age limit for voting in the united states? caller: no, i do not. except if someone is deemed incompetent or shows signs of dementia. then that is up to the family to decide about all of the decisions they make, not just voting. host: let's go to paul who was calling from fort lauderdale, florida. good morning. caller: good morning. i suppose justice ginsburg was a great person and i really don't disagree with what people have said about her today, in a positive way. but she also said she believed in a living constitution. and a living constitution is
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really a political constitution. and things that are decided by the supreme court, they themselves, scalia and ginsburg have said, the supreme court should not be deciding these things. they should be decided by the vote of the people. add thatust like to what justiceears may be supported to the supreme court should realize that there is nothing the supreme court does or decides that cannot be rectified or changed by the congress of the united states. host: let's go to lucius was calling from greenville, south carolina. good morning. caller: good morning. i would like to pay my respect and whatnsburg family the supreme court justice stood for throughout her tenure.
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throughout her tenure in the supreme court. most of all i would like to say oft this might be a moment .eparatism this lady did all she could do for the country, as an american. america needs to get together on being americans and let political ideas be challenged at the voting boxed. thank you for letting me practice my view. host: last night in minnesota president trump was asked about whether he had heard about the death of supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg. here is what president trump said. trump: she just died? i didn't know that.
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you were telling me for the first time. she led an amazing life. what else can you say? she was an amazing woman, whether you agree don't not. she led an amazing life. i am actually sad to hear that. thank you very much. >> she practiced the highest american ideals as a justice. ginsburg stood for all of us. as i said, she was a beloved figure. you all know the story, she persisted, overcoming a lot of obstacles for a woman in practicing law in those days. as well as, she continued until she moved herself in a position where she could end up changing the law of the land, leading the
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effort to provide quality for women in every field. she led the advance of equal rights for women. it's hard to believe that it is heronor to preside over confirmation hearing. i got to meet her at the time her to the supreme court. in the decades since she has been consistent and reliable, and a voice for freedom and opportunity for everyone. know, and she never failed. she was fierce and unflinching in her pursuit of the civil and legal rights of everyone. was democratic presidential nominee joe biden talking about his memories of justice ginsburg. as joe biden said, he was the senator who presided over the
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justice ginsburg confirmation hearing in 1993. once again, tributes are coming in from all around the nation, but we are also beginning to hear conversation about who should replace justice ruth bader ginsburg. i'm going to bring a few tweets that talk about the replacement and talk about justice ginsburg. this tweet comes from senate aquatic leader chuck schumer. he writes, the american people should have a voice in the selection of their next supreme court justice. this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president. here is one from mark meadows who tweets, joining the whole nation tonight in warning. -- mourning. a dedicated public servant and an inspiration to so many. my prayers are with her family and friends. eight-week coming from elizabeth
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warren. underway,g already ruth's most fervent wish was for her replacement not to be named until a new president is installed. must honor her wish. a tweet from senator lindsey graham. it is with great sadness i learned of the passing of justice ginsburg. justice ginsburg was a trailblazer who possessed passion for her causes. she served with honor and distinction as a member of the supreme court. while i had many differences with her, i appreciate her service to our nation. my thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends. she rest in peace. host: once again, we want to know your thoughts about the death of justice ruth bader ginsburg. let's go back to our phone lines and talk to greg who was calling from denver, colorado.
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good morning. caller: good morning to you too. was, never let anybody kick a hole in your dreams. she never let anybody kick a hole in her dreams. mcconnell antch opportunity to rise above partisan, hypocritical havey years -- behaviors. instead he chose to embrace his particle -- partisan, hypocritical behaviors. it's a shame he hasn't learned about anything except for how to be on trustworthy and a hypocrite. was: let's go to jerry, who calling from allentown, pennsylvania. good morning. caller: hi. thanks for taking my call. think -- thank
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ruth bader ginsburg. i have a daughter who became a to the wonderful things that ruth bader ginsburg did for women. republicans -- i hope there is enough compassion until they to wait election is over and we have a new president. i hope it is joe biden. -- she did so much for this country and i admire her so every woman in my family admires her a great deal. host: let's go to larry who was calling from resto, tennessee. good morning. yes, i feel like people like her only come by a few times in a lifetime.
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, fair, andonderful honest justice. there ain't enough verbs in the english dictionary to describe mitch mcconnell. mark, jesus, what kind of human being is he? let's go to tom from virginia. good morning. caller: good morning. i wanted to extend my condolences. will -- we hope the republicans will behave the right way. the last caller said, few people come along in a lifetime who have as much influence over american culture and the history of our country as women and men ultimately of the caliber of justice ginsburg. that -- my hope also is
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that the president has already announced who he might pick from as a replacement. i think you -- think he should leave it at that. maybe biden does the same thing, although he probably won't. political -- it will become a political lever in the election. at the same time, everyone has known for, probably close to two years, that this woman who had given so much sacrifice, so much for our country had been forced to languish in that position. and everybody knew that she was very, very ill. i think the real tragedy in this encouraged was not to step down and spend her last remaining years in comfort and in solitude, rather than
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essentially trying to force her to stay alive long enough to prevent another supreme court justice appointment by our sitting president. that came -- that was a political decision that was made, i believe, by the democrat leadership to try to prevent that. that is really the tragedy in this. again, my condolences to the family. she has left a mark on our country that -- who: let's go to lorraine, was calling from washington, d.c. good morning. caller: i have to admit i did not know her story until last year when the movies came out. the documentaries, as well as the hollywood version. i was right on, and terms of what she was doing for women.
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i love her tenacity. she worked up to the very last minute. i think that is a testament to her commitment to the -- not the advancementt to the of our leaving up to the constitution and opening the doors of access to being a more fully realized american. again, my condolences to the family. thank you. an event at georgetown law school in 2018 ruth bader ginsburg talked about the idea of her being a trailblazer for women in law. here is what she said. >> tonight is mostly comprised of law students. if you look out at them, we see a lot of females. and also a lot of males. that wasn't the case when you went to law school. you were at harvard we were one
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of only nine women, then at columbia one of 12 women. we wonder if you could share with our audience what that was like, being one of so few women in law school and what law school was like for the women? justice ginsburg: in my first year class there were nine women and over 500 men. we were divided into four sections, so most of us had one other female companion. usfelt that all eyes were on . that if we were called on in class and we gave a dumb answer people would think, well, what do you expect? super-prepared. the difference was noted by a colleague of mine at columbia law school. now we are into the middle 70's. women are showing up in numbers in law school.
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he admitted to having a certain days.g for the good old why? because he said in the class was moving slowly and you needed a crisp, right answer, you called on the women. you could proceed. nowadays, he said, there is no difference. the women are as unprepared as the men. [laughter] >> -- >> i think you have talked to us before about these dean dinners. these are not the kind of dinners that dean traynor has, would you like to share? justice ginsburg: this is the famous dean griswold, who would invite all of the women in the first year class to his home for dinner. an had
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mine was a professor who was visiting that year. after we had dinner it was not a distinguished dinner and there .as no alcohol served he brought us into his living room, arranged the chairs in a usicircle and asked each of in turn to tell him what we would -- what we were doing at .he law school i must say, the dean did not ask that question two wound. he was not noted for his sense of humor. in fact, he had been one of the people who most strenuously urged the admission of women to harvard law school for the first time in 1951. he had worked out a meticulous
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budget of how much it will cost. what would it cost to admit women to harvard law school? they had to install a women's bathroom. it was going to cost $25,000. [laughter] it would be no room for them in the dean still had to contend with doubting thomas is on his faculty -- thomas' on his faculty. school hadought the made an egregious error. so we asked the question to be armed with the women students' answers so he could tell his colleagues. they have plans to use their law degree do good things. host: let's go back to our social media followers and see what they are saying about the life, legacy, and death of justice -- supreme court justice
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ruth bader ginsburg. here is a post that says, payback for treating kavanaugh the way they did. payback for not giving trump one day of recognition. payback for fake impeachment. selecting a justice before people finish mourning would be retribution. says, if weher that were only to vote for women, then we were returned to the paternalistic society. says, another text that ruth bader ginsburg proved that not all heroes where capes. some of them where ropes. -- wear robes. nother post says, she does deserve this honor. nobody deserves to die from what she did, however she lied to the country and had no right staying in her seat. one last post from facebook that says, she should have stepped down a few years ago.
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she was a very smart lady. let's go back to our phone lines and see what you are saying about the life and death of justice ruth bader ginsburg. let's go to robert, was calling from maryland. good morning. caller: good, big man, how are you doing? host: just fine, go ahead, robert. caller: it is rare in our country we have two people that are celebrated with such appreciation. there was a 17 dedication to eisenhower. yesterday misses ginsberg died. both people were highly respected all over planet earth with integrity and compassion. above political party.
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the whole world is a better place because of eisenhower and misses ginsberg. familycompassion for her whene need to -- even president trump gives her adulation's, that shows we need to get back to being america with this kind of way of dealing with life. thank you. host: let's talk to carlos, was calling from land o lakes, florida. good morning. caller: good morning. i want to thank justin -- justice ginsburg for the perspective she has given us, the inspiration for our whole country. regarding nominating somebody else, the president has been there for four years. with the senate being republican, i can understand -- it doesn't matter who is president. every president in office under this situation would vote for a new one. it would also force biden to put
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out his list, is a huge factor in how people are going to vote. i think it's only good for the country and i think he has every right to do that. thank you. host: let's talk to rebecca who was calling from sacramento, california. good morning. caller: hi. appreciate i can what she did for the country and the world. , we can for the u.s. see one of her best friends on the court was scully. yet they -- scully r. yet they respected each other. people, if you say anything, and you inddenly they remove
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facebook. we need to learn to observe and listen to each other so we can learn from each other. that is one thing i appreciate from her. the third thing is, the constitution for her, she really respected the constitution. however, my concern was that what she should have been was to stay home and be able to spend that last time with her family. this is the same concern i have with biden. , ia health care professional have concerns that he might have an issue with health because everything that he does is reading it and he is not
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